Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No Ailvcrtlficiiicni8 be taken fet coImnnR nftcr 12H : ! ) ji. in.
Terms Cnnh tit mlvntice.
Advertisements under tills head , 10 cents per
line for the llrst Insertion , 7 cents for each subsequent -
sequent Insertion , and 11.60 a llnu , per month. No
ftdvertliementtaken for less thnn 25 cent * for
the Urst insertion. Seven ords'w III be count
ed to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must ho paid In ndvnneo. All advertisements
must be handed In beforol2 : : > o'clock p. m.ianrt
under no circumstances will they be taken or
discontinued by telephone.
1'artlca advertising * In these columns and hav-
Inn the answers addressed In cnro of thn Hen ,
will plen < e ask for n check to enable thsm to Met
ihclr letters , as none will bo delivered except on.
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed lu envelopes.
All advertisements In thcso columns nro pub
lished luboth morning and evening editions of
the llee , the circulation of which a WPKate *
htoro tlmn J8.0W papers dally , nnd Rives the ad-
vcrtlscrs Uieboncllt. not only of the city circula
tion of the Hoc , but alpo of Council lllulf * . I , In-
coin nnd other cities and towns throughout this
jp art of the west. _ '
Advertising for these columns will betaken ,
on the above conditions , at the following bus-
Incifl houses , who are authorized agent * for Tun
spbclftl notices and will quote the name
rates us con bo had at the main office.
J OlTN wTTllUJ/rpTmnnaclst'sM South Tenth
Street. _ _ _ _ _ _
MASK & EDDV. Stationers nnd Printers , 1U
Bouth ICth Street.
Sll. FARNSWORTH , Pharmacist , 211B Cum-
Ing Street.
_ _
WJ. HUQIIKS , 1'harmaclst , 024 North 10th
GKO. W. PARR , 1'hBrmnclBt , 160B St. Mary's
Avenue. _ '
.7 REUTHEH. Nowa Dealer , Post OOlco ,
VJ South Omaha.
WANTED A position as traveling salesman
by a sober , Industrious young man. Had
Homo oxpcrlonco ns cigar salesman. Will work
hard luauy line , Address a C2 lleo olllco.
WANTED lly first class dress maker , a po
sition to take clmi-KO of business. Ad-
flrcas Mrs. M. a. ml 8 loth st. OM 20 *
WANTED Ily a young man in yearn of age ,
u position OH clothing clerk , Omaha pre-
tcrrcd. Address Ho * t . Carroll , la. 008 1 *
Members of societies as orcau-
WANTED Po to < l I. O. O. P. preferred. Permanent -
manent and prolltablo position to succi'sstul
mem , Correspondence conllduutlnl. Address
Itoom 01 , NO.KJO La Balto St. , Chicago , Ills.
" \\7ANTED-Sltuatlon for Housekeeper ! wo
? have plenty good , icllablo women with
references , no olllco fco. Mrs. llrcga,31G S loth.
Tol. 881. TO 18 *
ANTED- Situation by first class laundress
to go.out by the day In private families.
CalllllBSaundorHst. 890 IB *
WANTED Situation as baker ; address G 50
lleo. 012 20 *
_ _
WANTED A position In a hotel , restaurant
or chop-house , as steward or manager ;
lias 20 years' experience In the business ; for U
years had charge of ono of the largest sport-
IUUQ'S clubs lu the south. Address , G 54 , nee.
boa 20 *
_ _
W ANTKD Place to work In private family
for board nnd lodging by a young lady
attending school ! Address , llohrbough Uro3. ,
Omaha Commercial College. _ U.iU 24
SITUATION wanted In clothing or dry gooas
house by young man of line abilities 1111,1
porno oxperlende. Speaks German and Kngllsi.
City or country. Salary 110 object. Itcfereno
Address 0. 41' ' , llco olllce. _ Hi318J 3-
I .MUST have employment In 48 hours ; 0 years
oxpcrionco In wholesale and retail business.
Address O CO. lleo olllce. 87111) *
WANTED lly n young , energetic American
of 21 yearn of ago , position In leal o.state
olllce or as bookkeeper In general. Can furnish
gqpd reference. Address J. L. , No. 322 N. IGth.
J . tC'J 20 ?
_ _ _
WANTED Uy allistciass dressmaker , en-
Ragageiucnt lu prlvato families. 822 S 16th.
Bliss Turner. _ . _ C82mOJ
ANTED-lloy 11 or 15 years old to take
care of two horses and a cow. Can at
tend school If ho likes. II. Hornbcrger , 1321
Douglas St. OS420
WANTED A painter , ono who understands
mixing. Address P. U. box 603. J7 20) ) :
WANTED At once , an. all around harnoss-
mnkor , good wages , by piece or week.
Apply to W , J. Eva , Onuwa , Iowa. OC7 22 *
* \\7"ANTED Two tailors ; must play cornet or
T Y tuba , it. J , Tanner , Friend , Nob.
00620 *
_ _ _ _ _
WANTED a wagon and body makers , 0
painters , 0 blacksmiths , steady work. Hoct
Oak Cart St lluggy Co : , Ited Dak , la. tUi.1 ivt
"V T" ANTED Man nnd wife to work on farm ,
f must be experienced In general farm
work , few or no children. Address It. II. Jones ,
rapllllon.'Nob. 013 20t
A llrst class milker. J. r. Hoch ,
north of Deaf and Dumb Institute. 0,18 21 *
' 1X7'ANTED A good coat and pants maker at
onco. J. Larson. Mlnilcn. Nob. Oi > l 20 ;
WANTED .A boy who has had ono year's ox-
perienco in the newspaper business , who
tloslrcs to complete the trade ; reasonable wages
Hill bo paid. Address NOWB. Scribner. Neb.
_ 001 20 *
"IT/"ANTED Two good Job printers. Apply ixt
T i once to Hammond llro.'s , Fremont , iseb.
_ _ _ _
' \ RANTED A first-class Jeweler , ono that can
/ > " do all kinds of line woikund engraving.
Permanent 1'laco and good wages. C. L. Erlck-
Eon & Co. , 212 N. mth st ! Mi
{ \TANTED Salesmen Flvo traveling sales-
> T iiipu ; salary and expenses ; no experience
neeo .kary. Additus , with stamp , Palmer i : Co. ,
yrarle Du Chten , Win. 847 25 *
WA N TED A llrst-class tinner who has a
knowledge of the implement and hard-
) varo business. State wages wanted and give
references. Robert Hazlewood , Osceoln , Neb.
WAITED > Ion to light gasollno lamps.
JU-KUlar ftflornoon work for right men.
Address U. C. Goodwill , llox Cl ' , Umaha.
i 783-20J
_ _
* VI7"ANTED-Palntr8 at the Murray hotel.
AGKNTSaro maklng'blK money belling our
mw fctyle nlbumn. Call and see us. room
axtoii block. 747 11) )
bricklayers , wages
J4.W ) per day fort ) hours' work , llrlck
Contraetorbr Association , Umaha , Nob. Apply
dite-'J I'axton blot-k. 537 24
UJ76 Per Month Agents wanted In every county ,
If < P 1'lan ofork easy ; new goods ; \\rltu\vltli
ttamps. ( louldMTg Agency , 1C < U University
1'taco. Ni Y. City. _ 4MmUJ )
' \\TANT15I ) Men and women vorywhero for
TT a genteel bUHlness guaranteed t pny too
per week profit easier than other lines pay $ riO
fcr month. 12 samples frco to either EOX seek
ing pcriuaucnt employment. Experience abso
lutely unnecessary. Merrill Mtg. Co. , H u ,
Chicago. , 8 < Bml *
_ _ _
WANTED A few pensons lu onch place to do
light writing , Knclouo btamp fqi'M-pago
book of paiticularu to J. H. WooUUury , Albany ,
N. Y. ttflluai *
\VANTED-Men for railroad work , Albright's
T V Labor agency , 1120 Vurniun. UM
TDOVW-Am. Dlbt. Tel. Co. . 1304 Douglas ,
"VlfANTED competent cook and lauudre-s ,
f references required , apply to Mrs. W.
II. McCordgi34B18that. 077
1r,7AN'1'In-'Irl ! * o lo housework. Inquire
V > 1113 B < 3th st. Ola
ANTKD OI rl to do general house work.
Must have good lefeieuccs. 1013 Slieiniau
nve , 01720 *
Tr\7 A HTED Voung nurse girl. Enquire. Mrs ,
> _ Jl. JItVyer,22dund Hp ard. t'31 20
WANTED- , mutt he competent coo u and
laundress , best ofugib. . 2108 1'arnaui.
[ 6TO
WANTED-Competent B'rl ' in family of a.
Gorman preferred. Sirs. D. H , Whoelcr ,
C01 B. 28th bt. * M
' "ANTr.D-Glrl for general houscwork.'wa
Colfux bt. tU31U *
O HE thousand lady agents wanted immedi
ately. Giaud new. rubber undergarment
for females. flUuday. Proof free. Mm. 11. P.
l.UtK-.Chlcago.Hl. MS a *
V\7ANTED-GlrlforjHu ework. Mrs , W. W.
TT Ulnghfcni. 818 fiouth 16th st. & -8 ItfJ
GIRL wanted to uo general housework , 1101
A 1'uruani BU Up-itaira. ' 001 ivt
-A nurse girl , 2017 J
WANTED Woman cook for Iloon , ? 40 ; pas
try rook. 117 ; cooks for Bhpnanaoab *
ralrbitry , Valparaiso. Sioux City nnd
O'Neill , nlso t good dining room ctrls
in city , 115 ; S out of city ; e\tl \ to clean
rooms Vi days dishwasher , housekeeper ,
about KB , on a ranch , good place , and 2.1 good
girls for private families , ito M per week. lx > ts
of new places every day. Mrs. Rrega , aid S 15th ,
ANTED -Good 2nd girlgood wages paid ,
2010 Uinnoy St. , Kountzo Place. 820
W ANTED A girl for froneral housework ,
18S1 California St. , cor. 20th. 007.
WANTED-Immedlatcly , at the Elkhorn
Valley house , llth and Dodge , n good
strong German itlrl for general work , wnpes
frTftO per : < eck. Mrs. O. Wcuthrlcli. KB 18 *
" \ yANTED-DInlng roomglrl , 1001 N. 18th.
W ANTED Girl for general housework , Mrs.
Thos. r. Hall , 1515 Sherman ave , titB inf
- inllllner to take n
WANTED-Expcrlenccd In. Apply 203-210
S. llth Bt. I , Obprfclder & Co. 037 10
ImniMliafcly , ladles to work for
a wholcsalo house on needlework at their
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) Ooo'd pay can bo
made. Everything furnlsheil. Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , 1368th
St. . New York < : tty. 251
' '
NION Emploxmentomco Is conducted In an
honorable manner , nnd our applicants
supplied on short notice. Small fco. llt.l H. llth
9 nils *
City Emp. offlce , 31 815th. Help for
GATE ds of work sent to all pimp. Hoter-
dices Douglas county banK. Tel 1100. Kli 23j
Employment Offlco Male and female -
CANADIAN sent to all parts If faro is ad
vanced , lleferenceOmaha National bank. Mrs.
Ilrega Je'Soa , 810 S. 15th. Tel. 881. 7BBinll *
" \XTANTED Men and boy * out of work to call
V > at the City Intelligence olllco ( Crelghton
blk. ) , corner 15th nnd Douglas sts. 807
W ANTED lloom rent In exchange for music
lesions. , llco olllco.
U70 19J
" \17ANTED Instructions In trigonometry of
> ono who carVurnlih rofprehcos ns to capa
bility. Address 0. 45. lleo olllco. 81U-10J
WANTED lly May Int. by responsible par
ty , to rent a house of 12 to U rooms , on
fit. Mary's ave. or Farunm at. Address O BO' '
lleo olllce. U23 IB
To borrow two to three thousand
dollars llvo years , real estate security
worth live times amount , state-lowest Interest.
Addrcss.O 27 , this offlce. C33 20 *
ENGAGEMENTS to do dressmaking In fami
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 822 S. 18th st.
671 mlO *
WANTED Good real estate listed with mo.
C. 1' . Harrison , 418 S. IMh st. 815
: WANT more small honscs for rent. V. L.
G regory , rental agent , 803 8.10th. fi CIO
FIU8T-CLAB3 table board , private family ,
1UN. ISUi st. , bet. Dodge and Cap. live.
01719 ?
WANTED To rent 4 or 5 unfurnished rooms ,
within fifteen minutes walk of P. O. ( J 84.
lleeonice. OC01D *
BY Hlnglo gentleman , pleasant summer room ,
lleforpnccs If required. Answer stntlni ;
terms. D. D.W. , . P. O. box231. tKll Sit
WANTED Cottage of llvo or six rooms , ren
not to exceed i.J5 per month. Address G
60 , Uoo otnce. ' 010
WANTED lly single gentleman , an unfur-
T ulshcd room in prh ute family. Address
G 61 , lleo olllce. 87510
WANTED Uoom and board for , gentleman
. and wife , references exchanged , prlvato
family preferred. Address G 25 , llee. cr > 3
WANTED Six or seven-room house furn
ished In desirable location for summer by
small family. Address I ? 71 , lleo olllce. C78
FOU UENT-O-room flat at 410 B. llth fct. Kent ,
W5 , furniture J300 , monthly payments.
Hooms paying SwO over runt. Co-op L & L Co. .
SOS N. ICth st. 1)8121 )
T710H 11ENT 7-room flat , 1st floor , 1005 Howard
JLJ st , Inquire drug Htoro 1 door east. U83
ADESIKA1H.E new cottage In pleasant loca
tion , city water , for rent cheap. Parlor
whole of furniture for sale cheap , If desired ,
apply room 18 , Chamber of Commerce. 1)74 ) 19 *
VEKY desirable 10-room house cor 21st and
Hurt .St. ; nil modern Improvements ; onca-
bla and street carllnos. Inquire Dr. Paul. NE
cor 15th and Dodgo. IB121 *
POll HENT Large house , 1023 Dodge st.
038 10 *
FOll KENT fl-room flat , rent $20 , furniture
J70 ; 14-room house , rent * IO , furniture * 2UO ;
11 room house furniture for sale ; 7-room house ,
rout J.'W.filrnlture at a bargain : 8-rooin house ,
rentKlo , furniture cheap : 6-room house , cen
tral , reut f.V ) , furniture tei : IB-room flat on
1'arnam , furniture tor sale , and about fifteen
others , rents , prices and terms to suit all. Co
operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th Bt.
/10TTAOE 1 rooms and about 4 acres land ,
W good barn , about Hmllo north of foit , $15
per month to good tenant. Apply 317 S. llth st.
FOH HENT A flat of 7 rooms , closets and all
conveniences , Duggans bloek south 13th
undPuclllc at. Inquire at 1112 S l.Hh. KM
OH KENT 0-room Hat , hot and cold water
bath , gas. nil modern , J. II. Parrotto Iten-
tal Agency , 1COO Chicago. 8b ! ) SO
TTIon KENT My hotue. 1120 Soutli l th btreet.
Jcor Pierce , B rooms , kitchen , pantry und
cellar. Prod Mohle. HS.1
T Oll itHNl l-room house near street car ,
-C Xbthimd Howard. b741tt )
TmOUNISHED hotul for rent-flia St. Elmo
J- ' hotel , Missouri Valley , 7a. The leading ho
tel of the city and only ono block from the do-
not. For further particulars address Hugh
Percy. 849 mlO
"fiAOK KENT 7-room house In central location ,
J-1 rent F15 , furniture at a great bargain. Cooperative -
operative Lund and Lot Co. , 205 N. IGth st.
TTIOK HENT U-room cottage , nlco neighbor-
-L hood nud handsomely furnlHhed ; fiirulturn
forsale at a burgalu ; paity leaviiiB city. 2215
Boward. 83322'
TJ OH HKN.T Two oed 8 room houses on
JLA 1'ark ave. if 10 per month , D. V. Sholcs , Uoom
1 llarker .
jgo new houses with II to 14 rooms ,
with all modern improvements. In "Clarke
Place , " Cass and 21th sts. on car line for rent.
0. V. Davla Co. TOT 23
FOR RENT fl-room Hat fronting Hiinscom
Park. Hath , gas , hot amli cold water. $10.
i' . L , Gregory , Rental agent , 30J B. IBth st.
FOR RENT 2 new 11-room houses , f40 , by 8.
T. 1'e.ternen , so cor ICth and Douglas. 741
OR HENT 18-room houso. North Baunders
st. Ln < iulro of U. W. IJeall&Co. , II1US.
10th. 6iS )
"ITIOP HENT 10-room house , all convenlBiicos
JL. ISth St. : 7-room cottagu. Ho ward bt. G. E.
Thompson , 311 B. 16th t.t . , up stairs. 020
fllO RENT night-room Ilat. front room suit-
JU able for olllcoa , with all modern conven
iences. COJS. 13th. KU
| 7HR HENT Six desirable 'houses , from 82,1 to
JU per numtlu Leavitt lliiruhum. Room l ,
Crelghton blork. 077
"liTOH REN'f NIne-room house with all modern
JL. conveniences , furnlruro for sale ni bargain.
Inqulro of J. H. O'Douahoe & Shorfy'a
FH HENT A neat 120 rottngc. Apply at
once. C. V. HuirUon , 418 8 16th Bt. 2,11
FOR RENT-2 elegant B-room houses , all mod.
urn conveniences , oxcrllunt location , con.
veuient to strefit cars. Ml per month It taken
boon. H. E. Cole , no 15th and Douglas iW )
TTIOR RENT During the summer months
J-1 only. 10-room house completely f mulshed ,
with all modern Imnrovemijnts , on Park ave.
Addrcsa ! ' 40. llee olIICo. CM
TT10IIRENT-A 7-rooni tlat. Jmiulra of Geo.
- JHlL't'lns , in the cigar store 1015 How srd st.
T71011 HENT Whpn you want to rent a house ,
j- etui oof oll'.ce go to H , E. Cole , 2o2-
"rnoil HENT B-room liouso , Inquire. .1. 1' .
' Harton , 2HIB Capitol uvc. 005 1D
0 HOUSES centmlly located , rent from ! 12 to
175. lurnlture for sale on monthly payments.
Co-ppJI andL. Co. , Q5 N.lCthst. 603
HENT-An elegant new 8-roora house
anil barn , every modern convenience ; B
complete home , good neighborhood , street cars.
cheap rent. J , 1L Parrotte , rental agency , 1O5
Chicago nUeut. 701iC'l
" 1710K HENT Ami furniture for sale , almost
- - ' new , at a bargain , bast house und location
In city ; every modern convenience ; this \N HI pay
to Investigate at unco. Apply 170J Dodge 831
POH llENT-Tweive-roorn house. ' sath unrt
CaulilulJ ' ! ' ? > ? ? ? < 't ' * . . W P r month. J. B
, Io0itvarnam i
T710R UEMTA f urnlThed room with hot and
JLJ- cold b&th , very reasonable , 618 8 22d st ,
-091 21 *
ROOM and l > oard cheap. -private family ,
for two. Inqulro 2318 Ilnrt st. C372. )
TTJOIl HENT t'urnlshe'l rooms , large , good
JL ; summer rooms , single or en stiltc , nil mod-
crn conveniences. TOO S. 17th avo. P5H 24t
T710H HENT Suite of newly furnished rooms.
J sultnbla tor three gentlemen , all modern
conveniences : board If desired ; near two car
lines.No. . n22 Georgia nve (29th ( at ) . 1U2S3 *
BNTLEMEN At reasonable rates , n6atly
furnished rooms 1st nud Cd floor , every
modern convenience , near street carsand cable ,
breakfast It desired , npi > ly 2223 llurt ttV , 078 2o
TJ10K HENT-Furnished froht roOm.SIin Clil-
JJ cage street. 'UK ) 10 *
I710H HENT Sleeping rooms lor gentlemen ,
JL' single or In suite- , newly roflttod , and fur
nished , pleasant location , near COKZOUS house ,
streetcars every three minutes , * S tollO , payable -
able weekly or monthly. Apply BO ! ) Howard st.
OBI ) 22'
PAHT1ES wanting pleasant furnished rooms
can got them at my now.block , corner lath
and Howard sis. , third tloor. All modern Ini-
provcmcnta. D. r. . llurnett.- SI *
j pleasant nnd centrally
located , board It desired. 8 W cor 8th anil
Harnoy. , 018 22 $ *
TTIURN181IE1) rooms and board , 1P03 Tarnam.
J2 BSOnilO *
T710R RliNT Nlrcly furnished front room In
JL1 nlco cottage $ , per month , 400 William st.
PCmlnutea walk southeast U. P. depot. 603
FOR RENT To 1 6r 2 gentlemen , room with
bath etc. . 2310 Douglas , 883
T7IOH UENT-Furnlshed room. G22N10th.
J ? | 603
T7IOH RENT l"urnlshcd room with board nt
JU B29 S 17th , Two gentlemen preferred ,
FOR HENT Nicely furnished upper front
room , every modern convenience , 1013
Douglas. 033 SO *
YERV pleasant larco furnished rooms ; all
desired convenlenccsprlvato ; hou.oboard ; If
desired ; 1 block from postolllco. 1013 Capitol avo.
NICELY furnlshrd robm , suitable for 4 gen-
tlemen , at 1818J4 St. Mary's avenue.
850 10 *
_ HENT 2 new elegantly furnished rooms
F0,1 !
John , , I. Paynter , IIKW Karnanl , Old
T/IOH HENT A largo front room with nlcove ,
JL ? nil modern Improvement s. 1709Dpdgast.
( U5 *
"T710H RENT Desirable newly furnished room
JL ? gentlemen preferred , 1721 Davenport.
Tm UHNISHED rooms , 113820th. OJjT 20'
TTlOn HENT Ono largo room suitable for two
JL ? gentleman , und 0110 Hlnglo room , .terms
moderate. 2425 Dodge st. C30 11) )
"nWHNlSHED rooms , 1701 Capital nvo refer-
JL ? enccs required. 019 19 ,
"TTUlONTroom furnished , 1718 Dodgo.
JL ? 818
SMACIi room rsultablo for gentleman , 1C23
Dodge street' _ 511
rjOOMS J1.00 to 11.60 ; 603 S 18th st , 633 m3J
T7I I OH RENT Desirable rooms at.2227Dodno.
JD 840 22
VTEWLY furnished rooms for rent , C02S. 18th ,
JL > 0 blocks opera houso. 84222 *
"ROOM , gas , bath , steam heat , 201 S. 24th.
JjV 121 a27
F URN1SUED rooms , 1810 Dodg . TOOAprilO
iriUHNlSIIED Room to rent. 2020 St. Marys
JU avo. 787
FOll HENT Furnished rooms In Gr6unlg blk
cor. litth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. H. .
Davis. Mlllard hotelTiUliard room. 258
LARGE pleasant room , modern conveniences ,
17013 Chicago st. 259
FOR HENT Rooms furnished and unfur
nished , lJ4Cap. ave. 200
O FURNISHED rooms for married couple or
O Dingle gentlemen , 2020 Nicholas st. 08025
EOH RENT Ono or two unfurnlshqd rooms ,
pleasant front room for light housekeep
ing. 1509 Farnam , room 21. third lloor. W,9 21 *
FOR RENT Pleasant front room , unfur
nished. 1509 Farnam , room 21 , third tloor.
072 20 *
O HOOMS , Red car lino. 1815 Cass.
4 ya
ITIOH HENT Cheap , 4 unfurnished nlco rooms ,
JL ? suitable lor housekeeping. 2022 Harnov.
722 21 *
"I7WR REjJT 1 basement , suitable for
JL1 barbershop , between larnam and
3 rooms 1410 Pierce st 8 00
Hornby on 15th st 52. ) 00
4roomsl7U2 Webster st 2U 00
2 rooms , 1814 Howard at 1000
3 looms , 1112 Pierce bt 1260
3 rooms 1023 h 2)th st K 60
Also3 rooms 1017N20th 15 OJ
J udgo Rental Agency , S. W. cor 15th it Harnoy.
" 171OH HUNT Store and basement , C01 8.13th
JJ st. Mrs. M. Lango. va
L1NTON block , S 13th , corner of ilasou st. Six
haudsomo new store rooms with large col
lars underneath. Ilnlshed with all modem im
provements nnd conveniences. Rents moderate.
Apply to John Ilauillu , illl B llth st. , Omaha.
B973U *
TjlOR RENT-Half ofofllce at IH2 S ICth st.
JU chamber of Commerce bid , Odoll Uros. & Co.
TT1OR HENT A No. 1 Btoro room on ICth st. J.
JL ; H. Purrotte Rental Agency , 1UOO Chicago.
8b7 00
"VfEW Store for Rent Splendid chance ror
-L > dry gooibi , hardware , or bakery. luijulro
drug btora Corby und Sherman ave. mi llij
/ \VriCE rooms , 002 B. 13th st.
" 171OH Itr.NT Suite of olllco rooms , flushman
X' block , ror. 10th nnd Douglas. Nine room
lioiibe , cor. 17th and Dorcas , J.l'J per month. In-
( julro W. M. llushnian , 1311 Leavenworth. 713
"T/IOR HENT I.argo olllce , best location In
-L ? Omaha , well lighted and heated , or will rent
part of It. J. H. Wutts , Chamber of Commerce.
FOR RENT Storeroom 20x00 , cor. th and
Howard , J5 ; llurllngron tiackngoln rear ,
Miscellaneous btorago. Apply bUU How ard.
csi m *
"I31OH RENT Two business or olllco rooms on
-L' 1st lloor 125 per month. W. U. Clark , 1414
Harnoy. JKJ
QTOHE for rent cor of Mercer and lou-o ave-
kj nues , u good fitora for a druggist and gro-
eery. Inquire on premises , clias. J. ltyant 530
TT1OH RENT Hiis'inoos room now occupied as
J-1 my olllco on 15th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 K 15th
_ ft74
TpOR RENT-Ono half of store room , 1212
JL ; Douglas at. Win. H. Bpelman. 4/il
TTIOH HENT Three stores and basoiu'ent at
JJ 1005 I'urnam street. Inqulro at Room 19 ,
Arlington block , 1511 Dodge st. , between 'J ami
12 a. ni , (03
TTKUl RENT The thren story brick bullillng
JL ! nnd basumenton 13th st. . on corner of alloy ,
in tha rc ar of the new First Nat'l bank bulldliiK ,
will given 3 or 5 year lease at a low rental. C. *
Ilurtinan & Co. , JiH I Farnam. 671 a It )
FOR HENT First-class frame store milldlntt ,
SO by 24 feet , llrst-class business location.
Apply to J , W. Roberts , Albion , Iloouo Co. , Neb ,
421022 *
OR RENT wTacioi well Improvod.noarcfty
good house , barn , cribs , uto. Bclih-slneur
. , Uli S 10th st. JW ) Si
1T10H HENT Good sulo and llverv barn , excel-
J. ' lent location , runt reasonable , Inquire of C.
W.McVlcker , room 2 , llarl > rblk. U75
FOR LEASE Property on cor. of 15th and
Davenport sts. lot , block 67 , Aiiplv at
No. 107 South Hllibt _ _ mst )
ATTENTION , Gardeners-For Rent The best
40 acres for uarden. near Cut-otr Lake
house. J , H. Parrotte Rental Agency , 1(503 ( chl-
coigo , bMSO
T7IOH RENT Large barn cheap nt 1707 Cass st.
IF you want your Houses rented * to coed ,
f prompt tenants , list them with J. H. Par-
rolte Rental Agency , IGOd Chicago , bOO mil )
IF YOU want your houses rented place them
with Ilenawa & Co. , 15th , opposite postotlice.
WANTED Houses to rent , and we can rent
tliSm too. H , U. Cole , N. K. 15th and
Douglas. 203
T ISThouiesforrenfWlthll. K. Cole , N. B ,
JU 11-th and Douslas. as
L. . Rental ogelit , 809 S 16th st ,
-Private homo for ladles during
- - conunomont , strictly confidential. Infanta
adopted. Address K 43. llco office . SOMISt
rpHE demand for shorthand writers Is In ex-
JL cess of the supply. Bhorthand course com
pleted at Valentines Shorthand institute In
irom four to six monthSj end for circular.
PERSONAL List your4tjroporty to cxchnngo
with C. C. SpotswooiKftttH S. loth , st SM
" TRAYED-A ycarllnRTTtUMrf , Jersey. Ro"-
ward for return to c6r d nnd Oak sts.
LLST lllack nnd whlto Scotch torrler wear-
Ing tag No. 2001. answers to name of Fritz.
Tinder jcwardcd. Apply at 1710 Davenport-st.
_ _ roteij
t J TRAYEDOHSTOLEN-KIno . , , . , , gray mare pony ,
O about 7 years old. 700 pounds , ( split , | cars > re
turn to 31th & Cnldwell and get reward. 459 I *
FOUND A garnet brooch pin , on the street ,
Call 1423 8. 6th St. 030 20J
rpAICEN UP-A young colt. Blovfc , soulh of
JL. lloyd's packing houso. _ ootl 10 *
TT10R SALE A family wishing to keen house
Jor to take boarders will Iliul best location
In city and can buy several sets furniture and
complete outllt for kitchen at reasonable flg
urcs. Inqulro nt 1818 Chicago street. D7821
OR SALE-Prcttlest pony In city , dark dun.
with whlto mane and tall , nlso harness nud
buggy , TOO B 10th st. upstnlrs. _ 782 21 *
"inORSALM My Canadian saddle pony. Henry
JJ Pundt. 82220 ?
FOR SALE Largo upper lloor suitable for
light manufacturing , location 118 N luth st.
Price 823 per month. Actlvo Real Estate and
Property Exchange , 1524 Dodge st. _ 037
FOR BALE A good lir > 0 pound boy horse ,
perfectly sale ; and If thohorso don't suit
at $10o , return him , 1001 S. 13th st. G. F. Lyman.
TJTOR SALE-A No. 77 Hall's safe with Inslda
JL ? door. 215 South 13th st. 49J
TnOR SALE Host carriages at Seaman's.
JL. ' Cheapest carriages nt Seaman's ,
Rest phaetons at Seaman's.
Cheapest phaetons at Seaman's.
Itest buggies at Seaman's.
Cheapest buggies at Boanmn's.
Itest w agons at Seaman's.
Cnoap st wagon's at Seaman's.
Most side of 10th St. , north of Nicholas. " *
002 M 17 „
| 7IOH SALE Cheap ; banking counter , Mor-
-L. ' chants' National bank ; Inquire nt bank.
023 201 :
UHNITURE of 3 rooms for light housekoep-
lug for bale cheap ; Inquire 1501 Williams.
Oil 20 *
"T710H SALE First-class horse , buggy and out-
JL ? lit complete. Horse afraid of nothing and
safe for lady. Apply 0 i Fnrnam st. or wrlto G ,
63 , lice olllco. _ OOV-20J
TJ10H SALE Solf-rcgulntliis Incubator , capac-
JL ? Hy 400 eggs. Made o ( oak , panelled ,
moulded and oil Mulshed. Will sell or trade for
a horeo. Can bo scon In operation until May 1st
at 2015 Dodge st. _ 71)9 ) 20J
FOR SALE Korso nnd buggy cheap for cash.
Inquire of P. A.Gavin , room 4Ai. Paxtou
block. 747 19
_ _
T710R SALE 5 work horgex. 1 wagon , 2 buggies ,
JL ? 1 phaeton nnd 2 good driving horses. Co
operative Laud i : Lot Co. ,1503 N. Ifith st. 870 ID
T71URN1TURE of 0-room' ' Ilat for snlo nud Hat
JL ? for rent ; 3 blocks from opera house. Ad ,
dress 0. 43 , lice. * 7H3-21 *
_ _
FOR SALE A Irish setter dog , six mouths
old. Call or address jaUS Davenport st.
_ j _ _ 721 19 *
BARGAIN Match team and top buggy. An
thony Johnson , 1523 Tarnam. 624
0 ARCHITECTS , cngmuers and surveyors
Some llrst-class Instruments for sale cheap ;
second-hand , but lu good 'condition ' : 2 levels , 2
compasses , 1 sextant , 1 plauluieter , 1 theodolite ,
with their stands and cases ; nnd several smaller
Instruments and measuresat Stringer & Co.'s ,
1518 Dodge st. _ J _ B13
OR SALE Large Hall's safe , new. it. A.
Upton & Co. 011-
SALE Two (3) ( ) tabular .steel boilers 60s
4 feot.'wlth smokp. ? tacK , team puages ,
water gunges. otc atltcompleto ; will sell
. Address Fred Krug , Ilrower , Omaha ,
Neb. / 605
_ _
TilOH SALE The furniture , carpets , fixtures
JL ? nnd lease of a pleasantly located , newly
furnished house , near horse and cable cars ,
house heated by steam , furniture , etc. . In use
less than a year ; must bo sold at onco. For par
ticulars apply to II art man & Gibson , 1013 Far
nam st. 497
OH SALE Furniture in house of nine
room&.centrally located. Address , G 10 ,
lleo Olllco.- 657
FOR SALE 3 or 10 horse power engine nnd 12
horse holler In good order. Cheap for cash.
Rccs Printing Co. 747
"I710R SALE Dormant scn.i capacity 3,109
JL ! pounda. Phil. Btlmmel & Co. , 011-91,1 Jones
St. , Omaha. 2CT
T5ARASOLS and Umbrellas covered nnd re-
JL paired nt 122 N. 12th st. 11. llalor. Send
mo postal curd und 1 will call upon you. 954 " 5 *
ATOTICE Is hereby given that I will not bo ro-
-LX sponslble for any debts contracted by Ida
M . Clark , tiho having loft my bed and board ,
march 14th. Melvln Clark. 1)55 ) 21 *
DON'T forget to call and hco mo if you wish
to trndo personal or realty property. H.
K. Ilendee. 117 H. ICth st. 10111) )
Y PASTURE will he open for horses April
20th. David Nealo. b6i SK
TO HEAL Estate Agents All property withdrawn -
drawn from the market. Joseim Illlss.
T710R shade trees , roses nnd ornamental trees
JL1 and all varieties of fruit trees and small
fiuits. call at our dell very ground bet 19th und
20th on 1'arnam. Day ti Cowlos. ; Ffll lit
rpHK banjo taught as on art by Geo. F. Oollen-
JL. bock. OJ Harnoy st. 182
OOOK and waiter Jackets , carpentcis and
barkeepers aprons at the People's Clothing
liouso , lliUl Douglas bt. 7I 1 21
UGH STOCKMAN Hrass and bronze foun-
ilry , work of all kinds. Cor. llth nnd Leav-
tnworth sta , . Umaha , Neb , 45Tim8 *
TJ1UHNITURE1 ! 'urnituro Who wants' house-
JL ? hold furnlturo. good ns new. For cash oren
on time. .1. J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1117 Furiium st. ,
Room 0 and 10. 709-
flASII paid for secondhand books ut the An-
W tlquarlan book store , N , IBth st. C2iJm5 *
TJIIRElnsurnncn , reliable companies. II. E.
J-1 Cole , N. E. IMh and Douglas. 7. 1
WANTED A good horse , bugcrj'and harness
In exchange for South Omaha lots. Gcorgo
J. Sturnsdorlf , room 0 , opp postolllco. 230
DO you Intend to build this spring , if so come
und see us , wo can olTer you the best of In
ducements. II. E , Cole , N E Cor. 15th and Doug-
lias. mottl
MIDWIPE-Mrs. E. Whitou , N. E. cpr. IBth
nnd Dorcas. gn 175 a'i9 *
SITUATIONS bocuri'd.i'alcntlno'sKlioilhand
Institute has placed ill of Its graduates in
good positions. Students can enter at any time.
Bend-tor clrculariU5 Di > d e street , Omulm , Hob.
STOR } gr
STORE your stoves ai Sfurnlturo ' with the
I'tireiuon Purnlturi * To. . 716-17-21 North
IGth street , 470m8
STOHAGE-Havlngren . the largo six story
lire proof building In 10 llorcur block am
prepared to offer the bustv. . . . .vn for storage
of all kinds of goods , f uiumure , pianos , stoves ,
bugglea , tutlors anu moiffianaibe , iftaKoimblu
ratej , receipts given , Inaupuco. It. Robinson '
1112 Ho ward tit. fet 672 mb
rpHAC'ICAQI ! , Btorage , lowest rates. W. M
JllUlimau , 1J11 Leavcnorth. . 120
N'EW YORK Storage Co , Incorporated capi
tal 115,0011 , moat oxtenelve facllltlps for
storagu of furniture , plunod , eta. Warehouse
leceipt given , 150A 1610,1512,1511 Cuj-Rol ave ,
cor 16th. 687
WANTED To purcnaso some centrally lo
cated Inside buslnets property. Couimu-
nlcailon doalrixl from owners only. Address W.
I' , tiniltn , 12201'arnamnt. hUU-2 J
ANTED-A. P. Tukey will buy sqmo coo 1
, . . . . 1st and 2 < Imortgages If well setured. A.
P. Tukey. 1324 Farnam. 63. )
"V\71I.Ij buy furniture of a house or Ilat centrally -
\ trally located. Co-op. L. 4 L. Co , 203 if. l th
MRS. HOOPEH , magnetic healing clatrvoyuut
uud trauco reading , N W cor 20th and.Casa.
A NNA-AM-LANALD , the celebrated n
2\ run Gypiy H n sclentinc pnlml-t ,
known fts havlnR thftlaroest business of any fortuneteller
tune-teller In America , Ladles only. 1(24 ( N 26tn
st. 20th nnd Uaunders cars pass the door.
| 03084 *
"i\t"AP.VM"ECCIjESl Clairvoyant and test med-
JiL lum. Thfl phenomena of the ago. Just
from the principal Pities cast , has taken parlor
rooms for 15 days at 322 N. 16th , Omaha.
Where In her trance state ho accurately ro-
rcals to her many patrons secrets ot tno pane ,
present and future , in loTo , biislness , trouble
nnd dlsoftso. that Is truly wonderful and cer
tainly useful , information sought by mall ulll
rocolvo prompt answer by enclosing 4 cents In
stamp * , and A lock of applicant's hair , Rooml
on 2nd lloor No. 333 N , Iflth , Omaha , Nob.
P1824 *
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical. buMncs * . and test medium. DlngnoMa
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 16th
Bt. , ROOMS 23 , Tol. 044. 203
WANTED To loan J8.000.roal estate security
required. N. M. Nicholson , 2S10 Parker
st , Noith Olnahft. IM0SAJ
B U1LDINU loans. Lluahan & Mahono y. 813
, to loan on city and farm real estate.
Ltnahnnte Mahoney , room 600 , Paxton-blk.
To Loan ny the undersigned , whelms
lms thokonly properly organized loan
agency In Onvana. Loans of $10 to tlOO made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horse * . wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. AH
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid nt any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on line watches nnd diamonds , Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call nnd
seomo. W. It. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell uulldlug ,
15th andjlarnoy. 2:3
T\TONKY to Loan Omaha real estate and
-MJL farms. Mortgages bought. Odoll llros. &
Co. , 3128. ISth Chamber of .Commcrco building ,
. t28J
MONEY to loan , casn on nand , no delay. J ,
W. and K. L. Squire , Itl3 i'arnam st. Par.
ton hotel building. 278
MONEY to loan on real estate , first mortgage
bought ; Inquire of J. 11. Hamilton , 211 B.
13th st. 70S 20'
TI/TONRY / to Ixan I can plneo good first-class
J-'i. city loans on short notlco and at lowest
rates. 1) . V , Shales , room 1 , Ilarkor block.38tl
MONEY nt low rates on good city and farm
property , notes bought. Klmball , Champ
& Uyifn , U. B. Natl bank bid. 450 m2 *
BENAWA & CO. , loan agents , 15th st.t opposite
poatolllco , 8J in 10
LOANS marto on real ostato. Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris over 2A ) a. IMh st. 371
ONKY to loan , nt low rates , on chattels ,
without removal or tiling ; financial busi
ness of all kinds transacted quietly and without
I CAN place large or small loans without delay -
lay ; splendid tales. A. K. Ulley.1510 Farnam.
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commlsHlou charged. Leavltt Uurnham.
room 1 , Crmghton block. 283
rpHK Mead Invostm't Co. make loans on farms
JL and city property. Itoom 20Jltarngo bulld'g.
T OANB made on rial estate and mortgages
JLJ bought Lewis B. Ucod & Co. , 1521 Farnara.
TITONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
J.1X horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , HIT Farnam , over Uurllngtoa ticket offlco.
6 PER CENT money to loan , Patterson * Dar-
naid , 318 S 15th st. 705
MONEY to1 oanon horses , wagons , furnlturo ,
pianos and other personal propel ty or col
lateral without removal ; business confidential ;
rates moderate. The Fulrbank Investment Co. ,
215 B. 14th bt. . upstairs. 285
MONEY to loan oncity property and farms by
Jarvls , Conklin Moitgago Trust Co. L. P.
Hammond , general agent for Neb. , Room 409 ,
new I'axton block. , 110
JOME choice loans wanted. A. K. Rlley.
J 1510 Paruam. 4r 5 m2
MONEY to Loan O.F.Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1605 Farnam st. 273
( 600,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 8
P percent. G. W. Day. S. E. cor. Ex. llld.
_ * J J
ONSY LOANED at C. V. Reed & Co.'s Loan
Otllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar-
tlclei of value without removal , 319 B. 13th ,
overltlngham's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 275
ONEY to loan. Notes ana rt. H. ticket ,
bought and sold. A. Forman , 1320 Fnrnam
sts. 277
HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or
farm property. Room u Continental
block. 270
A. WOODMAN Money to loan onrcaf estate -
tate In sums tb suit. 220 South 13th st.
T OANB made on Omaha city property l > y D.
l-t V. Bholcs. room 1 Horker blk. 2TO
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Rico It Co. , over Commercial Na-
tlonal bank 264
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons ,
etc.without removal ; or on collateral socurr
ity , Ilusinebs confidential. 0 U Jacobs,320 B 16th
MONEY to Loan &M.OOO to loan In sums of
from 8500 to K,60i ) on Omaha and South
Omaha property. Money on hand. Wright to
Lusbury , 215 S. 14th st. , upstairs. 22J
SHORT time loans snauo on any available
socurlty. In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
pronrptly.qulotly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and Har-
ney sts. , over State National bank. Corbett.
manager 274
0. D. Jacobs , 320 B. 16th Ht.
MONEY to loon on lurmture. horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. Low
rates. J.y. . Robblna , 161J Farnam. 2SO
$600.000 to loan at lowest rate of Interest , on
city property. H , II. Iroy , Kronzerblfc , opp.
I.O. 130
T\f EAT market for sale , A full equipped mnr-
J-'J. kct In good locution and doing a good
cash buslnehs. Addruss G 05 llee olllce. UT.I 25 *
BARHER shop for sale cheap , part cash and
part on time ; good reason. 418 S. lilth bt.
015 10 *
TJ10.R BALE Good-paying grocery business ,
JJ good locution , lemilrcjJ fJ.OOO. Addruxs G.
01. lleo oince. 1TO28
Tmoit BALE ! J Interest in llrst clossrc-stau-
J-1 rant , doing good business , Addrtws G 3.
lleo ollli'o. OC226t
FOR HA KE A good-paying restaurant on inth
bt , pilcoftuw. Sickness , reason for Helling ,
Open for a few days only. Investigate this.
Coop. : L. & L. CO. , 2U5 N. 10th-St. 021)10 )
A J4.000 stock o groceries , good location nnd
goml trade , mubt bo sold at once , 'i cash ,
bal good farm land , Address G 65 lleo olllce.
014 ID *
T7lQRSAIiE- good restaurants on good ttreets
A1 and ( lolng ti tin lying- business , Co-oper-
tlvo Land & Lot Co. , 203 N. lUthnt. 87010
T7IOH RALE A good bakery In good location ,
JLJ Co-oiu-rfttivo Land to Lot Co. , 203 N , Ifith st.
870 10
FOHHAIiB or exchange. A now combined
35bbl roller and burr mill with complete
ontnt of modern machinery , doing u good busl-
Iness , with unllmltod water power , on Little
Illue river , lu Thuyer ootinty. Neb , No better
loratlon In the state. Will take good lands or
city property in ( part or entire ) exchange. Ad-
dresH. A. (1. Colllna , Hebron , NebUt2iul2
FOR BALE Klrst class meat market In good
location , Co-operatlvo Lond& Lot Co. , 205
N. Ulth hi. B7U 10
TfJiOR SAf'G Kriilt , cigar , tobacco und confec-
Jtlonery htoro. Co-operatlvo Land to Lot
Co. . 205 N' Iflth Ht. 870 10
FOR BALE-A good brick yard nnd all the ap-
puitanaurcs , albo 303,000 good brick.
Apply Ruu& Walsh , room 8 , Arlington block.
OR 8ALE-Stoi'k of dry goods , notions ,
clothing and f urnlMiing goods , in a good
town. Co-operative Land fcLolCo.,205 .Ifith St.
fcTU 10
TJ10R BALE Hotels In this und neighboring
JL.1 cities. Co-operative Lund to Lot Co. . SJ6 N.
Iflth bt. * * 87010
GROCEHY Stock for sale. Goodl ocallty und
good trade established , lienuwa & Co. , 16th
St. . oppo'lle P , O. 810-18
JH SALE-J.1QOO stock of hardware InOmaha ,
doing good business , rent 160 , Co-operatlvo
Land to Lot Co. . 205 K..1IUU st. tfol li )
/ .OOU ealoon with lease , best locatlonon Par-
VJ namet. , hlcLuens' reason for selling , terms
uo object. Addt eta a. L. Urccu , I'M Furnam bt ,
"lilOR 8ALK Two Rood f ed store * . Co-opcr-
JL1 atlvoL&nd Lot Co. , 206 ti 10th itt.
879 19
TT'QtnTY In Hacre farm nciir Omaha for
JU business or residence property ; will pay
BOUIO cash , Pnrrlah it Flnlay on , B. Omaha.
_ , 655 IP
milE advertiser having had 20 years practical
JL experience in the man't of sulphuric nnd
other acids , fertilizers , baking powders , alkalis
and other chemicals , wishes to correspond with
capitalists with n view of starting such works.
Good profits. Am in n position to glvo the full
est details nnd references. Address G. 19 , Oma
ha Uco. 147
E ESTAtTRANT and fixtures for rent , peed
business , parties going away. Co-oporutlvo
Land A Lot Co. , S03 NV IBth st. b7 19
TI10R SALO-Along term lease of the ( central
J- located ) fancy retail stand. Apply to
Pcaron , Cole * Robertson , 310 B ISth. cor. Far
nam , 457
T710H SALR Two llrst class livery barns. Co-
-1 ? operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st.
T71OR B A LR A Rood paying business. Cigars ,
JL ? stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. .
In first-class location Btock will Invoice about
PJ.MM. Will take olty rotvl estate In exchange.
Enquire nt Max Meyer It Co.'a. 291
To lease One resilience near postodlco , and
buy furnlturo ( all now ) nt a great sacrltlco. For
particulars see L. S. Skinner , 1503 Farnnin. 2a3
BRICK Wanted 100.000 bricks In exchange
for good Inside Omaha property. B. A.
Blomnn , room 22 and 23 Hellman bulg. 027
08x132 , corner 23d nnd Douglas sts , to trade for
an eight to ton-room house and lot , Gco.J ,
Btcrnsdorlf room 0 , opposlto P O. 2JO
10 EXCHANGE A steam food mill with
wagon scales , all In flrst-class order , with
modern Improvements. Room 3 , Darker block ,
76520 *
T HAVE some first mortgage paper to trade for i
JL Omaha or South Omuha property. H. K.
Hoildeo. 117 S. lllthst. Ml 10
HAVE 100 lots In II. & M. Park addition to
South Omaha , frco of Incumbrauce , to
trade for Improved or unimproved Omaha prop
erty , farm lands , stocks of goods , horses , cattle ,
or anything of value. These lots are rapidly
Increasing in value , and If you have anything to
trade call and sao mo. George J. Bternsdorlf ,
room 0 Frenzcr block , opppslto postotlice. 230
fpHADES made in real estate and personal
JL property. Bee exchange book. Co-oii. L.
and L. Co. 205 N. 10th st. 603
WANTED to ExQlmnco-Two lots In II , * M.
park for horse and bugcy. Inquire at S.
A. Blomau , 13th and Farnam , Hollman block ,
[ | 024
WANTED 60 houses and lots to exchange.
C. C. Spotswood. 305M B. Kith St. 838
ANTED Horse , will trndo a now J160 Kim-
bal organ for a good horse ; call on D. M.
Clark nt Pruyn's currlago repository , cor 23d
and Izard , where Instrument can bo seen.
728 SO
-200-000 1)rI ) K for Omaha real PS-
tato. E. A. Loavouworth.1417 Farnam st.
TVTIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . 1605
JJJFarnam strpot Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate examined , par-
focted and Kuarantoed , 2.3
BNSONicCARMICHAEL furnish complete
pjid guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha mid Douglas county upon
short notlco. The most complete sot of abstract
books lu tha city. No. 1519 F.irnam st. 292
South Omaha Ed. Johnson &
Co. , agents South Omaha Land Co. , have
the only complete sot of abstract books In
South Omaliu. Complete abstracts furnUhod
on short notice. Olllco opposlto depot , South
Omaha. 127
TJTOH SALE Or exchange. Wo have some good
JL- Omaha real estate and N obraska farms ;
which wo w 111 sell cheap or trade for stock of
clothing , furnishing goods.dry goods , boots und
shoes , groceries or hardware. Schlesmger IJros.
014 S ICth st. TOOnilS *
FOR SALfl At a bargain for n few days , a 7-
room house on Walnut Hill , for il.tuO.
Small payment , down , balnuco 6 years at 8 per
cent , will trade for good farm In Iowa.
Have 320 acres of good farm land for trade for
Omaha lots. Inqulro of E. Merrill , contractor ,
cor Urowiiter ave and Elk sts. 924 22 *
T71OR SALE HOUBO (8 ( rooms ) nnd lot on 20th
JL ? St. . $ J,250. 81.000 cash.
Houbo tO rooms ) and lot on 21st st , , 82,800 , $1,000
Corner lot on 23d st. , $1,000.
67-foot lot on 22nd St. , ? 1JOO. (
U. W. Huntress. 1417 Farnam st. Oil 21 *
T71OH SALE-Lot lOblock 2 J. 1. Redlck. on
J3 easy terms. II. 1C. Hendeo , 117 8 Ifith . "
' \\7HO , wants u good 160-acro timber-claim reT -
T > llnqulshment within 4 miles of Cum-
mingsvllli , Wheeler county ? Cheap , only $250.
Adjoining deeded laud Is worth SlOperncio.
Address Jei-so White , Jr , , Mentorvllle , Neb.
WHY pay rent when you can buy a lot and
new house in South Omaha for J150 cash
balance monthly. 1) . D. Smouton , loom 43 Dar
ker block. b02-22
will buy a house and lot in South
Omaha with a small cash payment ,
balance monthly. 1) . D. Smoatou , llarker block ,
801 22
TCTOR BALE Flvo room house nnd lot 60x150 ,
JL ? price J2.000 , rash iM ) . balance In paymentw ,
f20 per mouth. P. A. Guviu , rooiu43.J. I'axton
block. 747 19
TTIOH BALE At less than cost : Nine nlco.
JL ? neat cottages , well built , elegant lots In
elegant location , high nnd dry , and only short
distance rrom Ilelt line depot lu Walnut Hill ,
from } 900 to $1,100. U cash , balance ? 10 pur
These houses are being closed out regardless
of cost and you cannot got another such a bar
gain In a hundred yearn. Call quick on I ) . Y.
Bholes , room 1 , Darker block. 725
T OT15 and 10 , block 3 , Thornberc place , will
JJ be sold during next 10 days , very chciip.nnd
only * 2vO cabh on the two lots , F. L. Gregory ,
3U9 S ICth St. Cl7 <
OR SALE One lot nud 2 cottages nnd htablo ,
well and 2 cisterns , on B. U. Cor. llth and
Vlnton ; price 9't 000 cash , 029
T L RICE XCO. . . Real Estate. 23i
FOR SALE Istmortgage , $375. Well secured
by Improved outside property , liberal dis
count. Address box 4M , city , Uf2 ; 18
T L. RICE & , CO. , Real Kjtata. 204
FOR SALE A line residence lot on Parnnm
bt. , 08xit2 ; ( l ut a bargain. Klmbull , Champ
& Ryan , U. B. Natl bank bid , 4Um2 *
T L. RICE ACO. . , Real Kstate. 231
TJ10H BALE-Howloy House , North Plattc ,
J-1 Neb. Will take part cash and balance in
good cattle , Address John ll wloy. North
I'littte. *
T L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 201
POR BALE 9-room modern house , 60 feet of
ground , near IBth and Ht , Mary's avo.i for
S7.000party anxious to sell , G , E. Thompson ,
314 S. 16th St. bi4
T L. RICE Hi CO. , Rual Estate. 234
FOR BALE or Tr.ido Tarnam bt. . near 33th ,
incumbranco t.UW. Equity 4J.UOO.
Furnam St. . cor3lst , IWxW.
Tiackago. 13th st. near Grace. 03x111.
oCumlnest , . oor 31st , 49,03x140 immmbranco
"N. IGthat. , near Nicholas , 61x104 , Incumbr.inco
Sau'ndera St. , cdr. Hurt , 109x51ilucuinbranco
Park ave. facing part , 60x150 , Incumbranco
fi&SO ,
Douglas it , near COth , CBxlK , Incumbranco
2Jlolsln n. &M. ParKadd to Houth Omaha ,
clear of Inuumbrance , perfect title.
y quarter sections of school Untl in ICosauth
Co. , lowu ,
1 quarter section land In Grnndy Co. , Nob. ,
clear , ,
A11 of above property for sale or traiia for
good inside improved property or good Im
proved or unimproved farm * . 8. A , Blomau ,
rooms 22 and 2J , Hellman bids , 1331 Fa mum St. ,
Omabu , Neb. blJ
TJ10R TRADU-2 lots In Windsor terrace for
JL ? good laml , mortgage pupcr or lump and bug-
K ) ' . D. V , Bholes. room 1 , llurKer block. ! l
lilOH SALE or exchange New 8 room houhe ,
JL ? nil modern Improvement * , barn , etc. , tuiull
cash payment und terms lo suit.
Will tuke equity In good lot as part payment.
F. It. Gregory , Wt H lUth st. itw
rnwo good houses , well located , for 2,700 oiul
JL. W.1W , onoany payment * . J. A , IleUtuqd ,
room 0 , Arlington fliook. 293
ROOM cottage , eaat front , full lot , nth und
llurdette Bts.only il..W. D. U. Putteriiun ,
Omaha Nat , llanV. t&
OR BALK or trudo-lMiids and town property -
erty In Nebraska , KansasColor.vdo uud other
ptateujwaut merch&udUe. cattle and her eg teen-
era ! exchange UudlneM transacted ; corniapond-
ence sollcltea. T. A. KngllaU , & . Co. , YurL. Neb.
hMi TRlWl.T.n w y htl YHJOUof HOIIT ,
HIND .nd Kf ANnoon.caurtng cxhantttnn
drMni upon the FOUNTAINn of 1,1 FK ,
nrwim" , WEAHNRNN of Memory. 11AH1I.
the FACE , and all the EFFEOTN Icftdlnrta
KAHI.T ItKUATnnd p lhnM < : ONNtim .
Tioif or INN AN ITY. abould contnlt at once
tha CKI.KimVTF.U Dr. antkr , Kotablliihod
1W.1. Dr. CUtkA has made HF.RTOUN PK.
nutTY , vilRONIfl and all Dlicuci of
the OENITO VKINAHY Orcnni n Life
Btttdy. It tnokM If O rtim-ronc * WHAT you
& * vo taken or WHO hu failed to cure you.
. -rKMAKF.fiurrerlnKrroradteaieipeca
liar to th lr t x can consult with the tnurance
ttt ipeedy relltf and cure. Send 2 centi poatag *
for wotkt on your dlieaict.
nBeo& i cent * tx U ) ( for ColcbrntftJ
Worhn on Ctironlr. Ncryonn and Doll-
ento Dlfcuci. ConiulUtlon , pononallr or by
letter , fr o. Coniult the old I > ortor.
Thonnnndi enrod. omotonnd nnrlnra
private.Thoo oontomplMlne M rrlogo
Mnd for Dr. Clnrko' * celebrated guldo
Mnlo and Frtnnle. each 15c. , both 75c.
( itamm ) . Baforo connrtlne jour cue , consult
Dr. CLAllKR. A friendtr loiter or CAll m y
MTB future uUotlng .nd ihnmo , and add rolden
yean to life.Book " Mrn'a ( Secret ) F.r
roro , " Wo. ( stamp * ) . Medicine and writing *
sent evtrrwhtro , Bccure from e | o nro.
Itourt,8 to8 ; Hundnys , 9 tola. Addresi ,
P. t ) . OIiABKlD , M. D.
180 So. Olorfc SU OHIOAGQ. ILLs
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
HpectaolM Accurately Prescribed.
n * . J. aA.Lnn.uTn ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
Offlce N. W Corner Hth and DouKlai Ht. Offlco
telephone , 403 ; UuaUlenco telephone , M3.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
Running between Council HlufTs and Albright.
In addition to the stations mcntlouud , trains
htoint Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streets ,
nud at the Summit In Omaha.
Leave. Arrive.
A No. H 4:00p. : in. D No. 1. . , , , .10:60 : a.m.
I No,2 fiill ) p , m , A No , 13 , . . .11:30 a. m.
O No. U : ! iOa.m. 0 No. 6 11:03 : p.m.
A No , 4. . . . 0ID ; 11,111 , A No. U TiOt/ ,
A 9:40a : , in. A No,3 , .0:15a.m. :
A No,8 4Up. ; ( 111. A No,7,11:30B.m.
A No. 4 iJitSp , m. A No. 6 , 7:00 : p..m ,
A No. 2 . , , , , 0:21a. : m.lA No,3 0:356. : in.
A No.4 | No , 1 , Q3Jp.m ; ,
A No. 10 , , , , ,7:0.18.m.lA : No,0 . . , , , .8:650m : ,
A No , 12 7:00p : , III.IA No , ll. , . . . . ; 00p. tu.
A No. 8 3:40p.m.A : | No.7 lI p.W
Leave Council Dlutf * Transfer Chicago M
OMOa , in. and 0:40 : p. in. ; Chicago Local ,
a.m. ; Kansas City Express , PS5a ; , in. ttnd
p. in.
AtTiv Council Illnlfa Transfer Chicago II
0:40 : u , m. ami 1.tiv > . in.sCUlcttifo Local , W
u. m.j UausaiClty Express , G-Mn. la.uadS
p. in.
AdallyjJI dally except Sat. ; 0 dally except
tuu. : D went f *