THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .TUESDAY , APRIL 10 , 18Sb. 5 HA8Y BRANCHES WILL MEET A Qonornl Oboorvanoo of Nebras ka's Arbor Day Assured. SUPERINTENDENT LANE'S LETTER The Pnrt ttio Seliool Children Can IMny Illds For Street l'nvln Opened Police Court nntl Other Notes. [ most Trir. nr.E'a iixcot.s ncnr.A.u.1 Governor Thai cr' % Arbor Dny proclnmfi- rccommctidntlon to "i'lnnt tion , mid his torso trees , plant trees , " promises to bo inoro gen erally observed tliaii ony llko Arbor lav proclamation hcreoforo : Issued In Urn state. Stale Superintendent T-mio bns taken active fitcps to Imvo tlio scholars In the stulo ob serve the day , and tlio clrcul r sent from his ofllco a short tluio ngu rdatho to tlio obscrv- nncc , has met with gratifying recognition from every section of tlio state. Mr Lane expresses the belief that the childi en of tno public schools In Nebraska will plant inoro tieen the present year tlmii the schools have over hcrctoforo planted , and ho has just Is sued a supplementary circular In which ho invites especial attention to the work and to the public exercises that may bo held In con nection with the planting. Mr. Lane in his second circular sajs : Tiio gcncinl response to the suggestions contained In the circular Issued from this ofllco with regard to the observation of Arbor Day leads mo to hope tlmt this year will witness tlio planting of thousands inoro nf trees , at tlio homes of tlio school uhildien , by tlio romlslilo and on tlio grounds of school houses , so that every school yard in tlio slate will soon have an Inviting sluulu "Where many branches meet- So grateful when the noon of summer makes Tlio vullois sick with " In observing this holiday it will bo well to associate thu date April 'A5d ns being the an niversary of the birth. ( April23 , IGftl , ) nnd the death ( April 2J , 1G10 , ) of the poet Shake- spcnro. Nebraska claims the honor of being the homo of the originator of Arbor Day Hon .T. Sterling Morton therefore it is fitting that the children of the state commemorate the day ns one to bo given ovar to the plant ing of trees , shrubs nnd \ incs , and the mak ing beautiful of tlio surroundings of the Hohool nnd home. Encourage each child to ic.ill7o that in planting a trco lie not only bcnellts himself , but coming generations inny rest beneath its welcome slmdo and bless the hand that planted it. "This little ncorn , turbaned llko a Turk , "Which with my foot I spurn , may bo an oak Hereafter , tossing In Its arms The cradled nests of birds. " Let each child cliooso some ono In the field of history , poetry , art or science whoso memory ho will consecrate , and so perpetu ate the nnmo of Washington , Grant , Loiran , Longfellow or Morse , by dedicating Ins tree us n living monument to "those names that were not born to die. " Thus cultivating his patriotism and love of the beautiful and the true. If in tlio village or country schools , the di rectors or boards of education wcro present nt the exercises on the school giounds , to ill- icct the planting of thcso trees In a system atic and artistic manner , it would do much toward making the grounds attractive and pleasing. It is suggested that tiecs bo plant ed by classes , in clusters known ns Authors' Gioup , Soldiers' Group , etc. , thus investing these trees with n personality that will recall the names and deeds of each of the men whoso "niemoiios are of living green. " The fjlrls cau plant rose bushes , shrubbery and vinos. > As far as possible let the child bo induced to bceomo interested in the preservation of whatever Is planted. Thodovcloplngof such nn interest and the formation of the consequent quent habit will constitute a high type of moral education. It will bo wise to accompany the planting with appropriate excicises. Thcso may pleas antly and pi olltably Include the leading or reciting by the teacher or pupils , of seine choice selections in poetry or probe , bcaiing upon the beauty and value of trees. Among the selections adapted to this put pose may bo Hnmod the following : "Woodman , Spare U-hat Tree , " George P. Moirls ; 'Tlio Plant- Ingot the Apple Tree , " William C. Ho ant ; "A Flower for the Window , " Leigh Hunt ; "The Voice of Spring"Mis. Heinous ; "Sow ing and Harvesting , " ( this may be sung ) ; "Tho Hlrthdny of Spring , " Hoi ace Smith ; "Tho Ube of Flowers"Maty Howitt. Many other appropriate selections may bo found , n few of which with slioit quotations aio given. It will bo seen , therefore , that If the rec ommendations of tlio state superintendent ore generally observed , that , arbor day in this jear ISbS will bo both largely and up- in opi lately observed and the way paved for it to become the children's day in tlio je.xr in the future. ntns FOII iMVim The bids for paving in the now districts In this city wore opened bv the boat dot public woiks tester/day nftoiiioon in tire piosuncoof nn interested gathering of biddeis Tlio contest was almost entirely on cedar block pavement or concrete , although the offeis for brick pavement numbered three. The bids on the block1) or concioto wcic ns follows1 .7 i : Hiloy , Omnlm ? 1 ! HH Stout & HuckHtaff. Lincoln yin-j : Kelley < S. O'Shca , Manitoba 1 ( iJ Hugh Murphey , Oninhn ITS Joint KitzKCimil , Lincoln l.T 'ii John Lnnhoin , Cieto ITS A , J Mcllean , Chicago 1.07 AIoAdams it Amborg , Chicago 1 < 17Jrf 0. H Smith & Co , UhliMgo l.TJ 1' Mngear , Lincoln 1 (51 ( The estimate for cedar blocks on concrete ns furnished In Ihoadvuitlsuinunt for bids by the bo.iid of public works , was $1 TO , and it will be seen that the competition was lively nnd that some KMiiarkiiblo low offcia wcic inado for thu work , the bid of Kelly & O'Shoa , of Manitoba , of $1 03 bolng the lowest. Hiils wcro made for cuibingnnd gnttding by all the above parties , but there was a lens vnuunco In them than in the often on blocks 1'or biick pavements on concioto thoic woio tinco bids , as follows : .1 11 btockwoil. Lincoln , f2 73. John Fitfgciald. Lincoln , ; . John Lannam , Crete , F : t3. Tlio Haibur Asphalt Paving company prc > routed the following bid on sheet asplmltum ft'or n guarantee of llvo years , JJ.05 ; guar antee fpr ten ycais. $ ! J (5. ( The board of imblioorks will proceed at once on the woik of ilgines on the guttoiing nnd curbing nnd make their lepoit to the council IX I'OUCK COMIIT II O'Homko , n former H. &M. brakctnnn svho vas in rested on u charge pi eferred In ulotoctiro Plnco , was up vcbtcrday , but tin Bearing was continued until 2 p in to-day. Tuo men named Huff urn and Marcy visi ted tlio house of Frank Clark the other evenIng Ing , piesiimuhly on n lark , for while there they 1) i oho a 65 mirror and the madam pi o furred charges against them In police court They paid the bill and the c.ibo was ills missed Five cases of drunkenness weio in couiI yesterday and disposed of with tlio usua ! lines nnd costs. Two young children from Omaha nppouret at the station Sunday on their way to tin llomn of the Friendless nnd wcic taken then ty an oftlccr. KBW NOTAiw-9 , The following notaries public were com missioned by Governor Thujor iesteriiny J II Spelts , Grunt , Pet kins county ; (5 P. D.iv import , Crawford , Duwes county ; J M Mahcn , OjMllala , Keith county , Willian liaii-J , Omahu , F. W Sherman , Imperial Chase county ; Harvey Huuilor , Kandall Choienno county ; O. II. Heaver , Orleans llnrlan county ; James O. Maker , Phillips Hamilton county. C1TV ITFMS , Thn Capital City republican rlub will nice nt the district couit room on Wedr.esdn ; evening for general business Oppoi limit ; will bo taken on the occasion of the weotiiii for congratulations over the lepublican sue cess In thu municipal election , and a numbo of republicans in the city will address th club. club.Tills Tills evening the regular monthly intfetini of the Lincoln medical society will bo held a the looms of Dr. Lane The feature of th iicctlng will ho n paiior read bv Dr. A. S V o , of. Asulaud , on the ptiysicUu' relation to the liquor question. A law nt- tendance of physicians in the city Is assured. In district courtyestcrdny Judge Field wns engaged In hearing the case of David M. Harsh vs. Mrs Helen Leslie , the case occu pying nil the morning bourn of the court In the Inking of testimony The Judge hopes to close the present term of court the present week. "There is ono peed evidence In real estnto matters nt the present time , " remarked a real estate denier , "and thnt Is that the crao for laying out farms within sight of the city Into town lots has ceased , Insldo property ( cols the peed effect , nnd the attention of cit izens wilt ho turned awny from wildcat schemes to transactions In propoaty that is legitimately city property Bishop Worthington , of Omnlm , passed the Sahlnlh ilnj in Lincoln , holding services In the different Episcopal churches. At the church of the Holy Trinity in the morning twentj two persons were confirmed , nnd in the evening ut the church of the Holy com forter cloven persons wcro continued und received into membership. A large number of Masons will Journey to Orand Island to day , nnd the members of the mystic shrine degree of fctho So- crostros temple will attend In n bodv. Mrs John D Knight , wife of the pop ular Register of Deeds , of this county , returned turned Sundav from a winter's sojourn In the south , greatly improved in health. It Is n Curious Knot That the body is nowmorosusconllblo to benefit from medicine than ntnny son- son llenco the importance of taking Hood's Snrsnparllla now , when it will do you the most good. It is really won derful for purifying and enriching the blood , creating'nn appetite , nnd giving a healthy tone to the whole system. Ho sure to got Hood's Sarsupurlllu , which is peculiar to itself. A.NI ) BAU. County Court. Tim ovsi : DISMISSUD. Judge Shields hoard the case of John Sin- dcrson ot al. vs. John Mulvihlll ct al. for the wrongful issuing of an attachment , nnd it ap pearing that there was no cause for action he case was , upon application of the defend * nt , dismissed. At2 o'clock the cnso of Michael Cunnlng- lain vs. the Hussoy & Day coinpinv , lu , \hlch plaintiff asks Judgment forfrl.OOO for injuries sustained while in the defendants' employ , was taken up nnd is still pending. TO-IIU'S lltJSINUSS The case of Gcorgo Post vs. Gcorgo Waddell - doll , hi whlcl ) plaintiff asks Judgment for * J20.1S , will be the first ono called to day. SUITS riLin. : Samuel N. Dell asks judgment against A. i. Logio for $ J10 00 and interest for labor performed nnd material furnished in icpair- ng a store building. SUIT loiissjTTiinuNiov IUCIPIC. Patrick Hrodcrick wants $2,000 damages 'rom the Union Pacific railroad for the hi caking of his right arm by n stone falling upon him while at work on the Thirteenth street viaduct two years ago. IN HUIIT cou.vrr. Judge Hopewoll is dispensing Justice in Hurt county this week. WANTS AN ACCOUNTING. Richard Hrachmullcr , in his petition filed yesterday , prajs that the court compel August Huudmark to make an accounting and formal settlement whereby the plaintiff , the defendant and Henry Wise can equally enjoy the lease of a certain piece of land m block 12 , Shull's second addition. District Court. nnrouc JUDOI : DOVNB. The case of Joseph Chavat vs the Union Nail nnd Steel company for $4,000 damages , s still pending before Judge Doano and will not reach the jury before to-day. 11EFOHB JUIIOG OUOFF. Judge Groff jcsterday listened to argu ments on several motions. The principal ono of which was the ono in thu case of Goo. hristcnsen vs the Union Pacific railway company in which the defendants ask to have the case dismissed. The arguments wcro continued this afternoon. nci'oitR .IUDOE WAKiir.nv. The case of Lei en A. Stanley vs Charles . Hounscl is still pending before Judge WaUeley , and will continue until to-day. MICHAEL WANTS DAMAGES. Michael Cunningham's suit of (1,000 against the Hussey & Day company for injuries re ceived by the caving in of a ditch for which ho says they wcio responsible , was begun with Jury before Judge Shields yesterday afternoon. _ JIE SW1PK1) THE VALISE. Anil Stniuls a Fair Show of Going Over the Koail. Gcorga Maiming , a ranchman whoso lands lie in the northwestern part of the state , reached this city in company with his wife Sunday afternoon. They had been cast and wcic en route homo. At the St. Paul depot Mr. Manning went out to see rabout thotiansfor of their luggage , leaving his wife in charge of their valises in the waiting room. Ho had been pone but a few moments , and when ho returned Mrs Manning inlet - lot mod him that while she was engaged In queiichiiig her thtistat the cooler somebody hud stolen his valise. The gentleman was much disturbed at this pleco of infonnation , as his valise contained $3,000 or f 1,000 uorth of valuable papcis , besides $10 or ? 00 woith of clothing nnd other articles. Losing no time , Manning huiiied off for u policeman , and meeting Of- llcer Graves acquainted him with the facts in the case. Two hours later Graves marched into the ccntial station with Henry Uurlte , whom lie arrested upon Sixteenth street in the net of selling Manning's property. linilce , who is-not unknown lu police circles , was niralgncd yesterday but asked for a continuance of his case until this nf- tcinoon , which was gi anted Ho says u man gave him the valise and asked him to sell Its cimtonts for him Uuikc gave nn accurate description of the man , saying ho was ; i smooth faced fellow about twenty live , was rather good looking. short In statute , had a scar on his chin and were n "popper and salt" suit. Ho had met this party before nnd was on speaking terms with him , but did not know his nnmo. Ho said this follow mot him on NInth'and Faiiinm and asked him to sell the satchel for him , piomising to p.ty him a liberal commission , liuikuat flist lefused to do so , fearing the property might hnvo been stolen , but the fol low quieted all suspicions nnd assured him eyeri thing was all right. Hurko took the satchel and was caught by the police. Till ! CUU'IIIT t AUOIIT. Thoofllccrs were inclined to doubt Burko's Btoiy and matters began to look rather black for the young fellow until last evening , when a fellow was caught stealing a satchel at the U P. depot something after the manner in which Mr. Manning's was taken. As soon as this fellow , who gives the name of .1 W. Llddoll , was binught into the police station ho was Instantly i ceognized by Hurko as the follow \\lio had gl\on lil'ii tlio satchel to sell. The police noticed that the description given by Hin Ko tallied w ith Ciddell's appearance oven to the scar on his chin. Liddcll Is n smooth appearing fellow and dresses well , but the oOlcers believe that ho Is a dycd-ln-tho-wool crook who has served his term In the pcnl tontiary. _ Vordlot ol'tlio Judges Of the American exhibition "Cash- more Bouquet toilet soap unexcelled in quality aim fragrance , " Matter In tlio Mulls. Q. W. Livingstone was brought in frorr Clmdron yesterday , charged with sending obscene matter through the malls. Ho was arraigned bofoie United States Coimmssionei Dundy , but was given a continuance until the twelfth. _ Give Them tlio GoBy. . The ptihlio arc advised to give the po' by to articles claimed to possess the tame qualities as , or are proffered in stead of SOZODONT. That incompar able preservative and restorer of the tncth , is like itself , ami nothing clso , Purchase tlmt alone. _ Clcnr Itelonseil on nail. Clear , the Pleasant Hill postmaster whc bus been lodged In the county Juil owaltinp tnal for robbing the mails , bccuicd bail and was i olc&sed from custody j cstorday. "Hrowu's Bronchial Troches" an wldelj known as n admirable remedy foi HronclilUa , Hoar&enuss , Cough * , and throul trouble ! , SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. J. D. Meldon of Chndron , Nob. , Is visiting friends in Houth Omaha. Ground wns broke for the now Armour building at this place ycstcrdity. Twenty carsof stock , consisting principally of hogs , arrived over the Union Patltiu up to noon to-day. J. U. Vnti Duscn will hereafter compile Uio South Omaha local for the World , vlco St Clnlr transferred to Omaha. Charles M Woolcott , one ot the first resi dents of South Omnlm , hut now of Denver. Col. , Is visiting old time acquaintances nt this place. There Is n current rumor afloat to the ef fect that Mayor Sloan will ndhoro to thoSun- dav closing law ns regards the saloon t radio In South Omaha. M. Urcnnan , who wns hurled from a dummy train on the Union Pacific , by being struck by n pier supporting the Uurlingtoti tracks Saturday , is recovering rapidly. The Union Pacific Is milling two more spur tracks to its service in the switch jards. It Is nlso intimated that the Burlington will in crease Its track service here nt an early date. The authorities hnvo thus far failed to lo cate the Individuals who burglarized Carroll & Co.'s store on N street lust Wednesday. A thorough senich Is being made by Marshal McCrackcn In suburban dlstticts for the per petrators. The Union Pacific placed Its new cars in service on the suburban line Sunday They hnvo a scaling capacity of fifty-seven , are cnno mounted and nro models In nearly every resect , The mechanical worlc wns executed by tlio Pullman company. The school board has announced the np- ( KJlntmcntofMiss Ousick nnd Mrs. IJeati us teachers In the public school at Albright nnd Miss Hoffman as teacher la the Twenty * seventh street school nt South Omnha , The now school building at Albright is rapidly ncarlng completion und when finished will bo the best equipped building of this class In this locality. It is constiucled for the ( impose of accommodating the pupils in that district. The school on Twenty-seventh street will bo to opened. H was closed at the time the city high school was opened over a jcar ago , but the attendance has grown so largo that , inoro room Is needed. Consequently the board has decided to open up the old build ing in question for scholastic ( imposes. TUB COtNCIt , MKKTINO. The city council met last night , nil mem bers being pi cscnt. Major George , who oc cupied his chair nt the sldo of the piesidcnt of the council , was among the conspicuous characters in the gathering. Ono of the lirst matters brought up before the council was that peitulnlng to the school board election. A lively tilt ensued between Mr. Mac Murphy , ono of the now members of the school board , and sovcral mmnbors of the city council. Mayor Savngo reviewed the case , stating that the canvassing boaid could not center upon any definite icsult on account of the irregularity of the ballots us regards the term of such candidate. Nu merous cases were found where on one ticket a candidate was elected for u thrco years' term , nnd on another the sauio for a two jcar term. This complexity , ho stated , led the board to believe that the mat ter could only bo adjusted in the couits. After a series of wrangling the council de cided to refer the count to a now board , to bo composed of members of the new council. At thu conclusion of this Mayor Savage , in giving place to Mayor Sloan , addressed the meeting as follows : "Gentlemen and Members of the Old Council : I Intended to give you a brief outline - line of the condition of South Omaha My business , however , in connection with my duties as mayor has occupied the major patt of my time. We came licio and found this hollow , now comprising a prospcious city , about the same as our Maker loft it or , I might add. a little bit worse off , for wo \\erolndobt. Wo liavo struggled along un der great disadvantages und to-day wo tuin it over into your hands as a prosperous city a city fust becoming the leading stock mar ket of the west and ono whore the busy wheels of industrj- and enterprise arc con- stnntlj- action. Hull am sorry to saj- that there still remain certain barnacles which have a tendency to Impede our advancement. Wo hnvo to our credit and at our seivlco the sum of SO.OOO to bo used in public improve ment , when we are and was entitled to f 18,000. Hut in conclusion I will say that whatever has passed from our hands in the line of public improvement has been in good faith. And while in ofllco any mistake that I might hnvo made came through ignorance and not from my knowledge to the control j' . If I have made enemies through the execution of my duties I ask forgiveness. Thanking you for the many favors I have icceivcd and for past cour tesies shown me , I turn over my olllce to inv successor w ith the kindest feelings toward nil. " The next movement taken was to swear in the now members of the council and they wcro swoin in as follows : Aldeimcn Toe- sober and Smith escorting Aldci men elect Yetler and Fcrlno ; Aldeimcn Uafferty and Garj'cscoiting Alderman McMillan ; Alder men Geary and Glasgow-escorting Smith and Hayliss ; Aldermen Looschor and Hurko escorting Alderman O'Kourke. Aldeimcn Glasgow and Geurj' were then appointed to escort City Cleik Hector bofoie the major , who propounded tlio oath of oftlce In a similar manner Aldeimon Glasgow and Geary cscoited City Ticas- urcr Geary , who nlso took the olUehil oath. Following this was the appoint ment of the cntiro council as a committee to escort Mayor Sloan to the chair. In tinning over tlio olllce , Mayor Savage made a few brief remarks to his successor , Mayor Sloan , who , in turn , madoabiiof reply , stating that ho was thankful for the nonois confeirud upon him nnd that while in olllce ho would endeavoi to disclmgu the du ties incumbent upon him with fairness to all and partiality to none. Tlio following of the new members then ( lied their bonds with the citj' cleik and weio approved by the mayor D. P Hayliss , with .1 Lovj' , William Stewart and James A Sil ver ns sureties ; L H. Fono , with S 11. Fcno , John A , Uoo and S II. Hilggs as suieties ; J. J O'Hourke , with John J. O'Homko and Thomas Dowling us suieties , P. M Smith , with Fred M. Smith and D. L. Holmes as sureties. Tlio remainder of the members wcro then instructed topic-pare their bonds and liavo them leadyfortho next meeting of the council. Major Sloan then Hied his bond with the council with M. J. Uolsrotf and Hollis H. Hoglo us suicties. On motion by Aldeitnan McMillan , Alder man Smith , Hayllss and O'Uourko wcro ap pointed a committee of tineo to investigate tlio books and condition of the munieipil Judge , city treasurer and citj' clerk , the same to report thu result ut the next meeting of the council. Alderman Smith then introduced the fol lowing resolution , which was unanimously passed : Whereas , Oa the 3rd day of April , 18S3 , Harry C. Hostwick recovered Judgment against the city of South Omaha in the district cout t of Douglas county for the sum of IS , 100.03 and costs. Now , there fore , bo it Hesolvcd , That the order to enable the said city to pay said judgment , the major be and Is hereby instructed and empowered to bor row a sufficient amount of money at the lowest possible rate to pay said Judgment and costs for a space of time not exceeding the close of the next fiscal year. On motion of Alderman Smith the city attorney was instructed to draft a resolution dealing the ofllco of street commissioner , whoso salary shall bo regulated by the coun cil and mayor. After accepting the bonds of the vni lous officials the council adjourned to meet Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock , at which time Mayor Sloan will announce- his appointments , An Absolute ( 'urc * . The OHIGINAL AUICTlNi : OINTMnN'I is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ami is an absolute euro for old sores , burns wounds , chapped hands , and nil skin erup tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles Ask for the ORIGINAL AHICl'INK OINT- MUNT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 25 cents per box by mall 30 cents. AN IMPOUTAXT CAPTURE. lUcIinril Davis anil Mrs. Woods Ar rested anil Hold at tlio Station. OfllcerWard whllo engaged in "fly" work on Wednesday last observed a suspicious looking man accompanied by a woman and a little girl , enter ono of the lowerTonth stiee Junk shops. The oftlcer followed him Into the establishment and , being in citizens dress his presence aroused no suspicion. The man asked to ECO some tovolvers , and after some dickering purchased ono ana the party left the stoic. The oftlcor followed and overtak lug the man asked him who ho was and lila bualcoss. Ho said bis. uuiuo was Klchan Johnson nnd that ho wns n former. Ward then Inquired what ho hnd bought the re volver for and ho replied that ho was going to move to o ranch upoti the northwest bor der , and ho thought It would bo n handy thing to have about the house. The officer wns not wholly satisfied , but ( bluing the tn.n unloaded nnd no good grounds foi f it , r Investigation , ho took n good look a' ' low and allowed him to depart f On Friday night last , as was detailed In thcso Voluumns a fdespcruto attempt was made to murder J nines' Milton Ivor 119 nt the brickyard south of the Cltv by his soti-in law Hilly Woods Officer Ward was ono of the detectives detailed to look the matter tip , after the flight of Woods , but as is already known nothing was ddrclopcd that tended to throw additional light upon the murderous assault mndo upon Kerns. Sunday after noon , however , the detective obtained information mation that Woods had returned to his homo on South Thirteenth street , and thither ho proceeded to nrrcst him. Heachlng the dwelling ho was admitted , and found , as lie supjwscd Woods engaged in a pleasant tete-tcte with his wife , but was much surprised to see in him the man Hlcli- nrd Johnson , who ho had interrogated on the picvious Wednesday In retrnrd to the re volver ho had seen him purchase at the Tenth street Junk shop. Ward immediately placed his man under nrrcst nt the same time asking him if ho was not Woods Ho replied that ho was not , that his name was Ulclmrd Davis and tlmt ho was a friend of the family The oftlcer then related the Tenth street incident and asked him whv at that time he gave'tho name of Johnson. To this Davis did notseo piopor to replj" . butoccupicd his time In protesting ngalnst his arrest Ho wns very "foxy , " but not "foxy" enough , and thinking that ho reallj1 had the would-bo muidcrer of old mnn KOI ns "dead to rights , " the officer put the biacclots upon him and rang up the patrol wagon. Upon its nrrlxal , being convinced that Mrs Woods was accessory to the crime , the oftlccr placed her under arrest also and the -twain was hurriedly driven to the station house. Here Davis was specdilv identified , and Detective Ward's astonishment was un limited when ho was Informed that ho was not Woods at all , but Davis in rcalltj' . How ever , Officer Ward hud done a good piece of work , ami was fully satisfied , for It turns out that Mr. Davis is a very conspicuous fig ure in this whole bloody and muddled affair. lie wasaiiaigncdbefoio Judge Uerka yester day moining on the clmreo of shooting with in tent to kill , and pleading not guilty , usUcd for an immediate heating. This , however , was denied him , on the grounds ol nn accu mulation of business upon the hands of the county attorney , and the extremely piccarl- oils condition in which ICerns was rcpoited to bo at the hospital ycsterdaj' . In the event of his death , which Is In nowise nil- piobablc , the charge against Davis will bo bo changed to that of murder. In consequence quence of this status of things the court de terred the piolluimiuy hearing until Wed nesday morning next , and remanded Davis to Jail without bail. Mis. Woods was nlso placed in confinement in default of $300 as a witness bond. It nil looks vcrj' much now as If some high ly sensational particulars will bo brought to the surface at the trial of Davis , who is sus- picioncd of a deep laid conspiracy with Mrs. Woods. This much is known at any ratetho two weio old sweethearts before the woman had known her husband , nnd Davis has been suspiciously interested in the affairs of the Woods family for solne months , and was daily fracUiiing tha tl-ommandment , which spctificiall v enjoins thd coveting of another's wife. A Hi.c repoitcr saw" Mrs. Woods at the station vesteiday. She is more than a comely woman , slight , but graceful in foim , with Jet black hair and ojes , nnd refined fcatuics. She was plainly but tastefully at tired , nnd deported herself with i cmarkublo nerve and assurance. In fact , she was a trifle defiant , and upon the scribe's sugges tion of the probability of the ubovo stoiy. her eyes fairlj- emitted , perceptible rays , and she indignantly dcnle the whole matter. "Hut j'ou know Davis ! " queried the re poitcr. "Of course I do , " witU acerbity. "Anjthing good of hint ! " "Yes , that's all I do litiow of him , sir. " 'Havn't heaid from J our husband' " "No. " , "Likely tot" "That's my business. " "Good morning ! " ' "Morning 1" Police Court. AV OLD TIMB TIIUO AM ) UUIlOIAn. "Pat Clancy I" Saug out the court as the usual largo Monday moining mob of prisoners filed into the dock , and like crows upon a fenrc , peichcd themselves into uw-s along- the rickety benches. Clancj' , who at one dixj' wns a notorious riacksman , gopher and thu f , is now an old dccicpul man , and that hunted look , that is inseparable with the hardened crook , was in his sunken ojcs ns he shambled forth into the magistrate's presence. " ' charged with . " "Clancj , j'ou aio vagrancy. "I can't help it jour honor , I was only passing thiough on inj' waj' to SiouxCity. . " "Hut the last time you weie heie Hold jou to get out of Umn and stay out. " "Well , judge , give me ono more chance ; I haven't done umthing in jour town , and if jou'll let me go , I'll get out and never show iiji again " "That's what j'ou said before " "Hut I am sick , Judge , and although I liavo led a desperate life , 1 liavo lefoiined I'm slxt\-iiiiio je.ii1 > old to-moitow , jour honor , and I-think uncler the ciiciim&lanccs jou might let mo go " "And so I will , " added the court , and Cl m- cy's fate lit up with Joy , "let j'ou go to You can iclobiate jour sixty-ninth blitlulav for the space of twenty dajs"and theio was a wicked gleam in the old buig's nvcs as Johnson hustlea him back to the Jnilbuds' bench. nr STOII : A wuu > . James Clark enleied the loom of Minnie Hecslcj' . 10-jrNoith Twentieth street , Sunday evening and made way with her plush vuap. Ho was ucnt up for twenty live dajs. Its superior excellence proven In millions of homes for more than a quarter of u century Its Is used bo tlio United brutes ( ! eminent Kn- dorsed by the heads of the Orcit I'nlvorsltles i\ thoHtrotiBest , Purest and Most Healthful. Dr 1'rlae's ( 'ream Unking I'owder docs not contain Ammonia Mine or Alum Sold only In cans I'HICK IIAKINUI'OWDUIIUU.T , New Vorlc L'hlcaco St. Iouls WEAK nbniiiuathr * F t.o i Sifc- itfiixiiiTu _ _ Ihli p fi&cpurpoi .cuEtnr tlnuvvi. mild , teething currc&la of „ ItnltctlUrough all wtak pin.rtrtor * jfcto health tad Vigoroui Stttigih .l cuio , * * -fiU Inituur ct wt furfin is" ) In ctitu v > iiuinlio r ric.lhirL.luvotii ctiupcx lUS/nden ClVct'/lVc" 189 Li8iUcit * Chiciga Notice to ( iradliiK Contractors. Hiils will he received at the ollico of the under- stRueil. Until April 15th ult . for the fllllui : of 23 lots , llrlt'gd Place , ou the North and South side of Fartmm bt. Total amount of earth required , about 3" , { XM 'ubic ' ynrda. For particulars , call ut room JO , Ilrottn block. 1' . M. Kun. Omaha , Neb. , April 2J , 1SS3. Architect. prd7t > ! UK HEIjOXOS TO A What slmll wo call this codger ? Whrtt Is the name they dub ft follow who llvca on muscle ? They say ho belongs to n club. Ho bows nnd says : "llow'd do. sir ? " They say ho s n genuine tramp ; ho was once a regular bruiser , but now * he's _ n commonplace scamp , ( l ij Referring to bruiser - - nnd bruises , or what a mnn does with n club , if nny mnn care fully uses St. Jacobs Oil , tried with a ub , ho will surely find comfort and onso. U will cure ns certain ns fntojaml then you can go ns you plcnso nnd devour vour work early nnd late. As , for in- itnnco , n , iilijsiuinn says : "Sylvnnia , Dhio , Juno in , 1S87 , Our postmaster tore hafl n severe hip wound ; ho uses St. Jacobs Oil and cannot do without it. T. B. tlomkft. M. D. " From the Asois- tant General Superintendent Third Mvlslon Postonico , Now York , N. Y. , comes the following : "Tho reports from ho several superintendents nnd clerks vho hnvo used St. Jacobs Oil agree in irntslng it highly. It has been found elllcnclous for bruises , cuts burns , sore- less and stiffness of the joints nnd mus cles , nnd affords u rondy relief for rhou- natic complnints. W. II. Warning. " Mr. I. M. Dickbonropowell , Pa , , writes February 21 , 1887 : "Wo hnvo used St. Jacobs Oil In our family for several years , nnd consider il the best remedy 'or bruises , cuts and swellings. It is my special remedy for cramps nnd sere throat. " Mr. Joachim Witt , Evnnston , Ills. , writes Febniary 11,1837 : "Somo Lime ago I fell from a building nnd wns M'uiseu very b.ully. I tried St. Jacobs Oil , nnd in ono week 1 was cured. This great remedy is the best pain cure in the world. ! > Mr. Christoph Fink , Hampton. Iowa , February 0 , 18b7 , writes : "St. Jacobs Oil is n wonderful remedy tor bruises and imvnyslinilarcomplaints. 1 can recommend it in every nay. " The Foreman of the Pennsylvania Freight Warehouse , Mr. David Barlet , Jr. , writes February 11 , 1SS7 , from Dollofonto , Pa. , ns follows : "I can truthfully say St. Jacobs Oil Is the best remedy for bruises , cuts or sprains. " LJruises , sprains , cuts nnd wounds , whether by accident or design , nro , ns Lhc foregoing show , cured promptly nnd permanently , and there is no reason to doubt a sure cure in the cheapebt way possible. CALIFORNIA ! THE LAND OP DISCOVERIES. SANTA ; ABIE ; AND : CAT-R-CURE For Sale by Goodman Drug Co. STEEP YOUR EYE OPEN If you would notlio vlrtlmi7eil by linpoitcr' ' ) nnil frauds who uro Hooding the mail.i.t with woithlcss iml- tntlons ot Benson's Plaster. Uheso "pirates" who sock to lloat tlitlr worthless products on tlio icputatlou of Benson's Plaster icsort to many tricks fov which their class Is fiunous , nml If bujeis 1110 notoxceeil- liigly tiutlous they froiiuently lliul themselves \lctlinlzed by unscrupulous dealers who iildaud nbet lu htich deception for n dl\lslouo tlio prollts. Honest denli n will unlto withphjnl- clans In lecoiiiinendlng Benson's Plaster as superior to nil other external remedies lor couch1) , colds , pleurisy , rhest palus , backache , kidney allectlons , malaria. rlumimitlMii , wla- tlca , lumbigo uml athes uuil pains of eveiy de scription , bllAUUHV i JOHNPOX. i-olo Mnimtuctutuis , Now Voik. 1311'OUrED STALIjIONS for PeirlioroiiH. Clydcsdixlos and Shlro , also homo hred colts l'ery animal Kiinrantueil a breeder Om stork hns been selected with mforonroM both individual mm It und pcdlitrou. Some if these horses have taken llrst prize at the No- brahka State I'elr , 1S87 All our horses nro ac- rllmatod and rolls of their ( jet can bo shown. 1'rlres reasonabln ami easy tei ms Is acpesslblo bv the three le uJJujf railroid * of the slate , II. it Grab Orchard NATURES' GREAT REMEDY. A. reaiTTVz : orn i : r-ozs Dyspepsia , Sick-Headache , Ccnstipaiioo , OLD nv Ait DHUcaiftTB pAMpHitT ay MAIL ritir Crab Orchard \Vator Co , Louisville , Ky. Iteinarkablo for powerful \mpa- tlirtl tout ) pliable action and all ; aoluteUurablllty .lljiar.s rrujril. the bent ( .nmranleu of the oxoil- knSJ oTthusB justruinenta WOODBRIDGEBROS , O. H. CURTIS , P < . J.JHURO THOMPSON , Sic. TMAfc * l MANUFACTURERS AND DIALERS IN COTTON LINEN A. RUDDER HOSE COTTON LEATHER A RUBBER OELTINO.OIL. RUBBER A DOS- , - , BAMEH CLOTHISO DRUd- ; f OISTS' RUDDER SUNDRIES 'VHAROWARC \ SPORTSMEN'S TOY AND STATIONER'S AND EVERY KIND OF RUBBER GOODS. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH DIAMOND BRAND JHE ORIGIN AL.THE ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OrWORTHLESSlMITATIONS ASK DRUGGIST COR ( HICHESrER'S ENGLISH , SAFE.A1WAYS RELIABLE TO LADIES , DIAMOND BRANDJAKCNooTiiEir. INDISPENSABtt.SOtD BYAtl DRUGGISTS ? , OR INCLOSE 4f ( STAMPS ) ASKrOft DIAMOND BRAND.CH CNEJUmNlmM ron pARTicuLAns ANDUKCHOOmtnStt SltNAfUBtON tVTRY BOX. N LtTTtn BY RtTUHN HOI. CMICHtlTtRCHtMICAttBSOlimrMWISONlQJIIIU PATttt tlSNATUBtON _ . . . Rnnn N-cUCITED AND OVtHrptN LADIES WHO NAVt USED d.UUUCHlCKlTDaEMCU.IU > lAMONDBRANOPtHNYROrAI.PILLSWITHSUCCUt. TMt OtOOIUrMrOF tHB COUNTRY Will 08TAI1 MUCH IXFOHMITION rftOM A 8TUDT OF THIS MlP OF THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC H Its main lines anil bronchos Include CHICAGO , PEORIA. MOLrNE. HOOT ISLAND. DAVEN- POKT. DE8 MOINEB , COUNCIL BLTJFFa. MTJB- CATINE. KANSAS CITY , BT. JOSEPH. LEAV- EimonTH. ATCHIBON. CEDAR RAFIDS , WATEBLOO. MINNEAPOLIS , oed BT. PATJt. ana ccoroa of Intermediate ciUos. Cbolca of routoa to and from the FacLQo Const. All trans fers in Union depots. Fast trains of Fine Day Ooacbos , elegant Dining Cars , tuaenlfloont Full- man Palace Bleopors. and ( between Chicago. Bt. Josonb , Atchleon and Kansas City ) Reclining Cnalr Cars. Do a to Free , to lioldora of through Crst-closi tlckota. Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y "Croat Rock Island Route. " Extends West and Bouthwost from Kansas City andBt. Joseph to NELSON , UORTON. . BELLE- VXLLE. TOFEKA. HERINaTON. WICHITA , mjTCniNBON. OALDWELL , and all polnta In KANSAO AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and beyond. Entire paosenscr equipment of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ap pliances and modern improvomonta. The Famous Albert Loa Route Is the favorlts between Chicago , Rock Island , Atchlson. Kansas City and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Its Watortown branch traverses the eraat "WHEAT AND DAIRY BELT" of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and East Central Dakota to Watortown , Spirit Lake. Sioux Falls and many other towns and cities. The Short Line via Benoca and Konkakoo offers lupcrlor facilities to travel to and from Indian- opolis , Cincinnati and other Southern points. For Tickets. Mniio , FUdom. ordeelred Intormn- Uon. apply at any Coupon Ticket Ofllco or address E. ST. JOHN. U. A.HOLBROOK , Qea'l Manager Qen'l Tkt. & Paso. Agt. CHICAGO , IT.T > THE CHICAGO AND RAILWAY. Omaha , Council And Chica The only ronj to tnko for DiMMoIno * , Marxlmltonn- Collar Unpltlii , tliiitmi , Dlxun. Clih HUD. MllMruukuo ami nil point * Kant , 'lottic ptnploof Nt'linskn into * rruln , Wroniln . Utnli , Irtulin. fscindn. Oregon.Vaati * Int-'lon unit Otllfonilu , It iilfurs miporlorudv inlavn ) not pot ll > lu by any other llnu Ainoiiu n low of tlio numerous ( mints nf superiority onjojeil by the pulrons of ibis ruml between Ornnlia unit Chle.ii-u , itru In tni > train * n day nf DAV COACI1I > , wlileli are Ilin Dnpsttlint liuiiinii art nnd lriKCiiult > cancrualn lUl'AhACB'il.l.EI'INii OAKS , which urn mo lull nl oonilort anil uleiuuiie Us I 'AH 1.OH DIIAW1M. 11OOM ( "AlliiiiHiirj > H i'd by iiny , iindtlswldel ) ( lobrnl 'il I'VI.A'IIAI , IlIMNOCMlN tlio uqinl nf nlilclt cannot bo fnnnil elsowtiero At Cnnncll llliifTH , Uio tmliis of tlia L'nlon 1'iulttc Itnll- n > cnnntct In union ilvjiot nlih thn'p of the ( 111- nik'n.V .Snrtliwoslnrn Hy. In Chicago the trnlin of tills llnu mnko cloio connoLllon irltli thojo of till otlur Kimcrn lines I nr Detroit , rnliinibiin , IndlnnHpolls ( Indifniill alh , llulfnlo. I'lttsburk' , 'lornntn , Munin tl , . unrk , I'lilliuloljilil i , Ilultliiton > , Wiiih- Ink'lon , mill nil polntt In the l.itt Auk lor tlckuulu " " "MORTH-WESTERN" If you wlih tha 1 nil Rrcnrmnoil.itlon. All ticket Rccnit M II tli kcu via tills Ilim if. I1UC.I1IIT. 1 ! 1' WILSOV , ( JLII I MnnitKor ( iuu'l 1'ass'r Auoit. inicAnn. n is \V llAIirnciC.f.en'l \\VsltriiAKont. U. I' , KlMIIAI.Ii lli-ki t Acont < J K \ \ Ksr , < lly 1'iisHciio'cr A jent. 1401 1'nrimm Ht , Umulin , Nob. Epps's .Cocoa IMtKAKPAST. "lly a tlmroiiKh knuirloilxi ) of Ilia n tit nil lavrs whkli govern Iho npcrntlun of dlfemiun and nutri tion , nnd l > y laruful itppltLixtlun ot thu linn proiiertic * ol well kOluLlud Coioi , Mr. Hiiu | li i prnvliluil our lirtaklaHtlatdea with a delicately Mmori'l hovcra/o which inuy AUVO us ninny heavy ilnttur s blllt * Itli by thu juultluuii use o ( nuch tirtfth 3 of diet thai a conittltmlon m ly bu eralunll ) built up iinlll ilrniu rnnuuh to resist every tundi'nv to dUeniH Him * ilrudt of unbtlu nialuillim are lloatliiK "roiiiul im ready Inallark wlieruvor tliura l > a weak pnliit Wo mar ( sinpu ninny a fnliiUliuft by l-i. pioi ; inir cUiin wi.-ll forllllwl wlih nurn blnnO und a properly nourliuol Irniiii. Civil bi rviiutiiitutui Mailualiuply wllh bolllni water nr milk bold only In hull pound tins l > y ( iroiora lubulod tliill JAMES EPPS& CO „ "W-'rM ' ? Or tlio Liquor Habit , 1'oslllrely Ctircd bj Admlnlbtvrlnt ; Dr. Ilalucs' ( Joldcu Specific. H can bo Kivou lu cup of tolfee or tun with out the Knowledge uf tlm jiurson talcing it ; ubMi- lutuly liiirmlos-i , and \\111 clfectn puriiiantunl upctny cure , whothur tlio ] > atlent ! * u mortnrate drinker or tin alcoholic w i ock. ' 1 hom-untlii ot druulciirda liavo lieuu nuulo ttuipeialo null who luiu taken ( iolden Sjieclllc In llitlr cotroe with out thulr knowluilun uml tmliiy belu\uthoy ! thulr own free will It never full ! ) . 'lliOMJHlein onru < Hl nlth the hpoclllc , It beconiBS un titter iinimiiUillltv for tlin liquor nppotlte to exist. Tor sale by Ktiliu \ Co , 16th uml DoiiKliv * sts. and IHth uml Cum- Ini ; Kts , Oniiilu , Neb. ; A. 1) . J'ostur i Urn , Council itlulfs luwa. Pro'prletGr Omaha Business College , IN WHICH K TAUdHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting- Send lor C > llect Journal. S K , Uor 10th and Capitol A-renuo ] Who M WEAK , NERTOVN. TRD , who In hli FOL.I.Y and K1NOR ANt'R hno TRIFLEO away hli VIGOIt of IlOI Tt niNI > u > d MANlIOIin.cAUiltisexbauitlnB draltx upon the FOUNTAIN * ! of 1.IFE , nKAI > A(11IE. I1AOKAOIIE. Dreadful Dreami. VPEAKNKSH of Hemorr , IlASIt * FULNESS In NOCIETT , I > IMIM.EN tlPOO the FACK. nnd all the KFFEVTN leading to RAKL.Y UKOAYnnd perhaps COANUMP. TION or INNANITT , ihonld consult nt once the CKLKBRATEO Dr. anrko , KttalilUhed l&M. Dr CUrko ha * mutlo NEIIVOUN nK > HI I.IT Y. VIinoNIC nnd all DUcuci of thd UENITO t'HINARY ' Orgniu a Life ll'.udjr. It mukca NO dlfTerpnco WHAT you bftTe taken or WHO lias fallud to euro J ou. A9-FEM AL.EM EUlfcrlng from dlecaiiei pecu * liar to their lox can oomult with the azmirtnco of ineedy relief and cure. Bond 1 cents poitago for workg on your dleeanes. * S-8ond 1 ccnta postage for Colcbrplfd TTorkn on Chronic , Kervnn * and Moll- ente Dliouoa. Connultatlon , pcnonnl'y or by letter , rtron. Coniult the old Doctor. TbonianUa onrcil. omren and pnrlqra prlintn. aTho o contemplating ManUg * end for Dr. Clurbe'a celebrated gulae ' Halo and Feranlo. each 15a , botj ) Via. ( itamm ) . uofore confldlnir your caic , doniuli Dr. dl.AHUE. A friendly letter or oill mty UTO future luHartngnnd abame , and add roldbn yean to Ufa. 9 > Book I.lfo' ( SccrtQ i > rero , " We. ( itampi ) . Medicine and wrltlngi iwnt eTorynhero , tecuro from xpoanr . Houn , 8 to S : Sunday.v u to 12. Addrcit , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. IPO So. Clark St. . OUIOAGQ , ILL. -TI1K- ov Tiirc Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , The IJcbt Route from Omaha nnd Council llluirs to = = = = THE EAST = = - TWO TUAINS DAILY BKTWKKN OMAI1A AND COUNCIL 1H.UFFS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Mlnnennolls , Cedar llnpltls. Kock Island , lYepport , Itockford , Clinton , Diibutiuc , Dinenport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsrillc , Hcloil , lYinimn , La Crossc , Anil nil otlior Important points I'nst. Northeast anl Bouthoast. Kor throucli tickets cull nn tlio tlcltot anent at t ) l 1'nrnaiutrcct , In Darker llkick , 01 * at Union 1'adHo Depot. I'nllniBnSlocpcr * nnd the finest Dlnlne Cars In the worM nru run nn till' iniiln line cif the UblroKO , Mil vrnukic .V ht 1'iiul Itiulvtnj. uml over ; attontlofiU imiil to imsscnxers br courteous employes ol the cnmpanr. It MII.I.KH. OcneralMaimcor. .1.1 'I UCKICll , Ai'l'lilntdnnirnl Mnnagcr. A. V. II. CAltl'UNTKIl , Ucnoral I'Mssunscr nnt ( iico K IIICArKOUD , Assistant Ucncral rasacnsor ninl'IKkol Aci-nt J.l.OLAUK tloncrnl Superintendent , J , S. ( S D. 1142 Lawrence St , , Dcnvor , Col , Of the Missouri State Huslum of Anatomy , 81. Louis , Jlo , UnUeislty OolleRO Hospital. lion , don , ( llesisn , ( icimauy and I\e\v York , having du\oted tiiUrattcntlon. SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially those iirislns from Impru- deiuu. Invite all si ) milleilnij to loriespond with oiu delay Diseases of Infection Had coiitnfflou tuieil salely und speedily without use of iian- KOIOUS drups. I'litlentH whoso cases liavo boon iieulected , bull ) tieated or pionouuccd Incur able , should not lull to write us conccrtilngtholr symiitoins. All lettcta receive immedlatu utten- lion. JUST PUBLISHED , A ml will be nailed I'HHK to anj nddresa on rp- rdiitofouo ceiit stamp. " 1'iaillcul . tlons on N'er\ous nubility nnd Physical Rxhaus- tlon , " to Hliich lu added an "Kssay on Mar. rlaft $ > , " with Impoitant chapteis on dlnpasog of tlie Hfiioiliirll\i ! [ ( OrRaiiH , the whole forming n \nluiiblumrdlcaltrcatlsi ) whldi should bo read bj all ) 011113 "ion Address DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1742 LaTrronco Ct. , Denver Csl. . aiiuiitt. . . . . . U. S. DEPOSITOHY , OMAHA , NED. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO Surpfus , - BO.OOO H. W. VATKS. President LEWIS S. UEEU , Vlce-1'rosldout. A. i'J'ou7\i.iN.-nd : Vlto I'rosldnnt. \v. li.H. iiuaiirs , W. V MOUSE , JOHN S. COLMNJ , H. W VATE3. 1.KWIH8. ItKKU. A. K.TOU//MN. IlanklmrOniro THE IRON BANK , Cor ith nnd I'.iniam Hto. A General lUnklic Wo Nocollntu with Authu > iUk lor cutlru ItEUue ul A lull IlliO of riiuli.-n LAND \rVARRANS \ AKn SORiPc l'jr 1110 lu MirUinvg ( > t ObVKbWCl l.fciul Aooounta GolloHotJ and OeneraS Danklne. KurO k ttitutii r i nv > ! Witvf CrtbOuK nd C1 U f.bltt dla ttry c< V