8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEES TUESDAY , APRIL 10 , 1888. THE CITY. The Internal revenue collections yes terday amounted to $10,147.47. , The Woman's Suffrage ) association will moot nt the 1'axton hotel Tuesday , April 10 , nt 2:30 : o'clock p , ra. A full at- tondnnco is requested. The mooting of the democratic clubs of the country , which was to Imvo boon hold In Now York , commencing April 14 , bus boon postponed till the 21st Inst. A. D. Petit , who was arrested last week for taking n spun of horses from the pound without permission lust No vember , was arraigned yesterday in the police court nnd put under 8700 to ap pear before the district court. The Iiorsos had been his own property , but they were hold for n $110 bill duo for feed and stabling. After Inking the horses Petit Jlcd from the city. The charge against him is grand larceny. On the 5th of the present month ono William P. Talbot , represented to a epoculator that ho was the owner of certain chattels , which ho transferred to the money louder In consideration of $150. The fraud wns discovered the next day , but too Into to arrest Talbot , who had taken flight. Ho was traced to Denver nnd there taken Into custody. Yesterday John Jenkins wns dcnutizcd by Governor Thnyor to go to Denver and got Tnlbot and bring him bnck to Omaha. Mrs. Plerson , the agent of the Omnha board of charities , while making her rounds among the poor of the city a few days ago , was successful In ferreting out the mother of the six-moaths-old l > abe left at the house of A. II. Ilensel , South Fifth street. The nnmo of the mother is Mrs. UriggB , who has received many kindnesses nt the hands of Mrs. Pier- eon , and she assures the latter lady that the story sot afloat that she deserted the child is without foundation. She claims to have washed for the IletibolB for a long time , nnd thnt the elilltl was loft witli them at their request , she having six other children to feed and clothe. Personal ParnRrnpliH. Paul Jackson , of Niobrara , Is at the Pax- ton. ton.W. W. B. Flsk , of Heutrlcc , Neb. , Is at the Millard. A. Boorman , of Grcsliam , Neb. , is at the Windsor. F. M. Loomls , of Scwanl , Neb. , is at the Windsor. State Fish Commissioner May , of Fremont , is at the Pnxtoii. n. G. Ilrown nnd wife , of Button , Neb. , are nt the Millard. 0. W. Jackson , of Sioux City , stopped at the Paxton yesterday. F. N. Smith , of Lincoln , was among the arrivals at the Windsor. F. II. Ellsworth and L. Koscnthal , of West Point , Nob. , nro nt the Millanl. The Misses Clara and IMUo Thomas , of Teknmuli , Neb. , arc nt the Millanl. John J. Ncblock , Amos Tillotson nnd L. P. Southworth wore among the Nebraska ar rivals at the Millard yesterday , Mrs. E. W. Nash , wife of the treasurer of the Omaha and Grant smelting works , who has been dangerously sick , is in an improved condition. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Oliver. Mrs. G. H. Pratt and Miss Wilcox , of Hastings , were guests at the Paxton - ton yesterday. May Ella Smith , the charming young lady who presides over the central telephone sta tion nt Lincoln at night , is the guest of her sister night operator , Nettie Houston of the Ouiaha telephone exchange , A Ilnsfilnn Society. A movement is on foot to organize a society in this city to bo.composed of Russians , the purposes of which nro social , and fraternal. Mr. Fcodoro Doss , clerk at the Harlcer hotel , has the matter in charge , and all Russians desirous of joining should send their ad dresses to him at once. Camtlciftt Quarterly Ucturn. The Carmlen , Nebraska , postofllco Is In a flourishing condition , and Is doing its part toward liiiuidating the national debt. Post master Gnlhiglicr received the quarterly return from this ofllco yesterday , which , when nil footed up , amounted to exactly two cents. , . An Rnrly Morning Tlow. AboutS o'clock yesterday morninga lively skirmish occurred at' the corner of Tenth and Ilarnoy streets between a crowd of men formerly employed by the U. & M. nnd four or ilvo "scabs , " in which the hitter were worsted and compelled to SOCK safety in light. No arrests were made , and every thing nt the 13. &M. yards was "running smoothly" yesterday. From a spectator who witncssod the fracas it is learned that one of the parties who was pummelled Is n Plnkcrton special , ami it It said thnt of iho three hu looked the worse for wear. Meeting of the ConiinUsloiicrs. An adjourned meeting of the county com missioners wan called nt 5 o'clock last even ing with Chairman O'lCceffo in the chair. The construction committee which had been in session for an hour previous reported as follows ; That D. L , Shnno bo appointed superin tendent of county hospital , and that work begin nt the option of the board. Carried. The claim of T , F , Urciinun on n discounted warrant was placed on illo. SliorllT Coburn was directed to pay his deputies ST5 per month , to take effect April 1 , providing the fees of the ofilco permit it. His communication in regard to Jailers was placed on lilo. Incensed to AVt-d. Tlio following marriage liccnr.es were Issued yesterday by Judge Shields : I Name and Itcsidenco. Age. Henry J. Nolta , Omaha i > 5 Surah A. Edwards , Onuiha SM JnmesO. Mitgholl , Omumi f."J Cc'liaDean , Omaha i.'J John G. Wirth , Croighton , Neb 2S Grace F.Phalrn , Valley , Neb 'M Gustav Halm , Omaha 25 Paula Marschner , Omaha VJ Hugh 12. Graham , Omaha -J5 KatoMcVey , Omaha 21 Saved I'Yom Drnlli. Ono of the Pinkci ton specials at the H. it M. yards ha ono act at least thnt redounds to his credit. A drunken individual whoso name could not bo learned , was about to llo down for a short sleep on the track directly in front of a moving train only n few rods away , and In a tnlnuto later would have been circulating in the neighborhood of the pearlv gates but for tlio prompt action of the I'ink'- cu-ton man mentioned , who ran over and drat'ecu the fellow from his perilous posi tion. At tlm conclusion of this episode , a policeman who was passing was summoned , tbo natroMvagon fccntfor , and the inebriated liidivulual will explain to Judge Herka this morning tbo causes which led to Ins selecting the U , < fc M. right of way for a couch. St. Joseph' * ! Hospital. The Sisters of St. Francis , in charge of tlio above institution , respect fully bus to thank their putrons for the following donations , which were received during the three months ending March ill , ISbSr Union Pacific thous , $91.13 ; Union Pacific yard , JS3 ; Union Pudfio depot , fl'.iSO ; United States army headquarters , $373 ; H. & M. oWce , JS.S5 ; Milton Hogers & Son25 ; Kilpatrlck & Cock , flO ! Nebraska National Hault | ' 5' Max t-0"raj. * 3i Joule Reynolds , f5 ; Mrs. Charles Kiewe , * : . ; , loJi'i ' Qreary , ? * ' ' A. .Tucker , f.v'j. K. B. J. Goodrlcu , II ; Mrs. Morris , tl ; M * J mc . | 1 ; Mrs. Wusseraann , f 1 ; Mrs Buml- ) ) crro\v , li : A.B. I'oltcr.ll ; TUos. IJuttcr- ton. tl ; J ) , 8i Gcyor , II : Jolm Konnerty. tl/ ; / Mr. TralncrL- ; 1' . P. DonnUon , tl ; Tlio / llYun , 81 j Mr. Learv , $ U Jl , P. KenneJy. ft = f lr. Shields , tl ; Jolm fitdlliiBS , SI ; IViil lV tOK , Ul J. A.Laito , $ i Jlr. Ktii d y StjMtko Dnlbcrt , tl ; Kichard Onrnlck , tl ; H. H. Hedge , tl ; 0. Fischer , fl ; Jnko O'Herrnn. tl ; J. Hurknnl.91 ; Mr. Hcynolds , ' $1P. ; Hlmchnch. tl ; Mnt Ituulan , tl ; J. Garvoy , tl ; T. Murphy , $1 ; Mlko Cncko , tl ; Mr. 131erbaclitlTh. ; Hnnscnl ; Win. Sol- vnnn , tl ; Mrs. H. L. Cnssady. tlMrs. : H. Morrli. * l ; Mrs. T. H. Swift , tl ; Mike Ford , * 1 : 1C. T.oyd , ? 1 ; J. Murdock , tl ; Mrs. J. I'nnhcl , $1 ; I.cunmn ft Hurbnn. tl ; 1) . K. Qcr.son.Sl ; .T.J. Younp , tl ; 13. Done- Ins , tl ; M. Hunllalu tl ; Gus UudhoiT , $1 ; J. Uwycr , tl ; N. Lanston , tl ; PntChnrllnc.tl ; Mrs. Cnlli. tlcaly , tl ; Mr. Stollos , fl ; Airs. Charles flsplicr , ei ; Mrs. O. Fludd $1 ; O. Sheldon , tl ; C. N. Dolt * . tl ; Mrs. Cahlll , tl ; Mrs. Donnelly , tl , A. \Vldcncr , f 1 ; Cnrpct Paper company. tl ; Chnrlrs Kdily , ei ; Jiimcs 13cntty , tl ; Mr. Oovcry , ? 1 ; I'ct Gudcrs , tl ; A. Hum , tl ; J. Hnllnvo , tl ; Mr. Donnelly , II. Meyer & Uappkc , Schroeder & Co. , 1'eyke liros. & Co. , Hanloy , Kranso Jr , , grocers , llur t Co. , Maoluis.t.iinter , Dellono t Co. , Dillon & Kllcy , Uthoft Ch. , UtickholT .t Mack. KIL klnnoy Ui-os. , Owen , McCalTrey , silrlts. ] Slort ? & Her , Fred Kriiff beer every week ; .Tetter ft. Young , Anhniiscr Husch , Metz HroH. , beer ; Gould St Mason , dry poods ; Parson 1. , D. Frcnmn fi Co. Fuler it Hros. , Harris & Fischer , Hubcr J. II. Cooinbo , Mr , II , Schttltz , Hupping , ICd Schneider , A. McNnmcry , M. Heller , L. Meat , After MnnufncturRrfl. Sccretnry Iddlngs , of the Omaha Uuslncss Men's associution was seen yesterday nnd asked what ho had thtisfiirdono In the way of Inducing manufacturers to locate in Omaha. He said ho had sent , for advertising estimates to the "Scientific American , " tbo "Electric Uevicw , " tbo "Contractors' Bulletin , " the "American Investor" the "Aijo of Steel , " the "Mechanical News , " nnd the "Hoot nnd Shoo Record. " Answers to these will bo received In n few days and laid before the association , when It will bo determined ns to which papers will bo selected. These pub lications nro mainly devoted to trndo In terests. and taken by manufacturers , some of whom are desirous of re-locntlng or estab lishing branches In other places. Advertise ments were not sought In daily papers , be cause that Held is now boinp operated by tbo development , board of the Omaha board of trado. The next meeting of the association will be held in C. R Hams' ofilcc118 South Fifteenth street , on next Thursday night. Mr. Iddlngs' odico is in the writing room of the Paxton hotel. The Hcriio Tragedy. Bcrgo , who attempted to kill bis wlfo nnd himself Sunday , is still at the tiollco station and is very comfortable , the scratch on his throat having been plastered together with some court plaster. It Is the prevailing opinion among all \vho nro acquainted with the cir cumstances that the attempt ( t ) made by the would-bo slayer of his wife was n pure , un adulterated bluff , nnd that in tlio event of the death of his wife bo would have a chance to work the insanity dodge in his trial for murder in the first degree. Mrs Hergo was seen by a Bnr ; reporter yesterday and appeared to bo improving , but later on secondary hemmorage set in ac companied by a high fever which makes her case extremely critical and it is doubtful if she recover- She , however , possesses a great deal of couraco and with proper euro and attention who may survive. Tlie feeling among the neighbors against Bergo is very strong and the general verdict is that ho is entirely to blame. Mrs. Bcrgo is spoken of as a model wife nnd mother aud a very nice lady generally. Bcrgo was arranged before the police mag istrato yesterday afternoon , but waiving ex animation ho was put under $5,000 bonds to appear before the district court. In default ho was taken to tlio county jail to await trial. With the exception of the slight wound on the throat ho is all right physically. Ho docs not have much to say. The Grant Inquest. John Grant , the father of the unfortunate little ono who was killed by a street car Sunday , [ arrived yesterday from St. Joseph , in response to a telegram , and almost heart-broken repaired to his bereaved home. He found matters as outlined in the recital of the accident. Mr. Grant is n man of genial disposition , equable temperament and exceedingly good nature. The death of his Httlo son has unmanned him. His grief seems almost inconsolable. He was unubln , yesterday to attend the inquest , which was held at Drcxel & Maul's , and ho was represented ttiero by his bookkeeper , Frank Kedman. Coroner Drexcl called bis jurors at 10 o'clock and each answered as follows : Goodly Bruckor , P. Wclnhngen , .1. A. Boven , B. McClune , Prof. Dailey and J. O. Corby. Superintendent Smith , of the liorso car company , was present during all , and Ciegeor Priehctt , the company's attorney , during u part of the examination. The first witness was A. F. Blundoll , store keeper for the Nebraska Telephone company. llo said ho was on the ear which had run over the child. Tlie car was going south on Park avenuo. Ho saw the child rush across the btrcot and got near the horses' heads. Ho then lost , siirht of it and thought it must have boon struck by the horses and knocked down , because the car ran right over it. The car was going houth. The child was going wcbt. It was ubout six feet in front of the horses when lie SP.W It. There were two other people ple in the car , but , the witness could not ac curately Jocato or describe thorn or their situ ation. The avenue nt the place where the accident occurred , so far as the witness know. was pretty level. Ho saw only ono child run across the tr.ick. One htood on tha wi" > t side of the track , and ho was n little older than tins ono who had been seen about six feet , adc'ad of the horses. Witness pickfd up the child who had been run over just behind the platfoim of the car. It was lyinj ; across the truck. The head was between both rails. The horses , nt the time of the accident , were on n trot a Jog trot slightly faster than u walk. The car had run three or four feet niter it had run ever the child before it was brought to n stop , The witness did not know that the child had Ecrcanicd. It never spoke u word alter wit ness hail picked it up , In furl , it never inovi'd Witness did not notice that the brakes had been mil on ivhpn ho noticed the child six feet nlii'im of the her > os. The child did not run as it it had fcoen tlio car or the horhcs , H w.is dressed , as nearly ns ho could remember , in blue with red trimmings. .S. . I. Johnson , the driver of the car , was fiv.-orn. HOJS u toll , well propuitioncil tnitn , with a head ol unkempt hair und ficoininglv good nature. Ho Raid that ho had been working Ilvo years , off mid on , for the street railway company. The number of tlio rnr wn fla. Hi ) saw n child on each side of the track as ho was going to Jump on the car liluluriMi in that neighborhood often stood on the track nml on this side na if they wanted to get on the rear platform. The next thing the driver know ho felt the truck strike and ride over Bomclhinp , and ho put on his bruken and thocarstopm-a about live foot behind where the trucfis had run over the child That was all ho kntw about it. Thelutlo fellow stood between tno double tracks , The car had almost passed him when he wan seen by the driver. The hoives did not. strilio the child. The first thing ho Knew about it was when ho full the trucks go over something. The horses were Jiibt oil u walk. There wore Jots of children on the east side of the btrcc't. At the time the boy was run over , there wn a baby cUrriajje upset on tlio west side of the street. Didn't watch the oust wtleof the stifct , Wasn't watchifi ? the baby carriage.Vas watching his hornes. The baby carriage was upset utter ho had stopped his car , not bo fora the accident Didn't see the boy run towards the car. a'lwre were tlii PJ ; people on the car at the time. None ot iliemworo on the platform Put on the bruue ns teen as ho saw the bo\ . Did not sou the boy between tbo horses. Didn't know how the child got under the car Didn't think ho was run over by both trucks A. 1C. Ulloy.wtio resides on Park , avenue about two hundred feet uwny from the M-r-w of the accident. wa ncxtsworn. HU attention hud been called by sonm noise or excitement in a manner Unit ho could not explain , to the place of the accident. He saw what he llrst Mlpposed was a bundle of dollies being run over by the forward wheels of tha car. Then he saw the hind wheels run over ( he hamu object. Tbo impression which he received at the time was one of nurpriso that the car did n it stop , us It was golm ; up grade and 'only u little faster than a walk. Dr J. T. Muthtws was next called , and swoio that ho tiad examined the body of thu poor UUle tyw U UQ iv rested in , tte uruu of its grandfather , who was crying bitterly , ami noticed that It was dead. The wit ness unfastened the child's ' clothes listened to Iho. beating of the heart , felt the jmlso , and then pronounced it dead , There wcro evidence ! , on the body that it had been struck by a foreign substance , or , under the circumstances , that something had rolled over it , bruising It around the centre , arid mainly nt the lower part of the short ribs. There was n heavy mark or brulno on the stomach nnd in the region of the liver , and a largo crcaso In the skin , which might Imvo been mtido by the llnngo of the wheel. This crcaso partially disappeared when the body bloated , Some of the ribs wcro broken from the fastening In the backbone , nnd the latter may have also been injured , because , In a cursory examination , the witness found some abnormal features In the vcrtcbnu of the column. S. Fisher , n printer , and I. W. Hall residing at 933 I'urk iivcuuo testified to about the same facts. _ _ It's Altvnyn the Way. "Didn't I toll ? " saiil you so a gcntlo- mnn to nn acquaintance whom ho chanced to moot on the street ; "it's al ways the way. " "What's always the way ? " inquired a mutual friend of the two men who happened along- just then. " this " the ilrst "Why , just , replied sneaker : "you sue Smith , hero , the last time I mot him he had ono of the worst coughs you ever heard , llo complained of a loss of appetite , of iright sweats , of low spirits and other unmistakable pre monitory symptoms of consumption. I told him to cet a supply of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery at once. llo did so , and look at him now ! Did vou over see a healthier looking1 manV iMio 'Discovery' has snatched thousands from consumptives' graves. I know it would cure Smith. It'a always the way. " Malinger Boyd has mailo arrange ments with the Union Pacific railroad to have the 5 o'clock train hold until after the matinee performance Wed nesday afternoon. This will cnablo parties out of town to see Mr. Booth in llamlotand return tlio same night. The performance ) commences promptly at 12 o'clock. Trotting horse breeders , attention ! Sco Solomon's advertisement. Dlcuold Safes. Mcnghcr & Lcachgon'l agents for the Diohold safes , have removed to 419 S. 16th , where they are carrying a largo block of all kinds of safes. Scidenborg's Figaro , the talk of the town , a lOc cigar for 5o. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot. MOIITUAIIY. Yesterday morning Janie , the Httlo daughter J. and E. Hasford , died after a short illness. She will bo buried to-day in St. Mary's cemetery. This is the second child that has died in this family within n short time. joxr.s. William E. Jones , a young married man , ngcd twentyfiveyears , died of consumption Yesterday at the Hotel Esmond. His remains will be forwarded this evening to Lake Crys tal. Wis. TMspowiler n vcr varies. A marvel of purl- tystren < < th amivh .Icsomonass. Moro cconom ICHlthantli. ) ordinary klml . and cannot Uesolp In competition wltn tlio niultUiulo of low cost , BUomvclK'htalumor pliosphatw powders. Sold on ) " in cans Hoyal laklU | ( ; 1'owder CJO. , u Wnlhtreut Now Vork. The best end Barest Rexacdy for Cora of oil diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Dowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Coaitlpatlon , nUIoafl Complaints ccd Uclarla of all hlnda yield readily to tbo boneflesnt influence of It Is pleasant to the taato , tones tip the lyitam , restores and preserves health. It U purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to prove beneficial , both to old and young. AB a Blood Partner it U inferior to all otiera. Bold everywhere at 41.00 a Jx > ttle. Omaha Seed House. JlcadqUHUtTS for I.undrcth's Celebrated Heeds J'lants. Cut Vlowers and I'loral designs. Bend for ctitiiloirui ) W. H. 1'O.STEIl & SON , Proprietors IiiU'J Caoitol Avenue. S , K , FELTON & , CO , , Water Works Cookte And Manufacturers' Acents for WATER WORKS SUPPLIES , G full descriptions. Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De tail Plans and Specifications. Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. Office. Straus's ' BEil3in , Fourth Floor , HEBBASR V OR NO PAY. j WILL POSITIVELY CURE r All iTphtntlc DltriiiKf , of rctnt or Ion * ilanatnir.ln from ten to nftcon dnje. We will glt wmun ftu r- meet to cure nnjr cue or refund juurmonni. And vra would ik ? to thote who hiw tmrlojftl tbo moil Pklllfd rhrilclnnii , nted Tpry known remedy aai not been cured , that rou are tlie subject ! wt am Eiva for. Tou thnt bare b en to tbo colebrftlofl ct gprlniri of Atkaoiat , and bar * loit all bop * or ttooTtrr. w ernnle no charge. Our remedy It unknown to nT one In the world ontildcof our Cootpanr. and. It II the onlr remedy m thn world that will cure you. Wa will euro the tnoit obstlnMo c i In leu tbanona month. Baren d yi la recent paios does the work. It U the old , chronic , dccp-ienied caiei thtt weiollclt. Wo niiYo cured hundreds who find been abnadontJ bj 1'hrilclani and proucmoced Incurable , and We Challenge the World to brine n > neu that wo will not euro In less than one month. Since the hlntory of mertlclno. nTrne Bpoclflo for ByplillltlOhKruptloiis , Ulrcri. Bora mouth , Aa , hu been loa l lor but never found until Our Magic Remedy rat discovered , and we. are InstmeiJ In twins It li th only remedy In tbo world ( hut will pcnltlTcly euro , became the Intent medical works , published by the belt known nutborltlet , ray there was norer a true Keclflc before ! Our Iletnodjr li tbo only medicine In e world that will euro when rerytblng olio had [ ailed. Ithaibeen to conceded by n farce number of Celebrated I'hyelolHni. IT HAS KETCH VXT rAiLxo to CTJHE. Why wmte your time nnd money wltb vatent medlclnci that norer had rlrtue , or doctor kith nhyilclans that cannot cure yon. You that h Y tried feTeryUiIng else ihould come to nanow andt psrmnnent relief ! you ncTcr can net Itelsewher * . Mark what wo layl In tbc end you muil take our Remedy or Nurnu rccorer. And you that bare been afflicted but a fhnrt tlrao ibould by all meant come to na now. Many get help and tbtnk theyn re f roe from tne dlicase , but In one , two or Uireo ycarioftor.lt appear * agtln In a mom horrible form. Inif stlgatfl oar Ouanclal atandlnn tbrougn tbo mer cantile a cncl i and note that we ar fullr raspontl. pie and our written cuaranteei arosood , Wo bar * a BXMIDT prepartd on purely PclentlQo 1'ilnclplui and we wL h to repeat that It NBTEH TAIIJI TO cum. All lattera sacredly conndenllal. TIIE COOK HEMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb. Boomi 18 and IT HaUman PlocX THEY DID IT What ? Cincd among others the following. They write : W9Cuitrul Me.CincInn tlO. , J Jnmiarj 4th , IKM. [ Athlojihoro Tlllu lia\o rurwl mo ofn \ cniiiiilaltit nml d ) $ ixit ) < la. 1 fmvu leu of lhi < 1'IIlstoa friend uuols troublctl with ImllucHtion ami ha linn inirroxul won- Ucrlully. 1II. . 16 Ilosctt8L. . New Ilnvcii. Ct. 1 February lotli.inw. { Allildplioros Pills worlxril wonders In my CAM : of d ) PJH i ia. KMMA L. Cnnu. Pills biniill and Ath-lo-pho-ros are jiloasnnt to take , yet wonduifully vO'uctlvc. Invaluable for Iddney and liver coniplniuts , dyspepsia , in digestion , constipation , headuclie , etc. They'll take away thnt tired feeling giving new life and strength. for the beautiful colored pic ture , " Mtjorlsh SlalUen. " THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. SOLE AGENT. The BEST nad 5IO6T Thread of Sfodcrn Tlmeo. BEWAKE O . Kit.PATiiiCK-ICocn Dry Goods Co. M. 1 ! SMITH \ C'o. 1) . M. STUIM : A. C'o , AM ) ATIICTAII , Uf P. V. MOIISI\-L'O. HAVIIUN IliiciH. TiiOMrsiiv. HIIDIN : : &Co. liKKIN .V CO. ( 'IMS , SiMii'ii , Sjuth Omnha , nnil ull flrst clnss rt'tail dealers. A. Jjouiu New Vork Dry Goods Store. ? 12 will buy n genuine Homespun All U'ool Suit , fcizcs ttom 34 to 41 , cut-away or sack coat , In light KiL > y color , that Is really worth CT. The Milt Is well inndo und bplcmllil wearing goods , Wo inako this offer to In troduce ourselves tothotrado and In the future yon will Und our hou o the bargain center. Fend your measure around lireast under the arms , and iirouud the waUt und down the Insldo fcam of the pants , and wo will lit you. You ean send money with order , or wo will Eend C.0.1) ) . by expiess. Ileferi'iiccs : I'lrst National Hank , Omaha or any llrat-rla H lioubo in Omaha. E.T.Allen , M. D. , Homoeopathic Specialist , THROAT AND NOSE , Spectacles Accurately Prescribed SAMUE VL'K , , . . , Surgeon and Physician , Office N. W Coiner 14th uiitl Uouglus St OlDce teleptione. Wo , ' Uesldence tclepUonw , MJ. _ DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. ) Undertakers & Embalmers At tli old muiid. UU7 I'arnum St. Orders by tele- crapli ucilclti'd and promptly uttt-nUca to. TelepU ne No &J JUOICIOUS AHO PERSISTENT Advertising baa always ptevea euccessful. Ileforo placlujrauy Now papcr Advcrtli'ng- consult LORD & THOMAS , iTTISI < U KCltl , CHICAGO. PRICES We will give you better value tor your money than any house in the country. The very best grades of Mens' and Boys' Clothing , at the very lowest prices. You have the-advantage of selecting from the largest , and newest stock in the city. For variety of stock , we have no equal Every garment purchased of us is guaranteed , we don't call Cotton mixed goods all wool in order to sell you our goods. We tell you just what it is and you can always depend on us ; our aim is to make with every sale a steady and pleased customer. We do not advertise a few bargains and tell you they are out or sold , when you call fey them all our goods are marked uniformly low. We sell at a smaller - percentage centage of profit than has ever been attempted by any Clothing House. We make it lip on the volume of business. The splendid nil Wool Cheviot Suits we nro offering nt ? 4.76 , yon can not find elsewhere for less than $7.50. We received last week another shade oC the same goods , Uicj- are handsomer than the first ; wo sell them nt same price , $4.75. Another great bargain we just opened , and placed on sale to-day , are n large lot of black warranted nil worsted Corkscrew Sack Suits lined with good serge , well trimmed and substantially made. Wo oiler them at S0.50. In purchasing this suit we guarantee you n saving of nt least ? -i.OO , as no house ever attempted to sell such a suit for less than $10.50. In fine Cheviot and Casshnor Suits , our selection this spring has never bceu equaled in this city , and no Merchant Tailor in Omaha , who charges yon $35.00 to $50.00 , car. give yon any bet ter values or handsomer and more stylish fitting suit than the ones we offer ar $15.00 to ? 20.00. Compare our prices with those of others , that's all wo ask you , One Price only. No Deviation. Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha. O M A H A MEDICAL 0 SURGICAL INSTITUTE , H. W. Cor. 13th & Oodso Sta APPLIANCES ran DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES ilctt facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for sue. cessdil trcntment of every form of diicasc lequir- nifT Medical or Stircical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard nnd attendance ; best hospital accommo dations In theweM. Wimu rou CIRCPLAHS on Deformities anc" llraccs , Trjsscs ) Cluli 1'eet , Curvature of the Spine , riles , Tutnors , Canctr. Cntnrrli.UrijCchitih Inlmlation. Klectricitv , Parnljsls , Hpllepsy , Kid ney , Madder , Kyc , JJar , Sau ! and Blood , aud ol1 Surgical Operations. DlQoasoo of Woman a Opeclai'.y. BOOK 01 UisKA'en or WOVES Furl. 01ILV SELIABL3 UBDIOAL INSTITUTE * U1KINO A 61'ECIiLTT Or PRIVATE O83EASES. All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic 1'oisoti removed from the system without mercury New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital 1'ower. 1'erhons unable \isitukinay be tirated at home by correspondence..I ] commu nications confidential Mediclmhorliit > trument * fcnt by mail or express , securely packed , no maiks to IndiCRte contents or t-endtr One per "Giial interview preferred , Call nnd co"sult us or end history of your case , aud we will send in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon I'rivale , Special or Nervous Diratei. Im- Vtcncy , S > phlliii1 < ; | ect nitd Varicocelc , with J , estion hit. Address Umalia jfeilteal anil Surgical ftntlttilror DR. McMENAMY , Cor. I3lhand DoJfleSlt. . . OMAHA. NEB. Healti ) is Wealtii ! Jn.B 0. W'Esrs Nnnvr ANO DRAIN TREAT- u.NT. u Ktmraiitced Hiwclllo for llyetcrla , Dizzi ness , ( Joiivnlsions Fits. Nervous Neuralgia , llead.ichf , Nervoufi I'roitrntlon. ranted by tlie uee of alcohol or tobacco , \Vakcfulnoss , Mental DupresHlonoftenlni ; of tha Urnln , rrsultlnt ! Ic Iiuuulty.und leading to inltory.decay HUI ! ileath , J'reinatufeOld Aye , llarrcnnesf. l/ss cf J'omtr In either net. Involuntary IXXBCS end Hperma- torrlura caused by orrr-uxertlon of tlie bralu , felf-abuie or over-indulgence KacU box con tains onu month's tn'utmunt (1.00a box , orlx luxes for (3. < A ) , sput by null Prepaid on receipt ol prjcy. prjcy.W'K W'K GUARANTEES BIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes , accompanied with ts.00 , wo will send Ihe purchaser our wjrllten guarantee torv fuud the money If tlie treatment dots not effort euro. Guarantees Issued only by 0. r\ GOOD MAN. Uruegut. g l * Agent , 111U FarBura Strtot , ib. S5ES lectro-Mapefic Belts I The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science I Otntltnrn'8 Celt Dest ( nti8 Scenlifica"lf ! Hal0 ( B.nd Practically Applied. | Kllb Metric DISEASES CURED WITHOUT HEDICmES.j c\RQ /ftffCirdV * * V/rfi B H YO 700 I'alni In tba Ilcou. illpa. liena 01 OBVI WlE CyKEl If 4jy Nervoi. lltljimj , I.uwlma ? , llmeral 1 > 1 > IIU Ilh.il- lutlUm. I' rulril , Hfnr lilM , Bi > lollr , Dt ra > f of Hldiiej npln i lll cii.c. , Torpid .li r'B ? kA.u.dcD. Emlwlfo Aethmo.'ntorl UUf.j * . Dj.nfp.U , OoMtlpBlloa. Krri > lprl , H ladlKittlon , WeaknrM. Impotent ? , tlalcrrli. I'llrn , EDllonr. Aiimft Amc , IHkbetu , UrOxuotlf.H Jlloo lll < rM s Urop.T , etc. . lht thU belt. U Jmi what JOU need. K KleeilrMtt lnitontu ftIC / n bo PPll d . .oBjireRJ A I B R ? 0 Otff ETA KB 011 It llUllrlM w tbbU I li'J * ! , * , * * " " " "Tr * * * h"'h * Dh , * ( " * * * * il" " " * " " " " "it " " "iSicai l ° ' " eYrteHMI "f loTOr. ? MUhriuSbouVtho bumwi . wm , 1 br ritl nei a ? SSiSSSS { ! mrTSSt'of out e .J Beu . Im- J U.jlng ll nerrousne , . ImmcdUUilir , nd producing anew clrcuUtlon of tlje llU t orcM-thy flood. Sitrflntr TlKor. tr DKtl > , eneraj nd hc llb , when lfolhor tre tiuent bti Mini. Tilt TOWiU at IbU ol o- ffKu'ENCEif _ . IVl . . ! r. . Any . . . . _ banlcroniinercl _ . - v * u _ . . .l. .nrn l gency _ . a or n * T A bole Ill.i.tr.tA , ' bou ntnnh1 > lnCblc t. ffO ( * hol l lo ° DR HOHHE'S ELECTRQ-HASHETIO BELT.TRUSS. RUPTURE 0.e/BA0r , - LAWRENCE , OSTROM & CO. , LOUISVILLE , KENTUCKY. 10 YEAR OLD BELLE BOURBON For Medicinal and Family Use. flOSOLUTELYPURE NO FUSEL DILI Is Death to Sure Cure for MALARIA , CONSUMPTION , CHILLS AND FEVER , BLOOD POISONING , TYPHOID FEVER , SLEEPLESSNESS DOWEL TROUBLES , OR INSOMNIA , LOSS OF APPETITE , NON-ASSIMILATIOM INDIGESTION , OF Fm ( DYSPEPSIA. ! PRICE , 9I.2Q for Quart Bottlt. Sold Only In BMtts. F0r salt bg droctrt For Sale tu and Wlnt HcrchantM Drugglits Everywhere THE GREAT APPETIZER. Uvc'oraailntd f BIU.LB omounilOX WBI KETr trt < l rrca Tbll li to c rtlfr tb.t 1 the taniJ L r.ncc , Oitrora 4 : Co. , w l taunt tti nn to ! > pt/feclly tit9 hcni Ksi l Oil BiJ ll utter dtlitirloU uktunclc cud tlrlcll/ pare , 1 ib crtulli.uoiua nJ the IBO. tot family and UidKUal puri > oici. J , I * . luu > VB. tl P. , AnalrtliaK'ktnlil , l.uuUflll . Kr. GLA.nSTO.VK IIUO.S. & CO. , ARCIIU for Oiimlia , S/"lUT tbliuumnd tpiutn with lOc , caiU cr danipi , R\J upon rcccljit ol olilcti we will tend , pirpatd , lo B anr addreii , ooe Uotf liollur package "Ix > ndoa I Grtoulci , " tue icrratett Llu-jl knd tprloK oi dl < I clue oa tartk. Guod until Anil 'fj. Lvudfaa JJcJl- | cine Affncy. Kaoni < 'Uy. ale. PROP , F/g''FOWVER ! | Moodily CennjJ