Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head , ill cents p r
line for the llrst Insertion. 7 cents for each sulc
flceiuent Insertion , and $1/0 line per month. No
advertlsementtnkeu for lest than Si cents for
tlm first insertion. Seven words will 1m count
ed to the line1 they must run consecutively nnd
mint be paid In ndvnnce. All advertisements
miiHtlie handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p. in. , nnd
tinder no circumstance * will they be taken or
discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns nnd liar-
Inc the answers addressed In care of the lice ,
will please ask for R check to enable thsm to Ret
their letters , nsnone will l delivered except on
presentation of check. All nnswers to ndver-
U-temcnts should ho enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvertlscmcnts in these columns are pub
lished tu both morning and evening editions of
the Bee , tlm circulation of which aggregates
mor thnn lK , ( iOpnpers dallv. nnd gives the ml-
vcrtlsern thohonent , not only of the city circula
tion of the lice , lint nlno of Council IIIulTs. Lin-
colu and other cities and towns throughout this
part of the west.
Advertising for these cohtmn1 ! will betaken ,
on the nboTo conditions , at the following bus
iness houses , who are Authorized agents for Tun
ilKK special notices nnd will quote the name
rates as can bo had at the main olllco.
TOHN W. HELL , Plmnnnclst , 820 South Tenth
J Street.
HASP. & EDDY. Stationers and Printers , llil
C South 10th Street.
SI I. FARNaWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Ing Street.
EO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 180U Bt. Hnry'i
REUTHER. News Dealer , Post O lllce ,
Binitli Omaha.
' st. J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , U2I North lOtli
Situation by young woman a.t
WANTED c66k In private family. Hood
references , limulre , 131H8. llth gt. US 11 *
tlio m an v > ho llmls tiernmilent employ
muntln some buMnoHS house for nn Intelll
gent young mnn of gcod Imslnibs ciuulincntlons
Address (1 12 , Iteo olllco
ANTED-Sltuntion by n young man (22) ( )
W In wholef > nlc or retail liardnilre IIIH
poodrofereuces. State employment ollico. 111'
I'arnnm st KM 11 ?
T\7"ANTii : ) Position In llrst-clnsi families to
Vl do sowing nnd diossmaklng orroiili
take position as cushion cull iivt : > best of rlt\
references. Union employment ollice , 013 S lltl
Kt. 62J 11 *
\\7ANTKD-Ilyn well pducntnii young mar
V > possessing line busluusM nullity , nposltloi
ns rollcctor. Address G ( I. Ilco olnce. Kll 11 *
" \\fANTKD Situation , for young mnn 3 yean
V ? In grocer business , for young Dune n'
conchtnun , ! ) ycnrs nt lust place. Gate City Emi
Ollice. ill 1 S. 15th. Tol. HUtl. 5 = HJ
"WANTED SltuMlonnsdouulo entry bookkeeper -
> > keeper , Htonogrupner or typewriter , ship
ping clerk , of other clerical work , not nfrnld of
work. Address Edwaid Saltier , 4188. iith : St. ,
City. 4M ) 11 *
"V\7ANTED Ily nflr > t < 'lns\ dressmaker , civ
W engagement In prlvnte families. 822 S 18th
JO Us Turner. CE2 niGJ
ANTED Agents to canvass n full llneol
household I'oodfl ; big commission. Tho.s <
who are not willing to canvass from hou o t <
house need not apply. Lovett M'f'g Co. , Lt'd ,
ail N. 13th St. _ 6M-15J
W ANTED- Four Ilrsi-clnB flhoemnkcrs a
Union Shoo factory , 212U Cuinlngst.G
63.1 11 *
A GENTS wanted In every county and town li
J-i-Nebraska to Bclltlip Erie self-v ringing inoi
nnd clenner : good coniniLsslon given. R , F
Cnvnnnugh. 201118 30th St. . Omahn. 543 :
W ANTED Corapi tout btickl nycM , wngc
( LCD per day for 9 hours' work. Uriel
Contractors' Association , Omaha , Nob. Appls
43i > Paxton block. 527 21
T\7"ANTED Immediately , n married mnn , 2
T to 35 yearn old. must not have more thai
ono child , to worX nn a ranch nnd take care o
COrows ; contract made for onojyenr and thrci
if desired , good wages paid. Address Mrs. An
nle Williams , Boiln Spring's , lllngham county
Idaho. 2b3 13 *
" \\7ANTED-Mnn of neat uppoarnnco ant
i T must have experlonco lu cmploymen
business ; must be n good tiilkor : nlto ooy to ill
tend telephone. A. A. Herring , 12U1 Fnrnam st
Itoom li. 578 ii ;
WANTED Hlnrksmltli , ngood man , capnbl
of tiring wheels nml welding axles nm
rails. Apply nt Omalm Carriugo nnd Sleigl
factory , Alhrlght'8 Station. 680 11
WANTED ( ! oed general rook , must bo i
good baker nnd short-order cook , Kl
fnrcpald. Mrn. llregn , 3lfi 8.15th. Sal m
" \ \ 7ANTEDCenllemun stenographer to go t <
T Montuua Immediately. Cull at Valeutiuo' ,
hhorthaud lu'-tltut o. fi28 12
SIX good inun wnnted to Boll household goods
170U St. Slary'a nve. 4VO 12
A (1ENT3 ( wnnted everynlicin. Three new nr
XXtlcIcH jtMt out. Rig money. Excluslvoter
ritory. Inclose Htiimp for particulars. Sample
of all three 35 cents. Address Swinburne & Co ,
manufacturers , I.aCro&xe , Wife. 01U 1UJ
$75 I'erMnnth Agents wantedinovcrycounty
Plan of work easy ; now goods ; wrltoltl
stamps. Mould MTg Agency. 1C 02 UnlverMt'
I'lace. N. Y. City. 4t'Jm'JJ ) '
WANTED Btenognipher nnd typewriter
lady orgentlomun , must be neat und quick
Address G 7 , lleo. K.'S 12
" \\7ANTED Local'ngcnt for n new specialty
T > Fireproof sufes. N. Y. ngent ordered i
cnrlond Brst week , a N. J. ngcnt half car load , t
Michigan canvasser cleared WOO first month , i
llurrulo dealer , with Ills other business is dear
Ing f 1HU per month on our specialty. Bend 2-ceni
Btump for Illustrated Catalogue. Alpine Buf
Co. , Cinclnnutl , O. 1(77 ( a 15
WANTED 2 men of peed address to scl
Hill's Mnuunlof Boclnl und lluslucss Forms
Bpoclnl inducements. Call421 S. 10th t. 47411 ,
WANTKD A good , reliable young man t <
work In clothing store , 017 N , luth ht.
_ _ I'.TIi U
TSFA NTEIl Ocnrral ngentslKith eexes. alsi
T rnnvaBseis tohellncw rubber undorgiu'
ment for ladles ; the cratulestmoney niaking In
vcntionever made. U.S. Homo Mfg Co. . Chi
pgo , 111. Lndlea' rtept. G17 U *
WANTED Men nnd-HOinon everywhere foi
n genteel business Kuurauteed to pay fft
per week profit t'UHler than other lilies pay J
ier month. ( namples tree to ultherbexurok
! UK iMjnnunuut employment. Experience abso
ntely uunecesbary. Merrill Mfg. Co. . II
Chicago. MH ml'
WT'JVKTKD A few perform in each plar to Ai
T T light writing. Enclosn stamp for 60-pugi
book of partlcnlurs to J. II. Woodbury. Albany
If . Y. lx.1i a 21'
WANTED Men for ruuroiul work. Albright' ;
_ Labor iigency. 1120 Fnrnnm. 6UO
BOY Am. lUst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
ANT EIJ A llrst-class girl at 1811 Dodge.
, . . . . , . . . . . . „ . South Omaha , u llrstclas ,
. . cook. Juqulre tMilby * * itul est-nto ollk-e
t'arnumst. C4pi IU
\\rANTED-nirl to lake care of children , nnc
> > do M cond-vTork. Blra , Robert Purvis. 210
Bt. Mnry'Hnvo. UlO
\\'AN'nJU A good Uermauglrlat 2001 Uur
f > tii. cm u
VVTANTED-Olrl , must be competent rook nm
> 1 lauudreM , boat of Vflgos. 2IW raniaiu
\\7ANTED-Womuu cook for Hcxine , la. fie
T t Cook and wultresa for Ashlund. ( Jooi
Marcher lu strum laundry , f 18 4 cooks fn
[ warding houses , V20to ! U , S for olllceiV final
lies. 20dinluu-rooiu glrlx , dUhnubheis. Iiiun
rire t B , uud 50 good utrls for genernl liuunc
Work , ( Hrls wanting jihu-i-u outof city pleas
tomoaud leuyo jouruddrcss. Mrs. lliega,3i ]
B. 15th. fein
\\7ANTED-Womnu cooks , pustry cook am
\ incut cook. Inquire at 112 VourUi- . . Conn
Cll Hlutr.s , lu. MH 17
WANTED-CXMiks. dtuliigroom plrls. chum
bPimnlds. Uuiulri brH ; 2o girU for house
vork , Kl to o per eek. 7 Cerman or Rohemlai
plrls. nil for good iilacus in und out of city
U te city Emp. Onlce.aUB 15th. Tel. 1100
635 llj
W PANTF.D A girl for general housework
biuall family , good houiu , SIV Naiile st
TTtTANTED Competent cook nmt laundres
TI nnd nurse girl at 7I8Ni Ibtst. No Swedes
621 12
\ \ rANTKICotnp8tent girl iorcvneral hoiu ,
% > work , I8a Fttrnum st. 62313
GIRL for general ho Vie work , IiM Itodge.
'f XTA.NTRD-lAdy. auents for our Improtei
V T combination liubtle-bklrt. Removubli
hoops. Cunbe luiindrled. Latest Paris slyU
ODD sgeat S6M6CW in Columbus Ust t-nrlng ; am
IJiaQc tiOO. Uiirluf trade now. Addit-rs wjtl
t mp , K. II. Campbell & Co. , 4S1 W , itandulpl
( tr et , C'hlcueo. ( M 16
- gjrl C29 Park at-
WANTEn-ComTtotent HI 14 *
\\rANTRD-Flrst and second girl , 17M Donf-
> > las. 644 13 *
1TCHRN ( drl wanted. Mrs. F. VT. Gray ,
2021 Douglas. 67911
\VANTED-2jBlrls general work. 3 dining.
i room girls , a dlshwailiprs. 2 dlnlneroom
girls. Fremont ; 2 for Illalr , 2 for Lincoln , 118 per
month , fnres all paid ; 2lady cnnvnoscrs , Intsnf
peed places for girls. Omnha Kmp llureail. H.
K. White , prop. . fl N. ICth. Tel. 1112. MB 10
WANTKD Good girl for general housework ,
ttvicck. 1513 Sherman nve. 47311 *
ANTED-At the City Intelligence ofllce.
Crelghttm block , corner 15th and Doug
las streets , cooks , chambermaids , laundresses ,
nurse girls , waiting maids , etc . for private
families In the city. } 2 to IS per week. Wo have
a nice walling room , \ihlcii isfrentoall , and
we send girls to places In private families free.
"tVANTED Immediately , lartles to work for
T > n wholesale house on needlework nt their
homes. ( Sent nny distance. ) Good pay can bo
made. Everything furnished , Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , IW 8tU
t.t. . Now York City. 251 _
City Emp. onice. 314 Sl.lth . , Help for
GATE of work Kent to nil parts. Refer
ences Douglas county bank. Tell ioa 631 10J
Men nnd boys out of work to call
WANTED City Intelligence otllco ( Crelghton
blk. ) , corner 15th and Douglas sts. : tC7
/1ANADIAN Employment otllco , mala and fa-
\J mala help sent to nil parts If faro Is ad
vanced. Reference. Omaha National bank.
Mrs. llrcga * Son. 310 S. 15th. Tel. 8S4.
4 ! ) , ' . a 14
to do dmssnmklng In fnml <
ENGAGEMENTS Miss Sturdy , 822 S. 13th st.
671 in 10'
Information wnntsd In .regard .
WANTED M. llrnsh , who left homo nbniil
January 1st , IR 7 , since which time nothing has
been heard from him. Ills father having re ,
ccntlydled very suddenly , nny Information ro.
Carding his whereabouts' \vlll bo pnitof ully r ,
reived by his mother , Mrs. Geo. II , Ilrush , or E ,
W. Fnssett , La Mollle , Illinois. 4W-12J
" \irANTKD-Good real estate listed \\lth me.
Y > C. F. HnrrlPon. 418 S. 15th st. 315
moro smnll honsos for rent. 1' . L ,
Gregory , rentnl ngont , 301. ) S. 16th. 010
TT11KST-CLASS board private family , 1HN ,
JL } IBth Bt. , bet. Dodge und Capitol nve.
IIS. O. F WEI.LS , board J4.CO per week. COl
S. 13th st. GOD 12'
\\rANTBI ) Suite of rooms near Hanscom' !
TT Park , by two gentlemen. Modern conve
nlonces. G 1 , Hco. 484-11 ]
Six or seven-room house In deslr
iiblolorntlon for Bummer by smnll fiiiu
lly. Address F 71. lleo onico. 4O1
WANTED Room nud board , gentleman
n-lfo nnd daughter , in prlvntu family ,
Address lock box 303. city. 4(11 (
RENT Nino-room house with all moden
convenlencos , furniture for sale nt bargnlu
Inquire of J. H. Sherfy.nt O'Donnhoo & Shorty's
TBOR HENT 10-room house with nil inooen
X1 Improvement ntouco. 2510 Douglas ht. In
qulro at 1205 Douglas st. 54'J ' 17 *
TT1O11 RENT IB-room boarding house nt Soutl
JJ Omaha ; good location ; rare chance. Inqtiln
of O. R. NelJonCOC S. 10th Bt. 60U 13
- cottage on S. inth St. , rout 130 , furnl
turo $275 , terms eusy. Co-Op. L. Ar L. Co.,2U
N. Iflth st. 607 13
1JVH RENT 3 room cottage t9 unfurnished
JO f 13 furnlshea 2931 Dccntur. 622 12J
GROOM flat , hot nnd cold water , bath roon
nnd all conveniences , ISffl Lnko street , reu
? 20 , furniture nt M price. Call nften-oons.
OR HENT-7-room dwelling. No. 613 S. 12tl
St. Alf.U. Jones. S. 10th. No. 310. 60713
T71OR.RENT A pretty seven-room house con
JJ venleutly located , city water , well nnd els
torn , imiulro N. II. Hall , 219S. Hth St. , 2d Hoot
J 611 12J
_ _ _ _
T710R RENT Modern 12-room new liouso ; clt :
JU - > v ter , gas , bath. Hewer connections , fur
nace htat. ono block from car Hue , WO pe
month. J. L. lllco & Co. 616 li
T710II HENT Six room house on 20th neii
JL1 Pieico. $27 per month , Hamilton Ilios ,
408SlbtU8t. 437 11"
G-ROOM llat , 419 S. llth St. , furniture $300 , J
cash , rooms nil rented aud paying w ell. Co
Op. L. & L. Co. . 205 N. 10th St. 607 13
[ 71OR RUNT Six desirable houses , from $2,51)
JL ? fRO per month. Lenvltt Uurnham , Room 1
Crelghtou block. 077
FOIl RENT Two 0-room houses , one 7-roon
house with barn , on : nth nnd Hownn
bt. Inquire of H. T. Hainaun , 2816 Lcavcnworth
QUO 12 *
FOR RENT H-room houso. Inquire. J. I' '
Itnrton. 2filliCapitol nve. UK 12
FOR RENT When you want to rent a housa
htoieof ofllce go to II. E.Colo. 2U2-
7-room llat for rent. Fumlturi
for silk ! for t.150. S2UO cash , balance on time
Inquire 181Si ! St. Mury'u ave. , Ilrst door to left
TTlOll RENT May 1st , 10-room liouso. All con
JU lTenlunces.Mrs. H. M. AVhltraore , 712 N. IBtl
6'I9 18J
TTIOH RENT During the summer monthi
J ? only. 10-room house completely furnished
with all modern Improvements , on Park nve
Address F 40. lleo ollice. 663
FOR RENT Eight room Hut , with nil mo > len
conveniences , C'J2S. 13th st. Mrs. M. Lange
TTIOR RENT A 7-room Oat. Inqulra of Oeo
JL' Hlggliis , In the cigar store 1G15 Howard st
FOR RUNT A neat 83) cottage. Apply ai
once. C. r Harrison. 418 8 15th St. ail
FOR RENT 2 elegant 8-room houses , all mod
ern conveniences , flxcfllent- location , con
vunlant to street cars. .15 pemvonUi If taket
soon. H. E. Cole , no 15th und Douglas. UJO
GOOD 8-room hoiiKo on Harnoyst. . rent tx >
furniture can bo had at a bargain , Co-Op
L. & L. Co. , aTi N. loth st. 667 13
FOR UKKT-Cottnci 0 rooms. 7th nnd Will
iams. Inquire J. 1' . Hoe , 10th and Hickory
9 HOUSES conf-nlly located , rent from J12 tc
< 75. luruiture for halo on monthly payments
Co-op. L. nud L. Co. , 205 N. 16th st. 603
TT1OR KENT Two splendid li nna 7 room cot-
X1 tnges , largo barnu , line grounds and mod
crn improvements , Patterson & Fawcott , 31H S
16th st. 2J3
TCTOR HENT Nice 7 room hoiisn. rloso to store
JO hchool , church , st. cars , only S20 a month. C ,
F. llarrlbon. 418 B. 15th st. U74
FOR RENT An elegant new 8-room housi
nnd barn , every moderirconvimlenco ; i
complete home , good iieiKhborhood , street cars
rheap rent. J. H , Parrotte , rental agency , KXJi
Chicago btreet. 704u21
TT Olt RENT And furniture for sain , nlmos' '
Jnew. . nt a bargain , best house mid locntloi
in city ; every modern convenience ; this wlllpaj
to investigate nt once. Apply 171W Dodge 'M
FOR RENT Twelve-room house , S5th nnc
nnd Mason Btreets , (10 pur month , J. B
Caulneld. 1301 Farnnm st 2.M
FOR RENT-House II rooms. W. Jl. Hush
mnn. N E corner 18th nud Douglas. 255
SMALIj room suitable for gentleman , 1C2 ;
Dodge street' E41
171URN1SHE1) rooms to ladles , 311 N 12th st.
643 14 *
J7IOR RENT-Desir ble newly furnUheil rooir.
- * - gentlemen preferred , 1721 Dm cnport.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TU'ICBLY furnished rooms also day boari !
! > within ono blocs of court house , 413 S. 19th
4&5 11 *
T71OR RENT Furnished room Ith board. 52i
J. ' Pleaeaiitbt. CIS li
ELEOANTLY furnished rooms atreasonablt
prices. Mauderbon block. Apply 132
Capitol ore. , cor. 14th , Bd Boor , 4tfJ 13
N'ICELY furnished rooms , with or without
board ; terms reasonable. B. W. cor 8tl
nna Hurney. t'J4 IU
IOR RENT-Nlcely furnished room , wltli
boarU.for 1 or gBntlumenSOM 8t. Mary's avt
. . . . RENT Doslmbie furnished and unfur
ulahttd rooms , B. W. cor. Utli aud Iloirard.
70011 *
"n OR RENT Nice furnished room lu nice cot-
wniit',17 peT woiitl1.108 w l n atuilnules
walk southeast U. P. depot. 734
M' ? , { ' ? furr-8U'"l ' froct roan f urrtntchaap ,
J110 Harc r t. pa is
F I OR RKNT 2 new elegantly furnished rooms
John I. lnynter , iws Farnatn. 048
"UlURNISHEI ) room ? , 113 SSJth. C20 12J
T710R IlENT Furnished rooms , with or with-
JL ? outboard , ( WIS. 13th St.,3d lloor. BOTH *
EOH IlENT Cheap , nicely tarnished front
room. 003 B. llth St. 450
TpURNISHEl ) nooms 1013 Dodge. 4S3-15J
J'lCEI.Y furnished rooms , 318 North 15th st.
Zll It *
" \7"RRY pleasant larpo furnished rooms ; all
> desired ronvenloricesjprlvate hou onoard ! If
desired ; 1 block from postoicce. 1615 Cnpltol nre.
aw-AU *
T71OII HUNT Furnished front rooms. Inquire
JS ings Douglas. Uoom 1) . ld lloor. 5.VJ
FOU HUNT One elegant now front room
with nil modern conveniences , : i blocks
west of the court house. H block from two rail
way lines , 2107 Douglas. 029
T > 00 > 13 $1.00 to .M fM8S 18th st , l&sf rn3J
TfKW Iir.NT-Nowly fumlshcd rooms nt 2011
JL ; llnrncyst. 611 13J
OOM , gns , bnth , stonm heat , 2ul S.SIth.
121 a 27 *
I OH HUNT Furnished rooms , all conveniences
ences , A. Hospe. 315 N. 17th street. 50
TpUllNISHKD rooms , 1810 Dodge.
VTKATIiY furnished front room to rent nt 1821
irarnam st , 1 block west of court houao.
T710H 11F.NT Newly furnished rooms , hcnted
JL1 nrrd with use of bath. Kent moderate. 2017
Jonvenworth st. Bia
irnfUNTsilKn Iloom to rent. OKO 8t. Mnrys
Jave. . 7H7
TT Oll IIKNT Furnished rooms in Qrcunlg blk
JL cor. lllth nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. IU
Davis. Mlltard hotel billiard room. 258
JAIlfllS pleasant room , modern convenience ! ) ,
KOOChlcngost. 2i'J
POK HENT llooms furnished and unfur-
nuhod. lJ4Cap. avc. 2GO
HI3NT-4 rooms 1701 Webster st.ri 00
: irooms4ins. luth st 1500
4 rooms 170J Wnbstor st 3J 00
1 basement , sultaulo for barber shop , bo-
twceh tnrnnm nnd llnrney on 15th st. . . . 25 ( V )
4 rooms 17l Webster st a ) 00
B rooms , 1811 Howard s > t 10 00
UrooiiH , lllil'Iorco st li/iO
Jtulgo Ucntal Agency , S.cor 15th & Hnrney.
TT1OU HUNT A splendid store on Cumlng stl ,
JL neurcnhlo line , rent roaaouablo. Morse -k
llruncr , 1605 Fartmm st. & 37 14 '
for rant cor of Mercer and Lowe nv -
nues , ngond storo'for a 'druggist nnd pro-
eery , luqulro on premises , Clias. , ) . Ityiiu. KW
OH HENT-H store 13th nnd Chlciigo.CIO
TT1OII HNT-Ono hnlf of sloro room. 121
JE Douglas st. Wm. II. Spclmau. 431
OH HUNT Itarbcr shop and furniture , ( rood
locution , rent cheap * luqulro 1434 S. lath st.
FOH HKNT Three stores and basement nt
leer Fnrnam street. Inquire nt Itoom 19 ,
Arlington block , 1511 Dodge st. , between 9 and
12 u. lu. C03
POIt KENT Two business or ofllco rooms on
1st lloor ! 35 per month. W. E. Clark , 1414
llarney. _ 1B6
'TJ1OH HUNT The tlireo story brick building
Jand basement on nth st. , on corner of alley ,
In the rear of the now First Nat'l bank bullrtlnir ,
will Rlvo n 3 or 5 yonr lease nt o low rental. C ,
Hartinun & Co. , 1013 Farnam. 571 a 16
lluslucss room now occupied ns
my ollico ou 15th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 13th
TTAOK KENT Flrst > clnss frame store building ,
J ? Sby24 feet , llrst-class business location.
AppfJ- I. VT. lloberts , Albion , Uoouo Co. , Nob.
KENT Farm onshnrcs ; one of the bell
riinns west ; line Improvements. Addres < ai
call No. 2114 Hurt St. , Oinnlm. W7 12'
WANTED Houses to rent , and wo can rent
them too. W. E. Cole. N. E. loth nnd
Douglas. VKS
IlSThousps for rent with II. E. Cole , N.
"th ! uiid Douglas. 202
Q HHOOHY , F. i. . . Rental ugont. 309 S IGth st.
FOll HKNT If you wish to rent n house call
on IJeuiwa S : Co. , 15th St. , opposltu I'.O.
TD E itSON -TlfSpectubio I'lrls will nlwaj *
Jl llnd places at International employment
ollice , H20 Dodge. KRI 10
1" > iHSONAL-lf : J. Q. Jnmos will return tlu
J. rope nnd pully blocks he borrowed April *
he will avoid trouble. Anton Kment. 604 13J
KSSON3 In nrt-Mrs H. VeselioIT , studio 1U
North 17th St. . drawing , oil painting nnd the
various branches of decorative urt. Designs
forhulo or to order. 653 11 *
FOIl artofSllon , boy baby 4 weeks , also girl J
months old. Address E 42 , Iloo oflico.
_ 703-11 *
demand for shorthand writers Is In excess
cess of the supply. Shorthand course con *
pletcd nt Valentino's Shorthand Institute It
Irom four to six months. Bend for circular.
"OKKSONAIj llnvo you seen L. O. Jones'
-t "Male Mirror. " Call at 1309 Farnam foi
one or sena ddress on postal. _ B17
e nome for ladles during
conflnempnt , strictly confidential. Infanta
adopted. Address E 42 , llee ollice. KI7aHI
IJKHSONAr/ your property to excnango
with C. C. Spotswood. D061B. . ICth. st ZX
QJTRAYEDORSTOLEN-Ono gray mnro pony ,
U about J years old , 700 pounds , split cars , ro ,
turn to31th&CalUnellaiil get toward. 450 1 *
STRAYED A bay mare 12 years old , ! KW
pounds. Return to M. M. Hack , cor. 17tli
and Pierce , nnd get reward , 65U125
LOST On Sunday , April In small pug dog ]
year old , had on sliver collar tltd with red
rlboon , reward will be paid for his return to
Wood'H Express Co. . 1510 California st. 678
rpAKEN Up-Aprll 0 , 1 black cow nt II.
JL Konntze's residence. Oniiercunhavesain
by calling. B'J5-14 *
T71011 SALE A lot of fresh milk cows m. Mill
JL' tnry Ilrldgo barn , 2W)5 ) Ciimlng st. E. 8 ,
Jester. KiO 11'
" 1710H BAI.E-Furuiluro In house of nine
JL1 rooms.cciitr.illy located , Address. G 10 ,
llec Ollico. 657
ITtAMIliV horse for sale , weight about 1.200
JL1 pounds , perfectly gentle and a fast traveler ,
Btevonsllros. , 1521 1'urnum. { , ; > M
T7VJII BALE Two car loads of mules , &to1
JL1 years old , weight from 1,100 to 1 , 'J30. rruyn'a
barn , 23U nnd Izurd. & 40-1U
FUHN1TUUE oi u 0 room Hat and Hat for reni
at tW , a bargain. Call ufternoons at 1SW
Lake St. 632 12
FOIt SAl.E-Largslco box very cheap. Morlt
Meyer at Max Weyer i llro.,16th A : Fnruain
T71OII SAlE-Illlliard table with balls , 1 dozen
JU1 cues ami cuerack , all new and In jrood con-
dltlon. 1UUO Douglas st. 453 12'
TT10H BALE Two second hand Ice cream free.
JL ? zers. O. L. lleau & Co. . l'J2J Douglas bt.
TTIOll BALE The furniture. can > ets , llxturoi
JU1 and lease of a pleasantly located , newly
furnished house , near horse and cable cars
house heated by steam , furniture , etc. . In lisa
less than a year ; must lie gold at once , i'or par <
tieulnrs apply to Hartmau Cc Gibson , 1613 Far-
uam st. 497
mo AHCIIITECT3 , engineers and turveyors-
JL Homo flrst-class instruments forfcule cheap ;
eecond-haud. but In good condition : 2 levels , a
compasses , 1 sextant. J planlmeter , 1 theodolite ,
vrlth their stands aud cases , and several smaller
Instruments nud measures , at Btrlnger & Co.'s ,
M18 Dodga St. 6
PIANO-Second hand , snaare , for sale cheap.
Inquire. Mrs. Btllea , 6U ! I'lerco st. 603 ivj
TTIOIl SALE-Large Hall's safe , new , M. A.
-IJ 4 Co.
- Upton all-
"TIWU BAtiE 8 or 10 horse power engine nnd 13
JU horse boiler In good order. Cheap for caih ,
Ilees 1'rlutlug Co. 747
TJTOtt BALB-OVop ) tubular steel boilers Mr
J14 feet , with rnoke tUclc , fitexirn puagea ,
glusv tur'guag s. etc. , all complete ; nil ) sell
cheap. Address Fred Krug , Brewur ,
TTIinST cu % bicycle for sale at Is.'s thanone-
JU half costjX pn Houghawont'a Dental nmc * .
cor. 18th andgayma ) st , Omaha. 487
TTIOU SALK iiJNo.TTHMrasata with Insldo
JL1 door. W Soflth mil st. 499
T71OH 8AtjE Kh9 bay driving horse , a F.
JLMlarrlson4t3. l&thst. V75
ef i n bargain BO feet of stjolrlng.
ntorj and ono lc chest , suit
able for erocftrymor * . Enqulr * at 813 8. 10th St.
and top buggy. Anthony -
thony J.ohasoa. 1MJ Farnam. 62 i
T7IOII SALTS ( Tlipap. r > desirable horses for
JO family or business driving. Bloman , 991
s.i6th t. ; ; cioi2
FOH SALHMJr trade , one family horse , nlso
new buggyt o A , llospo. 1S13 Douglas st.
740 n 21
F Oll SALE Domiant dc ' capacity a. iX )
pounds. 1'hlU.Stlaimol & Co , , 911-913 Jono *
Omahn. 2fl7
Shrubs , bulbt , fresh by It. Frnneer ,
2 1B SInrtha bet. Georgia and Park arcs.
601 18J
_ _
UMHHEM.AS nnd pnrnsols covered nnd re
paired nt 1C ! North 12th sU 11. llnlr.
4'.i ! ) 15 *
_ _ _ _
STiJCItMAN-Hrass nnd broiizotfoun-
dry , wotft of all kinds. Cor. 14th nnd Lear-
cnworth sta , , Omnha , Neb. _ 456m8 *
UUNITtfllKl rurnlture-\Vho wants household -
hold f urullure , good ns now. For cnsh oren
on time. J. J. Wilkinson A ; Co. , 1417 Fnrnnm st ,
Iloom 0 and 10. 70U-
/1ABH paid for secondhand booksnt thn An-
\J tlqunrlan book store. ! KW N. ICth st. CC8m5 *
T \0 you Intend to build this spring. If fa coma
j t nnd see us , wo can olfer you the bo. t of in
ducements. II , li. Cole , N K Cor. 15th and Doug
las , w neE
BF. RINGER. 119 N. 15th St. , real estate nnd
loans. If you want to buy , sell or ex
change real estalo or merchandise , sco 11. 1' .
Ringer. Correspondence solicited. SOJ
"V\7ANTED A goortliorso. buggy nnd harness
IT In exchange for South Omnlia lots. George
J. StcrnsdorlT. room 0 , opp postolllce. am
MIDWIFE-5Irs. E. Wlnton. N. E. cor. 18th
and Dorcas. 175 n'J9 *
THE banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gollon-
bock , KM H arney st. IK !
\0 OPERATIVE Land A Lot Co. , 203 N. IBth
T'J A5
rpHE Odorle'9 PnnltnryCo. , the only licensed
X company In Nebraska and Iowa , using the
odorless system for cleaning cess pools , vaults ,
natet closets. Olllco 1522 Farnam st.181 n 13
"IjlIRE Insurance , reliable companies. H. E.
JL ; Cole. N. E.J5th and Douglas. 721
socuredr ValenUno'ssliorTliaiuT
SITUATIONS placed nil uf its graduates in
good positions. Students can enter nt anytime.
Bond for clrcular51u Dodge streetOinnlm. Nob.
your stoves nnd furniture with the
STORE Furniture Co. . 715-17-21 North
10th street. 470mB
STOltAGE Having rented the lalgo six story
Ore proof building in the Mercer block nm
prepared to olTer the best facilities for storage
of nil kinds of goods , furniture , plnnos , stoves ,
buggies , cutters nna merchandise , reasonable
rates , receipts given , Insurance. H. Robinson ,
1112 Howard at. IM 072 mC *
rnRACKA(3E-torngo. ( lowest rates , W. M
JL Uushnian,1311 Leaveuworth. 120
NEW YORK Stbrage Co. Incorporated capl-
tnl Slfi.OUr. most oxtouslve farllities for
storage of furnltnro , pianos , etc. Warehouse
receipt given. 1503,1510 , 1512,1514 Capitol nvo ,
cor 15th. 607
HAVE a * cnsh'tcustomer for n good lot lu
Iluusconi plnco If very cheap.
F. L. Gregory. SOi ) S 10th st. 401
WANTED To buy a grocery or drug stock.
Address 0.11. lleo olllcc. 575 14 *
WANTBD-'A.iP.'Tukey will buy some good
1st nud 2 < t mortgages if well secured. A.
1 ! . Tukuy. 1324 fnrnnm. 63J
W ILL buy furniture of n house or flat cen
trally lociled. Co-op. L. & L. Co , S05 N. ICth
CLAlRVOYAN.T'nml test medium. Mndnm EC-
cles. Just from some of the principal cities
east , 1ms taken parlor rooms tor 15 days nt ! ttJ
N. 10th St. , Omnha , where In hertrance Plato Bho
accurately reveals to her many pations hecruts
of the past , present or future in love , business ,
trouble or dlserso , that Is truly wonderful and
certainly useful. Information sought by mull
by inclosing 4 cents In stumps and a lock of hair
will recelvo prompt answer. Room 1 on 2d floor
No 322 N 10th St. MM 17 *
US. HOOPER , magnetichenllucclalrvovnnt
nnd trance rending , N W cor 201 n and Cass.
701 m 7"
rSLAIRVOVANT Call on Mrs. Ecclcs. na-
\J turo'slntuprctcr. Reliable in nil affairs of
love and business. 32J N. inth st. , room 1 640 llj
R. NANNIE V. Wnrron , clairvoyant. Mod-
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 10th
St. . Rooms 2 & 3. Tel. 844. 26J
MONEY To Loan fly the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to { 100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs. Horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. . All
business strictly confidential. Loans so mndo
that any part can bo paid nt any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rntu. Advances
miule on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ns many new roncorns are daily eomlnc
into existence. Should you ne d money call and
see mo. W. R. Croft , room 4 Withnell building ,
lEth and Harney. -T-
MONEY to loan , nt low rates , on chattels ,
without removal or filing ; financial busi
ness of all kinds transacted nuistly and without
publicity ; money advanced on Jewelry ; secured
notes bought. Call nnd goo us , It will p.iy . you.
People's Financial Exchange , room 50W. Marker
block , 15th and Farnam. -ol m ! > *
"l\/fONEY / loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
J.'JL homes , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , 1417 Farnajn , ever Rurllngton ticket ofllce.
/"IHOICE City Ixmns made at unusuallly low
\J rates. Central Loan i Trust Co. , 1811
Farnam st. 730-12
Til ONEY tolosn , casn on nand , no delay. J.
1 1. W. nnd K. L. Squire. 1413 tfarnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building , 278
MONEY to Loan I can place good first-class
city loans on short uotlco and at lowest
rates. D. V , Sholes , room 1 , liarker
TVTONl'V nt low rates on good city nnd farm
J.tL. property , notes bought. Klmbull , Champ
& Ryan. U. B. Natl bank bid. 450 1112 *
T OANSmado on real rstiitu. Cash on hand.
JLJ W. M. Harris over 220 B. 15th st. 271
MONEY to1 can on horses , wagons , furniture ,
pianos and other personal property or collateral -
lateral wlthoutjremoval ; business confidential ;
rates moderate. The Fulrbank Investment Co. ,
2158. Hth St. . Upstair * . StM
MONEY to louu on city property and farms by
Jnrvl8Couklin Mortgage Trust Co. L. P.
Hammond , igezieral agent for Neb. , Room 400 ,
new Pftxtpn.blpbk. 110
MONEY tp loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Leavltt Uurnham ,
room 1 , Crai Utoo bloci. 283
OMF/cliofcel loans wanted. A. 1C. Rlley.
1619 Furnam. 456 m'J
IOAN pliico large or small loans without de
lay ; splendid rates. A. K. Rlley.lSlV Farnam ,
" 455ni2
HE. COi\Eloani , money on Improved city or
farm property. Hooin u Continental
block. 270
JA.WOriDMAN Money to loan on real e -
tatolninimstosuit. 22USouth 13th st.
MONEY { o loan. Notes ana rt. R. ticket ,
bought andsold. A. Foruian , 13uo Fnrnam
sts. 217
MONEY To loan. Lawotl ratei. No delay
J. L. lllce & Co. , oyor Commercial Na-
tlonalbank 2S1
MONEY IXANED at 0. V , Rood & Co.'a Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 B. Llth ,
overIllngham'a commission store. AH bujl-
neasttrlctly confidential. 276
MONEY to lxmn--O. F. Davis Co. , real rstat *
end loun agtnti , U06 Furnarn t. 873
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought , Lewis B. Reed & Co. , 1521 Farnam.
CC600.000 To loan on Oinaba city property at 8
< P pir cent O. W. Day , B. K. cor. Ex. II Id.
. a > 8
MONEV to' Loan Omaha real estate and
farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Itros. &
Co. , Itg )
" \\TF- ens give you all the money you want on
i T household goods , pianos and mtrchan.
dtse at legal rat when goods are stored with
us. New Yortc Storage Co. 755-a-81
ONKY TO LOAN M 6 tr cent on first
mortgages in sums of $600 to 110,000 ; good
short time paper bought at reasonable discount ;
money on hand t no delay. Pattorton & Fa wcett ,
3188o.l5th. 417
MONEY to loan on fnrnlturo , wagons ,
etc without removal ) or on collator * ! securr
Ity. Ilusiness confidential. 0 B Jaoobs,330 B 15th
MONEY to Loan-iai.000 to loan in sums of
from WOO to K.MM on Omaha and Smith
Omaha proporty. Money on hand. Wright A
Latbury , ! lo S. 14th st , , upstairs. 23
STtOHT time loans made on nny available
security. In reasonable amounts. Secured
octet bought , sold or exchanged. General
Dnanclnl business of nny kind transacted
promptly , qnlotly and fairly nt the Ornahfc Fi
nancial Exchange . N , W. cor. 15th and Har
tley sts. , over State National bank. Corbstt ,
tnanagor 214
VTOTBS bought. 0. H. Jacobs. 330 S. 15th st.
ilendlnvostm'tCo. make loans on farms
JL and city property. Room 204llamgo bulld'g.
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nny approved security , law
rates. J. W. Robblns. 1018 Farnam. S SO
tl 60U.OOO to loan on city nnd farm real ostnts.
< 4' Llnahau It Mnhonoy , 1607V4 F&nmm street.
( 500.000 to loannt lowest rate of Interest , on
P city proporty. H. U. Iroy , Frenzor blk , opp.
1.0. , 13G
ANTED-Pnrtner with 1200 , confectionery.
Inquire 004 N ICth st. GG2 14 *
FOR SALE A well "established ftrid"paving
omco IniRliicss. Special reasons for Rolling.
AddiessG. P , lleo' f,40 13 *
OR SALE-Jood bnrber shop nnd bath
roomsbest ; location In Nebraska. Address
Melchlor IHos. ' barber supply house , 1110 Fnr
nam st. , Omnhn , Nob. MB 17 *
1)011 BALE Restaurant , doing ngood bull-
JL ; ness. In good location , on 10th st. Co-op.
L. & L. Co. . S05 N. 10th St. CC713
BRICK Yard 2 ncres , near pavement. Will
rent for term of years. Clarkson , 2II > S 14th.
677 13
"PARTNER wanted for good bakery , must bo
JL willing to ilrlvo wagon nnd nblo to put J800
to $1,000 In the business. Address F2 , Dee olllco.
431 It
TflRUIT , confectionery , tobacco nnd clear
JL' stand on Fiuunm st. Rent 115. priro illM
cash. Co-op. L & L Co. . 203 N Iflth st. 527 11
"HIKED store for sale. Ono of the best locn-
JL' lions in the city. Owner has no time to nt-
tend to It. Will bear COHO Investigation. Rip
money In It. Address F 38 , Ueo. 547 12 *
FOR SALE A long term lease of the ( contrnl
located ) fancy retail stand. Apply to
Penron , Cole & Robertson , 310 813th , cor. Fnr-
nnm. 457
T710R SALE A first-class restaurant with good
JU1 trnde established , locnted In the very heart
of the city , Omaha , can bo bought cheap for
cash if taken ut once , good reason for Relitntr ,
lease to run two years. Apply at Room lu ,
Wnro block , corner 15th nnd Furunm streets.
MEAT Market For Sale A first-class meat
market centrally located. Cheap if taken
soon. Pnrt cnsh , balance trndo or long time ,
Address F C. , lleo. 710-14 *
FOR SALE A good paying business. Clears ,
stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. .
in first-class location. Stock will Invoice about
$2,500. M'lll take city real estate in exchange.
Enquire at Max Meyer & Co.'s. 291
"filOR SALE My stocK of furniture , window
JL ? shades an wallpaper nt a bargain ; every
thing fresh nnd now ; stock will Invoice about
$2,500 ; situated nt Albion , on U. P. andC. , N. W.
R. R. , Uoouo county , Neb. Address M. J. Ladd ,
era isj
FORSALE Drug stock. As One location as
there Is in tno city. stock. Invoice
RbouW.OOO. Part cash. Paitln good real es
tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton & Co. 18th
st , opp. Chamber of Commerce. 2M
TJARTNER wanted In established lavrtmsl-
JL ness In Nebraska. Capital required ILIUM.
Address F 10. Hee olllco. 4111
"THOU SALE Butcher shop In good location ,
JL ? doing good cash business. Address F 43 ,
Hi-e office. 593 12t
EOR SALE Hotel In this city ; ono of the
best chnnces over offered ; good reasons
for selling. 1' 33 , Dee ofllce. 484
Fjll ( SALE A good brick yard and nil the art
purt.inances , nlso 30tiM)0 ) good brick.
Apply Ryan & Walsh , room 6 , Arlington Wock.
To lease fine residence near postoflico , nnd
buy furniture ( nil new ) at a great sacrifice. For
particulars sea L. B. Skinner , 1509 Farnam. 2tfl
ORTY acres 14 miles from Omahn , ZYt mllej
from stntlon on M. P. railway , house , barn1
well , cellar , cistern , orchardand nil fenced ; liiv
new last year , to exchange for home
n Omaha. Active Real Estnto & Property ex ,
change , 1524 Dodge bt. CS4 15
FOR EXCHANGE or sale , good lot with now
; i room cottage , BOO ft cast of Kountze place.
& 2.100 , $ ,100 cash , balance 825 per month or will
take horse und bupgy or part of tha first pay.
ment. Hamilton iiros. , builders , 40ti S. 18th st.
48 15 *
10 EXCUANOE-Som6 line lots in North
Omnhn , the cliolco In Hitchcock's In Hlllo-
ke , in Morse & Urliner's and lu Glso's ndd , what
have you ? J L. RJco Ar Co. 477 11
OR SALE and" trade The lease and fvrnlturo
of a 11 room flat , centrally located , paying lot
to KX ) per month above rent , luqulro N.V. . cor.
Dodge and 15th St. , ollice of J. II. Mahler Ruggy
Co. CO ! ) 11"
HAVENXJlotslnB. & M. Park addition to
South Omnha , free of Incumbninco , to
trade for Improved or unimproved Omaha prop
erty , farm lands , stocks of goods , horses , cattle ,
or anything of value. These lots nre rapidly
increasing in value , uud If you have anything to
trade call and son me. George J. Sterusduru" ,
room 0 Frcnzer block , opposite postolllco. 230
CHOICE aero tracks sultnblo for gardening ,
Very liberal terms. H. E. Cole. N. li. 15th
and Douglas. Real estate for sale. 003
ALL kinds of property for trade. Btnvent
Ilros. , 1521 Farnam. B72 13
LIST property for sale , rent or exchange with
H. E. Cole. N. E. cor 15th aud Douglas.
350 03
TIO TRADE-Equity in one of Hie nicest bnild.
Ing lots in Orchard Hill for horse nnd
buggy. James Stockdale , 113 N. IGth street.
(175 ( 13
T710R TRADK-3 lots in Windsor terrace for
JL ? good land , mortgugo paper or horse and bug
gy. D , V , Sholes. room 1 , liarker block. 331
ANTED W houses nnd lots tooxchango.
C. U. Spotswood. 305K B. 16tll St. 23J
WANTED Horses nnd cattleto exchange for
farms or city property. H. E. Colo. N. li ,
cor. 15th and Douglas 1XU' )
/Cxl32 , corner 3d and Douglas its , to trade foi
U nn eight to ten-room house and lot. Geo.J ,
Btcrii'dorff. room (1. opposite P O. 230
1T10R EXCHANGE-Will take horto , and buggy
X' ns part payment for equity In good lot lu
A. S. Patrick's addition. Address E 50 , llee.
WANTED to Exchange-Two lots In II. & M.
park for horse nnd bugcy. Inquire at B ,
A. Bloman , Uth and Furnam , llellmun block.
VtT'ANTKD Houses and lots to exchange for
> > farms. II. E. Cole , N. B. 15th and Douglas.
_ WO
W ANTED-20U.OOO brlrK for Omaha real os-
tata. E. A. Leavenworth.1417 Furnam st ,
" \X7ANTED-Stoeks of merchandise to ex-
TT change for farms. II. E. Cole , N. E. 15th
and Douglas. ; KX >
LIST property for sale , rent or exchange wltll
H. E. Cole , N. E. cor Hth and Douglas.
LIST property for sale , rent or exchange with
H. E. Cole , N. K. cor 15th and Douglas.
TPRADES made In real estate and personal
JL property. Bee exchange book. Co-op. I *
and L. Co. 205 N , ICth ht. 6&1
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505
Farnara street Compluta abstracts fur
nlahed , and titles to real eitau txaralned , ptr-
rtcted nnd guaranteed. iijJ
BENSON &CAHMICHAEL furnKa complete
and guaranteed abstracts of tltla to any
real estate la Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete net of abstract
books in tha city. Ko. 15I yaraam it. 2V3
A bstracts South Omaha EJ. Johnson &
- tiCo. . , agents South Omaha Land Co. , have
the only complete set of abstract bouks In
Bouth Omatia. Complete abstracts furnished
on short notice , Omce oppoilto depot , South
Qinatia. 1SJ
TT10R SALE A fine Improved IU ) aero farm in
JU' Keya Paha Co . Neb , , ou Nlobrara river ,
cheap for cash or will trudv for Omatia prop-
.fctty. J , L. ltic & Co. 615 U
F1V.H acre tracts for sale cheap.
from Omaha , co < g to railway station. The
O. F. PMti Co. , Karnalngt. tl ' 18J
$1,250 for K beautiful east front lot opposite
Kountze plaoo tn ( lisa's add. J. L. Rico
JbCo. 477 11
LA KB street lots for sale or trade , fronting
S streets. J. U lllce A Co. 478 M
17IOH 8ALK-POO acres of No. 1 land , all under
JU fence , lying 7 miles cast of Crook on Dot-
torn : two miles of running water ; make K good
stock ranch or farm ; two or three hundred acre *
of It will produce hay. Address O. W Atkinson ,
Crook. Colo. 463 14 *
T L RICE i CO. , Real Estato. Wi
rpWO peed houses , well located , for 13.700 and
JL (0,100 , on easy payments. J. A. Helstand ,
room P , Arlington lllock. g 5
TjTOll BALK or trade Lands and town prop-
JL' rrty In Nebraska , ICnns&sColorado nnd other
stnteawnnt ; merchandise , cattle and horsesjgen-
eral e.xchango business transacted ; correspond-
cnco solicited , T. A. English , & Co. , York. Nob.
BRIGQS Place lots. Clarkson , 210 S. 14th.
877 13
BARGAIN I hnvo for sale for n few days n 7-
room house near cor. of Eureka nnd Hamil
ton streets. Walnut Hill , for 11,400 : small pay
ment down. Chns. J , Rynn , cor. Mercer mul
I/owe nvcnues. 579 in 10
T710R SA IjR First-class 10-room house , nil
JL : modern Improvements , good stable , on 25th
st. near Fnrnam. Also ( K-foot vncant lot
locnlity , Will guarantee ft bargain. The W. C.
lVC8C6..313S.14thst. 713 14'
Blliaas Place lols. Clnrksou , 219 S. Hth.
077 W
DO you want a homo on easy payments In
Popploton Park Rulldlng Association , or n
flue investment ? It so , see J. L , Rico & Co.
G13 13
SIXTY-SIX ft on Jones st nenr 15th. Great
big bargain. Part pay In good mortgages.
Chirksuu. 21U 8. Hth. 577 1'J
T71O11 SALE Twelve quarter nectlons of line
JL1 land ; three miles from the cltyof Coltnn ,
Cheyenne county. Also four quarters , twelve
miles west of lied Cloud , In Franklin county.
First-class Investments. J. H. llalr ! , Lincoln ,
Neb. 741-15'
AHAWJAIN-N. E. rorlleo. nvo and Mason.
170XHO. partly Improved , tliroa car lines ,
$13.000 ; your own terms O. K. Coombs , box
4811. 50715
li. It ICE ft CO. , Ilual KiUto.
FOIl SALE At a bni-gnlu. lenso of n3-sUiry
brick building containing 3 stores nnd 25
rooms , with modern Improvements , luqulro at
003 8. llltll st. 12:1 :
miIIIlTV-THHF.E ft on Howard near 14th.
JL Will take good 1st mortgages. Cliirkson ,
2198.14th. 67713
K ROOM cottngo , cast front , full lot , 2 < nh nnd
J llurdctto sts. only 81,750. D. C. 1'attorsou.
Omaha Nat. Hank. i < W3
MOTOR line will positively run directly to
these $300 lots. liny now before the ad
vance. Payments cnsy. H. E. Cole , 15th nud
Douglas. 721M7
TT1OH SALE Trndo or Exchange $0,000 equity
Jlu 23 cliolou Inside lots In Omahn. for Im
proved farms , merchandise or ilvo stock. J. L.
lllce & Co. 615 13
/1HO1CB ncro tracks , bestof facilities for gar
VV donlng. Want good unlncumboruil farms
H. E. Cole N. E. 15th and Douglas. _ OOJ
FOH BALE Five ronm house , full corner lot ,
exactly on grane. In Omaha View , * : JXM. ( H ,
E. Cochrnn , 150D 1'arnnm st. 674 13 *
HOUSE nud lot on 10th st , very cheap. Clark
Bon.flin3.14th. 67713
FOIl SALE -Lot 15 llurdo to court with now
4 room cottage. llr > BOBmnll cash paymmits
bal In monthly payments. Wallace , 8J } Crolgh-
ton blk. 601 14
ODTUlpthst house nnd lot. Uargaln. Clurk-
Bon. L'10 B. 14th. C77I3
FOH SAJjE or exchnuge Now 8 room house ,
nil modern improvements , barn , etc. , tuiioll
cash payment and tcnns to suit.
AV111 take equity In good lot as part payment
F. U Gregory. JM9 a Ifith St. 4UO
11IGQB Place lots. Clarkson , Sl'J 8. Hth.
677 13
T7IO11 BALE Uhimrirbved Inuils In every
JL ? county In eastern Nebraska ; prices from S."i
to $15 per acre. Improved farms from 812 to 133
acre : easy terms. For particulars address
8er H. Nelson , 0311 S IQtn st. SOU 13
FOIl SALE or exchange Wo bavosomagooil
Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms
which wowill soil cheap or trade for stocks of
clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods , boots mid
Bhoes , graperies or hard ware. Schloslnger Ilros , ,
C14 S. 10th et. _ Stiiaia
$3,250 , J300 balance rhontlily ; quarter block
from tied Car line , deslrnblo location- : com
nnd sco this. H. E. Cole. N E Cor. 15th und
.Douglas. _ 6030
FINEST Improved fartn In the state of Ne
bruskn near Elinwood , Cnss Co. , Neb.
jilendld iiuprpvemi-nts , 100 acres , price Sfi.f/JOj /
8I.5UO cash. J. L. Illcu & Co. 477 11
dJIO will make the first payment on a flue largo
P lot. 15 minutes from postolllco. II. E. Cole ,
cor. ICth nnd Dcuglas. TO-17
FARM lands for sale. Good Improved farm
in Sheridan county of 160 acres , 2. " > acres
pine timberJI35 acres good plow land , good
buildings , running water , for Bale or trade for
Omaha property. Also good farm iu Sheridan
county of 320 acres. 100 acres timber , balaura
peed farm laud , good buildings , well Improved ,
forsulu or trade. J. L. Itlco & Co. 470 12
FOIt SALE-77X132 feet Chicago street , onn
block east of J ollerson square. A few days
( iSxllO feet Park avenue , between Howard and
TSxliiTVilL. Caldwflll St. . near Saunders. I. A.
Uradrlck & James Vor6 , Frenzor Dlock. Room 7 ,
620 10J
"TT'OH ' BALE House 4 rooms and barn and lot
J-1 on 10th. J1 , K ) , JTiO cnsh , balance 115 per
month , or will trade for clear lot. Address G.
6. Jk'o office. _ 617 HJ
IF you think anyth'lng of your friend , the al.
mighty dollar , got Homo of thosu MUO lots
nnd double your money In 00 days 11. E. Cole ,
cor. 15th and Douglas. _ 720-17
T71OH BALE At a bargain for n few dnys
JL ! only , lot 1. blocks. Pndclock I'laco. This Is
a beautiful corner on 18th street. Inquire at
owner. 1709 Dodge St. 4U2
FOK BALK 0-room modern house , 60 feet of
ground , uear 18th and Bt. Mary's nvo , , for
$7.000 , party anxious to sell. G. It. Thompson.
J i' . HICE ft CO , , lleal Kitato. 801
$250 will buy n 60 It lot. easy of ncposs ; pay-
in en t easy , long time on balance. Von can
not afford to miss this. H , E. Cole , cor. 15th and
Douglas. 723-17
ITUjlt BALE A fine residence lot on Fnrnam
X1 bt. , U xl32 it nt a bnrguln. Klmball , Chauiii
& Hyan.JJ. B.Natlbimk _ _ bid. _ 444m2 _
/KH BALE A nent cottage and 5ft lot oppO'
JL. ' site residence of Milton Ilogers. Meaa i
.1 amlivioii. llooin01 , llainge building. 400
HOUHK3 , vacant lots und farms for sale nud
exchange at Btrlngor & Co.'s , 1618 Dodge ,
Y L. RICE & "C5.7 UealB4tate * ; 294
' choice lots In South Omaha below tht
market value , bargains If takou iiiilck. II.
E. Cole. N B Cor . 15th and DoiiKlas. iiM 30
EOTS 4. 6. 2/1 , 27 and 2 % black r Ilrlgg's piano.
1'rico of nil $3.000 ; easy terms. H. B. Cole ,
N E Cor. 15th ami DouglnH. 850 IM
mB oirFnrnam , Douglas , Dodge or Capitol
. .vpmiB. long time and no cash paymunt If
you TTlll build. H. E. Cole , N li Cor. hth and
Douglas. _ 350 ; | Q
) -STOHV Mix-room houne und lot , all modern
-J conveniences , convenient to street cars , do-
Htrable location ; price J3.400. $ .100 cash ; ImUuire
monthly or ( juarterly to suit. II , E. Cole , NK
Cor , litli anil Douglas. _ aao a )
"VTO casn requirii < nobuy n fluu largo lot to par-
J- > ties who will build. H. E. Cole. cor. Kith and
Douglas. 72y-17
S TUINOElli- . . If.lS Dodge street , will soil
a good lot In Orchard Hill and take u horse
nr.djjuggy and secm-ed notes In payment. 433
BUSINESS lot on North BUteenth btroet. II ,
_ K , Cole .NJ ! Cor. I5th und Douglas , ilWIW
FOH BALE-Hawley IIouse , 'Noftli piatte'
Neb. Will take part cash and balance in
peed cattle. Addrea * John Hawley. North
Plattc. _
T71OH BALK Nice 7 room house , close to t.
JL' curs , school , church , etc. , full lot , only 11 , WO ;
11,00 caBb , balance in three equal payments. U
r. Harrison 41tt , H. mil at. _ U75
T It. HICE it CO. , Htal Estate. W4
FOIl HAI-K or Trade Faniara Kt. . near 33th ,
Incumbrarice tt.OOO. Kiiuity U.OOO.
Farnam St. . cor 81st. l-'KU la.
Tracknee , Kth ) st. near Grace. 68x112.
Cumlngat. . cor Slat , 48.03x140 lucumbranca
N. 16th st. , near Nicholas , 01x101 , Incumbranco
. ,
Haunders St. , cor , llurt. IWxSl , Incnmbrance
1'ar'lcayo. facing parr , DOilM , Incumbrance
Douglas at. , near 20th , 64x133 , lucuuibranca
J2.6riO ,
S3 lols In n. Ic M. Park add to South Omaha ,
clear of Incumbrance. perfect tltlu.
2 quarter icctloni Qf school land in KoMUth
Co. , Iowa.
1 quarter section land in Grundy Co. , Neb. ,
All of above property for sale or trade for
coed intido improved property or gnol lui <
iiidi-td or unlmUroved forms. ' 8. ' A. Bloman ,
rooinu S3 and 3J , Hellmau blUg , I'JIl Faruum nt. ,
UmaUa Kvl : tU
XU main lines and brunches Include OZHOA0O ,
ronx. DEB MOINXS , ootJNoii.BLxnrrs , mm-
and ccore * of IntormixtlM * cltle * . Cbolc * . at
routes to and from U > * Pnclflo COM * . AH tnins-
fcr * la Union dopoU. Fast trains of Tint IJiS
Ooochos , olcrant Dtnlns O ni , mairnlflconl riill-
nan Talaco Blooper * , and rbotweon ChltOKti. Bt.
Joseph , Atcblson and Itantaa City ) Radioing
Chair Car * . Boata Fr o , to holders of Uupugtt
Cr t-cla Ucket . ' (
Chlongo , Kansas & Nebraska R-y
"Croat Rock lelnnd flouto. " < . ,
Extends Wtst nnd Bouthwett from ITan a Clty
ODdBt. Jo > ph to KELSON. JIOUTON. . EI4
nuroirrnooN. OALDWELU imaaupotnliia
ondbcjrond. Entire posteneor qutpmint'of to *
celoVjratod IMUnian manufucturo. All ofsty' ' Ap *
pllaucM and modtrn Improvement * .
The Famous Albert Loft Route1
It the faYorlt * bttwoen Ohlcago , Itock I 7nBd ,
AtchUotu Kantai City nnd Mlnnsipolls fn& Bt
Paul. Itt Wntettown branch ttBYer t th * BT Rt
of Northern Town , Southwestern Ulnnttota , a4
XaitCsntral Dakotn to "Waterloo . OprltiX | 0i
Dloux Fallt and many other town * and clutt.
The Bhort Uno via B n ca and Eankakoa otfirt
( jpcrior faclllUoi to trnv l to and rromlnOUn-
apollt , Cincinnati and cither BouU rn polnui.
Tor TtckoU. Maps , FcHlers , or a lrod Inltirrna-
tlon , Biiply at aar Coujvm Ticket Office or addnM
Qt&'l Maaae r. Oen'l Tkt ft rose. Aft
Running between Council IllufTs nnd Albright.
In addition in the stations incntlondd , trains
Btonnt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourtU Btrtuta ,
nud at the Summit in Omaha.
BroadTrnns - Omaha Mi-.iv bouth AI- ? "
way. fer. Depot. ° "ecl > - Omftha [
A. M A. M. A. M. A. M.
5:45 : 5:61 :
0:10 (1:17 ( 0:30 0:37 :
G:55 : 7:112 : 7:15 7 : :
7:4' : > 7:52 H:05 : 8:12 : KO6
8:45 BB2 ; 0:05 : 11:12 :
0:15 : 11:52 : 10:05 : 10:12 :
' 10:5 : : 11:03 11:12 :
11 45 11:52 P.M. P. M.
P. M. P. M. 12:05 : 12:11 :
12:45 : 12:52 : 1:05 : 1:12
1:52 : 2:05 : 2:12 :
2:4r : ! 2:52 : 3:05 : 3:12 :
U:45 JKi ! : 4:05 : 4lit : 4:25
4:45 4:53 : fi:05 : 5:12
G:15 : 6:52 : (1:05 ( : 0:12 :
0:45 : 0C : ! 7:05 : 7:12
7:45 : 7:62 : 8:05 : 8:12
SMS ti-JS 9:05 :
0:45 : B:52 : 10:0i : 10:12
ur.lla- l
10:45 Iv. 11:30 f 11:30 11:46
Leave. Arrivo.
A No.14 4:00 : p. in. D No.l . . . . :
H NO.a r > : iop.m. A 'No. 13 . , . .11:300In.
C No.O 0:20a.m. : 0 , .U:05p.til.
A No , 4 u:40u : , m. No , 3 . .7Wj.tU.
A No.C 0:40nm.A : | No,3 , _ _ ,
A "No.B 4:00p , m. A No,7 11:30a. > il.
A No.4 :45p.m.A : | No.6 7tOOp.W.
A No. " 0:25am.A : | No.n 0:3. : " > n. ni.
A No.4 . . . . . .0:10p. : m.lA No.l . . .8OUiJ.m.
A No.10 7:05a.m.lA No.O KM&im.
A No.12 7OOp.m.A | No , 11 9 : ) l > . ! n.
A No. 8 3:40p.m.A : | No.7 . . . , ll:3rip , m.
Leave Transfer depot 9:40 : a. m , ; 0:49p : , in.
Arrive Transfer depotU:40 : u , in , ; 10:00 : Him. }
7:00 : p , m-
A dally ; R dally except Rat.jC dally except
Hun. : 1) ) except Fust mall : Limited.
( Successor * to John Q. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old fctaml , 1407 Farnam Bt. Orders by tele *
graph BCllcltud and prompt/ ) attended to.
Telcph no Mo. ZU
inric. JU' r < U' a/ti..jIiUTiiV.rt ! 7 ,
Hk.m5wn&VUmuImiijih. . tli