PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , APRIL 21 , 1888 , NUMBERS 30i SIZE OF SIIERHAS'S ' FORCES , Ho Will Qo Into the Oonvontlon V/lth 312 Votes. DORSEY URGES HIS AMENDMENT. " " " A I/otiR I'lit of Nchraska Btnr Iloutc Com rue ts Awarded Henderson llcfiitcs Some FoolInh Asser tion * ! About lown. Sherman's Followers SanRtilnc. WASHINGTON BUIIEAU THCOMAHA BRE , 513 FoUUTEENTItSTIinBT , WASHINGTON. D. C. . April 20. Some very active work Is going on among Senator Sherman's mnnngcrs. They have made a pretty cnroful canvass of every sec tion of the country , nnd especially of the south , and nro pretty well enabled to make an approximation of the strength the senator is likely to have In the convention on the first ballot. A number of Senator Sherman's most effective friends were in consultation to-dny to count noses. They have figured In nil of the states nnd territories und make the senntor's approximate strength nt this tlmo 812 with 411 votes necrssnry to a choice. They feel n good deal encouraged over the notion token this week by the Ohio rcpubll- cnn convention nt Dayton , nnd nro somewhat jubilant nt tno outlook. It Is understood that there will bo a con ference In this city soon of the principal workers for Senator Sherman throughout the country , and that nn organization will bo effected for the most effective work , such as wns conducted In the last campaign for Mr. Blninc. Senator Sherman's friends say they are going Into the convention with n follow ing that will stand solidly to their man ns long ns there is the slightest hope of his nomination , nnd Hint ho will have , by far , the greatest strength ho has over had in a convention. Ex-Congressman John R , Lynch , the col ored leader In Mississippi , has been in the city for several days. Ho has heretofore been reckoned among Senator Thurmans most potential workers. Mr. Lynch is fre quently seen about the committee room of Senator Allison in consultation with Repre sentative Henderson and other prominent Iowa republicans , and ho appears to bo doing moro talking for Allison and Gresham than anybody else. Mr. Sherman's friends sny that Lynch has two words for Allison and ono for the Ohio man , and that ho is scatter ing too much to do them any very great good. DOllSnV MAKES AN AIldUMCNT. Representative Dorsoy mndo an argument before the house committee on Pacific rail roads in favor of his amendment to the Outh wnitc Pitclfio refunding bill , which Is in tended to set aside such decisions ns that rendered recently by Judge Dundyof the federal court of Nebraska , which refused to give the legislature authority to legislate for the control of the Pacific railroad traffic In that state on the ground that the Pacifies Wcro organized under federal charters and nro not subject to state control. Mr. Dorsoy proposes that the railroads which were built by the government slmll bo subject to the same state laws as these chartered by the states , He made n strong argument in sup port of his position , pointing out the Injus tices the roads built under federal laws work to the citi/cns of the states , who nro helpless to extricate themselves through tlio common channels , nnd pointed out the decision of the federal court In Kansas , which was In contradiction of that delivered by Judge Dundy , nnd elab orated upon the rights of citi/eim to make laws to govern local affairs. Ho was fre quently interrupted by members of the com mittee who wanted Information upon the subject nnd who were much interested in his argument. Mr. Dorsoy's talk was dispas sionate , convincing , and had olfect. Ho wns reasonable in his demands , and although the committee took no notion , members of it say the amendment will bo accepted. The only question with the committee hecmcd to bo ns to what injury it would do the earnings of the roads to adopt the amendment. HENPEIISON nXl'LODBU A. LIE AllOl'T IOWA. Representative Henderson , of Iowa , was to-day shown n paragraph from a southern newspaper , stating that the Mills tariff bill nnd President Cleveland are popular in Iowa , nnd that tlio farmers there wcro preparing to jrlve both their endorsement nt the polls this fall. Iu reply General Henderson said : "This is absolutely false. Wo have had no election in Iowa In which frco trade has tri umphed. The farmers control the republican Btato convention , and our republican plat forms have been bold mid outspoken for pro tecting American labor nnd American In dustries , and on that platform wo have never jnet a defeat. So , too , ouMowa farmers , In their late state conference , boldly de clared for protection. The frco trade declarations of the president and the hostile attitude of the democracy over American prosperity 1-nvo strengthened the republican party In Iowa. ' 'This item is in keeping with u statement lately made by sbtno crank in New York , nnd eagerly pub lished by free trade papers. " Ho said , "In Hiibstanro , that Mr , Cleveland's vlows were so popular in Iowa that In the event of the nomination of Cleveland and Allison ns op posing candidates , the former would carry Iowa. Some Darnuni ought to cage these ( ranks. They would draw as the two great est living curiosities. If these two great inventors are still remaining nt large , then the commissioners of Insanity uro derelict In their duty. " hTAll MAIL CONTIIACTS IN .NT.IIUA8ICA. Contracts for star routes In Nebraska for ecryico from July 1,18S8 , to Juno ! U ) , ISM ) , have been awarded to the following bidders ] From Rush to Rivorton , three times u week , W. F. Hansbergcr , $17 ! ) . From Otto to luavnlo , twice n week , W. F. Hnnsberger , $1)3. ) From Folsomdnlp to Upland , twice n week , John L , .TOUCH , $80. From Havestown to Ravenna , thrco times n week , .1. W. Alcorn , $11 ! ) . Fro nl West Point to Monterey , thrco times n week , Andrew Easloy , glU. Frolii Dado to Glmicoc , six times a week , J. W. Alcorn , $180. From Gordon to Wounded Knee , thrco tltnca a week , John L. Jones , fail ) . From Danncborg to Kclso , three times n week , John L. Jones , $180. week , John L. Jones , $155. From Sidney to Wcllsvillo , thrco times n week , Gardner Cowles , $847. From Crawford to Nonpareil , thrco times n week , Downey & Kelley , iOOO. From Cambridge to Farnam , twice a week , Downey & Kelly , flfcS. From Eagle to Avondale , twice u week , Downey & Kelly , $08. From Wnvcrly to Prairlo Home , twice a week , J. AV. Alcorn. From Lawrence to Megunda , three times a wcok , John L. Jones , $ S8. From Wellsvillo to Mlnatcrc , twice a week , Otto Jurgens , $188. From Box Butte to Nonpareil , twice a week , Downey & Kelly , $2-15. From Atlanta to Rock Falls , twice a week , W. P. Hansbcrger , $ 10i5. From Homcrvillo to C'eryl , twice n week , Downey & Kelly , $70. From Phcbo to Estell , twice a week , An- Cro\v Eostey , N14. From Hyockvillo to Quick , twice a wcok , Andrew Kastoy. $214 , From Klmball to Gcrlng , three times.a week , F. E. Smith , ffiltl. From Nebraska City to WyomlBg , twice a week , J. W. Alcorn ' , S70. . From Union to'Swift , three timed A - ff. Vf , Alcorn , $115. . From El wood to Homcrvillc , six times n week , Downey fe ICclly , $105. From Plum Creek to Hllon , twice n week , It. J. Rccso , $83. From Ognilnla to Lowcllcn , once n week , D. S. Bnlloxv , $210. From Imperial to Chase , thrco times n WPOO , J. W. Alcorn , $11)0. ) From Sidney to Carman , once n week , J. W. Alcorn , $39. From Gordon to Lavnca , twice n wcok , J. W. Alcorn. $13' ) . From Hnyl Springs to Wnnatah , once n week , W. H. Pease , $110. From Blue Valley to Nlotn , thrco times a week , R. J. Reese , $118. From Elkary' to Washington , six times n week , F. E. Smith , $178. From Hayes Ccntor to Galena , twice n week , R. J. Reese , $1G9. llONP.STEnl , AND HOLMAN WITH WAH TAINT ON. Stnto Senator H. E. Boncstcel , of Nio brara , nnd General Holinnn , of Dakotn county , nro bcre loaded dnwn with protests against the removal of the land office from Niobrara to O'Neill. ' They nro prominent democrats , full ot energy nnd earnestness , nnd hnvo their war paint on nnd scalping knives drawn. They will sco. Secretary Vilns nnd the president , nnd It is predicted thnt they 'will make their Influence felt before - fore they pet done. 1IOIISEV AND HIS OMAHA HILLS. Mr. Dorsey to-day succeeded In thrco times calling up the bill In the house which passed the semite tins week , extending the tlmo for making payments on lands bought In the Omaha reservation , nnd for their pay ment in two annual Instalments. The money ( $70XX ( ) ) Is duo the Omaha trlbo of Indians In Nebraska. Each tlmo the bill was ob jected to , it baring to bo considered by unan imous consent. Ho will get it up soon again and says it will bo passed. MISCELLANEOUS. Dr. J. R. Conkllng and wlfo , of Omaha , who have been In Washington for some time , will leave for their homo to-morrow. There is n story afloat to-night thnt Minis ter Phclps , If mndo chief justice , will bo suc ceeded by Secretary Emllcott , nnd thnt Rep resentative Pat Collins , of Boston , will bo called to the secretaryship of war. PCIIIIY S. HEATH. To Control Itallrond Striken. WASHINGTON , April 20. Mr. Anderson , of Kansas , ono of the committee that Investi gated the Reading strike , introduced in the house to-day n bill which embodies his views of the legislation necessary for securing to the public regular service by tlio railroad companies. The bill provides that the Juris diction of n railroad ceases with its terri tory. No state railroad can become n cnrrier of inter-state commerce except by permission nnd authority of the United States. An old act of 1808 , which gave this authority , is BO amended as only to include such state corpor ations as accept the provisions of this bill , nnd nil others are prohibited from carrying inter-state commerce under heavy penalties. Every railroad subject to the bill , for which private property 1ms been taken by eminent domain , Is made n public highwny of the United States. A corporation holding n franchise of collecting tolls , or of operating n public highway ns a railroad , is declared to bo the custodian and trustee of public prop erty , and bound to maintain and operate the same for the Interest of the public , subject only to Its charter rights. The duties nnd ob ligations of the holder of these franchises nre declared to be distinct from and prior to these of a common carrier , nnd their performance is enforced under penalties. In event of the failure by a company to run its regular trains the inter-state commerce commission is re- iiulrcd to promptly investigate the fncts and issue such orders to the company as will se cure regular service. If after seven days service is not performed , the attorney gen eral is required to procure tlio appointment of a receiver , whoso duty it is to operate the road for the United States , nnd ho may cm- ploy the old force. Companies are given the right to connect their roads with others , are prohibited from engaging in mining or any other business than that of a carrier , and stringent prohibition is made of combinations of competing lines or of rates. Nchranka and Iowa I'eiifiioiiH. WASHINGTON , Api 1120. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The following pensions were granted Nebraskans to-day : Original in valid Abraham Rowan , Ord ; Francis M. Dcaiaruville , Niobrara. Increase William Ryan. Pawnee City. Mexican survivors Wesley Hollingshcad , Grand Island. Pensions for lownns : Original Invalid Nelson Shelby , Fairfield ; Daniel Dillon , Iowa Falls ; William H. Conwell , Knoxville ; Xachacria West , Honey Creek ; James W. Sinclair , Fairfleld ; J. Worley , Keokuk ; George H. Benson , Grandvlew. Increase- James II. liarnes , Monona ; Peter Johnson , Perry ; John A. Sniclmnn. Fairfield ; Henry H. Roush , Slam. Reissue und increase Francis M. Myers , Centervillo. Reissue James ICnox , Eddyvillo. Original widows etc1 Ennn , widow of William Greenweld , Davenport ; Olof J. , father of Jotras Swan , Kirona. Mexican widows Pauline E. , widow of Alex Cooper , Blacksburg. Work ol'tno Present Kewsion. WASHINGTON , April 20. To-day was the 100th day of the present session , The total number of bills nnd resolutions introduced In the senate nnd house up to this date is 12,503 , exceeding by moro thnn-2,000 the number presented in the first 100 days of tlio last congress. So far the house has passed 425 Dills nnd the senate 831 , nnd 185 house bills nnd 21 semite bills hnvo been sent to the president for his approval. United States Minister Phclps had n short Interview with the president this morning. Tlio president has approved the net for the purchase of the swords of the lute General James Shields , and the act regulating thu terms of United States courts In the northern district of Iowa. Outlaw * Summarily DiwpoHcd Of. PUIICI-.I.L , I. T. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The reports of the killIng - Ing of a band of horse thieves and outlaws southwest of hero thirty miles , are confirmed. It is the same outfit which lost old Bill Mor gan several days ago at the hands of vigi lantes. They were pursued by u posse , bur- prised and eight of the party strung up with out a chiinco to nmku confession. A running fight was kept up in which unu of the POSM was killed. Those-known of the gang killed nrt5 Bill Higgle , Oliver Scarfacu nnd Curly Frank. The remainder are Unknown. This has been the boldest set of cutthroats nnd thieves this section over hud to contend with. Charged With Malpractice. ST. JosiHMi , Mo. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram tu the BEE , ] John Hordt brought Milt to-day for f 10,000 against Dr. 0. L. E. Web ber for malpractice , which the petitioner claims resulted in the death of his wlfo about six weeks ago , It Is allagcd that Webber at tempted to perform an abortion , Webber's case was investigated by the grand Jury , but no Indictment was. found against him. The verdict of the coroner's jury ut the time of Mrs. Hordt's death that herdeath was duo to criminal malpractice produced u great sensa tion. Itciirrnnf'lni ; Iowa Hntos. CHICAGO , April 20. The general freight agents of the Iowa railroad lines held n con ference here to-dayon the question of raising freight rates in that state to conform with the new law recently enacted by tlio Iowa legislature , A committee composed of rep resentatives of the competing roads was ap pointed to arrange a schedule of distance tar iffs to bo submitted , nt an adjourned meeting to be held to-morrow , Caused By a Misplaced Switch. WJNKIELU , Kan. , April 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to IheBtu. ] By a misplaced switch ou the Santa Fo & Walnut Valley route ! a north bound freight train of grain and merchandise 'was ' ditched to-day , Fifteen cars were totally destroyed and. the .track torn up for several hundred feel. Fireman George Ellis was in jured an'd Brakeman Frank ' Moody'a101 : b.vUeu ( mil his pmo crushed ! . HOPE FOR THE EMPEROR YET A Slight Decrease In Temperature and Easier Respiration. ALEXANDER TO VISIT BERLIN. The Bcthrothal Story Denied Minis ter Pciidlcton Has a Stroke oC Ap- jtoploxy A Brilliant Wed * ding In Parlu. Somewhat Improved. fCopi/rftffit 1SSS tin James ( Ionian Jlcmiflt.l BEIILIN , April 20. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BRB.I This has been a hoi > cful day around the Imperial sick cham ber , succeeding a distrustful day. The royal Invalid has never lost his appetite. Ho rel ishes nil his semi-liquid food. To-day his np- pctlto was good and his spirits strong. Moro rest from state thoughts and from official routine has been enjoined , so that Bismarck conferred to-day with the crown prince In stead of the emperor. The now canula is of aluminum having weight and pressure. It was inserted , without co-operation , by Mac kenzie alone. The people seem to recognize that whether the event is good or bad , it "is a question of tlmo and the endur ance of the patient. My information is that the doctors regard the situation as precarious while the pus still continues and the fever remains Intermittent. The even ing bulletin contains cautious words which compel readers to modify hope. Tho. phrase "breathing somewhat heavier" ts muchcom mented upon. At the bourse to-day the bears used the most pcsstmtstio reports , but without success on the market. Queen Victoria will arrive Monday. Her suite of rooms are under these of the em press , who , to plcasa her mother , has ordered some of them done up In Scotch style. As 1 close I hear that the severity of Min ister Pcndlcton'snttack has been exagger ated. He had full consciousness after u few moments of coma. Ho had the presence of mind to foretell what was likely to happen and keep his strong will working. Correct details , owing to tlio absolute quietude im posed , arc impossible to obtain at this late liour. LONDON' , April 20. [ Prcss.J A dispatch from Chnrlottcnburp , midnight , says : "The emperor's condition is again critical. Ho is able to sleep , but is feverish and breathes heavily. " _ Germany Breathes Easier. [ Copiiriulit I8f < 3 liu Jitrnca Gordon llcnnett. ] BCIIUX , April 20. [ New 'York Herald Cable Special to the Bni : . ] The reassuring effect of to-day's news was plainly shown in the comparative cessation of commotion and excitement that in recent days has been wit nessed in the vicinity of Charlottcnburg palace. Only members of the imperial fam ily and a few officials visited the palace. The gathering of the public outside the palace did not number moro than 200 at any ono time. Tlio crown prince and crown princess returned to Berlin this evening. Emperor Frederick was anxious to rise to-day , but his doctors forbade his doing so because ho was still fe verish. Ho worked , propped up in his bed. Although ho continues to improve , his tem perature has fallen only one-tenth of a de gree Celsius in twenty-four hours. The doc tors , therefore , advise him to cxerciso great caution. Much credit is accorded to Dr. Mackenzie for the care and sKill shown by him. Several papers which have hitherto attacked him have now changed their tune. A QuicJc Trip. LCopt/rf0it ? ISSSliu James Gonlun Dennett. ' ] QfEEXbTowx , April 20. [ New York Her ald Cable Special to thoBEi : . ] ThoEtruria arrived hero at 10:20 p. m. , passing Fustnet at 7 o'clock , the total running time to anchor age for mails and tender being six days and four hours , almost the quickest trip on rec ord. Gilllg was among the passengers. 1 accompanied the ugcnt of the American exchange - change hero on the lender. Gillig was unable to talk and was confined to his stateroom. Ho was taken the first day out with nervous pros tration and was threatened with symptoms of paralysis attended with vertigo. The ship's surgeon says ho is really very ill.V. . J. Florence and William Conner , of the St. James hotel , were found playing whist. Yes terday an amusing travestio trial by jury was planned by Florence. A passenger was indicted for smoking bad cigarettes. Two lawyers on board prosecuted and defended. Florence , as judge , empannelled twelve jurors who had formed opinions. The verdict was one of acquittal. Judge Florence fined the jury twelve bottles of champagne for con tempt of court. All the other passengers uro well and had a delightful trip. CWANGE BLOSSOMS. Wedding In Pnrlti of Horace Blnny to Mlsn IMarlo Sorclmu , [ Pnpt/r/f/ht / / IKSliy Jamtt ( IonianIlennctt. ] PAIIIH , April SO. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] Ono of the most brilliant social events of the season was the wedding of Mr. Horace Biuny mid Miss Marie Sorclmn in the American church , Avenue do I1 Alma. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mnrius Sorchan , Now York. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs , William Biuny , and n grandson of the late Mr. Horace Blnny , the great lawyer of Phil adelphia. The interior of the church was decorated with white lilacs , cornelian und hyacinths , und suspended behind the altar cross was u superb star of white roses and lilies of the valley. To the Joyous strains of Calkins' festal march Minister McLanu escorted Mrs. Sorchan , followed by Mr , and Mrs. Augustus Juy and four ushers. Mr , Victor Sorchan and Mr. Eugene Lachlise , brother and half brother of the bride , next fol lowed , The four bridefijiialds were Miss Kane , of Now York , Miss Moilen , Miss Fisk , of Massachusetts , and Miss Stewart , of Paris. Each woroa palo pnk | inoiro crcpo dcchino with long white tulle veils fastened with pink buds and carrying bouquets of pink roses. Then the bride entered on her father's arm , wearing a white peau do solo with a long train perfectly .plain , tabllcr pearls and orange blossoms and'a veil of white tulle arranged with" orange buds mid leaves. The bridegroom awaited the bride at the altar. After the ceremony was performed by Hov. Dr. Morgan the bridal party and guests met lit Mr. Sorchnn'a residence , . 10 Huodo Lincoln. The house was decorated with the same floral profusion as'thb church. Among the floral souvenirs was. a special basket of largo pink roses and white lilacs with whlto satin ribbons on the handle and sides. Dur ing the congratulations and the inspection of the largo variety of bridal gifts , twenty-five musicians from Guyot's orchestra played waltzes apd operatic selecflotn. . The recep tion was tasteful and varied. Mrs , Sorchan wore-a gown of palo blue silk and a white lace bonnet , Mrs. Blnnoya pearl gray silk , and block lace bonnet' Miss Bartow wore a spring costume of fawn' color and black ; Mrs. John Lnmson , a steel colored velvet and silk with whlto and black lace bonnet ? Mrs. Gordon Shlltlto.blno India silk , trimmed with lace ; Miss Dillon , block lace and velvet ; Mm. HobbinR , black molro silk. Miss Lucy Itobblns looked llko a Van Dyke in a largo black feathered hat , black silk gown trimmed with lace and jet and a bunch of natural pink roses at her belt. Among other guests were Dr. and Miss. Good , Mrs. Pell , Miss Qutncy , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Watts Sherman , the "Misses Sherman , Mr. nnd Mrs. Watts , Mr. nnd Mrs. Corbin and the Misses Corbth , Count nnd Countess do Bcthunc , Count nnd Countess do Couronn , Countess dc la Uochofoucalt , Mr. nnd Mrs. Willing , the Misses Willing , Miss nnd Mrs. Thorn- dyke , Mr. nnd Mrs. Wheolcr , Mr. Charles Strong , iho consul general , Mr. Hathbono nnd Mrs. Rnthbone , Mr. George Draper , Mr. aud-Mrs. Lcvi Morton , Mrs. Kane , Mr , and Mrs. John Munroo and Miss Munroo , Mrs. Wlnthrop , Mrs. Kcrnncher , Miss Falrchild , Mrs. FriUicls Goodrlgc , Mr. DcCourcey Forbes , Mrs. Ncllson Potter. After a short bridal tour on the continent Mr. and Mrs. Blimey will sail for New York to pass the summer. The Betrothal Story Bogus , ICopi/riwM IfSSbu James Gordon Dennett. ] LONPON , April 2C. [ Now York Heralrt Cable-Special to the Bnr. . ] The Post's Berlin correspondent says : "Tho , truth Is now becoming known regarding the rumor of the betrothal of the Princcssi Victoria to Prince Alexander of Battcnberg. The story was Invented by the court party in conjunc tion with some members of the Imperial household In order to prevent Prince Alex- exandcr from coming to Berlin to re-enter the army nnd also in order to cxclto popular feeling against the empress. There wns no question of betrothal. Prince Alexander simply wished to visit Berlin and It was the intention of the emperor to confer some military honor upon him to which Prince Bismarck objected. "Tho increase of the emperor's tempera ture is duo to the periodical retention of pus. It is believed that the disease In the larynx is dormant. The emperor's power of swallowIng - Ing is perfect. The doctors advise him to re main In bed for some days and to refrain from work nnd excitement. Dr. McKcnzlo , in consequence of misapprehensions , did not invite Dr. Bcrgmann to change the cunula to-day. " _ Gladstone Wends a Letter. Loxnox , April 20. [ Special Cablegram to the Bni : . ] At n liberal meeting at Kossen- dale this evening n letter was received from Mr. Gladstone apologizing for his Inability to attend , and saying : "The seventy dissi dents led by Lord Hartington have done more for the cause of coercion nnd misgov- criiuient in Ireland than seventy torics could or would have dono. The upshot is that the government denies . to Ireland even the plft of local government in the narrowest sense , until Irishmen aban don their national aspirations , which oven Lord Carnarvon , n tory. declared him self persuaded to satisfy to a reasonable ex tent. But in ono important particular I de sire to imitate Lord Hartington namely ; in abstaining from any act nee'dlessly tending to infuse pcrsonalbitteruess into an already painful struggle. I'should feel myself open to reproach If I bbtered personally into a conflict with ono whom I have known and respected so long. I therefore excuse my self. " Mr. John Morley , addressing the Kossen- dale meeting , said that Kossendala was moro responsible than any other constituency for the harsh application of n harsh law to ire- land. Its opponents siia the liberal parti- was dead , but Its ghost seemed very restless. It suited Mr. Chamberlain to sail under n now ( lag , but ho ( Morley ) failed to see why the old liberal ship should be broken un for fire wood. The fact was that nil the talk about the breaking up of the party was moonshine and their opponents know it. The local governmental ! , ho said , had caused a dec ) ) divergence in the so-Called unionist confederacy. _ Against the Government. Vir.xxA , April 20. [ Special Cablegram to the Ben. j During the discussion on the se cret fund in tlio roichsrath to-day , the oppo sition declared they would vote against it. Count Von Taafe , prime minister , replied ho did not regard the matter as a question of confidence. The grant was negatived by n vote of 128 to 110. Thereupon a conservative deputy declared that the result must bo n mistake in counting , and claimed another vote should bo taken. The president refused to again put the question to n vote. SecuritloN Arriving. Bcnux , April 20. [ Special Cablegram to the BKI ; . ] The Cologne Gazetteo says that largo quantities of Hussmn securities , includ ing 0,000,000 roubles of the first oriental loan , are arriving In Berlin and that it is presumed they nro to bo used In realizing funds with which to pay the Husslan coupons next duo in consequence of the failure of the loan ne gotiations. Peiidlctou Stricken. Br.nMN. April ,20. Gcorgo H. Pemlleton , American minister , while traveling to Frank fort , was htrlcken with apoplexy. Ho was taken to tlio hospital at Wiesbaden where ho now lies , WAHIIIXOTON' , April 20. A cable was re ceived at the state department this afternoon from Berlin containing some particulars about Minister Pemlleton's illness. It states that Mr. Pcndleton was feeling unwell when ho loft Berlin last Monday for Wiesbaden , and Wednesday evening suffered from what seemed to bo u Might stroke of paralysis. Ho recovered sufficiently , however , yesterday to send instructions to.tlio legation at Berlin. Wir.niiADKN , April 20. The condition of Mr. Pendlcton has" considerably Improved wince liis admission to the hospital. His complete - pleto recovery is expected. Froc Fit lit I" Paris. PAIIIB , April 20-r-Thts evening about fif teen hundred students assembled In the Latin quarter und marched to the Hotel du Louvre , shouting "Down with Boulangorl" "Down with the dictator I" etc. They came Into collision with a crowd of Boulangists and were driven into the boulevards in dis order. Unassembling' , they attacked the Boulungists newspaper offices. The Bou- langist party following , attacked the stu dents with loaded 'sticks , and mnnv were wounded. Finally the police seperuted the combatants and nn'csted u lurgo number of them' _ The nouiiiaulan lie volt. Buciuiii:3T : , April 20. Further particulars about the revolt in 'Koumanm , fchows that many parsons were killed and wounded in Kalaraseli and that twenty were killed and eighty wounded ill Budcucht. Phllllplno Itilnnds Town Burned. LONDON , April 20. Advices from the Phil- liplno Islands say the town of San Fornundi , In the province o'f ' Pumpanpa , has been burned. The damage is placed at tl,000,000. In Ihn Third Stajje. LONDON , April 20. In the commons to night the local government bill passed second reading without division. I 'lvo Killed , LONDON , AvrUabA Five of the persons in- . ' jore'd by Ute oxpWion iu St. Uelnn colliery , ° ' ' „ . * : , EIGHTY MILLIONS PROVIDED , The House PnsBOB the Pension Ap propriation Dill. HENDERSON SCORES GEN. BLACK. Tells How io Democratic Commissioner " sioner Took Hurried Measures to Dispose of PonNlnn Moneys for Campaign Thunder. llOUBC. WASHINGTON , April 20. On motion of Mr. Anderson of Illinois the senate bill was passed extending the system of beacon lights to the Illinois river. On motion of Mr. Townshcnil the aennto amendments w.ero concurred in to the mill- tnry academy bill. The Indian appropriation bill was then passed. Mr. Townshcnd , from the committee on military attaint reported his bill placing General W. P. ( 'Baldy ) Smith on the retired list , with the rank of major general. Placed on the private calendar. The pension appropriation bill was'"then taken up. Mr. Henderson of Iowa alluded to the re- rent notion of the house regarding the pur chase of bonds with the surplus In order to dispel the doubts In the mind of the presi dent as to his authority to purchase bonds. In examining the arrears of the pen sion act It would bo found there was no limitation as to the time when claims should bo filed. The only limitation ever placed on that act was found in the appropriation bill. Ho called the attention of the administration to this fact , for If the president had trouble in buy ing bonds with the surplus ho should have equal dlfllcnlt.V in not allowing arrears of pensions. Ho appealed to the president to bo consistent and allow arrears of pensions to these who Hied claims within the provis ions of the act. Mr. Henderson then referred to the administration of the Mexican pension law. So rapid was the pension bureau , ho said , in recognizing claims under this law that pensions were allowed before the clnim- nuts over put in u claim , and certificates is sued when the bcfiuiary did not know lie was a claimant. In proof of this assertion ho sent to the clerk's desk and had read an arti cle in a Chicago paper to the of feet that Commissioner Block had is sued n pcnsldn to cx-Congrcssmr.ii Morrison , notwithstanding ho was Informed Morrison's nnmo did not appear on the list of applicants , and that Morrison had returned It , stating ho had never applied for a pension. Mr. Outhwnlto asked Mr. Henderson to prove another similar case , saying he was anxious Mr. Henderson should keep to the truth. Mr. Henderson I want truth from your pious commissioner , who started out In the administration of his olllcc by charging against a faithful ofilccr a brother ofllcor who loft part of his body on a battle Held ( Colonel Dudley ) that during his adminis tration the pension office from tutrot to foundation was used for political purposes. Mr. Outhwnitc Did ho not prove it } Mr. Henderson No , never. Now "that same gentleman stands convicted by demo cratic authority of violating the terms of the IIHY and swiftly issuing a certificate to a dem ocratic chief who was too high und too clean to become n party to the transaction. This man , who entered upon the discharge of his ? duties with a heaven-erected fnco like a saint , is caught in n democratic trap. Ho has pot lower down in struggling for polit ical influence than any ofllcer I have ever known. When the general debate closed amend ments were adopted providing that in all cases of pensions to widows payments shall bo made from the date of the death of their husbands , and that all ofllcers of the United States authorized to adminibtcr oaths shall do so frco of charge. The committee then rose , ana the bill , which appropriates $ b0.2SO,000 , , was passed. The river and harbor bill was briefly dis cussed , und the house took a recess until 730 ; p. in. Another \Vi\r Cloud. NEW VOKK , April 20 [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] General Vincento Iberra , who is connected by marriage with Guzman Blanco , the well know Venezuelan states man'is in the city on his way to P.iri ? to see Hhinco. Referring to the difllculty with England over the disputed territory ho said : "Tho matter will bo settled quietly , if pos sible , but if Great Britain will not surrender the Yarnari district to its rightful owners , whyVenezuela will fight. My idea is that the diflieulty may bo settled quietly if Guzman Hlanconnd the British government would come together and have a quiet talk over the matter. If all attempts nt settlement fall , why. then , us I said before , I suppose there will bo war. 1 am not tin envoy for the gov ernment but have simply gjt a leave of ab sence for the purpose of telling Guzman Blanco curtain things which I could not well send him in writing. The situation is now grave and must bo settled one way or the other soon. Venezuelans will not submit to bo ousted from the Yarnari district and there will bo trouble unlfss the liritish govern ment makes amende for what it lias done. " General Iberru has been governor of the Yarnari district for some years und is one of the most distinguished men in Venezuela. Considering that ho enjoys Guzman Blunco'R confidence to an unusually high degree and that ho is peculiarly qualified to tell him the precise truth about the Yarnari mine/ft / cm- brogllo , It is believed by many Venezuelans that his visit to his Illustrious relative , who has been residing in Paris for some tillie , will result in averting n most calamitous war. A 1'lan Frustrated. Nr.w YOKK , April 20. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The officials of Ludlow htrcot Jail have frustrated a plot by which Henry Benson , the rascal who sold to the Mexicans bogus Patti tickets in the name of Marcus Meyer , was shortly to have escaped from prison and bo put on board a European steamer. A keeper named McCabe gained Benson's confidence , and was made u sup posed party to the plot under promise of largo money rewards froin Benson. Under advice of his chief McCabe secured wax Impressions of certain locks In the prison. These ho tcolc to the confederates of Benson , outside of the prison , ono Kelly , who has been Benson's servant and companion , und u imui im.ned Bertrinc. The scheme was allowed to pro gress to the length of making duplicate keys and buying rope ladders , Letters passed by McCabe between Benson and las outside men , having been opened In the meantime , of course , by officials , contained abundant ovi- dencoof thu plot and reflected abundant lighten on Bonson'a character und previous record , Kelly and Hertrjno were remanded last evening. Benson does not know of their ar rest. The police searched Kelly's rooms in Second avenue unu found J.'ijOOO in cash und some diamonds. ItOOlll. OUEIILIN , Kan. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The board of trade and city council met last night and discussed the subject of water works. Harmony prevailed and Messrs. Tlldcn and Phillips were In structed to visit towns east of hero and re port their observations preparatory to voting aid to such un enterprise. District court Is now In session and the grand jury is after the whisky dives , Ono Hooker and u Ger man quack doctor was found guilty of run- ning'n whiskey dive and sentenced to puy a line of tioo und imprisonment m the county juil for thirty days. The Death lleconl. N\v YOKK , 'April 20. Prcbidont Dins- more ' , of the Adam's express company , .died fills'aClcnioou. . M. It. & T. "What Anderson and Dull Say About Gould's Letter. NBW YOIIK , April 20. [ Special Telegram to the Urn. ] Jay Gould's letter to the Mis- sourl Paclflo directors was not given out until a late hour last night. E. Ellory An derson , when showed the letter , smilingly remarked that It was not to bo expected that the Wizard had any liking for him. "I have no remarks to make about the drift of the letter " said Anderson. "Wo , are not en gaged in making warfare against the Mis souri Pacific but wo are endeavoring to got the Missouri , Kansas and Texas out of its clutches and to get the books Into our hands. Wo nro making no war on any person. As to the number of shares hold by the gentle men mentioned in the letter , I will say that their holding will bo brought out nttho forthcoming election at Parsons , The ques tion Is whether Missouri , Kansas & Texas can bo more successfully run than at present to meet fixed charges. " "As to my $33,000 fee , " sold Mr. Anderson jokingly , "I haven't got it yet , though l is deserved for I worked hard for It. " W. It. Hull , alluded to In the report , said : "Wo have joined with the Dutch committee to try and got an explanation of accounts and a sight of the books of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas railroad. Wo nro looking forward with great Interest to the election at Parsons , Tex. A largo quantity otystock will bo repre sented. I prefer not to speak about the quantity my firm holds- Later on wo shall show our hands. Wo nro working in this matter without bitterness and without Ill- feeling toward the Missouri Pacific. Wo be lieve a board of directors in the interest of the stock holders can reorganize matters for the general good , und wo hope to get some accounts explained If wo succeed In our plan. I can't say whether Gould's report Is an ac curate one. I don't care to discuss Its drift , Walt 'till the Parsons election on the 10th of May , Then you will have some news. " , TOBBEUSCAPlTUIjrt.TE. _ The St. Ooo Country Check Wrangle IB at an End. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Bni : . ] The little controversy between the jobbers and bankers in this city has come to a close and the bankers como out first best. Ono of the largest houses dis covered that rival house had to-day a ac cepted a check on n country bank at Its fnco value , the jobber paying the exchange. The fact was nt once made public and fl,000 postal cards were ordered sent out , notifying the customers of Iho house which had made the discovery that they , too , would receive all checks at their face value. The bankers nt n meeting amended their ruling that took effect April 1 , and in the future will charge 10 cents per ? 1CO and fraction thereof instead of 15 cents , as was formerly done. An amus ing incident was brought to light to-day. The banks do not charge any exchange for checks less than ? 10D , and ono of the whole sale men presented yesterday seven separate checks from u country merchant in payment of n bill of $00 , four of the checks being for $9 and three for $3 each. Under the ruling the checks were cashed. Terrible Outrages .In Cuba. Nnw YOIIK , April CO. [ Special Telegram to the Bni : . ] A correspondent of the Sun prints a terrible picture of the condition of things in Cuba. Ho snys General Alarm , present captain-general of Cuba Is simply n creature and tool of Scnor Balnguoiynlnistcr of tlltramor , who is charged with the man agement of Spain's colonial affairs. With-.a great flourish General Marin entered upon the Dutch captain-general pro-tern , solemnly protesting that ho would put a stop to the scandalous thefts of got-crtncnt officials , lawlessness and brigandage that exists ram pant throughout the island. These promises have not been icopt in any sense. Within the past month the following persons have been kidnapped while engaged In their daily labors : Jose Ruff. Antonio Alentedo , Angel Mcnendez , Jose Sierra , Polipo Gurrlu Vigon , and n wealthy planter , Senor Galindcz Al- damn , who was obliged to pay a ransom of $17,000 in gold . This is only ono month's record. "Can any ono name , " asks the cor respondent , "a single bandit who has been captured or imprisoned Hinco Marin assumed command i Death stalks , grim and unopposed through the once flourishing island. Hand cuffed and outraged by her cruel masters , Cuba is fast sinking into a condition of utter lawlessness , despair and ruin. " Against a Trust. New YOKK , April 29. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Lawyer Craln was sent to Al bany yesterday , bearing u petition signed by numbers of prominent citizens asking the attorney-general to institute proceedings against the sugar trust on the ground thnt it restrained trade. The attorney-goneraHast evening directed that n hearing bo had upon the complaint , Tammany Hall will be a lead ing spirit in the prosecution and General Koger A , Pryor is among the attorneys ro- tuincu. Shot Dead in IIIH Own Door. MINKUAL AVii.LH , Tex. . April 20. [ Special Telegram to the Bii : : . ] The outgrowth of political strife and an investigation into official matters caused E. Whotcley , of this place , to riilo ten miles to the residences of County Commissioner .Tames Uay and call him to the door. Then , without further word , Whotcloy shot Hay through the heart and lied , taking refuge in the mountains. An armed posse is in pursuit. A Canal \VaHhod Away KANKAVNA , Wis. , April 20. A portion of of lliogovernment canal at this place has been washed nwiiy. A gang of men has been working nil night to close the break and to-day men are engaged in raising the banks all along the canal , The water carried away the rear portion of the llumo of the American Pulp company's mill , which has shut down In consequence. The Kuukuuim lumber and manufacturing company's works uro also closed , Hut Thrrn Itimicd to Death. ST. Louis , April 20. A thorough search of the ruins of Bethel home , which burned last night , resulted in finding the remains of three men ono colored and two white. In the hospital are novel al moro burned and bruised. All the lodprers nro accounted for. Pecuniary loss Is small. Further Investigation strength ens the impression that the Ilro was incen diary , Fiirnlulled BonhuiKor Funds. Lo\no : < r , April 20. Duke DIne , who mar ried Miss Curtis , of New York , who at the time of the ceremony was the divorced wlfo of Frederick Stevens , of New York , furnished the money to enable General Boulanger to contest the election in the department of Nerd , The duke has control of the Interest of his wife in the lortuno of her former husband. Kofiiso to Boycott Pool Hear. NKW YOIIK , April 20. It Is stated that the Knights of Labor are very bitter towards the Brewery Workers union , and District 49 has refused to boycott pool beer. It Is thought the Knights will endeavor to fill the places of the strikers with their men. Slept for Thirty-Three Days. BUFFALO , N. Y. , April 20. Emma Alt- house , a young woman of Attica , N. Y. , who 1ms been subjected to trances , awoke to-day from a sleep of thirty-thrco days. During her bleep &he has taken only a small quantity of milk. A Chicago Piro , CiiHuao , April 20. The seven story build- lag , Nos. 238 and 2iO Dearborn street , owned and occupied by I'1. Madelner , distiller , was damaged $50,000 by lire to-night. NEWS OF NEBRASKA TOWNS. Beatrice's Now Mayor Has a Con test on His Hands. WAS HIS ELECTION LEGAL ? " 'j IMnttsinouth Wants the Missouri PA * olflo A Carol Horacn Cremated Camp Clnrko Scorched OrantKcclltiK Good. Contcstlnc the Mayor's Election. BE unicc , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] City Marshal Frank Pethond commenced a case in the county . * court to-day contesting the election of E. O. ' Krotflngcr , recently elected mayor , on the ground of informality In the ballot. John Ellis wns nominated for mayor nt the ciH- 7ens' caucus. Ho declined to run nnd Krct- singer's nnmo wns printed on the ticket headed "Citizens' Ticket , " though not nom inated by that caucus. , Pethond claims thcao ballots cannot bo counted for Krctsiugcr. Polhond was not rcnomlnatcd by Mayor Krctsingcr for marshal nt the recent council meeting , and It now looks as though Pothoud wants to oust the mayor in revenge. The case will probably not stop short of the supreme court. Faith In His Own Town. COLU.MIIUS , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to tlio BEE. ] The well known firm of J. P. Becker & Co. , groin dealers , has dissolved partner ship by mutual consent. J. N. Taylor con tinues the business. The career ot J. P. Becker has boon duplicated by scores of others , who came hero in the early days , grow up with the city and accumulated wealth , but unllko many others ho proposes to invest j his lastilollar If found necessary la the pros perity of our growing city. Amolig the many improvements for the coining summer , in which ho Is the moving factor , will bo n now 'Commercial bank bulldlin ? , n magnificent hotel ( to cost no less than $20,000) ) , paving Thirteenth street , und manufacturing enterprises - * prises which will mature before many months. A new Episcopal church will bo ' ] erected nnd real estate Is rapidly changing hands and prices going up. Want , the Missouri Pacific. * " PLVTTSMOUTH , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to the BEE. ] Plattsmouth will have n veritnblo boom this spring if the numerous enterprises on topic materialize. She has long needed another railroad , and at present the chances nro very flattering that she will have the Missouri Pacific. About : i month ago Iho board of trade instructed its secretary to write to Mr , S. H. H. Clark , the manager of the Missouri Pacific road , that Plattsmouth would either vote his road J.IO.OOO in bonds , suitable if it would or procure right-of-way , build into the city. The secretary n few days ago received word from Mr. Clark , who stated that the proposition was nt hand and would be presented to tlio board of directors. Thu cltbeus feel jubilant and all think that ) the prospects for its entering the city nro good. It Makes Grant Fool Good. GIUNT , Nob. , April20. [ SpeclalTolcgram to the BEE. ] The advance gang for the Rock Island surveying corps has reached a point twenty miles south of Grant. It is re ported to-day by n man who claims to know what ho is talking about , that the Rock 'Islaml , whiclfis heading for fllo Wyoming' coal fields , will strike all the county seats near Its air route. This will Insure Grant the road , and our citizens nro jubilant over their ( good prospects. Will Inspect and lloport. BEATKICE , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] H. W. Parker , A. V. S. Saundcrs and S. K. Davis are the special committee appointed by the council and tax payers to examine the paving of other cities and report the best material for Beatrice to use. They will visit St. Louis , Pc'oria , Springfield. Jacksonville , Galesburpr , Chi. cage , Madibon , Wis. , Omaha , and perhaps other points whore brick , stone and cedar blocks are used. Favor the Pontoon Brltljjo. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to the BEE , ] The proposition ol Colonel S. N. Stewart to build a pontoon bridge opposite the city , was acted upon last evening by the board of trade and passed unanimously. The matter will bo presented to the city council who. It is expected , will 3 accept his proposition. He proposes to build " " ? a $20,000 structure , one-half of which is to ' ' bo donated by the city In bonds , and are to bo paid in five years at the rate of $3,030 a / ! year with Interest. 'Jj The Hotel Outlook Good. PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to the BEE.J The Perkins hotel has been leased to a Mr. Riddle , lately of Wuhoo , who will remodel it to such an extent - tent as to make it ono of the best hotels in the state. It will contain all of tlio latest hotel improvements. It is also rumored that John Fitzgerald , of Lincoln , will remodel his largo brick building in this city , nnd make it ti first class hotel. If ho docs , the traveling public will have no cause to com plain of the hotel facilities of Plattsmouth. Car of Horses Burned. CHAPIION , Neb , , April 20 , [ Special Tclo- gram to the BEE. ! A car of horses canght Ilro from n spark in the sand hills near Cody to-day and eight horses were burned to death and six moro seriously injured. I'lio horses wcro owned by employes of N. Dosparois and wcro cnrouto to Glenrock , Wyo. , to build bridges on the Fremont , Elkhoru & Missouri extension from that point , Nebraska City Will Pavo. NEIIUAHKA CITV , Nob. , April 20 [ Special to the BEE , ] Tlio board of public works this morning awarded the cantraot for pav ing and curbing District No. 1 to Nevlns & Co. , of Omiiha , nnd according to the petition ofl.i majority of the citizens , cypress blocks will bo used for paving and sandstone for curbing. Work will begin by Muy 1 and will bo completed by November I , * Flro at Camp Clarke. ' SIDNKV , Nob. , April 20.--Speelal [ Tclo- gram to the BEE , ] A largo Ilro at Camp Clarke last night destroyed ttio general store and postoRlco owned by C , A. Moore , Tha mall and stock of goods wcro all destroyed , The loss Is estimated at Ki.OUO und no insur ance. It is thought to bo the work of an in cendiary. * Plenty of Water Ahead. LouiCITV , Neb , , April 20. [ Special Tele , gram to the BEE , ] Contractor Charles Schoadcr has resumed work on our water works. Ho has a largo force of men cm- ployed and expects to have the system com pleted and In running order iu thirty days. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Warmer , fair wesrthcr , followed by cooler , threatening weather , with light ralus , fresh to brisk variable winds , generally southerly. For Iowa : Warmer , fair weather , foj. lowed by threatening weather , witb ll ht rains , fresh to brisk boutnerty winds , Lo co uilr.g variable. and the MUernli , LONUO.V , April 20. It Is reported that Chamberlain has deslded to permanently sever relations with the liberal party and will Shortly accept u position In tto cabiiieK The Telegraph donief thut CluciWUU U about to cuter tte cattlfitt.