f * IT THE OMAHA ftAILY BEE : TUESDAY. APRIL 10 , 188a ( f declined fractionally. The unexpected strength In the latter prevented the general list from declining aharply for n time , but n. e'harp decrease In the demand nnd an Im pression that the shorts had mostly cohered , caused the market to brcnk nwny and last Rales were at almost the Inside figures of the day , with declines ranging from to 2 points. The totnl sales were 203,158 shares OovtnNMESTS Governments were quiet but steady. TrSTMItHY'S QUOTATIONS , IT. fMs r glfter ! ( l 14' < C.AN.W If , H. 4 coupon. , 124 do preferred. .HI'i N Y Central 104 S U. 8 4H coupon O , It. N K7'S ' I'ftclflceiofVi r. T. . IH'i Canada Southern t'aclflc Mall . 31 ! Central I'rtfclflc 18 Chlrapo A Alton r 2 Pullman PalaceCarlSR C' . , II. A Q 118 HcndlnK , . JL * W . . . . 125V Itotk Islanil lira J ) . A It. O 17 8t. I. . & 8. P aii 5 Brio 244 doprcfprred . ! ! & < lo preferred M'/4 C. . M. & St. Paul 70 Illinois ontral. 118't do preferred t , II. A W 10' s St. 1' . i O. K.AT. do preferred. 'S1 * Lake Shore Texas 1'actflc. ' Union Pacific. in'Central W. , St. Ij. A. P. . S1,4 , 74 > j In iirefcrrrd u W. U. Telegraph. do preferred. 44 % MONEY ov CALI < Uasy at 2(33 per cent ; last loan 3 , closed offered 3 per tent. I'IMME MKHCANTiLn I'Ai'EH 6@7 per cent. STEIIMNO ExcnANOK Active nnd firm. with nctunl business at $1.85 for GO day bills ; f4.7 for demand , I'llOItJCI3 MAKKHTS. Clilcnco , April 0. Followlnc nro the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Steady : winter wheat , bbls , f2.7.ri (34.25 ( , sacUs , $ J 60 ( < M W ) ; spring wheat , bbls , W 20(3-1 ( : ; sacks , * l ' .l a 7fi ; rje Ilour2.liO @ 3.15 per bbl , ? 70@'J.K ! ) In sacks. Whciit Opened firm with J < c advance , clcslng V@ ! cloucr than Saturday ; cash , KJrfc ; ftfny , ro ; .Juno , 77' < < - . C'orn Moderately active , fluctuating with in ? tf(3Kc ( range , nnd closed ? ( fG * ? < c below Saturday ; cash , 4Sjfc ; May , 62 5-10c ; June , Oljfc. Oats Weaker ; May , no c. Rye Unchanged at fi9 > e. Barley Unchnngcd at 77@80c. Pi Imo Timothy 54MC''c. Flax-seed fl.45. Whisky tl 15. l ork Advanced consldcrnbly , which vas pretty well maintained ; cash , ? 1J ! 87"May ; , Lard Advnnccd slightly , but fell off nt close ; cash , $750 , May , $755. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. f.75 ( < lO 00 ; short clear. f745@7.50 ; short ribs , J007K. llutter Quiet ; creamery , 2J@28c ; dairy , Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 11@ flats , ll'if@U5/cj ' young Americas , Eggs Higher ; fresh , 17 Hides Unchanged ; green hides heavy green salted , 6 0 ; light green salted , Cc ; salted bull , 4J c ; green bull , 3Xc ; preen ealtea calf , 8c : dry flint and dry calf , I'JQISc ; dry salted , 10c ; deacons , 80c each. Tallow Firm ; country. 3 @ 5u ; No. 2 , solid , 4 , ' cj cake , 4j ! cpcrlb. Ucccipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 24,000 21,000 Wheat bu . 47,000 14,000 Corn , bu . 111,000 88,000 Oats , bu . 124,000 40,000 Kyobu . - 2,000 Barley , bu . 32,000 11,000 Now Vork , April 0. Wheat Receipts , 7,200 ; exports , 41,500 ; options opened strong nnd soon advanced Jf UfTc , later a weaker feeling set In. leading to n reaction of Jf@J c , closing steady ; spot , X@c higher ; un graded red , 68ffi'JJ > 4'c ; No. 2 red. 00 % < u ) tilXo In store and elevator ; % @ ' % f. o. b , UUfc delivered ; May closing at OO c. Corn Receipts , 53,000 ; exports , -100 ; cnsh dull and nominal ; options a trifle better but very quiet ; graded , 0lj4'HC5c ( ; No. , ( & C2) cNo. ; 2 , 05o nominal in store ; May clos ing nUH'i'c. Oats Receipts , 113,000 ; exports , none ; market a trifle better ; mixed western , 30@ 40o ; white western , 41@45c. Coffee Spot , Sulri Rio , quiet at $14 50 ; op tions higher and moderately active. Sales , 71,000 bags April , SU 55 < ? > 11.05 : May , 111 45@11.05 ; June , f 11.2501 1.43 July , ; 510 SO @ll.oo : August , $10 50iriio.70. ( Petroleum Steady , united closing weak at 79k c. Kegs Strong and fairly acti\e ; wcstcin , 20020KC. 1'orK Firm nnd moderately active. Lard A shade stronger but rather quiet ; western steam , spot was quoted at ? 7.UJf. ( Butter Quiet and heavy ; western , J7@ 28c , Cheese Steady and quiet ; w cstcrn flat , 115j @ 12o. St. Ijouls. April 0 Wheat Higher ; cash , 80Ko ; May , bO e. Corn Higher ; cash , 4'X@48c ; May , 47fyTc. Oats Higher : cash , 30 ( M c ; May , 29 c Pork f3 ! ( > 2K. Lard-17.15. Whisky f I 00. Butter Firm ; creamery , 25@30o ; dairy , 18S25c. ( AFTKiiNoovnoAiiD Wheat easy , May 80V ; July 6 K- Corn steady ; May , 47 % ; July , 45XV. Oats firm ; May 2'J . MlniicapollH , April 9. Wheat Re ceipts , for the past two dujs , 4M c.irs , shipments , 055 c.irs ; local stocks increased last week ; market slow Closing- store No 1 hard , April , 74J c ; May , 75e ; July , 7lHf. No. 1 northern , April. 7lc ! ; May Wl o ; July , 74Ke. No. 2 noithcrn , April , 71 > fc ; Muv , lyoJuly,7J \ \ > fe On tiack- No 1 hard , 'Oo ; No 1 northern , 74 > @ 75c ; No. 2nortlicrn7273 Flour Finn ; patents , in sacks , to ship , 94 10@4 25 ; in barrels , f | 25 ( < M.85. Cliiolnniul. April 9. Wheat Firm ; No 2 red , bWc. CornHasfer ; No. 2 mixed , 523t'c. Oats Steady , No. 2 mixed , 31c. Rjo Firm ; No. 2 , C7c. 1'rovlsions Pork , firm , at * 14.12J < : lard , stronger ; current make , t7.30@7.i5 : , Whisky Firm at l.09.j MlUrnnkoe , Apiil 0. Wheat-Steady ; cash , 74e ; May , 74J/o ; June , 7Uo. Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 4Sc. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white. 33 } < c. Rie Dull ; No. 1 , 62 > o. Jlai Joy Quiet ; No. 2 , 7lc. ! Provisions Higher ; pork , April. $13 50 ® 14 UU UUKansnN KansnN City , April 9. Wheat Stronger ; No. 3 soft , cash , 7bc ; May , 78 > 4'o bid , 7Uc asked. Corn-Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 44Ko ; nskcd ; May , 44Jfe bid , 45c asked ; June , 45o bid , 4Gifc asked. Oats No. 3 , cash , 29o bid , 30e asked ; May , 29jfo ) bid. lavcriinol , Ajirll 9 Wheat Firm , de mand fair , lioldei s offer sparingly Corn Firm , demand fair ; new mixed western , 4s lOd per cental. New Orlonno , April 9. Corn Firm ; mixed , 59K < 3Wo ; white and ypllow.Oli : . Oats Unsettled ; No 2 , JlSQSOc. Corn Meal-Quiet at 12 70. Hog Products Kasier but not quotable ; pork , IH.OO@tU8)f ) ; lara , icfliied tieuo , J7.00. Bulk Meats Shoulders , (0.10 , long clear and clear rib $7.50. u STOCK. Clilcnco , April 9. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; market oteady.and fl | in ; steers , f340@5 05 ; Btockcrs and feed- era , * 2.35@3.70 ; cows , bulls und mixed , l.70 03,2 ; Texas fed steers , JJ 30 ( 4 40. Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; marl , t , strong und Be higher ; mixed , f5 15g5 ( 35 , I avy packing and shipping , | 5 25Q5 4f ! ; light , 15.10(3530 ( ; skips , t3.7pM4W ) . Sheep Receipts , 4.000 ; market dull but firm ; natives , $ J50 ( < CO 10 ; westein , J4 75W fl 10 ; Texans , * 3 00ii5 ( 00 , lambs , K OOyZO 15. National Stuck Yardw , East St. Loulv , Apill 9. Cattle Receipts , IKX ) ; ehipuionts , 200 ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers , 11400540 ; fair to good native steers , (400 ( 420 ; butchers' ulcers , medium to choice , | 3.10u420 ( ; stock- em and fuedcri , fair to good 310gOSO ( , ranger , ordinsny to good , U 25@4 00. Hogs Receipts , 3',00 ; shipments , 1,500 ; market stronger ; choice heavy and butch- crt > ' selections , H 80 5 45 ; packing , medium to iirimo , t5.1535 ( ) , light grades , ordinary to best , f4.COv-i5.15. Knimna City , April 0 , Cattle Rcrelpts , 650 : shipment * , none ; dull nnd ( toady ; good to choice corn fed. (41)0(9475 ( , common to medium , $32A@4.50 ; btockcrs , f300t2.00fceaeis ! ; , J3.00 < 23W , 8 60. gs Receipts , 2,500 ; shipmens , none : et fairly active ; common to choice , $1 GO | tldpi aua KU L \ OMAH/V / IjlVB STOCK. Cattle. UNION STOCK YARCJ" . 0 p m \ Monday , April 9 , 1883. f There were about sixty fresh loads of cat tle on sale to da.alarco proportion of which changed hands before the close. Theli'ackor * were liberal bujcrs nnd took the bulk of the cattle , although there was n fair speculative demand. The market was SQlOe higher and fairly active at the advance. lingo. There were only seventeen cars on the market , the rtcipts being very lleht The market w as 5c higher , nnd all the offerings w ere taken nt nn early hour There ncre no choice hcnvy hogs , and the top * 5 00 was paid for fair loads of medium u eight mixed hogs. _ Slioep. There were three doilble decks on sale , part of which sold on the market. Ilccclptn. Cattle . 1,200 Hogs . 1,400 Sheep . . . . . . . 700 Prcvnlllnu 1'rlccs. The following is a table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned Prlmestccrs , 1300 to 1500 lbs.4 25 (34 ( 50 Prime- steers , 1100 to I'WO Ibs. 3 DO ( M 25 Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3 50 ( 3 70 Common to choice cows . 2 00 ( . . } 50 Common to choke bulls . 200 (33.00 ( Light and medium hogs . I i5 R4 S5 Fair to choice heavy hogs. . . . 500 ( n5ir > Fnir to choice mixed hogs. . . . 4b5 ( a I ' ,15 KctircHcninmc Sales. COHN iru STPEIIS No. Av lr. | Nn. Av. Pr. 10. . . ( W II PI 12 - in . . 021 il Ti .IS'.K ) 1 15 ini. . . .1000 3 7.1 19 , .UM ! 420 i.n n . .1040 3.SO 39 .11W 120 22. . . 1100 3 85 32 .1171 420 1. . 1240 3 W .1WO 41.0 51. . .1148 1(1 ( I'Wd 4.20 41 . .mi S'Jj HO. 420 ii.1o . .1207 4 ( HI II. 4 2.1 o . .10S.1 too 11. .1303 42.1 2 ! ! , .1'JJO 4 10 18. ' 430 is UTS 4 1U a' ) .1500 4 . ' ) is int.i I 10 157. .11311 440 38 W 3 4.10 HULLS. .1215 200 .1570 300 .1530 2fO 3 Oil .1(110 ( 2 75 300 .1740 2.75 .2200 330 .1520 2.75 .1050 350 COWS. . S.T 300 .12T , 3 10 .1024 MIX ) .llTil ) 3 50 Pork Special reports to tlio Cincinnati 1'iico Current show tlio number of hops packet from March 1 to dote .mil Intcst innil dales at tlio undci mentioned jilaeca , compared \\itl tlic cortcsiQndlni ; time luat year , us followfl 1'ncki'il In NrbrnHkn. The Cineinnnti Price Current reports the number of IIORH packed ut the different points in Nebr.iakii duriiiK the winter packing sea son , as follows : lavn Stock Notes. Hops advance Co. Cattle 5@10c higher. Very lifht icccipt of ho s. tl 00 the top on IIOKS and $1 40 top on cattlo. Among tlioso in with cuttlo was A' Laurty Ashland. P. M. Colby , Uradshaw , was In with two loads of cattle , O , H , Thompson , of Ord , marketed a loru of hogs ut 5 00. Hogs are soiling now 11.00 per 100 hlfjhe than t o years ugo. J. G , Thompson k Co. , Council Illuffs marketed u load of hops , Tlio rates on the Chicago , uurlingion & Quiney were restored to day , Swift commenced buying sheep lo day ani will begin killing to morrow. L H Hummer , HislnR City , Ncb.w. is hero \\ith two loads of cattle and onolonu of hogs Pat Ilojch nnd John Cnroy , of Wood Hlver \\cfo both litru with three loads of caltlo each L. V Southwlck , the well known shcej man , came in with tin uo double deck ! oaus > to day. Elmuoodas icprcscntcd on the marke by A Hastleslio sold u load uf cattle and a load of bogs. Among those who marketed f > o hogs wa Uodcn & . iCohner , Missout i Valley , who dis posed of a load avciaglugI'.Mbs. . at tha price. The next meeting of the Nebraska Llvo Stock Shippers' association will beheld u Ku'lmngo hotel , South Ouaha , 'Wednesday April 11 , ISia , ut 2 p uj. OMAH.V WUOMMAjn MAUKIJTS 1'ioilucc , Fiulta , Nutu , Kto. Ipnday , April 9 , 21ic following quotations aie uholemle not'retall. Prices rfiioted on produce are the r ft. at uliltjt round I6ls arc told on tMi market. Frnltn'or other MUM of Qoodg rcqnMint citrq labor In fwjcMi/ { / cannot lit- u | / lie supplied on ontsUle mffcrs nt the- tame price * quoted fur the local trade. Uatci on flour and feed arc jobber * ' prices Trices on nmln arc Mio r ptild by Omaha , millers delivered All c-HMtfflo'n * on ; ncr- chandtic arc obtained /nun tcadlny hniioes and arc corrected dully I'rlcct on crack ers , cal.es , etc. , aic those given by leading ; n < inn/icfiicrn. ( l'orTon < i Choice home grown , 83gOoc ( ; Utah and Colorado stock , $1 U0@l 15. Pout/rut Chickens dressed , He ; gccsc , I2inc ( ; turkeys , 12@14c , ducks , ll < rU3cHvo chickens , $3.75 a 4 00. CnrEiE Full cream , 12'4fM.1e. ( IHVANAS Medium , $ .50 ( 3 00 per bunch ; choice , J3 00@3 50. Tunsirs Hutauagas , 4550cvhltc ( ? ; , 40c ncr bushel. LEMONS ? 3 70@4 50 per box. CiiironviA I'EAIIS $ i50i2.75 ( ; extra choice , $3 00 DATKS 1'crsain , 8c per Ib SAUK KIIAUT Choice per bbl. of 32 gnl. M 00@5 00 , M bbl , M OOQ 50 ; $11 00 per bbl. of 50 gal. Citirn-Choico Michigan cider , M WKgO 50 per lib ! of 32 g.il. Poi'tonv Choice rico corn Is quoted at 4o per Ib , other kinds , 2J ( g3c per Ib. CtmtoTS $2 25a2 ( 50 per hbl. PutsNlls New stock , MOO&1350 per bbl. OrsTi-ns Plain standard , 2.1c ; plain so- lei Is , 30c , standard , 40c , extra selects , 35u ; New Vork counts , 40c. bulk ojstcrs , counts , i S.I per 100 , selects , 12 00 per gal , standard , $1 2.1 per gat CUIHAOES $1 per doz. or 3il3 ( c per Ib for California CMJLUUUH Good stock , $2 uOS2 ( 73 per lorcti Oiuvnrs California Riverside , 1375 ® 4 IK ) , .Messina , f.)75n ) ( 18 , " > , Vnlenclas , jOCOdJ 8 00 per case of 420 ; Atexkan. 100 ; L.OS Angeles , t'i 75 325 ; Nnv.iis , $150 , Los Angeles , ? l Ml. Uiverside , ? 1 75 CiiANMiBiiiiirs Veiyscarce , UellA Chciry , J10 f > ell 00. Hell fc Hugle. * 1100@ll 50 ; Hell .It Uugle , prcinlum , 811 MKBiaOO lliuss Good Htock , U Clii2.75 ( ; California beans , S3 23fji2 40 THIS In liners , inline , cnlto lie porlb. NUTS PcanutHOStt e , raw Hnuil nuts , I3o ; almonds , Tarinponn , 22c ; l ngllsh w.il nuts , 15 ( < tlbe , lllbcits , Ifcc. Itulinu chestnuts' ' I5c , pecans , 15c Hoxm lOC'tSlc for lib frames ; canned honey 10M2e ( per lib TOM TOES $2 OPJ72 ( 50 per box. PVIHI.M 3" > e per do ? GUI UN ONIONS 21c per doz. AM'tiunits 'fie per Ib. STiuniiMtutts rresh Floiida , | 330@4.00 [ > er box. CUCUMIIKUS $1.00 per dozen for choice. IJrnccrH' Iilst. S nui1 * New Orleans molasses , per bbl , 17GMOepcrB.il ; Lonmyiup , 3.1e ; half bbls. , 37e , 4 g.il. kejjs , SI 55 , shorKhum IlSe. PHOMSIOSS Hums , \0ilQc , lueakfiist bacon , lO dSlle , bacon sides , 8'-i'ffe , diy s.ilt , "Jfeftibe , ihoulders , 0 } @ 7e ; dried beef , PIOM cs Medium in bbls , $5 75 ; do in halt bills , $ , ) 10 ; small in bbls , Si 75 ; do in half bbls , $ .1 1 > 0 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.75 ; do in half bbls , fj 40. UriiNEU Lvuu Ticrtc , 7c ; 40 Ib squcar cans , 7c ; 50 Ib round , 7' c ; SO Ib round , 7J c ; 10 Ib pails , 7ie ; 5 Ib pails , 7c , 3-lb pails , be. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per case , S. ) 100.iy" ) ; straw ben les , 3-lb , per case , $ .U5 ( < iJ 25 ; raspberries , 2-lb , pur case , f. ) 10 ® 3 20 ; California pears , pur case , $4 iOu-l.bO , nppricols. pel case , S4 U0a ( I 40 ; peaches , per case , ? 5 < jOfi575 ; white cherries , per case , $ ( i 00 ; California jilums , per case , $1 50 ( < 7)4 ) 00 ; blueberries , pei case , $2.20u.2 ( 10 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case , $2 51)pine.ippples ) , 2-lb per case , f3'20.f575 ; l.lb salmon pur doz , JKb l tf > ; 21b gooseberries , jier case , S.T2"gJ ) 3"j , 2 Ib string beans , per case , $ t.75 ( > $ l bO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $1 ( x@l ) (15 ( ; 2 Ib mntrowfat peas , $2 ( ( ) @ ' 70 ; 2 Ib early .lime peas , per case , $2 85 , y Ib tomatoes , * 250 ; 2-lb corn , $2 30 ( < J.i 40. JCI.LIKS BO Ib pails , SI 251.50. SALT Per bbl. . car load , S1.I10. Koi-n Seven sixteenths , 10ViDllc. ( CVNIIV Mixed , y@llc : sj.icit , y&'Jltf. HOI.I.AM ) Huitiu > ( i5 ! 70iS72oper keg. MAi'i.n Sua\u Hutlvs , rJ cpcr Ib. ; penny cakes , ll@15cpci Ib. UKOOMS Extra , 4-tio , $200 ; No 1 , $200 ; No $1 75 , heavy stublo , $1 00. fiflc ; OrC. Pownnn ANH SHOT Shot , $1 40 ; buckshot , S10V Ilazaul powder , $5 OJ ; half kegs , $2. 75 ; one-fourths , ? 1 5J ; blasting kegs , $2 35 ; fuses , 1000 ft , 4' ' ) ( < i < 75c. SUOAK Granulated , 7.W ( < c ; conf. A. 0ii7cwhito ( extra C , G fVil. e ; c\tia C , O teO/'hC ' ; ji-llow C , 5' ( i(5'tfo ' ! ; cut loaf 7 7 ; < o ; pondeied , 7teb' ' ; Now Orleans , COKI i E Ordinary grades , lCJB17c ( ; fair , 17@18opritnc.ls ( , KlYc ; fancy green andjel- low , 22j ( < 2Jo ; old govoinmcnt Java. 2S ( < A.We ; interior Java , 2" ) 2c ! ; Mocha , 2Sif30c ; Ar buckle's roastinl , 1'JXe ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 106 < c ; IJilwoi Ih's , 19 ; c ; Hcd Cross , 10Jc ; ahuoma , I'.i'ic. ' Wooni N AHE Two hoop palls , per doz. , $1 10 ; three hoop pails , f 1 05 , No. 1 tub , $4 ! 75 , No 2 tub , ? J 75 ; No 3tub , M. 75 ; washboards ? 1 50 ; fancy washDoards , $ i50 ; assorted bowls , $275 ; No 1 churns , $ ' 150 ; No ' 2 chums , IS 50 ; No 3 churns , $750 ; butter tubs , $1 70 ; spruce , in nests , i > 1.70. Totucco Lonllard's ' Climax , 45c ; Splen did , 45c ; Mechanics' Delight , 14o ; Leggett & Meyer's Star , Tic ; Cornerstone , : < 9u ; Drum- niond's Horseshoe , 4r > e , J T. , I2c ; Sorg s Speiihcad , 45 ; Cathn's Meerschaum , ! llc ; Ctillln'8 Old Style , 2.c ( ; Piper Iluidsick , ( Me ; Sweet TipTop , J2u ; U. N.O. , 17e ; Ued , White and Ulue , l c CiiAcici.us , CAMS , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c , sodu ( city goods ) , 7c ; sodasnowll ike ( In tins ) , lOc ; sodu dandy , ' c , soda wafersln ( tins ) , lOc ; soda zeph\ , 8c ; city oyster , 0)-o ) , ; excelsior , 7c ; farina o .ster , 7c ; gem oyi ter , fie , monitoi , 7c ; Omaha o.stcr . , 7c ; pearl ojster , 5c ; iiicnic , 5c ; tmowdiop ojstcr , 7o ; butter , 6c ; IJoston , Be ; Omaha bulter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , CJ e ; cracker meal 5Jtfc ; graham , 8c ; granum wafers. lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , 12 > c ; hard bread , Cc ; milk , 7I n : oat meal , be , oat meal wafeis , lOc ; ontmual wa fers in pound pickages , 12j < jCi animals , 12c ; Holivcr gingerround,7c ( ) ; crenin,8cCornhill ; , ltc ) ; cracknells , IGo ; frosted cream , S ) c\ \ ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , tie ; homo made ginger snaps. In boxes , 13c ; homemade made ginger snaps (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen , $2 50 ; lemon creams , be ; pretzels ( bund made ) llJi ° i assorted cakes nnd jumbles , lljtfc ; as sorted fingers , 15e ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) , per box $7.00 ; banana llngeis , 14c ; butter jumbles , UK" ! Hrunswick , 15o ; brandy snaps , luo ; chocolate drops ( now ) ItJc ; choco- latd wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) per dozen , fl 60 ; cocoa taffy snaps , He ; colTco cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , ll c ; cream pulTs , 30c ; egg Jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , llo ; honey jumbles. llj < o ; Jelly fingers , 15o ; Jelly wafers , 18c ; jelly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady ling- rrs , 13c ; vunillu bar , Ho ; vanilla wafers , Ho ; Vienna wafers. 1 dozen packages In a box , per dozen , $2 50. All goods packed In cans lo per Ib. advance except snowllako and wafer sona , which are packed only in cans Soda in 2 Ib , nnd 3 Ib. paper boxes , % a per Ib. advance ; all other goods Ic per lu. advance. Sodu in 1 Ib paper boxes , lo per Ib advance. The 2 Ib boxes are packed in cases holding IS in u case. ThoU U Ib boxes uro packed in cases holding 12 la a case. Tlio 1 Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 80 In n raso Ono Ib. Graham and out meal wafers packed S doz. In a case. Show tons for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75o Cans for wafer soda , $ J , not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda. t ( per doz Tin cases ith glass face to display the goods , 75o each. No charges for packages except for cans and returnable cases Glass front tin cans und "snowllake" soda cans are icturnablu ut prices chuigcd , 1)1 y Goods , Di'LK West Point 29 in 8oz. lO c , West Point , 23 in 10 oz , 12J < c , West Point , 10 in 12 oz. 15o ; West Point 40 in 11 oz , , ihc Checks -Caledonia X , 9Ko , Caledonia XX , lO c ; Economy , 9 > c , Otis , U' ' c. KFSTOCKV JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton , 2Su , Durham , 27c , Hercules , ISc ; Learning ton , ifjija , Cottswold , 27 > < c. CIUBII Stevens' U , Cc , bleached , 7c ; Ste- \eiih' A , 7Kc , bleached , bkc , Stevens' P , 6Jo , bleached , D e , Stevens' N. 'J4ci blcichcd , lOj c ; Slovens' S K T , 12 0 MisrBii.ASbous-T.iblo oil cloth , $285 ; nln Holland , SJiC to K < ' - . Dado Holland , Kc OAMnnics Slater , 5c , Woods. 5c ; Stand id,5o Peacock , 5c , Slater roll , < 5ijf7c COMrOllTElla Ul 00 15 00 HI.ANKKTShite , $100 750 ; colorcc $1 10@S.OO. HIUACIIEU SiiEBriNO Berkeley cambric No 00 , OXc ; Best Yet , 4-4. ti > fe , butter cloth OO , 4Wo ; Cabot , 7Xc , Farw ell , &yto\ \ Fruit ol Loom , 0 > c-t Freeue O , Of.- , Hope , be ; iuog 10-4 , 8.V. ; Canton. 4-4 , ? ' c ; Canton , 4 4 , - , Trlthftph , Cc ; Wnmsutta , , c. Valley , 5c. Pni > ! Ts Souo COLOHS Atlantic. Cc ; Slater , fttfo ; Berlin oil , flSc'i Gnrncr oil. C < 3 'c I'INP AND Hours Uif huiond , O'fc ; Allen , i)4C ) ( Ulvcr Point , 5o { Steel Hlver , OJfe ; tfchmond , Cc ; Pacific , fi c. Isiuoo BI.UR Washington. O'/c ; Century Indigo blue prints , Ike , American , 7c ; Arhold , 7c , Arnold B , Ic , Anold A , 12c ; ArAold Gold Seal , lO c. JIIFSS Clmrtcr Oak , .V c ; Hamspo , 4 } c ; odi , fie , Allen , Cc. Uichmond , Cc , Windsor , CUc ; Eddj stone , GHc ; > PAcflc ! , C' < c. Bnowv SHEETING Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7' < c ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7'jc ' : Atlantic D , 4-4 , C/c ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Cc ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Cc ; Au rora C , 4-1 , 5c ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 7Kc ; Hoo- sicr LL , 4 4 , Cc , Indian Head , 0-4 , 7Jfe ; jawrence LL , 4-4 , Cc , Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Kc ; Pcppcrcll , 11,4-4 , 7'fc ' , Pcppercll O , 4-1 , ( V ; Pepporcll , 8-4 , ISHc ; Pcppcrell , 0-4 , 21c ; Pcppcrcll , 10423c , Utica , C , 4-4 , 5c ; Wachusett , 4-4 , 7 > je , Aurora 13 , 4-4 , 7 > ic ; Aurora K , 4-4 , OJfc IUTTS Stantinrd , Oc. Gem , 10' e ; Beauty , ISk'c , Byonc , 14c ; B , cased , $ rt 50. UISCIIIAM Plunkctt checks , 7kp ; Whlttcn- ton7Kc ; York. 7) ) c , Normandl dress , SMc ; Calcutta dress , S c ; Whittentlon dress , bHc ; Kenfow dress 8 > ial2Ke. ( TitKS Lcwlston , 'iO-in. , 12J o ; Lewiston , 2-in , 13 < . , c ; York , 32-in , 14c , Swift river , 7' < e Thorndykc. OO , 8' c1 , Tliornd.vke , KR 8) ) < c ; Thorndlko 120 , > , c , Thoindiko XX , 15c Cordis , No 5 , V c Cordis , No 4 , lie DnviMs Amoskciife' , B , 1) ) o ? , Itc ; Cvcrctt , 7oz , 13c , York , 7 oz. , l.c ) ; Haymaker , 8l e , lalTrcy , XX , ll } < c ; Jnffrcy , XXX , \ & < c\ \ Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB , lie. Beaver Cicek. CC , lOc ri INNH.S Plaid Haftsmun , 20c ; Goshcn 12Jtc , ; Clear Lake , 3JHc ; Muplo City , 3ill < e. hite-G H N 2 , , 21c , G 11 No. 1 Jf , ) c ; Quechce No. 1 , 5f , 42c ; Quecheo No 2 , W , 37ljC5 QucchceNo. 4 , " { , ilJ c , Amman , l.lHc ; Windsor , S2J < e : Hcd Xd , 24 in , 15 < < e- , lV2linch21e ; GO'2-llnch , Ibc , HA T , ? f , 25c. J K T. > ' , 27'ic ; O 5 * , 5c. COTTON ruNxri.s 10 per cent trade dis count LL , C)4c ; CC , 7Kc ; SS 8Mr. Nn "e less , .lu e ; No 5 , Cc ; HI1'Uo , ( G , lOKc ; XX , 124e ; OG , lie , NN , lllc , IIX , Ibc , II , 20c , No 10 , S' c , sO , 10 > < jcCO ; 12lfe , SO , lllc ; 20 , colored , 10 * . , 50 , colored , 12o , 70 , colored. 25c ; BHstol , 11' c , Union Pacific. ISf CAIIPET Wiui' Bibb , white , 1'JU'ci ' col- nicd , 2.'c. _ GcMicrnl Mnikotn Fl 01 u AND Pi i n Minnesota patents , $2 45 @ 2 50 per e-\vt ; ICansas nnd Missouri fancy winler patents , $260tii2.5 pei cwt ; Nebraska patents , f2-T > ( < i2 50 per c\\t , r.vo Hour , t-2 50 ] > ei cwt ; wheat graham , $175 per ewt , rye graham , SI 40 per cvvt ; New Yoik bucluvlient $350 per cut , Gxcelsior. $300 per bbl , ready uuscd , $ " > 00 pe'r 100-lb case , cnrnmcal , \ello\v , $1.00f < i 1.10 per cwt , white fl lOttf ! 15 pel exvt ; bi nn , $10lR@l7.00 ) pui ton , scieen- ings , $12 00 per ton , Tiominy , J3.25 ( 3 50 per bbl. chopped feed , $18 00 per ton ; chopped coi u. § 10 00j6l7 ( IH ) per ton JZ\nncTs Sanderson's oil beigamot , per Ib. , $ f 275(300 ( ( ; oil lemon , per Ib , $2 50. oil peppermint , $300 ; oil vviiUcigiccn , $250 ; olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1 25 WINDOW GIASS Single. 70 per cent nnd 5 per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount PAINTS White lead , pure. % ; white lead , fancy , ti' c ; putty , in blaadeis , ; ! c ; Paris white , DC ; common , 2Jc ; red lead , 7c. OILS Carbon. 175 degrees l.fc ; linseed , boiled , ( jOc ; linseed , raw , 57e ; caslor , No. 1 , $120 ; No. 2 , $112 ; speim whale , 51.00 ; whale water , blcacliLiI , b"c ; llsh , bank , , ) "ic ; neatsfoot extia , C'ic ' , neatsfnot No 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 75degrces , 15o ; AV. S lard , ( > V , No 1 lard , 0e ! ) ; No 3 hud , 50 Qc.Vic ; W. Va. ? cro , 14c ; W Vu summer. 12c ; golden No 1 , 40c ; golden No 2 , 2" > e ; whale , 20c ; luipllia , 1 dcgiee , lie ; headlight , 150 degrees , ] 2c ; headlight , 175 degree , 15o , tur pentine , 4sV ; castoi , pine , $2 15 i > er gal. Dun. s Acid , carbolic , oristal. pot Ib , 50c ; citiie ncid , per Ib , COc ; Urtaiic , per Ib , r > 0c ; sulphuric , pei Ib. 5e ; ammonia , caib , per Ib , 15c ; ulum , per Ib , Ic ; alcohol , 05 percent , pot gal , S2 20 ; blue vitrie , per Ib , be , boiax , rcllncd. per Ib , lOe ; camphor rellned , ! ! 0c ; cream taitar , pine , ( icr Ib , 4r > o , cream taitar , Lomtncicl.il , per Ib , 2W ( ; eloves. per Ib Jlc ; cuttlefish bone , per Ib , JOc , dextrine , per Ib , 12o ; glycerine , puie , per 11) , 30c , liops , fresh , per Ib , lOc ; indigo , Madias , per Ib , 80c , insect po\vdcr , per Ib , ( > 0c : moiphme , I' . & W. , per 07 , WOO ; opium , pei Ib , W > 0 ; quinine , P. & W. , per of , file ; ijui- nine , German , iier oz , 5ic ( ; lochcllo salts , per Ib , , ! 5c ; salTton , Ameiican , ) ) ci Ib , 40c ; saf- fion , tine Spiintih , per oz , $100 , siltpetrc , puic , per Ib , lOe ; sulpliur , rinvvcii' , per ll > , Oc ; soda , bi cai b , per Ib , 5e ; silver , nitrate , poi Ib , $11.50 , spermaceto , per Ib , ( jOc ; stiichnine , per oz. $125 ; wax , white , puic , pei Ib , 55c ; wax , jcllow , pure , ] ) er Ib , 35e. briitiTS Cologne spirits 1SS proof , $114 ; do 101 proof , $1 17 ; spirits , second iin.ility , 101 proof , $1 H. , do Ib8 proof. 51 13 ; alcohol , IbS jnoof. per wmo gallon , $2 12 , icdistilled whiskies , ? 1 2riil ( 50 , gin blended , $1 50@200 ; Kentucky bouibons , $200Mi)0 ( ) , ICcntucky and Pennsylvania rics , $2 lUl'i ) ( ( ( 10 , Golden Sheaf boiiibnn and i > e whiskies 51 50f I 00 ; biamlies , impoilcd , $ "iX@v ( ) ) 00 ; domestic , 81 SOQiIlOO , gins , Impoitcd , S5000)0 ( ) ; do mestic , $12r@IOO ) ; cliampagncs , impnitcd , per t ase , $2& 00 ( < .U 000 ; American , pei case , $100JM100) ) . Him s Green butchers' 3J f34c ; giccn cured , 5kii , ( ( > Xc , dry flint. Be ; diysnlt , 8c ; gt eon salted calf,7' ' ( se ; unmtigcd hides two- thuds pi ice ; dii salted deacons , 310 each. Tallow-No 1 , .l'4cXo. ' 2 , J ! .jV. Grease Piime white , 4'4c , .vellow , 3c ; brown , 2e. Sheep pelts , 10euM 00 , according to quality. Brinded hides classeii as damagcil. runUaceoon. . No 1 , : ) ( ! lie ; No 2 , 2r @ 30c ; mink , 10ji50e ( ; muskiat , full , 5@si- ; muskrat , bpimg and winter , b ( ( lle ; stnpped skunk , wit lOc ; mountain wolf , No 1 , $1 50c < > 2 50 ; No. 2 , pi an IP , 50.i ( 70e ; No. 2 , 2" > C 4c ( ) ; beaver , Mo. 1. per Ib , < 2 Ol ) ( < i3 00 ; No 2 , $1 00 Oil 25 , otter , $1 00 ( ( i 00 , dry deer skins , 20 ( > ! nc per Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc , 15 ( 2oc , deer skins , per Ib , 30i ( 2 , ' > c. LEATUUII Oak soles. Ar 37c ; hemlock slaughter sole. 12c 3ic ) : hemlock dry sole , 12 ( > i25e ; hemlock kip , GOcn.'JOc ; A &B runner Kip , 50 ( 75e ; A hemlock culf , ' . )0c ) < 3l 00 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75e ; hemlock upper , iy@2tc , Unglish giain upper , 25c , hemlock giain upper , 21i21e ( ! ; Tnmpico B L. Morocco , 2'3Jc ) ; Tampico pcpiilo , O. D. Mo. , 22Q2'Jc ; Curueoa , U. C ! Mo. , .TXffiWc : Simon O. U. Mo , $2.75(143 ( 60 ; Dangola kid , 30@rC ! ; X. M. kangaroo , 4e ( ) ; Amuricancalf kid. 'I Jo ; Griescn kids , $ , ! ( M ) ( a4 50 ; Ficnch glazed kids. $250(0,2.75 ( , ; French calf kids. $ . (20 ( ; oak kip skins , $ ftc ( ) ( $1.00 ; oak calf skins , (1.00 ( 1.20 ; French calf skins , $1 25 < J2.00 ; Trench kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Uussitt linings , $000(2050 ( | ior doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7 50 ( idlOOO per doz. ; colored toppings , $9 50@ 11.00. _ Iniuilior. DIMENSIONS ANI ) TIMIIEIIS. no.utns No. 1 com , s 1 B $ 17 SO I No 3 com , s 1 s $14 00 No. 2 com , s 1 s. 15 50 | No. 4 com , s 1 a. 13.50 FENCING , No. 1 , 4&OIn 13 & 14 ft , rough $1850 No 1 , " " 10 " 1850 No. 2 , " " 14 " 1500 No.2 , " " 1(1 ( 1COO sinisn. A , 12 , 14 & 10 ft $20 35 | C , 12 , 14 & 10 H $14 50 11 " " " " 1150 , 1UQOD , | , CF.IUNO AND TAIITIT10.N. 1st corn } ( in White Pine ceiling $32 75 2rt " " 207r ) Clear ? / in Norway " " 15 25 2dcom in " " " 1325 vi.ouniNo , AC In White Pine . ' . $ T3 50 BCin " " 1150 COm " " ; 2b50 DOin " " 20.50 Eflln " " ( Sel , Poncing ) 18.00 0 in. Drop Siding 50e per M extra. bTOChllOA 111)4. A 12 inch sis $4450 B 12 " 3S50 C 12 " 3r 50 D12 " 2150 No. 1 torn , 12 in si s , 12ft 1050 " " 14ft 1850 " " " 10ft 1800 " " " 10 , Ib , 20X1 2100 No,3 " " 1800 " " 12&14 ft 1750 " " " loft 1050 12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than 12 in block Boards b.tino lengtli 10 in Grooved rooting same price as 12 in Stock Boards No 1 Plain 6and 10 in f775 ! No 2 " " " 1023 No 1,00,6111 1823 FIMSUIKO. 1st nnd 2nd , clear , 114 \ ins 2 s * 49 50 ' ' " 1J , 3t 4U50 Sd , ckart 1 la , 3s li&O " 1l < ,1Vln , , 3 4550 A. select , 1 in s i s , . . 8S 50 A , " 1KW , 21n 2s . . . . .4250 B " llnsfis 28,50 BI " 11Mi. . 2ins2s 85.50 B , select , all 10 ft , $ f extra. SOrTIIEUN TEL10W Pl B. Com 4 Inch Flooring 1175 Star " " 195 1st and 2 < 1 clear 4 Inch Plooring 2150 Six Inch 50c less. Clear * < f Inch Cclllnp 1950 Clear M inch Partition 23 50 Clear * g Inch , Partition $2 above k Inch Ceiling Clear Finish , land IV Inch , 822(100 ( Clear Finish , 1J < and 2 Inch , s 2 8 2900 Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 Inch 2350 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . , 2500 SHINGLES , LATH. XX clear $300 Extra * A . . . $ 2 SO A * Standard. . 2.55 A HBkVB. . 2.25 Sin clear. . . . . . . 0 in clear 1.95 No. 1 l.DO Cedar A , Lath 265 rests. White cedar 0 In M s 12 " 9lncp-s 12 " Sfnqrs 9X " 4 in round 14 Tennessee red cedar , split 14 Split oak . . „ 8 Ilcnl Kstato Transfers. Chas A Plerco ( single ) to Jesse H Crommctt , lot 21 , Dlk 8 , Pruyn's Parhndd , w d . . . . . $ SOO Anna W Jones nnd husband to Ira M Mnpcs , lot 0 , Thick's proposed sub of lot 27i \ Wlllord ft. Caldwell's add , w d 3,500 n J King ct nl to Anna W .Tones c 173 ft of lot 5,1 , Horbach's 1st add , w d . 5,000 C U Majno and wife to James Stoner , s \t \ lots 8 and II , blk 3 , C K Ma > no's 1st mid to Valley , w d 137 C H Hoknnson ( single ) Edcar Zabis- kle , lot 13 , blk U , College Place , w d. 3,800 Joseph Papes und wife to John Dolan , pt lots 27 and 28 , Kountze 2d add , w d 850 D C Patterson and w ifo to Else Marie Olson , lot 5 , blk 2 , AVest Side add No 3 , Wd 400 H n Jontis nnd wlfu to J F MeLnin , part lot 7 , blk 70 , South Omaha , wd . 2,200 Gee H Hoggs nml wife to C.irlcs O Cnilson , lot 0 , U ) , blk 11 Park Forest wd . . 350 AtlliurGoodell nnd wife to Ncttlo Lnrsc , n o ' / s c ' .f 3J , 10 , 12 except one ncre , w d 3,300 Audiew Hrtzill and wife to S H An derson , lot 4 , blk 1 , Lake View mid wd 2,500 Jncob ICcndisnml wife Peter Clinton , lot 11 , blk3 , Portland place , w d . . . 700 Jacob Kcndis and wife 10 Peter Clin ton , lot 17 , blk 2 , Pruyn's subdiv blk 3 Hi do park , wd 300 Louis Sehroedcr , trustee to A SHndo- fill mer , lot 20 , blk 12 , Urown park , wd , 200 United States to John Davis , lot 7 0 in 0 HI 18 contg 93 30-100 acres patent dated Amis , 1WJO United States to James M Parker , so V mv ' / 17 10 1.1 40 acres , patent dated May 1 , 1800. United States to Helfragc McGibbon , se'i" ' 13 1(111 ( 100 acres , patent dated Ort 1 , 1800. United States to AFC ! F Heath , se' { H w 18 and no 'f ' nw ' { 10-iO-l. ) , patent dated July 3 , IbOO United States to A B Malcolm , sc'/28- 10 l.t contg li > 0 acres , patent dated Mn1 1 , 1A ( > United States to John Eborllng , sw'f ne' ' and se' ' * nw'f 10-10-13 , contain ing bO acres , patent dated April I , lbt.2. . United States to Sidney H Dcwoy , no 'f 19 10-18 , containing 100 acres , pat ent dated April 10 , Iblll. United Stints to John W. Hull , no/ ) 31 10 13. containing ICO acres , patent dated M ij 1 , 1800. United States lo Hnrpin Dais , pt22- 1012 , containing 100 acres , patent dated May 1 , lb ( > 0. United States lo J. C. Mitchell , p t34- 10 H , containing 1U ) acres , [ latent dated May 1 , 18W ) H S Herlin ( single ) to S. S Camp bell , lot 34 , blk b , Cloverdnle , w d. . . SOO C. II. Swobo ( single ) to August Nel son. Ints 10 nnd 11 , blk B , Saunders & Himcbaugh's add , w d 1,500 United States to S M Kelting , part 4 ll > 13 , 100 acres , patent dated May 1 , 1M.O United States to Thomas White , pait 4-ld 13 , UHi 55 nerus , patent dated July 2 , IbOO United States to John Harris , part 5 Id 13. 75 5.1 ucrcs , patent dated May United States to Prudence Turner , part 31-1013 , 120 88 acres , patent dated April 2 , 1800. United States to J F Pugslcy , part 13 10-12 , ItjO acres , patent dated May 1. 1WX ) United States to Charles Kesctch , part 19 10-13 , 101.27 acres , patent dated Octohci 1 , 1M.O United Stales to O W Davis , pt 20 10- 3J , Kill ue , patent dated Nov 3 , Iblil . United Stales to W W Monow , pt 17- Kcii : , 120 ac , patent dated May 1 , isi',0 United btutes to John Miller , pt .i 2 m 10 13 , f2s 95 ac , 12'J ' 91 ae , patent date , 4 21,0 ( United Stales to T W Miekle , lit 28- 10-1.1 , 100 ae , p-itcnt South Omaha Land Co to public plat , South Omaha A F Hnnscoin and wife to ,1 H Coff- iiian , lot 10 blk 0 , Hnnscom Place , wd . . . . 1,500 J .IcnKiiison and wife to Aug ICrak- omski , n 'tf of lot 4 blk 7 , Wilcox 1st add , wd 1,100 E S Hood and nifo to O F Mnjnc , lot 21 blk 5 , Albright's annex , w d 15. . n S Hood and wife to Siunuel Snvder , lot 10 blk 11 , Alhiight'H annex , w d. 130 K S Hood and w iff to Samuel S Na- man , lot 15 blk 14 , Albiiglit's annex , w d 130 N J Wngonei and wife to LM Pholaii , 21 lots in Missouri Ave Pink ; 7 lots in Fowler Place ; 7 lots in 1st add to same , ( jed 5,000 Ed Phchin and wife to J Wagoner , 21 Jots in Missouri Ave Park ; 7 lots in Fowler Place ; 7 lots in 1st add to same , f ] c C.OCO Forty-four transfers aggregating. . . ( J9G53 , Rutldiiic I'rrrnltH. The following permits to build were Issued yesterday by the Hupcnntcmlentof buildings : J. A. Lawicnce & Co. , pinning mill , Douglas and Hnggs avenue { 2,000 , K. C dishing , addition to residence , 123 South Tvventy-llfth avenue 1,000 , Doia Gianbeck , 2 cottages , Seven teenth near Castcllar 1,300 , H Janscn , cottage , Pacitic near Twen ty llflh . . . . . . 1,000 L. Arlundcr , ctablo , California near Platte 100 Swift & Co , 2 story and basement market building , Thirteenth nnd Lcavenworth 0,000 James Hendnckson. 2 story frame duelling' , North Twenty-fifth ave nue 2,500 J. J. Mulh.r , stable and addition to dwelling , Harncy near Twentieth . . 300 P. 11 , Peterbon. cottage , Frederick near Seventeenth 500 K. P. Davis , IJ-f stoiy frame resi dence. Fnrnaui und Thirty ninth. . . . 1OS5 , Mis Mary Hyers , cottage , Leaven- worlh near Thli-tyllrst 1,000 Eleven permits , aggregating $17,085 SOUTH OMA1 , rit. r.u Mil K p nii'iiHAv. j n PALMER. RICHMAN 4 CO. , Live Slock Commission Merchants , Offlce-Uoom Z4 Onponltu KiclinnKQ IlullilInK , IJnlOD fctock MoCOY BROS. , Liye Sioct Commission Merchants , Market f urnl lin < l I rev on application htockc n nnd ftcileri f iirnUlied un K < > ' ) < I IITIU HC'ITHICI. Oruiv lia NuiloriKl Hunk Mini boulb OraaUa MtUuuai , Unloo block iVrJ , soutli umuUu L6Ril\1ER.WESTERFIELp& MALEY Live Stock Commission , lloom 15 , KxdKiieo HuilJInu , l.'iaoa block Tardi , ALEXANDER f Flfc Commision Dealers in Live Sock , iu . " . ' , Oppnilto KlUmriL'O Ilulldini , , Lulon Stock \urd , boulU i iuNlON STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha Limited , OMMJQBBEBMEGTOjY JVgrJcultural Imp I o m o nt B. CTujRCHiLL PARKER , DGalcrinAgricnlinrallinplcDienls.Wapiis . , LININGER A IvETC-ALF CO. , AgricolliirallinpleniBnls.fagons.Carriagcs . . nurnlf ( , Ktc. Wholfulf. Omaha , PARLIN , ORE"NDORF & MARTIN , \Miol tle Dealer * In Agricnllnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies _ PCI. TO. CC6 tail 107 Jonc Street. Omaha. _ P. P. MAST tt CO. , Mannfactnrers of Bnckeye Drills , Seeders , CulllTator * . Hay llikfi. Cider Mllli and Lubin Pul Terltfti Cor nth and Nlcnolan Strtft . WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , WholcMlit Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggies CXmrrlllh and N'lcholaii SlrcMn. OMAUAnUANClt. J.F.SEIDERLINQ AGO. , ( Akron Olilo. ) , lanesting Machines anil Binder Twine- T. _ K. Mml , Manager. IflS l meunorth it. , Omaha Doota and Shoos. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , Artists' IYIotorlnlB. _ A HOSPE , Jr.r Arlisls' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 IKmulaf htrci t , Omnlil , Nrbrntkit. MOLINE.MILBURN&STOODARD Co Jlanufnclurors nml Jobbers In fasons Bnggics. Rate'Plows , Elc , Cor.Pth ami Paclflarcots , Qmithn , Neb. 1110 llCO-llfGDoiiflnsPI .Onmlin Mnmilnctorjr , Sum'- raer bt , HosUm. K1RKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succcrtars to HocO , Joiu A Co ) Wholesale Manulacters of Boots and Shoos Agent * for Doston Hubber ' 'hoi ; Co 11(13 ( , H0t.t 11 % llnrnoy St. . Onmlin. Xcbrankn Oooksotlors and Stotlonors- H. M. i. S. W. JONES , Bncce crs In A T. Kenyon A \Vholetnlo A Hctsll BooksGllcrs and Stationers , Ftno Wcddlnu HUtloncrr. Commcrcli > l Btntlonerr. Ktt DouKlai Street , Oninha. Neb. Coffees , Splcoa , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omaha CotToe KDI ! Hplco Mllli. Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder , laTorl'm K tr ctii , iJiuuJrr lllue lnk . Klc. lilt 14111 llnrnoT Slre l Omahn. Nybrntkn Crockery and ClooBvynro. 'W. L. WRIGHTT Aocnt for the M nufaclurer i\nd Importcm of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chiniiieys , Kto Uffl ce. j7 8 13th 8t , Omaha. , Ktbra > kii. PERKlTlS , GATCH St. LAUMAN , Importers nnd lubbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware , Kto 1514 Inrmuu St. , Now 1'axtnn IlulUllng. Commission and Storngo. CEO. SCHROEDER St. CO. , ( SucccB-ors to McSIiunc .t Scliroodcr ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Ouiabu. Nebrnika. EMMAL St. FAIRBRASS , Wholonlo Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commission Merchants , t'nrre'ponrti-nco nollcltod. lull NorL ICth btrccl , Oinnlm , Neb. RIDDELL St. niDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties nutter , Titgi , Clittio , I'oiiltrr. dame , Ojstcrs , Etc , Klc. 1U fcouth Hlli btrttt Cool , Coke and OMAHA'COAL. COKE" Johta of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 13th Street , Omaha , Ncbraika J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And shippers of Coal , Coke , Oment , 1'lnjtcr , I.lino , Drain Tile , and Sener Pipe. OWco , 1'nxlon Hotel , Barnaul bt , Omuha , Iscb. Tolcpliouf til. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Cok 214 South 13th SU. Omabn. Neb. Copdsarid Notions. M. E SMITH i CoTT Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1101 Douglas , Cor. llth FtOmaha. Neb. K1LPATRICK-KOCH DRYCOODSCo Importers and Jotte in Dry Goods.Notitms . ULQt > ' Furnishing Goods Corner llth aud HaJuer hta , Onmhft NibritHkn Furnlturo. DEWEY A , STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , t arnaru Street. Omuba. Kobraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK. Furniture Omaha , Nebru ka * Crocorloo. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 706. TOT , 700 and 711 B JOtli Et , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY 4 CO. . Wholesale Grocers , 12th aud Ixjavenworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska , Hardware. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Johte of Hardware and Nails , Tinware. Kneel Iron , Ktc. AKODIH for Itowo [ Jcalci , and Miami 1'onder Co , Omaha , f < eb. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Uecuanlci' Tooli and llutTalo Rcalcs. IWi Uouglai Blreet , Omaha , NebraAa. RECTOR , WILHELMY St , CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Tlarner His , Omaha , Neb Wcslrm Agenti for Auitln Powder Oi , JeSerson Kteel Nulli , tklrbanka Standard Hculcs MARKS BROS. SADDLER > . CO' . \\hoIesAlo Manufacturers uf Saddlery & Jolliers of Saddlery Hardware And leather. 1403 , l e nnd 1407 llarner Bt. , Omaha , Nebraska. Heavy Hnrdwnro. W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Btiirk , Hardware. Lumber , Etc. 127. ted 12IUlarney btrettOmaha. " JAMES A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron and steel , Vsfon and Carrlara Wood Stock , llearr Hardware Ktc , 1217 and lift LoaTcnKOrth Ht. Omaha , Neb Hnts Cape , Etc. W , L. PAHRoVrE it CO. . Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods 11CT Httniefctretl , Ouiuoa , Net ) . Lumber. OMAHA LUMBlirTco. " , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale lit J Street ard Union 1'aelflc Track , Oaiatia LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doori.Ktc. YarUl-Cbratr 71U and Dvui ! , Coroe Vlb 6 ii Uou jilt. OmJOBBEIiS'DHOTORY ' C. N , DIETZ , Dealer in AH Kmns 01 Lnmbsr , lh ami California strfelt. Omaha Nebraiia. FRED W. ORAY7 Lnffllier Lime Cement EJc , , , , , Ec ( , CorntfKlhana IX > u la Sl'i.Orn ha. T.W. HARVEY LUMBER COTT To Dealers Only , MWl Farnam Slrpft , Omaha , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lnmlier , Etc , tjulncr White Mine _ CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , Wood r rret and Parquet Kloorlnit Pth nd TXvialM FA XTONAVI J i > t f > i c Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work Sn ln . nr WorU.Oeneral Foundry , Machine and lllacaimltli f tk , omro anil M nrk > , U. 1' Hf. and Ulh tftrect , Omaha OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings l ) ik HMtn , Window ( luimK Klower Stands , > \lr _ t-Unt. Etc. laNorlli Kill Slrcol , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS , Man'frsofFire&BurglarProofSafes ' : Vau1l , Jiill Work , Iron and \Vlro Kenolim. Hlm , Klo. II An ln > en Tron r Cor Illh nml Jiiomon S < H. CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRCWORKS ion and Wire Fences , Rate Gnards UU ycri'UIIS lorhnllkf , llllUlVi MIHl * I. ill-Ill V , Clo Improred Awnlngi , l/ock mlth Machinery And _ Ulnckiumu \ \ orki. lUISoulh Hlh8 t. ; MCAGHu H J. LCACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Oencrnl ARCH ! * for Dlebnld Safe .t liock Co ' * Vaults and J il Work , 1115 I nrtinm Slroot , Oiunba. I. OBERFELDER &CO. . Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions _ _ aw. SIO fttui SU Soutli lltli fctroot. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , ' Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods MO amUOf.Hculb ,10th , 8t .Omaha. VINYARDsCHNlDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1106 llarncy Street. Omaha. _ CONSOLIDATEDTANK LINE co. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , AileOreaie.Ktc , Omaha A II IlUhop. M n ii r. Paints nnrt Oils. CUMM1NOS A , ; \ \ hole * tile Donlcra In Faints , Oils , f inflow Glass , Etc , 1118 Fiunam Slrcyl , Omaliu.Neb. Papor. . . , . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ CARPENTER PAPER CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry n nice itock of 1'rlntlnir , Wrapping und Wrtllna 1'n er. Hpcclnl tllonllon nlvcn lo Ar load ord r . Printers * Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION , Auxiliary PaMislicrs , I > acrsln ! Typo. 1'rcnnci nml 1'rlntpra BuDDlloi. E01 floulh 18lh Blrcel. Umalia. Rubber Coocls. OMAHA RUBBER cfo * Manufacturers anfl Dealers In Riler Goods 311 Clothing aad Lcatbcr lloltlutt. low 1 arnam Btrtet. , Etc. A. L. STRANQ CO. , Pumps , Pipes aufl Engines , * CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Punms , Pipe , Filtti s , Steam anrt Water Siippllo ncmlqunrtera for Mutt hooal ACciB goinlii. lllllarnum ht , Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE rpljMP CO. , ' Steam and Water Snpnlies , ITallldar Wlnrt Mills ( IIS in 1 sal rnrnnm SU , Omaha , U.K.Hoi' , ALtlMg Munautr. „ Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. Bbcotlron York Btcam Pnrnp , Baw MlHi. 1213-1211 Ix'MVoiiTTorHi hlii'el.UnmtiH. . Soocla. PHIL. Wliolesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Oil and ( II 1 J onm Hred Omaha. Storogo , Forwordlng SLCommlaslon _ ARMSTRONG. PETTIS it CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , . Branchlioiircof the lleimvr JlucitrCo. Biuale * * ! whuleiulo anil retail. IJm laiOniui 1112 Iat3 Stleat , Omaha Tylflihuno N Vt > Browora. STOR2 & ILER. Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 Norlh Elulhleonlh hlrtft. Omaha. Mtb. Overalls. CANFIELD Mannfactnrers of Overalls , Jeeni I'unu.SUIrn , Kto. IlManil 1101 Itaailu SlreeV , Oiunbu , EAGLE CORNICE WORKS Manufacture Galvanized Iron and John KponcUr. Proprietor. Wl Doilin and 103 nod 10 .NurtU 1Mb Htreot , Ouulia. j , Doora , EIp. : _ ) M. A. DISBROV f CO. , Wuoloaalo llnnufjcturori of Sasn , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , Ilrauop bfflco , Hth and Itard HlrintiOmaha , Nebr BOHN MANUFACTUniNQ CO. ' 1 Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , ' Moulllngi , Htnlr Work and Interior Ilor'l Wooil HIM UU. N.K. C'orntr 6tb and I.eaT uw rlltSlru li , . Omaim. yob. I OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , , Manafacturers of Moulding , Sasli , Doors , Acil lUlndi , Turning , Btalr-worfc , Hank and OBlce Wt < tlnyi Jjth und lupplttoo ATIUUA. Stacks , Manufacturing Dealer in Smold ) Slacis , Urltchluei , T nk and Oenrral Holler Uopalrlaf , U1I u tilnoi. Omalia. Nub _ , THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The bet knoxn end raoil pnpulir Hotel In th ( > UI . Ixicittiin mitral , ai > i > jntiui | rut nrit-ci ii. lUadiniRrlem tur cuumerclal IULU .i.jJ all yolltlcu BI-1UX.UM I'foprtotor JOSEPH GiLLQTTS COLD MKDAL KiX/S EXPOStTlON K1S , Nos. 303-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PBBPEOT OP PEH&