firT---- ' * = * * -THE OMAHA DAILY 13EE : SATURDAY. . APHIL 34 , 1888 , B'S ' IN EUROPEAN POLITICS , . -Boulangor , Bismarck nnd Battonborg Rule the Day. FRENCH ELECTION EXCITEMENT , Dr. Mackenzie's Hopeful View of the Knlucr's Hcnlth-GllllR'B Amer ican KxchniiRO In Jjluldn- | tlon Foreign Cables. AH Been Across the Clinnnel. LONDON. April 13. [ Special Cablegram to the HER. ] There Is still nothing hut Hou- lander nnd Hlsmarck lu the Ktiropenn papers. Reports from the department of Nerd show that the electoral campaign thcrchns reached ' lever hcnt. Meetings are being held every where , nnd thoy-nro generally attended by , scenes of excitement nnd turbulence- with nt vast amount of uolse , the flinging of the , "Uevcnant Hovuo" nnd wild interruptions. The current seems to bo running steadily in the direction of Uoulnnger. The bulk of his vote will bo cast by the Honnpartlsts , who of "themselves are in n majority in the depart ment. Ho Is also supported by the radicals ns n body nnd by a certain section of the socialists. The opposition to him has crys tal izcd around what Is known as the opportunists , but probably contains n good many legitimist Oricanlsts , In odd conJunction - . Junction with the larger and ultra wing of the anarchists. Every Houlangist speech Is made up of equal parts of eulogy of Uoulangor nnd at tacks on Jules Ferry. Thcso latter never fall to bo received with deafening yells of A Has lo Tonklnois. " A study of these speeches nnd the popular Interjections help to solve the problem why Uoulangor is so much stronger In rural Prauco than in Paris. The country is deeply Interested In the nrmy , which annually drains off the pick of Its sons , nnd hates Jules Perry because ho sent'thcso sons to dlo and suffer In Asia , while It loves UoulanRcr because ho , as minister of war , tried to make their military services moro comfortable. Busy , volatile Paris docs not especially miss these of Its children who nro drafted off into the ranks , or pay special heed to them when they return. But It Is different In the villages nnd on the farms. Nothing Is talked of in French political circles but Sunday's election and what will follow its expected result. There arc all norts of rumors of Botilanger's intentions. The most circumstantial is ho will take his place iu the chamber , make a speech de manding the dissolution of the chamber nnd a revision of the constitution , and then resign nnd stand for the next vacancy , repeating these tactics till the dissolution is forced , when ho will run in every department pnd secure the popular voto. Already in various departments 230,000 votes have been cast for him. The department of Nerd ; will raise this to nearly 400,000. All this lias suddenly bccomo gravely ominous for the republic. Bismarck has not won his fight. This is evident from the fact that ho gives no word Of rebuke to his infatuated partisans of Brcstnn , Lcipsig nnOJpresden who arc holdIng - Ing nicotines and circulating petitions asking the kaiser on no occasion to lose the services of the chan- cllor. Such an agitation is unworthy of the great man , as it is unneard of in a monarchical country. It is noteworthy that the national liberal party is foremost in this undignified work. There nro no trustworthy accounts of the progress of- the dispute inside the palace of Phnrlottcnburg , but there is n growing be lief that Bismarck will got the worst of the contest , and a woll-dcilned rumor that Prince Hohcnloho Stradtheldcr of Alsace-Lorraine , lias been offered the post of chancellor in succession to him. There are numerous signs also going to confirm the existence of a tedious political divergence between the kaiser and the chancellor. The count of Paris was in London to-day. I understand that there is going to bo a family conclave of the Orleans family at Sheen house , Twickenham , on Sunday , to settle the attitudes of the princes toward Boulangcr , and 1 am informed that It will bo attended by n man who has close relations with Boulanger nnd is in his confidence. Hopeful View of the ICniser Case. ICojwtoM llSSbyJaincti ( Ionian Ilcniictt. ] HUIIUN , April 13 , [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Ur.K.l I am informed by an entirely trustworthy person , who has just had n long conversation with Sir Morell Mackenzie that the ' favorite , emperor's phy sician talked freely and hopefully about his patient. What ho said is about ns follows : "Notwithstanding all that has been said , there is no certainty that the disease is cancer , nnd it Is almost certain the emperor will live longer than is generally thought possible. prof , Waldoycr , it is true , declared the dis ease to bo cancer , but In his microscopic ox- nmlnation ho found nothing moro than Vir- chow found , and VIrchow decided ngninst the cancer theory. When Virchow and Wuldo- yer disagree the rest of us have n right to USD our own Judgment. I , for my part , have novcr said to nnyono that the disi'u- , ; s cftn. ccr. Those who most Urmly maintain the cancer theory nro surgeon's like Prof. Ucrg- nj'U ' ! , without special skill or experience In throat diseases , and who have for the most part earned their reputation on the battlefield , whcro there is little chance of obtaining skill in treating the throat. As opposed to current opinion , one of the greatest authorities on the throat recently carefully examined my patient and declared ho cannot find a trace of cancer. If the disease is not cancer , howovcr , It cannot bo taken for granted that the clangor is past. It Is imposslblo to state how long his majesty can Hvo. Wo know that there is not the slightest trace of disease below the Incision In the throat. If the emperor could have ro- mnined In San Koino ho would now , in all probability , bo far advanced toward recov ery. His strength , ns It is , ho weakened by lack of fresh nlr. The orangery In which ho got his only exercise during the cold weather is a sunless apology for conservatory aivj. lighted only from one siMj. Nevertheless , I nm so cC-Ventcfl with his condition that I rc Inaln In Berlin only by the ouiiwor's special request because , like mnny other pa tients , ho learned to trust ono puysl- ciau and is reassured by his pres ence. For this reason I shall re turn to him after my trip to London , As I shall coiuo back whether my patient is hotter or worse , you need not ex pect him worse simply because I do return. There is no truth. is the stories regarding periodicity m this throat trouble. There are tips and downs of course , as with all patients , but it passes human skill to predict cither. The emperor eats solid food m the ordinary Way , and docs not , as the newspapers seem to think , depend cither upon liquids or upon llnoly chopped up solid. The Bubstanco of the above can absolutely 1)0 depended upon , though I cannot , of course , under the circumstances , tjuarautoo that Sir Llorrt'U'a exact words are used. The revul sion from hatred for Sir Morrcll Mackenzie to admiration for him and ills scientific acquirements _ ls n very striking tribute to him as a man and ns n specialist , A month ago there were some people whc th'ougtit ho would never B ° t out of Berlin llvo ; now that the- reaction hascomo , the factor's only danger comes from German cooking : . Merely as a matter of curiosity ro tjnrdlng the change Of feeling , I have kept a list .of n few of those who have recently dined or otherwise entertained the plucky English man , Among hl $ hosts have been such men as HclmshoHz , lti Bois , Recommend , Profs Lcydcn , Munck , Hoffman nnd Oussorow , and even Dr. Hahu , who was formerly the most vigorous believer In external operation nnd treatment , _ A Winner's Drnmntlo Demise.1 lOipl/rtO/if / JRSS JJainc | * Oonlon ffcnnctf.1 LoNnok , April 13. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Br.n.l Mail advices from Melbourne bring the news of the dra matic death of Fredcricl , the singer , so well known in America. Ho was playing at the Princess theater , Melbourne , In the opera of "Faust , " and the character ho personated was Mcphistophclcs. The fiend and Faust hnvo to descend on a slide nnd disappear from the stage to these regions that Dante has described wilh so much effect. When Mr. Fredericks head was almost on n level with the footlights ho must hnvo felt a mortal pang , for ho was.scen to grasp at the cdgo of the open' stage , and a moment after ho fell from the moving trap on which ho was stand ing and expired. Whan ha was berne to the green room the verdict was death from heart disenao. Another dramatic.lncld'cnt occurred at the . funeral ; "The body was bolng interred in the Church of Englan'd portion of the general cemetery , where" n grave was prepared close to these of other actors , nnd Uov. T. II. Good win was present to conduct the service. After the completion of the second prayer , nnd whilst the coflln was being lowered , the reverend gentleman , who from the outset ex hibited great emotion , sank on the mound. Many thought ho simply did It to rest , but these near observed that ho had fainted. Ho could not continue the service , which was concluded by Mr. Charles Warner , the well known nctor. Ho was an Englishman , thirty-eight years of age , nnd leaves a widow , Miss L. Men- moutti , of the snmo company , and two chil dren. Gllllji's American Exclmngo Foils. ICopyrtaM f S3 by Jama Oardon Tlcniittt.l LONDON , April 13. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Bun. ] The head of the linn of Cooper Brothers , professional ac countants , U George street , London city , was this morning appointed professional liquidator of Oillig's American exchange by Justice Stirling , of the high court Judiciary. Affidavits disclosed that its business con sisted of three branches 1 , a banking busi ness ; 2 , reading rooms ; and 3 , storage olllccs. In connection with the first branch letters of credit were still in circulation nnd though it is not proposed to issue more , it is necessary some ono should look after the drafts now coming in nnd also to deep the reading rooms open for n time because - cause of the inconvenience to customers if they could not got letters which were being forwarded to them at the rooms. It is like wise requisite to keep the storage odlco open until the articles stored therein had been ap plied for. It is timely , perhaps , to odd that a great opportunity exists for such an institu tion in London , conducted by a reputable person for the benefit of tourists and not for his own. Ono such ought to bring n good profit The liquidating exchange was founded upon a prior one , which disastrously failed also on the peculiarities of its banking man agement. _ They Have No Love For Gould. LONDON- , April 13. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEE.The Financial News copied this mornlngtho entire editorial on Gould in the Herald of Aprils. When the usual crowd came around to Capel Court aud the Bartholomew house in Throckraortou street , nearly everyone had a copy of it. The Anglo-American Times of to-day , a weekly much read for its stock news of Wall street , thus comments : "Ono of the most amusing hunts of the time promises to bo that of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas bond and stockholders after a $2,000,000 surplus that existed a year ago and has mys teriously disappeared. They wonder what has bccomo of it , and are organizing n search to llnd out , as well ns to learn the causes of the remarkable depreciation of their securi ties. It is timu the hunt began , but the idcn of looking around for a $2,000,000 surplus af ter Jay Gould lias liovcrcd about it for n long time wlir strike most people as funny. " Ho is at present as much canvassed hero as ono the four political busy "B's" of Europe Balfour , Boulanger , Bismarck ami Batten- berg. _ Concerted Opposition Proposed. LONDON" , April 13. [ Special Cablegram to the Bun. ] At a meeting of the National liberal club to-day , Uight-IIon. .1 nines Stans- iicld presiding , it was resolved to urge the government to extend debate iu the commons on the local government bill. John Merlin undertook to move the reso lution in the house. All the speakers ex pressed the opinion that the feeling was growing , especially In the rural districts , that the bill was n sham and a rank lory measure , and that its apparent democratic character was the veneering which at first deceived the eye. Prof. Stewart said the that the bill omitted to deal with out door chlofs while It proposed compensation of publicans , was sufficient to warrant n strontr cppOoition to its adoption. A committee was appointed to arrange for concerted action by the liberal " party in opposition to the bill. llerllu Uriil"H. ! HEIII.IN , April 13. [ Special Telegram to the HBH. ] A communication published In the North-German Gazette reflects upon the gross improprieties of the French address presented to the empress by the Polish ladles , who nro thorough mistresses of the German tonguo. Newspapers editors In Russian-Poland have been grunted permission to receive foreign Journals , except Austro-Hungarian Journals , direct instead of through the press censor. Wostwnrdfl. ST. Pr.Tinsiiviio : , April 13. [ Special Cabin- gram to the Bun. ] The Moscow Gnzatto says : "Prince Bismarck exsSsjt tli im portance of the Bntf.iourgTueldcnt ; , aud in doing fjo SuinmwiU an error , as Hussia's whoto attention ia directed westwards , not eastwards. " ' In tiio Commons. LONDON , April 13. In the commons this evening , on n motion being mudo by Smith that the county government bill bo given precedence over thq private member bills , Labouchrro offered an indignant protest say ing that Smith was hurrying the bill to prevent - vent the house- taking time to consider its merits. Smith's motion was carried. Kuatdn's Ivqai Negotiations. ST. PuTniSBcno , April 13. The chief director of the Comptolr de Compete- - Paris , bos arrived hero to conduct negotia tions for the advancing of n loan to the Russian government. The press censorship suppresses all telegram * referring to the negotiations. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Baby was sick , ve pate ber Cajtorla. When ttlio vu a Child , she cried for CastorU , Wbea Khe became Miss , Bha clung to Outoria , tV"ten theluut Children , die CMe them CdatcrU. .V BIC MEETING OF MUGWUMPS , Jainos Russell Lowell Discourses on the Independent in Politics , POLITICIANS OF THE FUTURE. < T. S. Clnrksoii Innista Tlint Toivn'fl Del egates Will Giro Allison Their UnwnvcrltiRSupport Vor tlio Presidential Nomination. Ttic Iiulcpnnilnnt in Politics. Nr.w YOIIK , April 13. A largo nnd dlstln- guished gathering was present In Stcinway hall to-nlsht to hoar nn address by Hon. .ins. Kusscll Lowell on the "Independent In Poll- tics , " delivered under the auspices -of the now Reform club. Mr. Lowell was Intro duced by Ansou P. Stokes. Ho said In pnrt : In speaking of the "Indopon'dont In politics" it Is my intention to treat tlio' subject In Its general rather thun special application. If ono would know the dlffcrenca between the statesman and the politician let him corapnro Burko's vldw of the American- troubles with those of Dr. Johnson. Never did two men show more clearly the quality of tnio states manship than Senators Fessondon and Truuibull , when they dared to net uidej > cn- dently of party in the impeachment coses. against President Johnson. They saved us from tiio creeping paralysis which is gradually benumbing the political energies of Franco , lu our early days wo produced statesmen not endowed with Uurko'a genius , but comparable with him in breadth of view nnd perhaps his superiors in practical sagacity. 1 bellovo there Is ns much Of the raw material of statesmanship among us as over. If the parties will not look nftcr their own drainage there must bo somebody who will do It for them. This duty can bo done only by men who have deserted from the In terests of the party. The independents hnvo undertaken it , and with God's help they will carry it through. A moral purpose multiplies us by ten , ns it multiplied the early abolitionists. They emancipated the negro , nnd wo mean to emancipate the respectable white men. I am struck with the fact that wliilo wo produce great captains nnd political managers , there Bcems to bo n pause in the production of the leader of statesmanship. I am thankful to have been neon temporary of one. and among the greatest , wnom posterity wlH recognize ns the wisest and most bravely human of modern times Abraham Lincoln. What will bo of immediate advantage to the party is the llrst thing considered ; what of permanent advantage to the country the last. Both parties have been equally cuilty , both have evaded the living questions of the day. Parties being necessary , there must be politicians to repre sent them. There should bo n neutral body largo enough to moderate between both , and to make both marts cautious in their choice of candidates. If wo have not got nil that wo hoped from the present administration wo have got more than wo expected. Wo have compelled a discussion of the question , aud have so much faitli In the good sense of the American people ple as to feel sure that the discussion moans victory. Two grcatqucstions hnvo boon opened anew by the president which really resolve them selves into ono that of the war tariff. I say of the war tariff , because it is a more electioneering device to call it n question of protection or free trade , pure and simple. The advocates of protection have been un wise in shifting tlio ground of debate. They have sc.t many people to asking whether robbing Peter to pay Paul is a method equally economic for both parties. The tendency of excessive pro tection which thoughtful men dread most is that it stimulates unhealthy homo competition , loading to over production and to disasters which are Its tainted offspring. I can not take n cheerful view of the future of Now England when bur leadlnir industries shall bo gradually drawn to the south , as they will bo , by tlio cheapness of labor there. Favorite Son. CIIICAOO , April 13. J S. Clnrksoii , of DCS Momes , chairman of the republican subcommittee mittee , wns in the city to-day inspecting the nuditorum building. He said the pressure for convention tickets was unprecedented. Mr. Clarkson loft for the cast to-night to con fer with Senator Allison , whom warmly championing for the republican uomlnatlon. "All the talk about the Iowa delegation not being for Allison , " said Clarkson , "and that ho is set up ns n man of straw while its delegates - gates nro really for Bliiinc , is'nonsense. . \Vo are enthusiastically for Allison and will have 8,000 men hero during the con vention In campaign uniform ull Allison club men. I have not abated one particle of my ndmir.itlon for Blaine , but I know he is entirely out of the question. No. there is no possibility of Ulaino'ti nomination .in any event. Ho has put himself beyond the reach of nomination by his own motion miudi-sire. " Adverting to Allison ngnin. Mr. Clarkson said : "Colliding is for Allison , and Conk- ling isn't going to die. We can't spare him. I believe in the party using all its loaders. I am u I ( mine man and it Conkling man. Yes , the Allison people feel very comfortable about Now York. Tlio ImsinCbS interests have confidence in Allison. " Tired of 'Prohibit Ion. POIITI < ANI > , Mo. , April ia. [ Special Tele gram to the Bcu.J It Is predicted by those who hnvo Btudlcd the growing sentiment in Maine ugalpst prohibition that his state will have n high license law within thrcft years , ' tma that the pioneer prohibitory state will withdraw the slvingent restriction OP. t 3 li.'inor trafllo which hnvo mndo It famous. The recent defeat of General Nc.U Dow , the "Father of Prohibition , " in his race for the nmyorality of Portland , is pointed to us n very significant demonstration that the people ple are sick nnd tired of Dow's doctrines. When the most prominent temperance advo cate In the world , nt the head of both the democratic and prohibition regular tickets , not only fails of election. in his own city , but his nomination has the effect of putting up a majority for the candidate representing free rum nnd non-enforcement of the law double- that which ho ever received before , tlicro-m good ground for the high license prediction. The movement against the liquor law has bus recently taken dollitito shape , nnd n strong combination has been formed of those Interested in repealing the present statutes. For some months the hotel proprietors ami restaurant keepers have beau organizing re- crctly to act in co-operation with the liquor dealers. Besides this , n 'r < * > ! r ! ± lo uut- rViiGjopposition ! to thellquor law has Just como to the surface in the shape of the Personal Liberty society. Unlllw the secret organizations of these who carry on forbid den trafllc , the members of this society nro prominent business and professional men , nnd among the number nro several clergy men. _ _ _ Minister Pliclps nt Homo. Nr.w YOIIK , April ia. Edward J. Phelps , United States minister to Great Britain , arrived this morning on the steamer Aller. To nn Associated Press reporter ho said his visit had no political significance what ever , and ho had como over on purely private business. "It has been rumored you hove returned to accept the chief justiceship of the United States buprcuio court , " ( suggested the reporter. "There is no foundation for the report. " replied Mr. Phelps. "Tho chief justiceship has not been offered mo , nnd I hnvo no aspirations in that direction , and have no intention of leaving my present oftlco. " Mr. Phelps said the KngliEh people did not appear particularly interested in the Usher- ics question. So long as the Canadians were satisfied it waa all right. The Tribune , m an interview with Phelps , lias the following : "Tho Enclish people uro beginning to think , " said hp , "that frcctrado would be bed for them on account of the al most certainty of industrious nnd enterpris ing Americans driving them out ot market altogether. " _ . WlH Not Interfere. NewOitLEAKa. April 13. Judge Voorhlcs to-day denied the petition of the republican party for on injunction restraining the regis trar of voters from appointing certain boards of commis'sldnortf t'o serve in the comrng elec tion , on which biJrinls the republican party is withoutrepresentation. . The Judge holds that it Is not component , for the court to inter fere by injunction . - llb the preliminary prep arations for clectidljs. A PKOPifefil/Kll'S PMOI1T. The MfMiomiric& Struck By n Onlc Which XWxWy Destroy * Her. CIIICAOO , April 13. The propeller Mcnonv inee , from Mllnrauljicc , nearly foundered lu mid-lake to-day , with n heavy load of passen gers aboard. Abotit opposite Gross Point the flues suddenly fii-oko down , nnd the water began to rusli Intq Ipo vessel. The passen gers hcnni the nlarinf , nnd scenes bordering on the panicky eri uod. A perfect gale wns blowing , nnd the waves dashed high ngninst the vessel ns she Iny helpless , so that the fires in the engines were put out. Two hours hard work by the crow flnhlly got the propeller started nqain , nnd she reached Chicago to-night safely with her badly scared passengers. Divorced nnd Jealous. SAN FitAxcisco , April 13. At Emeryville to-day Louis Hnnscn , whoso wife recently secured n divorce from him nnd nftorwards mnrricd J. Q. Gardner , went to a hotel whcro they wore .stopping nnd in n fit of Jcnloksy shot them both. Ho then turned the weapon on himself nnd fell to the floor uoad. Gardner and his wife may live. Put Both Kycn Out. ItAXSAaCrrr , April 13. [ Special Telegram to tlio Bin : . ] Willlo Jones , aged olbvcn , placed Hmo In n can nnd filled it with water to see it boll up and raised the lid when the Hmo exploded by its own heat. It threw the water and Hmo into the boy's eyes , causing the loss of both , Ho Is n son of J. M. Jones of the firm of Jacob Bold & Co. I'olsoncd His Whlukcy. YELLVIU.H , Ark. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram to the Uti.1 : Charles Lowe , the eighteen-year-old son of J. M. Lowe , was found dead In his father's homo. Investiga tion showed hu had been poisoned oy strychnine. Three boys nro under arrest for the net. Charles had Incurred the dis pleasure of these boys and It is thought they placed strychnine in whiskey nnd caused him to drink it , Crazy Over n Nohrnskn Girl. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 13. [ Special Tel egram to the HII : . ] John Lindroth , who claims to hall from Dayton , was found wan dering above West Kansas City in n demented condition. Ho seems to bo crazy about n girl named Mary Nelson , of Stcelo City , Neb. Ho was scut to the city hospital. Cltnrucd With Hap" ! . ncM.criu.ii , Kan. , April 13. [ Special Telegram to the Bin : . ] John Luun , a young man of former good character , lies in jail charged with assault with intent to rape Lizzio Adsitt , aged twelve. Ho is confined nnd held to the grand jury indefaultof $1,000 bail. A BOIjl ) BUHGliAU. He Rol)9 u Shoo Store in llio Enrly Kvcnfiif ; . As the foreman land night watchman of Hainan's livery ba v/HS South Thirteenth , stood in the doorway of that stable about 10:45 : last evcn'ng tlniy saw u fellow sneak up to Austin's shoo stbre , almost directly op posite , break ono of-'tho panes of glass in the door nnil then sucak away ngnin. There were u number of people passing to nnd fro on the street nt the > time and the strange fel low was soon lost to view. Fifteen minutes Inter the clatter of breaking glass again nt- trnctcd their attention , and looking across the street they saw tlio snmo strange fellow emerge through the -broken pane with his arms piled full of shoo boxes. , ORicer Sheep , who was sauntering j-lowly on his boat , less than a block below , , did not hear the noise , nnd the thief went .south as far as Howard and then turned west nnd disappeared. When ho reached the corner of HowarJ nnd Thirteenth the policeman was less thnn half a block nwuy. The follows at the barn said nothing of the affair until Sheep happened to wunder that way , and when they told him he rushed immediately to the scone , but no trace of the burglar could be found. BENCH AXD BiVR. District Court. A.N INJUNCTION GIUNTnn. Thomas Tronborth , an employe of the Union Pacific railroad company.was recently sued before a justice in Counin'l Bluffs and a Judgment rendered against him in favor of L. C. Johnson , who at once garnishccd his salary , amounting to j&50. An injunction re straining the company from paying over this amount wns yesterday granted by Judge Donne until Monday at 10a.m. , when tlio case will finally bo disposed of. Treubcrth claims to bo the head of n family , nnd that his wages are not liable to seizure.- SUITS IN JMIX'T.Mr.NT. In the ejectment suits of Matilda TC. Gar diner vs AUolph H. Gladstone , Ada P. Drake VB Henry Frederick , the jury brought in a verdict for tlio defendants. A si\ur : > VEHIIICT. Judge Doano adjourned court yesterday af ternoon until this morning and directed the Jury in the case of Buchanan vs Stover to bring in n sealed verdict which will be opened on assembling nf court. AhKS roil AN INJUNCTION. Prank M. Kennedy yesterday applied for nn injunction to restrain the Union Pacific railroad from paying over to Calvin U. Couns- man $30 , gurnislieed by him from the wages of Kennedy , who is In the employ of the company. Thcsaniishco action was com- iiieiicedin Colorado. County Court. IIAN KN VU COlllilt , ET AI < . Jungo "Shields yeslerdny" rendered n Judgment for plaintiff in tlio sum of f05.-l ; ! in the above aiso , which was nn action brought for amount dno us damages. At 'J p. in. the case of C. & D. Hutchinson , ot id , vs'J. C. McOuckor was called , in which plaintiff sues for f 1W.50 , duo us commission on the sale of real estate. Police Court. The ominous gleam in the eyes of the court as ho took his seat yesterday boded no good for the suspected parties who vroro to appear before him , and thus it proved for iu loss time than it takes to tell it. J. M. Kinney was fined $1 nnd costs for peddling without a license. Peter Groin and Mat Judson , two very knotty-looking pilgrims who nbsorbod too much stimulants and had circulated in various back yards in tlio city hunting for beer , were fined $10 ouch which they paid. I. Kroltzer , nn lowan who came hero Jor relaxation and enjoymentwas mulcted $3 for drunkenness. . , M Soil ! over the hill Henry Klloy , vagrant , twodayi. ; Win. Scott , vagrant , three days ; Moso 1 Cohorts , vugrnnt , ton days. Discharged Mat Gallagher , drunk ; Dan Collins , ditto ; James -Alossa. . Tlio latter is another Iowa man , and when asked if he had any visible moans of support , flashed n heavy gold ring , a watch find -fiO in money , und remarked : "I rather guess I have. " The court waived him out and the last seen of James Uo wus flouting in tlio direction of a chop house. < > Charles Horton , a vagfwas given sixteen minutes to get out of town , nnd Pat Clark , who claimed to bo a city ofllcial from Lincoln , was ordered to cross the line of the city Hmtts insldo of two hotiM and not to return until ho could bringa marriage certificate. After advising Fannie , Harris , Hullo Hur- ton and Kinmu Cum ing , three bawds who nro somewhat derelict in paying their fines , to whack up ns curly as 4p. . m. to-day , court ad journed with a bang und his honor started out to get a breath of air. Worked the Corn Onmo. The old , old game of the corn wagon was successfully worked on two different grang ers yesterday by n couple of sharpers. They first pretended to buy the granger's corn nnd would take him to a remote part of the city to have him unload. Hero was an empty wagon and ho was told to throw his corn into it. After making the traiftfcr , ono of them Jumped into the wagon with him und told him ho would go with him to have the wagon weighed and would then pay him for his corn. While on the way up town the stranger Jumped from the wagon nnd disappeared - appeared up an alloy , nnd the granger on KOing to the vacant lot where ho .had un loaded the corn discovered that the wagon with hU produce was missing , The police are after the feUtnvi IN THE FIELD OF SPORT , Curtis arid Donnor Hnvo n Rattling Millnt Dulutlu SCORE AT THE DENVER WALK. John Wards WrAiiRlo With the Now York Management The Aiuer- IcniiH Unmercifully Drub the AVcstcrns at Kniibna City. Curtis ) Vhl | > R Domicr. Dn.t'Tit , Minn. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram io the Bnn.j Six hundred people wit nessed a rattling light this morning between X P. Donnor and J. W. Curtis , for $250 , ten rounds , ( Juocnsbury rules. The men have had several fights before which ended in draws , nnd bad blbod stirred up n good match. Iu the first round both men sparred cautiously nnd but few blows were struck , Curtis having the advantage. It the second round Donncr got in several good right handers , which Curtis returned , sending Donnor to the ropes by a hard left-hander , just ns time was called , lu the third round Connor got in n 'cleaver , n light upper cut , but n trifiu short. Curtis landed twice on Conner's nock heavily with his loft , nnd both men were winded. The fourth and fifth rounds were light fighting nil through. In the sixth Curtis punished Conner badly , hitting him eight or ten heavy blows on the face and head. Both men were bleeding. In the seventh round there was considerable clinching , nnd Con ner did some good work , landing on Curtis' ribs nnd neck. Conner went to the ropes from u hard rlpht-hander from Curtis nt the closo. In the eighth round there was con siderable hard , close lighting , and in u clinch the referee wns thrown and both men rolled over him. Conner wsis very groggy but time saved him from n knock-out , in the ninth , but little fighting wns done. In the tenth Curtis gave Conner two hard left handers on the neck nnd utmost finished him and the referee gave the fight to Curtis. Both men showed heavy punishment , and Curtis' right eye wns closed nnd Conner's lip split. After the fight was over it was dis covered that Curtis had broken his loft hand iu the second round. The Denver Go-As-Yoti-PlcnHc. DiiNVKn , Colo. , April 13. [ Special Tele gram to the EEC. ] Since the commencement of the six days' walk four of the men , Strokle , Messier , Buchanan and Robinson , have dropped out. The other seven nro still swinging nround the track nt the rate of from twelve to sixteen miles an hour. Nolan is still holding the lead , ns he has done since Messier dropped out , with Hart only n few laps behind. It is the opinion of some that Nolan will weaken before the cud is reached , as ho shows some signs of distress that may lead to a complete ureak-dowu before mid night to-morrow. The winner is Hart , if he chooses to make it , but those who nro posted say a good deal depends upon the amount of money bet on him. It is freely intimated that ho would jiot hesitate to embarrass his admirers if there was enough in it. At the present time , however , there is no indication of a sell out , and until Hart displays an intention to throw the race he will be given full credit for excellent work. Vint seems to bo growing in popular favor although 2i > miles behind the leader. In the opinion of some lie will brace up at the end and win the race. He looks fresh , carries him self like n man who possesses every confi dence of winning , mid if ho holds up may pass them all. Score at midnight : Miles. Laps. Vint 393 10 Norcmac 3.'i7 7 Hart V 419 10 Stnnton 337 11 Nolan 4111 - 11 Huffman 333 10 Smith Ur0 10 villll Ward nnil the Giants. NR\V Yoitic , April 13. [ Special Telegram to the BEH. ] Ward's scathing letter pub lished in yesterday's papers has elicited much comment among base ball people. The pen- oral opinion seems to bo that Ward Is trying to work upon public sympathy. President Cay said to-night : ' 'Wnrd has misrepre sented the club and the club's earnings , nnd I nm surprised nt his letter. Wo have not made in several years what wo made last year. We have paid Wnrd 5,000 a year for the last throe- years , and that is a larger sal ary than 11 paid any short-stop in the coun try. Wo will not pay him $ . "i,00 ( > , and neither will wo release him. He says we only paid -J'200 lo get up the old nine in this city. Wo put out $2HX ( ) before we look in a cent. " Hutllold will play short in case Ward does not sign. Kocfc is still out , but will s > igu in a few days. AIISOH'H Smile Broadens ) . CniriAoo , April 13. [ Special Telegram to the Br.n. ] The White Stockings have re turned from their long trip , having reached town this morning. Alison grins and rubs his hands whenever the recent games with the Browns are referred to. "I know , " said ho , "that with the men I had wo could knock these fellows out for a majority of the three games , even though Cctroit had been taken into cam ] ) by them , and 1 did Just what I thought wo should do. Comlskoy bus got a peed nine this season , and 1 should not bo surprised to sco St. Louis fool Homo of Its old plaver * who are wearing Brooklyn club uniforms this year. " The innnnirn Spi'iiiR arnfitiiifj. LONDON , April 13. At the second spring meeting nt Lundown park to-day the great Landown hurdle race , two miles , was won by C.T. . Blake's five-year-old bay horse , Conservator. In the mammoth hunter's steeplechase , three miles , Cawson's four- year-old bay colt , Coronet , won. Sr. Louts n , Detroit 1. ST. Louis , April 13. The gauio to-day re sulted ab follows : St. Louis 5 , Cetroit 1. Batteries St. Louis : Hudson andMllligan ; Cetroit ; Gctzein and Sutclill'e. The KansiiH City Westerns hose. KANSAS CITY , April 13. { Special Telegram to thoBiii1. ] In the gametoday between the Western association and American : ; rein- lion clubs the score rojulUni m favor of the Amc.i ; iit. Tlio Westerns scored one run in the seventh inning , thn.Americnns three In the second , five In the third , three in the fourth , two In the fifth nnd ono In the sev enth. making the result 14 to 1 in favor of the American association. The winning club In this scries of Hvo games takes the entire pate receipts. Four thousand people wit nessed the game. Local Sportltm Squills. The bnso ball nine composed of members of the Couglns county bar , who nro to meet n team comjiosed of the newspaper fraternity nt an early date , nro said to bo practicing dally. The pamo between St. Paul nnd Omnhn tliis afternoon promises to bo n peed ono nnd the attendance will doubtless bo largo. A great majority of base ball enthusiasts con tend that the homo team will have a walk- nwnv. A movement Is on foot In which .1. , T. Phil- bin , Jnck Morrison nnd Frank Hnnlon nro the prime factors to orpnniro a club for the purpose of leasing Cut-Off lake nnd convert ing it into n pleasure resort. The promise o f the lease has already been secured. Prof. Ed Miller has of late rose from his couch very early and betaken himself to parts unknown , returning usually nt breakfast time. It was supposed for a time that ha wns perhaps going into training njrain but It transpires that ho has only recently pur chased n Columbia bicycle nnd is trvlng to loam to ride the "pol darned thing" so that he can make n race with Ed Rothery. A 1'IXKEUTOX MAN Horrible Vnto of An Imported Bur- Ilngton Oiinrdlnn. The lifeless body of Therold Lund , n Pin- kcrton. policeman ngod thirty-eight years , presented n horrible sight under the flicker ing glare of the headlight of switch engine No. < . > 9 of the Burlington as ho lay prone on the ties of the Pacific street bridge nbout 10 o'clock last nlcht. His uniform was satu rated with his life's blood , his limbs were mangled nnd crushed , his face wns devoid of all sombhinco of humanity , nnd his skull battered to n pulp , permitting the brnin and secretions of his head to flow nnd drip into the abyss many feet bolow. Under the bridge lay the upper part of his head. Lund came hero from Chicago among the first of the Plnhcrtons when the strike on the Burlington broke out , nnd has been kept continually on duty at this point. Last night , together with n fellow Pinkerton by the nnmo of K. S. Corr , ho wns stationed on the bridge to watch nn outgoing freight nnd see that no violence was offered the trainmen. Ho nnd Corr were standIng - Ing on the south tracks of the bridge fully absorbed in their duties , nnd were not anticipating nny danger from their stnndi > oint. All at once the sound of grind ing wheels fall up the ears of Corr , who , .glancing to the west , observed a switch en gine backing down upon them nt n high rate of si > eed. Grasping the situation nt a glance , Corr cried out to his companion to follow him and jump. Seemingly , Lund did not understand the orders , but rcmnined at his post , and while Corr was on his awful flight to the rocky abyss , Lund was being ground up under the wheels of the engine. His agonizing cries nnd the motion of the onginc attracted the attention of Hcnrv Smith , fore man of the engine , who signaled the ciiRlnour , Frank Phelps , and the engine was slacked up and stopped , nftcr dragging the un fortunate man some forty feet. Ccnth wns almost instantaneous. Particulars of the cntnstropha wore sent to the acpot , nnd the rest of the Pinkcrtons and railroad attnchcs turned their attention to looking after Oorr , who was found lying insensible under the bridge. His nose wns broken nnd his face terribly disfigured. Ho was moved to his hotel and medical assistance summoned. Ho is thought to have suffered internal injuries of n serious character. Coroner Croxcl was sent for to remove the remains of Lund to the morgue. The decasod has a wife nnrt two children living on Indiana avenue , Chicago , nnd the sorrowful tidings of the loss of a husband and father were forwarded them by tele graph. Lund has been in the service of the Pink crtons n long time , and up to the time of his transfer to Omaha had been on duty nt the board of trade. Ho is a Cane by birth , wns of pleasant , affable disposition , nnd greatly liked by the officers associated with him. Give Them the Go-By. The public lire advised to give the po- by to articles claimed to possess the sumo qualities as , or are proiTorod in stead of SOZOCONT. That incompar able preservative and restorer of the. teeth , is like itself , and nothing else. Purchase that alone. A Boom For ImprovomenlH. The First ward republican club Is mixing ward politics and public improvements nnd the members propose to meet weekly hence forth for the promulgation of the good word. A starter was made at the hall of the club , on the corner of Tenth and Lonvenworth streets , last night , when Chairman Butler presided over a representative gathering of partisans nnd taxpayers. Councilman 1 Ins- call cut quite n figure in the proceedings , nnd promised to lend his enemies in bringing about the desired results. The principal im provement in view is to prevail upon the Union Pacific and Burlington railroads to build n viaduct over the crossings of their roiids nt Tenth street , and if tnoy will con cede to this the cable and street car compa nies promise to extend their lines. Mr. Ilns- call spolto hopefully of such n result , nnd said that had life been spared the departed Thomas.I. Potter the viaduct would have been built this summer. In Memory < > ( 'Lincoln. TIe : CXcivises at the ueorgm avenue school to-day were particularly inU'restingi'lIii accord mice with the request of the board of educa tion the teachers of this school have been de voting all their extra time during the past two weeks in arranging a programme and preparing their pupils for participation in the same , Awarded ller$5OOO. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 13. [ Special Telegram to the Bui : . ] To-day a jury awarded .Mrs. Frank Lamay a Judgment of J ! > ,000 iijjnlnst the Missouri Pacific for killing her husband May ii4 , JH--0 , on the levco near the foot of Culuwaru Htroct. C.'MI riclp I hi ; Unrorliinntn , NiiwYoiiK , April 13.-J. Godholp & Son , shirtimikcr.s , assigned with preferences am .milling to about 1120,000 , lood Pur © \Vo bellovo Ilood'a Harsaparllla Is the very buiit niedlcluc tn tuko tokuop the blond pure and to cspel thi' ierni3 ot ticrofulu , bull rheum , and other poisons which cause so much fauircrmx , lunl Huoner or Inter undurmina the guncrul health. Hy Its peculiar cnrntlvo power , Hood's Sarnupavilln Mrengthcus thu system ivhllo it cradlcutos ( Unease. "Hurly last sprint ; I was very much run down , had nervous hcadacliij , felt inisorabla ana all that. I to ! ; nooiVs Sarsaparllla and \vas much Vwiicilttml by it. I rocummond it to my friends. " Mns. J. M. T.m.oit , 1118 Kuclld Avimue , Cleve land , Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla 'Tor n first-class spring medicine my wife nnd I both think very highly of Jlood.s .Snriiapurllln. Wo both took it last spring. It did us n great deal o : good nnd wo felt better through the hut weather than ever before. It cured myvlfo of Blck headache , from wWeli BUO has euirerfd a great deal , and relieved mo of a dizzy , tired feel ing. 1 think ovt-ry ono ought to tale ; somcthlm ; to purify the blood before thu hot weather comes on , and we shall certainly take Hood's Sarsaparilla thu spring. " J. H. I'EAIICE , faupt. Graulto Hallway Co. , Concord , N , U , Tor a peed spring medlcino wo confidently recommend Hood's Hdrnaparifla. Ily Its use the blood Is purified , enriched nnd vitalized , tlint tired furling in entirely overcome and the whole body given strength nnd vigor. The appetite i restored nnd bluvrpened , the < lire ( < Ulvr > onriui > ' are tonedand the kidneys and llvur iuvJiro" * . Those who J vi rve.-r trlofl Hood'a Hurtm- jianim should do so this uprlnpr. H U n thor oughly honest nnil rollablo preparation , purely vegetable , uixl contains no Injurious Ingredient whuti'ver. Thousands testify u its pucullur curutivo power. PurJfloa the Blood "Iliad erysipelas In tlio worst form , being nearly covered with bllstcrH. My huslmnd heard of Hood's S r > upnrlllu anil liibUted on my taking It , though I hud llttlu faith. J hud taken but n few doses , when 1 began to fool better , nuil in a weuk J wus sure jt waBilolng me good. 1 continued to take it according to directions and when the first bottle wns jfouo I was entirely well. 1 have not been tioublod by erysipelas since. " Mus. J < . lUco.s , Drlmflclil , Mas. * , K. H. If J'ou decide to take Hood's Saisa- parillo , do not bo Induced to buy tiuy olhir. Hood's Sarsaparwa Sold \ij \ * 1I druggists , tljilxforli. Prepared only by 0.1.11001) & CO. , Lowell , Mais , 100 Doses Ono Dollar Sold \ > l all tfrucKliti , Hi ill for 14 Irepmd4nljr B ; C. I UOOP ! t CO. , Umcll , Mitti JQO Doses Ono Doli&r THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Whont Surprises the Bonrs By Opou- Ing Strong , CORN STILL HOLDS THE LEAD. The Shorts Quito Downhcnrtrd Onta Participate In the Upxvnril Move- incut I'rovlslotiR Strong Hogs Still Active. CHICAGO I'nonuoti MAIUU3T. CIIIPAOO , April in. ISpccInl Telegram to the Hr.E.1 A most decided change in Mo sentiment of wheat traders had been wrought over night. At the close of the short sdiWlbn yesterday the market wns I'.ttroinolJrenle nnd nobody seemed to want nny vlioat , The prediction of lower prices to-day was vpry general. This morning , at from XQ to Jjo higher prices , the market wns buoyant liii'd active , with not n great disparity between supply nnd demand. A number of efreuiu- stances had combined to bring about this result. The llrst quotations for Kngluh con sols showed another decline of 4 points , Mid although there wns n slight recovery later , yet the full of 8 points in two days revived the talk of the unsettled condition of foreign politics. On the other hand , it wns said that the decline In consols hud no political significance , but wns simply the effect of the English chancellor's refunding scheme. Moreover , cables , although firm , showed no advance In the pneo of wheat nnd foreigners were selling futures both hero and In Now York. May wheat opened nt TS. 'c , worked down to 7So , then up to TS'tfc , down to 78 > jio , up to 7SKe. back to 7Sii78k'c ( ! , up to 78J < a again , closing nt t o'clock nt 78'c. Juno wheat opened at TP'sc , ( told nt TlUVffiTSTio , closing at 1 o'clock nt 70'e. ' Corn was again the liveliest market on the floor. Heeoipts were IIS cars larger than ex pected nnd grading wns bettor than of Into , but these things seemed to bring no comfort to the bears. At Dost receipts were smalt , especially of contract grade , and tlmro were other circumstances calculated to innko the shorts buy in their corn as soon ns possible. One of them wns an advance in the price of cash corn in New York to-day nnd n report that n largo slleo out of the small stock hero was to bo sent down to New York by rail to 1111 contracts there. Tliero was also n report that some strong houses who had corn cribbed in the country proposed to put the price to COc , at which they were willing to bring in corn and deliver it. This rejwrt was strengthened or porhnps It WHS originated by the fact that ono of the largest receiving houses was the biggest buyer of May future to-day. Mny corn opened at 54' c which was J c above last night's closing , nnd lifter selling at Wo early worked up to Me In n short time , fell to i > 4 < vr &f > Wc , advanced to 55 ? < , c , fell to M @ 54-ic ( cgain nnd closed at 1 o'clock ntMVc. Juno com opened at KJJfo , sold from 63J c up to " ' ? AC , nnd closed nt I o'clock nl Me. The speculative oat market followed corn in the upward movement , the advance being unusual in extent for that ( inlet and ordinarily uneventful market. May oats opened nt 'ilj'i'c , lulvnnecd to it'-J e , und closed nt 1 o'clock nt ! U > 4C. Juno oats sold up from JtlJ o to "We , closing at ; ilo nskod. July oats opened ut JUlie bid , sold up to ! t2jkfo and closed at ! tlj c asked. August oats sold up from 27J6Q2SC to 2SJ (223 ( c , closing at In provisions , a strong feeling controlled the day's market. Pork was simply held by n syndicate and failed to receive as much at tention ns short-ribs and lard , which were at times fairly active. Higher prices , however , wore the rule and , based on last night's clos ings , the 1 o'clock quotations showed an ud- vnnce of lOGtr.'Xc on pork , 2 > c on lard and < iJ10o on short-ribs. ArrcuNOox Sr.ssiON. Wheat firm ; Mny closing at 78 AVJ7S ( > ac , July SOc bid. Corn firmer ; May closing at Mi e , Juno fil'fc ' , July 54' c. Oats steady. Pork was C > c higher , closing at $ U.lfi for April nnd May , $1-1.1 K for June , and $14.22V for July. Lard was stronger nnd 2) c higher , May closed nt S'.O' c , .luno $ r.72i e , July ? 7.72 > jc , uud Au gust $ r.S2'i. CHICAGO IjtVE STOCK. CincAOO , April 13. [ Special Telegram to the Bnu.l CATTLE Business was equal to the extent of the supply , which wns light. AB to prices , there was little or no change with the average of yesterday. The quality of stock was not up to an average , there being only n few loads of really good steers among the arrivals , Texas furnished only a small number to-day. Prime butcher's stock yet remains steady , but the time is rapidly approaching , unless the run of natives is un commonly light , when such must Bell lower. The first big rush of Texans will send prices down on the ordinary run of butchers' stock. Steers , 1350 to l.r > 00 Ibs , tl.-inirefi.OO ; 1200to 18T > 0 Ibs. M.UO@-1.50 : OM to 121X1 Ibs , * 3.y5 < 1.00 , Stackers nnd feeders , $ 'J.40 a 3.70. Cows , bulls nnd mixed , ? l.iO ( ( ' < 3.Gu. bulk , f2.-5S)2.S ! ( ) ( ) . Texas fed ulcers , $3.30 ( . fl 4.1 ! > ; cowB , $ I..ri2.JO. r ! . lions Business continues active , again nd- ncIiiK ! > @ 10c , with fancy heavy malting ? 5.r > 0@r > .7r > . Best heavy made $5.40M5.0.'i and common f5.40rf2r > .50. Anything In the way of light , averaging 170 to ISO Ibs , sold at $5.50 ® 5.55 nnd lighter at ? 5.2 ( ) . FINANCIAL. Nr.w YOIIK , April 18. { Special Telegram lo the Bii.l : STOCKS The bulls gain con fidence slowly , but the bears remain un daunted despite their inability to control 1'iual i\vo dnj's , News from the outside wns light , and price changes were duo almost entirely to tl o action of room traders , who operated cautiously and kept the market within narrow bounds , fluc- lualions , even on the moat nctivo stock , not exceeding 1 point. Grangers were stronger mid J-jWrt points higher. Missouri Pacific broke % points , but rallied % . Gould IH said to decline to purchase it at thu present prices. If that be true operators say it is not policy to buy It with any degree of freedom. Coal ers advanced % < # % , aud YamliTbilts Western Union developed decided lt.V. Q' > Ul'i 1- : 'Ci"jivd to Have bid 70 for the Ki.000,000 of stock hold by the Baltimore ft Ohio iu payment for the Jailer's lines. The market developed strength as the day ad vanced , and although bualncHS did not im prove the close was nt the outside of the day on a majority of stocks , showing an advance extending to \ % points , Heading leading. Luekawunna was up % St. Paul % , North western ? f , Lake Shore % , Canada Southern % . Union Paeiflc and Western Union wore Htraiiy. Missouri Pacific was % lower. Trading with Chlcaso houses was blow , there being too much action in grain forsiicauiuuirH to give stocks moro than passing altcntion. Sales wore i3.rlf ! , > r > shores. Govr.UNMi'NTs. Goverjijrxiirt bonds were du'u inn steady. " YKSTJ-.llllAY'S QUOTATIONS , IT. R.4sroistered. ISl'/'O.'N. ' W. . . 10T in coupon. . . IS)1 ) * ! dojirefH-rod Hlf } U.H. 4".Bre 'l trcd.ldfi',4 ' N. V.Central 103 - . 8 Vis ajiiiioiuI.lli H O. II. N M 1'artllc Us of J'.T I0 rniuuln. Houthurn. 1'uclllR Mall ai Central I'aclilo VM O. It.tcK. . . , . . . . . . .IHH riilrnjro U Alton. . . I'nllmimi'uluctCaiiaiH' C.JI.&Q 1IH Heading X J ) . , I. . & W Jtorlc iblund Itt/ ) M.&H.C1 St. Ii. & 8. J' M'i jrlo ; "IV clnprefrrred ilo preferred K , , ( ; . , if. & Kt. 1'aul. . . 70 ! IlllncjlaOjiitral J19 ilo iiroferrcU 1IU i.ii.&w io" st. i > . A , o a- , If.Ar'J' l.'l4i ? < 1 prfcferrt'ii lUS'/J J.HkeSliuro W iTuxaa 1'uclllc i.'U j , i N fit ? , L'liliinl'acltlc L'l'i Mlohlgiiil Contiul. . 7714V. . , HI. I. . Ac I' 13 Mtwiouril'aplltc 7a'i ilojiruferred Kt't Mihbourll'actllo. . . . Sit , \V , U. Telegraph. . 73S Uopryferrcd 4i > 4 MONET ON CAM. Kasy ut 1@3 pnr cent ( closing offorcd 'J per cent. PMMB MUUCANTILB Pipisii 5@7 per cent. STKHMNO EXCIUNOB Quiet , nt JffS for CU day Lulls ; tlb7 for doinaud. I H C ) I ) 1OJ2VAU K UT S. 'dilcago , April 13. following are 'j : ' , ( > ckmngprices ; PlyurQuiet urd . flr.'Bj winter. '