THE OMAHA DAILY BKK : PRIDAY , APKH. . 20 , 1888. A PISTOL ENDED HIS LIFE , The Tragic Outcome of o Lincoln Man's Dlsoipatlon. MORE TIME FORTHE BURLINGTON Granted Until the I3nd of the Month to Prepare Argument * AChlld Badly Burrtcd Stnto . House nnd City. LINCOLN Ucniuu OF TUB OMAHA BEE , ) 1028 P SrniiRT , > LINCOLN , April 19. j At 0 n , m. to-tiny parties crosilng the railroad yards near the Missouri 1'nciltc bridge , No. 41 , wore surprised to find the dead body of u man lying by the roadway. Coroner Shoemaker wag at once notified and ho proceeded to the place and conveyed the remains to the undertakers. The dead man VtM ooh identified as Willl m JlCottlo and a Lolo In his forehead over the right cyo , tlio blackened and burned flesh surrounding It , nnd the llmlIng ol a revolver near the dead man all told the unmlstnttublo fact that It was a suicide , inquiry shows that Kettle - tlo was a man of some thirty years of nge. When found the body was rigid but a 'watch lie wore was running und this with a pint flask of whhkay and n worn memoranda book were nil the effects upon his person. Kottlc , as the memoranda book revealed , was r natlvo of Chemnitz , Saxony. About a week ago ho was charged from his work as B. & M. flagman at the Union I'aclllo crossing , for drunkenness. A day or two after when drunk ho was robbed of some WO In cash. Since that time ho has done nothing nnd it Is stated that ho was not ntilo to do heavy work. Among his memoranda was nn order to lot his effects bo given to a woman with Whom ho was acquainted. noAnn OK THANSPOIVTATION. The state board of transportation hold Its regular meeting yesterday with the secre taries nnd all mcinbcra of the board present. The rehearing of the .case brought by the Lincoln lumber dealers , ns nskcd for by Manager Holdrcgo , of the B. fc M. , was discussed , Messrs. Laws , Babcock nnd Scott voting to glvo the rend to tlio 27th to formu late their reasons for n rehearing , nnd Messrs. Willnrd and Lccso voting no. In the matter of the complaint of parties nt the town of Henrtwcll asking that the board require the B , M. to stop its fust trains nt that point , the board ordered a reply sent to tlio complainants that they could , not see liow the general public would bo bcnollUcd by such nn order. Attorney General Lceso asked why n re port was not made by the secretaries on the Investigation of the character of the men employed by the B. & M. as engineers and the ability of the road to safely accommodate the public. A majority of the board who have thus far suppressed the facts nsrcr- talnod had nothing to say und no report was forthcoming. A. communication was read from the rail road commission ofMInncsotnandwithitwas n copy of a bill introduced in congress by Jlcpresentativo Nelson , of that stato. The communication nskcd that the Nebraska board of transportation send a memorial to the Nebraska delegation nt Washington urg ing them to support and urge the passage of the bill. The tncasurb is ono that Is of di rect interest to Nebraska , for it docs away with the oft repeated claim of the Union Pa cific and other transcontinental roads char tered by the general government , that they are beyond state control. Judge Mason wus instructed to draft nnd forward letters urg ing the passage of the measure. The bill en tire is ns follows : JJo It enacted by the senate nnd house of rep resentatives of the United States. That where any railroad company , hereto fore chartered or incorporated by act of con press , has built or constructed and operates , or shall build , construct or operate a railroad through , across or into the territorial limits of any Btato or territory of the United States , the tolls , rates and fares made or charged for the transportation of property and passen gers over or upon such road or roods for tralllo within the limits of n state or territory , nnd the trafllc and schedules thereof shall bo subject to the legislative control of and by the several states and territories , through ncross or into whjch said road or roads are constructed built or operated , anything in the tlinrter of , or acts of congress creating such companies or company or any law of any Btato or territorial legislature enacted in pur- tuancoof such charter or act of incorporation lo the contrary notwithstanding. Section 1. That section ono of this act shall bo limited in its operation , and shall appl > pnly to the carriage and transportation by B.uch company or companies , of passengers nnd property wholly by railroads , or partly by railroad und partly by water , ( when both nro used under n common management , con trol or arrangement ) , from ono place or sta tion , both bo ing within the territorial limits of ono and thu same state or territory , am shall In no case apply to any commerce be twecn the states , territories , or into foreign countries. HADLT IH'ItXKD. At noon yesterday an alarm of fire wa eont in from Sixteenth and M , where a sinal house occupied by Anthony Cooper and farn lly was on lire. The department nuieklj smothered it , but a little child of tbo family three years of age , was seriously burned about the fuco and arms nnd thn burjis may result fatally. The child wus playing will matches in n shed adjoining the house when shavings woioplcntitul. When the llro was discovered In the shed the Bcreams of the child showed it was in tha burning room am J.ho injuries wore received before it could bo rescued. TIIIEU IT OXCn TOO OFTEN. Two years ago n stranger entered the Jewelry olry house of J. B. Trlekoy & Co , , stated ho wanted to open n jewelry store at Columbus nnd bargained for n lot of goods , Ho departed - parted , saying ha would return , pay for tlio goods and take them , but he returned no and the ilrm soon found that hu hud pockotct spoons and other valuables und sold them a a pawn shop. To-day ho again cnteret the store , this time saying ho mis going tt Btart a store nt Crete. Ho was nrrestod atu taken before Justice Snclling on n charge o stealing (43 in silverware , and r.ot having bull , he was taken to Jail pending his hearlni to-day. Ho has many different names uiu his true ono is unknown. HTATII IIOU8U NOTES. Secretary Ager , of the board of transporta tlon , departed to-day for Wisconsin , Stnto Superintendent Luna Is receiving r 2irgo lot of text books for the library o School , text bookb that he will keep at his of JBce.Tho The Liberty of Now York. Long Island o Now York and South British of England lira Insurance companies have applied for ud mission to transact business in Nebraska. Otis A. Williams , of Ncllgh , Antelop county ; John W , Israelson , Snyonvlllo , Clay county ; William L'\ Lucas , Crelghton ; Knox county ; J. W. Woods , Hnsthrgs , Adams county , wure cauiml&sloucd notaries public yestciday , CITV ITEMS. Judge Dumly was In tha city two days this week cloning up some minor matters in United States court. The measles nro pruv.illlng at the Homo lor the Friendless. Mr. J.J. Urnko , the manager of the News company work on the B , & O. lines , was quietly married In this city Wednesday evening to Mist Jauno , of Memphis , Tonu , The Catholics of this city Imvo commenced Improvements on their church building hero that will nearly double their seating capac ity , Fifteen thousand dollars \vill bo ox. pendod iu the now improvement * . The school census Just taken in the city ihovva about eight thousand seven hundred children of t > ehoal ago a considerable In crease from the census of a year ago , At the last meeting of tha board of education the citizens of sou thud st Lincoln as'.ied that arrangements be made to erect a school buildlni ; ai that tujtiou of. the city the pres ent j ear. The three uniform dlvlslonsof the ! Knights of Pythias wcro out In force to-day headed b ) Apollo band. The occasion was the burial of their brother Knight , J , J , Davis. The funeral service * took place nt the resldeneo of his brother , the Knigjit * cvcortlnp tlio remains to the cemetery und conducting thu ceremonies. Those who take Dr. Jones' Red Clever Tonlo never bnve dyspepsia , roslivi- IIOSB , bad breath , pile * , pimples , itjtuo aud nmluriu , poor appetite , low spirits , headache or kidney troubles. i'l-ico 0 ceuU. poixas or TUB COURTS. District Court. HRFOHB jfnor. DOAN'C. Judge Doano had a lively time yetterday morning in the case of Paulson vs. Phlllim. The case was on motion of plaintiff dismissed tit his cost. In the litigation ofJosiahW. Kogors vs , Oeorgo Sample ct nl. the motion of defendant to dlwnlia for want of prosecu tion was overruled. lit the matter of the petition of John Ji Curtis , mentioned below. nn order to show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted was made. SUITS rn.Ri ) . Ed. O. Gundy yesterday filed b suit against J. L. Watson for f 10,000 damages sustained by reason of defendant calling htm. In the presence of several witnesses , n thief and a pimp. IUCKUK VS. LKTVIS INVK8TMHNT COMPANT. Ilobert O. Backus files n petition In which ho avers that the dofcntnnts did , about Jan uary 2 J , 18S7 , ngrco to lend him | ,000 In se curity for which ho was to give n mortgage deed upon certain lands In Douglas county , together with certain promissory notes , which ho made and delivered , and that the defendant retained and has refused to pay him $3,137 of the said sum , although often requested to do so. Therefore , plaintiff asks that said deed and notes bo cancelled as to the money olleVcd to bo still duo , or that ho may obtain Judgement for the amount and whatever costs may accrue. Notice of the suit wus also filed with the registrar of deeds. JONSON vs. Samuel H. Johnson deposits a petition with the district clerk ngalnst A. L. Young , which ho nvcrs that on the 22d day nf March , 18SS , ono E. II. Corhctt loaned $055 to defendant - ant until April 1 , with Interest nt 10 percent per annum until paid and n sum equal to 15 per cent of amount duons liquidated damages and $15 duo ns attorney's fees If action wcro brought and that said note has been trans ferred to plaintiff and Is still duo nnd unpaid , wherefore the plaintiff asks Judgment for entire amount , f037. 70 , nnd for costs of action. wsiucs : TO snu , . John.T. Curtis , guardian of Harriet E. Curtis , his wife who is now in the asylum for insane , at Danville , Pcnn. , hopelessly insane , asks permission to sell certain property purchased - chased by him nnd convoyed to her , she being of unsound mind at the timo. 1 > UB ON A CONTHACT. The Goncsoo Vnlloy Manufacturing com pany , of Mount Morris. N. Y. , want n Judg ment against Francis E. Cooper in the sum of 41,470.11 , with interest added , the same being the balance duo on n contract engaged ' . between the respective parties. The supreme court has Issued n super- ccduor to the district court commanding that further action In the case of Berghoff , con victed of obtaining goods under false pre tenses nnd sentenced to four years In the l enitontlary , bo postponed pending an ap plication for n now trial. DAMON VS THE CITr. Judge Wnltoloy yesterday listened to testi mony presented by Samuel O. Damon -to make his injunction against the city from fillIng - Ing up streets In the neighborhood nf the Eleventh street viaduct permanent Ho claims that if the proposed improvements are made it will damage him to the extent of (15,000. MUST PAT THEIR TAXK3. Judge Wakeloy yesterday decided that C. W. Hamilton nnd A. E. Tusendalo must pay their share of taxes for the grading of West Dodge street. 2XCB1TIOKS TO AN ASSESSMENT. Alzlua Swobo , in her petition filed yester day , sets forth that an excessive assessment has been levied on her property through the opening of Twenty-ninth avenue , McCor- mlck's ' addition , and she asks the court to dismiss a Hen hold by the city against her property in the sum of $1,093 as her share of assessment for the opening of the street. III ! mSSr.HTEO ELIZABETH. Elizabeth Whitehead wants n divorce from her nusband , Henry B , , on the grounds of desertion. They were married at La Mars , In. , on July 30 , 1885 , but in December of the same year Henry took hla departure and has lived apart from bis wifa since then. County Court. TWO JUDGMENTS. Two Judgments against C. S. Higgins ot al , \vero rendered by Judge Shields yesterday ono in favor of Kelly , plaintiff , for f the other in favor of Kinger for $23. A 1)10 ClOAll HIM , . Hauer Bro.'s & Reinoehl , of Lebanon , Pa. , complained to Judge Shields yesterday that llauser & Woodland nro'indebtcd to them in the sum of &JSO for cigars , for which amount they ask Judgment. KtiEl'S AW.VY FI10M Tnn LANDI.OIID. K. M. Birkhauser is trying hard , but un successfully , to serve a summons on Mrs. M. Bittingor , who owes him $05 for rent , ami yesterday ho appealed to Judge Shields for an attachment. A1TL1CATION AS EXECUTRIX. Christina Wagner yesterday applied to Judgu Shields to bo appointed executrix of her deceased husband's estate. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINB OINTMENT is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , nnd all skin erup tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 23 cents per box by mall 30 cents. Union Labor Stnto Convention. The state convention of the union labor party of Nebaaska is called to moot at Lin coln on Wednesday , May 2 , 1SS3 , in Fitz gerald hall , at 10 o'clonk n. in. , to elect eight delegates to the national convention , ( which meets at Cincinnati May 15 , for the purpose of nominating a presidential ticket ) to make nrrangcmeuts to organize the state , and If thought advisable , to nominate a state ticket. Eminent * > peakcrs arc expected to bo present , among whom is JCBSO Harper , ol Illinois , nnd Prof. Vincent , of Kansas. It is requested that each county raise n sum , fron $ . " ) to $10 , nnd send with its delegation , to pay hall rent , s.pcakors > , etc. Each county la en titled to delegates as follows : Adams 10'Johnson Antelope ( Kearney n Bliiino SICbynPfthii 4 Brown ( > Keith. ' ' ' Box Butte 2 Knox , ] , . ( Hoone G Lancaster 1' ' Buffalo lOjI.incoln ( Butler SLogan | Hurt OLnup. . . Cass 14 Madison , Cedar 0 Mnrrick Clmso 4" Cherry 4 N'cmalia. . . , ( Cheyenne Nuckolla 1 Clay SOtoo Col fas. Pawnea. Cumins SPholp.1 Custor jn'Picrro ' Dakota r/Platto 10 Dawcs < ! Polk. Dixon. Perkins , Dodpo 12 Hichardson 1 Douglas BOiRed Willow. . . . b Dawson ( ISallno 1' ' Dumly iSarpy Fillinoro. . . . . . . . . fi.Saundors 1 Furims (1 ( Howard Franklin 5 Sheridan i Frontier t. . . . 8 Sherman (3ngw 15 Sioux , , Gospor -1 StanUm G rottloy , 4 Thaycr Gurllclii U Thomas ! Hall , , . 10 Valley. Hamilton S Washington , Harlon (5 ( Wayne Hayes , . 8 Webster. . . . , Hitchcock 5 Wheeler. . . . , Holt U Yovlt Howard 0 JutTerson 8 Total 55 In addition to the above oarh local assom hly of Knights of Labor , each Grange , cnol Furmoro' Allaiicoandevery ! other industria organization in Uio state is requested to f-eni ono delegate. All who Indorse the platform adopted In Cincinnati , February 2a , 1687 are lequcAted to uirct in their rcspectlvi counties' as early as the 2th of April to elcu delegates. In counties which are not organ izsd , anyone i.i authorized to driw up a cat and circulate it , calling for n mass couvcn tion of thoi'a who ire tired of being roubO'l ' tired of knowing that the money of the people plo is being taken from them and piled up in the vaults at Washington until they urn actu ally bursting and thu people are suffering for tha necessaries of life which this mono } might buy , were it ( n circulation , and tlrer of seeing every male child bom with u thous and dollarh in bonds plastered * on his back and ult whu arc anxious to hand down to pos tonty a government of , for and by the pep I'Je. M. II. ai i/niY , Sec , State C. C. , Arlington , Neb , I D. ClIAMllEIIt.llV , Chairman , btrouisburg , N Infhmons Resolutions. The prominence given by the locnl ircss to the 8o-calcd ) resolutions pur- lorting to have been adopted by the ) innhn Control Labor Union impels mo o make a slixtomonl ever my own name vith regard to the construction of the 3EK building , Before doinp so I brand hose resolutions ns a tissue of malicious alsohoods unworthy of any honorable or decent member of the building craft. Whoever the Central Labor Union maybe bo , the parties who < have given publi city to these slanders are not reputable mechanics , but hirelings or designing > olitlcal and personal enemies. I need > nly cite four of the eight sections of , hcso Infamous resolutions to convict ho authors thereof ns unmitigated liars nnd scoundrels : Whereas , The Central Labor Union , com- irlslng tno federated trades of Omaha * vlow vith shame and humiliation the actions of a man , who professes outwardly nnd through ho medium of n great Journal his friendship for worktngmon , nnd , " Whereas , Through , ho medium of his Jour- ml ho has presumed to teach us that organ- zed labor should bo encouraged nnd fos tered , nnd , Whereas , The only Job now being erected n Oinnhn where carpenters are compelled to work more hours per day than other contractors demand , being the one which the aforesaid Journalist Is himself erecting , nnd , Whereas , Ho has nnd still refuses to accept union labor on the brick woric of said bulld- ng. nnd by so doing allows it to bo erected by "scnb'Mabor. Tills is n dead give-away on its face. The BKH bulldlnn is to bo a strictly Ire-proof structure. Up to this day not a foot of lumber has been used , and not a single carpenter is at work on the juiltlinp , nor lias there ever been a car- Bonier on the building , nnd no contract las yet boon made for the carpenter work , which will bo necessary in flnish- .ng. This ought to dispose , oiToctivoly , of the malicious charge that the car- pouters employed on the 13iK building ire compelled to work longer houra for loss pay than any others. It is a downright falsehood that I have refused , or "still refuse to accept union labor on the brick-work of said building. " I have never employed a single mechanic , bricklayer , stono- cttttor , iron-moldor or hod-carrier at work on the building , for the very best of reasons , namely , that the granite work Is being done under contract with Jackman & Sher man of Chicago , who are to furnish the granite and place it in the walls 'for a fixed sum of money under a contract made last September ; that the brick work in said building Is being done under contracts made in September and December , 1837 , with John P. Coots , and the iron work is being done by Paxton & Viorllng , under a contract made last October. "Tl have no control whatever ever men employed by these contractors nor can I interfere with them without laying the BEK Publish ing Company liable to damage suits for breach of contract. "While I should pre fer to see union men employed by Mr. Coots , and have repeatedly told him so , and urged arbitration with the union bricklayers , I can only hold him re sponsible as contractor for the work he does. I certainly derive no benefit from Inferior work , if any such is done. When Mr. Coots commenced to erect the walls with non-union bricklayers , a committee of the bricklayers' union called on mo and warned mo against in ferior work. I told thorn I was not a competent judge of brickwork , but would at once send for Mr. Boman , the architect. I telegraphed Boman the same day. Ho was sick at the time , but reached Omaha within four days there after. The committee of bricklayers asked that 1 should employ a superin tendent , but expressed preference for a non-resident who would show no partial ity to the contractor. On my request Mr. Boman engaged as superintendent Mr. J , S. Baker , of Milwaukee , who had boon the superintendent of the North western Mutual Life insurance com pany's building in that city , planned by Mr. Beman. Mr. Baker has boon hero since lost week Friday and receives $200 per month for supervising the work. Does this show treachery and want of faith on my part ? Can reasonable and fnirminded workingmen ask any more ? A few after the ' days bricklayers' com mittee had called I was Invited to go be fore the executive committee of the Knights of Labor to explain the situa tion. I did BO , to their apparent satis faction , by not only answering all their inquiries , but also by placing in their mnds the contracts with Mr. Coots to show that I was powerless to interfere willl the employment of non-union men on the BEK building. In vlow of these faots I submit to an unprejudiced public whether there is any ground whatever for the "roasting" which my Omaha would-be rivals have taken delight in administering to me ever the shoulders of organized labor. If there ever was anything more con- torn ptiblo and villainous , both on the part of the bolf-con&tituted mouthpieces ot organized labor und rival editor * and publishers , I do.not remember to'lmvo SQOll it. K. llOSKWATKIt. Its superior excellence proven in millions ol homes for moro than a quarter of u century , II Is u ed by HID United SUtes Government , Hn clorsed by th * liradu of the xrcat uulvuislttea as thfl btrontcsr , purest and most healthful. Ir I'rlco's Cream ul.1ng Powder Uoca not contain ammonia , lima or uluin. Kald only In rnua. I'HIIK IIAKINO I'OWDKlt CO. , New YorUChicago. . St. IxmU. BfiOTIhUout anil return wlt'bSSo. caiBor" > fatnii | , Iwupoo rcculptof whicli we will tend , prepaid , to JJ ny udilrou. duo Oua Dollar ii ok g "l dca Klimnules , " the rc lc l blood and tjirlng moJl- gciuron eartli. C.u 4 jnUl April a ) . ' ' ' fine AKt'nr > . ICanaiu. Ciiy , .Mo. MJOSlfDO - , 1one lecH ' NATURES WARNING' ACHES / THROUGH / ' 'JWE3Y5TEM 3P6 ' CALIFORNIA ! THE LAND OP DISCOVERIES. SANTA : ABIE : AND ; CAT-R-GURE For Sale by Goodman Drug Co. NEff'/ES ! NERVES ! r What terrible visions this little word brings before the eyes of the nervous. Headache , Neuralgia , Indigestion , Sleeplessness , Nervous Prostration. All stare then in the face. Yet all these nervous troubles can be cared by using For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TON/0 Also contains the belt p-medics for diseased con * dltiosa of the Kidneys , Liver , and Ulood , which always accompany nerve troubles. It is a Nerve Tonic , an Alterative.a Laxative , and a Diuretic. That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. a Bottle. Send for full particular * WELLS , RICHARDSON& CO. . Proprietors , BURLINGTON , VT. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpIIK SCIENCE OF LIFE , the * great Jl&llcal Work of the ag on JIanbood , NcrvdXis nnd < Physical Debility , Premature ' Decline , Krror of Youth , end the untold mUcrlticonsefruenf thcreonj SCO pages 8vo , 123 prescriptions for oil dU < Cloth , full gilt , onlj tU , , . . „ . . . . mall , scaled. Illustrative gam plo free to all young end middle aged men. Send now. The Gold nnd Jewelled Medal awordedifl Uioj author by the Na tional tlctllcal Awoclntloiu A VroBS P. O , box J8M , Dottou , Mnse. , or Dr. VT. n/l IlKCt , grad uateot Harvard Medical Ooilcge.ayears'practlce In Ilostou , v/lio niay bo cdiuultcd conQdcutlally tjjieclalty , Diseases of ilau , Qfllco Ho. 4 L'ulflucU st. 21.829,850 Tansjll's ' Punch Cigars warn shipped dnrina the past two yean , without a drum mer ui.our employ. No other liouio ( n the world eau truth' 'ally tnako ouch n. ehowlus. One. acent ( dealer only ) wonted tu each town. BOLD BY tunrna ORUCCISTS. . R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 StateSLChlcaoo. vr * ocnUuy r you * U as t LBAWD to U aid CUtt. W. tn e sold emiMtt able , sndla crtry cue t | bslgtisa ssUUscilca. Aliett & Files 1.00 , , one In ti world ir n rsU > 2 continuous ' KtttlrioJt ttngiutu 'currfl. Bole : - iftT'W1 ro. BUmp fo JJKLTU ronBlH UviNioa. 101 WAMSJI AVIV WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of thtUcdvcaUrftd and sttsontUencd. full rirtlcn- Isrs seat mlelfrce. EUIB KEU. < ) O. , VarrtLo. N , Y. SUFFERERS rEflMHERVOUSMESS ro'r : ruult ol evtc-Vark. tAdUctctUa , U. , * 4trci > atTi > GREAT MISTAKE , Some men think that because they pay high prices for clothing , they got a better article thau wo sell for half th6 money , This is a mistake. To many customers who visit our store for the first time , it is a revelation that they can buy just as fine goods of us aud just as well made as any custom tailor will turn out , and the fact that our prices are from 30 to 50 po cent cheaper than other houses is also a revelation. The remarkable bargains wo offer this season have never been approached by any house. In spring suits wo are opening every * day now lots. All the latest styles are represented in our stock. The now Prince Albert suit in fine corkscrew -and cassimerq , of different and beautiful shades and at prices almost one half what other establishments offer. The most astonishing value over given in a spring suit is offered this week is our new $7 cheviot sack suit. This is made of a splendid all wool cheviot , an elegant color , lined with. Cue serge , gcod trimmings aud well made. Now , any house will show a seven dollar suit , but we positively assert that no one will show anything to compare with the quality we offer in , this suit for less than $12 , and wo ask but $7 for it. Oirr , Spring Overcoats are on the wane ; of the finest grades are but a few loft , and wo have ma'rked them down to close them out. Of our $6 overcoats wo still have a fair assort , ment. This is the biggest thing over shown in the way of an overcoat and everybody who has bought one acknowledges that it is as good a garment as is shown anywhere for $12. In our hat department we offer this week 25 dozen fine light colored derbys , satin lined silk band and bind ing , goat sweat leather at $1. If you are asked $2 or $2.5Q for the same hat you would not hesitate to pay it. One Price Only. No Deviation. Corner i4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha , TI1K- i ) UllUill LllIM OF TIIK Milwaukee & St ' , , Paul R'y , The Best Itouto from Omaha and Council Bluffs to - = = THE EAST = = - T\VO TRAINS DAILY DKTWEUN OMAIIA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , HI. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Ilapids , Kock Island , Freeport , Kockford , Clinton , Dnlnique , Dausnport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Dciolt , Wiuonn , La Crosse , Anil all other Important points East , Nort'jonit and Southeast. For through on the ticket agent at 1MI Karnnm street. In Barker Ulock , or at Union racing Depot. 1'iillman Sleepers and the finest Dlnhie Cars In tha vrorlil are run un the main line of the Chlciwo , Mil vraukea & , St. 1'aul Hallway , aud ovorr attention a jtaltl to pumiiKcn by courteous employes ot tuo company. K. MIU.KH. ( loncral Manager. J. K TUCKUII. AnKl.'tnnt Gvnornl Mdnnucr. A. V. K. CAIUUSNTKK , lienoru ! 1'asscnffor anl TlrkPt AEt'nt. OKO. K. HKAFFOnD , Assistant General nnd Ticket Acont. J. T. CLAIIK Uunvrul Superintendent. THE CHICAGO AND The only mad to take fir DPS Molno. , Marslitltnwn tVdar Uunltln. Clinton , Dlxon , Clileaio. illlwaukeu Kwl all points Hint. To tlio peopluof Nubniskn.Colo- nulo , Wyoming. Utuh , Idiilio , NcradaOration , Wnsh- ItiKUm und California , It offer * superior advantage * not | ii ( 5lbli ty any other Una. Antony n few of tlio numerous points of superiority cnjoyol by the patrons of thin road between Umulm nnd Chicago , nro Its two trains u day of DAV COACIIKf , whlcli "ro thu finest Hint human Kit ami InKtnnltrcancreato. ItsI'ALACUtiljKKl'lNU CAHS , which are models of comfnrt und elegance. Its I'All * I.OH IHIAWINU 1KOM ( JAIIS , nnsurnamert br any , nnd Itx wldoly rnltibrattxl PALATIAL DINING CARS , tlioo'liial ' of which rannol he found elsewhere. At Council IIlufTj , the trains of thn Union 1'acltlo Hull- wuy connect In union depot with those of the Chi- CHIIO It Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the trains nf tliH line muku close connection wltu tboso of all ollilTlCuncni lines. . , , _ . Knr Ik'tnilt , Cnlnrabnr. Indianapolis. Cincinnati. NlaL-ani Falls. lluITulo. Htttburtr , Toronto , Montreal , lioston. Now York. I'hllailelphla , Ilaltlmore , Wash- IniUon , und all jioliits In the Kast. Ask for tickets via " " "NORTH-WESTERN" If you with the best accommodation. All ticket eenl * ll tickets via this llnu. H.HUHiirrr. K. p. WILSON. Uou'lManagnr. ( ien'l I'us.'r Aeont. CIIICAOO , IU.8 , W. N. llAnaCK , Oon'l. Western Agent. D. U. KIM11ALL. Ticket Aponi. U. K. Wl r , City Kisengor Acent. HOI Furnam St. , Omaha , Neb. O. CI.A.NO. 8-PHOP09ALS FOR AHMY Suppllos Olllc or 1'iiiclianliiK and Depot Halved nt thlHonire until ] l o'clock u. m. , central 'Standard time , on Monday , the Jrd day of April , 1W8 , nt vililcli time aud place they will ba opened In the prt * : > cnc $ of bldderx , for the fnr- nUhtn nnd delivery at Ointilia , Neb. , thu follow , lug army supplies , viz : Vinegar ; Marking , elioe , Marceron'n ; cheese , V. A. ; Hour , family ; ana tobacra , smoking , tieal of N. ( J. The rluht IB re served to reject miy or all bids , lllauk propo sals uud epeclflcatlona sliowliig In detail the artlcH'B ana quautltlea required aad giving full Information as to condition of contract , will bo furnUliMl on application to this ) office. J , W. UAltnidKit , Jluf and 0. S. . U. B. A , S , K , FELTON & CO , , And Manufacturers' Atrents for WATER WORKS SUPPLIES , Of all descriptions Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De tail Plans and Specifications. Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. Slrang's ' Billing , Fourth Floor , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. LAWRENCE , OSTROM & CO. , LOUISVILLE , KENTUCKY. . FAMOUS 10 YEAR OLD BELLE BOURBON WHISKEY For Medicinal and Family Use. ABSOLUTELY PURE NO FUSEL DILI Is Death to Sure Cure for MALARIA , CONSUMPTION ; CHILLS AND FEVER , BLOOD POISONING , TYPHOID FEVER , SLEEPLESSNESS BOWEL TROUBLES , OR INSOMNIA , LOSS OF APPETITE , NON-ASSIMILATION INDIGESTION , .OF FOOD. DYSPEPSIA. PRICE , SI.2B Sold . For Quart Dottle. Only In Dottlet. For Sola ty Oroein For Sate by and Wins ttcrchtntt Druggists Eatrgahsre. Everywhtn , T ? PARrOETHE ustfoib BEFORE ins o'STIU ' ! THE Thli li to certify tliat 1 hire examine ! tb luapla of BELLE Of BOUHHON WIISKEr reoolr&l from Lawrence , Ostrom & Co. , and found the innio to ! > perfectly free from Fusel Oil &ud all other deloUrloul lubttaucti * and strictly puro. 1 cheerfully recommend tlio irvmo for family and Medicinal purpose * . J. f . lilu.tVK. M. D. . AualjrtlcM Chemist. I.oul Tllla. Cy. GI.AI > STO\E IJROS. & CO. , Afjciils for Omiilia , Kelt. WACBUUNTCD WITH THE GIOaiUPHlTOF THE COUNTBT Will OOTAIH MUCH INFORMATION FROM A 8TUDy OF THIS MAP Of THE CHICAGO , BOCK ISLAHD& PACIFIC R'Y IU main lines and broachee Include CHIOAOO , PEOMA. MOIJNE. HOCK IHLAKD , DAVE1T- pom , DCS iiorNBO. couircn. BLUBTS , jaua- OATINE , KANSAS CITy. BT. JOEHIUL LEAV- ElfWORIII. ATOBIBOK , CEDAU 11APID3. \7ATEHZtOO , MTNITEArOLIO , cmd OT. PAUX. . cod scores of tntermedlata cities. Choice ot routes to and from the Paclflo Coast. All trans- fora la Union depots. Fast trahis of Fin * D&y Coaches , olecant Dining Cam , tnacnlScent full * man Polaco Sleeporn , end ( between Chicago , St. Joseph , Atchlson end Kausaa City ) Ueclinkig Chair Cnrs. Seato I'roo. to holders of throush Cnt-clftcB ticket' . Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y "Great Rock Island Route. " HJrtanda "West and SouUiwoat from end Ct Joseph to NELSON , UQHTON. , VHiE , 1OPT.trA. UEniNQTOW , WI IIXTTCimfSOM , OAXmVTILI , , and all polnta la KAN8AO AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and beyond. Entire ptuueturer equipment of the cvlibntod Pullman manufacture. All cofoiy ay pllaucev cmd modern improvements The Famous Albert Lee Route I th favorlta between Oblcairo , Hock Iilond , Ztchleon , Konsaa City aad Minneapolis andCt Paul. It * WBtertovm braosn travoroes tha grout 1 "WHEAT AND DAIRY BKLT" of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and East Control Dakota to Watartowu , Spirit rk , Ulouz Valla and many other town * and cltlua. The tthort Line vim Ucneca und Ktuikalua offsr * superior facilities to travel to and from Indloa * orjolU , Cincinnati end utberBouthern points. for Tickets , Maps , Volderi , or daalrod informa * Uoo , apply at oor Coupon Ttck t Office or fuldrtia E. ST. JOHN , U. A.HOLDROOK , Qui'lJil&aager. aen'lTJtt. ttEaM. Affb C1HOAQO. Proprlftor Omaha But/nets / Colltyv , IN WHICH i TAUQHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commsrcl&I Law , Shorthand , Teltgrephlng and Typewriting , Send lor C llte * journal. 8 E. Cor ICth nnd Capitol Avenue ] "The Ovcrlniul ICoutc. " The Sportsmen's , Tourists' and 1'k-aburo ScekciB1 Line- Send for the Neat Little Sketch Book. "CrCT3 > T C IJ-CTS laTTtiBS , " highly interesting and useful to Sportsmen. It contains the American rules for trapping and shooting adopted hy the National Gun Association ; as well as the revised game laws of the Western States and Territories. Copies sent free upon application to 0. H.TI3IJUKTS. den'U'&T. Agt. . Oinahn , Neb. NOW'S THE TIME To liavoyour friends come tea a Kusterii llnoH will sell tlcVotsandrun Semi Monthly Land Excursions over tlio Union Pacific "Tlio Overland Route. " Until July J , 1RR8 , tickets sold for those oxcur- filona will be good thirty duyM for thu round trip unil ran bo used ten days going. When purr-aiia- urHovo ready to relnui , UIOHO tlcketH will ba good n\e dnyo for tlntt p < in > o o. If purclmsers \\MbtoRtopHhortof clraUimtlon nu our lines , BRcnta will stamp tlckutsuood to return from such point. J. 8. TKIIIIirrS. J ? , I , , J.OMAX. Oen. I' , i T. AKent. Ass'tU. I . &T. A. OMAHA , NKH. "The Ovcrlniul Itoiito. " lias so arranged its Family Sleeping Car trrvicc , that berths can now be teserved upon application by any ticktt agent to M J. Greevy , Passenger Agent , Counnll Bluff * Iowa. The letervations when made are turned over to the train conductor.taking out such can , o that passengers can now se cure berths ordered , Ihe same as a PulUn&n berth ii reserved and secured. J , B.-rn/WKTH. 13. l > . l.OMAX. Oon. P. & T. Acent. Ass't 0,1' . & T , A OMAHA , NKH. Kamarkoble forpowerful syinj a. tliellc tone , pllablB union und a [ it BiiTu't * durioirtty. UJ years' rW-poT the bust gunr nt a of The excel- Tcnce otTtiesa Instrument * . ' PEERLESS DYES