tflffl OittAfflL BAILY' IDI * APRIL 10 : 1888L SPECIAL NOTICES. AdvortlfifmRUts under this head , It ) cents per line for the Jlr t Insertion. 7 cents for each sulv tc inont Insertion , and tl.Mn ) line per month. No advfrtlscmcnttaken for loss tlmn 25 cents for the llrst insertion. Seven words will be count ed to the line ! they must run consecutively and inns' bopnld In mlrnhcp. All advertisements must bo Tmndvil in before 12.TO : o'clock p , in. , and under no rlrcnmstnneea will they bo taken or Glpcontlnued by telephone. 1'artles advertising In these , .columns and hav ing tlio answers addressed In care of the Ilco. ivlllpleafoaskforft chfrkto enable thsm to cot their letters , as none will bo delivered except on prefcrntatlon of check. All answers to adver tisements tthoitldba enclosed incnvolopes. All advertisements In these columns are pub lished Inboth morning and eveningrdltlonsof the lice , th ) ) circulation of which aggregates more tlmn 18.000 papers dally , and Rives the ad vertisers the bonclli , not only of the city circula tion of tlin lice , but also of Council HlufTs , Lin coln ami other cities and towns throughout this Bart of the west. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for thesp columns will betaken , on the above conditions , at iho following bus iness houses , who are authorized agents for TUB JlEB special notices and will qnote-thonamo rates as can be had at the main ofllco. T01IN W. HELL , I'lmrmaclst , 820 Bonth Tenth v Btrent. GIIA8K & EDDY , Stationers and 1'rinters , 113 Bouth 10th Street. SII. rAHNSWOUTH , Phannaclst , 2115 Cum- ing Street. WJ. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 2I North ICth Bt. f" / i no. W. I'AHH , I'liarmaclst , 1809 Bt. Mary's Avenue. . HKUTHEK. News Dealer , Post Office , T South Omaha , SITUATIONS WANTED. O1TICE help or clerk , respectable man wants a Job. Good roferercnccs. Address O 68 , lice onico. Via lb . WANTiO : Situation for housekeeper ; wo linvo plenty good , rellablo women w Ith rofcicnces , no olllcu fco. Mrs. llrcga , UIO S 15tu. 31. 8S4. WJ9 10 * WANTED- Situation by llrst class laundress to go out by the day In private families. Call 1110 BaundorH st. * M 10 * W ANT151)-Slttiatlon as baker ; address O Hec. U1J 20 * _ T\/"ANTr.I ) A position in a hotel , icstaurant IT or chop-house , as steward or niunnRcr ; lias 20 years' experience in the business ; for ID years had clmrgu of one of the largest sport- men's clubs In the south. Address , O ni , Ilee. KM W3 * WANTKD Plato to work In private family for board and lodging by n young lady nttondlng school ! Address , llohrbough llros. , Omaha Commercial College. OJO 24 WANTKD Situation to take care of horses and care of lawn , good references. Phillip Moflltt , City. b58 18 * SITUATION wanted In cloth lug or dry goodg llouso by youug man of line abilities and fcomo oxpprlunco. Sntnks Uennan and Kngllsh. City or country. Salary no object. Koferunc. . , lleo olllco. t < U lt > Jcs- WANTKD Situation l > y iircglsteted phar macist of 12 years practical cxperfonco. Bpcaks Svcdlsh unit German. O 52 , lleo olllce. T'MUBT have employment In 48 hours ; C years experience In wholesale and retail business. Address (3 60 , lleo olllco. 87110 * " \S7ANTED lly a young , energetic American T of 21 years of age , position lu leal estate omco or as bookkeeper In general. Can furnish good reference. Address J. J.i. , No. 322 N. Ibth. W > 10 ? WANTED Situation as housekeeper for hotel by thoroughly compotcnt und llrst class woman in ovcry respect , jears of oxporl- oiico und best reference. Onto City Cmp. olllce , ( U4 8 15th. KM 1W SITUATION wanted as traveling salesman. 5 yours' experience In the grocery business , and can furnish best of refeientcs. Postollice box 40 , Stantou , Neb. COS 18 * SITUATION Wanted lly n young man as coachman In a private family. 1'our years refeornce. Ad < Jresa.647 S. 25th Ht. O'.W 9su WANTED Ity nilratcmss dressmaker , en- gagagemeut in private families. P22 B 18th. frllss Turner. C82 mOJ WANTED HlAt-E HELP. TVANTED Tvv o good Job prlutoi s. Apjily nt T.T ' once to Hammond Uro.'s , Iromont , Nob. Wl " \C7 ANTED A first-class Jeweler , one that can /Vi do all klndu of line w ork and engraving. Permanent Place and good w ages. C. L. Eilck- Edn & . - Co. , 212 N. 10th st. b91 JANTKO A smart energetic man with 110 qr $250 capital , can make from $10 to 850 ft day. 119 N llith st , room 4 , Crounso block. 877 m 15 TANTED Ten waist makers and five skirt r makers to work on dresses. Apply 211 B 2th nt. MrH.tL. A. Hamond. tCU18' Lw V7ANTED Salesmen Five traveling sales men ; salary nud expenses ; no experience Accessary. AildrrsH , with stamp , Palmer & Co. , Prarlo lu Clilen. WIs. M7 25 * bimiTBalesmauatiSOSN. 10th , Omuha Shirt P factory. E23 18 \\7"ANi'ED A ilrst-class tinner who has a IT know ledge of the Implement and hard- Ivaro buslucsH. State wnges wanted and ul\o rcfeioiicen. lloburt Hazlowood , Osceolii , Neb. H1-MJ ) WANTED Men to light gasoline lamp ? Jlegular nftcrnoon work for right men. Address H. C. Goodwill , Hex 512 , Omaha. 7P32JJ 'lAT'ANTED-PaluteiB ' at the Muiray hotel. V > 71H A QENTS are making big money telling our * * - how btylo lUbuma. Call und ECU us , i oem 13 ' , I'lixton block. 747 10 itTANTED-General and local agents for ' "llouelitoii's New Hoversible Political nnd U. S. M up combined. Sample outllt ficoto ugont vv ho guarantees to pay expiess cuarges. XV T. Nooly , Chicago. 710 1H * D Two good salesmen , 1721 St. COO Ib * 17ANTID ! I'our harncssmakers at Marks > HroB.'fcaddlery Co. 5SJ 18 \\TANTED Competent lulckla > crs , wnges Ti J4 W ) perduy for 0 houiH' work. HrTck Contmctors Association , Omuho , Nob. Apply a9 1'nxlon block. 527 24 $75 Per Month Agents anted in ov ciy county. Plan of vvoik easy ; now goods ; wiitowlth itamps. Gould M'f'jj Afcncy. KJM ' Unlverfeity : 'lnce. N. Y. City. 4 'm9j ' I \rANTED Men and w omen everywhere for u genteel business guaranteed to pay fij < ) lorvverk piollt taHler than other lines pay fU ) ter month. 13 wimples freotoelthorsoxbeek- ugpeimanent umployment. Exporlenco abso- uiely unuecebiiary. JUrrlll Mfg. Co. H 5.1 , 3ssmi * NTIJD A few persons In each place to do . . . light wilting. Encloeo stamp for5J-pago book of jiartlculiirt ) to J. H , Woodbuiy , Albany , N. Y , tr."Ju21 \\f ANTED Men for railroad w ork , Albnght's i i Labor agency , 11201'limum. DUJ DOYb-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1801 Do'tiEJaa. ' WANTED--FEiyiAHTTiELP. - - . \\7ANTED Young nursu girl. Enriulre , Mrs , ll.Mttver.22aiindllu aril. . 931 2Q WANTED A trimmer and balcslady ut H. M. Genius Mlio. , HUS Dpuulas fct. OM 18 WANTED- , must bo couipetom'rooK and laimilreft , bm ot wages , ' 211W I'aumni , AANTED Competcnt glrMn family of 2. j > T r , German pi ufon oil , Mrs , D. 11. WUec-ler , (01 S. WANTED A competent wvam ghl for small family , call at once. Mrs. 11. G. CKirV , 32d and Cupltol acnue. . 711 lh * foi * gcucral houseuorlc , Colfux Bt. bW I'J ' * O NE thousand lady agents wanted linmcdl- _ atcly. Grand now rubber uudirguiinvnt for females , ill ) a ilny. Proof fieu. Mrj. II , r , Littlt' , Chlcngo , III. 815 SJ ' \\rANTED GoQd 2nd Rlrl.good waces paid , < > 010 lllimey at. . KouutZi J'isCr. cro NISp-A girl for K iorl housework , " CnUforula tt. . coi\SClh. 607 . . . . . . . mr .i * | 4M * IVIJ , at th KIKhcrn J t Vulley huusy. lltli una Dodge , o good cliong Uortuau ulrl for goueial vvuiK , uur.oa | 3.60per week. Mis. 0. Wuiiturlcu. feQUle * ' ANTED-DlfiBroonilirt. ! ; 1004 N. Kth. 015 20 * A G11lLwuilcd toaogi'iieinl housrvTorkTrFol JV I'mpiim st. I'lt-ataln. Wl 101 \\7 ANTED-TiTur ttrl. Wit Lel-.Vnvi'iitToTt" T I til . WANTED Woman cook for Hoon , WO ; pas try cook , 117 ! cooks for Shenanaoah , Falrbnrjr , Valparaiso. Sioux City and O'Neill , also 4 good dining room clrls In city , 115) ) B out of city ; gM to clean rooms M day ; dishwasher , housekeeper , nbout tas , on a ranch , good pmcc , arid 25 coed Klrls for private families , Mto ftper week. 1/ots ot now places every day. Mrs , Hrega , 310 S 15th. 939 1W w ANTED Girl for general housework , Mrs , Thos. F. Hall , 1545 Sherman avo. 892 19t WANTED-Experienced milliner to tafco a position at Woodbine la. Apply 202IO 8. llth st. l.OborfolderACo. C17 10 S B girls wanted at once faf all kinds of work. Gate City Etiip.onicc , 314 8 loth. 83418 * WANTED Immediately , lafllei to v.-orlc for a wholesale honsotm needlework at their homes , ( Sent any distance ) ( lood pay can bo made. Everything furnished , Partlrnlars free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , IV. 8th St. . New York City. 2f.l EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. GATE City Emp. office. (114 ( 815th , Help for all kinds of work sent to all p-ms. Refer ences Douglas county bank. Tclllon. 634 23J CANADIAN Emptovmentorilcp-Malo and fe- \J male help sent to all parts If fare Is ad vanced , Hofcrcnce. Omaha National bank. Mrs. Hrega & Soii,310 8. ISth. Tol. 881. 7E5ml4 * WANTED Men and boys out ot work to call at th City TntPlllKOnco onico ( Crelehton blk. ) , corner 1.1th and Douglas sts. 307 ( V1I8CELLANEOUS WANTS. instructions In trigonometry of WANTED one who can furnish references as to capa bility. Address O. 45 , lleo olllce. 810-10J \X7"ANTEO-lfy May 1st , by "icsponslblo par- TI ty , to rent a house of 1Z to 14 rooms , on St. Mary's ave < or Vurnatu st. Address 0 liU' neoolllcc. tCO 10 " \\7"ANTEI ) City contractors , business men i and hotuls to know that we are furnishing all kinds of mechanics , laborers , cooks whole sale and retail clerks , nouso cleaners , driver * , painters , tallois , Imkcra mid cam osiers of all kinds , llculng A. 1'lerco , UOl rarnam. tele phone OS2. 839 1S WANTED To borrow two to three thousand dollars live years , real estate security worth HvMlmas amount , state lowest Internal. Address O 27 , this olllce. ' 039 20 * WANTED 1'Irst class property for our cus tomers , bt. John & Ely , room 1' ' ' , I'ronzer blk. 021 IB ENGAGEMENTS to do dressmaking In fami lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , KB S. 18th nt. D71 ra 10 * P ANTED Good real estate listed with me. w C.l\ Harrison , 418 8.15th st. 15 ' WANT raoro small honsos for rent. r. L. Gregory , rental ngent , you B. Kith. 010 BOARDING. PIHST-CLABS table board , private family , 114 N , 18tll Bt. , bet. Dodfc'o and Cap. a\o. 017 IW WANTED-TO RENT. WANTKD-Oottago of nvo or six rooms , ren not to exceed 125 per month , Aildicss G 5 % lleo olllce. 010 WANTKD To hire n place sultablu for a car penter's nhop west of riftceuth street. Address G. 57 , this olllco. 010 Ib * \X7ANTKD lly single gentleman , an unfur- > nlshed room hi private family. Address G 61. Bee olllce. 87510 * WANTED Itooni and board for gentleman and wife , references exchanged , prhato family preferred. Address G 25 , lice. W8 WANTKD Blx or seven-room house furn ished In desirable location forsummer by small family. Address P 71 , lleo ofllco. 07M FOR RENT-HOUSES. YI5IIY dcsliablo 10 room house cor 21st and Hurt St. ; all modern Improvements ; on ca- bio and street car linos. Imiulro Dr. Paul. N U cor 15th and Dodgo. . 02124 * POll UKNT Largo house , 1073 Dodge st. 033 10 * FOU llENT-rG-room Hat , lent KG , furniture $70 : 14-1 oem house , rent $40 , furnlturo $ , ! i,0 ; II room house furniture for.s.ila ; 7-room house , lent l.0fnrnlturo ! at n bargain ; K-ioom house , rent J.16 , furnlturo chean ; C-room house , cen tral , rent $ M. furniture $225 ; 10-room Hat on 1'nrnam , furnlturo for sale , and ubout llftcen others , rents , jirlces and terms to suit all. Co operative Laud aud Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st. 870-10 /10TTAOK I rooms and about 4 acres land , \ - > good barn , about V mlle north ot foit , J15 per month to good tenant. Apply 317 S. llth st. 784 "T71OK KENT A flat of 7 rooms , closets nnd all JU conveniences , Duggans block south Ufh and Pacific 8t. Inquli e at 1113 S l.itli. Kll T71OR HENT < i-room flat , hot and cold water -L1 bath , gas , all modern. J. II. Purrotto lieu- tal Agency , 1000 Chicago. 88'J 30 ilOH HENT 4-room house to small family , r. 1 J. Hartnmn , 912 S. llth at. 857 18 * FOH HENT My house. 1120 Soutn 10th street , cor Pierce , H rooms , kitchen , pantry and cellar. Trod Mohle. t&1 POll HUNT 4-room house near street car , 28th nud Howard. b7119 ? TTIOH KENT Klcgant 12-room modern new JL' house , with ov cry convenience , only $10 per montn to good tenant. J. L , Itlco & Co. b50 18 UUNISHHD hotel for rent The St. Klmo hotel , Missouri Valley , In. The leading ho tel of the city nnd only ono block from the de- put. Tor further particulars uddiess Hugh Percy. b49 ml5 FOR HKNT 7-ioom house In central location , i out PI5 , furniture ut n great bargain. Co operative Land aud Lot Ca , , 05 N. Itithst. b70-IO TTIOH HKNT 0-room cottage , nice neighbor- JL1 hood and handsomely furnished ; furnlturo f or sale at u bargain ; party leaving city. 2215 Soward. M)22 * FOll HKNT Two good 8 room houses on Park ave , $40 per mouth , D. V. Sholes. llootn 1 llarker block. b-7 TTUNI5 largo now houses v\lth 11 to II rooms. JL' with all modern Improvements , in "Clarke Place , " Cass and 24th sts. on car line tor rent. O. l\ Davis Co. 709 23 POK HKNT 0-room Hat fronting Hanscom Park. Hath , gas , hot and'cold water. $ JU. 1' . L , Gregory , lleutal agent , 300 S , 10th bt. 720 T71011 HKNT 2 new 11-room houses , $ JO , by S. JL' T. Pctori.en.8o cor 15th and Douglas. 743 FOll UKNT 18-ioom house * , Noith Saunders st , Lmjutro of. 0. W. Hoall&Co. , 310 S. 10th. E9J _ _ 17101' HKNT 10-ioom house , all conveniences JL1 isth bt:7-room : cottage , Howaid&t. O. JJ. Thompson , 314 8. nth tt upstairs. CM ITIOU UKNT May 1st , lQ-rcomhouso. All con- JL ? l.vciileces.Mrs. ] ) H. M. Whitman ? , 712 N. 19th _ ' _ _ C.M 18J rpo HKNT Hlght-i oem Hat. front room suit- JL able for ollUns , with nil modern conven iences. CO ? S , Utu. r > 52 I7TOH HKNT Sl < desirable houses , fioni$2j to JL' } 50 per mouth , Leinltt lluinhum , Itoom 1 , Crolghton blockv 077 _ _ TTlOIl 11 KNT ) house with nlTTnodern JL1 conv enlencps , fui nlturo for halo at bargain , Inquire of J. O'Donuhuo & Sherfy's POll HGN'T A neat J20 cottage. Apply at onci * . C. F. Harrison. 418 B 15th st. 231 771011 ItKNT2 elegant" oem houses , all mod- JL t-iii convonlniLec. excellent location , con- rgnlcnt to btreot cars. Til per month If taken soon. 11. K. Cplo. ne 15th und Douulas. wo 17UIt HENT During the summer months JL only , lo-i oem house completely furnished , with all modorii-lmpiovuinouts , on Park nvo. Addiess T 40 , llee olllco. 55,1 ' _ 7J10IHIUNT A'T-ioqm tint. Inmilra of Geo. -L Hlgglns , lu the i , Igii r atoru lull llounrd at. t.bO' _ _ "IIIOII HKNT When j on v\ ant to rent a house , JL btoro ot onico go to H. D. Cola , 202- TTWl iKNT- room house Inquire , J. F. -U lliirton , aninCapitol ave. COo 10 * H"bl'flKS'ceiifuly ! located , rent from til to t5 , iurnlturu for Mile on monthly payments , Co-op. L und L. Co..2U3 N 10th bt. { V.U "TpOH HKNl Aiiilcgunt | new b-room house Ju' and. barn , wery modern convenience ; a complete home , good neighborhood , htreot cars , cheap tent. J. H. Pan ottc- . rental agency , 1COO Chl ( ogu btrect. _ _ _ ; CinJl 1OU HKNT-And furniture for Bale , almost Jnew , st a bargain , Ut nouse and locution In cllyj oy rv iituacrn convuiilanM ; this 111 pay to Uwfstigate at once. Apply 170D Dodge 331 T7IOH TlKNT-fweTvdroom- , 25th and Jund Mason itreeU , iio per month. J. 8 , Cauitleld. IJUHarnam st 25J _ TfUltNISHED rooms , pleasant and cent rally X' located , toaid , If UesIred.S W cor Mhand Homey. jjlS JHt 1 i"QltNlSHUD rooms and buaid , jjbl - s _ "IjiOlt ll-.ST-Nlcely furiished ) front room In J ll o-ollBgBf * , poncnsth. 403 V\ IVBIW sxuuetst U , i' . depot , "I7IOH RENT Tolor SKcntlemcn , room with - _ buth etc , 2119 Douglas , _ PS2 Tpon llKNT-runilshedroom , G22NIOtiT TT OH nnNT-l\irnIshed room wltlr board at JL' 0298 17th. Iwo gentlemen preferred. IO522 POH HEXT Nicely furnished tipper front room , every modern convenience. 1611 Douglas , 933 W _ _ VKHY plca ant larpo furnished rooms ; all desired ronvenlencesprlvato ; houRoboard ; If desired ; 1 block from postonice. 1013 Capitol nvo. 854 22 * _ NICKLY funilshed room , suitable feM jon- tlemen , at 181SH St. Mary's avenue. TJTOH HKNT 2 now elegantly furnlsbf d rooms JL' John 1. Pa ) nter , IWS rarnam , Ola l/UfiTltKNTVATarge front room with alcove , -I ? all modern Improvements. KTODodgost. 045 > _ OH HKNT Deslrible newly' furnisher ; room gentlemen preferred , 1721 pavcnport * . JSO.I _ TmUHNlSHKD rooms. 1118201 6JO S9 * * * - < _ T7IOH HKNT Ono largo room suitable for tvvp JL1 gentlemen , nnd ono MnglaTObm , terms niodcrato. 2431 Dodge St. , > .iC30 10 J rooms' , 1701 Capital hvo rofci- enccs required. C4919 , , "plllONT room furnlshod , 1718 Dod ( 0 ( ' 813 SMALL room rsultable for gentleman , 1C23 Dodge street- nil pOOMS $1.00 to $ I.W ; 60JB ISth st , FOH HKNT Desirable rooms nt 22 ? Dodce. H4022 furnished rooms for rent. 008 P. 18th , 8 blocks opera house , 84J22 KOOM , gas , bath , steam heat , 2ul 8.24th. ] 3I a 27 * I UUNISIIKD rooms , 1810 Dodge , JL1 703Aprll3 171UHN1SHKD Iloom to rent. 20i'0 St. Marys JL1 avo. 787 FOll HKNT Furnished rooms In Grounlg blk cor. l.Hli and Dodge sts. Inquire ot Goo. It. . Davis. Mlllard hotel tillliard ronui. 25S LAHOK pleasant room , modern conveniences , 1700ChicaL'08t. 259 TTIOH HKNT llooms furnished nnd unfur- JL1 nuhed. lJ4Cap. ave. 2X ( ) FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 171OUH uiifurulshcd rooms for light house- JL ? keeping , May 1st , &W4 Dodge st , OJ.S 18J ItOOMS , Hcd cur line. 1815 Cass. ITIOH HKNT-Chcap , 4 unfurnished nice room1' . JL ! suitable lor housekeeping. 2022 Hal no v. 722 21 * FOH HKNT 1 basement , suitable for barbershop , between 1'arnam and Ilnrni'v on nth st . . . f lOO 4 rooms 1702 Webster st 2000 Brooms , 1814 Howard st . . 1000 3 rooms , 1412 Pierce st M Hi 3room houho210N. nth st 1500 3 looms 10211 N 2Jth st , U 50 Also : i rooms 1017 N2Cth , . . . . . 150) Judge Hental Agency , S.W. cor 15th .V Harnoy. 012 FOR RENT-STORES AMD OFFICES. L1NTON block , S 13th , corner of Jluson st. Six haud'omo new store rooms with largo cel lars underneath , finished with all modern im provements aud conveniences. Itents moderate. Apply toJohnllamlln , ' 111 saithst. , Omaha. 607 80 * TV1OU HKNT Half of ollico at 31J S loth ht. JL' Chamber of Commerce bid , Odcll llios. & Co. OJfl FOlt HKNT A No. 1 store room on 10th st. J. II. Parrotto lleutal Agency , 1WK Chicago. 887 iffl "VTKW Store for Hcnt Splendid chillico for Jdry goods , hardware , or bakery. In'iulie drugstore Coiby nnd Sherman avo. b iOJ / VI'FICK rooms , 8u2 S. 13th st. 830 FOH HKNT Suite of olllco rooms , [ Jushman block , cor lUh nnd Douqlus. Nine house , cor. 17th und Dorc is , f.W per month , in quire W. M. Hu hman , 1311 Loavenworth. 713 T/IOH HKNT Largo ollice. best location lu JL1 Omaha , well lighted and heated , or will rent part of it. J. H.Vattn , Chamber of Commerce. UI3 FOH HKNT Stoieroom 20\CO , cor. tth nnd Howard , $ .11 ; llurllngton trackage In i ear. Miscellaneous btorago. Apply SUI Hovvniii. 6.VI 19 * "I710H HUNT Two business or offlco looms on JL ? 1st Moor $35 per month. W. K. , 1411 Harnoy. ] 55 STOHEforrcntcorof Mercer and Lowe ave nues , a good btore for a drugglst and gro cery. Inquire on premises , Chas. J. Uyau. KH ) TTIOll HKNT Business room now occupied as JL' my ofllce on 15th at. C. V. Harrison , 41S S 5th T710H HKNT Ono half ot store room1214 -1 ? Douglas st. Wm. 11. Spelnmn. 454 T710K HKNT Three stores and babtmiont nt JL' 1005 rarnam htieer. Inqulio at Itooni 19 , Arlington block , 1511 Dodge St. , between 9 and 12 a. m. 503 171OH HKNT The three story brick building -L' and basement on nth Bt. , on corner of alloy , In the rear of the new First Nat'l bank building , will give a 3 or 5 year lease at a low rental. C. Hartman & Co. , 101J rurimm. 571 a 10 "T7KR HKNT rirst-class frame store Building , JL' 60 by 24 feet , first-clans business location. Apply to I. W. Hoberts , Albion , Iloouo Co. , Nob. 421 a22 * FOR RENT MISOELAMEOUS. TpOH LKASK Property on cor. of 15tli and X1 D.avonport fits , lot 8 , block 67. Applv at No. 107 South 15t h st ! U 24J ATTENTION. Gardeners 1'or Hcnt The best 40 acres for gaidon , near Cut-oil Lnko hoube. J.H. Pariotto Iteutal Agqncy , ItOJ ChU cago. btS 30 POH HKNT Large barn cheap nt 1707 Cass st. KJ5 RENTAL AGENCIES. Ir you want your houses lentod to coed , prompt tenants , list thorn with J. II , Par- rotte Hcnlal Agency. 1COO ChlcagQ. _ SOU ml IP YOU want your houses rented place them with lleuawa i-Co , 15th , Opposite postotlico. LISThousea to rent with St , 'John i Ely , opp. P.O. (1318 ( WANTKD Houses to rent , und we can rent them too. II. E. Cole , N. E , lljli and Douglas. f < * - 2 U ] .1ST houses for rent with II. K. Colo. N. E. -t IMIi and Douglas. ' gttj HKCiOHY , 1L. . . Hontal agent , aw S ICtlfst. VfiJ PERSONAL. IJKHSONAL Private homo for ladles during confinement , strict I vconfideirtlal , infants adopted. Addioss E 42 , Ilee olllco. K3J rplll ! demand for shorthana writers la in ox- JL ciss of thusuppljv 8hmthauc\ \ course com pleted at ViileiUlnt ) H blioitluuul institute In Jrom four to six months , bend for circular. ' 20023 ] : > KHBONAL-Llstyour property tq rjcchango with C. C. SpotMV oed , J05 S. ' lifli. Bt 2W ; LOST. LLST lllackand white Scotch teriier weai- " ing tag No 2UU1. ansiwor&tonimio of 1'utz. riiuler row nrileil , Apply at 171U Davefiport-st , U.I-21J STHAYEDOHSlOLKN-Ouairraymnropony , about 7 sears old , 700 pounds , ipllt cairf , re turn to Jlth vS. Culav\oll and get reward 45) 1 * FOUND. FOUND A handkerchief , on , It-fn st. with money. Call ut J. C. Uncnold's , . ' 1 Cum- IngBt. KC1 1 _ 1T10IINU A garnet brooch pin , on the street , - 1CallHiiJ 8. 5th st. _ OJ02UJ TIAICEN UP-A young colt. Slovk. south of jlo ) d's [ lacking house , _ 03d 19 * T710UND-A lltio Setter doff , at 1913 Lake street , SALE-rfllSCELLANEOUS.I" T OllSALU My Canadian saddle pony. Henry JC pimdt. te.i apt _ 7710H SALR Large upper lloor suitable for JJ light manufacturing , location 118 N loth st. Price Caper month. Active Heal Estate and Property Exchange. 1534 Dodge t. _ t < 37 FQH SALE A good 1 150 pound bay horse , perfectly safe ; nnd If the horse ( Ion1 1 suit at 1165 , return him , 1001 S. 13thf t. 0. Pi Lyinau. TTIOH SALK-A No. 77 Hall's safe v\Hu Ins -U Ucor. 215 booth 131U it , . 4W TOOK SALE-flost carriage * at Seaman's. -L1 Cheapest carriages ni Beaman's. Hest phaetons at Seaman' * . Cheapest phaetons at mwirrmn g. Host buRRlcs at Scnman's. Cheapest bupptei at Seaman's. Hest wagons at Seaman's. Cneapest wagon's at Seaman's. East side ot loth St. , north of NlcnolaB. 1W ! M 17 I7IOH SALE-Chenp ; tanking counter , Mcr- JL ? chants National baSi Inquire at bank " 023 g TT10H SAI.E-MRlit , ( "fireo-sprln ? delivery JL ? wogon , cheap ; amrfxtra good , nearly now set slnglo harness. Aptjy 812 N. ISth. C1718' ' uTlNlTl'HE of 3 roontffor light housckecp- Ing for sale cheap t ln/iulro 1501 Williams. JT1OH SALE Virst-clftSB horse , buggy and out- JL ? lit complete , Horse afraid of nothing and safe for lady. Apply 9J2 1'arnam st. or write a. 63 , Ilee ofllco. lflV-20J 171OH SAI.K Self-regulating Incubator , capac- JL1 ity 400 eggs. Made of oak , panplled , moulded and oil finished. Will sell or trade for a her o. ran bo soon In operation until Muylst nt 2015 Dodge St. _ 799j-1)j TJIOH SALK Horse and buggy cheap for cash.1 JJ Inquire of P. A.Gavin , room J.fc. , Paxton biock. 747 10 _ TTIOH SALK B work horses. 1 wagon , 2 buggies , JL' 1 phaeton nnd 2 good driving horses. Cooperative - operative Land A. Lot Co , . , 20.1 N. 10th St. 870 10 TmUHNlTUIlK of fi-roJm Hat for sale and II at JL' for rent ; 3 blocks from opera house. Ad , dress G. 41. Dec. 7.0-2l ( * TTIOH SALK-A Irish seller dop , six months JL ? old. Call or address 2023 Davenport ft. 721 IB * > AHGAIN Match team and top buggy. Anthony - > thony Johnson , 152.1 Foniam. 524 mo AHCIHTKrTS. engineers and survevbrs JL Some nrst-class Instrumentsforsalo cheap ; second-hand , but lu good condition ! 2 levels , 2 compasses , I sextant. 1 plaiilmeter , 1 theodolite , with their stands and cases , and several smaller Instruments nnd measures , nt Stringer , V Co 's , 1518 Dodge st. < 11J 1T10H SALK Largo Hall's safe , now. M. A. JL1 Upton & Co. 11- FOll SAl.K-Tu o p tubular steel boilers MX 14 feet , w 1th smoke stack , iteam guages. glass water guages. etc. , nil complete ; will sell cheap. Address Trod King , lliowor , Omaha , Nob. 60.1 POH SALE The furnlturo. carpets , tKturos and lease of n pleasantly located , newly furnished house , near horsa and cable cais , house heated by steam , f multure , etc. . In use less than a j car ; must bo sold nt ouco. I'oi par ticulars apply to HortmnnX- Gibson , 1U1J Kur- nam st , 49 * 7710H SALK rurnltuio In house of nine JL1 looniK.centrally lotalcd. Address. G 10 , Ilee Olllco. 557 TT10H SALK 8 or 10 horns power englno.and U JL ? horse boiler in good order. Cheap for rash. Hoes Printing Co. 747 POH SALK Dormant nnii capacitv 3,100 pounds. Phil. Stlmmol & Co. , 911-91 l.louoa st , Omuha. 207 MISCgLLANl-CUS. DON'T forget to call nnd see mo If joii wish to tiuilu poifconal or realty property. H K. Hcndee , 117 S. Idth bt. t'Ji 19 rpHK H.inieotlot7 In block4. Illvemldo addl- JL tlon. will take place Saturday Apill 21 , nt 211 KOI th 15th ht. , at 8 p. 111. 718 * Y PAST UKK w 111 bo open for horses April 2Jth. DavidNcale. E5 ! 2 ; rpo HEAL Estate Agents All property with- JL diaVMi from the murket. Jooepli Illlss. FOll shade tiees. rosesnd ornamental trees aud nil vailciles of hull tiees und small fruits , call at our dellveCTgiound bet 1'Hh ' and 20th on 1'arnam. Day i\4owlei. ; : M4 lit rtlllE banjo taught as au art by Geo. I' . Uellon- JL beck , tO ) Harnoy st. , 183 COOK and waiter Jackets , cnrpenteis and barkeepers aprons at the People's Clothing House , 1M3 Douglas St. 791)21 ) HUGH STOCKMAN Wrass and bronze foun- dry , work of nil kinds. Cor. llth and Leav- cinvorth sts , , Umalia , NeJ > . 455mb * FUHNITniK ! Furnltitrft-Whovvants house hold fuiuiturc , gooPtis new. I'oi cash oren on tlmo. J. J. Wllklnson/Jt / Co. , 14171'ainam St. , Hnom 0 and 10. fl 7UO- / 1ASII paid for secondhand books at the An- \J tlquarian book i torct.30 iICth st. C2Bmri * PI HE Insurance , reliable companies. II. E. Cole. N..E. ICth end pouglaa. , „ 731 , , , WANTKD A good horse , buggy and harness In exchange for South Omaha lots. George J. Sternsdoiir , room C , opp postollice. 2.J3 T\O you Intend to build this spring. If so come JLaud sea us , wo can oiler > ou the best of In ducements H. E. Cole , N E Cor. 15th and Doug las. 350 30 M iT\yirE-Mrs. E. Wlnton , N. K. cor. Idtli und Dorcas. 175 a J1 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. S ITUATIONS = ccured7vraTentIne'"sSlioiTiiand Institute has placed allot Its graduates lu goodi.osltlons btudcntB can enter ut any tlmo. Send for clrculai , 1315 Dodge streetOmaha , Neb. ' STORAGE. STOHK jour stoves and furniture with the ruigusou ruinlturo Co. 715-17-21 North loth street. 470mH S'l OHAGK Having rtntcrt the large six stury 111 o Di oof building In the Mercer block am pre)3i ] ea to olfer the best facilities for storage of all kinds ot goods , furnltuie , pianos , stoves , buggies , cutters ana merchaiuUtie. leasouablo rates , lecclpts given , Insurauco. It. Hobliibon , 1112 How aid at. 074 inb * nAUACICAGK , stoiago , lowest tate3. W. M JL llnslnnan. 1311 Lcavenvvoith. l.'O ATKW A'OHIC Storage Co. Incorporated capl- J- > tal $ r.,000. uio extensive fiicilltles for storage of furniture , pianos , etc \ \ areliouso receipt given. 1503,1510 , 15U , 1314 Capitol nvo , cor nth. 597 WAHTED-TO BUY. "T\7ANTKD To puremiso borne centrallv lo- IT tiiti-d inaUlo buslnchs ] > ro erty. Commu nication desired fiom uvvucrs only. Address W. 1' . famltn , 1J20 raiuuin bt. K2t < j ANTED A. I' . Tnkeywlll buy some good 1st and 2d mortgages If well secured. A. P. Tukov.lU4 1'nrmim. _ 5J.I W ILL buy fill nit lire of a lionse or Hat cen trally located. Co-op. L. & L. Co , 205 N 10th _ ; _ 078 CLAIHVOYAHT. NNA ALPLANALII. the celebrated Htmga- rlan Gypsy is a sclentillo imlmlst , v\ell known o.s hav lug the largest business of hny fortuneteller tune-teller In America. Ladles only. lG24N20tn bt. 20th and buuiulei'd cam pass the door. IMP 24 * _ MADAM ECCLESI Claltvoyant and test med ium , The phoiiom-na of the age , Just from the prim Ipal cities east , has taken junior roomb for 15 days at : . ' , ' N IGth. Om.iha. \\herolnhertiance btatq she accurately 10- vciilri to her many patrons seciets of tno past , present and futurti , in Iqvo , business , trouble uud disease , that Is truly wonderful nnd cei- taluly useful , information bought by mall w 111 receive prompt answer by enclosing I cents In stamps and n lock of applicant's luilr Iloom I on 2nd lloor No. UCJ N. lUD ) Omaha , Nob. iJl MB 21 * _ _ MHS. IIOOPEIt , mngnitilolieaUngclalivoyiint and trance ieadlngr-N cor 2uth anil Cass. 4t > t 704 in 7 * _ _ H. NANNIE V. Wiirelm , clairvoyant. Mod- leal , business and Kit .medium. Diagnosis free. 1'emale diseases a'Jpeclalty. 1)1) ) ) N. 10th Bt. . llooms 2 iJ. Tel.OJ4-r. 203 T UILDING loans. Lliljiian AsTlahonoy7i > ( JjfiOO.OOOtoloaii on city anil farm real estate. 'P Liiiftuuu it iluhoney , room ao , Paxton blk , 231 MONEY To Loan ny % fo unrtorslgned , who has the only promrfy organized loan agency In Omaha , Ixianslnf 110 to SllX ) made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma chinery , etc , without reiawal. No delays. All htrlctly confidential. Loans to made that any part can bo paid at any time , each pa > - Ment rouuclug the co-it. pro rata. Advances inadoontlno watches und diamonds. Persons should carefully consider w hb they are dealing with , us many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and Bee mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 WltUnell building. 16th and llaruey. 2:3 : _ MONEY to Loan -Omaha real estate and farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Ilros. & Co. , 313 S. letU Chamber of ' Commerce building. I'M ! _ _ MONEY to loan , casn on nafid , no delay. J , W. and K. Squire , 1413 Fftrnom st. P r- ton hotel building. 278 _ MONEY to loan on real estate , llrst mortgage bought ; iiuiulro ot J. it. Hamilton , 211 a. 13th 8t. 70ti20 _ MONEY to Loan 1 can place goP'l lirbt-cluss city loans on fchort notice anil at low eat rates. D , V , bholes , room 1 , llarker block.3Sd 3Sd "IVfONEY ut low rates on good city and farm 1U. vroperty , notfes bought , Klmlmll. Cbainp k RyftU , U. S. Nut : bank bid. . VA m * TjfeNAWA A CO. , loan agents , 15thBt .opposite JJ r.ostolllc.9 , 870 m Ifl ' mndo on real estate. Cash on hand. LOAN'S W. M. Harris over 320 S. IBth st , 271 loloan , at low rates , on chattoM , without removal or filing ; financial busi ness of all kinds transacted quietly and without block. 15th and Karnnm. 251 m" * T CAN place large or small loans without do- JL lay ; splendid latcs. A. K. lllloj',1619 rarnam , 455m3 TVfONKY to loan on improved real estate : no J.U. commission charged. Leatitt Uurnlmm. room 1. Croiulitou block. 283 TITHE Mead ltivnstm't ( > > . make loam on farms JL and city property. Itoom 204llamgo bulld'g. 401 OAKS made on real estate and mortgages J bought. Lewis 8. Heed k Co. , 15JI Farnam. "ATONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organ * , J.T-L horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson & Co , 1417 Farnaul , over Uurllngton ticket ofTlca. if I'M QI5NT money to loan , Patterson A liar- utml , 318 S 15th st. 705 MONET lo'onn ' on horses , wagons , furniture , pianos and other personal property or col lateral without removal ; business conlldontlal ; rates moderate. ThoValrbank Investment Co. , 2IG 8. 14th 8t. , upstairs. 23) ] \TONEY to loan oncltyproporty and farms by 1'L Jarvls , Conklln Mortgage Trust Co. Ij. I * . Hammond , ccneral agent for Nob. , Itooni 409 , now 1'axton block. 110 S1 OME choice loans wanted. A. 1C. llllcy. tnin rarnam. 455 mi ! S1M M ONKY to I/oixn O. r. Davis Co. . real estate nnd loan agents , UU5 rarnam st. 271 CRtOO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 6 P percent O. W. Day , S. E. cor. Kx. Hid. 2 > 3 MONF.Y LOANED at C. V. Heed & Co.'s I.oin Onico. on furniture , pianos , horsot , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles ot value \7lthout removal , 319 S. nth , overlllngham's commission store. AH busi ness strictly coufldentlil. 275 MONKY to loan. Notes ana it. 11. tlcfcot , bought and sold. A. roriuan , 1320 Farnam sts. 277 HK. COIiH loans money on Improved city or farm property , llooin o Continental block. 270 A. WOODMAN Monev to loan onreal estate - tate in sniiu to suit. 2 0 South 13th st. 270 I OANS made on Omaha city property iiv D. -I V. Shales , room 1 Unrker blk. 270 MONKY To loan. Lowest rates. No rtolay J. L. Itlco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank. VS4 MONKY to loin on furnlturo , wagons , ptc..without removal ; or on collateral securr ity lluslnoss conthlentlnl. C 1 ] JacobsKO S 15th 2t'iD MONKY to Loan i,000 to loan In sums of from KWJ to $2,500 on Omaha nnd South Omaha property. Money on hand. Wright & Lnsbury , 21 Fi S. 14th St. , upstairs. 223 SHOUT tlmo loans maun on any available securityIn reasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. financial business of any kind transacted promptly.qulutlf and frtlrly at the Omaha Fi nancial ISxchangu , N. W. cor. lath and Har- ney sts. . over State National bank. Corbott. manager 274 AJOTE3 bought. C. II. Jacobs , 333 S. 13th st. MONKY to loan on lurnnure , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. Low rates. J. W. Hobblns , inu rarnam. 20 tt500,090 to loan at lowest rate ot Interact , on P city property. II. II. Iray , Frenzor blk , opp. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SA fK A good-paying restaurant on Ifith bt , price $ -TOU. Sickness , reason for selling. Open for a few days only. Imetlgato this. Co-op. L. & . Ii. Co , 205 N. loth St. 0- ) ID A $1,000 stock of giocciles , good location and good trade , mus > t be sold at once , M cash , bal good farmland. Address G 55 lleo oflico. 014 li > * Tj ORBAT/K C good i cstauruuts on good streets Jund doing a thriving Imslne.-w. Co opor- tlvo Land \LotCo. . 203N. 10th Bt. 8101' ' ) FOll UA.LI2 A good bakery In rood location. Co-operatlvo Land & Lot Co. , 20" > N. ICth Bt. b7CID FOU SALE $ W ) will purchase a half interest In one of the best paying Institutions In the state , must be a ousincbs man mil a rustler , to woilc outside territory ; nouo other need apply , 8J > Jcish. bat when made out of the business , Sllvls , UIO 82 18 * FOll SALE or exchange. A ne.v combined 35bbl roller nnd burr mill with complete outllt of modern machluoiy , doing a good busl- luoss , with unlimited water power , on Llttlo llluo river. In 'lhayer county. Nob. No better location hi the stato. Will take good lands or city property In ( put or entire ) exchange. Ad dress A. G , Collins , Hebron , Neb- FOR SALE 1'ii st Uuss meat market in good location Co-operative Laud& Lot Co , 205 N. loth fat. b70 i'j _ FOlt SALK Krult , cigar , tobacco and confec tioners' stole. Co-operutho Land tc Lot Co , 205 N iftth st. b70 I'J FOll SALK-A good brick yaul and all the an- puitnnances , ulso 301,000 good brick. Apply Hyan X Walsh , room 0 , Arlington block. FOU PALE Stork of dry goods , notions. clothing I'nd ' furnishing goods , inn goon tow n Co opc'iatlru Laud & , Lot Co.,205 N Kith 870 10 FOR BALK Hotels In this and neighboring cities. Co-operative Land A. Lot Co. 2J5N. Ifitli st. b7fl W GHOCKHY Stock for sale. ( Joodi ocallty nnd good trade uatabllbhcd. lleiiaw .1 & Co. , 15th St. , oppobito P. O. blO-10 T7I011 SALE ? 5iy)0 ) stock of harcln are in Omahu , Jv doing good busInoMS , rent J < X ) . Co-opeintlvu LniiO \ Lot Co , 2U3 N. 10th bt. b7tl 10 GOOD saloon with lease , best locatlou.on Tar- nuni st. , sickness reason for Belling , terms no object , Addiess 0 , L. Green , 150J 1'nrnam bt. U13 lit * FOll SALK Two good feed Moios. Co-oper- ntlxoLund X Lot Co. 203 N Ifith st. SBt b-C 19 EQUITY In tO-acro faim near Omaha for business or icsldenco pioperty ; will pay BOIIIO cash. Puirlsh A ; 1'inlujbon , S. Omaha. 1155 19 rpIIK mlveitlscr ) ia\lng had SO joatH piactlral Xexpuilonco In the man'f of milplimlonnd othfi'iicldj , feitllizern , baking pondets , alkalis and othei chemicals , wibhvs to coricspond with capitalists with n vlow of htaitlng stall works. Goodprollts , Am inn position to glxo thu full est details and ruforcncus. Addroas O. I1 ! , Oma ha Ilee. _ 147 1 > KhTAl7HANT and llxturos for rent , good J-V buslnesii , parties going aw ay. Co-oporatlvo Land A. Lot go. KO'i N. . bt. b7fl 19 FOR BAIiliA clean stock of hardware in a good location in western Nebraska. Address boxiMO , Holdrudgc , Neb , ( ill ! PAHTNKIl . autod for good bakery , must bo wli'lngto drlvo wagon nnd able to put * S'J3 ' tp $1,000 lu the business. Address 1'2 , lleo ollico. 481 U FOll 8AiK | Along term lease of the ( central located ) fancy rotall utund. Apply to rearon. Cole Se ItoberUon , 310 S 15th. cor. lfar- nam. 417 IlfjAI Uvrwo llrst cluhs livery barns. Co- onerutH ' o Land i. Lot Co , , 203 N 10th st , * ' ' 87010 FOH 8AMJ-A gqoij paying buslnoas. Cigars , stationery toj-B , soda w ater fountain otc . in first-das' ) loaatlon. Stock will Invoice about J-.vjj. Will tuKo ulty n > al ebtuto in oxchango. ICuqnlro at Max Mo' } or 4- Co.'s , 2U1 FOHSALI5 My Btocs of furniture , window shades an u all paper at a bargain ; every- thliiK frcsli and now ; stock will iuvolcu about } JU , > I ; Blluated at Albion , on U P , andC. , N. W. It. It. , Iloouo county , Neb. Address M.J Ladd. U5.1 1HJ JV , To lease flno residence near postofllce , and buy furnlturo ( all no ) at a great sacrifice. For particulars see L , 8. Skinner , 150J raruuni , 2KI FOR EXCHAHOt. C Wantcd-lCOOao bricks In exchange for good inside omuha proiierty , H. A. Slomun , loom 22 and 23 llcllmun bldg. U27 * na , corner21 j and Douglas sts , to trade for an olght to ten-room house and lot. Goo.J , Bteriudprlt room H , opppslta P O , 2JO ri'O K.VCIIANGE-A steam feed mill with J- wagon sculeu , all In flrbt-class order , with modernlmprovemeuts , Itoom 3 , Marker block. 765 20 * T\TANTEp-Stocks of merchandise to or- TT change for farms. II , K. Cole , N , E. 15tU and Uouglais. T HAVE /omefirst mortgage paper tp trade for J- Omaha or bouth Omuliu property. ] { . K. Hendts. 11T8. IBthst. ' WHO 0HOICK acre trucks uuitablo lor gardening , Very liberal terms. II. E. Cole , N. K. 15tu .Heal c tate for sale , 009 IHAVRlOOlotslnn. * M. Park addition to South Omaha , free of Ineumbranco , to trad * for improved or unimproved Omaha prop erty , farm lands , stocks of goods , horses , cattle , or anything of value. These .lots are rspldly Increaslnc in value , and If you have anything to trade call and see me. George J , SternsdortT , room 0 Frcnzer block , opposite pftstoHlcn. 2K ) T 1ST property for sale , rent or exchange with JU H. li. cole , N. IL cor 15th and Douglas. fad 80 rpHADKS mudo In real estate nnd personal JL property. See exchange book , Co-op. U nnd L. Co. 235 N. Jgtlist. 6QH 1 1ST property for sale , rent or exchange with J-J H. K. Cole , N. K. cor 15th and Douglas. 185030 WANTKD to Kxchwiiro Two lots In U. A M. park for horse and linger. Inquire at S. A. S'oman ' , 13th and Faruam , Helhnan block. [ | M4 w M houses and lots to exchange. C. C. Bpotsnood.SOHi S. 10th st. sa WANTED-Horse , will trade a now $1.10 Kim- bal organ for a good hnrno ! rail on 1) M. Clark at Pruyn's carriage repository , cor Kid and Izard , whuro liistrnment can be soon. 72320 W ANTED HOUBOS nnd lots to exchange for farms. H. E. Cole , N. E. 15th nnd Douglas. HOilWlttl r .1ST property for sale , rent or exchange Wlttl LJ U.K. Cole , N. R. cor 15th nncl Douglas. too no WANTED Horses and cattle to exchange for farms or city property. II. It. Colo. N , 15. cor. Ifith and Douglas MM- ANTEO-aXMXX ) brick for Omaha real es tate. E. A , Loavcnworth,1417 Farnam st. ADSTRACTa OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 150 } Farunm street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to roivl ostuta examined , par- ftctfd and guaranteed. S.q RNSON AcCAHMICIIAKfj furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts ot tltlo to uny real estate lu Onintin and Douglas county unou short notice. The most compluto sotof abstrnot books In the city. No. 1518 Farnam st. S93 Abstracts South Omaha U.I. Johnson tc Co. , agents Bouth Omaha I/and Co , have the only complete sot of abstract books In South Omaha. Complete abstracts furnished on short uotlca. Olllco opposite depot , South Omaha. 127 CORSALE-REAL ESTATE. TilOIl HALE At n bargain for a few da.vs , a7- JL ? room house on Walnut Hill , for $1.450. Smallpaymtut.down , balance 5 years ntBper rent. Will trade for good farm In Iowa. Ili voiM ! ncrcs of good fium laud ( or trade for Omaha lots. Imiulro of K. Merrill , contractor , cor llrow ster nvo anil Kit ; sts. 0-4 22 * JjlOH SAI.K House ( fl rooms ) and lot on 201H J2 st. , $ .1,2,7) ) , 81.00J cash. House (5 ( rooms ) nud lot on 21st St. , $3,800. { 1,000 cash. Corner lot on 23d st. , $1,000. 57-foot lot on 22nd St. , Jl.WX ) . 11. W. Huntress. 1117 Tarnam st. 01121 * T710 H SAIl -I.ot lOblock 2 J. 1. Kedlck. on JU easy terms. It. K. Hendee , 117 S intli st. III ! 1U W , wants a good 100 aero timber-claim re- < llmiulshmont within i miles ot Cum- mlngsvtlle , \ \ heeler county ? Cheap , only ( t250. Adjoining deeded land Is worth 10per ncro. Address Jesse White , Jr , , Montorvillu. Neb. h7023 OH SALE Lot 15 Ilurdotto Court , with now four room cottage , $1,550 ; Hinall cash pay ment , balance in monthly payments. Wallace , Bii Crolghton block. 8 513 SPLENDID invc-stment Improved Omaha property leased for two years at $1C per month , price $5,800 , $1.000 cash , balance very easy. If you have money to Invest take ad vantage of this , you maKe 20 per rent per annum. Another one. T\\o largo houses oc cupied as stores and dwellings , on ono lot , rent J75 per month , price $1,000 , Jl.uOO lasli , balance easy.or will tike as part payment house and good full lot or Insldo vacant lot , balauco casher or good first mortgage paper. If you aio Inter ested , ell or write quick. C. K. Moagher , Iloom 1 , over Raymond's Jewelry - olry store 708m WHY pay rent when you can buy a lot and new liouso In South Omaha for $1V ) cash balance monthly. D. D. Smc.aton , room 4.1 Ilar- ker block. b02-22 CJ7CO w 111 buy n. house nnd lot in South P Omaha with n small cash payment , balauco monthly , D. D. Smcaton , Ilarkcr block. 801 22 7OUBALK-Lpt ! 15 Urndetto Court , with now -0 four room cottage , S1.550 ; small cosh pay ment , balaudo in monthly payments. Wallace , sy Crelghton block. 62518 TT10II 8AL13 I'lvo room house aud lot 50x150 , JL ? price t-.OOO , cash $ . ' 00. balance in payments , $ J ) per month. P. A. Gavin , room Pa\ton blotk. 747 I'J ' ON 1UUSTOLstreet , between Saunders and Iflth , 204 feet front by 132 feet deep , will cost you $10,000 or over. On Ilrlstol street , between Snundoia and Stato. Wo can bell 204x132 for $4,100. The party who pays his money Ill-it gotH this. In the rush for It remembci this stipulation. M. A. Upton & .Co. 76818 TT1OII SALK At loss than cost : Nine nice. JU neat cottages , well Imllt , elegant lots In elegant location , high and dry , and only short distance from Itelt line depot In Walnut Hill , from $900 to $1,100. " 4 cash , balauco $10 per montn. These houses are being closed out regardless of cost and you cannot get another such a bar gain iu n hundred } ears. Call quick on D. V. bholes , room 1 , Uaiker block , 725 LOT 11 and in , block 3 , Thomberg place , will bo bold during next 10 days , very choap.and only $2 < j ( ) cash on the two lots , 1L. . Oregoiy , 300 S ICth st. CM THOU SALE Or exchange for Omaha property , JL ) 40 nues of choice land 15 miles from Omaha , 3 miles from railroad depot , now house , barn , well , cistern , granery , orchard , etc , ull fenced. Address G U. lleo olllco. 5BS 18 * TjlOK BALK Ono lot and 2 cottages and stable. JO well nnd S cisterns , on 8 , K. Cor. llth and Vlnton ; price $1 tHX ) cash. B8U T L KICK & CO. , lloal Kstato. 204 "I710K SALK Istmortgage , $575 , well secured JO ijy Improved outside property , liberal dis count. Address box 450 , city. < > 2J 18 LOTS 4 , fi , 20. 2i and 2 , block 5 , llrlgg's place. Pilco of all $ " ,000 ; easy terms. H. B. Cole , N KCor. 15th anil Douglas. ay ) 3J LOTS on rarnam , Douglas , Dodge or Capitol avenue , long tlmo und no c.iali payment if you will build. II. H. Cole , N 13 Cor. nth and Douglas. 35030 B US1NKSS lot on Noith Sixteenth street. H. K. Cole , N K Cor , 15th nnd Douglas. ,15' ' ) 30 T L. HICE i-ICO. , Heal Estate. 201 771011 HALE A line residence lot oil 1'nrnam JU ht. , ( ! 8xl3J ft at a baiguln. Klmball , ( hump i. llyaii. U. B. Null bunk bid. _ 44 < m2 * T L. HICE & CO. , Heal Estate. SJ4 oh SALE Lot 15Burdftto Court , with now four room cotlugo , f 1,550 ; small cash pay ment , balance In monthly payments , Wallace , SJ' Crolghton block. S2113 _ TT OH SALE iiawley Houso. North Platto7 JL ? Neb. Will take part cash anil balance In good cattle. Address John llawloy. North Platte. _ 715031 * T U HICE & CO , Heal Kltato. 291 OH 8ALE 9ioom modern house. ( V ) feet of ground , near 18th uud St. M/irj 's ave , for J7onopurty anxious to sell. ( I.E. Thompson , 314 H , 15th at. b71 _ $3.250. ( JUO balance monthly ; quarter block from Hod Cur linn , desirable location ; come nnd see this. H , K , Cole , N U Cor , llth and Douglas. ta'.a SO ME choice lots in South Omnha below the mat ket valuo.burguma if taken quick. II , E. Cole , N K Cpr , ICth mid Douglas. 350 30 > -STOHY six-loom house and o modorntll , ni -J conveniences , convenient to btreot cam , do- blruhlo locution ; price W.iOJ. ftiOO bash : bnlanco monthly or quutterly to suit , II. E. Cole , NE Cor , 11th and Douglas. _ iHU 3J I L. HICE & CO. , Ilual E&tato. 231 TilOH SALE or Trado-I'arriam Ht. . near U8th , JL ? Ineumbranco $ . ' ,000. Equity tJJWO. Faniam St. , cor 31st , IJQxtU. Trackage. Uth Bt. uenr Grace. G3X111 } . Cumlugst. , cor 31st , 4VJJxllO Incumbrance N. ICth st. , near Nicholas , 01x131 , incumbranco $3,3.10. Baundersst. , cor , Hurt , 100x11 , Incumbranco W.MKI. Park two , facing pars , WxlM , Incurabranco Douglas it. , near 20th , Cflxl.R , incumbranco 2. ) lots inn i. if. Park acjd to South Omaha , clear of Incumhrauce. pei feet title , iiqiwitor soctlonsof school land lu ICoisuth 1 quarter section land In Grimily Co. , Neb. , cle tr. Allot above propeUr for sale or trade for good Inside improved property of jrood liu- proved or unimproved farms. B. A. Hlomun , rooms 22 and 2J , llellmaii blilf , I'Ml Farnam st. , Omaha , Neb. B1J 7VH ) THAPB lots In Windsor terrace for - good land , mortgage uaiior.or horse ami bug- y. D. V. Sholea. room 1. Ilarkor block. 331 nHH BALU or exchauseNuw 8 room Jcoubo. JL ? all modern Improvements , barn , etc , biuall ca h nayuient und terms to suit. Will take equity in iood lut us part pijml-nt. AWO peed houses , wl.l located , for l,700 MjlOO , on easy iii\yments. J. A. 29.tand. . om , Arlington niock. 29. K HOOM cottaco , east front , full lot. kSHh and J llunletto sts. only 11,750. D ( a PAtterson , Omaha Not Hank. coi /11IOICK aero tracks , bostof facilities for gar \J rtenlng. Want good unlncumbercd farms U.K. Cole N. K. ISth ami Douglvi. weT T MPOHTANT-To aflwholmve studl ( < < l the sit- JL uatlonitmust bo apparent that the next boom In real estate In tills vlclnltrwill boon the Council Hluirs side of the "lllft Mnddy. " The new bridge , with western terminus nt foot ot Douglas street and eastern at foot of Uroad- way , upon which work Is now being vigorously pushed , will bo completed during the summer and opened tip for business. Arrangmauts are bolnicmade to run streetcars over the bridge , making easy transit between the two cities. The Council mull's common council Itm ordered Ilroadway paved throiiRh to the emtom terml- nusof the bridge and the contract has bron let for the w ork , which will bo commenced on the 20th Inst. It docs not take a very lively Imag ination In order to see llroadway a croiit thor- oughtaro between the two cities , filled with vohlclcsotall descriptions anil llnedwlth build * ings lised for both residence and business pur poses , Where Is thcio another street In either of tha two cities that will furnish such a tins pleasure drive ? Naturally nil adjoining prop erty w 111 bo benefited. * \\ltli the great difference in prices nt pres ent existing liolwecn property on th cast sldo ot the river nnd that on the west side , situated the same tllstunco from the business renter ot Omaha , who can doubt but that the brldgo will have the effect of evening up of values. Elthorngood denl of properly on the west sldo ot the river will do. predate In value or else that on the east Mdo will apprctlate. No one. except a few croakers , such us are to be found lu every city , will bp llovo that Omaha property Is going to ileprecl- ate either owing to the bridge or any other cause. Thtre ccrlalnly are no Indications of that character at picsent. 1'or some time past there has been a steady movement upward In prices ot Council Hluirs properly , but there can bo no question that It is still u purchase , aud that those who buy thflro now will make n handsome prollf on tholr Invest men t within n few months , liny before the boitm sets In , which Is sum to follow the construction of the bridge , and get the bencllt of low prices. The tliin of Odell Hros. * Co. are as well In formed concerning this property , and have n larger list , than any other firm In either ot the two cities. They are ready at all times to give any desired Information or to show property. Council HluftH ofllce , 10 : ) Pearl Bt. ; Omaha olllco. 312 So. loth st. , Chamber of Commerce building , 1)10 ) 18 TT10K 8ALU or trade-Lands nud town prop- JL ? erty lu Nebraska.Kansas.Colorado nnd other statesjwaut merchandise , cattloand horscstgen- oral exchange business tiunsactod ; correspond , cnco solicited , T. A , English , & Co. , York , Nob. 730o20 THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. SUBUHBAN TRAINS. Hunnlng between Council DlulTs ami Albright ; , In addition to the stations mentioned , trulna stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth , streets , and at the Summit In Omaha. Westward. eastward. COUNCIL KIjUFPS. CHICAGO , HOOK ISLAND & PACIK10. Loavo. Anlve. A'No. 14 , . . . 4:00p.m. : D No. 1 10:50 a , in. H No. 2 . . . . 6:10 : p. m A * No. M .llIOa. : m , 0 No. . . . . OiMlu.m No. fi. , U:05 : p. in. A No. 4. 9:40 : a. m No. 3 .7:00 : p.m. CHICAGO fc NOHTHWESriSHN. A No. 0 9:40a : , m A No. 3. 9lfia. : m. A No.B .4 ( num. A * No,7 llWa.m. A No. 4 . . .0:41 : p.m. A No.r. . . 7:00p.m. : KANSAS ClTY.Hi' . JOE A. COUNCIL JILUiTB A No 2 . . . U:2,1u. : m.A | No,3 . . . ,0Ua. : in , A No , 4 9:10 : p. mlA No.l . , , , CJOp.m. : SIOUX CITY & PACll'IC. A No in. . . 7:05 : a. m.A | No. 9 . 8:55 : a.m. A No.l. . . 7:00p. : m.lA No. 11 . . . ,0:00p. : m. OMAHA A. ST. LOUIS. A No. 8 . ; i:40p.m.A : | No.7 . ll.tHp. OHIOAUO , HUJILINGTON &QUINOY. Leave Council IllulM Transfer-Chicago M 0:40 : a. in. mill 0:40 p m ; Chicago Local. a.m. ; Kimims City Express , 02j ; u. in. ana . m Arrive Council lllufTs Transfer Chicago M 0.10 a , in. nnd 7JOp : m : Chicago Local , 1' ' ) n. in , ; Mansas City Exprtss , 0.3Jn. in.uudO ! > m. A dullv ; II dolly except Sat. ; O dally except Bun. ; I ) except MOU.JII Tast mall ; 'Limited. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John G. Jacobs ) Undertakers & Embalmers At the old mm ! . 1407 Fainani Bt , Orrteis by tele graph solicited and promptly atteudaJ to , Itleph UB No. W . JUDICIOUS AND PIRSISTEIir Adrortlslnjr k a alirnys provoa auccciiful. Ilefore placing no ? Neuxpaper AQrcrtJilng cannuft LORD & THOMAS , I < l It 19 Uul l > li Blrul. CHICACOr ADYI9S FJiXS. HOWTOAOT. UllTlc < tl < ) MtUl > llR Uii < fit. mnoii DielUt > uJ rnuciUn An I cor.d ulAiklhUuiMi | U