Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1888, Image 1

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Cleveland Can't Count on the
Wooden Nutmeg Politician.
ncinocr.itlo Or nn Declares Itself
lHpleiiNcil With Iho President's
1'Vcc Trndc Policy Sympathy
For Senator Ilnwlcy.
The ClmlriunnVI11 Fight Him.
WASIIINHTGN. 1) . C. . April l 15. 1
There Is n report In circulation in Wash
ington lo Iho effect that Chairman Harnum.
of Connecticut , l very bitterly opposed to n
rcnomtnnUon of Cleveland , nnd that If the
present plans nio carried out at St. Louis ,
the "seven more mules" politician will Hnd It
convenient to bo too bupy during the cam
paign lo bo of any nsslslance. President
Cleveland has overlooked Mr. Harnum , ns ho
has about nil thu other active democrats , in
the matter of giving out tlio spoils , nnd the
Connecticut boss has not been consulted
much about anything. Hut this Is not his
reason for opposing n continuance of the
present administration. Harnum is n pro
tectionist. Hois Interested in manufactur
ing and wanls the tariff maintained on im-
pPrJ-i' ' Ho does not subscribe to Jnny feature
of the vrcsldcnt's last message , and says II
Will lose all Now England nnd
probably Now York to the dcmocrnlie
party. Ho , as chairman of the national com
mittee In 1880 and 1884 , studiouslysuppressed
tariff pnbllcalions and endeavored lo make
the light on purely personal grounds. Con
necticut is rampant in opposition to the Mills
bill , nnd democrats in Washington arc won
dering If they can do anything lo lead Mr ,
Harnum lo support Mr. Cleveland utter the
St. Louis convention.
It Is conceded that Heprcscntnlivo William
L , Scoll , of Pennsylvania , will bo chairman
of the democratic national committee. Scotl
is a milhonaro nnd can raise more money foi
campaign purposes than any man in UK
parly. Ho is n member of Iho house commit
tco on ways and means , is enthusiastically it :
favor of Iho Mills bill , which it Is understood
ho largely composed , and is held responsible
for many o'f the extreme tariff reform utler
nnccs of Iho president in his last message U
congress. Scott has had an experience ol
three campaigns. Ho was ono of Tildcn'f
most trusted advisors , and ono of the few
who , In 18TO , was ready lo inaugurate a dem
ocratic president at all hazards. In 1SSO he
jnvo liberally of his time and means lo the
Hancock campaign , and in 1SS4 ho did the
same for Cleveland.
Ho is the head and front of the Pennsyl
van In revenue reform wing of the party , am
is making tlio light there for Cleveland thai
ho made in 1880 for Tilden. In ISbO Harnuir
nnd Randall were his allies ; now Uandall is
his opponent. Ho seems to have gathered m ;
experience which equips him bettor for ,1
Btato light. Scott is levying n determiner
warfare on all democrats in his stuto who di
not support the Mills Dili , and declares
thai all the democratic members from Penn
sylvania , except Uandall and Sowdon , will
vote for it. Ho is preparing to make n des
perate effort to defeat Sowdon , who was the
only democrat who last week refused to be
bound by the caucus action and vote to ad
journ the house and defeat the direct tax
bill. Scott's men say Sowdcn lias nn ulteriot
purpose in acting independent in this in
stance. liy tlio terms of the recent bill re-
dihtncling HID stale of Pennsylvania ,
Sowdon's county Is thrown intc
Hoprcscntativo Ermcntrout's district.
The latter will bo nominated , anil
SSowden , it is said , will run ns an Independ
ent democrat nnd have the republicans make
no nomination. Knncntrout voted against
consideration of the Morrison bill in thu last
congress and Is now for the Mills bill , behifj
driven into line by Scott , and it remains tc
be s''on whether his action will be ) endorscil
by his cdnstitucnts ,
Among Iho oldcsl nnd most reliable demo
cratic organs in Washington is the Sunday
Humid. It has swallowed everything Presi
dent Cleveland has given out and declared it
was food , till the tarin"mes , ao went to con-
Kress. Tills it held to bo destructive. Here
is one of its observations to-day : "There if
no blinking the fuel thai Iho republicans arc
much moro hopeful than they wcro prior te :
the president's tariff message. Heforo that
they were in the dumps ; now they are hope
ful and some of them even sanguine of sue
cess , These hopes are based mainly upon the
fact that thu so-called leaders of the demo
cratic phalanx m Now Jersey and Connecticut
nro not in sympathy with the administra
tion's tariff policy and upon alleged disaf
fection In New York. The republicans hope
to utilize- the protective tariff feeling among
the laboring element of thcso states , while
they expect hike-warm work from the demo-
cralio leaders in New Jersey nnd Connecticut
nnd u democratic1 contingent from the disap
pointed In Now York. Of Iho men who
helped to carry New York , Manning , thu
recognized slate leader , is dead ; Hubert O.
Thompson , who wielded onei wing of the
New York democrats , nnd John Kelly , who
brought the Tammany contingcnl to the
polls , are all gono. Who are competent to
take their places t and who can bo relied
upon In Connecticut and Now Jersey to do
the work with zeal and heart I Already tlic
icpuhlicans nro making their calculations
nion ) electing Iheilr president with tlio aid of
Ivow Jersey , Connecticut and Indiana , with
out the vote of Now York , although thcv
hope to carry thai stuto also. "
IIMM.KY AND Till ; A > IljllCAN : KM'IIAXOI ! .
Senator Hawloy's friends very much la-
mcnl his connection with the American ICx-
cliiingo in liuropo. Thu democrats generally
nro boasting thai il takes him out of the line
of presidential possibilities and will relegate
him to private life. His personal friends in
both parties , however , declare that it will
not injure ) him and u telegram has been re
ceived from an influential cltlmi of Hart
ford , Conn./ saying that although nearly
SlUO.OOfj of the s-loek is held there and wna
boughl because Senator Hawh\v was the
president of the American Kxchango , no ono
holds him responsible , even fnr neglect. lie
did not solicit any business for the concern
nnd sold none of the stork , although as pres
ident ho drew a salary of si,000 ; a year. Hn
caveit as careful supervision and good ad-
vlco as hia time and position would admit
nnd although his enemies will try to muitu il
his dmvnfall , there is no likelihood that it
will so result.
Tim AllMV CIIAXCi:3. :
General Sheridan gave the army a great
shaking up by clumping the stations of eight
regiments. The IIPWS , of course , caused a
great sensation throughout the army. An
ofllcor of tha Kifth infantry , to whom the
news was telegraphed thai ills command was
ordered lo Toxas. tele-graphed U.k : " 1 pre
fer he'll , " referring to Concrul Sherman's
well-known story of the relative dcsirabilitj
of the locality us u place of permanent resi
The two horses , harness , carriage nnd ac
companying ace-outrcmcnts of tha late Cliicl
Justice Walto wcro sold yesterday at auction
Tiiry brought J500.
The lanff reformers argue lhal there wil
bo but nine democratic votes against the Mllh
lilll , nnd live republican for it. This woulel
rlvo the bill n majority of about ten 01
Tins legislature of Louisiana is to elect thii
wcok two senators lo congress , in place o :
Senator Uitihim , whoso term expires in IbS' '
and Senator Kustis , whoso term expires it
1M)1. ) Senator Gibson went homo some tiuu
hliice ! to make Ids cunvass far rei election. 1
is sautlmt ho antf Senator I'.nstU has'e com ,
1 U urlnlraert thnt the wife of n very weallhj
r 'frora vto PaciCc coast U naw thj
object of very persistent nnd skillful efforts
by certain Roman Catholics to Induce her to
enlist under the banner of the pope nnd they
arc making some progress nnd are very hope
ful of ultimate success.
Punnr S. HCATH.
Army News.
WASIIINOTON , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hen. ] The following ofllccrs nro
detached from duty nt the military academy
and ordered to rejoin their regiments or their
departments : First Lieutenants Henry A.
Heed , Second artillery ; George H. Davle ,
Fifth cavalry ; William H. Homer , Flflh nr-
llllcry ; William II. Gordon , ordnance dcpatl-
mcnt ; Gustavo J. Flcbcrger , engineer corps ;
William L ) . Hcach , Third cavalry ; George H.
( . ; . Gale , Fourth cavalry ; Henry Kirby ,
Tenth infantry ; Sidney E. Stewart , ordnance
ilcp.ulmcnt ; John L. Chnmburlln , First ar
tillery ; Frederick S. Foltz , First cavalry ,
nnd Second Lieutenant Edmund 1) . Smith ,
Nineteenth Infantry.
The following ofllcers nro ordered to duty
at Ihe academy : First Lletcnnnt S. Sedg-
wick Pratt , Third artillery ; John IX Has-
kins , Third artillery ; Charles .1. Crane ,
Twenty-fourth Infantry ; Tnsker II. Hllss , artillery ; James S. Petllll , First infan
try ; Harry F. Hedge , engineer corps ; Krns-
lus M. Weaver , Jr. , Second artillery ; Irving
Halccnginccr coi'psCharlcsH. ; Noycs , Ninth
Infantry , nnd Henry Taylor , engineer corps ,
Second Lieutenants William Forsyth , Sixth
cavalny ; F , J. Kcrnnn , Twenty-llrst infan
try ; William F. Flynn , Eighth cavalry , and
Gcorgo A. Cameron , Seventh cavalry.
Captain Frederick K. Traitor , Sixteenth In
fantry , will bo retired from duty by the su
perintendent of the recruiting service July
III ) , nnd will rejoin his company.
The following changes are ordered In the
stations and duties of olllcers of the medical
department : Captain William H. Austin , as
sistant surgeon , relieved from duty ut Fort
Niagara , N. Y , , lo take effect on the expira-
of his present leave nnd ordered to duly nl
Forl Howls , Ariz. , relieving First Lieutenant
William 1) . Crosby , assistanl surgeon , who ,
upon the expiration of his leave , is ordered lu
duly al Jefferson Hnrracks , Mo.
First Lieutenant Charles S. Hlack , assist
ant surgeon , is relieved from duty al Fort
Davis , Tux. , aud ordered lo Forl Sidney ,
Private Henry Hrickwcdcl , Company D ,
First infantry , now nt his company , is ills
charged from the service of the Uniteil
Posl Qunrlermaslcr Surgeon James Fcr
gnson , appointed April 10 , 1SS8 , from private
Company F. Fourth infantry , now ut. Forl
Spokane , Washington Territory , will proeeee
to Fort Custcr , Montana Territory , reportin * .
upon his arrival to the commanding ofllcci
for duty at that post.
Private Gcorgo Selnndcr , Troop F , Seeom
cavalry , now with his troop at Fort Wall :
Walla. Washington Territory , is transferrci
lo the hospital corps as n private.
TliiH AVcelc of
WASHINGTON , April 15. Tlio lariff and ap
propriation bills are lo bo Iho business of tin
house during the week , if the dcelaralions o :
Ihe majority managers nro made good ,
To-morrow , however , motions to suspend the
rules will be in order , under the call ol
committees. In this event Hlanchard wil
seek to put. the river and harbor nppropriu
lion bill through. Nowhere is there any ex
pre-sfcd intention to prevent the carrying oul
of Mr. Mills' announcement that ho will asl <
the house to enter upon the consideration ol
his tariff bill Tuesday.
The senate will probably spend the entire
week upon the animal industry bill and the
Dakota bill.
Nolu-iiHlca and Iowa 1'enfiiniiw.
WASHINGTON' , April 15.Special [ Telegran :
to the Hi : ! : . ] The following pensions were
granted Nchrasknns to-day : Increase Orrli :
Squires , Seward ; Homer J. Splclds , Wayne :
Alfred lilair , Taylor ; Francis N. Brown ,
Clement ; Hnrman P. Shcrwian , Lincoln.
Pensions for lowiins : Original invalid
Huck Ighm , Cambridge ; Samuel Schoonover ,
Durham. Jncrcabc-/ohn / ICnott , Muscatino :
William F. Iloyt , Andrew ; Jeremiah Picketl ,
Marshalltown. Koissuu August Gasman ,
Clear Lake. Original widows , etc. , war ol
1-Sl'J Mary J. , widow of James Cummings
Winterset. Mexican survivors Peter D
Ankeny , DcsMoines ; Oharle-s Stafford , Du-
burmo ; Wesley 1 tenner , Clear Lake.
Crop Itiillctin.
WASHINGTON , April 15. The weekly
weather crop bulletin says : The weather foi
the week has been favorable for growing
crops in all agricultural districts. Heportt
from tlio southern states show that it was
favorable for eotton and cane and that small
( rraln crops have been affected favorably ,
The season is probably ten days Into in mid
dle Atlantic stales , and from llftoen to
twenty days latei in the northwest , where
seeding is progressing slowly.
Twenty-Third Anniversary ol" the
Killin-of Lincoln.
SPIIINGVIIM : > , 111. , April 15.-The twenty-
third anniversary of the death of Abraham
Lincoln was celebrated in this city to-day by
the Lincoln Memorial league , of which H. H.
Hooker Is president. The services were at the
national monument in Oak Hidgo cemetery.
The sarcophagus was appropriately deco
rated. The attendance was quite largo and a
good degree of Interest was manifested. The
address was by Rev. H. F. Crouss , chaplain
of the league. Letters and telegrams of ro-
grcl wcro received from Iho governors of
the various stales , including Marble of
Maine , Hill of New York , Forakor of Ohio ,
Gray of Indiana , Denver of Pennsylvania ,
rind from Senators Cullom and Sherman ,
Generals Sherman and Sheridan , Judge
Groshain , Hurriet Hcceher Stowo and others.
CnKtlo Rnrdcn'H Hnilroad Pool.
Ni\v YOIIK , April 15. [ Special Telegram
to the HII : : . | Castle Garden's iniquitous
railroad pool stands 1'n imminent danger ol
being swept out of existence. Several of the
railroads constituting it have withdrawn nnd
nro now openly fighting it , and offering liberal
inducements to runners and other persons
who will secure them iinmigraul passengers
outride of the pool. Until recently cordial
relations have existed among the railroads ,
but llnally the yoke fastened upon the lesser
railroad corporation * } by the Now York Cen
tral and the Pennsylvania , who were monop
oli/lng the biggest percentage of passenger
truflic , became unbearable , thn result being
thn present condition of affairs. The presi
dents of tlio various railroads forming the
iuimitrant ; clearing house have been in con
sultation several days trying to devise homes
means to prevent tlio collupse of the pool.
This fulled , however , and the ( luestion now
is , " ( iow long can the uool withstand the as
saults of Its enemies I"
The Standard's Itanilllcat Ions.
Cmc.u.-o , April 15 , [ Special Telegram to
the HKC.J It is stated that tlio Standard oil
company has completed nil its arrangements
for building a pipe line from Lima. O. , to
Chicago for the cheap and rapid transporta
tion of crude oil , which they think is destined
to take the plnco of coal In Iho great manu
facturing establishments in Chicago. Work
has already begun and will bo rapidly pushed ,
The plpo to bo usoJ is olfiht Indies in diiimo-
tcr. The total length of the plpo will bo
about 'JtO miles , and the cntlro investment
will about ' . ' The Standard
aggregate f 150,000.
ard oil company practically controls nil the
oil territory around Limn , and it Is intimated
that for three months It has had its agents
out prospering and leasing nil Iho oil-lndl
eating property lu the vicinity of Montpclier ,
aboul Ihlrty miles sonlh of Huntington , Ind.
Ciruatrnticencols observed , however , uynll
connected wilh the company and nothin
dcllr.itc can be learned.
A Iluycott on Pool Hecr.
Nr.w YOKK , April 15. The cectral laboi
jtii-jii to-day ' dcdarcd a toycull OB all- pool
boor. .
The Burlington Fnst Mall Wrecked
Near Oroston.
Tlic IMnll Cnrs Arc Hurncd Up But
the Clcrka Ksunnc Due to a
Conductor's lilitndcr
Other Casualties.
Cninc Together On n Ilrldgo.
CIIESTON , April 15. [ Special to the line , ]
A serious head end collision on Iho main
line of Ihe "Q" occurrcel at 410 ; ! this morn-
inp , about a mile west of the city , between
the west bound mall nnd express No. 5 and
the sixth section of freight No. 13 cast bound.
C. A. Shoot , fireman on the freight , was
killed , and n brakcman named Henry Gibbons
bens had n leg crushed , which has since been
amputated. J. M. Osborn , engineer of the
freight , was slightly Injured on the leg , and
L. J. Miller , a brakcman , was Internally in
The trains met on n sharp curve , the en
gine of the passenger train and front mail
car having Just crossed n bridge. The en
gineer had barely time to apply the air brake
before Jumping , and not a single coach left
the track. Hoth engines and one mall car
rolled down n fifteen foot embankment , the
mail car landing on Us back.
Four postal clerks were at work In the car ,
and wcro covercel over with piles of mail
sacks lhal at once look lire from breaking
lamps. An ax was handed them , and Ihoy
were soon released uninjured. The lire
quickly spread to the storage car that stood
on Ihc bridge , nnd before the city fire depart
ment could reach the scene and get hose
enough to the mall cars and the bridge , were
In Humes. The upper portion of the bridge
was burned away , but the piling was
saved and a new bridge was under con-
slruclion in less than n half hour. Holh
mail cars , llio while cars used by Hie fasl
mull , were totally destroyed and both engines
appear to bo utterly useless.
The responsibility for the accident is said
to rest on the conductor of the freight who
should have sidetracked at Cromwell. It Is
said that ho had been 11 fly-four hours with
out sleep and hud fallen asleep at the station ,
The loss of property to the company is es-
timuled al bclween ? 'JOOJO , and SJiU.UOU. The
mail ears were insured.
Thousands of people are visiting the scene
of the wreck which is Just adjoining Lake
park. It presents n frightful appearance bul
Is considered a very fortunate collision , m
not single passenger was injured. The
bridge was lluished and the tracks cleared ul
11 o'clock.
A Philndolnhfn ColllHlon.
WASHINGTON , April 15. The iraln whicl
left New York on Iho Pennsylvania road a' '
1 :30 : Ibis morning was wrecked by a collisioi
with an engine in Hie Philadelphia yard. Tin
engineer and lircninn anil several passengers
were badly bruise'd. The collision occurred 01
Iho elevated tracks in the Philadelphia yard
and was caused by n misapprehension of the
engineer of the light engine ! , who undcrstooi
Ihe passenger train had gene by and sturtci
out on the main track. Hoth engines and foui
passenger ears were turned over nud budlj
smashed , None of these injured are in ;
dangei'ous condition ,
Inelclliiito Information.
SAX FitANcisco , April 15. F. D. Hlack
representing K. J , Haldwin's stables , tele
graphed to Albuquerque late lasl nighl le
learn if Ihero was any Irulh in Iho rcporlci
accident. The reply from the opcrnlor says
Ihcro is no truth in It. llcpllcs received bj
other persons , however , are evasive and it i ;
thought , the train which carried the horse *
met with some kind of an accident , whicl :
may not be serious. It is impossible to gel
dclliiite information.
A Wreck on the 'Frisco llond.
Four SMITH , Ark. , April 15. [ Special Tel
egram to the BII : . ] A north bound passen
ger train on the 'Frisco road found a loadeil
freight car standing on the main track at
Tnscaloma , Indian Territory. A collision
occurred , tin-owing the cars of the passengei
train from the track. Charles Merrill , en
gineer , and Fireman James Ellis were instantly -
stantly killed. Many olhcrs were injured.
To what extent is not known as all informa
tion Is withhold.
Four Cars Ditched.
HOI.YOKI : , Colo. , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Iho Hni : . ] The Chicago express on
Iho 13. & M. jumpcel Iho track and dltcheil
four e-urs early this morning , ono mlle east oi
Ibis city. The cause was u broken rail. Nc
ono was injured. _ _ '
A Child Kiirnnd to Death.
LAMAII , Mo. , April 15. [ Special Telegram
to the HBK.J W. S. Cape , n prominent
farmer , while plowing in a stubble Hold yes-
lei-day , ficl llro to Ihe grass. His little six-
year-old daughter became surrounded by the
llro and before she could bo rescued by her
fallier was burned lo n crisp from Iho waist
down ,
Convicted of Illegal Voting ,
RociiKSTcn , N. Y. , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hii ; : . ] Al a general elcclion in
ISSfi , Lucy Harbor and n number of oilier
women ace'oiupanlcd their husbands lo the
polls and hworo In their voto. No action
was taken for nearly n year , when Mrs.
Barber was arrested on the charge of illegal
voting , it being the intention to make it n
test case. She wusjound guilty nnd sen
tenced to ono day's imprisonment in the
county jail. She appealed from the sentence
to the next higher court and a decision has
been rendered sustaining the conviction.
Mrs. Harber has not ns ycl served her sen-
Icnce- . _ _
Norton Court XOIPH.
XOUTOV , ICnn. , April 15. [ Special Telegram
to the Hii.J : : District court adjourned here
yesterday , having been in session since the
Jd lust. , disposing of nearly all the cases on
the docket. William Woodruff , the boy who
shot throuuh the opera limtsei window on the
nishl of November T , Ibh" , while the Louis
Lord opera company was performing , goes
to Jail for thirty days. Isaak Van'Gundy
wits proven guilty of rnpo and tentcnccd to
ono year In the penitentiary.
Hilton Hy Mad DngH ,
HAi.nwiN , Kun. , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram to the UUC.J--A few days ago several
mad dogs appeared in Ibis section nnd in
Lane counly. Cnltlo , hogs and horses were
bitten in nil directions. All the animals ,
with the other dogs bitten , show signs of
hydrophobia. People have organized to cx-
tcnninato nil these nud many valuable ani
mals will bo sacrificed. In the town of
Tribune , Max Heller died of hydrophobia in
grcal agony. The sons of Lcochamnn nnd
Michael Shcnvln wwo also bitten and Iheir
death is expected.
Killed Tor nit Infant Cow.
ST. Louis , Mo. , April 15. During a dis
pute yesterday al Pearl Station , near White
hall , III. , between Hubert McICvers and Wil
liam and Howard Garrison , cousins , over n
calf owned by MclCvcrs , the Jailer was slab
bed live timca by Howard Garrison und instantly -
stantly killed.
Cashier CaiiRlit.
ST. VINCENT , Minn. , April 15. Cashier.
Cameron , of Winnipeg , was arrested at Pern-
binn , nnd was'rdleascd this afternoon- the
law not warranting his detention. ' His con
federate was nrrc&ted nt Kmlvs-on and lias
moat of the stolen luvcey. ' .
The Financial Transactions of the
Pnst AVcck.
BOSTON , Mass. , April - 15.Spoclal [ Tele
gram to the UEC. ) The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading clearing-houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for thel week ended April 14 ,
IbSS , with thornlo per cent of Increase or de
crease ns compared wilh Iho amounts for Ihc
corresponding week last year :
Sonic of the Peculiarities of the Duch
ess Caroline of Mont rose.
Nr.w YOIIK , April 15. [ Special Telegram
to the HII : : . ] It is reported from London
thai Iho Duchess Caroline of Monlrose , who
certainly is ono of the most eccentric women
in England or anywhere else , whoso peculiar
fad is an objection to paying bills in splto of
her large fortune , has been getting into
trouble once more. This time she refuses lo
pay . l,7.iO for n supply of orchids forillliiiR ;
up her irrccn house , the work on which was
ordered done in honor of n visit from the
Prince of Wales. Onq item was 1,000 or
chids at a guinea a piece , which she declared
to bo too much. She was ordered to pay
jL'l/JOOinln court withleave , to % bt out thu
balance if inclined.
Tlio duchess is seventy years of ago and
has married and buried two husbands , both
wealthy , the last of whom was plain Mr.
Crawford. She was reported and it was
generally believed , to have had the inten
tion of marrying for love a few years agothe
object of her affections Ueing Fred Archer ,
the famous Joe-hoy who recently committed
suicide , to whom the duchess is said to have
written personally projx > siii | , ' marriage. She
is a line woman , tremendously bie nnd des
perately fond of ruciugwhich she does un
der the name of Mrs * jyioiiton , nnel was per
haps moved by a elesiro to obtain for her
slables the exclusive services of the greatest
living jockey. , i
1)11) DISS 1)12 BAH MITKDRIt ?
Inmicniloew Directed Against the fcjpir-
Itiinlistic frnuil.
New YOIIK , April 15. [ Special Telegram
to the HII : : . ] Lawyer Abe Hummel inti
mated to-nfgiit in Uolmonico's ' cafe that u
charge of murder would probably bo made
nirainst Mine. Diss Do Har. Tlic story is that
she caused the death of an.eccentric and
wealthy business man named Lowcnbei-g ,
who had lived a retired life on Clinton place ,
this city , for years. Ho wa- known as n
miser among his neighbors , but showed a
great weakness for spiritualism. Mine. Diss
Do Har became acquainted with Mr. Lowen-
berg and managed to completely control him ,
nnd enthroned herself in his hotiso on thu
ground that it was n command of the spirits.
Lawyer Hummel says that the time of
Lowenberg's death is known to him and the
circumstances attending it. Ho said Lowen-
berg was dead two days in his own house before -
fore the fact bceuuio Known. Hummel
would not state ns to what name Diss Do Har
was known by when she lived in the miser's
house , but stated that after the man's body
had lain in the house for the tiuio stated the
medium informed the polleo and then de
camped. The polleo investigated and found
decomposition was about to sot in , and tlmt
the body lay enlirely uncared for.
Lowenbcrg , although possessed of consid
erable wealth , did not make any will , nor
could any papers be found relating to the
disposition of his property. While not
directly stating thai Mine. Diss Do Har will
bo accused of murder , ho said thnt the charge
referred to was the most important one of all.
It appears that the medium luid kepi the
alleged miser from visitors , and her espion
age over him was Koinewhat of a similar nature -
turo to Hint in Lawyer Marsh'H ease. She
was the only person who hnd anything at all
to do with Lowenben * , and although strong
suspicions rested on her at the time of his
death , she evaded arrest.
; nn Alh-god Actor.
New YoitK.April 15. [ Special Telegram to
the Hni : . ] James Owen O'Connor , who
claims to bo a tragedian , has been giving u
round of Shakespearean performances al Iho
Star theater lids wcok. His audiences have
guyed him and Iho press has ridiculed him.
Lust night's scene at the performance of
Othello surpassed anything ever seen hero
in n theater. The curtain was rung down
twice during the first act , so great was the
the tumult. Oranges , , apples , peanuts and
other missies wcro hurledat the tragedian
Few words uttered by those on the stage
wcro heard by the nuulenco. Shouts , cries ,
laughter nnd upplauso continued srom tlio
opening of eae-h scene to the cloHO. The fact
that O'Connor Is no actor is apparent to
ovury ono bill himself. Ho In simply stage
struck and the critics , find in him u now edi
tion of Count Joannes.
Ho Ciirm'd llio Court.
Snn.u.iA , Mo. , April 15. [ Special Telegram
to the Biu. : ] Charles F. Blessing , the des
perado , was on trial yesterday for shooting
Officer James Gossago in December last.
During the progrcsB of the trial the prisoner
cursed the witnesses , jury nnd Judge. The
court ordered him gagged if ho persisted in
his interruptions. The Jury were oul flvo
minutes and returned witli a verdicl of
j-uiltv. Ho was given ten years. Ho will
now bo tried again for shooting Joseph Gos-
sago on the same day , and will probably gel
another nnd a similar sentence , Ilo is
twcnty-eighl years old and has served in the
prisons of Indiana , Illinois nnd Missouri ,
Discovered Lnnil.
SritixoriKj. ! ) , Mo , , April 15. [ Special Tel
egram lo Iho Bun J There is grout excite-
menl in the neighborhood of Asli Grovo.lliis
county , occasioned by the flndinir of n four-
foot vein of lead ore , which is believed to bo
the biggest Jlnd in this district.
His Last Burglary.
ST. Louis , April 15. This afternoon Julius
Meyer shot and killed Hobcrt Klcinloff in the
former's ' saloon , The ) victim with two pals
had forced uu cn " " 'ice for the purpose of
burglary. . - . . . ' .
The Llbornl Revolt Stirs Him to Ro-
uowod Activity.
UltcnmliiB Firm In Splto of tlio Im-
\mtlenco Manifested lly Uthur
Professed Followers of tlio
Vcncrnulo Statesman.
\VI1I NotllcslKii.
tCnpyHflM ISSS bit Jamci ( Ionian HeniictM
LONDON , April 15. [ New York Hcrnlil
Cable Special to the HER. ] The now re
volt In the Glndstoulan party lins thus fnr
hnd the effect of stimulating the venerable
leader to creator zeal. The Olmlstoninns In
their back scats could stand their miserable
position : io longer. Messages \vcro convoyed
to Mr. Ghulstono conveying gentle hints and
mild appeals. To thcso ho paid no heed.
The party had settled down upon him as it
did in 1874 after his great defeat. Once
more his thoughts turned towards theology.
Unfortunately most of his followers take no
interest in theology. They don't oven coino
to prayers , as Labby admitted the oilier
night , except when they went to secure n
scat. Therefore they tried to drug their
lender down from the clouds and to niako
him understand that Smith Is the man ho
should bo after instead of confusing his
mind with speculations on the fall of man.
I believe the Parncllitcs took little part , In
this grand remonstrance. In no way do they
seek to bring a pressure upon Mr. Gladstone.
Their respect for his opinions and anxiety to
spare him inconvenience are touching to wit
ness. Tlio English radicals arc not so con
siderate , They felt tlio time had come to
push their leader on. Mr. Ghulstono re
ceived tlio message meekly , and instead of
resigning ho is once more buckling on his
armour. Five more liberal unionists have
undoubtedly gene back to the old man , and it
is believed six others have managed to scram
ble to the top of the fence , preparatory to
dropping down into the true fold. That be
ing so the Glndstonlans do not. to-day talk
quite so much of making up their differences
with HnrUngton's followers. Once more
they nro hopeful of winning back a sufllcicnt
number of wanderers to Jeopardize the gov
ernment. Let it bo plainly understood that n
largo section of radicals , and all the Parncll-
lies would adopt almost any course in prefer
ence to making any compromise with Cham
berlain , They look upon him us the primu
cause of nil their misfortunes , and never
ccaso to denounce him as a traitor. Hurting-
ton is not peculiarly objectionable , and no
body bears much animosity towards LJright ,
who , moreover , in this house is no longer n
live combatant. Chamberlain is one man
who can never bo forgiven. I am bound to
add Unit lie shows not the slightest disposi
tion to seek forgiveness.
Tlio week then ends with moro life in it
than any of us anticipated. There is clearly
n good cliiinco for-a row and that is some
thing. Wo arc getting tired of this peaceful
monotony. No Dr. Tanner , who is on his
honeymoon , no obstruction , no bad language ,
no all-night sittings , no cloture even. If this
goes on much longer we shall begin to fancy
we are once moro n respectable legislative
body. The real sport will begin when the
resolution is introduced demanding local
government for Ireland. Most of us are
pledged to concede that wo will , most of us ,
vote for it. That is a poser. Your duty on
the government sldo is to vote always and
often for the ministry. If on the other , vote
with your leaders. The people who think and
vote on strictly conscientious grounds nro
few or what would become of party govern
ment. Therefore when local reforms for Ire
land are asked for many will say it is too
soon and Hartiugton has already plainly
given the cue for tlio cry. Tlio lories gcner-
erally will do as they are told. A few union
ists may bolt , but bolters never do much good
for themselves in any country. Shut your
eyes and lot tlio wire pullers guide you where
they will. Such is the short road to oflicc ,
emoluments , honors perhaps to a peerage ,
and 1 expect to see many take it when Ire
land presents herself once more at tlio bar of
the house and again her melancholy question
rings in our ears : "What are 5-011 going to
do for mol" A Mr.Mimu or P.\UUAMI.XT. :
Misrepresented IJy His
LONDON- . April in. [ Special Cablegram to
the 13r.i : . ] Heplying to an address signed by
twenty-eight , members of the Midlothian
executive council of the liberal-unionist asso
ciation , Ghulstono complains of n misrepre
sentation of liis statements and maintains
that on nil of the points upon which they
asked a fuller exposition of his views his pub-
lie speeches have been most explicit. Ilo re
grets that some of his constituents have
entered into such n controversy , but says ho
is not entitled to take exception to their acts.
Tlint Now Golnn On Ilctwcnn Kinpnror
Frederick and IIin Chancellor.
[ Oipiyrfy/it / IhKSliuJitinrit ( Ittiilun Hewlett. ]
HIIUN : : , April 15. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Hii : : . ] Since the unity
of Germany was proclaimed at Versailles
eighteen years ago , the German people have
not been 'confronted with such vital consequences
quences as the lifo and death struggle going
on between tlio emperor and Hininarek.
Every German , from the feudal baron of
Thnriiigin to the poorest woman in Berlin , Is
fully alive to the enormous stakes being
played for in the supreme struggle between
the iron heel of autocracy and military des-
pothm on the ono hand and constitu
tional monarchy or government by
tlio people and for the people , on
thu other. The nation is aroused. This is in
everyone's mind , ami this is what is talked
about at every llrcsido and over every mug
of beer in Germany. Kvcry German is now
making up his mind under which banner to
light , Just as in IbOO every American was
making up his mind for tlio north or south ,
Just as the logical conclusion of our great
htrugglo was tlio abolition of state sovereign-
ity and slavery , BO the inevitable result of tlio
great struggle now convulsing Germany will
bo the abolition of military absolutism and
Bismarck , like Richelieu , like Woolsoy ,
Hko Cromwell , can exist only by absolute
dictatorship. Bismarck has been accustomed
to play boldly for high stakes. In Jbfif )
lie risked everything' , even the loss of
his head , and ho is prepared to
do so now in this last and
huprcmo struggle. Slnco 1WO Bismarck has
been paramount. ICuiser AVilhclm , with nn
old man's fondness verging at times to weak
ness , gave his chancellor carlo blanche. If
any hitch occurred Bismarck would threaten
to resign. Ho used to do that on an average
unco a year and the old kaiser invariably
yielded. The chancellor now appeals to
fuedal Germany , to the descendants of the
old robber barons of the llartzand the Uhino
who are rallying about him. Ho adroitly
I'ans the latent lire of German nationalism
'ami of German anglophobiit by sayiug
that the supremacy of Emperor Fred
erick means the placing of Germany
under the royal family of England , and on
this point the untimely visit of Queen Vic
toria to Hcrlln will bo a trump card in Bis-
marck's hand and cannot but bo regarded as
a prnvc diplomatic blunder. It will certainly
be utilized by the emperor's enemies ns fore
showing an English , nnli-ltussltin keynote to
Germany's foreign policy. Bismarck delights
at times in playing to the gallery and Is nnx-
loui to counteract the bad impression already
created by having thrown overboard all the
traditions of German loyalty and oven Gor
man chivalry by wcnnlng away the heart of
the emperor's eldest son and attacking
fiercely his almost dying father. In this supreme
premo contest Histnarck's ' potent allies are
cancer and the crown prince.
It is Bismarck nnd absolutism against con
stitutional sovcrclgty and representative gov
ernment. In this impossible vortex of terrible -
riblo anxiety all Hcrlln has been plunged for
the last forty-eight hours by conflicting ru
mors from the imperial bedside. As 1 write
this dispatch in the reading room of the
Kalserhof hotel wild reports como Hying
about like falling leaves in nn autumn gale.
"The emperor is dying. "
"Tho emperor is dead. "
Then several minutes later "Mackenzie has
again changed the tube and still hopes. "
Then a well-known banker enters the hotel
nnd whispers , "Tho emperor is dead. " Then
later :
"The emperor etlll lives. "
Premier Flonuct. Spcnlcs.
PAWN , April 15 , [ Special Cablegram to
the Hni : . ] Figarro and other journals deny
that Mackay has been supplying Houhmgcr
with funds for his political campaign.
Premier Floquct presided at the annual
meeting of the commercial union In Tro-
cader. Six thousand persons were present.
Floquct , in n speech , declared that the solo
guarantee for civil liberty was political lib
erty. Republican Franco needed neither a
protector in time of pcaco or n director In
time of war , if the necessity of defending
her honor forced her to take up
arms. "Wo want no one , " ho contin
ued , "because now in peace wo have
republican institutions after seventeen years
of exertion , strife and perseverance. In the
event of war wo have skilled and valiant
generals who will loyally obey the pubic
powers , and aeitizen'snrmy , the ( lower of the
nation , far which you nil feel solicitude and
which enjoys such popularity among you. It
is n republic of liberty which has decided to
celebrate the ccntcnnary of ItSU by holding n
universal exhibition. In order to make the
festival complete let concord bo restored
among us and let us remain a people master
of its destinies. " The
own speech was re
ceived with great applause.
Honlnngcr Has a AVnlknwny.
PAUIH , April in. In the election to-day for
the department of Nerd , Houhmger received
l 2.K2 votes , Foucart 75.7S1 . , and Morcau
0itU. ( A largo crowd gathered this evening
in front of the oflicc of the Houlangist news
paper , La Cocarde. A transparency repre
senting Ferry us a clown turning somer
saults excited derisive howls , while another
representing Bouluugcr was wildly cheered.
An Imperialist
PAIHS , April 15. General Du'lJarails , who
has been elected president of the Imperialist
committee of ap | > eal to the people , through
the columns Of Figaro , vaunts the strong plc-
biscitary position of the imperialists nud
urges that votes bo given to General Him-
lunger to overthrow the parliament , regime
aud prepare the way for Prince Victor.
Tlic KaiMor'H Itest Itrolcon.
Hr.ui.iN , April in. Tlio emppror remained
in bed until 1 o'clock to-day. The irritation
produced by the eanula has induced much
coughing , which broke his rest. Thousands
of people walled many hours m Unter den
Linden in hopes of seeing the emperor drive
out. Ho was unable oven to atloirl the
chapel , mid only walked a abort time in the
It is now known nt midnight thai the emperor -
poror staid in bed all day nnd that his cough
continues , lie is suffering from n cntarrlml
affection of the trachea , due to irritation re
sulting from the changing of the tube. Some
of the papers havu again b ( > gim a violent
atluck on Doctors Mackenzie and Hovel.
Ilismnrck Hid Him Desist.
HIUI.IN- : , April in. It is learned through
reliable sources that Emperor Frederick
wanted to extend amnesty to all the Socialists
and to recall those who have been banished ,
but thai Uismarck dissuaded him from
doing so.
OI5rlon'n Arrest.
Duni.ix , April 15. O'lJi-icn , who was ar
rested yesterday , reached Louphrou about
midnight. The magistrate' remanded the
case to Thursday and admitted him to bail.
O'Hricn stated that the only charge the gov
ernment has against him is thai ho gave Bcl-
four "the lie to his throat" last Sunday.
Frightful Loss of Ilfo.
LONDON , April IB.A dispatch from Cal
cutta says that the damage caused at Dacca
by the recent tornado amounts to 100,000 ru-
plcs , and that 112 bodies have been recovered
from the ruins nnd over 1,00(1 ( persons moro
or less injured are In the hospital ,
Hisinnrck'H Had Ilcnltl ) .
Hr.iti.iN , April in. [ Special Cablegram to
thu Hii : . ] Hi1. Sehwenliigcr advises Prince
Hismarck , who is KUfTcriiiff from overwork
and nervousness , to leave Hurlln. IIu op
poses the chancellor's going to Vuiviur ,
which haB become unhealthy since the inun
dations , and urges him to sojourn at Feid-
richruhe ,
Suppressing Frco Thought.
MAIIUID , April ] ! > . [ Special Cablegram to
the Hiu. : ] The court at Malaga has sen
tenced Senor Vila , a Spanish pastur , to
twenty-eight months itnprihoniiiont for pub
lishing a pamphlet condemning Unman Cath
olic dogmas.
Watching Dillon ,
Drni.iN' , April --Detoellves nro watch
ing Dillon's house in Dublin. To-daj four
bands serenaded Dillon and an immense
crowd gathered in fronl of Ins house and
cheered for ttio homo rulers and groaned for
Halfour , and sung "Hang Hloody Halfour to
asouropplo tree , " until llio police interfered ,
Conspiracy AgaiiiHt "Hook. "
New Yoitit , April 15. Preparations for the
probable lockout at the breweries to-morrow
were actively carried on to-day in the labor
organisations of the brewery employes and
the unions afillluting with them. According
to the bosses' programme tin1 lockout wMI bo
declared at noon by the brewers in the pool ,
The pool employers say that within thirty-six
hours after tlio lockout Ihcy will bo able to
resume work with no\v forces of employes.
This the men admit , but they threaten to
square mutters by boy colling the pool beer.
Railroad Contract Let.
CHICAGO , April 15. A dispatch from Sho-
chono , Idaho , says : Kilpatriuk Brothers &
Collins , the railroad contractors of Ucatrico ,
Neb. , closed n contract with the Oregon itall-
way and Navigation company yesterday to
build two branch lines in Oregon. The Eu
reka Flat extension , near Walla Walla , and
the Willow Cruel ; branch , near Arlington , u
distance of eighty mik.s.
Dr. AKHOW'H Condition.
NKW YOIK : , April in. Dr. Agnew's condi
tion was not materially chunked tu day.
Father Time Qrvlninff n. Firmer Grip
on Roscoe Oouklliiff ,
Xlio UnftntlMnctorj- Statement A of Ilia
riiyslolniiH Incrcnuo tlic llnllef
Hint Ills Demise in Only a
Question of Hours.
ConKHnR'a Condition AVorse.
Nnw YOIIK , April 15. Last night was I
bad ono for ex-Senator Colliding. Ho slept
but little nnd was effected by a bad cough
thai disturbed him every few minutes. 1I
Is much proslratcd by It , nnd this morning
was weak nnd nervous. Dr. Hakcr said
this morning there were no symptoms for tha
worse in the patient's condition , except some
bronchitis developed during the night. Ills
pulse was V'O ' and temperature USJtf. Thcru
still remains some twitching of the muscles.
The patient has taken considerable nourish *
As Iho day wore on Coiiklltnr's ' nervousness
nnd twitching of muscles became moro pro
nounced. A state of partial coma was the
next development , and then ho lost the
power to resist the doctor's efforts to feed
him mid dress his wound. Shortly nftqr
10 : ! ! this afternoon ho sank Into asleep
which was more a state of stujtor limn sleep.
Not for n single moment was ho rational this
afternoon , and his mind seemed tilled with
recollections of the great law suits and politi
cal campaigns in which ho luul been the
leading llguro.
From ! l o'clock until 8 many callers loffc
their cards , but no word came from the sick
room other than that Colliding was still
sleeping nnd unconscious. About 8 o'clock
Dr. Darker entered the house , and n few
minutes Inter two burly porters from the
Hoffman house ran up the steps and were
ushered into Conkling's residence. Tills in
cident caused sonio excitement among the
watchers , who inferred that Conkling had
become uncontrollable and thai the men had
been summoned to hold him.
Dr. Darker remained half an hour , nnd
when he emerged said to the reporter :
"Mr. Conkling is no worse but nslmde boiler :
than al this time last night. Ilo has not
boon in a stale of coma , or oven stupor , ns
was reported. Early this evening ho ex
pressed a desire for n mint julip nnd ho
seemed to enjoy the drink immensely. I
merely called Iho porters in to hold Mr. Conk-
ling down should lie become violent during
thu night , although there are no positive in
dications that ho will become excited. "
11 p. m. Opinions of the friends of Conk
ling and his physicians continue to differ.
Dr. Darker called at 8:15 : p , m. He said
Conkling luul lost nothing and them was no
change in his pulse or temperature since hie
last visit. Notwithstanding this hopeful
view , the following telegram was sentto-day :
Hon. J. P. Jones. Utica , N. Y. Mucli
weaker. Chances diminishing. Very little
hope. S. L. M. DIIUWN.
At lUil : ; ) thcro was no change In Conk-
ling's condition , accord ing to Iho reports
which reached the street. An hour before
this Edward Stokes said : "Conkling is full
ing rapidly. There is no cliaaeo of his re
covery. 1 don't think tin * end is far distant. "
Judge Cox loft Coiikling's house nt 11:510. :
Ho said Conkling was not sleeping , bul was
coughing badly.
Niw : YOIIK , April 10 , 2 a , m. Mr. Conk-
ling's condition is unchanged. Ho is still
of $ UoOO.
Cm- , April in. [ Special Telegram
lo the Hic. : ] Lurubce , superintendent of
construction 'for the Metropolitan streol mil-
way company , reported to the police yester
day thai a pickpocket had robbed him of
$ U , . " > 00. About 2 o'clock ho drew this amount
from the Armour Hrolhcr.s' bank lo pay some
men in Armourdnlc. Ho saw a smooth
faced young man about twenty , wearing
dark clothes and carrying a light overcoat on
his arm , wati-hing him in the bank , but ha
paid no particular attention to him. Placing
the money in his vest poeket , ho boarded a
Fifth avenue cable car , which wan crowded.
In trying to get standing room Larabco was
rudely jostled. Kciili/.ing that something
was wrong , he felt for his money and missed
it. Looking around he saw thu young man
ho had scon In the bank in the aft of jump
ing from Iho car. Larabce tried to catch
him , but failed. _
A Nose Worth Having.
KANSAS Crrv . 15. . Telegram
, Mo. , April --Special (
egram to the Dm : . ) Leo Mapano is the
name of a Japanese citizen who is nt the St.
.lames , Mr. Mupatio , who is so far Amer
icanized as to dress in clothing of a stylish
cut , makes a largo salary with his nose. Ho
is tea inspector for nn eastern importing
firm iind draws $ -1,500 per year and all ex
penses. His method of testing is something
novel. Kvcry box of tea that is taken from
shipboard by his linn is opened and samples
placed before Mapano. With ono short , In-
tcnso sniir ho at once decides whether the
ten has been ndullcrutcd and also marks the
grade. It is said that Mapuno'H nose , which
is an ordinary looking snub about the color
of an old taddlc , never leads its owner
NJW : YOIIK , April 15 , [ Special Telegram
to the liiii : . ] Arrived : Tlio Hiigiii , from
Hamburg ; the City of Chicago , from Liver
pool ; La Hourgogno , from Havre.
SofTiiAMi'TosApril , 15. Arrived : Tha
Waosland , from New York for Antwerp.
Nuw YOIIK , April 15.- Arrived : Tlio Bal
tic , f i om Liverpool.
QOiT.KNinowN , April 15. Arrived : Tlio
Indiana , ironi Philadelphia ; the Aurnnla ,
from New York.
Niw : YOIIK , April 15. Arrived The Alnnkn ,
from Liverpool ; the Marion , from Durcclomi ;
Hie Servln , from Liverpool.
O.ur.N-b-iou : N- , April H. Arrived Tlio Au-
rania , from New York for Liverpool.
11 win : , April 15. La Cumpugno , from
Now York.
Niw : YOIIK , April 15 , Arrived The
Greece , from London.
OliorJIn'h Itooin.
Onmtus , Kan. , April in , [ Special Tolo-
grain to the Hr.i : . ] The citizens here feel
jubilant over the fact that at a mooting of
the board of tr.ido Iho necessary slops wcro
taken to secure waterworks , Iho erection of
a f.20,000louring / mill and extending aid to
all legitimate enterprises necessary to build
up the lown. Kallroad conlrnctors niul
graders nro strung out all over thu linn of the
Uock Island road through northwestern iCnn-
hiih , ami more graders are on their way hero.
Oberhn will soon have two direct linns of
road , the D. & M. and the Hock Island , to
Denver. Very ( ncoimiKing news comes
from thn Omaha ft Southwestern. The pco-
pu ! htand ready lo ashibt when assured that
tlio road means
With I'lirjury.
, Dait. , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram to the DIK. ] United States Marshal
Manilla , of Dakota , has aricstrd Ccorgo H.
Pcrmont on a charge of perjury at SpcarlUh ,
on n wan-ant issued b.v the government olll-
cials of Now Mexico. Mr. Permonl has been
u prominent sheep raiser of both territories
Dakota and New Mexico. The perjury is
charged to have been committed In cnterirg
government lands. The arrest was n great
surprise to Pcrinont's many friends hero.
Smallpox in Wnstnrii KmiHr , ,
CIIIJVKY , Kun. , .April 15. [ Special Tel-
gram lo Iho Hin.J--Hi.'ports ; from u number j ,
of townships in the \vist : part of the coimty Ij , ! >
slnto that t > inall | > ox is I'.i iny with great
severity ; spreadiii # r.i.pidly and .of viruieai
Me.Uuil ui-l ur.i ] iturgi s have Ijcca ru-
fum Witiliiu u'l.d clljcr | > oin& . '