Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The Interiinl revenue collfclions yes
terday amounted to $ ! / , ' > IW-Wi.
Leave of itli-ctH'o for otto month line
been granted Llmitcr'tnt Wright , Colonel
nel Kant/ and Cn.uin \ Freeman of the
United Stnle arinj .
Max M < - . \ r Ims taken out a building
perinil for bitticpunt now residence on
tin1 nrn ! li-t ust corner of Twenty-fourth
nmi Hr rnv. . The building will con- of two htories and an uttie , will be
41xiO. ( and IH to cost . I1,000. ?
The Cahlo Tramway company was
prantcd iicnnUsiini justerday to 011011
Twentieth street from ( 'ass to C'umlnff
for the purpoxo of laying cable car
IrndiH , under the provisions of ordi
nance No. loll.
Matthew Sutler , who was arrested on
Thursilii.v for using viln language to a
teacher in the Castcllnr i-chool , ap
peared In the police court , was found
guilty and lined $10 and costs. Ho was
alfo put under StlOO bonds to keep the
Alice M. Averv yesterday notified the
county clerk thai at a meeting of the
congregation of the Congregational
chinch of .Saratoga the corporate name
wiis decided upon to be "The Congrega
tional Church of Christ of Saratoga , "
and W. II. Lawton , James J. Craig and
llobcrt Monroe \\oro elected trustees
for one , two and three years respect
S. II. Conover , of Plymouth , is sit the
.lohti A. Dunton , of HliiwnUm , Kna. , la at
thi ! Paxton.
.1. I ) . MrCormlck , of Vlnnltinton , Dale. , is
nt the 1'axton.
E. W. Murphy , of North Pintle , is regis
tered at the I'nxton.
J. P. Sawyer , of Museatlnc , In. , is in the
city mill is stopping nt tlio P.ixton.
Duvollurloy , of I t.ittiniare , formerly deputy
sheriff of this county , Is in tlio cit y.
Dr. Swctmim , of tliis city , rcnistored at the
Palace hotel , San Francisco , Monday.
Mis. WHIInm Inwienco mid dauRhter May
left last niht ( for Optlc-n anil Salt Luke City.
Thomas Chandler hnsrcturacdfiom Knglo-
wood. 111. , whore ho interred thu reinnlna of
his wife who died hero two weeks HRO.
MiltoMmil , of the Hrm of Dre.sol & Maul.
returned last ovouiug from a trip of several
weeks to thu Pucillc coast. Hu hasiocov-
crcil lit * former ( 'ood health ami is pleased to
meet Ills old friends.
Clcanliu ; tlio Htreett.
A largo force of htrcet-clcanors was put to
\voik yesterday si'iaping dust off the paved
streets , preparatory to the commencement of
the street coping season.
u Sdldlcr.
Tohlas Glaus , a private belonging to com
pany F , Second infantry , was relieved of f 10
by IJirdto Itoblnson , a colored inmate of an
Eleventh street ami Capitol avenue
with whom ho vasisitmr. .
Dnjjoi's Arrested.
Six Italians were arrested nt the instigation
of GarbaRcMaster Goldsmith yesterday morn
ing for throwing nearly a wagon load of de
cayed bananas Into the street at Fifteenth
ami Hurt streets. They will bo tried this
Up Six Starlet
f Chief Gnlllgnn , yesterday gave a lad
der drill with the big ladder of the fire do
partinent and a very promising forceof men.
The ladder was able lo icaeh tlio sixth story
of the Murray hotel. Tlip drill was watched
by a large number of people.
Kuiiiiwny Iloyn.
Chief of Police Scavcy is iarcciept of a letter -
tor from Leaveuworth , Kas. , malsing in-
( iuiries concerning two boys , Lenis Wright
und Albert Everett , the former twelve , the
latter liftccn J ears of age , who disappeared
8om ' time ago. The latter is said to be iiuite
a contortionist.
KntiTtuhiiiif ; tlio Ulnte- * .
Manager Lawlcr of the Kdcn Musec has
generously placed at tln > disposal of the
children of the Council. LUtills deaf mute
association the .several apartments of his
unique resort to day , when they como to
this city to visit the lialtlc of fiettysburg.
Their entertainment will cost them nothing.
Tin- Contract la-t.
The board of public works met yesterday
and opened bids for tlio grading of AVool-
woi th avenue from Twenty-tilth avcnuo to
Twenty-eighth street. 13. buight offered to
do the woik nt 18c , Haiiiion & Hr.ullcy ITjc ,
and F. Williams at ICc. Tlio contract was
awnided to Wilbains. Tliero will bo aboat
1,000 cubic yards in the work.
A Ccli'lir.atoil Halloonlst.
Prof. Joe Oolites , tlie icronaut , wishes to
visit Omaha and has written to M. 15 , Platz
concerning ( no matter. A favoritetriuk with
the piolebsor is to malco an ascent in his bal
loon , and when a few hundred feet from
mother earth lip the balloon and descend to
terra liraia in a parachute. The more money
in sight the higher lie goes before malting the
The following marriage licensor were
issued yesterday by Judge Shields ;
Nnroe and nc&ldcnce. Ago.
Hermann Sochi , Omaha . 2(5 (
Cai oliini Spaunagal , Omaha . i0 !
John WiKon , Atlantic , la . til
Mngglo Chrlstlnsoii , Atlantic , la . IS
Henry Smith , Omaha . ys
Kunna Crush , Omaha . . ' 0
Training 'IVncliC'ru.
An cxamiaation will bo held in this city on
June 19th next for such joung Indies nnd gen
tlemen as desire to enter the college for the
tialningof tcac'iers JuXcw Yoik city , but
who do not feel able to subject themselves to
the expense and fatigue of a trip to New
York for the purpose of being eximined.
The details of this examination will bo ad
vei tihcd several days previous to the cxiunin
ntion. . _
Monsieur Dclphlu laniiioitrd. |
The banquet tendered to Monsieur Del-
phin , who lias just returned from a trip lo
Paiis , at the Casino was an ele
gant affair , nud tlio menu and wines were en-
jnvrdby the following named gentlemen :
ThouiRh Hoj il , 1'c.rk fiadtvin , Frank Hamge ,
Al Mi-Cord. Monsieur lo CouniO ts ! Kra-
inusUi , Editor .lacobson , of the Swedish
newspaper and Hanker Frost. Monsieur
Loonell , chief of the Omaha club , mid oth
ers ,
A Soldler'n
Daniel Huiloyu piivato in II company ,
Sccondinfuntry , at Fort Omaha , was Thurs
day charged with criminal assault upon a
n servant girl employed as a domestic by
Lieutenant Colonel Fletcher. Hurley has
been n favorite of the joung woman , who Is
of. Swedish extraction and but nineteen
years of nge. Thursday , it is stated , they
were throun into each other's company , when
It is claimed by the girl , Hurley attempted
liberties to which slio objected. Hmloy was
arrested and placed lu the guard Luaeo to
&wuit investigation.
Sent Up Vor Stealing ,
J , II , Moore started out on a thieving expe
dition yesterday thnt came to a sudden and
Inglorious end. Ho first went into a shanty
at 117 North Eleventh street and stole a pair
of cuff buttons. Ho then dropped into a
"cigar storo" next door and called fora clear.
"While the young woman was busy waiting on
Mm , ho nipped her earrings that she had just
laid down , Just after ho loft she discovered
tho. goods were missing. Sha saw h'm ' going
Into a house across the way un.l called Officer
Vunpus. Tlio policeman , after dilllgcntly
searching the house and failing to fine Moore ,
began an investigation of the back yard just
in tluio to FCO him cklp'ping down the alloy.
U'hc oalccc started In pursuit ami after n
chasd of two blocks succeeded in running
hi in down. Ho .was taUcu'bcforo Judge
Ueika aud was tried for his. .
thnt pf stonllnp the earrings He was found
guilty and lined $40 nnd costs , and in default
went to Jail. ,
Mnjor OencrnI Crook.
General Crook rctnnied ycstcrdr.y from
Salt Lake. Ho appeared in excellent health
nnd In going to Ins ofllce In the military head
quarters took one of the side streets to avoid
the ficqucnt meeting of friends whoso con
gratulations over his recent appointment as
Major general would detain him at almost
every foot of the walk. The gotiTrtl wore a
beautiful boutonnlero which scorned to ro
Joicc m the grateful sunlight which added to
its chin ms. Ho told the Hin : reporter that
the news of his appointment had reached
him at Fort Hridger just as he was leaving
for Salt Lake. Ho said that his aides-
de camp , Lieutenant ICennon and Greene ,
would nccomnany him wherever he might lie
located and that the location de
pended upon the notion of Ills seniors , Gen
erals Scliollelil and Howard. If the former
should decide to go to Chicago , ho should go
to New York , though his nrofeience would
bo San Francisco , because in that vicinity ho
bad seen his earlier service , and there were
many associations there brailles a number of
frlfiids , and n climate which ho likes very
much. T
The Striking Mrclinnlci.
Yesterday seven bricklayers arrived
from the cast in response to the advertise
ments published in eastern papers by the
association of contracting bricklayers of this
city. They were Immediately put to work ,
and the contractors say they will bo protected
In the same.
There am two members of the brick con
tractors' association now In the cast looking
after and inquiring Into tlio reliability of the
brirkla.\ ers \ \ ho have offered to como to work
hero at the rates offered by the contractors.
Many of the Journeymen ask for transporta
tion ami the agents sent east will Inquire as
to the woithini'ss of the applicants befoic la
bor is guaranteed or transportation fur
"The longer this strike continues , " said n
contractor yesterday , "the more dinieult
It will bo to settle it. Men are coming In
every day , and if they get work and arc
found reliable we must protect them , even as
against old residents here who have gone
back on us. "
The stone cutters' strike has developed no
new fcatuies since these published In the
DIM : of a couple of weeks ago were occa
The strike of the brick moulders still hangs
Jlre. None of the brick yards have i et com
menced work , but the proprietors claim this
is because the season for making brick lias
not yet opened. When it does , the same people
ple suv , there will be plenty ot moulders to
bo had.
Sprint ; Medicine.
The necessity of spring medicine is
almost universally admitted , And tlio
superiority of Hood's Sar aparilla for
this purpose becomes more and moro
widely known every year. That power
to purify the blood , nnd Ihose elements
of health und strength which the bys > -
tnin craves , and to which it is s-o suscep
tible tit this season , nro posseted by
this peculiar medicine in u pre-eminent
degree. Scrofula , pimples , boiler , any
humor , billiousnehs , dyt > popsia , bielc
headache , catarrh , rheumatism , or any
diseases or atl'ections caused or promoted
meted by impure blood or low state of
the sy.stem , arc ? cured "by Hood's Sar-
baparilla. Try the peculiar medicine.
Minnie Miirrlcq Without 1'uim'fl Con-
RC'iit and is Happy.
Miss Minnie HeiiulorfC is the daughter of
Charles Dcindorn" , u wealthy resident of this
city , and for some time past has bson the ob
ject of much attention on the part of Oliver
Hurnctt , a young man formerly in the em
ploy of Meyer Hros. , but now connected with
the Nebraska clothing company. Minnie ap
preciated the situation and soon trave it out
toher friends that she and "Ol" were ca-
gaged. Papa and Mamma Uoindorff filed a
demurrer to the proceedings and the old man
served his would-be scn-in-
an injunction on - - -
law to the effect that ho must
never darken his doors again and
forbade him even speaking to his daughter.
Hut as is usual in such eases , "Love laughs
at locksmith" and stern papas , as the scqual
will' show. AVhilo Mr and Mis. Heindorff
were at the Hooth-Hiirrctt matmeo Oliver
sought out Judge Shields , piouurcd a license
and a minister , and taking Minnie to tlio
home of his parents on South Twenty-first
street the pair wore made one.
At the conclusion of the ceremony Mr. nnd
Mrs. Durnott repaired to a neat little cottage
at Twuiti-fifth and Duit streets , whoiotliey
are now enjoying their honey moon.
Papa and Mamma Hcmdorn" arc much cx-
oiciscd over the matter , and refuse to sec
their waj waid child , but it is helie\cd by
parties acquainted with the facts that the
estrangement will not ho of long duration ,
mul very soon a reconciliation will bo et-
\Vc ought not to bo too anxious to cn-
courage untried innovation , in cases of
doubtful improvement. For a quarter
of a century I Jr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy
has been before the public and jab ) = cd
through the severest test and is pro
nounced the most reliable lemccly for
that disagreeable malady. Thousands
of testimonials of its virtues. 60 cents
per bottle , lly druggists.
or Itlack Silks.
We have just made a large pur
chase of black bilks , comprising
Falllo Francaise and ( Juinets
Black Surah in all 210 pieces.
Wo bought thorn at a great sacri
fice , nnd will , as usual , give our
cubtomci'a full benollt of our pur
chases , livery yard of these
goods are dcMrablo and guaran
teed to give satisfactory wear
they como only in blades. On
Monday wo will place them on
our counters. Particulars and
prices in Sunday's Biu. :
Dealing Somewhat o ( ' Fact and Ad-
> nut lire.
Thursday evening a Hue reporter met Mr.
T. J.McMinn , late fiom Sail Antonio , Texas ,
who i * en route to Iowa in tlio interest of im
migration for Ills bcftion of the state. Asked
about southwest 'iVxus , ho said ; "That ,
country is in nuviy respects unique and is but
imperfectly understood up bore in the north.
It is popularly supposed , for Instance , that
our Ir . .t I * Intolerable , As a matter of fact I
sutfcrcd less last A2t and September In
San Antonio than I hud suffered in St. L nia
during July and tlio first half of August.
Our thermometer through the summer runs
along bet wean to and Or > degrees , larely
touching 100 and as rarely sinking below H
degrees above zero in the winter. Hut of
course our heated term I * longer. When I
left San Antonio one month ago thu peach
trees were in blojm , the grass was ankle
deep uad the Holds wore yellow with daffo
' Farmers there oin plow all the year round
and tun industrious nun can gather three
crops per annum Nature Is so proltlie that
httio pains lias been taken to maka the most
of thu season and possibilities of the soil , but
the late iiillux of pcoplo from the noith , who
have foil the necessity of unceasing industry
and who have gone there with tlio intention
of making the most of the situation , has
rather revolutionized matters so that thrift
ana activity and accumulation Is taking the
place of former indifference , quiet and
"Tho capabilities of southwest Texas have
been mainly nmjo known through reports of
invalids who sought health in that locality.
You see consumption nnd suffcrcr.i
from catarrh find that climate a sure
euro for any one at all curablo.
I myself know ot an instance where a man
Mr Slocum went Micro unublo to walk and
ready lo tlio , San Antonio being his last hope.
His iubuianco company even settled with
him for 61SOO , to got Yid of the risk. To-day
ho is alive and well , and weighs i.00 pounds ,
That happened twonty-fivo years ago.
"Wo have au excellent school system , and
the average attendance .reaches W per cent ,
"All southwest Texas is witUn the ralu
belt , so that we have little fear of drouth ,
but if necessary wo can Irrigate , nnd Irriga
tion w'ould cost less than war with a northern
"We have agriculture , coal , Iron , pold nnd
silver , kaolin , water , nnd nn incomparable
"What of adventure ! Well , there is little
of it left in our section , nUt I
had two experiences of which you might care
to hear. We went wild cat hunting near the
Uio Grande. The first cat the dogs caupht
wo cut up for the hide. Inside his cntship
we found n rattle sr.ako freshly eaten. The
cat had seemingly relished the rattler , as the
lumps were about the size of your thumb and
weionot masticated.
"In the other cnso n cat was treed and ono
of the horsemen threw up his lariat ami
caught the animal around the neck. He then
started off with the rope attached to the
saddle. The cat , finding himself "urgently
Invited , " took after the horse and there was
n very pretty race , but the hoscmun Jumped
the mosquito bushes and dracged the cat to
exhaustion and finally clubbed him to death.
"Hut game and adventure is rapidly ulvlng
place to agriculture and clvill/utlon.
Among the pcoplo of to-day , there nro
few indeed , who have not heard of the
merits of Prickly Ash Hark and Berries
as a household remedy. Teas and
drinks have been made of thorn for
centuries , and In hundreds of families
have formed the solo reliance in rheu
matic nud kidney diseases. Prickly
Abb Hitters now tuko tho-plaee of tlio
old system and is more-beneficial in all
troubles of this nature.
A Consumptive I'auper AVI11 Not Heed
the Doctors.
'Andrew Link , aged twenty-seven years ,
has been an inmate of the poor farm for the
past seven months , nnd medical e.xpctts say
that ho can live but a shoit time. His
malady is consumption , and ever since his
lemoval to the farm lie has stubbornly re
sisted all attentions and medicine from the
doctors , maintaining that it is only chemicals
that ho is purging fiom his body , and that
when the season of puriilcatnn arrives ho
will get up ( torn his bed , and Indulge in a sK
days go-as-you-plcaso pedestrian match.
Prayer , Audiew insists , is the only panacea
required for his malady , and ho has become
so strongly imbubed with this belief that ho
has surrendered himself completely to an
ex-railroad man who has taken up the prater
euro doctrine. The railroader is a pro
nounced apostle of the spiritual idea of
curing , and is doing everything within his
power to invoke the IMcty lo spare Andrew's
life nnd restore him to health and strength.
The atteadingjhjsiciails at the farm express
press great sympathy for the unfortunate
man , and are more than willing to proscribe
for him , but he steadfastly refuses to receive
them He has no relatives in this country ,
and has been in Omaha little over a year.
"Hro\vti'n Hronclilul 'I roclips" aio
widely known ns tin admirable remedy for
HronchiUs , Hoarseness , Coughs , and
troubles. , s'oW onbi In Iwics.
DIclwIU Safest.
Mcaghcr & Leach , gen'l agents for the
Diebold safes , have removed to119 S.
15th , where they are carrying a large
slock of all kinds of
Seideiiborg's Figaro , the talk of the
town , ti lOc cigar for 5u. Mnx Meyer &
Co. , wholesale depot.
Tlio ilotirncynion HriokiayerH Con
tract for the North Omaha Sower.
Mr. Thomson , who has ( ho contract for
the North Omaha sewer , told a Hii : repnitcr
yesterday that work oji that improvement
was proceeding satisfactorily. "I have sub
let tlio work to the bricklayers1 union at so
much par foot , and it is being done m a
workmanlike manner , loo. The men seem
to desire to distinguish themselves , and I
have no doubt that they will succeed. There
are only four of them nt work now , because
the front ilitllculty wo have to contend with
is scarcity - > > f brick. U'e want hard burned
urick , and these we can't get without strip
ping the kilns. The brick wo want arc in the
inside' , and to get thorn the makers would
have to strip the outside , whicli would co-t a
gicaldcnl more. Wo are now pa.\nif.ll a
thousand fur brickVo will bo oft Grace
street with the sewer , on the 1st of May , and
leave the street icady for pavement. "
ThUpowder never varies A mirvel of ptirt-
ty.stronKth \vholp5omonesi. . Moro w
leal thnnthn ord nary klinm. nnd rann < > t D
Incoiiipotltlonwltnthnmiiltltuila nf low cost
ehortwetKhtnlumor pimsphntu powders.
on ) . ' In CHUM Hoynl akms Powder ( jo. , 12a
Walhtreot. Now York. .
Snur yd" . illearc un ins and rondi-
Security illun aia Hlurtuully coinlintti'd by
liiunlUK llu'liuiiniilliiil ' I'lmllllm In
looms nnd . ' , '
np.iitini'nts 'Jlmy nro
ami cdi/j / | jr / < ii.fx ; IIL' iiouna-
nently cured byj thu 7/j/iimm ; > i/iof
' ' | i | < " -
uj hllln for toilet. nur ery and hath.
lontliarliefarr lifiinilyfii nnd Oi-
flamtil nr Kinillrn Hums yield piompt-
ly to Daihv'H Dental I'lusleiH. which
take the place of opiates , uiul dun-
Berous toothucho drops ,
( in UK and lliintuim uui o no pain
\\heio Jlead's Coin and llnnloti
I'histcis are used. They iiulikly
allay liiitatiimatlon nnd I > IOM | > pain ,
Hnull pox and other
_ are prevented by burning
Koabury's Sulphur Candles In icl-
Jar" , ilosetn. ( .Inks , bhlps' holds ,
IK Pnntp iilru ciifi" < , chlckon coniis , pr.
* -U1 * . . . . . . . ' Vw .
til " IMtl. * ! M. 4 .1 *
fct > u.nw . ; . . . . . . . . . t uw.i.ou. < ,4 < ew oiS ,
Nullco to Coat rnctor-H.
Sealed pi oposals will ha received by the tindsr-
signed at tlmollice ot the t-outh Omaha l.tuid
Comtmny , at Omaha , Noli. , until ; ) p , m. , April
Kid , IhM , for Iho gradlnir of thu South Omuha
Ilotilevard. fiom H'est ! ' . to West I , btiect. In
Soutlf Omaha , The apprnxlmateiniantlty of ox-
civvatlon IB 60OiX Cubic yards. I'rolllo and sntcl-
ncatlou can bn secnatthoolUcoof Itustand Way.
Kn lnper , Itoom 1 1'.uton llulldms.
A bond ot J ouo 111 bo required to Insure Iho
completion of tnu tiCiltbIuVO ! days from the
slumiiK of the contract.
No blda w 111 ha conMdoi esj unless accompanied
by a certlded chock for fJttJ.
fha light U reserved to teject any or all bids.
( Signed ] I' . U I Mill ,
H'll-ui&c7t Secretary.
Kaslly digested ; of Iho finest llavor. Ahcarty
beverage fern strong appetite ; a delicate drink
for thUBensltlve. Thoroughly tested ; nutritious !
palatable ; unexcelled In purity ; no unpleasant
utter c'Jccts. Hequlros no boiling.
, PA ,
Tilt ! LAND OP
For Sikby :
Goodman Drug Co.
Tie test nnd surest Remedy for Cora of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
tlio Liver , Kidneys , Stacuich nnd Botvcb.
Dyspepsia , Sick Ileadachi' , Constipation ,
Billons Complaints cad Ilrluiaof oil Itlnda
yield readily to tlio beneficent Influence of
It is plcacnnt to the taaio , tones tip the
system , icstorca cud preserves health.
It ia purely Vegetable , end cannot fall to
proro bcccQcial , both to old and young.
Aa a Blood Purifler It Is ooporior to ell
others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 n bottle.
N. VCor. . 13th & , Oodso Sis.
K , A.OH3S ,
JJest facililns , nppntatus nnd remedies fur syc
re siil ( trcntmcnt of evcrv fi nn of disease rcqini
ing MtilKul or hiirsical Treatment
rionrJ and attendance , best ho jit-.l accoimn
datlOtfi 111 thC UT't
WKITC von CIKCITARS on iDcfonmtiis niiJ
Hr.iccs , Trj"cs , Club 1'eel , C'irvatiire of th <
bpinc , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh llioi.clnlu
Iiilialntinn , Ulcctncitv raraljfcU Unilciisy Kill
ncy , lll.iililer , lije , I'.at , b'.iu ' and lllood , ni'd all
nrRicnl Operations ,
Diseases of Woman a Spools ! ' .y.
UdOK ON IiHEAtra : or WOKEN Fun.
All Illood Diseases successfully treated. Sph -
ilitlc rolbon icuiovc-il from ( lip h > stcm nitliuut
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss at
Vitnl Tower. Persons unable to vibitusmay be
( rented at honieby concMiondence All commu
nications confidential Mulltints or Instruments
ent by mail or express , securely ( ucKcd , no
marks to Indicate conttntB or ( .ruder One per
sonal interview preferred. Call anil consult us or
rend history of youi case , and we will t > eud in
plain wrapper , our
iTpon rflTntC. Sr ial at Ncnous Di"-ascs. ln > .
ytency , Sjpnilis , Gleet aTJi Vficocclc. with
Qicetiun lib ! Address
Oinahu tfnlieiil anil Jttirgcat Ttiatttitlf , or
Cor. 13th ana Dodae Stj. . . OMAHA. HEB.
tl- " 111 buy n t-'cnulno
lloinesputi All Wool Pnlt ,
M7i-s tioinai to II , cut-auiy :
orsack coal , In lljjlit grey
rolur , that Is ti'Ully north 1JU.
The bull Iscll niado und
t-l > leiiJIl ( \ \ caring goods.
Wo innko this oiler to In
troduce nut fct-h cs to the tradu
and in the future you ulll
find our honsu the bargain
center. Bend jour incasuro
nr'J'"l Vrenht under the
arm * , nnd nrotiu "IQ waist
nnd down the Inside scam of
the pants , mid wo \ \ 111 lit you.
Vou can ec'iid money with older , or wo111
1 tend C.0.1) by express ,
| Itefercnces : rirst National llanV , Omaha
or any Ural-class house in Omaha
w to.ui.ur ctrommm *
TCLlU < tlirM > | limed *
IOOVB toutl iCwaoiiLoA
iid Clctt.
We line toll fonilder.
ftleIndia em ? CUD il
Lti i < eo uuilmlco.
TIU Clc = iul 0) .
Jlciml or any luiilnc * * In Oinnliii growing faster tliun \clirm1tn CloUtlng t'oninnny ? Unequalled
racllltlcH and \vcll made garments have given tn u reputation Tor superior read ) * made elollilng , lint
the Important factor Unit ha * doubled onr business In mt'Ii a nlinrt lime anil wlitrh must certainly
tend toniaUu m the leading clothing home of the \vest , Is by SiijL.I\G : Till ] ItiriTIUt ( illADHS OF
GOODS AT PltlCKS HIITIIEHITO CHAItGi : ! ) 1'Olt IM-DUIOK < tIAMIIiH. Tilono u ho have
once bought of m need no seeond Invitation. They Know that our * IH tlio place where good and
reliable clothing can lie bought at moderate and popular prices and they will tell you that you can
nave front $5.00 to S10.OO on every stilt or overcoat bought of in.
U'hat we .claim for our clothing may be also applied to onr men' * furnishings and hats. We never
de\ Into from onr well Known principle of modest prollts , and everything wo Keep in Modi Is offered
at the remarKably moderate prices on which our reputation was made and which will alwajs re
main Its corner stone. Wo guarantee to save you money on every article yon nuiy want In the line
of men's wear. Onr nnlanndried white shirts at itOcaitd 5Oeyou cannot get elsewhere else for less
than TiOe and 75c. Laundrled shirts In Maine proportion. The llnest Trench percale shirts with ex
tra collars and cull's , for which yon would have to pay elsewhere at least $ I. ' > O , we hell you at 05e.
An Immense assortment ofunderwcnr In balbrtggan , sllK gau/.ellnc merino and all grades oI'Kummcr
nnilcrwcar , hosiery , gloves andnccKwcar.
Onr hat department Is constantly replenished by new Ntylcs arriving dally , ( 'rush hats atlAc. .
for which y H have to pay elsewhere fully 75c. .Bust now we have opened a beautiful assortment
of light colors and new shapesand the moderate prices at which we offer them will Increase the
popularity of our noted hat department-
Price only. No Deviation.
Corner i4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
TEI > , who In his FOC.I.Y aiul IGNOIt A.V 'K
has TKIFI.K ! ) nway his VI > of IOIY ,
MINIJ and MAXHOfM ) . causing cihiuistlus
drains upoi the I'MfNVAEKfl of I.Efr'X ,
IIKADAI'BSr , rtA 'St AfllK , Dreadful
Drpains , WKAItKESI of Memory , IJASSS-
the TAf E. ami all the KffTECTS lundineto
EAU1.Y lIBVAVnnd perhaps CORRl'MJP.
n ) N or ENHAHITY , Jhould consult at once
thu CKIii5JJATrFI : > lr ClRrke , listitbllshcd
1BRI. nr Clflrto hni mnde NEUVODN I > E.
tIEI.ITV. < ' 5IBIONI < ; anil all Diseases of
the UKNETO UBI.VAKY Orcnns I.llo
f'tidy. It makes WO dllTcicnro WIBAT you
' . .nye tnhcn or WXZO has failed to cure you.
CS-X'E.I A3.Sfi : suffering from diseases pecu
liar to their res cnn consult uith the assurance
af tjiuedy relief and cure Sena 2 coats postaso
for worlci ! on your diacnrcs.
/Jfl-Bond 4 cents poataRe for Cclcbrntcil
VTorUs nn Clirnnlc , Ner\ous and Dell-
cnto l/iscases. Consultation , personHl.'y ' or by
tetter , tttet * . Consult the ntd Doctor.
ThociSiiKtlfl curod. Oinconand { iiirlorn
prlxuit" . JVS-Thofc rontemplfltins JlarrlnKO
Bond for Ir. l'lurk * H celebrated ( juijo
Wnlo nnd rrmiilc. each lie. , both e.
( ctcuips ) . Delnio conflilliiR your care , consult
Dr. I'S.AJ'.riEA friendly letter or call may
wve future Mitlciinu'imd slminc , and nddcoldcu
years to life. CS-jBoolc " I.lCe'H ( Secret ) Er.
rura , " Me. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
cent everwhere , secure from cspc.yuri ; .
Hours , B to S. Kunila\ii itol'2. Addruis ,
P. D. OLAREB , M. D.
Bo. CJarfc St. . CUICAOO. ILL.
Tl i re nil of Modern Tlraco.
> moi VRII.I : nv
. * " , K. SMITH . \ . Co
I'iMON ( i/ . : 4'.iaii & Co.
1) ) .M. : A. ro.
8. T. MOIISBitt'O.
I.MIKIN > V t'o ,
L'IMS. siMii u , South Omnhn , and all fltst
chisii retail dealerH.
. \ . I.IHIII. New Yuik DryOoods Store ,
Or ( ho Llrjiior IFabK , 1'osKhcIf Cured bj
Adiiiinibtcrliif , ' Dr. Jliilncs' ( Julilcn
Hrnn ho Riven In ucnjiof colfeoor ten with
out the MiouItMlgo of Iho poison tuxliiK it ; abjo-
Jutely Imrinloss und w 111 uircct pennant nnd
fclieeily cuie , w lift her the jMtlcntls a inaderato
drinker or an alcoholic \ \ reck. Tliuubiinda of
diunlttirilH huve been niado temneruto inviilio
huvo taken Ooldc'iiKjic'cllle inlnelr colfeowlth
ifiollijuornpiic'tltotooxlht. roif.iloby Kulin
ACo. . , IDth und DotiKlus bts . nnd Ihth nnd Cum-
ln MB. Omaha , Neb. : A. 1 > . IoMor A.lira. ,
Council llluirs Iowa.
Proprlstor Omaha Business Collcgt ,
BookKeeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
end Typowritmg.
Oond lo-r Coiiegc Journal.
B E. Cor 10th and Capitol Avcnuo
Incomparably the Bast.
otie Belts ! i
Tlio Grandest Triumph of Electric Science j
CenUcmcn'a licit it antaiuio clcnlifically Made and Practically Applied ,
Kith Electric
RfT" V L7Dtl n TH BBSR" " T < * tlRM Jlaro TOO Palm ! thn Unolr , nipi. IlMiiI or I.lmtjt , P
O WBlLlL. tiUKti WttJ Nrrvaut IltMlllr , I.uml > nB , li nerl I > Mlltr , Hheu-j
ia.itlam , I'aralnla , HruruUllH , Relation , IM.rmr * ot Uldnrj * , r < ( > lMUI llU u c. , Toriild LlTcr , B
Uout , KihBu.llonT EmlMluiw , A.lbinn. Ilcprl IMirort. PJ.IU p.In , Conjllpnllon. Krr lprln , l
Indention , Wcahneu. Itnpolrncjr , "ntarrh. rilra. Knllep r. l > umb Acvc , UlaliCtM , Urdruculo. I
Illand Ill c3 c , llraptr , le. . lltra tlil l.rlt U Jiut hat you net * . f
, Initantlu fflll'Can ' ho J
Kltttrlrtlt ppll onrBjiir'PMI A B B rZSB * ! IffKttO r I
Hfat ° A ? iflb ih l .erS WHiEW ALL ELSE FAILS.
TrCITIkLfinNIAl ! C1 ETITT one gcnulnnanduifdby pcrmU.lon. NOTSC thofotlowlnfcvno hare been [
j I I.-JI ( EnUniKhv CtIlfHl > i A. J. Hnarland , U. H. l'ikrkernnilJ.13. Dajlett , nllonllaArd of Trn.lo.l
3 Chlrniro : A. tireirorr , comiiilAiton merchant. Block YardB ! Uudd Iiublo.thn frroatbonoiDdtit Co ) Conni > llTl
i ct thp Inter Ortuni O.V. . Urllns , M. 11. Morniontown , lowai I.r.inurl Mlllc , Ktnkakoc.lll i Jiiilpo I. ti.l
I Murray. NnpcrYille , 111 ; r I. AtiLott , upt. cllr wilirworLi , Houlli HcnH , Inrt ; Jlotit R. 8 rainon. ChlcAgoi
I poitoftrosL , . I ) Mcillchnel II I ) , lIuffaui.N. V " 1 our liHtlniacromplUheil * hi\t nu other ri-rauilv hati I
tc clT nerve , nnd romfortubla tlevput ulsht. " Hobt. Hull , klderman , 15O Eutt mautruct , How York I
anil thnusundi nfothrn. . . . . . . . . . , . , , 1
n MfinHKIf n trnTnn MACUCTII * DCI V li npertorto llotlier rarrontiorelcctrlcl-
Kit ElUnEsK O KLtui ( SUtMHQribliU DCLI ty routronit or nlldmtlio Nearerm r do- ,
elroj prDductBn continuous ciirronll ronreyi electricity throiluh the body on thoniirTO * . It ourysnucaBfS L
bv KimiritlnirncontliinoincarrMit or electricity ( IO or JS hours out oisM ) throughout the human mien , [
nlajliifriilliior ! oiinioi8iinmodlat < 1lynnd iiroduclnsanow clrouUtlon of the llfn forces Ihn moQd.lm-li
imrfliia Ttcoi. tn DBth , entrar and health , whrn all other tnmtniMit line failed , The inertia of Ujla tclcn-
line Holt ar ti-lniri-coirDlieil and Indorsed by thousands whom It h icur d f
KEKRHE ? C7bi > Any bank commercial apency or wholesale bouau luChlca ot vuclaialo Cruffgule ,
Ban Francl coand < 'lilt io UT Send sUmp for 118 paoro Illuitrated pamphlet
"W. iT XXOXUVDOJ , Inventor auii Manufacturer , 181 Wabaih ATCDSQ OblcaBO.
Which Is Jlcino Foiatcil KJJOU the Oiiiuttry rwchuscraaa the Genuine Jin-
Joliann Hoff's Malt Extract
The article In qupMlon Is put ui | InnSQiMTrv Horn r with Onrtmui mid Knullsli label jirlntuJ In bluoana
tin1 riirlt imi'rcil wllli yi'llmv win piling thu inn knt' dcrinun Aiii'.ininri | | ; . . . . , . .
' 1 hu uiiiiiiriiii4 < ( ilunroii'crr til ihoimuiTntlmi niivliinii thi-nn fiuwln IniallliiRtlioIr iloiiiMllo nopr - - - . . -
Ino IniiMirlcil Mitll. llxltuct , niidlhLlrtipiiciil > lotliucii | > | ililr"f irrlHlniliineBOf irailfimcii liy fn iivlll * or
oilit linnilic-rl liiilllrB HIM ) iiiwnnls | to thio who can hu liiiliiied to juiichuto their yooda , m.iy taiuu Ihil
Auitrlcuii beer to bu luilnipit oil un thu nnniiry.
Johann Hoif' Malt.
\ JJ AJUsV JLJLAJL S.iOaV J.JU r < - 1 _ _
intriirtiiri'il IntotliB I ) R tiy I lOPnniIInrfln ISM , Ihn unrlvnllcil niitrlllTe lonlonnit food forlnvnlldn , nun
Inn women , ,11111011111 anU HiMknunH uicidi'iil to nirn anil uiiiviilt pi > nt iirimi-rllto I liy lumllni ; hhyrl-
Uans lliiciniili'.iu Uii' w rM IsrcirlviU milv hy u ninnthly | MT Mi'aun'rii "f thii Iliicnijiii ; Auivrltun racket
ana ' mill ' th ' inc'tullc' input '
Company , u UL AUAMtrnri'Miiiuu iinpurtc'd ty nunntiirt' on
X7S , fiSO .OX''X ? ani2JSyjl'JVJffi'JItKK'l\ JOO
JfJilf YOU 1C.
Solo Importers and Agents since K > 0' , to counterfeit whU'h is PRLOXV ,
In order to protect thcwolvos ncjlnit l-nposition the public nro requested to apci iff
Chicago , Milwaukee u n ot , ran ! D'y ' ,
The Ilouto from Qmnlia und Council
= = THE
Chicago , AND
St. 1'nul , Minneapolis , Cetlar Hiiplds ,
Itock Island , I'rccpurt , JtocKfunl ,
Clinton , JnljiHii ) | ( > , DarcnpoTi ,
Klgln , Madison , Jniicstillc ,
JU-loll ,
And all other Important polnti Eait , NuitheaK uad
I'or through tlckrU rill nn the ticket npcnt l IV'I '
rurnara Uriel , lu lurfccr llluik , ui rl Unloa I'ltntla
I'ullmm ' Sleepeit and the fined Dlnlnir Tars In thn
wQtld fire rbn pn the IUHIII Jlnu til Iho Chicago Mu
wnukro A bt 1'uul llallwar , und eii'rr Httcntuju n
to pattenvvri btouriccui cuiplbe ot tun
j. f Tt.'C'lUIlt , AdloUntticnrul Mar.nccr
A. V. U CAUL'K.S'IKK , U nvral 1'auuiiter nl
icket Acent
tiio. : v : UKArrOlU ) , AuliUnl General
x nl ,
Paid Up Capital , - 23OOOO
Surplus , - OO.OOO
JJ.W. VATB" , President
Ltwie H. Hi ED , Vlf e-ProKlilcnt.
A. U. Tot'ZAMN. nd \ Icu-I'risildont.
\V.\I.H. \ Huinr.B.CiUler ( ,
II , W YATES , I.iWJaH ,
A , K.
Cor U'th end lUrnniii Kts.
A General IlankiUL' Iluslnesn Transacted
Ib UCll IJ
let lownf and Water ( 'oinranlefl , etc.
Ci"L'oili' l i'iiltlirn fmlKitcil ,
" 5-1 ° n blB0 ' qt'
SlS ST- ! - " ! ! ' !
. _ mm , tli-
. loothlrf curriou of
_ , . . . -Ucll/U.f * ia * 11 wt.k virti > .r itGr-
/.to bolUl i.d rijoioui ( liti fib. EltCtfi ]
Cim i V > - > -f' : ' iBittntlr or vi fojf.ltSI.WO la ciJ.
fliVsjiBuin EUeu'io Co.