Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered br Carrier In Any Tnrtof tbo City at
Twenty Cents I'cr Week.
HtPlNKs ) ( Omen , No. 43.
NiollT KUlTOlt , No. Zi.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
New spring goods at Heller's.
Furnished rooms to rent , 333 Scott.
L. A. Caspar la preparing to bulltl three
linndsomo cottages in one of the now addi
tions northwest ot the transfer ,
The now plumbing firm of Kiraball A Egan
tire rushed with orders , which is good ovl-
dcnco of their reliability nnd nullity ns
The Pacific Jvouso billiard room has been
moved to the room Just west of the barber
shop , where belter light and n larger room
arc secured.
* The funeral of Henry Saar took place yes
terday at the Lutheran church In the Plumcr
settlement. A number from the city rrt-
tcnded the services.
The Ihr.v In tha Thompson case came In
nbout bo'clock last evening , nnd delivered
their verdict finding the prisoner guilty of
blgnmy. Ho will not bo sentenced until
next week.
Plans nro being prepared by Allen & Hell
for n dwelling to bo erected by W. J. Lnntcr-
wnsser , on tlio corner of Eighth nnd Mynster
ntreclB. It will bo occupied by the builder as
his fatuity home.
The. district teJcgraph Li cularglng Its busi
ness. H hai already hccoino nn important
factor in the transfer and messenger busi
ness In the city , In which possession the
people are fortunate.
Tickets for the 1' . E. O. art cnlcrtninmont
next Thursday tire selling rapidly. Those
not supplied should call at Hnrkncss 13ros.
or at JJUHlmcH's , nnd should reserve them
nt once nt UusliiiuH's.
Messrs. Wheeler & Herald have begun
operations which will include the erection of
n block of four Hats on Picrco street and a
business block on ] J roadway , on the old
Geoixpo Heard property.
F O. Ole.ison shows u sample of limestone
from n bed discovered on Pleasant street ,
cast of the Third struct .school houso. Tlio
bed is over six feet thick , and is about six
teen feet below the surface.
Notices have been posted in the court
house that witness fees will not bo paid unless
claimed immediately after tlio disposition of
tlio c.iso upon which the witness was sub-
pujmud , anil that jurors' fees will bo paid on
Saturdays between I and " o'clock.
J. Baxter was arrested yesterday while
drunk nnd asleep on the platform of the Hock
' Island depot , .lack MeUeo was taken in
last evening on n warrant charging him with
nn nssilult on an individual known as "Cali
fornia. " Uoth will have a hearing this
A letter recently received hero from the
second wife of the much-married Clark con
veys the intelligence that hcrhcnlth'docs not
materially improve. In fact , she Is in such n
condition as to prgcludo the possibility of her
appearing ns a witness for several months
yet , if nt nil.
A decidedly funny little "skin gnmo" is
being operated on upper Broadway , or rather
nn nttempt is being nmdo to operate it , but
Iho "deal" is so old that it falls to find suck-
kcrs. It is the old f > 0-ccnt envelopc-picturc-
draw-a-pri7c scheme , in which n man has ono
hundred chances to lose and none to win ,
The contracts have been let for the erect
ion of the Dr. Macrao block , .fames and O.
P. Wickliain do the brick work and J. H.
Murphy lias the contract for the carpenter
work. Tlio cost will bo about § U5t)00. ) Ac
tive operations will bo commenced imme
diately and the work will bo prosecuted as
rapidly ns is consistent with the best results.
The ladies of the ( P. E. O. have gene to
much expense in securing a lai'KO number of
Hogor's bust pieces of statuary for their
entertainment at tlto opera house on the 1'Jth.
They have chosen the life slzo pieces , and
the novelty as well us merit of the display
should cnuso the house to bo packed. A tine
musical programme is also pieparcd. The
proceeds are for the charity fund.
The Jurymen , who cannot agrcoon anything
else , are unanimous in the verdict that the
nights nvo too chilly for the jury room to be
Without tiny lire. They remind one of the
reply nmdo by the pastor when linked by u
brother if his church was united. "Yes ,
united and fro/ten together. " The lire in the
furnace in the court house has been allowed
to go out nights too much.
Thursday afternoon Mr. Christopher D.
Luccock and Miss Virginia E. Woods wcro
united in wedlock. Tlio ceremony was per
formed at tlio Methodist parsonage by the
Hov. W. II. W. Hecs. Both bride and groom
nro well and fufor.ibly known intho city ,
having resided hero foryears , and an earnest
tvish for their happiness in tliis new rela-
lion is tlio universal sentiment.
Siicafu loans money on real estate.
S. B. Wiulsworth & Co. loan money.
A Uiilnctl Inl'e.
A young girl , aged sixteen years , died at
St. Uurnard's hospital Thursday night , oi
fever incident to childbirth. Some of the
city papers are making an effort to ventilate
the story oT her seduction and unfortunate
pud as a rich honsational morsel. Their at
tempts to parade tlio bufferings of heart
broken friends and the attendant disrespect
lo the memory of u trusting girl , who was
Tar moru Binned against ; than sinning , arc
most unworthy , hot the story of her short
comings bo buried with her and tlio alien
tlon of those sensation backers bo turned tc
the discussing of her infamous seducer ,
ivhoso villany should bo laid bare to a een
luiing public.
Vor all fnnnlo diseases consult Drs. Jlosor A
Van NOSH , opera house block , rooms 4 and D ,
Council HlmiH. Correspondence solicited.
The district telegraph distributes cir
culars promptly.
Travelers ! Stop at the Beohtelo.
The District Coui-l.
In the district court yesterday the raso o :
the Slate vs Thompson for bigamy was sub
milted to tlio Jury about 4 o'clock. In hi !
; losing argument for the prosecution , Colonc
Dalloy inado a most eloquent plea to the jurj
lo show their deslro to uphold virtue am
suppress lust in their decision upon a vcr
3 let.
The case of the State vs Norton for rape
ivan then called , A jury was empannellcd ,
nul the examination of witnesses will bo con
Umax ! Monday morning. Morton's appear
tnco is anything but prepossessing , and tin
public sentiment against him for his nttae !
i : in an elovcn-ycar-old girl is very btrong.
Ah There ! l ook Now.
Tlio linest line of spring suitings ovei
shown in the city. Few patterns nnd
iplondid goods. Also an elegant line o :
pant patterns tit reduced prices. Conn
md see , A. Iteiter , 310 Hroiuhvuy.
-0- " - -
| Tlio Y. M. O. A. Anniversary ,
The Young Men's Ctiilstlan association li
arranging for its anniversary , which occtin
311 tlio OSth and 9thvf April. The exercise !
will bo Interesting aud profitable. Genera
Secretary Speares , of Sioux City , and Stati
Secretary Danner , of DCS Moincs , will boll
bo present and contiibuto to the interest o
the occasion. The conference will contliun
DII Sunday and close Sunday evening , a
which time tlio pastois of the various evan
policnl churches will give up their regula
services and unite la this ono , No place ha
yc ( been decided upon for the meeting , nor i
u full programme prepared as yet , but boil
will bo announced in due timo. It IssuiHclen
to say that every effort wlllbomndoto scour
iu this tlio grandest assemblage over bceurci
in this interest in Council
Catch On to This.
Mr. Charles 1'ro.bstlo is prepared t
supply you with a harness tno equal n
any on earth , Fine work nnd homes
novelties iv specialty. Single , doubl
and track ; nlso B good class of tarn
work , A complete clock o ( geutB1 am
ladies' riding Baddies , driving boots
rofo&s , nil kiudd of whips , .tie. Civ
him n call.
The Location of the Ohautnuqua As
sembly Favorably Shown.
The Police Pntrol "Wagon Too Fast
nml the IllR Truck Too Slow-
Bad Dcatli of n Itulncd
Tlio Firm Chaittnuqita Assembly.
"Mr. Harkncss , please make n note of it
that this Is the llrst Chautauqua assembly , "
remarked Colonel Chase , of Omaha , ns ho
and Mr. J. L. Stewart , with others , alighted
from tlio carriages which had brought the
party to the proposed Chautnuqua grounds.
This visit was In accordance with nn ar
rangement made between the boards of
rado of Omaha and Council Bluffs by which
committees from each body were to visit the
grounds in company with n Chautauqua com-
jnittcc. The day was a perfect one for such
n purKjso. | The grounds would have looked
more attractive two or three weeks later ,
ivlicn the foliage has appeared and
; ho grass greener. The lay of the
and could easily bo seen , however ,
and imagination could add the rust.
There were between thirty and forty In the
jiarty. Among these from Omaha were
Mayor Hroatch , Colonel Chase , C5. M. Hitch
cock , John H. Evans and N. Mcrriam. There
wore si goodly number of Council Hluffs citi
zens , among them being Mr. J. E. Harkncss ,
who lias worked so zealously and success
fully in bringing the enterprise to a success
ful start that his name should in some way
bo permanently and prominently connected
with it when It shall bo fully under way. He ,
with Colonel Tultoys , Thomas Ofilccr , F. O.
Gleason and others interested in the move
ment , kindly gave nil the information needed
and pointed out the advantages of the loca
tion. Among others present woic Henry
Colter , J. F. AlcGce , W. S. McMicken , H. L.
Shepherd , .1. C Itixby , Hobert Ofilcer , Lucius
Wells , John Dohnny , Frank Cook , A. 11.
Walker , Mayor Kolircr , T. J. Evans , A. S.
Haselton , O. W Swan , and representatives
of all the Omaha and Council Hluffs news
papers , with the exception of the Nonpareil.
The party roamed over the 110 acres with
delight. The grounds were pronounced very
picturesque , and well adapted for such a
purpoto. Located only two milts from the
center of the city , with two lines of railway
running through the grounds , it seems that
a better location could not bo secured. There
are natural sites for amphitheaters , a level
camping ground , romantic rocks , some
springs of water and.'a goodly creek. It has
been arranged that by some little changes in
the creek , an artificial lake can easily be pro
vulcd In fact , the advantages of these
grounds are so numerous ami so great that
there seemed but ono opinion concerning
them. The proposed route for a motor or
street car line was pointed out , it being an
easy one , with but one grade to overcome ,
and that not lie.ivy. A winding and
very romantic roadway furnishes another
way of reaching1 the grounds , and with the
two railways the grounds arc made very ac
cessible for all modes of travel.
After looking over the grounds the parly
took carriages and enjoyed n drive ui >
Vaughn avenue and then to Fail-mount
park. About 5 o'clock the carriages drew up
in front of the 13echtele hotel , the party
alighted and entered the dining hall , where
suitable refreshments satisfied the appetites
made keen by the drive and invigorating air
of the hills.
A short visit was made to the club rooms
and then the Omaha visitors were taken in
carriages to the Broadway depot and de
parted homeward , evidently pleased with the
results and experiences of the trip.
< _
Some nice lots on avcnuo A for sale.
Johnson & Van I'attcu , 3U Main street.
E. II. Shcafe loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Olllco 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , uj'-stnirs.
Kvery Ilody Ht-lji.
We want to liulp the orphans' home ,
anil bo nuiUo tliis olTor :
H there nro 8 Domestic machines sold
from this ollico within the next 10 days
wo will ( lonato the entire proceeds of
the 8th bale to the "Christian Home. "
Domestic Parlors.
105 Main St.
Too Fast Ily Far.
Much complaint is made concerning the
furious manner in which the patrol wagon
is driven through the streets of this city.
The horses used in this department are
among tlio fastest owned by the city , and as
tlio citizens are well aware of their speedy
properties their is no occasion whatever for
"showing them off" when they are taken
out to answer a call. This branch of the
city service is very different from the lire
department , and the delay of a few minutes
in the arrival of the wagon makes but little
difference , In case of a fire every second
.counts and it Is imperative that the depart
ment snail bo on hand as quickly as possible ,
but the patrol wagon is usually sent to bring
in some vag or drunk , and when the wagon
reaches the place a policeman is found sitting
quietly on the curbstone with his prisoner by
liis side , and in the majority of cases ho
would wait half a day if tlio wagon did not
arnvo sooner. In ordinary cases there is no
occasion to drive the houses faster than a
trot , and nn order from the mayor to that
eifi-ct would bo much appreciated.
A few days ago as the patrol was rushing
furiously down Fourth street with the gong
ringing at every jump , it overtook a buggy
in which two ladies wcro riding. Their
horse bceaino frightened and dashed down a
side street , running tlirco or four blocks be
fore they could get it under control. The
next day n mad run was made down Broadway -
way just at noon , as this thoroughfare was
filled with people on their way to their mid
day meal. Three people had narrow escapes
from being run over , to say nothing of the
effect upon their nervous system.
Piles cured with certainty. Drs.
Mosur & Van Ness , Council BUilTs , la.
Union Abstract company , 'M Main street.
Money nt low iatesonllrt > t-cliisstarin security.
Durnlmm , Tulh < yn it Co. , ia.Miitn street.
Largest stock of wall paper ever BCOII
in the city. Picture frames made to
order. Very latest ( lesiyns in cornice
mouldings , JI. P. Niles , 40 Broad way.
Oldest firm in this line in the city.
Personal 1'arjigraplis.
I * . U. Hossbrook , of Ottumwn , visited the
Bluffs yesterday.
City Auditor Hammer Is slightly under the
weather with a severe cold.
E. Osier and Alonzo Tulloys , of Carson
wnro visiting In tljds city yesterday.
James Hums and' wife , of Taylor , Iowa
wcro at the Crcston House yesterday.
J. H. Morris , wife and family , of Siblcy ,
la. , weie'quartercd at tlio Pacificyesterday. .
W. A. Ellis , of Sliver City , and Ed Hiloy
of Avoco , wcro visiting in the city yesterday
Mr. Frazcn has sold the Glcnwood Opinior
to AV. T. Hobinson , late of Sullue , Kan , , at
old newspaper man.
James Wild , who ppcnt the winter In Call
fornla , has ducldnd to return there as soon a ;
he can dispose of his interests here ,
Sol Foster U still confined to his homo In
illness , and his condition It such as to requin
constant attendance by night and day.
The mother of Hov. W H , W.Hecs is con fin c <
by a serious illness. It is of a nature whlcl
makes u long and painful illness probable.
Mrs , Edlngcr arrived hero yesterday fo
what , It is hoped , wilLprovo a prolonged staj
with her daughters , Mrs. Kofi and Mrs. Mul
Sheriff Bruncr , of Mottinrmtb , 111. , was ii
the city yesterday looking for an all aroum
crook , who recently escaped from Jail at tha
W. F. Parsons , of Denver , Is visiting hi
brother , Mr. It. Morgan , of this city. Mr
Parsons is showing up an automatic switches
for use on street car linos.
Dr. 11. HIco Is slowly recovering from :
very painful and at oho time dangerous ill
ness , "Ho rode out yesterday for the firs ,
time klncc his prostration. Huwill hcrcatte
bo at his cilice during borao portions ol th
, ay to attend to the demands ot his large
Judge Aylcsworlh Is devoting considerable
irao to his new office on the other side of the
Mrs , Judge Wcstcott fell down a flight of
stairs yesterday afternoon sustaining severe
ntcrnnl Injuries.
Mr. Heed , of the motor line left for Philn-
lelphia yesterday afternoon to sco about his
icw motors. They are about completed nnd
f built according to instruction ! ) will be
shipped nt once. They will arrive here
about the first of the month ,
Charles Hrny , son of Theodore Dray , has
'or some time been cashier for J. J. Brown ,
the railroad contractor , but now resigns that
Hjslticm to engage In the hotel business for
ilmsclf. having invested In property nt Hart-
well , Wyo. Charley takes rank as the
youngest hotel proprietor in the west , being
nit nineteen years ot age.
For Snlc.
A first-clnss cabinet organ , nlmost
new. Price ? 50. S. J. Maclmy , UU7 S.
Sixth street.
Wnrlnirton & Iwnrsen , fashionable
rcfcs milkers. No. 3'J Pearl St.
A full line of crockery nnd glassware
nt Lund Bros. , No. 23 Main street.
City Council.
The common council met last evening In
adjourned session. In the absence of Mayor
Itohrcr Alderman Locy presided. Present ,
Aldermen Ivncpher , Waterman , Helllnger
mil Mctcalf.
The bonds of T. O'Herne , grading , nnd P.
J , Mottaz , special policeman , were presented
and approved.
The city engineer reported that the Petti-
lone ditch would have to be en
larged and Impiovcd in order to
carry off surface water in the lower
iart of the city. Also Unit a bridge was
ici'cssary across said ditch on Broadway. Es
timated cost about 1 , : W. Also that better
Irahmgo was necessary in portions of Street's
iddition. Estimated cost about $1,100. Ho-
[ erred to committee on streets and alleys.
On motion the matter of puichasing n
icnvicr team for the ladder truck was re
ferred to the fire committee with power to
act.By courtesy vice President Bcrcsheim , of
; ho Savings bank , spoke in rcforoncc
the proposed reduction of tax upon
that institution. Tlio matter was dis
cussed at length and then referred to the city
solicitor with instructions to report next
Tuesday night.
The tiiiaiii'o committee was instructed to
examine into the present mode of collecting
interest upon special assessment tax certi
The matter of advertising for bids for
curbing now contemplated was referred to
the clerk with instructions to correspond
with other cities with reference to their ex
perience with different kinds of stone , cost ,
etc.Two o'clock p. m. to-day was designated ns
the time at which the council will examine
and test the grading machine , now here for
their purchase.
Adjourned until Monday evening.
Sewer connections and house sewers
laid by N. Y. Plumbing company.
Too I\IK a Truck.
"That is quite a pretty affair , but don't
you think it's n rather expensive luxury for
the city to maintain ? " was a question pro
pounded to a Bnu reporter by a prominent
citizen Thursday afternoon , as the two stood
watching the manocuvcra ol the fire lads ,
who were working linn ! to start the huge
turn table truck , that was hopelessly "stuck"
on Pierce street , near its quarters. Five
horses were attached at ono timo. the bay
colts that usually draw it , were at tlio wheel ,
No. ii's grays in the swing and "Old Pat" in
the lead , but the obstinate truck would not
litulgo an inch. Tlio department had just re
turned from the flro in the Hock Island
yards. After much hard work the mam-
inoutli plaything was safely stored in the fire
building , and the aforenamed citizen and tax-
p.iyer proceeded to ventilate his opinions and
case his mind.
Cheap Unilrnnd Tickets.
Chicago $10. Ueducctl rates to all
points east , at Bushnell's.
Proimrinj ; For the Diamond.
The present indications are that the com
ing base hall season will be a lively one in
Council Bluffs. The Moore & Kiplingcr
team has entered the Omaha and Council
Bluffs mercantile league , and it is intended
to have a game on the homo grounds every
Saturday and Sunday. At nrcsont there ate
five teams in the league , MetBros. . , Crane
Bros. , Pcnroso it Hardin's , South Omaha
and Council Bluffs. A schedule is being
made out , and tlio base ball enthusiasts of
tliis city will nave an ample opportunity to
gratify thuir tastes in tliis direction. With
the exception of a pitcher , the M. < fc K.'s are
finely organized , and with a little more
practice will bo able to do some great work.
It is honed that they will have a successful
season , botli financially and otherwise.
Brick For Sale. 10,000 pressed brick ,
200.000 common. D. G. Sackctt with
Sackett fc Preston , 39 Peaii-st.
Drs. Jloscr i Van Ness euro private
Ilooms 4 anil 0 , opcT.i housu b'lk. Telephone .
An Unknown Man Killed.
The body of nn unknown man , horribly
mutilated , was found on the tracks near the
transfer about ' .1:30 : last night. The remains
lay on the east-bound track , nnd it was evi
dent that the freight train which passed
the point about 8 o'clock struck him.
The body had been dragged fifty
feet and the entrails scattered along
the track. The coroner was notified and
an Inquest was held. Nothing , was found
out , however , about the identity of the dead
man. He had been talking to ; i switchman
about 7 o'clock , and remarked that ho
guessed ho would walk across the bridge to
Omaha if it didn't cost more than 5 cents.
That was the last seen of the unfortunate
until his dead body was discovered. Tlio
jury returned a verdict of accidental death.
WASHINGTON. April 13. A largo number
of documents which had accumulated during
the deadlock were laid before the house and
appropriately referred.
The conference report upon the bill divid
ing the great Sioux reservation into smaller
reservations was agreed to ,
The speaker then proceeded to call com
mittees for reports of n private nature , anil
n largo number wcro submitted and placed
upon the private calendar.
The remainder of the day was spent in
committee of the whole In discussion of the
bill for the payment of the claim of S700 for
the occupation of cerium property in Memphis -
phis by United States troops in 1804 ,
Mr , Allen of Michigan said the gentlemen
on the democratic side had settled twc
things first , they would not allow the loya
states to receive back their share of tlio
dirpct tax ; nnd second , the southern states
would not bo required to pay their share. Ho
would , therefore , suggest that all claims of
the character of the ono. pending , should bo
put up as set-offs against the direct tax owed
by the southern states.
After considerable discussion the house
took a recess till 7:30 : this evening , the ses
sion to bo for the consideration of private
pension bills.
At the evening session the house passci
fifty-live pension bills.
Another Ill Packing House.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 13. [ Spccia
Telegram to the Bnu ] A aiammoth packint
house is to bo erected on the property of the
Great Western stock yards company south o
the Ivaw river between Argentine and Tur
ncr. The plans have been drawn. Boston
capital in unlimited quantities is at the hot
torn of the enterpriBO. The packing house
will bo conducted directly with the new stock
yards. _ _
A Fire at the ftnuks.
NEW YOIIK , April 13. About 1 this after
noon a lire broke out in the -jute-laden ship
Glenqum and ignited the ptcr , and before i
was gotten under control caused a loss tothe
pier and its contents of Sl.00.000 The loss tc
the ship cannot bo estimated yet.
The Mayor's Appointment of City
Attorney Causes 111 Fooling1.
A Comluclor'B i\pcrlciico l-'tmcrnl
of Thonins Ilowlcy Tlic School
Clcclloti Canvass Bulltl-
IngNenHy Falls.
Attorneys nt
Considernblo ill-feeling is prevalent among
the legal fraternity of South Omaha nt the
present time. It is trnceablo to no other
wint than the appointment bjl Mayor Sloan
of Ell JJoud as city attorney. The attor
neys claim that Doml lias been in the city
tmt n short time , and they even po so far as
o Mala that ho located in this plnco Just
hrco days before election , mid
with the understnnding that ho
would receive the appointment
of city attorney. Just why the mayor should
: cnterupon n man whoso experience and
tnowledcc of law were both entirely foreign
o the city is u problem that reverberates in
.heir classic intellects. Uoiul , the attorney
u question , Is a young man , said to possess
n fair education , having graduated at Cornell
.inivcrsity. and somewhat brilliant ns a
nwyer. Though he admits that ho 1ms been
n the city but a short time , still
ic asserts that ho came hero with
the express purpose of locating hero and
without any political aspirations , Ho states
hat he has exercised the functions of an at
torney at this place for some time buck , and
ilthough ho was not an actual resident nt
that time , ho nevertheless became acquainted
with the forms of tlio city government. Ho
states that the position came to him unso
A Conductor's Kxpcrirncc.
Conductor Cope who is in the suburban
service of .the Union I'noitlc was placed in an
embarrassing position Thursday nlghtshortly
nfti-r leaving South Omaha. Cope is one of
the few men in the employ of n railroad com-
iwny that is gentleman through and through.
His forbearance in numerous instances is
worthyof more thnn passing notice. Thursday
night his ( lunllllcations in this tespcct were
put beyond the standard of human test. In
one end of n car was a party of drummers
and in the other was a coterie of the Salva
tion army. The former party wcro telling
old time storiuH which the speakers would
occasionally intersperse with a phrase
strongly tinged with brimstone , which
seemed niucli to thodiscomliturcof the mem
bers of the other order in the opposite end.
Conductor Cope sat about midway in the car
as if in deep meditation. Finally a fctnalo
member of the Salvationists whose voice was
about as musical as that winulcss animal
they call the pig and possessing the strains
of a calliope , launched out into the song ,
"Think of the Homo Over There , " and was
promptly joined by her constituency. In
short , the tamborino was being plied with
all the electricity imaginable and the air
was fairly creaking with the noise. . Finally
Conductor Cope Uocamo disparaged and
knowing the army made its headquarters in
Council Bluffs ho slipped up to the lender and
after Hashing the danger signal for some
Isngth of time ho gained their attention.
"Well , said ho it fe all right for you to re
side over there pointing toward Council
Bluffs but yon need not mind telling us
about it , so please discontinue. "
The curtain Uroppejd.
The Strikers.
Everything was quiet in connection with
the railway and bricklayers' ' strike in South
Omaha yesterday. Several I'inkerton
loungers walked about the Burlington yards
during the entire day , although there seemed
to be no cause for their presence. Occasion
ally the street gamin would greet them with
a cry of "rats , " but the "bravados" would
continue to patrol their beats as if
heedless of the scurrilous remarks.
As rugards thebricklayers' strike.
but slight change is noticeable. A
large number of strikers remain idle and still
refuse to go to work until the demand for
more wages is conceded , In the meantime
the town is being rapidly Jilled with non
union men from outside points who are
anxious to tlnd employment. However , it is
generally thought that the scarcity of men
will compel the contractors to advance the
scale in order to fill out the work they Invo
upon their hands. It is stated that the eon-
tractors have already taken the matter of ad
vancing the scale to the point demanded un
der consideration , and tliat the major portion ,
after carefully reviewing the circumstances
in connection with the case , decided that
some action should bo taken pointing to an
adjustment of the situation.
Jjalil nt Host.
Funeral cervices over the remains of
Thomas Howlcy , son of Patrick Kowley , of
South Omaha , wcro conducted yesterday at
the late family residence on Twenty-eighth
street. The funeral sermon was preached by
the Hev. Father McDonald , parish priest of
this place , and was very pathetic. The re
mains wcro interred in Cassidy cemetery and
were accompanied by a largo concouisc of
friends. _
Around the City.
E. W. Lnngdon , of Hlnir , is on the market
with hogs.
J. H. Meeklmm , of Lincoln , is on the mar
ket with stock.
The work of raising Twenty-seventh street
to proper grade at the junction of N street is
Mrs. .lames Mnhoney , residing on Second
strcctj is slowly recovering Irom an attack nt
malarial fever.
Several members of the South Omaha fiun
club attended the meeting of the Oinuha Gnu
club ut the latter place last evening.
Edward .1. Erickson , of Cliadron , was In
South Omaha yesterday , prospecting for a
location fora hardware store at this place.
No clue has yet been obtained concerning
the parties was stele the horse from J. T.
Luwton , n farmer residing near Albright ,
Monday night.
Yesterday afternoon it was discovered that
the new brick foundation to the Saxo block
on N street was giving away. Support was
immediately placed under the building ,
thereby preventing what might have ro-
suited in u great loss of property.
Olllccrs from Omaha are quietly quartered
hero for the purposoof watching matter * * per
taining to the recent shooting scrape at that
place. Yesterday it was rumored that Woods
liad been seen the previous evening in a
saloon on N street , but the authorities of this
place consider the rumor groundless.
Ed Walters , a brakcman on the Union
Pacific , and residing on N street , met with a
painful accident while at work in the yards
yesterday. Ho was preparing to make u coup
ling when the fore linger of his right hand
was caught between the bumpers end crushed
to a pomace. Ho immediately repaired to
Omaha for treatment.
A well known and enthusiastic member of
the board of trade , stated yesterday that
in n short time that body will
bo thoroughly organized and bo ready to ex
tend inducements to nil business industries.
It is the intention of the board to elect a largo
and laborious committee on manufacturies in
order that this city may correll Its portion of
this class of enterprise ) .
The recount board , composed of now mem
bers of the city council , met last night and
canvassed the ballots cast for members of
the school board in the First and Second
ward * . The result was the sumo ns an
nounced in the columns of the Bun the day
following the election. If the contestants
waive the result as nor count , the courts of
Omaha will be called upon to adjust the
Advertisements for the letting of the con
tract for the grading of Thirty-second uvenuo
from West F to west Li streets in South
Omaha will soon make their appearance. The
amount of soil to bo handled in this matter
will bo W,000 ) cubic yards. This avenue is in
direct connection witii the terminal at Han-
scorn's park and when graded will bo n dis
tance of one and a halt miles from Omulm. H
is generally thought that the two cities will
co-opcratu in completing the grade joining
the two with a valuable highway for Xralllc.
anil Iowa 1'ciiuloiiM.
* . April 13 > [ Special Telegram
to the BFK ] The following pensions were
granted Nctraskanu to-day : . Original inva
lid Sauiuul N HouahUiu , Dodge. Ucstora-
lion find Increase Lumnn 11 , Webster
Pensions for lowans : Original Invalid
John M. Moon , Lcmnrs ; John Fowler , Man-
sons A. M. Miller , Ccntcrvlllo' , S. J. A.
Thrift , Ortonvillo ; John Hcffclflngcr , Grundy
Center ; Jnmcs Klnscl , West Union j John W.
Morton , Washington. Increase E. Ij.
Hrowcr , Clinton ; Ell AV. Ilcedcr , Wlntersot ;
William J. Hockorsmllh , Bloomflcld ; Hiram
Slcphcnson , Maquokcta ; William U. Arnold ,
Whiting ; S , A. Wright , Clarlndn , Hcisauo
and increase A. Sycro , Esthorvllle. Orig
inal widows , etc. John , father of James
Anderson , Plcnsantvlllo. Mexican survivors
William II. Hanback , Bonaparte } Daniel
Carlln , Marion ; J. O. Ivcs , Conipctmo.
Tascott Captured Again.
CHICAGO , April 10.-Special [ Telegram to
Iho HER. ! The real simon-pure murderer ,
Tnscott , has been found again , this time nt
Chattanooga , Tcnn. Ho has nil the marks ,
and the Chicago oJllccrs have been tele
graphed for. They have little hope , but will
send a man down to Identify him if possible.
A llnnk Koliltcd.
ST. JOHNSVII.LEN. Y. , April 13. The First
national bank was robbed between 12 and 3
this morning. Entrance was effected through
the buck window. The burglars blew oft the
vault and safe doors end carried off less than
$10,000 in cash , $ Si0 ! In unsigned bills , n gold
watch and chain valued nt $175 , together
with other Jewelry loft at the bank for safe
keeping. No trace of the burglars has been
discovered ,
Tin : Kansas City Imposition.
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , April 13. [ Special
Telegram to the Hun. ] The exposition will
open September 3 and continue forty-five
days under the management of Captain T. A.
Harris , the former president of the company.
Ollmoro's concerts are set for Juno 'J'J , 23
and 24.
Tlio Emperor's Throat.
BIIHLIN , April 13. A new canula has been
adjusted in the emperor's throat without
causing him any pain. No operation was
Sri'CIAIiailvertisoincnts , such as Lost , found ,
To t.onn. For Sale , To Jtcnt , Wants , Hoarding
etc. , will bo Inserted In thlx column at the low
rate of TUN CUNTS 1'MU LINK for the llrst In-
sertlon and Five Cents Per Uno for each snhse-
quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our
olllcc. No. 1'J Pearl Street , near llroadxray , Coun-
cll HluffH. Iowa. _
FOR KENT furnished and unfnrnlsliefl
rooms. 717 1st avo. Itcfereiicca wanted.
"VVTANTKU 1'lrst-clnbs horbu shocr. C' . Orcg-
> ory.
TJKMI KHNT-Kurnlsued room , U13 Willow ave
FOR SAIjK Very cheap for casli or would ex-
t'lmitKO for Council Illulfs or Oinnha prop
erty. n retail stock of boots and shoes valued at
J5.WW. Call at store No , KO 8. mil ht. . Omaha ,
or address H. Murtin , same place nnd number.
TTIUHNlTmtE-IloiiKht , sold and excluuiROcl ;
JL' also storage and commission in good , llcht ,
tilry. Ilrc-prool imlldliiK. liunilru at store No.
110 North 13th st. It. Martin. Omaha , Neb.
" .lA'llilJ At once , two experienced fewer
W pipe lavc'rs. ( jeo. S. Miller , ,100 Fouith-st. ,
Council Illntis' _ ] _ \
Ul'HOISTiiUNO : and furniture rcpahing
done neatly and promptly : work guaran
teed. Household goods and furniture tonglit
and sold. L. JI. Lewis , No. lit ) North 13th st. ,
FOR SALK At a bargain.10 acres near stock
yards , South Oijialia , Nob. , Johnson , \t
Clnistlan , Itoom 35 , Chamber of Commerce ,
XXTANTRD Stocks of merchandise. Have
it Omah * and Council IIluIfH city property ,
alto western land to uxchango for goods. Call
on or address Johnson > V Christian , Kocm 35 ,
Clmmbcrof Commerce. Omaha.
1861. 1888.
Jewell Vapor Soie ( , Monitor Wrought
Rangex , Charter Oak Stoie * , Leonard Ke-
rigcralopi , llullders' llanhvare , ( Julilcii
1 tar Vapor Ranges , ( Hidden Fence Wire ,
, iii Ruollng and Job Work
501 liro.vlwny , Council lilulIV , In.
Estimates Furnished ,
$ ir .
IH a thoroughly practical , well mndo nnd finely
llnlbhed miichlne , ComblneH tlm I'BIIKKCT I.KT-
TKIIINfl , IJXAIT Al.lONMKNT and llAl'II ) WltlT-
1NO of n hlKli priced writer with KIMI LICITV ,
Compactness and Durnbility. Pendforclrculais.
F. I ! . ( JAJi ( : , The Hxcclhlor Co.
S Main St.
C OlHH-11 UlllllH ,
Oen'l Agent. Aft for Western Iowa
Best $1 a Day House in the City.
Near the Depots. Street Car Connections.
- : - - - ,
CAKTint & SOX , Prop's.
Alt Kinds of Steitm Boiler ? & Sheet Iron Work ,
Orclfrs uy mull for repairs promptly ntteniluJ
to. 8atlt > rut-Ui. > , i luaranUcil juth Avenue. Ad-
dmsOcJdcn Il'illerVurks ,
The Same that is now en route from HONG KONG ,
Will Show the Finest Line nnd Most Complcto Assortment Ever Shown in
the City.
Departments Contain the Latest Styles and
No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
CO. ,
- 1
SIZES FROM Kf-pcclally Designed for
25 TO 250
Brancli Hcmse , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
' E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
s fltmi > s AM > H ANIMALS TJUT. TO
Orders taken atl'cnroso & llardcn'e , 9.13tn bt , , Omaha , Nob.
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
A mil Assortment of Harness Goods Con-
htantly on Hand.
Repairing Neatly nnd rrmnnlly Done.
NO. 205 MAIN ST. .
Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Ea-
cnpo. Eloctrlo Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable
MAX MOHN , Proprie tor
And Most KiiHlilonaWo novelties In
Ji 8J ftal
29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Same street and number.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Ilrouilwn ) , Council llluffn , Opji. Dummy Depot
Ilorhes nml mules constantly on hand , for
eulu nt retail or In car load lotH ,
Orders promptly tilled by contract on short
nutlci ) . , ,
Slock Mild on commission.
Tdcphono JU. bOIIMJ'rai At I10I.KV.
Oppoaito Dummy Depot , Council liluITs
COOliroa'lwuy Council Illutfo , Iowa. Usfablhhcd
Standard No. 4090 , chesttiut stallion , foaled
April 10 , Ibb'J. Bred by C J. Hamlm , Buffalo ,
N. Y. sired by Almonuich ( iccord ii J4i )
bonof 'Almont , Jlrstdam , Lucy , by Humliirs
Patchin , Biro of the dum ot Boll Hamlin
( record li:13f : ) ; Hccoml dam by lCysd > k's
Haniblctoniaii. Norway blunda 1CK hands
high , and can trot better than B.yu This
Etalllon will bo permitted to kcrvo a few
marcs nt 15 thu siMson from MarUi ls > t to
July 1st. For particulars enquire uf
Council Bluffs Driving Park , or No. 41,7
South Hth at. , Omaha.
No. 652 Broadway. Opera IIouso Block ,
Council BluiTs. Tolopliono No. 1 > 81.
KO. lot mtOA WAV.
$5 ,000 AT DEATH I
SLTi wivkly Indemnity forinjnry. Costo but 413
perycMrln th" Old Iteilable I nltwl Ktutcu ilu-
tual Accident VhsoflatlonufNiiw Vork.
General AgentH.
Itoom 3 , Opera Hoiibo lllock. _
D. H. McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tailow , Peits ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
CZOnnd KS Main Street , Council Dluirs.Iowa.
III main lluos and branches Include CHICAGO ,
and ecorca of iutonuedlata cltieo. Choice o (
routes to and from tbo Paclfla Coast. All trans-
fern lo Union depots. Past trains of Fine Day
Coached , elegant Dining Care , uiagtilQconv Pull
man Palace Bloopers , and ( between Chicago. Bt.
Joseph. Atchlson and Kaoiaa City ) Kccllnlog
Chair Cue , Beats 1'rco , to hoIJoru of througa
flrot-claos Uckata.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rock Island Route. "
Eztcnda Weet and Southwest from ICaneu City
and tit. JoecpU to MKLHOH , JIOKTON. . BELL& .
IIUXCIIINSON. CALUWEU. . and all polntu la
and beyond. Entire poescneer equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All eafcty ap *
plloncoa and modem Improvements.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
la the favorite between Chicago , Hock Inland ,
AtchUon. Kanaai City and Minneapolis and St.
Pout -Watertown branch traverses the great
of Nortoern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Watortown , Uplrlt Lake.
Bloux Falls and many othci towns and cltlou.
Tbo Short Line via Ucnccn olid.ICankukpo offers
jpcrlor facilities to travel tound from Indian-
apoIlB. Cincinnati and other Southern paint * .
for Tickets. Map" , FUdcru , or doalred Informi *
tlon , upply utony Coup u Ticket Ottlco or addrtw
Qtn'l AKUU4 ! r. CJen'J Tht. Ct PU& AjrC.