Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1888, Part I, Image 1

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    PART I. \ PAGES 1-8.
Ho is the Uncrowned Emperor of
the Gorman Empire ,
And the Solf-ABsumod Dispenser of
Imperial Marrlago Permits.
fihaking the Teutonic Domain From
Center to Circumference.
The KmprcHH' Poor Succcsn ns n Dip
lomat Queen Victoria' * ) Interfer
ence Alexander line Imperial
Consent In AVrltlnj ; .
8 ntiiH of the Ocrninn Crisis.
[ Cojii/Jfu/il / ISiS Iii/Jumcs Oiinlon licimctM
BUI-UN , April 14. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the lien. ] The Intense
bitterness of the political struggle now going
on hero almost passes belief. Ono well
known member of the German parliament
said to mo solemnly : "If this man Bismarck
keeps his place ho will In a few years bo em
peror in name ns well as In power. There
will bo no rest or safety for the Ilohenzoll-
crns * until ho Is arrested for treason or con
fined on his estates. " That sounds ridicu
lous when repeated , but with duo regard for
fie llbjl laws , is said dully by hundreds ot
papers. The Catholic organ , Gcrmanla , for
example , skims dangerously near the wind
In nn article on the German Boulungcr.
Tills article is widely copied , half full of ex
clamation murks to assist the sti'pld reader.
Another paper , the name of the editor of
which Is a person close to Bismarcklan ears ,
protests In big typo against the royal puppet
being controlled by the mayor of the palnco
ami ends with a heavily leaded notice that
the Uohcnzcllorns are not Merovingians.
Overcome by the idea of the circulation of
petitions against Bismarck's dismissal , ono
paper hints at revolution , saying In the end
the masses will lese paticnco and assemble
tp show unmistakably thatPrussia-Gcrmunia
will not bo ruined by the Hchcnzollcrns , and
then take care to use thick leads in the notice
that the emperor was taken ill after n long
Interview with I3isimlrck. On the other
liaiid , the royalists ana conservatives do not
care , and suggest that all this excitement
may end as in Gurfleld's tlmo. Then many
God-fearing aristocrats will shrug their
shoulders , and these who sow the wind must
guard against the resulting whirlwinds.
Snys the Wesor Zcitung , "Victor or wortn
Is like putty In a woman's hands. " The
Schloischo Zcitung declares , "In the conflict
between tUo emperor and chancellor , while
only romantic1 , souio will bo on the emperor's
side , while the mass of the people will sun-
port the chancellor. " Truly , to a man who
praised the action of providence in directing
largo rivers past great cities , this must scorn
iijco another providential occurrence. Just at
fCvs tmio an imperial amnesty has set free
wsh a lot. In Westphalia alone eight editors
itevs been turned out of prison In time to ex
press their political emotions.
It is an error to suppose the Battcnbcrg
murrlaga was more than an artfully chosen
occasion for the inevitable quarrel between
the empress and chancellor. Its postpone
ment or its surrender would mean , the
pcoplo say , only an acknowledgement of the
mistake In allowing the chancellor the
choice of his own battle ground , and not at
all that this last battle Involves final political
Burrcndcr. Indeed If the young pcoplo
chose to elope , half Germany believes the
chancellor would privately give his blessing.
Perhaps then ho would glvo them a keg of
his Htisslan caviareo. Not that the Germans
care much for Prlnco Alexander or his
marriage , for since ho permitted Russia to
Bend him out of Bulgaria by packet post and
afterwards use his love affair to move him
from his throne , the Germans have been dis
posed to laugh at him.
The conlllct , which most pcoplo think will
last ns long as he lives , seems to bo on ono
side between the empress , plus the mug
wumps , most of the Catholics , the Jews , the
commercial class nnd an uncertain number
of the lower class. On the other nido are
ranged Bismarck , plus all the ofllcml class
nnd all the aristocracy. Between the com
batants lies the emperor , brokeif In spirit by
long suffering and hurried toward death by n
conflict between the chancellor , who can't bo
dismissed , and his personal sympathy for tbo
liberals , who believe firmly in their reforms
nnd who are willing to kill their emperor to
temporarily sccuro them.
The wcaiMjns which are suited to civil war
dishonors are t > o far about oven. On ono
Blclo are hard exclamations because the
empress permitted proclamations to Issue in
Polish and Polish deputations to address her
In French , both of which mistakes caused
great excitement. Much is made of the fact
that Queen Louiso's rooms uro being refur
nished to receive Queen Victoria , and there
nro wild shrieks against allowing the three
V's ' to use Germany as England's cats paw.
On the other hand is a protest that it is high
treason for Bismarck to address him ns if ho
were equally above the eui | > eror nnd the law ,
nnd It is more than hinted that all this tur
moil Is made not without the hope of Us
effects on the emperor's health.
The Schlcslscho Yolks Xeitung also strikes
n favorite chord and appeals to the national
prldo against Alexander , and urges support
of the autocrat of ull the Germans and the
dispenser of marriage permits to the German
Imperial family.
Said u liberal to me , "All are having each
day now proofs of the dead kaiser's tact in
having boeii able to utilize so long the genius
of such an unruly servant. Bismarck's only
dcsiro now seems to bo to prpvo to the world
. . That ho Is the only power m Germany. All
trott ; ly urge tho-cuiperor to rcfu o hUres -
Ignatlon , because wo think that six months
more of disloyal addrossej to the chancellor ,
together with his selfishness and the attacks
of his oreans on the empress , will so shock
German loyalty that ho will bo dismissed
quietly by public opinion. I have always
thought Bismarck in oftlco means peace , be
cause If ho permitted war ho must , to insure
success , permit other names than his to be
come famous , but peace , depending upon
what the Hussian autocrats who coula bo
angered by this marriage think , is not worth
preserving. "
Among the stupidly Incorrect stories arc
these which represent the empress as hag
gard and exhausted. On the contrary she Is
to all appearances in full strength and happy
at the unexpected continuance of the emper
or's extension.
The newspaper duels show n bitterness
worthy of Annnnlas nnd Judos. The Keen ! !
/.chung , conservative , calls the Berliner Tng-
blott , liberal , n childish caricature of Muchia-
velll , weeping its crocodile tears of alleged
patriotism. The Deutsche Tngblat ironically
calls the Fcclzcnnlgo Zcltung a guard of the
crown , nnd gets the answer that this Is bet
tor than to bo the chancellor's tnurmndukc ,
but there are no bloody duels and astonish
ingly few suits for libel.
The KiiijiresH AH n Diplomat.
LCopl/rftfhl JSSS In . .Yew 1'or/c / Associated IVcs .1
Biinux , April 11. The conflict between
Prince Bismarck and the party of the em
press is only momentarily suspended. The
truce will not last long , and unless Bismarck
becomes a convert to the "Victoria policy , " a
supreme crisis will follow , the issue of which
will bo the absolute triumph of the chancel
lor or his temporary retreat from politics.
The empress is endeavoring to nccuro sup-
ort in every possible quarter , mid has
applied oven to Influences so opposite as the
Hussian and Austrian courts for assistance
to achieve her purpose. If the czar , who Is
operated upon through Copenhagen , could bo
minced to send assurance to Bismarck that
the Battcnbcrg marriage would not alter the
friendly relations between Hussin and Ger-
nany , the empress might deem the battle
won. The Austrian imperial family main
tain a neutral position in the matter. They
dislike Alexander and would like to see the
nnrriago effected if it would tend to widen
the breach between Germany and Russia.
The czar in the meantime , has shown no
disposition to respond to Empress Victoria's
overtures , nor is ho likely to encourage them.
The opinions of the Hussian court were for n
brief space divided. A strong party were in
favor of seizing the clianco offered by the
Battcnbcrg crisis to overthrow the chancel
lor. Their plan was to induce the czar to
intimate to Emperor Frederick that ho
ivould regard the marriage as n private
affair , and thus help the empress to oust
Bismarck. The view of Do Gicrs was that
the present crisis was an incident in the gen
eral policy of Prince Bismarck to assert him
self against the empress. Ho was of the
opinion that Bismarck's fall would lead to a
close Anglo-Austrian alliance , which would
prove nn immediate source of danger
to Russia. Another of Do Giers' arguments
was that , owing to the bad health of Emperor
Frederick , the retirement of Bismarck would
bo brief and would bo followed by his re
turn to ofllco with a feeling of hostility to
every influence that had been used to over
throw him. The c/.ir's personal revolution
for Prince Alexander assisted Do Giers to
prevail. Although these facts are well
known in court circles here , the empress per
severes in her efforts to induce at least a
.cessation of the opposition of the czar.
Among the chiefs of the German federa
tion she has the support only of the regent of
Bavaria. The king of Saxony's recent Jour
ney to Munich was made for the purpose of
soliciting the regent to join In a declaration
of the sovereign heads in favor of Bismarck.
The king not only failed in his mission , but
the empress now has reason to rely upon the
mediation of the Bavarian regent , who
makes light of the Importance of Prince Al
exander , and wants the chancellor to conseni
to the betrothal and' retain his place.
The Grand Duke of Baden has Joined will
the king of Saxony in upholding Prince Bis
The affair Is expected to reach a climax
when the queen of England visits Charlotten
berg. That the empress has been prompted
by the queen , her mother , to thwart Bis
marck is denied only by the empress' sup
porters. Some papers , among them the so
called official Polltlscho Correspondence of
Vienna , publish a bogus communication , al
leged to have como from the Berlin foreigi
ofllco , to the effect that the queen concurs
with Prlnco Bismarck In the opinion that the
marriage is inopportune. The descriptions
aim to lessen the irritation arising from the
interference of the queen in German affairs
It Is seml-ofllcially announced that Qucci
Victoria's present arrangements include a
visit to Darmstadt , where she will hold i
family council with the Battcnbergs. After
leaving Churlottcnburg , it Is still hoped hero
she will abandon her proposed visit to Bcr
lin altogether. If the arrangements arc
countermanded it will bo a signal that the
cabal against Bismarck has collapsed. The
attitude of the press towards the projected
marriage has been distinctly defined
Bismarck has the unstinted advocacy of conservative
servativo an d national liberal papers , while
the progressist press has supported the cm
press , Austrian and Hungarian papers favo
Battcnbcrg as a Russian Irritant. Populu
memorials In Berlin , Lcipslc , Brcslau am
other places In favor of Prince Bismarcl
are , meanwhile , withdrawn. A crisis re
curring , the popular movement will b
reawakened and produce abundant testimon ;
that Germany resents the court conspiracy
to overturn the policy of the chancellor.
The change for the worse in the emperor's
general condition , combined with alarming
symptoms preceding the Insertion of n new
canula , on Thursday , gave the empress
party a scare. Tbo rapid swelling around the
old canula and the sudden contraction of th
nlr passages intensely alarmed the physicians
Dr. Mackenzie immediately summoned , to hi
assistance Drs , Bcrgmann , Krause one
'Hovel , and succeeded in reducing the swell
ng before placing a now canula In the cm-
eror's throat. This incident has ngnln nt-
ractcd attention to the precarious stnto of
ho emperor. The final crisis may occur at
ny moment. During the height of the alarm ,
Dr. Krause , on being asked how the cm-
> cror was getting on , is reported to have re-
illed ! "Holms got over It well now , but wo
dread every to-morrow. " Dr. Mackenzie's
ntcndcd leave of absence has been stopped.
lo Is directing the manufacture by Berlin
makers of a scries of canulas adapted to the
ariatlons of the malady.
The North-German Gazette to-night says :
'Tho doctors are of the opinion
hat no unfavorable change will
occur for at least six weeks.
The emperor has now no feeling of choking.
The swelling below the canula was duo to
cartilaginous inflammation. Thodlfllcult $ > In
jrcathlng was removed by the Insertion of n
icw cntmla. But this announcement docs
not lessen public anxiety. "
Financial Berlin is expectant of n fresh im
pulse through the negotiations for new loans.
The Spanish government Is treating with the
Uisconto Gcscllschaft for further facilities.
Uomo municipality applies for n loan to
Ulco hrodors and the success of the Mexican
issue has emboldened ftther Central and South
American government * to make overtures to
German bankers. A strong bourse party ,
chiefly associated with home enterprises ,
condemns the threatened outburst of foreign
loans and the opposition will probably pre
vent over-speculation.
The first business on the resumption of the
Landtag sessions will be votes on the bill for
the relief of the sufferers by the floods. This
will bo followed by n mcasuro to restore the
property of religious orders authorized to re
turn to Prussia , : i bill relating to free tuition
in primary schools , and a proposal of Hcrr
von Eyenncm to impose upon the communes
and towns a large share of police charges.
Dr. Windthorb's demand for extended con
trol by the clergy in education in" primary
schools will lead to a heated debate. The
programme of the session on the whole has
not changed in interest.
The sectarian feeling has been excited over
the proposal of the Reichsbotc , the organ of
the Protestant evangelicals , that the
national memorial to the late Em
peror William bo n protestant cathedral
replacing the present dome in Berlin. Ger-
mania and the entire Catholic press have ra-
scnted the proposition that money bo taken
from a population that is two-fifths Catho
lics to be applied to thobuilding of a Protest
ant cathedral. The National Xeitung bus ar
gued that as Prussia contributed to the com
pletion of the Cologne cathedral , the objec
tion of the Catholics to contribute to the
National Protestant cathedral is untenable.
Meantime , the controversy continues. The
commission appointed by the emperor to re
port upon the best form of monument is not
likely to approve the cathedral project , but
rather to adopt the North German Gazette's
suggestion for a national pantheon.
Reports from Lcipsic , Munich , Bremen
nnd olbowhcio concur in stating that there has
been a renewal of activity in socialist circles.
The authorities arc working with redoubled
yeal to rcpres * the socialists and are actively
engaged in searching the domiciles of sus
pected parties. At nbcrfeld ten arrests have
been made. At Bremen eleven mid nt Munich
twenty , including a number of persons who
figured in the recent congress at St. Gall.
The Munich trial will arouse great interest ,
as the police spies who were thought to bo
trusted members of the socialistic associa
tions will appear as witnesses.
The international sugar trade congress has
been fixed to meet at Cussel AVhitsuntido
week. Six hundred delegates will bo present.
Jlor PnrcntH "Writ" Their Consent.
Loximx , April 11. [ Special Cablegram to
the Bin : . ] I have positive information on
the Berlin matter to-night. It is to the ef
fect that letters were exchanged between
Prince Alcxahdcr of Battcnbcrg and Princes1)
Victoria about four months ago , definitely
pledging their troth as future man nnd wife ,
subject to the consent of the hitter's parents.
The letters were shown to the Princess Vic
toria's father and mother , who gave their
consent , which exists in writing. At the
time of the engagement no date was fixed , as
it was tacitly recognized that the expectant
pair must wait for the old kaiser's
death. The betrothal , therefore , stands
to-day with the date of the marri.igo
still unfixed , out of temporary deference
to Bismarck's strenuous opposition , but with
no idea of abandoning the project. Mean
while , it is reported that the prince regent of
Bavaria intends making Princa Alexander
commander of the Second Bavarian army
corps , at the same time giving him this high
position to mark the feeling of the German
sovereigns , that royalty ought not to bo
bullied in this fashion by ministers , even il
they happen to be Bismurcks ,
The relapse of the Kaiser lends added
gravity to the chancellor crisis. It Is the
general feeling hero that the disease has now
entered its final stage , nnd that the end wil
como speedily , but this is based on no exact
Won't Marry Minnie.
Pmsni-iio , Pa. , April 14 , [ Special Tele
grain to the BKI : . ] It is about settled that
Ensign Hynu will not marry Miss Minnlo
Parsons , the young lady whom ho was nl
leged to have abducted. The lieutenant has
decided to pursue this course and his friends
sny ho will stick to his determination , even
though the matter has to bo taken to the
courts for settlement. Miss Minnlo herself
is very much agitated and wants to return to
Now York to-morrow in order to resume her
engagement with U.o Duff opera company on
Monday. It is said she is also inclined to
drop the suit against the young navy ottlcer
tut to this her parents object. They want to
push tbo case to the bitter end.
Amicably Adjtislod.
ST. Loms , April 14. The differences exist
ing between the St. Louis < & San Francisco
railroad were settled satisfactorily to-day
General Manager Merrill was seen this after
noon , and said that the principal demand o :
the engineers , which was the abolition of
classification , was conceded by thq company
The demand for increased pay for the firemen
was compromised , and the demand for a
change of the system of payment from a
mileage to a percentage basis was conceded
The system was practically changed to that
in vogue on.tho Atchi'son .and other lines iu
SU Louis & 'Snn'Franclsco territory.
Arnold Whtto Relates His Ferreting
Paid a Moro Pittance for Eighteen
Hours Labor *
, >
Recreation and P.loasuro Something
Unknowh to Thoui.
Fathers oC FntnlllcH Who Never Hoc
Their Children Working From
Six in the Morning Until
Midnight to Provide
Them With Food.
London's 1'nupcr Laborers' .
\CnpnrlgM \ ISfStiuJamn Gwtlnn Hemictt.1
Loxno.v , April M. [ New York Hrr.ild
Cable Special to the Bin. | Earl Dun-
raven not only desires to reform the house
of lords , but is in earnest in trying to butter
the condition of the poor slaves to what is
called here , as in the United States , the
sweating system. He Is chairman of the
committee of which Lords Derby and Roths
child are members. They met to-day in the
library house of the peers , taking testimony
and in view of the fact thus stated the answers
to the questions of Lord Dunravcn by the
witness , Arnold White , formerly a member
of parliament nnd a co-laborer with Walter
Btkant , George It. Sims and others in fer
reting out abuses of the poor , should prove
Said Mr. White : ' -Ttio remedies are firstly ,
restriction in forciirn1 pauper immigration ,
especially men over fifty years of age , igno
rant of their trade , Speaking no language
but their own , nnd bringing no money with
them ; secondly , the extension of the factory
act to adult mills , . "with rej'.str.ition of all
work rooms , the certificate of registration to
be nQlxcd outside the House , nnd every room
in the house to be acc < 5isiblo to the factory
and sanitary inspectors ; thirdly , the aboli
tion of conllieti'ig.and copar.ito duties of
sanitary and factory inspectors , and to
largely increase the number of inspsctoM
and raise their qualifications. "
Ho went on to detailhow. . interested in
social questions , he had repeatedly come iu
contact with the sws-itinj syjteui.
Lord Kothschild as ud , "How would you
describe swcatiLg. ' '
Answer It is impn. aibo ] to give n scien
tific definition. It mijht be called a system
of grinding the poor. The word "sweater"
used in the boot trudlihad an opposite mean
ing to that in the tiiilor's tr.ulu. In the boot
trade the sweater was a man who worked
himself , in the t.iilor'a trauo one who caused
others to sweat. A master or knifer in the
London boot trade took a half fiharo. Ho
could prepare the work for two , three or
four finishers. Supposing the price paid by
the manufacturer * were four shillings n
a do/cn , the muster would take two shillings
and divide the remainder between the thrco
workmen. Thus it is evident that the master
or knifer wr.s anxious to increase the num
ber of sweaters , as lib thus got un increased
proportion of money. The knifer provided
hia men with u cup of coffuo in the morning
and in the evening , in order to prevent thu
workers from moving from their scats , ho
also provided them with tools , light , fire , and
what was known as grindery. This system
of working the slop . boot trade
hud been brought about by two
factors not in existence two generations wa.
The practice is revolting and pursues an un
restricted importation of greeners from
Itussla , Poland and Germany. They bn-
longcd to no union and were willing to work
for such remuneration as was given to the
Indian coolies , who would receive four or flvo
annas a day. The absence of apprentice
ship was another cause. Formerly the work
men had to undergo an apprenticeship in
order to bo skillful. A greener who hud not
arrived a fortnight from abroad was now
considered sufficiently coini'ctcnt to take parl
in the worlt. The two great causes of sweat
ing were the Improvements iu machinery am ;
the importation of foreigners , Where there
was not the poor foreigners , there was not
the sweating. .
In answer to Earl Derby , who inquired
about the hours of labor of sweaters , Mr ,
White said : f
About eighteen a day , Ho had seen men
at work from ft o'eldck n. in. until midnight.
They sat and worked at their scats and took
their meals there , and only yesterday I saw
ono of these dinners , which consisted of a
piece of hard , pastyliko bread. This piece
of bread was produced and shown to the com
mittco ,
Lord Derby Hut was this piece of brcai
for the man's dinner or break fust 'i
Mr. White I took Jt myself as the re
mains of his dinner. , Ho had coffee with this
bread , but no fish , riioat or anything else. It
is the ordinary food of the sweaters. By
working eighteen or nlnctcen hours u day for
Eomo years , the working sweater in the slop
boot trade hoped to bo a knifer himself , The
colonial market was' flooded with work of the
most filthy description turned out by thcso
sweaters boots witu soles made largely of
brown paper.
Earl Dunraven Vhat Is the price paid for
finishing thcso boots )
Answer The manufacturers paid four
pence a pair for finishing , or four shillings a
Lord Derby Whit do you. say about the
men who work eighteen hours a day }
Answer I had kfiown ono sweater , when
he went homo at invlnlght so exhausffa that
it was his cust'om'to sleep with his head on
the table , being teb tired to go to bed , Any
attempt bytliciiKu too.rganlzo themselves
' . . ' -j . ' . ' . ' - - . ' /
o get shorter hours or obtain better wsgcs ,
was looked upon ns Insubordination , and the
iiasters would Instantly dismiss them. The
ifo of n London sweater was hopeless and
dreary , and it is not surprising that they
should have Inclinations to adopt a revolu
tionary propaganda.
Asked about the foreign sweaters , Mr.
White added : They were usually persons of
Intelligence nnd temperate ; most attached to
Ihclr families , of whom they caught a
glimpse ns It were , and who never thought of
amusement. At forty years old u sweater
was aged and worn out.
Lord Derby Arc they well behaved ?
Mr. White Admirably behaved as regards
morality ; abominably behaved ns regards
Lord Dunraven Are the men's condition
better or worse hero than In their own country -
try )
Answer Many of the men who cnmo licro
from abroad had been driven from their
homes by political reasons. Their social
life hero was certainly not better than
that which they left In their own country.
Several workmen witnesses were exam
ined who fully bore out the truth of White's
investigations. One can stand ns an instance
of nil : Samuel Wildmnn , whoso appear
ance contradicted his name , and a boat fin
isher , said he came from Hungary ten years
ago , us ho could not get n living there ,
Lord Dunraven What were you engaged
at there !
Answer I was n teacher there.
What made you think you could do better
hero ?
From what friends in Hungary told him.
Ho therefore came to England , went to the
East Knd , and was there told by a man that
he could learn the boat finishing business in
four weeks. Ho worked for the man four
weeks for nothing , beginning labor nt 5
o'cloclc In the morninc und leaving off at
midnight. He worked every day except
Saturday these four weeks. Ho was not
paid anything. Ho subsequently obtained
employment in another workshop. IIo had
labored for the past ten years nt sweating ,
working from 0 o'clock in the morning until
midnight each day in the week but Saturday ,
and now earned fifteen shillings weekly.
Ho hud a wife and six children nnd paid four
shillings a week for rant. Ho was required
to work so hard that he could npt drink his
coffee or tea until it was cool as he could not
spare the time to drink It warm. The work
room was about four and a half yards square
and two or thrco yards high. It had two
windows , two gas lights and ono heating
light , and four workmen besides the master
were employed in it.
The witness spoke in broken English , but
was at last questioned by Lord Hothschild in
German , nnd in reply to his questions stated
that in which ho now worked is
thrco yards high ( four nnd a half yards
square , with two windows , two gns lights
nnd ono light for her.'sing irons. Four work
men besides the knifer work in the room.
No inspector visited it.
Tha committee adjourned until next week.
The Actors' Night Out.
PALIS April 15 , 2 n. m. [ New York Hcr-
iiM Cable Special Telegram to the IJr.i : . ]
Paris has bsen dancing , squeezing itself to
gether and singing the chorus to Arbun's
nplcndid orchestra at the Opcrn House Bal
lad Association of Dramatic artists up to the
small hoursthis , morning , and I send this at
the last moment passible for cabling. To
enumerate the members of the profession
present would bo impossible. All were
then- . The "William Tell" trio was sung
by the whole combined singers of the Opera
and the Opera Comiquo and was a much ap
plauded novelty , followed by louder cheers
for Juihe and Baron , who sang the "Grena
dier nnd Princess" duo , and the emphatic
success , "Do Souvenier for Judics Piouit , "
familiar to Varieties frequenters years ago.
The grand tier was u mass of flowers , and at
2 : ! )0 ) everybody Joined in the dancing to the
strains of the orchestra , led in turn by the
most charming actresses of the French stage.
One of the prettiest weddings of the season
wcs that of Count .Tucqucs Bryos nnd Miss
Hose Clymcr , of Philadelphia , which took
pluco this week at St. Pierre do Cliallot. The
altar was decorated with palms , Magucntas ,
roses and lilacs , During the service Against
played Voquo's wedding march. The bride
wore a long white satin gown , without
ornaments , except largo solitniro diamond
earrings. Her long tulle veil was fastened
byawicathof onmvo blossoms. There was
no reception after the ceremony.
Billy Cook , who left Now York with ? 300 ,
OOi ) at the time of the Tweed scandal , is dead
in Paris , For yearn past ho lias been an in
valid. His Hi-.ilcd will is in the bunds of M ,
Vulois , a Paris lawyer.
Noble , the Inventor of dynamite , died nt
Cannes yesterday.
Daylight High way IIIRII.
PiTTsiifitn , Pa. , April II , ISpscial Tola
gram to the Bii : : . ] This afternoon , abou
half past 1 o'eldck , Mrs , B. L. Wood , n prom' '
inent lady of the cast end , was knockei
down und robbed of a diamond ring and n
wallet containing a sum of money. The
assault was made on ono of the most promi
nent thoroughfares , and was witnessed by a
number of persons. After securing their
plunder , the highwaymen started down the
street pursued by several men. At the corner
nor of Liberty am ! Center avenues the rot )
hers turned on their pursucro and fired sev
eral shots , which had the effect of compelling
them to KIVO up the chase. Mrs. Woods was
not sermusly injured. This is the fourth
time within as many months that defenseless
women have been assaulted and robbed ii
that section of the city in broad dtiyllght.
O'lirlcn Aunin ArrrMod.
DuiiuN , April 14. William O'Brien , M.
P. , was arrested on arriving nt Kingston to
day in conscqucnco of his speech at Lough-
rca last Sunday. A crowd gathered ai
Brandstono station and cheered O'Brien ' ani
groaned for Balfour. O'Brien has bcci
lodged in Balllnsloo jail until Monday.
ICiiincd ny ( ho War.
QALVESTON , April 14. Hobcrt Miller
ono of the most remarkable of Tcxai
pioneers died in this city this morning agcc
scvcnty-nino. Prior to the war his slaves
and. plantations were valued nt f3,000,000
President Lincoln's proclamation'crnancl
patcd 1,000 selected slaves belonging to the
deceased and resulted in bin financial ruin
Jroin which ho never entirely recovered.
Indignant Depositors Thronging the
KichniiKc in London.
[ Cori/Hai'if JSSS bu Jamts Wortlon IlemitM.I
LONHON , April 14. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE. ] Henry F. Gilllg
is reported to have sailed on the Etruria. It
Is perhaps well ho was not hero this morning
to confront , as his liquidator had to confront ,
the angry Httlo crowd who filled the small
apartment devoted to the business of Henry
F. Gilllg & Co. , who nro bankers ns per the
official list , The depositors In London ot the
so-called American Exchange had read the
local accounts In the morning papers , nnd
when they cnmo to get their cash they were
perfunctorily told that iv liquidator
was in possession. Angry quer
ies and chilling answers were
Interchanged. The scene , though on n com
paratively small scale , was like a run on the
savings bank. 1 talked with a lady who requested
quested her name to bo concealed , who had
como with nn ordinary draft from a lady
friend who was a deiwsitor nnd Ignorant of
any trouble , was astonished to be refused.
I learned that the latter needed money nnd
the deposit was her Httlo nil. She was told
that there was little likelihood of any divi
dend. An irate western man asked if Jay
Gould had anything to do with the concehi
nnd libelous phrases weroused by several.Ono
indy with two children in chnrgo grow hys
terical and wept. She told mo that every
thing for her travel and placing the children
nt school was in the hands of the Gilllg pee
ple. Turning to the clerk she upbraided
him , Buying : "I might have put this into
Rothschild's bank but you persuaded mete
to leave it hero and now I have
no money. " She also desired her name
not used , but fortunately she needs only to
cable for money and will get more. On being
informed of this method she bccamo calm ,
but. did not spare her rhetoric.
It was the general opinion that money had
been accepted with the full knowledge of the
insolvency. The liquidator said ho was yet
ignorant whether there were any assets be
yond the furniture- the Paris , Liverpool
and Qucenstown offices. Ho has hud no tlmo
yet to examine the books. As to liabilities ,
it is likely when Gillig arrives ho will find it
no Jay Gould joke in England to lose trust
funds or accept deposits with the knowledge
of Insolvency , I learn it is probable a com
mittee of creditors will bo appointed to tuko
legal mcasuics.
Xho View of the Optimist.
[ Copurtulit JttS bi/Jainrn ( ? or < I < m llcnti'tt. ' ]
PAUIH , April 14. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEI : . ] The news of
the intended appointment of a liquidator for
the American Exchange in Europe has
caused u great sensation umonir the Amer
ican residents of Paris and there was some
thing like a rush to-day at the ofllccs of tho"
American exchange at Paris. Since th'o de
parture of Mr. Hobson the Paris concern has
been without a responsible head. To-day I
interviewed I. W. Bear , the clerk who ap
pears to bo in charge here. Ho said : "Tho
American Exchange in Paris is quite distinct
from the American Exchange In Europe ,
though the latter is the mother company ,
and as our agent Gillig has control of our
stock. Some of the London directors are on
our bond. Our accounts are aud
ited hero monthly. Wo cannot
deny wo have suffered sympathetic
ally by the failure of the London and New
York concern but see no reason to despair.
Capitalists arc ready to lake up the business ,
and Mr. Livingstone , of Detroit , is about to
start for New York to form a syndicate.
So far wo are certain of i'10X0 ( down be
sides several minor sums , The Societo
Generate has stood by us and wo owe them a
debt of gratitude. "
Investigations made at other quarters do
not exactly bear out this optimistic view ,
and most of the Paris exchange stock is said
to bo in the hands of the London and Now
York concern. Thus the fate of the deposi
tors in Paris may bo said to bo linked with
the fate of the American Exchange in
Europe. Business at Paris is reported to
have been dwindling away for a long time
past , consequently the losers hero are not
likely to bo numerous. Many have with
drawn their deposits already.
In Now York Clly.
Nr.w YOHK , April 14. It is understood that
Mr. Gillig , of the American Exchange in
Europe , Railed on the Etrnria last night , or
will suil Tuesday. Attorney Cromwell at
tributes the fuiluro to the run of nervous do ]
positors on the bunk , nnd thinks the suspen
sion ' will bo only temporary. Special
Treasury Agent Ayrrs was recently anony
mously warned that Gillig was preparing to
leave New York , but paid no attention to the
communication. It is now alleged the several
smuggled articles of Jewelry have been
traced to Gillig by the customs authorities.
An Ovation to Irving.
[ Cnjiyi lulit J& > 9 lii ] Jnmrs ( Jorc/oit / Ilcnnclt. ]
LONDON , April II. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Bni : . ] Irving'a re
turn to his theatre this evening drew nn Im
mense nudlcnro of fashion und intellect.
Every act of Faust brought nn ovation. At
its end ho made a thankful speech in the
course of which ho said : "After ourabscnco
wo are more than glad to find ourselves
amongst you once moro and deeply grateful
f or the hearty welcome , which is not an un
familiar tound under this roof , About our
wanderings I have little to say now. The
devil has been to and fro on the
face of the earth without observing any ro
markabio chungo in mankind. AVe have
brought back with us from our American
cousins a frcsti stock of delightful imprcs
elons and wo return to our work with re
newcd zest and vigor , and I hope that wo
shall remain at homo a pretty considerable
time as wo nro conscious from your greeting
that your favor bas not lessened in any way.
On behalf of ono and ull I thank you from
the bottom of my heart and hope In the future
turo wo shall win , as wo deserve , your gooi
will. "
After the curtain fell ho held an impromptu
reception on ; the stage and the festivities
were prolonged until early morning. It is
announced that after twenty-four nights o :
Faust , Hobcrt Macalro and Ailee'r Hcari
will bo revived on ono evening , the first for
him the stfonQ for Miss Terry ,
Which Showers on Guy Paris th
Misty Chills of Spring.
Boulnngor Servos to Keep Up Freak
A WotUUnpr With a Thief as 09
Invited Quest.
litterateurs About to Lose. Their Vt *
voi I to FcnHtliif ; IMiico A
tccnth Century Fete
Homo of an Author.
"Without , n Hay of Suut.tiinc.
( Cowlilit ) ( l fS H Jamtt Gonlon Hennrtl. ' }
I'Ains , April 1-1. INcw York Herah\
Cable-Special to the Hr.n. ] Half of April
is gone already and hardly any sln of sprlnn.
iu Paris. The legendary chestnut , whlcU
out-tlossoms on the 20th ot March , was
over thrco weeks late this year. On the
boulevard there Is no trace of verdure , and
Parisians still are going about shivering ip
their furs nnd ulsters ns they were in N *
vembor. The weather this week has been
a hideous compound of chill , mist , slcctv
snow und rain ; gray skies have clouded tha
meetings at Autovcllo and Long Chumps , and
the slippery Rtiito of the ground at botli
courses has caused nn unusual number ot
tumbles. The weather prophets promise us
a sudden burst of sunshine within the next )
day or two. Meanwhile I'uris is grey ana
dull , and of the dainty spring fashion which
fill columns of the newspapers , not oven a
sign has appeared. There have been plenty
of indoor brightness , und several big wcoT-
dings. The salons in the noble Foilhourg are
thronged. The clubs and cafes are full with
life and chatter.
Boulangcr's name Is on every tongue. Go
where you will you are buttonholed. On th ,
bourse they weary you with questions nncl
gossip about the man who , if his foes may bQT
believed , is moving heaven and earth to
make himself a dictator. Is ho aspiring to
the part of the czrr , or Is ho really the pur { >
patriot ho painted himself in that intcrviO lr
in the Figaro t In any case , by his owtt
showing , ho is a man liable to bo swayed by
his friends. Six months ago ho only almdcl
at returning to the ministry. To-day UJ (
drcam ef being tho'preSiu'bnt. Tomorroyr ,
despite himself , imperial honors may tempt
him , and the cry , "Boulamror C'cst ' la Pal , ' ,
may turn his head. The feeling of the mosBCB
in Paris is still hostile to the general. Sev
ern ! of the fiercest socialists in the municipal
council arc now fighting him in the prov
inces. This very opposition , however ,
naturally wins him the monarchists *
votes , and to-night It looks as
though wo might sco the anomaly of
a professing radical being clcctea by thtj
Bonnpartists. En Franco tout flntt par d03
chauEons. In this Boulangerism business
however , everything began with song4 and
und enthusiasm , with which the publto takO )
up the refrain. The "Plcnponpous Dauf
vcrgne" at the Eldorado every night show
that song-making is still a political force r&
Franco. The anti-Boulanglsts quite under
stand this and intend to pit the Murnclllul9
against the gcnc/al's war songs at to-moi >
row's ' election.
Pierre Loll , author of "Pcchus d'lslandc ' , ' !
and "Slere Ivcs , " has been entertaining hid
friends at his homo in Hochofort , avoiding
the beaten track of hospitality. Ho devised
a charming fifteenth century festival. All
his guests were attired In historic costumes.
A banquet nnd ballet of the period were tn
chief features in the programme. In thoinU } *
die of the fcnst a monster pastry was brought
out , out of which there walked a llttla
clown , covered with glittering spangles , wnft
treated the guests to some fifteenth century
mummery. The gas was replaced by flam
ing torches , and the modern and couuuoty
place was sternly banished.
The wedding of Mile du Yiinlscrro and M
do Firmino , which took place ut Trinity the
sumo day , ended In u scandal. The wedding
breakfast took place ut Baron do Wemlel'3
house , and was followed by the customary
reception of friends. By some mishap eithcc
a thief managed to enter the apartment
whcro the splendid wedding presents were
laid nut on a horse-shoo shaped table , or ono
of the guests was afflicted with willful klep
tomania. However it happened , on revisit
ing her treasures the bride discovered a larga
number of her Jewels had disappeared.
Among the missing objects was a superb
riviere of diamonds , worth over $10,000.
Huron do Wendol , whom I have interviewed ,
says he fears no hope of ever recovering the
jewels. Ho thinks Mlle Firmino's experience
should bo a lesson to French people to teach
them to be moro careful than they are In ad
mitting strangers to their house circles.
Chamberlain , Purtcur's Texan patient ,
makes progress and it is hoped ho may yet
escape the futo of the Russians who were In-
noculutcd n year ago after madwolf bites.
Ho has been taking u rest lately seeing the
sights of Paris and supplementing the innoo
ulation treatment , by Turkish baths. Ho
keeps In good spirits and seems confident of
getting back to America cured.
Men of letters are wailing over the pros
pects of being driven from ono of their favor
ite and most famous meeting places. 15re-
bant bus sold has sold his restaurant to a
new bouillon company , and his naughty little
cabinets particuliereu will soon bo turned
into vulgar dining rooms. During the slcga
Brebuut worked miracles for his half-starved
habitues , among whom were Kenan , Charles
BlaiiB , Paul do Saint Victor , Kdmond da
Gcncourt , and Thcophilo Guntlcr. When
it was ended they presented their host b
medal , recording hit culinary triumph.