Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1888, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered br Carrier In Any Pftrt of the City nt
Twenty Cents I'er Week.
KIOHT EUlTOli , No. S3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
New spring goods nt Keller's.
Furnished rooms to rent , 325 Scott.
The city council meets ngaln to-morrow
Colorado and West Virginia coal nnd best
Mnrblo Head llmont Council Uluffs Lum-
lier company's , 100 Main street. Telephone
No. 237.
Tlio case of Schisler for killing old man
Keating , Is set for trliil Monday. This will
bo the Bccond trial , the first having resulted
In n disagreement of the Jury.
Owen Wlckham has begun excavating pre
paratory to the erection of nn elegant homo
nt the corner of Seventh avenue and Seventh
street. It will bo ono of the finest struct
ures in the city.
Miss Dell Dohany entertained a number of
\Jrlcnds of this city and Omaha at her pleas-
\nnt homo on Park avcnuo Friday evening.
Choice rcfrenhmenis were served dur' ig the
\vcnlng , and the guests were royally cnter-
luslness . has been very dull in police cir
cles for the just few days. Jack McGco was
the only victim in court yesterday morning for
assaulting n man named Woodward , nnd the
case was continued to allow tlio prosecuting
witness to appear.
. Friday morning nt 9 o'clock Ettn May ,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Detrow ,
tiled after a lingering and painful Illness. The
fatal dlseaso was congestion of the lungs.
The family of the deceased reside with Mr.
Keel. In Ha7cl Dell township. Tlio funcnil
will take place from the house to-day.
Hugh Thompson , who was found guilty of
bigamy , has been put In Jail to await further
proceedings. Up to the time of the trial ho
was out on bail , ho having put up that
amount in cash. Now that ho Is convicted
bis ball Is fixed at $1,500. His attorneys are
moving for a , new trial , and mi attempt Is be
ing made to secure bonds.
A fire nt Doyscn & Wyrlck's beer bottling
establishment on South Main street Friday
was extinguished without sending in n gen
eral alarm. No. 1 hose company was called
out nnd subdued the flames with a single
Btrcnm. The lira caught in n manure pile
nnd was communicated to the side of n baru.
The damage will not amount to over $10.
Drs. Moicr & Van Ness euro private disease" " ,
lloomu 4 auil 6 , opera house b'lk. Telephone .
For all female diseases consult Drs. Moscr &
Van Nimx , opera house block , rooms 4 and D ,
' 1 IllulTii. Correspondence solicited.
Money at low rates on first-class larm security.
lm iilmin , 'J'nlleys & Co , lltt.Malu street.
The district tologruph distributes cir
culars promptly.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtelo.
Personal Paragraphs.
Henry Slitcr , of Carson , was in the UlufTs
,11. W. Golko , of Arcadia , Neb. , was in the
city yesterday.
Gcorgo A. Goff , of Oakland , In. , was nt the
Kiel hotel ycstcnlav.
T. J. Furron's "Soap Uublo" company
stopped nt the Ueehtelc.
Mr. William Hall , ono of the publishers of
the lied O.ik Sun , was in the city yesterday.
W. P. Wightmnn , au old resident of this
city , leaves to-dny for a visit to his former
homo in Oswcgo county , New York state.
The many friends of Sol Foster will bo
gratified to learn that the crisis In his disease
is thought to bo past and his recovery un as
sured fact. It was a close call.
Gco. H. Stllltnau , who was recently a law
student in the olMco of Messrs. Wright , Uald-
Wln & Hiildane , has opened an ofllco on his
own account at No. : i ( ) Pearl street.
Hov. T. F. Thlckstun , formerly pastor of
the First Ji.iptist church , is trying to inaugu
rate , u movement for tlio building of n new
church of that denomination in this city.
Mr. Gcorgo S. Miller , the energetic con-
trnctor , loft this morning for Lincoln , Neb. ,
to start the work on the sewers of that city ,
the contract for the construction ot which
was iccently awarded to him. Mr. Miller ,
beside being n contractor , is an experienced
civil engineer and has many years' experi
ence In charge of the construction of vanous
public works , and tlio people of Lincoln can
rely on having their seweis built in a thor
ough aim workmanlike manner.
Slieafo loans money on real ostato.
S. B. Wmlsworth & Co. loan money.
J. G" . Tipton has houses and lots of
all grades and prices for sale at a bar-
Largest htook of wall paper over seen
in tlio city. I'ieturo frames made to
order. Very latest designs in cornice
mouldings. II. P. Nile.s101J Broad way.
Oldest firm in this line in the city.
A full line of crockery and glassware
at Lund Bros. , No. 113 Main street.
Sewer connections and house sewers
laid by N. Y. Plumbing company.
Cheap Hailroail Tiokots.
Chicago $10. Reduced rates to all
points cast , at Bushnoll's.
Brick For Sale. 10,000 pressed brick ,
200,000 common. D. G. Sackett with
Sackolt & Preston , 39 Pearl-st.
For sale cheap. Lois near the bridge
to parties who will build at onco. Ad
dress or call on J. H.Rico , No. 110
Main street , Council Bluffs.
Valuable lload Making Machine.
The Monitor road grading machine ,
which is now on trial under the super
vision of the htreet commibbionor with
the understanding that if it did satis
factory work it would bo purchased by
the city , was working on upper Broad
way yesterday , and doing splendid
work , too. During the afternoon a
couple of trips were made over the road
to tlio proposed Chanlauqua grounds in
advance of the visit of the party who
viewed the grounds yesterday. The
improvement made was so marked that
H was Kenorally commented noon by
the gentlemen of tlio party. The machine -
chine was put to probably as severe a
test as could bo dovlsod , as the work it
was required to do was in the hardest
kind of boll , dried and baked until it
wes almost as hard as sandstone , but It
ahavod off the rough places and pulver
ized the clods in a very effectual man
ner and loft thn rend comparatively
smooth where it was bo rough and un-
uven that it had boon impassable. The
machine is a very effectual device for
making perfect roads and streets where
no paving has been laid.
For Sale ,
A first-class cabinet organ , almost
now. Price JO. P. J. Mackay , 7 S.
Sixth street.
A Grout Bchenie.
Messrs. Cole & Cole have a device for
the "Quick Meal" gasoline btovo that
docs away with the binoke and steam of
cooking. No moro black walls , no smell
of. onions in the hall. AVe can apply it
to any gasoline stove. Several iibcd last
year were eminently successful. C.illat
onr store and bee in use in connection
with the celebrated Quick Meal vapor
slovo. Wo havq a splondld line of ro-
Irlgocntors , CQIM < fc Cowc , .
41 Main street.
J , G. Tipton has the largest list oi
property of any man in the city , and
can > ; lvo you bargains.
The Sad Funornl of a Rulnod School
Tlic City's New Tonm The lcn l 1ook
on the New School House
The Council Still Ono
of Wnr.
A Startling Sermon on Social Purity.
The funcrnl of the llttlo girl who died nt
St. Hornnrd's liospttnl wns hold .yesterday ,
nnd wns n most touching closing of the story
of n ruined Hfo. The form of the girl win
Inid In n beautiful casket nnd was surrounded
by floral tributes from those who had"known
her from childhood nnd those whoso sympa
thies linil been excited by her sad history.
The face wns not that of the girl of flf teen ,
but rather of a young woman of twenty , so
much hail the sufferings of mind nnd body
changed the lines and driven awny the bloom
of health nnd youth. There was n largo
gathering of those who for years had known
her , nnd the tcndcrcst sympathy wns mani
fest In many ways. She was a favorite In
all the families whoso homes stio had visited.
Yet sympathy and friendship saved her not
from n startling chapter ol shame , with a
ilnU of untimely death.
It has been the desire of friends , of her
special benefactors , nnd of these who tended.
to her last wants , nnd who have the right to
speak for her , that the events leading to her
death bo kept from the public and that the
sensational features bo not paraded for
the satisfaction of the mere curios
ity of the newspaper readers. The
poor child was so much more sinned against
than shining- , that by the deslro of all con
cerned her name is not paraded before the
public ga7c. Whatever fault she may have
committed , the penalty has been most bit
terly paid. The case is , however , so peculiar
and is so startling an Instance of man's pas
sion nnd woman's weakness , that it should
bo given more than n passing notice , espec
ially In view of the fact that to-day there arc
in the churches of the city special services
in behalf of social purity. The lessons
taught by the incidents of the girl's ' death
arc numerous and self-npuarcnt.
She was a mere school girl. Her mother
died , and her father who still lives hero mar
ried again. It was no longer a homo for the
girl , and she drifted out in the world. She
lately was at work in a private family , and
it was while there that she was ruined. Im
probable ns hot" story may appear to these
who do not know her , it is most thoroughly
believed by these who know her best. She
was strangely ignorant of the duties or
dangers of womanhood upon which She was
soon to enter , and much less of the peculiari
ties of maternity. She was ns innocent ns
a babe in many of these respects. AVliilo en
gaged nt work In this household she became
very friendly with the son , about her own
nge. lie is said to bo the cause of all her
trouble. The girl did not know her own con
dition , nnd soon after she wits taken into the
homo of a philanthropic family , who allowed
her a chance to go to school. The girl con
tinued her daily duties , attended school regu
larly , without nny apparent thought of her
situation or her future. It was only when
attention was attracted to her , and a physi
cian called in , that she caught any idea that
she was nearing the responsibilities of moth
erhood. She was so overcome with the reve
lation that she swooned. After being taken
to the hospital she was most kindly cared
for , ami the family who had been keeping
her and sending her to school generously
contributed to meeting the expenses , doing
for her as though she was of their own
household. The contrast between such
philanthropy and the apparent indif-
fcicnco of her own father , and the
heartlessness of the family whoso
son had caused all this suffering and shame
has called forth much indignation. The boy
was hurried out of the city and the girl left
dependent upon the generosity of these who
were under no special obligation to c.xro for
her. She lacked for nothing , however , skill
ful physicians , tender nursing , delicacies
were hers , and her suffci ing body was yes
terday laid at rest with all the tender respect
which a loved daughter could have been
shown. The girl about three months ago
was among tne convcits to the Methodist
faith , and during her illness was baptised ,
seeming to gain much comfort fioin tlio or
Among the numerous floral tributes .yester
day none weio more suggestive than of
her schoolmates , by whom slio was lovingly
remembered. The care shown for the un
fortunate girl during her illness and nt the
time of her funeral comes also in striking
contrast with the heartlessness generally
manifest where others have stepped aside
from the path of womanly viitue. It is
worthy of note that in one case at least there
has been that practical manifestation of
Christianity which causes renewed faith in
Kvcry Itoily llclj ) .
Wo want to help tho' orphans' homo ,
and bo inako this oll'or :
If there uro 8 Domestic machines sold
from this olllcc within the next 10 days
wo will donate the entire proceeds of
the 8th sale to the "Chribthin Homo. "
Domestic Parlors.
105 Main St.
Sec Tipton for vacant lots to build on.
He has some finely located ut a bargain ,
and on easy terms.
One lot of damaged jerseys will soil
Nondny , April 10 , at 2fic , Worth 52 , at
the Fair , 18 Slain fatrcot.
The Klro HorKCB.
The IIro committee of the city council yes
terday purchased a handsome pair of heavy
gra. horses of Scliluter. The animals aio
finely matched and wulgh 1470 and H'JO '
pounds respectively. The price paid was
500. The new team was given a trial trip on
the truck yesterday morning , and handled
the hugo affair with apparent easo.
They were given a lively spin on Fourth
street , and made excellent time. They will
bo trained for their now work at once , and
will doubtless prove a desirable acqusition to
the Urn dcpailincnt.
The bay colts that have been used for that
work have been transferred to No. 1 hose
house oa South Main street , where they will
do duty in tlio future on the lioso reel. The
pair of grays that wore stationed tliero have
been sold , through Scldiictcr & Uoloy , and
will bo shipped to Denver.
The city now owns four of ns fine double
teams and three of as wull trained single
horses aa can bo found any whcrd In the
country. The new team was bought at a
very low price , and the reputation of tlio firm
of whom they worepuiuluiRud is vufuViont
guarantee that they wnl do all that is claimed
for them. This Him can another order for a
team that must weigh not loss than U.-IIHJ
pounds , either black , bay. brown or sonel ,
and bo perfectly matched. They nro doing
a great amount of fancy matching , and the
team junt iiurrhu&cd by the city U one of the
lineal in this it-specl that they have turned
out. _
Piles cured with certainty , Drs.
Mo&or & Van No&s , Council BlulTs , la.
Union Abstract company , -JO Main street.
Catch On to This ,
Mr. Churlus Probbtlo is prepared to
supply you with a harness tno equal of
any on earth. Pine work and harness
novelties a specialty. Single , double
and track ; also a good ehibs of farm
work. A complete stock of Cents' and
ladies' riding saddles , driving boots ,
rubes , all kinds of whips , etc. Give
him a call ,
Ono Deml-Iionk Itroken ,
Jt is now stated on the very best of author
ity that the dead luck in the school board ,
relative to the adoption o'f a plan for the new
school building , will bo broken at the meet-
in K next Tuesday night. It scorns that one
of the members WHH not ready to cast a Jiiml
vote at the last meotinir , o"d voted so as to
muko a tie in order to give him time to make
up his miml. Since that time the plans have
bocn viowodl > y several i-itliens , who have
expressed thcmsclvcs-so furolbly In favor of
"tho other11 , that ho is buUslleu that it
Is the people's ' choice , nnd ho is now willing
to cost his yoto under direction of the popu
lar will. This fissures the city of a hand
some modern building , thoroughly first class
in every respect.
A Council ofVnr. .
It is reported that the dead-lock in the
council is broken. Ono of the aldermen ,
when asked concerning the case , said that
there never has been a dead-lock , ns there
nro no tie votes , but that nn inability to
adlccs of city clerk , poll tax collector , chief
of fire department nnd street supervisor has
been the cause of the delay and that the coun
cil is unchanged in this particular. The only
appointment thus far agreed upon is that of
city physician. Ho denies that any "patch
ing up" has been done , nnd claims that the
matter will continue ns it is.
Some nice lots on avcnuo A for sale.
Johnson & Van Patton , 83 Main street.
E. II. Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All uusinoss strictly
confidential. OUlco 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-staira.
An Evening With Art ,
The society of ladies , under the mysterious
title of the "P. E. O. , " has arranged for a
very pleasing nnd worthy entertainment nt
the opera house next Thursday evening. The
proceeds are to go to the charity fund , which
these Indies intend using as needy cases arise.
The ladies have been nt considerable ex-
pcnso la preparing the entertainment , and
besides the merit of the entertainment the
cause is ono which commends Itself to all.
The sale Of tickets is already so largo as to
give the assurance that the house will bo
well filled. It should bo crowded. These
who desire to secure n choice of scats should
not delay in reserving them at Uushnell's ,
Tickets can also bo had at Harkness Bros.1
The programme speaks for itsolf. It is n
tempting ono to nil who enjoy music and art.
Swedish Wedding March . Sodcrtnann
"Stryk en Ulnaslust" Club.
Going to the Parson . Kogers' Statuory
Marguerite . , . Picture
NydTu . Statuary
Trio. .Miss Marble , Mrs. Ward , Mr. Treynor
Mary Stuart . Picture
Pygmalion and Galatea . Statuary
Matter of Opinion . Kogers' Statuary
Solo . Mr. J. M. Treynor
Gypsy Musicians . Picture
Three Fates . Picture
By Jingo . Hogcrs1 Statuary
Selections from Schubert Symphonies. .
. "Stryk en Blaaslust" Club
Ilugcnot Lovers . Picture
Charlotte Corday . Picture
Springtime of Love . Statuary
Selections from Weber .
. "Stryk en Blasslust" Club
Mendicants . Picture
Neighboring Pew . Kogers' Statuary
Duett . Miss Merklcyand Mr. Troynor
Magician . Kogers1 Statuary
Apollo and Muses . Statuary
Good Night . Picture
Mrs. Ofllecr and Miss Carrie Atkins ,
Chime of tlio Hulls.
The various churches in the city present
this morning the following services for the
day , to which your attention is directed nnd
upon which your attendance is solicited :
riUST im'TIbT UirilCIt.
Preaching by the pastor of the First Bap
tist church at 10:30 : a. m. Subject : "Tho Si
lence of Jesus. " Sunday school at 12 m.
Young people's meeting in chapel at 0:1)0 : )
p. m.
Tliero will bo two union meetings at 7:30 : p.
m. in the interests of social purity , one for
women only at the Baptist church under the
direction of Mrs. Tulloys : ono for men only
in the Presbyterian church. Drs. P. S.
Thomas , A. W. Ilortukco and II. II. Halt
will speak , followed by Uev. W. II. W. Kccs
and Dr. Phelps. Young men especially in
Services this morning : Preaching bi the
pastor. Subject : "Things That Accompany
Salvation. " No evening service.
Preaching by tlio Pastor as usual in the
morning , the sermon followed by the Lord's
supper. To this second service the entire
congregation will bo at liberty to remain , or
these who prefer will have an opportunity to
retire. Wo love to have visitors enjoy the
sacred supper with us. Sabbath school at 1"
o'clock. In the evening , a union service , for
men. only , in the interest of social purity.
Strangers and others cordially invited to all
the services.
MirrnonisT criscoiui , ciiyitcit.
The pastor , W. H. W Kccs , will preach at
10:30 : a. in. , on "Theatres. " Tliero will bo
no evening service. Sunday school at 1in. .
and Young People's mooting at ( i:30 : p. in.
mi : au.vvriox AUMY.
Meetings in the old opera house , Bryant
street , as follows. Prayer at 7 a. m. , purity
at 11 a. in. , praise at ! ! p. m. , pardon at S. p.
ni. In the night meeting tlio oflleers in
charge will expose the biggest hypocrite in
the city. Little David and Woo Ilugliio in
"Ten ilays fight with Daniel" at Ovcrton's
mission , commencing this morning.
Services to-day at 3 o'clock , conducted by
Dr. Hartupo. Sabbath school at 4 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening , subject :
"Love workcth no ill to his neighbor. " Sev
eral earnest prayers were offered last week.
Everyone invited.
. run.'s ' .
f > T. ciit'iicii.
Divlno service to-morrow at 10:1)0 : ) a , m.
and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school , 12:15. : Young
men's bible class , 1'Jilfi , taught by the rector.
Sermon topics , morning , "Witnesses at the
bar of History , " evening , "Sacrifice of
Jcphtha's daughter. " The boy choir will
sing at botli services and Mr. I. M. Treynor
by special request will sing the solo , "Tlio
KesurreL'tion. " Young men and strangers
always cordially welcomed to these ucrvlccs.
T. J. Mackay , Hector.
At the Kalr.
Commencing Monday , April 17 , the
onlo of the damaged muslins and prints ,
jersey and linens will go at your own
price. Kemombor the date , April 10 ,
at Tlio Fair , 18 Main street.
The Unknown mad.
Nothing new lias boon discovered in regard
to the identity of the man who was killed
near the Union Pacific bridge Friday even
ing. Ho was appaiently sober and in full
possession of all his faculties when last seen
alive at the freight ofllco about 7:30 o'clock ,
and evidently intended to cross the bndgo to
Omaha , when ho was crushed to death under
tlio merciless wheels , Ilia remains were
taken to the undertaking rooms of Morgan ,
Keller < Ss Co. The funeral took place yes-
teulay afternoon. In the dead man'H pockets
were found several cards , hearing the. iiamo
and address of "J. Nagl , saloon , Ol'J South
Thirteenth street , " supposed to bo of
Omaha. Tlio deceased was about twonty-
eight years of age , and dressed in cheap ,
dark clothes. Some inquiries as to his iden
tity will bo instituted on the other side of the
river ,
Their ItcIntloiiH Mlminilcrstood.
A crowd of excited men gathered
around n timid-looking individual in a
saloon , and all began talking to him at
onco. Meanwhile the now bartender
appeared bored and lonely. At last he
rapped loudly on the bar with a beer
ghisb to attract attention , and then biiid
to the timid man : "Look hero , if you
be a ruiiiun' for alderman , as I reckon
you bo , why don't you invite the gentle
men to have something with you ? "
"Y-you are mistaken , bir , " responded
the timid man ; these otliur gentlemen
nro running for aldermen. I am the
voter. " Then the proprietor nibhed in
and discharged the ] now bartender for
not knowing statesmen when ho wiw
them ,
Buttoned His Coat.
Whenever Kmporor William wont U
his btudy window to acknowledge a mil
itary feiuuto , ho invariably buttoned his
coat. To a general who- asked him why
lulwas so ceremonious , ho wild : "Tho
soldiers have never scon mo with my
coat unbuttoned , and they novcr bhall.
It is the one but ion loft unbuttoned that
Is the ruju ol the army.'j'
The Sporting Season itOoOpon With
a Ball Qamo To-day.
j i
The Bricklayers nnd tlio Contractors
Itcvlcw the Comlltldli of Affairs
A Ilumvwny nnd 1m Irish *
man's Conch Horse.
South Oinnha Kane Bnllltct * .
The South Omaha base half park was com
pleted ycsteidny afternoon , and now this
locality is possessed with ono of the finest
ball grounds in the west. This afternoon a
matched game will bo played on the grounds
between the South Omaha nlno and a select
nine , the latter to bo composed of the best
available talent in the city. The battery for
the "league" nlno will bo composed of
Hughes nnd Fnbor , While Kenloy , n well-
known manipulator of the sphere , will hold
down the pitcher's stand and will bo assisted
by some one selected from the regular club.
This is the first of a series to bo played , and
it is expected that some good work will bo
done. Henceforth the regular club will keep
in continual practice and will be prepared to
meet any amateur club that crosses its path
Sportw on n Time.
Yesterday afternoon two young bloods ,
whoso names could not bo learned , while
driving about South Omaha , upset their car
riage in the vicinity of Savage's crossing ,
The occupants were thrown out nnd the horse
dashed down Twenty-eighth street with the
vehicle resting on its side. Workmen on the
N street grade noticcd'tho animal approach
ing and brought it to a halt by forcing it into
the mud. About fifteen minutes afterward
the twain arrived on the scene nnd took pos
session of the outfit without even returning
thanks to the men who , at the peril of their
lives , captured the frightened steed. The
vehicle , however , was seriously wrecked , but
after considerable cobbling they proceeded on
their way. The vehicle and horse is the
the property of James Stephenson , the liv
eryman on Tenth nnd Hartley streets , in
Omaha. When they arrived nt the latter
place the foreman of the barn demanded
payment for the loss sustained , but the
"bioods" were short on finances , and consequently
quently a wrangle ensued , An officer was
called , but the young men wcro allowed to go
under the promise that they would liquidate
the damage at an early date.
Washington's Mascot.
Several days ago there appeared in a local
paper in South Omaha an advertisement pur
porting to have como from a "gentleman of
means , " in which ho expressed his willing
ness to pay a good round price for a gentle
carriage horso. Yesterday afternoon a typ
ical representative of the "Green Isle , " with
face bedecked with what appeared to bo an
ovcr-abundnnco of untrained "Gal-
ways , " having been informed of the
matter , drove up to a well-known
res-jrt on N street and inquired if "Mishter
wuz in. " The reply was in the affirm
ative. "Tell him that Oi wuld loikc to spake
to him consarnin' a buggy hnrso that Oi'm
towlcd ho wants to purchase. ' " ' In a moment
the desired individual was Ushered into his
"Oi have a baste here that will just suit ,
" he said. "Ho is koiild
you , ana pintle as a
whirl wind. Oi can let him stand across the
track and let the cars run tflghVovcr him and
the divil the foot he'll twist his corks wid
fright. "
"Then you know that the Iiorso is both
gentle and trusty , " icinnrked1 the would-be
purchaser. ' '
"Do Oi know it ? Will OI should Jmmagi-
ately take my oatli to that efllct. Oi have
owned this fellow for nearly eighteen ycais
and me and the ould 'oinan have rested be
hind his carcass on many a long droive. "
"How old did you say ho wasi" remarked
a bystander.
"He's beyant bein' a colt and in consoquinco
is safe to droive , that's enure. " At this
juncture a train came tearing into the depot
and in short the "nintlu nag" was measuring
tlio soil of South Omaha at a rate of speed
that might have attracted the oeulais of a
Vamlerbilt , with tlio wind meandering
through the driver's Galways. Ho did not
rctun to complete the sale.
Strikers and Contractors.
Two weeks have elapsed since the brick
layer's strike was instituted , and yet the dif
ficulty existing between that element and
the contractors and builders seems as far
from adjustment as the day it was inaugu
rated. Both sides set up a plea in defense of
their movements.'but neither appear to have
taken any steps pointing toward a settle
ment. That it is giving the building in
dustry in South Omaha a serious set back is
admissible by not only tlio individuals con
cerned , but by the representative business
men of the city. At the present time there
arc thirty-two building nt this place under
course of construction in the principal part
of the city , the major part being brick or
brick veneered structures. The daily de
mand for this class of workmen at the pres
ent time will reach about three hundred and
fifty men , and in consequence of tliero being
but about two hundred uon-unicn men in the
city , the trowel at many point * is silent. It
is upon this that the union men base
their ultimate hopes of success and victory.
A prominent representative of the order said
yesterday :
"I am of the opinion that this strike will
not ho prolonged very far into the future.
Wo did not strike with any other intention
than to win. Wo did not make this move
ment for any other reason than to demand ,
and if possible gain our rights. It is a bad
BUISOII of thoyear for us to strike as regards
the building industry , but if wo wait until
there is but a light demand for our class of
workmen , then we have no source of redress
whatever. "
"Have you decided to remain out until
your demands are conceded ( "
"Yes , most emphatically BO. While the
major portion of tlio striking element hero
are. men of family and own their own little
homes , it does not necessarily follow that
there arc not other fluids for us to labor. Yes ,
as regards the settlement of this matter , it
can only como through the contractors yield
ing to our demands , " When questioned con
cerning the tenor of the above by a reporter
for the HIM : , a certain contractor said :
"I am in doubt UH rogurds tlio manner in
which this thing will bo settled , if
a conclusion in reached any time in
tlio near future. Jt is true that wo are short
of hands , and you can rely upon It that if wo
weaken it will bo for this reason alono. "
Prom the tonorof the expression it is thought
that the contractors will succumb at an early
A. Great Ship.
Glasgow correspondence Now York
World : If a war does not break out and
homo foreign power purchase the now
Jniimn and international Htcumora for
armed cruisers , Now York 'will ' before
many months have tlio "two largest
btcamcrb ullout and the latest marvels
of marine science at anchor in her har
bor. I mention this contingency of war
because it has been taken into consider
ation in building the cityof Now York
and the city of Paris by putting all
their Blearing gear beneath tlio water-
line. This is done in all the new Brit
ish gunboats to inako thepi quick at
maiioouvoring and for obvious reaboiib
of wifely , ,
It was with asonBobf the fitness of
thing * * that the builders persuaded Lady
Kaadolph Churchill , a New York girl ,
to break a bottle of wine over the bow
of the City of Now York as bho blid
gracefully off the ways into tlio bea at
Clyde Bank on Thursday. The Wgo
vessel iloated as prettily as a bwan ,
while a doicn little tugs raced after her
to tow her to dock. Hut somebody
blundered , for before they could reach
her bho was hard aground on the mud-
shoals at the mouth of the river , whore
she btuck hard and fast for several
hours , Katlier an ominous beginning.
BTho Ininnn people make nohccrot that
they have built these two vessels to dis
tance tlio greyhounds of the Cuimrd
line the Etruria and the Umbria and
lleetwiugs of the .North Gcnnan. Lloyd'
the Lahn nnd the Allcr. Americans
coining to tyiropo have nn eye to two
things spocd and safety when select
ing n steamer. It is confidently prom
ised that thcso two now vessels will UQ
safer and more speedy than anything
yet produced : in short , as Mr.Micawbcr
would say , six-day trips to a certainty
in vessels that it is almost impossible to
sink , But promise is ono thing , per
formance another. The best that can
bo done now is to give a few figures and
facts about thcso now vessels in as in
teresting a light as possible.
The Great Eastern is broken up , the
City of Paris is still on the stocks , and
for the time being the City of Now
York lays claim to being the biggest
vessel alloat. Her length all over is
600 feet ; breadth , ( MJ feof depth
moulded , 42 foot , giving a tonnage of
10,600 tons. She is built of SO.OOO sepa
rate plooca of steel , weighing in all
7,000 tons. Each square inch of stool is
guaranteed to stand a strain of thirty
tons , and it would require a strain o'f
G0,000 tons to tear tlio ship apart. She
has two bottoms , ono several foot
inside the other , both equally strong.
The City of Now York has
the usual clipper stern of the Tnmtin
liners. In fact , with the exception ol
size and improvements for speed and
accommodation , she is exactly like the
City of Koine. I do not propose to men
tion what the builders term the "hotel"
accommodations , for a transatlantic
traveller can llnd comfortable accommo-
tion enough nowadays on any first-class
When an ocean liner goes to the bottom
tom , or there is a collision in which the
lives of hundreds of passengers nro im
perilled , the Now Yorker reads in his
newspaper a great deal about bulk
heads. A now scheme is on trial in the
Inman boats. The fifteen bulkheads in
the city of Now York are carried to the
upper deck without a door in them , so
that should a collision occur there would
bo no necessity of a craxy crow running
wildly around trying to shut water-tight
doors. There are two boiler rooms an J
two engines , divided by a com
partment which runs longitudi
nally. Each engine is capable of
driving the ship at four-fifths of her
maximum spaced , so that the vessel must
bo "btovo In' ' on both sides hoforo she
is absolutely disabled. The auxilliary
engines in thcshipnumbcr in all thirty-
seven. She lias three funnels and three
masts. The quantity of coal consumed
on each trip must be simply enormous
much greater than either the Etruria or
the Umbria. It is promised that the
City of Now York will carry 2,000 people
ple on each trip with comfort. Old
transatlantic travelers will rejoice at
this innovation the promenade deck
extends almost the entire length of the
After the lunch there wasdinncrand
in closing I want to quote what tlio
builder of the ship. J. U. Thomson , said
about ocean lines scudding through the
hca in a fog. "It must bo renmmbercd , "
ho said , "that this class of ship was
built to go to New York at fast speed ,
whatever the state of the weather or of
fog. The risk of the vessel under such
circumstances would bo extremely great
if she had not powerful steering capac
ity. It is a mistake to suppose that a
vessel in the opcn _ sea should slow down
in a fog. It is the most dangerous
course that can bo followed. If tlio
rudder is not'Hullicicnt to put the bhip
quickly about it is useless to slow downer
or do anything else but trubt to luck.
To go at full speed is , in my opinion , the
bafor .
_ _
A Trifling Mistake.
As a Scottish minister and an Eng
lish hiwj or wore riding together , said
the minister to his friend :
"Sir , do you over make mistakes in
your pleading ? "
"I do , " said the lawyer.
"An' what do ye do wi' mistakes1"
was the question.
"Why , sir , if largo ones , I mend
them ; if small ones , 1 lot them go. And ,
pray , sir , do jou ever make mistake's in
"Ay , sir , I have dune pae. "
"Andhat \ do von do with your mis
takes ? "
"Oh , I dispense with them in the same
manner as ye do yourscl' . 1 rectifoo the
largo an' let go the mini" anus. No long
since , as I was prcaehin' I meant to ob
serve that the devil was the father o' a'
liars , but made a mistake and said lie
was the father o' a' lawyers. But the
mistake was so sma' that I let it go. "
- -
An Irreimrublo IJOHH.
"It is my sad and solemn duly to in
form you , madam , ' ' ho said , gently ,
that your husband has just met with a
Violent dentil. "
After tlio ih > t outburst of grief was
over , the widow dried her eyes and
said :
"Ah , mo , dcatli must como sooner or
later to all of us ! Was poor John run
over by a wagon ? "
"No , madam ; ho committed suicide. "
Then the widow's grief was pitablo to
see."Great heavens ! " she sobbed , con
vulsively , "that will invalidate tlio life
insurance policy. Ah , bhall I ever be
come reconciled to my irreparable loss ! "
- -
The Ixito JCmppror UHPC ! to nirt.
London Truth : I saw Emperor Will
iam , as king of Pru'-sia , at Compiogno
at a hunt in tlio forest , in tlio theater
thoreand on a balcony oveleoking the
main courtyard , standing between Na
poleon III. and Eugoni.and having Bis
marck behind. There were many other
personages. The omprobs was in blue
satin , with a white wrap around her
shoulders , and a bhi/.o of light from the
illuminations below and around the 1ml-
cony playing upon her and bottinjr her
tiara aw if aflame. Tlio king of Prussia
vas then sixty-live , and yet such a iiirt ,
but in a nice , genial manly way. IIo
llirtod with thn empress and with the
handsome Madame Thayer , who was
in tlio highest favor hi cause original ,
daring , high-spirited , full of fun , and
because she was born at St. Helena ,
when her fathorand mother wore there
as members of Napoleon's buito ,
r _ * _ ,
SI'KCIAI/aclvertlhenifiits , suclias Lost , round ,
To I < o n , Kor Halt ) , To Kent , WailtH , lloanllllB
etc. , will bit iiHcrti'il in thlH column nt tlio low
ratoof TUN UKNTS I'Ult JiINK for the llr t in
sertion and KlvoiVnta 1'er l.ino for each subse
quent Insertion. l.einu lulveitlKi'mmitx at onr
olllcci. No. IS I'unrl Street , nuur Jlroadway , Coan-
F OH HUNT rurnished nnd
rooms , 717 Ut ave Heferunri-s uniiti- .
lt 8AIjl3 Very cheap fm < ush or would ox-
chuitKu forCouucJl lllutls or Onmtm prop-
eity , a rttull Moi k of boots nnd shoo * valued at
J5.UR Call at fctore No. WU 8. J.itu t . Omaha ,
or addre < > It. Martin , tumo pliito and number
FintNITITKIi Nought , H ld and rxtluniKi'd ;
also utoiugu nml commission In ( 'ood. IlK'it ' ,
ulry , tln < piMol building. Inrinlru ut fcioro No.
11U North 13th tt. It. Martin , Omuhn , Nub.
WANTHD Atflnce , two laperlUK ed n' cr
pipe liiu'M. Uco. B. Miller , 10U rourtb- t. ,
Council lllnll
UI'HOUSTliKINO ami I'innlturo repairing
douo neatly uml promptly : work giiumn-
teod. Household yooiU and tiiinlturu loimht
ninlhold. I , . M. Lewi ) * , No. 11U North Uth fct ,
"TJ OH BALK At a ImrKiiln. W n < res near htoik
J1 yards , South ( Jmutiu , Nub , Johnson &
( 'hrlbtlun , Itoom li'i , Chamber of Commerce ,
\\7ANTio : Blocks of inerrhundUe. lltuo
T I Oniuliu and ( Vuneil lllulln city property ,
alto weBleruluad to exchaiiL-u for good * , ( . ' .ill
on or nddresa Johnson fc Chrlatluii , itocia & ,
Cnambcr ot Commtrcv , UiuuUu ,
- -
Hl ( I
Every 0110 says wo havxs the finest patterns. Wo know wo
sell at lowest prices.
The Same that is now en route from HONG KONG ,
Will Show the Finest Line and Most Complete Assortment Ever Shown .
the City.
Departments Contain the latest Styles
No. 405 Broadway , Council
yrn v- *
SIZES FROM 1'specially Designed for'
25 TO 250
Brancli House , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
bENJ ) l-'OU OA'l'AIjOCJUI3.
E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
nior.vrs < tmi > s AM > MAMMALS TIHJE TO
NO , OH ) flIAIN STREET , : COl'NOIIj Hl-UKI-'P , 1/1 / *
Oidcrs taken nt I'enroso & Himlcn'B , S. llltli at. , Omalm , Not ) .
Tlio Greatest Invention of tlio Ago !
Jtuiilurc oi Ileniln n Specialty ,
Makes Female Diseases a Specialty ,
CineH nil klnili of Clironlo Unit nro rumble , with lili most Wonderful . Vct'otnlilo Item *
. .
illtis Is tlii ; ole si anil most MiKvuMsfnl Hnucln'lit lu tiu west ( Mil nml HC.O him. Olllco No. U
. . .
1'curl Ht. , Council Jtlnlla , Imwi. omuj hauY.-cB to 1U a. m : 11 < > r. nnil 0 U i > in.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 8OG Broadway , Council Bluffs , lown.
WANTED -Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
ris $15.
Is ix thoroughly ] inul luil , , iuil mnilc nml finely
finished iiiiuhlnc , C'omblni H tlm I' r.rr l.i.T-
TI.IIIMI , JlKAl r Ar.IUN.MKNT H.lll II U'lll WlllT'
I MI ot u lilfh jiriiuliltcr with rtiMl M ' 1TV ,
Coniimttjuss mid Dur.ibility. { ml fun lixnluis ,
r. i : . ( ! Aii ( : , Tlio I'.vrclslnr Co.
; u Mum st ,
l.if.cor.N , NEIL , < 01,11.-II IHllliN ,
A t for Witoiii
lttl-1 DOUUIjAS HP. , OMAU
J'or ( our jpai'n \ \ Jni\r Mld tliin Htovo
nnd fiin rcruinini'iu ! it an tlio lic-nt ( ; aso-
jino btostiiKidii. . Wr iruinintco ( every
one. It v. ill not Ho ; , ' or leak , tlio two
great ( lilHcuHios with montotlior htovca.
We ubjH'CwUy fulint the ftAlLHOAl )
trade. Wo iwry tin ) lurgOHt htook of
HAUDWAKK ami hToVKS in the
wetft. The public arc cordiull.v invitucl
to iiibiiuut our injiKls and nrlros.
: A < : < ) ! . ! : ,
jl Mum bt.
CM ) ! Jro.vhvAy C'jum 11 IlliiUH , luwa. Kst.
$5,000 AT DEATH !
" ' ) > < i.l ) lililimult ) forli Jnr ; ' f-i ' * liu * flJ
I > UI UMi III 111" ( if'lllill.lliiit ' I I'll.'ll MIH.W Mil- .U < Hl'iit A- > < tnU'iii M .Neu Voik.
.V U,1UV ! ' ,
i.u Jji ii iluutc