1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' SATURDAY , APRIL 14 : 1SS& SPECIAL NOTICES. _ emouta miner this head , 10 cents per line fur the Jlrnt insertion , 7 cents for each sub sequent In , ertlon , anil tiffin line per month , NO ftdvcrtlsenicnttakinfor leas than an crnts for the llrnt insertion Hovcn word swill be couut- rd to the line ; th y must run consecutively and must be paid In ndvnncc. All advertisements input bo fmndcd In before 12 . ) o'clock p.m. . and under no circumstances will they be tnkcn or aiftcnntlntiFfl by telephone Parties advertising In thcso columns nnd hav ing the ntiAners addressed In cnro nf the Dec , trill plence nskforTi check to ennblotlum to get their letters , ftsnnno will bo delivered except on jirejientntlon of check. All answers to adver tisements should be enclosed in envelopes. All advertisement * In these columns nro pub- lUtlcrt Inbnth morning and evening editions of tlih IJeev the circulation of which aggregates lnhr than lH.OCOpnpcrs dally , nnd gives the rtd- % crtl , ers the benefit , not only ot the citj clrculn- tloii rt thn Rne , but also ot Council Illuffs , Lin coln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this part of thn west. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will betaken , on the above conditions , nt the following bus- Incus bonnes , who nrenuthortzed agents for Tin URI. special notices and will quote the Rama rates ns cnn bo had nt the main olflco , J OHN W HULL , Pharmacist , 820 SouthTentli Street. HAH U A UDDY , Stationers nnd Printers , 11J 0 South 10th Street. 0S1I. S1I. rARNSWORTH , Pharmacist,2115Cum Ing Street , I'.O. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1800 St. Mary'c G Avuiue. Gw GG RUUTIIUR. News Dealer , Post Ofllco G -T. BouthJJmatin. w st. .1. HUOHFS , PhnrnmclRt , U21 North lOtl SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTKD SItuatlon ns h'ouii tcopor" ho tel by nn Irish girl of 28. 7 yrs In Insl place , Host of references. Mis. IlrogailSB. : 15th Tel TO' . 070 Ki * wnntt-dns traveling dalesman. I SITUATION In the grocery business nnd can furnish best ot references. Poslollici box 4B. Blunton , Neb. 003 18 * IADY stenographer desires situation when J Hha cnn perfect herself nt moderate salary Addn-sH 0 IB , HUD olllce. L04 11 * WANTKD Situation for man and wife a1 looks , are } oung , smart , elcan nnd llrst class ; ulsn for n woman cook ( In city ) can do n much work ns nny man i eec and Is more i-comi inlcal , huvonlbo butchcro , bukras , 1st nnd2ni cooks , farm handx. etc. Male help furnlshi-i frcu. Mrs , llrega. 310 8. ICth. 017 13 ? HOUSUKUUPUR willing to take cure of ni Invalid and do plain sewing in connection by n middle-aged widow , can give the best city reference. Union limp olllco , 91.18 HUi hi FIVATION Wanted Ry a young man a coachman In n prlv nto family Four year rofecrnco. Address 517 S. 2oth st. CJii'Jsu WANTUD-Ily n flrstclass dressmaker.cn gagagement In prlvale families. K22 S 1811 Illss Turner. CKi mUJ WANTED jVJTvu TlEI.P. ANTUD-Agents to Roll the Mo. Stein \\nMhcr. It will pay intelligent men am women Keeking protltnblo employment to writ for my llliistrntcMl cliculnr and terms for thl cclebrnti'd washer. Why does It pay tonctnstn ; agent ? Recauso nieumciits In Its favor nro s nunuions and convincing that sales mo mad without ( lllllculty Sent on tw o w euks' trial n m y rxpc'iiso , for return if not satisfactory. .1 Worth , solo m'f'r , 1710 Franklin ave , St. Louis Mo. " \JirANTUD Uxperlencod coachman with ret TT orumos , dUhwiishoi , yardman , musthel ] In kitchen. M. Mrs. Rrega. Jill S. 15th C7i W " \\7ANTUD A good baker at pnce. Addres V > 11. F. Murphy , Stiouisburg , Polk Co , Nel 140 17 * w ANIUD-Cash boy nt Kelley , Stlger i Co.'s 05013 'ANTUD-flood boy In drugstore. Addres ; P. O. llox 372 , city. btfi r. * WANTRD Agents foi "Volco of Labor , " i book on the great political question of th clay ; 23,000 sold lust month. Salary or com mission. Address O 2.J , rtuo olllco. ( ill 1.1 * T\7ANTUO A good , htoady birber , at once T Wuges Wjiui day. Come , 01 address t J. acolburn. O'Nolll. Nob. b6J ICJ "l\7ANTID A competent butcher who un del T > stnnds thn business In all its Innnches MustboagoodHhop man. Mariled man pn foiled. 0ood refc'iences will bo required llei ry lliehin , Snttou , Neb X ) 11) ) "T\7ANTI5D Two good Balesmcu , IT-'l SI Y > Mary's. COO IS * " \Jl rANTUD A man cnjnblo of soliciting Iff ' liisuniiic'K for excellent company wltiiloi rates nnd attract ! ) o plan , Can bccuru balmy o co'jimlsbloncontiact. Apply to Rovvlev. Hoti llurkcr. ( S2-nj ! coatmnkor nnd tnlloress wanted n GOOD tiucu. M Vlao , bOj Smith Itlth St. OXi 14 ? WANTUD First dims wnlstmaker , neil othur ni't'il nppl > Maude Id pro Mm Bressmiiklng Parlors , I nnd 5 Jacob's blck , lilt : nnd Cnpltol nvo. BW 1,1 * -\XrANTUD Four hainessiiiakeis at Mark llios SaiMloryCo. teJ 18 " ANTUD Two good tallori , ( iciman im ferred John Wolfakell.Davld nty. Nel Oil HJ _ _ T\7 A STUD ' 'hlrt b.ilt > smon 308 N [ iui ii Umnhabhlit Fnctorj. f.2" . > 14 \ \ \NTUD Agents to represent Amnlca 'i lujirs union In low n und Nebraska. At drutis d . ' _ * , lice 0'7 Ut _ " \V\NTUD Agents to canvass a full llnor ' i honsi'hold goods ; big commission Tho- who an not willing to canvass fiom hmisu I house need n ot iipiily. Lovcll M'f'ir Lo , l.t'tl IN Uthbt. _ { .NVISJ AOF.NISvvnntod In vi > rv count } nnd town I Nebraska to sell the Uiiu selC-VMiiiglng inn mid ckiimr ; good commission glvt-ii R , 1 Ciiviinantli , Will syothht. , Omaha. OI.J MI \ \ T"ANTUDC'nmpt'tent biicLluveis , vviigt r > 84 M pc r dav for U IiourH1 work , llrlc Contrnclors' Association , Omaha , Neb. Appl ) Pnxltin block. f 7 i _ " \ \ 7ANTKDImmediately , a mairled mini , ! i to ' , y > yrni sold , must not have ir.oro tha one child , to vsoin. on n raiuh nnd taku can * ( Ulcows : tunti act made for ouu vein and thri If dfslri'd , good wages paid Address Mrs. Ai iilu Wllllanu , Soda Sprlnga , lllngham lount ' Iduho. Win * _ "V\T\NTUI ) Man of neat nppenrmico an ii must huvo uxpeijc'iico in omploymtn Iiuslni-Hs ; must be u good talker ; also boy to a tend telephone. A. A. Hcirlng , 1204 Furmim s Jloomil. _ 57 < 1 1 1 * dUNTSvvnntodevt'rywhoie. Threw new ni tlclc-H Just out. Rig money , Uxcluslvo tin InclobtmtanipforpartlculaiH Sampli - inunutnctmcrH. LaCiObb-e , WIs , Bill 10J $75 Per Month Agents wanted in every count plan ot work ciihy ; IH-H- goods ; nrltoult BtiimpM ( lould M'fif Agency. K ( U Unhorall 1'luce , N. Y. City. 4Him'ij "V\f ANTKD Locul ngeut for a nuvv bpoclalt Fireproof baft'H. N. Y agent ordcied cat load llrst vveek , n N. J. ngent half car load , Michigan cnnvub i > r clciued ttdo tlrst month , lIllttiuodeuliT , vv Ith hU other biiblm s ts cltai IngiltiOper month on mtr ti.iccUUy. St > nd2cei Stamp for Illustrated Catalogue , Aliilno Su Co , , Clnclinmtl , O. u ; { n. 15 * \ -i-OciicrnlaKcntMbotli > : ) fcexrs. nil * TnuVassuistoselliH'vv mbbi'rundp rgn Jlidit for liulk'hi Iho iruiiulcKt inoni'S making I > entlon ever made , U.S. Homo Mfg Co.Ch cgBQ.111 Ladles' dept. iit7 13 _ _ WANTHDMeii and women overywhoru ft n gt'utrolbuslneitsfc'iiuruntoi'd to pay $ i per vueVpiitllt iiislerttmn oilier lines puy I tier month. 12 Humpies fuetoeltht'i suxbeel Inc permanent emplojmi'iit. F.xporlence nbs Intely uunecfbiury. Merrill Mfg. Co v II C L'lilfago. 336ml * _ WANTUD-A fuw pertons in eacU iiinco to"t lljsht writing. Kudo. . . . . , . . , . { or5i-pm Jjpok of jurtitulnr .U , j. \Voodburj , Alban 1 UAInSI * \ \ T AN'l UD Men for ranroad wojk , Albright ii Labor agency , 1120 luiiiam. VM iiB 'iel. Co. , IJvH Douglas. 250 WAMTtD--FE 'IALE HELP. "WANTRD loady ngcnts. You will hnvo I > trouble to hell th Mine , Williamson Com Jt tils WLll ; IH comfortable uud purablo Muk liU-ndi ut Bight ; liberal ttrnis. VHlliumsi Ooibet A. lliiico Co. , Ib S. falxth btreet , bt. l.oul Mo. \\rANTIJD-Si girls gcn'l housework,4 dlnln t roumglrlH , 3 dUhuui-lifi-x. 1 cook uud ill Ing room girl ut bume ) > lurv. gcxul wugt-s , laundry clrltlS per niontli , 2 dtmncrooin gir for Illalr fares piiid , I iilrl nrlvute family : J'remont. Neb. fure puldlouof ; plucos for b'lrl Omaha Uuip. llurcau , 111) ) N. Itltu. tel. 1112u4 u4 n T\rANTKl > Woman cook out of city , SI t paatry coo.k , MO ; iltnlujr rooln girls , fa lecoud girls. cooLHforbourdlughouitos , drvn maker for privatu family , woman to wtibUcvei \Vf k.4glrUlu ( ha couutiy. lilrla who vvl : plucea out of city. iileasj come m rejCliter , Mrs. Iliega , Jlfl KauUi ISth. ffil K * lor general housework , 1420 Dodge. GIRL r > n in YVTANTKD-Kxpcrienced milliner to take n 1 > position at Woodbine. Ift , Apply 3WSIO 8. llth St. I. Oberff Idcr & Co. OT7 19 * ANTED A girl for general housework , w 1IW ) California St. , cor. 80th. f ri " \\7ANTRD Lady nccntn for our Improveil i > combination bustle-skirt , Removable hoop . Cnn be Hillidrled. Latest Paris style. Onengent soldftMin Columbus lost nprlng , nnd mnile $ .VX ) . Spring trade now. Address with stamp , K. H Campbell A , Co. , 491 W. Randolph street. Chicago. rm ic Vcmie. > Competent girl nt ( EM P"nie av- cmie. Kil 14 * W .VNTJ5D-A nurse girl. 2017 lcavcnworth st irANTHD-Flrst and second girl , 170S Doug- V las. 614 13 * IV ANTKU Woman coolcs. pastry cook and TT mentcook. Inquire Rt 112 Votirti-&t. , Conn- ctl Hluns. la. f > S 17 VAN ! HD-OIrl , must be competrnt cook nnd laundress , l > est of wage's. 24Ud Farnam , 67 J \XTANTin-01rl : to take cnro of children , and V > daeeioud work. Mrs Robert 1'urv Is. 2403 St Mary'BaYo. 64U \\TANTKn-At the City IntpPlgcnce onlce. VV Crelgbton block , corner 15th and Dqug- las streets , cookd , chnmliermnlds , laundresses , nurmi girls , VNalttng mulds , etc. , for private families In the city , $3 to V per week. We have n nlco w ailing room , which la free to nil , nnd we send girls to places in private families free. 405 - , ladles to v.orft fern WANTKD-Immcdlalely n wholesale house on needlework lit their homes. ( Sent any distance. ) flood pny can bo made. llverytbliig furnished. Particulars free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , 11 8th St. . New YorM'ltv 211 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS ATI : City Kmp. otlicc. 314 SlMh , Help for all kinds of work Rent to all parts. Refer ence * Douglas county bnuk.JTcniOil. KH loj WAN'I inT MenTriiTTioys'otttof viorK to"call nt the City Intelligence olllc-c tCreltthton blk. ) , coiner 15th and Douglas t > < ati7 ( TIANADIAN Kmploymont onicc. main nnd fa- \J male help sent to nil parts If tare Is ad vanced Itufi-rence , Omilin Nntlonnl bank. Mrs. Illegal Sou , J10 S. lrth. Tel. Nvl.4T 4T > a II MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \VANTiD-Paitlos : wanting help call and eo UP , wo ou > ready for business , llinlng & Pierce , IM Tarualn st. tel. B. Olllccs In Chi- cago. Kansas City and St. Joseph 668 15 * pTTvSIClAN of regular school , 10 years inartlco.gradunteof t o best schools In IJ. S , wants to locate In Omaha or vicinity , v\ill buy practice or paitnershlp with n good doctor , or will lent an olllco In connection with drug store. Tor n personal Interview nddross 120 llroadwny , Council lllulls , la. 03316 * To borrow two to three thousand WANTKD dollars five ycnis , real estate security worth llvotimes amount , state lowest Interest. Address (127 , this ollice. ( UJ 2(1 * \\rANTI5D Itoom nnd board for gentleman > > and wife , ic'forencc'S exchanged , private family preferred. Address ( J 25 , lieu. OT > 8 15 ANTHD-At ouco white rabbits nt 4198 W 20th st. r > 90 U * WAJJTUD Lady roommate , references given nnd ic-nulred , cull after 7 p. m. atlSGl Chi cago. 6SU IJ * " \\7'ANTKI ) First clnss property for our ens- tomers. St. John & Ely , loota 1'J , Krcnzer blk. ttl18 ! do dressmaking In faint- lies solicited Miss Sturdy , 8J3 S. 18th Kt. D71 m 10 * ANTEn-Good real estate listed with inc. W C. F. Harrison. 418 S. 15th at. 3H WANT more small houses for rent. F. L. Gregory , icntal agent. UOli S. 10th. 610 BOARDING. FIRST-CLASS tnble bonid , private family , 114 N. Ibtu St. , bet. Dodge and Cnp avo. 0471BJ WANTED-TO RENT. "VX/ANTED Ihieo or four unfurnished rooms TT for light housekeeping , in the central or v\estern put of tha city. Address O 15 , Iteo olllce , stating terms , ncaruci-s to btrcct cats , chaiacter of rooms , etc. 63713f "V\TANTI'n Six or oren-room house turn- V > ishwl in desirable lotatlonforsmnmei by .small fiimllyo Addrosx I'71 , Heo olllou. 078 FOURTl'KN room house on 1'icrcest , rent $40 , furtilture for .il KOO. C'o-operatlvo Land & Lot Co , 20r N. 30th bt. _ 07715 FOR RUNT Now 7-ioom house , with all good improvements , well nnd cistern water , liKS S. 12th bt . near Martha , $21 , B.M 15 * FOR Itr.NT fl room cottage , I7th st , bet Cali fornia und Cas-i , MO. I ) loom liouguv\lth baruGrnntbot21st and 22d , $15 $15W.N.Nasou , Chamber of Commeice. 031 17 FOR RUN 1' S-room house Inquire , .1. 1' . Hiirton. ailUCapltol ave too I'J * FOR RUNT 1 H-room house- . North Sauiult-rs st. Ihumlro of C. W. Iieall&Co. 'ilUS. 10th , C'JS "IJ101" RUNT 10 room house , all conveniences -L' ] Sth bt. ; 7-ioom cotlagi- . Howard st. d. U. Thoniisfiii ] , 111 S. nth ht. up stairs. ti lJ ri O RI'.NTr.luht room Hat. front room suit- -L able fnr olllii's , v\lth nil modern ronveu- Icncos at ; S. IJth. Ktt " 17MJR HUNT Mne loom house with all modem J conveniences , furniture foi ale at b ug.iin. lnqulroofj.il bherfy.nt O'IonuhoeShrifj's GliS FOR RUNT 10 room house vvltji nil modern impiovi'inont ntnnce. 2'iiO Douglas ht In quire ut IJO'i Douglas xt. SID 17 * | 71 < ) R RUNT Hi-loom boiiidlug house lit South JOmalm ; good location ; i.uo chanco. Imiulio ofO R..N i > lon , , ( XJiJblOthst , Wl JJ rr-HOOM rott.igo on S. Ifith St. , lent iH ! , furnl- * turoi275 , tel ms c-asj. Co Op. L. \ L Co ,2J3 N lotlibl. f 07 1 1 _ FOR RUNT Modern 1 J-room new house ; cltj vvuter , g N , bath , r.ewei connection" , fin- naco heat , nnu block fiom car line , 140 per month. J. L Rico A Co. Clli U _ GROOMll.it , 410 S. llth st. , fumltmo f-WO , ' { ca < h , rooniH all ienti > i nnd paj ing well To- Opjl , A. ICo.ai'iN. . 10th st. _ CiT ( 1 1 I71OR UI.NTSix desltublo Houses , ftom $ J"i to JfAU pt-r month , Leavltt Hurnham , Itoom 1 , Ciclghton block. 077 17UR RUNT V\ hen v on want to rent n house , -I-1 btoio of olllce go to II. K. Cole. giti- _ AROA1N 7-room tint for rent , ruililturo for sale for LV ) , W cash , balance on limn , Inquire 18Ib5i St. Mary's nve , , tlrst door to left. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5U I IOR lir.NT-.Mnv l l. 1C , .n > m nouso. All con. v. < > tiiriii.- JUS. " If. M. Whltmore , 712 N. I'.itli f > isj _ _ _ Ti OR RKNT During the minimer months Jonly , ID-room house completely fuinliheil , \\lthnll modern improvements , ou Parknvo Addrc-bs I" 40. Heo olllce Nil A 7-room Hat. Inmilrn oMleoT - IHlgnlns , In the cigar store 1U15 Howard Bt. IJ J * _ 1710R RKNT A neat ftM cottage. Apply nt - oiici(1. . K. HnrrUon , 4IB B inth st. 231 " 1710R RUNT- elegant 8-ioom houses nil mod' Jcm conveniences , excellent location , con venient to btrWt-CArs. . M5 per month If taken toon. II. U , Cole , no 15th nnd Upuglua , U50 GOOD 8-room house on Harnoyst. rent $ ) * > ; furnlturi ) can bo had at ix bargain , Co op , L. A. L. Co,205N.lBthst. _ Ml U FOR Itr.NT-CottacoB rooms. 7th nnd Will. lams. Inquire J. P. Roe , 10th nnd Hlckoiy , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ Q HorsiJSci'iifnlly located , rent from SU to ' S70 , lurnlturo for ' n _ ; : . „ . . „ „ inyincnts. C op i. nnd L. Co , . 2UN. luthbt. 60J FOR RUNT Tvvo splendid f > ami 7 room cot- tuge , large barns , lluu grounds and mod ern Improvement : ) . Putter-on X 1'uwcctt , 318 S , 15th bt. 2JJ _ _ _ FOR HUN'l Mto 7 rooui house , close toatoro , bt'hool. church , bt. curs , only fcM a month. C. rlnirUon , 418 S. 15th bt. 1171 " 1 71 OTiTTlKN 'l' . \ ii elt-gaiit new 8-room house - iand barn , every modern convenience ; a complete home , good neighborhood , street cars. cheap rent , J , H. Pariotte , rental agency , IGOtl Chicago btrect. 7bfaJl 171OR RUNT And furniture for BUK > , "almost - 1new , at a bargain , beat house nnd location incity ; ov try modern convenience ; this w 111 pay to Investigate at onre. Apply 1'OJ Dodge UUI RKNT Tweive-room nouse , 25th nnd Jand Miibon streets , < IU per month. J. B. CuultlBld. 1J04 1'arnam st 2jj T7XR IlKNT House 11 rooms.T. . M. Ilush- Jman. . N K corner ICth nnd Douglas. 255 1/I.la.\rjT : corner room , f ilrnUued. gns , bath ! 1-J etc , 14th und Cu.tltoi ave , first flat ; _ _ 073 15 NKMU.Y ( urnUhed rooms , with or without bpuul ; terms reasonable. B. W. cor. btu und l01l nKNt Furnished rooms , singly nnd J-1 en suite , nt reasonably low prices , nt 719 Southl&th. ( W ) l J T710R RKNTOne large room suitable for two JU gentlemen , nnd ono dingle room , terms moderate. 24. I > edge st. ( M I't TTJURNISHKI ) rooms , 1701 Capital nvo refer- JJ cnces required. 049 1B 'PWO nlrcly furnished rooms , rentrensonnblo ; JL Inquire 1814 Webster St. UVJ 10 * ITIOR RENT-NIcely furnished room. with J bonrd.for 1 or 2 gentlemen 20W St. Mary' ' nvo 443 Nicely furnished rooms , bnth nnd every convenience , 1415 Jones , four blocks from opera house. $10 per month. C4S 33 $ N'ICKI.Y furnished rooms nnd other rooms w Ith board , 2310 Fnrnnm st. ( XX ) 15 * RENT-A large front room with nlcovc , nil modern Improvement ! ) . 1709 Dodge st. IHi" . _ HttNT Desirable newly furnished room JL' Bcntlcmcn preferred , 1721 DavenpoVh fift. ' . "ITM.KUANTLY furnished rooms nt reasonable JLy pilcc-s Mnndcr on block. At > ply 1324 Capitol nve , cor. 14th , 3d tloor , 4V7 13 * NICULY furnished front room tor rentchenp , snu Hnrnoyst. fra * TjWlfTlKNT 2 new elegantly furnished rooms JL * John I. Pnyntcr , 1W3 Fnrnam. t'.la TJIURNiSHBD Rooms 1013 Dodge. 43-15J NICULY furnished rooms , 318 North 15lh st. ail 11 * FOR RENT-Furnlshodroom , C23N nth. 693 furnished rooms nlso day board wlthinonoblocKofcourthou.se , 411 S. llith. SMALL room 'suitable for gentleman. 1C23 Dodge street' 511 jmURNlSHKD rooms to ladles.311 N IJth st. TKRY pleasant larco furnished rooms ; nil dc lredconvenlencpsprlvntc ; housoboard ; If desired ; 1 block from postolllcc. 1015 Cnpltol nve. SC'l-Al' ' - ) _ _ FOU RUNT Furnished front rooms. Inqulio 1 XE3 Douglas. Room II , 3d lloor. t > V ) pOOMS--1.00 to $1.50 ; 602 3 18th st , MJ m3J TT10R llt'.NT Now ly furnished rooms nt 2011 J3 Harnoyst. _ 6U UJ ROOM , gas , bath , stoatn heat , 2ul 8. 2 th 121 a 27 * _ _ _ T71OR HUNT Furnished rooms , all convent- JL' cnccs. A. Hospt > , 315 N , 17th street. 230 UUN10HF.J ) rooms , 131(1 ( Dodge. 790Aprll8 _ VTKATLY furnished front room to rent nt 1621 JKarnam at , 1 block west of court house. ITIURNISHED Room to rent. 2020 St. Marys JE nve. 787 T1OR RUNT Furnished rooms in ( Jrounlg blk - cor. 1 Ith nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. U. , lavls. Millard hotel iillllard room. 258 LAROK pleasant room , modern conveniences , 17UU Chicago st. 259 FOR RUNT Rooms furnished and tmfur nished , 1724Cao. nvo. 200 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED , FOR RUNT-4 rooms 1701 Webster at.25 ( X 4 rooms 1702 Webster st 000 ! 1 basement , suitable for barber shop , be tween 1'arnam and Ilarnoyonlithst. . . . 25 01 4 rooms 170J Webster st SOW 2rpoms , ISUHowaul st 10 IX 3 rooms , 1I1J Pierce st 12 n Brooms , 14101'Iercost 8 IK Judge Rental Agency , S.W. cor 15th Ilarney 414 FOR RUNT Two unfurnished rooms foi light housekeeping for small family. C3 S. 17th bt. , Hot. Jnckbon and Lcnvcnworth. I.CJ H * T7IOR RUNT An unfurnished room , 2ffi Dav JP cuport. 00513 * FOR HUNT Three unfurnished rooms , ovci 213 N. 10th st. Inquire o Oray.photogrnpher nnwo untuinlslied front rooms , good location JL for dentist or light housekeeping , Ml S l.ltl st , 2nd lloor. CO ! 14 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES RUNT Largo ollice , best locution li Omaha , well lighted and heated , or will renl part ot it. J. H. Watts , Chamber of Commerce 041 " 1710 R RUNT Storeroom 20x00. cor. 8th am JL' Howard , ? ! T ; liurllngton trackage in rear Miscellaneous storage.- Apply SOU Howard. C54 10 * IflOR RUNT In the Llntou block , South Thlr teenth , coiner of Ma4on street : six hand some now store rooms with large cellars. Applj to John flainlln. JU S. llth st , C57 r.r. "I710R RUNT A splendid store on Cumlngst. JL near cable line , rent ic-asouablo. Morse J Bruncr , Kiili I'nrnam st 637 14 STORK for rent cor of Meicer nnd Lowe ave lines , u good More for a druggist and gro teiy. Inquire onireiniseH , Clms j. itjan. [ M RUNT Ono half of store room , 121 Douglas st. Wm. 11. Spelman. 4 > l IT1OU Itr.NT Harber shop and furniture , goot JL1 location , rent cheap1 1 nqulro 11 ! 4 b. 1 it h st CM UV " 1710R RUNT Three stoies and basement n JL' lt'0) I'uiimm Btuct. Inqniiu nt Itoom 111 Arlington block , 1511 Dodge t , betvveen' ' am 12 u. m. 501) ) rOR RUNT Two business or olllco rooms 01 Iht lloor } 33 per month. W. U. Claik. 1414 Ilarney iv > 1710R RUNT The three story brkk bnliillm JL' nnd basement on nth st , on corner or alloy in the rear of the now Kitst Nat'l bank bulldinu wlllglvoaJlorri jonr lease nt a low rental C llartiniiii & Co. , 101) rnriuim. 571 a 10 "ljVR RUNT Hnsiiiess room now occupied a JL1 my olllco on llith st. C. F. Harrison , 118 S I5tl U74 FOR RUNT Fli st-clnss frame Btore building Kby24 ) feet , llrst-class busiuebi location Apply to I. W. Roberts , Albion , Uoouo Co , Neb _ _ FOR RENT JVljISCELAHEpUg. FUR RUNT-CJoodbarn. luquh 02200 I'm nan Btnet. CI'J15 * I/IOR RUNT Sleeping looms tor gentlpmeii JL' slnglooiln bullc , newly rollttcd and lui nlshed , pleasant location , near Cozzens house htieet cars every three minutes , Jh to J10 , pav nblo weekly or monthly. Apply SOU Howard M RENTA' _ AGENCIES. "l 1ST houses to rent with St. John & Uly. opr JP.O. . ( .S ! 18 \\7"ANTUD Houses to rent , and wo can ren > them too. H , H. Cole , N , U. IMh uni Douglas. 2 LIST houses for rent w 1th H. n. Cole , N. 1 : ISth nnd Douglas. 2BJ GRKOORY , F. I , . . Rental agent , W ) S 10th Rt. ; < > ! IT OR HUNT If you wishtorcrit n house cal JL1 ouHeutvvn&.Oo. , 15th St.opposite P.O. 20 > TERSONAI. . 13UNNYROYAL-Scnd PrUcllIu two ijulie J Oriole vv riling paper , from C'liaso & Uddy s 113 S. IGth.-Dfamond OfJ UJ _ pURSONAL-Rrspoctablo girls will alwnj J Mud places at International cmplovmuu olllco , 11.2) DodKO. W'.l 10 ' and not nnattrnrtlv-v _ rptt'O young ntiftmol J. in cltj ; . for short Ur.r. would flk"ymVn nll.J ( ( U.iii..n mnies to accompany to theater And places of umubcment. Address J. ami It Hotel Haiker IS ) UJ U demand for shorthand wilters Is In o JL rvbsof the suppl ) . Mint thmul cnurso con flicted lit Yiileutfne'H bhortlund iiibtitutu 1 iroin four to bi\ mouths , bend for circular. PKHSONAL-Prlviito nome for lanlus durln confinement , btrictly conlldcmlul. Infant adopted. AdJreos U t. , Ilee ollice. KTIuH ; IDERSONAILUt your property to oxcnang - Jwith C. 0. Sputaw ood. ya-icj s. Itith. st 211 LOST. LOST-Small brlndle pup. about a months eli : while foru It'KHUud neck , eats cut. returi to 0 Couuur A. Mullen , loth and Cats , nnd gc < t re ward. 60J U * J'ObT On Sunday , April la Rmall puadog -l year old , had on bilver collar tit a with i o riboon , tn reward will be paid for hla return t Wood's Uxprtaa Co. . 1S10 California st. 678 FOUND. rPAKBN Up-April 8 , 1 black cow ut Ii JL KoiuitieirealdijQcc. Ovvuer cauliiwosam BAROAlN-JIatcli tennxanit top buggy. An- thony Johnson. liM l rnam. K { rile AlicUTfrrrTS. enRim > rs and snrveyo"rT JL Some nrst-class Instniments for.salo cheap ; second-hand , but In good tffndltlon ; 2 levels , 3 compasses , l sextant , 1 planlmeter , 1 theodolite , with their stands nnd cases , nnd several smaller Instruments nnd measure " 1 at Stringer A Co.'s. 1518 Dodge st. nil FOR SAI.R Large. Hair ? safe , new , M. A. Upton * Co. 'l H. TPOR SALK Twoptubwlnr steel boilers 86x JL1 14 feet , with snioko stack , steam puages plnss water gnages. etc. , nil complete ; w III sell cheap. Address lYed Kfpe , llrcvvcr , Omalm , IjlIRST class bicycle for sale nt less than one- JL holt cost Dr. IIniighitwont's Dental olllco , cor , llth and Fnrnnm st , Omnha 4S7 OR SALK A lot of fresh milch cowintJ II. Furny's barn , 2503 CnmliiB st. U S Je tcr. FOR SALU-Tho furniture , carpets , nxturos nnd lease of n pleasantly located , newly furnished house , near hnrso nnd cable cars , hoiKo heated by stcnni , furniture , etc. . In use less than njear ; must bo sold at onco. For par ticulars apply to HtutmaniV Gibson , 1D13 Fur- iinm st , 497 FOR SALK-A No.77 HRll' sato with Inside door. 215 South IJth st. 4t "IT10II SAIiU Furnlturo In houto of ntno JL' rooms.ccntrally located , Address. O 10 , Heo Olllco. OT MILY liorso for sale , weight about l,20i ) pounds , jicrfcctly gcntlo mid a fust traveler. Stevensltroa. , 1521 Knrimm. B72 13 TinII SALlf Two car loads ot rmile . 0 lo" JL' years old , vv eight from 1,100 to l.OM. Pniyn'a barn , 23d nnd Izard , 61010 TT OR SALK 8 or 10 horse povvcr engine nnd 13 JL' hnrso boiler in good order. Cneap for cash , llees Printing Co. 747 "I710H SALU Or trade , ono family horse , nlso JL' now buggy. A , Hospc , 1513 Douglas st , 740 n21 TffiOR SALU Dormant soaln capacity 3.40J JU pounds. Phil. Stlmmol & Co. , UlMUJJonea Bt. , Omaha. 2bT MISCELLANEOUS. IF yon have nnj thing in the shape of personal or renl ostnlo property to ps-chungo , call uml see us. 11.11. Hendec , 117 S. ll.th C07 10 rpllUiiS , Shrubs , bulbs , fiesh by H. Frnnzer , JL 2vr > Mnrtha bet. Georgia nnd Park nves. W11DJ UMRRULLAS nnd parasols cov cred and re paired at 123 North 12th st. 11. Uair. 4'.i3 15 * HUOH STiJCKMAN-Ilrass nnd bronze foun dry , vvoik of all kinds. Cor. 14th and Leav- cnwoitii Bts , , Omaha , Neb. 455iub * FURNITURBI Furnlturo-Whqwants house- hold furnltmc , good as new. For cash oren on time. J. .1. Wilkinson & Co , 1417 Fainam St. , Room U and 10. 709- CASH paid for secondhand books at the An tiquarian book store , 30S N. 16th st IKSmV T"\0 yon intend to build this spring , if so como JL/ and see us , w o can oirer you the best of In ducements. H. U. Cole , N K Cor. loth nnd Doug las. 350 30 EF. R1NOUR , 119 N. 15th St. , real estate and loans. If you want to buy , sell or ex change real estate or merchandise , see U. F. Ringer. Correspondence solicited. 3irl "T\/"ANTUD A good horse , Imggy and harness T In exchange for South'Omaha lots , Ocorgo J. Sternsdoilf , room 0 , opp.ifostolllce. 230 IDWIFU Mrs. U. Wliiton , N. U. cor. 18th and Dorcas. ' 175 n29 * MIU banjo taught ns nn art by Qeo. F. Oollou- . beck , f03 Harnoy st. , 1B2 .pO-OPKRATn'E LandLot Co , 203 N. ICth V-/ . 79 A5 ri HK Odorless Sanitary Co , the only licensed Jl company in Nebrnskn nnd Iowa , using the odorless sjstnm for cleaning cess pools , vaults , w liter closets. Olllce 1622 Farnam at. 481 a 15 FI III ! insurance , rellabl6 companies. H. K. Cole , N. U. 15th and Douglas. 721 SHORT HA ND AND TYPEWRITINC. "secureiir 'alentlno'sBhortlianll BITtTATXONS Institute has placed nil of its graduates in coed positions btudeiits can enter nt any tlmo. feend for clrcular.ISlS-Dodue strSot.Omalm. Nob. STORAGE. STORU your stoves and furniture with the Fiugusou Furnlturo Co. . 715-17-21 Notth lUth street. 470m8 STORAGE Having rented the largo sis stuiy lira proof building In the Mercer block am prepared to offer the best fiicllltlub for storage of all kinds ot goods , furnltute , pianos , stoves , buggies , cuttcis ana merchandise , reasonable rates , receipts given , insurance. R. Robinson , 11121lowiirdbt. 072 infi * TIRACKAOU , storage , lowest rates. W. M llushman , 1J11 Loav cnworth. 120 N'EW YORK Storage Co. Incorporated capi tal 811,000. moat oxtcnblvo facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , etcV arehoiiso U'ccipt given. 160 * , 1510,151' ' , 1514 Capitol ave , cor 15th. 5'I7 WANTED-TO BUY. VtrANTUD Tolmy ii grocery or drug block. AildiessO.il. Heo olllco. [ .75 14 * WANTUD A. P. Tiiltoy will buy some good 1st and 2il moi Igagcs if wellsecured. A. P. Tiikey , 1J2J i'uinam. OJJ \\7ILLbny fin nltnro of a IIOUBO or lint CPU- IT trally located. CO-op. L. kL. Co , 205 N 10th 1178 ' CLAIRVOYANT. und test medium. Mndnm Uc- CLAIRVOYANT clts , jiibtfiom some of the principal cities cast , bus taken pailoi rooms tor r > davs nt .I" N llith st , Omaha , whom in hertrnifco btnto she arruiately luvc'.ils to bci iimnv patronn scciots of the D\ht , present or tiituro in love , business , tioublo 01 iliacr--i' , that is tiuly wonderful nnd certainly useful Information bought by mail bv Incloblng 4 cents In btumps und a lock of hair vv 111 rccclv o prompt ansvv er. Room 1 on 2d lloor No.1-f'N llith bt. 17 M RS. HOOPKR , mnGiietic healliic clairvoyant and trniice reading , N Wcor2Uth und Cuss. 704 m 7 * DR. NANNIH V. U'nrrnn , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty. 1)0 ) N. 16th St. . Rooms 2 & J. Tel , 044. asi WIONEY TO LOAN. MONKYto loan. V , ' . : ; . nason , Chnniber . ot " - - l , iiiin 17 MONUVTo Loan Hy the undersigned , who has the only pinpmiv orgaiiuud loan ngem y In Omaha. Loans of { 10 to SUHJ made on furniture , plnnus , organs , horses , vvaginiK , inn- ihlnc-ryetc. without removal. No delavw. All bnsIni'BS strictly contldonllnl. Loans BO iniido that any part can be ptld at any time , rach pay ment teilnrlng the COM pro ratu Advances miiilr on line watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as mall ) n vv concerns nro dally coming Intooxlslmicii. Should > on nuod money cull and urn inn VV. R Croft , room 4 Wltlmellbtiildlng , IMhjind Harnny. 2T2 MOM'.Y loloiii , nt lo * rates , on chattoN , without removal or'flllng ; flnunclal huil- all klmlH transactori.nli't ! > and without MONUY loaned on furniture , planns. organs , horses , etc. low rates , J , J , Wilkinson i Co. , 141 ; Farnam , over lluiliiirftou tlct vtv ; inioan , casnon'rmml , no delay. J , W. and H. L. S.iulro . , J.4U Fuinam st. Pax. ton hotel bulldlin ; . i 27S _ _ JONUV to Loan 1 ran .place good first-class -I'l citj loans on shoit , uptiio and atlowebt rates. D. V , bholcs , room' ! , ' Hai Uer block. " 3M _ _ MONUY ntlovvratus on , good cltv and faun property , notes bought. Klmbull , C'hutnn \Rvnn. _ I' b Nutlbniiklilil. _ 4VI in2 I OANh mnilo on real estate. Cash on hand , - W. M Harrta over 220 3. IMh BI , 271 MONUY to 'oan on horses , wagons , furniture , ill mus and otlu-r pi rbunil niupcrty or < < il- lateral wit bout removal ; bu liu.M cunlldentlal ; ruti-a moduratu. The Fulrbunk luv cotinuit Co , 215 b lltli st , iipbtalu. _ Zbi 1I ON UY to loan onclly property and farms by J'iJarvls , ikiuklln Mortgage Trust Co. L. P. Hammond , general agent for Neb. , Room 1W , new I'axton block. Htt _ MON UY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan nirontu. WX Farnum st. 27J LOANS made on real eitata and mortgagoa bought Lewis a. Reed tc Co , 1M1 Farnam. 2a7 _ _ ( If&OO.OX ) To loan on Omaha city property at 0 P p r cent , 0. W. Day , a. E. cor. Ux. IJld. _ . _ 2oi MONUY to loan on Improved re l estate ; no commlsslun charged. Leavltt Uurnham , room I , Creighton blocs _ g63 MONKY to Loan -Omaha real estate and furnii Mortgage * bouebt. Odoll llros , * Co. , 1& & faruiw. dJ rJlIIE Mend Investm't fmaVo loans on farms JL Mid city property. Room OM.llMngs biilld'g. \\TB can Blvn you nil the money you want enl > l household gooils , pianos nnd mprch n- dlse at lecnl rotes w hen good * are tored with tr > . New York Storage Co. 753-a-21 s OMF. choice loans wanted. A , K. Illley. 1.119 Farnam. 4-'i6 m3 CAN place large or small loan * without de lay ; splendid intes. A. K. Rlley.lSW Farnam. 4oT > m2 ONEY LOANED at C. V. Reed * Co.'s Ix > nn Offlc * . on furniture , pianos horses wnfrons , personal property of all kinds , and nil other nr- tides of value without removal. 319 S. llth , OTerlllngham't commission atora. All bust- ness strictly cbnOdenUnl. 274 MONBY to loan. Notes nna H. R tlckot , bought and sold. A , Fortuan , Its ) Farnam Bis. g.7 MONBY TO LOAN ns 0 per cent on first mortgages In sn.nsof fcoo totlO.flOO ; good short lime paper bought at reasonable discount ; money on hand ; no delay. Patterson ft Fawcett , 318 So } ISth. 417 HK. COLK loans monor on Improved city or farm property. Room o ContlnanUl block. 270 D' A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real es- * late in sums to suit , too South 13th st. 27ft LOANS made on Omaha city property bv D , V. Sholo * . room 1 llBrkerblk. 87 MONBY To loan. Lowest rates. No dolfty J. I. . Rico * Co. . over Commercial No- llonnlbank ' 84 MONBY lo loan on furniture , wagons , etc. , without removal : or on collateral securr Ity. Duslnoss confidential. 0 II Jncobs,330 S 1MU ! M ) _ MONUY to Lonn-830,000 to loan In sums ot from J.VW to W.fiW ( ou Omnhn nnd South Omaha property. Money on hand. Wright & Lnsbiiry. 215 S. t4th bt. . upMalrs. 223 OIIORT tlmo loans inaun on any available O security , In reisonablo amounts. Secure 1 notes IxMignt. sold or einhansod , Qenoral financial business of any kind transacted promptly.qulotly und fairly nt thn Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. ISth and liar- ney sts , ever State National bank. Uorbatt , manager 271 VTOTKS bouulit. 0. D. 3 acobs , 3M S. ISth st. MONUY to loan on turnuuro , horses , wagons , etc. , or on nny approved security. I/jvv rates. J. W. Robblns , inn Fnrnnm. 2A ) dJWO.OOO to loan on city and farm real estate. P LlnnhanAc Mahoney , 1007J4 Farnam stroaU { IjfiOO.OOO to loan at lowest rnto of Interest , on P city properly. H , U. Iroy , Fronzor blk. opp. P.O. 130 BUSINESS CHANCES. HICK , yard mid 203,000 brick for sale. M. Hanson , 253J Paclllc st. bet 25th nnd2fith. 0715 * TT1011 SAM' or exchange n milk route. In- JJ quire of II. 1C. Hcndeo. 117 8 Kith. 007 16" T710H 3ALU Stock of hardware In city ; In- JL1 voice nbout Si , COO. Co. Op L A IjCo.,205N 10th st. 077 lf > _ "IT1OH SAIJI The \ \ hole or half Interest in Rood JL1 batery , call on or address N , Schmlttroth 1817 C'latkst. . city. _ U75 I5 FOH SAIjH or oxohanso. A now combined ,1'ilibl toiler nnd blur mill with complete outllt of mudorn machinery. doliiR n good busl- Iness. with nnlimltud water rioucr.on Uttlo llluo river , In Thayer county. Neb. No bolter location In the state. Villl take Rood lands or city piopcrty In ( pat tor entire ) oxchiuiRO. Address - dress , A. ( J , rolllus , Hebron , Nob' UUiul2 GOOD saloon with lease , best location , on I'ar- num st , sickness reason for tilling , terms no object. Address U. L. Uteen , 150J raruanist. CW 111 * WANTKO A physician of 10 j oars' practice wants to buy a partnership in small diug store , pai t xrudo. Address O 21 , llec olllce. C5'l 15 * EQUITY In 80-ncro farm near Omaim for business or residence pioperty ; will puy sooio cash. 1'urrlsh & Flnlujson , & OnnUia. FOR SAfjK TheIjesthotel Inn town of Iho thousand. 1'or iufoimntlon addiuss , o " 15 , llec Olllce. CGI 1UJ STOCKS of goods for sale and oxchanga for cattle or cheap laud. Addiess O II Heo ofllco. 691 13" TT\OR \ SAIX or trade for rattle , TO acre farm JL'highly imnro\cd. V } mlle from lleatrlco , ( ! ORU county. Neb. , $7i5 per ncio. Address box IOCS , llcatilcv , Nub. 012 14' rpHK adveitlser having had 20 yoais practical Jexpei lonco in the inau'f of hulphuric and other iiclds , tm tlllzers. baking powders , .ilknlis nnd other chemicals wishes to coricspond iti ] capitalists with a \ low of sturtliiK such works. Good prollts. Am in u position to give the full est details and references. Addiess O. IB , Omn- ha Hoc. 147 FOR SALK A clean stock of hardware in a Rood location in western Nebraska. Address box ! i30. Iloldicdge , Ntb. Oil Ib * STOCK of Rcncral merchandise for sale In a hninll town on lallroad in Nebraska , doing a lair business Store and dwelling hou ° c nt lo\\ rent ; small capital required. Addiess O IS , Hoe. DOS 11 FOR SA III' Now is your chance , tluo ice cicajii pallor , location llr t-class. terms right. Ad'tlrebS O 20'lleo oiiice. ( " 3 15 " [ 7\OR \ SALU A nibt-classliardvinrestoiewlth JL n Wi'll-establlshed trnde.locntlon veij best , of icabonsfoi EClHng. AddiessO 17 , Rceollico. \\rANTUD-Partncr In good paj Ing business ; IT binall capital. Addiess Lock box Uta. ( * 1" > * Partner with KOO , confectionery. Inijuire COJ N Idth bt. 6W H * 171OR SALU A"w ell established and paying JL' olllce business. Special reasons foi boiling. Addiess ( j y , lice- WO li * "ITtOR HALU-Oood barber shop nnd bath JL1 rooms : best location in NolnasKu. Addu-ss Mokhlor Hros ' baibui biipplj house , 1MB Far nam bt. , Omaha , Neb. MS 17 * iJIOR SALU Restaurant , doing a good busi ness , in good location , on ICth bt Co On. L. & L. Co. , 'Jin N. 16th ht. 507 I.I BRICK Ynid 2 > i acres , near pavement. Will lent for term of > tars. ClaiLson , 21U B Hth. D77 II "OAR'INUR wanted for good bakery , must bo -1 vv H ling todiivo wagon and able to piit MX ) to $1,1X10 In thu business. Address F2 , Heo olllce. 431 1t _ 5. ' . ; , ; ; A lung ; sm loan-tof Uic ( control - locntfd ) fancj ictall stand. Apply to IVaion , Cole & Robertnon , UIO 815th , cor. Far- num. 4)7 THOR SALU A Ilrst-claps restaurant wlthgood t radii cbt bllshc'd , located lu the v ery heart of the riOmnlm ! , can be bought chuap for cash If taken at once , good reason for Helling , l < aso to inn two VIM . Apply nt Room 10 , Waru block , coiner I5h ( and I'uriiam strums. | C'li n _ _ MKAT MnrKet For Sale A flrst-duss meat market ciinlinlly located. Clicnpif tnki > n toon. Part ci li , balunce trade or long time , AddlcSN I'O ! , Heo 7I014 * FOR 8 A LK A good paying business. Clgan , stationery toy , codn v\ati > r fountain etc . In flrst-rlass lorn lion. Stock will involcu about f-.iUI Will take city ii-al t-stato In exchange. Unqulro at .Max Meyer .V Co.'n. s"j | SALK-MyfitocK of furnltmc , windo TDAHT.NUIt wanted in established law busl. J ness in Nebraska , Capital icqulred S1.00J , Address F19. lieu nlllce. 4Hi ITlORHALF.-Hotel in Ihls city ; ono of thn J beht chances over ottered ; good reasons for Helling. F A Hue olllco. 4H 1710 HALK-gooibrlck rani und all the ap- JL1 purtanamei , also ; W,000 ) good brick. Apply Hjuu A ; \ \ aUli , 100111 0 , ATllnutou block , TA R U C1IANCB - j To lease line resldonro near postoHlca , and buj [ unilturo lull nevvi at agruat sicrlllco. For particulurd HUM L S. bklimer , I'M Kiirnam. 263 FC3R EXCHANCn. iriOJt UXLHANIU--tW ( nnos. improved , 21 J mllrswust dt Omaha , in baunders Lo. IGOiiirej , Impioved.ono-hulf mllowcsiur Wll' cox , KcHrney Lo . Neb. Will tnule In whole or In part for good , clean mdse , AddrebB , Box 101 , Wllcox , Kearney Co. . Neb. OH 10J \\7I1 AT have you got to trade for Jl.OOi ) equity i In good So front lot near Lake at , north Omaha , will tal.o good piano or horse und bug- gyiujiiut payment. Address U 21 , lice olllco , Cl'J 1IST property for sale , rent or pxchango with -I H. U. Cole , N. K. cor 15th und Douglas. ti5i'30 MIO TRADK-UqultylnoneofthonlconbuiM J ing lots In Orchard Hill for horse and buggy. Jaruea Stockdulc , 1IJ N ICth * tre t. "WANTKJ-Bto.ks df merchandlsa to ex. > change tor lurms H , E Cole , N , K litti and DouslaS. WW fTlOHTRAUR-S-lots In Windsor terrftco for X1 Bbodlnnd. inortgago panor or hors * and bug gy. D. V. BhoTts. room 1. Darker bloclt. n made In real eMnto and personal JL tiroperty. 8e nxchango book. Co-op. U and Tfc ( Xi. 205 N. 16Ui $ U l& V\TANTKD-Horseshnd eatllMO exchange for > > farms or cHjLproperty. 11. .E. Cole , N. K. cor. 15th and Douglas TO' /0xl33. corner 2M nnd Dou.clas sts , to Irado for v * nn eight to ten-room homo and lot. Oeo.J , Bternfdorft room 6. opposite P O. CW Houses nnd loti to exchange for WANTUD II K. Cole , N. K. IMh and Douglas. LIST properly for Rftlo , rent or exchange w Hh H. B. bole , N Ii , cor ISth and Douglas. 115030 T HAVE 100 lots In II. & M. Park Addition to JL south Oniahn , free of Incumbrnnce , to trade for Improved or unimproved Omaha pn > i > city , farm lands , stocks ot goods , horses , cut tin , or anything of value. Those lots are rapidly Increasing In value , and If yon have nnythln ? to trade call nnd see me. Oeorgo .1. Storusdorff , room 0 Fronzcr block , opposite postonice. 230 O HOICK ncro tracks suitable for gardening. Very liberal terms. II. U. Cote , N. B. I5lh nnd Douglas. Renl astalc for sale. W9 "I710RTY acres 14 miles from Omaha. 3 > { miles JL * from station on M. P. railway , house , barn' well , cellar , cistern , orchard , and all fenced ; lin- pniv cments now last year , to exchange for homo in Omnlm. Active Real listnto Sc Property ox- chance , 1524 Dodge st. 6J < 4 15 mo KXClIANUR-lmiiroved fanUs for city -t property , Improved or unimproved. H. If. Hcndeo , 117 B. liltn tt. CC7 10 RBSTAURANT , price tlfJ ) , to cjccUange for n lot. Co. Op L A L Co. 205 N 10th at. 677 lii ALL kinds of property for trade. Stevens llros , . 1531 Farnnm. 67tt 13 " \VANTUD-20u.OOO brick for Omalm real esT - T i tato. B. A. Loavcnvvorlh,1417 Fnrnnm st. Kill _ OR BXCHANOF. or sale , good ot with now ! 1 room cottage , IRK ) ft cast of ICountro place. tS.lOO , S-W3cash , balance f-Hyor month orvvlll take lioiso and bnpgy or part of the llrst pay ment. Hamilton tiros. , bulldor.s , 403 S IBthst. 4i)3 16 * OR EXCHANOB-1CO acres. Plerco county , nicely Improved ; vvimt Omnlm property. 100 ncies , Davvos Co. , Improved ; want Omnlm property. 2so ncrcs , Adams Co. , highly Improved , 300 cultivated ; want Omnlm property or stock goods , 4 sections In Howard Co. , unimproved ; vrnut Omahn pi operty. 320 acres , Morrlck Co. , clear. 1HO acres cultl- vntcd , 8-M per aero ; wnnt house and lot In Omaha. 650 ncics , Frontier Co. , ? 10 per ncro ; wants Omaha projcrty ) or stock hardwnnl. Several thousnnd acres In Wyonilnp Ter. , Kl.OO per acre. W ) acres , Missouri Valley , la. , party Improved ; want Omaha property. Oto acres , Keith Co , Nob. , Improved ; want Omaha propertj. ! twacres , itoono Co. , 125 acres cultivated , ? 15 perncre ; want drug stock or Omalm pioperty. 100 acres , Knox Co. , B mill's from Crolghtou m lllnck Kaith valley , well Improved andhO ncivs cultivated ! want drug" Block , livery stublo , Omtiha property or western land ; $15 pcrncro. 15 section , Norton Co , Ivun. , Highly improved ; w unt stock uicrchandlbo. l'i bcctlon. Antelope Co. , highly improved , ' prove , small fruit , grnnoj , etc. , now 7-ioom house , bnrn,3 wclls.llrst-class faim ; want Oniahn propcrr } ' or other land. 8 ilnu lots in Wyandotte , Kan. , near elevated R. R. ; want Oniulin pioporty or impiovod land. 21 lots In Minneapolis , Minn , clear , will ox- dinngo for clear Nebraska land. Vr * House 7 rooms In Minneapolis , Minn. , on motor line , $ ,1,000 , mortgage $1,1)00 ) , duo 4 years. Wnnts clear or slightly incumberod Neb. land. 4-room house and barn South 20th st. Want stock of groceries. 4 room house Hickory 11. fronts on two streets. Wnnt stock groceries. 4-room house Ludvvick PI , near Central t'nrk. Want stock goods. Small houso. Grand Ylovv. Want stock goods. Ti-room nouso North 19th st , near Lake st. Want good lesldenco lot centially located. pLlv ery slablo well stocked , best locution in city , long lease of ground. W.OOO cash , balance land or Improved Omaha property. 2 line lots in Mnyno PI. Want land. 8-room house on S. Ifith st , $3,000 , Incumbranco jaw. Want Improved farm. 8-room house , 2 story , and 2 lots in Orchard Hill , all Imniovements , barn , fruit trees. Wnnt improved farm. J II. Watts , Chamber otCommerce. CHI'S ' TS7ANTBT ) to Exchange Two lots in n. & M. IT park for horse and buggv. Inquire at S. A. Slouian , IJth nnd Farnam , Hollmau block. i l T 1ST property for sale , rent or exchange with JU H. K. Cole , N. K. cor 15th and Douglas . 1K030 W ANTED M ) houses nnd lots to exchange. C. 0 Spotsvvood. 3Qjcj S. ICth St. 223 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TVflDLAND Ouaranteo and Trust Co , 1W5 J.TJL Fnruam street Complete abstracts fur- nlBhed. and titles to real estuta 9zamln d , per fected nnd cuarantood. 2 ' 3 "OEN5ON &OARVIICHAF.L furnish complete JLJ and guaranteed abstracts of title to nny real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon shortuotlco. The most complete sotot abstract booUs In the city. No. 1119 Farnannt. 2JJ South Omaha UJ. Johnson it Abstracts Co. , agents South Omaha Land Co , have the only complete sot of nbstii'ct books in South Onnlia. Complete abstiucts furnished on short notice. Olllco opposite depot , South Omnlm. 1.7 PORSALE-REAL ESTATE. IOT l"i nnd 1(1 ( , block I ) , Thoinberg plncc , will -t bo sold during nuxt 10 days , v erj cheap.nnd only i > X ) cash on the tw o lots , F. L. 0 n-goi y , 30U S 10th st. C01 "TjVWSAl.UTiroom cottage and lot , A. S. I'nt- J- tick uddltlon , a bargain. W N. Nnson , Chamber ot Commerce. (13117 ( T/IOR SALK Fine trnckngn lots , vicinity ot i Orare , Clark nnd Nicholas t > ts. , very cheap. LotlndelbO'sndd , nenr Saundcrs St. , tl,2UO , very cheap. 1)11 ) ncit-s at Ilolloviio. 8103 per acre , llghtlv on- cumbt red Will takt > pni t In Omaha piopeity. Lots in C'apltol Illlludd. bplendld lesldencp lots In West Omaha add. 2.0JU HI res , Nnnce county , clear , 112 pel aero. ,1.11 Watts , ( humber of Comineico. 01415 FOR SALU-Or exchange forOmnlinnropcity , 40 ncrc-s of choice hind 15 miles fiom Omahn , : i miles ftom lullroad depot , now hoiibe. barn , VM.11 , cistern , grancry. oichaid , etc , nil tiiicod. Addicbs ) ) 14. co ollice. f > 8 18 "T710R SALK A ( Ino Improved HiO-ncro farm In JL1 Ki-jii 1'ulia Co .Neb , on Nlobraru river cheap Jor cash or will trade for Omnlm piop. trty. J. L. Rice A. Co. 61 H If - " 171IVU urio tiacth for sale cheap , seven miles Ji from Oiiiah.i ii'o"Jtr ' railvvay station. Tins 0. i' . Davis Co , Farnamal. Mrt 13J _ T7IOR SALU600 ncroo of No , 1 land , all under X1 fence , lying 7 mllus oist of Crook on but- torn : two mill's of running water ; mike n good block ranch or farm ; two or three hundred aries of It will produce huy , Address O. W. Atkinson , Ciook , Colo. _ 4H2 14 * 371ORSALK One lot nnd 2cottngm and stable , well and 2 cistern i , on 8. U. Cor , llth nnd VI nt oil , M > rlcut'i.WlDcu.hh. _ I.- . ) I L HICK & CO. , Rual Ustato. "I/IOR SALK Istmortgage. M7r ) , well scrmed L' by Imjiroved outside pioperty , liberal ill * count. Address box 4V1 , city. l/M 18 rpwo good hoiiHCs. vvcll located , for > J,7oO miii JL } . ! .imi , on filxy payments. J , A. HelNtand , room . Arlington flioik. 2J'i "IjAOR 8ALH or trade Lauds nnd town prop. J1 oitvln Nebraska , Kansas.Colorado and other 8tatoxnnnt ; merchandise , rattle and hoisesiRiin erftloxch.ingo business transacted ! correspond. enco solicited. T. A. ICngllnh , i : Co. , York , . ; „ „ , _ _ _ _ 730a20 FOR S A 1 jK-lrii , , ir Kxi hanco-Jil.OO ) equity : KO cholcn limldo lotH In Omiihu , for Im rirovi'd f at ins , merchandise 01 live Mock. J L Itlco & Co. 615 11 _ " II 0 1 CU ucio trackn. bc tof facilities for gar dunlug. Want good nnlncumbered farina II , I ! Cole N U Kill nnd DouplaH. WJ 'TTT.OR SALUFive room house. lull coiner lot , JL1 exnUl ) on crane , In Omalm Ylevv , K.nv ( ) . H K , Cochran , 150U I'ai nam M. 671 15 * . OFSUimd lot oil HitrTBtTVoTy fhcap Cloil J.f 1. on,8l'J8 ' lull. _ t77H FOR SALIi-I/ot 15 Ilurrtetto mint with ne\v 4 room cottaRO , tl/iyi.smull cash payment ! bal In monthly payments. Wulluce , w Cirltli toil blk. _ _ _ _ [ 14 SOUTH lOthct house and Jot. llargalu Clark- son , 211) H Hth. _ i77 IJ FOR SA"LKor xclinngn Now b room house , nil moduli Improvements , burn , etc , smu ! cash i ) lymont and terms to ( .nil. Will take equity in good lot as part payment V.I , Uregory.J/Janilh at. _ 4W TWOR SALU t room modern house , M feet o ( J ground , near 16th und St. Mary's avu , for i T.I J i , party anxious to sell. O.K. 'Ihoinpson , 3143. lf.thst. _ ti4 ) QOMK choice lots In South Omaha below tlu tJ market value , bargains K tnkun quick. II U. Cole.N _ K Cor IStlmnd Douglaa. av ) .10 ] OTS 4 , 6. W , 2i and 2S , Work 6 , DrlRg'H lilac * , -J Price of all W.W , ea y toiras. H. IS. Cole , N 15 Cor. 16th and IOTd on Fill num. Douglas , Dodge or Capitol I avenue , long time und no cash ( layment II you will build. H. K , Cole , N B Cor. 15th uud Douglas 35U.M J STORY six-room liouso and lot. nil moderi 2 conveniences , convenlont to ittrcct CUM. do ulrable location ; price H.tW. t-M cash , lmll.un t montlilv 01 iiuartoriy lo suit. 11 , U. Colo. NI Cor. lilu &au UousUu , I X ) M "VTO casn required touuv n nnoUrgp lot to pur- J- > ties who w III bnild. ft. U. Cole , cor. IMh nnd STlUNOURA-ro.lStsDo.lEf. . wjll sell n good lot in Orchard Hill nnd tnke n horao nnd buggy and socnred notes In paynu-nU 4- * 13 t'SlNUSS lot on North Sixteenth street. II. X > K Cole . N K Cor. IMh and Douglaa. avino TT OR SALK Sithln ono and one-fourth mllM JL : of P O. , line reMdenco lots J'fl cash , TiM- unco easy , H , II. Hendde. 117 S. l th. ( W7 10 U RICK * CO , HeaTsti"te : 01 ICStiO will buy R M ) ft lot , easy of access ; p y P ment easy , lomttlnieon balance. > oii can not ntrord to miss this. H. U , Cole , cor. IMIi and Douglas , Tan ; * j riOR SALK A fine residence lot on Knrnani JL1 st. , BSxlie tt at n bargain Ktmbnll , ohanut ft Ryan , r. S. Nn U bnnkjjld _ Uling * . Jjpl OUSK9 , vacant Tots ami farms for * nlo nml JUL exchange nt Stringer A. Co.'s , IMS l > oflgo. 4 17 CO. , Real Ustato ! Sv > T FOR SALK-Hawley Home , North Plntto. Neli Will take part cnsh and bnlance in peed cnttlo. Address John Haw ley. North Plfltto. 74.in2l * "filOR SALR Nlco 7 room hou e , clo n to t , JL1 cars , school , church , etc , full lot , only fcJ.IMr 11,000 cash , balance In three equal payments. 0 F. llarrlaon 4H 8. IMh H , U78 J U RICK A CO. , Real Ustato. 3 1 RIO US Plnco lota. Clnrkson , 310 S. 14th. 577 13 BARO A1 N 1 hnvo for iwlo for n few dnys n 7- room hoHRonear ror.of Unrvka nnd Hamil ton streets Walnut Hill , for S1.400 ! small pay ment down , elms , J. Ryan , cor. Mrreor ami Low e nvonuos. B7t ) mlO R1GUS Place lots. Clnrkson , 210 S. llth. 677 13 OR SALU ITnlmiirovcdlands In every county In eastern Nc-binsVn ; prices from M toH5 per ncro. Improved farms from $12 to MS perncio : easy terms For particulars address O.R Nelson , ncHl S IDtlt Bt. tifl1) ) 13 < $3,2M , MOO balance monthly ; quarter block from Red Car line , desirable locntlon ; romrt nnd see this. 11. K. Cole. N R Cor. ISth nud Douglas. to ! M tiMO will make the tlrst pi ) metit on a linn Inrgo P lot. 15 minutes from postoftlce. II , B. Cole , cor. 15th ami Dcnglas. rJU-lT TCTOR SALU 77x132 feet Clilcngo Mroot , ono JL' block east of Jefferson square. A few days only. (15x140 ( feet Park nveuue , between Howard nud Loiivenworth. 7rixl27ijft. . Cnldwell st. near Saunders , I. A. llindilck \ Jnuiei Vore , Frenrcr lllock. Room 7. iuo iiij TJ10R SA Li : Chpai ) on easy terms , n flno rest- JU donee lot. H. K. Hcndeo , 1178 10th st. C071I1 IF you think anything ot yonr friend , the al mighty dollar , get some ot thosn $ . * lots nnd double your money lu W dajs 11 , U. Cole , cor. 15th and Douglas. 72rt 17 OR SALU-llrsl-class 10 loom houTe. all modern Impiovenu-nts , good stable , on S5th Bt near I'm nam. Also ( K-foot vacant lot snmo locality , Will gunianteon bargain. The W. 0. Iv PS Co , 31 IS. 14th Rt. 71214 * MtlGOS Plnco lots. Claikson , 219 S. 14th. D77 13 DO you want a homo , on easy payments In I'oppleton Park Ilulldlng Association , or a flue investment ? If so , see J. L. Rico & Co. nifi 13 SIXTY-SIX ft on Jones st near 15th. Oront big bargain Part pay lu good mortgages. Clarkson. 21'J S.14th. 677 IJ IJ OR SALU Twelve quarter sections ot ttno JL1 land ; three miles fiom the city of Cottnu , Cheyenne countv. Also four tiuuiters , twelve miles VM-st of Red Cloud , In Fi an kiln county. First-class Investments. J. H. H'alr ' , Lincoln , Neb. 741-15 * A11AROAIN N. U. rorOi-o. live and Mason. 17(1x140 ( , partly impioved , three car lines , J18,000your ; own terms O. K. Coombs , box 4S , ! . M7 15 L. RlCU & CO. . Heal Estate. TT10R HALU At n bargain , lease of u 3-btory JL brick Tjulldlng containing ! 1 stores nnd 25 toomsjivrlth modern Improvements. Inquire at COU S. 11th Ht. LSI FjpHlRTY-THRUU ft on Howard near 14th. JL Will take good 1st mortgages. Clurkpou , 210 S. Uth. f.77 13 ROOM cottage , east front , full lot , 2Uth and Ilurdetto BUS , only $1,750. D. O. Patterson , lahu Nat Hank. ll'Ci MO I OR line will positively run direct Iv to those $300 lots. Iluy now before the ad vance. Payments easy. H. U. Cole , 15th nnd Douglas. THOR SALU or Trade Farnam St. , near 88th , JU Incumbranco W.OOO. Unulty W.OOO. Farnam st , cor .list , 1 ( Gxl i , ' . Tiackagc , 1 Ith st. near Orace , 00x11 ? . Cnmlugbt. , cor 31st , 4S.9JX140 Incumbtanco N. lOthst. , near Nicholas , 01x134 , lucumbranco $3.)50. : ) Saundcrs St. , cor. Hurt , 100x51 , incumbrnnco Park avo. facing parK , BOxlW , incumbranco Douglas st. , near 2Jth , 03x132 , Incumbranco Wl > 00. 2 > lots in I ) & M. Park add to South Omah'V , clear of Incumbranco , pei foct title. 2 quarter suctions o school laud in Kossnth Co , Iowa. 1 quarter section land in Grimly Co. , Nob. , cleiiv All of abara property for silo or trade for good liisldn Improved pioperty or good im proved or unimproved farms. S. A. Sloman , rooms 'U and JJ , Hellman bldg , I.JJl Farnam nt. , Omaha , Nub. 81 J GLUCK & WILKINSON. Articles of Incorporation of the Mend Investment Company. rPO WHOM IT MAY CONf'URN Wo , the JL uiulei signed , W. 1) . Mead , of Leeds , fiiei-no Co. . State ot NewYolk. . VV. D. Mend I ; , mm David liimlrsun of ( : , , , iina. Neb , ilosliuiiH of ' ( iimlng n roipoiation unilrithu IHWH ol the SmtHor.Ni'brnKkn , do iuitd > y IISHUI late ouiselvc'S together und d i adopt mid Kiibsulbu to the fol low Ing in tlilis ol im orpni iitlon : Aitlilu I. 1 ln > ( orpornie lit tuot this Incorpor ation slmll be Tlio Mead InvostiiientCumpiiiiy , Aitliloll. Ihcprlnrhml plum ol transacting It business shall bo at the cltj of Omaha , Doug- lustoHiitv , Nttlunvkn Altldclll , ' 1 ho business to bo tiniihacted by IhlKciiipnratlon Hlinll lie , to buy , finll , hold , Im- provennd liaso n-iil estate ; lo loan mono } on icaU'Htatot-ecmltv mid upon mmiliipnl or otlmr corpointliinorlnillvtduiil notiH , bonds 01 other secuiItlc-H , nnd buy and Ki'll thu sumo with or without iMiaranti'n of pavmont ; to recolvo on duponlt lioiii Individual ill IMS or lorporntloiiH. moni'y , bonds orotlu rhecurltleHiiiidtn hold and account for thn name ; to Ismio ti'iUlluUes ' ot di'iioslt , bondti , und other ov Iclimoes ot Indebted ness ! to act IIH trustees , ilnaiiclal ngi'iits or guftr- ( Hans for Individuals coriioriitluna or estates ; to tiunsuctsncli othei and f in thor business an shall bo cnmpatiblu with n general loan und trust llUHllll'gH Article IV. 'I he capital stock ot this corpora tion shall bo ono hundred thousand dollars ( iiui > , iiniji ) , and nmy bo lmun < r < l to llvo bun- ill eil thoiihand dollaiH < t.VKUH > iiU ) , divided 111 fliiiips nt IH'u liundied dollaix ( fW 00) ) each. 'J he board ot dln-ctois maj Inrri'iise > , ; stoi k. w hen ant Inn Ui"i „ U , " , , ) ny n vote of tvv o- thlids of ' . „ „ ; , , ci ; Voi I v per ci'iit ot thu cnpl- tni RtOil ; of one hundii'd thousand dollius Rliall bomildinbcfoiuihiiuiinmi luoinent of IJU&IIIOM , and the icsldiio when called for , us provided lit tin ; by-lit vv Hot the coi point Ion. Aitl'lo V Thu olllcers of this corporation slmll bo n Piesldi'iU , Vice Piesldc-nt , bucretury , nnd'lic'UKiirer , which said olllrcs of hecretnry and'ricuNiirei may buliuld by one nnd thusamo peiHon 'iliedlieitouKliall consist of thoolllcora of IhiHorpoi.itlon and ouch other Indlv Iduals as the block lioldtiK nuij fiom llmi ) to tlmo elect ( i om among UieniHelves The Dlrcctoi d at no tlmo bhnll xi eed ulna i'.i ) In number. Ai Hi In VI This Coipiiintlon shall commenca nnd go Intciojieratluu un the second day ot April A D IHSH , nnd shall tetmtuato on the second day of Atnll A D MIS Arikle VII. 'Ihnlndebtrdnnbsof this corpora tion outside of tu.vls n i el > ed or deposited for Inv ebtment , shall at no tlmo oxccud two thirds ot tlio innount uf IU rapllul Hiock AitlruVIH. 'J hu ofln urn of this f'ori > nintlon f < u tlicciiHuliiK Ji'.ir hhull bo W , 1) . Vfuiul , Prcil- ill nt : W.D Mi ad Jr. VlMi-Picbldimt ; Diivld Juini'Uon he'ii tar } nud Tirusnu'r , and they bhall bdldollliii until thi ) Jli'ht annual meeting , on thn llrst Wcdnnbilay in Juno A. J ) ! * ' ' i. or un til thfli biucessiim tire eU'i ted nnd ( jinilllli'd , AitlilolX. 'Uiufco aituloa inu > be uiiHiided at nny ingulur mi'i-ilug of tlo Stock holders , nollcu t BIH.II piopoxt'd nun nilmunl having been given four vvaolca bef > ro the date ot such meeting Wltnessoui hands thU 21th day of March A. D. 1KW. W. D. > IK\H. w. D. MKAII. JH. witncsK- C. P. NKVIIMAM. TIIK BTAIT. or NKIIIIASKA , ss. Diiuglns County , On lliU'-Uli duy of Mftirh , A. D , IBS' * , penon * ally upnoured boioio 1111 % n notary public In uud for Bald county and t-tutu. W.D Mead. W D. Jr , anil David Jnmlubon who am personally known to me In be the. Identical persons who executed ( ho fnrugolng articles of incorporation - . - . . corporation nnd whoso uainei lira _ BKAI , J bubucrlbiid thiiioto nnd they aeknovrl- ' r ' edged the mimu to btlmlr TDluutar/ act and de6d. Qliei-28uii 0. P NBU > ISAU. Notary PubHc ,