Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Monsieur Kc1ord , of 1'arls , Is at the Pax-
D. II. Korick , of Cheyenne , Is at the Wind
sor.E. . S. Hakcr , of Kcwnnco , 111. , Is nt the
L. Holland , of Friend , Nob. , Is at the
E. V. Warren , of Nebraska City , Is nt the
Pnxton ,
J. E. Bean , of Fort Dodge , In. , Is nt the
J. R. Fortnoy , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt the
D. F. Davis , of Columbus , Nob. , Is nt the
J. E. Doty , of Davis City , Neb. , is nt the
E. L. True , of Schuylcr , Nob. , Is nt the
C. D. .Tones , of Independence , Neb. , Is nt
the Paxton.
R. J. Kllpatrlck , Of Beatrice , Neb. , Is nt
the Paxton.
Mrs , W. A. Dunlnp , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is nt
the Windsor.
B. F. Smith , of Hastings , Is registered nt
the Paxton.
T. Selcht , of Nebraska City , Nob. , Is nt
the Windsor.
W'BromsIt and wife , of Audubon , In. , nro
Dt the Pnxton.
Fred Smith , of Ncbrnska City , was In the
city last night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Edxvnrds , of Auburn ,
Neb , , nro nt thu Millnrd.
The Misses Jcnnlo nnd ICnto Davis , of
Hastings , Nob. , nro at the Paxton.
Messrs. L. Justus and John Keep , of St.
Edwards , Nob. , nro nt the Windsor.
Messrs , John Zchrung nnd L. A. Heaver ,
of Llncon ) , Neb. , nro nt the Pnxton.
J. W. McCoy , of Independence , Is In the
city , and Is registering nt the Pnxton.
Messrs. 13. F. Arnold nnd Gcorgo H.
Thomas , of Schuylcr , Nob. , are nt ttio Pnx
Messrs. John C. Watson nnd Fred B.
Smith , ot Nebraska City , Nob. , nro nt the
Rev. J. A. Hultmnn , pnstor of the Swedish
mission church , loft on Monday for a week's
visit to Chicago.
B Daniel Moore has returned from the wilds
of Wisconsin whcro ho has been harvesting
his crop of plno lumber , nnd Is resting ut the
Jnmcs Connolly Is just recovering from a
severe attack of pneumonia nnd inflammation
of the lungs. Ills many friends are glad to
eeo him nt his place of business.
Major John C. Watson , of Nebraska City ,
was in Omaha last evening on his way from
Now York. The --major is inclined to the
opinion , that from his observations in the
cast the tide of immigration to Nebraska and
the northwest will bo Inrgo this year.
Mr. Jnmcs Hoyncs nnd wlfo loft yesterday
morning for Osknloosa , la. , to attend the fu
neral of a brother , Hcv. John Hnyncs. who
died there Monday. The deceased was
well known throughout eastern Iowa , nnd for
many years has been a minister in the Metho
dist church.
Tapping His Ilondsmcn.
Postal Inspector Wnterbury was nt North
Platte yesterday , whcro ho collected $1,870
from the sureties of Adam Ferguson , the late
defaulting postmaster of that town.
Fractured the Midnlglft Law.
Chief of Police Seavoy swore out n war
rant yesterday for the arrest of John
Munn , charged with selling liquor nftcr mid
night , nt Metz' hall , south Thirteenth street ,
yesterday morning.
More School Imml.
A deed from Samuel B. Curtis to school
district No. IB , convoying ono nnd one-eighth
ncrcs of land In section 10 , south of Dodge
street , was flled yesterday. The considera
tion was ? l,02o. The property lies south of
Dodge between Bell nnd Prospect avenues.
On Both Ends.
The Cnblo Tramway company are now ex
tending their tracks at both ends of tholr
line , an engineer yesterday having been
put to work with a view to stretching the
the southern terminus on Tenth street up the
hill to the tracks of the Union Paciflo.
A Bad Cut.
Joseph Hanscn , employed in the oil nnd
glass house of Cummlngs & Ncilson , on Far-
nnm street between Twelfth nnd Thirteenth
streets , was badly cut on the wrist yesterday
while handling a heavy picco of plate
glass. The wound bled profusely , and Drs.
KosQwator and Somers wcro called and
dressed the Injury.
Bound Over for Burglary.
LowisDnlhoy , the man arrested by Ormsby
nnd Dempsey , of the fly force , for the burg-
larly of E. Poison's hardware store , Six
teenth and Webster streets , and who ad
mitted his guilt was held to nnswcr In the
district court in the sum of $1,000. The ar
resting ofllcer recovered most of the Molen
property yesterday.
Baptist Missionaries.
The seventeenth anniversary of the
Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary society
of the west will take place to-day. The
exercises will ; bo held at the First Baptist
church , nnd continue until Thursday night ,
with on Interesting programme. Tlirco hun
dred delegates will bo present , nmonc them
the celebrated Rev. Dr. G. C. Lorlmer , of
Chicago. _
The Now Directory.
The now directories for the season of 1SS8
nnd 1889 began to issuclfrom the bindery yes
tcsdny nnd Mr. Wolfe , the publisher , will fur
nish them to subscribers as rapidly as they
nro received. The present volume contains
1,200 pages as against 055 of last year , though
the size is about the same as of one year ago ,
because u thinner paper has been used.
Deserted finrly.
Rufus Prultt , sexton of Prospect Hill
cemetery , yesterday found n dead Infant in a
paper box inside the fence of that enclosure
nnd turned it over to Coroner Drcxol , who
held an Inquest , which resulted In n verdict
that the child had como to its death In a man
ner unknown to the jury.
Will Snvo Ono Kyo.
County Superintendent Bruncr , who has
been absent from the city for several days.
returned yesterday nnd states that wullo
nway ho visited Prof. Hill , principal of the
Waterloo school , who was shot some tlmo
ego by A. P. Aylosworth , of Council Bluffs ,
nnd that ho found him In a. very good condi
tion. Contrary to expectations , the loft eye
hns been saved nnd Hill will not be depend
cut upon charity for his support.
On April 21 the school * of the county wll1
take up a collection for Hill's bcuclH.
Granted Leuvo of Absence ,
Ton members wcro present at the meeting
of the council last night. President Bccho
and City Cleric Southard were granted a
leave of ubsenco for ton dn.vs and Council
man Uoyd ono for two we cits. The former
CO to Suit Lnko City , mm the latter to Now
York. After approving the contract am' '
bond of C. F. Williams , for tha grading ol
Loavonworth street , from Twenty-tilth nvo
nuo to Twenty-eighth street , the council ad
journed until next Thursday night.
* War of the Nations.
Jim Murphy nnd Henry Neal , two horny
handed sons of toll , got into an altercation
with a Chinese laundry man named Alia
Sing Ling , at the corner of Eleventh and
Hnrnoy yesterday and suddenly , to cllncl
his argument , Murphy hit the Celestial a
blow in the nock that made him wish ho was
back In the llowory klngdoui.aThon when ho
nroso from the gutter he applied the
too of his brogan to u tender portion of the
Mongolian's body that made him howl in no-
centa wild. A copper was attracted by the
uproar , nnd ho proceeded to run the trio in
They wcro given nn immediate hearing , anil
Murphy and Neal wcro mulcted in the sun
of f I'.fiO each , while the renovator of soiled
linen was made as frco as a bird of the air ,
Two Articles ot Incorporation.
The Omaha and Wyoming Coal and Mining
company with Charles D. | Selden , Alf 4 A
Beldcn , James McCrea , John H. Gibson am
lames Anderson as corporators filei
Articles of Incorporation with the county
clerk yesterday. The capital Is placed rt
(1,000,000 ( , and the business of the corpora
tion is to acquiredcvclopo , hold , sell nnd
convoy or leaser coal lands nnd mining claims
n the territory of Wyoming.
Articles of Incorporation of the First
Methodist Episcopal church was' filed
yesterday. The Incorporators nro Joseph W.
Phelps , W. A. Miller , Thomns L. Holllwell.
Alvin Holister , William Hopper nnu
William A. Gray.
A Cincinnati Man.
A telegram was received at noon yesterday
from Denver , Col. , stating that Vohr , the insane -
sane man who was arrested on Monday by
Special Dotccllvo Mcllo of the B. & M , , lives
n Cincinnati , O. Communication will nt
once bo opened with the authorities of the
indent I'orkonolis mid measures taken to
invo him sent homo.
Vchr Is very violent and has to bo hand
cuffed nnd shackled to prevent him from
lolng himself nnd others harm. Last night
10 kept the Inmates nt the Jail In n very
wakeful condition by his almost constant
shouting. Ho will give np account ol him *
tclf nnd In reply to all questions says , "You
ought to know. "
The Old Silver Spoon.
[ low fresh In my mind nro the days of my
sickness ,
When I tossed mo In pain , nil fevered and
sore ,
The burning , the nausba , the sinking nnd
weakness ,
And oven the old spoort that my medicine
The old silver , spoon , the family
spoon , |
The sick-chamber spoon that my
medicine bore.
[ low loth wcro my fever-parched lips to ro-
cclvo it , ;
How nauscaous the stud that It bore to my
tongue ,
And the pain at my Inwards , oh , naught can
relieve It , (
Though tears of disgust from my eyeballs
, it wrung. '
The old sliver spoon , the medicine
spoon. i
How nwful the stuff It left on my
tonguc. | '
Such is the effect of nnuscnous , gripIng -
Ing medicines which inulto th6 stele
room a memory ol horror. Dr. Piorco's
Pleasant Purgntivo Pellets , on the con
trary , nro small , surrnr-conled , easy to
take , purely vegetable nnd perfectly
effective. 25 cents a vial.
Lone Jnck cigarettes are pure , a
holder for bach cigarette , no opium.
0. D. Her Intimates That the Big Dis
tillery Will Shut Down.
Joseph D. Her , of the firm of Her & Co.
proprietors , or nt least trustees , of the Wil
low Springs distillery ot this city , loft last
evening for Pcoria , whcro bo will attend a
meeting of the members ot the whisky
trust. Tills meeting has been called to con
sider the objections made to the concentra
tion of the distribution of the product of the
largest distilleries of the trust In a firm In
Peorln. While all the members
of the trust are Interested pro
rntn In the proceeds of the sale of the pro
duction of the same. distributing
houses are entitled to n certnln advantage
which is considered ample. The objection
made to the system of distribution by some
of the distillers who are now running that
their territory is interfered with and the out
put of their stills in some instances rendered
superfluous , thus causing a useless expense
and decreasing the income of the combina
tion. Just what action shall bo taken by the
assembled distillers could not bo foretold by
Mr. Her ; but that gentleman intimated that
it would be a surprise to him if , as a consequence
quence of that action , the Willow Springs
distillery of this city should bo closed up.
"It may bo done right nway , " said Mr. Her ,
"bub you wait till the cattle are out of there ,
and then look for something. "
Physicians prescribe Dr. J. H. Mc
Lean's Tar "Wine Lung Balm ; in it they
find no trace of opium or morphia , while
its clllcacy in curing all throat or lung
diseases is wonderful.
Fred Albrccht , the watchman at the
dump at the foot of Jones street , says
that the accident which occurred at
that point Saturday evening , " in which
a team of horses was drowned , was en
tirely duo to the carlessncss of Chris
Johnsonthp driver. Mr. Albrecht says
the bank did not cave in the least , and
that ho himself rescued Johnson from
DIcboId Safes.
Mcnghcr & Leachgon'l agents for the
Dicbold safes , have removed to 419' S.
ICth , where they are carrying a largo
stock of all kinds of safes.
The finest pictures in the world are
in Lone Jack cigarettes.
Or , The Thrilling Tnlo of a Line
R. H. Howard , of 2 2 Franklin streetwho
was arrested at the Instigation of his next
door neighbor , Mrs. Allco Henr.lng , on n
charge of Sabbath breaking , was fined $1 and
costs. And thcrcoy hangs a tale. It seems
that Howard was desirous of having a fence
bujlt on the line between bis property and
that of Mrs. Hcnnlng , to which the latter ,
for some perverse reason objected. Never
theless ho informed her that ho would erect
such a fence on Monday , and Mrs. Henning
thereupon informed him that she
would get out an injunction
against the performance of the work. Mr.
Howard then said ho would reflect over the
matter , a llttlo ruse of his which worked
like a charm. Ho quietly waited until the
next day. Sunday , when , without fear of bo.
ing interrupted by a restraining order , ho
proceeded with his work and put up his
fence. Hence Mrs. Honning's malice. For
revenge she had him arrested for Sabbath
breaking. Howard was well pleased , how
ever , with his work , nnd paid the mlnnlmum
line , { 1 and costs , with a zest and enjoyment
that must certainly have been gall to his out
generaled neighbor.
These who taUo Ur. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic never huvo dyspepsia , costiveness -
ness , bad breath , piles , pimples , nguo
and malaria , poor appetite , low spirits ,
hcndaclio or kidney troubles. Price
CO cents.
Smoke Lone Jnclc cigarettes , pure to
bncco , no opium , holders and fancy
The grim monster death again Invaded the
homo of Joseph A. and Mary E. Cavanaugh
at 1S20 North Twenty-fifth street , selecting
for a victim the youngest child , aged seven
months , This Is the fourth death In the fam
ily within one week , the oldest daughter ,
Zette , having died on Monday night. Patrick
J , , aged live and one-half , and Mary , aged
three nnd one-half yeais , died last week and
wcro Interred In Holy Sepulchre. Both lit
tle ones will bo burled to-day from the resi
dence. Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh are greatly
prostrate. . ' over their sad bereavement , the
iiko of which has never been suffered in this
city. The happy little ones who but a few
weeks ago gladdened their parents' hearts
by their innocent play are taken away In
the future the home will not be as it used to.
The children are gono.
Roused from Inaction.
The precursor of their disease and de
struction , the kidneys and bladder
healthfully stimulated and toned with
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , actively
resume their functions. Thus Brightfs
disease , diabetes , catarrh of the blad
der anil encuresis are prevented. For
irritating diu'rolics , and these unmodi-
caled and fiery stimulants which , used
QVOII in moderation , exclto both the
renal nnd vesicul organs , this is the
best possible substitute. It is of botanic
composition , and so congenial to the
stomach , the digestive processes of
which it helps in no. ordinary degree
" " ' I . . . . . . . . . . . '
. . . . . . . "
m. I T I. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Ml. ! II III.
. , . . .1.11.
Continental Clothing House
ains ! New Attractions !
A New List of Bargains ! New Attractions ! Something New to Talk
About ! Unequalled Bargains.
We bcllcvo that It pays to advcrllso gcnu
Ino bargains nnd when buyers call show them
precisely what you advertise. In this way
confidence Is established nnd mutual satis
faction gained. ,
The results of last week's business In re
sponse to our advertisements of these ster
ling bargains show a record unparallcllcd la
the history of our business. !
On Saturday morning wo will offer the most
startling bargains which have ever been
placed on our counters. '
LOT NO. 1-Stoclc No. 40 , 46 , 40 and CO.
SCO Imported Whipcord Suits made In n Four
Button Cutaway style only , in regular sizes
from 33 to 42. This suit was made in our
own machine room during the last sixty
days , and the cut and make of this suit Is as
correct for dress purposes as It is possible to
have them ; and as the present month Is the
month of nil the year when people are think-
In ? about dress suits , wo claim that this lot
of Worsted Suits Is ABSOLUTELY THE
MOST DESIRABLE which it has ever been
our privilege to offer the public. This gar
ment was made up to sell In our stock for
J22 , but as ono of the leading bargains In our
Men's ' Department for this week it is offered
Send for a sample of the cloth of any of the lots advertised or a sample suit , and if it is not just as rep ,
represented it may be returned at our expense.
Self Measurement Blanks sen't on application. Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to.r -
OMBOSATON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
NEW YORK ' . ,
DES MOINES Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
that it is promptly assimilated by the
system , nnd its tonic effects nro speedily
felt. Not only does it remedy inactiv
ity of the kidneys , but renews a regu-
ulur habit of body , promotes n due
secretion and healthy flow of bile into
the proper channels , and expels from
the circulation acrid principles pro
ductive of rheumatism and gout. It is
also the leading1 specific for malarial
complaints. t
Licensed to Wed.
The following marriage licenses wcro
Issued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and Rcsidcnco. Ago.
( William W. Wells , Omaha 27
I Isabel ( Jen-inner , Omaha 10
j Elenlus Jensen , Omaha 24
I Mary Larscnc , Omaha 21
( Robert Paul , Omaha 83
1 Jane Weave , Omaha ' . .20
( Charles A. Dalzell , Davenport , In 30
| Grace D. Smith , Davenport , la 83
] Henry Mading , Mlllard. Neb OS
| Mina Murkman , Millard , Neb 53
i William Thompson , Omaha 20
1 AnnaS. Mulligan , Omalia 20
j James Houston , Omaha 23
] Jane Robinson , Omaha 20
j MatGahlan , Omaha 85
| Mary Ann Carr. Omaha 20
Thlspowder norervaries. A mnrrelofpurl-
ty.stronKth anil wliolesomaiiB n. Mora econoai
leal thanthe ordinary klmK and cann ° t oesolp
incompetltlonwltntliamultitude of Joiv cost ,
ibort welghtalunior .phosphate powders. Bold
An Efficient Remedy lor
DlArrlioeaCholera MorlmsDysentery
And all Dliordert ottlie Ilowcli. Imported IT
Ulhalovitch , Fletcher k Co. , Cincinnati. 0 ,
For tale bjr the following dealer * ; UWiardion Drug
Co. , illuke. llruco & Co. , Adler Jteller , ( JlocUlOuo
Uroi.ACo. , KraukDollone& Co. ; IL H. Orotte , unit
nil wlio ] < < t lo and retail dmgifliti , llijuordcalcn nnd
vilne wtetioati vrrj wtitru.
rldlc ulotisly low price of $15. WE UN
not loss than ? 23.
LOT NO. 2-Stock No. 24 , 04 , 05 nnd 00.
In this lot wo offer an entirely now lot ot
n very handsome nnd fashionable Young
Men's Sack Suit cut In sizes from 33 to 33 , at
the extremely low price of $13. If you should
pay us $18 for this suit wo would then bo giv
ingvou full value. This is n VERY CHOICE
DEK , the sizes nro only from 83 to 33 and it
is offered nt the EXTRAORDINARILY
LOW PRICE OF § 10. This suit may bo
ordered with perfect confidence that it is Just
what is described and of the values repre
sented in the advertisement. If not , It can
bo returned at our expense. Remember the
price is $13.
The success attending our last sale of tha
Fine All Wool Double nnd Twist Sawyer
Casslmcro Suits , has induced us to make a
much larger nnd complete line of tlicsocelo- '
bratcd goods. Wo . now offer them in four
different Styles and Colors. All parties liv
ing In distant towns should send In their
orders at once.
LOT NO. a-We offer SOO Suits In Single-
breasted Sack Coats , the very best Sawyer
Woolen Co.'s Double and Twist Soring Suit-
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged
[ DRUS Nervous ProstrationNervow , He a
acheNeuralgia , NervousWf Ikneis
, Stomach and LIvcrDlBeaset.nnd all
affections of the Kidneys ,
tna Quieti the Nerve * .
"AS AN ALTERATIVE , ItPurifles and
Enriches tbe Dlood.
AS A LAXATIVE , It acts mildly , but
nirely , on the Bowels.
AS A DIURETIC , It Regulates the Kid.
neyi and Cures their Diseases.
Recommended by professional and btutaestmen.
Price $1.00. Sold by drugglsti. Send for circulars.
WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , Proprialorg ,
Vose & Sons
Instruments exchanged , rented and cold on
Easy Payments , below
Instruments slightly used at
Max Meyer & Bio , ,
Omaha , Neb.
NOB. 3O3-4O4-I7O-SO4.
If-lUT thli out and return with roc. ca u or tarap ,
IU upon receipt ol which we will ( end , prepaid , to
any iddroi. ono Una Dollar package "London
iGranulci. " tbo jtrcutett blood and spring ino < H-
Iclnu oa eartli. T. / ' . Clood . . . . . . . . . Until April VI O 'A ) . Loudoa M edl-
ings , now Imht grey nnd brown mixtures , Just
mndo up in our very best manner , and never
during the twelve years that wo have been
selling this suit ha ? it over been placed on
our counters nt less than $18. The celebrated
Sawyer Woolen Co. of Dover , N. IL , needs
no commendation from us , but wo unhesitat
ingly pronounce them the best innnufncturcrs
of Flno All Wool Suitings in Now England.
No Shoddy , Flock or Cotton used in any of
their fabrics. Do not forgot the price , ONLY
LOT NO. 4-Wo offer 100 of the same
Sawyer Woolen Co.'s ' Full Double nnd Twist
All Wool Suits , In n neat brown stripe , a
style particularly well adapted for traveling
or business purposes ns It docs not show the
dust to any extent. Cut nnd mndo In Single ,
breasted Sacks only , nnd wo offer them in
regular sizes from 33 to 44 nt the UNAP-
I'ROACHAULE price of S12.
LOT NO. 5-Wo offer 100 of the well
known Vclour Cloth Finish Sawyer Woolen
Co.'s Suits in n very Dark Oxford Mixture , a
small , neat check pattern , ono of the most
popular styles the mill has over made , suit
able for cither business or dress purposes.
Single-breasted Sacks , regular sizes In spring
weight nt the same extremely low price of
LOT NO. 6-We offer 125 of the SAME
GOODS in a neat brown mixed broken
N. W. Cor. 13th A Dodge Sta
Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for tut
ceuful treatment of every form of dlicaie requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and. attendance ; bed hoipHul accommo
dations in the west.
WRITK FOR CIECULABS on Deformities and
Bracts , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature < ? ( thi
Splnr , PilesTumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Drcnchitls ,
Inhalation. Electricity , Faralysis , Epilepsy , Kid
ney , Bladder , Bye , Ear , SUin and Blood , and all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Spoolal'y.
All Dlood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison removed from tbe system mithotit
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. Persons unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence , All coiauiu-
iilcations confidential. Medicines or Instruments
sent by tntiil or ezpreis , securely packed , no
marks to Indicate contents or sender. One per
sonal Interview preferred. Call and consult us or
end history of your case , and we will send iu
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Ins
vitency , Syphilis. Gleet and Varicocele , with
fytition Hit , Address
Omaha Jfrdical anil Knro < enl Ttitlll\iteo \ ;
Cor. 13th and Doda * Stl. . OMAHA , NED ,
S. K. FELTON & CO. ,
ffator ffoits Contractor
And Manufacturers' Aqents for
Of nil descriptions ,
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence t
Office , Strain's ' Bailie , Fonrlli Floor ,
Omaha Seed House.
Headquarters for I.iuldretti's Celebrated Se * < 1a ,
1'lante , Cut Flowers and Floral designs. Bend
for catalogue.
W. H. FOSTER & SON , Proprietors
1G2 Capitol Avenue.
Bowing Thread of Modern Times.
Ku.rATiiiCK-Kocii Dry UoodJ Co.
M. B , SMITH & Co.
D. M. STEELU & Co ,
B. F.MonsE&Co.
HAYDEN linos.
CIIAS , SINQKII , South Omalin , and all first
class retail dealer ; .
A. J.OUIB New York Dry Goods Store ,
Health is Wealth !
Dit.B C. WESTS Kenve AND niuiN
WENT , BBimrnnteeJ ? neclac for Hyatcrln , Dizzi
ness. Convulsions Fits , .Nervous Neuralgia.
Headache , Nervous I'rostrntlon. mused by ths
use of iilcoliol or tobucco. Wnkofulness , Muiiul
IJepresslon , Softening of the Drain , resulting Ic
Insiinlty.nnil loading to inlsery.clecnynnil death ,
I'rematuroOM Age , Iliirrenness , I.ossoC 1'ower
In either sex , Involuntary I.ofses anil Sperma-
lorrluca caused by over-exertion of the brain ,
telf-almso or over-indulgence. Kacli box con
tains one month's treatment. Sl.OJft Unv. orsU
boxes for 15 00 , sent by mall Prapald on receipt
of price ,
To cure any cnso. With each or'der reretred by
us for six boxes , accompanied with fi.OO , we will
eend the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money If tha treatment does not clfoct
a euro. Guarantees Issued only by C. 1' , OUOD-
MAN , Druggist , Sola Agent , 1I1U l''avunn > Street ,
Omaha , Neb ,
TTO cotaliur riromraeefl
our U * l li Mil remedy
I Rnwn to us tl GcaonblzA
&nd Gleet.
Wehtro lold comldtn
tle , ft&dln every cue il
Alcott & LliX
Huduo. H. Tft
Ecld ljr rJrufcllU ,
fiko at.oo.
check. 7 > ils li ono of the now
cst styles mmlo by these famous
innnufncturcrs. The coat , vest nml
pnntnloons of each of thcso lots nro made nuil
trimmed ns well ns uny f 18 suit in our stock.
This lot wo have in regular sizes , 35 to 4i , nt
the snmo price , | 13 per suit.
LOT NO. 7 100 stntcTi.T AM , wooLCASsr-
JuniiB SUITS ron UOYS from 10 to 17. Coat ,
pnnts nnd vest of a handsome mixed check ,
ono of the host soiling suits in our stock , is
absolutely * frco from cotton or shoddy in any
form , and wo guarantee that It is generally
sold for ? 13 nsuit. . Wo offer it in regular
sizes from 13 to 17 at only ( Q.&O n suit. Send
for n sample suit and if you do not think it is
worth f 12 it may bo returned at our expense.
LOT NO. 8 120 strictly all wool Cassl-
nicro suits for boys In sizes from 13 to 17 , n
nobby Sack coat , pants and vest in a hnnd-
Borao black and grey stripo. Thcso suits
wcro made within the past'sixty days and is
ono of the newest and most stylish suits ot
this season. Last season's price for the
same suit was $13. This suit is marked on ,
our counters Jo sell for J7.CO.
C. 0. D.
With Prhllcge of
All Wool Pants ,
both light nnd dark
colors , in sizes 30 to
42 waist nnd 30 to 34
leg measure. Also
n very largo line ol
bettor grades of
Pan ts ranging in
price from $2.50 to
S8. Our 43.75 to $5
Pants arc extra good
Mail Orders Solicited
The lending
Coraoto of Kurt.
opo and
O vo > >
eoia last
Thorea/ *
eons aroi
they are
the boat
fitt I no )
most com *
rortoblo ,
most durable -
able and
or mado.
Avoid wortblosalmltotlons. Corollno
Is UBoJ in no Corsets except thoad
snada by uo. None ere gonulnounloBi
od on ineldo of stool cover , For ualq
by all leading merchants. .
WARNER BROS,267c4,5 , , , ? , .83
feii 'J. A. MINER , Manager. 4 |
Incomparably tlio Boat.
[ [ GUTTER'S ' Mammoth Clothing House
Best Scotch Cheviot Suits , $12,50.
Best Blue Middlesex Suits , $9.00.
3,000 P.r. fine Pants at $4.
Cl PIITTCO'C1 Mammoth Glotiilng House ,
ELJUlU I I til O cor. Fan & lotii