Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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TWO good houies , well located , for 12,700 nnd
tl.lixi , on cn payments , J. A. Itclstnnd ,
room . Arlington Block. _ .P3
J71OK8AI.1 : or trade Lands nnd town prop-
JJ crtyln Nobraikn.KansM.Colornilo n < l other
BUtcv.wnnt merchandise , cattle and horseitpcn-
era ! oxclmtiKo business transacted ; correspondence -
enco solicited. T , A. Kngllsb , 4 Co. , York , Neb ,
T : ncro tracks. best of facilities for jtar
\J denlng. Want good unlncumbcrcd farms
11. H. Cola N.JB. lath and Douglas. _ HOT
"inoll BAM ! Klvo room hou e , full cornBr lot ,
J ) exactly on grade , in Omiha View , 12.071. II.
K. Cochran , law Farnam st. _ 674 H > *
COUTH 10th at house and lot , Dargaln. Clark-
p gon.8188.lith. _ 67713
'l/lUIl HAM : or exchange New room house.
J3 nil modern Improvements , barn , etc. , small
cnfdi payment and terms to milt ,
Will tnko equity In good lot ns part payment.
F. I > . Hrejjory. ! W9 Sllith St. 4fiO
SA Mtiroom modern house , m feet of
ground , near 18th and St. Mary's nvs. , for
87,000 , party anxious to sell. O.K. Thompson ,
ail 3. 15th gt. B74
choice lots 111 South Omaha below the
market value , bargains If taken cpjlck. H.
K. Cole.JVJi Cor 1.1111 nnd Douglas. HOP i
TrillNKST residence lot In Hanscom Place , east
JL1 front , perfect grade , splendid nclRlibor-
hoodand close to street tars. Just thnplacn
for a nlco hnmu or block of honces. Call nnd
Kct price nnd terms. Oco , N. lllcks , room 10 ,
TlnrKcr block. 813 15
TCAN oircr for n few days ono of the best bust-
JL neRS lots on M ftreet , near .Tith street. South
Omaha , ono block from depot. It will pay you
to Investigate this. ( leo. N. lllcks , Kill 15
' hundred and fifty feet frontage on Dunne
street , llancom Place , perfect grade , water
nnd gas on street , just the placu for n blocker
or houses , fan make this a hlu bargain If Hold
ntonce. ( leo. N. lllcks , Marker block. Hl.'l 15
" 171011 SAM1 Two line business blocks on
JL1 I.cavenworth st ; n bargain.
For sale , choice lots In Imgim place.
For sale , property In nil pnrta of the city. Call
and examine some of my snaps not ginger
snaps , but real genuine real estate siiapa , J. O.
Miner , room WJ 1'axton block. Tclcphojio K74.
TJAHTIKH having Improved property to sell at
X ri'nxonahlo terms can sell by listing vtlth me.
I hnvo customers for some good fmpioved nrop-
erty. Send In yovr list of Improved or unim
proved property to sell or exchange toJ. O.
Miner , roumiutt , Paxton block. Telephone 871.
71)3-15 )
k-STO ItY six-room house nnd o moderntll , at
J conveniences , convenient to street cars , de
sirable location ; price fii.400 , ) cash ; balance
monthly or quarterly to suit. II. II. Cole , N 1 !
CorJAtli and Domilas. : va iX )
"VTOciuTn required to buy n line largo lot to par-
IN ties Mho Mill build. H. 15. Cole , cor. 1Mb nnd
Douglas. TiMI-17
. , IMBDodKO street , will sell
STIMNOKIUVCo. Orchard Hill nnd take n horse
nnd buggy and secured notes In payment. 433
B UH1NKSS lot on North ( Sixteenth street. II.
I ! , Colu .N H Cor. Ifith mid Douglas. IIV ) iiU
GU > K H A 1.15 Within ono and one-fourth miles
JJ of I' . O. , line residence lots , fie cash , bal
ance easy. II , II. Ilendde. 117 S , IGth. Ml 10
"T li. Hicn& CO , Heal Ustato. 201
SGU'will buy a 60 ft lot , easy of access ; pay-
nicnt ensy. long time on liamncu. Yon can
not nirord to miss tills. H , I ! , Cole , cor. 15th and
Douglas. WJ-17
"IJIOU SAI.KA line residence lot on rnrnnm
JL' st. . ( Wxl.'C ! it at a bargain. KImball , Chnmp
.V Ityan , U. S. Nntl bank bid. 41lmi ! *
HOUHKS , > acant lots nnd farms for sale and
uxchungo nt Stringer & Co.'s , 151H Dodge.
L. HICK & CO. , Heal tfstato. IJ
TjlOH SAIK llawk-y House , North Platte ,
X1 Nob. Will take part cash and balance In
peed cattlu. Address John Jlattluy , North
I'latto. _ 74riii3t *
TTIOH SAIjIl Nlco 7 room honso , close to st.
JU cars , school , church , etc. , full lot. only Knuu ;
HWii ) cnsh , bulnnco In thrt'o equal pnymentH. O.
F. Harrison 41H. H. loth Bt. U75 .
I * HICK & CO. . Itoal Hatato.
BAIK3AIN' I have for salts for a few davs n 7-
nMmi liouso iiciir cor. of Ihircka and llumll-
ton Htrooli , Walnut Hill , for $1,400 ; small pay
ment down. Clias. J. Hyiin. cor. .Mercer and
I.owi ) nvunncs. Ti78 mlO
$3-riO , $ 'WO balance monthly ; quarter block
from Itcd Car line , desirable location ; como
nnd BCO this. H. 15. Cole , N 15 Cor. 15th and
Douglas. _ fiOiiO
"fiVH HAIiK 77xlXJ feet Chicago street , ono
J-1 block oust of Julfersou squaro. A fuw days
(15x140 ( fectTark avenue , between Howard nnd
7l > xl27litt. . Caldwell St. . near Panndcrs. I. A.
llradrlck iV James Voro , Trcnzer lllock , Hooin 7.
_ rai KIJ
L. HlCn * CO. , Heal Ilbtato. SD4
1/1OK HAM ] At u bargain , lease of a.1-story
Ju' brick building containing : i stores and 'ia
rooms , with modern improvumunts. Inquire nt
COU 8. tilth HI. 12) )
K ItOOJI cottage , east front , full lot. Kith and
J Jlurdetto MH.only il,7W. 1) . C. Patterson ,
Omuli.'iNtU. Hank. ii'j , " >
MOTOK line will positively run directly lo
those 100 lots , lluy now before the ad
vance. Payments easy. II. I ! . Cole , 15th and
Douglas. rjj-17
TTIOH SAI.K or Trade Karnain Ht. . notir USth ,
JL ! Incumbranco t-.WX ) . Equity JJ.WO.
rnriiain st. , corlllst , l.'jflxixi.
Trackage , lllth st. near ( IraeoVlxll2. (
Cinnlnir st. , cor Ulst , is.u'lxllO Incumbrnnco
N. lOtlist. , near Nicholas , 01x101 , Incumbrauca
, .
HauiKlors st. , cor. Hurt , liUxfil , Incumbranco
i'niknvo. facing pane , 50x150 , Incumbranco
r > .r ) .
Douglas st , , near 20th , flOxlXI , Incumbranco
, .
M lots In II. & M. I'ark add to South Omaha ,
clear of Incnmbranco , perfect title.
S quarter suctions ot school land In Ivossuth
Co. , Iowa.
1 quarter section land In Grimily Co. , Neb. ,
All of nbovo property for sale or trade for
good Insldo Improvea property or good 1m-
provoil or unimproved farms , S. A. Slonmn ,
rooms 1 and n. Hcllmnn bldg , 13J1 Farnam St. * ,
Omalia. Neb. 8U
Corllflcntu of I'utilluatlon.
Lincoln , I'l-brnnry 1st , 1PW. )
It 1 hereby certltletl that the Merchants' Insur-
nncoCompany , of Newark , Intho Btatu of New
JerHuy , has compiled with the Insurance law
nCthlH Htnte , and Is authorized to transact the
btialni' " , ! ) of lire Ilisurnncu In thla btute for thu
current year.
Wltnc H my hand and the seal of the nu.lltor
of public -accounts thu day and year above
lBC.u.1 H. A. IIAIICOCIf. Auditor 1' . A.
Cert I lion to of 1'ti 1)1 Ion t Ion.
OrricnnpAiiDiTon oc Puiiuo ACCOUNTS , I
Lincoln , ivbrnnry 1st , 188H. |
H Is hereby certltled that the ( iermanln
Insurancii Company , of Now Vork , lias complied
fzed to transact thu business of Uru Insurance In
this t-tato for tlio current year ,
Wltiii'SHiii ) hand nnd i-eal of the auditor o
public accounts the day nnd year above wrlt-
| Kl'.Ar , . ] II. A. 11.U1COCK. Auilltorl' . A.
Ccrtlllcnto of I'ulillontioii.
Lincoln. Kebruary 1st , 1RW. )
It Is hereby certltled unit the Hprlnu Garden
Jnsnrancn Company , of Philadelphia , lias compiled -
piled \\lth the Innurancu la of this Mute and
[ H aiithoilZL'd to transact thu btndness of Ilio In-
luranru In this xtute for the current year ,
Witness my hand and the t enl of tno auditor
of imbllu accounts tlio day and year above-
LBB\U ] II. A. HAI1COC1C , Auditor P. A.
Corliflonto of IMilillonlloii.
Orricti or AtritiTon or ACCOUNT , 1
Llnroln , 1'cbruary 1st , liH. 1
Ittsheiuby certified that the City at London
Insurants Company , ot London , Kng. . has compiled -
piled with the lusmnnro law of this utnte ami Is
authorized to transact thu business of tire In-
puvanco in this ntuto for tlio currvnt year.
Witness my liand and thu seal of thu auditor
of public accounts the day and year ubou <
[ SUAI. . ] II. A. 1IA11COCK. Auditor 1' . A.
[ CortUlcntu of I'lilillontlon.
Oirtci : or AUIIITOH OK 1'irni.ic ACCOUNTS , 1
HTATK or XcniiAbKA , >
Lincoln , lYbruary let. 18J8. )
It Is hereby cci tilled that the DrltlbU Amu rlcnn
Insuranro Company , of Toronto , Can. , has compiled -
piled uitli the Insurance law of this etatu and Is
uuthorlred to transact thu business of tire lusur-
( .nro in this ttuta fur thu current year.
Witness my haiul and the seal of thu auditor of
public accounts the day and year above wiit *
teiHLQ 1I.A. 1IAUCOCK. Auditor I' . A.
Ccrtlflono ( of Publlcntlon ,
Qn-icr. or AUDITOII or Puuuo ACCOUNTS , 1
. . . . . Lincoln. February 1st , ISiS. (
It la hereby cortltleil that thu LouUrllio Under-
jvrltersof lAJuUvflUKy. . , lias romplled with the
Insurance aw of thfi ftatc nnd U authorized to
trunsiict the buHness of itlre lusurauco In tlris
state for thu cut rent juar.
Witness my haml and the seal of the auditor of
imbllc-uccounts tnu day ana year ubovo writ-
ISKAUJ Ji. A , aAUCOCK , Aaditoi- . A.
Foreign Orders Keep Up the Bulge
In Wheat.
Hoth Shirs On tlio Outlook For
Sudden Clinnjrcs Active Dealings
In OntH ProTlolons Strong
Hogs Advancing ,
CiucAno , April 14. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.n.l Now York started the bull
movement In wheat this morning , advancing
nbout 'tfc before the Chicago market caught
the Infection. This market seemed for n
little while to bo waiting for the Now York
ono to come to it , but wns finally compelled
to follow the up turn. Under nn urgent de
mand from the shorts the price of May wheat
advanced nt ono time lc from the opening
figures , but nearly one-halt of this advance
was afterwards lost. The bullish Influences
were better cables , higher domestic markets
and further reports of damage to winter
wheat. The fact that foreign markets show
n disposition to follow the advance hero Is
the most encouraging feature of the situa
tion , nnd indicates that foreigners tnko note
of the probable short crop of winter wheat in
this country. There was good buying both
hero nnd In New York to-day by houses
with ft foreign clientage. May wheat
opened at 7SJ o nnd nt once ad
vanced to 782c , lingered between these
two prices for a time , then advanced
to 79 c with scarcely a reaction , fell back to
i , 'c , then advanced to TOXe , buck to
up to Tlljfc , then gradually fell back to
advanced to "O fe again and closed nt
c. June wheat opened at 79c , sold up
to SOJfo nnd closed at SO @SOtf c. Estimates
us to the decrease to bo shown In the visible
supply of wheat by next Monday's state
ment range from GOO.OOO to 750,000 bushels.
There wns n chance foi everybody to bo
suited In the corn market. Prices advanced
1 , ' c and then fell back to lower than the
opening figures. Tlio actual receipts were
much less than the estimate again , nnd n
small percentage only of contract grade.
Rumors of a squeeze were moro numerous ,
and there seemed to bo very little grain for
sale , cither at the opening price or for some
little way on upward. At the top , however ,
it was noticed that there was considerable
selling by commission houses of scattered
lots of long corn in which there was a hand
some profit for country customers. The de
mand from shorts fell off some , uml
some of them were encouraged to sell moro
nnd the market sagged , with only slight re-
nctions , to the close. The situation in corn
secuis to bo that there is a large short inter
est and only moderate stocks of corn in store
nnd not much coming. If the longs can nnd
Will take this corn and pay for it next month
the shorts may have to suffer , but if the longs
attempt to realize nnd oven up they will bo
likely to Ilnd tlio bears making n weak mar
ket for them. In the meantime tlio market
is extremely nervous and liable to sharp fluc
tuations. May corn to-day 'opened nt G.r > % c
and advanced to r > 5J6c. fell to 53 < e , and then
advanced Ic to liii c almost without a reac
tion , then declined to and closed nt JiS'.jc.
There was an unusually heavy speculative
trade in oats , with prices following the
course of the corn market , strong and ad
vancing early , then n decline toward the
close. May oats sold from ! WJ/c to 33's'c , de
clined to and closed nt lEi c. Juno oats sold
from 32fc to 32c , down to 32c , where they
closed. July oats sold from 32jc up to 32e ,
and back to fl2e. August oats sold from 21c
to i-llif e , and closed nt 2Sc.
In provisions the week closed on a strong
market. In all speculative lines the bull side
was regarded with favor to-day , and although
closings were considerably lower than out
side prices , u substantial ndvnnco was es
tablished all around. Uascd on last night's
final quotations , tlio nctunl improvement in
pork was 10inl2' ( c , in hird Co nnd in short
ribs 5Qij } jC. Trading was active and moro
than uti ordinary interest existed , Short
ribs nnd lard moro than divided with pork
tlio attention of traders. May , Juno nnd
July were the favorite futures , though quite
a fair amount of short ribs was sold for Au
gust. Ivor May , porli sold at SI 1.20 and SH.4U
nnd closed at $1I.27M bid. Juno pork wns the
same and July r > 7 > e higher than May. The
May future for lard ranged nt t7.70if7.77 ( > ,
and rested at S7.72 } , with Juno fie and July
lOc higher. The closing price for May short
ribs wns $7.27jbid , for June S7.U7.H , for
July $7.13 nnd for August $7.M .
CIIICACJO , April 11. | Special Telegram to
the Uuc.l CATTLB In the fuco of a light
run tlio demand was slow from the opening
to the close , most of the good cattle selling
substantially lower than yesterday , nnd not
all sold tit that. Butcher's stock was quiet
and steady. There was no demand for can
ning stock. Dealers sny there is no outlet
for the product at present , and tlio ware
houses in all the cities of the cast nnd in Liv
erpool nnd London nro full of fresh stock.
The run of fat eattlo for next week is esti
mated at about-10,000 and there is no improve
ment anticipated , as there is plenty of beef
in New York and elsewhere. Steers , 1,350
to 1,500 Ibs. . ! IU@5.00 ; 1,200 to 1,300 Ibs.
$3.bO@MO ; 0.10 to 1,200Ibs3. 0 ( < ? 3.flO ; stoek-
ors and feeders , f2.20@3. ( 0 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , $1,70@3GO ; bulk , fcJ SQS.bO.
Hous Trade continues brisk and values
made the customary advance of fiii)10c ) the
same as on each day since Saturday last ,
milking nn advance of15iJ50e ( during the
week. Some fancy heavy sold ot 5.80 ( < c5. 5 ,
best mixed made ? 5.70 < y5,75 , nnd common
tO.-KHtfii.UO. Light , or anything that would
weigh under IfcO Ibs , sold at $5.70&ii:5.75 : , and
lf.0 averages at f5.55@5.05. There was a good
demand for rough lots and skips , all sharing
in the advance on best ,
Nnw YOIIK , April H , [ Special Telegram
to the Hun.1 STOCKS The market to-day
was quiet with sales of 1OB7 ! shares. The
cut In passenger rates by the Chicago At
lantic caused uneasiness among the holders
of Vnnderbllts , but they only decreased Md
points. Grangers and Coalers remained firm
with small factional changes. The short In
terest is still largo and nets as a support to
the market. The market opened a little
feverish , but changes were fractional , and
there was no important variation during the
short session , while bales were limited , Richmond
mend Terminal was higher nt first and ruled
linn and n little buoyant. The room was di
vided in opinion ; some were conservatively
bullish , but the professionals generally fav
ored slight reactions , The bull Interest
bought with a show of conlldcnco In their
supporting orders.
GovBitxMUNTs. Government bonds were
dull but strong.
I .4rll.O . J84'fat. ! ' 1 , . At 8. F .
trlti . . . 244 doproferrod . . . . 65
n'0 ! Vn7er.ni1' M IC..M.K u. ' au. . . 70U
lllnoliiivntral . ll'j do preferred .
{ ; * W . 10) ) ' , St. 1' . & O .
K- * - . 1W do preferred , . 105
! 'ake here . WN 'Texas ' 1'ucitlc. . .
. . Union I'aclOc .
Central . 77 . IJ
Missouri I'aclilc . . 72 ? ; Oopreferred. . . . 2
Missouri Tactile. . . . 21 W. tf Telegraph. . W
do preferred. . . . 45 > i
MpXBY ox CAi.u-Knsy at 1 # per cent ;
closing offered 1 per cent.
rnSIt"LIN ? KcruxoE-Qulct , at for
CO day bills ; H.b7)4 for demand.
h'fnnp' . April n Followlntr ore the
:3U : closing prices. .
FJour l-'irui , wl tervrlic t , In sacks , $3.50
. .
Wheat Active , excited nnd unsettled'
opened n shade better than the closing of
yesterday nnd closed Jf < 3Ke higher for May
nnd l e higher for Juno ; cash , 75 fc ; May ,
70J < c ; June , 80 3-lCc ,
Corn Much stronger early nnd later be
came quiet and easy , closing k1 1 higher
than yesterday ; cash , ole ; May , 051-lGc ;
June , 64li"c.
Oats Active nnd unsettled ; May sold up
Ic , but the advance wns lost ; May , 32 , 0 ,
Hye Ctc.
Barley Unchanged nt 77 ( < lSOc.
Pi line Timothy 3.G4Q2.C5.
Flax-seed $1.45.
I'ork Active nnd stronger , closing steady ;
cash , $14.2.MU.U : ) ; May , $14.27 } (3H.30. (
Lard Hulcd 7J < ( i10c higher nnd closed
steady nt Inside figures ; cash nnd May ,
$7.72)4. )
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. f5.7r.Q10.00 ;
short clear , f 7. 75(38.00 ( ; short ribs , $7.30.
Huttcr Easy ; creamery , 2lQj20e ; dairy ,
Checio Steady ; full cream choddnrs ,
; flats , neglige ; young Americas , 12
Kggs Easy nt 13@1 lo for fresh.
Hides unchanged ; green hides 4 ! c ;
heavy given salted , fi e ; light green salted ,
Oc ; salted bull , -IJtfc ; green bull , Hc ; green
stilted cnlf,8c ; dry flint and dry calf , I2@13c ;
dry Baited , 10c : deacons , 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; country , 3J @ 5c ; No.
2 , solid , 4'fo ; cake , 4Jfoperlb.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 15,000 21,000
Whentbu . 2S.OOO 13,000
Corn , bu . 48,000 101,000
Oats , bu . M,000 ) Sl.OOO
Uyo.bu . 1,000 .
Barley , bu . 2S.OOO 23OUO
Xovr Vork , April 1 1. Whcatr-Hcccipts ,
14,000 ; exports , t > 3,700 ; the market was
feverish and soniowhnt excited at times on
covering by shorts ; options advanced lOW c
from wliich changes wore not material , clos
ing firm near best ; spot l@lfo } higher , but
quiet ; ungraded red , S7 ( ' .i5c ; No. 2 rod. 03 < r $
! i3l c In store nnd elevator , OIJi'@y"5 de
livered ; May closing nt ( K2 > { c.
Corn Receipts , 18,000 ; exports , 700 ; ad
vanced l@c ! on snot , nnd lJ4C'C-c , on op
tions ; ungraded , ( irtfeito e ; No. 3 , ( We deliv
ered ; No. 2 , 7lo ) in store ; May closing nt
Oats Receipts , 30,000 ; exports , 4,000 ;
market fnirly active and ? ( $ % higher ;
mixed western , 37@41c ; white western ,
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , quiet and steady nt
S14.25 ; options 15ii2rC { higher ; trading light.
Sales , .12,000 bags. April , fU.20@ll.3l ) ; May ,
$10.05 11.20 ; June , $10.75TJl0.y5 ( ; Julv , 510.I15
010.50 ; August , ? 10.10ei0.30 ( ; ; September ,
io.or > Geio.s > .
Petroleum United closed strong nt S2 } c.
Kegs Dull , weak and lower ; western , 18
Pork Firmer , but quiet ; mess quoted nt
$15.00@15.25 for new ; fM.HO ® 15.00 for one
year old.
Lard 10S)12 ( ) > 4 points better , and active ;
westcrnstcani spot , $8. 12) ) .
Butter Quiet and cnsy ; western , lfi@2flc.
Cheese Dull and unchanged ; western flat ,
KnnwnH City , April 14. Wheat Higher ;
No. 2 boft. cash , SOe asked ; May , 81o asked.
Corn Higher ; No. 2 , cash , 4tiobid.10 0
asked ; April , 40'fe May , -17c ; July , 47c bid ,
4o ! ) asked.
Outs No. 2 May , 30c bid.
St. Ijoui-a. April II. Wheat Higher ;
cash , W9f ( < * S5 tfc ; May , 81Vc.
Corn Strong ; cash , Me ; May , BOe.
Oats Higlier ; cash , 34J3IXc ( ( ; May , 32 0.
Pork ? 14.50.
Lard-7.iO. ;
Whisky fl. 09.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 22@2Sc ; dairy ,
18 ( 25c.
Cincinnati , April 11. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 red. SSc.
Corn Strong nnd higher ; No. 3 mixed ,
Oats Quiet and firm ; No. 2 mixed ,
Rye-Firm ; No. 2 , 07c.
Provisions Pork Ib-mcr at S14.GO ; lard
stiong and higher at $7.50.
Whisky- Steady nt $1.00.
Milwaukee * , April 14. Wheat Buoyant ;
cash , 77c ; May , 77Jc ; ; June , 7S c.
Corn Higher ; No. 3 , 5ic. :
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 white , 35c.
Rye Steady : No. 1 , CO'rfc. '
Jinrley Weak ; No. 2 , 7r < c.
Provisions Firmer ; pork , April. $14.2. .
MiiiiH-nnoliw , Aijril 14. Wlicat Re
ceipts , 251 cats ; shipments , none ; prices
were advanced about Ic yesterday. Closed
In store : No. 1 hard , April , 77J c ; May ,
fc ; July , 70c. No. 1 northern , April ,
7lic ; May , 7tc ! ; July , 77. No. 2 north-
urn , April , 7-lc ; May , 7to : July , 77c. On
track No. Ihnrd , 7U ) < tc ; No. 1 northern , 77ifl (
7Sc ; No. 2 northern , ' > c.
Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship , in
sacks and car lots , $4.306i 1.40 ; in barrels ,
$4.35ji ( > urj.
Ijtvcrio ] I , April 14. Wheat Firm ; de
mand fair ; holders offer moderately ; Cali
fornia No. 1 , tis ( ! d ( tlis Od per cental ; red
western , winter , Os Sd@0s Od ,
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; new mixed
wcfctern , 5s Id per cental.
Now OrlcniiH , April 1 1. Corn Steady
nnd in fair demand ; mixed , OOc ; white , 01i ( < >
02c ; yellow , (12c. (
Oats In fair demand nnd firmer ; No. 2 ,
Corn Meal Steady at 53.70.
HogProducts Porkstrongatll.75@15.00 ;
lorn quiet and steady at f7.00r ( < 7.12'- .
Bulk Meats Steady .and unchanged ;
shoulders , fO.10@ii.15 ; long clear , S5.DO@7.75 ;
clear ribs , ST.50 < ! l7.52 f.
Chicago , Aiirill4. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; market steady ;
steers , fi.30@5.00 : ; stackers and feeders ,
$2,20@3.CO ; cows , bulls and mixed , fl.70@
Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; market steady ; na
tives , $3.756/0.00 ; western , f4 50rt0.lO ( ; Tcx-
ans , f2.1C ( < 14,50 ; lambs , fS.OOQJO.&O.
Natlonnl Stock Yards , Knst St.
IjouiH , April 14. Cattle Receipts , 100 ;
i hipincnts,540 ; mnrkctstcadyandunchangcd
choice heavy native steers , fl,40@5.30 ; fair
to good native steers , f I. OOW4.W ) ; butchers'
steers , medium to choice , f3,25W4.2ij ; stack
ers nnd feeders , f2.20a3.tO ( : ; ordinary to good
rangers , f2.25C"4.00.
Hogs Receipts , 500 ; shipments , 1,100 ;
market steady : choice heavy and
butchers' selections , $ < ? 5.75 ; packing ,
medium to prime , f5.306l5.Uj ; light grades ,
ordinary to best , f5.20 ( 5.r 5.
KniiM.-iH City , April 14.-Cattlo Re
ceipts , 485 ; shipments , none ; offerings were
too light to test the full strength of the mar
ket. but values wore about the same as yes
terday ; good to choice corn-foil , f4.06l ( ! .60 ;
common to medium , f.1.2r > @ 4.50 ; btockcrs.
{ 2.00@2.90 ; feeders , f3.00@3.CO ; cows , $2.00
6i3.f > 0.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , none ;
mnrket btrong nnd active , and fiWlO higher ;
common to choice , $4.bO&i5.50f skips and
pijjn , ? 3.00@l.70.
U.viox STOCK YAHDS , 0 p. m. I
Saturday , April 14 , 1SSS. f
The week closed with liberal receipts , there
being close to fifty fresh loada on bulo. The
market was dull ana slow all clav , and very
few cattle changed hands until into in the
afternoon. At the opening salesmen were
generally asking moro money fortheircnttlo ,
but the general market was only stead v.
Lute in the afternoon the market was n little
moro active , and quite n good many cattle
changed hands. Very few cattle were leftover
over , the yards being nbout cleaned up before
the close.
The receipts of hogs were the heaviest of
the week , over seventy loads being on sale.
The market was not very active at any time
during the dav , but for nil that everything
was sold before the close. In spite of the
heavy receipts and the fact that it ivas the
last day of the week , the hogs sold at steady
prices , The quality of the offerings was
better than yesterday , and there were moro
fair to good heavy and mixed loads on sale.
Slieop ,
The receipts of sheep were unusually
heavy , nnd a few loads were sold.
Oattlo . , . , it 000
, I'rlues.
The following w a table of pflce * paid In
this market for the grades ot stock men
tioned ,
PriincstccM , 130dto ir,001bs..f4.20
Prime steers , llOdlo 1300 Ibs. S. < M
Fat little steers. WX ) to 1050 Ibs. 3.50
Common to choice cows 3.00
Common to choicifnulls. , , . . . . . 2.00
Light nnd medium hogs 5.00
Fair to choice heavy hogs. . . . . 5.25
Fnlr to choice mixed hops 5,15
HcprcHcntniivo Snlcs.
No. Av , Pr.
1 bull : . . . . 1200 J1.75
Iblill 1C40 2.10
1 bull 11SO 2.25
1 cow , t. , SM ) 2.50
20 stockers % 523 2.50
7 mixed D43 2.70
Mstockcrs 002 2.H ! )
2cows WV5 ! ! . ( K )
1 cow , 1000 3.00
Ibull 1720 n.OO
4 cows 1155 3.15
Sstcers 910 H.15
2 bulls . ' .1010 U.25
1 steer 830 J1.25
4 steers \OfiO 3.50
"steers 1124 ! 1.50
lOsteers , TO3 Jl.50
44stcers 017 3.50
1 steer 1400 3.75
21 steers llfii n.bO
42 steers 117i ( 3.M )
11 steers 1075 fl.85
44 stocra 1WS 3.W )
34 steers 1012 4.00
30 steers 1018 4.00
8 steers J..10I4 4.00
20 steers 125(1 ( 4.05
2rt steers 1242 4.10
54 steers 1200 4.15
28 s tee r s 1204 4.20
1 steer. , 1320 4.20
30stcers 11KIS 4.25
07 steers 1.T07 4.25
41 steers 1201 4.25
b5 Bay Stnto steers 1445 4.40
30 steers 1410 4.G5
No. Av. Shit. Pr , No. Av. Shir. Pr.
.107 3201.80 74. . . . 'J15 5.25
. .170 120 SI.W ) 84. . 2 ° 5 120 5.25
78. , . .190 280 4.90 81. . ! ! 247 bO 5,25
70. , . .197 120 run 55. . . .220 5.25
7(1. ( , . .221 SO 15.15 123. . . .241 100 6.25
S3. , . .195 SO 5.15 05. . . .2(54 ( 120 6.25
81. , . .190 ICO 5.15 72. . . .2411 bO 5.25
( H. . . .212 100 5.15 (50. ( . . .287 320 5.2714
01. , . .22(5 ino 5.15 OS. . . .251 100 5.27' < J
81. . . .205 100 03. . , .252 80 5.30
59. . . .241 100 KMO 70. . . .2111 120 5.30
( M , . .210 120 5.20 ( VS. , . .237 G.30
(53. ( . . .218 120 5.20 0-1. . . .251 SO fi.30
70. . . .220 200 5.20 05. , . .273 bO 5.30
(12. ( . . .24 * 1IX ) 5,2(1 ( 71. . . .2CO 120 5.30
( Vi. . . .2.V.I fcO 6.20 00. , . .241) ) 80 5.30
Otl. , . .2(50 ( bO 5.2(1 ( 00. , . .250 80 5.30
22. , . .220 40 5.20 55. , . .2119 5.'H )
. .205 40 5.20 03. . . .270 200 5.30
. .213 400 5.20 00. , . .255 120 5.30 !
SO. . .20 ! ) 100 5.20 77. . . .243 40 5110
88. 223 320 5.20 71. , . .242 5.30
07. ! ! 3i2 120 5.20 05. , . .257 100 5.30
112. 229 280 5.20 50. . . .202 100 5.30
79. ! .223 120 I5.2i : 05. , . .205 200 5.30
72 , . .218 2-10 5.25 55. , . .201 40 5.30
71. . .212 80 5.25 70. . . .207 100 5.3."i
70. . .218 100 5.25 00. . . .251 6.33
1. ,570 , 3.00 1. 020 3.00
sinr.r. :
No. Av. Pr.
78 corn-fed westerns 77 $5.00
127 corn-fed westerns 91 5.40
100 corn-fed westerns 91 5.10
Ijivo Stock Not OH.
A dull cattle market.
Hog market stcafly.
Heavy receipts for Saturday.
Allen & Flcener. Lamora , marketed a top
load of liogs nt $5.35.
Shepherd & B. , Arlington , marketed n
load of 243-lb hogs at $5.30.
Air. Parks , Bancroft , and Mr. Ream ,
Greoloy Center , were in with cattle.
Air. Sutton , of the firm of Alclntosh & But
ton , Chapman , was in with both cattle nnd
D. O. Alorr , Doniphan , wns nt the ; yards
with thirteen loads of good corn fed native
John Imnn , Osccola , came in with a load of
hogs nnu.a load of sheep which sold on the
Cedar Bluffs was represented by C.
Krausc , who came in with two loads ot
P. AI. Golden , a well known stockman of
Larnmio City , came In with BIX loads of hay
fed cattlo.
Shippers along the line of the B. & AI , in
Nebraska report a good many hogs in the
country ready for shipment.
Among those who marketed SOo hogs wns
Ed , Lancaster , Holmesvillo ; W. II. Borkett ,
Silver City , In. ; A. W. Doiihm , Cortlandt.
A. J , Snowden , Litchllold. nn extensive
shipper on the B. & AI. , was hero nnd mar
keted two loads of cattle which sold at $1.25.
Henry Bcrcham , Hicknmn , wns in with six
loads of cattle of his own feeding , which
brought the top for their weight and .stylo.
The Omaha Packing company's string of
hogs cost nnd weighed about the same as
yesterday. Armour's drove cost 3e more
and weighed ten pounds heavier ,
1'roiluco , FruitH , NIHN , Kic.
Friday , April 13.
lite following r/intri/fo ( / > i * < jrc ivhulcunlc
< oic/ / not retail. Prices ijuutal on priutucc
itrc tltc rtitc * at which ruuiul lulu urc nol < ( on
tltl * iiutrkct. Frittlx or other linen of uoods
rcnulrliid cstm labor In ixtehlnv cannot al
ways lie nui > i > llal on onivlilc orders at the
* ( iiio i > rlccn iniotiil for the local trailc.
Hate * on jtimr and fccil arc Julilicm' wlccn.
l'rlccn on urafu n > e thoc iialilliy Omaha
inlllcrK tlellfcrcd , tAll ijnolatlonii on mer
chandise arc obtained fniin taidlnu houses
and arc corrected dally. 1'rlccn on crach-
cm , cnl > cd , cte.i UK those ulvcn 111 Icadlnn
inannjdctnrer * .
IJiTruu Fanny creamery roll butter
25iif27c with solid jmokcd nt 23 ( ' 2.l5c ; choice
country butter 21n22e ( , wit ft 't > omd sales
of fancy butter o > t 25c , common grades
17iiec ( ( , inferior stuff 96l5c , according to
Eoos Strictly fresh 13SI4c. (
Oxioss Native stock , fl.156il.35 , Spanish
per box of 50 Ibs tl.50 1.75 , California on-
nionsScailoperlb ,
PoTATOES-Choieo homo grown , 65@93o ;
Utah ana Colorado stock , 91.10 ( 1. 0.
PotiLTiiy Chlckensdressod , 126i'13e ; gccso ,
2@13o ; turkeys , 12 ( < U4o ; ducks , Il il3o ; live
hickciis , f3.7B@4.00 , with ono sale of extra
coed fowls at fl.25.
CncESc-Full cream , 13 } < @ 15c.
BANANAS Common medium , $2.50(33.00 ( per
bunch ; choice , ) .00@3.50.
TfiiNn-3 Rutabagas , 45 50c ; white , 40c
ocr bushel.
LEMONS f 3. 70Q 1.50 per box.
DATES Persain , OV7o per lb.
Sitiit Kit AUT Choice per bbl. of 33 gal.
f 5 006J5.00yt bbl. , fl.00@4,50 ; 811.00 per bbl.
of 50 gal ,
CIUKII Choice Michigan cider , $4.50@0.60
per bbl. of 82 gal.
Porconx Choice rlco corn Is quoted nt S
@ 4e per lb. , other kinds , 3f@30 per lb.
CARIIOTS $2.25(23.50 ( per bbl. ; nowstoclr ,
GOc per dor.
PAnsNirs Now stock , $3.00(33.50 ( per bbt.
UAniuciES ? 1 per do ? , for native stock nnd
3UGJ4C per lb. for California.
OAtiLirLOWEn Good stock , $3.50(33.75 ( pcf
OiUNons California Riverside , (3.75@
4.00 ; Messina , $ ( ; Valencia ? , $0.00c §
8.00 per cnso of 420 ; Mexican , 4.00 ; Los
Angeles , $2.75@3.25 ; Nnvals , $4.60 ; Los
Angeles , $4.50 ; Riverside , $5.73.
MEANS Good stock , $3.CO ( < J2.75i California
beans , $3.C5rt2.40. (
Fios In layers , 13@10c , ctfko lOc pcrlb.
NUTS Peanuts 0 < f ( < J7e , raw Hrazll nuts ,
13c ; nlmonds , Tarragona , 22c ; Kngllsh wal
nuts , 15C < 51Sc ; filberts , ISo : Hnllnn chestnuts'
15c ; pecans , ISo.
HOXBY lOftJSlc for l lb frames ; canned
honey. 10c < M2c per lib.
PAIISI.DV lOc per doz.
Gur.BN Oxioss 85c per doz.
Asi'AKAOi's 22c tier lb ,
STiivwiiniiutES Fresh Florida , K@W per
box.Cfct'M'inns 81.00 per dozen for choice.
SAi.siry 25c per bunch.
Lr.TTUcn lOc per doz.
Cm.r.HY California stock , f 1.50 per doz.
KAWSIIKS 40c per doz.
Grocers' hist.
Sf HITS New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
87@IOepcr gal. ; corn syrup. 85c ; half bbls. ,
37c ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55 ; sorghum 8Sc.
Piiovisioxs Ilnms , 10K@10Kc ; breakfast
bacon. lOJi llc ; bacon sides , 8J ( < fSJfc ; dry
salt , 7lirii7Jfc ( ; shoulders , CMjj7o ( ; dried
beef , 10 ( < § lle.
PiCKMis Medium In bbls , $5.75 ; do In half
bbls , $3.40 ; smnll In bbls , $15.75 ; do in half
bbls , M..H ) ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.75 ; do m half
bbls , f4.40.
UnrtXKU Ltni ) Tierce , 7Jo ; 40-lb square
cans , 7)4c ) ; 50-lb round , 7 Jc ; 20-lb round ,
7 > < c ; 10-lbpatls , } ic ; B-lb pails , 7Ke3-lb ;
palls , 8c.
CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $ U06i3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.XKKUO ( | ; raspberries , 2-lb , per cnsef3.0065
3.10 ; California pears , ) > er cnse , $4.70@4.bO ;
nppricots. per cnse , f4.30@4.40 ; peaches , per
case , $5.15065.75 ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; California plums , per case , $4.50ffil.O ; ) ;
blueberries , per case , J2.206T3.40 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per ease , $2.50 spineappplcs , 2-lb per case ,
? a.20g5.76 ( ; salmon per doz , 81S5@1.05 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $ ; i.25g)3.35 ) ; 2-lb
string beans , per case. 8l.7B@l > 0 ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , Sl.(50@l.(55 ( ( ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $2.CO@3.70 ; 2-lb early Juno pens , per
case , 82.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , S2.106J2.50 ; 2-lb
corn , S2.306J3.40.
JBU.IU8 30-lb palls , ? 1.256ll.50. ;
SALT Per bbl. in car load lots , $1.30.
Roi'i : Seven-sixteenths , lOJi'fSllc.
CVNIIY Mixed , U@Uo : sticlf , UftJOJ .
HOI.LANII HKUKINOS 70Cl72epcr keg.
MAPU : Si-dAii Bricks , 12 cpcr Ib. ; penny
cakes , 136S14c per Ib.
HHOOMS Extra , 4-tie , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , $ -1.00.
STAIICII Mirror gloss , BJIfc ; Graves' corn ,
OHc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
TEAS Japans , 206 55c ; gunpowder , 20fi ( )
OOc ; Young Hyson , 2i6l55e ; Oolong , 20 ( J
05c.POWDBU AND SHOT Shot , f 1.4S ; buckshot ,
S1.70 ; Hazard powder , f5.00 ; half kegs , $2.75- ;
one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting kegs$2.35 ; fuses ,
100 ft. , 46 ( < i'7Bc. '
SUOAK Granulated , 77 ? } < c ; conf. A.
Ordinary grades , l(5617o ( ; fair ,
17ft18eirimclS810iCe ; | ( ; fancy green tind yel
low , 226t23e ; old government Java , ! ! Si ( < ,3c ( ) ;
interior Java , 25iW ( c ; Mocha , 2 < ( 30o ; Ar
buckle's raustcd , 194c ; McLnughlin's
XXXX , lOJic ; Dilworth's , 19Kc ; Red Cross ,
19Kc ; alnromu , 1'J fc ,
woonuNWuic Two-hooji pails , per doz. ,
$1. 10 ; three-hoop p.iils , $1.155 ; No. 1 tub , ? 0.75 ,
No. 2 tub , SO. 75 ; No. 3 tub , $4.75 ; washboards
$1.50 ; fancy washbonrds , $3.50 ; assorted
bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 3
churns , SS.50 ; No. 3 churns , S7.50 ; butter
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , $1.70.
Toiucco Lorillnrd's Climax , 45c ; Splen
did , 45c ; Mechanics' Delight , 4-lc ; LeggettA
Jlcyer's Star , 45c ; Corner.stone , 39c ; Drum-
mond's Ilor&eshoo , 4Be ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 45 ; Catlin's Mecrsehaum , 3Ic ;
Cntlin's Old Style , 23c ; Piper Heidsick , 04e ;
Sweet Tip Top , 33c ; U.N.O.,17c ; Red , White
nnd Blue , ISc.
, CAKIS : , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Sod.i , 5c ; sodu ( city goods ) , 7o ;
soda fliiowtlaku ( In tins ) , lOc ; s > odu dandy ,
5)-fc ) ; soda wnferbin ( tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr ,
8c ; city oyster , O 'c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina
oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , 5c ; inomtoi. 7o ;
Omaha oyster , 7e ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic ,
5c ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c- ; Boston ,
80 ; Oinnhn butter , 7c ; saw tootli butter , (5Jfc ( ;
cracker meal 5' < jc ; graham , be ; grniium
wafers. lOc : grnhnni wafers in jiound pack
ages , 12 > c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk. 7' < ji ; : oat
meal , be ; oat meal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in pound packages , 12 } ci animals , 12c ;
Bollvcrgiiigcrround,7o ( ) ; creiim.hcjCornhill ,
lOc ; cracknells , Kic ; frosted cream , 8jc ;
ginger snaps , So ; ginger snaps ( ;
homo made ginger simps , in boxes , l3c ; homo
imulo ginger snajis (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creams , Sc ; pretzels ( hand made )
llj c ; assorted cukes and jumbles , HHc ; as
sorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon ten ( in tins ) ,
per box $7.00 ; banana fingers , 1 Ic ; butter
jumbles , ll i'i Brunswick , 15c ; brandy
simps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) Kic ; choco-
lutd wafers , Ific ; Christmas lunch ( in tins )
per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa tuffy smijts , 14c ; coffco
cake , 12i * ; Cubit jumbles , ll > c ; cream jmlTs ,
30c ; egg jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , He ;
honey jumbles , llj c ; jelly lingers , 15c ; jelly
wr.fers , Ific ; Jelly tart ( now ) , 15e ; laily fing
ers , 13e ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vanilla wafers , 14c ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box ,
per do/en , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans Ic per Ib. advance
except snowllako and wafer boiin , which are
packed only in cans. Soda in 3 II ) . and 3 Ib.
paper boxes , J o PIT Ib. advance ; nil other
goods lo per Ib. advance. Soda in 1 Ib. paper
boxes , Ic per Ib. advance. The 2 Ib. boxes
are packed in cases holding IS in n case. The
3 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in
n case. The L Ib , boxes are packed in cases
holding 80 in a case. Ono Ib. Graham and
ont meal wafers packed 2 doz , in n case ,
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 750. Cans for wafer soda , 3 ,
not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda , $0
per doz. Tin crises with glaw face to display
the goods , 7.V each. No charges for packages
except for cans ami returnable cases. Glass
front tin rans and "snowllako" sodu cans are
returnable nt prices charged.
Dry GooilH.
PniNTS SOUD Coi.oits Atlantic. Oo ;
Slater , 5 , ' c ; Berlin oil , r.i o ; Garner oil. ( i@
7c. PIND AND ROUES Richmond , ( % o ; Allen ,
( i'ic ; River Point , 5o ; Steel River , ( ic ;
Richmond , (5c ( ; Pacific , ( IJ c. INDKIO BI.UK
Washington , tl > 4 c ; Century indigo blue prints ,
9e ; American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold B ,
llo ; Anold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJtfc.
Dituss Charter Oak , 5c ; Raiua)0 ] , 4J c ;
Lodl , 6c ; Allen , Op ; Richmond , Oc ; Windsor ,
OWc ; Eddystono , 0 0 ; Pacific , ( ij c.
liiiow.N Siinr.nxd Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7K" !
Atlantiu H , 4-1 , 7 > o : Atlantic I ) , 4-1 , (5o ( ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , ( ic ; Aurora LL , 4-4. ( Ic ; Au
rora C , 4-1 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7M" ; Hoosier -
sier LL , 4-4 , (5c ( ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 e ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , do ; Old Dominion , 4-1 ,
f Ko ; Pcpporell , R , 4 l , 7le ; I'epperoll O ,
4-J , fie ; Pcpjioroll , 8isi | o ; Pcpperoll. 0-4 ,
21o ; Pepperoll , KM , 23e ; Utica. C. 4-1 , 5o ;
Wachiibett , 4-4 < 7) c ; Aurora B , 4-1,0 0 ;
Aurora R , 4-1 , OXc.
B vrrs Standard , 9c ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12ko ; Byone. 14o ; B , cased , ffl.50.
CAIUT.T WAHIBibb , white , 19o ; col-
ared , iic.
Du u West Point 29 In. 8oz. . 10 e.West ;
KI-.NTICKV Ji.iNMemorial : , ISo ; Canton ,
2Se ; Durham , 27 > je ; Hercules , Ibc ; Learning
Uin , 22Ko ; Cottswold , 37 0.
CitAsii Stevens' U , ( Jo ; blenched , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , yto\ \ bleached , BJtfe ; Slovens' P ,
8 > c ; bleached , HH'e ; Stevens' ' N , O o ;
bleached , lo' c ; Stevens' S UT , 12fc. }
MiBT.i.iAMoi-s : Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
ain Holland , b ) c to ti ) < c ; Dado Holland ,
COSIFOIITEUS $0.00i/a'5.00. (
liLAKivUTs Whiter f 1.00617.50 ; colored
BLIIACIICD SHCKTINO Berkeley cambric ,
No. (50 ( , UKc ; Best Yet , 4-1 , C fc ; butter cloth ,
OO,4Ko ; Cabot , 7 > < o ; Farwell , 6Uo ; Fruit
of Loom , OHc : Frcuno G , (5c ( ; Hope , bo ; King
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdnlu. like ; Lons-
dale , Uc ; New York mills , lOUc ; Piippcrcll ,
42-in , llo ; I'cppercll , 40-in. ISc ; Pcjiporoll ,
0-4 , lOo ; Pepperoll , 8-4 , 2UPepperull ; , 0-4 ,
23o ; Pepperoll , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton , 4-1 , 8)o ) ;
Canton , 4-4 , % ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta ,
Ic ; Valley , Do.
GIXOIIAM Plunkett checks , 7' c ; Whittcn-
ton7Kt' ; York. 7'yc ; Normandi dress , 8J < c ;
Calcutta dress , b > jc ; U'luttendon dress ,
Uonfew dress '
TICKS Lewiston , bo-in. , 12 > { e : Lewiston ,
S3-in. , lS > ; c ; York , 32-m. , 14e ; Swift river ,
7Vc : fnorndykc. OO , S' cr T.horndyke , KF ,
? kc ; Thorndlko 120. P c ; Thormliko XX ,
35c : Cordis , No. 5 , t > Xe Cordis , No. 4. lie.
Dr-xiMs Amoskcag , H , ( l-oz. , Kiel Kvcrett ,
7-oz. , 18c ; York , 7-or. . laoi Haymaker , SUe ;
JafTroy , XX. ll < c ; Jnftrey , XXX , 12 c ;
13cavcr Creek. A A , ICe ; Heaver Creek , 1H3 ,
lie : Ucnvcr Creek. CO , lOo.
KIANKELS Plnld Rnftsman , OOe ; Goshen
MKo ; Clear Lake , 824o : Mnplo City , Wfc ,
Whito-O H N 2. J ? . 21c ; G H No. 1 J/ ,
SOc ; ( OuechcoNo , l , f , 42e ; Quecheo No. 2 ,
Jfia7lie ; QuecheoNo. 4 , Jjf , ! f3'icViinwan ; ,
13Kc ; Windsor. 22Kc ; KedXCf , 2Mn , 16 e ;
K 24-Inch 21c ; GG 24-Inch , ISc ; HA F , Jf ,
25o ; J H F. f , 27i < c ; O Jf , 5c.
COTTON FiANsr.i.s 10 per cent trndo dis
count LL , OJfc ; CC , 7lc ; SS 8 } < c ; Nnmo-
less , r > Hc ; No. o , Oc ; KB , P' c ; (1G , 10) ) < e ;
XX , 12 > i'c ; OG , 14c ; NN , lOc ; RX , ISc ; H ,
20o ; No. 10 , 8 > < o ; sO , 10J < c ; 00. 12K ; SO , lOo ;
20 , colored , lOo ; 60 , colored. 12c ; 70 , colored ,
25c ; Uristol , 13 c ; Union PaclfliMSc.
Goncrnl 'Mnrkcls ,
Fi.oun AND Fr.KU Mlnncsotn patents , f2.45
(23.60 per cwt ; ICnnsas nnd Missouri fancy
winter patents , $2.0iC2.75 ( per cwt ; Nebraska
patents , f2.456f2.50 per cwt ; rye flour , $2.00
per cwt ; wheat grnhnni , $1.75 per cwt ; rye
graham , $1.40 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat
$3.50 per cwt ; Kxeolsior. f3.00 per cwt ;
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lu case ; cornmeal ,
yellow , $1.0061.10 per cwt ; white ft,10&$1.15
per cwt ; bran , $10.H)617.00 ( ) per ton ; screen
ings , $12.00 per ton ; hominy , W.25 per
bbl ; chopped food , $18.00 per ton ; chopped
corn-$10.50617.00 per ton
K.\TKACT3 Sanderson's oil bcrgnmot , per
Ib. , 3.7flOM.OO ; oil lemon , per Ib. , f2.50 ; oil
peppermint , M.OO ; oil wintergrccn , $2.60 ;
olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25.
WINDOW Gt.vss Single. . 70 per cent nnd 5
per cent ; double , 70 mm 10 per cent discount.
PAINTS Whlto lead , pure. OHo ; white lend ,
fancy , OJ o ; putty , In bladders. 3c ; Paris
white , ! ) c ; common , 2' e ; rod lead , 7e.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees IHc ; linseed ,
boiled , COc ; linseed , raw , 67c ; castor ,
No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm
whale , 81.00 ; whale water , bleached ,
85o ; llsh , bank , 35c ; ncatsfoot extra , ( I5c ;
ncnUtfoot No. 1 , BOc ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15o ;
W. S. lard , ( Be ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50
6l55c ; W.Va. 70i-o , 14c ; W.Vn. summer , 12c ;
golden No. 1 , 40e ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whnlt' ,
20c ; iniptlin , 1 degree , 14e ; licndllght , 150
degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 degree , 15c ; tur-
puntlno , 4So ; cnstor , pure , $2.45 tier gal ,
IJituas Acid , carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 60o ;
citric acid , per ib , OOo ; tartaric , per Ib , 50o ;
sulphurii : , per Ib , Be ; nmmonla , rarb. peril ) ,
IBe ; alum , per ib , Be ; nlcohol , W percent ,
per gal , $2.2(5 ( ; blue vitric , per lb , 8e ; borax ,
refined , per lb , lOc ; camphor refined , 30o ;
cream tartar , pure , per lb , 45o ; cream tartar ,
commercial , per lb , 20c ; cloves , per lb 3.ic ;
cuttlefish bone , per lb , 30o ; dextrine , per
lb , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per 11) , ! ! 0c ; hops ,
fresh , per lb , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per lb ,
bOc ; insect powder , per lb , OOc ; morphine ,
1' . it W. , pur oz , $3.00 ; opium , per
lb , 1.00 ; quinine , P. & AV. , per oz , tile ; < iul-
nine , German , per oz , 50c ; rochelle suits , per
lb , 35e ; saffron , American , per lb , 40c ; saf
fron , true Spanish , per oz , $1,00 ; saltpetre ,
pure , per lb , 10e ; sulphur , Flowers' , per lb ,
5c ; soda , bi-carb , per lb , Be ; silver , nitrate ,
per lb , $11.50 ; spcrmneoto , per lb , (50e ( ;
strychnine , poroz. $1.25 ; wax , white , pure ,
per Ib , 55c ; wnx , yellow , pure , per lb. 35c.
Si'iiitTS Cologne spirits 183 proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $1.10 ; do IbS proof , $1.13 ; alcohol ,
188 proof , per wino gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled
whiskies , Sl.25ool.50 ; gin blended , $1.60 ( 2.00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , $2.000.X ( | ( ( ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00@(5.50 ( ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies. $1.50n3.00 ;
brandies , imported , $5.00@S.OO ; domestic ,
$ l.0n3.00 : ! ( ; gins , imported , $5.00@G.OO ; do
mestic , Sl.2rj6P.00 ; champagnes , imported ,
per case , S2S.006i33.000 ; American , per case ,
IliDis : Green butchers' -'iJ yHe ; green
cured , B'tfOi (1)40 ( ) ; dry flint. 9c ; dry salt , 80 ;
green salted calf , 7 , ' Citbc ; damaged hides two-
thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25c each.
Tallow No. 1 , H e ; No. 2 , 2'4e. Grease
Prime white , 4 0 ; yellow , 3e ; brown , 2c.
Sheep pelts , 10c ( < f1.00 , according to quality.
Branded hides clusseu ns damaged.
Ffiw Raccoon , No. I , 30ci'l5o ; No. 2 , 25 ( < ( )
SOe ; mink , 10c t50o ; inuskrnt , fall , 56 ? ' < e ;
musknit , spring and winter , 867)1 ) Ic ; stripped
skunk , 106f40e ; mountnin wolf , No. 1 , S1.50ii ( >
2.5' ) ; No. 2 , prairie , 50f'70e ; No. 2,256 ? lOe ;
beaver , Mo. 1 , per lb , $2.0l-i3.00 ) ; No. 2 , $1.00
( ffil.25 ; otter , & 1.00cn(5.00 ( ; dry deer skins , 20o }
3C ] per lb ; dry nntelopo. elk , moose , etc. , 15f ( §
25e ; tlecr skins , per 11) , 206C'- .
LKAIIIKU Onk soles. : i5if37c ( ; hemlock
slaughter sole. 12 ( < (3'.to ; hemlock dry sole , 12
6 25e ; hemlock kip , OOi'iiSIOt1 ; A. & li. runner
Kip , 60f.i75e ; A. hemlock calf , JKe(3$1.00 ) ( ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock
upper , 19621e ; English grain upner , 25i ; ;
hemlock grain ujioer , 21a21iTanileo ( ; ] ) B. L.
Morocco , 29t33c ( ; Tampieo ] ) eple | ) , O. D. Mo. ,
2-f29e ; Curncna , Ji. G. Mo. , 35r2)IOc ) : Simon
O. D. Mo. , $2.756 < 3.(50 ( ; Dnngola kid , 306 < 35e ;
X. AI. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 32e ;
Griesen kids , $3.00 ( 1.50 ; French glazed kids.
$2.6C ( ) fi2.75 ; French calf kids. ? 3. ' , ' ( ) ; oak kip
skins , $ SOc ( /$1.00 ; oak ralf sltins , $1.00 ( < i)1.20 ) ;
French calf skins , $1.25 2.00 ; French kip
skins , 8l.lirl.60 ( ) ; Russitt linings , $ ( i.l)6l.50 ) )
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50
6 < > 10.00 per do/ . ; colored loppings , $9.5065
, v
Ilift. I8ft. J-Wt. U-r'ft. 21ft.
2x1 17 00 111 H ) 111 W ) 31 ( ) 22 IK )
Sxll 17 ( K ) 10 H ) 1 ! ) Ml 22 ( X ) ! IK )
UxH I7OI'.I ( ) I 111 HI a ) 50 20 50
' 'xlO 17 m Ul M 1 ! ) HI 22 ( K ) 2200
2x12 . . . . IK 01 10 MliID 502:1 : ( Kl 2:1 : 00
4X4 8X8. 18 Ul I ! ) M 1 ! ) 5U,22 , 00 2:1 : on
No. 1 com , s 1 s.18.f)0 I No. .1 com , s 1 s.15.f,0
No. 'J com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. lil.OO
No. 1-1 & 0in 13 & 14 ft , rough . $21.00
No. 1 , " " 10 " . J-1.00
No. 2 , " " 14 " . l.r.O ( )
No.1 2 , " " 1 " . 17.HO
A , 12 , 14 .t 10ft.21.00 | C , 12 , II & 10 >
B , " " yo.'jr. | n , " " IS.M
1st com % in White ljine ceiling . $3n.r,0
Ud " " < " . 27.50
Clear y in Norway " " . 10.00
2d com % in " " " . 11.00
AOiu White Pine .
Hin ( ! " " . 2.r > 0
Cdin " " . 2'J.HO
1)0 in " " . JU'W
EOin " " ( Scl. Fen In j ) . I'.I.OO '
0 in. Drop Siding 50o per M extra.
A 12 inch 8l8 . f 15,50
H 12 " . ail.W )
C12 " . : if,0 ( !
I ) 12 " . 22.W )
No. 1 com. 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft . 21.00
" " " 14 ft .
" " " ioft .
" " " 10 , ib , 20 ft . ai.oo ;
No. 2 " . 20.60
" " " 12 , t M ft . lil.OO
" " " ion .
12 in Grooved roofing , f 1 pur M moro than 12
in Stock liourilK mime length.
10 in Grooved roofing samu price as 12 In
Stock Uoards.
hllll'I.Al' ,
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in . $18.75
No. 'J " " " . 17.2-J
No , 1 , OG , 8 In . 10.25
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 114 In s2 a $ .10.50
3d , clear , 1 In , s 2 s. . . ' . ! . ' ] ' ! ! . " . ' ! ! ! . ' ! . " . ! ! 45fiO ]
" \y , IJiJin , S 40.50
A. select , 1 in H 2 s 311.50
A , " IJi1 , IK , 2 ill s2s 4l.50 !
I ( IJIln-B. 1 l . . . . . , . , . . . . . , , , , , , . . < lft , , jU
H , select , all 10 ft , H extra ,
Clear Finish , 1 and I/ } Inch , s2 s IMSO
Clear Pintail , 1 } and 2 inch , B 2 s HO.OO
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 21 50
Clear Yellow Pine Casing nnd Haso. . . . 20 00
r i fcoriiiKUH ICLI.OW rixK.
Com. 4 inch Flooring f 17.50
Star " " 2000
1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring 22.00
Clear % inch Ceiling 20.0(1 (
Clear % inch Partition 2100
Clear % inch , Partition f3 above % Inch
Clear poplar bx. Uds < in 2s f.50.00
" " J in panol. s 2 s 28.00
" " Corrugated ceiling , % . . 2U.OO
IIATTiiNS , Wni.I. TU11INO , I'lCKKra.
OQ Halts , 2 (11 ( e 70
" > < xysiB MOO
3 In well tubfiifr , 1) & M and bcv 22.5'J
Pickets , I.t Hllat 1U5U
' DHsn 10.50
6II1K01.K9 , I.ATH.
XX clear $ 0.10 | Kxtra A $ 2.00
* A * Standard. . S.05 * A IIU&IJ. . .
5 in clear Oliu-lrar 2.10
No. 1 ' . 1.30 Cedar "A *
Lath i S.M
White cedurO in } { . . . . , . . , . > $1100
" 4 In round . _
Tennessee red cedar , split mw
Split oak i S.50
1.1 ME , ETC.
Qiiluey white lltno ( best ) , , $ ,53
Akron cement - Hair 33
Plaster 2.40 Tnr board 1.80
Sash . . . . . .50 per cent Doors. . . . .45 per cent
HUtuls 60 | > crccnt Mldgs , . .60i > cr cent
Tnrred felt , per 2.20
Str.uv , board 1.50
Tlonl Kstnto Transfers.
M S Lindsay and wlfo to Walter E
Rich , lot 7 , Lindsay's ndd , w d , $ 1,000
J M Pnufcr to linns Gundcrson , lot S ,
blk 40 , city of Florence , no 1
Sarah Scldcn ( widow ) to Hnus Gun-
demon , lot 7 , blk 49 , Florence , q o. . . 1
Hnns Gundorson nnd wlfo to C , M , St
P & O Ry. lots 2 , U nnd 7 , blk 43 , lota
5 nnd S , blk 4 , Florence , w d
E. H. Howlnnd nnd wlfo to Martha U
Ilowlnml. pt lots 1 nnd 2 , blk 4 , Jot-
tits'ndd to South Omaha , w d . . . . .
John Hetts nnd wlfo to Carstcn Roll-
wcr , n w > 4 4 , 10 , 11 , w d 7,000
C M Woodbridgo et nl to J S Cumston ,
lot I , blk 4 , Albright's annex , w d 1,000
K Ainscow et nl to I ) 1) Smcnton , lots
2 , 3. 5 , 0 and 7 , blk 3 , Upton place ,
w d 3,000
K K French nnd wlfo to George Ham-
inond ct nl , w k lots 7 and S , blk 3 ,
Central park , w d asoo
A A Worley nnd wife to Hurry Hcth
lot 31 , blk 0 , Jcromo park , w d 3,000
Win II crates and wlfo to Luelmhi H
Hills , lot 1 blk 3 , Hnwthorno , w d. . 3,625
South Oinnhn Land Co. to Peter Ol
son , lot 4 blk 75 , South Omaha , W d DOT
H Hcnningsen nnd wife to C E Strut-
ton , lot 1 blk 451 * , Urandvlow , q o. , . S50
C O Johnson and wlfo to Mnry O
Johnson , lots 1 , 2 and 3 blk 3 , Cone
6 Johnson's sub , w d 1,300
Saml Pruyn nnd wlfo to Florence E
Hoyd. lot 22 blk 2. Pruyn park , w d COO
A A Scldcn ( slnglo ) to Wesley Wey
lot 10 blk II , Pulnmti place , w d COO
A A Scldcn ( single ) to Wesley Way
lotO blk 3 Albright's sub. w d coo
J G VnnVoast niul wlfo to H F Cndy
lot 1 and p.irt of 10 , 10 , 13 , w d coo
J A Heistnml to T 11 Ferguson lot 17
Davenport sub , w d , 1,500 ,
D C Patterson and wife to H G Scam-
moll lot 13 blk 2 , West Side No 3 ,
wd coo
Jesse Lowe to J H Ilartolot 1 blk 1
Lowe's sub , w d
A. O'Dormhoe ' et al to Pvbllc , sub of
lot 0 E. V. Smith's ml , plat
W A 1'axton to Frank Dolczal , lot 13
blk 1 ! ) 1st ad to South Omaha , wd. . . COO
Wm R Croft to E A Leavenworth , lot
0-8-0-11-14-15 blk 7 , lots 5-7-0 blk 10 ,
Manhattan , wd
Low W Hill to And Pcnrson , lots23-2-1
bile U Omaha View' wd. . . . . . . ! . . . .
Louis Schroedcr , trustee , to Henry
Rictk , lot 8 blk 1 , Urown park wd. . .
Twenty-six transfers , nggrcgntingS'J-1,320
HiilldiiiK 1'ecmltn.
Only four permits to build , aggregating
$4,000 , , were Issued yesterday.
Uev. William R. Henderson will preach on
the subject of "Sabbath Desecration" in the
Second Presbyterian church ( Saundcril
ntreot ) , Sunday morning , In the evening thq
congregation will join with the First church
in missionary services , and will bo addressed
by Hov. Dr. Kwingreturnud , missionary from
At St. Mark's Evcngelical Lutheran church
Rev. H. W. Kuhtis , D. D. , will preach in the
ROT. A. H. Pcnnimnn , ot the Plymouth
Congregation church , Nineteenth and Spru } >
streets , will . in the morning on "Sun ?
day llabo Hull ; " in tlio evening on temper-
mteo. This church is located near the bnll
grounds , uml it is predicted that some Inter *
osting rumnrks will bo made on the occa
At the North Omaha Uaptist church , 2100
Saunders street , tlio pastor , F. AV. Foster ,
will preach In tlio morning on "The Sabbatli
Day , for Man , for Host , and Enjoyment.1'
In the evening the theme will bo , "Dcatll
Ends All Probation. "
At the South Omaha Uaptist church rthcrq
will lie services on Sunday ; but , instead , thd
church , nnd nil friends at South Omnha are
invited to attend n Baptist muss meeting nq
the rcocniiig | of the First Haptist church.
The mass meeting will bo held nt UJO : ! p.m.
Good addresses will bo delivered.
At the United Presbyterian churcTl ,
Ivov , John Williamson , pastor , will tnko foq
liis subject in tlio morning : "Tlio Busencsd
of Haso Hall on the Sabbath , " nnd in the
evening : "Tho Two Days. "
At the Hniiscoin Park M , K. church , thq
pastor , Rev. Gcorgo AI. Hrown , will preach ;
in the morning on the subject : "Tho Sunday
Question , and What Will Vou. "
Sunday eveningRov. J. S. Dctwcllcrpastoe
of Kounl7u Memorial Evangelical Lutheran
church , Sixteenth and Hartley , will preach fi
sermon which was suggested by the rending
of an editorial winch appeared in a local
paper , in which Sunday buso ball piny In ( I
was endorsed. The young people's meeting
will bo hold in the Sabbath school room , nnu
the topic will bo : "What Can I DoJ"
The Rev. Dr. Hiving , of India , will spcnlc
nt the Presbyterian church , Lcavenwortb ,
and Twentieth streets , nt 10JO : ! a. m. , Sun
day , on "Tho Hindoo and the Gospel. " Dr.
Ewing has received , throughout Nebraska ,
the most complimentary newspaper notices ,
llo is a speaker of great power. In the ovcn
ing the pastor , Rov. D. R. ICerr , will speak
on "Sunday Haseball. "
Next Wednesday and Thursday evenings
tiio "Welsh Pri/o Singers" are to give con
certs in Hoyd'B opera house , for the benefit
of tlio Welsh Presbyterian church of this
city , which is not a very strong society. Tha
concerts will merit the encouragement of-
members of oilier churches. The money
thus routed will bo devoted to the prepara
tion of moro suitnblo quarters in which tp
hold services.
It is said that Rev. A. H. Pcnnimnn of thq
Plymouth Congregational church will aston
ish some of his hearers to-morrow mornlna
with the expressions of unusually liberal
views in discussing Sunday baseball.
The Central United Presbyterian church
of this city closed its ecclesiastical year
March ! ) ! . It was organized AIny33 , 1887 ,
with , ' ! 0 members and it
, to-day has a mem
bership of ninety-eight. Since the organiza
tion thiB church has raised for the purchase
of church property , jmstor's salary , mission
uml incidental expenses , $11,707 , or nn average
ago of over ? 120 per member. They own
nnd have neatly rcllttcd the brick church
nt 1 Kl North Seventeenth street , and also
own tlio northwest corner of Twenty-fourth
and Dodge stieets , upon which they expect
within a few years to erect u now church
building. The pastor , Kev. John William *
Mm , came to this city from Hellofontnlno , O ,
in September last , is n preacher of consider
able ability , and inueh beloved by his liconlo.
Two Sabbath schools nro sustained by Una
congregation , ono being n mission school at.
Twenty-sixth and Cass streets. Strangers
receive n hearty welcome at the Central
church , social work nnd n kindly roccutlou
to strangers being special features of thla
church's work.
At the Unity church Rov. Mr. Copolnml
will preach in the morning on "Tho Old' '
Adam. " The subject of the evening convor-
satton will bo "What Unitarians Helluva
About Conversion nnd tlio Now Hirth. "
Tlifiro will bo n special and Important buol-
ness meeting of the South Omalm Haptlst
church , Monday eve , April 10 , nt the homo ol
Mr. K. H. Towl , At the mooting the ques
tion of a lot nnd n church building will bo
decided. All interested requested to bo
The Castellar Street Prcsbj tcrlan church
invited tlio presbytery of Omaha to hold It *
semi-annual meeting In its church In Octo
ber. The invitation was cordially accepted ,
Cistcllar Street Presbyterian chinch will
unite with the Southwest church , Twentieth
and Lo.ivcnworth , In a missionary sirvlco , nt
10.80 n. m. , April Ifl ; Sunday school mid
evening service as usual. Sixteenth and
Custolhir streets. Evoninf ; bublcct , "Tho
Sabbath for Man , " Mark 2. 27.
Aliuistcrs are requested to send in their
notices for this column Friday evening.
Tlio subject of Rov. Henderson's at Park
Avenue United Presbyterian will be ' 'Tho
Mayor nnd the Sabbuth. "
The main auditorium of thoKrst Hapttst
church will bo re-occupied Sunday The room
has been icinodeled , and i * ono of tn * largest
and best auditoriums in the city , capable of
seating 800 people. Appropriate services
will be observed. Ucv. Dr. Woo3 , stutosup-
cnntcn lent , will preach ut lu 'M n , in , A
Hapliot inuis meeting will be hold ut U n , m.
Pastor Lamar will preach at 7:45 : p. m. Seats
tree. All cordially invited.
For Rent Well llirhtod room 4000
2ud 'U-.T.S1 liumuri building.