POTMHM 4 " THE OMAHA P LY BEE , : TUESDAY , APKIL 10 , 188a THE DAILY BEE. FUBMSHEf ) EVBHV MOItNING. TEH'MS OF sunsi'iurnoN. bully ( Mornlns Edition ) Including Bandar mr. : . on * YMir . HOW VorHlx Months > { ; > ForThree Months , . , - - w The Omaha Siinrtnjr UEB , mailed to any nd- " dress. One Y r > OMAHA ornce. Nos. \siiBlOFAiwAM STBKr.T. NKW VOIIK OmcB , HOOKS II ANH 15 TIUBUNR ilpjMiiNO. WABIIIMOMS OrricE , Nd. 613 1'ouniEENTii STREET. COIlltESl'OKDnXCK. All communications relating to nojys and edi torial mnttcr should bo ftddres cd to the EDIIOII All business loiters nml riinltttincca should bo addressed to Tire IIEE PonuRinun COMPANY , OMAHA , Drafts , checks nnd po tolBco orders to TJO inado payable to the order of the company. Tic Bcc Pfllilisliing Company , Proprietors E. ROSEWATEH , Editor. TUE DAILiY BEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Etftte Of Nebraska , I _ County of DotiRlass.B | < B' flco. U.Tzachuck. secretary .of The Dc rub- lulling company , docs solemnly swear that the nctualcirculntlon of the Daily llco for the week cndlnir April 0 , IBtS , was as follows : Huturdny March 31 . M.32o Bunuay. April 1 . ] . Monday , April a . 20.100 Tuesday. April n. . NMWJ Wcdnriday. April 4 . ll .Wo Thursday. April C . } .370 Vrlday , April 8 . .H',410 ' Average nr.o. . . . Bworn to and subscribed in my presence this 7th day of April , A. U. , 1888. N. P. FEIU Notary Public. Etato of Nebraska , I. . County of Douglass , f8-8- Geo. ll. Tzschuck. being Dret duly irworn , do- tioscs and says that ho Is secretary of The Ileo I'ublt.ihlnK rompimy. that the n.-.Uml average dally circulation of Ino Dally llee for tbo month of March. 1887. IMCfl copies : for April , 1887 , 14,1110 copies ; for May. 1887. H.2S7 copies : for Juno , ie 7 , 14.147 copies ; for July , 1E67 , H.'KJ copies ; for August , 1B7. 14.151 copies ; for September , IS87 , 14,34'J copies : for October , 1E87 , UKI ) : for November. 1PCT , IS.Hfl copies ; for December , 1P87 , 15,01 1 ' copies : for Jnminry , 1FW. 15,200 copies ; for reWry. 188. . 15.TO Bworn and subscribed to In ray presence this fd day of March , A. I ) . 1B88. N. P. FK1L. Notary Public. IT ia pitahlo to sco how ofllcials who liavo gone beyond their authority in appointing the Pinkerton special police are trying to hedge , TAKINO it all in all , the fairgrounds aro'host located for the purpose and the fair association should bo encouraged in rebuilding with first-class structures. "TllR man on horseback" hag arrived. General Boulanger was elected to the chamber of deputies , and everybody in Franco is tightening up his sword bolt to got ready for the fracas which is bound to como. IK the Omaha base ball nine will carry out the season in the league with as as good work as it displayed in the practice game with the Dubuqucs , the league pennant will bo run up on the highest flag polo in the country. THE Missouri river has played no such pranks in Hooding the lowlands about Omaha this season as it is doing in the neighborhood of Sioux City. JTurbulont waters , it seems , become meek and'humhlo when they How by a respectable city. ST. Louis hotel keepers are asking 854 a day for a medium sized room during the democratic convention. They are going to squeeze the dem ocratic goose , and got even dur ing convention week for every un profitable season since they wont into business. THE advocates of the admission of Utah as a state who pledge their word that in such an event polygamy will bo made a criminal olTonso under the laws of the state , have received a black eye. In the Mormon conference now in sos- eion at Salt Lake City , Rudger Clawson and other dignitaries of the church , wiio were convicted of polygamy and served several years in the penitentiary , said : "Wo will not make a promise to abandon this ( polygamy ) any more than any other principle of our faith. " With the po lygamy sentiment still a cornerstone in the church , the chances for statehood for Utah are slim indeed. Eiarrr years have elapsed since the taking of the tenth national census , and the full report of it is not yet finished. NcvorthelcbS preparations for talcing the eleventh census are crowding on its heels. An aupropriation of $0,000,000 to pay the census enumeration of 1690 is asked of congress. Mr. S. S. Cox , of Now York , has charge of the bill , and as ho is thoroughly po&tcd on the subject , it will not bo likely to miscarry. What is needed , however , is much more prompt- .ncss in getting at results. Twelve months ought to bo sulllciont for compil ing ana printing all the important and interesting facts which the country ex pects to learn through the census. NEW YOHK politicians , it is said , have a neat little scheme all cut and dried to capture the national republican conven tion for Chauncoy M. Dcpow. After ho is nominated ho is to thank the conven tion for the honor it has conferred upon him , decline to accept , and in a burst of eloquence Chauncoy id to place Bliuiio's name before the convention. Thohurst- ffeg of such a bombshell will , it is pre- Jrtctod , cause such an onthusiabtie rush to Mr. Blaine that his unanimous nomi nation will follow with a great hurrah. But suppose ut the supreme moment Mr. Uopow should change his mind , and in a neat and brilliant speech accept the nomination. How would that kind of a bombshell btriko the country ? How would the party faro with a railroad president as standard bearer ? E are many kinds ami varieties of papers daily drifting into this oftlco. In name and style some of them are unique and curious. The Ttiomaa Of , from Thomas county , Kanfcas , growls each week ; the Colond , from Fort Worth , Tex. , visits us regularly , while the Weekly Thunderbolt , from San Fran cisco , with a motto of "Anti-Boss , AntiMonopoly - Monopoly and Anti-Coolie , " crashes through the ofllco , followed by the ofl'eaee , printed at Genoa , this state. It is suggested that when the Colonel hears a Thunderbolt over its head , the Thomas Cut will crawl upon the nearest wood shod and pour out his soul in un earthly meows for his lost mate , and nothing but smoking the J'ipc of would give him peace of wind. A Clear Field. The political Incidents of the past week ore regarded by the New York Time * OH clearly indicating that "Presi dent Cleveland's name will go before the convention at St. Louis , on the 6th day of Juno , with scarcely a flutter of opposition to his nomination. " In the view of that paper ho may already fairly bo said to bo the only democratic candi date in the field. The political inci dents which have thus reassured the 27mM are the action of the Oregon dem ocrats in selecting unequivocal support ers of Cleveland as delegates to the national convention , and the action ot the democratic state committee of Now York \n \ wholly disregarding the pretensions - tensions of Governor Ilill , thus assuring a Cleveland delegation from that state. The Hill boom is shown by this action to have utterly collapsed , and referring to the president our Now York contemporary says : "lie Ulds fair to ho nominated by acclamation anil without opposition. " Undoubtedly this confidence is well founded , but there was just as much reason for it before the occurrence of the political incidents referred to. Cleveland's rcnomination , if ho wishes it , has for six months past boon as cer tain as any political event could bo , but not by reason of "his growing strength in his own party. " It has been and is certain because the democracy have no available man to substitute for him. Hill was a possibility until he proved himself to be a more self-seeking dema gogue , and after him the democratic party , compelled to take its candidate from a northern state , had not a single man with enough availability to carry one slate north of Mason and Dixon's lino. The brain of the democratic party is now in the south , and the time lias not yet como for utilizing it for presidential purposes. It dominates most of the other departments of the government and is an influence in all of them , but democracy must get a further and firmer grip before that party will venture totako a presidential candidate from the south. Among northern dem ocrats Mr. Cleveland is the only man the party can nominate without render ing its cause absolutely hopeless. Never was there a party more utterly bankrupt for available leaders in a national con test than is the democratic party at this time , and hence the rcnomina tion of Cleveland will bo unop posed. But what if there wore a Seymour or Tilden to contest for the nomination , or Thurman were twenty years younger' { The assumption that Cleveland has grown in strength with his party can not bo sustained on the facts. In so far as his course has given offense to the mugwumps ho has pleased the radical element of his party , but it does not ap pear that Vance and Book , for example , are any better satisfied with him now than they were a year ago. while the list of disaffected has boon enlarged by the additions of Gorman , MePhorson , Randall , Senator-elect Barbour of Vir ginia , and some others. These men can do little else than growl , but their growling is very positive evidence that the strength of Mr. Cleveland in his own party has not been growing. They , with thousands of other democrats , will accept his renomlnation as a necessity of the sit uation , and they may support him for the sake of the party , but they will do so with no respect for the candi date. Mr. Cleveland owes the cer tainty of his rcnomination to the fact that the democratic darty is bankrupt in available men. The cheerful expectancy of the Times in this matter suggests that our contem porary takes no stock in the reports that Mr. Cleveland may decline to run for a second term , pursuant to his re corded opinion that no man ought to bo eligible to two terms in the presidency. Pprhaps no newspaper has belter oppor tunities to know the disposition of the president than our Now Yorlc contem porary , and since it intimates no con tingency that might interfere with the realization of its hope wo take it that it has full faith , substantially grounded , for believing that Mr. Cleveland will not decline to bo again the standard bearer of the democracy. Nebraska Towns. The spring opens with cheering evi dences from the towns of Nebraska that the year is to bo ono of improvement , progress and prosperity. The corre spondents of the BKE in all the growing towns of the state boar testimony to tin active spirit of enterprise and an all- pervading confidence which can bo pro ductive only of the most gratifying re sults. The disposition shown by the people of the cities and towns of Ne braska is to fully improve their oppor tunities and to regard the wise injunc tion to "make hay while the sun shines. " In a number of places more or loss oxlonsivo improvements are in contemplation , which will give employ ment in the aggregate to a great deal of labor and distribute ) among the people ple a largo amount of money. While the completion of those necessary im provements will increase the conven iences , comforts and attractions of these towns , making them more desirable as places of residence and improving their anitary condition , all interests will feel the good effects of the reasonable ex penditures required for the improve ments. The merchants of those towns and the neighboring farmers will find in an improved demand for what they have to sell a stimulus to greater enter prise on their part. This wave of prog ress will necessarily extend tp the trade centers of the state and beyond , giving hcalthfufiifo to all departments of business and industry. There is every reason why the people of Nebraska's cities and towns should feel tin almost boundless confidence in their future and gauge their enterprise thereby. Thisstnto has butstartodupon the great career that is before itt In the last eight years its population has doubled , and assuming it to bo at this time nine hundred thousand , it is safe to say that ten years hence the popula tion will have grown to two millions. This will moan for every favorably located and enterprising city and town in the state nn increase of considerably more than ono hundred per cent at the close of the uoxt decade. Nebraska's advance is assured by almost every con dition that contributes to progress. Her agricultural resources nro great , and as yet are but partially developed , and in the raising of stock , the products of the dairy and other forms of husbandry , Nebraska ts contain to occupy and hold n front rank. Nor is the state without the requirements for man ufacturing enterprises , though loss generously favored in this respect for manufacturing on un extensive scale. But when Nebraska shall have a million of prosperous farmers , as in a not very long time she will have , her cities and towns will not Buffer for the means of progress or a stable prosperity because they have not at hand the facilities for establishing great manufacturing in dustries. It Is gratifying to note the enterprise Aid the progressive tendencies of Ne braska towns. They denote the right spirit , which needs only to bo wisely directed to bo productive of the most beneficial results. Disarm the DORIIS Policemen. The bogus- policemen who have for Rovoral weeks boon stationed at the Burlington depot grounds in this city should either bo disarmed or made to loayo the city on short notice. Armed mercenaries recruited irom among the thugs and roughs of large eastern cities under whatever pretext they may bo imported are outlaws in all that the name implies. There is no lawnationnl orstalowhich would countenance , much less permit the employment of armed non-residents by any individual or corporation under any pretext. Pinkerton police is sim ply another name for the barbarian traffic in flesh and blood carried on dur ing the middle ages by the robber barons of Europe , and later by prollgato tyrants who supplied cutthroats at so much per head to reinforce the British aimyin the American colonies. In a republic like ours the state is expected to protect the lives and property of its citizens , and when the state is unable to put down sedition and riot the armed forces of the nation must bo invoked by the state executive. The commissions which the Pinkerton - ton police have procured in this city from local authorities are not worth the paper they are written on. The sheriff has no right to deputise anybody whom ho does not know to bo qualified to act as sheriff. Nobody is qualified , to be come sheriff in this state unless ho is a citizcu of the state and elector in the county. The police commission has no right to appoint Pinkorton's men as special policemen. The charter expressly confers the power to appoint special policemen on the mayor and council. They and they only arc to decide whether the emergency exists for appointing special policemen. The pretense 'that the council could not act as promptly as the commission is nil bosh. The commis sion has the right to appoint the police men on the regular force and it may dismiss them on charges sup'portcd by proper evidence. But the mayor alone can dismiss special policeman , and ho can do so at his own discretion. It is manifestly the purpose of the charter that the council be consulted as to the necessity or propriety of ap pointing special policemen and the mayor can dismiss them whenever in his opinion the emergency for their em ployment has passed away. The Omaha Dosl > orry. Dr. Savillo ventures into print once more with his reckless assertions about what ho calls "the illegal appropriation of the school fund to build a city hall. " If the doctor does not know any more about medicine and surgery than ho does about law wo sincerely pity his poor patients. In his case the old adage , "Cobbler , stick to thy last , " would commend itself most forcibly. According to the great Indian medicine man the whole proceeding on the part of the school board was unlawful. In support of this broad as sertion the learned doctor cites the fol lowing section of the law relating to schools in cities of the first class : Sccction 23. "That in cities of the first class , In case the purchase of the school sites and erection of buildings shall require uu ex penditure exceeding $5,000 for any ono calen dar year , the Question bliull bo submitted tea a votp of the electors , of the district at the tinio and place of any city , county or state election. " Pointing to this provision the medical Dogberry declares : This question was never submitted to the qualified voters of the school district of Omaha. If it is inferred that the submission of the plans mid other propositions submitted nt that time covered the question of the school fundB , it is nn error , for the qualified voters of the municipality of Omaha nro not the same as the qualified voters of the school district of Omahu. In the latter the women , with certain Qualifications , vote ; in the former they nro excluded. Oh , most learned doctor , thy name should bo Daniel ! Since when lias the constitution of Nebraska been changed so ns to give women the right to vote on a bond proposition or on any other question for that matter ? It is true the legislature has granted certain women of a certain ago who pay taxes or have children in the public schools the right to vote for school ollicers , but oven this privilege is in conflict with the consti tutional provision defining the right of suffrage. Until article K of the state constitution , which expressly limits the right of suffrage to mule parsonb of the ago of twenty-one years and upwards , wlio are citizens of the United States , or have declared their intention to become citizens conformable to the laws of the United States shall have been amended by a majority of the voters of Nebraska , women can not legally bo electors although they may vote at school elections so long as their right is not challenged in the courts. But suppose women had the right to vote at all elections what proof is there that women who tried to vote on the various propositions ttion sub mitted to the qualified electors of the Omaha school district wore excluded from voting ? As a matter of fact , sev eral thousand men living in Omaha at that time did not vote at tliat election. Docs that upset the result ? Was not the election of November 3 , 1685 , at which the city hall proposition was sub mitted both by the mayor and school board regular and legal in every ro- spcct ? , If it was illogalion the proposition to spend $25,000 on th city hall building because women did hot vote , the Bohool bonds issued In puVsuanco of authority voted nt the same election are also ille gal. "But , " says the horny-handed knight of the pill and quill , "this city hall was in no sense a school building , and permission td u o a room in a build ing for meetings of the board does not justify nn appropriation. " On this polrit , the BEK rotors the Omaha Dogberry to Richard S. Hall , who drew the contract between the city and school board , and to W. J. Council , formerly city attorney , and now attorney of the board of edu cation , To a man with less law knowledge and more horse sense than the good doctor can boast of , it would seem that the board would have ns much right to pay for the perpetual use of ono story in a city building for occupancy by the board of education ns it has to pay rents for the rooms in Masonio hall. But If the board has no such right on upper Fnrnnm street what richt has it to contribute to a proposed city hall on Jefferson square which the great medical jurist favors. Tnis president of the United States and Brazil steamship company , Mr. II. 1C. Thurbor , has addressed an opnn letter to members of congress regarding compensation for ocean mail service to South America. Bills are now pending in congress providing for fair compen sation for this service , and Mr. Thur bor in his letter presents succinctly practical reasons why the policy con templated in these bills should bo adopted. Ho thinks there should bo applied to the mail service to South America the same principle which gov erns the postal service on land , that ia , paying what the service is worth , with out regard to the amount of postage earned on the route. This seems an eminently fair and reasonable proposition. It docs not contemplate any subsidy , but simply that for a given service , to bo regularly and faithfully performed by a steamship company , there shall be a just compensation paid. There is certainly no good reason why the principle ap plied to the postal service on land should not bo applied to that service on the sea , and the fact that it is not is clearly an unjust discrimination that ( ought not to be continued. Wo are un changeably opposed to subsidies , but we believe it to be sound policy for the government to pajif-a fair and oven liberal - oral compensation for the ocean mail service , particularly when done by American vessels. It is a rather hu miliating fact that while Brazil annu ally pays the slcarpship line of which Mr. Thurbcr is president eighty-five thousand dollars for mail service , our government offered but about four thousand dollars , arid that the company having declined tills niggardly sum has gone on carrying the mails for nothing , the government having shown no dis position to deal. fairly with the line. Such a fact is disreputable tea a wealthy nation , abundantly able to pay the full value of all services per formed in the interest of the people. An expeditious and efficient mail ser vice to South America is important as nn auxiliary to increased commercial relations , which it is most desirable to cultivate. A more liberal policy in this matter is manifestly necessary , and would be approved by the people so long as it is free from anything of the nature of a subsidy. The chance of securing - curing such a policy from the present congress is , however , very small. AT the opening of the present session Congressman Dorsoy publicly pro claimed himself in favor of revenue re form. Ho had it published far and wide that ho would vote in favor of reducing high protective war taxes , and favored a repeal of the tariff on lumber , coal and other raw material which the people ple of this section , regardless of party , desire to have placed on the free list. And now , when the bill for tariff reduction is formulated , Mr. Dorsey is reported as a backslider. Ho is said to bo opposed to the bill reported by the ways and means committee in any shape , manner or form. What does Mr. Dor- soy mean by such a course ? The Mills bill may bo objectionable in some fea tures , but it is open for amendment. If Mr. Dorsoy was a sincere convert to tariff reform ho would point out the ob jectionable features and support the bill shorn of its defects. We hope Mr. Dorsoy is not disposed to fol low the practice of bogus anti- monopolists , who profess to bo in favor of railroad regulation before the election and when the legislature meets find fault with every bill that pro poses to regulate railroads , and always vote with the monopoly members under protest. Such men always have a ready excuse for playing false to their con stituents , but very seldom can Jind any body credulous unoiigh to boliovc their version. 3 WHIM : congresses debating the ques tion of repaying tolhostatestlio amount of the direct tax of lJ > Gl , it is interesting to learn what someipf the states have done with the distribution of the sur plus of 3837. In ronnsylvnnin , Ken tucky and Virginia tlioro is not a penny loft of the several m\llons \ ] that were di vided among thorn. The money that was voted by the people of those states for the building of canals , public rouds and railroads seems to have been swal lowed up with very little to show for it. Curiously enough the state of New York , which has the reputation of bad government , has now in its slate treas ury upwards of $1,000,000 of United States money on deposit'from tlio 18.17 surplus. Most of the other states not only lost the principal but a grout deal more in the wild speculative fever which followed the distribution. Striken are In the Air. ChltoHjo Mull. The other day ull the ministers forming the French cabinet took their dinner pulls from the row of peK3 behind tuo workshop door , rolled down their sleeves , put on their coats , and in forined Foreman Curnot that they would work 110 longer on the Job. TUB STATE PRESS. The Boone County Argus indulges in the following dissertation on that roro old dish celled "orow : " "Alter Van Wyok WIM do- rented for the United States scnntotwo years npo the victors said to the anti-monopolists , 'You can como back Into the party now , your sins will bo forplvcn , but you must como on probation. You can Bit there And view the feast , find yell , and clap your hands , and pound the floor , but you must do the work to pay for the room you occupy , You must bo punished for kicking ngnlnst railroad corporations and monopolies. The Rap In the party was healed on that basis , but n great ranny anti-monopolists cherished the idea that It had bcon healed on n plan that would allow them to got n share of the loaves and fishes till they attended the g. o. p. pow wow held nt Omnhn a few weeks ngo. Their dreams wcro nidoly disturbed by discovering that they wore yet out on probation and that they must still occupy the reserved scats In the rear ranks and sco the same old corporation tool , John Thurston , clcctod president of the republican clubs of Nebraska , and Brad Slaughter secretary. This kind of love feast with the blackest kind of crow for the dish was too much for the Omnlm I3r.n , and that nhlo expounder of republican doctrine li greatly exercised and protests in vigorous language. The end is not yet. " Alter working nil day and remaining tip nil night to learn the result , only to find him self badly scooped , the editor of the Sutton Advertiser throws himself nwny to the fol lowing doubtful degree ol contentment ! "Elections don't settle prlncmlos or make things right or wrong. Elections nro mere incidents In the lives of people and of towns. The pendulum of public oplulon swings back and forth sometimes for many years on a great principle. It swings this year In Sut ton toward the saloon. Temperance people have done their duty and will nbldo the re sult. Whatever of evil Is In the example of the public vote nnd whatever evil con sequences may How from the ( lowing bowl , the responsibility will rest on those who com passed the result. " The Emerson Era stands up In the pulpit nnd speaks its sentiments In the following language : "John M. Thurston , political at torney for the Union Pacific railway and briber of legislators , will bo n candidate for United States senator next winter. Ho wanted to he elected last year , but his com pany refused to render any assistance It was the 13. & M's turn to have n senator. Evidence Is accumulating that both compa nies will unite on Thurston and attempt to secure his election by the next legislature , regardless of oxpenso. If the people nro as careless as they wcro in 'SO , nnd send such men as Bonestcol , Puller , Bnlrd , Slater mid Wright , it will ho an easy matter for the companies to accomplish their purpose. " T10 Bancroft Journal , not forgetful of the actions of. some members of the late legislature , asks the following pertinent question : "It Is pretty generally believed that the Union Pacific railroad company will this year elect or at least make a desperate effort to elect n United States senator , In the person of its attorney , John M. Thurston , and that it will bo aided bythoB. &M. , which , by the assistance of the Union Pacific , elected its senator two years ago. Will the people of Nebraska again send such Judascs as Fuller , Slater , Baird , Boncstcll and Wright to the legislature to bo bought up by the railroad companies } " The little white buttons worn hy members ol the republican league bear tno mystic letters - tors R. L. U. S. These Initials have caused many interpretations. The Columbus Democrat insists that " Lawyers crat they mean "Railway yers United Stand , " while the Boone County Argus says they stand for ' 'Railroad ' League of the United States. " Other districts are expected to have in reports claiming that the letters signify "Railroad lawyers and Up- Starts. " In any event the badges are re ceiving more attention than the leagues. After reading a few of the numerous in stances of the gross incompotency of the alleged engineers employed by the C. , B. & Q. , the thought suggests itself to the South Sioux City Sun "that while Judge Uundy is in the injunction business it wore well , lor the safety of the traveling puhlic , to grant nn injunction restraining the railroad com pany Irom employing corufleld sailors toman their engines. " Lashed with monopoly scorpions for many moons , the Cedar County Nonpareil finds time to give expression to its sentiments by writing : "Wo grant that wo are a mug wump wo are that because wo think more of men nnd principles than wo do ol this , that or any other party. We would not vote a mugwump ticket oven , 11 it did not suit us. " The Western Wave finds that Jim Laird's shoes would not bo sale in a hotel oQlco. It says : "From the way things look now it will ho lively in this congressional district tlijs fall. Already tliero nro three or lour can didates who are anxious lor a chance to slip into Jim Laird's shoes and several counties yet to hear Irom. " The latest addition to York's vigorous boom is the Daily Times , ono ol the neatest country dailies ever printed in Nebraska. It Is an offspring ol the Weekly Times , and its life promises to be tilled with years and use fulness. The O'Neill Frontier lor lustily yells re publican clubs and white buttons. Wliat AVoulcl .Happen. Warhlnutoii Critic. II Iowa were the United atatcs , Senator Allison would bo president. CriiKli Them. Tulctla IHaile. A bill Is hoforo Now York legislature to tax the trusts. It is u sham. The thing to do Is to crush them , IModost Itotton In sonio sections ol the country the modest lawyers are pulling down their shingles and putting up their shutters lor lear that their names will bo mentioned In connection with the chlol justiceship. At such time as these nobody is sufo. The SonuThoy Clitwuo Matl. What d'yo ' soy , Mo boy } That 'lection's noarlVur tor the knifoj But yerswcct lifol An" I'm on deck Ter punch do opposition's snout , An' do 'cm up , un' knock 'cm out , Jump on dcro nuclei Let 'cm go hang Tliclrselvcs ! Vor bet there'll bo some uolso ! I'm wid do bo > 3. Will boodle go ? NulT ! I'll earn do stulT. Do aldunnun as wants to win .Must have du tin j\n * nutu up1 I'll fight as well's thih'cro bull pup Atwccn my kncej As 1 walks. Money talks ! 'Jlicralnt no Hens On him nur mo. Jest soy this , as a feeler , From Mike , do heeler. Madmen Speak ilm Trucli. Kcw Yuik l\'nrl'J. \ Mr. Flyun , nn escaped lunatic caught in the stock cxcliango , unburdened liinibolf in this manner : "Our lorelatliers struggled to frame the constitution nnd now thoie's ' nothing left but the frame. Uvtn the sacn-d gongs of iko revolution that wwo hallowed by tliolr blood are forbidden. There IB uo- pluco for George Wfishingtotv in Wall street. Bettor put up a statue to Mnlnmon or n buit ot Jay Gould. Liberty nnd nvnrtco will not mlfc , nnd gold stalks abroad In the land seeking who may devour It. The American cnglo Is weak In the knocs nnd liberty totters on its throne. STATM AND TKUIUTORV. Ncbrnnkn Joltlncs. The municipal spoils in St. Paul , Howard county , wcro equally divided between the labor nnd citizens' tickets. The $2.5,500 in school bonds voted by the city of York have boon sold at nnr. York's paper and people nro gilt cage. The blacksmith shop of M. 13iphln.nl Friend , was destroyed by fire Saturday night , causing a loss of $1,000 , with $300 insurance. The report that A. Bum was elected mayor of Pawnee City was a mislnKo. W. B. Bull is the name of the elect , and the telegraphic bull id cheerfully cor rected. Omaha boasts of a night school , the pupils of which "cmbrac.0 all nationali ties. " The cosmopolitan character of the object lessons gives tone and vigor to the matrimonial boom. Ponca has organized a stock company with n capital of $125,000 and is negotiat ing with a Chicago firm with a view to perforating the earth thereabouts in search of coal , diamonds , otc. The ten-year-old son of Mr. Gilmore , of Covington , dropped a lighted match in n flask of powder a few days ngo. An explosion followed , ruining the boy's eyes and demolishing the furniture in the house. Sanford Holbort , of Cloud county , has a yearling mule with a passion for to bacco. Second-hand quids nro his weakness ; with a clear Held and fair wind his mulcshin can paste a spittoon at fifteen paces. Holbort oilers to back him against any squirt in Nebraska for money or hay. The lonely belle of Burmoll , Garficld county , whoso woes and wants , disposi tion nnd accomplishments wore do- bcribcd in these jottings , has mot a sym pathetic throb in the bosom of William 'Harvey , of Crcston , la. William insin uates in hislotterof acceptance that his life is dedicated to the glorious work of relieving the sufferings of the softer sex. He is ready , nay anxious , to "gob ble up that gal of Cm-Hold county" and make her his wife , if she will siiy the word. With the ardor of a new built love he declares , "I am open to corre spondence. If I got the prize I will send you a good box of cigars. " lown Items. A cheese factory is going up at Leon. A creamery is being built at Lake City. Some farmers near Muscatino have begun sewing oats. Fort Dodge is to have a grain ele vator with a capacity for 100,000 bush els. Muscatino has a mechanical genius who has constructed a handsome violin out of Iowa wood. Musicians call it a fine instrument. A Muscatino barber has been sen tenced to the penitentiary , where ho has been given the position of tonsorial - serial artist to the inmates. One of the rules of the institution , however , is that he is forbidden conversation with the occupants of his chair. Thin is liard. For refined cruelty Iowa is still several laps ahead of the rest of creation. Colorado. Denver wants a new jail and criminal court. Government land in eastern Colorado is almost exhausted. Anti-railroad discrimination meet ings are being held throughout the state. Cheyenne Wells is the name of the latest town with a boom platted over the entire county. Utah. The Salt Lake boom continues to ex pand , and the probabilities are that the temple where Brigham Young held his Mormon ciders spell bound , will bo turned into an emporium for the dissemi nation of boom literature and recording deeds of all the aero property lying round about. Gentiles from Colorado which lies by Kansas , and from Wyom ing which lies by Colorado , and from Nebraska which lies cast , are rushing into the territory of Utah to lie to the entire world and take from suckers shekels which they have gathered else where. PKEl'AUING FOll Ol'KN IIOAUI ) . Stops TaU Mi For It nt flip ISoard ol' Trmln Meeting. President Her laced niuo members of the board ol trade nt the regular monthly meet ing held last night. Secretary Nattlngcr read the minutes ol the last meeting , during the reading ol which a few additional stock holders cnmo into the room. Tlicio being some doubts as to whether tlio revised by laws were adopted in full at the last meeting , ttio records wcro corrected so as to make them appear that they wcro. The report ol the directors' meeting held April 5 was read. At that meeting tlio resig nation ol C. S. Walker , as a member of the provision committee , was adopted , and it was resolved alter Juno 1 to dispense with the services ol the commissioner of the fieight bureau , as it wa.s found that tlio mer cantile and commercial interests of the city was not working In harmony with the but can. C. K. Goodman , W , N. Nnson , Kdwm Davis , Thomas F , Tnttlc , I ) . II Wheeler. William U' . Uinghnm , O. S. Cliasc , Joseph Barker , John 1) . Kvaus , William Fleming , I ) . L. Thomas , L. II. Koithy , Thomas A. Kroiglit , U , W. Thomas and Otto Lohock wuro appointed mcmbcis ol the 111,111- ufacturerslmic.iu. W. N. NIISUII , of the inanufuctiirnrs com mil too had nothing to report. Ho imjuircd II there was u cliaitcr in existence for the construction ol n pontoon bridge between Omaha and Coun cil Bluff * . Anyone who cun furnish thu do- bircd information should coumiunicato with Mr. Niihon. Mr. Clmso , ono ol the cnmmlttoo appointed by the board to confer with n Council HlulTs committee in reference ) to locating a C'h.iu- taiiiju assembly , repotted that ho would go over toLho HlulTs In a low days. A communication Irom tlio Rapid City , Dak. , board of trade nsklng lor a contribu tion to pay tbo expenses ol a representative ) in Washington to becuro tlio passngo ol a bill lor opening tho' Sioux reservation , w.is placed on tile and iclcrrcd to thu secretary to answer , The 1'tiorin board of trade's communica tion relative to briiifintr further railroad legislation before the mtor-btuto rommoruo commission was rofenecl to the freight bureau ; ono from the Now Yotk produce oxcliango in reference to adulterat ing food , was split to tlio memorial catnmit- too ; ono from Chicago , relating to the im- poiintion ol salt meats was turned over to the provision committee : otio in reference to the proposed Niagara ship canal w.is for warded tp the freight bureau and the sncrn- tary innlrurtud to notify each ol Nebraska's nrro..senUtivcs | in congiuss and the OSWORO , N. V. , board ol trade that the Omaha board of trade is in sympathy with the object , winch is the construction ol u canal from Duluth , Minn , to New York , lor the dealing of n largo ship. The sui-rclary read a proposition Irom the publlshois of Frank Kosllu's Illustrated Weekly , in which they agree it 800 yearly subscribers ut fl each como Irom Omaha tlic-y will print a page of Illustrations and two columns ol reading matter in their Hug- ligh and German editions tu reference to the city. city.Tho question occuriPK as to when trading In open board would commence , Mr. Wake- nelii moved that the committees on KIMIII unil provisions take the matter in hand and ndviso tlio board ns to a favorable time to btart in , TUB motion was earned. AMUSEMn.S'TS. The MlRlitlctt Kvont In tlio Tlientrtcnl History ofOmntin. Undoubtedly the Urgoit nnd most brilliant audience that over nsMnnulod within Hoyd's ' opera house was there last night , The oc casion of thU unprecedented concourse wm the first nppcarnttco ol the greatest living American tragedian , Edwin Hooth , supported by that "scholarly actor , " Lawrence Uarrott , and n carefully gathered company. U was certainly the mightiest event In the tlicntri * cnl history of the Unto City. True , they have both bcon hero before , but this Is the first time the citizens of Omaha oversaw them going through the mends of Shakes. poaro's verse together. Business , wherever they hnvo played , 1ms been phenomenal , and If nny reliability is to bo placed on the re ports of various western nntl c.iMorn papers , Mr. Uarrott Will build ncnstlo nt CohasoU with n portion ol his dhnro of the engage ment's protlts. The nnxlety to sco thosogcn. tlcmon piny Urutus nnd Cnssius was some thing really marvellous , nnd it Is snfo to say that had Hoyd'a opera bunso been ns large again It would have bcon equally well tilled , lor It is n recognized fact , that Urn inability to secure the best scats kept hund- i CM ! s away. Julius O.psar was the play lost 'hight , nnd the cast was as follows : MrtilUH . Mr. Kdwln Uootli CitsMus . Mr. Lawrence Harrett Mare Anthony . Mr , Charles 11. linn ford Julius Cwsar . Mr. John A. Lnno Drcius . , . Mr. Charles Collins C.isca . Mr. Hen O. Rogers Octuvlus Cii'snr . Mr. Lawrence Hanloy Metellus Oiinber . Mr. L. J. Henderson 1'oplllus Leims . Mr. Gcorgo Warner Titlnius . Mr. J nines Morris Trcbonius . Mr. Frtdcrio Vroom Ulnnti . Mr , Kdwln Uoylo Soothsayer . Mr. Heaumont Smith IMmlarus . Mr. Kendall \Veston Sorvlus . Air. Walter Thomas Flavins . Mr. M.C.Stono Lucius . Miss Agnes Acres First Cltl7cn . Mr. Owen Fawcott Second Citizen . Mr. Charles ICoohlcr Portia . Miss Minna 1C. Gala Cnlphurnla . Miss Ctiibricllo Townsend So tar ns tlio limitations of the theater per mitted this gr.uul masterpiece was presented In n manner worthy ol the reputations ol the distinguished artists who enacted' the prin cipal roles. It should bo berne in mind , how ever , that this is a "passing show , ' admlr ably equipped lor a traveling theatrical com pany , so lar ns scenery , costumes nnd prop erties nro concerned , but Irom which 11 would bo unreasonable to expect that pcrlcctlon In detail and splendor of scenic effect that ono has a right to look lor in these modern days at a theater where n great dramatic company Is domiciled. In consequence , these xvho went to sco Julius Caesar , expecting to beheld - hold , in addition to matchless acting , scries ol Imposing stage tableaux , came nwny with n taint Iccllng of disappointment. Tlio great Hnrrctt , and the greater Hoothvoro there , nnd the rendering of the different parts was tully up to their expectation , hut as a dra matic representation tliore was not that pomp and magnificence that properly belongs tc and should environ "tho noblest Hainan ot them all. " The sketch of the master was there , but the finished picture was loft In the atelier. It is not the Intention ot the writer to bo captious or hypocritical. but ib cannot bo denied that the largest stages are absolutely essential lor the proper production ol these of Shakespeare's plays which require largo scenic effects. For these reasons alone greater pleasure can bo looked forward to when the grcnt artists appear In such plays as the "Merchant of Venice" nnd "Hamlet " which far less , depend on spec tacular truthfulness lor their oflccts. The mind will not bo distracted from the urtlsts and their incomparable acting by nny incom plete or incongruous extrinsic accessories. It can bo said ol Julius Cicsar , nn it was last night interpreted , la onO ol the few tragedies of which the adjective "sublime" is alone descriptive. No fuller cxtollatlon can bo accorded the manner ol the perform ance than to assert that It was worthy ol the word. The t'JJrutus" ot Mr. Booth and the "Cassius" ol Mr. LJarrctt stand by them selves , examples ol dramatic art , lor which there is at this day no comparison , licnoo It would bo the height ol audacity tor the unpretentious pencil to even hint a criticism. A cursory descriptive notlco , however , will not como amiss. If there bo any wlio wish to iloundcr iu the depths ol learned and wlso critique , let them Iloundcr. The great cliarui of Booth's IBrutus is Its ex traordinary simplicity and gentleness. Few characters have lived of such wonderful kindliness nnd goodness ns Qooth'a Urutus. To surpass it ono must go to the sacred writings and study the writings of lluddha nnd Christ. 131cssod with all the human virtues , Urutus had but ono weakness pride ol his noble birth , and the good state his ancestors kept in Homo. Booth shows us the perfect prototype of Slmkcspearo's ideal. The pure patriot suddenly awakened by Cassius to the thought that Coisar contem plates tyranny , and aroused by this Inslnua tions of the cowardly old Casca to the bolicf that ho intended to grasp u crown ; broods over his country's Ills until ha feels that to stay his hand would bo a dastardly crime Ills character is then revealed In all Its grandeur In the line in which ho dcclares-hls undiminishcd love for C.usiir and his greater love for Homo. Again , how great is Hooth in the quarrel scene , and how lu it Urutus' weaknesses nro lost Bight of , and there stands bcforo us a patriot Indeed. Ban nil's Cassius , too , is un admirable plcco of work , ami is to bo favorably com paied with Booth's Brutus. His weak point , liowovor , a desire to pose , is still conspicu ously manifest. Yet bo is n Brand actor , and his poilal ot the character about as neiir faultless ns it could bo done. Charles B llunlord , ns Mare Anthony , Is deserving of the fullest measure of praise. Tlio part Is the most sympathetic of all the characters , and Hnnford did not lose by comparison with the grcnt actors wlio had the other roles. Ilis reception amounted to an ovation. John A. Lane was a good Ciusav , and Owen Faw cett , as the first citizen , gave lilo and reality to tlio Koman mob. Miss Gale's 1'ortia was woman ) v and nice , and Miss OabriclleTown scud's Culphurnia lar above the average As was mentioned in the outset of thjs article , the house was crowded to Its utmost capacity , and ol course Booth and Ban ett received n most demonstrative outbuist of applause when they came on , and after cvary net. The piny was most irnprusslvuly pio- dncod , and tlin last sccno , representing the plains ol I'nilippi. was vury striking. NKS OF m'HISIt I > AVS. Sonic or Them liroiiKlit to Ninth Klrtict. On last Thursday , n lorco of men was put to work grading tlio lot on the south side of St. I'liilomona's cathedral , upon wliich it is inlomJrd to cioct a now pastoral rosidoncu DnrliiK the excavating the workmen came upon n number ol hones whlcli were ovi dcntly these of human bolngs. How long they had been buried or whether they wuro tboso of wluto men or Indians , noiio may tell. Tfiat tlioy have been fir years in their resting ul.iuo is u well established fuel , bo' ' .mso tlio ( list part of the present pastoral rctldcnco , about , lifts foot south of the c.itlicdiul , WUH riicrtud about olio-third of a century awo. Such u pcnod would , of itself , enable the mn < ? t a plriiiK of mortals , especially in view if Ibo primitive mode of sepultuunicordid liuman beings in these da.vs , to rcsolvu thorn tolvos into nothingness. In tins inspect the deceased , in this instance at least , neom to liavo been p.nticuiuily successful , BO much ho , Indeed , that there is not the remotest pos sibility ot Iduiitillcalion on the pail of the niobl intimate of their acquaintances. The now pastoral rostdcncu IK intended to { supplant that of the old ono , which has long boon an cyo soi'o and un unwholcsoiiiu place of abode. Following the erection of the llrst mi t , wbieli wan of abode , Bishop O'Uorman .ireeted nn addition , and In this was nilded u BocLion built under the direction of Bmhop O'Connor whoa ho became vicar npostoiic of this pait of the country. This place was abandoned sovenil > c.irs ngo by the > isbop , who is now living in his modern resi dence near the Sucrcii Heart , convent In I'ark I'laco. At present the rosldonuo l ou- i-upiod by Fathers McCai thy , Carroll , Mi'- Munus and Kclloy , and will bo dismantled , vben tlio now houto is completed whlcli will Ijo within a coi.plo months. M ho cost ol thu ,11'ojiosod , strui.auro u ill bo about i < ! ,000. A pray cnfilo which measured flv < j feet nine inches and a half from tip to tip was killed in IJromor county , and a hald cnulo , six feet anil faoven inches , was gathered in in Ulaok Hawk county recently. _ _ South Sioux City has contracted a school building to cost $0,000.