Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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bbls , $2.75@4.25 ; McKs , 13.60 3.00 s spring
wheat , bbh , 3.COZ4..V ( ? ; * ncks , 11,78 ®
3.75 ; rye flour , t2.yo(33.I6rcrbb1 ( , | 8.rog3.W
in * ack .
Wheat Opened atronR and * < Gtc higher
and closed ' { filMc nbovc yesterday cash ,
74 7 lOc ; May , fa16c ; June. 70 'c.
Corn Active ; opened hilo higher nnd
closed I'fffilXc nbovc yesterday's close ;
cft li , Sl fc ; M y , & 5 , ' e ; June , 64 3-lCc ,
Dots Active , stcnOy and ? @ < c better ;
Mny , 32)/e. )
Uyc-Quict nl Glc.
Hnrlcy Unchanged 77@SOc.
Pi Ime Timothy t2.C4 ,
\Vhl8ky $1.15.
Pork Dull with some advance ovcrycstcr-
liny ; cash nnd May , S14.15.
Lard Firmer , with a small advance over
yesterday ; cash , t7.C5 : May , J7.G7X-
Dry Salted MeaU-Shoulders. t5.75ffiO.00 ;
Short clcnr.87 70(37.75 ( ; short ribs , I7.22U.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 21@iG ! < { c ; dairy ,
Choose Steady. full cream cheddars ,
ft lie i flats , ll@ll'4c ; young Americas , Its
Eers Steady ; fresh , 15@lCc.
Hides Unchanged ; green hides
heavy green salted , CJ < c ; llcht green salted ,
fie ; salted bull , 4J < c ; preen bull , 3ics } green
Baited calf,6c ; dry flint nnd dry calf , 12@13o ;
dry salted , lOc ; deacons , 30c each.
Tallow Unctmnpod ; country , 3Jff3c ? ; No.
2 , solid , 4.J4C ; cake , 4jjcpcr Ib.
Hecuipts. Shipment * .
Flour , bbls . 21,00(1 ( 'fi.oOO
Wheat bu . P.OOO 7,000
Corn , Im . 61,000 01,000
Oats , bu . 81,000 50,000
Hycbu . 1,000 1.000
Barley , uu . 11,000 11,000
Liverpool , April 13. Wheat Firm : do-
numd fair ; holders olTcr moderately : Cali
fornia No. 1 , 0 * ( idlrtlis I'd ' per cental ; red
western , winter , Os bdpOi yd.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; new mixed
western , 5s id pur cental.
KniiHnHCIty.Aprl ) 13. Wheat StronRcr ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 7S\c bid. 7'Jc asked ; Mny ,
tOc bid. Miasked. ) .
Corn Strong ; No. 2 , cash , 4ucbitl , iri'.fc '
nktd ! ; May , 43JS/U bid , 40u nskcd ; June , -iO.4c '
Oats-No. 2 May , flO c bid , 31c nskcd.
Now York , April 13. Wheat Hcceints.
24.WK ) ; exports , 15,400 ; the mnrkot ruled
strong the rut ire session ; options advanced
Vi ( < $ A c , olosinp llrm at best ; spot dc o
better ; ungraded vcd.tiOJ C'ilO e ; No. a red ,
'JlJijfSiilJieln store and elevator , 03Jfe de
livered , W'4 < 3 f. o. b. ; May closing at UlJ c.
Corn Receipts , ! MK)0 ) ; exports , 1,200 ; cash
ndvancul ! ! j@le and options C' ' K0 , closing
steady ; ungraded , iViQiGTo ; No. 3 , ( Vi ditWe ;
No. 2 , ti e in store , ) ' . % delivered ; May elos-
Oats lU'ceipts , 35,000 ; exports , 500 ;
iid fc higher ; mixed western , 3tglOe ( ;
whlto western , 4234 ( ! < > c.
ColTeo Spot , fair ; Uio , dull nt $11.25 ; op
tions dull and a trlflo lower. Sales ,
45,000 bags. April , $11.10 ; May , $10.00
@I1 00 ; June , * 10.tM@U.iO ) ; July , f0.23 < a
10.HO ; September , iWi.X'i'lO.OO.
Petroleum Quiet ; United closed firm at
Eug Firmer ; western , lSJ@lfc.
1'orlc Moro active but llrm ; mess quoted
at S14.50@15 CO for new ; $ H.OOjsl4.GO ( lor old.
Lnrd-l ( ( 8 points higher ; western * steam
spot , $8.00.
lUittcr Pull nnd easier ; western , ir > f2Sc.
Cheese Quiet and llruily held ; western
flat , ll12e.
New Orleans , April 13. Corn Steady
nnd in fair demand ; mixed , COo ; white , 01 ©
G2u ; yellow. G2o.
Oats In fair demand and firmer ; No. 2 ,
Corn Meal Steady nt $2.70.
roducts- Pork htronpntJ14.75@lD.OO ;
lam quiet and btondy at $7.Hi77.12 ( ) ( > / .
Uulk Meats Steady and unchanged ;
shoulders , JlUOftMUS ; long ck'ar , ? 5.50ji ( . 3 !
clear ribs , S7.50di7.s21. , .
Milwaukee , April 13. Wheat-Strong ;
cash , 700 ; May , "GJ < u ; June , Tie.
Corn- Higher ; No. 3 , 50Jao.
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 white , 31)c. )
Kyo Finn ; No. 1 , OOJtfc.
JJurloy Dull ; No. 2 , 70c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , April. $ M.OO.
St. liOtilH. April 13. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 82fr .b : ! c ; May , 2Xc.
Corn Iliglier ; cash , uOdf.lOJ c ; May ,
. .
O.its Higher ; cash , 32H. ( 32 , 0 ; May , 32e.
Pork-l 1.23.
Lard -$7.25.
Whisky ft. 00.
Hutter Firm ; creamery , 22@2Sc ; dairy ,
ArmtxooN Benin ) Wheat active und
higher ; May , S3' ' c ; June , b VoInly ; , 70lc. ; (
Corn higher ; May , 50o ; July , -lO c Oats
linn ; May , li-c.
Minneapolis April 13. Wheat Re
ceipts , 253 cars ; shipments , GO cars ; prices
were ndvanrcd about He all around. Closed
In store : No. 1 hard , April , 70 } c ; May ,
75JJC ; July , 77Vc. No. 1 northern , April ,
74J4C ; May , 74J4'c ; July , 75i ) . No. 2 north
ern , April , 72'sc ; May , 72Jic. On truck-
No. 1 hard , 78'jO < )7bivjC ) ; No. 1 northern , 70 @
77o ; No. 2 northern , 74 > r.
Flour Firm ; pntcntato ship , in sacks and
car lots , fl.SOfcSUO ; in barrels , $1 35rf4.45.
Ciiicinnatl. April 13. Wheat Firm ;
No. 2 red , b7Vc.
Corn Strong and higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 mixed ,
Itye Steady ; No. 2 , G2jil)7c. ( )
I'rovisions Pork dull and unchanged nt
$115 , lard quiet at $7.40.
Whisky- Steady at f 1.09.
Chicago , April 13. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cuttle Kcuolptn , 0,500 : market steady ;
steers , $ ; i.2r > ( i < 5.l'0 ' ; Miockers and feeders ,
(2.4lc ( 3.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , fl.00i5 {
U.50 , Texas rattle ; , f l.55if ( 1.15.
Hogs Receipts , 11OOU ; market strong and
10ru.V lughor ; mixed , f.ri.4ti(1 ( < r.70 ) ; heavy ,
t5.fi00i5.iO ; light , 5j.3U ( < tJ.Oj ; bkijis , ifJJ.TUmi
0.20. ,
Sheep-Hecolpts , 4,000 ; market dull ; na-
tivcB , { sl.50oKi.10 ; western , $4 50 ( . ' G.10 ; Texans -
ans , (2.00xit4.7n ; lambs , fi.OOyc0.50.
National Stock Yards , KnHt St.
LouiH , April II ) Cattle Receipts , 210 ;
shipments , f > 00 ; market stronvcr ; choice
heavy native steers. tl.40@ . " > .flO ; fuir
to good natlvo stcern , $1.K ( ) ( . M : > 0 ; butchcr-s'
steers , medium to choice , S3 23i ( ( J.23 ; btock-
ers nnd feeders , f2.20v .J.UO ; ordmury to good
rangers , (2.25CN.OK.
Hogs Receipts , 1,200 ; shipments , 1,300
Clly , April 13. C.ittlo Ro-
cclplH , 1,500 ; slilpincnts , 570 ; shipping
Btccrs 5@10o higher ; butchers' steers llrm ;
good cows scarce and lOc higher ; good to
choice corn-fed , $4.GUiM ( > U ; common to
medium , J3.25M4.50 ; stackers , J2.00M2.yO ;
fccdeis , 300@3. l ; cows , f2.00@3.60.
Hogs Receipts. S.OOO ; shipments , 2,200 , ;
market nntivo and steady to stiting ; com
mon to chuice , II. 70 ( 5.40 ; skips und pius ,
Cut tic.
Friday , April 13 , 1S& > 5. i
The fresh rccoliits of cattle \vcro very light.
but with ttio holdovers there wcro liberal
offerings , The market was rather slow nt
nn ndvunco of . * > y lOo , but qulto a good many
rattle changed hands. The packers wcro
llplit liiiycrH , but the speculative duniiuul was
fair. The avrrago quality of the offerings
was rather common , and the proportion of
fair to good cattlu was tin nil ,
The receipts of hogs wcro light , although
there was some gain over yesterday. The
market was btrong and active , but closed
with the feeling u httlo caaiur und not quite
us brisk. _ _ _ _
There were no sheep hero to maVo a
Cattle . < 00
Hogs. , . .
; -mi 2'700
Provnlllut ; Prluoa ,
The follov/ln ? is a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
Pnuio steers , 1300 to 1500 lbs..J4.10
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . lKi5
Fat littl. ) steers. 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3 , : > 0
Common to choice cows . 2.00
Common to choice bulU . 2.00
Light and medium hogs . 5.10
Fair to choi.o heavy hogs . 5.25
FalrtocUoics mixed hog * . . . . 5.13
HcprcHcntntiTC Hale * .
No. Av. Pr.
1 cow { 120 $2.00
Gcows. . , , . . 941 2.55
Ibull 1POO 2.tX )
1 cow r 1020 2.75
1 steer 700 2.75
3 cows 1133 3.00
2 bulls 2000 3.00
Syearlinps 53t 3.00
Icnlf 800 3.00
7 cows lOtU 3.20
1 steer 850 3.23
21 mixed 731 3.35
3 steers 900 3.40
23stccrs 943 3.40
lOstcers WO 3.40
1 heifer 1030 3.50
8 steers 1000 3.60 J
lOstccrs 6Gn 3.00
1 steer 1R50 3.75
44 steers 1102 3.b3
3stcers 1050 3.K1
C7 steers 114G 3.S5
G7 steers 11W 3.S5
32 steers 117'J 3.85
42 steers 1170 3.7K
lOstccrs lOiS 3.J)7' <
7 steers 1210 3.i)0 )
20 steers 1172 3.05
1 steer 1SOO 4.00
21 steers 1310 4.12)4 )
20 steers 12.JO 4.12) ) <
17 steers 1341 4.20
8 st eers 1237 4.25
1 calf 300 4.23
Icalf 310 500
No. Av. Slik. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
1..KM ) K .10 67..2GO $5.25
04. . . 240 ICO 515 (5S..25T ( ICO 525
72..241 SCO 6.16 75..223 iO 5.23
G9..210 < * . 13 70 . . .237 100 6.23
70..20 ! ) 40 5.15 . . . .240 120 5.23
44..20' . ! 40 515 82..224 120 5.23
70..22(1 ( 120 5.15 (12..22'J ( 6 20
72..219 feO 617K 5S..2o'J SCO 6.23
GS..230 bO 620 72..210 fcO 5.27K
bl..2IS' 200 6.20 70..242 200 51,0
50..214 120 5.20 ! . . . .2C8 120 5.0
03..22'J 120 620 t)7..2VJ 6 0
i(1..220 ( 80 5.20 fKrj..247 SO 5.30
75..233 21H ) 5.20 OS..2G3 210 6.30
69..212 120 6.20 GO..311 & 0 535
9..209 40 6.20 C5..274 5.35
70..2U9 120 6.25
10..103 375
1..500 300
IllVU StUUKSolll.
Showing tin nit Ti')3r of InUof stooit said
o the leading buyers on the market to-d.iy.
3. H. Hammond & Co 14t
Omaha Packing Co 1,444
Armour & Cudaliay P. Co G2I
Speculators 10
I obnmn & Rothchild 153 *
H. Hammond & Co Ort
Williams & Core JIB
.T. L. Hill 10
Slovens , Hamilton & Co 12
\ Jncksou 4
Henry Heal S
.l.Hotli . 1
. W. Hoyer 11
McWhorter & H 15
Swift & Co 7
oMinior 82
W. H. Mrown 10
E. T. Sanders 3
of Prices.
SUowintf theaxtrotno hiijliost nnd lowcifc
rates p lid for lo-illng yra.los of hoji on dates
mentioned :
Iuto7 ) Heavy. Mixed. UBht.
JInr. 30 r , r > G15 2J r , o : . CM ir 4 110 ® " ) 03
Ilnr. HI r > ir > w\ - ' > 6 IXi ® 5 lu 4 85 ft fi03
April ' - 5 15 CW i f > 05 W , 15 I..KJ ( T05 ( V
April 3f,0i 6M 15 5 1)0 ) rtM 05 I ! K ) < ? J5 00
April 4 ft Oa ( iiTi 10 4 Uu 445 00 4 75 1 . "i
April 5 r > M etr , " , 4 DO < ft4 05 4 GO ( it I Kri
April II r , 00 fto 05 4 t-n < ai.iH ) J ( i'J Jl H )
April "Ki CX ) CT/i H. " > 4 8B l ' . .5 4 Til Ml N )
April U'500 ' j5 05 4 5 & I 1)5 ) 4 70 l N )
AprlllO 5 in < itr > 15 t 1)5 445 10 4 H ) CSS 110
Aprllll'u ' 15 < ! ir I ! . ' , 5 O.r > < tfn 20 4 95 ( & ( > 10
A ] > rlllu'r , , " > ff , 31 5 ID ® 5 'M r. oo r > 10
Aprllliisas 4W 35 H 16 < & > Z > 5 10 .3 15
(111(1 (
The following will show the highest nnd
lowest prices paid for hogs in tins market
during the first twelve days of this month , as
compared with the same period in ! Sb7 and
IbbO :
I March iJiS-ti I March li7. l . | March IH O.
II Sllllililj" , I fi 35 ffi Ti i" 3 TO f'6 II b7
X 6 00 fi S5 B 20 n S 51) ) 3 T.'i © 3 Ki
4 ! l ) & 5 tt'.j ' tiundny. 3 C1 ( ifl
4 HO n o 10 r. " , & 5 r,7 ! ' , Sumlay.
I 00 & 5 05 o : r > cj r > 55 3 Cl ) & U tO
4 70 < 5 05 r. : io co r > r.o . 3 75 © 3 W
4 75 1 4 US fi 'JO 4 f. JIT1' I ! 71 & 3 ' .HI
Sunday r. . ir , w r , ; io 3 80 Ci3 'J5
4 ! U > ( To 5 IK ) 6 10 C6 5 5 . " 75 to 3 M
4 1HJ G. 5 15 Kunilay. 3 75 & 3 'JO
4115 n r > i' > B 25 a r , 40 Sunday.
5 W & 5 .15 fi K5 ® 5 50 S 85 & ) 3 'J2' '
Iiivo Stock Notes.
No sl'cep on sale. .
A strong hog market.
Cattle advanced 5@10c.
Light receipts all around.
Hogs averaged yesterday 211 pounds , and
03 head to the car.
Among those who marketed hess at ? 3.30
were Farrington it Son , ot Lyons.
Mr. Paulson , ' 01 the linn of L. Anderson Sc
Co. , Mead , came in with a load of cattlo.
Louis Swift was at tiie yauls to-day , look
ing after the packing inturustb of CJ. F. Swift
& Co.
Among the visitors at the vards was L.
Wukcllcld , of the llrm of H. K Mallory c
Son , Chicago.
L. L. Slovens , of Waterloo , one of the
regular shippers to these yards , topped the
hog market with a load sold tit $5.35 ,
Silas Adsit , of Hopno coun ty , Neb , , was in
this week with his ilrst shipment of cattle
from his ranch , and notwithstanding the
hard cattle market , went homo buUiileu with
his Ilrst venture.
Tito sun-down cattle buyers continue to
hold tlio Held. Mentiwhllo all reports sent
out before dark quote the market na slow
nnd dull , while the truth is that u Koouly
number of cattle arc being bold every day.
Louis liurkc , formerly of the firm of M.
Hurke .t Sons , but now manager of the
-stock yards at North 1'latte , was hero to
day shaking hands with old friends. Louis
made a host of friends during his stay here ,
all of whom wcro pleased to learn that his
new location is u pleasant and proll table one.
Produce , Fruit * , XIIIH , Ktu.
Friday , April 13.
77ic falloivlng rjuotntlons arc wholcmitc
< iml nut rctaU , 1'rlccs quoted nn jtrotincc
lire tin ; rates tit H'lilch round latsttrc solil on
this market , fruits or other dues of uootlv
rc'/iiIrJui ; c.rtra labor in jwchlmj cannot nl-
tnij/N lie yiiii ] > nctl on witslilc orilcru at the
sumo prlcci quitted fur tlic local tniilc.
Hates on jtoitr ami feed nrc jolilicn' ' mlecs.
Prices on i/raln / arc l/i so i > nk ! lj l \ Oinalia
millers delivered. All quotations on mcr
chnnillac arc obtained from leading houses
and lire correclcd dally. I' rices on crude-
crs , i-alte.1 , etc. , arc < /iosc / ulvcn l > u lcudln j
For the bt'iicilt of all interested It may not
bo out of order to remark that trndo is pick
ing up rapidly and Unit the prospects are
good on nearly nil lutes. Poultry is in good
demand and for.tho especial information of
those who sand dressed chickens to market
the following suggest .ens . are made in this
column where all may read , First kill your
fowl and then scald it , not too much nor too
litllo , but just enough to loohcn the feathers
nicely. Pick it clean above all things. Do
not under any circumstances cut the skin
over the craw ; it can bo removed Just as well
without. Cut a very small incision nnd re
move the entrails , cross the fowl's legs and
insert them in the Incision , put the wings
over its back and thnn drop It into boiling
water for about 5 seconds. Remove and
place m a tub unlil j ou are through with your
task of killing ; wipe them with u clean
towel nnd the result will be your
chickens will bring ljj2 ( cents
more per pound than ordinary
grades. Try it and see.
Hutter is In good demand at n slight ad
vance ; that U good Duller. Kpgs are llrmcr
and a shade higher. Other produce is about
Hurrnii Fancy creamery roll butter
25 < ii27c with solid packed nt 23 ? 'J5c ; choice
country butter SKjiS-ic , witn some sales
of fancy butter at 25e , common grades
li@lSc , inferior stuft 0@i5c , according to
Ka s Slriclly fresh 13(314c. (
ONIONS -Native stock , $1.155 1 35 , Spanish
per box of 50 Ibs $1.50 1-75 , California ou-
nioiis 8@4o per Ib.
PoTATOSs-Choieo homo grown , 6505c ;
Utah anil Colorado stock , $1.101 ( ( 20.
Po.ei.Tin - flnckcnidrct.sed'l2i4H3cge ( ; e , I
taHc , ducks , ll. Jl3ohve , J
chlckens.f3.7584.00 , with ono ale of extra
good fowls at $4.25.
CnEr.SB Full cream , 12'yt15c. (
HANASAS-Common medium , $2.60(23.00 ( per
bunch ; choice , $ .3.00 ( 3.60.
Tcnsirs Rutabagas , 45ft50c ( ; white , 40e
ocr bushel.
LEMONS f3 70@4.50per bor.
IlATr.sPcrsain , OU'7c per Ib.
Siuu ICiuUT Choice per bbl. of 83 fral.
t5.00@5.00 ; M bbl. , $4.00 < it4,50 ; $11.00 per bbl.
of 60 gal.
Cinr.ii Choice Michigan elder , $4.60(20.50 (
per bbl. of 32 gal.
Porconx Choice rico corn Is quoted at 3
(24c ( per Ib. , other kinds , 2I , ( . ' 13c per Ib.
CAHHOTS $2.23@2.50 i cr bbl. ; new stock ,
DOe per dor.
PAHSNIPS New stock , $3.00 3.60 per bbl.
CinnAoes SI perdoz. for natlvo stock and
3K(34o ( ; per Ib. for California.
CAULIFLOWEH Good stock , ? 2.50 < g2.75 per
OIIA NOES California Riverside , $3.75 ®
4 ( X ) ; Messina , $3.75(34.25 ( ; Valenclas , tO.OW
8.00 per case of 420 ; Mexican , 4.00 ; ixis
Angeles , $ 'J.75ffl3.25 ; Navals , $4.50 ; Los
Angeles , $4 50 ; Riverside , $5 75.
HIUNS Good stock , $2.00(22.75 ( ; California
beans , $2.2302.40.
Fios In layers , 13@lic ( , cnko lOe pcrlb.
NUTS Peanuts ( l'4@7c , raw Hrazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15@18o ; lllbcrts , ISci Italian chestnuts'
15c ; pecans , 15c.
HONI-.V l ( > @ 21c for lib frames ; canned
honey. 10@12c per lib.
PAitsi.n40o per doz.
( tiiCEN ONIONS 33o per doz.
A l'AltAOL's 22c | > cr Ib.
STRAWiiniiuiBs Fresh Florida , 35Q40 per
Cuct'Mitnus $1.00 per dozen for choice.
Su.sirv 2.V per bunch.
LuTTUcn 40c ) icr dor. Californiiv slock , $1.50 per doz.
RAUISUUS 40c per doz.
< 3rocers' lilat.
SHUTS New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
370Miio per gal. ; corn syrup. 35c ; half bbls. ,
37c ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55 ; sorghum JJSe.
beef , 10C-5UC.
Picici.r.s Medium in bbls , S5.75 ; do in half
bols , UO ; small in bbls , f'.7.V ' ! do in half
bills , * 3.1KI ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.73 ; do in half
bbls , SI. 10 ,
KuriNBD LMID Tierce , 7'/c ; 40 Ib stiunro
cans , 7'ic ' ; 50-lb round , 7sc : 20 Ib round ,
7 ! c ; 10-lb palls , 7c ; 5-lb pails , 7Jic3-lb ;
pails , Sc.
CANNKD Ooons Oysters , standard , per
case , 1. UK. " 3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case ,
$ a.OOC f3.l ( ) ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.00 ( < $
3.10 ; California pears , per case , M.iOOtl.bO ;
nppricotH , per case , S4.)0itl.40 ) ( ; peaches , per
case , $5IHK.'f5.75 ; white clierries , per case ,
JO.OO ; California plums , pur case , $ I.5U.J4.0'J ( ;
blueberries , pur case , S-.202.-IO ( ! ; egg plums ,
beans , per case , § 1.0J@I. 115 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $ ; 2-lb early June peas , per
case , . .b.3lb ; tomatoes , 42.40ftf2.50 ; 2-lb
corn , ? 2.30ftM 10.
JKLLICS 30-lb pails , ? 1.2X'1.50.
SALT Per bbl. in car load lots. $1.30.
Horn Seven-sixlponths , 10VCllc.
CASIIV Mixed , U@llc : stick , Ofti'JJf. '
HOM.ANII HEHUINOS 70t 72cpur keg.
MAPI.I : SudAii Bricks , VJ cpcr Ib. ; penny
cakes , 13 ( < ri4e per Ib.
UKOOM& Extra , 4-lie , S2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , fl.OO.
Pownnu VND SHOT Shot , f 1.13 ; buckshot ,
$1.70 ; Hn7Urdpowdcr$5.00 ; half kcurf , ? 2.75 ;
one-fourths , 51.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.33 ; fuses
100 ft. , 45 ( < $75c.
SfOAK Granulated , 7i77' ' < 'e ; conf. A.
07f't7c : wliito extra C , ( i dtO/'tfc / ; extra C ,
ditO'd'c ( ; "yellow C , 6 J ( i .Vft'c ; < ; ut loa f 7
7c ; powdered , 7X ( * > ii ; New Orleans ,
. .
COITKB Ordinary grades , 10i ( ? > 17c ; fair ,
I7C < tlScpriiiio.lh/il'JVc ; ( ' ; fancy green and yel
low , 2J ( [ < 2.c ! ; old irovcrnment .lava , 2iji(30c ( ;
interior . ftivn , 23 ( < t2iil ; Mochn , 2t > C'30c. ! ! ; Ar
buckle's roastc.l , l'J , c ; MuLaughlin's
XXXX , Wfc ; Oilworth's , 1'JKc ; Red Cross ,
1'JMc ; nlaroma , 195fe.
WOODCXWAKI : Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
J1.40 ; three-hoop pails , 51.05 ; No. 1 Inb , 5 < i.75 ,
No. 2 tub , fd.73 ; No. 3tubf4.75 ; washboards
51.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.60 ; assorted
bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , 5'.50 ' ) ; No. 2
churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , S1.70.
TOIHCCO Lorillard's Climax. 45c ; Splcn
did , 45c ; Mechanics' Ucliglit , 4lc ; Lcgirett &
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 3'Jc ; Druni-
mond's Horsoslioc , 4."ic ; .T. T. , 42o ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 45 ; Cutlin's Mccrsulmuin , 31c ;
Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Piiicr Huidsick , ( Vic ;
SwectTipTop,33c ; U.N.O. , 17c ; Red , White
and Blue , Ibc.
CIUCKUUS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to
clinngo. Soda , 5e ; bodu ( city goo < ls ) , 7c ;
soda snowllake ( in lins ) , ] 0c ; sodu dandy ,
soda wnfersln ( tins ) , lUc ; 6od.t zciihvr ,
fc'c ; city oyster , 0. 'e ; excelsior , 7c ; farina
oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , 5e ; inonitoi , 7c ;
Omaha oyster , 7c ; jicarl oyster , 5c ; picnic ,
5c ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Iloston ,
8c ; Omaha butter. 7c ; saw tooth butler , ( i 'c ;
cracker mcul 6''je ; graliam , Sc ; graham
wafers. lc ( ) ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , 12)-ic ) ; hard bread , 5c ; milk. 7' < ; V : oat
meal , Sc ; oatmeal wafers , lOu ; ontuieui wa
fers i in pound packages , 12 } < c ! animals , 12c ;
Uoliver ginger ( round ) ,7c ; creatnWcCornhill ; ,
lOc ; crucknells , Itic ; frosted cream , S c ;
ginger snaps , be ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 'Jc ;
homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , l3e ; home
made ginger snaps (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creams , be ; pretzels ( hand made )
ll c ; assorted cakes and jumbles , llj.jc ; as-
hortcd lingers , 15e ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
per box $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; bulter
jumbles , 11J.JV ; llrunswick , 15c ; brandy
snaiis , ] 5c ; chocolate drops ( new ) Hie ; clioco-
latii wafers , 15c ; Christmas luncli ( in tins )
per dorcn , tl.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , I4c ; coffee
cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , ll c ; cream puiTs ,
30o ; egg Jumbles , I4c : ginger drops , He ;
honey jumbles , llj e ; Jelly lingers , 15c ; jelly
wafers , I5c ; jelly tart ( new ) , 15e ; lady ling
ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14e ; vanilla wafers , lie ;
Vienna wafers , 1 do/en packages in u box ,
per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans Ic per Ib. advance
except siiowlluko and wafer soaa , which are
packed only in cans. Soda in 2 Ib. and 3 Ib.
paper boxes , Jtfc per Ib. advance ; nil other
goods Ic per Ib. advance. Soda in I Ib. paper
boxes , lo per Ib. advance. The. 2 Ib. boxes
are packed in eases holding 18 in u case. The
3 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in
n case. The 1 Ib. boxes nro packed in cases
holding 3i > In a case. One Ib. Graliam and
oat meal wafers packed 2 doz. in u case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 73e. Cans for wafer soda , ? 3 ,
not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda , $ ( !
per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display
the goods , 75e each. No charges for packages
except for cans nnd returnable cases , Glass
front tin cans nnd "snowlluko" soda cans are
returnable at prices charged ,
Dry Goods.
Slaler , 5Jc ; Herlln oil , OJ c ; Garner oil. li@
7c. PISH AND ROIIIIS Richmond , OJ < e ; Allen ,
liHo ; River Point , 5e ; Steel River , Oo ;
Richmond , lie ; Pucillc. ( i > c. Isuino HI.UI :
Washington , l'f ! e ; Century Indigo blue prints ,
Oe ; American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold H ,
lie ; Anolil A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJijc.
DRESS Charter Oak , 5o ; Rumapo. 4' e ;
Lodi , 5e ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond , tic ; Windsor ,
OKc ; Eddybtono , oue ; Pacilie , OJ-fe ,
Hliow.v SIIKUTINU Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 ! c ;
Atlantlo H , 4-4 , 7 c ; Atlantic 1) , 4-4 , OJ e ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Go ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oe ; Au
rora C 4-4 5e Crown XXX 4-4 Hoo-
, , ; , - , 7J < c ; -
slor LL , 4 4 , Oe ; Indian Head , 4-1 , 7J.e ; ;
Lawrence LL , 4 4 , Oo ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
Aurora R , 4--J ,
HATTS Standard , 9o ; Gem , lOc ; Heauty ,
12kc ; Hyono , 14c ; H. cased , $ < ! .50.
( jAiircT WAKIIJibb , white , lOo ; col-
arcd , 21.'e.
DUCK West Point 29 in. Soz. , lOX'o ; West
Point , 29 m. 10 ot. , 12 o ; West Point , 12
oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , , Kto. Checks
-Caledonia X,9Ko ; Caledonia XX , lOKc ;
Economy , 9ic ; Otis , y 'c.
KESTUCKV Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
2So ; Durham , 273 e ; Hercules , ISe ; Learning
ton , 22Ke ; Coltswold , 27je. }
Ciusu Stevens , ' H , Co ; bleached , 7e ; Ste
vens' A , 7 > iTo ; bleached , 8s'e } ; Stevens' P ,
SJ c ; bleached , 9 o ; Stuvons' N , 9'4c ;
bleached , lOJ o ; Stevens' S R T , 12Kc.
MiscEM-ASKOt's-Tablo oil cloth , $2.65 ;
aiu Holland , S' o to O 'o ; Dado Holland ,
H °
COMFOHTEKS - $ oo@a-i.oo.
HI.AXUETS 'VN hito , | 1.00ii7.50i colored
$1 lOOi .00.
HCKACIIKD SncKTi.No Horkqley cambric ,
No. ( W , H'vc ; BCit Yet , 4-4 , G u ; butter cljth ,
OO , 4' < c ; Cabot. "He : Farwell , 8 0 ; FruU
of Ixiom , flUc ; Frecno O. Cc ; Hope , be ; King
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo. llUc ; Lons-
dale , 9c\ \ New York mim , I0. < c ; Pepperell ,
42-In , lie ; Pepperell , 40-in. 12c ; Pepperell ,
0-4 , iGc ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21i' ; Pepperell , 9-4 ,
23e ; Pcppcrcll , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-4 , S'fc ;
Canton. 4-4 , ( > Kc ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsuttn ,
Ic ; Valley , Go.
OINOIUM Plunkett checks , 7kc ; Whlttcn-
ton 7' c ; York , 7' c ; Normnndl dress , 8Kc ;
Calcutta dress , 8c } ; Whlttcudon dress , SJ cj
Kenfew dress. 84 } < 3l2 } c.
TICKS Lcwlston , 8U-ln.t 12J c ; Lcwlston ,
33-ln. , 13 > * c ; York , S2-in. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7 ' < o : Ttiorndykc , OO. 8Kc ; Thorndykc , EF
8'c ; Thorndlko 120. li' < c ; Thorndlko XX ,
15c : Cordls , No. 6 , 0) ) < c Cordls , No. 4 , lie.
DnsiMS Ainoskcag. U. Ooloo ; Kvcrctt ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz , IHc : Haymaker , 8J < c ;
Jaffrcy , XX. ll c ; Jhffrey , XXX , 13kc ;
Heaver Creek. AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , UU ,
lie ; Heaver Creek. CC , lOc ,
FiANNr.i.s Plaid Haftsmnn , 20c ; Goshcn
32Ke ; Clear Lake , 32' < c ; Maple City , 30Jcj.
Ao-OII N 2. } 21o ; O H No. 1 k
We : QuechccNo. 1 , 5 ,42o ; Queehco No. 2 ,
J37K < " , QuecheoNo. 4 , Jf , M.'fc ; Anawan ,
Hike ; Windsor , 22 > < e ; Red XC , 24-ln , 15) ) 0 ;
E 24-inch 21e ; GOlM-lnch , 18c ; HA F , } f ,
J5c : JKP.Jf.STKc ; OK,36a
COTTON FL\NSCI.S 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , 0fc ; CC , 7Jio ; SS 8kc ; Name
less , 5 > < c ; No , 5 , Cc ; EE , flj c ; ( JG , 10 > < c ;
XX V&c ; OG , 14c ; NN ! ICe ; RX , ISe ; R ,
20c ; No. 10 , 8 ! < e ; sO , 10 < c ; 00. 124e } ; & 0 , ICe ;
20 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12e ; 70. colored ,
23c ; Uristol , 13Xe , Union Pncillc , ISe.
Goncrnl Markets.
FI.OUII AND FEEIJ Minnesota patents , $2.45
(32.60 ( per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy
winter patents , $2.50 ( 2.75 percwt : Nebraska
patents , $2.43iJ2.50 ( per cwt ; rye Hour , $2.00
per ewt ; wheat graham. $1.75 per cwt ; rye
graham , ? 1.40 per ewt ; Now York buckwheat
$3.50 per cwt : Excelsior. $3.00 per ewt ;
ready raised , $6.00 per KXMb case ; cornmcal ,
yellow , $ I.OO.ei.H ( ) per cwt ; whlto $ l.lOu l.l5
percwt ; bran , $10.0lJ ) ( ( 17.00 per ton ; screen-
ing.s , $12.00 per ton : hominy , $3.25 per
bbl : chopped feed , $1S.OO per Ion ; chopped
corn , S10.60 ( < T 17.00 per ton
EXTUICTS Sanderson's oil bcrgamot , per
Ib. , $ f2.7oC'f.l Olt ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 ; oil
peppermint , $3.00 ; oil wintcrgrccn , $2.50 ;
olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25.
WINDOW Ul.\ss Single , 70 per cent and 5
per cent ; double , 70 unit 10 per cent discount.
PAISIWhite lead , pure , il'tfe ; white lead ,
fnnc ? ? , < % c ; putty , in bladders. 3e ; Paris
wi'iile , 3r : common. 3M'i red lead , 7e.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees IBe ; linseed ,
boiled , OOc ; linseed , raw , 67c ; castor ,
No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm
whale , $1.00 ; whale water , bleached ,
Me ; llsh , bank , 33c ; neatsfoot extra , 0" > e ;
ncalsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gasolini1 , 75degrce3 , 15e ;
W. S. lard , 03c ; No. 1 lard , 50o ; No. 2 lard , 50
Gf.Vie ; W. Va. zero , 14c ; W.Va. summer , 12o ;
golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c : whale ,
20c ; naptlia , 1 degree , He ; headlight , 150
degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 degree , lee ; tur-
licntiue , 4bc ; castor , pure , $ ' ) .45 ncr gal.
Durns Acid , carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 50e ;
citric acid , per Ib , liOo ; tarlarle , per Ib , 50e ;
sulphuric , per Ib , 5c ; ammonia , carb , pcrlb ,
15c ; alum , per Ib , 5c ; alcohol , ' ,15 percent ,
per gal , $ ' . ' .2(1 ( ; blue vllrlc , per Ib , So ; borax ,
refined , per lb , lOe ; cnniphor relined , 30c ;
cream tartar , pure , per lb , 45e ; cream larlar ,
commercial , per lb , 20e ; cloves , per lb ! 5.3e ;
cuttletish bone , per lb , ; ! 0c ; dextrine , iier
lb , 12c ; glycerine , pure , j > cr 11) , 30c ; hojis ,
fresh , l > er lb , 4Ur ; indigo , Madras , i > cr lb ,
Mc ) ; insect powder , per lb , IWc ; morphine ,
P. & W. , per oz , $3.00 ; opium , per
lb , $3.90 ; quinine , P. As W. , per oz , ( lie ; qui
nine , Gorman , per oz , 5jo ! ; roclicllc halts , per
lb , 35c ; safTron , Americaii , per lb , 40e ; saf
fron , true Spanish , per oz , fl.OO ; saltpetre ,
pure , per lb , lOe ; sulphur , Flowers' , per lu ,
5r ; soda , bi-carb , per lb , 5c ; silver , nitrate ,
per lb , SI 1,50 ; spermaceti : , per Ib , GOe ;
strychnine , peroz. S1.25 ; wax , wliitc , pure ,
per lb , 55c ; wax , yellow , pure , per lb , 3oc.
SPIUITS Cologne spirits 18S proof , SI.14 ;
do 101 proof. SI 17 ; spirits , second quality ,
10J proof , ? t.Hi ; do IbS proof , Si.13 ; alcohol ,
IbS proof , per wino g.tllon , S2.12 ; redistillcil
whiskies , SI 2. ' > ( * 1.50 ; jin blended , S1.50@J 00 ;
Kontticky bourbons , 42.03gi ( > .0 ( ) ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , SJ.llO@0.50 ; Golden
Slieaf bourbon and rye whiskies. $ l.GO ( > t3.00 ;
brandies , imported , $5.00i ( i.0l ( ; domestic ,
S1.30i5AOO ( ; pins , imported , S.I.OOtrtO.OO ; do-
mcstic , Sl/J.'i l'iOl ) ; champagnes , imported ,
per caie , J2S Oiif33.000 ( ; American , per case ,
? 1000ZIG.OO. (
IImcsGreen butchers' 3J @lc ; green
cured , 5UjO < Ol'jC ; dry Hint. Oc ; dry salt , Sc ;
Krccn Baited calf,7Ji ( < c ; damaged hides two-
thirds price ; dry suited deacons , 2fie each.
Tallow-No. I , 314'c ; No. 2r 2,40. Grease-
Prime white , 4jc ! ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c.
Sheep pelts , lcj1.00 ( ) ( , according to uu.ility.
Hranded hides classca as damaged.
Fines Itnccoon , No. 1 , 30 ( i)45c ) ; No. 2 , 2.1 ®
30c ; mink , KV50c ; inus-krat , fall , 5@1'il ;
mtiskiMt , spring and winter , bvOllc ; stripped
skunk , 10i.10c ( ; mountain wolf , No. 1. $1 50C ( < >
2.50 : No. 2 , prairie , 50 < fc70i.1 ; No. 2 , 25CCI0o ;
beaver , fllo. 1 , per lb , $ ' . ' .0'JGi)3.00 ' ) ; No. 2 , SI 00
( I6I.2V otter , fl.OOf&G.OO ; dry deer skins , 20 ( , $
3. > c per lb ; dry antelnpa. elk , moose , etc. ,
25c ; deer skins , pur lb , 20$25c. ( |
Lr.vriinu Oak solos , 33jZ37c ( ; hemlock
slaughter sole , 12 3'Jc ; hemlock dry sole , 12
C"23c ; hemlock ki p , ( iOC'i.UOc ; A. & H. runner
nip , 50 7.1c ; A. hemlock calf , OOcftiJl 00 ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 73c ; hemloclc
upper , I'JCiC-lc ; English grain upper , 2.5o ;
hemlock grain upner , 210i > 24c ; Tampico H. L.
Morocco , 2ii ( < i33c ; Tampico popple , O. t ) . Mo. ,
/2'Jo'CurTicoa. ( ; . H. U. Mo. , 3T > ( 'i > IOc ; Simon
O. I ) . Mo. , S2.75ta3.GO ; D.ingohi kid , 30c .l5c ;
X. M. kangaroo , 40o ; American call kid. 3''c ;
Griesen kids , $ ! > .00 ( > rl.50 ; l rcncli glazed kids.
S2.50cu2.73 ; Krcnch calf kids. S = f.20 ; oak kip
skins , &Ucii$1.00 ( ; oak calf skins , 51.0l ) ' < i,1.20 ;
Frencli calf skins , $1.25'iv2.00 ; French kip
sltins , ? 1.10a ( 1.50 ; Uussitt linings , SGOO ( ( I.50
jier doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50
( x'U.UO ' ) per do/ . ; colored toppings , ? y.50(3 (
Illft. Ihft."Oft. . ± ift.telft.
2\4 : iTniiiu wi in m aiTw'sa ' oo
17 ( KI 111 H ) 1l ! M 'a ' ) M ' . ' ( I 50
iixlfl 17 KI 111 Ml I ! ) WI.L' , ' ' ( K ) i > IK
2s IS 18 Lrjjti' M it' M : SI ( KI -Jl ( H
4x1 IS IKIU ! I'D 111 M 0-J .I 00
No. 1 com , a 1 8f.18.50 I No. ! ) coin , H 1,0
No. ! i coin , sis. 17.1M ) | No.1 coin , s I s. 13.00
nxrixci. :
No , l-4&0in TJ&n ft , i-ough . Sit .00
No. 1 , " " 10 " . vil.on
No. 1 > , " " II " . Kl.W )
No. ii , " " 10 " . 17.50
illll.NO ,
A , 12 , H & 10 ft. Jt.OO | C , 12 , 14 & 10 f t.515 55
B " " SO.aft 1J " " ' '
, | , I'-/.T )
1st coin % in White 1'ino ccillnb' . 5ii..r,0 : :
ill " " . JT.r.o
Clear ? f In Norway" " . 10.00
Sd com % in " " " . 11.00
* Fl.OOltl.NO ,
A 0 in White Pine . $3-1 30
uoiii " " . : ia.Bo
COin " " . '
100 in " " ( Scl. Kcni'lnjj ) . 1U.OO
0 in , 13roj > Silling GOo jier M extra ,
A 12 inch si a . f 15.50
IJ 13 " . S'J.50
cia " . ; i5o
I)1U " . 8J.W )
No. 1 com , 12 ins is , VJ ft . Sl.oo
" " " n ft . tlOMl
" " " JO ft . 'JO.W )
" " ' 10 , J8,20ft . 'Jll.tXI
No. 2 " " .
" " " ia& n ft . iiuK )
" " " 10 ft . Ib.M )
12 in Grooved roofliip , f 1 per M inuru than 12
in Stock Hoards HIIIIIO Icngtn.
10 in ( Jroovcil rooilnu bamu jirico ua 12 in
Stock Hoards.
him * ZAP.
No. 1 Plain 8 nnd 10 in . ? 1875
No. a " " ' . 17.25
No. 1 , OG , Sin . 111.25
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1'4'inn2 H . f50W )
' " IK- . WM
3d , clear , 1 in , s2n . 45.50
" IM , l ? < in , a . 40.50
A. select , 1 in s 2 s . Jl'J.SO '
A , " 1JIM , 2lliH2s . 4H50
H , " lins'Js . 20.50
U , " Vj , I' , ' . 2in s2B . aO.DO
1) , tclcct , nil 10 ft , ? 1 extra.
Clear Finish , 1 and \\i \ inch , 8 2 s . 20.50
Clear Flninh , 1 > and 2 inch , s 2 a . HO.OO
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch . 24.50
Clear Yellow Pine Casing ami Haso _ 20 00
r = J I - frOUTIIiniN YKI.I.OVV 1'I.NK.
Com. 4 inch Flooring. . . . . $17.50
btar " " . .20.00
1st nnd 2d clear 4 i/iclt Flooring . 22.00
Clear % inch Ceiling . ' 'y.OO
Clear ii inch Partition . 21,00
Clear < % inch , Pattition $2 ubiro iiich
Clear pojilar bx. UdsX in 62 s . ? . 'iil.OO
" " > < in jwuu ] , r2s . 281X1
" " Cornii-'aU'd oolliiig , XW
O Q Uutts , ayju . . . f .0
" x3 s 1 ft 65 00
' ' * '
3 In well tubing1) Jfe M and bov ! ! . . . ! ! ! 22.50
Pickets , D * H flat 10.50
" DHsq
XXclcnr . $3.10 Extra -A $2.00
* Standard. . S.M * A H13&IJ. , . 2.45
Unclear Gin clear , . 210
1.30 Cedar "A *
Lath S.53
White ccdarC In ) s 113.00
9lnqrs 18.00
"fin I , } { s 11.60
nqrs 9.50
nr-.jnd 14.50
Tennosscercd'odor , split 14.50
Split oak 8.50
1,1MB , BTC.
Qulncy white Umo ( best ) $ .85
Akron cement , . . $1.70 Hair 32
I'laster 2.40 Tar board 1.80
Sash 60 percent Doors 43 per cent
lilinds 60 per cent Mldgs 50 per cent
Tarred felt , per cwt 2.20
Straw , board 1.70
Hcnl Kstntc Transfers.
B T Peterson ct al to A C Grossman ,
lot U bin 2 Fowler place , w d $ 800
Harrletta A Truman to Irwin L Rich'
ards , lot 7 blk 15 Highland place , q c 6
Margarcth Klrkcl to J D Thomas ,
part lot 8 blk 349 , lot 2 nnd 3 blk
211H Otnulia , also u w X 31 , 18 , 12
qc 260
C O Clark nnd wife to Karen Nordln ,
lot 5 blk 6 DuPout place , w d 425
Ualthas .Teller nnd wife lo Dora Ro-
deck , lot 5 blk 7 .teller's add. w U. . . l.SOO
Charles S Smilh and wife lo William
T Smilh , lot 11 blk E Prospect place-
wd . . . . > 300
Jennie MelnloMi to Walter Hell , lot 0
Mclntosh sub div , wd 1
Mary F Swisher to C C Spootswood ,
lot 1 bile A Central park , w d 750
Union Stock Yards Co to Frank Dole-
rnl , lot 12 blk 19 Ilrst add to South
Omaha , wk 300
C C Wakelcy ( single ) to John H Hul-
bert ot til lot 0 blk 313 city of Omnlm
wd 6,500
J T Dillon nnd wife to .1 II Hnlbert ct
til. lot 3 blk 31S Omaha , w d 0,000
Mathlas Vozda nnd wife lo John
Monckn , n } i nf s K lot 1 blk 7
Konntc's 3rd add , w d 1,000
John Peterson and wife to Michael
Donnelly , lot I blk 2 Uoggs and
Hill's 1st add , w n 8,000
W J Huchannn and wife to Michael
Donnelly , o } ( lot 4 blk 5 Pant Place
w d 3,000 ,
J Uagiey ct ill to John Kcnnelly , 6)
acres of ne ' 3 , 14 , 13 , d 7
George Holmes to John Kcnnelly , 57)4 )
am es in uw 3 , 14 , 13 , w d J 72
10 transfers , aggregating 31MO
ItulldiiiK I'ormitn.
The following permits to build were- issued
yesterday by the superintendent of buildIngs -
Ings :
O. W. Hart , cottage , Second street be
tween Park avenue and A strccls. . . ? 1,000
J. Anderson , cottage , Thirteenth near
Ohio 400
Hoard of Education , one-story frame
school building , Twcnty-tirst near
Vinton 1,400
William Weeher , cottage , Pacific be
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth 2,000
John Hoffman , cotlnpe , Fourteenth be
tween Pierce and Williams 900
John R. Larson , repairs to dwelling ,
Ohio opposite Eighteenth 100
Max Meyer , two-story and atlicframo
residence , Ilurney nnd Twenty-
fourth 13,000
John F. Daley , addition to residence ,
Thirty-lifth and tVanklin 030
J' . M. Woolworth , addition to barn ,
Twenty-second and St.Mary's ave
nue 870
Fidelity Oil company , stable , Twen
tieth nnd Union P.iciHc crossing. . . . 150
Christ Denning , 'addition to dwelling ,
2412Pueifio 100
Eleven permits aggrcgaling $20,520
( Jciieroslly.
An enterprising grocery firm nmkcs
the following oiler : "Any innu who
drinks two drums of whisky per day , for
u year , and pnys 10 cents u drink for it ,
can luivo ut 'our fetoro thirty tacks of
Hour , 2:20 : poduds of granulated hugar
and bovcnty-two pounds of good green
coffee for Iho biuno money and get SlJ.fjO
premium for making tlie chutigo in his
expenditures. "
lap Remedy
r All KTplillltlc Dlteaaoi , of recent or long itannlnp.ln
from ten to Illtfeu dtijr. Wo will glre wrltton uar-
Ruin i ui cure any CIIBU or refund jourraonor. And
wu would nay to thoee who have employed tno moil
( killed I'liyilclann , nsod everr known rcmcdr and
Imve not been cured , that jou arc tbe eubjucli we an
Inoklntr for. You tbat have been to thu cclubrate' .
Hot Hprlnea of AiLaniai , and naro lott all hop of
recoiery , ne
errnakenorharito. Our retncdr ! unknown to ant
ouo In the worltt outrldoof our Company , and It \
the only rem d7 in tha world that will cum you. Via
will cure tbu inoat obdlnnto caia In lvt > thnn ono
month. Hevea dajrB In recent CDBea does the work. It
In thu old , chronic , deei-icaled | rniei that wo aollclt.
Wu liarueured hundred ! who had been abandoned
fcy 1'byilclaui and pronounced Incurable , and
We Challenge tha World
lobrtnina a cue thai wo " 111 not cure In lets than
one month.
tilnca tbe hlitory or medicine , a True BpeclOo foi
Bn > hllltlci.Kruptlon > . Ulceri , Sera mouth , Aa , baa
b n ion I tor but oevcr found until
Our Magic Remedy
* ai dlicoTereil , and wp are Initined In taring It li tbe
pnly remedy In tbo world ( bat will poiftlrvlr cur * ,
becauiu tha lateit medical worki , publlihed br tbe
brit known autborltlri , car there wai nertr true
K eclllc before. Our Itemed/ tbe onlr mrdlclne In
e world that will cure when eierilhlnz elie ha <
failed. It bai been 10 conceded br a forge number of
Celebrated I'hyklrtnbt , IT A KIVEII TXT
TO CDIIE. Why wttto your lime and moaer with
VHrnt inedlrlcei that oeior bad flrtue , or doctor
vlth phr'lrlani that cannot cure you. You tbat hat *
tried oTvrythlnK lie tbould come to u > now and eel
farroanrnt lellefi you uc-pr ran not tteliuwbere.
Uark what wo layi In the end you mult lake oar
Homed T orNETKU rerorer. And you that hare been
anilcted but n iborl time ( hould by all meana come to
Di now. Huny Kot help and think tbeya re free frcm
khedlierto , but In one , two or three
appeara agiln In a more bcrrlblo form ,
JnYcitUou ? onr financial Handing tliroush the raer-
pantile agenclea and note that wa are fullroipontl
pie and our wrlttoa guarantee ! are pood. We bare
Kltlinr prepared on purely Prlnntlflo I'llnclplet me
we wl b to repeat tlialHNCvru riiiJTocuua. Al
letteru tacredly couddtntlal.
THE COOK KKMKDY CO. , Oinalis , Neb.
DeoinJ Iflaadlt IleUmaja Bloek.
K r iiiriou.v. j 11 in
Live SiocR Commission Merchants.
Offlcu-UoomJJ , Oppoiito Kichanua llulldlnit , l/ulon
_ Mock I urd . houth OUUUH , Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Murkot f urnlhticd free on application Mot kcrs nnd
KT'lem Itirnlblii-d on KOCH ! turuii Hu'en-nceii Ouin
huNutliinal llnnkiind Mjutu Ouiabu Nutlouai , Union . south Omaha.
Live Stock Commission ,
Hoom U , Kithjiifo ItulldiiiK. I'niuu ttock Yard >
buuth UmHliii. Neb.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Room ' . " . ' , Opii | lto Kii'h.ini'o lluildlntr. Uulou Stock
urdi houlh Omaha. Nuu.
Of Omaha Limited ,
mpomontB <
DcalorinAfiTicnllnrallmnlcnienlsJagons ,
'arrligts nJ Pufiloj.
10th , Omaha , Nobrankn.
Agricnltnrallmplemcnts apns arriaEes
ic. WholtJMt. Omaha , Kcbratta.
Wholetale Ilcalrn In
Agricnltnral ImDlements , Wagons & Buggies
(01,503 , Old and KIT Jonea 8trc t , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Bnckeyc Drills , Seeders ,
Cullltntcti. liny ltakr . Cider Mlll and I.ubaa 1'ul-
Terliern. Cor. lllh and Nicholas SireIf.
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , SBnggics
Corner Ntu and NlchoUn Btrretx.
lancstiuff Macliinerjr and Binder Twincl
V. K. Alcad , latiaK r. 1/13 LeaTcnnorth it. , Oualin
Boots nnd Shoos.
w. V."MORSE jTco. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Artists' Mntorlnlo.
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Douulai StreetOmalm , Npbratkn.
MAiiufnptun'rs nnd Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Hakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. flu and I'aclOcStreistii.Ornnlm.Npb.
HO HUHIUJ Dout-'ln" u > . Omnlm 11 nuulnctory , Sura.
incrM. , Huston.
( SucccMora to Heed , Jones A Id. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agents for llonlon ltubb r Shoo Co. UK , 11U4A1UW
llnini'y St. . ( liiinhn. Ncbtiial.ii.
Dooksollors and Statlonors.
luccessors to A. T. Kenyan St Co. , \ \ liolo.-nlo A. Kctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kino Wedding Slntlonpry. Comincrrlnl Stationery.
Kit Douglas Stri'Ot , Oniuhn. N'fb.
Coffees , Splcos , Etc-
Uiiiubu ColTuo und Sulcu Mlllt.
Teas , CoiTees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kitrnctf , Lnumlry llliie , Inks. Utc. H14-
IlliUlnrnor Sirpi'l , Oiniilm. Nobrmkn.
Crockery and
Agent for th Mnnufncturers nnd Irar-ortera of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. OMce.317 S. 13tb St. , Omaha , Nebrttfkn.
Importers uud Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware ,
Kto 1514 rurnani St , New 1'nxtnn Iliilldlng.
CommlsBlon and Storage-
( Succcsiors to JlcSbnno A Sehroedcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ouiitba , Ncbrmkn.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission
Murclmntn. Corrp pondcnrc rollrltcil. 1011 Nort
lull btret'i , Omaha , Nob.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties-lluttcr , Krcs , Chcpfp , Poultry , Game ,
Oynters , Etc. , Ktc. 11J boutb 14tb fctrcct.
COQI , Co ko and _
OMAHA cB A L , C O K E < St LI M E CfJ.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
! ( M South l."tli Street , Omnha , Ncbrntkn.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
nd fhlpiiers of Coal , Toke , Cpment. I'ln'ler , I.liuc
JJraln'llIo. nnd hewer Pipe. Onivo. 1'azton Hotel.
Kurnum St. , Umitliu , Neb. Tolcpbonu fcll.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South lllli St. . Omaha. Neb.
Dry Goods and Notions.
M. E SMITH i"c6.7"
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1103 nnd 1101 DoiiRlnn , Cor. lltli St.Ornnbn. Neb.
KUjFATRfck-KOCH DR Y cd'oBs Co
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods.Notions
Gents' KuriilsbliiK nnnds. Corner lltli and Hiuney
Stu .Oninhu. Ncbrntkn.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Knrnnm Street. Omaha. I.'ebrnstn.
Omabn , Nebm > ka.
Office Fixtures.
Till ; S1M.MONDS MANfPATiitlNa CO.
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mniitles.Milplionnli'.IInok Onset , IiriiK Plxtnrrn' , Wnll
CiiMei , , Partlttoni' , Hailing"4 , CountiTS , llcer tintl
\Vhif Ciut'erH , Mlrorf , pic I'wctory nnd otllfpJTJt
nnil nr. Mnitli Ittli b | . . Oinaliii. Teleplioner \ .
- - " * '
& CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
.00. ; w. : m and III S. lOth it. , Omaha , Nel .
Wholesale Grocers ,
Kill nnil Leavonnorth Street , , Omaha , Nebrnikn.
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails ,
Tinware , Khpct Iron , Ktc AKentu ( or IfowoiJcalei
and Miami I'OTiiler l > ) , Omuba , Nub.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' Tools nnd llnffnlo Kcalpi , ItOi Dougla
btrt'Ct , Unjuha , Ncbrunha ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOthand Ilarney bit. Omaha , Ntb. Weitern Agent
( orAuitln Powder Cn. , JolT rion hleel Nalla ,
_ KalrbankBbtandurd brali > >
Whiilcnalu MunufnUnreraof
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
AnJ Leather. 1ICO , UU1 nnil 1107 llurucy bt. , Omaha
Heavy , . J Hardware. . . ,
fV - f f * rv.ULJ JT. -
Reayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, Wagon flock. Ilardttare , Lumber , Ktc , IVT
ud 1211 HomehtlU't , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Tbconand ( "nrrlazo Wood Block , Hcrvr llardwars
Ktc. I7 unJ lil'j U'UVC'nworth Ht , Oinuba , Ne | . .
_ Lumhor. _
" " ' "
"OMAHA uuMBhrTco' .
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesal
IStuSlicct and Union I'aclOc Track , Omaha.
Bealer in Lnmlier , Lain , Lime , Sasl ) ,
Do&ri.Ltc. Yardi ' Corner "In and Uoui-lai , Corcc
Hnts , Cnpo , Eto.
Wholesale Hals , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 llarnf7 Ptrrot , Omaha , Neb.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnnfe ,
13th and California ytrtctK. Omaha. Nebraska.
Lnmlier lime Ceraenl
Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
' . .Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Office , Utn Karnam Street. Omaha.
Wliolesale Lnnikr , Etc ,
mrorttrt imt Amctlrkn Porllnml Ccmrnt. Pt t
/jcnt for Ullnaukro Hydt nllc ffiuent and
Ouincj White l.lmc.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
IVoed Carrots ami I'nrquet lloorlnc. Wli and loii la
Irdn Works.
1'AXTo.v wens ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Weil
Ditlnci" , llran Work , ( Ifneral Vonndrr.Mnrhlnoani ]
lllaittMulth Work , onicrnml Works , U.V Ujr.
and lull turret , Otualm.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
losk llnllf , Window C.unnl" . Mnnor Stands \Ylro
Hjin' , Klc. HI North 16th Street , Onmlca.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vi\iill , .lnll Work. Iron nnd Wlro IVnrlnu. Sli n . Ktc.
< l. Andm-ii , I'rnp'r < Vr lltli ind JnrkMin Sta _ _
ron and Wire Fences , Railiuss , Guards
id HcriH'iif. lorbiink , oincu Muu > 5 , r < < < idriirt' < , ctj
Improved Awulnxt , l.ocksnillh Murlilnerj mid
lilacksuiltli Wurka. , UJ < outli HtU St.
Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
fioiiprnl ircnt for DlPbnlil Snfo , V I ipU Co.1 *
VuultanmlJallYork , 1110 rnrnnmhtrcctOniiilia.
hUlllnory nnil Notlona.
Importers & Joblicrsin Millinery & Notions
m 210 nnd 212 foil 111 lltli blrtrt.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
tSJ nnd 4UTi8cutli lOtli Bt. Omntm.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
110S Humpy Street. Omnha.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Cin'aiL1 , Ktc. , Oimlm. A It lli ) > h'ii | , SUnncpr
Points nnd Oils.
WholPfiilo IK'nlcriln
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
113 | riuiiiim Street.Onnlin.Nob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nlro tlork of Prlnlinf , WmpplnK nnd Writing
I'h ar. Biicclnl attention ulvon to cur load on'.en.
Prlntora' Materlnls.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers In Tj PC. I'rc'i-i'i and I'rlnti-rV Supplies. 603
boutu 12th Street , Otuiilm.
Rubber Goocla.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Dll ClotbliiK nnd Leather Jlcltlne. 1XW ( r rnaiu Street.
Steam Finings , Pumps , Etc.
A. L. STRANG CO. , "
Piunps , Pines and Engines ,
Henm , Wntrr , Hallwny nnd Mlnlnu Supplies , Etc.
'JJ ) , itf. nnil ir.4 1 iiriinin htnct , Onmlm.
cff-TuHcnTLL pulvi p ccxi "
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Jtcani nnd Water Rupidlpi. ripndqunrlpri far Maat ,
l-oo t A Co > gooda , 1111 Kiirnnu ht.Oinilm.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Hftllldnjr Wind Mllln. 18 nnd WI Piirnuin St. ,
( h. Koss , Acllim .Miiiiugcr.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Shucllron Work sii'iun I'limpi , Haw MIKs. 1JIJ-1215
l.i'iivi'iinortli Mici-i , Oiniilm.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
HI I mid ! ) ! l.lonp < Mr i t
Stornfjo , Forwartllng & Commission
" "
" " " ' " "
Lager Beer Brewers ,
Ui North KlKthlrcntli Flrect , Onmlia. Nub.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
/cam 1'anti , StilrtJ , Utc IllBand 11J4 Paujlni Street ,
Oiualia , Nvtt ,
_ Cprnloo.
Mannfacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpeuctvr , I'rnprletor ! 0j Dodco and 101 aud 101
NurtU IVtli titrout , Umulia.
Saah , Doors , Etc ,
M. A , DISBROV ( . CO. .
Wbcileiulo Manuf.cturrrt < J (
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
IlrnriUi lifflro , IVlli nnd linrd Nlreuti , Omnlm , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moul.llaBi , HtulrWnrk and Interior Ilnr't Wood Kto-
liu. U.K. Corner bill and l nvunrrurlU btrbeU ,
Maiiafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And Illlndii , Turnlnir. Stalr-worli , Honk nn1 OfBce Kll-
_ ttfiua Uiilj and I'oppliiton Ayenuu. _
Smokp Stacko , Bollora , Etc.
" "
"H. K. SAV/YER ,
Manufacturing Denier in Smoke Stack
llritcblDKI , Tanks nnd ( ientrul Ilnllir llepaulutf , IM
blreul. UtuoLu , Null _ _ _
'Ir.o tot knuwn and moit p'puiar lintel In tba
tat ? . I/jcnt on central , aiipriiuiuvnti Aril-clan.
lltadqiartt-r ) > lor euuiuurcial lorn and all political
.uautucr. . .