Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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-i ii . . I ' - ' ' . . . . . - - - . . . . - . . r _ . . - . . . - i
The intcrnnl revenue collections yes
terday amounted to $13,631.02.
George C. Wheeler , who is charged
with fraudulently getting $100 from
"William U. Hoyt through the latter s
auont , T. J. Jnokbon , has had his trial
fixed tor April 20 , at 11 a. m.
Dr. Galhraith yesterday amputated
the leg of Barney Huchhoit , a. photog
rapher from Carroll , la. , who has boon
Buffering with n tumor of the thigh
bone which has bcon running for live
years. The leg was cut off at the thigh ,
nnd the patient is doing first rate.
William Keith , who has enjoyed the
pleasure of squandering it fortune ot
$10,000 during the last two years , was
arrested yesterday for stealing an over
coat from a dummy in front of Bros-
trom's store , 1122 Farnam street. Ills
face is getting to bo a familiar one be
hind the bars nttho central station.
The case of Steve Taylor , the confi
dence man who bamboozled n granger
out of a load of corn , n few days since ,
came up before Judge Borku yesterday
afternoon , but his attorney secured a
continuance until Saturday at 11 u. in.
It now transpires that Taylor is one of
the pals of the Barretts , who killed a
street car driver ii ] Minneapolis. Ho is
tv tough-looking specimen of humanity.
I'ufMonnl P
C , S..Clnrk , formerly of the Omaha prcsi.
ami now city editor of the NobraBkau , of
Hastings , Nob. , was In town yesterday.
A. L. Strong lias returned homo from
Aurpra , where ho attended the burial of his
daughter , who died on Saturday last.
Messrs. A. AV. and S. 13. Wolf , of Crete ,
thrived In thu city on a business yesterday
morning and registered at the Pnxton.
Miss P. Courson nnd Mrs. Will Ellcrs , of
Alliance , Neb , , tire In the city the puests of
Miss Amolni Kollcr , tit li18 ! Sherman avenue.
Edwin K. Wilson , a prominent business
mttn of Kansiw City , and whoso Interests are
closely identified with Oinalni , Is at thu Pax-
Mr. William U. Uroc , formerly of Pitts-
burp , Po. , has located In Omaha and will
continue the practlco of his profession , thu
A cablegram was received In this city yes
terday announcing thu safe arrival in Ham
burg , Germany , of Mr. M. Toft nnd family ,
of this city.
James Connelly Is Just recovering from n
severe attack of pneumonia nnd Inlhimmutlon
of the lunps. His many friends are glad to
see him nt his place of business.
At the Hotel Marker : H. Wlnflcld , Detroit -
troit ; G. W. Harmony , Douglas , \Vyo. ; H.
A , Stetson and wife , lies Molncs , In. ; Mr.
DoWolf , Don Moines , Ia.N. G. 13cnger ,
Doniphun , Neb ; K. Laccy , Wrlijlitstown ,
ln. ; G. A. Armsden , Detrolt ; K. Hnllam ,
Philadelphia ; H. MuClcllurd , Kcncsaw , Neb.
Off fur Lincoln.
nShcriff Coburn , yesterday went to Lin- _
coin , having In elmrio four convicts , Wil-
llauis , Lambert , Smith and Hawkins , each
sentenced to one year's confinement.
Broke Ills Arm.
Emil Schneider , a little lad aged ton years ,
bad his arm broken by bcini ; struck by n
runaway team at the corner of Sixteenth nnd
Cnpitol avenue yesterday. Ho was removed -
moved to his homo on Hickorj street.
Will Go Iu Cincinnati.
Otto Vchr , the insane- man who has been
confined m the county Jail for the past few
days , will bo taken to Cincinnati this
inorning.his brother having arrived yesterday
Vchr was very quiet and Is grcatlj
pleased over the prospects of a change.
Dan Parincluc Sick.
Dan Parmclce , ono of the old citizens ol
this county and well known in this ciiy , hns
been dangerously ill for some time past til
the corner of Twentieth nnd Corby streets ,
In the last few days , however , hu has ox
pcricnced some Improvement.
In Itattlo Array.
Arrangements nro being made by tlio vnrl
ous ministers of this city to hold a mass meet
ing nt the Grand Opera house Saturday after
noon , nt which a plan will bo formed to begin
a systematic war on Sunday bnsu ball , ami
other forms of Sabbath desecration.
Not aHMum as Ho
Tlio trial of Harry Mum , charged witl :
fracturing the midnijiht liquor law , lias been
continued until next AVcdnesdav. Mum i ;
charged with selling beer nt Metz hall lusl
Sunday morning. Ho will have a jury tria'
and light the c.iso to tlio bitter end.
St. AKIICS Clinruh.
Articles of incorporation of S' . . Agnes
church of South Omaha were lilcd with the
county clerk yesterday. They are attcstec
by Jamca O'Connor , bishop of Omaha ; H. A.
Shafl'el , vicar general ; U. W. Moriarity ,
pastor , and Daniel Kaucrty nnd John ( J.
Carroll , laymen.
TjICIMIKOll to AVflll.
The following luarriago licenses wore issued
1 sued yesterday by Juilgo Shields :
Name and Uosldonce , Age
J Charles Johnson , Omaha . 21
1 Agnes Castle , Omaha . if
j William P. Ormsby , Omaha . 2 :
( Minnie. M. Flannory , Omuha . Ii
Waiting To.- Ills Money.
Onu of the temporary victims of the clos
Jug of the State National bank is Captain
Mainwaring , formerly of this city nnd now
of Chicago. Two days before the closing o
the bank a draft for 250 sterling rcachct
hero and Mr , Ambrose called to get it lion
orcd , but found that no money was boini
paid out. The captain will have to wal
about sixty days for his cash , during whicl
time ho will have the Rjinjuthy of hh
A KlRii oi tlio TlnicH.
The board of sign commissioners , consist
ing of Chairman llalcombe , of the board o
public works , Htilldlng Inspector Whitocl
and Chief of Police Souvy , met mid organi/ci
yesterday by the election of Mr , Whitock a"
chairman. The board will give notlco thu
nil merchants or shopman , Intending to havi
swinging signs or btationary signs , inns
mnku application to the chairman of the boun
before Alay 1 for a permit ,
An IIIHMIIO U'omnii.
Mrs. Delilah Drown , who ton days ng <
was released from the n ylum nt Lincoln a
her husband's request , ho believing that he
Wis capable of taking care of her. was nr
rested at Twelfth nnd Iznrd yesterday b ;
Deputy Sheriff Grobo" . she having again become
como very violent. She is conilncd in tin
county Jail , and will prob.ibly como bufcn
the board of commissioners to-cay.
A Kucuptlon.
On Thursday evening , April 25 , a public ro
ccptlon will bo given to the Hon. V. I. Toss
president of the Ciclo Chr.utauqua assembly
at Y. M. C , A. rooms In this city. !
will ho mndo by Mr. Foss , Hon. J , M. Thurs
ton , Hon. .1. M. Wnolworth , Kov. W. J
Hursha and General J. O. Cowln. All portions
tions not. familiar with the workings of thh
" .Summer " invited
prent University" are U
bo present on this occasion and hear all
about it. Members of city reading circles
uro especially lavi'.od ,
A party of Elks whosa horns have bccorat
somewhat prominent , loft at noon yestcrduj
for Salt Lake City , carrying with them i
spcritil dispensation for the institution of n
now lodge of Elks in the land of Jordan. Tin
drove were led by past exalted ruler , John
jfranclrnncl was composed of the following ;
AV. F. Uoohol , H. O. McClure , G. T. Mills *
D , W , Hnynes , AVm. Oygcr , V. A. Halch
Elmer U. Fnuilr , H. .1. Mnjnilinn , P. n ,
Prank MncdouaUl and Thomas P ,
He AVatoheil tlio name ,
I ev , George M. Hrown , who preached n
vigorous sermon at thoHiui&com Park'M. 1C
church fo'rnlst Sunday base ball , on Su'nda.i
lust , was seen j estcrday afternoon porclira
\ipaii the fence opl > osita tbo Unn.cfllce Watch
If ing a game in progress among some stive1
gamins within the excavation made a yeai
If Ind-ahalf ago for n hotel. The rnvc.rCm
tcntletnan. bccamo uucli ongro .1 in tn
\ I1) struggle. Uud clung to hU pcrcli for tUi
period of an hour or so. Perchance ho was
storing his mind with point * on "base ball
and how she is played" to bo worked and
kneaded Into another dlsqulsltfon on the
great sport. It is dollars to douuhauts that
Mr. Drawn Is a fcTeat admirer of the game.
.Tames Kerns' Condition.
James Kerns Is still lying in a critical con
dition nt St. Joseph's hospital , but there has
been a material change for the better during
the last forty-eight hours , and there is a pos
sibility that his splendid constitution may
pull him through all right. Ho Is in n very
reduced state , and the pus from the wound
In his face finds Its wny through the nnrcs to
the stomach , making him continually sick at
his stomach. The shattered bonrs also absorb
serb considerable pus , which 1 carried into
his system , causing blood poison , Ho is
receiving the best of care and the city physi
cian has hopes for his recovery.
Orange IIIossoniB.
Mr. L. D. Hall , a prominent gentleman of
Dorrnnrc , Kan. , and Miss Eva Free , daugh
ter of M. A. Free , of this city , were married
yesterday nt the homo of the bride on AVul-
nut Hill , Kov. J. S. Myers , of Springfield.
Mo. , officiating. Allns Mamie Free , sister of
the urldo , was bridesmaid , while Mr. .1 , S ,
AVoodburn , of Omaha , acted as groomsman ,
The happy couple loft on the evening train
for Denver , and after an extensive visit in
Colorado , will tnko up their abode nt Dor-
ThobrMolsonoof the most accomplished
young ladles In this City , nnd possesses those
qualities of mind nnd heart which go toward
making man happy , while the groom is a very
estimable young man , Hoth parties are to
bo congratulated on the excellent choice
they havu made.
Close of the Convention.
Yesterday morning's session of AVonmn's
Foreign Missionary society nt the First 13np-
tist church was largely attended , and the
proceedings of much more Hum ordinary In
The 0:30 : dovotioaal exercises , under the
leadership of Mrs. F. Clotworthy , was
fraught with good things , nnd participated in
by about ono hundred of the members.
Following this came the report of the
board , which made , n good showing , nnd wns
adopted and placed on file. The missionary
address by Mrs. O. E. Ambrose was one of
the best things of the morning's programme ,
the lady touching most all the points of vital
Interest in missionary work and advancing
Homo theories for the accomplishment of
greater good In the future that received the
unanimous endorsement of all her hearers.
The discussion of systematic study in the
circle and how effected , was resultant in ad
ducing many new and practical ideas on the
subject , which will assuredly lead to greater
perfection in this branch of tlio missionary
In the afternoon a paper , "In Mcmorhim , "
wns rend by Miss E. Church , nn address
by Miss U. H. AVllliams , reports of com
mittees , short talks on various topics anil
singing by the children.
Last evening closed the exercises of the
convention , nnd the auditorium was again
filled to its utmost capacity. The praise
service was conducted by the Kov. F. AV.
Foster. The address of the evening wan de
livered by Mrs. H. Thane Miller , ono of the
lenders in the work of the society. She is a
vigorous thinker and ready talker , and the
ideas she advanced were followed with the
closest attention , After the reading of the
annual report , showing the present status of
the society and Its work for the past year , a
letter from missionary fields was rend by
Miss Clara M. Hess. A paper discussing the
means of enlarging the scope of the work
was read by Mrs. C. AV. Uarber. She wns
followed by Ida Glenwood , in a pretty poem.
Aftora song the meeting closed.
Tno anniversary has been n most success
ful one , und has given renewed vigor to these
working for the missionary cause. The so
ciety has been organized for seventeen years ,
and in that time has accomplished a great
deal of good.
That Tired Focllnfj
Afflicts nearly every one in the spring ,
The system having become accustomed
to the bracing air of winter , is weak
ened by the warm days of the changing
seahon , and readily yields to attacks of
disease. Hood's Sarsnparilhi Is just the
medicine needed. It tones and builds
up every part of the body , and albo ox-
poln all'impurities from the blood. Try
it this season.
Soidonborg'H Figaro , the talk of the
town , a 10c uigar for Co. Max Meyer it
Co. , wholesale depot.
Ho Goes Over the Hill on nit Old
Last winter Mrs. Hogs Stubell , who resides
on Fourteenth street , had $23 stolen from her
dressing case. She blamed it on Harry
Emdu , a young man who boarded with her ,
nnd Emdo mndo himsuLf scaice. After n
short absence from the city ho returned nnd
went to work for Harry Ilngan , where ugnm
his thieving propensities got the best of him ,
and he mndo oil' with ubout 530 belonging to
Ilagan. Ho got a short torin over the hill for
this. Yesterday ho went to Hagan's after n
suit of clothes ho had lott there. Hagan re
fused to let him have them. Then ho betook
himself to police headquarters to swear out n
warrant for Hligan's urrest , but instead of
securing this coveted writ , ho was run in
himself , on tbo charge preferred against him
last winter by Hess Stubell. Ho went over
the hill for thirty days more.
How Kmployinent Scckcra Kscnpo
I'nyiiiK Fees.
The following was handed in by tlio party
whoso signature appears at thu bottom , yes
terday morning :
Look out for the employment ofllco at M20
Dodge street. On Monday afternoon I in-
inlrcd for a situation at this ofllco and was
directed to go to n ( rardncr named Ilogumn ,
two miles cast of Council Hlulfs , forwhich I
wns charged Sl.fiO. AVhen f came to the
place the following afternoon the gardncr
had hired a man , so I did not get the situa
tion. 1 called at tlio employment ofllco to get
m.\ money but the man refused to give it
back. Is. that lawful.
QAIU , CmusTiANsnv.
A Hni : reporter called upon the
manager of the ofllro indicated , and wns in
formed that , beyond a doubt thin Is cither a
c.iso ot "work" on the part of the young
man mentioned or that ho did not apply for
the place. The rules of the establishment
are that when n inuit is sent out to sccuro n
situation ho is given u nollcu reading as fol
lows ;
KMi'i.cmicNT PAIII.OKS Mr. - . Dear
Sir : This will bo handed you by Mr. - ,
who goes for a position ns per your order.
Please " " "icfubcd " the
write "engaged" or , as
case may be , sign and return.
- , Manager ,
If the application is refused Ms money is
returned , but in this case tin ) blank was not
returned. The manager states it is a fa-
vorlto way among parties who pay the cus
tomary fee for Mutations to visit the em
ployer , inquire concerning the Job nnd after
telling him' that they will return In an hour
or so , como back to the ofllco and get their
fco and then go and take the placo. For this
reason tlio blanks mentioned were printed.
The young man m this instance would have
received his money Imd ho taken the proper
steps in the matter.
Persons who load a life ol exposure
nro subject to rheumatism , neuralgia
and lumbago and wJll Iliul a valuable
remedy iu JJr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic
Oil LininioiU. it will banish pain and
uibduo inflammation ,
A Little Girl AIIIOIIK tlio Mysteriously
Mablo Heddy , a little nine-year-old K'.n
who resided with her parents at No. 310 South
Twelfth btrcct , is mysteriously mlsblng.
Tuesday evening she luft her homo to nt-
tend the performance at the Eden Musco ,
and since that time , notwithstanding diligent
and thorough search hus been mitdo for her ,
nothing lias been jiccn or heard of her. Her
parents arc in.imuU : distress , nnd appealed
at the central ttutiouycsteulay for uid
from thopolieo U > . assist them in u clmtiau-
. .nroH of the search , -llie little girl , who Is
unitouallX bright aud pretty , were u darlc
" i i in i i II II 1 P I . V
Continental Clothing House
Special Sale of Riverside Worsted Suits , Price $12.
Special Sale of Sawyer Woolen Go's. Cassimere Suits , Price $12.
-'f - Special Sale of Dolan Cassimere Suits , Price $8.
Every Visitor to Omaha Talks About the Continental Clothing House
The sale of the Sawyer Woolen Co.'a
fine Cassimcro Suits , which is contin
ued this week has boon unprecedented
but of equal importance , however , and
of oven greater interest in our great
sale of fine worsted dross "Suits , cloth
made by the RIVERSIDE-MILLS , in
medium weight fabric , suitable for wear
all the year round. Wo plTor this week
200 of these line Worsted Dross Suits
which for dress purposes aroatrietly cor
rect in every respect , and the most popu
lar and durable goods sold in this coun
LOT NO. 1. Wo offer 200 of thoabovo
named goods made by the RIVERSIDE
MILLS CO. , made up in a 4 button
cut-a-way Frock suit , and in the most
thorough manner , suitable for dress
suits. They are goods which wo have
sold regularly for $18 , but wo oll'or them
this week to close at the extremely low
price of $12 per suit. Tho.color is plain
black , edges bound , and every suit would
bo worth in the regular way $18 ; as the
lot is not largo they will bo closed this
week. Send in your order at once if
you want one.
TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. . For years we have sent goods all over the United Statea in this manner by express \ritli the most satisfactory
results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they do not please you.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES - Proprietors.
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
dress and bine cheek upron on the evening of
her disappearance , and had r 0 cents when
she left homo. It is surely n very strange , mid the gravest fears arc enter
tained with regard to her fate.
The Special Meeting TmHt Evening of
Mount , C'lnrlc and MeShnne.
Last night there was a meeting of n special
committee ot the Fair association in the ofllcc
ot the Florence Land company , Chamber of
Commerce , to take action upon the plans sub
mitted for some of the proposed now build
ings in the fair grounds. Those of the nm-
phltlicator wore approved. They compre
hend a structure 2 7 feet long , 'M feet wide ,
with Jiftcea rows of scats , capable of accom
modating ! ! , GOO people. The old amphithea
ter was intended for 2,000 people , but as many
as ! V > 00 have been crowded into it. The cost
of the structure will be in the neighborhood
of % 3,000.
In regard to the plans drawn by Mr.
Mount lor the horticultural and ilorlcultural
halls , which are for three buildings each 24x
80 feet with a connecting building sixteen
feet wide , it was decided to tnko no action ,
the feeling being that they would not servo
for the purposes of a corn or a grain pnlacc ,
Which has been discussed. The plans pro
posed were ornate enough to he In keeping
with the idea of a palace , which latter com
prehends a btrui'turu of considerable expense.
To aid in currying out the Idea and gettinp
material witli which to decorate the grain
palace , Assistant Secretary Gibbs will bend
requests to the different counties In the state
to forward exhibits which may bo placed
upon the .structure with shields to tell
whence the display came.
The committee which consisted of Mount
H. G. Chirk and J. H. McShune will visit
the grounds In n couple of days again to
locate scats for about 1,000 people. These
will be located In various parts of the grounds
nnd form an accommodation which has here
tofore been neglected , peonlct being required
to remain on their feet all day except when
In the amphitheatre ,
The stalls which were burned down by the
lire , will bo replaced by others
which will not abutt against
the fence. They will bo boparutcd from that
by a driveway. This change is intended to
prevent the holders of stalls f I om knocking
out boat els In the fence ami enabling friends
to enter the grounds without paying the
price of admission. It is known In tills way
that at the last fair hundreds of dollars were
lost to the fair association ,
The action proposed to bo taken by the as
sociation in the matter of a grain palace , will
bo decided next Monday night.
Thlspow.Var nsvcj1 varies. A marvel ofpurl-
ty.fctror.ctli ami wliMlosoniutit s. More t-coiiom
icaltuuntha ordinary kinds , and cann ° t Dcsolp
Incompptltlonwltn inn multitude of low cost ,
short weight ulum or phnsphatepowderj. Bold
only in. can * . HwM Hating Powdtjr & ) , J20
Wulbtreet Kov vwlt
LOT NO. 2. Stock No. 4048-1019 and
4050. Imported Whipcord Suits made
in a 4 button cut-n-way style only , in
regular sizes from 85 to 42. This suit
was made In our own machine roqm dur
ing last sixty days , and the cutnnd make
of thissuit is as correct for dross pur
poses as it is possible to have them , nnd
as the present month is the month of all
the year when people arc thinking about
dress suits , wo claim that this lot of wors
ted suits is absolutely the most desira
ble that it has over been our privilege
to offer the public. This garment was
made up to sell in our stock for $22 , but
as one of the leading bargains for this
week it is offered nt the ridiculously
low prlco of 81C. Wo unhesitatingly
claim that the average retail price of
this suit is never less than $22.
Of these two lots , which "nro small ,
particularly lot No. 2 , which was adver
tised as lot No. 1 , in our advertisement
of last woelc , wo can bond no samples of
either lot , but as long as they last. Sam
ple suits will be bent by express C. O. D.
with the privilege of examination. Bo
sure in ordering to mention the date ot
the advertisement , as the lot numbers in
our different advertisements "represent
different goods. In ordering mention
the No. of the lot and the date of the
' All iyphllltlc PlidBei , of recent or long tandlnz.ln
from ten to flltccn dny * . Wo will giro written Kunr-
ftntocs to cure any caao or refund your mono ? . And
no would ssy to thoie who bnv employed tuo mull
Ekllldd 1'liyilcUn ) , u ) OTtry known remuily &nt
puve not been cured , tbat you nro the subjects we nri
InoklnR for. Vuu that have bcon to thu celebrated
not Bprtczs of Arkansas , anil have lost all Hop * ot
rcoorery , we
er make no charge. Onr remedy Is unknown to any
one In the world outside or our Company , and It Is
the only remedy in tbe world tbat will cure you. Wo
will euro tbe- most obstinate casa In less tban one
pontb. Eeren day > In recent case * does ( he work. It
Is tbe old , chronic , deep-seated rates that we solicit.
Wo har cured bundroda who had beau abandoned
7 A'ayslclabi and pronounced Incurable , und
Wo Challenge the World
to brlnsT DI a cat a that we will not euro ID less than
one month.
Since the history of medicine , n True PpoclHo for
BIphllltlChEruptlona , Ulcers , Bora month , 4c. . bus
ton sou t for taut uerer found until
Our Pelagic Remedy
TM discovered , and wo are Justified in itylnn It Is the
only remedy In tbo world tbat will pniltlrely cure ,
tocnutetlie latest medical works , publlsbod by the
best known aulboritln , say tbvie WHS never a true
roclflc before. Our Itvuiedr Is the only medicine In
llio world that will cure when everything ; else ha *
iMled. It has been so conceded by a large numberof
Celebrated I'hyilriitcs. IT HAD xcvtii YET rAii.ED
TO CUKE. Why wnto your time nnd money with
talent uedlclnrn that never bad virtue , or doctor
with physicians that cannot cure you. You that have
tried everything else should come 10 us now and fit
permanent relief ! you never ran net It clicwnr .
nark what wo > ay : In the end you must take out
Itemed'or ; NiiVKH recover. And you that have been
filleted but fhort time should by all means coma to
DO now. Many itet help aud think theyn ru free fraia
the disease , but In one , two or three years after , It
appears agiln In o more horrible form.
Investigate oar Ouunclal standing tbrouph the mer >
eantlle avcsciec and note tbat we are fully response
pie and our written Buuruntcel are eood. We have n
HEMKDV prepared pu purely Pclentiflc 1'ilnclplet and
we with to repeat that It MVXU iu cuaM. AJI
letteni sacredly coutldentlal ,
THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Ilooni ID nnd II , t' . H. Nutlonul Hank. 1-th nnd
I'iiniuin bin. C'nllerii tuko uluvator on I'.inmm
stieutj to bccond lloor , Uoom II for ladlps only ,
Hereford Cattle ,
At or near Union Stock Yards ,
SIOl'.Y CITY , - - IOWA.
MAY 2cl , 1888.
Tlio Ilixrlow Hnll llitrtl of JlornlVml
Cattle All Under Kaur Vonrs Old ,
Having leased my estate for a long term of
years. I um forced to sell my entlto herd which
is composed of the get of JIOUACI ! Mil , ISHI.
and I'l'l'TAlU'll , 11110 , and homo of the llne&t
bullb iu the United States
The holfera are in calf , or have ralves at their
sides. ThocalveiiuorecorUc < l. Thu herd is in-
buied and the pui chaser will unsumo the lusur-
ante. Terms , L'abh There will be no postpone-
uient. Catalogues on application.
Sioux Oity , lov/a.
William Swarts , Auctioneer.
. K'S'FOWLEB , . Mo0du , .Conn.
Continuation of Kile Sale or tbo Sawyer
Woolen Co's , ' Fabrics ,
There are only two colorings loft on
these celebrated suitings , anil wo offer
them until they are entirely closed out
at the same unapproachable yjw price of
812 per suit. No more desirable material -
ial can bo offered for a busincsssuit than
tlieho goods are , being purely all wool
fabrics , and goods that htivo stood the
test for years.
LOT NO. 3. In this lot wo have
about 100 suits left in Single Hrenstcd
Sack Coats , in sizes .15 to 44. The very
bent Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Double and
brown mixture , just made up in our very
best manner , and never1 during tho'
twelve years that wo have been selling
this suit has it been placed on our coun
ters at less than $18.
The celebrated Sawyer Woolen Co. ,
of Dover , N. H. , needs no commendation
from us , but wo unhesitatingly pronounce - ,
nounco thoni'tho best manufacturers of
fine till Wool Suitings in New England.
No shoddy Hocks or cotton used in any
of their fabrics. Do not forget the price"
only $12.
LOT NO. 4. We offer 100 of the well
known Vclour Cloth Finish Sawyer
Woolen Co.'s Suits in a very dark Ox
ford Mixture , a small iicut'chccic pat
tern , one of the moA popular styles the
mill has over made , "suitable for cither
dress or business purposes. Single
Breasted Sacks , regular sizes in Spring
weight , at the same extremely low price
of $12.
Bovrlnar Thread of Modern Tim en.
KiMUTHirK-Korn Dry Uoods Co.
M. M. SMITH ic Co.
.N AMninn ;
I ) . M. STIKI.I : & Co ,
THOMPSON. Hiir : > itJ : & Co.
1HKIN & Co.
CIIAS. Si.smit , South Omaha , nutl nil ( Irs
class retail dealers.
c. o. D.
With Privilege of
All Wool Pants ,
both light and dark
colors , in hizcs SO to
12 waist and 110 to 31
log measure1. Also
n very largo line of
lie t tor grades of
Pan ts ranging in
price from J2.GO to
is. Our ( .7/5 / to $ .r >
Pants are o.xtra good
Mailorders Solicited ,
Omaha Seed House ,
Jleailquditersfor landr IU'K IVMauted feeds ,
J'luots , rut rioNors and noral diulgnS. fond
forcutalotfue. ,
W. It. FOSTER & SON , Projn'ietora
102 Capitol Avenue.
Cassimere Suits ,
Wo commence the sale this week of 1
ivbout 1000 Suits of the culobrntod Doltw ii
Cassimoros , in regular sizes 34 to 44 ,
comprising four dllTerent styles and
mixtures at the extraordinary low price ,
of $8 per unit. Those are strictly nil
wool goods , free from shoddy , durublo
nnil right in every respect. No suit in
this lot ever to bo retailed for loss than
812 , but wo offer this ns an attractive ,
bargain in Men's low priced business
Send for samples of these goods before ,
ordering them , wo will gladly send sain *
plo of cloth to any address , or wo would
much prefer to send a sample suit , so.
that the manner of making and trim
ming can bo seen. Wo would recom
mend , however , that self measurement
blanks bo sent for first , so that u sample
Milt may bo sent fitted to the party who.
has ordered , and in this way sa\xs the
trouble of returning suit to exchange it.
Remember , th ere are four styles of
ihebo goods. Remember , the price iu
only $8.00.
H. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
ft. O E3 S ? ,
! ) ct facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for sue
ressful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing Medical or burgical Treatment.
Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo
dation ! In the west.
WBITH you CIXCUI.AHS on Deformities one'
Braces , Trusses , Club I'ect , Curvature of llu
Spine , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilroncliitls ,
Inhalation , Klectricity , rnrnl > sis , Kpilcpsy , Kid
ney , Bladder , U > c , liar , SUIn and Dlood , ai'd vl )
Surgical Operations ,
DlBoasos of Women a SpeoloKy.
All lllood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic 1'olson removed from the system without
mercury , New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital rower. I'ersons unable to visit us nmy be
treated at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential. Medicines or Instruments
sent by mail or express , Fecurely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or Render One per
loirul interview preferred , Call nnd consult ut , 01
send history of your case , and we will send In
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous DNctisti Im ,
vitency , Syphilis Olttt aud Varicoccle , with
Umalia ifeiKral imil Surgital Institute , 01
DR. RficflflENAIVIY ,
Cor. 13lh nd toda ) 5tt. , UMAHA.IIEO.
f w o mm
liul uiiluui )
Omaha , Nebraska.
Adrcitlelng has ulyrnj-H pioven
aur'eaful. llofuro plnclnirnny
h'inmp per Advertising coaeu'i
' '
U t 10 ia.dsU.1. llmt , CHIQACO-
i S. < fi D.
1742 LaYfrence SI , Denver , Col ,
OfthuMlssomi Btiilo Mnslitm of Aimtomv , St.
l.oius , JIo. , rulvcrsttj- Collect ) Ilo'-pltal , 'Lon
don , ( jlusen , net-many and New Turk , having
devoted tnclruttcntlmi.
Jloro especially thofo nrltlnj ; from Inipru-
clenca , invlto all HO fliiirorluir , tn correspond with
our delay. Discuses of Infection and contnKlon
cured siifuly und upocdlly without nw of dim.
Kcrous clrtiK * . Patients wlioho cases linvo been ,
nculcrtcil , linilly troutcd or prononnccil Incur-
nlilu , tthould not fall to wrlto us cnnccriilnff tljriir
symptoms. All lottera rccelvii ImineOlato [ Utcil-
I Ion.
Anil 1I1 bo mnlleil t'HKR to any addrcBs on re
cclptofonocent ! 8tamp. "I'ractlcal ( ) bserva
tlon on NervoiiH Ucblllty nnd I'hyslcnl Kxmus ) >
tlon , " to wlilcli In lidded un "Kssny on Mnr-
ilngc. " with important clmptors on diheases o
the Jlenroductlvo Orgiins , tno whole forming a
vulimmo medlcnl treatise which BhonlJ bo read
by all young men Address
1742 Lavrrcnco St. , Denver Col.
Un , K C. WrsT p KEavp. AND HIUIS
HENT , rt Riiurnntecd piinulllo for Hyut'-rln , Dizzi
ness , Uotivulslons Fits , Kurvoii'i .
e , Nervous rioatmtlnn , niusod by tlio
HBO of alcoliol or tobuoco.Vakiifiiliiciii \ , Mental
DopruiHlon , HoftcnlUK nf tlio llrulu , I'cmilllnc 111
ln anltynnill ndlii'to ! mlsery.docnyanddcathl
I'rumuturnOkl ABO , , I-oisof I'OWCP
Inolthrr sox , Jnvoluntary J/IHSU nnd Hpennn-
Inrrlura rnuaed by ovrr-oxortl.jn of tlio liraln ,
Belf-alinso or ornr-indulKPncc. Harlt box com
talniono month's * treatment ll.inin box , oraM
boxes for 13.00 , tpnt by mall 1'repald ' on receipt
To euro any roso. With each order received b
us for nix Imxfk , accompanied with H.OU , wo will
tend tlio puicliiihor our wrlttrn Kimriiiitio toriflJ
fund thu money if the tro.itnient dors not rfTect
nrurn. OimrnnloCH Issued only by C 1' ( llOU' )
MAN , DruKglbt , Bole Afc'ont , 1HU Famam Htreiti
Omnliu , 'ob.
Electric Work
Annunciator ! , llurtlar Alarm * , Klcctrlo Ui'lU and
< iu l.iKlitlnu n upcclultjr
Kut'.irmtct furnlilial. All work iu-rantecil. I'ttrj
tlenfltlicrlnoroutul towt : wJll i'o local on < jj
vrrlto u .
Otlloo Itonm : tO Jlnrkor liloolr ,
Corner (5th ( and Farnam , Omslia , Neb.
' '