Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered Tjy Carrier In Any rrtof the City at
Twenty Cents Per Week. . _ . ,
nrpimcq OTFICB. No. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
New spaing goods nt Heller's.
\Vclls CooU has Bold his residence 'to Dr.
Tliorntis , the consideration being (5,000.
Auditor Hammer Issued W.OOO In grading
bonds to Messrs. Mitchell ft Sweeney yester
Owing to the Inclemency of the weather ,
Iho Omaha committee will not visit the
Chnutauqua grounds to-day , but will wait
until the roads are a little better.
E. G. Hrlcklcy has bought out the Clifton
restaurant on Uroiulwny and will take posses-
Bion at onco. Mr. Uricktcy Is an old rook
nnd bnker , and will bo able to satisfy fully
the public demand.
Miss Sarah Eugenia , daughter of Mr. and
Mr . Gcorgo Loueks , died April t , ngcd
seventeen years nnd nmo months. The fun
eral will bo held Wednesday afternoon nt 2
o'clock at the family residence.
Mrs. Joseph Yocuni died at her homo near
\Vcston , Sunday night , of consumption , at
the ago of thirty-three years. The funeral
Avill take place- this morning at 10 o'clock.
The deceased leaves husband nnd two chil
dren ,
Judge W. C. James has taken out a build
ing permit for his new cottage on Second
avenue. The plans nnd spcciilcatlons have
been completed by Messrs. Allen ft Uell , and
represent n very handsome residence , of the
most modern style of architecture. The cost
will be about iUCO.
The bazar of the Indies of St. Peter's
church was under tlio chief management of
Mrs. John Mergen , and too much credit nnd
pralso cannot be given this kind and courte
ous lady for the nblo and agreeable mnnnor
In which shocondiu'ted the affair nml brought
it to a successful termination ,
Sunday afternoon about two feet of the
chimney on the Curtain street school was
blown down , but no one was injured by the
falling bricks. The tumble fortunately took
place nt n time when the yards were not lllled
with children , or several serious injuries
would undoubtedly have been the result.
The walls of ofllecs In the now rourt , nnd
Indeed of the court room itself , are having
their beauty marred in nppcaranco by the
hanging and tacking up of various adver
tising cards. At the present rate the walls
will soon look lilie those of a country depot ,
and will bo covered with placards of various ,
The need of telephonic connection with the
now court house is every day felt. The ser
vice would cost very little , and the necessary
I amount could easily be suved by letting the
printing to the lowest bidders , instead of di
viding it up among the pets of the board.
The saving of time of courts and bailiffs , of
cjerks and ofllcials , would also pay for tbo
telephone service several times over.
There was n family reunion Sunday after
noon at 812 Avenue 13 , the occasion being the
eightieth birthday of Mrs. Sarah Wright.
Grandma Wright is a very amiable old lady
and enjoys remarkably good health for a
person of her advanced years. She is stop
ping with her daughter , Mrs. McCollom.
Her many relatives and friends hope that
she may live to experience many such happy
birthdays as the last.
Those who objected to the insufllclency of
the paving bond of E. A. Wickham & Co. , to
whom the Uroadway contract was let , will
certainly be satisfied with the last one , which
was filed nnd accepted last evening. The
amount is $35,000 , with Messrs. E. A. Wick-
ham & Co. , James Wickhatn , L. P. Judson ,
Josisih Danforth , J. D. Edmondson , O. P.
Wlckhnm , M. Keating and Jumes Mithcn as
The school board meets this evening to
consider the plans presented by tlio com
peting architects for the new school building
to bo erected on Washington avenue. Some
of the plans that luivo been prepared arc
very hnndbotno , and the board will have a.
line collection from which to choose. It is
hoped that something modern will bo adopted ,
nnd that n building will be erected that will
be a credit to the city. As the majority of
the members of the board nro in favor of
progression , it is presumed that the choice
Will bo satisfactory.
J. C. Howard yesterday sold to Potter ft
Cobb , ot Omaha , about twenty-eight lots in
IJrown's subdivision , the consideration being
t5S)0. ( ) There is growing more and more de
mand for bottom property , and while prices
nro very low , considering the prospects ,
there nro many who are waiting to llnd htill
lower ones. They will wait in vain , for those
owning property are not seemingly very
anxious to sell , preferring to get for them
selves the advance which is sure to come so
BOOH as the bridge is completed , and the
building season opens.
The usefulness of the Indian creek sewer
ditch has been hady [ interfered with by the
piling driven in for the railways which cross
the ditch , Several times the council has
threatened to force the companies take these
piles out , requests to that effect having been
ignored. There Is now talk of taking sum
mary action , M > that the railway companies
will bo compelled to clear the channel of this
uitcli. and leave the waterway clear. There
Bccms no reason why the railways should bo
allowed to obstruct the ditch , when by the
expenditure of a comparatively small amount
the trusses could bo thrown over the ditch ,
It Is expected that the necessary action will
speedily bo taken , and the ditch then given
a clmnco to unswcr the purpose for which it
was built.
Wnrburton & Iincrhon , fashionable
drcbs milkers. No. 31 ! Pearl St.
Card of TliunJcH.
The ladies of St. Potors1 church baznar
fool thomsolvca uiului * special obliga
tions to the press of Council muffs a. ml
to their numoroiiH friends for the man
ner in which they , ono and all , ad
vanced and patronized the bazaar.
l'ararajiliH. (
Miss Clara I.ouis , of Avoca , is the guest of
Mrs. W. W. Hllger.
A. M , Jackson , now of Sioux City , was In
the muffs yesterday.
B'l'l'Q ' "Hole In the Ground" combination
stopped at the Pacillo yesterday.
County Clerk J. J. Shea li is gone to Den
ver nnd Salt Lake on a three weeks' trip.
Mr. James Lansing , of Pueblo , Col , is the
guest of Mr , and Mrs. T. li. Louis , of this
P. E. Moore , Des Moincs , W. II. Graham ,
Cedar Haplds. and W. T. Hartswell , Ued
Oak , wcro nt the Uovcro yesterday.
A letter from Colonel Sapp , who was called
to Now York by the lllncbs of his wife , states
that ho found her dangerously ill , but that
tha crisis is past , and her physician expects
her speedy recovery.
MUscs Knto and Mngpio JOIICH , of Daven
port , who have been visiting with Mrs. John
U , Leo and other friends in this city for the
past week , returned homo Suuduy evening ,
accompanied by their father , .
E. U. Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. AH business strictly
confidential. Ofllce 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-&luirs.
A Tallin llio
While \V. 13. Mitchell , Jr. , and his father
Wcro driving on First street Sunday after
noon the horse became fractious and throw
them both violently to the ground , The
younger man's hips were severely injured ,
und the patrol wagon was summoned to carry
him to bis homo , Mitchell , sr. , was full of
boozo. mid was taken to the station und
locked up for using profane and abusive
lanpuago on the streets , The condition of
the wounded mim was much Improved yes
terday. _ _
Every Body Help.
We want to help the orphans' homo ,
nnd EO inuUo this offer :
If there are 8 Domestic machines sold
from thi&otllce within the poxt 10 days
wo will do\ato ) tbo outiro proceeds of
the Sth sale to the "Christian Homo , "
Domestic Parlors.
105' Main St.
@hcajo loaila Hwuoy on real estate ,
Two Thlovos , With Stolen Goods
Upon Thorn , Insist On Innoconoo.
Tlio Victims MitRt Seek Keller In
Court Finishing the Government
HuUtling Tlio City Council
Personal 1'nrngraphs.
Trying Thieves.
The civil cases which had been set for
trial were none of them ready for hearing
yesterday , nnd the district com t had to busy
itself xvith other matters. Two criminal
cases were tried , both for burglary. Ono
was that of William Hughes , charged with
breaking Into Goldberg's store. Some of the
goods were found upon him , and he could
make no very satisfactory explanation beyond -
yond his simple assertion that "ho didn't do
It. " On his trial yesterday an attempt was
made , feebly , to show that ho was not qulto
right in his mind , not really nrlght enough
to know that ho wns burglari/ing the store.
His old father was an interested watcher of
the proceedings , nnd It wns thought that ho
would go upon the stand and swear to his son's
enfeebled mentality. The old gentleman re
fused to do so. however , and so the claim
was not very well substantiated. The jury
found the young man guilty , without any
arguments being made , or much time spent
In consideration.
Tno other case tried was a similar ono. It
was that of n man giving his uamo asUrown ,
who was discovered going through Mrs ,
Stevenson's house , corner of Park avenue
and Pierce street. It occurred last February.
It was In the afternoon and Miss Campbell ,
ono of the domestics , found the man going
through her room. Ho had n number of her
dresses nnd other articles , and when dis
covered said ho was after rags. He dropped
some of the goods and Jumped through the
window. The young lady followed him and
screamed * The man was chased into
a barn , nnd dragged from the oat bin
where ho had hidden himself. Some of the
stolen articles were found upon him , and
some handkerchiefs chucked down between
the two pairs of pantaloons which he was
wearing. Ho had the boldness to deny his
guilt , and with no prospect for an acquittal
went to trhil. His attorney , W. S. Williams ,
was determined to embarrass the young lady
who was the chief witness , and when she
testified to some ladies' underwear being
stolen , insisted on her describing these
articles in detail. The prosecuting attorney
saved the young lady's feelings by waiving
the underwear , and thus preventing the de
fendant's attorney from waving them.
There was enough in the other articles stolen
to bring the value to over 530 , so that it mat
tered little. _
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan monov.
For all female dlscaseti consult Dra. Jloser &
Van Ness , opera house block , rooms 4 and 5 ,
Council BlullB. Correspondence solicited.
Wanted To lease , a furnished house ,
ten to fifteen rooms. Inquire of John
ston & ViiuPiitton , 33 Main street.
Must Pay TnxcH or Fight.
The city clerk's office is daily the scene of
much hard kicking by a great many of the
dissatisfied property o'vnersof the city. The
usual form of complaint , with perhaps a few
variations , is substantially us follows :
"See here , Mr. Clerk , I own a vacant lot
on street , with a thirty-foot front , and it
is assessed at $1,500. My neighbor has a
sixty-foot lot adjoining me , with a { 2,000
house on it , nnd his assessment is only 31,100.
Now , where is there anything like justice in
such proceedings. "
The clerk assures him that lie docs not
Know , and says that if he is not satisfied ho
will have to take the matter into court , as the
council has written instructions from the city
attorney to let such matters severely alone.
Tills is all the consolation the taxpayer re
ceives and if he sends a petition to the coun
cil it is ignominously rejected. No matter
how conclusive the proof that an ascssment
is unjust , the council positively refuses to
change it , unless a clerical error
is proven as the cause of it.
In ono case , a property owner is assessed for
a sidewalk when there is no sidewalk along
the property and never hns boon. The plan
used by the assessor is past all finding out.
The only redress these parties have is to go
to law about it. Certain it is that taxes must
bo paid , nnd it is equally certain that parties
who " .stand in'1 with the powers that bo , get
a ridiculously low assessment , and those who
do not are assessed at a proportionately hiRh
figure to make up for it. This plan of goug
ing those outside the ring is terribly galling
to the victims , but thus far they have tamely
submitted to the Imposition. In a number of
instances the assessor has acknowledged that
the assessment is too high , but that docs not
make any difference , as the council has
counted itself out from interfering in any
way. What the outcome will be , it is hard
to say , but is hoped a more equitable basis
will bo arrived at than the present one of
Travelers ! Stop at the Bcchtclo.
A full line of crockery and glassware
at Lund Bros. , No. 23 Main street ,
All There ! Ijoolc Now.
The finest line of spring suitings ever
bhown in the city. Few patterns and
splendid goods. Also an elegant line of
pant patterns at reduced prices. Como
and tee. A. Hoitor , 310 Broadway.
Uncle Hain't * HOIIHC.
Interior finishing for the government build
ing is arriving daily , and is being stowed
away in the various rooms of the structure
until wanted. The plasterers have finished
their work and Ic t the city Saturday night.
The carpenters arc scattered over the upper
three floors lilting the frames and casing that
were put together in Chicago. The fourth
floor is finished In pine , and the lower doors
in oak. Th o rooms along the east sldo of the
second Itoor are fitted with a very hamlsomo
pine cornice , Unit presents an agreeable con
trast to the heavy plaster cornices through
out the other parts of the building. Although
this part of the work is well under way it
will probably require about three months to
complete it. The marble tiling has been laid
in all the corridors above the first door , and
the workmen are no-.v engaged in the post-
ofiice department , which is to be floored with
marble outside of the screens. It will require
abouteiaht weeks to finish tnclr work. A. L. A : Co. , of Omaha , who havu the con
tract lor doing the plumbing , have n force of
men at work fitting up the water closets
throughout the building. The handsomest
work in the structure will DO the finish used
in the court room and postoftlcc. These two
rooms will bo fitted in beautifully carved
oak , the work being very rich and massive.
The plaster work already done in the post-
oMco on the celling and pillars is attracting
much attention. The present indications are
that the building will bo ready for occupancy
by the first of July , and that the interior ap
pointments will 1)0 in full keeping with the
handsome outside ,
Drs. Mo er & Van Nebs euro private diseases.
Koonib 1 and 5 , opern housu b'lfc. Telephone 2'rJ.
To my old customers and patrons : You
will find mo at the Ogden stables with every
thing In the livery lino. First class turnouts ,
sufo horses for ladies' driving , carriages for
bails , parties and calling , with t > ; ifo driver. * .
Kates reasonable. Telephone & 3. W. T.
Tin-- Haw Stars.
Judge Aylesworth appeared at the pojico
station at an early hour yesterday morning ,
called out three vags who had been run in
the night before , and led the way to Omaha.
He left orders to continue the cases of all de
linquents who wore unwilling to plead guilty.
Accordingly , when Prank Peterson and Fred
Martin appeared at 9 o'clock to answer to the
charge of being drunk and disturbing iho
peace , the tinlo for hearing was
until this morulng ,
Lloyd Pcrgravos was { n the toils qf the li\\v
for smashing up tables and other furniture
at Stcllu Long's bagnio , ou Upper Broadway.
He pleaded not guilty and wns locked up ?
nwalt the return of the police magistrate.
Hey Goodwin was arrested yesterday
morning on complaint of Sadlo Nelson , who
swore that ho had visited her the preceding
evening , nnd had beaten her most brutally.
Her face and hctul were n mass of discolored
bruises , and gave ample evidence of shame
ful treatment. AVhen taken to the station
Goodwin had nothing to say concerning the
matter , but wanted his ball fixed so that ho
could get released and go to work at 12
o'clock His ball was fixed at 200 , nnd Ed ,
Anderson became bis bondsman.
City Council Session.
The city council met last night In adjourned
session. Present : Mayor Hohrer , Aldermen
Waterman , Kcphcr , Metcalf , Bellinger ,
Lacy nnd Weaver.
. The Woman's Christian Hospital associa
tion petition the purchase by the city of the
building now occupied by them. In consid
eration of such purchase they propose to cnro
for the city's sick free ot charge. The cost
price of the property Is stated to bo 13,000.
Petition of Charles Wllkfund for the open
ing of n ditch near his property was referred.
Petitions for sidewalks on Harmony street
nnd north s > Ido of Fourth avenue wcro re
Petition of the Council Bluffs Savings
bank for n remittance of tax over 17,000.
This amount was the tax of the previous
year. The present assessment is for $ : )0,000. )
Mr , Kclckmnn stated that the assessor told
him this nssclsment was raised from the for
mer amount after the board of equalization
had adjourned. Mr. Patten disagreed with
this statement. The matter was referred to
the Judiciary committee nnd city attorney.
Petition of C. C. DeSpaln for reduction of
tax was referred.
Petition of Beck & Snydcr for remisson of
tax on tha stock of liquors. Referred.
Other similar petitions followed the sumo
Contract bond of E. A , Wickhntn & Co , for
t.Vi,000 was oacccpted. Contract with the
above firm tor paving Broadway from
Twelfth street to the west line of Pery addi
tion was presented. The con
tract price is $1.65 cash , 81.04 bonds.
The work to begin nt tlio west end and pro
gress cast- The city engineer to stop work
when it shall bo deemed advisable. Work to
begin and bo completed under n forfeit of $25
per day for all time beyond that date the
work remains unfinished. Payment to ho
made In one-fifth cash nnd four-llfths in
bonds. Referred to the committee on streets
nnd alloys , the mayor and city engineer and
city solicitor.
Report of City Solicitor Holmes on the
claim of Robert Fair for damages , amounting
to 81,000 , was presented. It states that the
street and walk was in proper condition and
his accident was due to his own net. It ad
vises a settlement by compromise. Motion to
receive and refer to the judiciary committee
and city solicitor , with instructions to inves
tigate and report to the council. Carried
after debate and division of the house.
Catch On to This.
Mr. Charles Probstlo is prepared to
supply you with a harness the equal of
any on earth. Fine work and hurncbs
novelties a specialty. Single , double
and track ; also a good class of farm
work. A complete stock of gents' and
ladies' riding saddles , driving boots ,
robes , all kinds of whips , etc. Give
him a , call.
Money nt low rates on tlrst-clnsslnrm security.
Burnlmni , Tulleys & Co. , 102 Main street.
Is the Strike Over.
Ono of the "Q" officials was yesterday
aslscd by a Bni : reporter whether or not the
strike was settled.
"I think it is , " said he , "Dull have heard
nothing now. "
"Do you think the old men will be taken
back ! "
J'Somo of them will , of course , but I will
wager my reputation and month's salary that
they will never bo taken back as a brother
hood or body of men. In order to do so the
company would have to break all the prom
ises made to the new men. None of the new
engineers who are capable to run their en
gines , will bo discharged. "
"Then you think some of the new men nro
incapable , do youi" queried the scribe.
"Why or er , no , not exactly Incapable ,
but some of the old men are very good engin
eers , and wo would be glad to have them
come back. Oh , no , they will never be taken
back in a body , you can rest assured. "
Largest stock of wall paper ever seen
in the city. Picture frames made to
order. Vc'ry latest designs in cornice
mouldings. II. P. Niles , -102 Broad way.
Oldest linn in this line in tlio city.
Piles cured with certainty. Drs.
Moscr & Van Ness , Council Bliills , la.
Social I'urity.
Next Sunday evening there will bo two
union meetings in the city , in the interest of
the White Cross and White Shield move
ments. The first will bo held at the Pres
byterian church , and is for gentlemen only.
The speakers will be Drs. Thomas , Ilartuplc
and Hart , and Revs. Dr. Phclps and W. H.
W. Recs. The other will be held at the
Baptist church , nnd is for ladies. The meet
ing will be in charge- Mrs. L. W. Tulleys ,
who will make arrangements to provide
speakers for the occasion. The object of
these societies is to promote social purity ,
and much earnest work Is being done in this
city to further this object. A general invitation
is extended to the public to attend , as the
subject to bo discussed is ono of vital im
Union Abstract company , 230 Main street.
Iluny Figuring.
Ex-Auditor Klnnehan hns returned from
Ottumwa , where ho was engaged for two
weeks auditing the books of the Hawkcyo
Coal nnd Mining company. The company
has been running for two years nnd a half ,
und the president and secretary got into a
dispute as to the actual state of affairs. The
stockholders demanded that an expert bo em
ployed to look into the mutter. The reputa
tion of Mr. Klnnehan as n first-class book
keeper led the company to secure his services.
He straightened up the books in two weeks
and showed satisfactorily that all money had
been expended in the interest of the com
On returning homo ho found n copy of the
Annual Economist and Statistician , a volume
of nearly seven hundred pages , giviHg the
population , revenue and financial standing of
twenty-one cities of the first class. Mr. Kin-
nelian furnished a report of tills city to the
publishers In San Francibco , and when tlio
work was issued the ) ' mailed him a copy. It
shows up Council HluITs in a manner very
flattering to the inhabitants of this progress
ive city.
It n Premonition ?
Isaac SIgler , 1111 old resident of Boomer
township , on Sunday started out into Ne
braska for a short business trip. On Satur
day , In conversation with a friend , Hall
Weston , Mr. Siglcr jokingly remarked that
ho was going out Into Nebraska , nnd on
being asked "what tori" replied , "to die , "
Yesterday a telegram was received announc
ing the startling fact Unit ho had been taken
suddenly ill , and that ho was dead. About a
year ago ho was very seriously ill , but since
then ho has been in usual health , nnd the
news of his death coinjs as a great surprise.
After Now Hospital Grounds.
There was a mee'ting at St. Bcrnird's hos
pital last cvcnluir of the medical bluff , the
sisters and other interested parties to see If
some plan can bo determined upon to effect the
purchase of the Gciso property in the east
ern part of the city for hospital purposes ,
After fully discussing the mutter , a commit
tee of three , consisting of Dr. Macral , Judge
Jumes and Mr. Hughes , wus apK | > intcd to
wait upon Mr. Goibo this morning to see upon
how favorable terms the propertp could be
secured and especially what ho would do in
repird to the tlrst payment. The committee
will report the result of their conference im
New oniccrsof Jho 'V. M. O. A.
The annual election of officers of the Y. M.
C. A. was hold at their rooms last evening ,
nnd the following are the 'officers for the en
suing year : President , J. M. Brown ; First
Vice President , W. S , Homer ; Second Vice
President , E. D. Stacy ; RecordingSecrotary ' ,
W.P , Ofllcer } Treasurer , J. H. QiiV \
Directors , Dr , P. J. Montgomery , I. M. Trey-
nor nnd F L. EvnttM Ducctors who hold
over , C. R. Allen , -J. M. Ourslcr and A.
Noreers. Several > lcw members were ad
mitted to the nsaocfAlion and other business
of minor Importance transacted ,
View * of the Wllil West.
C. E. Friedman , late of Odoll Bros. &
Co is now nt Pine BlulT , Wvoming ,
fecitlng to recover Ids holth which wns
badly broken by ovor-nppHcntion to
business. Ho has hit upon ono very
pleasing way of oh lightening the people
as to western ways , and at the wimo
time helping a uttlo his personal in
come , which ill health and his forced
nbbonco from civilization has somewhat
weakened. Ilo has a series of photo
graphic views of the cowboys and their
life on the ranch. They nro vivid , being
instanteously taken , and give ono as
clear an idea of what life in the wild
west is , as if ono wns rijrhton the ground.
JInrhncss Bros , have some of these dis
played lu their windows , and will take
orders tor them. The friends of Mr.
Friedman will bo glad to improve this
opportunity ot helping him , and at the
same time helping themselves , for tlio
views arc certainly worth securing.
They cost but little , and the collection
is a rich ono , and should bo in every
Tlic Salvation Army.
Marshal Balllngton and Mrs. Booth ar
rived in DCS Moincs from New York Satur
day , where they nro at present conducting
meetings. They will bo In this city Wednes
day next and conduct meetings In the Ton-
pic hall. A dodger which is ll.vnTg nronmt
town is headed with "Blood nnd Fire. " whltfi
indicates they nro to have a "red-hot" time.
Among the people of to-day , there nro
few indeed , who have not heard of the
merits of Prickly Ash Bark and Berries
ns a household remedy. Teas and
drinks have been made of them for
centuries , and in hundreds of families
have formed the solo reliance in rheu
matic nnd kidney diseases. Prickly
Ash Bitters no\y take the plnco of the
old system and is more beneficial in all
troubles of this nature.
The TrniiHltlon From the Religious to
the Civil Ceremony.
The social question , mnmngo and di
vorce , which has of Into years been of
late years been the subject of much dis
cussion in the United States , inspired
Prank Gay lord Cook to the publicnt'on '
of a very readable article in a recent
number of tbo Atlantic entitled "Tho
Marriage Celebration in Europe. " The
author btnrts out with the proposition
that the integrity of the family depends
no less upon its legal inception than up
on its legal termination , nnd to the
former very little attention has been
given. The law provides for all con
tracts where money is 'involved , but
leaves the marriage contract open to
fraud and doubt.
But our common law is a heritage
from the past. It-has descended from
nation to nation frl in the Roman law ,
but in the leading nations of Europe the
Roman law has 'been so modified by
statute as to protect individuals and
society. In the United states there has
been no progresshut retrogression , and
our law of to-day is looser than was the
law even in later Rome.
Among the eaidy Romans the cele
bration of marriage was a faolomn re
ligious ordinance , which could only talce
place when divine approval had been
obtained through the auspices. "When
these were favorable the priest , in the
presence of ton witnesses , sacrificed an
ox , and with a form of words divided a
cnko of whcaten bread between tlio
man and the woman. This ceremony
was only open to the patricians : the
martial union of plebeians , though tolerated
erated , was not considered as legal mar
riage. But as the plebeian class in
creased by the abborjition of burround-
ing nations they made for themselves
a marriage ceremony , which provided
that the wife might be obtained by pur
chase , like any oilier chattel. No real
price was paid , but a piece of money was
weighed in the presence of the parties
and live witnesses by the balance
holder , and the bride was led in proces
sion from her father's to her husband's
house. Another way of tying the mar
riage knot among plebeians was oven
less formal. If a man and a woman had
lived together uninterruptedly for a
year the marriage btato arose with all
Us legal coiiboquences. But however ,
Iho marriage was celebrated by
cither patrician or plebeian , the
wife and her property became the abso
lute property of the husband , and at his
death she passed into the tutelage of a
guardian appointed in his will. The
Roman matrons POOH became restless
under this oppressionnnd modifications
of the law for her benefit wore brought
about which in time required only the
consent of the parties toconstitute _ them
husband and wife. This law was the
law of the church as well as the state ,
but the system of "free marriage"
brought upon the church scandals ,
abuses and laxity of discipline , and in
tlio middle of the sixteenth century it
was decreed that marriage must be sol-
cmni/.cd in facie eccelbia , "in tlio pres
ence of tlio pricbt and two witncbscs , "
This speedily bccamo the law in all
Catholic countries , and led to tlio adop
tion of religious rites in Protcbtnnt
u 111 Prance Protestants wore permitted
ndcr u decree of Louis XVI , the option
of celebrating their marriages by civil
contract , the ceremony being consider
ed legal. The writer bays :
In 1702 the civil marriage bccamo ob
ligatory , the contract having been de
clared to bo a civil contract only. From
this the church dissented , holding that
civil forms could not Lcoiihtituto the
marriage btato. In spite of this resist
ance the principle ) that mnrringo is
primarily a civil institution survived
the revolution and was incorporated , in
1801 , with the Code Napoleon. Accord
ing to this code , bqforo the celebration
can take place thcrogibtrar the mayor
or municipal ollicor must cause the
publication of tlio ) > nnns on two distinct
occasions , separated by an interval of
eight days , in tho1 commune or com
munes where the contracting parties
have their domicile that is , have last
resided for six successive months ; if the
domicilejs not yet obtained in the place
of present abocln. then in iho commune
of the last domicile : and if tiio con son I
of any person IB indlsiioiibablo to the
mnrrincro , then also in the commune of
such person. The banns containing
the Christian names , surnames , trades
or callings , and domiciles of the con
tracting parties nnd of their parents ,
are ported on the door of the town hall.
If opposition is made the rogibtrur is
forbidden to proceed with its celebra
tion. The contracting parties inubt
each also furnish a certificate of birth
and an nllldavit of consent from the
proper authority. Three days after tlio
second publication of the banns the
ceremony may tuUo place. A subse
quent religious ceremony is optional ,
but no GroligioiiB ceremony may take
pluco before the civil contract.
In both Holland and Belgium thq
civil man-info is obligatory ; the relig
ious' ceremony optional , us in Franco.
Italy has ndoptc'd the oodo Nnpolcon ,
with the difference that the religious
ceremony may oithcr precede or { ollow
the civil marrinpo. "Polit nfllrmed
that marriage is lirst of all a civil in-
ttmitfon , ami , like other civil institu
tions , it is to be governed by tlio etnto
independently of the church ; qnd that
the mnrrfa go state can theforo bo con
stituted by a civil celebration , to which
religious rites are wholly unnecessary.
But while in the code Napoleon the
civil fcorvlcc must precede any religious
formalities , in the Italian civil code it
may precede or follow them , at the op
tion of the parties. Asa consequence ,
many unions t-olemniml by the priest
never become legal marriages by the
confirmation of the magistrate , the civil
celebration being neglected ; and a
man secretly joined to ono woman by
clergyman may bo legally married to
another by the judge and'at the same
time not bo a bigamist in the eyes of
the law. "
In Germany the transition from the
religious to the civil celebration of
marriage , though beginning earlier than
in Italy , went through more stages , and
has but recently been accomplished.
Continuing Mr. Cook says !
The Allgr-moines Landrccht , or com
mon law of Germany , at the cloeo of the
eighteenth century required for the
creation of matrimony a religious cere
mony , of a form in each religious sect
to accord with its ritual. This was iu-
U-rruptod in 180(1 ( by the forcible intro
duction uf the French civil code , in
cluding la mnrringo civil obligatoiro ,
into tlioi-o German states wjiich Nn-
poh'on either subjected to or incorpor
ated with his Kronch umpire. On the
left bank of tlio Rhino tlio civil form
thus introduced has been maintained.
But olsnwhoro , on the expulsion of the
French in 181 ! ! , HIM German states re
stored their ancient law. By this law
the clergy were Iho delegates of the
civil power in the celebration and reg
istration of marriage , Ph-bt , of all came
the publication of the banns from the
pulpit , The neglect to do this did not
make the murriago void , but was pun
ishable' with a line , and in borne cases
imprisonment. The consents of paivuts
or of other legal guardians was re
quired ; but when unjustly withheld it
could bo dispensed with , at the discre
tion of the local court. The celebration
was completed by the nuptial benedic
The growth of tolerance boon per
mitted the introduction of the civil
marriage. "In 1818 this form was
adopted in Prussia for dissenters and
Jows. To render marriage possible be
tween n , low and a Christian it was ad
mitted in 1818 in Brunswick and in
Ilessc-Ilombpurg , in IS 19 in Hombourg ,
and in 1855 in Oldcnbourg. It was al
lowed for Jews and dissenters in 1851 by
Anlialt-Bcrnbourg , ir > 1855 by Wurtcm-
berg , in IMiU bv Nassau , in 1801 by Snxo-
Wcimar , in 18IV7 by Hanover , in 1808 by
Bavaria , and in 187U by Routs. This
civil celebration was made obligatory
for dissenters in IfaOU by Saxe-Coburg-
Gotba. In 1870 by Saxony , and in Ib7l !
by Schwaiv.bourg-Sandorsliauscn. The
above statutes concerned chibbcs of citi
zens ; but in two states comprehensive
laws wore enacted. In Hamburg civil
olliccrs made the publications and kept
tlio registers , and in 1805 the civil mar
riage was made optional for all. Finally
in 1875 the civil code bccamo obliga
tory , and a law punishing with line or
imprisonment the priest who proceeds
with the religious ceremony bcforo re
ceiving proof of the completion of the
civil ceremony was adopted. "
In the Scandinavian peninsula previ
ous to 1734 all marriages were cele
brated under the auspices of the Luth
eran church. This rule was not relaxed
until 1SGO. In 1&03 the privilege of civil
marriage was granted for the benefit of
non-Lutherans or thobe of no Christian
Austria , being a Catholic county , was
long in adopting the civil marriage ,
but in 1870 a law was passed giving tlio
keeping of marriage registries into the
bands of the chief ollicor of the district ,
and in 1875 the civil marriage , with the
subsequent religious ceremony , bccamo
Previous to tbo revolution of 1808 ,
Spanish legislation was infused \yith
the theory that marriage was 'inspired
by God and ruled by the church , but in
in 1875 a civil form , embodying most of
the principles of the French system ,
was adopted. In Portugal the cere
mony of marriage for Catholics is a sac
rament , for non-Catholics a civil con
tract. In Swit/.erlnna the French sys
tem is enforced. Even where the
French principle has not been adopted
preparatory stops have been taken in
moot continental countries. "That
marriage is an institution of society , "
says the writer , "and as Mich its cele
bration must bo guarded and regulated
by the btato for the common good , has
become a fundamental principle. "
The writer continues with a bomowhat
extended history of the marriage cele
bration in Great Britain. In England
and Ireland the publishing of banns , the
procuring of license , coiihontof guard
ians , etc. , nnd ceremony in the Estab
lished church , wcro in vogue down to
17tU. : In 1738 Presbyterian clergymen
obtained the right to celebrate mar
riages , but the validity of such mar
riages was not bottled until 184 i. Later
the law became more liberal and has
added a civil registry to tlio parochial
registry. The writer continues :
"A marriage may bo constituted , "
ays Frnscr , "according to the law of
Scotland , by declarations made by the
man and the woman that they presently
do take each other for husband and
wifo. No sacerdotal benediction is re
quired to make this a valid marriage.
This declaration may bo omitted on any
day , at any time , and without the pres
ence of witnesses. Such a marriage is
as effectual to all intents and purposes
as a public marriage solemnized in facia
eccicshc. " According to a recent do-
cibion of the highest court of Scotland
"tho governing principle is that con
sent makes the marriage. "
'Public opinion , " says Ever loy"docs
not approve of the laxity of their regu
lations in matrimonial mutters , or of
the opportunity they offer for clandestine
tine- , improvident and bccrct unions. "
Accordingly , by the side of this "facile
code of irregular and inordorly mar
riages , " there was curly introduced and
/calously fobtorcd a strict system of
"regular or public marriages , " with a
celebration by a minister of tlio estab
lished church , preceded by the procla
mation of the banns.
Prior to 1878 the publication of the
banns was indispensable to the celebra
tion of a "regular marriage. " But by
the Marriage Notice act of 1878 a. "con
siderable modification in the ideas of
rnarriago prevalent in Scotland has been
introduced. For the first time it is ac
knowledged by legislative enactment
that it is no longer necessary to have
recourse to the established church. " A
" " formerly
"regular marriage" was '
authorized only by a session clerk's cer
tificate of the publication of banns ; it
may now take place also upon a regis
trar's certificate of the publication of
marriage notices.
Thus in the British Isles , as well as
on the continent , the development of
the law is toward the adoption of the
civil celebration of jnurriugu. In both
laxity , multiplicity and confusion are
gradually giving place to strictness ,
unity and deUuHene&s , In both the
SIZES FROM JL JOm Esrcelnlly DMBMU | for
2510250 life ! " 11 T ° RS
Brancli House , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Onlcia tnken nt I'curoso & Hnrrtcn's , S. istii nt , , Onmlia , Neb ,
functions of the state , ns compared with
those of the church , have constantly
increased in extent and in importance.
But while in the former the prevailing
typo is lo marriage civil faeultatifin the
latter it is lo marriage civil obligatoiro.
For cheap houses and sweet homes on
easy prymonts see Tipton , 5'27 Broad
SPECIAIjiulvcrtliemoiitH , such as Lost , ( 'omul.
To 1.nnn , For S.ilc > , To Uont , WnntH , llonrillni ;
etc. , will bo inserted In thin column nt the low
rntoof TKN CIINTS 1'Kll I.INi : for the tlrnt In
sertion und l"lvo Cents 1'er Line for encli Hiibau-
( | U nt Insertion. LOHVO iiilvortlsctmmts nt our
olllcc. No. li 1'enrl Street , ncnr llronJwny , Connell -
ell IlluiK lo\vi\ .
\\rANTI2D-A man for dairy work , Rcrman
V > preferred. Inquire nt " 111 West llroiulttuy.
"pWHKKNT rurnlslicd room , 813 Willow nvo
GOOD wnjjcs will be paid a competent plrl for
poneinl homework by Mrs. It. W. lluy-
nioiKi , ! . ' 13 Wlllo\Y live.
" \717"AN'1TD A good u'rl ' for general house
t work. Inquire at Mrs. Henry Van
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T710H KENT ruinUlied ami unfurnished
JL rooms , 717 istavo. References wanted.
F OH TUADIJ-Jl.BW ) stock of boots and Hhocs
for Council lllulfs improved pioperty or
younphtock ; ; also IIM ncre Improved farm for
iiK-rchnudlbo . F. J. Day .V Co. , Council Illnlls.
WANTKD-Sltuatlon us millinery trimmer ;
can glvo best or city references. Address
A 30 , lieu olllce.
TilOU SALE Drug stock nnd llxtures worth
J nbont ll.MW , Good location In Council
lllnlls. Enquire of J.V. . I'eregoy ,
WANTED Four scholars for plnno or organ ,
3 per term. Mailam J. 1' . ll-.tlila olllfo.
" \\7ANTKD-A Klrl to < lo general houscwo s ;
T small tixmlly , kitchen conveniently ur-
ranged. T09 Sixth avenue.
"T71OH SA LE Very cheap for cash or would ex-
X1 change for Council llluirs or Omnliii prop-
city , a retail block of boota ami shoos valued at
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JP also htornye and commls''lnii in Kood. light ,
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11U North 13th ht. It. Martin , Omaha , Neb.
TTPIIOISTKItINn and Furiilttiro repalrlUK
J done- neatly and promptly : work Kiiar.ui-
teed. Household goods and fuinlturo bouglit
nndFoM. L. M. Lewis , No. I1U North 13th at ,
SAIjH Ativb.irsaln. Id acres near stock
FOH . South Onmlia , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Hoom 35 , Chamber of Commerce ,
flocks of merchandise. Have
WANTED and Council muffs city propoity.
also western land to exchange for goods. Call
on or address Johnson & Christian , Hoom 3r > ,
Chamber of Commerce. Omaha.
s $ in.
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CAUTEIt & SOX , 1'ron's.
Manufacturer ! * of
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work
Orders by wall for repairs promptly attended
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. lOtli Avenuo. Ad
dress Ogden Holier Works , Council lllulfs , Iowa
DOO Uroadway Council niuffa , Iowa.
A 1'ull Assortment of Harness Goods Con
stantly on Hand.
Ilrnalrlng Nontly uml Promptly Done.
NO. 205 MAIN ST. ,
Main Street. Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es-
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MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
1861. 1888.
Vapor Stops , Monitor Wroiicht
j Charter Oak Stoics , Leonard Ko >
rrigurnlors , lluiltlers' Hardware , ( iohlen
Star Vapor Hanoi's , < ; iiddi-n Fence Wire.
Tin Hooting and Job Work
GOi Broadway , Council Hlulls , In.
Estimates Furnished ,
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. PrompJ
KO and 6. Main StreetCouncil Dluffs.Iowa.
Standard No. 40y < 5 , chestnut stallion ,
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I'utchin , Hire of the ilmn of Uull Hninlla
( record :1B,8 : ) ; Reconil dam by Hysdyli'a
Humblutoiiliin. Norway stands 10K hand : }
high , ami can trot bettor than 35U. : ! Thm
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uiiirus nt f.'l5 the season from March 1st to
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- South 1-itli St. , Oiuuha.
Star Stables and Mule Yard
nroadnay. Council Illulfs , Opp. Dummy Dope )
Jlorfirs and mules constantly on hand , fol
laloat retail or In cur load lotH. tt
Orderi promptly lllled by contract on short
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Telephone IH , BUHI.UTKK & HOLKV.
Oppositu Dummy ilopot , Council Bluffs
Best $1 $ a Dayjouse in the City ,
Near tlio Depots. Btieet Car Connection * .
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Council Uluira , 4.'elephon No. 2 L 7