THE OMAHA ; DAILY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY STORMING. APRIL 13 , 1SSS , NUMBER 298 , n i nn ni PT nt PUXTT Mt A CASE 01' CLAIM ACfcST , But Ono of Pure Cussodnosa With the FilllbUBtore. ONLY FIVE STATES GIVE PAY. A Cnrrfol Canvass lly the Hcc Corrc- npoiidcut Ilcvcaln PoHllivo 11 % I- deuce ol'That Conditioner or AlTnlrH. The Deadlock ; Continues. \V-8UixoTox HUIIEAU TiinOMAHA 513 FotiiiTEKNTii STIIEKT , * WASHINGTON. D. C. . April 10. To day 1 made diligent Inquiry and Invest ! gallon to ascertain If there was any founda tlon for the widely published assertion thai behind the direct tax bill , which Is makiiif tlio deadlock in the house , there Is a horde ol atato agents , lawyers and lobbyists , and thai thcsu men get a very luceo slice of the pro posed ? 17OCO,000 appropriation. There l ! but an atom of truth In It nil. It is true tha there nro some agents who get a small per ccntago of the money , but by the most care fill Inquiry among the members from UK various stales , and the use of the telograpl In communicating with the govcmors , It ii ascertained that but live agents are paid i per cent , out of the money which will g < to the states by this bill , nud that the paj i : from two to three per cent In these live in Btnnccs , instead of from twenty to fifty , u reported by the lllllbusters. General Hclknap gets II per cent of thi amount which will go to Iowa , and not 25 pc cent as published by the illllbustors. Gc'n oral Farnsworth , the agent for the state o Now York , Is kept In Washington the i ca round , and gets f2JO n month. Ho Is paii nothing extra out of the direct tax bill. Kan BUS has no contract with its state agent , nm neither bus Virginia , Pennsylvania , Missouri Indiana , Massachusetts , Mulno nor Michl gnu Ohio has an agent who receives 5 pc cent of the collections ho makes for the stut against the government , but months ago th < governor informed him ( Colonel W. T. Tal ford ) that his contract only Included th claims which were collected through the dc partmonts , and that nothing would como t him by the passage of the dircc tax bill. Kentucky , a few j curs ago , con tractcd to pay 60 per cent for the collcctio ; of war claims , but Governor Knott refusci to appoint an agent , and thus the state wil give nothing to an agent out of what ho uia , get through the direct tax bill. A great deal has been said about th amount it is alleged will go to the agent fo South Cmolinn. It was stated by the one mles of tbo bill thnt one-half of the ninouti which is provided for South Carolina will b paid to agents. This Is untrue. The mono , which will go to South Carolina will bo dls tributed dhectly to the Individuals who paii it. There was oneo a contract made b these individuals by which an agent was t receive per cent for collection. In this cor nection there is a bit of interesting hlstoij While the bill was before tbo senate rt ccntly Senator Butler of South Cuiolin urged the adoption of an amendment piovii ing that none of the money w hich the mcui uro appropriates shall bo paid by any ono t agents. It is stated upon the best of nuthoi ity that Asblbtant Sccietary of the Tie.isur Thompson , while governor of South Can Una , wus applied to by Senator Hutler1 brother for the btato agency for the collei tlon of claims nmnw.t the government , ii eluding that piovidcd for by tlio diicct ta bill. Governor Thompson icfuscd to a | point Senator Hntler's brother and appointe Trescott & Eurlc , claim agents , now locatei In this city. What Senatoi IJutlcr's idcu wo under the clrctimstnifi es in urging thi amendment can only bo conjectured. If Nebraska and other stntes not lici enumerated h wo agents who are in any wa ; inteicstcd In the collection ofthis moneytho have not attended the meetings of stat agents at Washington , and have not been i the city dm Ing the consideration of the bil It is evident that the charge that theio nr agents and lobbyists behind this bill is but subterfuge of the ex confederates for votln against the mcasuio and continuing their 11 libiiHteiing tactics , Texas pi PSPPIH an eai nest delegation i the ranks of the lilltbustcrs , notwithstam ing the fact that there was n proIsion in tli inc'cnov dullcenuy bill which lecf-ntly passe this conpicss giving Texas fHOO.OtiO on an ol war claim. Tlio action of the delegation 1 pointed out as a piece of inconsistency an ingraUtudo. There was no change in the proceedings ( the house to-day. 'Jho sumo i oil calls mi diligence on the paii of the sprgeant-nt-arn and his deputies in bringing in absentee wcro Kept up. Eaily this moinlng twent : llvo dcmoei atlc filcmlbof the bill signed call for a caucus and placed it in the liami of Chulimun Cox. Mr. Oales of Alubam ; who is leading the Jllllbubters , heaid ( the movement to call a caucus on yesteid.i afternoon , und bteadlly fought every pn position to tnko n i cress , lust night or ti night , as ho wished to avoid giving time fc a caucus , knowing tully well that If It is hoi it menus the end of the deadlock. There is largoiniijoiHj on thodemoci.iticBido Infnve of putting a stop to the filibustering ail biinglng the bill to a tote. Iv ono knows tins better than tl llllibtiBteis , and they tight with tcnacit against tlio Inevitable fate which will con to their woik if It is left to the dletutcs of caucus They dccluro they will not go Inl or bo bound l > . \ a caucus , There aio dive Monb at times in the i/rocec-diugs which mal the surroundings tolctablo in the house Just before recess wus taken Into last nigh Mr Dibble , of South Carolina , mudo a vci bilef speech on a point of aider , relative i compelling membcis tooto , and closed 1 saying. "Tho reason of thu law ceasing , tl law itbelf ceases Kaliono coss-into ccsset < ips.i lex" There was laughter and a plauso at the familiar latin quotutio : und when aider was llnully lesteucd , M O'Neill , a sui Sous old gentleman fro Pennsylvania , arose , according to the ofllci rcpoitof tl.o piocceulngH in to daj's Kecoi and snld "Mr Speaker , the gentleman words ought to bo taken down" Tl speaker called for oulor , and then M ( ilo\er , of Mifc-ourl , arose , and uddivssln tlic chair , said "I move that thegcntl mini's ' w'ouls bo taken don n " At this poll in the proceedings Mr Dibble was permitti to say , addicBblng thochuir , "I apologue ' the house for tlio quotation. " A chorus i Noic'i-s now cried out1 "That Is nil light , and aider was boon supremo. I OttonOU 1I01IFS-OX UNINCIUIA E' It was announced jestorduv that Gcncr Gcorgo M Kobe-son , of New York , ovsccr tary of the navy mid ex-congressman , h. placed chattel mortgages upon evorj thing 1 owns in Washington and at his present hum The rojxii t was not gcucrallj boliut cd uni General Kobeon , who is now in the cit confirmed It. Ho stntcd frankly to-da > th It was true that ho owed nioro money th , ho was jubt now able to p.iy , but ho hoped 1 could EOino time dibchurgei nil of his oblif : tious , Ho itatcd that most of his debts we to banks , and that he proposed to devote i of hts'proper' ' ) ' und energies to straight en u out his affairs , and tnut if his life wus spun he did not propose to sco on of hU Iricn lusa a nanny. Tim general la looking vc well , uut his brusque f-UJo whlsuors m heavy hair are almos-t snow white. Ho now engaged in the practice of law und fi qucutly visits Wattiinitton uml appears bvfo the departments , Dunic-ATiox or A. HIKK nitiuos. Kitensivo arrangements havu been nu for doJIcating. to-moi row , the free brW bctneon West Washington and the shores Virginia across the Potomuo to Arlin tc The brld o 1s built ci < the pleis whore , t \Uo fty.utauct , a foot i'i Bengcr and wagon way , which was owncil by a private corporation , and which charccd from U. > to W ) cents for every vehicle pa sing over It. The old aqueduct bridge , besides offering the only way over the Potomac ! Into Virginia for vehicles and foot pas'eiigci s , was an eye-sore In appearance and dangerous In reality at the time It was condemned by the commissioners of the District of Colum bia and purchased by the uet of 1SS5 , appro priating Sm-VOoo. It was only two or three weeks ago that the bridge was completed and thrown open for the frco use of the pub lic. To-morrow it Is proposed to dedicate It , and there will bo a magnlllcpnt military and civic parade and a pyrotechnic display nt night. It IB proposed to nnmo it "Kiddle- bcrgcr Hridge , " after Senator Klddlcbergcr , of Virginia , who Is tbo author of the act which created it. TUB NKW lonK'a'N KICKS AOAIX. To-day's NPW York Sun has a double- leaded editorial more than n column long and three columns of rcorlnt against the Mills tin iff bill mid Cleveland's rcnomlnatlon. It points out how thrc-o features of the Mill : bill wood , wool and Iron disastrously af fects the Interest of ISO.OOO voters in New York nlonc , and warns the dcmoei atlc pai tj against promulgating the free trade doctrine , Its reprint Is Intended to show that although 'ntcnsely unjiopiilarClovelaiid will bo rcnoin- natcd. The Sun's ' com so Is regarded In the interest of Governor Hill , who is said to be an aspirant for the nomination In opposition to President Cleveland , despite the foi mur' : recent denial to the contrary. MIIS.Aitn TO i.tvn IN cisctVNmr. Mis. Wulte , widow of tbo late chief Jus lice , and her daughter. Miss Waitc , Intone leaving their residence hero and going tc Cincinnati to live with C. C. Wulte , son ol the dead chief Justice. Mr. Walto Is manager of the Cincinnati , Hamilton > S ; Dc cater railroad , and Is ono of the forcmos < young men of the Queen city. SMAI.I. TU.U. The Continental National bank of Chlcagi was today approved by the compti oiler o of currency as a reserve agent for tin Second National bunk of Dubuquc , In. Postofllccs have been established and post masters appointed to them in Nebraska a follows : Wiley Matthews , Dickens , Lincob county John Sliclbourne , Kcwance , Cberr ; county ; C. K. Fair , Millet town , Hutle county. The funeral of the late General John H King ( retired ) took place at a o'clock thi uftcmoon from his residence , 17'JO II stieet noithwcst. Kov. Dr. Hartlett , of the Ne\ Yoik avenue church , ofllulatcd. The pall bcaicrs woic Generals Sheiidan , Kuckei Augur , Holabird , MacFcoly , Palmer nn Wilcox and Colonel Koyal. A squad of seve men , detailed from the Third artillery , actc as body be.uers. The interment was u Arlington cemetery. Pcuuv S. HCATH. The Morocco Trouble. WASIIINOTOV , April 10. Commamtor M < Cnlla , of the United States steamer Entei pilse , has made a long report to thoscerotai of the navy on the difficulty with Moroccc After stating the general situation as nlrcad published , the commander says , while ho hn no dcslro to pass upon the question of th equity of the protection system involved I the dispute , ho is of the opinion that th rights of the United States are very clcn under the ti catics , and that they should b upheld so long as the provisions of th treaties are not modified. While tlio Mooris oQlcials should not bo held to the stiictcst ni countabibty for violation of convention : rules adopted by moio highly civilbc nations , It Is well to understand thnt tli oiiental character is quick to take advantug of the meaning of such rules and to accept : i light a point which might occasionally Ii yielded. Consul Lewis has , McC.illa say in the interest of concilliution and fioi tbo highest motives , yielded t times when ho was clearly .sui ported by existing treaties and migl with propriety huvo insisted upon the light they accorded. These same rights , It woul appear , very often have not been questione when the piotcgesof any other nation buv been under consideration. "In sboit , " tli commander sajB , "tho rights of the Unite States have been denied us , while the sain rights under the same conventions have bee fi cely accoulcd to other powet's rcpi cscnted. Ho sajs tlio United States government is i n disadvantage on account of the fact th.i while all other powcis , parties to the coi volition of lb > 0 me icpicsented by ministei resident , congress onlv provides for a consi for the United States. The commande thinks if the position could be raised to diplomatic ono wo should go far Urn-aid pioventmgquestions which fiaquently ana now. At Inj Ortlers. WASHINGTON , April 10. [ Special Telegrai to the HM : . ] Lieutenant Colonel Gcoige I Gillibpie , engineer coips , is oidcred fioi Hoston to Murblehoad , Muss , theio to mar tbo boundaries of the nnlitiuy rebel vution t Fort Sewell , after which ho will rejoin h piopcr station. Captain Lewis Smith , Third arlillciy. : appointed to act as inspector on ccrtai clothing , camp and garnson equipage lit tli recruiting remlcnous , Washington , toi whlc Captain Douglas M Scott , First infantry n cruitingofllcei , Is responsible. Tirst Lieutenant Fiancls .T. 1'attci Twenty fhbt infantry , now on leave In No York City , Is oidcted to icport to the supc intendcnt of the icciuitmg bervlec , No' York , to conduct the first detachment of n cruits that ma\be ordeied to thuDcp.titmci of the Platte Captain Fiedenck LTi otter , Fouitcent irifnntiy , is relieved from duty us a nicnibf of tbo general court muitiul convened at U , vid's Island , New York harbor , October ' 1SS7. Captain William M. Wuterbury , Thi teenth Infautiy , is granted tlneo month leavo. Tlio following named enlisted men , linxln performed the duties assigned them in ordci No. J , Aprils , Ibss , ut Foi t liridgor , Wi < mlng terriloi y , will retnin to thai sttitioi Sergeant James S Calvoit , Company 1 Seventeenth infantry , with permission 1 dclav en louto and avail Ininsulf of tbo fu lough for four months , anihoiircd in sped ordcusNo 20 , Man h 1 , Ihvi , Division of ti Missom i. Private Otto Smith , Company 1 Twent\ first infantry , with poimission i dolaj llfU'cn days en loutu. Tlio Bubslstom dcpaitment will piy commutation inudvum at the prescribed rate , from the Dili to tl llltli Instant , both Inclusive , it being impiM ticablo for these soldlus to cuiry rations i any kind. _ _ _ _ _ NcliriiHka and lown PeiiHloiiH. WisiusoTov , Apiil 10- [ Special Tulcgra : to the Bin : ] Tlio following Nobiaska pe : sions were gianted to day Original inval James H. Thomas , JCearnoy , IZIi is Pag PltiUsmouth , Thomas W , Smith , Wolworti Ihiwp A HaUer , Hartlett. Increase Thonic J , Jones , Itulo , Churlcs 1Welner , Arap boo ; Klchard Huxbtiry , Mmcola , Joseph H buck. Stratton , LaisW. Anderson , Mimic Mexican suivivorb Joshua I. Lampto Adams. Keibsuo Gcorgo W Cox , Lincol Pensions fur low.ins ; liualid John H Huff , Traer ; Lconadus Hakcr , Cha iton ; William A Kor'er . Piaiiio City I rrcasoJames W MoPhcrhon , Vandah : Samuel S Fmlcy.Mornlng Sun ; John Gibso VimWcit Old war Thomiib P Johnsoi Osccolu ; Thomas Maze , Douglas ; Jol Storm , Spingupville Hcissuo mid nuieai Chuiles Clinton , Cluro. Origmul widow etc Kinllj , mother of William 1C Maso Maquokcta ; I oulsa , mother of Lewis J Wait , Oaik ; Klizabcth , mother of Hcmv ( Kilcy , Fort Atkinson ; Patsy , father of Joli Thomas , Keokuk. Mexican survivors Fid crick Halcr , Dubuquo. Mexican widens Alice K , widow of William O Forsxth , Vi ton Nomlnutlons. WASUI.N-OTOX , April 10. The prcsidci rnt tne following nominations to the sena to-day : Elmer A Howard , of Iowa , to 1 ngcut of Kiou.i , Comuncho und Wicln agency in Indian territory ; Lieutenant Ct onc'l H Combtock to bo colonel and Major A. Smith ( o be lioutomint colonel. Thopiosidct.talfo hunt in the followii rcmiimtion Major Oswald H. Krnst to \ aiilemberof the Mississippi uvor commi iou ! , vice Gtneial GUlmcrg , Ueccascd. MURDERER DDMPKEE CAUGHT Overtaken By the Pursuing POBDO in a RavJno. NO REMORSE FOR HIS CRIME. A Train < luinpn tlic Track Near Genoa 1'roltnlily Katnl HtalttiliiK Affray In Perkins County Oilier State NC\\B. Tlic Coi.bMnus , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to the UKU j John Hubbor , constable , and about twcnty-fiva anned citizens left Columbus to-day to scarcn the neighborhood 'or Albeit Dumpkce , the German who mur- lercd Ills wife on a farm near hoio on Sun- lay last , and succeeded In capturing him about 5 o'clock live miles west of town. Ho was found inaiavinc. Ho had Blent in n mystnck dtu Ing the night. Ho is safely con- Incd in Jail He admits cverj thing and says 10 Is glad of It. Mrs. Dumpkco will bo bulled to inorroxr. Additional paitlculais rcgai ding the mur- ilcr show it to have been most brutal ind depia\cd. Dumpkco was fifty-tin ce years old. Ho had stopped with hie son all winter. His wife lofl once , going to Germany , her home Her son getting marned sent for his mothct and gave her a home with him and she came back under condition that her husband wouli be kept away. Hut Dumpkco came and beg icd ; to live with them piomising ho wouli behave himself. Hut many times ho abusci them and finally his sou gave him $ ! ! > and he wont away apparently for good. Hut , re turning some tluio ago , lie insisted upoi raising disturbances and his son again toll him , last Sunday about noon , thnt ho inns leave. He stalled away but hung nroum the farm about tin ce miles from hoio tint ! bo saw his son going to the stable to d ( chores , when ho cntcied the house with i club and beat Mrs. Dumukee's head into i jelly and biulsed her entire body , she livlii ) but a few minutes. Then he tinned upoi his son's wife and swore ho would kill her She escaped by running Into the i aid am bci earning. Jumped the Tractc. GnxoA , Neb. , April 10. [ Special Tclegran to the Hi i.l When the Albion passcngc train readied a point about live miles west o Genoa , this evening , the rails spread and th entire train left the track with the cxccptioi of the engine. The passenirers wcro badl ; shaken up , but no ono was seriously injured Full particulais cannot bo obtained at thi hour. _ The KnightH Templar nt Grand Island Guvxi ) ISIAND , Neb. , April 10. [ Spccisi Telegram to the Hn : j The annual cor clave of Knights Templar of Nebraska , wa convened in session at Masonic temple tin afternoon at 3 o'clock. The meeting wa piesided over by Uight Eminent Gian Commander Edgar S. Dudley , of Lincoln the appointment of the various committee being the iirst business' in order. Th election of ofllccrs for the ensuing year n suited in the following selections : Si Knight John J. Wemple , of Hastings , righ eminent grand commander ; Sir Knigh Henry Gibbons , of Kcainey , very cmmcn deputy grand commander ; Sir Knight I M. Keen , of Fremont , vciv cmincn generalissimo ; Sir Knight Ij. H. Koity , o Omaha , captain general. The next encamp mcnt will bo held at York , Neb. This is the largest and best reprcsentci conclave the grand conunandrry has held n the state. A dispensation has been grantee tlio sir knights of Holdrcge , Neb. , to hold ; couuminderv ut that plaec. The grand com mandery will piobably conclude the laboi of their session to-moiiow. The imperial grand e-ouncil has granted i special dispensation to the nobles of Sesos tros temple , Order of thoMjstic Sliime , o Lincoln , Neb , authoti/ing them to open i meeting for the eonfei i ing of thcdegiecso the Order of the Mjstic Shi me. .lame Tyler , of Lincoln , giand potentate ; M. H Gaitcn , of Lincoln , chief nbban ; Di Exerotts , of Lincoln , assistant chief nbban Alfred G. Hastings , high priest and potentate Walter C. Davis , oriental guide ; John Me Clay , marshal , will conduct the meeting n the close of the sir knights' conclave , nn will rceeivo petitions and confer the degree of the Order of the Mjstic Shi me on sue : sir kmglits us as wish to avail themselves o this opportunity. Nebraska City Improvements. Ni niusKA Cm , Neb , April 10. [ Spccit Telegram to the Her. ] The board of publi woiks to day awaided the contract for se\\ crage to Miller & Co , of Council muffs. At the special election to-day JIU.OOO fo scweis and JJJ.OOO 0 per cent bonds , forpa\ ing , were eai ried unanimously. Hotli piopc silions were voted upon some time ago , cal Ing for 7 per cent bonds , but being voted o together , wcro declined illegal , und to day' election was called to coriect the crior. The NuurnRkn , O. A. R. FIIUMONT , Neb , Apiil 10. [ Special to th Hi is. ] At a special meeting of the council e admmistaution of the Nebraska G. A. H held in this city , Depaitmcnt Commandc Heniy appointed K. C. Parkinson , of Sewau junior vice commander , to go to Columbu' O. , to make arrangements for hcadquuitcr and the accommodation of the Nebraska coi tingent of old soldiers und dclegutes whowi attend the national encampment to be held. ! tlurt plae-o In June. Mr Paiklnson , who hn been in Fremont for bevoral dajs p.vst , lol to day for Columbus to pei form the duty ii ! signed to him. _ The Omaha Profihjtory. Scum i.rai , Neb. , April 10 [ Special Teh gram to the Hi r J This afternoon's iijc from the cast hi ought inahirgo delegation c Prcsbjtcrian ministers and elders who arc i attendance unou the meetings of the Omuli prosbjteiy now in bcsslon hero. The speai eis to day were Kovs W. J. Doolo , of | and D K Kcirand W. H. Hendcison , c Omaha. Moie delegates are expected in ti mouow. The meetings are well attemlc and a great interest is manifested in.tlio pr < cccdingb , _ A Now Hank YOUK. Neb Apnl 10 [ Spicial tothoHrr Aitielcs of ineorporation for Mead's stal bank w cio filed with the county clerk ye : tcrday. with tin authorized capital of $500 800 , 20 per cent of which Is nhcady paid ii The ineorpomtors are W D Mead , P 1 Mead , D T. Mooie , S H. Sedgwiek , S. ( Giiffcn , J. V Gardner , Gcoigo Jcionm an L. L Mellvnln. A two stoiy bilck will L cicetcd by the company at the coiner c Giant r\enue and faixth sued as soon j bilcU can bo procuicd. A Masonic Tomjilo. rnr.MONi. Neb , April 10 [ Special to U Ht'E.J The Fremont Masonic tcmplo cia have just received from the nichitccts plar for u magnttlecnt tcmplo and have con mcnccd ad vei Using for bids for its cicctioi The building is to bo three stones m heigh with slono fiont and terracotta ornament and -nxliG feet in Uo , Itse slis estimate at about 15,000. Several buildings similar 1 thib \ \ ill bo erected in Fremont this j car. A Urnkcnuin Injured. GEVOA , Neb , , April 10. [ Sjieclal Telegrai to the Hep 1 Ed Hamilton , a brakcmnn c the Cedar Hapids branch , while making coupling on a fi eight train thU mcining , ha a narrow escupe from death. Tl > e drawhcr guyo. way as the cars caiao toactUer , * aeI I ustulncd Injuries that will conflno him to his bed for several days. Had the Jar been evcro ho would certainly have been crushed. A St-Abblng Affray. GnT , Neb. , April 10. ( Special Telegram o the Uin. ] News hn Just reached this place of n serious cutting affray In the west ern part of the county \jctw ecn Robert Doer- ng , Frank Poplun and a neighbor. Dccring 'ccelvcd w ouiuis In the neck that are likely o prove fatal. The trouble grow out of slati- lerous talk. enate. WAinixcvrov , April 10. Among the petl- lens and memorials rrcscntcd and referred vas one for amendments to the Intcr-stnto commerce bill , so ns to make it apply to the transportation of oil by pipelines. . On motion of Mr. Wilson of Iowa the bill rcgulntlng the times for holding the terms of , ho United States circuit and district courts for the northwestern district of Iowa was insscd. The senate rcsurried the consideration of lie bill to authorise' ' the sale to aliens of cer tain mineral lands , Faulkner's amendment was rejected. After much discussion the > hrascology of the bill was amended and the jill passed Yens 81 , n j 13. It reads as follows : That the act entitled "An act to restrict the owners of real estate In the tcr- rltoi ics to American cltlrens , " etc , approved March ; i , 1SS7 , shall not relate to or in any way or manner affect title to mlncud lands or mining claims In the teriltones of the United States , which may bo acquired or hold under the mineral land laws of the United States , nor to mills or other rcduu- tlou works or pioporty used in the produc tion of metals from the sale of miucial hinder or claims , but aa to all such mineral lauds. mining claims , mills , reduction works and other property , the laws of the United States and of the territories shall be , until changed by act of congress or act of the territorial legislature , the same as though said act Imi : not been passed. The senate then resumed the consideration of the bill to piovido for the admission ol South Dakota and the organization of the tenltory of Noith Dakota. Mr. Uutlci hoped the picsent territory of Dakotr would not be dismembered. The bill of the minority , ho said , proposed to uuthoriro tin people of the territory to meet in convcn tion , frame a constitution and state govern memt and submit them to congress , mid upon their ratlllcatlon by congress , declare Dakota a state of the union. The nmjoritj bill , on the other hand , proposed to ratifj and confirm a so-called constitution adoptee in South Dakota two mid one-half yean ago , and to seat ns United States senatoi : two gentlemen , republicans , who claimed t ( Imvo been elected. Would the senate , IK asked , consent to scat as full Hedged semi tors , equal to those who icpresentei sovereign states , tvrp" men who simply rep icsentcd 12,000 votes * out of lon.OOO votes That was the proposition. He referred tone < ono of the gentlemen 'seeking scats as sena tors from Dakota ( Mr. Edgcrton ) as OIK whom ho had sjxjucn of courteously in thi last eongiess , but Whofin u recent speech ir Dakota , had alluded to him in nn olTensivt manner , drawing n jwirallel between UK boutbern man who learned nothing , lorgo nothing and rcsoited to the bowio" knife am revolver , and the Dakota man whoso weap ous were the bible and the spelling book "That. " said he , after , reading this extiac' ' fiom IZdgcrton's speech , "is the language o a man to whom I extended the courtcsj of expiessmg kindly feelings when IK was attempting to get a seat on this floor lie is entitled to all , the credit and all tin honor and all the cqlat and , prestige whicl that ehni.ictcr 6f lwiguago.Mcan , give him Hut I may be permitted to say that if I butte to select either ns companions or citizens of i country , the stalking5- bandit , the reck less highway man with pistol and bowii knife in hand , or sneaking hypociite , tin snarling phaiiscc who tires fiom the real and takes cover under the shadow of hisowi meanness and malignity , 1 would select the former. If the spelling book und the bibli inculcate Mich education as that , sucl malignity , such injustice , such falsehood innv God have meioy upon the bible und tin spelling book which that man cames will hmi.0 Hettcr have made a bonllio will them than to have them teach such language as that which 1 have read. " Without action the senate ndjouined. House. WASIIINOTOV , April 10. The house met a 11in o'clock this moi nlng , the legislative daj of Wednesday continuing. The demand foi the icgularoi dor formally opened theseventl duvet tlic contest over the ditcct tux bill. Late in the aftei noon n vote was taker upon the motion to adjoin n in order that i test might bo made of the strongtl of the combatants The atllima tivc vote was Ml , the same as ycstcrduy The negative fell off from ISO yesterday t < 1-1(5 ( to cluy , a number of leaves of absence having beengi anted. AtbU'Otho sergeant at-aims appeared at the bar of the house hav ing in custody Mr. Luwlcr of Illinois , wh ( excused his absence by saying ho hud beet at home unswci ing corrcspondenco , in ex pectntion that the situation in the house would remain unchanged. Mr. U U. Taylor moved to excuse him on the p.n men of n fine of flO , saying the time had ai i ivcd when the house should asset its power to have members picsent when necessary. He protested most seriously ti the manner in which the house had ticalci absenteeism , by making light of it. Hi uishc'il u penalty should bo imposed am that if the olTenso of absenteeism should pre vail the penalty should bo increased until nb solute expulsion should become the remedy After some discussion Mr , Lawlcr was ex cused without n lino. At 12 : : ) , while the motion that the committee mitteo i iso was pending , Mr Houtollo movci that Mr Hieckenildgo of Kentucky , Mr Hreekcniidgeof Arkansas , Mr , Weaver am Mr. Ontes bo excused from voting. These gentlemen dcchucd that they couh take care of themselves. Mr Houtello insisted that It was not ic qulsito tliat a member give his consent to tin motion to bo excused. Thereupon MK * Taulbeo moved as ai ami ndment tlmtjMr. Houtello himself bo ox cnso.l from voting , which motion the spoake pie tcin ( Mr. MpMIHan of Tennessee ) dc clarcd to bo caiiJexl. Mr. Cannon of.lllinols then moved that h himself bo excused from voting and fuithe moved that Mr Hiiyne of Pennsylvania hi excused This was supplemented by n motion by Mr I ! ay no that Mr Heed of Muine bo uxcusci from voting. Several other republicans were upon the ! feet but the speakeriiro tern refused to let ognizo aiii motion except that of Mr. Cannoi to excuse himself , which ho dcehucd to h carried againstthe , protests of tlio rcpubl ! cans. At this momenta motion eamo from th democratic bide that'tho ' house adjoin n , an after a chorus of yens from the demoerati side und shouts of nays fi om the republic am the gavel of the speaker hung in mid ad TJio republicans , fearful that the house woul bo dcclnicul adjourned , in ese and lushed t the front , shouting for tlio yeas and HUM The confusion was so great that the HOI vic-e of the sergeant-ot-auns und his mare of oil cots wi-io culled in and Older was. iimilly ri btored. Mr. Hoed iditcratoo ! his demand forth . \eis : and nays , and when quiet had been ol tnmed the speaker pro tern rccognucd hi demand and the JP.IS and" were orderei The motion to adjoin u was dpfcatcd jea 05 , na\s I'M At this hour (1 ( .45) ) t licit ) Is no prospect o an adjournment und recess. A motion t suspend fuither in acceding under the call c the house has Just been lost jcas 48 , naj Hohbed n Safe. NOIITOX , Kan. , April 10. [ Special Teh gram to the 13tB ] Hurglars effected a entrance to the ofllco of the Chicago lumbc company of this place last night and secure some ( dO , all the cash contents of the safi Mr McChecsnoy , trio manager , is treasure of the Presbyterian church and the inont belonged to that society. The safe wn inched on t'uc day lock and access was easll galucd. STILL HOPE FOR CONKLIXG , Although the Olmncos Are DocUloclly Against His Booovory , HIS MIND REMAINS CLOUDED. Some nifllciiKy I.xj > prlcnccd In Get- tlnjj Hint to Tnko Medicine Ho Now Heats KnslcrThan For Two DajH 1'nst. Tlic Stricken Stnlwnrt. Nnw YOUK , April 10. At V''M this morn- ng Dr. Harker snld Conkllng's condition was much improved and thnt the operation thnt hnd been performed secnicil .o Imvo accomplished nil thnt was expected. ilii tcmpcnituro hnd fallen to U9 and his inilsc to 90. Ho slept three hours during the night. At 8 'f > 0 Judge Alfred C. Coxo , of Utlcn , nephew of the ex-senator , visited the patient mid within ten minute * lie reappeared. "Colliding passed n restless night , " said oxe , "but ho Is considered to bo some better. Ho was nwnko when I was In the room , but did not speak to mo. " Among the other callers in the curly morning - ing weroex-Judgo Horace Kussoll , ex-Gov ernor Hoadlcy , of Ohio , nud Colonel Ed Geblmvd. O At 11 u. m ho was reported as not being so well as In the early morning. Ho was con scious only at uitcivals of shott duration The effect of the operation is beginning to show itself in the \\iiy of causing a heavy strain upon his Rjstem. At noon it was stntcd ho luul frequently risen from his bed and paced the loom in n state of delirium until BO exhausted that ho was compelled to return to his couch. During these pci lodlcal attacks Mrs. Conkllngicmalncd In the room her husband. For over an hour Mrs. Conk- ling has kept the door to her own room locked and refuses to see or speak with anybody or receive letters. At 2:3. : this afternoon Dr. Barker cnmo from the room , where ho had been since 2 o'clock , and said the patient's condition was about the same. When ho entered the sick man's room at 2 o'clock Conkling asked him how long he had been there. The doctor replied "Oil little while. " plied , , only a "How kind of you , " feebly said the sick man and then fell back unconscious. The patient's pulse at this time was 90 and his temperature 101. The reporter asked the doctor if ho thought Colliding would live and ho replied that his patient's condition was very critical , and while there was life there was hope. The doctors will hold another consultation to-night. This afternoon Mis Fred Grant and Mrs. Uljsses S. Grant culled at Mr. Conlding's and left Jlowcisnml notes expressing their sympathy and their hopes of his speedy re covery. This morning Colonel Frederick A. Conk- lin , brother of the ex-spnntor , cutno out of the house leaning heavily upon the arm ol his son. Ho was almost too much nfTected to speak , and in answer to a question as to his biothor's condition , ho said. "Very low , very low. " When asked if there was any hopes for his recovery hoieplicd : "I fear not : I fear not. " Mr. Conkling rested quietly fiom the time the surgeons List saw him ut 2:10 : this after noon until 4 o'clock , when he began to get very restless. At B o'clock Dr. Haikcr called and remained half an hour. Up to the tune of his arrival the patient bad restlessly paced the room , and those attending could do noth- ingwith him. Ho refused all medicine and they could not foi co it into hit. mouth. The doctor induced him to take an opiate. At I ) o'clock Dr. Harker said .since fi o'clock and up to ! ) o'clock Mr. Conklmg had the best slccn he had had for a week and that hi" mind is elp.n or and he seems more Intelligent , Hib pulse is S4 and temperature UU ( i 10. All the changes , Dr. Harker said , ate in his favor. A dispatch was received from the oftleei of the republican convention of Champaign , 111. , expressing the deep solicitude and hope of these assembled for Mr. Conlding's ulti mate iccovcry. A lepoitor asked Dr Barker"Can Mr , Colliding ) ecovoi ) " The doctor i cpliod : "It is a tieachei ous disease and 1 cannot speak for the futnie. All the changes that have taken place to day are in his favor. " At 1 ! tO a m Mis Colliding , who has been in the hick room , stated that her husband was better than ho had been at any time in forty-eight hours. nmviTT AN ! ) Tim imsir. New York'n Major DclitcrN Hiin.sell'ol Nrw YOIIK , Apiil 10 Mayor Hewitt to day transmitted to the common council n stirring message , disapproving of the resolu tion taking from the mayor the power of dl- iccting what ilagH shall bo displayed upon the city buildings In it ho shows while the Irish born population amounts to 1(145 ( per cent. 27 pur cent of the board of alderinun uro Irish : more than one and one-half time' the normal ratio of representation prevails- in all the departments except the jwlice , whcio 28.10 percent aio lush born , ncurlj double the normal per ecntngo Tins ho do- cl.ii es is ut t lie expense of the Gei man clement , Ho gives a tabulated account of the national repiesentutions in ofllco and in the chin liable Institutions. Ho states he does not pnblisl ] tlio tables to invoke comment , but declares that under our frco government and bound less icsouices , the Irish malcontents should exhibit a modest restraint in claiming lieu privileges not known to the law and not do shed bv the moio conservative poition of the nationality In whoso favor the exception if demanded Ho advises the boaid of aldei men to adopt a measuio whcieby the voxet' question iiiuv bo made sqmuely an issue be fore the public. WITH AVI\MIiSTirtB. : : A. Dosnprato I2ncoiint ( > r in Wlilot Three ) Men Aio KillPll. OKLAHOMA , I. T , April 10 A courier fron Shawneetown brings woid of a despcrati flglit between oflleeis and desperadoes Thrci colored horse thieves weio being pursued bj a deputy United States marshal and thrct Indian police. When the nogi OPS wcro iiuri pressed they halted and a pitched biittlo will Winchesters ensued. Two of the npgrocs am t\\o of the Indian police were killed , und tin muishal wub badly wounded. Tlio Star GalnH HH Point. MONTUKAL , April 10. [ SpecialTelegram ti the Hi K ] Thocoijmratlon made an uncon dltlonal buricndcr to Jay and oidcred 401 men to clean the streets The Star's piel and shovel biigado , as a < onse-quenco paid off tonight. It had cleaned u piinclpa business thoroughfare , St .lames street Subscriptions are pouting in fiom the bunki and iiibimim'o companies to cover the expend ituicb of thu Stai. Tim I'lio Itounnl. JACKSONVIM i : , Tin , April 10 At Tavarcs a village ono bundled miles south of hero jcbtcrduy , locomotive sparns btarted a tin which burned out homo twenty Huns am every business block but UNO. Among tin buildings destroyed wcro several hotels , tin Tuvares bank , postoDIco and depot ; Tholob is about ? 1SOOUO , with veij binall insurance IlnrMt Lifters Lynched. KANSAS Cm , Mo , April 10A specia from Woodward , I. T , b.ii s forty farmer from Ashland and other Kansas town went down into "No Man's Land" hibt wccl and strung up four horse tluecs They nov ha\o nine morn of them bat Headed in th Cherokee btnp juM fast of "No Man's Lund' ' and intend to hung them if the > get them. Illinlcy Morcan Must Hang. CIV.VEI.ANI > , O. , April 10 The clreul couit at liavcnna today refused to gran "Hlinkj" Morgan's motion for a new trial and wntenieil him to huug June 1 , Tim risunitins TIUJ.VTV. The Snlijrot of Spirited Ilehato In tlio Canadian Parliament. OTTAWA , April 10. In the house of com mons this afternoon Sir Charles Tuppcr moved a second reading of the bill to ratify the fisheries treaty. In Ms speech In sup port of the motion ho reviewed the circum stances connected with the former treaties between the United States and Great Hrlt- ain concerning the fisheries of Canada. The reciprocity treaty of 1WI was a Just one , and he believed the majority of the people of joth countries believed Us nbiogntlon wni a mistake. This abrogation was eauseiVby the 11-fouiidcd belief in the United States .tlinl Canada had helped the south during the Into war. war.Ho was sorry thnt public opinion In the United States had led to the passage of a re taliation act. Concerning this treaty ho did not intend to state to the house all the ad vantages which might bo claimed for it , be cause every word ho uttered to day might bo .iscd against him m the United States senate tomoirow , where' , It was possible , there might bo more difllcultj in passing the tientj than in the Canadian house of commons. The speaker touched on some of the provisions of the treat.\ \ , and then proceeded to recite Uio consequences of making this treaty In con cluding Sir Charles declared it to bo of the most vital Importance to Canada and to the best inte'rests of the Uutlsh empire that this trcat > bo adopted , Mr. Davics , of Prince Ed wind Island , re plied In opposition to Kir Charles' motion. Ho held that the trcat.s was nn unconditional smrelnlcr on the pait of Canadaof Uiutwlmt the Americans claimed , and thnt Canada was to-day asked to concede at tlio point of the ba.\onct what she ought to have yielded grncefull.N long ago. When Dm Ics concluded , the minister of Justice , replied In u micf speech , reviewing points made by Mr. Davics. SKT AHIDI2. Gnsinnii rniniico Relieved Prom tlie Heavy Judgment A nlnst Him. Nnw YOUK , Apill 10. The judgment re cently obtained by default in favor of Gcorgo Wilson against Gusmnn Ulnuco , ex-president of Venezuela and envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary toFraiicoJromVcno- zcula , for $ _ , liM,53G , was to day set asldo by Judge O'Gorman of the supreme court. The summons was served on Bluneo while in the city ready to take a steamer for Franco to discharge his duties as minister. Judge O'Gorman held that he is entitled to Immu nity from civil suits in the countiy to which he was the accredited minister as he is in the these friendly countries through which ho passes on his way to the scene of his diplo matic labors. Condition of Winter Grain. WASHINGTON' , April 10. April statistical returns to the dcpnitmcnt of agriculture 10 late to the condition of winter grain anil farm animals. The season for seeding was a long three months in some of the southcin states , and the appearance , as winter set In , was uneven , though the plants weic rooted. In the states affected by summer drought there was slow gci ruination in the soil not well pulveiircd , causing thin stands in such areas. Only pnitial winter protection was had In the northern belt. The variable tem perature of March seriously injured the plant in the central states of the -\\est , and some loss from winter killing appears , oven in Texas. On the Atlantic coast winter in jury was very slight. South of Matyland the temperature was mild and favorable. The present appearance of the. crop is quite un favorable. As spring is lute and the present growth of late sown grain comparativoli small , favorable- spring weather might make n material improvement. The n\crago ol present condition is S- per cent , lower than in recent years , excepting only 1V > } and ISb1) , when the averages were 60 and 7(1 ( percent icspcctively. The n\ei ages of the states ol principal production are as follows- Now Yoik 01 , Penns.Uvaniu IK ) , Ohio U * , Michigan 7(5 , Indiana 74 , Missom i 82 and Kansas (17 pci cent. The condition of i'io is much higher , standing at ! ) t 5 for the entito breadth Ihc condition of farm animals is comparatively good. ] > tinmted losses fiom disease and c.isualities uro u\eruged ns follows for cacli 1,0)0 ) animals : Hoi ses Ib , cattle 21) ) , sheep 41 and swine 78 per cent. IIul'iiH I'eoldiaiii Tor .Supremo AI.IIANN. . Y. , Apiil 10 [ Special Tele gram to the HIM : ] Every democratic mem her of the state senate , Chairman Edward Muiphyof the democratic btate committee , and many other prominent members of the p.u tj in this state , have signed a memoi ml to the picsidcnt asking that ho appoint Judge HufusW Pcekham of the couit of appeal' as e'liicf justice of the supreme couit. Judge I'eekham is one of the stiongest demociat' In the state , and left thu supreme com I bench of the Third judicial distiict to go tc the appellate bench. He was nominated tc tlio latter position bv the state committee over George D Hradlcy , who was strcnu ously urged by Governor Hill and his friends Mr I'eekham was suppoi ted by the old 'I'll don men , who compose the bulk of the prcsi dent's following in this state , and was clectci by 2,01)0 ) mujoiiu Judge 1'eehham was ai intimate friend of Daniel Manning , ab lie i of President Cleveland , and his nominatlor would be reeeived witli favor. A Ilogns liuttcr Donlor hont Up. New YOUK , April 10 [ Special Telegram tt the HLU. ] Thomas Scholes , a giocorof20l First avenue , pleaded guilty before Uccordei Smyth in the geneinl sessions , jostciday , U selling oleoinnrgaiino in place of butter The lerorder said ho lomcmbercd Unit tlnci suspended sentences for the same offenbi were hanging over Scholes. Ho sentencei the pi isoiicr to three months In the peniten tiniy. Scholes hud expected to bo lined , am ho buist into tears. "Tins is piotty hard iccoidcr , to bond a rcsjieetuble man to pi iboi to associate with ciiminals and thieves , ' said Scholo's comibel. "It Is haul for duoeir people to he swindled , " haul tlio rccoider lieioider Sin.Uh said. "I am going to sem every ono of thehu cart grease butter dealer : to puson now. This business imibtbu stopped I have waintd them , and no menu ple ailmi of ignorant o of tlio law or of the character o the butter will bo accepted. " Hfiuly Kor tlio ST Josi I'll , April 10 [ Spelal Telegian to the Hn : 1 A joint meeting of rcprcscn tativcs of the board of trade , manufacturer bureau and common council was held to day and the utiangemcnts completed for the im migration convention to bo held In this cit ; Thursday There will bo 60J delegates fron nineteen counties in noithweRt Missouri Ai infoiinal iceeptlon will bo given at the bean of tiado ut 11 o'clock in thomoinmg In thi evening the delegates will bo diiven over th' ' i itv , and the convention will ho called at 7 'A o'clo ( k A numbei of thu state ofilcials wi ! bo picbcnt , and it is thought that Govi-rno Moorehouse will preside o\er the meeting. In tliooi ( lavi'Ri. MiNM.Aioiis , Minn , April 10 Tlio South crn Minnesota division of the St. Paul loai is bull > washed out by a flood in the Uoo river. No tiuins huvo run into Lficiosso 01 this division sineo last Satuidny , und it wil take at least ten da > s after the Jlubds bubsicl to put the load in outer. CANNON TAI i.s , Minn , April 10 The bli gorge in the river went out this afternoon and bhortlv uftcr the largo bum and store house ut the Gregg mill went over the dan with a fearful crash The foundation of th Goodhuo mill is washing out The uppc bridge is ulbo in danger , and the water i higher than cvci to night. Two .lien Instantly Killed. Hu nw JN , 111 , April 10 Hy the explobloi of the boiler of rink's hawmill to day Jamc Mitchell and Isaac I lolden wcro killed , an 11. Y. Fiuk und JgUu llcury Uadly tujurt'd. THEY DIDN'T ' DIE TOGETHER , Because Tholr Solf-DcalroyhiB Ef forts Failed to Connect. AN ATTORNEY'S DEEP DISGRACE , Ho Iicndn n Virtuous Ctrl Astray anil Uotli Attempt to Take Their Own Mvcs , Adopting Different Methods. Sad I'ndlnr * of a Dplmuch. ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 10. [ Special Tcl < v pram to the HER. ] James Ii. Campbell , tha district attorney of Neillvillo , Grant county , Wls , arrived nt the Merchants hotcH last Thursday night , accompanied by n youtiff and peed looking woman from NclllsvUlp , puiporting to bo his wife , and who registered as such. Ho was flush with money and anticipated n week of pleasure In this city. The couple were given apartments In the hotel and spout the night there , but the next day Campbell met somoof his old friends ami foil Into n well cultivated habit of drinking. He Is a mfin who likes liquor and ho got gloriously full. The $ rOO In gccn backs which he had In his pockets ho distributed plentifully evervwheio. In a saloon where ho met a convivial crowd ho tried to dis tribute $100 bills , but was stopped by the buitejulcr. Ho neglected his fair companion at the hotel and spent the night making the rounds. Saturday morning the young woman , who was greatly attached to him , attempted sui cide in her room by blowing out the gas. She was discovered after she became par tially asphyxiated , In time to save her life. She was not Campbell's wife , and the ulTnlc was kept very quiet. A fi lend of Cumpboll'a ' telegraphed SheriiT Dwjcr , of that place , tqi como here. Iho young woman swoie nhii would never go homo alive , but she wnrt llnnllv prevailed upon to accompany OUT sheriff and his friend back to her homo. She is Miss Annie Hnrtsom , said to bo tha daughter of n wealthy and prominent Eiui Claire ( Wls ) citbon. In the publication ot her attempted suicide her 11:11110 was not given but District Attoinoy Campbell got his fnll share of notoriety. Ho felt the dis grace keenly on account of the high onioinl and social position which ho occupied. His wlfo Is at ptesent visiting In Chicago , anil his mother Is Ij Ing very slelc nt her homo irt Pine Valley , six miles fiom Noillsvillo. This was bad enough , but us Is now known ho w as a defaulter , und In constant fcnr o { discovery. In this state of mind ho eon tinned ! on his spree. Yesterday afternoon he toolr ( i large ( lose of laudanum. While sinking Into a state of Insensibility ho was found by an1 ! ofllcer who removed him to the Astoria hotel. Physicians wcro summoned , and ho is now out of danger. The ti ain from Neills- ' ville brought Captain Tulford , a deputy sheriff , and Sheiiff Dwyer. Captain TalforcB is also the agent of nn cbtnlo fiom which lU is alleged Campbell has embezzled ? 900 rn-4 trusted to him , and came hero to arresw Campbell. Sheiin Dwyer is an intimate * fucnd of the unfoiluuuto man and came hcrotj to act in that capacity. Requisition papers were issued to Captain Talford by the gov ernor of Wisconsin last Friday , but "tlio ; papers weio found to be ineoircct and ? wcro returned to Madison for Cd rection. Fearing that Campbell might skip Captain Talfoid came on nticad , expect ing to have the papers forwarded. * Ha hi .ought proper credentials , und Detcqtlvo. Saclies , acting under oidcrs , went to the room wheie Campbell was lying unconscioilrf and enjoyed the novel experience of placing ' him under arrest. Oflieer Tom Casserly was' detailed to icmuin in thu room with the pris oner. Campbell is a highly educated and brilliant \ounglawjcr and has intido more than it local reputation In his piofesslon. He is about twenty eight years ot tige. good look ing and u most agiccablo coinp iiiion. In the last year _ he has been tii inking heavily , but ii his little intnguo hnd never been discovered , it is piobablo that his imputation would linvo i enuiincd us it was when he loft Nellsvillo Thuisdny Ho is ab much a victim of circuit stances as of vice. IVIIjfj IIUIM ) TO OMAHA. The Winoiin & SotitlnvcRlci u Sucj cccdH in Negotiating ItH HondH , WINON-JI , Minn. , April 10 It is announced this evening that the Winona & Southwest ern has negotiated its mortgage bonds and money for building a loud from bore td Omaha. A traflic agrr-oincMit has been nr- i.mged with the fiieen Hay and Winona roadswhich will make this the bhoitcat line between Oumlm und the lakes. General Ilonth'H LONDON , Apul 10 Members of the Salva tion Army usbcmbled in Congiess hall to-day to witness tlio mariiagp of General Hooth'a second daughter , Kmnia , to Mr Tucker , nn ex ollleer In the Indian chd beivlco. Seven thousand persons weio present. The hall was decoiated with floral m die's , palms and tiople-al plants. After the eeiemony a bnn- qnet was given The festivities will continue fortwodajs They have attracted a In re 4 number of the atisloeiacy. and tickets of ad- mibbiun uio helling freely ut high prices. Know It All. PAMIR , Apill 10 Piivnto dispatches which passed between Count Dillon and General Honlangnr , and which were published la Matin , pioxo General Hou'nnger ' was cog nisant of und approved Ins e-indidutuio for the cliambei of deputies in llio various do paitmcnls in ho war. Hist voted for. although ho publicly repudiate d all rcsponsU bility for the picsentutlon of his name. 'At u mooting of the eleetors ut Fourmlcs , do- piutincnt of Niud , last evening , a resolution endowing IJoulangcu's candidature- was unainiiiuusl.v adopted amid enthusiasm. Stanford In SAV FniNcisco , April 10 A gentleman of tins city who has Just returned fiom Wash ington , and who is on intlmato terms with Senator Leland Stun foi d , stated to a news paper rcpiesontatlvo that Stanford had finally decided to allow his nuino to go bo f ova the republican national convention us u can didate ) for the piesidcney , nndhuving i cached Unit conclusion dusiics the biipport of tbo Califoinia delegation to the national conven tion , _ A Galllnt ; Voice. Dt'iiuv. Ajull 10 At u league meeting to day Tim Hcaly , who presided , maintained that last Sunday's mcctingx HUtllccd to dls- piovo the boast of Hulfour that the league was a thing of the past The meeting also pinvod , he raid , that the people w ( 10 willing ndhciciitsof the league and anxious to get rid of this thrnlldom of the Hiitibh government , and that if thuyonro got the opiiortunlty they | would liso in their btiongth and shako off tbo I ioko. ! The Prussian I < * | ooI BnlTororH. ' 13i.iu.iN , April 10. The emperor has do nated 0,000 murks to the Butfciois by tbo Hoods in addition to thu sums ho previously gave. The l ntnrprlbo Sail * , Kor LONDON' , April 10. The United States * * " Bteamcr Unteipribo IcftGibuiltur today for Algiers. The Dead Mmperoi-'b IluueHt. | Hnin.iN , April 10. It is stated the late Km- furor William left u sum of thirty murk a to every invalid soldier of the war of 1870. A Provincial Hang-Up. CiuitiOTTiTO\\.v , P. E. I. , April 10. William Millman was huugcd to day In tha juil yard for the murder of Mary Tuplia 111. J uly lubt.