OUE OMAHA DAILY BJSJS ; SUNDAY , APRIL IP. 1888.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 'OTTATOTHESEA ' , ' Georgia and the Carolina's ' , The "Wonderful Story Tlmt Mr , .Jacob lilnlngur , ono of Omnlm's Solid Citizens , nnd ono of Sher man's "Hoys In UIuo" Hclntcs , ? o much lies alrcftdy been written about flen. hcrnmn'smnrcli to the sci : , tlmt U tins becnmo n fnmlllnr subject to our renders. ( Sun , Sher man's nnny commenced Its memorable march from "Atlnnta to tlio Hen" on the morning of November 16th , and arrlvod In front of the de fenses of Kavnnnnli on the 10th of December , 1POI. No news limlbtcn received from the north during tills Interval , oxtcpt such ns could bo Klcnned from southern papers picked up by tlio Roldlers on the line of mnrcli. 'iliclr fleet wns In Osnalmw Hound with supplies of food nnd cloth ing nntl nn Immense mull , containing letters froniliomu for ncnrly every ono In tlio tinny , from tlio coimnnncllnggem-mi down totho pri vate soldier. All tliat Mocked their communica tion vMi tlm licet wns n. McAllster , on tlio ( ) eeclieo Uvor. This fort wns cnntured by Hnzcn'n division of the Ifith corps , on December liithnnil the 1'itli brought the boys their mails nnd nn abundant supply of Mod nnd iimutiltlon , mknlng tlmt ono of tno happiest days experi enced by the men of Hhermnn'H nrmy/ . Prepara tions were mndo for assanltlliRtlio confederate works nnd were nearly completed when the confcdcrntcstivncnated Snvunnnli. 'Ihounion troops entered the city before ilnvbrcnk on the SlHt of December. The fall of 1-t. McAllster placed ( Jen. Sherman In communication with uen. flrnnt nnd tlio authorities In Washington. Prior to the capture of Hnvammh , the removal of the Infantry of Hhermnn's nrmy to City 1'olnt oy sen wns the plan contemplated by Gen. Oriint , but ( Ion. Shermnn expected , nfter reducing Savunnnh , instnntly to mnrcli to Co- lumbln.H. c , , tlicnco ito Itnlolgli , muUheii re port to ( ion. Ornnt , nnd so telegraphed him. Tlio fall of Bnvnnnnh resulted In the adoption of the plnn Hen. Shermnn hail conteniplntoil. About ono month vns spent In Snvnnnnh In clothing the men nnd filling the train with nm- munition nnd rations. Then commenced the movement which wns to innko South Carolina feel the severities of the wnr. Among the "boys In blno" in General Shcr- mnn's nrmy. In ( Icncral John A. Iximin's div ision , wns Mr. Jacob Llnlngcr , n well known citizen of Umnlin. Mr Unlngcr served three years In the Union nrmy under General KOLMII , nnd was nt tlio KCKO ! of Vlcksbuig anil through tlio cutlro inarch to the sea. JACOII MNINCIKII. Mr. Llnlngcr cnmo to this city about seven years ngo from Indiana , mul for six yeaisof tlmt time has worked for the Union Paclllc coal company. Ho H n member of Assembly No. 3U14 ot the KnlKHts of Labor. A repot tor who called on him at his losldcnce , corner ot Six teenth and Frederick streets , was made nc- ciualntod with the following chapter from Mr. IJnlnger's book of experience. Wo will tull It In his own way. I remember , years ngo , when exposed to all kinds of weather , 1 used to get cold very often. I would have chilly sensations , with n little fever nt the snmo time , u burning or prickling fionsntlon In my nose , nnd n feeling of drynesH or heat , which would last n fo\v hours , when n watery dKclmrgo would bet In. Tins would last perhaps from three days to a week , when 1 would feel ns well ns over , but soon I would have nnother spell , nnd as time went on I got so .1 wns always catching cold. After n while the discharge chanced nnd bccnmo colored nnd thicker , nnd harder to remove ; It hecunie more dlltlcult for mo to breutho through my nose , which would stop up whenever there was a change to damp weather ; then then mining from my nosobernmo less , but I noticed there was morotionblo In my throat , nnd 1 hadtolmuk and spit n coed deal. My nose felt dry and un- comrortnblu nnd bothered mo n grent deal. Didn't this hnvo n tendency to injure your gen eral health ? O , yes ; my stomach got very weak. 1 wnab careful , though , and tried to diet myself. My stomach distressed mo con siderably , nnd I was uneasy and miserable. I had n burning sensation under my breast bouo nnd my stomach felt distended , or rather fi'lt ns Ittherowns something theia that didn't belong there ; sour water would rl o tip In my throat , iuid occasionally only wind. Jlut let ino tell you when n uinn's stumnch Is out of older ho almost hntes the world , nnd bees very little In tt tlmt pleases him. Hut 1 have experienced n decided change of Into. Jn looklnc over the city papers from day to day , I noticed the cures of Dr. McCoy. At last I got up spunk enoiiKh to go nnd sea him , he examined mo thoroughly and agreed to treat mo nt n very reasonable price ; I accepted Ills oiror.and to-day , after only ono mouth's treat ment , I nm llko my old time self again ; my nose nnd throat cause mo no trouble whatever , no pains , nn aches , and my appetite Is rood , no dis tressed feeling , my blood agrees with me , 1 tt\vn\ \ \ Well , and In fact feel llko a new man , and advise thoio nllllctcd In the same way to go to Dr. DcCoy nnd got the benefit of his experience. Mr. LlnlUKer , as above stated , resides at the corncrof Iflth nnd Fredoilck streets , where he Will willingly corroborate the above statement. Onu Cnlnrrli Ho Cured ? Tlio past K" mlKht bo called n superstitious ono , The present tun more properly uo called an ago of surprises , for many things once classed amonu the Impossibilities have now becomi everyday posstnllltles. It would bosupfrlluons to enumerate them , lint liavuwo roaehed the utmost limit ? Have wo ? I'hyxldans who claim to make certain nllmcntn the human body l mibject to n special study , nnd claim to bo ublu to cure such diseases , are pronounced by other Kolf-sntlstlvd practlonfrs as priisumpttiona ; but ilooa their saylnu so make It so ? The man who can como the nearest to overcoming thefceemliiK Impossibilities of others Is now nil the niKtN mul well does ho or they deserve the uucrCkS they linvo labored so hard to uttnln. Dr. J. Cresaj McCoy orhls-nssochiU's do not make claims to nnythiHK marvelous , such ns raising the dead mm giving them now life : neither do they claim to ulvo sight to the blind ; but by tholr now nnd scientific method of treating catarrh they hare cured and do euro catarrh nn well ns bronchial nnd throat troubles , Tlmy innko catarrh n specialty , becuuso It la onnof the most prevalent and troublesome diseases tlmt the people of this climate are heir to , Slnct Dr. McCoy and his associates have located In this cltv th y have treated with success hmi' dredu of person * whom other physicians haw told tholr disease was classed amonu the In cnrnblos. Do they not publish from week to week In the dally papers testimonial.- ! from some of tlinlr many grateful patients , giving In t'acli cnso the full name nnd address ot the per- ton making the statement that the dmibtlnn nnd skeptical may call nnd Interview the sali people prior to visiting thn doctor's nlllct-sfor consultation. The iiuuplo advertised an curtx are by no weans obscure or unknown , but In tlio majority nf cates are citizens well knout by the business people and community nt large , audit will more than repay any one sntreriiu froin'catnrrhnl airoctlon to visit those wliosi Btntements nro published , or consult with the doctor or liU iibtoclutes at his otlice. DOCTOR J , CRESAP M'COY ' , Late of BolloviiG Hospital , New York , Has Oltlcos No.UlOluidUU HAMOK IIUIUJINCJ. OMAHA. NUM. Wiivro all curable cases ara treated w UU sue Vedlcal diseases treated skillfully. Concum tlon. llrlKht'B disease , Iy i > fi > sla. Uheumatlsm anil all NliHVOUa HI6BABB3. AH diseases iu > cullnr to the ECXCS a specialty. CATAItltl CUHKI ) CONsi'I/TATION ntofllceorby mall II. Many disease * uro treated buccessfully by fir McCoy through thu inalla , anil U 1 thus possible ( or these unable to innko the jour ley to obtain fcuccessful hooptui treatment u tholr homes. Ottlcuhours9to 11 n.m. ; 2 tql p. ra.t Ttofiu in. SUNDAY 1IOH1LS FKOM 0 A. M. 'IX ) 11'.M Correspondence receives prompt attention. No letters answered unless uccompouled by. cinta 111 fctamps , AddiessMliuall to Dr. J. C. McCoy. Koom , HI IliumJ.-0 bul Mine , OnahaN ( b I 'ASIIION'1 ' ' How to bo Numbered With , the Grotxin and Flower of the Earth. TERRIBLE PANGS OF POVERTY. Tlio Horrible Death of an Unfortnimtc Couple Immersion In Cold AVnters HlRh Steppers ' in Training. Vnihlnnnhlo Society. NnwYomc , April 11. [ Correspondence of ho IJcn. ] The extent to which the posses sion of wealth forms a basis for the estimate o bo put upon people , in the eyes of the vorld , Is apparent everywhere. Hut in New YorkpartlcularlyIs this standard set up and althfully adhered to , The announcement ms been made from nn authority above ap ical , that in this great metropolis there nro only about four hundred people in "fashion able society. " To go outside of this social number ono strikes people "who nro cither not at ease In n ball-room or else make other icoplo notatcasc. ; " Yet there are many most cultivated and highly respectable , even dis tinguished Ucyond the "fashionable" limit are found professional men , doctors , lawyers , editors , artists and the hko. This careful llvlslon of "tho like" from the sacred circle irevallcd In England , ns Thackeray showed n his old Osborne , who growled because his fashionable daughter did not invite him to ncct the swells , but only when she had artists and literary people. Money will not admit into this exclusive society "a fortune of a million being only respectable poverty. " If 400 persons avow themselves to be the cream and flower of the earth , and the world so accepts them , then the world should not worry over its isolation. Perhaps , if the pretenses to extreme fashionable supremacy were carefully sifted , it would be found that the inherent icqnireinont is not what is above specified , but one more effective n amcly , check I Take any supreme , nose-uplifted , censorious , sublimely celestial and beautiful set In any city , which calls itself the fash ionable circle , it will bo found to be com posed of idleness , gossip , folly , amiability , a complete knowledge of waltzing , opera boulTo. French and cheek above all else , cheek I Another instance which shows the in fluence of wealth is the fact that the Man hattan railway company places its best cars on the Sixth avenue line , its next best on the Third avenue nnd its oldest and worst on the Second and Ninth avenue lines. Consider ing that the faro is the same in all cases , why this partiality } Tlio cars nro distributed , it will bo noted , with reference to the worldly possessions of the travelers on the respec tive lines. The Sixth avenue passengers average the highest in respect to the pocketbook - book , and hence got the best treatment. . It Is but an illustration of the general truth that the rich man gets more for the same amount of money than the poor man does. TIIII'Axos OP rovr.imr. In their miserable 10x12 foot room on the top floor of the small , tumble-down frame house. No. 57 Crosby street , Ilnnz Stackrica and his young wife , Fanny , bought relief from the pangs of poverty by taking poison , and died within an hour of cacli other at St. A'ineent's hospital , just ns day was break ing. iftTlioy were from Poland , nnd wcro unable to speak a word of English and but little German. They came to live with their little cight-months-old boy in the Crosby street house about ono month uco. They had given tlio name of Golstein to W. J. Jarvis , the agent of the building , when they hired the little attic room with ono window looking towards the east. The only one to whom they ever spoke was Mrs Chris tina Dccring , who lived on the same floor with them. To her Mrs. Stackrica told , in half intelligible German , how miserably poor they were and how her husb.md was vainly Becking for work at his trade as tailor. Stackrica left homo as usual early Friday morning , and during the day his wife was heard weeping. When ho returned at night thcro was no talking or laughing in their room , and the lamp was turned low , so as to save the oil , which was nearly exhausted. The month' * rent , $5 , had to be paid the fol lowing day , nnd Mrs. Dcering supposed n crisis had been reached In tlio life of her neighbors , and so told her husband. About midnight blio was aroused by ashullling noise in the hallway , and going to the d9or with u lamp in her hand found Staekrica on the landing staggering about , with a wild look in his eyes. She supposed ho had been drink ing , and closed the door. Ho was then heard to reel about the hallway , moaniug , mid finally to stagger Into his own apart ment and slam tlio door. About an hour af terwards Mrs. Dccring was again awakened by a noise in the hallway , which was fol lowed by a faint tap on her door. She again got up , and lighting the lamp opened the door nnd peered into the darkness. She saw nothing at first but a taint light coming from the open door of her neighbor's room , but upon turning to the right a horrible bight met her yaw. Stackricn was Icanin g against the wall , his eyes glaring wildly and- perspir ation standing In beads upon his .forehead , His face , which before had been wnito , was now deep purple. His whole frame bhooli ami he gasped in German ; " \Vc have taken poison my wife and I , " nnd then fell headlong to the floor. Mrs , Deering aroused her husband and then ran into the apartment of the Stackrlcas. She fqund the young wife upon a sofa-bed , the baby In her arms , her face ashen-pale nnu froth upon her lips. She recognized Mrs , Dccring and said In u faint voice : "Wo are dying. Go for the police. " Mrs. Dcerlng dressed herself and wonl with her husband to the Mulberry street police station , where Sergeant ilcrbeit or dered an ambulance and then started for the house. Stackrica was found unconscious whcro ho had fallen on the landing , nnd hi. ' wife was dying. The officer shook her nut In answer to his Inquiries she said no poisoi had been given to the baby. She then became came unconscious. The baby was crying upon the floor. When the ambulance ar rived the unconscious husband and wife were put Into it and taken to St. Vincent's hos pitul. They never regained consciousness and the husband died about u o'clock in th ( morning and his wife an hour later. The baby was taken chnrgo of by Matron Webb at police headquarters and was wnshci and fed and given new clothes in place o ] the old brown dress In which it was wrapped Afterwards It was taken charge of by Super Intcndent Hhiko and sent to the fomliiiif asylum on Haiulall's Island , MOVIXH THE GIllUT HOTIir. . Fully C.lKX ) people Journeyed down t < Coney Island for the purpose of gazing at tin hotel which had withstood the trials nm tribulations of a railroad Journey of over -H feet without feeling tlio least fatigued or on otshapo. The Hotel Brighton , which com mcnccd its famous march from tlio sea last Tuesday morning and decided to take an in- dctlnito test on Wednesday evening , was the all-absorbing attraction to this largo gather ing. ing.A gang of men was engaged In placing beams in position preparatory to laying tin track for the continuation of tlio trip ! T > 0 feet Several witncssess of their work picked ui : chips of wood that wore sawed elf anil carefully tucked them away in the innermost recesses of their vest pockets us a mjvnenUi of the first journey o ! a hotel on whouia. Twenty-four tracks on which the hostelry was moved are now being extended solliu the hotel may bo moved to its final rcstiiu place , a total distance of ROD feet. Superhv tcndcntJ. L. Morrow said that the proprlo tors of the hotel and everybody interests wcro confident that It would not suffer nnj damage during its iinal journey. SUI.I.1VAX IIKTL'KSS. When the Cunard steamship Etrurla pulloi into her dock there was u crowd of sportinf men on the pier waiting to greet Harrj Phillips and John Harnott , manager am treasurer of the Sullivan combination duriiif the tour through Great Hrltlun. A grea many expected to see Sullivan come dowi the gang plank with the others , but the ; wcro all disappointed. "To begin with , " said Sullivan's manager "I wish to denounce thn stories told of Sul llvan'H drinking habits as being false fron beginning to cud. Ho is How in Lilvorixro and will start for homo to-morrow , 'flier has been'no dissatisfaction between us. W will go out on the road with a combination u soon us ho gets homo.1' ' "Did Mitchell do any lighting worth speak ing about ! " asked Jimmy Patterson , "Not like u game unm would , " unswcrci John Uarnctt. "These fellows on the othc slcm have no Idea of fair piny. The referee wns supposed to bo n decent fellow , but ho fnvared Mitchell nt every opportunity ; but ho didn't do the big fellow's clmnccs ony Imrin , for John was determined to win on the level or not nt nil. Ho xvouldn't even fall on Mitchell when he had n dozen opportunities. " "In the third round , " said Phillips , "Mitchell wns partly knocked out. At the expiration of thirty seconds wo called time , but he wasn't nble to get up. Hnldock hustled nround nnd filled In time nnd the referee never snldn word. I wanted to claim the light , but John said It was nil right nnd let It go on , saying thnt he would make short work of him in a feuminutes. . "This ho would have done , but In the very next round ho struck his nrm against the point of Mitchell's ' elbow nnd It disabled lohn. There has been n peed deal said nbout that arm , but fc\v linvo given him credit for standing In the ring nearly three hours with Llmt arm nlmostkllUng him. It swelled until It hnd reached about twice Its nut lira I size , liut ho never said n word , except to whisper to mo not to bet another dollar , as ho could not win. He was full of pluck , though , nnd would linvo dropped dead sooner than retire defeated. THEY 1UTIIK1J , Twelve people proved that t'icy hail the courage of their convictions yesterday by submitting to immersion in the cold waters of New York bay nt the QVccnvillo shore. They were converts who wore thus ciunlilled for membership In the Hock of Sister John son's chapel of Jersey Clly. Elders llaymond nnd Watson hnd charge of the Immersions , nnd tlio proceedings nt- traetcd a largo number of spectators aside from members of the congregation. Among the converts immersed were two little girls , Lilllo Wilson , nged ten yenrs , and Ida May Vail , eight years , both of Jersey City. They wanted to be Immersed together , and so they were , the two onielatlng ciders acting to Rcther in reading the service and in plung Ing the children Into the water. Martin C. Hcldcrfruldtonoof the converts , wanted to tnko the plunge three times In stead of once , and Stephen IJedford.stood In the water and made a speech to the' specta tors In which ho told of various sins ho had committed. iiiaii-STnrrcns ix TUAINISO. The past week has been ono to raise the hopes of trainers of race horses everywhere , for work on the tracks was possble , and the men who have to get their horses ready for the summer campaign wcro not slow In tak ing advantage of it. From now on the homo will have plenty of work to do , and vigorous work it will be , too. In order to get animals ready for the Hrooklyn mooting , which be gins May IB. Such hurried work is neces sarily bad for the animals , and horses breakIng - Ing down under the strain will , In all proba bility , bo numerous. So backward has been the season that few , If any animals , will bo sent from hero to the meetings nt Washing ton nnd UaHlmore , and southern and west ern trained horses will have tlio prizes there to themselves. Jerome park's meeting1 will probably bo the llrst which will show any thing llko the true form of ilycrs who have wintered in this vicinity , though some of the "cracks" may bo ready by the time the Brooklyn meeting begins. Exhibition of Art. The exhibitions of the Society of American iVrtists are the most thoroughly artistic ones of native work held In this dountry. Unquestionably the finest pleco of concep tion and painting in the exhibition and by painting I do not moan the results of purely technical skill is that lovely work , ' 'An Angel , " by Abbott II. Tlmyer. This canvas the hanging committee which has in the main done its work well has given a place of honor. The face of the young girl is very sweet , though the typo is not very refined , per so , and la beautifully painted. Among the painters of tlio Ideal perhaps Kcnyon Cox should bo next mentioned. lie is exceedingly well represented by two ideal words , each of which has a very realistic savor , and by one example of tlio real , pure and simple. His largest canvas is a vigorous picture of the combat between "Jacob and the Angel , " the exertions of the former nnd the little effort put forth by the latter being admirably contrasted. Of especial charm , in color , drawing nnd modelling , is Mr. Cox's nude woman with long red hair , standing in a landscape , which ho calls "Indian Sum mer. " She is built like most of Air. Cox's women , In rather peculiar fashion , with a very heavy body , enormous hips and very small tinkles. A delightful little nude , with warm , palpi tating llesh , is shown by Herbert Denman. A sweet young girl is seated on n marble ter race in front of nn altar , and with purple masses of rhododendrons at her back , mak ing an "Offering to Aphrodite. " Still another nude is offered by Will H. Low. It is his charming little picture of n pretty young creature with very narrow hips nnd very thin legs , standing " 'Neath Apple Houghs. " Mr. Low's females are as apt to bo ns epicene in general contours ns Mr. Cox's are the reverse. Tlio former's second canvass is n largo and artistic panel , delight ful in color and composition , for u stained glass window , of the "Madonna Delia Prat ellina. " The face of the Holy Mother is lovely , but the figure of the sleeping child is rather heavy. The spring exhibition of the National Academy of Design for 1SSS is the best dis play of its size of American art that has yet been made. Ono of the strongest figures paintings in the exhibition is Winslow Homer's "Klght Hells" two fishermen talcing an observation during n temporary outbreak of sunshine on n stormy day. H is n well composed , vigor ously painted canvas , and although the sky is n little heavy , the water in the cold light Is painted in n masterly manner. The effect of the light , especially on the men's sou'- westcrs and their figures , is remarkable for strength nnd truth. On the whole , it is n masterpiece. Gilbert Gaul has ono of his striking war scenes on his important canvas , " Earthwork. " The is "Charging an scene at twilight , and the effect of this with that of the llro from the guns is extremely fine. Tlio composition and the arrangement of tlio figures in intense action , the majority of them is very strong. "Tho Viking's Daughter" of F. S. Church Is n dellcionsly poetic and quaint canvas. A fiock of doves wldsper in the lovely girl's ear us she walks along the csamls clad In dia phanous draperies. Beautiful is W. II. Low's little work showing n nude young woman kneeling "lly the Fountain. " As much cannot bo said for Wyatt Eaton's lilum ) ) , untorcstlng and partly undo "La Cl- gale , " who sits at the foot of a tree holding a Htringcd instrument of mandolin bhapo. The nude part of tlio body has , however , line qualities , Georgci W. Maynnrd In his "Intruders , " n work of Importance , dhows two birds of the fiamlngo order in nn open air marbln bath , with thrua women muloimd parly so. There nro fine points about this work , but it is la mentably deficient in the paining of the quali ties of mablo and llesh , Theru is little air nnd less light. Again , the pose of oiiiTof the women is ugly. John T. Sargent's portrait of n handsome lady in evening dress is very artistic , and the attractive , expressive face is superbly painted , but the llcsli of the arm is unreal In color , while it and tlmt [ of Iho neck hardly seem to belong to the same person as the face. It is possible , us an nrtist nptly suggested , that It was painted in the summer time when the face was tanned slightly , sit could not have been at the seashore , unless It was nl Har Harbor , or the young lady is no bather , The bodice of the dress is somewhat llatiy painted and gives little suggestion of a lioily under it. Air. Sargent's success In a Vono tun street and in a Venetian interior art masterly. of Dollar * are spent every year by the people of this stoto for worthless medicines for the cure ol throat and lung diseases , when wo know thai if they would only invest n in SANTA Aim- : tlio new California discovery for consump tlon and kindred complaints they would ii this pleasant remedy find relief. It is rcc omincnded by ministers , physicians find pub Ho speakers of the Golden State. Sold tint' ' guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co. at ? 1 1 bottle. Three for * ' . ' . & ( > . The most stubborn case of catarrh wil speedily buccumb to CALIFOHNf A CAT H- CUKE. Six months' treatment forjl. Hi malUl.10. There is such a thing us Ingrained dlshon esty. A man has been found in Maine wlu plays solitaire , and cheats. 4. Exposure to rough weather , wet , living in damp localities , are favor ublo to the contraction of diseases of tin kidneys and bladder. As a preventive nnd for the curd of all kidney and livci trouble , use that valuable roineoy , Dr J. II. McLean's Ljiver turd Kidney 13nlm ? 1 per bottle. nA\tfAnTClClTn\T H I Pf\/M7'lM \ TT C1 CONGRESSIONAL COCKrAilA PiibHo Servants " \VlKV Look Upon the Wlno Whan It la Rod , , j HARD DRINKING tfNVTHE WANE Mcmbcrn Who 1'ubflqly Advocate Prohibition nmU-1'rlvntcly on Co 111 WASIIIXOTOK , April 12. ICorrcsponilcnco of the HEC.I Wliilo tlio conimlttoo on the District of Columbia oirbotli sides of the capital arc working over the production of a ilgh liccnso bill for application to the city of Washington , Iho restaurants of both houses continue to do a. fairly profltnblo business in 'coltl tea" and various other beverages of , lko character. However much the prohlbl- .ion sentiment may nlToct congressmen In llielr various district ! ) . It seems to lese the grip on most of them when they are away from the eyes of their jealous and watchful constituents. It would be far from the truth to say that a pi-cat number of members of cither the house or senate are habitual users of alcoholic stlmulcnts to excess , but a largo liroportlon do not hesitate to "kiss the cup tel l > 93 it by , " and to occasionally ciook the elbow with a vlsitinp statesman or Intimate friend. Social customs require the use of wine at formal dinners , and the senators anil representatives who turn their glasses down when the corks begrin to fly are not numerous enough to attract attention or to ciuiso astonishment. It is painful to innko this statement from the midst of a dis trict which has been bombarded for three months past with petitions from every sec tion of the union praying that it ml ht bo promptly placed under the ban of prohibition but such 14 the fact , and there is no use de nying it. A reporter for a local paper , who spends n largo portion of his time in the sen ate restaurant , has collected a number of statistics as to what these statesmen imbibe , from which I make a fexv extracts. The most constant attendant at the "cold tea" counter is Senator Hlddloborgor. His favorite throat tickler Is Bourbon whisky , which ho occasionally varies with n pint bottle tle of yellow label. Ho takes his morning drink in bed and his Html cup Just before blowing out the gas. lio.twecn times lie toncs- up his system by copious libations. As a con sequence ho is now practically n wreck. His voice is tremulous and quavers. Ho is im- unsteady on his feet , and lits whole appear ance Indicates the cause of his eccentrici ties. Hiddlcbcrgcr is a steady drinker and is rarely free from the Inllunco of ardent spirits. Ho has made many exhibi tions of himself on the floor of the senate while in an intoxicated condition , and isn terror to the presiding olllccrs. When Hid- dleborgcr is "drunk and disorderly" it is al most impossible for business to proceed. Ho interrupts debates , makes stump speeches , offers irrelavent motions and is ready to light any proposition from any side. At times it Is practically useless to attempt to quiet him , and on several occasions the senate has gone Into executive session and closed the doors simply to ring the curtain down on one of Uiddleberger's exhibitions. During the last congress it was in contemplation to pass a motion expelling him from the senate. Kid- dlchcrgcr , who w nothing if not shrewd , got wind of it mid promptly ftquclcheil the move by threatening to rise in his seat and amend the motion , if made , by'includlng the name of Senator Edmunds. Edmunds holds frequent communion in his committee room , where thp side board is never dry. At his Inilcli hb usually treats himself to a small bottle of chump.ignc. It in a standing remark thattho'nmount ' of fluid which Senator Edmunds has imbibed can always be ascertained by watching the movements of his hand when ho takes his seat in the senate. If , It is passed rapidly over his nose three or four times it may beset set down as certain that the senator has taken from live to six ' drinks. If , in addition to this it slides over his forehead the number has been increased. When his head fall on his hands , vvith his el bow leaning on his desk , he is primed for the day. Senator Beck , of Kentucky , Is ft hardheaded - headed Scotchman who knows good whisky when ho sees it , patronizes it liberally , but never permits it to get the better of his Judg ment. As the leader of the democratic cau cus , his room Is the headquarters for the democracy and the Jug never runs dry. He is partial to soiir mash and is a warm culo- gizer of the Kentucky brand of bug Juice. Joe Blackburn , from the same state , is the admitted connoisseur of bourbon in the sen ate , and his constituents keep him well sup plied with a prime article of the same. He believes that Paris , Ky. , is the Purls of America and its sour mash the best in the world. Senator Palmer , of Michigan , surprised the country recently by advocating a prohi bition plank In the republican platform , lie is a prohibitionist from political principle and a high liver from constant practice. At a re cent reception given in his palatial residence on 1C street seven different kinds of wines and liquors were on tap , and the champagne flowed in streams deep enough tolloat the entire - tire assemblage. "I thought you were a pro hibitionist , senator , " Joked a friend. "So I am , " responded the Jolly senator , "hut lhavo fallen badly from grace to-night. " Senator Hoar , whoso benevolent fnco and high-water pants give him the appearance of a professional philanthropist and lecturing tectotclcr.enjoys an occasional glass of cham pagne with his lunch. Ho is as temperate in this as ho is in debate. Senator Chandler drinks with his oys ters. Senator Illscock Is partial to claret , while Senator Kvarts thinks that Burgundy is the king of wines. Senator Stewart , of Nevada , sticks closely to Pommery Sec , while Don Cameron and Tom Bowcn , of Colorado , take their rye straight. Senator Hanson , of North Carolina , drinks cider , unless some one eUo will pay for a more expensive beverage when ho ib not averse to Joining the procession. Senator Saulsbury , of Delaware , during the last session made a ferocious attack upon the sale of stimulents in the senate restaur ant , which was received with evidence of deep gratification from the representatives oi the Woman's Christian temperance union In the gallery. Five minutes afterwards ho was discovered in his committee room toning up his system with live lingers of prime old Delaware apple Jack. Senators Plumb , Ingalls , Allison and Wil son , while they do not advertise themselves as total abstainers , are never noon to drink at the ciipitol. Senator Colqultt , of Ocorgin , never un bends to anything but n glass of filtered water , with Senator Fryo. of Maine , who Is a total abstainer , as is also Senator Blair. Dan Voorlieos , of Indiana , prefers bitters in Ills liquor and largo drinks. The venerable Senator Merrill sticks close ly to ale with ills oysters on the half shell. Senator Manderson dislikes California wines , but does not draw the line nt foreign vintages , and iw ono of the steadiest diners out in Washington , ho 1ms as good an oppor tunity to sample as any ofllciiil in the city , On the house side the wpcullcr leads as ono of the steadiest devotees pf the bowl , Mr. Carlisle Is attached to tlio alcoholic product of his state and knows \vhlbky sour from a brandy cocktail. Ho in a semi-occasional spreor with sense enough to keep out of pub lic sight when indisposed. The ttolo excep tion recently , and which crcntod considera ble scandal , was on tno occasion of the Brit ish minister's ball , \\iieu JMr. Carlisle is said to have made a spectacle of himself as morti fying to his friends as it must have been em barrassing to himself. ' ' Sam Uandall , who a few years ago was ono of the hardest drinkers in th < > house , has be come almost a total abstainer. Ho takes a semi-occasional sip of flipped champagne , but never Indulges in a drink at the restau- iint. Sunset Cox is bvno means a prohibitionist. Ho generally begins the day with an absinthe cocktail , and by the time the house assembles is usually well primed. While the audience was assembling for the obsequies of Chief .lustico Wiuto , the little Joker of the house was In a delightfully mellow condition , as the peals of suppressed laughter from the group which surrounded him testified. Mr. Cox Is partial to spirits as a day drink and sparkling wine as un afternoon and evening beverage. Joe Cannon of Illinois is a Judge of good whisky , as is Laird of Nebraska. Tom Heed of Maine rarely induces in anything but ale. Guenthcr of Wisconsin swears by boor , and has converted McShane of Nebraska to his favorite beverago. Dorboy is a total ab stainer. Boh Butlerworth bus a falling for mixed drinks lu'whlcU vcsmouth is an ingre dient. Possibly half of the members pf the house indulge moderately in stimulants. Hut it Is noted by old observers that nurd drinking is steadily on the wane in congress , 'fho days when It was no disgrace to bo seen on thq floor In nn intoxicated condition linvo passed , probably never to return. Public sentiment with regard to public men Is changing and they tire now Judged by as severe code of morals as the private individ ual. I'KppEuaiixT miors. Chicago is still In the center of the burglar belt. belt.The The nioqultobar la the only bar that gets n liccnso without application. No use telling n man with the kidney dis ease to look on the Bright side. A cow-milking machine has been patented by a Nebraska man. Ho guarantees that It will neither swear nor flirt. Nine tenths of the pianos now made nro upright pianos , but nine-tenths of the pianos nt largo nro downright nuisances. When hurrying to catch n street car the girl with the orthodox bustle looks as if she was ahead and the rest of her was coming. Lightning never strikes twice In the same place. Neither docs a mule. The reason of this is because the place is never there after the first strike. There seems to bo no tariff on foreign comic opera. But , then , wo suppose the English consider thorn under the head of roar material , Atronomcr Proctor says the tfmo will conio when there will bo no water on tlio face of the cnrtli. The prohibitionists should or ganize a well trust nt once. Two women wcro detected In Now York smuggling tobacco In their bustles. Why should not a woman have n tobacco bustle as well as a bustle to back hcri Mr. H. K , Boom , of Kansas City Now , yer sco , Mr. Artist , I want er good pitcher this timo. Last year I got ono painted by a New York feller , an1 it wuz rotten 1 The scene was Cheagoof ! , pork packing fame , The maid had Inherited wealth from the same , She gave the M. D. the most frigid go-by Because he averred she'd a sty on her eye. A mysterious falling oft in the popula tion of Brooklyn has recently caused much uneasiness there , but the announcement that there are UOOUO pianos In that city explains all. all.Tho The English call an elevator a "lift , " and the French call it n "help" while the Scotch put in their oar by referring to Itnsn "drop. " It's all the same however always out of or der. Several of the towns on the Pacific coast are boasting of the honesty of their officials , and somebody remarks that probably tlio remote location of Canada exercises a re straining influence. Mormon Elder ( to wife ) : "I understand that our beloved brother Elder Brigham has an addition to Ills family. " WifeIs : it a boy or girl , Joshua ! " Mormon Elder : "Neither ; it's a now wife. " The Jealousy existing between St. Paul and Minneapolis has received an additional de gree of frenzy on account of a cat in the for mer city which is suffering from the whoop ing cough. The Minneapolis people are green with envy. Marion Harland , in the woman's congress , said that the coining woman would have her own bank account. It is to be hoped that this will avert the necessity of the coming man's hiding all his loose change before he goes to bed. "Hero's your Irish canary birds , " yelled a street fakir. "Every ono a singer. Irish canaries 1" Ho had his basket filled with rubber bullfrogs , painted a lively green. They gave forth n sharp little squeak when punched on the back with the linger. They very much resembled speculators squealing when squeezed. In an Irish theater , where they were playIng - Ing "Hamlet , " tlio gallery chaffed the prince of Denmark unmercifully , especially in the scene with the Ghost , At length Hamlet stepped forward , and , addressing the gal lery , said ; "Look here , mo byes , if yez don't stop ycr coddin' . me an' the Ghost will go up there and bate the divil out o' the lot ov yiz. " THE BULL-FROG MARKET. Arkansas' Queer Industry One Crop Hops Away Before Quito Itipc. St. Louis Special : There , is n , town in Arkansas cnllotl Atlanta , at least thcro is a postoflice by that name , and some houses arc scattered iiromiscuously through the miry vicinity. Atlanta nestles snugly in the midst of a chawn- ing swamp , whcro Miakcs and toads are wont to congregate , anil whore such a tiling as soil bears the same relation to reality that an algebraic equation bears to a known quantity. The mhabi- tantbdoubt not but what thorp is so il under Atlanta , but the trouble iwto got beneath the superficial stratum of swamp and reach tlio great depth at which it is Mipnosert soil mightbo found. The Arkansas ngent of the Early Mercantile company was iibkctl to send in a report to Atlanta. Ho has just sent it and in it lie brings to light a new industry , Tlio swamp being nn- suited to the growing of grain , tlio in habitants have suited themselves to the circumstances , nnd now grow bullfrogs for the market. They have excellent seed and tlio growths htvvo been ' magnificent until Inst ycnr when the whole crop hopiKJtl nwny before il wns ripe. This wns very discouraging , but wlicn the time cnmo nnothcr crop wns put in , mul nt lost re ports it was doing well , though there nro indications thnt the precedent sot by the Inst crop may bo followed this year , ns several of the moro nmluro frogs hnvo begun peregrinating nbout the swnmps already. When the yield docs not ttiko unto itself legs nnd hop awny il is told. Early's agent is en deavoring to inako iv contract for ono thousand bushels of frogs tobodollvircil out of the first crop that can bo detained until it thoroughly ripens. WJI13UK TI1K MUSTACHU G11OW9. Against ad versity it is advised "to keep a stiff up per lip , " nnd ns til at is w here thom m u H t a c h o grows , such advice strictly followed would lead to a dis play of bris tles. It is much more im port tv n t to keep a stoufrspinal column , for thcro the burdens fall on the physii man. Na turo is never nt fault , and where such stress comes she provides supports. It is the fault of the individual who , through negligence , exposure or impru dence , brings an n collapse of these sup ports. Every ono knows how the stitch in the back comes , but everyone doesn't know the promptest and surest way to catch it up and cure it permanently. The experiments of these who know llio secret nro worth recording. Mr. Frank Monroe , Francisvillo , 111. , January 30 , Iti87 , says : "Three years ngo had rheu matism in the back ( lumbago ) so bad I could not dross myself. Ono bottle of St. Jacobs Oil cured mo , and I have not felt it since. " Mr. .1 , W. Moira , 28 Hock fatreot , Lowell , Mass. , February , J8S7 , writes : "Three years ago was taken with pains in back , hips nnd legs ; could not turn in bed except by help of headboard ; applied St. Jacobs Oil bovor- al times to my back. In three davs t was sound and limber. Have not had return binco , though I had been subject to bpells for many years. " Mr. Jacob Mueller , Maysville , Wis. , February , 1887 , writes : "In ' 81 was troubled with an awful backache , and sulTored some timo. St. Jacobs Oil cured mo perman ently ; no return. " Mr. E. W. Elliott , Ludinglon , Mich. , February 8 , 1887 , btates : "My wife had not fetoopcd in ton years to button her bhoe ; she suf fered intensely with lame back. She tried St. Jacobs Oil ; four bottles cured her , and she had had no trouble in six or seven years. " Mr. Horace 12. Hopkins , New Albany , Indiana , writes Juno 10 , 1SS7 : "SulTored two years ago with acute pains in the back , also a slight touch of pleurisy. In ono hour obtained great relief from St. Sacobs Oil ; three appli cations cured mo. In the morning pains were gone , and have had no recurrence o ! it since. " May 17 , 18S7 , Mr. A. A. Cunningham , Porryopolis , Pa. , writes : "My wife was sorely afllicted with lame back ; buffered several years. She used innumerable liniments and plasters without relief ; used St. Jacobs Oil , and she was cured by it , and would not keep house without it. " The maxim ought to bo , keep a straight , strong back , and the rest of the anatomy will be strong also. also.CANFIELD. . 405 SOUTH IGTH STREET. WEAK ! RUfTi-rlmrfrnm the rf- frcu or youthful rr- Tor * , early ilct-ny , lot . 1 ulll K-IUI it vulimljlo tlfittlu ltMil ) full itaitlculara for hume cute , frto oC chnrpe. A'tiln-flli ' PROF. F. C. FOWLER , MoodUB , Conn. Who II WEAK. NEnTOUH. ttF.im.1TA. TEn.wholnhllFOLIjTnndlONOnANCO. hu TRiri.KIl w y hli VIGOR of I1OIT. ' F * m n mJ lulu JlA An * * * ! CnUBlIl ) ? BXIlRulli drain * upon the FOUNTAIIJN of I.1JT _ IIEAnAOHK , TlAOKACtlK , Preadful Pr im , WEAHnKNH of Mtmorr , 11AHH * FUI.NEHHm NOCIETV. PiniM.KN Utiotr Iho FACE , and Ml tlio EFFECTS lending KAIU/r IkRCAT and perhaps CONHUMIN TION or INNANITT. ihonld cooiult t enc < the CELKIIRATCU Dr. Clnrko , Establlihoa IWt. Dr. CUrka hii m Jo NF.ItViUJB IE I1ILITT , OltnoNIO nnd all DUcuci ol the UENITO UniNAHY Orgnni A Ltfo Htudjr. It mskcs NO dtrrcrcnco WHAT roif ; \ TC taken or WHO liiu failed to euro you. ' > -FEMAI.F.HiuirorlnRfroradUo seipectf. lllnr to their lex cnn coniult with the tsiuranca tt ipcc Jy relief nnd cure. Send 2 cents poatnttf tor worki on your dlicaiM. / > a-8end 4 cent * pottage tor Cclctirntrd Work * on Chronic , Merynaii nd Hell. onto Uiirnici , Coniullfttlon , i nonnL'r or by etter. IVco. Coniult the ol l Ituclor. riinii nnilu eiirrd. Omrm nnd nnrlnr * prlnic.Thoso cnntemplntlnK Mnrrlaro send for IJr. Clnrkc'B celebrated Rtildo Mrtlo nnd Fcninlp. each 15c. , both I'Sc. ( itsniM ) . llofoio conDdlnK your cn c , coniult Ir. OlAHHE. A friendly letter or r ll way MTO future ludcrlngnnd ihame , nnd add iroldcn yean to life , . s-D&ok "I.lfo' ( Secret ) Kr. ror , " tOa. < tampi ) . Medicine and writing * > ont eTcrjwherc , eccurn from xi > niiire. Uouri , 8 to J ; Sundays , 9 In 12. Addros. F. D. OLAKKB , M. D. 180 So , Clark St. . CHICAnQ. ILL. O M AH A MEDICAL $ SURGICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dotlgo Sts. 23 JR. .A. O El S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TI1UCSES. llest facilities , apparatus mul remedies for MIC rcssful treatment ofcxery form of disease rcililir- Injt Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. llonrj nnd attendance , best hospital accommo dations in the west. WUITI : FOR CIRCULARS on "Deformities and Drnces , Trusses , Club I'eet , Curvature of the Spine , rllen , Tumor * , Cancer , Catarrh , llronchltte , Inhalation , Uleetriclty , rnrnlynis , Hpilepsy , Kid ney , Illadder , Hyc , fiar , SUlu aud mood , aud all Surgical Operations. Dlaooooa of Women n SpoclnKy. UOOR OM D BAGE9 Or WollKN KltEr , ONLY EELIABLB 1IBDIOAL INSTITUIH MilCINO A erECULTT OF PRIVATE DSSEASES. All Illixxl Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic 1'olson removed from ( he f-ystem without mercury New restorative treatment for loss ol Vitrd Power. I'cisons unable to visit ubniny be tt ented nt home by correspondence. AH commu nications confldcittlnl. Medicines or Instruments sent by mall or express , fecutely packed , no marks to indicate contents or sendtr. One per- V3tml Interview preferred. Cell nud contuH us or send history of your case , aud we will scud ill plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases Im. yrtency , Syphilis. Gleet aud Varicocelc , with tj'tbtiun list. Address ( Jmaha 3IeiHcal nnil Surgical Institute , ot DR. McMENAftSY , Car. 13th and Dodge Sis. . OMAHA. NEB. lias obtained a reputation wherever in * troduccil for "Coituun STYLH"IJBH- KKCT FIT , " "COJIKOIIT AND DtmAltII > ITY. " They have no superiors in Hand Turns , Hand Wt-lts , Gopdycar Wells , and Machine Sowed. Ladies , ask for Ihu "LTOI.CW" SIIOH. Try tlioin , and you will buy no other. Cast your eye over the KIND of goods we carry , the unheard-of prices we make and the liberal terms we sell them OIL "We are western agents for the celebrated ranging in price from $9 to $35 The 03 w L. i I The most perfect and safest stove made. The JEWELL REFBIG-ER- ATOR , made in solid ash , the greatest ice saver in the world. The Il linois Cooking Stove , over 700 of them in use in Omaha. Ask your neighbors about them. The Matuska Folding Bed , the cheapest and best folding bed ever made ; in oak and cherry only. Tne Which need no praise from us. In Chamber Suits , We Show this Week An Endless Variety9 , . . * * * * --e-v - i - v * * * * * * * * 1 " * * FllliD1 ! J 'lMWuMWHjp '