Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1888, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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And Sole Manufacturers of the
Celebrated DAISY BUGGIES ,
( The best buggy on wheels for the money in the United States ) , have located a branch house
on the
A 1 1
T n Q "VI ft
TJ1 fUlu
Where they will keep all kinds of first-class vehicles ,
Buggies , * Road Wagons ,
Plisetons , Sulkies ,
Surries , Carts ,
Landaus , Express Wagons ,
Cabrolets , Delivery Wagons ,
Farm Wagons ,
&c , Our stock is selected from the best material in America , and will be sold as low as by any
house east or west. Our catalogue will on careful inspection convince any dealer that we are
"We challenge any one to produce as good a buggy for the money as our "DAISY , "
7,000 of which were sold by bur company alone last year ;
HEADQUARTERS St. Paul , Minn. BRANCH HOUSES Fargo , Dakota ; ioux City , Iowa ;
Kansas City , Mo. ; Omaha , Neb. *
rner 15th and Dodge sts.
Omaha , April 15th , 1888.
A Bright Girl Who Wields the
Slodgro In Her Father's Shop.
A Fair Pi-tanner Who Eluded Her
Keepers An Encrcctlo Woman
Nebraska's Female
Crumbs From Cooking School.
\Vo need continual variation , not end
less varioty.
The art of seasoning1 requires careful
study. It is one of the line arts.
Teachers of cookery command twice
the salary of teachers in public schools.
In order to perfectly digest and as- must relish and bo accept
able to the palate.
Salt is used to develop flavor in food ;
condiments and spices to modify and
control flavors.
No grander achievement is possible
to woman than that of limiting and
hooping a perfect home.
The order of men and women wo arc
depends in a great measure upon the
food wo cat and the homos wo live in.
Soup utouk should bo strained through
a conrbo sieve ; the brown particles in it
contain much of its flavor and nutrition ,
A propnrly prepared POUJI or broth is
digested and assimilated almost as soon
as oaten. American housekeepers do
not appreciate the hygienic and eco
nomic value of soup.
A Pair YOIIMK Illnclcmulth.
Savannah News : A certain man in
Oglothorpe county , who works at the
trade of blncksinitnlng , never being
blessed with iv M I to help him in his
shop , has a daughter who well supplies
the deficiency. She wields the sledge
with a grace and power that would put
many members of the sterner sex to
eliiuiio , and withal is described as a
most attractive young woman.
Sim Hid tliePlHtoI.
Stafford Springs , Conn. , special : Mrs.
George Johnson was arrested hero yes
terday charged with shooting her hus
band while ho was asleep during the
night. It is staled that domestic trouble
had existed between the two for some ,
owing to Johnson paying attentions to
other women. The couple retired early
on the night of the tragedy , and about
midnight Johnson was awakened by a
midden shock and intense pain. Ills
wife was not bcbido him , but his cries
for assistance brought hop from an. ad
joining room. Upon OMimiuutlon it was
found that Johnson had been siiot , the
bullet having entered his body below
the tenth rib.
Johnson is in tv very critical condition
nnrt there is no hope for his recovery.
Mrs. Johtiron was arrested. She at
first rested all attempts to search hoi * ,
but flnnlly submitted ; and a i2-eaUbro !
revolver was found tied securely to one
of her nclos. One chamber was empty.
Bha accounted for the posae ion of the
weapon by saying that she had recently
been pursued by an unknown man and
hun obtained it to protect herself. She
denied nil knowledge of the shooting-
her husband.
The court room was thronged this
afternoon at the examination of Mrs.
Johnson. The prisoner ut 11 rat seemed
unconcerned , but at intervals after
wards tears cnmo into her eyes , and she
showed signs of weakening. Jubtico
Hosloy ordered the oc.cnscd to give
in the amount of 110,000 , which
was furnished by her Bon. At a , late
hour to-night the physicians had no
hopes of Mr. Johnson's recovery.
A Girl's Invention.
Springfield Republican : In a remote
but decent part of Boston has lived for
about fifteen years an English family
of rather unique interest. The father
served in the war of the rebellion ,
and , being a partial invalid in consequence
quence , receives a small pension , which
does not go far toward supporting the
family , and ho can do little besides
draw his pension and suffer his con
stant pain. The mother is a small
woman , with largo brown eyes and pale
checks. She has had ti toilsome life ,
indeed , and has done all sorts ot work
to try and eke out the family support.
Two daughters , the elder somewhat
noted in her neighborhood as a beauty ,
and a small boy make up the balance of
the household. Although desperately
poor , the family has boon as proud ns
Lucifer and seemed bound to accept no
more charity than was absolutely un
avoidable , though there are plenty of
well-to-do people around them who
would gladly contributed in their aid ,
as every member of the family com
manded respect. They have come
to bo known oven outside
their narrow circle from their con
stant ollorts to better themselves , try
ing now this thing and now that.
Everything failed until a short time
ago ; but at last the family has struck
something that will give thorn ease and
comfort if not comparative wealth. The
handsome daughter is credited with
the discovery , which is simply a now
method of treating photographs in re
production. Her name has boon given
to it , and her work is getting more and
nioso circulation cverv day with of
course an increased inflow of dollars to
the family treasury. She has secured
a patent on her process. All the pho
tographers are puzzled by the work and
would like to liavo it for use in their
business , as they see that this girl is
getting as many orders as she can 1111
at the good price of $ : i for each cabinet
reproduction. The- pictures are the
same size as the original cabinet nhotp-
grapht > , but softer and more pleasing in
tone , and are mounted under thick
plate glass with beveled edges. How
she makes her copies nobody has been
able to tind out as yet , but in the slang
of the day her work ' 'goes , "
She llroko Jail.
Krio ( Pa. ) special : A few mornings
ago , when the jailor at May villa wont
to look after his prisoners ho founu the
only occupant of the fenialn department
the night previous , Miss Nellie Som-
bcrg , a Swedish girl of twenty-one ,
missing. The door had been burned
around the lock until it gave way from
the fastenings , She then escaped by
lowering herself by means of bedclothes -
clothes to the ground. In spite of a
heavy reward and the fact that the
country - . \ as full of searching parties ,
I bo llttlo jail-breaker writes &ho
reached Broolon , whore she break
fasted with a posse of her pursuers and
listened to their plans. She then
walked to Donkirlc , in all a distance of
twenty miles , and took a train for Mon
treal , wlioro she now is. Miss Souiborg
is under indictment for the larceny of
& 50G * .vor th of silk.
A Woman
Denver News : Mrs. Ada M. Ulttcn-
bondur is a Nebraska woman lawyer.
She is aUo an active Woman's Chris
tian Tompcranro union worker and u
aoletjatc to the Wniuuu 's council in ses
sion \Vashington. . At the state con
vention of the Nebraska prohibition
party last summer she was chosen us
the nominee for the position of judge of
the second Judicial district. She wo.s
not elected , as her parly was not strong-
enough , but when it is , Miss AVillard
thinks Mrs. Bittcnbcndor will bo one of
the llrst to be elevated to a judicial po
sition. Her legal attainments , as well
as her zeal for the cause , led to her se
lection as superintendent of legislation
and petitions of the National Woman's
Temperance union , and ULQ duties of
thot oflico have required her to make
her residence in Washington during
the sessions of congress.
Mrs * Bittenbonder is a native of
Bradford county , Pennsylvania , and
her maiden name was AdaM. Colo. She
graduated from a commercial college in
Binghampton in 1SG9 , and from the
state normal school at Blopmsburg four
years latter. She married a young
Bloomsburg lawyer and they wont to
Nebraska , whore she helped out her
husband's limited income by doing- edi
torial work on the local paper.
She road law under her hus
band's instruction , passed an examina
tion in open court in 1882 and
was the first woman admitted to the bar
in Nebraska. Husband and wife be
came law partners under the firm imrno
of H. C. & Ada M. Bittoiibender , and
the partnership still continues. They
removed to Lincoln in December , 188'2.
Mrs. Bittonbendor has traveled
throughout the state practicing before
the courts and is treated everywhere
with the utmost courtesy. She has been
admitted to the United States district
and circuit courts for Nebraska , and ex
pects to bo admitted to the United
States supreme court duringhcr present
stay in Washington.
A Girl Journalist.
Since Agnes McLollan assumed edi
torial control of the Seward ( Neb ) Dem
ocrat she has boon the recipient of con
siderable notice from the press , no doubt
largely because of her extreme youth.
Miss Agnes was born at Darlington ,
Wis. , on January C , 1ST. ] , and is now in
horsixteonlh year. On attaining her
fifteenth birthday she was placed in
ehargo of the local page of her father's
paper. In the fall of 188 ( ! her father
was taken sick , and for weeks was unable -
able to write oven his name. The
daughter gathered the news , prepared
copy , ran the financial part of the in
stitution and occupied the editorial
chair with charming grace and
unusual ability. During the sick
ness of her father , her mother
died , and then came a time
who-u it is absolutely necessary that the
young editress must needs care nol only
for the newspaper interests of her
falhor , but attend his wants in the sick
chamber and manage all the household
and ollico affairs. Jn all she has been
successful , and has won an enviable
reputation as a go-ahead , wide-awake ,
cnterp-ising little business woman.
Miss McLollan is an ostentatious littls
per on , deeply interested in her nows-
jmpoi work , beloved by her friends and
highly esteemed by her newspaper
brethren everywhere ,
Ghn atoml in front of her dressing case
'Twns n womiin fair in the glim t.lio saw
Anil the red fe'rowduop on tirntcharming face
' .Neath the daft caress of the rabbit's paw.
And she laughed Ui herself , commenting ,
The rouge VMS used : "Say what they like ,
\Vo women aie wiser than the men ,
For wo nro the painters who novur strike 1"
Draperies of the now bordered woolens arc
novel hommod.
Copper eoih ! or camel's hair.cnriched with
hluok btuidiiifr is both serviceable auil stylish
for entire spring suits.
The fu-icy for braiding Brows tremend
ously apace aud very shortly will have all
materials for its own ,
Moire has a nqw lease of favor and divides
Loners easily as the sprint ; Bilk with faille
fraiicalso ar.d jicuu do.solr.
Finlc [ .eu ; is alternating with diamonds and
a spray of grape leaves sown with seed are ,
as lace pins , quite clmrming.
Corset fronts of striped stuff appear below
plain uppers , and have usually thu side forms
front and bauk of the stripes us well.
Fashion sccins again about to hoist the
black Hap , and decree that somber hue is the
correct thing for woman's outdoor wear.
Rlack velvet princess gowns , with fronts
of creamy lace , are much affected by the
statelier sortof matrons to whom they are
vastly becoming.
Jackets for service come in rough cloth of
small checks ; for dross they ara smooth , al
most lustrous weave aud in solid tones of
rather bright colors.
Shirred or pleated bodices of red surruh di
vide honors with the ever-faithful Jersey as
the corsage for wearing out at homo skirts
past strcot nsoofulnoss.
A New York woman was given $0,000 for
the loss of her scalp in a railroad accident
last week. This seems to bo pretty high with
fulso hair selling at 1 a scalp.
With a lace slip of black , another of white ,
and silk petticoats of different colors , the
economical dresser can outdo the chameleon
in the matter of change , nt a very trilling ox-
Most polonaises lap over to the left hip.and
so OMO side differs in draping from the other ,
and the back bo not bouffant , may have
pretty well any other loop , fold , pleat or
wriulclo under the sun.
A black nioiro skirt , tlut may bo worn un
der draperies of several bright hues , suitably
toned down with blaclc moire bows , is an ex
cellent purchase for those women who care
to combine style with economy.
The fine double width , lightweight English
serges will , in a great measure , take the
place of the llannelsuits which liavo so long
been considered an indispensable costume
in the make up of a lady's wardrobe.
The woman with a twelve button Irid glove
on her hand is uuito as happy clunring lo a
street car strap as she would bo sitting oc
cupying the space calculated by the soulless
corporation to bo sunlcicnt for throe adults.
The chemist of the Alpha oil company of
Port Sarnia , Out. , is a voting lady , nn
adopted daughter of Mr. Hall , whoso pro
cess of rcllningis la use in the establish
ment. She is very sk illful in her profession.
For house wear la the dim and distant
summer nothing is better or more ludyliko
tliiin the plaid and striped nainsook , while
for street gowns in hot weather the super-
serviceable sateens will again bo long favor
The young woman whoso leap-year proposal -
posal is rejected may , according to tradition ,
claim a new silk dicss from the object of her
affections , This in why the tailor-mado eirl
colors perceptibly when you scan her now
White vests continue to rage. Now white
serge la tuelt orjioxpieats is all the wear ,
but "when thq bloom "
roses again" wo are
threatened with jyliito piques ones , stiller
than coats of , mail , for wear with wash
Iiulm silks aruall the rage , and beside the
familiar patterns of blocks , bars , stripes ,
flowers , intcrlac'ed rings , como in huge
branch dnsigns ihnt sprawl in the most in
ebriate fusliiyn over the delicately tinted
Copper in all shades grows more ana more
the rago. und la combined in stripes , cherks
and bordcrings , wjth white , black , anodetan
ami various brpwu shades , while the mix
tures of its own tones are as numerous as
they are indescribable.
The full effects now so prevalent in soft
wool may have their clumsiness somewhat
mitigated by a band and bow of ribbon tied
at the collar's left side , a similar one tied on
the sleeve at the elbow , and u ribbon girdle
to subdue the full vest.
The summer wrap crows more and more a
thing of beads and patches , und the greatest
variant from lust year's style is the ribbon
half belt , which , beginning under the arms ,
ties ia u full bow ut the back , thereby male-
Ing less conspicuous the bustle's threatened
I3oth the criminal and the aesthetic in
stincts at western young women seems to ba
protcrnaturally dovelo | > od. A gang of girls
under thirteen have been arrested in Illinois
for stealing millinery goods. They wore
bound to have Easter bonnets if they Wont
to Jail for them.
A new draping stuff that scorns a cross be
tween lace and grenadine , having lace fig
ures ujKm a fine closa-woven groutid , has by
Low Prices the lever that nttracta
thousands of purchasers to the
1209 Fnrnam Street ,
Rend the list of BARGAINS :
nt less than factory prices :
Wash basins Co , 8c , lOc. Ditiry pans 8c ,
Go , 7c , 9o , 12o , 14c , etc.
Rinsing pans , lOc , 14c. I7c , 23c.
Pie tins , Ho each. Perforated plo tins
6c each. Graters for horse radish 5c
oacli. Stow pans lOc , lllc , 15o , 17c , lOc ,
23c. Stow kettles lOc , 12e , 16c. IGo , 1'Jc ,
23c. Double match safes 6e. Egg
poachers , entirely now. B5c. Cortoo
pots. lOc. 15c , 20c , Hoc. llalf-coppor tea
kettles , 9So ) , worth $1.00.
Chopping bowls , lOc , IGc , lOc , 2.r c.
House brooms , lOc , 1 Ic , 19c , iSc.Clothos
pins 2c per dozen.
ColTeo mills , 25c , H7c , 48c , to 8oc. 2-
hoop pails , best make , 12c. Paper
palls , best make , 2oc. Tubs at 39c , 49c ,
6flc. Zinc wash boards , 12o each.
3-Hoop Pails , tostmak e8c ,
Ironing boards at 23o , 81c , 5V7o , 45
Clothes lines , lOc , 14o , 19c , J3o. ! Towel
arms , 5c , to lOc ,
Hat Hooks 5o lOc and upwards.
Clothes baskets at 48c , oOc , C-3c , to 85c.
Hampers at 01)c. ) Lunch baskets 15e , Uoc ,
3Ic ! , ! 17c , to 47c. Shopping baskets at ! ) c
12c , 15cand up. Market baskets at 23c ,
37c , 49c.
at various prices :
Plntes He , 4e , 5c , Oc , 7c. Bowls , Go ,
lOc , IGc. Cups and saucers 35c per set.
Platters , fie , He , 7cScto r > 5e.
Bakers 5c , ( ! c , 7c , 80 , lOc , to 2oc.
Jugs. lOc , 12c , 15c 18c , to 45c.
We are headquarters for bargains in
house furnishing goods.
Bargains in children's carriages. The
largest stock , lowest prices of any house
in the west.
1209 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale and Retail , Send for Catalogue
reason of width and strength so won the
feminine heart that , though at present it
comes in black alone , we are promised it in
the near future in all imaginable colors.
French milliners liavo added to their dainty
novelties very charming vests , fichus und
collars , made entirely of line flowers and
leaves , the fichus coining down to a point in
Hont , where is hot a graceful belt bouquet ,
from which full trailing garlands of maiden
hair fern , rose sprays , nrbutus vines iu
blossom , fern fronts and other delicate
Miss Helen Blanchard , of Philadelphia , is
the possessor of u very largo fortune , which
she derives from her invention of the''over
and over" attachment for sewing machines.
She borrowed nt oxhorbitaut interest the
money necessary to puy for patent oflico fees ,
and now enjoys 'an income that is exceeded
by that of but few women iu that city of
rich spinsters.
The fancy for green with blaclc la'co
dresses is noted la ribbons added to toilets
otherwise all black , for example , a wide
golden-green uiolro sash , with narrower
green ribbons made into rosettes , with flow
ing ends placed on the left side of the skirt.
The bodice is mocked , and has a bolt of
betelles of green ribbon. Ivory and cream
white lace dresses are made up in all styles
noted for black , and are equally fashionable
with green trimmings.
The fabrics composing the gown , waist
coat and shirt front very frequently differ in
kind ; for example , u dress of golden brown
India cloth has a vest of plain golden-Inn
velvet , with a cream coloied pongee shirt
front : or , again , n dove gray Henrietta cloth
has a Roman n > d vest dotted with gray , with
an ecru shirt front. The dress fabric is laid
next to the side of the vest , and covocd : by a
band of rich silk cord passementerie , or else
a velvet rovers tapering from the shoulders
to a point below the belt.
Pretty llttlo Bulgarian capes of white
camel hair , bordered with gilt or silver cord ,
nnd furnished with a hood , are to bo worn
over summer toilets of lace or India silk In
the country when only a slight wrap is
needed. There are also summer Jackets of
white cloth , with diagonal row of gilt or sil
ver on u single rovers in front. There are
also sling-sleevo capes of tan , gray and Suede
cloth , slushed with rod or brown velvet , und
slightly braided with metal cloth. '
Fashion Inclines to parasols of unusually
largo dimensions , with generally very unpre
tentious handles made of wood curved in
many curious and unique ways. With tus
sore , foulard , nnd China silk costumes , the
ilurusol is matched to the dross , 1'laldcd
stlped , checked , or flower-brocaded costumes
can easily bo matched by a parasol of like
design und color , as nearly every pattern and
hue is exhibited In fancy sunshades. For
full-dress toilets uro displayed a luxurious
array of novelties in crepe llsso , white and
tinted lace , beaded net , shirred and pleated
tulle decorated with pearl embroideries , silver -
ver or gold silk canvas bunded with velvet
ribbon , shot satins ombosscd with gay pom
padour designs aud lined with palo-rosa or
primrose bilk , and these of watered faille ,
flower-brocaded and finished with shepherd's
crook handles.
"Amen , " nt last the preacher said ,
And lest he start again ,
A deacon murmured in his dread :
"Amen to that uuicu. "
Kansas is taking its annual dose of Joe
A Vermont minister , who preached funeral
sermons over 1-1 porsuns , Hays ho received in
payment but two barrels of apples und a sil
vcr dollar.
There is no letter "h" ia Voiopuk , nnd
such being the cuso wo wonder what the
coming man Is to say when he steps into u puddle
dlo on a dark night.
Mre. Htibcom "They say that Jim Simp-
kins lost all his menu ) in a Pharaoh bank in
New Yoik. 1 tell you , them llgyjitians air a
graspin' lot. The children of Israel found
that out. "
According to a western exchange the em
ployment of pretty young ladles as ushers at
Iho Congregational church at Ottawa , Kas. .
has broken up several Suuday poker clubs ut
that placo.
A Jersey City woman is trying the "Chris
tian Science" cure on sick dogs and cats.
She pots high nay from the owners of the
pots , but has made no cure yet. In fact it is
u sinecure.
Rev. Stigfiins TJsae my love , that over
5,000 marriages v/crc ) < crfuruiea is. Caiadea
Having bought a line of manufacturers samples
of Ladies' Summer Wraps , at seventy-five cents
on the dollar , we are prepared to sell them
to you
And still be making a good living profit. We ask
an inspection. We know we convince you
that we can save you money.
We have just opened our stock of Parasols and
claim for them that they are the best values , in
prices ranging from $1 to $5 , in this city. We
make a Specialty of medium priced goods and
can give as good styles at from $2 to $3.50 , as
are usually sold at $5 or $6. Do not fail to see
them. Our stock is all new and fresh. RemerrH
ber cash drives a close bargain with us.
1319 Farnain-sL Omalia ,
last year. Mrs. S. ( who receives all the mar
riage fees ) Don't you think you could get a
call to Camdcu , GeorgoJ
General Uooth , of the Salvation army in
tends to assail the wickedness of Chicago
with a brass band of eighteen pieces. Tlio
general is l > clleved to hold insurance policies
on the lives of his musicians.
It is a little singular tnat just as soon as
the governor of Massachusetts ascertains
the day when the baseball season begins ho
straightway appoints that day to bo a season
of fasting , humiliation and prayer.
Rev. Dr. Tciss , of Philadelphia , has boon
lecturing with Indifferent success to farmers.
It was time wasted. Every good farmer
knows that Job took cousiflorablo pains to
raise the llrst largo crop of bolls on record.
"Who was the wiscstmanl" asked the Sun
day school teacher. "Solomon , " promptly
rcpied a little girl. "And who was the holi-
cstl" "Moses. " "Moscsl What makes you
think sol" "Uccauso I often heard papa
speak of 'Holy moses.1"
A clergyman in I3ranford , Conn. , while
ofliciatintr ut > a recent fuuoral thought he saw
the corpse's eyes open. Wo only wonder
that such instances are rare. The usual style
of funeral oration ought to bo enough to
make the deceased open his eyes.
A college student was invited out Sunday
to occupy the pulpit in a little country town.
After what ho considered a masterly effort
on the subject of "Lazarus and the rich
man" he called on a good old brother to pray
und was somewhat electrified to hear the
following : "O , Lord , wo thank thoc , that
wo are not like tills poor despUcd beggar La
zarus who we've Just ben u listcnin' to. "
At the funeral of a theatrical man in Chicago
cage the other day a unique llorul design was
displayed. It was in the form of a coupon
ticket witu the words :
A western literary critic inndvcrtcdlv got
hold of a copy of the now testament , which
the sporting editor had left lying on his
table. The reviewer glanced over several of
the last pages and then wrote that Rider
Haggard liud great deal to answer for , us
the author of the story called "Rovclatlons"
had evidently been inspired by a perusal of
"King Solomon's Mine , " "She , " and other
Improbable works by the sumo author , und
advised him to bo original hereafter and not
un imitator ,
In a certain Honton church , on a recent
cold Sunday , while the minister was deliver
ing his sermon , thosoxton thought the lire
iu the furnace needed attention , so ho went
down into the collar and bo an to shako the
lira and put on coul. The registers all being
open the sound of the raking and coaling
cnuie up very plainly so much so that one of
the deacons got up , marched down the aisle
und down into the cellar. What was the
astonishment of those sitting near the regis
ter to hear como up ; "What in are you
making such a noise for , and disturbing the
coiJBiugation ! " The question now before
the mealing is the deacon's name.
Mrs. VanCott is holding revival meetings
ia Denver to gicat multitudes.
M s. Laland Stanford has recently given n
line memorial chapel to Trinity Protestant
Episcopal church , San Fruncisco.
The number of Sunday school teachers in
the world makes u gn-ut host. Thcio are
computed to ho 10,417,000 of them.
Work will be begun in ; t few weeks on the
St. Simeon's Mission church at Philadelphia ,
a memorial to thu late iilshoo Stovns.
Rev. Russell Jennings of Deep River ,
Conn. , who died Thursday gave away dur
ing his life at least 00,000 in aiding and
erecting Baptist churches ,
Ono of the oldest religious edifices in the
country is the Old Swedes' church at Wil-
latngton , Del , which was built in 10'JS. ' It is
a quaint and curious structure of stone , its
walls overgrown with ivy , aud it stands just
as originally erected
Mr. Fulton , a brewer , who died recently ,
left - 7,000 , to the Free and United Presby
terian churches This has given rise to a
lengthy correspondent in Scotland as to
whether money given by brewers should bo
accepted or refused by Christian churches.
A ktaiaed-gtass window was recently &ct
up In the parish church at Elstow. the birthplace -
place of Btiuvan. It forms the Jublloo
memorial for Elstow , and is the llfth window
of stained glass that the church now pos-
scsscss. Two of the others Illustrate the
"Pilgrim's Progress" and the "Holy War. "
In the United States there is ono minister
to 700 people ; Iu China , ono ordained mis
sionary to 1,000,000. Of the 200,000,000ol
Africa , 140,000,000 have not bcon touched by
Christian teachers. The United States has
80,000 preachers , while India , with llvo times
the population , has 700 ordaiucd mission
The chief supporter of the Chinese mission
in Cqrca is Ah Hok , a wealthy and generous
Chinaman , who , a few years ago , gave $10-
000 to the Anglo-Chinese college at Foochow ,
and more recently a church at. Hong IConR.
Ho gave Jl.OOO to the Corcan mission , and
himself accompanied the two Chinese mis
sionaries who went out.
In advising a class of embryo preachers at
Hoboken , N. J. , Uishop Fowler reminded
them that they must "preach saiictlfication ,
notcranlttltlcatlon,1' . nnd that they should
put Ideas Into tholr sermons , evoa if they
had iiono of their own "but , " ho added. "Lt
you steal other people's idcaabo honest about
it and tell whore you got them. "
Mrs. Esther Frame , a Quakeress , who has
boon conducting revival services la Noah-
villo , is described as an evangelist of great
ability and a sjieakor of more than
ordinary Interest. She Is n small woman , of
middle ago , with a pleasing face. Crowds
liavo heard her preach , and these who want
to hoar her out of curiosity returned with
As a result of four weeks revival meetings
in Providence , conducted by Mr. Mills , 1,100
persons handed in r mls professing their da-
sire "to lead a Christian llfo ; " nine Congre
gational churches received 'JOI ; thlrtcan
Haptlst churches , ! 110j eight Methodist
churches , 148 ; four Prco Baptist churches ,
O'J ; two Presbyterian churches , llit ; thruo
churches of other denominations , 53 , aud 120
expressed no church preference.
How 1311 AVould Avoid Kti-lkcfl.
Eli Perkins the An mm Ian of America
Rayfa : Thoothurdaylbawqultoagroupol
English engineers who have already
eomo over from England to bettor their
condition. When I asked them what
pay an engineer received In England
tliov said :
" 'From W5 to $75 a month. "
"And these tire hkilled men ? " I
"Yes , they are skilled rncohan-
ics. They have worked mivun yoara
in a shop. They can make u locomo
tive. "
"Would they como lo America if they
know u place was open ? "
"Of course they would , I could
bring 1,000 skilled onglnoora out oL
London in a week if they could ba
guaranteed 81,000 per year. Your
engineers nro not ongincorti. They are
not inechuiiicH. They are simply ad
vanced llromon , Our men are skilled
men , "
Tills man spoke the truth. Many of
tlie-.e Knglibliinun are now running
trains on the Onind Trunk the very
bust engineers there.
Whoa \Vllkobbnrro nnd Seranton
minors , seven years ago , were getting
fc'I.M ) per day they struck for $3.70. The
mine owners shipped in 8,000 Hungar
ians. Now them in a surplus of minor : ]
and Ihov uro working for ftJ.fiO per day
and if all worked they could work only
170 days a year. Strikes among tha
minors don't hurt the country now. Lot
there bo a surplus of engineers. Rail
road managers can bring engineers
wages down to SIliOO a year and make
future strikes harmless if they will now
sonil rigonts to England and start the
curpluti Englifah engineers thin way.
An AhHolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is au absolute euro for old sere * , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skla erup-
tioiu. Will positively euro ull kinds of piles.
MENT , Sold by Goodman Drujr Co. at 25
cents per box by wall 30 ccnti.