Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1888, Image 1

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    " "W V
Excepts to the BOO'B Criticism of His
Tariff Attitude.
The TnrllTMcn 91 n ken Frank Confen-
f-tinn In Connect Ion With a.lclncd
Coiiiinltlcc'H Iteport Wonmn'H
Meeting Profitable.
Horsey on the HCC'N Criticism.
518 FotnTF.K.STII.STIIKKT ; , }
WASIIINOIOV. D C. April 13. j
Representative Dorscy said this morning-
"I notice the Urn Is criticising me for s'iy ing
I would not support the Mills tariff bill , and
nays that 1 should keep my pledge nnd
not say 1 would not supixirt this bill , as It
may bo amended in the house. If the editor
of the Ur.i : will read his own paper ho will
find good and sufficient reason given therein
for my opposition to this bill , nnd when ho
enys the bill may bo amended In such a man
ner ns to bo acceptable , ho shown thnt lip Is
not conversant xvlth the situation here. Tlio
Mills bill , if It passes , will go through with
out ani amendments of importance. It will
bo passed under the spur of the party lash ,
directed by the party caucus precisely as the
adjournment was forced yesterday on the di
rect tax bill , Tlio northein democrats will
ngaln get down on their knees to the south
ern brigadiers. The deals linvo all
been made. 1 nm opposed to any bill puts wool on the free list. The Mills
bill contains some good provisions , but there
nro so many vicious ones that nro against the
Interests of those engaged in ngricultuinl
pursuits that the bill should bo defeated. I
nn anxious to vote for a fair and equitable
jovision of the tnriff n icvlslon that will
tend to take the bin den of tuxes fiom the
funnel s nnd the laborlngmen I w ill vote to
put on the free list n number of nrtieles
named in the Mills bill ; nlso some others not
mentioned in tlio bill ; nlso to reduce the
duties on tlio metul and chemical schedules
whcie such notion will not injure the indus
tries. I have urged during the entire ses
sion that our paity take nn nnlrmntivo posi
tion on the tariff , and am now very sure that
the substitute that tlio minority will offer for
the Mills bill will receive the suppoit of nil
republicans nnd bo satisfactory to Hit }
counti.\ . "
SAI > r.Miixo or A IIOM\VCK.
Washington society was shocked this
morning upon learning that Mrs. Oracle
Hillycr Hulkley , who elopad to HaUimorc
nnd was mnricd in n sensational way on De
cember 20 last , full mention of which wns
telegraphed the Hrr , at that time , had last
night committed suicide by poisoning at the
icsldencoof herparenta , No 2J Mussachu-
fieUs avenue , this city. It will bo icincm-
bercd that this jonng lady , who is the only
daughter of Judge Hinder , n wcrltby citicn ,
wns to have been married to W. L. Tton-
helm , son of tlio comptroller of the cuuency ,
n skort time after the date upon which she
eloped with her Hist love ; that there woio
Btiong objections to her mai i luge to Hulklov ,
who is n clerk In a bank , and that iminedi
ntoly upon her leturn to Washington ftom
her elopement there was a separation of the
bride nnd gioom and an application
for a divorce entered by the former ;
that It was subsequently withdrawn
nnd tiie ioung pcoplo reunited and lived to
gether for ten daisntn fashionable hotel.
Then theio was another separation , it is said
nt the Instance of the gill's parents , since
which the husband nnd wife have notlUet :
together. It wns with gieat difficulty thnt
the scoet of the gill's sulcido was ascci-
t allied to day It is said that she was gieatl }
disappointed in her mat nage , nnd that bet
paiontsweio so chagrined because she dli :
not mniry > oung Tienholm that lifo nt her
old homo was exceedingly unpleasant nm :
thnt she dtcaded the piesenceof her patents
The ioung lady was veiy handsomennd
Washington is shocked nt her sad ending.
Inquiiics Inivo been mndo by icpiesenta-
tives and senatois nt the house committee on
navnl affairs dui ing the past two or tlireo
wci ks as to the cause of the delay in the
naval appropi i.itions bill. Usually this is ono
of the 111 st appiopiiatlons lepoitcd in the
house , but it has been given out fiom dnj tc
day fur sovei al days that the committee h.u"
not'icgun woik upon tlio bill , and legislator
have been unable to understand the ic.ison ol
To day I nskcd Chairman Hcrbeit why the
bill wns not icpoitcil , nnd ho said. "Wo do
not intend to Inj the bill befoie the house til
the tariff question is disposed of , us theio
there might bo amendments to I'
milking largo oppropriations for beavi
oidlnnncc , coast defenses , etc. , wind
would inn the nggicgnto of tlio measuin
up so high that it would defeat tlio t a rill' bill
by reducing the suiplus to the minimum U
this should be done nnd the tarift bill de
feated , the majoilty In the house would beheld
held responsible for not only tlio defeat of
the uiTlu , uttt'ur . ! : ! : : ; : ov'i'ndini" ! ! > y 25 :
proprlations "
This Is n viitual acknowledgment by the
majority party that it is afraid the house will
run away from it if nnoppoitunity is otTcred ,
in providing for n leconstiuction of thoimvy ,
coast defenses , etc ,
Tin : sioc.v iinsriivATiov nn.i. .
In the house to-dny the final conference
report on the bill to open to settlement the
Sioux resei vution in Dakota was received
nnd adopted. "Thero wcio some objertions ,
but they wore withdrawn The bill
will on Monday or Tuesday bo
reported to the senate , whcio theio is no
doubt of its adoption , nnd then it will go to
tUo Picsjdc'iit for his slgnatmo. Tlio procla
mation 01 u.u . rrc-- ! ' " ' nj'nnniB the ryse.n-n-
tion to settlement is expected to follow
within tinco or four months ,
Dakotuns now In tlio city say there are
large mnnhcis of people settling on the lands
nlrendy , nnd thnt nil the choicest tracks will
bo occupied by siuattois before the picsi-
dunl's ' proclamation is Issued , It will bo ncc- to negotiate with tlio Indians and se
cure their signatuies to tbo treaty , which is
puivided In tlio bill , bofoio the president will
tnko up the question involved. Huttl'crois
little , if any , doubt that the consent of the
1 mlhns : will bo tcndlly secuicd.
A ruonTAiii.1 ! WOMKN'S ' MCUTIXO.
The i crent intci national council of women
ill V < rauilUBton ! was successful financially as
well as In tlio ndvnncemont of female suf
frage. Mls H. G. Foster , of Philadelphia ,
who Is the tinancial secretary mid business
manager of th ? orbSnirS1.1" ! la in the city
closing up the accounts. She Bays thai tuC
iccelpts wcio over f 11,000 , nnd that the ex
penses wcro less than $10,000. Scats wore
bold tovisitoia during tbo session nt tlio
opcia house at U ) cents each. The attend
ance wns very largo , anfl.tho women who
had most to do with it uio so elate j over their
BUCCCSS , that they are in favor ol having
eesslous frequently.
Jno , M , Lynch has been appointed gaugcr
ut Sioux City , la.
Tlio base of supply for the Star mail route
extending from Nehawka to Union. Neb. ,
hr.s been ordeicdchanged to Nihawka sta
tion , a now office.
After Muy 1 mall seivico from Kimbali
to Haudall , Neb , , thirty miles , will bo dis
continued. Randall will bo embraced in the
ronto from ICimball to Goiiug ,
btar mall service tlirco times a week w 111
bo established July 1 from Hajes Center to
Can ice , eight miles. Pent ; * S , HZATU.
Army Orders ,
WASIUXOTOX , Apill 13. [ Special to the
] ) LI- Captain Thomas N , TobyFourteenth
infantry , Is ordeicd to appear before the 10-
tiring board , General Holablrd , president ,
, convened in thai city , for examination b } the
board. .
Captain John It. Myiick , Third artillery ,
tslu George H. Towle , Nineteenth infan
try. nnd First Lieutenant Luther H. Hare
So\cnth cnvnliy , nro ordered to rejoin their
Ordnnneo Sergeant Herbert Daly Is retired
Captain Clnro Erven , nsslstnnt surgeon , is
granted six months Iravo with permission to
go abroad.
Second Lieutenant William D. Wright , sig
nal corps , is ordered to visit Hlack Island
nnd Nnrragansctt Pier on temporary service
Fiist Lieutenant John H. Wlsscr , First nr-
tillcry. Is order to temporary duty nt Willis
Point , N. Y.
A board of officers , consisting of Colonels
Thomas L. Casey , Henry L Abbott nnd
Lieutenant Colonel Cyrus H Comstock , has
been ordered to meet in Now York for the
examination fnr promotion of Cnptnln C. H.
L. H Davis , Fust Lieutenant ( leortfoMc. C.
Derby nnd Second Lieutenant W. L. SIbcrt ,
of the engineers coips ,
The letivo of absence for six months , to
Uiko ofTci t May U ) , with permission to apply
for nn extension of six months nnd go be-
iond sen , is granted Fust Lieutennnt Henry
D Hnrun , oidnnnce department
Private Thomas Fisher , Compnny H , Sixth
Infnntii , now with his company" at Fort
Leavenworth , Is transported to Troop M ,
Sixth cavalr.v , stationed nt the same post.
Puvnto Cleorgo Hobdav , Company U ,
Twenti-third Infantry , now with his com
pany nt Nort Hindi , MichiganIs transferred
to the station of the troop nt Fort Kcogh ,
Montana toiritory.
Paragraph 2 , spec'al ' orders No 01 , May 15 ,
1ST5 , directing the discharge of Ptivato
Henry Shanks , alias John Noble , Company
12 , Third nrtilleiy , is revoked.
Private Charles Walter. Company G , Sev
enteenth infantiy , now with his compnnj , is
discharged from the seivico of iho United
Ordlnnncc Sergeant Hernnrd Daly , United
States ni my , Is , by direction of tbo presideht
nnd upon his own application , placed upon
the rctiied list.
I'nssod Hut Jlednced.
WASHINGTONApill 1.1 Tlio legislative ,
Judlcinri and executive appropriation bill , as
agreed upon in iho house committee , makes
n total appropriation of * JO'I JUOO , which is
fHS.OOO less than the estimates mid $ .200.000
less than current appropriations for the same
KOIice. . Tlio bill authoii/es the tcadjust-
inent of thustandaid of weights nnd meas
ures furnished to the states and territories ;
n eleik to the spcnker is provided for at
MViOpcr ( annum , the signal ofllco foico is
icauaiiged ns desired by the chief signal
officer , and piovision made for thiityuitiu
employes. In nnsw or to the house resolution
calling upon heads of depaittnents for esti
mates of the amounts neccss n y to pay claims
ntlslng under the eight hour law , the secre
tary of w in sas $30UJOO ( will bo required by
the oidiiancu depai tmcnt , and that the quai-
tormnstcr general , commissaiy general and
chief of engineers hnvo no data upon which
to make estimates.
Postal Chnnjjes.
W \SIIINOTOX , April 13. [ SpecialTelegram
to the Bet : 1 The following Nobiaska post-
mnstcis were appointed today : Jonathan
Tresalcr , Chapman. Mornck county , vice
Alonzo U. Cadi , removed ; John F. Croghnn ,
Kniinet , Holt county , \ico Miss Maggie
Molli , losigncd ; Hesihia U Fair , Hockville ,
Slieiinancounti , vieo John J. Hlair , resigned ,
Potoi UcttniKer , St Hetiinid , Platte county ,
\ico Hemnid Sclitoc.
The Union Pacific Don't "Want It.
WAHIIIMITOV , April 13 In the house to-dny
the bill wns teportcd and rofci red to the pri
vate calendar , authorising thoNebraska Cen
tral railroad eomp.iny to constiuct a bridge
neioss tlio Missouii liver at Omaha , Nei )
The icport neeonipnnjlng the bill sujsthe
onli opposition to the measure seems to como
fiom the Union Pacific.
Kejiulillean Seiiator'a CaiictiH.
W\SIIINOTOV , April 13 'Hie republican
caucus committee of the senate hold a meet
ing to dnj and dismissed the condition of
legislation befoio the senate. It did not
foimulate any order of business , however ,
and ndjouined to meet again Tucsdav inoin-
Troops Oideivd to Move.
W\SIMNOTOS , Apiil 13 Tho"seei clary of
war has dnected numerous transfers of
troops , tlio movement to commence not later
than Juno next Among otbcis tlio Six
teenth ininntry will move to tbo Depaitment
ot the Plutte , with hcadquattcis at Foil
Douglas , Utah.
Dickinson Wants Moro Money.
WISIIIVUTON , April 13 The postmaster
gcneial to day submitted to tlio house ad
ditional estimates , aggiegatmg $ lliK : ( ) , for
salaiies of etnploics in the postofllco de
pai tmcnt.
Conflicting nnd Unlnvornblc HeportH
I''rom the Sick SI.Herman.
NnYonu , Apul 1J Dr , Andeison said
this mot ning that Conkling rested well all
night and slept quite as well as the night pre
vious. Ho only awoke when called upon to
take his medicine. The patient no longer
walks the room ns ho did two dajs ago. lie
gets up nt intctvals nnd moves mound , but
not In the same ncivous and excited way ho
foimcily did , "Ho has now passed out of
the lit si acute siages of iho uisGuau , " iI :
tlio doctor , "nud docs not suffer the pain that
he did at first. Ho has taken moio nouiish-
incut lust night than on any pievious night.
Tlio patient has not lost sixty pounds of
llesh "
About 10 this morning Dr. Hnrker issued n
bulletin sai ing that Conkling passed n good
night. Ho slept well , and hismind is cleaicr
this moining.
Dr Haiker Issued n bulletin at 200 ; this
nftei noon , saIng that Conkling had been
sleeping quietly for the last two hours nnd n
half , and that there was u llttlu improve
ment since this morning.
Dr. Andeison came out of the house nt 0
o'clock , nnd when nsked eonceinlng tlio
statement of Dr Haiker that Conkling was
not doiiio ' " " ' "ll tu's ' afternoon , suid ; "No ,
Conkling has lost some gi"I"1 " . .
At U 10 p. m. Henry Melville. Mr. Conic-
ling's law paitner , came out of tlio house and
said there was no change in Con Ming's con
dition The family , lie said , were very anx
ious. Tim phisicluns had picdictcd Conkling
would bo better inside of Unco das. The
prediction hud not been fulfilled. The gwt- impiession nt the HoITinnn house is that
Conkllng's condition is moro precarious than
indicated in tlio bulletins. Wliilo some of the
bulletins have been favorable , yet there
seems to bo n world of iescrvation In all Dr.
HaUer has gi\en out. On the other hand ,
not a fnvoiublo bulletin bus been issued
while the distinguished patient was
othetw iso than nslecp. While awake he is
very nei vous , or oven worse excited. In the
lucnntimo his sttcngth is receding hourly.
To duj iMiiiC tu ? lnn3t UUfu.yor.ibla si niptoms
in his tefusul to take mine , or."eh ' us
has subsisted , nnd a nei vouu twitching of the
At U.SO Dr. Banter said"Sinco 5.30 p. m.
theio has been no change for the better. Ho
has gl\en up his twitching nud now tnkcs
milk. His wound lias not been dressed to
day. 1 w ill bo satisfied if there is no change
for the woiso bcforo I call again nt lip m ,
nnd if I then find him the same I will go
homo nnd take u good night's rest. "
Dr Harker culled shortly after 11 o'clock
nnd Btti.\cd half on hour. The patient fell
asleep befoie the doctor left. lie is still
taking nourishment without dlfllculty , con
sisting of u little milk and whiskey. His
tcmpctnturc has risen slightly since the doc
tor's piovlous visit , othciwiso he was un
A Caucus on the Compromise.
OTTAWA , April 13. At n ministerial caucus
ihU moiuing tlio basis of settlement with the
Canadian Patitla for the cancellation of
monopoly privileges was officially announced.
The onb now point is that the company will
expend m.OOO.CCO derived fiom. the govern-
mcnt bond issue under the supervision of the
coernmeut , 13,000,000 to pay off the floating
liabll ties of tkc > companj ; $5,500,000 in new
icllrn fi.tOv'k , n-d ! the remainder for the ECU-
ciiil improvement of ho lines.
St. Paul Lowland Residents Going
Around in Qondolaa.
First Floor Household Goods Floating
Around the Streams With
Owners FlHhliiK For Them
Condition or the Flood.
The MI Hlflslppl'M High "Wntcr.
ST. PAUL , April 13. [ Special Telegram to
the Hcc. ] The wntcr has rnlsed ubouttwo
feet on the fiats on the upper lovco during six
hours. Most of the shanties there Imvto been
vacated , their occupants seeking shelter with
friends in other parts of the city or in other
houses on the bluffs , or in the few houses
thnt stand on the ground that has not been
Inundated This morning the lints presented
the appearance of n lake bordered by the
roofs of houses. Small outbuildings have
Dcen lifted from their foundations , nnd float
ing ngalnst the fences hnvo toppled over.
Occnsslonnlly ono might sco n man rescuing
his family nnd household effects from the up
per story of his shaiitj , whither ho had re
moved them in the hope that the water would
not t iso to the second floor. Dogs , babies ,
cats , bedding , women , nnd all sorts of cookIng -
Ing utensils wcro thus rescued , being placed
in boats and taken to the levee.
At midnight last night the signal service
gunge measutcd 13 8. Since then it 1ms risen
to 141 , that being the last measurement
taken. At ! i p. m. to-day Signal Officer Ly
ons is of the opinion that the tivcrhas
i cached its maximum , nnd whatever rise
occurs within tlio next twenty-four boms
will bo slight , unless thci e should bo heavy
inins , in which event exticmo loss nnd suf-
feung mai ensue. Ho anticipates that West
St. Pnul will suffer some in uny event , ns
the banks me likely to give way ns soon ns
they are filled , nnd cause a severe loss to
piopeity owners in that vicinity. During
the night the water came up still fuithcr
towards the houses in West St. Paul that aio
situated between the nvor and Fillmoio
nvenuc. There nro numetous indentations
in the bank that run n good way in towards
the street. These at once filled with water ,
which ran around many of the houses and
isolated them to such an extent that commu
nication could only bo bad by means of
The situation in thnt part of the watd cast
of State stceot Is much worse than anj where
else , because the land lies low cr and there
aio mote numeious sloughs tlaotigh which
water can find easy access to the 111010
thickly settled poitions of the fiat. Tlio
occupants of n good many of the nouses in
that nclghboihood have aheady vacated
them and moio tire picpating to do so , as the
river still lises Already the water stands
so\cnl feet above tlio first floor In manj
houses and is fust encioaehing on otheis.
Wheio icstcuhii there was a good londwaj
is now only an impassable1 hike. At tlio St.
Cioix lumber company's mill , which is situ
ated on Florida sttcet , the watei is nc.iilj up
to the pi itfotnis on which the lumber has
been ptl&"d , and woikmen mo now engaged
in removing it to higher gi ound , as well as
sash and doors from the mill. All that
gi ound east of State stiect and sotithof [ Plato
avenue Is entlicly covered with water nnd
looks like ono vast lake.
The soil of the fiats is of such n samly and
porous nature that the water poicolatos
tin ough it w ith almost as much i cadlncss ns
it flows tlnough n natiual conduit. As .Lie-
suit of this all of these depressions in the
giound that mo lower then the nver are
IHlcd w ith water , and also many of the cel
lars along the blocks of Dakota sticet.
Much fear is felt lest the water w ill soon
soak nnd undcimino the ground to such an
extent that the foundations of the buildings
will sink , and lesult in much damage to the
dlffctcnt blocks. The houses just under the
bluff at the west end of the ward aio sur
rounded by water nnd i cached only by
At other points up the river the wntcr is
fulling slowly. Fiom bt. Peter comes the
information that a fall of ten inches was ob-
scived dining the last twentj-fourhouis
Lvcri thing is in good shape to do business
just as soon us the liver will peiuut the
ciossmg of the iivei by teams.
Hamilton tcpotts a standing still since yes
At Hast Henderson theio wns n fall of one
foot during the twcntj-vour hours that
elapsed since \ estcidii.noon. . . Tlio water is
still falling. An cffoi twill bo made to 10-
place the lortv foot wooden bnJge ncioss the
Indian slouch which was canied away a few
dais ago Until tins woik is ncbomplishcd ,
communication , cannot bo icsuuiod fiom the
At lied Wing the Connon river is higher
than perhaps it was e\er befoie , the bottom
of tlio Cannon valley , which r.njgcs from
three quiu tciB of a milo in width , being
neaily cntiiely inundated. It has literally
been transfoimed into n largo river , with a
cuucnt flowing nbout.twelvo miles an hour.
Although n gicat pait of the land over
which tlS ! Hood _ has extended will
bo cousfderamy damaged , Toftunato/ !
tlicio were no houses for the fuiious sticam
to tear nwsy , and ns n result no fatalities
have been caused. Tlio greatest loss is sus
tained by tlio Minneapolis & St. Louis rail
way , whoso track is submerged for moro
than n mile , the gi cater part of which is
completely torn nway. The telegraph wires
aio also down nlong the line , ami ono bridge
is gone The Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul branch , tunning to Cannon Falls , has
been damaged sufficiently to suspend traffic
for n few da\H ago. Two bridges have been
cMiiicdoff. Otherwise little injury is done
to tlio track. The raging stieam fell
some nlno Indies iesteiday. This was sup
posed to bo duo to tlio low temperatm c , and
as theio is jet moro ice nt the head of the
liver , feats nto ontcitnincd that the flood
will ajuiii commence with i enewed vigor ,
The Mlssonr1 Doing Mischief.
Ni'iiiusiiA CITV , Neb. , April IJK'i2Clal ! [ '
Tclgeam to the HEI : . ] The cuucnt of the
Missouri opposite tlio city commenced
changing jcstcrdny nnd by this evening hnd
shifted Irom tlio west to the cast side of the
liver , washing nway the dikes and about two
hundred feet of the ICunsns CitjSt. . Joseph
& Council UluiTs mill oud tracks ,
Inter-Klnto ItccommcndatloiiR.
Cmctno , April 13 , Chairman Cooley , of
the Jnter-stuto commerce commission , said
to-night that the commission bus iccom-
mcndcd to the congiessional committees on
inter-stato couiuicreo an amendment to
tlio net to cover trims-continental
C 731Stihon | ol Canadian roads. The princi
pal feature is that nu "r.'ted ' States latlroad
shall chaico moro for local freight iliyn their
shnroof thoiato chaiged on the Canniils. !
fieight they have received. The commission
has ulso mudo suggestions looking towaid the
control by it of tlio express companies , pipe
lines , and other forms of special service.
' Objected to Wilson.
PAIIIS , April 13. All of the guests of the
leading hotel nt Tours depai ted to day on the
proprietor's i of using to expel Wusoii , ex-
President Grevy's son-in-law , who bad gene
to Touis ns n member of the council general.
Among the guests wcio many members of
the council. The council subsequently
adopted a resolution asking the government
to introduce in parliament a bill to abolish
civil decorations.
Killed Iy a Falling Tiec.
MEXICO , Mo , , April 13. [ Special Telegram
to the HEE. ] John Buchanan , a prominent
citUen and stock raiser , has been missing
since last Saturday. Search being made , ha
w us found dead In the ' timber south ? i few
miles , where ho had wandered , pinned to the
earth by dticc.which bad fullcu across his
back ,
Jury Falls to Decide "Whether It Wns
llriifOitnuhntn's Hnbe.
CnicHOO , April 13. [ Special Telegram to
the lire 1 "It wns n close call ten to twofer
for conviction. "
This Is what everybody In Judge Orinnell's
room said when the result of the all-night
deliberation of the Jury in the celebrated
Urushingham cose wns mndo known nt 10
tills morning. The jury disagreed nnd the
case goes on the quasi-criminal calendar to
be tried ngnln.
John P. Hmshlngham , pastor of the Adn
Street Methodist church , docs not stnnd ac
quitted of the charge that ho Is the father of
Eva Parker's Illegitimate child. On the
other hand , L"vn Parker hns not been nblo to
prove the truth of her charge to the satisfac
tion of the twelve men empanelled to try It.
This is the termination of n veiy sensational
trial , which all during the week hns packed
the court room , nnd the cnso was finally given
to the jury yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hrtishlnglmm c'ltcicd tlio
couit immediately nfter 10 o'clock. Many
friends walked beside nnd surrounded them.
Mrs. Hrushinghnm looked very palo nnd her
mouth twitched nervously. The defendant
himself , liowo\'cr , w'nn cool nnd self-pos
sessed. When the Jury came In ntid tlio ver
dict was announced , n dlspniring gloom set
tled upon the fnco of John P. Hrushinghnm
when nil was over , and Mrs. Urtishlnghnin
pat like ono dazed , There was n heart
broken expression in her eyes nnd nbout her
lips , which were bloodless nnd wide apart.
Ft lends ciowdcd around the pair. The Hev.
Frank Hristol and other clergymen shook
their hands warmly , nnd lady friends brought
PCI fumes nnd ( lowers to the faithful wife.
"It is not n victory , " they whispered. "Most
assuredly not ns It should be , but it might bo
worse. " Then cvoii body tuoso to leave the
Outside the room the crowd of Mr. Hrush-
inglmtn's s > mpathlrcrs became so great that
that gentleman bad to stand In the midst of
It to i etui n the expressions of sjmpathy and
fiiendship that poured in on him.
"What do jou think of the action of the
jur.Mr , Urushlnghniiii" was nskcd.
"I am soriy it was not , " ho an
swered. "I scarcely know w lint to say upon
their action. My mind , In fact , is not in n
condition to make any pionouuccmcnt re
sin cting it. "
"Doou think that non acquittal was
biought through piojudico against jou or
jour class I"
"I would piefcr to say nothing on the mat
ter just now "
"It is simply awful , " said the defendant's
attorney , ! ] H Swett , when nskcd what he
thought of the tesult.
"To what do you nttributo iti"
"To the piejudicc that exists against min
isters. "
"What do you propose to do now ! "
"Get another tiial ns soon ns possible. I
demanded another trial right theie. " And
he lushed olT In company with his client.
"You , nor I , nor any mnn is safe , " said ono
of the mothers ns ho wrung the hand of another -
other , "If u man is not to bo acquitted on
such evidence ns that. " The sisters who
stood mound showed their disappointment
and gi lof b\ weeping copiously.
"I i cgard the result ns n tremendous vic-
toiy for our side , " slid Lawyer Johnson , ns
ho smiled cheerfully nt the icpotter. "It
was a tiemendous victoiy foi our side , es
pecially when you consider the ttcmendous
odds wo chad to fight against ftom the vety
outstart. You cannot-regard it as am thing
else Almost equal to a votdict of guilty. "
"When will the case be tried again J"
"Oh , not for somp time. 1 liavcoto go
nwaj w ith my sick Jnothor. The case w ill
have to go on tlio cuiendar again. It will
prolabli not bo tiled again till the next
tciiu. "
At the Methodist Hook eoncei n , on Wash
ington sticet , the news was earlj icccixed
nndimpaitcd to the Methodist niinisteis as
they came in. Hy neon a number of the
elem.v had gatheicd and i\Ir. Hiushnighain
was also picsent and in low tones conveiscd
with thoao who gntheicd about him. Tlio
level end gentlemen were feeling badly , and
fiom a tallc with several of them it was
kaiiicdthat the news created n universal
feeling of sonow nnd sympathy for Mr.
Hrnshiiighnm. They wcio all anxious foi Mr.
Uiusliinghain's leturn to his pulpit.
Family Stubbed.
ICtvsAsCm , Mo , Apill 12 [ Special Tele-
giamto the Bi.c ] Ftank Schwender , nlias
Mjers , n painter , was fatally stabbed by
Frank Tmor in the loft lung below the fifth
lib with n long bladcd diik , over n woman ,
Mnttio Hess , In the Mascot saloon. Tinor
has a bad icputation while Meier is as bad
nnd well known to the police. Schwender
has u iich connection in California. Ho has
had an adventitious caicei , as several bujlet
holes m his body attest. Tmor is under
Ull Cat.
Additional > titII Facilities.
Gnu uo , Apul 13. Captain White , super
intendent of the railway mail service , has
been in Oinnhu the past few dais nrinuging
for additional postal car setviccs on tbo
Union Pacific between Omaha and Noith
Platte , Neb. After this date an additional
postal car will leave Omaha at : lr a. m. ,
nud anQthl'l" will Ullivo ut fi.5'1 ' n. m. at
Omaha liom Noith Putto , connecting with
nil the eastein and wcstein tiains. Hallway
mail service has been autlioiized o\er the
Illinois Central railroad between Manchester
nnd Cedar lluplds. la. , to go into effect on
April 30.
Steamship Arrivals.
HVI.TIMOUI : , Aptil 13. [ Special Telcgiam
to thoHi.n. ] Airlvcd The Polynesian , from
Qc-i'i-sirows , April 13. Ai rived The
Hepubtie , ftom New Yoik ; tlio Iowa , fiom
Hoston ,
Ni.w YOIIK , April 13. Auivcd The Al-
Icr , fiom Hicincn.
Found ( inllty oOtnrder.
KANSAS Cm , Mo. , Apill 13. [ Special Tel-
egiain to the Hi i : . ] The juiy in tlio case
of C'hailcs K , Mieis for murdering James
Weir n't Ii.d"'e ] denco last December , this
moining tendered ii uTuci ! ° .f uiurtlcr in the
first degieo. Tlio insanity plea was enteicd
and inged but failed , John Hogait , who is
indicted as nn accessory , will bo tried next
week , Meiers icmains unmoved uud does
not realize his position.
"Wreck ol'n Construction Train.
BiiiMi.NGii , Ala. , Apiil 13. A construc-
ion tram on the Ivunsas City , Memphis &
Hitminglmm railway was wiecked sixty
miles west of hero last oeiiing. . Four w01 k-
men wcio killed , ono injuicd fatally uud niiio
otheis seriously ,
Killed Hy Corn Ileef.
W.UDIIOX , Aik. , Apiil 13. [ Special Tclo-
gifliu to the Hun.J An old hermit named
W , H. Jenkins , but known as "Tho Mountain
Hlacksinith , " died ycsteiday from eating
corned beef. Ho had purchased a good
supply to cany back to his mountain homo ,
and w as found on the road dead.
Shot In the Knee.
ATCHISOX , Kan , April 13 [ Special Tele
gram ty thoHEI : . ] Heibcrt Oldham , while
accompanying t'vo young ladies last night to
their homes was shot in the kiioo , the ball
going straight through , by George Tjler , a
drunken uegio , who fied.
Hurncd to Dentil.
FLOUIDA , Orange Co , N. Y. , Apiil 13
Two dwellings burned last night , mid Mrs.
Hiid nnd her bubo who occupied ono of them
A Congrrhslcmnl Deadlock.
GAU irous , O. , A prill 15. The Eleventh
district republican rongrcasional convention
took 253 ballots without change and. then
took u icccss until tbo uftcruoou ,
Tendered to the Staff of Mnjor Gen
eral Crook.
Tramps Hob n rnrin House Kcmnrk-
able Series of Accidents nt Frc-
inutit A Nebraska City root-
pad Stabbed.
A lleceptloii to Crook's StnfT.
KEUIMIY , Nob. , April in 1 Special to the
HEC ] Citizens to-night tciulcrccl a recep
tion nt the Hotel Midway to the staff of Gen
eral Crook , who are hero , having coino to
Kearney to look over the ground to sco what
advantages wcro offeicd for making their
summer encampment nt this point. General
Ciookwns unavoidably detained and could
not come. Those present of his start were
General Whc.itou , Captain Hay and Lieuten
ants Mallory , Klnsing , Wright , Auowsmitli ,
Grceno nnd Carson , and the Indies accom
panying them nrc Mrs. Genet nl Whcaton and
the Misses Wilson , McClintock , Gibson , Mc-
I'.irland and Hay. Promptly nt 0 o'clock this
evening the visiting Indies nnd gentlemen
filed Into the parlors of the hotel nnd
there received some olio hundred couples
who composed the best ciU/cns of Kearney.
Manj of the toilets of the ladies were very
handsome. After the foimal reception nil
those picsent who so desired Indulged in n
dance until after midnight. This is ono of
the best tcccptlons llii.t was over given in
this city and would do credit to nnj placo.
The visitors weio more than delighted and
ni o profuse in their praises. Tho\ arc much
impressed with the city nnd its people.
It is not known jot whether this city will
bo selected ns the place for the summer en
campment , but the oflicers heie nro much
impressed w 1th the sin roundings. The c.imp
ami parade giounds oueiod ate nil that eiTti
bo duslied , wnilo the water piivllcgcs of
fered bv the canal cannot bo excelled nny-
where in Nebraska. The p.nty will ptobablv
leave to mouow on their special ear Tor
Omaha. _
A Chapter ol * Accidents.
Fin MONT , Neb. , Apul 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hi i ; . ] Tlieio was n lemarkablo
conuuricnce of mishaps nt North Mend , this
county , yesterday nnd today. Two lunn-
w.ustcsulted in t\\o horses getting legs
broken and having to bo killed.
A sc\ \earold . boj of Anton Jonkoups
fell into the bull wheel of n hoi so
power and had nearly every bone
in his body ctushcd. At last
accounts ho was still nlivo but cannot got
w ell. The little follow was botli deaf nnd
Hob Leslie's troupe which phijea at the
Opeia house also tame In for a share of mis-
foituno. At the beginning of the fourth act
tlirco mcmbcis of the tompanj wcio taken
violently ill. A physician was summoned
and they \\ero in n pi ocnrious condition all
night. To-day they aio repotted better
though still quite sick. It is thought they
were poisoned by ten drank in the piny.
Theio is n suspicion of foul play.
A Uohcmian farmer living nccross the
Plnttc river , whoso nnmo has not been ascer
tained , contributed to the chapter of ncu-
dents by falling Into n stiaw cutter and hav
ing botli legs so baOly cut ns to probably
render amputation necessary.
Supreme Court I'rocecdiiiKS ,
Lixcoi.x , Neb. , April 13. [ Special to the
Hi i : . ] In the Supicmo Court to day the fol
lowing gentlemen \vcie admitted to practice :
Charles 13. Keller , Omaha ; Ceogo Scott.
Shropshire vs. Duncan , motion to quash
bill of exceptions oci i tiled.
HoUnian vs Uairting , lespondcnts iccog-
ni7anco to aoido deeteo of coutt 51,000.
Dunham vs. Couitnuy , continued.
Tlio following causes woio submitted :
Wnuenvs Maitin ; Hosowater . lloHman.
Court adjoin nod to to moiiow.
Tlio following opinion was filed-
Whitcomb vs He\ , appeal ftom Saline
county. Hovcised with diicction to enter
dccieofoi plainlHI. Opinion bj Cobb , .T.
Pnor to tlio net of IS1 ? " , in n uounty under
the township system of govcinmcnt the te-
spoctivo towns , and not the rounty bo.itd of
supervisois , w etc vested with the power nnd
charged with the duty of uuildingnnd repair
ing biulgcs in such ton lib and the letting of
conttacta therefote.
Suicide. "It North Ptntte.
NOUTII PIATIT , Neb , Apnll3. [ Special
Telcgiam to the HI.E ] About ! ) o'clock last
night Peter Gnffnoy , n habltuo of n bawdy
house , tcportcd tliat Giles Smith , another
habitue of the same house , had shot himself
nnd was lying dead about half a milo south
of town. Smith's dead body was found
whore Gnffnoy said it was , with un ugly
wound in the head , Fiom an examination of
the wound it Is evident that the pistol was
hold against his heal w'Ueii shot , Peter
Onffnoy , w lie was w ith Smith when ho was
u' t , SCS EeeiiTu tested" 16 . tlio action of
the coi oner's Jury , who nro investigating til"
case. It is apparently n case of suicide.
A Hey Stalls a Footpad.
NrmiASKA Cm , Neb. , A pi II lit. [ Special
Telegram to the Her. ] An attempt was
made last night to hold up two joung men
named Swanson , by n footpad on Sixth
sttect , when ono of the boys dicwn knife ,
and di ivlng it into the back of the footpad ,
inn. Later tliu man was found Ijmg near
the sbcno , covered with blood The officers
were , however , not informed until this
inoining , when the mnn , or body , had disap-
peaicd. The matter is being looked up.
Tlio Hebron Kale Crackers ,
Hi'imov , Neb. , April 13. [ Special Tele-
gi.unto the Hi i : . ] The two parties heio
under niicstforhuiglniUing the safe in the
Hock Island depot have , by their attorney ,
obtained n continuamc of thopioliminni v ex-
{ inimation until Mondnv of next week They
give Tircirnns S11 1IH } MiUvr ami Tommy
A Proposed New School
Hmmox , Nob. , Apsll 13. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Mi.r.jA petition Is being circu
lated calling for an election to vote bonds
for the erection of n new school house
building. A line location has been secured
on tliii county addition. Theie is little ques
tion about the bonds being voted as nil the
patrons of the school are hcattily in favor of
A Farm Uoiiho Hnrilnrl/e < 7.
CIIF.TH , Web , April 13. [ Special Telegram
to the Her , ] Tht eo tramps entered the tosi-
denco of H D Topper , n farmer living four
miles cast of this tity , this morning while
Mr. Topper was working in the Acid nnd
carried off WO woi th of clothing nnd oilier
articles. Thov wcro last seen making their
way towards Lincoln with their booty.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska nnd Iowa ; Warmer ; fair
weatlier ; light to south easterly winds , in
creasing in force.
Ono Dead , tlio Other Insane.
CtiNiox , Kan , April 13 [ Special Tclo-
gram to the HEB ] Charles Christian and
his cousin , William Morris , were playing
with a now icvolvcr. Charles exhibited
how cowboys fired pistols and swung the
weapon over their heads on ono finger. In
doing so the pistol went off and tlio ball en
tered Charley's head ocr the right eye. Ho
fell dead instantly Ho was u son of the
postmaster. Willis became msano from the.
shock of the trpiccdy w $ has disappeared.
The Scaffold Atones for tbo Murderer
or IIlly Field.
rnnovs FAU. , Minn. , April 10. ( Special
Telegram to the llr.n. | Nels Olson Holong ,
the murderer of Lilly Tlcld , tins expiated
his awful crime uK | > n the gallows. Every
known expedient was tried to avert the fate
to which his deed had condemned him , without -
out success , nnd the Inw has been uplfcld
nnd vindicated. The little Jail was crowded
with these who were permitted to gii/c upon
the execution. Outside a largo crowd lin
gered , nnd every ono who left the building
was besieged with curious inquitcrs eager to
learn the smallest details of the legal tragedy
that was being enacted within.
Hulong ascended the scaffold with falter
ing step , but showed little signs of fear , llo
seemed most alarmed while the warrant was
being read. At 1 55 p. m. the drop fell.
The trap worked to perfection. Holong's
neck was instantly broken nnd his muscles
scarcely twitched. Holong made n
statement Monday nfteinoon in which
ho admitted the murder , but
denied that ho outraged the gill. Ho as
sorted thnt Lilly herself sent her little
brother to the neighbors w ith the borrowed
shovel. When asked whether ho did not
send Clark , Miss Field's ' hi other , nwny thnt
ho might bo alone with the girl nnd better
accomplish some put pose ho had in mind ,
Holong protested that ho did not.
"Nels , " chimed the death watch , " , \ou
know \ou have only three inoro daj s to live
nnd you cannot afford to tell a lie now. "
Nels said that ho knew It , but that ho was
telling the ti nth.
After Clntk had gone he still stnjcd In the
house and Lilly begun to scold him nbout
sotno sheep which had died on the Do Terre
fmm. Nels said that he told her ho was not
to blnmo for the sheep djing : that ho had
given them the same cat c ho had to the others.
Ho then said that without anj fuithcr cause
she seirodn butcher knlfo lying on n shelf and
told him to get out nnd came nt him. IIo
protested In the face of death that he did not
make an impure proposition M her , or at
tempt to take any libcrtj with her person.
After these questions had been put to him
dlicct , and every ell'otthnd been made to
induce him to toll the truth about his mo
tives , ho wont on mid said that nt the time
shu came nt him he stood with hn jack-knifo
in his hand cleaning his pipe. Ho was aleit
In ( .hanging the subject , and constantly rung
in titades against the Fields. When
asked about being kicked by the hot so ,
ho said it was when ho was twelve
j eat sold. Ho was leading out two horses ,
ono of which was a onp-j car-old toll which
had been sick , but had got better and was
feeling lively , and ho wheeled mid kicked
Duting the concrsatlon nbout the killing
of the Field gill lie was shown n pictuio Of
her. Ho looked nt it with curiosity , but it
nad no eftcct on him , and ho lemarkcd that
w bile it looked something like her , ho thought
it looked inoic like her sister who bad died
se\ oral years before. Just then some ono
was heaid to enter the coiudor , nnd Holong
said , "Put the picture out of sight , quick. "
IIo said ho had been confii mod when liftecn
iears old , and spoke Inteiestingly nnd kindly
of the old pastor who had continued him.
The Pall of linpiiy Hob.
WVHSAW , N. Y. , Apul lU. Robert Van
Brunt was hanged In the jail j aid this inoin-
ing. The crime for wnlch "Happy L5ob , " as
ho was called , was hanged was the murder
of the half-mother of his sweetheart , Ev.i
Hoy. Van lirunt was a pi eminent member
of the Salvation at my , and for some time be
fore the murder , which occuriedon October
0. IShli , ho had boon com ting Evn Hoy. Will
Hey objected to his attentions to his half-Bis
ter , and had tried many times to pctsuado her
to bieak with "Happy Hob , " but without
effect. On the evening of tlio crime ho found
liv.i in her night dress in the pallor engaged
in consultation with Will , nnd the lom.uks
that wcio made BO nngeied him thnt ho pulled
his icvolver and Hied the fatal .shot.
Prompt Punishment.
Mi'Mi'ins , Tcnn. , Apul 13.Jeiii Smith ,
the negro who attempted to assault n white
ernl some d.ijs ago , was taken fiom jail by n
ciowd of faimets jcsteiday and lynched.
A Colored 31 urdci or IXeunlcd.
WiiUHMii.r , Tex. , April 13 Clullcis
Hanks , colored , was hanged heio today for
thu muidei of Maltha Pendeison last Juno.
St. LouiH & 'Frisco IJn iiiecrH Join in
Demand For Its Abolishment.
ST. Louis , Apul 13 The engineers of the
SI. Louis & San Fianuseo i.ulioad late
Wednesday night made n demand on the com
pany for mi adjustment of dilletcnccs , nnd a
giiovnnco committee met Gcncial Supcnn-
tendnuL Nichols nnd Gcnoial Manager Moi-
i ill at Sprlnglleld , Mo , j cstcrday. The men
demand \ } ' , cents n milo nnd that the classifi
cation si stem bo abolished , A special fiom
Spungfleld sajs the rnilioad ofliecrs were fa
vorable but declared that under Biich nn
agreement they would employ only the best
engineers , and promotions from llremcn to
cngineets would only bo made nftor firemen
had proven themselves thoroughly capable.
Tlio grievance committee wcio not piepared
to nicot this move until they had seen Chief
Attliur. " 'hc-0ifercuco closed for thppies-
cnt. General Manager Merrill sain tuc con
ference was cntuely amicable.
The Lake Superior Freeze.
Di'i.UTii , Minn , , April 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hi i : ] David Cniiboll , the most
noted Indian guido In the noithwcst , has
Just an Ived fiom the 1101 th shoio of Lake
Superior. Ho says the whole westoin end
of the lake , fiom Poit Aithur to the Wis
consin sliore , was solidly frozen over this
winter , nnd that sevcial tiips wcro made by
the Indians across the Immense iloo with
safety. Tills is the most extensive ficczing
of the lake that has occuucd in many jours.
or since the shores hnvu been thickly settled
by wluto pcoplo. The fuilous bll/zatdof
Muich 1 bioko the Iloo up , and now the noith
shore haibors mo comparatively ficu of ice
boi end Heaver Hny
Thi ) liiMiinily Plen.
ST. Jns" " " , MO , April 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hiu : j-'A o\v turn has been
taken in the tilal of Loula lfuui. % ; charged
with killing his young wife at the Herbert
house last January. Tlio in st witnesses In
the case were examined yesterday. The tes
timony clearly pointed to the guilt of the de
fendant nnd this afternoon witnesses wcro
introduced in nn attempt to prove that Hull
ing was iiiHuno , With tlio exception of the
trial of lr S A. Hichinond , theio has never
been a criminal prosecution in the county
which has nttiactcd so much attention. Tlio
prisoner appears to caio but little for the
s'j'fomo ' ol the trial and picsents a look of
stoical i
No Morn Hnniisy Saloons.
, April 13. The psssaco by the
senate to day at Columbus of what is known
as the Sunday closing bill , made it a law.
It takes from the council of municipal corpo-
i at ions the power to decide whether intoxi
cating liquors shall bo sold or not on Sun
day , and leaves the law piohibitmg all sales
of liquor on faunday.
Made a Final Order.
CINCINNATI , April 13 Judge Sage , of the
United States court , made a final entry to
day directing the receiver of the Indiana ,
Hlootnlngton & western tailway to delncr to
the purchasers the propcity and franchises
of that tallway company.
Smallpox on Hoard ,
New YORK , April 13. 'Hie Pacific Mail
steamship Newport is detained at tlio quiu
antinc , several casesof suuupox
Sensational Stories About the
Opium Smuggling Gnu ? .
The Dl.slionrnt Olllulnls , or Whom Cap *
tain llceohcr IH Snld to llo the
Leader , Wnnt to ltcuo\cr
A Startling Story.
POUTI.VXD , Ore. , April 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hn : ] Tlio News today pub
lishes a. sensational nitlclo , containing start
ling disclosures ns to the workings of the
gang of smuggleis , snld to be led by Herbert
rHecdicr. . In substance it is as follows :
Hcibcrt 1 \ Hcecher was appointed col
lector of customs for the Sound district
shortly nftcr President Cleveland took his
seat. The smuggling of opium commenced
on n small scale during the shot t term thnt
Hecchcr occupied the ofllco. It Is supposed
that Captain Hcibert V. Hcecher becnmo
conversant with the methods of the smug
glers when ho was commander of the good
steamer Kvangcle , nnd was plj ing on the
sound Just before. being npiwlntcd
collector of customs. HcecVer
found out during his short
stay In the collector's seat that there wns
millions in the smuggling business , nnd ho
was inmlo n special ngent of the tiensury do-
pal tmcnt. This position Hcecher used to
control Collector Quincy A. Hiooks , who wns
mndo collector when the senate i of used to
conllim Hcecher. Hiooks , it is said , has
been like so much putty In the hands of the
wilcy Hcecher. About every two weeks
batches of from tlitco hundred to four
bundled pounds wcio inn through to this
city. 11 was bronnht ncioss fiom Victoria
In trunks on the stcnmcr Star , of the Pacific
The customs Inspcotois on these steamers
formed a pint of the boodle gang , nnd did
not "see" the stuff , which was usually
packed in trunks All the transactions of
the gang weio conllncd to Poitland with the
exception of these
In December > \ Gatdner shipped .1,000
pounds cast over the Canadian Facllle lall-
i ond. A second lot sent east in October or
November , IS.ST , was nbont ns laigonl the
Hist It went fiom Victoun to Montieal , nnd
fiom Montreal to Wateitown. N. V From
Wntci town it was shipped to Mrs \Vhltnov
nt Kansas . household goods , and from
Knnsas ( Jitj It was sent to San Francisco.
Tlio last and fatal lot shipped was on the
Kith of .lauu.uj last Hero was some 1,000
pounds with shipment. It was the largest
vcntuio the onicial smugglers had yet made ,
was neccssaiy thnt their plans should not
mlscMiiy. The opium was ship
ped fiom Victoiin to Fort Ynlo.
l-'ook Yuen nnd How Yuen ,
of Victoim , nnd n Chinese linn in New
Minster , furnished the opium. The prieo to
bo paid was sr fiU perpound. Six dollars n
pound was paid down , or n total of $ , M,000.
The lemaining $1,50 , amounting to SO.OJO wns
to bo paid when the opium wns delivered to
the patties in San Francisco to whom It was
consigned. The object of this was to mnka
the Chinese paitncis in the tiansaction and
toinsuien sale The Chinese then would
not make n combination against them. The
opium ni lived at San Fiancisco , but a
thousand pounds of it was sci/ed there nnd
cipher telegrams from the gang to Hcecher
clearly moves his pait In the smuggling.
It is supposed that the ring intend to cm-
bailc in business umiin so as to make up for
the losses on the last shipment. As n prc-
limmarv to this the honest deputies under
Hiooks had to bo put out of the way. In-
spectois Luther , Day , Hojd nnd .lones wejo
lemovcd last week and it looks ns though the
boodleis will lesume business at the old stand ,
60311 , _
mnn TO SAVIO HIS noitsn.
A Pathetic Incident of the Mood In
Kossntli County.
Dus MOINKS , In , Apul 1. ) [ Special Tolo-
ginm to the Un : ] Dining the high waters
in Kossuth county Hobeit C'anlkins was
drowned while nttempting to cross on horse
back a newly formed water coui so at the
west end of the giado leading fiom the
Hiackfoid bridge , sonio distance from Al-
gona. The swollen wateis nt tills point
fotmcd a swift cuiient , and ut the moment
the hoi so enteicd it ho was taken olT his feet
but soon iccoNered himself. Caulkms headed
him up the runout to n\old n wno fence ,
but the hoi so was biought upon
his hind feet nnd fell over
backwaids with Caulkiiifl undcc
him. In that way both hoi so and rider were )
eairied swiftly down the tun , passing
through a wuo fence , cast and west
nt the south side of the load and romlng up
diiectly south of it The ioung man caught
hold ol the who fence mid begun walking
along it townid diy gi ound to the west , and
had reached n point whcio tlio water was
only up to liis hips when noticing his horse
lloundering below him ho left hi plnco of
safety and began wailing after the latter
when , stepping into a ba\ou , lie went beyond
his depth and was almost instantly diowiicd ,
coming to the sui face but once ,
More Tn.Ul'le nl Cieston.
C".i sro.v , la , April 13 - [ bpct ml Telegram
to the Hi i : J A party of lire or six strikeru
and otheis attacked four "Q" employes on
the sticet to night nnd in the altercation thnt
followed two of the latter were knocked
down One of them drew n io\olvcr nnd
filed two shots Into the ciowd but without
elfect. The attacking paity is known and
will bo nncstcd .
This morning n striking fireman named
Sunders insulted n conductor named Crow oil
In n restaurant Ctowell knocked Banders
down and kicked him in the face. Hoik wcro
A Fatlinr'ti Horrible Cilmo ,
Siotx Cnv , la , Apill 13 [ Special Tele
gram to the Hii : : ] J. L. Depuy was ar ,
rested to day on n chmgo of incest nnd com *
milted to jail in default of fn.GOO bonds.
Depuy's fifteen-year-old daughter this morn
ing gnvo biitli to an illegitimate child. Hho
accuses her father and says thnt her ruia
was accomplished by threats of force.
Suicided While
, la , ApillW ! , K. Watts
foi mcr manager of the Pioneer confebin-
pany. nuicided to day during a fit of tcinpo
tary Insanity.
Tlin JJrowors1 Htrlko.
Cuif'Aoo , April lit Ascaily as noon to day
more men had applied to the Hiowors' asso
ciation for woik than could bo employed.
The men wcio mostly ordinary woilicrs , not
familiar with the duties of brewers nnd
malstcrs. Tlio ilS"anU ! was for more collar
men , and until n number of ih B < > can bo su-
( .11 nil the bioucilcs will bo ncccEsaiHy crJUr
pled to n cci tain extent.
Death o ( ' Chlciu ; < i Pioneer ,
CHICAGO , Apnl 13. John L. V/ilton , one of
Chicago's pioneer settlers , died this
of appoploxy , in Iho scventj sixth year of h9 |
age. VilsoIl was the uncle of the picseiit
publisher of thoJouinal. Mrs. Jaiucj K
liibhop , of Omaha , was hiselbtcr ,
Iho Leiicno In Ireland.
Duniix , Apt II 13. The Parnellllo members ;
of parliament huv-otaused to bo distributed
thtoughout couiity Cluro placards urging tlja
men of Clui e to usicrt their lights nnd UBiicm-
bio in thouhiituU at twenty meetings to bd
held S'.ind.ij iie.\t.
'i'lOulilo. .
Aprd -WJ'Urldgo ' Hrothcra ,
( JcuK-ja , joliUe nn nsslcnmcnt 10 *
450,000 ,