Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1888, Image 1

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To-Day the Tariff Talkers Will Start
Their Long Dobato.
Yesterday's Work by Nohraska'n Mem
bers Senator Gray AVUl Succeed
AVaitc Crook Will Go to Chicago -
cage WnBhliiRton Events.
Mills and Kelly AVill Open.
513 FouutnENTii STUECT. >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 10. )
The tariff bill will bo taken up in the house
to-morrow nt B o'clock , when Mr. Mills will
make tlio opening speech. He ha * been pre
paring n long nnd Inhered argument in favor
of the measure. Judge Kelly will follow
lilm on the Iloor , nnd there will bo one or two
other speeches by members of the co.mmlttce
on ways and means , nftcr which the general
discussion will begin by members of the
house. The speaker has now on his list the
names of fifty-five gentlemen who would llko
to discuss the bill , but many of them will
hnvo to bo contented with printing their
I find that the canvass of the democratic
members is entirely wrong , ns fnr ns the re
publican members of the house nro concerned.
Mr. Payson of Illinois , who is counted ns n
supporter of the Mills bill , said to-day that
the announcement thnt ho would support It
wns n great surprise to him , nnd ho
would llko to hnvo It given n wldo nnd posi
tive contradiction. "Why , " Mr. Payson
says , "I nm utterly opposed to the Mills bill.
I nm In fnvor of an enlargement of the free
list so as to Include n substantial reduction ,
If not nn entire nbrogation , of the duty on
sugar , with n provision that , It shall not apply
to countries who charge an export tax on
that article , nnd I will vote In favor of free
lumber nnd salt , although I regard the latter
as a more matter of sentiment because the
nrtlclo Is so cheap. But I will use every in
fluence that I can exert to defeat the Mills
bill as It stands. I recognize the necessity of
D substantial reduction of the tariff and of
the present immense surplus. The latter evil
can bo cured by the Immediate redemption
of outstanding bonds nnd the former
by Intelligent tariff amendments , rather than
the revision contemplated by this bill. I
hold , however , thnt the amendment should
bo made by these who are friendly to the sys
tem of protection rather than these who nro
opposed to It. "
"Do you think the Mills bill will pass ! "
"I do not. "
"Do you think any tariff bill will pass ? " t
"I do not know , but if nny should pass it
will bo bo a , bill mndo by the house rather
than by the ways nnd means committee. "
Mr. Nelson of Minnesota , tells mo that ho
is not entirely in favor of the Mills bill.
There nro some features in the bill that ho
does not like , nnd will oppose any bill that
contains them. Some pcopjo of his state de-
innnd n reduction of the revenue und want
several articles placed upon the free list and
the duty ui > on others reduced. In this , Mr ,
Nelson says , ho sympathizes with them „ en
tirely , but ho does not approve of the Mills
, bill as it stands.
Mr. Llnd of Minnesota , Is also opposed to
the bill ns reported , particularly that part of
it which relates to the internal revenue. Ho
says that ho hopes to got a chnnco to vote for
tariff reduction at this session , nnd there are
many things in the Mills bill ho approves of ,
but ns n whole ho does not like it ,
\\OKK OV NlillllAbKA'S J11.MHEUS.
In the Bonato to-dny Mr. Mnmlcrson pre
sented n hirgo number of petitions from No-
brnskn , praying that these features of the
internal revenue laws which classify drug
gists or liquor derlcrs bo repealed. Ho also
introduced a bill 16 pension Mrs. M. Ord of
Nebraska. Both the Nebraska senators hnvo
received and presented several petitions
Intoly sent by their constituents nsking for
the better protection of the national park.
In the hoiisa Mr. Dorsoy introduced a du-
pllcnto of the bill recently presented by Sen-
ntor Mnnderson to protect purchasers of
lands withdrawn by the executive depart
ment ns lying within tholimitsotland grants
to aid in tlio construction of railroads , as In
demnity lumls.
Mr. Dorsoy made money for some time im
mediately prior to the assembly of the house
to-day. Ho sat nt his desk on the floor nnd
put his signature to a now issue of circulat
ing notes fur the national bank of which ho
Is president. Ho had n Inrgo pile of the bills
on his desk nnd his work attracted a crowd
of members drawn either by their curiosity
or to jibe him. There are n score of national
bank presidents in the membership of the
house nnd tlio work Mr. Dorsoy was engaged
in to-dny was not of nn unusuul character for
members of congress.
The opinion is growing thnt Scnntor Grny
will bo nppointcd chief justice of the United
States. All of the democratic senators
think so , and two members of the supreme
court to-day told mo that the symptoms were
such as to convince them thnt Mr , Gray wns
the most favorably considered candidate ,
oven though his immo may not have been do-
clued upon. Nearly all of the other candi
dates hnvo dropped out of the field. The
president told some gentlemen to-day the
Wan who will bo appointed will go to the
licnd of the bench , ns ho did not propose to
promote nny of the associate Justices. There
was some tnllc about Melville W. Fuller
nround the hotels to-dny , nnd it was reported
that ho hnd been sent for by the president to
, coma to Washington , but I could find no
foundation for the story. Representatives
Townshond nnd Luudes hnvo both revolved
loiters from Judge Schoftold nsking that his
.immo bo withdrawn , ns ho would notncccpt
the appointment oven If It were tendered to
lim | , for family reasons.
Inner registered sack exchanges have
been established as follows , to begin on the
JiOth inst : Omnhn nnd Holdrcdpo , Neb , ,
daily , leave Omaha nt S p. m. nnd Holdredgi
ut 10MO p. in. , via the Pacific Junction nni
McCook railway ixjstofllco. Omahu am
Valentino , Nob. , dally , leave Omnhn ut 10 : M
n. m. via the Omnhn and Hustings railwnj
postofllco , nnd Valentino at 1:2S : n. in , via the
MUscmrl Yulloy and \Vhltuwood rnllwuj
Changes have been ordered In the time
schedule of Iowa stnr mall routes ns follows ;
German City to Hornick Leave German
City dally , except Rundny , nt 8 n. m. : urrivf
nt Hornick by ViUO n. in. ; leave Hornioli
ilally , except Sunday , at 100 ; ! ! u. in. ; arrive
nt fiormnn City by 12 in.
Cottngo to lown Fulls Leave Cottage
Tuesday , Thursday nnd Saturday , nt 1 p. in.
nirlvo ut Iowa Fulls by 4 p. in. ; leave jowa
Falls Tuesday , Thursday und Saturday nt t
n , m. , r.iul arrive at Cottugo by U n. m.
General Crook will bo assigned to duty nt
Chicago. General Scholleld prefers to re
mam m Now York , nnd ns the senior innjoi
Kcnoral will be allowed his preference. Cjen
crnl Howard might prefer to Icavo Sun Fran
cisco for Chicago , but the fact thnt there has
lioen n feud between Generals Miles am
Crook so long , it I * thought u good reason
why Crook should go to Chicago Instead of tc
Ban Fruncisco , whcra ho would bo Miles
Buucrior officer.
A vUNn rou MUS. WAITS ,
rj'h proposed fund for tno widow of Chic
Justice \Vulto has bcuiistuitcd , mid the sub
bcrli > tlons nlicndy uKffrejjato over f 10,000
Among tlio contributions are ; Justice 1 ! latch
ford f 1,000 , Justice Mathews 51,000 , Seere
tary Whitney ff.03. Secretary Fnlrchild J2W
John Hay MOJ , Kfcgs . & Co. fcSO , George
Dancroft IJnvis $ SSU , 11. H. Warner WOO , Join
R. McLean $300. General Nichols L. Andcr
eon riV > , B. H , Phillips (100 , Justice Strong
1PO , VY. S. Cox $100 and G. F , Applcby t\W \
rixti'UEs rou TIU. COUNCIL j\nIT \ * in ILIUSO
IHJs have bcn oni-ucd by tie | supor.r.
cndcnt of tno treasury department for the
itindnrd nnd special gas fixtures and clec-
rlc Hu'hU for the custom house nnd post-
office building nt Council Bluffs , as follows :
lomcr , Bruner & Forsytho Mnnufncturing
omp.iuv , Philadelphia. $1,1103 ; K. Holllng
Co , , Boston , f 1W2 : Scnultz Gas Fixture nnd
rfctal company , Baltimore , fc3,200j T. W.
Wilmuth & Co. , Chicago , $ lb , V .
Sonntor Paddock Is suffering with nnvcolar
John S. Clnrkson , chnlrmnn of the lown
state republican committee , and Jacob Hlcli ,
of Dubuciuc. nro nt Welckcr's.
Iho president has disapproved of dismissal
n the cnso of Cnptnln .Tcrnuld A. Olmstcnd ,
Slnth cavalry , and First Lieutcnnnt MenU
; emery D. Parker , Ninth cavalry , recently
.rled by court martial at Fort Douglas ,
Utah. They will bo restored to duty.
Pr.imr S. HEATH.
Army Orders ,
WASHINGTON , April 10. [ Special Tclo-
? rnm to the BEE. ] The following changes In
.he stations and duties of officers of thomcd-
cal department are ordered :
Captain Willtmn H. Arthur , nsslstnnt sur-
eon , is relieved from duty nt Fort Nlngnrn ,
: o take effect on the expiration of his present
leave of absence , nnd will report In person
to the commanding officer at Fort Bowie ,
Arizona territory , for duty nt that point , ro-
llovlng First Lieutenant Wlllinm D. Crosby ,
assistant surgeon ; nnd reporting by letter to
the commanding general department of Ari
zona.First Lieutenant Crosby , nftor being re
lieved by Captain Arthur , and upon the ex-
lilrntion of the leave of absence granted him
In spccinl order No. 00 , March 14 , will report
in person to the commanding officer at Jef
ferson barracks for duty nt thnt station.
First Lleutennnt Charles S. Black , assist
ant surgeon , is relieved from duty nt Fort
Davis and will report to the commanding
officer ut Fort Sidney , reporting by letter to
the commanding general , Department of the
Private Dennis J. Sullivan , Troop I , Fourth
cavalry , now with his troop , bovine enlisted
while-n minor without the consent of his pa
rents , is discharged from the service.
Paragraph ! 3 , special order No. 80 , April 7 ,
1S88 , Is amended to read ns follows : Cnptnln
Frederick E. Trotter , Fourteenth infantry ,
will bo relieved from recruiting duty by tlio
superintendent of the recruiting service ,
July 20,18S8 , und will then proceed tr Join
his now company.
With the approval of the secretary nf war
leave of absence for one month , on surgeon's
certificate of disability , to take effect on the
expiration of his present ordinary leave of
absence is granted First Lleutennnt Francis
W. Mansfield , Eleventh infantry.
Colonel Hufus Snxton , assistant quarter
master general , is nsslgned to' duty in this
city in connection with the settlement of his
accounts with the treasury department , to
dnto from April : t , 1888 ,
The leave of nbscnco granted Major
Julius C. Tupper , Sixth cavalry , is extended
two months.
First Lieutenant Francis Woodbridgc ,
aoventU infantry , will report in person to
Brigadier General Wesley Mcrritt , president
of the army retiring board , convened ut Fort
Lcnvcnworth , order dated May 10 , 18S7 , from
tlio headquarters of the army , for examina
tion by the board.
Commissary Sergeant John Dallaghan ,
( appointed April 13,1S88. from first sergeant
Buttery II , Fourth artillery ) , now nt Fort
Monroe , will proceed to Fort Warren , re
porting upon his arrival to the commanding
officer , to relieve Commissary Sergeant
George M. Seally. Commissary Sergeant
Scnlly , upon being thus relieved , will proceed
to Fort McKlnney , Wyoming.
Paragraph 0 , general orders No. G5 , May
C , 1SS5 , directing that the pay department bo
reimbursed by the sustenance department for
nil nmounts expended In paying commutation
of rations to retired enlisted men is revoked.
Adjutant General Drum has issued the fol
lowing order : By command of General Sher
idan , upon recommendation of the chief of
ordnance , approved by the secretary of war ,
mid In accordance with paragraph 4S3 of the
regulations , as amended by general orders
No. 42 , of 1SS5 , from this office , the values of
small arms , ammunition , nnd of the compo
nent parts thereof , nro announced ns follows
to prevail during the present target year , in
stead of values given in appendix C : Jiluut's
rillo and carbine firing metallic cartridges ,
rillo ball calibre15 , per thousand , SIS.fiO ;
metallic cartridges , riHo bln"k calibre 45 , per
thousand , $13.50 ; metallic cartridges , Ci"-'iio ' ' !
ball , calibre 45 , per thousand , 517 ; metallic
cartridges , carbine blankcnlibro 45 , per
thousand $13.BO ; metallic cartridges , re
volver ball , per thottsrnd , 10 ; metallic cart
ridges , revolver blank , per thousand , $ SO ;
rillo bullets. 500 grains , per thousand , ? 3.s5 ;
carbine bullets , 405 grains , per thousand ,
$ 1.57 ; revolver bullets , iijO : grains , per thou
sand , J'J.fiO ; cartridge primers for small
arms , per thousand , OOc ; small nrm powder
per pound , 18c.
How Anderson AVoul-1 Solve It.
WASHINGTON , April 10. Mr. Anderson of
Kansas , has introduced n bill which proposes
n now solution of the Pacific railroad prob
lem. In regard to It Mr. Anderson says :
The bill Is drawn with the purpose of provid
ing n feaslblo method for operating the Pn-
ciilo road after its acquisition by foreclosure
of the government's mortgage , n method
which shall nt once yield the United Stntes
nn Insured income on its investment nnd also
.secure the pcoplo tigainst the abuses of dis
criminations , pools and monopolies which
prevail nt present. For this purpose it en-
nets the government shall purchase first the
mortgage innds with the surplus in the treas
ury in protection of its own second mortgage ,
and after foreclosing the Inttor that the road
shall bo operated ns a public highway nnd bo
open to nny carrier of fn-ight upon payment
of uniform and regulated tolls for the use of
its tracks.
Nebraska and lown 1'eiifilons.
WASHINGTON , April 10. { Special Tele
gram to the lire. ] The- following pensions
were granted Ncbrasknns to-day : Originn'
invalid Martin L , Mcrrilleld , Republican
City , Increase F. M , Snydcr , Clear Water ;
J. B. Chrisliunso , David City. Ucissuo II.
J. Tyneke , Aloxandiia. Original widows ,
etc. Minors of Jnmes E. Gllmore , Blanche.
Pensions for lownns ; Originnl Invalid T ,
J. Daniel , Decatur Citv ; Jolin Crookschnnk ,
Kuthvcn ; Albert Shoemaker , Ulverton ;
George W. Ormsbco , Sioux City , Uestorn-
tlon hnd reissue F. M. Williams , Uock
Knpids. Increase J. L. Tanner , Cedar
Knplds ; Peter Hess , Prolo ; Mark Mann ,
Ottumwn ; A. J , Oulnn , Now Sharon ; Henry
Grieve , Cusoy. Hoissuo S , G. Blylhe , Norn
Springs , Original widows , etc. Eliza J , ,
mother of J _ . Z. Provost , Villisca.
Vetoes Thrco Pension BIIU.
WASHINGTON , April 10 , The president to
day returned to the senate unsigned the nets
granting pensions to Hannah U. Lnngdon ,
Bettio Mansfield nnd Laura A , Wright ,
Thcso acts are vetoed on the ground thnt the
deaths did not result from injuries received
during the wnr or sickness incident tc
army service , nnd until It is estnblishcd ns n
policy that all soldiers' widows should bu
pensioned it is unfair aud unjust to muko ex
ceptions in fnvor of only such as procure
thu passage of special acts.
The American Conference.
WASHINGTON , April 15. The conference
committee upon the bills which have passed
both houses providing for a conference at
Washington next spring of representatives
of the various American governments ,
reached an agreement to-day , The bill will
appropriate 575,000 , will declare that the sub-
loots to bo discussed must bo fully spccillei :
iu advance , nnd will authorize the uppolnt
in oat of a committee of ten delegates--six bj
the president , two by the scaute imd two bj
the louse ,
Postal Chunses.
WsnisoiONVApriUn. ( Special Telegram
ta the 13KC.1 Thonamoof.Uiurostoftieo ul
Dmlray station , % .le.d { Willow county , Neb ,
was. to day changed to Danbury , Tbo
office nt Bnlsorn , Sherman county , Neb. , will
bo discontinued , April 20.
The following Iowa ixjstmasters were np
pointcd to-dny : Ferdinand Mlttng , Fcnton ,
Kossuth county vice Frank Pompc , resigned ;
George W. Hammers , Hebron , Ailiilr county ,
vice Mrs. May Carrier , resigned.
Nominal lonn.
WASHINGTON , April 10. The president this
afternoon scntto the senate the following
nominations : Kobert Clavcrt , of Wisconsin ,
to bo surveyor of customs for the port of La
Crosse. WIs. , and W. T. Wnlthnll , of Mis
sissippi , to bo consul of the United States nt
Dcmercro. _
Favor BurllnRtou'B Ilulldlng.
WASHINGTON , April 10. The scnnto com-
mlttco on public buildings nnd grounds ,
nmong others , to-tiny passed favorably ui > on
the bill for n public building nt Burlington ,
la. , to cost tlUO.OOO. _ ,
A Youth of Eighteen Kills One nnil
Woundi * Another Companion.
AitMouiiDALii , ICnn. , April 10. [ Spccinl
Telegram to the BKU. ] While the Schlltz
Brewing company's bottling establishment
was burning nt 13:30 : this , morning four
young men stood on the corner of Fourth
nnd Osngo streets watching the flro. Three
othero approached them. The two crowds
hnd hardly Joined when four pistol shots
were fired In rapid succession. One man
fell dead shot through the heart and another
stnggered with n fatal shot in tbo leg und
breast. The attacking party scattered in
every direction. The dond nnd wounded
were removed to their sovernl homes.
Thomas . .Fitzgeraldvas killed. Ho was
twenty-two years old and lived with his
parents. Joseph Pinuctt was the name of
the badly wounded man. His ngo wns
twenty-two years. Charles Tlernnn , n boy
eighteen years old , did the deadly execution ,
Ho Is now under arrest in Kansas City ,
Kns. , with his two nccompllccs , Edwnrd
Kcdmund nnd Edwnrd Klrwin. A post
mortem was held on the remains of Fitz
gerald this morning. The men had quar
reled Just before the flro took place over
trival matters. They were all mechanics.
Chief Tcrvles heard threats of lynching , so
he wisely removed the men to the Wynmlotto
AVhy the Senator's Presidential Aspl-
ratlous "Will lie Disappointed.
S4N FRANCISCO , April 10. The .statement
thnt Senator Stanford's name would bo
urged for the , presidency before the republi
can state convention of California , boo
brought out largo numbers of expressions
from the papers of the coast. The Chronicle ,
in n lending editorial to-day , says there is n
fatal objection to his candidacy , although his
private life anrt character nro irreproachable.
Every offense which has bucn charged
against the Central and Southern Pncifio
roads would bo heaped upon his shoulders.
It urges Stnnford's iricnds to persuade him
to abandon a course which can only lead to
New Yoiuc , April 10. In the official bulle
tin issued at 8 this morning , it Is stated that
there was no material change in Conkling's
condition , nnd his pulse and temperature
were about the same. The patient slept for
four hours during the night , and was still
asleep at 8 o'clock.
About 10 this morning Dr. Barker an
nounced that Colliding Had passed a very
cpnifortablo night. The physician now
places Conkling's chances of recovery as ono
in five. Ho says Colliding is quite strong ,
comparatively speaking-owing to the amount
of nourishment ho lias been taking.
Conkling's condition was unchanged at 1
o'clock this afternoon.
Dr. Barker called about Oo'cloek , but only
remained a few minutes. Ho said : "Mr.
Colliding is greatly Improved , nnd his chances
for recovery are greatly increased. "
When asked if the critical point had been
reached ho said : "No.tiot yet. "
To-night was the first time ho had lakcn n
glass of milk in his own hand. He took
twenty-seven ounces of nourishment since
the afternoon visit of the doctor.
Alderman Conkling loft the house soon
after Dr. Barker. He seems much more
hopeful and told n reporter ho now thought
Ills unelo would recover.
The Solid South.
NEW ORLEANS , April 10. [ Special Tele
gram to thoBniJ Tho. young dcmocracysup-
porting a ticket bended by Joseph A. Shake-
spcaro for mayor and General G. T. Beaurc-
gard for commissioner of public works ,
against the regular democracy , are making n
vigorous struggle for a free ballot and a fair
count. Mayor Guillotto has sworn in up
wards of 1200 ! special officers for election
day , by whom Winchester rifles are to bo
curried on the morning of election day and
they are to bo distributed at points near the
polling places , ready for duty nt n moment's
notice. This notion of the young democracy
will uo nn excuse for the sheriff swearing in
n few thousand deputies , and nothing is more
likely than n collision of forces on election
day. Yesterday the conference committees
representing two rival wings of the democracy
were in session seeking an agree mont ns to
the management of tho- polls on election day.
They failed to ngreo on the matter of arms
nt the polls , the young democracy insisting
UIKHI their right to como out with their Win
chesters. Governor Wnrmouth has issued n
spirited address to the public dcnaunclna
Governor McEnory for bad faith in this
campaign ,
Steamship Arrivals.
Livnnrooi. , April 10. ] Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] Arrived The Parisian from
PLYMOUTH , April 10. Arrived The Mo
ravia from Now York for Hamburg ,
SOUTHAMPTON , April 10 , Arrived The
Elbe from Now York for Bremen ,
GIABUOW , April 10. Arrived The State
of Nebraska from Now York.
PiiiiAi > iUMiiA ; , April 10. Arrived The
British King from Liverpool.
NKW You * , April 10. Arrived The Leer-
dam from Uottentnm , the Hermann from
Antwerp , the Hovla from Copenhagen and
The Flru Hceord.
LOUISVILLE , April 10. The Evening Times
special from Owensboro , Ky. , says : Last
night a fire burned a half block In the heart
of the business portion of the city , Qrdinor-
lly the flro could have cosily been controlled ,
but the waterworks company had shut down
without notice to the city , and the flro de
partment was for the time useless. The loss
is placed at tl50,000. Insurance , * T5,000 , ,
fitonmor Runic.
LONDON , April 10. The British steamer
Belin , from Antwerp , had her bows steve In
nnd wns afterward seriously dnmnged in a
collision off Deal in the ton , with the steamer
Vena from Balboa , The Vena sank and six
teen of the persons on board lost their lives.
Favorable lleport.
WASHINGTON , April 10. At a meeting of
the river nnd harbor committed this morn
ing it was agreed that an offer * should bo
made to-day in the house to suspend the rules
and pabs the river nnd harbor bill.
Suits Against llall'our Withdrawn.
LONDON , April 111. The actions brought bj
Wilfred Blunt against Balfour , chief sccro
tnry for Ireland , and Police Magistrate
Byrne , for false imprisonment , have been
Home Policy ,
PAIUS , April 10 , None of thb French pa
psrs hero regard Boubinger's success in any
other light than as n protest against th home
policy cf the government , ,
A Paris Journalist Makes Little of
the QonoraVs Aspirations.
Circumstances Different From the
Time of the Fall of Frnnco In
1862 No National Gunrtl In
Exist ! nco Now.
Cnn Never'Do n Dictator.
tSfS ti Jamu Gordon Dtnnttt. ]
LONDON , April 14. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to 'tho BEB.-M. | Blowllz
In the Times , writing from Paris and repent
ing.ML interview With General Boulnnger ,
adds :
' 'Louis Napoleon talked exactly In this
strain from 1843 to 1851. He , too , wished
only to bo president of the republic , but
when president ho ifindo himself an emperor
and n president , Bbulnngcr might become a
Gcorgu the 1. Madness cannot bo reasoned
with. The causes of his success defy analy
sis ; it cannot bo explained or combatted.
Universal suffrages has its freaks and to try
and stem them it is hopeless. General Boul
anger and his setcllltcs , have invented noth
ing ; they simply imitate precedents , and uni
versal suffrage was nothing clso. They de
mand , like Louis , 'Napolcon , revision and
dissolution. They arc ready , Ilka him and
his abettors , to risk everything. There is
still the alliance of anarchists and absolutists ,
and Just as Loul Napoleon said , the empire
was In peace , so General Boulangor says ho
desires n peaceful regeneration of the coun
try. The whole game has been played bo-
boforc , but the only thing still incomprehen-
blo is how it can lead to General
Goulongor's dictations. If the national
guard existed it would bo easy enough , for
that body [ always aided revolt , but as
matters stand the general would not find a
single regiment to follow him. Moreover ,
the day when a French regiment would bo
capable of making a prouucinmento In favor
of a man who no longer belongs to It , would
bo that of the fall of Franco in 1852. The
troops shouted ' \rivo , L'Empcreur , ' but the
empire was virtually in existence. At pres
ent it would bo a military revolt against es
tablished power. This Irreparable misfor
tune is yet to fall 004 Franco. "Without the
national gnard , without the army , without
the government is it not Impossible to explain -
plain how General Boulangor is to attain supreme
premo power in the position ho has decided
on and wishes to claim.
"Hut there is always a chance to bo taken
into account. It is certain that the general
will not bo opposed by the police. M. Floquct
is not hostile to him ; neither is M. Goblet ;
no one expects resistance from M. do Frey-
cinct , and M. Camellias supplied no means
of resistance. In thimvay it might happen
that an cmcuto without the nation would suc-x
cccd. Assume that after this election in"
Nerd 20,000 idlers and reckless people , who
arc always in Paris ready for a tumult , were
to inarch to the Elysco shouting 'Vivo Bou-
langerl' Alas , Carnet , what would happen ?
Neither M. Floquotpor Ml Goblet , friendsof
General Boulanger , would , resist. As
for M. /Froycinet , ho would
lose no time in appointing the general to bo
the head of hjs staff , a place which , in
consequence of the refusal of it by General
Warnet , has remained vacant ; there would
then bo a complete change , for General Bou-
langer would become the head of the army ,
which would obey him as its chiof. If , on
the other hand , General Savassier receives
directions to maintain order , the demonstra
tion would break down and the future dicta
tor would sustain an Important moral defeat.
In the absence of such a step or something of
the kind , I can 's o nothing but very slow
means to bo employed , the final success of
which wouTil bo doubtful.
"Tho Boulangist microbe has now reached
'such a state of development that that some
prompt and decisive measure must bo taken
cither for or against It. The present situation
cannot continue much longer. Unfortunately
for General Boulanger , and fortunately for
France , the dictator candidate has not Paris
with him. Twenty thousand rioters are but
an insignificant minority , even among revo
lutions. Boulnnglsm cannot mnko a revolu
tion , for the artisans are against rather than
for the general. Whatever agitations , elec
tions , uprisals and resignations occur , neither
the chamber nor the sonata will agree to de
ter action on the constitution so as to enable
General Boulanger to turn them outof doors.
Even now ho is nobody's man just because
ho wants to bo everybody's , and ho has no
majority in cither house. Failing in this ho
has nothing. Ho will never have such a
majority in the present chamber. The
place hunters are witli him , but those
there already will resist him. If the
conservatives are really the honest men they
have been taken for they will Join In ward
ing oft the danger and in preventing the In
evitable disasters following a supremacy
which would bo regarded as n premeditated
challenge against the peace of Europe.
Franco knows what she risks in proclaiming
such a man , and this is Just why all cool ob
servers are persuaded nho will open her eyes
in time instead of deliberately plunging into
the abyss , According to M. Joflln , the so
cialist's municipal councellor who went down
to oppose General Boulnnger , the peasants
are led to behove that ho is a natural son of
the first Napoleon by a Hubslan princess.
Prophetic almunacs are distributed which Use
the 7th of May , 18'JO , for his defeat of the
Germans. "
A Significant KInotlon.
[ Copurtolit tK3by James a < inlon Jleitnttt.l
PAIUS , April 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE. ] Boulangcr's
election has been followed by another which
Is equally significant. At n meeting of the
managing committee of the Liguo des Patri-
otes , Paul Derpuledo was rcolccted honorary
president. Several prominent gentlemen
representing moderate patriotic views at
once resigned , *
M. Ferry K.vcorlnlcs Him.
PARIS , April 10. [ Special Cablegram to
the UKE. ] Ferry , in a speech at Eplnal
to-day , denounced General Boulanger us a
mutinous soldier. Ho admitted that the
chamber of deputies had abused its power in
order to incite a 'ministerial crisis , but in
defending the senate ho said the Boulanger
crisis proved that direct suffrage was not
infallible , and showed the danger of a single
assembly and the necessity of the senate.
The existing situation was a plagiarism of
the second of December , Ho perfectly
recognized again the hypocritical , equivocal
and threatening formulas of that period. Ho
would support the Floquct cabinet , and ho
called upon It to assume an active militant
attitude toward Boulangism and to concen
trate republicans against the plcblscltary
C&cariuu movornont. , The return of Ca >
Enrism .would , lead to foreign war. Franco
would lose the-esteem of the rest 'of Europe
if a secou'a tiino In forty years she should bo
, * o 'onl ! : > R totr.ksm'sdioc'-ity for genius
a Catallno for n Washington. AH good citi
zens must reuse themselves to combat a
aversion to Crcsaristn which had always
eft shameful , bloodstained tracks in the his *
tory of Franco.
A Letter From the General.
Pintc , April 10. General Boulanger has
written n characteristic letter to an elector
of the Department of Nerd , in which ho says
Lho Ifith of April will henceforth bo marked
In the annuls of Franco as tho'dnto of her
Iruo deliverance. Ho praises the electors for
Lhclr perseverance and patriotism , and says
they understood his profession of faith , al
though the politicians did not. "What
Frnnco demands , " says ho , "and what the
electors have affirmed through my name , la
the necessity of a constituent assembly , be
fore which all ambitions will bo effaced , and
which will glvo the people the larpo place
they ought to occupy under n republic. This
has always been promised them , but system
atically withhold. Together wo will labor to
make the republic respected and Inde
Alarming Developments Yesterday In
the Condition of Ilia Throat ,
tCopi/rfflftt JKSB by Jama Gorton lennctt.\ \
BCIILIN , April 10. [ Now York Herald.
Cable Special to the BEE. ] Many American
medicals understand how too many cooks
spoil the broth. The emperor Is suffering
now from conflicting doctors. 1 am reminded
to-day of the time when President Qarflcld
was under treatment Now , as then , the
press discuss the "case freely. Between the
German physicians and consulting Sir Morrcll
Mackenzie , the situation is n trying one ,
notwithstanding his birthday gifts Included
a gold bowl formed of all the gold coins of
the reign of Frederick the Great. The seven
doctors , including .Prof. Sonaor , the cele
brated surgeon of Augusta hospital , who con
sulted twice to-day and meet again ut 11 to
morrow morning , however agreed the bron
chitis Is limited and no trace yet that pneu
monia will' supervene and add fresh
complication's. .His apprehensions are duo to
continuous high temperature , higher than
can bo accounted for solely by the prcscneo
of bronchitis , while the local condition
detected as yet do not in them
selves suffice to account for the
high temperature. The fact prevails
that something exist which at the present is
nol possible to ascertain. At the evening
consultation ho thought the hjgh itcmpera-
turo which prevails may buduo to the forma
tion of an abscess which from time to tltno
empties into the tracchca and again closes.
It is now 11 p. in. , and I hear the adult
members of the imperial family are as
sembled at Charlottcnburg castle and will
remain there nil to-night. All
about the palace wear serious faces.
Prince Bismarck arrived nt Cknrlottcnburg
at 11 n. m. Ho did not drive up to the main
entrance , but passed through one wing to the
emperor's room , where ho remained some
time , Joined by the crown prince , who had
been attending to his military duties all
mSrnin'g , and who came direct as soon ns
parade was dismissed and spent a long itno
at bis father's bedside. The empress , Au
gusta , who had boon prepared for the bad
news by Prof. Van Vorgnan yesterday , also
drove otit to Charlottenburg. Under the cir
cumstance's it is probable Queen Victoria
Will not visit Berlin.
The Emperor's Condition.
Bnm.iN , April 10. The doctors In at-
tcndanco upon Emperor Frederick held
a consultation to-dny and decided
that bronchitis was limited and that no
pneumonia was present. Dr. Mackenzie
fears that pneumonia will set in in consequence
quence of the emperor's continued high tem
At 05 : ! ! the emperor's condition was the
same the fever had not abated. Prince
Henry , his son , arrived from AVnlhclmshafcn
early this morning. All of the family of the
emperor are now assembled at Charlottcn-
bui'g. The crown prince qnd Bismarck had
n long conference with' the emperor this
7:15 : p.m. The emperor is now in a high
state of fever , and thorc is no improvement
in his other symptoms.
Bunr.iN , April 10 , 8:15 : p. m. The emperor
is very weak and it is reported inflammation
of the lungs has set in. Toward evening ho
fell nslcop.
At an evening conference of the doctors
concerning the emperor , it was found the
fever and bronchitis were unchanged. It is
undeniable that Dr. Mackenzie this morning
believed the emperor's end was approaching.
The empress urgently summoned the mem
bers of the family to hasten to the castlo.
The Crown Prince William galloped from
Berlin and arrived first. He was soon fol
lowed by the Empress Augusta and others.
Prince Bismarck was at the bedside an hour
after receiving the summons. There is a
marked discharge of bloody mucus from the
emperor's ' throat , uud the swelling Is pro
gressing downward. Prince Bismarck , ac
companied by the minister of Justice , had
another interview with the emperor this
evening , when his majesty signed an order
appointing the crown prince to net as his
Better reports have been received from
Charlottenburg. The emperor left his bed
and sat for awhile in an arm chair , and
about 4 o'clock showed himself at the window
of the room. The crown prince remains at
Charlottcnburg for the present.
At midnight all the members of the Im
perial family wore summoned to the em
peror's bed aide. The worst is feared.
The Noted English 1'oefc mid Scholar
r\llrcH Very Suddenly.
Livinirooi , , April 10 , [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BIE : , ] The sensation
hero to-day Is the death of Matthew Arnold.
It seems ho loft London Saturday morning
to meet his daughter , who had wired from
the AuranlantQuceiiRtown , His bister , Mrs.
Cropper , the favorite daughter of the Uugby
Dr. Arnold , and her husband reside In a
charming suburban residence called "Tho
Dingle , " whither the poet went on arrival ,
The evening was one of the first spring ones
of the season and there was a bright now
moon , which , after an excellent supper , at
tracted the party out doors for a walk. There
was a sprightly conversation , in which refer
ence was made to certain criticisms about
Mr. Arnold's pupcr on America In the Re
view , and especially wherein ho was twitted
with ageing. To show his exhuberancc
ho proposed to Jump a low railing near Mr ,
Cropper's house. Failing at several attempts
ho was determined to limp it eventually , and
did so like a light-hearted boy. No ill re
sults appeared , but Sir Andrew Clark had
warned him against sudden exertion.
Ho slept well and breakfasted well Sunday
morning along with Mr. and Mrs. Cropper
and Mrs. Arnold , who was a daughter of the
late Justice AVelghlmnn. Ho attended ser
vice at a Presbyterian church , expressing
the pleasure which the discourse had given
him , At luncheon ho was playful and happy ,
and after it ended Mr. Arnold walked out
with his wife. Ho had not gene far along
Dingle lane when suddenly ho foil forward
and never spoke again. The occurrence took
place immediately near the house of Dr.
Little. Ho was at once carried there , but
life was extinct before ho rras taken in the
house. Two hours afterwards his daughter
arrived and was met at the landing
by rJtr uncle , who discreetly broke the
sad news. She and Mrs. Arnold bear the
stroke well. It hnd long been feared. Ills
father died ns suddenly of anzlnn ncctoris.
Jits litre Work.
ICopi/Hoht tsss bu Jamts Gonlan KtmitH.1
LONDON , April 10. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BF.R. ] All the Lon
don evening and morning papers have
editorials on Matthew Arnold. Perhaps the
best paragraph of the many Is this fromi the
St. James Gazette ! "Ho was an exponent
of the gospel , of these two most excellent
things , 'Sweetness ' nnd Light,1 and none can
deny that ho practiced It with rare persua
siveness , fidelity nnd power to a generation
not much disposed nt first to heed the
message. Thin lesson Mr , Arnold
spent n largo part of his llfo
in impressing directly by his didactic
essays nnd directly by his poetry nnd
criticism ujwn British Philistinism. We'll not
nay that the British Philistine la dead , but at
least ho is ashamed. Matthew Arnold's
ropier found Its way through his tough hldo
and caused unexpected qualms nnd prickings
In his gross Interior , from which ho has not
recovered. So humble are the sons and to
abashed the daughters of Phlllstla Just now ,
that the younger generation may find it dlfll-
cult to bcllovn there was ever any great oc
casion to assail them with arrow * of raillery
reasoning and satire , but let them qucstlqn
their ciders as to the tone of middle class
society In England not very many years ngo ,
and they will discover what Mr. Arnold's
work has been. "
Gladstone Foretells Victory.
LONDON. April 10. [ Socclal Cablegram to
the BEE. ] A brilliant reception was given
by Lady Sandhurst this evening. Gladstone ,
Morley , Husscll , McCarthy , and many other
noted liberals were present. Gladstone de
livered an address on the history of the last
fifty years. It was , ho said , a history of pro
gress. Moreover , It was simply a history of
liberalism. They hud progressed greatly
since the general election , although at a dis
advantage , owing to the secession of the
unionists who had great social Influence.
But In his opinion the unionists were the
greatest enemies of the union , and ho did not
blame the nationalists for co-operating
together. In conclusion , ho said the pros
pects were hopeful in the extreme , and ho
advocated energy , as triumph was certain in
the end.
An Audience with the Pope.
ROME , April 10. [ Special Cablegram to
the BCE.J The pope to-day addressed a
party of Austrian pilgrims. After com
plaining of the unworthy position in which
the church was now placed , ho commended
them for uniting love for their sovereign and
devotion to himself , and appealed to thorn to
demand the independence of the holy see.
Double-Leaded Leaders.
ICopi/Hu/it ; sss bjiJamf * Gordon Ilcniiclt. ]
LONDON , April 10. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Bnc. ] All correspond
ence from Berlin and Vienna in tlio morning
papers , and tlio leaders , are exceedingly pes
simistic about the German emperor , and tno
Times double heads its correspondence ,
"Critical State of the German Emperor. "
A Peasant Uprising.
BUCHAREST , April 10. The peasant up
rising is extending. Several village mayors
have been killed. Largo bands are assemb
ling with the avowed object of attacking
Bucharest. Special trains , are bringing
troops from Maldavia to protect tlto capitol.
Seal Fisheries Conference.
LONDON , April 10. Negotiations in relation
to the Behring sea seal fisheries were re
sumed to-day. A conference which lasted
an hour , was held between Dcstall , Russian
ambassador , White , acting American min
ister , and Lord Salisbury.
Evidence of an Attempt to Swindle n
Nebraska Man.
OnniaiN , Kan. , April 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ben. ] The Bni : is highly com
mended for its Influence in exposing the cor
ruption of 'Cully Scott , receiver of the land
office hero , and now that tlio people arc as
sured that this man Scott's record will bo
shown to the world its correspondent can get
all the information ho wants.
Another steal , in which a most worthy cit
izen of Nebraska , Judge Thomas , of Falls
City , is the victim , was made known this
morning. Judge Thomas has n timber claim
in Sherman comity , upon which ho lias met
ajl the requirements of law. One
of Scott's most pliant tools started
a contest on this land , alleging
want of cultivation with the evident object
of securing service by publication , and Judg
ment by default. Judge Thomas being in
formed by a friend made defense , the evi-
dcnco being overwhelmingly in his favor.
Then Scott , who has charge of the cohtcst
department , failed and rcfustid to pass upon
the ease and allowed It to remain In the olllco
unnoticed for more than twelve months ,
while dozens of other contests have been
heard since and sent to the general laud
Finally Scott's tool procured a fraudulent
rellnnulshmont purporting to bo signed and
acknowledged by Judge Thomas thereby
cancelling the land , and sold tils thirty days'
preference right to Willard II , Daily ,
who entered the land. Major J ,
W. Pcarman , agent for Thomas ,
notified him of the fact and.Tudgo ; Thomas at
once made aflldavit that ho still hold thu
original receipt issued to him by Scott as
receiver ; that ho has never relinquished his
right to the tract and that any Instrument
purporting to bo such is false , fraudulent and
forged , The fact that the contestant In this
case is known to bo a vqry closoand confiden
tial adviser of Tully Scott , gives foundation
to the belief that the receipt has been du
plicated In this us well as other instances.
Strong Probability That the Murderer
AVilllln Lynched.
CiiEVENNi ) WKM.S , Colo. , April 10. Satur
day , while N. B. McConnell and John Morri
son , two young men from Iowa were , passing
the house of IJYedorlcic Baker , two miles
north , the latter commanded them to stop ,
They paying no attention to his orders Baker
fired upon them with a shot gun lauded with
slugs , The driver was uninjured , but
McConnell nnd Mhrrison were riddled
with shot and died in five minutes. Baker
was arrested and to night fifty armed men
went to tbo Jail and demanded of the deputy
sheilff to turn the prisoner over to thorn.
The officer refuses to do BO nt 2 a.m. , but
the men ( .ay they are determined and will
take Baker out and hang him before mornIng -
Ing , if they have to tear the Jail down to get
him. Tlio probobilltles are that the mur
derer will bo hanging from n , tulcgruph pole
before daylight.
j >
Grain lintes llebtorcrt.
CHICAGO , April 10. The Burlington road ,
In accordance with Its promise , restored
grain rates to-day. Seven days' notice gave
shippers a great opportunity , and it Is said
no Ices than twonty-fivo hundred cars of corn
and oats shipped ut the reduced rate are now
en route to Chicago over the Burlington.
Delayed Trains ,
MINNEAPOLIS , April 10. A Gladstone ,
Michigan , Journal sp.eclal says that numer
ous washouts aro'reported along the Chicago
& , Northwestern railroad ana -traluo liavo
been- delayed , .
The Village Suffers a Forty Thous
and Dollar Firo.
Nelson Inflated With n Ten Thonsnudl
I3lazo nnd Ilnssott Struirglca
With n Pralrlo Scorcher
Nebraska News.
Exeter Severely Scorched.
EXETER , Nob. , April 10. Fire started In
Cubblson's brick building nt 3 o'clock this
morning , The building nnd contents are n
total loss $40,000. Solomon & Nathan lese
P3" ,000 on stock ; $10,000 , Insurance. The fol
lowing buildings were burned and thole
stock saved ; Grant's drug store , McNcnl'a
hardware store , Kry's ' barber shop , Honn'a
boot and shoo store , Obcrholtzor's furniture
storeNornpon's confectionery , Reed's laun
dry. Strothur's printing onicc , First National
bank and Lewis' tailor shop. Dr. Johnston's
ofllco , Maulo & Sloan's law ofllco. Nelhnrt's
photograph gallery nnd Hoynold's dental
jfileo were In the upstairs of the Cubblson
building nnd were totally destroyed. The
cast sldo of the street was saved by hard
work. The opera house was saved by pull-
In ? down the building next to itTho wall
was diunngcd. Thu waterworks afforded no
assistance. The fire originated in the base
ment of the Cubbtson block itiid is a mystery.
Incendiarism Is suspected. It will be built
in brick as soon ns possible. There were ,
thrco narrow escapes of gentlemen sleeping'
in the Cubblson building from being burned
to death. _
AH Smooth aq a Gang Saw.
LINCOLN , April 10. [ Special Telegram to-
the BEE. ] The smoothness In which B. & M.
trains are operated was Illustrated yesterday
In n wreck that occurred on the southern
line pf the 13. & M. nt Kcsturson. The wreck :
was a head-end collision between passenger
train No. 40 nnd a freight. The intelligent"
engineer of the freight train wnj signalled jo
back from the station aul then pull in on the
sidetrack. Instead of this , however , ho
pulled ahead out of the depot to bicklnont
siding , nnd the result wan that the passenger
train was met beyond the switch and both
engines wrecked. It Is understood that
the scab engineer will bo protected
; .t the expense of the conductor to add to tho'
assertion that the road ia employing only'
competent engineers ,
A passenger from Omahatoday on pass
enger train No. 6 related his experience trav
cling behind n scab. At Omaha a delay of '
forty minutes was experienced on account of
the competent engineer not having nir'
enough to release the brakes. When tho'
train finally started it mudc the trip to LUK
coin in two hours and a half , running part of
the time ilfty mlles nn hour , and the rest ol
the time about fifteen miles an hour , rolling
through the yards Into Lincoln , however , nf
u rate of forty-five miles an hour. All ol
which kept the passengers In a state of morJ
bid excitement.
The Other Side Say Ho AVns Kljjht.
MAniiin , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] In the preliminary hear
ing of Robert Clarke at Grant , who was ar
rested on complaint of John McICenzio for
riot nnd assault , the defendant was bound
over to the district court. The defense
offered no testimony whatever. Tho.chargo
agnlnst Judge Hastings of predudice nnd
partiality made in the Omaha Bui : of Sun
day , was entirely unwarranted. Every de
cision mndo by the court mot with the ap
proval of every attorney present and is- *
lully sustained by law. This correction is-
due Judge Hastings , who in his official posi
tion is winning the good opinion of all Ih9
law abiding citizens of the county.
A Ten Thousand
NELSON , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tele >
gram to the Bin. ] A bluzo last night de
stroyed eight buildings , valued at 10,000.
They were insured for f 0,700. , The losses-
and Insurance are as follows : Thomas Har-
vine , building. 52,500. insurance $1,400 ;
Mealy & Goodrich , stock of groceries , S3,200 ,
iiiMirnnco 1,700 ; Mock & Schourer , capon-
tor shop , JbOO , no insurance ; Griffith &
Schorcr , jewelers , fi,80 ! ( ) , insurance 53,100 ;
E. W. Kmlcr , building , 81.200 , insurance
? 575 ; Love Hvtzcl , drujrpist , ? 1. > 0 , no insur
ance ; A. G. Robinson , furniture , f3,500 , Insurance -
suranco $1,000 ; J. R. Robinson & Son , con-
'fcctioncry. &J25 , no insurance ; W. J. Mc-
Kcnzlc , tailor , loss small. The origin of the
lire is a mystery.
Icinil > li < ; im Olub Organized.
Ilouwr.oi ! , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tclo-
gram to the Bci : . ] A republican club oC
some fifty members was organized hero to
night with the following officers : President ,
L. M , Ilopwood ; vice presidents , Hon. C. O.
Charleston and 1. E. Austin ; secretary , Asa
Lewelllng ; treasurer , A. P. Erickson , nnd an.
executive committee of five members ,
Tlio Mandamus Kofusod.
GIIAXT , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Telegram ,
to the BKI : . ] The mandamus asked for to
compel the commissioners of Clmso county to
call an election for the relocation of the
county sent was denied on the ground that
an election could not legally bo hold until
two years from lim dnto of the last election.
This will settle tlio matter until July , nt ,
which time another vote will bo taken. *
DestructivePralrlo Fire.
HASSKTT , Neb. , April 10. [ Special to the
Bun , ] A destructive prnirlo fire swept over
the country north and northwest of Bassctt ,
Saturday , burning several houses , barns ,
etc. Among the losses are Mrs. Bcuch'o resi
dence and nil Its conUmlH , und Mr. Kramer's
barn containing1 some hundred bushels of
corn. Tlieso two losses amount to $1,000.
The pran-io was covered with a heavy coat of
old grass uud it was by the hard and untir
ing efforts of the town people that the vil
lage was bavcd.
An Early NohniBlcnn Dead ,
NnuiiA&KA CITV , April 10. [ Special to the
Bic. : ] Charles II. Cowels , one of the oldest
tettlern of Nebraska , died lust night nt lila
homo northwest of this city. Mr. Cowels
ranio to Nebraska in IWiJ nnd served in.
the territorial council In 1&M , IbftO , 1867 and
Ifcdl , nnd was qulto u prominent figure la
territorial politics.
A. Good .MectiiiK.
SCOTIA , Neb , , Apiil 10. [ Special to the
I3cij : General Vim Wyck spoke hero this
evening to a largo audience. His remarks
were well received , nnd his position on the
question "Labor" wa1 * unanimously endorsed.
In KlnlHhod ,
SBWAIIO , Nob. , April 10. [ Special Tele.
gram to tlio BEU 1 Finish McLean , drug
gist , assigned to-day. Assests about $2,500. ,
The banners hero have about $1,000 Indobt- ! ?
ediicts unsccuicd ,
.ssroN , S. C. , April 10 , [ Special
Telegram to the Bsu. ] At the lust session ,
of the legislature an net was passed granting
pensions of f5 per month to disabled confed
erate veterans or widows of veterans , Fifty jj
thousand dollars appropriated , nnd the ' \ >
treasurer autborl/cd to borrow ns niucli - ' * *
more as needed. The pension board is now
seriously ulurmcdnt the way applications are
pouring in , It would rcquiro nt leant
i'200,000 to pay those on file , Muny good aol-
dlers icgonl.tlm law u a mistake , but nro
afraid to take slops to becure its repeal. Tar-
pu.vcrs uro alaraicd at the prospects of addi
tional burdens , and apidtc&nls who nro b
Lititoiu off ni'o htsvir-K somctl.lui ; to any , '