Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Intor-Stnto Conimorco Outs a Figure
In the Oaao.
Bnlcldcn at Grand Island & Prpmont
Jail Delivery I'VnBtrated-Plnk-
crtoiiA IMcntl Guilty at
a An Intcrrfitlnjr Cano.
I LIN-COI.J ; , Feb. , April 0. [ Special Tele
gram la the A somewhat peculiar
case was heard In the county court to-day , It
being C. Chrlstlnnson ngninst tlio II. & M.
railroad company. In tlio early days of 1887
Mr. Christiansen settled n difficulty with the
JJ. A : M. road by taking > 00 nnil mi nnminl
jfass , good Until January 1. ISSS , but In April
tlio Intcr-stato commerce law came along mid
lie was shorn of his pasteboard. During the
rcnminder of the year Christalnson traveled
pvcr the 11. & M. us his business required ,
but ho kept an account of the money It cost
htm for railroad fare. At the end of the
year ho found ho had spent In this way $313 ,
and us ho had to pay this because his pass
was called in , ho now sues the company for
the amount. The decision has not yet been
given out. _
ICllded IIIs Sorrow.
GIUND ISLAND , Neb. , April 0. [ Special
Telegram to the Bun , ] A sad case of suicide
Was discovered hero this afternoon in the
finding of the almost lifeless body of Hichard
Turner"lying near the railroad track on the
west side of the city. Ho had tried to end
Ms llfo by shooting himself with a revolver.
Ono bull entered the forehead and ono the
breast. Ho was taken to the hospital where
modlcnl aid was promptly had , but either
wound was pronounced fatal. Ho Is a sin-
plo man , about fifty years old , and so re
duced In circumstances ho became dlspoud-
cnt , choosing death to and his suffering.
Another Attempt Frustrated.
NKIIIUSKA Citr , April " . . [ Special Tele
gram to the Bin : . ] Another attempt was
made last night to break Jail. This time.
Perry Summers , in for being a partner In
the hog stealing business with George Budd ,
made the attempt. Summers was discovered
by Jailor Dolan about midnight digging
through the stone wall nf his cell with a
of iron , IIu was allowed to work the
ole through the wall when Dolan ilrod a
pistol at him through the aperture from tlio
outside , tlio ball passing through Summers'
clothes without injuring him. Both thieves
nro now conllucd In the iron cage to prevent
them from tearing or burning tlio entire
court house down.
A Swcdo Suicides.
FREMONT , Nob. , April 9. [ Special to the
HBE. ] Gus Uapp , a Swede , who" has been a
boarder at the City hotel for a few weeks
past , took a dose of morphine yesterday morn-
Jng for the purpose of killing himself. As
Boon as his condition was discovered by par
ties about the hotel a physician was sum
moned and antidotes administered. During
the day it was thought ho would recover , but
tills morning at 0 o'clock ho died , after
I twenty-four hours' suffering. Ho was a man
about thlrty-Uvo years of age. Ho came hero
fi from Hastings , and nothing is known of his
antecedents. The cause of his rash deed Is
supposed to bo mental depression and dis-
Seeding Commenced.
FncMO.VT , Nob. , April 9. [ Special to the
BEE. ] The farmers of this county have begun
needing. Tno llrst work of uny extent was
done last week , when n good deal of wheat
and oats wore put in. The season Is much
later then last year. Tlio farmers fool com
pensated , however ; for the lateness of " J > C
season by the fact that inn g0-und is "well
peaked with wnt-r irom the snows and rains
rtiio probability of a drouth thereby les
sened. The acreage of the scoson will tend
to lessen the acreage of small grain.
Plnkerton's Plead Guilty.
PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , April 9. [ Special tote
to the BEE. ] The trial of the three Pinker-
ton's for assaulting citizen's on Kastor Sun
day , was held last Wednesday and occupied
thrco days , but resulted In a disagreement of
the jury after a stormy session of twenty-
hours. The now trial was set for to-day and
it now Jury bad been summoned , but to the
surprise of all , tlio prisoners plead guilty ami
were fined $ ' , ' 5 and costs , which amounted to
almost ? 100 for each prisoner. Their names
wcro , M. F. Dannhy , W. II. Hurt and Jacob
Lauers. The other llvo onicers arrested were
discharged , as no evidence was given which
would Justify the court in holding them for
Burglary at Hluo Springs.
BLUB SrntXGS , Nob. , April 9. ( Special
Telegram to tlio Bcn.J W. L. Smith's gro
cery store was burglarized last night. His
safe was blown open and rilled. There was
but a few dollars In chungo In the safe.
Some valuable papers are missing. The bur
glars drilled a hole in the safe and used gun-
powder. Flour sacks wcro piled around the
cafe to deaden the nolsa of the explosion.
The amount of loss by damage and the flour
cannot bo ascertained at present , but it is
considerable. No clue to the perpetrators.
Counterfeit * * lit Circulation.
NEIIUASICA CITY , Nob. , April 9. [ Special
Telegram to the Bii.J : : A largo number of
counterfeit silver dollars Imvo been found in
circulation In this city , but as yet no ono has
been caught possessing them. It is believed
'there ' Is a gang of counterfeiters at
tills city.
PlaUsnmntli Items.
Pi-ATTSMOU-rir , Nob. , April 9. [ Sueclal
, to the BEB.J The city votes to-morrow
on the aowur bond question , Bonds
bearing C per cent interest were carried last
spring , but as they could not bo negotiated
satisfactorily , the council has culled this second
end election to vote on bonds bearing 0 per
cent Interest.
District court convened this morning , with
Judge Chapman presiding. The docket Is an
unusual ono on account of the small number
of criminal cases it contains.
Knight Templars' Conclave.
GIIAHU ISLAND , Neb , , April 9. [ Special
Telegram to the Ben. ] The grand command-
cry of Knights Templars of this state hold
their annual mooting hero commencing to
morrow ( Tuesday ) morning and will last for
three days. Delegates of tut- knights from
each commandory In the state will be pres
A Bridge Glvoi AVay.
PSNDKII , Nob. , April 9. [ Special to the
BER.I Lust evening as a herd of cattle were
crossing the Logan bridge at this place , It
pave way in consequence of misplacement by
tlio late floods and ico. A number of cattle
were precipitated Into the water but most of
them were got out allvo.
lletl Cloud'b Street Hallway.
USD Cu > cn , Neb. , April 9. [ Special Tele-
grani'to the BKB , ! Rod Cloud feela decidedly
metropolitan over the fact that her first
street railway was commenced to-day by lay-
lug track on Fourth avenue. "With the street
railway and Missouri Pacific and high
l.ccnse for the ensuing year , the prospects
nro good for a big boom. The track will bo
os fast as possible.
Fireman and Brqkeinan Killed.
Cuiwizo , Arlx. , April 9. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BBB , ] Last evening about 6:1)0 : ,
us n west-bound freight on tno Atlantic &
PacIfliM > . .s Hearing this place , the ougino
became derailed end plunged down a steep
embankment. Frank Ashton , the fireman ,
nnd John Bull , a brakctnan , were killed. The
engineer Jumped and escaped without injury ,
Ton cars were badly-wrecked.
The High Water In Minnesota.
MANKOTA , Minn. , April 0. Although the
Minnesota is ten inches lower than the high-
> ot point yet reached , still the situation has
nn unfavorable outlook. ' It is raining hero
and rains nro reported from up the river.
The Ice In the Minnesota nl the mouth of-tho
Blue Karth , IcfiTniles" above" , Is now coming
down in great masses.
It Is reported that four farmers with their
teams attempted to cross the river on the Ice
below the gorge nt Judison , nil of whom w.ero
overwhelmed by a portion of the gorge break
ing and drow'neu.
Chairman Stevens Sayn Nearly All
"Q" Employes Will Strike Soon.
KANSK CITT , April 1) ) . [ Special Telegram
to the Ilnn. ] Chairman $ tovens , of the strike
committee , said tQ.-d.iy Jio had received im
portant Information from Chicago to the cf
feet thot from n6w out the strike would bo
confined exclusively to the Burlington road ,
nnd that the fight front now out would bo tea
a finish.
"What'does that mean ; ' "
"It means that before Saturdnv night the
switchmen , brakomen.ynrdmastorsand shop'
men will all'ga out. The yardmasters nt Chicago
cage went out yesterday. The Knights of
Labor aro'now with us , nnd the places cannot
bo filled. "
"Will thc'fctrlko extend here , or will it bo
con fined to Chlcnirot"
"U will roach to every branch of the road.
Chief Arthur is now assembling the execu
tive committee of the brotherhood nt Cleveland -
land to raise the assessment of the brother
hood men so ns to give us more money. "
Used Ills Pl tol.
CiucAno , April 9. At 7 o'clock to-night ns
a Chicago , Burlington & Quiuoy engine
manned by now men , was approaching the
city on the \Vestern Indiana tracks from the
southwest nt Forty-seventh street , n crowd
threw stones through the cab window * when
Charles Sommors , ono of the crow drew n re
volver end firing Into the crowd struck James
Boynton , a foundryman , In the Unco. At
Fortieth street the engine met the sair.o re
ception from another crowd and Sommers
again brought his pistol into use. Ho fired ,
the bullet .striking Mike Welch , n Wnbnsh
engineer , In the groin wounding mm fatally.
An alarm having been given to the pollcotho
ciiMiio was Intercepted at Thirty-first street
and Sommera was placed under arrest.
Cheyenne Strikers Offended BOCIUIHC
She Travels on the llurllnRton.
CiinvnxxE , Wyo. , April 0. [ Special
Telegram to the BKC < I An attempt was
made to-dny to boycott Mrs. James Brown
Potter , \vlio came here with her company
over the Burlington road. Circulars printed
In largo typo : "Boycott Mrs Brown Potter.
She patronizes a scab road , the Chicago ,
Burlington & Quificy , " were thrown about
the streets. The manager of the company
says his contracts wore made with the
Burlington several weeks bdforo the strike
A Dalryninn nnd Hln Wife Fatally
Crushed at .Denver.
DENVEU , Colo. , April 9. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE.At 11 this morning , while
George Bcettlngor , n.dalrytnan , and his wife ,
were crossing the Santa "Fd track nt the foot
of Seventh and Dolganoy streets in a milk
wagon , a Santa Fo switch engine , going at n
high rate of speed , struck the wagon , mash
ing it to splinters. The occupants wcro
thrQwn into the air and so badly mangled
that the woman cannot llvo until morning ,
while the man's' recovery is not certain.
The Colorado TralHo Association Ad
journs After a Fruitless Session.
GALVCSTON- , April 9. The Colorado traffic
association adjourned to-day without accom
plishing anything. Efforts to hft'ect an agree
ment with the Fort Worth & Denver City
i'C u on Colorado rates -proved fruitless for
the present.
As soon as the meeting adsourucd the Mis
souri Pacific company met the now rate on
Now York and eastern seaboard business to
Colorado points via the Mallory steamship
line to Galveston.
The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo road , It
is understood , will also meet the cut on sea
board traffic , utlllzingtho Mallory line to this
point. This conllnes the rate war , for the
present , exclusively to Now York and other
seaboard cities , but railroad men anticipate
that the war may ultimately extend to over
land roads competing for Colorado business.
Another mooting of the Colorado Trafllc as
sociation will bo held In Kansas City next
General Boiilangcr'f ; Election.
PAIUS , April 9. In the election yesterday
to fill the vacancy in tlio chamber of deputies
from the department of the Dordogne , Gen
eral Boulangcr was chosen. He received
59f , > 00 votes , against 34,750 for Clerjonnie , the
opportunist candidate. The result was unex
pected and has increased the uneasiness of
the conservatives , who declare the Boulnngor
movement is a public dnngur and
urgent measures are demanded to check it.
Tlio Bonap irtists assort that the result In
Dordogne proves the country demands the
dissolution of tlw chamber of deputies nnd n
revision of the constitution , Boulangcr re
fused to contest the seat for Dordogne , but
his friends forwarded his candidacy. La
Lantcrno says General Boulanger will refuse -
fuse to accept tlio scat , as ho desires to sit
for the department of Du Nerd only.
A French Protest.
PAIUS , April 9. Faure , cx-undor secretary
of state , has written to Lo Matin protesting
against the proposal of the British govern
ment to place a tax on bottled wines. Tlio
tax , ho says , will principally affect Franco.
The levying of the tax" , Fauro claims , will
not bo iustiiied except under a Htrainod in
terpretation of the convention of ISS'J. If
the proposal is adopted reprisals by Franco
will bo necessary.
A Jockey Whipped.
NEW Yoiiir , Apill 9. [ Special Telegram to
the BCD. ] Jockey James McLtiughlin was
presented at the Star theater lust evening with
a whip mounted in gold and silver , studded
with gems , said to have cost $1,000 , in rec
ognition of winning tlio mounts of the season
of 1837. The whip was the gift of Kichard 1C.
Fox , The house was crowded. Among the
iloral tributes was a complete saddle , straps
and stirrup * , of cnrnution violets , the famous
colors of Dwyer Brothers. There was great
AVeatlier Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , light to
fresh variable winds. No decided change in
For Iowa : Slightly colder , fair weather ,
preceded In the northwest portions by light
rains , brisk westerly winds , becoming fresh
to variable.
For F.astorn nnd Southwestern Dakota :
Slightly colder , followed by warmer fair
weather , ligtiV to fresh variable winds.
The Bogus Pnttl Ticket Swlndlor.
Niw ; YOIIK , April 9 , Judge Lacombe , in
the United States circuit court to-day , de
cided that Gcprgo Benson , who swindled the
Mexicans out of ? 30,000 on bogus tickets for
Pattl concerts , must bo surrendered to the
Mexican authorities. A btuy was granted
pending an appeal to the 'United States supreme
premo court ,
Referred to Arbitration.
TAXOIEUS , April 9. An agreement was
signed to-day by the Moorish minister of
foreign affairs and I.cwis , American consulre
ferring the dispute between tho.UnltodStates
and Morocco to arbitration. The Unlteil
States steamer Lancaster , which was ex
pected hero , sailed from Gibraltar to-day foi
Villafrauca. '
The Lenguo Allvo and Kicking.
DODLIN , April 9. The Freeman's Journal
says t "Balfour's provocative and foolish
boast that the National league had been
killed , when pricked nxplodcd like a bladder ,
The meetings held yesterday establish con
clusively that the loufiuo Is allvo and kicking ,
Good NOWH For the Creditors.
WASIIINOTOX , April 0. The comptroller ol
the currency has declared a second dividend
of 15 per cent in favor.of the creditor * of tbo
Fifth National bank of St. Lguis ,
An Unknown Man Crushed Bj1 the
A most sickening hcc'ldcnt happened on the
Union Pacific tracks again Inst/nlghl only a
short distance from the spot where less- than
n week ago Mrs. tischo was crushed and
killed by the cars , The victim thl * time Is
nn unknown man who was walking west on
the track Just carst of the Sixteenth'street
viaduct. Although very dnngcrousi the
tracks nlong that place nro used as regular
thoroughfares by many pedestrians , and last
evening n number of persons were only a
short distance behind the unknown man , ( mil
were witnesses of his frightful fnto. Among
these was Mr. T. .1. Ellington , who lives on
Center between Twenty-sixth nnd Twenty-
seventh streets. Mr. Ellington was imme
diately behind him , nnd ho says that the man
appeared to bo watching the train
on the track Just south of the
ono on which ho was walking.
Ills bond was turned to ono side nnd bo did
not notice a switch angina backing down
from tho'West. Ho was walking very slowly
nnd as the switch cnglno was right in front
of him ho had every opportunity of seeing
the danger if ho had looked ahead , The
switch engine was on the same trncUon
which was the train coming from tbo cast
nnd the engineer hurriedly backed bis
engine to got oft the traok ,
ami was coming nt full speed , IIu did not
notice the man on the track on which ho was
backing. The man did not sea the angina
until It was Junt about on him , He then hur
riedly stepped on the south rail to got pff the
track , but his foot slipped and ho almost foil.
Ho quickly regained his equilibrium but
scorned to suddenly become con fused ami
started to cross the track to get off on Uio
north side. But itwas too late
to save himself nnd In nn instant the cngino
knocked him down and run over him , Ills
bead fell on the north rail and the wheel
passed over his eyes , completely llattoning
the skull , nnd scattering the brains for thrco
or four foot nlong the track.
When Mr , Ellington rushed up to the
aid of the man bo was sick
ened with the hnrrlblo sight presented.
An examination of the body showed that
both arms were badly crushed. The persons
Just behind Mr. Ellington came up , but ono
look nt the fearful sfght was sufficient for
them nnd they passed on. The number of
tlio cnglno was 921 , and the engineer still did
not seem to bo aware of the accident , as ho
backed down the track without stooping.
No one seemed to know the stranuer. Ho
was n man of about forty , were u full black
beard , was of about medium size and were
the garb oi a laboring man. Ho had on a
bluu check shirt , black coat nnd Jeans trous
ers , a stiff hat , white cotton drawers nnd red
woolen undershirt. On his person was found
nothing but n pocket knife , u cork screw and
a plug of tobacco. Ho was taken to the
morgue where the remains lie waiting iden
tification. An inquest will bo held , this morn
Bismarck and Bnttciiburg.
BmtMN' , April 9. It is stnted to-day that
Prince Bismarck has abandoned bis opposi
tion to the inarrinfro of Prlnro Alexander of
Battcnburg and Princess1 Victoria , having
gained certain other concessions , and that
all the differences between the emperor and
Prince Bismarck are now settled.
The Prussian Floods.
April 9. Empress Victoria and
Princesses Victoria , Sophie nnd Margaret
have started for Posen to inquire as to the
condition of the sufferers by the floods.
Uoulnngcr Thanks His Friends.
PAIUS , April 9. Boulanger has written a
letter to the electors of Dordogne , thanking
them for tholr'support , but informing them
ho would sit for the department of Nord.
City Market.
W. H. Coombo , prop. City Murifot ,
1ms moved from 1415 Uoiiplas st. to 310
S. 16th ut.bQt\vcoii Fiirnam and Hurney
"For $2O.OO. "
A solid gold &tom wind gentleman'
watch , for 3 days only , at
OmalmSteam Dye works , 1523Upward
st. Telephone 047. Goods called for.
The Sunday Paper.
Now York Letter : I can remember
the time , and so can you , when it was a
ffreat offence to read a paper on Sun
day , the material for which had been
collected , edited , put in shape and
printed on Saturday night , while the
most virtuous deacon was in no wa '
abashed to road in the presence of his
family oirclo on Monday morning , a
newspaper , the material for which had
been collected and printed ou Sunday
night. Ono of the most unique illus"-
trations of what conscience and in
order to make my point , I concede the
existence of the man's conscience , nnd
the belief thatlio acted on it was in
the publication of a paper in this city
called the Witness , by iiman of-consid
erable native force and character tintl
honest conviction , named John Dugal.
In order to bring out his paper on Mon
day morning ho kept his men at work
until 1U o'clock Saturday niglitmul then
began to work again at 113 o'clock Sun
day night , the paper being sold on Mon
day morning.
Now look out nt it for a momentIn
order to present to his readers a readable -
able Monday morning newspaper , ho
had to got the news , didn't ho ? Where
was the news obtained ? Well , report
ers all over the world and correspond
ents were working on Sunday. The
telegraph operators were working on
Sunday. His local roposters wont to
church and reported sermons on Sun
days. If a fire occurred on Sunday it
hn'd to bo attended to , writtoji up. All
the perfunctory detail belonging to the
ciiy department , covering New Vork
city nnd a hundred miles homonod
thereabouts , had to ho attended to on
Sunday. The building hud to be kept
warm on Sunday. Nineteen-twentieth
of tlio work was done on Sunday , and
yet one of the chief factors in its claim
for the patroungo of the Christian com
munity was that it ' repre
sented by its conduct a rever
ential sentiment for Sunday.
All that is changed. What changed
it ? There was a time when the Sunday
newspaper in Now York , and I presume
in all other great cities , \yas. rather an
oil-colored all'air. It dealt with all
dliascs of crime , tackled divorce cases
with delight , showed up domestic in
felicities and paraded in Somi-rospoct-
ublo disguise the vices of the day. The
public conscience , so far as chribtianity
was consulted , deprecated the publica
tion of those papers. The war broke
out and little by little the puplio con
science , which was decidedly averse to
the idea , gave way llrst in. purchase ol
oxtrrs , which annaunood reports of vic
tory or defeat , and then lo rogulav edi
tions , until now and for many years
past , every one of our great morning
dailies publishes its most bignilicant
ibsucs on Sunda > morning.
Is 18SS any different from 1GS8 or 1788
in matters of right and \ vrotigor does
conscience change from time to time ,
and if so , will you kindly condescend forte
to go for to come for to toll mo what
there IB on the face of the glebe that
doesn't change , and what there is that
is solid , and what tlioro is to which to
tie a faith , which hopes to take hold of
eternity , but whoso nerveless grasp
droops as it clutches the never-failing
crumbles of time !
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Babjr VTM rick , we gave her Cojtoria.
When she was a Child , the cried for CaitorU ,
'When ilia bocoms MU , iha dune to Owtorla ,
Wtun tb had Children , she ga.vt them Castor ! * .
The Supreme pirt SuatninB the
FomiBylvnnla State Law.
It Is Advanced Ol jlic Docket and Set
l-'or JlcarlnR.On . tlio Second
Day of tlio Next
A .
Atralnst Olooinargarlno.
WASHINGTON , April 0. Tlio supreme court
of the United States to-duy rendered nn opin
ion in case No. 814 , William L. Powell plnin-
tiff in error , vs the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania , commonly known as the olcomnr-
Rorinocaso. It Is brought up for review , n
judgment of the supreme court of Pennsyl
vania sustaining the validity of a statute of
that commonwealth making it unlawful for
any person to mamifneturo , sell or offer for
sale any butter or chccso , or nrtlclo designed
totnkotho place of those articles , the pro
ductlon from n compound of Jollier thnn un-
ndulterntcd milk or cream1. The plaintiff was
convicted of a violation of this statute nnd
took nn appeal , basing it on the ground that
that the statute was In violation of the four
teenth amendment to the constitution , nnd
that the article was n now invention not do-
letrious to Uio public health.
The court holds that it Is entirely within
the police powers of the state to protect the
publio health , nnd that the questions
whether the manufacture of oleomargarine Is
or may bo conducted in such n way ns to in
volve such danger tp the publio health ns to
require the suppression of the business rather
than its regulation , nro questions of fact and
of publio policy which belong to the legislat
ive department to determine. If nil that can
bo said of this legislation Is tlmt it Is unwise
or unnecessary nnd oppressive , the appeal is
to the legislature or to the ballot box , not to
the Judiciary. The court also says it cannot
assent to the argument that if the opinion is
sustained that nothing stands in the way of
the destruction by the legislative department
of the constitutional guarantees of liberty
and property. In answer to this argument It
holds that the Judiciary department Is bound
not to glvo effect to statutory enactments
that are plainly forbidden by the constitu
tion. The objection that the statute denies
the oounl protection of the laws Is nlso held
to bo untenable , for the reason that the same
penalties nnd burdens nro imposed upon nil
persons engaged in the same business. The
judgment is ufllrmcd. The opinion is by Jus
tice Ilarlan , Justice Field dissenting.
The case of the United States vs. the Boll
Telephone company was advanced on the
docket and sot for hearing the second day of
next term. This is the case brought ngainst
the Bell company in Ohio by Attorney-
General Garland , nnd which excited so much
interest throughout the country.
WASHINGTON , April ! ) . In the senate Mr.
Pnyno , from the comn\itteoon foreign affairs ,
reported n Joint resolution accepting tbo in
vitation of the Belgian : , government to par
ticipate in the international exhibition at
Brussels and appropriating ? 3,000 for that
purposo. Passed.
The house bill to give validity to certain
patents for inventions that wcro irregularly
issued , signed by Sirctynd Assistant Secre
tary of the Interior iJa-.vltlns instead of by
the secretary himself also passed.
Among tlio bills Introduced and referred
wcro the following :
13y Mr. Alll = on , , ( by request ) For the
establishment of a permanent court of arbi
tration between the United States and Great
Britain and France. " '
By Mr. Chandler Fr ' the completion of
the direct tax of ltd , „ The bill requires and
re-enacts those sections of the act of ISftl ,
imposing a direct tax of . ' 0,000,000 , and pro
vides for tlio collection of all unpaid balances
with 5 per cent interest thereon , spates to
have the privilege ef assuming { noir * quotas
less 15 per cent deductions , otherwise the tax
is to bo collected from the land of individuals
as provided in the original net.
A bill to authorize the sale to aliens of cer
tain mineral lands was taken up for consider-
tion , and Mr. Faulkner spoke in opposition.
Ho moved an amendment providing that
mining claims which Imvo been patented , are
acquired by partnership , the majority of the
partners nnd of the trustees or directors shall
bo citi/cns of the United States. Ho was
opposed to the bill , however , oven with that
amendment attached to it. After a futile at
tempt to get a quorum to vote on the amend
ment the bill was laid aside nnd unfinished.
business taken up , being the bill to pnnido
for the admission of Dakota into the union
nnd for the organization of the territory of
Tlio substitute reported from tbo commit
tee to the original bill establishes the boun
daries of the proposed Htato and designates
the remaining portions of the present terri
tory as the territory of North Dakota ( not
Lincoln ) , with Bismarck as the capital.
Mr. 1'latl said the bill was ono of four
which had been reported by the committee
on territories for the admission of new states.
Suggestions , ho said , had been niudo against
tlio use of the names North Dakota and South
Dakota , but the conditions wcro sucli that
tlio name of Dakota could not bo taken from
cither portion of the territory without injus
tice. The proposed state of South Dakota
had a population of about 100,000 , nnd ho
thought they had u right to bo admitted ns n
state to participate in the next presidential
Mr. Vest Do you mean the people of
South Dakota Imvo a legal nnd constitutional
right to come into tlio union a state , without
action on the part of congress i
Mr. Platt did not claim this , but did claim
that they Imvo a right to form a constitution ,
ami that congress has not the
right to deny their admission.
So strangely convinced was ho that
this territory ought to bo divided that ho
would bo in favor of it , even if tlio peoploof
tlio territory were against it. The present
territory was too largo for one stato. As to
tlio suggestion made at the last session that
the cutting up of territories into numoious
states would convert the sen a to into a mob ,
ho replied it was hotter that tlio semite
should bo so enlarged us to represent the
popular will and to fool the popular pulse ,
than that a state should bo admitted so largo
nn to have an abuarmally largo representa
tion In the house of representatives.
Mr. Butler obtained the lioor and the bill
went over till tomorYi >
WAsmxoTOX.April i-jrTho ) sixth day of fil-
libustoring over thodiroct tax bill waa begun
in the house of representatives this morning.
Dilatory motions and pjll calls commenced
as soon as the Hussion oppned ,
Until 2:30 : the cloilc continued to call the
roll upon the various dilatory motions sub
mitted. At that hour tlip house found itself
without a quorum and , \\cavor moved an ad-
jouinmcnt ,
Some interest was shown in this vote , as it
would dovulop tlio strength of the opposition
to the measure and disclose whether there
was any sign of weakening on cither nido of
the controversy. The motion was defeated
nays , 115 ; yeas , 80 there being practically
no change in relative strength. A call of the
house WAS Inei'i ordered.
About 0 o'clock Mr. Dates asked unani
mous consent to have a resolution read for
information , but was promptly met with ob
jections from the republican side. The reso
lution was to the effect that a committee bo
appointed by tinupaher to investigate the
allegations that a largo number of attorneys
and lobbyists , claim agents and state agents
are using every means in their power to secure -
cure the passage o ( thu pending bill , and that
committee report within thirty days
what the agreements may exist between such
parties and bcnctlciurius under the bill and
that further consideration of the bill bo post
poned until such report.
Mr. Wheeler also tried to offer a resolution
which was objected to , asking for u commit
tee to ascertain what amount of the sum
proposed to bo paid , will iauro to the bencllt
of tno people and how much bo paid to claim
agents. At 7:30 : the sergount-at-arms ap
peared and reported that of twenty-live
members absent without loavu twenty wore-
out of the city nnd the other five could not bo
lie was directed to continue his sonrch.
At tO:15 : , whllo dilatory notices wcro piled
up ono upon another In great variety , Mr.
Taylor succeeded in having n motion for a
recess until 11:45 : to-morrow , pushed through.
Senator 1'alincr VIctliitl/.ed.
WASIUXOIO.V , April 0 , [ Special to the
HEK.J Senator Palmer Is ono of the most
teudcr-hcnrtcd men In Washington , nnd is
naturally the victim of a good many of the
schemers who flock about the capital , Ho
WBS lately caught for ? r > 0 by ono of the pro
fessional beggars who infest Washington ,
nnd this is how it was done ;
A woman who is connected wlthnnobscuro
newspaper 1ms been in the habit of bleeding
all those who were susceptible to her talcs
of distress and need. She recently approached
preached Senator Palmer nnd nskcd for the
loan of ? 100. Palmer said ho would do some
thing for her , nnd called upon n friend for
some information as to her character. This
friend advised him not to let her have a
dollar , but the senator said he had made a
promise \ do something.
"Well , " said the friend , Rive her 510 , nnd
lee her pout that. "
But the senator Insisted that his friend
should sco the woman himself , nnd ilnnlly
Induced him to go to the committee room
where she was waiting with her child. She
wnfl told that the senator had left the matter
entirely In the hands of the third party , nnd
was advised to go nnd earn nn honest living
nnd to abandon her ways.
"Do you say this because of tbo money I
owoyou ? " said the woman , "because If you
do you can tnko it out of the $100 that Sena
tor Palmer Is going to let mo hnve. "
"No. " said the gentleman , " 1 have no per
sonal feeling In the matter , but you have
blackmailed ' 'round here it
so innnj' people is
time you stopped , and I do not wish to tell
of nil your short-comings before Senator
Palmer. "
The woman nnd child cried In concert , nnd
she told n pitiful story of distress nnd of
threatened eviction from her house , and that
she had nothing to cat nt home , and that her
husband was sick. This wns too much for
the senator.
' How much is it absolutely necessary that
you should have ? " ho Inquired , nnd ho wns
almost crying himself ns ho said it.
"I cannot got nlong with a cent less than
fBO , " said the woman.
"Well , hero it is , " said the senator , "now
go away nnd pay your rent. "
"you're a blanked fool , " said the frienfl ,
nnd I have no sympathy for you. "
"I know it , " said the senator , "but I can
not help it , " and then they parted.
The llotcliklss Gun.
WASHINGTON , April 0. ( Special to the
Br.c. ] While a number of eager inventors
nro knocking at the door of congress for ap
propriations with which to perfect contriv
ances for milking warfare more destructive ,
such as new explosives , torpedoes , etc. , there
is ono concern which has Just made Its np-
pcaranco In Washington that has adopted an
entirely now policy. This is the Hotchklss
company , of France.
Hotchkiss , who is an American , invented
n machine gun seine years ago which has
made him n millionaire , and It has been
adopted by nearly every civilized power on
earth. He started in Paris in a very small
way , nnd sold n few of his weapons to the
French govcnment. They prayed so satis
factory that his business tapidly increased ,
and other nations found it necessary to lay in
a supply of the Hotchkiss machine gun , nnd
the United Statcsuas ) lately been a heavy pur
chaser , llojchkiss has Just opened nu ofllce
in Washington for the purpose of pushing a
number of important inventions , but | it docs
not nsk congress , or anyone else for a dollar.
Tliis company perfects all Its contriv
ances before placing thorn on tlio
market , and maltcs all its own experiments
without cost to the United States or to any
others than Its stockholders.
In case tills country should , at any time ,
choose to lay in n largo supply of modern
weapons of warfare , this Washington brunch
of the French concern would prove of ma
terial advantage and would bo able to supply
all of the arms of tlio most approved modern
design necessary iu very short order.
Army Blatters.
WASHINGTON , April 9. [ Special Telegram
tp the Bnc.Captain ] Charles F. Powell , en
gineer corps , will , on being relieved by Major
Thomas II. Hnubury , take station nt St.
Louis , Mo. , relieving Lieutenant Lusk of his
duties there. Lieutenant Lusk is ordered to
report to Major Charles W. Raymond , engi
neer commissioner , Washington , D. C. , for
duty in his onlce , relieving Captain Smith S.
Leach , ordered to take stntUm at Memphis ,
Tenn. , relieving Captain William T. Hussell
of the duties temporarily under his charge in
connection with the Mississippi river im
The death of General Quincy A. Gilmore ,
which to"ok place in New Vork on Saturday ,
puts Colonel Thomas L. Casey , the late engi
neer in charge of the Washington monument ,
at the head of tlio list of engineer colonels.
General James C. Duane , the chief of onri-
ncers. will be placed on the retired list Juno
0 nnd Colonel Casey will probably succeed
him if the regular order of promotion is fol
lowed. Colonel Casey will bo hard pushed
for the position by Colonel John G. Parks ,
the .superintendent of the military academy ,
who , though ho now ranks second on the list
of engineer colonels , is three years the senior
of Colonel Casey.
The City I
The schedule committee meets Wednesday
at.I. J. Hardin's gun storo.
The C. E. Muyno players' roster embraces
Salisbury and Fishc. pitchers ; Shields. Car
roll and Lucid , catchers ; J. II. Whitnoll ,
first base ; F. Toner , second ; V. Andcison ,
third ! C H. McHride , short ; Shannon , left
field ; Adams and O'Toolc , right and Lourie ,
John J. Hardln will bo elected president of
the city league.
II. A. Pcnroso will play Dunlap's basowlth
the Crnno Brothers team.
Horry Salisbury snvs his arm is in flno
shape , am ] ho will duplicate his record
of 'WM under the three strikes rule.
C. E. Lund , of the C. K. Muynos , is con
sidered ono of the best throwers in the
Jimmlo Ilnrt , the Motz Brothers' star
pitcher , will bo very olTcctivo under the
thrco strlko rule. Ho pitched for the Mnynes
last season and struck out fourteen of the
Council Blutls sluggers in ono game.
The visiting teams will receive par cent
of tlio gate receipts.
Jimmy Holland , of the old Union Pacifies ,
will bo put upon the umpire stair. Ho will
make u good one.
The C. K. Maynos have been out practicing
with the Oinalms , and the boys think that
Manager Farrish combs pretty near having
the winning team.
Manager HarUin has got a cracking good
team together , and so has South Omaha.
MlHuclluneniui KportliiK AInttcrH.
George W. Kendall , n half-mllor , Is as good
a OHO as any west of New York city.
P. J. ICirby nnd J , J. Groinmo , of the
Omaha Amateur Athletic club aio matched to
run ono-half mllo. put tlio shot , and standing
broad Jump for a hnndsomo gold medal two
out of three events to win.
IClmer Kane , the heavy weight , Is very ill
.with the measles. Ho is showing ! symp
toms of improvement , however , und hopes
to get out within a week or two.
1M Washburu and Kd Hothery nro booked
for a half milo Yyclo race at the f.iir grounds
ono week from to-day. The victor will bo
presented with nn elegant medal.
W. E. Wagner , the Paxton hotel barber ,
will donate a aeason's work to tlio Ural mem
ber of the Omnhas who makes a homo run
after the opening of the championship
The Union Pacific passenger department
has issued a little pocket directory , which ,
besides much other Interesting matters , con
tains gun club rules and the revised game
Coonoy. the dapper little catcher of the
Omahiis , has unearthed an undo hero , In the
pcraon of Thomas Barrett , wtm owns a farm
at Fort Omaha. Barrett Is a brother of Mrs ,
Coonoy and has been west twenty-llvo years.
Coonav nnd O'Conuoll are engaged to Oshkosh -
kosh girls. They will probahly change their
minds when thuy BOO some of the fair dam
sels of the Gate City.
The next event will boa ten-mile horse and
bicycle race. A gentleman In this city has a
horse ho wants to back against John b.
Prince fora ton-mile heat nt the fair grounds ,
Prlncd savs 'lio will accept nny proposition
that inny bo. made him on this point.
The liirminghnms knocked out the great
Detrolts yesterday 9 to 0.
His not true tlmt Cronlr , the second baseman -
man 6f the St. Louis Whites , is a son of
Major General Crook , of Omaha.
There was no game nt the bull park this
afternoon , owing to the Inclement wcathor.
With each fleeting day Manager Selco's
smllo becomes more nnd moro expressive.
The St. Pauls next Saturday and Sunday.
A. II. Ponroso returned from Whiting ,
la. , yesterday , after u week's revelry
among the canvnsbaeus , mallards nnd red
heads. Mr. Peuroso Is a flno rtuek shot , and
the bag of the season must bo scored up to
his credit. Ho killed -1S2 birds In four days'
shooting , principally mallards and redheads ,
although fourteen magnificent canvasbucks
fell to his unerring aim.
The knocking out of the "Colorado Won
der , " John P. Clew , by Mike Con Icy , the
Ithaca Giant , nt Ashland , \Vis. , Saturday
evening , wns satisfactory news to many
Omaha sports.
There will bo a grent trap shooting tourna
ment at Louisville , Ky. , on the 18th. ItUhnnd
20th. Fred Krb , champion of America , and
William Graham , champion of England , will
bo among the entries. Hesides those there
will bo II. A. Pcnroso , of this city , Budd. of
DCS Molncs , Sttoi'o , of Boston , and In fact
all the famous shots of the country.
George Cnnlleld's now pacer fs a dandy
ono of the best steppers in the city.
The iTaolc Snipe Are Here.
The llrst "skeap , skoap , " of the Jack snipe
WIlsonllGalllnngo hiv been heard in the
low-lands nnd the marshes , nnd the nlmrods
are all In u fever to get out. As enjoyable
and exhilarating ns the .spring snlpo shooting
is , however , the writer claims most emphati
cally that it ought to bo strictly prohibited by
law. This inestimably precious bird only
drops down on our marshes and meadows lit
the warm mellow days of April to
make love and tryst and mate , and for a brief
rest and nourishment. Thov nro on their
way to the hatching ami breeding grounds of
the far north , and should bo allowed to revel
hero for the short period that marks their
stay , nnd continue unmolested on their Jour
ney. Then great fall shooting would always
bo assured. But , stranger still , there is no
law whatever in this state for the protection
of this choice bird. When ho comes , bo It
either in the spring-timo or golden autumn ,
you can tnko your breech-loader , go down
into thu boys and knock him right and left
that is , ityou can shoot like n Petty or a Par-
molco or n Hardln with immunity. Why
should this bo thusf Surely the Gallinago
\Vilsonll is the most highly prized of all our
feathered game. Neither the woodcock
or the quail is to bo mentioned
In the same breath with Him , and
at they present time they command
four dollars a dozen In the St. Louis markets.
Tim Jack is indeed nn Incompanrablo bird ,
nnd deserves ns much protection nt the hands
of the legislature ns the chicken , the quail ,
dove or bird of insectivorous proclivities.
The spring killing is telling with terrible
elToct upon their numbers , and within n few
short years moro they will fail entirely to put
in nn appearance , In these , their old and
favorite haunts. Every year to the true
sportsman , who is ever observant and solicit
ous , this decrease becomes moro and moro
noticeable , and louder and louder is the call
for succor nt the hands of our law-makers.
The abused birds should be given a chance to
multiply nnd recuperate.
The Denver GoasYouPIcitNC. .
DRMVCII , Colo. , April 9. [ Special Telegram
to the BEK. ] About thrco thousand people
visited Mammoth rink last night and to-dny
to witness the six- days go-as-.vou-pleaso
walking match , which began at 12 last night.
Vint and Stanton have been troubled with
their stomachs a little to-day , but are better
to-night , and entered the ring at 10 o'clock
for another turn. Hobi son , ono of tlio Den
ver men , quit the race at 11 this morning ,
after making fifty miles. With these excep
tions all the men nro in excellent condition.
At 11 to-mght the score stands :
Mile ? . Laps.
Vint . 87 7
Morcman . 101 0
Hart . 78 4
Strooklo . 73 3
Stanton . & 1 7
Messier . 103 10
Nolan . 104 4
Buchanan . 77
Kobinsou . . . CO
Huffman . 70 C
Smith . . . 99
Rain Prevented the Game.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , April 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnc. ] Everything was in
readiness for to-day's game with the Chi-
catfos. The men wore on the ground at a
o'clock. Notwithstanding the rains of yes
terday and last night the grounds wcro in
good condition this morning. At a o'clock
no ono was in the grand stand nnd another
April shower had begun , so the game was de
clared olt. The Chicago club leaves for St.
Louis this evening. The Western association
will play the Dubiiquo club Wednesday and
Thursday and the American association club
will piny the St. Louis Western association
club Thursday , Friday und Saturday.
A. Talk AVI th Hiilllvan'H Backer.
Niw YOIIK , April 9. [ Special Telegram to
the BEH. ] Harry Phillips , manager of Sulli
van , and John W. Barnett , umpire in the
Mitchell fight , arrived yesterday. Sullivan
is now in Liverpool. Phillips navs the fighter
is not drinking. Ho gave up of his own ac
cord. Ho knocked Mitchell out in the third
round , as Mitchell could not cosno to the
scratch for llfty-Jlvo seconds , thnty-llve be
yond the limit. Mitchell spiked Sullivan
terribly , but the referee would not allow a
foul. Sullivan fought square and fair. Ho
leaves for home , April 13. Jack Ashton will
be in Boston to morrow. Sullivan tried to
got a light with Mitchell or Smith but failed.
Phillips will manage John in this country and
match him against Kilrnin , but will fight no
moro in the ring. Gloves are good enough.
JOHN' i. . sriu , IN THE liisn ,
[ Press. ] Harry Phillips , manager for.T.
L Sullivan , makes an oiler to match Sul
livan to light uny man In the -\\orld , two or
thrco months from signing articles , for
Stf.OOO to $10,000 a side , the battle ground to
bo mutually agreed upon. Ho only asks that
the battle bo decided with skin gloves , Mar
quis of Qucensbury rules.
din AVhlHky Trust.
CHICAGO , April 9. Shufcldt & Co. , the
distillers , have for some time past suspected
the whisky trust , which tlioy refused to Join ,
has been nsing uiidoi handed methods to In
jure their business. Recently tlioy discovered
u detective who wns watching their shipment
wagons , nnd getting the addresses of con
signees. They discovered that members of
tiio trust at Pool la were writing to these con
signees , offering to sell them spirits for
5 and ( I cents a gallon less than
Shufoldt. This was In pursuance of a
threat of tlui trust , that if tlioy did not
join tlioy would bo mined. To-day a dcteo-
tivo applied for a position In the distillery ,
and the Junior member of the firm K' ' vu him
work. Ho Informed the workmen who the
man was , und they tied him to a post for a
while , ami had it not been for the interces
sion of a member of the firm it is thought
they would have seriously maltreated , if
not lynched , him. Finally ho was let go ,
after helng given a good kicking. The
Springfield people claim this is only one of
the many wa > s they have been annoyed by
the trust.
lionrlxiiiN ( jclllni ; Jtendy.
ST. Louis , April 9. W. N. Barnum , chair
man of the democratic national committee ,
was in conference to day with the local com
mittees. Tno great north nuvo of the expo
sition building was selected as the pluco to
hold the convention. Arrangements for the
press , tlio issuance of tickets and all other
matters pertaining to the convention were
left In the hands of the local committee , and
will receive prompt attention. Notices will
bo sent out In a duy or two.
The Denver & Kort AVorth Opnnod.
DESVEU , Col. , April 9. The entire Den
ver , Texas & Fort Worth line was opened
for business to-duy. The llrst through train
of passenger und Bleeping coaches for Fort
Worth and New Orleans loft hero ut 8:15
this morning with a largo list of passengers.
The train will reach New Orleans , a distance
of 1'JM miles , iii ilfty hour * .
Whont Scores a Sharp Aclvan&o ,
But Doollnoo
N'nrrow Fluctuation * , lint n Mo'lorato
Trade In Oats The Units Itovnlu *
tlonlzc ProvNIons-Onltlo Uo-
main FirmQuotations. .
Cinrvao , April 0. [ Special Telegram
to the Bin.1 The wheat market opoucd
strong this morning on better cables and on
n sharp advance of lo In Now York over SnU
urdny's closing prices there. A good pro *
portion of the local traders were bcarl&li ,
Thin o appeared to bo plenty of buying oulur.s ,
however , nnd for nn hour or Inore there wis !
very little decline. The heavy soiling olt
July futures by Hutchinson'.s brokers rather
softened the market , then Ueam nold Juno
nnd Inter Hutchinson sold May , nnd lit the
lowest point May wheat had declined \o
from the opening and only } $ e of
this was recovered before the close. May
wheat opened at , held between tlmt
price and 7ilJ o for some time , then between
TrtJjOtfTUJffi ? , worked down to ifl'4 < $7fl\i' ,
touched Wtfo , again declined lo TiHjo mid
closed ut 1 o'clock ' at Trt'gO. Juno wheat
opened nt TTJ c , sold down to 77c nnd closed
at 1 o'clock nt77JjC.
There was not much Interest In the corn
market. Trading was light nnd much of it
seemed to bo " " " "
"changing over , "longs"
In May , soiling that delivery and
buying Juno and July , the result
of which was to slightly decrease the pre
mium for nearer delivery. The receipts ex
ceeded the estimates by thirty cars , and the
largo receipts estimated for to-morrow were
weakening features , and May delivery sold
down "so from the opening in a short time.
The largo decrease of 183,000 bushels In the
visible supply wns n strengthening feature ,
nnd with the sharp advance iu pork pre
vented any futther decline. The close , how
ever , was nt nearly the lowest point of the
session. May corn opened at f > 2 } < ' , sold down
to fi'Jj c , up to ttWfc , then slowly worked
down , with occasional reactions , to MUM
n'J' c , nnd closed at 1 o'clock at fiJtfc bid.
Juno corn opened utS'Jc , sold nt ( i'J c , down
to Sl ftfGlJfe , "lid closed nt I o'clock ut
Tlio speculative trade In oats wns moder
ately active , but fluctuations wuro narrow
and the loiidenoy of the market was slightly
downward for nearer futures , the more de
ferred changing not at nil. May oats opened
at 3tc , sold up to aijfic , down to : UJf@WJ ) ; < c ,
and closed at 1 o'clock at HOJ c. Juno oats
opened at 30 } c , sold down to 'M } e , and
closed at the last named price bid. July oats
sold at SO e and " 7 , 0 was bid for August
In provisions the bull interest asscrjod Its
existence in a manner to astonish the bears.
Having met the almost unprecedented mar
gin calls on lust Friday and Saturday , the
bulls concluded It wns about time to take
control of the market. Pooling their own
Issues they formed a combination with amplu
means , both present nnd prospective , to taku
affair * in their own hands. Trading
opened at Saturday's closing prices to
n shade under , but the bears were made
to understand before the day had progressed
far their supremacy had coma to an end ,
nnd that arrangements had been made to
meet successfully their peculiar opouitions.
For May delivery initial sales In pork oc
curred nt flit.-IO. and fora time prices were
held between that Jlguro and frltt.CO. At
? 1.CO ! ) , howovertho bulls took hold In earnest
and on 5c and lOc jumps the price was put up
to ? 14.00. From tills price ttio market fell
on" a little , but nt the close May stood nt
$13.'J7J < , which was also the final price for Junp
and July. Juno was very Irregular , ranging
from a premium of 2J @oo over May to u dis
count , nt ono time , of lUe. This future was
sold freely by the bears. July pork yus only
moderately active. Short Heft , tliougli leas
active than pork , sympathised more closely
with that article than lard , and ruled con
siderably higher , closing at Sr.O. > ( ( ? 7.07K for
May , * 7.12K for Juno , and fr.22 > for July.
Lard waa Jlrmcr , and at the adjournincnttho
May future stood at ? 7.f > 2l , < , Juno at f7.5 K ,
and July ut ? 7.02 > . The day's range
for May lard was tic , and for
May short ribs lOo. Based on Saturday's
closings , the actual advance established in
pork was short ribs lOc , nnd in lard fie ,
The revolution witnessed in the market oc
casloned more than ordinary excitement and
the business transacted reached u largo vol
umo. Tlio cash product was a little quiet.
ArmivooN SP.SMOV The board continued
in a broad grin this afternoon over the op
parcntly changed conditions of the pork
deal , nnd the bolting sentiment was
that the odds wcro not decidcdlj
in favor of the longs. Wheat nnd
corn started in weak , but both cereals , rallied
ami closed at an improvement from inside
figures. The closing quotations weio as fol
lows ; May wheat , "li' c ; Juno wheat , 77'tfr ,
July wheat , 77VM7Kc. ( May corn , fi'Jtf ®
f/J c ; Juno corn , fil c ; July corn. r > Wc
May oats , OJ < c. May pork , Sia.IWi li" ' "
pork , Sit..r : > ; July pork , 1 1 01) ) . May lord ,
* 7.iB ! ; Juno lard , ? 7 n' T.CO. May ribs ,
; Juno ribs , $ MO.
CIIICAOO , April 0. fSpi-cial Telegram to
the Bur. 1 OATTI.B Trade was rather
slow at the start , more on account of Dales
men trying to got more for their property
than on Friday than from the hick of a do
niiind , as buyers wore out early and offered
equally as strong prices as at the close on
Friday. Later there was a compromise ,
buyers made bolter offers and salesmen
came down a notch or so , , thereby
creating a moro active clomand and
leaving prices about where they
woio at the closoof last week on the ordinary
tun of $ l5iw < I.Uf ) cattle , and little or no
change in stock that had been soiling at
? I.OO ( < < > l'Jr and along thoro. There were few
loads of Texans on the market , barely a
sulllcicnt number lo establish prices , Good
to clioico cows and hi'ifers aio making
equally as strong prices as lost week , but
theio was a limited demand for old COWH
and canning stock , both of which
nro about as low as at any time ,
Veal calves are in great abundance and us
' 'cheap as dirt , " as tlio saying goos. Storker
and feeder dealers wcro reporting alow trauu
with no cheuring prospects in sight until the
grass is strong enough to turn nittlo on pas
ture. Prlecs ruled : .Steers , 1M ! ! ) to 1S50
Ihs , $ ia" . ( ( ! 5i5 ( , I'JOO to 1 ! K ) 11)1 , f .H551.- ( ? ) ;
1151) ) to lyutl Ihs , f-i IllW 1. 15 ; Htockora nnd
feeders , weak ut sy : i.V ; i.7i ) . Cown , hulls nd
mixed , fl.70 a.a : . ; bulk , & .W ( t 70 ; Texas
fcdstcuM. taaot'
llocis 1'rado wa < actlvo and price * strong
to a nickel higher , the market cloning steady
with about all sold In llr t hamis. Priino
heavy and butcher weights sold ut W 35c < 5 10
ami thi ) bulk of good mixed at $1 ' &W > , M.
Common nnd louyh mixed t3.1&i5 ( ; 20. Light
soils f.VJU ( < i5.a5.
NEW YOIIK , April 0. [ Special
to the BKJ : . | STOUIH Operators who
spent u lari-'o part of their time at down-Iowa
hotels in New York ycst rday were bullish ,
nnd the gossip sent out this morning favored
higher prices. Tor a time after the opening
the marlfut showed decided strength. Lon
don was also Jinn and higher , and lihural
buying orders came In fiom that quarter for
tlio B.IIIIO clasb of storks lately purchased by
the uibitruKors. It was claimed by the hulls
that everything favored higher prices. Mor
gan is In London and Is expected to satis-
fuctorily place Heading securities. The
bond bill is also tegardcd as unimportant
bull card , and great stress is laid upon Its
passage its amended.
In the face of all those favorable surroundings -
ings unmistakable signs of weakness began
to dovolopo after the first hour , Boston
parties sold Union Pacific and knocked It off
J % points. Burlington was alto weak und
declined 3 points. The rust of the list , ox-
ccptiuu Klchmond Tcrminal.was . weaker uud