Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , APKIL 13. 1858. . '
Yesterday's Procoodlngs of the En
campment at Oodar Baplda.
C. A. ConRlRncy , of A ocn , Unnnl-
inotisly Chosen The AVonian's He-
llofCoriis Bnloof nn I own Konrt
A New Obsorvntory.
CritAU UM-IDS , In. , April 12. [ Special
Tclcginm to the BinJ-Tho : weather was
very propitious to day for tno Grand Army
encampment. The city Is still crowded with
visitors , though mnnj left on last night's
train. Itoutlno business was transacted nt
the morning scfsion. Among the resolutions-
passed are the following-
Ucsolvcd , That we commend the Justice
nnd equity of the DCr diem rated service pen
sion bill.
Ilcsolvcd , That wo endorse the action of
the national Grand Army pension committee
on the formation of the pension bill passed by
the United States sonata and rccognbo It ns
n practical and satisfactory solution of the
present pressing necessities of needy and de
pendant veterans.
Hcsolved , .Tliat this encampment recog-
nl/cs w Ith hearty appreciation the action of
the last general assembly of the state
in the measures enacted relat
ing to comrades and other soldiers and
sajlors In authorizing the special relief
by each county for survivors within it of the
union forces nnd needy dependents of the
brave nicn who have fallen , nnd in prohibit
ing the wearing of badges or buttons of the
Grand Army by men who nro not entitled to
wear them under the rules of the order , and
nlso in the ptssngo of a bill directing an ex-
lilblt to bo prepaied and appointing a com
mission to secure a plan for a sol-
fliers' and sailors' ' monument on the
capital grounds and wo express nn
earnest hope that such movement will be
pushed to a successful completion.
Ucsolvcd , That wo heartily recognize the
Woman's Relief corps as an able nnd ofllcicnt
auxiliary to thu Grand Army of the Uepub-
llc , whoso mission of mercy nnd loyal pre
cepts merit our earnest ciidoisemont.
UcBOlved , That wo i ecognizo the Sons of
Veterans ns loyal dc < ciidunts of the soldiers
and sailors of tlio republic nnd wo he.utily
commend their earnest endeavors to perpet
uate the achievements and results of the
Resolved , That the thanks of this depart
ment are extended to the retiring command ,
his ofllceis nnd staff , for the zealous and cfll-
cient discharge of their icspcctivo duties.
The following wcro elected delegates to the
national encampment at Columbus , O : Jo-
Blnh Given , Des Moines ; John S.Voolson ,
Ml. Pleasant ; . ! . Walter Leo , Iowa City ; C.
W. Bcnton , Hampton ; B. B. Clew , Nora
Springs ; Prank Crooks. Vinton ; A. H.
Barnes , Albla ; II. M. Pickell , Des Moines ;
F. M. Davis , Corning ; P. M. lluyward , At
lantic ; It. Biownlng , Glidden ; A. A. Alline ,
LcMars ; J. S. Alexander , Marlon ; J. A.
Lyon , Guthrie Centre ; W. H. Barker ,
Cresco ; W. S. Dungan , Chariton ; W. S.
Cocn , Ottuuiwa ; D. G. Eldrcd , Sanborn ; T.
S. Gregg , Lake City. Alternates were so-
Iccted nlso.
Tlio election of E. A. Consignoy , of Avocn.
as department commander by a unanimous
veto was the llrst instance of the kind in the
history of the dcpaitment. There was no
apposition to the selection of Builington as
the next place of meeting.
The Women's Ucliof corps held a lengthy
session to day. Resolutions wore passed
recommending the legislature to provide a
homo for wives of veterans : thanking Com
rades Head and Dowitt for house bill No. 41 ,
and the citizens of Cedar Rapids for their
CnESTON , la. , April 12. [ Special Telegram
to the BEK. ] The lawlessness of a week ago
was renewed last night and a number of acts
Of violence committed in nnd about the "Q"
yards. An oxHi email named Donahue as
saulted a working flrcmau named Ilcflin and
Was lined ? 5.
A switch engine , while pushing tlio diner
Denver was stoned and the windows broken
in the engine cab and dining car.
Stones and biick bats weio also thrown
thiough n window of Supeiiiitendent Brown's
private car about 11 o'cloeic last night , Mr.
Brown being In the car at the time
Two freight engines , rene cast and ono
west , bound , were btoned later in the
night nnd tlio windows broken from both
cabs. No ono was hurt. All cffoits to cap
ture thooffcndeis have been fruitless Uxtra
city police will bo kept on duty at night.
A New Obserintory nt ln\cni > ort.
DMK.NPOIIT , la , April 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bi i : . ] The corner-stono was
placed to day for an observatory at bt.
Cathnuno's hall , to bo known us the Riclmid
Bon ohsoivatory in honor of Miss Belle
Richardson , the first student of the school.
She Is tlio daughter of J. J. Richaidson , ono
of the publishers of the Dcmociat of this
city. AJ,000 telescope will soon be mounted.
Killed By an
ViCTon , la. , Apiil 12 [ Special Telegram
lo the BHE. ] Mr. Benjamin Fuiouts , about
eighty j cars of ago , was struck by an engine
Xvinlu walking on the track this morning , and
Injuined so badly that ho died. Ho was \eiy
deaf , and did not hear the approaching tiuin.
An town Itnilioud Sold.
IJpoui'K , In. , Api il 12. [ Special Telegram
to the Bur ] The Ceutioville , Mot twin &
Albla railioad , a line extending fiom Relay
to Albla , la , a distance of twenty-four miles ,
\vns sold hcio to dnv by P. T. Lomax , master
In chancery , to W H. ( Jobhai t , of Now Yoik ,
representing n committee of the bondholders.
The piieo paid for the piopeity wnsf OOO ,
of which $5,000 WHS to bo cash and the re
mainder to be paid in bonds or cash , ns tuny
be ugiced upon ,
A Brnlcoinitn Killed.
Sioux Cirv , la , Apiil , 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bin : , ] A biakoman on the Mil
V'aukoe roaa named James Stnffai d , in at
tempting to couple an engine to a dump In
the train yard this evening was run over and
instantly killed.
Complaint Fiom Pciwdcily.
Pmi.ADKU'iiu , Apiil 12. In a letter in this
week's ' Journal of United Labor , Master
Workman Powderly complains biltoily of the
tioatmcnt the Knights of Labor receive nt
the Hands of eei tain papers , and sajs : "An
editorial In ono of them takes mo to task for
entering into ncompact with the Biuthorhood
of Locomotive Kngincerb to conduct the
present strike on the Chicago , Burlington &
Quoicy ioad I have nnti'rcd into no deal.
I cannot enter Into any uiiangemcnt which
Will countenance the bundling of the "Q"
road by Knights of Labor Wlulo I do not
approveof htrikes I will never lend my mine-
tie or aid to knights or otheis to assist the
coloration to break any labor organization "
Ho is w illlng to enter Into n compact with the
brotherhood to guard the interests of labor
fpr the future ,
_ _
Cliorns GUIs llnvo n C.IHU.
New Voith , April 12 , [ Special Tfclegram
to the Bun1 ] Judge Barrett , in the supiemo
court to-day , gi anted tlio request of counsel
tor the choius blngors and others in the om-
riibUs suit against the diiectorb of the Amer
ican Opera company for an older giving the
iilulntllfs action against the btockholdcrs
The suit will bring to light nuiiioftho
iniici' Issues and tioublcs of the concern.
Virulnla Faction Fourts.
1'AiiKEHt.iHTna , W. Va. , Apiil 12A feufi
foeM7sen the Bunks nnd ttio Monroes In eke
out aftcsh yestoiday In Wilt county. Silas
lisnks , armed with a Winchos-tor iiilo , mot
th * tlireo Monroe brothers , who had revel-
\en , on the load nearLauiel. At least
twenty shots wdro fired , resulting in the
l Alh ol the three Monroes , while Hunks r
four wounds , uony of them futal ,
Much Dissatisfaction In Knnsnn Over
Tv\o Administration Appointees.
OHRKUS , Kan. , April 12. [ Spccml Tele
gram to the The Cleveland adminis
tration and democrats are In bad odor In this
land dlstrlct-owing la tlio venality and cor
ruption ot the receiver , Tully Scott , ono of
Cleveland's first appointees. A great many
afUduvlU containing serious charges showing
his ofllclal corruption , numberless letters
from outraged homesteaders , pathotlo In
their appeals nnd numerously signed peti
tions from all of the district have been
deluged upon the Interior department asking
for nn Investigation and removal of Scott but
the administration Is slow to net nnd Scott
says tauntingly to the victims of his rascality
that nflldnvlts against him nro worth onlv 50
cents apiecennd says all charges gainst him
will be powerless to effect his removal. Seri
ous charges have nlso been filed against the
iccclvcr at the Larncd and Garden City land
Prospective Hocr Famine ,
NRW YOUK , April 13i From present In
dications there- will bo n beer f nmlno in this
city after Monday next. Not only In this
city will the famine sprciulbut , in Brooklyn ,
Elbnbeth , Jersey City and Hobokon. Tlio
master brewers says that the days of labor
unions picking out an Individual brewer to
boycott and ruin have passed away , nnd
they have ndoptcd the motto of
the Knights of Labor , "An injury to ono
is the concern of nil. " Secretary
Sclfcrt , of Itho United Brewers association ,
when asked If the contemplated lockout was ,
as rumored In some quarters , only n bluff , re
plied , "No. sir ; wo moan Just what wo say.
Next Monday If the boycotts are not removed
all browerlesSwlll close. "
"Will all breweries outside of Now York
shutdown ! "
"No , only in Now York nnd vicinity , but no
beer will come to Now York. "
The master brewers published an adver
tisement to-day Inviting men who desire
steady woilc in their breweries to register
their names at 103 East Fourteenth street.
Up to 10 o'clock to-day 300 applicants for
work had registered.
Tlio Mlnsouri Immigration Convention.
ST. .TOSRIMI , Mo. , April -Spieial [ Tele
gram to the But/ ) Eighteen companies were
represented In the Northwest Missomi im
migration convention hold In this city to-day ,
by 100 delegates. The object of the conven
tion , as sot forth In the call , was to dovlso a
schema for securing immigration for the
northwest. Tlio visitors were tendcied two
iccoptioiis , ono-lntha morning , another nt 2
o'clock in the afterlioe-n , At the convention
Hon. J. II. Sharklin , of Irenton , piesidcd ,
and James T. Beach , of St. Joseph , was
elected secretary. A board of directors were
appointed , two from eauh of the twelve coun
ties represented in the convention , to fonn
an immigration bqard , flvo from St. Joseph
nnd OHO from every city in the district hav
ing nioro than 2,000 inhabitants.
Celebrating C rant's Birthday.
Nuw YOIIK , April 13 [ Special Telegram
to the Bm' . ] The appended letter has been
mailed by General W. T. Slieimaiipicsldent
of Grant's Birthday association , to Generals
James Longstreet , John B. Gordon , Simon
.Juckner , Fitz Hugh Lee , William Mulioue ,
John S. Mosby and Joseph E. Johnston
Nnw YOIIK , April 10 [ Fifth Avenue
lotel. ] My Dear Sir : It has been do-
.01 rained to celebiato the birthday of Gen
eral U. S. Grant on the 27th inst. , by u ban-
iuot at Dolmonico's in this city. 1 write to
ask thopleusnie of jour company upon this
occasion. Time has developed an affection
ate regard which the people of all sections
entertain for the virtues of this illustrious
man , and it is tilting that those of us who
tnow him should sot the oxainplo to those
who arc to follow of thus annually doing
lionor to his memory. Very truly yours ,
W. T. SllLllMJlK.
{ Parliament.
, April 12. [ Special Telegram to
the Bi E. ] The piovincial legislature assem
bled to day. Premier Gieenway arose umid
much appluusj ? . and. announced that his visit
to Ottawa to sccuio the abolition of the rail-
, vay monopoly in Manitoba bad been attended
with success. Ho alluded to Norquay's
many fiuitless tups to Ottawa on the same
errand , sa > 'ing that ho never had backbone
enough to lenialn nnd stand up for the rights
of the province. Norquay , icpljing , claimed
all the credit for the success of Greenway's
mission , for which ho ( Norquaj ) had paved
tlio way. An adjournment was taken to
Monday , when the policy of the new govern
ment will bo outlined.
Kentucky Protilhs.
Loinsvii.i.i ; , Api 11 12 Tlio prohibition
state convention met this moining with -150
delegates present. The object of the conven
tion is to select delegates to the national pio-
hibltion coin ent ton which will be held in In
dianapolis , JuiioO.
Delegates to the national convention woi o
chosen , and icsolutions adopted dcclnung
tint stale und national prohibition , and its
suppoitbj political paities , is the onlj cffcc
tual i omedy for the evils of the liquor trafllc
General Green Clay Smith was unairmouslj
cndoised , nnd the delegates instructed to
vote for him for ptesulential nomination
Clinton B. Fisko was named as second
Tim Bald Knnulicrs' PcnnltlcN.
ST. Lous Apul 12. A special to the Post
Dispatch from Ozark , Mo , sajs the Jury in
the Bald Knobbeis' ' cases returned a voitliet
of muidcr in the llrst degree against Dave
Walker nnd shot t terms in the penitentiniy
against n number of other members of the or
James Matthews , William Stanley , Amos
Jones and C. C. Simmons plead guilty of
nun der In the second dcgtce. Stanley anil
Jones weio sentenced to twentj vo years in
the peltentinry , Simmons llfteen jeaisand
Matthews released on $1,000 bail.
Will Build to Omalin.
NEW YOUK , Apijl 12. No ofilcial Informa
tion can be obtained of the repoits that the
Delowaio , Lackawamm & Western has
boughtcontio\of \ the Gic'cn Bay.Winona & St
Paul , but pai tics Interested In the latter com
pany suy negotiations have been clooed and
the Lnckawanna will soon take possession ,
The deal pi ovldes for the extension of the
Gicen liny road to Omaha , and it is assorted
that the Fai meis' Loan und Tiust company
will lend thg amount required for its con-
* -
KtoaiiiNlilp Arrivals.
Sot'TitAMiTOX , April 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the HM" ] Ai i ivbd The Travo , from
Now York for Hi omen , and the Zealand ,
from Now Yoik for Antwerp.
NinYOIIK , Al'fil 12. An ived The Citj
of Rome and the Lake Supeiior , fiom Liver
pool ; the Gc'iHU'frpm Copenhagen.
B \LTIMOIIU , April 12 At rived The Poly
ncsia , from Lh arpool ,
- , ,
L : - - - r i
Tlio Oreou ; Dnlountlnn.
PoiiTi.v.Ni ) , Apnl 12 , The republican state
convention yesterday elected the following
delegates to the national convention : / , F
Moody. Rufutf Military. J. B Bean , T. Z
Mujs.J. W. Cusslck and J , Huiko.
Tim Flro ICecord.
YouxasTowx , O , Apiil 12.At ono this
moi ning a ftro started from natural gas in
the foundry department of the William An
son Wood mow or and reaper woilts and be
foio it was iixtinguished caused a loss estl
mated at $250,000 InsuiancoJsO.OOO ,
Deciiled HIM Own Cnse.
HnnutNoiov , Kun , April 12 A law sul
between two fanners , Bert Go/or and G. W
Bow en , was to-day decided in favor of th
latter. After the decision was rciulorw
Gofer became uncontrollably angry am
stabbed Bow en to death in tbo eouit i pom
A Ij nchlns is looked for.
The Sloxican
NE\\TO.V , Kan , April 12. [ Special Tele
fjram to the lire. ] The Mexican pilgiuns t <
Rome who are to t > top in Kansas City arrira
hero at 8 this < n'onug. } The party is travel
Ing in a special train.of . twelve Pullman cars
The pilgrims will remain ut Kansas City
about six hours , and Will leave for Chicago
over the Burlington. <
Mayor Broatoh tolls Why Ho
SwOre in Plnkerton Mon.
Brothers Conclude fodo Aliend
With Their Pn\lnn CJontrnctB
Scoring tlio Finance Commit
tee Low ry in Arms.
] ; lvcly Night In Council.
When 1'rcsldcnt Bechol brought the pavcl
lown on his desk last night nt 3 o'clock only
sight councllmon answered to roll call , nnil
hero not being n quorunl present ho an-
lounced that thcro would IKJ no meeting.
Sergcant-nUArms Butler Immediately pro
ceeded to snuff the gatwhen Leo nnd Brad-
oy rushed breathlessly Into the chamber
nnd buttonholed the president , who , nftor
'counting noses , " decided to rescind his pre
vious decision nnd concluded to go nhcnd
with the business In hand. The flrst in
Older was the rending of h reply sent In by
Mayor Broatch to the communication for-
varded him Tuesday night by the council
'ornn explanation by what authority the
: 'lnkcrton men were discharging the duties
of special policemen. Accompanying the ro
ily was a correspondence h.ul between the
nayor and General Manager Holdredgo of
ho 13. & M railroad , and on motion the
vholo matter was hud temporarily on the
.able. Soon after Councilman Leo took occa
sion to score the committee on flnauce ,
rtho reported the payment of
claim against the city upon
recommendation of the city attorney Leo
said ho was getting disgusted with the old
stereotyped phrase , and ho considered it time
.hut the committee had some opinion of its
own on Lialms against the city , The other
councilmcn agreed with him , and it was
linted by a member of the body that the
committee was dilatory in its work. Upon
notion of Mr. Leo the icport was referred
> ack to the committee with the request that
, ho members oxpioss u "mild opinion" of
' ; holrown in rofoieneo to it.
Talk was again resumed when the commit
tee to whom had been iciorrcd the communi
cation of Regan BIOS , couceiulng paving con
tracts , full particulars of which have been
> rintod in the BKF , royoited that a harmonl-
ms arrangement had boon entcied into with
the contractors whereby they would pave
stieets that had been put in shape for them.
Jity Attorney Webster seconded this iufor-
uation , and promised to di aw up the agrec-
nont entered Into with the Regans.
When ordinances on tlioir third leading
came up , Councilman Lowry put in a stiong
irotest against the passage of the oidinunrc
, o pave Sherman avenue and other streets in
the northern pait of the city , He in
sisted that the council was going too
fast in the expenditure of money for paving ,
and that the northern pai t of the cit j was
asking altogether too much. Councilmen
Snider , Kaspir and otliers voiced Mr.
Lowiy's sentiments and an effoit was made
to ha\o Councilman LJailoy withdraw the
ordinance. To this ho icphed that ho would
sooner see it defeated thun do that , and i oil
jeing called It WHS hti angled for the want of
.ho required ten vote i , Lowry , Kaspar and
Snjderotmg against it.
Following this Mi. Lowry moved that the
, hreo ordinances pieviouslj passed for paving
stiects in the Seventh ward bo iQqonsideied.
i'0 this powerful objections weio made by
Lee , Man villo , Kiel stead and ptheis , and to
icstoro haimony Lowiy withdrew his motion
rescinding the Slioimnn avenue and other
Hticets oidiuanucs and the council went into
,1 committee of the whole , the cleik meaii-
, ime leading the following communication
landed in bj the city nttoi ni'y in refoiciiee
; o the Regan Bios. continUs :
To the Honorable , the City Council Gen
tlemen : Incompliance with the opinion 01
the city attorney and in compliance with tlio
opinion and demand of the citj engineer
and boaul of public works , wo lieicby
notify . \our lionoiablo body that wo will pro
ceed at once to puvo all stieets co\ered by.
ordinances included in our contracts' for the
jear IbVT , accoiding to the tcnns and con
ditions of said contracts , such paving to be
carried on as rapidly as the streets arc made
icady for such paving , and upon being so
notified Us the boaid of public works.
IE ! ( . N IlltOb. & CO.
The committee ot the whole did not get to
gether , and Mr Buinham , of the police com
mittee , succeeded in getting the council to
sanction the pa > incut of tlio claim of Dr
Ralph for medical services for the months of
January and Fobtuary , after winch the
council adjonnied until ne\t Satuulay night.
Appended in the mayor's answer and the
Holdrego con espondence.
OM viu. April U' , lv > b To the Honoiablo ,
the City Council of the City of Ouiaba.
Gentlemen : In iepl > to the lesolutlon
passed by jour honorable body on the 10th
inst. , I have the honor to state that tlio ap
pointments of special policemen made for tlio
piotcctiou ot the pioperty of the 13 & M.
lailioad companj weio made by tlio flio and
police commission at the request of the gen
eral manager , George W. lloldiego , and in
the same manner in which specials have been
made of block watchmen , and watchmen for
the lumbci jardb and other places , vu. upon
tlio application of the pai tics interested and
the tiling of a bond in the .sum of
1,000. A number of these appointments
weio citi/ens of Omaha.
At a late houi one afternoon I was advised
that tioublo was apprehended and the names
of eight men were presented w itli the icquest
tint they bo appointed specials. I in ido the
appointments in behalf of the commission ,
wnich action was continued by that body.
That night n freight tram was cut loose and
escaped a collision with an incoming train by
about ono ininutu. Iluitthu icwnlt followed
accoiding to intention the piobability Js that
thu public would li.uo been ht.utlud bi the
announcement of the death ol an en
gineer nnd lliennm 1 aftei wards
loained that these appointments
weio I'mkeiton men Other appointments
were subsequently mads by the commission.
fcjMr. Holdi ego llrst applied for a detail from
tlio legular foice , which upon consultation
with the cliiof of police , it was decided oould
not bo given , owing to the length of time for
which they woio wanted and the inadequacy
of tlio police force in point of ( lumbers.
Though not within the scope of the resolu
tion I take occasion to state that Mn17 ,
lMi7 , the superintendent of the St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railroad company apr
plied to mo for the appointment of
two men to servo at their depot in this e'ty. '
I made the appointments and laid thuiu bo-
foio your body for continuation , but upon
motion of Mr. Haseall they \vcie icferrod to
the the and police commission with tlo ; lu-
nuirk that the appointments should ho inmlq
by thorn , J submit herewith a cony of a let.
tor which 1 addressed to 'Mr. Holdrogo nnd
his reply thetelo. Respectfully.
OMUU , Aplll 12 , ISbS. Mr , George W.
Holdrogo , ( .eneial Agent 11. it M" . Railroad
Compam Deai Sir : Will yon ploisoudviso
mo how long it will bo necessary for you to
employ the Pinkot ton men now inyourser-
\ico in this citj as special policemen You
have ifo doubt obsered that some mombei ti
of the council have called for an Inquiry Into
the manner of the appointment of thu Pinkerton -
kerton men as specials , and as I have to make
u rcpoit to the council on Thursday night ,
the 12th inst. , I desiio to act advisedly Re
spectfully , W. J. BIKUTI it ,
Hon J. AV. Hi oaten , Major , Cit.v Dear
Sir. Rcpijingtoyourinquliv i egardiiifc-
foicoof special guards now required to pro
tect H itM piopcrty and 11 Je M employes
in Omaha , I beg to say that we now have
about llfty men in this seivlco. a few of them
sworn in as deputy sheriffs and the i emalndei
as special policemen.
Foi some days after the enginreis' strike
commenced , Fobiuaiy 27 , wo endoavoied to
employ citizens of Douglas county ex
clushely for this w'ork.It is o ]
course necessary to trust work of this kind
only In the hands of cool-headed , reliable
men. Wo soon found it impossible to secure
the services in this locality of u sufllciont
number of men with the requisite qualitlca
lions. Respoti&iblo , enorgctio and competent
inou , willing to glvo their services for this
teniporari work , are scarce in this wcstcn
countiy. Wo have , therefore , seleetoi
guards from abroad , men who cortainl >
cotnparo favorably with the policemen in auj
vlty in this country.
In spite of this largo force , however , it 1ms
been unsafe for our employes to pasa between
our yards and general ofllco , or to t'o to
their homes nt night. Our men have beet
Itiily assaulted on the , public streets of this
Mty , both by day aim b.night. . Obstructions
mvo been placed jnpon our tracks , nnd cars
lave beca sent dqu grades. In ono Instance
jvidcntly with the expectation that a col
Islon would icsult.
If there Is no law by which this force can
) C retained nnd no means by which you can
remove from onr jaidst the lawless persons
who dally congregate nt different places In
the streets for thjj purpose of Interfering
with our work am\assaulting our men It will
bo necessary for itf to discontinue running
our trains Into and qjit of Onwhn. or to call
upon the govcrupv for protection. Yours
truly , GnouoB W. HOI.DHKOP ,
Marshal Booth Tills About the Work-
in RH ofthe Armj.
Booth , the Salvationist , is not quite as
drawing n card as Booth , the tragedian , but
a good sbed audience assembled in the Grand
opera house last evening to hear this com-
mnndcr-in chief of the American corps of the
Salvation army The stage was filled with
votaries of the faith , both In this city nnd
"ouncll Bluffs. In appearance , Commander
Booth fs not xtnllko Mr. Fred W Gray , of
Lhis city In height ho is nttinglv a leader ,
LOW crlng nbovo his hosts like Saul among
Lho children of Israel. Ho is lather spailngly
milt , nnd somewhat ungainly In his motions ,
Imt Is a most forceful and ningnotlu speaker ,
is choice In his diction , nnd for ono hour imd
i half last evening hold the closest attention
ofhis audience. Ho llrst asked two of the
irmy to briefly give their experience Ono of
them was inclined to bo rather long winded ,
and when ho stopped on co for breath the
general good natuiedly slapped him
on the back and told him that
was n splendid place to stop
After these speakers had told their story ,
Booth said that their testimony ought to con
vince the most skeptical. He said that the
majority of the people did not understand the
motlcs of the self-al'iiegntcd rank of woik-
crs. No organi7Ution is moro talked about
ind abused bv one class of3 people and
lauded bv another than the Salvation army.
Many poisons condemn their marching , their
instruments ot muslo and their uniforms. "I
would rather see them boat their tambour-
ncs than boat prison bars ; I should prefer
.o sco them marching down the street than
scu them reeling diunk on the sidewalk , I
ike the appearance of Salvation army uni
forms bettor than inlson garb ; While I do
lot uppiovo of all they do , still I am willing
a ovei look It when I understand their mo-
Lives and sco the work they aio aecomplish-
nir Our methods are but the hooks with
w lilch wo catch the fish. The class of people
w o wish to i each can not bo caught in tiny
other way. Wo would like to use what the
world calls genteel measures , but these do
not catch the dinnkaid , the ballot
and the Jailbird. Some say our uni
forms are eccentric. 1 believe our women
no ns neatli and decoiously diessed as unv
women on eailli But oui dress above all
ncnns something. something in
ou i dress , life nnd conversation that spealts ,
nnd they aio adapted to the class wo want to
cle\ ate the neglected , the uncared for and
.he abandoned. Our aimy is but twentj-
three years old , but it now has 0,500 oftlccrs ,
1,200 stations , it paj s 81,000,000 in lent , it has
lr 00 buildings of its own , and the English
War Cry has alouo r.00,000 circulation. Thcio
ire 720 ofllceis in the United States , and : tft5
.owns m which theie uro stations. Our
work in Omaha is prospering nnd we hope to
open n second staticA Ih this city. There are
.hieo things I ask all of jou : lpray for us ;
! , novoi saj an oit Hvord against us nced-
essli : ; $ , hell ) us ilnttneinlly.
At the conclusion of his speech his wife ,
who was suffering froth a very bad cold , gave
.he audience a vei v interesting talk , iccount-
mg a number of Instances m which the
army accomplished gi&it good.
lUt. Cnlrnr } Comnmmlcry's Brilliant
The leccption of th.o'Mt. ' Calvary Comman-
dcry of the Knights Tc'mplai ' at Masonic hall
.ast evening eclipses ! ) brilliancy and enjoy
ment any social evoiit ht tlio season. Elab-
oiato preparations luWbcen made for the oc
casion. Tlio hall yaj pi ofusely decorated
with the national cplqis , flowers and smilax.
In fiont hung a largy painting of a castle
from which the primeval knight was wont to
sally forth in conquest. Immediately in front
of this was a pyramid of lotted plants On
ithersideof this pyramid was a tent , in
each a "pilgiim's farewell , " consisting of
crnckcis , water and a lighted candle. Near
the enhance of the hall stood a
knight's Bleed , mailed and ready for
its ridci. From the chandelicis to
the coiners of the room were festoons
of evcigreens and smilax. The beautifu
banneis , one of them woith $1,000 , desoive
special notice. The orcliesti.i was hidden by
a wall of llowers. The hallway fiom the
dance hall to the dining room was canopied
with Hags , making n delightful promenade
between dances. About y IfO tluue was n
shoi t di ill of the knights , after w liich Major
Claikson made a hticf and nnptopriato open
ing nddiess. Tins was followed bv se\en
dances , the pi 041 amines being uttiumph of
the ait The supper was in
keeping with even thing else , and twice the
dining hall was tilled After this dancing
was again icsumi'd Tlio occasion was dis
tinguished for its soci il featui es , and w 111
long bo a pleasant memory ,
The llcport ol" a Wioolc on the MIs-
Honrl J'nclllc Without Tiiilh.
Uumois spre id through the city hist night
thick and fast that a wieck accompanied by
death and destruction had ovei taken a
heavily ladom d passenger train on the Mis
souri Pacific * i.iilioad nt Avoca , Neb , and on
the heels of the icpoit came dispatches fiom
Chicago , St Louis and oisowhcio asking the
Hi i : to forwaid to foiward paitlc'a-
hus. The repot tonal statf of this
paper were at once detailed to inqulio into
the repoi Is , and local olllcinls weio hunted
up. Upon being Infoimed of tlio Illinois
they ospicssed suinrlso , and rustled themselves -
selves to activitj . Avoca being a day olllco
and being closed for the niglit , the neaiost
night station , Weeping Water , was coniniu
nicated witli and tlio liiii : bullvtlncd its own
special con espondcnts at that point and other
towns within a radius of llfty miles Weep
ing Wntoi's icply was that no acci
dent had been heard fiom thoio ,
and equally as satisfactory reports
wcro received by the HIM : fiom its agents
corresponded with. In answer to u dispatch
from Weeping Water to ask if It was not
Avoea , In Iowa , on the line of the Bui ling-
ton , that was meant , tologuiphie inquiry was
made at that point , and the answer was in
the negative
At 1 o'clock this morning n Hun 10-
poiter again called' tit the , ti.iln ells
patchcr'H oftico of ittib Missouri 1'acilio
at the corner fef Sixteenth nnd
Nicholas stieets , niuT was assured by the
night train dispatcher tlint everything was
i unning smoothly on the road , all trains ar
riving and departing m lime ,
Adulpli Unnunert'H l''rliiiln ( ! Thinks
Hi ; lliih Been J nifllly Di'iill M'llli.
Ittmsjubt been d vorcd that Adolph
ICummert , formerly a uutcher on the corner
of Cumlng and Twentieth sti cots , has been
missing ever Binco July of last j ear Ho was
u single jounp man o about twentj four ,
quiet in manner and of unusually good hab
its Ho carried on n prosperous business.
Ho boaulcd with Henry Hitler , 2001 Cuming.
On July 1 ho dls.ippcaiod and has nut been
seen since. Ho corresponded icgulaily witli
his biothcr up to that time , but then the cor-
icspondenco suddenly censed Two days
nftei his disappcatanco his liutchci shop was
diBcovcicd on lire , but tlio flames weio ex
tinguished bofoio an > damage was done Ho
sides the store which ho onned , ho hud t'iX ( >
in money , and hud but few debts His father ,
Henry Kammert , Uses at New Bre
men , Cook county , Illinois , and
is an old acquaintance of Mads
Toft , of this city. Mr Tof t heard only lately
that Adolnh was musing , and while on his
way to Uuropo this week stopped to see
see Adolph's father at New Bremen to ap
prise him of the condition of affairs. The
father canm Immediately to Omaha ana at
present I * to ing to find some clue to the
w hereabouts of his eon , Adoljih is dcsci ibcd
as being five feet nine indies in height , full
fijce , pock-nmikod , brown hair , is linely
built an1urv thioK tliro'igh the i'lie t. I'oul
pl y U foaruL
Colorado Podostrinn Covering
Ground nt Donvor.
Ills Pn-ln-Imw Gets the Proceeds
Sullivan Sails For Home Yrstor- '
daj's Ball Game General
Sporting Now H.
Fourth Hay onho Denver Walk.
Di writ , Apill 12 [ Special Tolegrnni to
the Dnu ] As the week draws towards nn
end the intcicst In the six-day walking
match increases and the rink is crowded
from early morning until late nt night with
excited spectators Hart , the colored Boston
champion , Is rapidly coming to the front ,
nnd if Mossier continues to suffer from lame
ness , the contest will narrow down between
Hart and Nolan , the Plttsbuig letter carrier ,
with Vint and Stauton close In the rear
Messier has made only one mlle and three
laps slnco 11 o'clock last night , Improving
the hours in doctoring his strained limb and
recuperating for the last two daj s. Messier
is very swift , nnd his friends claim ho will
bo nblo to recover his lost ground. Huffman ,
who Is a Nebraska farmer , has displn > ed the
best staying qualities , and wore ho capable
of covering ground as rapidly as Messier ,
would easily win the i ace. It is reniai kablo
how ho puts in hour nftor hour m his long
swinging gait without showing the slightest
indication of fatiguo. Pools to night mo
about oven on Hint and Nolan , odds being
offcied on them against the ring The score
at midnight was :
Miles. Laps.
Vint 321 10
Noioniao 2 % 7
Hart : 3 12
Strokol 23 4
Stan ton 303
Messier 217 3
Noland M } 1
Huffman 255 It
Smith 307 12
A Practice Game.
Two nines composed of members of the
Omaha team and some first-class local play
ers played n game at the giounds yesterday ,
which , while not very well attended , was
quite an interesting affair. The playing of
both sides was excellent , Mcssltt's catching
and Lovctts work nt second being espec
ially noticeable. The other plajcrsacquitted
themselves very creditably and their efforts
weiowaunly appicciuted. Manager Soleo
ns uuipiro was n gieat success and succeeded
in holding the men under control to such un
extent that not ono murmur of disapproval
was wis heard regarding his decisions. The
following is the scoio by innings :
Ono Side 0 5102012 1 12
The Other 0 IIP 10301 7
Arrantcemnuts Completed.
Kvxsvs Cm , Mo. , April 12. [ Special
Tclegiam to the BEC ] The sciics of five
games , as nirangcd in u preliuilniiiy manner
ycstcrdaj , between the American nna West
ern associations was definitely concluded to
day both Manning mid Rowe signing the
agreements McQuaue or Gaffney will be
called us umpire. Bets of $500 the
Auiei ican wins the scries and $ J50 that the
American wins the first game , ut the pool
rooms , meet no takers. Sporting circles
have lun wild with excitement The first
came is pl.y cd to-moi row at Lj no park.
U , IlroivnH 1.
ST Lous , April 15 The game to day 10-
sulted as follows. Chicago 2 , Biovwis 1.
Batteries Chicago Van Ilolten and Dar
ling ; Browns : King and Bo > le.
Cincinnati H , Dettoit 5.
CINCINNATI , April 12. The game to day
icsultcd as follows : Cincinnati S , Detroit 5.
Pony Moore HUH a Itciiollt.
[ CoplirtiiM ISSKliy Jumcs Goniod Hemicft.l
LONDON- , April 12 [ New Yoilc Herald
Cable Special to the Bun | Pony Mooio as
a hoi so was beaten to day in the Sundown
iacesbutasn negro minstiel and host was
victorious at his benefit this evening Among
oilier cntcitainnumts , the introduction of nn
illustration of living statuary by Cliailes
Mitchell made a novel and striking
conclusion. J ach statue was explained
in brief and giaphio terms by
Jake Kilrain. Tlio subjects lepicscntcd
were Hector , ICieugas , D iniaxenus , Her
cules , The Appcil , Defiance , The Quoit
Tiuowor ( in thieo positions ) , Pciseus , The
Diii.g Gladiator , and "Chailcs Mitchell as
lie anpeaied in the King with the Colebia < ed
Sullivan , " The progiamme did not show
how Mitchell attained his statuesque a > j.oni-
plishments , but it was suspected that they
were the icsult of the iccent meeting , in
which the posing act was a inoio inipoitant
feature than hitting
The Great Biojclc Kacc.
[ fopurfy/il / Ih'ia tiiiJamut titirtlniilemirtt.l
LrtcLiTi it , April 12. [ Now Yoik Herald
Cable Special to the Bm : ] I visited the
Bclgiavo grove cjcling giomuls this moining
to sco Champions Howell nnd Uowo in train
ing for their gicat tnco of next Sutmany I
doubt if they could look in bettor condition.
Uowo is especially in the top of
fotin nnd elasticity. The JL'200 stakes aio
up at tlio Spoiling Life olllco. There mo to
bo tluco bents , ono mile , live miles and ten
miles The lefeieeand staiter will bo ap
pointed to moriow. Them is little betting
woith quoting , \etlaige delegations of the
lo\ors of c\cling aio oxppc-tod Satuiday
moining Time is called for 1 30 t ) in Tlio
lesult will i each the HeraldSunday inoin-
Joyce * Al'iald to Ki ) it.
PilTsnuna , Pa , Api 11 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the Brr.J Jnok To aity , the pugil
ist , has ariivcd in this city fiom Hast Liver
pool , O , The prospects of a contest between
him nnd Jojco nro now very lemoto. No
suitable- place for thu battle can bo found.
Both paities me weniy of the tionblo and
expense. It may bo thorefoio that the contest -
test will bo declai cd off H is rumored that ,
.Joyce is in no condition to fight , and that his
friends are dodging to have the negotiations
Bnllivnn SullM Tor Homo.
LONDON , A pi 1112. [ Special Cablegram to
the Hue. ] John L. Sullivan sailed fiom
LivorMpl | ) to-day. Ho tlrst obtained his bolt
from the Liverpool custom house authorities ,
In whoso custpdy it has been slnco Sullivan's
nuival In KnglnmU A laigo ciowd was on
the dock to sea him off , nnd ho was hem tily
cheered A number pi frlotids followed the
steamer for seine distant o in a tug.
Ilo Breaks the Hoconl ,
PnoviDi'NCK , Apnl 12 Guouerro broke
tlio foity-eight-hour go ns jou please iccord
to-night. At Huston , Pu. , four cat ago ,
Noiemno walked and ran 2SJ miles and ! )50 )
\aidn in foity eight houis In the same
length of time the Mexican hastiavellud
2 miles and -J20 j aids
DemandInt ; Uoprcsontntlon ,
Nu\v Oni HANS , Apiil 12 To-day William
S Benedict , assisted by ten prombient tnem-
beisof the bar , in behalf of the republican
nominees for atnto ofilccrs , made application
to the civil district court to ascertain whether
it was law ful on the pui t of Colonel Pulton ,
the newly appointed register of voters , to ap
point three commissioners of election from
ono political poity , totally ignoring the icpub-
Jic ans. The petitioners pray that the onlcoi s
bo directed to appoint ouotomimssloncrfioin
the regular democracy , ono from the joung
dsmociacy and ono from the republicans ,
A NehrnsUaa Boos Chicago.
CHICAGO , April 12 [ Special Telegram to
the Buc.l J. W. McPherson , a lanehman
living about fifteen miles north of Sidney ,
Neb , arrived in Chicago with six carloads of
tattle. He succeeded In disposing of h'3 '
stock during the day , and received tlio money
therefor. Ho had Wr500 of this money paid
to him in drafts ; the balance was paid in
cash. Ho visited a South Sldo Jewelry sloro
and bought a gold watch nnd chain , for
which ho pnfd175 ; A diamond ring xuileh
cost ftt ) , rind a diamond pin for $110. Ho
then started out to sec the town , Last
night ho fetched up in n hard quarter on the
west side , and was nnndbvKed and robbed
of the watch , ring nnd diamond stud , be
sides some tWO in cash. Mr. McPherson ex
presses his determination to start for
Nebraska to day
Kir.MKS UK ion.
The Ncwfonnillnnd Coast Packed
For Miles.
Nnv YOUK , April 12. [ Special Telegram
to thb Bun ] At the Ihdrogrnphlcoulco in
the Martimo cxchnngo a report was received
to day that largo quantities of ice off the
Newfoundland coast wcro rapidly drifting
into steamer routes Captain Dnwson , of the
stciuncr Portln , which arrived yesterday
from Newfoundland with other vessels , sa\s
for tin co weeks continuous strong east
winds packed the Ice so close to the
shore that from Signal hill nt the
entrance to the harbor , 11,000 feet
above the sea level , giving a lange of view of
over sixty miles , no open water could ho
seen , nnd during that tlmo the ice was so
solid that ho walked over four miles to an
other vessel His vessel was sot free b.v a
westerly brcoro and it pissed thirty icebergs
within ns ninny miles The steamer Austria
got wedged In just as the Portia cleiued out.
HIT captnln reported upon his arrival in Hoi-
ton H'stcrdny hnvlnir passed foity Icebergs
between St. John and Capo Race
The CoatoH Closed Tip.
Kv\s\s Cm , Mo. , April 12 [ Special
Telegram to the Bi'K.j Under Instructions
of Superintendent of Buildings Evcihait the
Contcs opera house has been condemned and
closed for icpalrs. The cause Is water from
n broken sewer and the uncovering of the
foundation by excavations for a now build
ing west of the opci a house. Prank Daniels
hud a week's ' engagement in "Little Puck. "
This cancelled his dates and ho must Ho over
until Monday , w hen ho goes to Topeka. Mr
Hudson , managet , and C. II. Webster , cxo
cutoroftho Coatcs estate , tendcied Daniels
the music hall , which was made ready. Ilo
refused nnd will bring damages for $ .1,500 in
all piobublllty , as ho stated to them.
Ijovcs Her Krother'H Mtirtlorcr.
Auu\\N. Y. , April 12. Miss Kv Hay
called on Governor Hill this afternoon mid
made an Impassioned appeal fercommutatlon
of the sentence of "Happy Bob" VnnlUunt ,
the ex-member of the Salvation army , who
Is to bo hanged to-morrow for the mm dor of
nor brother Prank Bob was com ting Evn
a year ago and Piank objected. In the
quarrel Bob shot and killed the brother
Governor Hill told the lady kindlj there was
no gi omuls lor the interference. She
swooned and \vhen restored lolnpscd Inline
diately Into the s ime state. This was con
tinued for two Hours , when she was removed
to the hospital. Shu now lies in a dazed con
dltion at tlio hospital , oblivious to all around
her. Gi c it pity is felt for her. She has de
nied up to this morning that she was still in
love with VnnBrunt , saying she hated him.
Mormon Conference Kndcd.
Su.TLvuu , U. T. , April 12 The four
dajs' conference of the Mormon church has
closed The feature of the affair was the
epistle by Wilford Woodruff in behalf of
the twelve apostles , -which diffois materially
fiom those issued by his predecessors It
was an exhortion to the people to lead pure
lives , and ignored the subject of poUgamy ,
which horetof010 has been strongly favoicd
in the spostles It is stated that many in-
lluential Mormons are displeased with
Klder Claw son , wh6 made n radical speech
in fnvoi of polygamy nnd acainst the gov-
ei innents action on the llrst day They claim
not to bo in sympathy with his views.
A Dude Action in Court.
Nnw Yonk , Apul 12 [ Spceinl Telegram
to the Hi i : ] In a goigoous English suit , fol
lowed by a valet bearing an umbiclla. Hobeit
Hillard , the actor , appeared in tlio city court
chiimbeis to-d.iy to defend a suit bi ought up
by a biothei-in-law , who declaies he loaned
Robert § -100 which has never been icturne 1.
Illllaitl testified ho was earning $100 a week
pltn ing in "A Possible Case , " but as ho owed
Manager Hill some money , ho was only get
ting bxiely the living expenses of his wife ,
himself and child $ ! Hn ) woolc. Hnconfcsscd
that he had lost all his savings in Pat iile
Mail speculation on Wall sticet. The case
was not decided.
"Went Insane.
KANSVS Cm , Mo , Apul 12. [ Special
Tclegiam to the 13 u : ] Dr. II P. Hunter , a
pi eminent citi/cn of Independence , was
found in a de"lerious condition In a uoin in
the Blossom house Dr. Hunter some tin co
or four weeks ago left for California mid
none of his friends knew of his lutuin He
was taken to Independence , whcio lie died
this moining
Weather Indications.
Per Nobiaska Wanner , fun or , light lo
fresh vni mblo w inds
Per Iowa Warmer , fair weather , fresh
to busk southeily winds , becoming light to
fresh , variable
John Smith Killed.
LUUMIC , Wjo. , Apill 12 [ Special Telo-
giam to the BIT. ] John Smith , a section
hand , was stiuek bv a fi eight engine this
morning near Miser station , forty milob west
of here , and fatallj injnied.
Smallpox In Now York ,
New YOUK , Apiil U. Tlieionro now six
ty six himillpox patients in tlio hospiUl on
Noith Brothers' island mid now cases con
stantly being icpoi ted.
A Hill } Goat'H Contempt of Court.
KANMsCm , Apill U. [ Special Tclegiam
to the Bi i ! ] A billy goat bioko into the
mayoi'sofiico nt Argentine last night nnd
doKtiojrd neaily nil the reuoids in that
olllco The gnat was discovered this mom-
Ing complacently chow ingn bundle of papeis.
How the animal got In the loom is not
I.'inlc . Will Settle ! It.
NI.H YOIIK , April 12 The presidents of
boveial ti nnk lines met hero today and by
unanimous vote decided to leave the Bottlii-
ment of the dlffui ontiiil rate of west bound
pabscnger fines to Commissioner Pink ,
The Kansas City
K\Nim Cm , Mo , April 12 [ Special
Telegiam to the HIM. ] The deinocratio club
has decided to go St Louis JKio stiongon
Juno 5. They will clmitor n special tinln
and wear white hatb and linen dusteiu us unl
f 01 ins.
The Unlic < l I'
The election of delegates fiom this piosby-
toryof the United Piosbjtorian chuuh to
the general assembly resulted as follows :
Piinciples , Kovs lllddlo , Moffct and Whit
man ; lay delegates , Mebbis. Curbon , Niipiur
and Grajbiol
A lepoit thuttSO.OOO had been jalscd for
the aid of mission chinches was received and
The Woman Prcsbj tcrial Mission society
w'asoiganucd as follows : MIH Kev , Hon
dfrson of Park avenue cbuicli , | iisidi > nt ;
Mrs J H Cannon of the Fust , lliat viuv
promdent , Mi Bull of Dimbar , second vico-
piesident. Miss Hullo McCullock , u cording
scuetary , Mrs Uuv MclJaguo. correspond
ing secretary : Mm * Dr. Van A tin. tioasurer
Miss McCoid read u paper on 'Greeting ' , "
and Miss Dr. Van Atta had an essay on
"Ueekoniug. "
AVID Cost Him nn Arm ,
Last evening n Union Pacific switchman
named Chan Q'Hcrn , while coupling cars ,
had his arm caught between the bumpers
crushed. Tbo ilesh on dla arm was loin
open from the wriit to the elbow and uotli
bonus of ilia foieann broken. Ho wus taken
to St Joseph's hospital nnd his aim will
Uuyo to by amputated ,
Colgate's Oashpiciu Bouquet pcifurn > , i. < oin
bluing the odois of wanyt\\cct lQ\\ua ! j
A Bnthor Dnll Dny In the Whonb
Pit ,
Corn Develops n Good Donl orstrcn th
nnd Sliorts Grow Nervous Conoid-
crablo AutUlt ) In Onls ( Jon *
cial Quotations.
CHICAOO , April 12 [ Special
to the Brt : 1 Rather cold weather for tha
season gnvo porno strength to the wlieal
market nt the opening nnd then thcro Imd
been n fair break during jostonlaj nflof
noon's short os ion and n reaction seemed
probable. There wcro some buying oidcra
and wheat hold fnirlj llrm with Mn > fluctu
ating between TS c , the opening price , nnd
7S o for some tlmo , but when outside outers
wcro tilled that delivery fell to TSc. Blobm ,
u local trader , bid that prko for l.lXXl.OOfl
bushels nnd turned the tide. Although ho
did no get much wheat at that price ho was n
liberal buyer most of the moining , especially
of.Iul.N futnie. Hutchlnson was also buj ing
moderatelv On an up tuin ltfa for May
was reached and at it little lower
range , 78 } c % and T8c , there was n
long and subboin battle of which
the outcome seemed doubtful for nn hour.
Then n suspicion began to piovnll that HutchInson -
Inson was only buying openly and uparlngly
to keep prices up while n now set of brokers
weio selling all they could for him The
market tinned from ' "strong" to "henvi"
just ns this suspicion passed around and the
price of May wheat dropped to TS * < c' There
was good buying at the decline and a reaction
of Vfe , but the 1 o'clock close was 77Tffi\ Juno
wheat opened at 7'.f'f c , sold up to 70 Ve , down
to and closing at 78e at 1 o'clock. Trading
was heavy nt times , but the i espouse of tha
country to the activity of the imuket Is not
what was expected.
The corn maikct was decidedly strong nil
morning , opening from 14 to " ( ft higher than
last night's close and seoilng a fair advance.
A strong bullish influence was found In tha
small leccipts neaily sivtj cars less than
expected and only six cats of contract grade.
Cables woie stiong on corn , paitieularly tlio
private ones nnd thcro was good bujing for
foielgn account , but as usual the tovermg of
shoits giuo the stiongest upwnid impetus to
the market The estimated receipts foi to-
moirow aio still smaller than to-dnj's actual
Receipts. These things make the shorts \ ery
nei vous Mnv coin opened nt iyi\e , hold be
tween that puce and Wic for some time ,
then between KJ'fl ' and MJ e , then advanced
to nyjii- , fell to .Wffu , advanced to 5tc
fell to Ms < o again ami closed at 1 o'clock at
ri3 ; < @ 5331c , then up to 5'IJtfo and closed at 1
o'clock at M' c
There was mi active speculative trade in
oats with an upwaitl tendency to prices. The
lluctuntions following those of corn very
closely. Mav oats opened ntil : ( ( t.'ll e , sold
U ] ) to JUa dtlJjfc , and closed nt 1 o'clock at
: il > fe. June oats opened at ale , sold up to
upland closed at 3U4"n3Hc. For July
oats Hie was bid at tlio oponniir and thej sold
up to 81V- , closing at U.c. August sold up
fiom 27Vtto 27e , closldg at 27Jibid. .
Pi o visions commanded fair attention , but
shoit ribs and laid rather divided with poilc
the iuteiost shown. Pork was allowed by
the bull sjndicate to iiilo easier , and at I
o'clock prices were 1012)e lower than last
night's closing. The syndicate , however ,
was In control , and the weakness witnessed
was nttiibutcil wholli to Its manipulation ,
In both shot tubs und Inrd n stiong fooling
picvailed , though thcio was noncttinl clmngo
in eithei , in ( puotntions Shoit libs closed nt
? 7 10 for May , * 7JO for June , $ T.7 for July
nnd $7 : n foi August Poi Ma\ , lard closed
at $7 ( )2' ' < ; ( ( i)7 ) W ; for Juno at J7.07'.iC'i7.70) | and
foi July at t7.72 .
Bold fiom T c giadually off to77' c sparingly ,
closing with sellei s at 77 fo. Juno 7bKc < JUl\
7l ! c Coin closed nt5.1 0 bid , Juno 5a > jc ,
, lul.5Jfao. . Oats easier. Pork was un
changed , closing at $14 00 for Al"11 ! M'1 ' * ' nlll-
Juno and ? 14 0"i for July. Lard steady. April
closed at t7 00 , May at 37 OJh. J"0 at ? 7.07X
and July at $7.7.2J < ? .
CIIKMOO , Apul 12. [ Special Telegram to
the Bi K.I CAfTu : Tlio lalling off In to
da > 'B tun , as well as the fallinir off In the
weekly supply , together w lib more favorable
01 deison eastern account , caused buycis to
get to work moio eageily and eaillor than
anvda\ tills week , hence a bettor demand
and n llimor i.ingo of values on tlio ouliniiry
tun of shipping and diessed beef steers. U
is the same old stoii , however , legaidlng nn
dcsuable and common stock , good bntcheis'
stock , including prime cows and hoifeis , sell
ing up to us high puces ns at anj time
Fnniy , vr . ' 15 , steeis , USD to niX ) lb , W45
5 Ifi ; 1'OOto lir.O ! Ibs , e..lOir.O ! : H50 to 1200
Ibs , SI > " I 00 Stockoi s and feeders * 2 lKu >
, irr > Cows , bulls and mixed , 317BW.J50 ,
Bulls , $2 ari ( < i2 M ) Texas fed uei is M JryS
4 O'i ; Indians , fl 000l ) 15 : cows , 1.7,1(1' ( JSU
Hoes Business was again bilslc with an
other advance of BftelOe , making an nptuin
of ir > ( ( ( J" ( ' since Hiitiuday last , the gvneial
maikct closing sleaih with Hpefiilatois well
hold out nnd even thing taken fiom first
hands Pi line mid fnni'i IUMVN made fT > ( Oy }
fitri and nlio butt hois' weights W fiOfifi'i.W.
Best inixeil caught it bur shin oof the aiUauco
and sold at $14r > t.ri .10 , w ith common at $ 8" >
( ii57'i : ] ' Light Boils scinco and demand
limited , nominal at { . " > . HyfiT 10 for 170 to 10
Ib , avci.iges.
Ni'Youi ; , Apiiilj.Special ( TclcBiam
to the Bri 1 STOCKS Tlicio nab u slight
decllno inbtockb to tlnj , and tlio bulls weio
not disposed to gho it adequate auppoit and
the bears iminifoHtiid ndlbpohitionto haminei
It on tlio U-ast pn text Little ical mnvs was
undiluted , but bcMiish IUIIIOIH wuo abuild
ant , tliere bcliii ; stiikes in the cast and west ,
prospective into cutting east , and talk about
the Lnckawanna building a line to Chicago
Those in a posit ion to know about tlio latter
ashoitcd that the load < onld get butter iiitrs
by the lakes to Buffalo for eight montliH In
the year for Icsumonoj tlmn n new load could
bo built Unit would pai iillol the i end over
which the Lackawanna now him tiafllo rein
lions. The building of such a line would un
doubtedly demoralize- entiiu caHtein bus
iness and ic-sult in Bevoro losses Blocks
come out with unexpected fioedom , dovljnos
of hftiUi points being icioidod. Thui'o
was u moiloaato Investment buying of Bui-
Ilngton nt 117 , but such liansai tioim wcro tlio
exception Ti adorn wont into the murljpt
dui ing the last hour and completelj i eyernpd
it , cuufaing a 8haipujiwaid moment o ? Jls * |
souri Pacillo at 2 points fiom the inniilo
llguios of tlio moining , tin ) f-lobhig suUis
being % per ( cut over yeslerdiij' TQ ) ( jojt
of the Imt followed and lust Bill's ' wuio at
outside llguirs , showing nut advaiifua of hM
% pur cent The total sales wuio 207.JWJ
( jo\j iiNMi'STa Govornmoiit lioiulbera
dull but btcudy.
U. 8 ireKlstcua la'iC 4 N.W MM
U fJ. liciiupofl. Jil'i ilopruRnyil .Ill'j '
17 B l"arrutlstficl ; KK'J N V Ctlitral M' *
t1 H 1UHcoupon . .IMO 11. N . JJ
I'm lllc fis of 'J' liii'i ' { T . IJ
Cunida houtliern Jijj I'arlllo Mall JJ'i
I iikiu-o'&Aiton ' Wi' * I'lilliiiunl'alttUtaina
f'.II&O 11734 Heullim ' * i
I , I , A.W. liBU Hoik Jslttli'l ' - 1IH
II tit O . IB bt I. A.H.I' 85
{ , . iflU dunroferreil Cfiii
do iireferrtil tll > C .41. A. ht. 1'ttul fJIJi
So prufurud JIU
J ,11 4.W W St I' 4,0 JK
K AT. . . . jm iloprofeircil lOS1
I.ukehhore . . 6 ! i I'uxau Pacific ) i
I A : N Gl'4 Union I'Kclnc. 62'f
.Mlclilynn Central . WJi W , Bt I , A , I1. 1
MlMouill'nrino . 7J Uo iiruftriiKi i-OU
) llMOurH'iiclll . 2m W. u. 'i' lcirapU. . 74J
M.JSBV OH CALi.-rEa y at 1&2X percent ;
lust loan , 8 pgr w-t ; closed offered 2 per