Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1888, Image 1

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Dorsoy's Pnciflo Railroad Amendment -
mont Doomed to Defeat.
Dnkotn Stntcliood Discussed Ucpuli-
JlcniiH Will AVIn or Dlo on tlio
lcatM.oclt Social Gossiper
or tlio Capital.
Drcntl of Dorscy's Amendment-
WASHINGTON. D. C. . April 8. )
Money , lawyers and lobbyists have been
turned loose nt the cnpltol to defeat Dorsoy's
Amendment to the J'aclllc rnllrond bill , and
the prospects nro that It will bo strangled.
The Pacific railroads dread more thnn any
thing else what this amendment proposes
Authority for the states to legislate for the
control of the Paclllo railroads' trafllc , the
frnmo as If they wcro incorporated under
stnto Instead of the federal laws. The action
of these corporations in turning upon con
gress the lobby they liavo nt work IB taken as
Iirlma facie evidence that the decision of the
federal court in Nebraska declaring the stnto
board of transportation , with no authority
/ or power to act BO far as the Pacific railroads
' nro concerned , was eagerly sought by the
' ' Pacifies , nnd that they do not Injcnd there
, j eh nil bo any legislation in conflict with it at
' { I the hands of congress. I Imvo It upon good
' I authority that the lawyers and lobbyists of
. the Union Paclllo railroad company hnvo
I tnado n careful count of the noses of the
members of the house , nnd that they boast
I that three-fifths nro opposed to the Dorsoy
| amendment , nnd that three-fourths are
It favorable t/ > the passage of tlio Outhwalto
I1 bill.
I Ex-Senator McDonald of Indiana nnd ex-
l | Commissioner Littler of Illinois Imvo been
I [ keeping n eloso vigil over the work of the
Ii house during the past two months , and the
I' former has scarcely left Washington for a
I1 day during the past three months , although
I ho has n largo law practice at Indianapolis.
I1 Mr. McDonald Is the principal attorney of
R the 1'nclllc railroads , nnd bus submitted
l several arguments before the committees In
Hi congress , nnd personally talked to almost
I every member of both houses. David Lit-
tier's corpulent form is a familiar figure
about the two houses of congress , having the
j Pacific bills under control , nnd ho also has
W inado arguments favorable to the report ho
I as n Pacific railroad commissioner.
l > When I asked Mr. Dorsoy yesterday what
H [ ho Intended to do If the house committee rc-
fused to accept his amendment , ho said :
l "Flllibustcr till doomsday , if necessary , to
H < defeat the adoption of the Outhwaltc bill. I
' have seen nearly every member from the
B , states through which a Paclllo railroad runs ,
and Imvo not found ono who will not support
my amendment. I think it will bu ac-
ccptcd by the committee , nnd that there
. . the trouble will end. It Is ( Imply a question
B whether the railroad companies prefer the
passage of the bill with my amendment or
B its defeat as it now stands. I don't propose
B to bo downed. It Is n very Important matter
with all the states having Pacific railroads.
H We can nnd do legislate in the states to control -
trol the trufllc of railroads organized under
the state laws railroads that never got a
B ) > cnny of subsidy or patronage from the gov-
eminent and I cannot see why wo should
BV make exceptions of the roads built with the
Bt federal government money. They , as well
H as the roads built under the state laws , tire
B supposed to ho 'for the benefit of the people ,
H and they must ho subject to the laws of the
HI people. There nro enough of friends of my
HI amendment to control the fata of the bill and
Bl we are in earnest. "
Another western member said : "Tho halls
H of congress are studded with Pacific railroad
lobbyists , and they nro influencing scnti-
Bl incut. A member who refuses to vote for
Bl IJorsoy's amendment may well bo regarded
Bl suspiciously , for I cannot sea what grounds
can bo honestly taken against it. "
J This evening I asked Mr. McShnno if ho
} Intended to coustruo the action of the deino-
| cratlc caucus lust night to bar him out of vot-
U inn for the amendment to the Dakota stato-
B hood bill , which is likely to como up in thom
m house this week. Mr. McShano has very
properly held the view taken by all ropubll-
B cans nnd several democrats in the housethat ,
Dakota is too largoond her Interests too vn-
rlcd to bo a state as a whole , and that the
wishes of tlio people there to divide the territory -
ritory on an cast and west line nnd admit tlio
southern half to statehood should prevail. In
reply to my ( | ucstion ho said : "No , I shall
not vote to amend the bill , nnd do not understand -
stand that the caucus action had any refer-
f fnco to the proposed amciulnicnt. The qucs-
tlon under consideration hist night was of a
general nature , the advisability of making
B inoro states nnd consideration of the tern-
lorlal omnibus bill. I was not present , but
I luivo been told that wo uro left free to vote
as wo wish on the amendments which will bo
proposed , such us a division of Dakota. At
any rate I am fur dividing Dakota. "
f Judge Gideon C. Moody , of Dcndwpod , has
arrived , and will remain till it Is determined
> whether the omnibus territorial bill comes up
this week. H Is scheduled for Tuesday. If
it docs not get the tloor then it will not likely
> bo considered during tlio session.
I asltcd Judge Moody to-night what ho
thought was the outlook of the omnibus bill ,
m and ho replied that tlio democrats In his
opinion , did not Intend to tnitu It up , and
they feared the turn the house might take on
the provision for Dakota ; that the bill mlgnt
bo amended by dividing Dakota on ono cast
and west line and not admitting only the
south half as proposed , hut both halves ,
making two states , "Dakota , " said he ,
"would poll 140.000 votes If wo had an election
this /all , and 100,000 would bo cast in South
Dakota. " When asked about Dakota's pro-
f * fercnco for the presidency , Judge Moody said :
" 1 don't boliovowowiUiiistructourdolcgates
to Chicago. I hope not. They should go un-
B , instructed , and do as they may .think best.
K If wo could vote on the subject nuy of the
men mentioned for the republican nomination
would receive n full party vote. Wo nro
In perfect harmony. Wo shall send ten delI -
I cgatcs to Chicago , The republican party in
its national convention has twice endorsed
Dakota for division and admission as two
states. If Dakota was cut up into two states
B Kho would bo entitled to ten delegates , and
BO wo shall elect that number , send them to
Chicago , and I uni confident they will all bo
admitted. Two will bo admitted under the
present provisions , and the other eight will
como before the full convention.
Opinion is about evenly divided as to
whether the deadlock In the nouso will bo
broken to-morrow , or whether it will con-
tlnue tor several days or weeks. Some of
B. the oldest democrats declare it will bo main-
talncd for a long tltno if the majority do not
I offer or accept a compromise , and there are
B old and well-in formed republicans who say
that their side will never yield , and predict
that the deadlock will con tunic through the
present week ut least.
Mr. Heed of Maine , who Is a leader of the
suiipoitcrs of the dliect tux bill , said to-day ;
Bi "Wo iiovcr will glvo up or compromise ,
There can bo no question about that. WeB
B would } ust us leave spend the time which
will otherwise bo given to taritT discussion to
this filibustering us not. Onccof thciO illll
liustorors desire It. . Wo are not obstructing
legislation and can afford to maintain out
position. There are just two occasion :
when lllllbustorliigls jubtifiablc , and onlj
two to prevent u vote without proper debate
bate , and tu glvo the country tlmo to digest t
tuVJoct aud instruct their representatives ,
Those flllibusU'rcrs are beginning already to
hear from their constituents , nnd they nro
going to mnko short work of It. Ucsldcs the
grinding hatred the filllbustcre hnvo of pay
ing back this money , they hate to reduce the
surplus and make tariff reform less urgent. "
Colonel Casey Young of the Memphis dis
trict , said this afternoon : "Thedcndlock will
break within twenty-four hours. The presi
dent hiw been heard f rom.nnd the fllllbustorers
have heard from some of .their constituents.
The citizens of the states who are to be bene
fited by this bill will put n stop to the dead
lock. Memphis paid nearly all that was pSid
by Tennessee , mid Little Hock paid the
amount that cnmu from Arkniison , and yet
the representatives from those districts op
pose the iilll. The citizens of thoso-citlcs
won't stand that. They are demanding the
passage of the bill , which settles it , "
Western nnd northwestern members are
very much exercised over the deadlock. It
in n serious matter to them , as It cuts out the
time which would bo finally given to
their legislation oi local Interest. Some
of Ilium have public building bills ,
others hnvo propositions affecting lands ,
reservations , and all classes of business
which they nave proposed. Mr. Dorsey , of
said "I willing to
Nebraska , to-day : am
stand by the guns and fight for the bill as
long at Is necessary to win , as there Is an
important principle nt stake , but it is u
serious thing to the members who have bills
pending of local Importance. I have some
measures that nro very valuable to my con
stituents , nnd It galls mo throw nwny the
tlmo at this work , hut I cannot recede. '
What Is true of Mr. Dorsey's position Is
true of scores and scores of ether members.
The Illltbusterers are figuring that the rail
road Interests will influence the republicans
to yield before Tuesday , when the bill to ex
tend the tlmo for the payment of the Paclllo
railroad indebtedness should como up , but
the republicans say there is nothing that can
swerve them ; that they are willing to upend
six months , if necessary , to win. Tlio Pacific
railroad lobbyists arc very active in their ef
forts to break tiio deadlock. If they do not
get Tuesday the > fear their bill will not bo
given another day in the session.
To-day's Capital says : "Tho congressional
triplets are Messrs. Laird and McSlianc , of
Nebraska , and Mr. Gucnthcr , of Wisconsin.
These gentlemen are generally to bo found
together. Tills was not the case on Tuesday
night , however. The three went to dinner
together , but Gucnthcr nnd Laird grow tired
of waiting for McShane. lie had entered
Into conversation with two ladies who were
strong advocates of prohibition. They were
delegates to the women's congress nnd wore
good talkers. They talked earnestly nnd
continuously , and McShano could not get
away. When ho finally broke loose nls
friends had gone. The next morning the
younger of the ladles met Mr. Gucnther and
, < aid : 'I am delighted with your friend Mc
Shano. Wo almost convinced him aud I love
him like n brother. " "
There Is little doubt that Hon. William L.
Scott is slated for chairman of the demo
cratic national committee. Ho will head the
Pennsylvania delegation to the national con
vention , and will undoubtedly conduct the
canvas for Cleveland's re-election. Just 7iow
ho is bending his energies to the work of
passing a tariff bill , believing that the work
it has done will bo the best recommendation
the democratic administration can Imvo to
the continued favor of the people. Mr.
Scott says if the democrats pass a tariff bill
the } will have to go into the canvass and
show that it is a good one. If they cannot
pass ono they must go before the people nnd
give the reason why. Mr. Scott is a man of
collossal fortune , ability , of unbounded en
ergy , a rising man and one who is pretty
certain some day to bo himself a candidate
for the presidency.
A iiuiiKAU OP runuc WOIIKS.
Mr. S. B. Cooley , Mr. E. L. Curthell and
Professor Ilcrr , of Chicago , nro here to meet
tlio executive board of the council of civil en
gineering societies in the United States , who
will present to the committee on commerce
to-morrow the reason for the passage of Sen
ator Cullom's bill for n bureau of national
public works. All of the civil engineering
societies in the United States have joined in
memorials asking for the organization of
such u bureau , nnd the separation of the pub
lic works from the engineer corps of the
army. The bill provides for a civil bureau
under the secretary of war to carry on river
and harbor improvements , and all other pub
lic woiks except fortifications.
One reason for the phenomenal dullness
which has clmractcrucd the Easter holidays
is that there will bo plenty of time for ex
tended social doings nil through May mid
Juno. There will not bo a complete exodus
of people Until the warm weather is well
under way , for the long session of congress
will undoubtedly keep u largo and influential
section in town pretty much all summer.
People who have traveled a great deal , like
the English and French ministers , say they
have found no place any more comfortable ,
all things considered , than Washington for a
summer residence , and if people stay here it
is equally curtain that some of them will con
tinue planning things to keep thenibelvcs ana
tlicir friends entertained.
Suve the elegant reception given In honor
of the delegates to the council of women by
Mrs. Stanford and Mrs. Palmer , there wcro
really no events last week worthy of an
Easter revival , always excepting Mrs. Whit
ney's pood-bye dinner to the Do Rcuterskiels
on Monday night. Mrs. Whitney had also n
largo after-dinner company when the Ynlo
glee club were here , nnd in fact all the Yale
men in the city were agreeably entertained
ut a lute supper.
A largo party of society people , to escape
the quiet which reigned here , went to New
York early last week , many of them to sec
the Swedish minister and wife off for Eu
rope.Mr. . Genadlus gave n theater party to the
Do Heutersltiels in Now York on Thursday
Mr. . Kukl , who was the Japanese minister
hero aud who now tills an Important position
in his own country , has also been placed in
charge of the art exposition , which will beheld
hold in Japan during the year IS'JO.
A lady just back from Now York met
Mrs , and Miss Manning while shopping , am'
says that both are in good health and hud
many kino1 inquiries to make of their friends
hero. Mrs. Manning still resides In the Fifth
avenue house , which had been leased for
two years.
Miss Ellen Bayard , youngest daughter ol
the secretary of state , returned yesterday to
Boston after spending the caster holidays
with her family In Washington. Misslinyard ,
who will not make his debut until another
season , is a very handsome girl , a titlan
blonde , and while attending1 school in Boston
makes her homo with her bister , Mrs. War-
ren.Mr. . Henderson of Iowa , never likes to paj
for his shave , and will flip n coin with the
members who happen to be In the cloak room
barber shop to bee who pays for both. The
other day he paid for four shaves , two boot
blacks ana a hair cut. Ho docs not get dls
cou raped and the goddess sometimes smiles
his way. Pcinir S. UKATII.
Tills Week In Congress.
WASHINGTON , April 8. The senate wll
probably tuke up the South Dakota bill to
morrow. The bill to establish the bureau o
animal Industry is made the special order for
Thursday , When these two measures are
disposed of Sherman's bill authorizing the
secretory of the treasury to Invest In govern
incut bonds , S per cent of the fund held for
the redemption of notes of national banks
"failed In liijuldutiou or reducing currency , "
will bo taken up.
The calendar of the house shows that nl
of the working days next week Imvo beet
parcelled out among the committees on Pa
ciflo railroands , territories , foreign atlairs
public lands and agriculture for netioi
upon measures reported by them. But the
actual disposition of time is llkoiv to ho veri
different , judging from the proceedings of the
past week.
AVenther Crop Bulletin.
WASHINGTON , April 8. The weather croi
bulletin for the week ended Saturdoy , Apri
7 , says the weather for the week has been
favoi able for growing props In all agrlcul
turaldlstrlets [ In the southern states. It i
generally reported us tlio mobt favorabl
week of the season and form work is pro
eresslng rapidly in tuts central valley an
tciddle AUimie state * .
Brought to Boar on Proclaimed
Louguo Guthorlnpcs.
lrolnl > Io Coiilcst Over Mile. Almco's
Will Another Hit of Gossip Prom
the Ucrmnu Court IJIs-
Illotfl nt Proclaimed McctlnRH.
KII.UUSII , April 8. Saturday night some
policemen , who were trying to prevent the
erection of a platform for the meeting an
nounced to bo held to-day , were pelted with
stones by n mob nnd wcro compelled to
charge. Many civilians wcro badly Injured.
About 0,000 persons belonging to the various
caguo branches of Kilrush assembled at 2:80 :
p. m. to-day. The police , led by Magistrates
Welch and Irwln , charged the crowd ,
Injuring many. A number of triumphal
arches were torn down. Father Glynn of
[ Ctlmlhlll was attacked by two policemen
with rifles. A farmer felled ono policeman
to the ground with a stick. A riot being im
minent , n Berkshire regiment , with fixed
bayonets , charged the crowd and ten persons
wcro badly wounded. Two policemen were
seriously injured. Order was somewhat
restored among the crowd before appealed to
by the priests and Messrs. Ucdmoml and Crilly
members of parliament. Hcdmond then at
tempted to organize the meeting , but was pre
vented by Magistrate Irwln. Uodmond pro
tested the government's action illegal and ,
together with the priests , advised the mul
titude to disperse.
ENNIS , April 8. Messrs. Davitt , O'Connor ,
Rev. Mr. Carry and other league leaders ,
le.ft Cnrmody's ' hotel in Ennls at " o'clock In
the afternoon and drove ten miles into
the country , followed by soldiers. Hy
preconcerted arrangement , Condon , M. P. ,
remained in town to hold ttio proposed meet
ing In an unoccupied store. This programme
leaked out nnd tlio police raided the building.
This aroused desperate resistance on the
part of the people present , and many wcro
injured. Fifty persons were arrested. Unin
is falling in torrents. The cavalry and in
fantry uro patrolling the town.
Lo.sanuuA , April S. O'Brien held his
. While the dispersing
meeting to-day. police were
persing the people O'Brien spoke ten min
utes. Ho called the police cowards for not
arresting him instead of ill treating the pee
ple. O'Brien left the bishop's residence
at 2 p. in. , followed by a crowd numbering
4,000 persons. He was met by nn imposing
force of police and military , which barred the
way. The magistrate told O'Brien he could
not allow the meeting to bo held. O'Brien ,
then insisted upon his right to hold the meet
lug , saying he took all tlio responsibility upon
himself and asked the magistrate that if force
bo used to use it upon himself , not. upon the
people. A long colloquy between the
two then ensued , O'Brien insisting
his arrest would end the meeting , nnd If any
other action was taken the responsibility
would rest on the police. The crowd then
advanced toward the platform and the police
immediately attacked them , knocking down
all who resisted. Stones now began to fly
and the police brought their batons into
requisition. At this critical moment
Father Meager begged the crowd to desist
from violence , but his efforts wcro only par
tially successful. The police pressed upon
the people and cleared the Held , sevcal civil
ians receiving scalp wounds in the operation.
The Dead Actress' Fortune Tjlkcly to
Be Involved In Ijltij-ntlon.
| Cojrfuit > | / ISbS liu Jnmra Giirilun Itcnnctt.l
PAUIS , April S. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to the HUE. ] The will of the late
Mllo. AimeeTrichlon , or Mllo. Aiince , as the
opcru houffo actress was generally called , is
likely to give the lawyers , French and Amer
ican , a good deal of trouble. The residuary
legatee Is Mine. Maria Laurent , who is a
trubtco of Orphelltmt des Arts. The amount
of property Is estimated at about 200,000
francs , when all dclrts and testamentary ex
penses are paid. M. FOUIJUCS , curator of the
Orphclinat des Arts , was interviewed by a
Herald reporter on the subject of the will.
From this it would appear that the actress
was very decided In her way of making bo-
quests. On the 30th of September , hav
ing to go through n very severe operation ,
she asked for pen , ink nnd paper
and carefully drew up the document , not
completing It until 1 a. m. , which hour U put
nt the top of the will. The testatrix wrote
her last wish in her own handwriting , nnd as
the will was an olograph ono no witnesses
wcro required.
She begins by asking M. Arthur Heulhnrd ,
of the Figaro , to act as a kind of friendly
trustee. After several trifling bequests to
servants the deceased actress orders that her
tomb shall consist of a little chapel in the
Cemetery Nogent surMarno. Thonccessary
funds for this nro left to M. Michel Tricon.
Her houses In the Rue du Val do Beau teat
at Nogcnt , are left to M. Albert
Marlando , said to bo n nephew of the actress.
The usufruct of the rest of the estate is left
to M. Kicardo Diaz Albcrtini , whoso Paris
domicile is 70 Avenue D'Lcna. The property
is situated nt Nogcut snr Mnrno at 5 Hue
Meycrher and in New York. It includes
splendid furniture in both places , Jewels and
The will shows no afterthought of the
testraix as to M. Alhertlnl's ability or wil
lingness to leave tha estate intact at his
death. The question of a guarrantco mooted
by the American am ] French court , is , after
nil , a piece of legal initiative which is not
likely to bo of much weight in
the long run. M. Albcrtini , as the legatee ,
becomes administrator of the fortune left.
Ho will have to realize not only upon the
sale of Mile. Almces' jewels , plate , pictures
and house , but ho becomes tha legal investor
of the money. It is also specialty requested
in the will to collect alleged debts from
Messrs. Simmonds Ss Brown , of New York.
His life interest Is Intact and intangible. It
Is not likely that cither M. Fungues or the
legal advisers of the Ornhclmnt des Art will
be able to hamper M. Albertlnl in the frui
tion of a lepney which has Veen left to him
in the clearest possible way.
Tlio German Political Mesa.
[ CopurteMllSSliv Jam : * Gonlnri licnuett. ' }
VIBXKA , April S. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to tha BKB.J A well In
formed correspondent In Berlin writes this
morning to nn influential newspaper the fol
lowing. From the sout co I cannot doubt Us
general accuracy ; "It Is known in Berlin
with what care the cmprcsa attends her hus
band , not leaving him alone if she can avoid
it day or night. On ono occasion the empress
had jubt entered the room In which the chan
cellor was reporting to the emperor , when
the former , pausing a few moments to see II
the empress intended ix'uiululng , and rcaliz
ing that such was her intention , brusquely
quitted the room. On the following day
Prince Bismarck again appeared In the em
peror's cablne * , and seeing the empress
there and seeing her majesty Intended to
stay , he pointed out to the empress bo was
accustomed to report to his kaiser alone
when the empress silently quitted the room
nnd yet on another occasion eincc their re
turn to Cliarlotteubcrg the empress , anxious
to save tue ciaperor trouble , usUeil Pisce
i mnnt % '
Jlsmarck whether lie should ngrco she
should sign for the emperor n. portion nt least
of the heap of papers which every
lay require the imperial signature.
, 'rlnco Bismarck curtly replied this was 1m-
> osslblc , adding that If It was necessary to
replace the emperor there was the crown
irlnco , whoso duty would bo to do so. "
Much Indignation exists hero nt the nttltudo
of Bismarck's scmi-ofnciul press towards the
emperor and empress , particularly nt the
flagrant want of resect with which the
; iapers In question hnvo latterly spoken of
; ho emperor- and .empress , nnd Indeed cm-
marked upon a regular campaign against
Pleased "With the Measure.
IDipi/HoM 18S8 l > u Jnmts Gonlon lltnnttt.1
LONIION , April 8. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Br.B. | The Dally
News this morning prints the full text of the
projwscd new copyright hill nt Washington ,
ind In n long Interesting leader comments on
the provisions most favorably ,
NcKntlatlng With the Czar.
Bniu.iN , April 3. The conflict between the
emperor nnd Prince Bismarck over the pro-
[ wscd marriage of Princess Victoria to Prince
Alexander has ceased for the present. Ne
gotiations on the subject nro passing between
Emperor Frederick and the czar.
It Is confirmed In ministerial circles that
the crisis terminated on Friday. The
Cologne Gazette states that the matter was
settled as Prince Bismarck desired. The
semi-ofllcial organs are cither silent on the
subject or simply state that the crisis con
tinues. In liberal circles Prince von Hohcn-
loho Is spoken of as the successor of Bis
marck. It is reported that the emperor
proposes to address u Bismarck rescript
marking the main features of the German
foreign policy and especially advising n
rvappronchcmcnt with Russia on the Bul
garian question ,
Emperor Frederick's Condition.
Br.itu.v , April 8. No change is reported In
the emperor's ' condition to-day.
A Technical Point May Save Him
Prom the Gallows.
FKUOUS FALLS , Minn. , April S. [ Special
Telegram to the Bcis.J Ho Long's counsel ,
P. O. Naben , claims to have discovered n
point which may save the criminal from the
Callows. The point'Was furnished by II. E.
Day , n Minneapolis attorney. The latter
save it to W. W. Erwln , who has Included it
In his appeal in the Barrett case. Day claims
that the law under which Ho Long was sen
tenced is unconstitutional. Article 3 of ttio
state constitution says :
The power of government shall bo divided
Into three distinct departments legislative ,
executive and judicial and no person or
persons belonging- constituting ono of
these departments stall exercise any of the
powers properly .belonging to either of
the others , unless expressly provided in this
Ho Long's attorneys claim that in fixing'
the date of the execution the governor , who
constitutes the executive department , per
forms a judicial act , which properly belongs
to ttio judicial department ; that the judg
ment is not complete until the day Is lixed
and in fixing the Hey the intermingling of
the powers is unconstitutional. The point Is
a flue one and the-state docs not believe it
will hold. The notlco of appeal has been
filed and the brief submitted to the supreme
court. The cxccUtiqn will take place Friday
unless a stay is grnutcd. The arrangements
are all completed and the gallows con
structed , the same used at Duluth three
years ago.
Thirteen PcrsoiiH Suffering From Ar
senic Two Dead.
CCNTCRVIM..E , Gn. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] From Union county
comes the news of u wholesale poisoning , in
which thirteen persons were the victims , two
of whom are dead. Nathan M. Cochran.who
owns a corn mill nbout 300 yards from his
house , had taken some corn there to grind ,
leaving it in tbo mill over night and grinding
it the next day. Tlio meal was taken homo
nnd some of it used for dinner. In a few min
utes Cochrnn was deathly sick. Shortly af
terward his two grandclnlui en wcro stricken.
In the meantime Mrs. Gnddis , Mr. Cochran'u
stepmother , who had used some of the same
meal , was thrown into convulsions. The
family of W. S. Ware also fell victims , mak
ing thirteen in all who were suffering from
the poison. Analysis shows there was nr-
scntc in the The supposition is that it
was spread through the corn while at the
mill by a man named Muldlng , who had been
discharged by Cochrau. The suspected man
is in Jail.
Bloodless Encounter' Between Two
Merchants at StevcnH Point , Wis.
STKVUNS POINT , Wis. , April S. [ Special
Telegram to the BIE. : ] A sensation was
caused hero this morning- a street encoun
ter between Jules Ivcrson nnd William A.
Roe , prominent business men of the city.
Roe rushed across the street with o drawn
revolver nnd nskcd Ivcrson : "Is It true that
you threatened to kill mo ! " By ways of re
ply Ivcrson drew n revolver nnd nn inter
change of shots seemed Imminent , when
Ivcrson took to his heels and sought refuge
iu n restaurant. Rod was arrested later.
The trouble grew out of a feud caused by
rivalry , both having paid attentions to the
daughter of a wealthy Stevens Point lumber
man. The town is greatly excited and since
the Hazeltlno murder everybody goes armed.
The episode tills morning following close on
the heels of this murder and also because of
the prominence of the parties has caused a
great deal of commotion.
A Miner's Windfall.
SIUMOKIN , Pa. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BCE.J James Bnlloy , a miner of
this city , who lost his place through the
strike of the Philadelphia and Reading men ,
and who has been living in' abject poverty
for some time , received a letter from an at
torney In England , notifying him of the
death of a rich undo who left nn cstato
valued at sixteen hundred thousand dollars
to which ho Is the ) iclr. Ho has a wife and
seven children. Bulley has resided hero for
the last twenty years. Previously ho was
the private secretary of the deceased uncle.
Ho married a sewjuffgirl , despite the unclo's
threats of disinheriting him. Ho sailed to
the United States immediately after his mar
riage , the falllmrto secure work In the cities
ho came to the coat regions. Bailey will sail
next week with his family for England to
take possession of his fortune ,
A Huge Ocean Itnft.
ST. Jonsc , N. B. . < April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEB. ] There will bo launched
hero in June , n raft , or rather a timber ship ,
greater than the ono last full. It will po 000
feet long , fifty-four feet wide , thirty-eight
feet deep , and will carry six masts and bo
square rigged , with n crow of twenty meu.
The intention is to tow her with u steamer
and tender , Tuore will bo liS.OOO sticks of
timber on her.
Confesses a Great Hohhery.
KAKSAS CITV , Mo. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the BcE.l William Morganstcin ,
who attempted suicide by jumping into the
ICaw river yesterday , to-day confessed to
the Kansas City [ Killco that sometime ago
ho lied from Vienna , Austria , after omb -
20,000 thalers , frcm Bernard , Rosenthal &
Co , , a banking firm of that place. . A telo-
pram was sent to the chief of police of
Vienna to-day notifying him of the fcttitc-
Safely Through Iowa's Lower House
It Will Dlo In the Sonato.
A More Stringent Pharmacy haw
Farmers Fcrnlnst the Lawyers
The Itnllroadn * Hitter
Fight on Finn ,
Uallroail Bills Passed.
DCS MOINBS , la. , April 7. [ Correspond
ence of the BEG.J The legislative session Is
now drawing to n close and It is not probable
that many more Important measures , except
the npproprlatlon bills , will run tha gauntlet
of both houses and become laws. Three rnll
rend bills have been passed by both houses
nnd signed by the governor , nnd are now n
part of the statutes of the stato. Tticso nro
the bills compelling railroads to fcnco their
lines on request of adjoining land owners ; to
provide for the election of railroad commis
sioners by tlio people ; and the famous house
file 872 , to empower the board of commission
ers to llx n schedule of freight charges , and
to prevent and punish extortion nnd unjust
discrimination. None of thcso bills reduce
either freight or passenger rates , in express
terms , mid whatever relief the people get in
this direction must como from the commis
sioners. Tlio lower house , which was frestt
from the people , was
nnd In spfto of the presenceof nn active nnd
powerful railroad lobby It passed the max-
imuni tariff bill , cutting down the freight
charges on local traffic nearly one-third , by a
vote of 85 to 12 , and a bill reducing passenger
faro on first-class roads from i ) to 2 cents per
mile by almost the same majority. The max
imum tariff bill was never considered by the
railroad committee of the senate , and will bo
allowed to die , partly from lack of time for
considering it in detail , but mainly because a
majority of the committee is opposed to its
passage. The 3-cont bill was reported favor
ably by the senate committee and hanps
trembling in the balance. It will likely bo
killed by juggling nnd sharp practice , hut if
n hquaro vote upon It Is reached nnd the
doubtful members do not seek the socluslon
of the cloak room during roll-call , it stands n
good show of becoming a law.
The legislature has repealed the present
pharmacy law nnd enacted a much more
stringent measure , and ono which few drug
gists will care to violate. The permit holders
are made responsible for nil Illegal sales ,
under any circumstances , and for the second
violation the certificate of registration Is re
voked. The party purchasing the liquor for
an illegal purpose is also liable to n fine of
not less than ? 'iO for any false statements or
signing a fictitious name to the application.
Senator Gatch made u detennincd effort to
attach on imendmcnt to the bill permitting
the big distillery , which is snld to be the
"largest in the world , " to manufacture "al
cohol for legal purposes and for export , " but
the democratic members insisted on substi
tuting the words "intoxicating liquors" for
"alcohol , " so that the breweries coukl reopen
for the same purposes. This was too strong
a medicine for Gatch and his republican sup-
jiortcrs , and they refused to accept
it. Several democrats then in n
spurt of rage , declined to
support the Gatch amendment ana it was
lost. Four republicans Gatch , Doud ,
Browcr and Hanchctt voted to open the dis
tillery. It was confidently expected that
three others Laurenre , Smith nnd Hutchinson -
son would do so , and these , with all the
democrats , would have carried the measure ,
but the rates did not materialize. An effort
was also made to illlow the wholesale dealers
to continue In business , but it failed by n
largo majority. Iowa will now have as
htrong a prohibition law as tlio most radical
prohibitionist could desire , and its effect in
diminishing drunkenness will bo noted with
The members of the bar will have occasion
to remember the present house of repre
sentatives for many a day. The farmers ,
who comprise a majority of that body , came
hero loaded for lawyers , and all sorts of bills
restricting the privileges of the bar have
been proposed , and some of them passed.
The number of peremptory challenges in
criminal cases was reduced to ton on each
side. The defendant is now allowed twenty.
The hills to restrict the time of lawyers m
making their pleas and to compel them to
pay for copies of the court docket , were lost.
l'001.8 AND THUSTS.
The Clark bill to prohibit pools and trusts
and other combinations to increase the price
of the necessaries of life , passed both houses
by a largo majority. Hereafter any agree
ment or understanding between dealers In
any commodity to maintain any certain prices
will bo unlawful , and punishable by a mini
mum line of (300. It is rumored that com
binations among dealers In lumber and coal
have been robbing the people in this state for
years , but as the cry was started by those
who desired to turn the nttcntlon of the people
ple away from railroad legislation , it is not
given much credence by the people at largo.
The legislature scouted the Idea and declined
to npiwlnt a committee to investigate the
matter. However , if they do exist , they will
have to go.
The senate has passed a bill grantIng -
Ing n bounty of 2 cents per pound
on all sugar manufactured In the state. The
"sum of ? 10,000 is annually appropriated for 11
teem of five years for this purpose. It is be
lieved the capitalists will undertake the
manufacture of sugar on a largo scale both
from cane aud beets , and the more sanguine
predict that this bounty will enable the state
to manufacture enough for homo consump
tion. A largo sugar manufactory will bo
started at once by capitalists at Muvcatlno.
The democrats looked upon this move as in
the nature of a protective tariff and strongly
opposed it.
TUB AMKX MND Jlll.r , .
The bill introduced by Hobb. of Crcston ,
the greenback louder , prohibiting non-reM-
dent aliens from acquiring title to real estate
in Iowa , which parsed the house unani
mously , went through the senate with only
ono dissenting vote. Hereafter no nonresident
dent alien can acquire title to land in this
state except by the foreclosure of a mort
gage , and land so acquired must bo disposed
of m ten years. Land now hold by such par
ties must bo sold in three years , or escheat
to the stato. No corporation , half of whoso
stock Is owned by foreigners , can hereafter
secure title to real estate for any purpose.
Some fear this bill will result in the with
drawal of largo sums of money now loaned
In this state by foreigners and have n ten
dency to increase the rate of Interest , hut
the grccnbackers have made a hobby of this
question , using it with great skill and per-
sistniipo , and finally won the caso. If other
states follow Iowa's example in this matter ,
110 harm aud much good may result from It.
BU.NATOU ri.N.v.
Hon. George L. Finn , senator from Taylor
and Adauis , is the happiest man In the legis
lature. Two years ago the people of Taylor
county sent him up to the lower house ,
pledged to favor the abolition of free passes
and a law providing for the election of rail
road commissioners , und empowering them
to establish a schedule of freight charges for
all the state. Joining hands with J , G. Ber-
ryhill of this city and other well-known unit-
monopolists , ho succeeded in organizing that
branch of the assembly on this platform , and
Finn was placed ut the head of the railroad
committee. Ho ut once introduced hills to
carry out thebo principles , and immediately
became the tared of every corporation organ
in the state. Abuse was poured out upon
him without stint , and in the closing scenes
of the session his measures were smothered
by u hostile sifting committee , inado up for
that purjwso. But Mr. Finn was not dis
couragcd , und coolly answered the taunU of
the corporation attorneys with the declaru-
' " 1 " " "
tlon "that he would yet engraft thcso meas
ures upon the statutes of the state , If it took
twenty years to do It , "
Itccognlzlng in Mr. Finn n dangerous man ,
nnd ono who could not bo controlled , the
corporations went Into Taylor county with
nil their forces "to kill him oft. "
Tlio friends of anti-monopoly legislation
in that county and district accepted the
gauge of battle thus thrown down , and tlio
contest attracted general attention through
out the state. The result was the triumphant
election of Mr. Finn to the senate by nearly
ono thousand majority. Meanwhile the
measures so ably championed by Senator
Finn In the lower house , had been discussed
In the school houses throughout the state ,
nnd as a result , the principles of these meas
ures have been endorsed by an almost unani
mous vote In the legislature , nnd senrcely a
single member who opposed Mr. Finn two
years ago was able to secure n ro-olcctloti.
In this assembly Senator Finn has strongly
supported the maximum tariff and the two
cent fare bill , both of which nro certain to
become u part of the. statutes of the stnto.
Tlio people of lown recognize In Senator Finn
n safe nnd reliable leader , and he will yet be
called up higher. Even now ho Is promi
nently mentioned as the next congressman
from the Eighth district. To Messrs. Finn
and Bcrryhju , more than to nil others , the
null-monopoly work of this legislature Is due ,
and the corporations , as well as the people ,
tire fully ullvo to this fact. Uux ,
The Financial Transaction ) ) of the
Past Week.
BOSTON , Mass. , April 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the HUB. ] The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the lending clearing-houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the week ended April 7 ,
1BSS , with the rnto per cent of Increase or de
crease as compared with the amounts for the
corresponding week last year :
Not Included In totals.
An Organization of Veterans Seclclnj ;
Government Assistance.
Nnw YOUK , April 8. The organization of
veteran soldiers and sailors , which terms it
self the Veteran Association of the Regular
Army nnd Navy of the United States Army ,
has recently been agitating the matter of
securing n bounty of land and moans for Im
proving the same from the United States
government. The organisation held u meet
ing to-day , delegates from various grand
army posts being present , and adopted a
petition to congress. It Is urged that thou
sands of veterans would like to take and cul
tivate a bounty of land , but are unable to do so
unless financially assisted by the government.
The petitioners urge congress to pass an act
entitling all honorably discharged soldiers
mid sailors to the assistnnconceded to enable
the veterans and their families to erect and
occupy and cultivate a bounty of land , and In
the event of tlio passage of such a bill the
government will bo asked to locate the lands ,
lay out the highways , build schools and fur
nish each settler with a small house , team ,
agricultural implements , seed , etc. Iu re
turn the settlers would repay the loan to the
government within ten years , with interest
nt 3 per cent , and would pledge themselves
to servo iu the militia of their several states.
Strange Fro ale of a Georgia Preacher
AVho Kxpeutw Beatli Soon.
ATHENS , Ga. , April 8. [ Special Telegram
to the BUK. ] Two thousand people witnessed
an event never before hoard of In the history
of Clark county. Rev. Dr. Bridges , eighty-
four years old , preached his own funeral
sermon to-day in a small country church , six
miles from hero. Ho had his grave dug and
coflln made , for this occasion. Ho nnd his
assistants sung the first song , "Snail wo
gladly meet. " Ho then gave his text , Cor
inthians , 2:8 : , and gave ttio largo crowd n
short talk in u * very fatcring manner. He
has been in a feeble condition for some time
and expects to dlo soon ,
Fired By Inccndarlon.
UAVI.INS , Wyo. , April -Special | Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Information has Just
reached hero of the incendiary burning a few
nights since of the ranch und dwelling house
of the ' 71 cattle company on Sweet Water
river , Sweet Water county , this territory.
Loss ? 2,000. This Is the second Incendiary
destruction of property on this ranch In the
last six months. The flrst loss was 15,000. ,
Tlio ' 71 company cut down range wages last
fall , thereby incurring the bitter animosity of
the unprincipled and reckless cowboy ele
ment. Some months since Range Manager
Andrews was shot ut in a treacherous man
ner , narrowly escaping death. Absolutely
no clue to the perpetrators of the scries of
outrages can bo obtained , and the company
is helpless before its revengeful auil con
cealed foes.
A Murderer Kui < : ltlen.
New YOUK , April 8 , iSpedul Telegram to
the BEK.Francis M. PHtman , the mur
derer of his daughter Rachael , who was
under sentence of life imprisonment for the
crime , nnd who has been suffering from the
effects of opium taken Saturday morning ,
died at 1 o'clock to-day. It is still unknown
where ho got the poison , The warden of the
Tombs says he obtained it while being tried
in court. His daughters , Belle and Sudlo.
came to the hospital in the afternoon , but
wcro not affected on learning of their father's
death. Mrs. Pitttnan denied having given
her husband poiton , and toys she would
rather have shoj htm.
A St. Joseph Woolen Mill Burned ,
ST. JosKrir , Mo. , April 8. ( Special Tele-
( ram to the BKK. ] The south warcroom of
the Buell woolen ml'ls ' was totally destroyed
by Hro to-day. Thi loss Is about f.30,000 , par
tially covered by Insurance. The cause of
the Are la unknown , but Is supposed to bo
either the wcrk of un Incendiary or spontane
ous coinbur.lon. The Bucll mills are among
the largesJ concerns of the kind in the west.
The ula-tn was promptly turned in , but the
plant l located outside the city limits , inoro
than .wo miles ircm the nearest engine
liouHu , and when the lira department had nr-
rivxl tha flro had completely gutted the
A Boston Physician Sponlcs Prom i
Personal Knowledge. fl
Tlio Plumed Knight Cnnnot Survlvo
Two Ycnrw , mill Thnt Wnu tlio
Itcnsou For llln Declining
the Nomination. , '
Bulled AVith iv Pntnl Mnlntly. i
UOSTOX , April 8. [ Special Telegram to th <
Hnii. ] Dr. Wlnthrop V. Heywood , who hn (
been three years In Vienna studying mcdli
clno , returned to'Hoston lust Saturday *
Since completing his studies Heywood hat
been traveling on the continent , and pnsscil
the larger portion of the winter at Florence ,
where ho frequently saw nnd talked wltli
Ulalno , who IB now living thero. * *
"How about Ulalno ! " asked the reporter
of Dr. Hoywood to-day. "Is ho as 111 as wx
ported , or Is the story simply a campalgq
"Ulalno Is not sick In the scnsoof requiring
medical care , " replied Dr. Hoywood , "but U
far from being well. I bcllcvo ho has a pro <
grcsslvo malady which will cnuso death In n
short tlmo unless ho gets relief , of whlcu
there is little prospect.1 * '
"What nils him I" v
"Though I was not called to attend him
professionally , from what ho said to mo and
from his general habits nnd appearance. I hn\J
no hesitation In .saying that ho has diabetes
which progresses to n fatal termination ,
Why , ho lost twenty pounds of llcsh In tWd
months. When ho went across last Juuo
ho was n plump man , weighing nbout twd
hundred pounds. Now he Is n shrivelled )
bandy-legged old man , who will not tip the
scnlo at 11X ) pounds. Ills face IB thin and
blue ; shoulders stooping ; those big eyes hol >
low and underscored with blue bands ; that
big under Up as pnlo na n piece of Comonu' ,
marble. No one can form un idea of how hd
failed this winter. "
"Is ho able to bo up and abontl"
"Yes , but he takes extra good care of him
self and cannot endure much exorcise. Ho
told mo nil he lived on was the bluest kind oi
skim milk , of which ho took n supply which
had lost Its caslcno albumcnoidOB. Ho as
sured mo that his reason for declining the
nomination was ho felt n presentiment thud
he was going to die , and did not wish to
Incur the arduous labors of the campaign ,
fearing ho would not hold up uuder the
strain. "
O"Do you think there Is any probability of
his dying In n short timot"
"No , not for six months or n year , though
I think ho cannot with the best care survive
over two years' "
Victoria Wootlliull Martin Buys
Uecclier'H Hook Belles I lor.
NEW YORK , April 8. [ Special Telegram
to the 13r.n. ] Webster & Co. , the publishers
of Beecher's book , hove received n notlco
from the London publishers regarding the
proposed action of Mrs. Victoria Martin , for
merly Victoria Woodhull , for the suppression *
of those chapters relative to her connection
with tUo Beccher-Tllton caso. Several para
graphs In the book charge Mrs. Martin with
trying to blackmail Mr. Beechcr , and threat *
ening to expose what she knew. Tills , Mrrf. y *
Martin says , is not so , and unless the slate
mont is removed from the work she says shb
will sue for heavy damages. Mr. Hall , oi
Webster & Co. , said to-day that If the objec
tionable parts of the book were proved fnlsej
the publishers would , of course , remove' '
liottn Can Kail in Love.
Nnw YOHIC , April S. [ Special Telegram to ,
the Bun. ] Itcports are again current thatr ,
Lottn ( Charlotte Crabtrco ) is a bout to com-1
mil matrimony. Cyrillo Scott , her loading ;
man , Is mentioned as the lucky wooer. The
fact that Scott nolds n snugger place In the
heart of the little actress than any of his pre
dccessors is nfllnncd by Manager St. Mauri
who asserts an engagement is Imminent if 16
does not already exist. It is also rumored *
tlio actress has received nn offer lately froi ;
Manager Abbott to purchase the Par
theatre in Boston for 500,000 , but she d
dined to sell.
Accidentally Itlcw llln nrnliiH Out.B
TJKi.i.woon , Neb. , April 8. [ Spcclnl Tolo-
pnim to the HUE. ] This forenoon Joseph
JUg , a harnessmakcr who is in the employ of/i
llobcrt Dovoo , In company with U , Masci
and son , went geese hunting and while cross *
Ing the Platte river In a boat a flock of geeeo
flow over , when Jilg snatched up his gun and
in doing so the hammer caught on the cdga
of the bout causing it to go off , The char go'
struck him In the head killing him instantly.
Jilg is a German , nbout twenty-two years
ago , single and is in this country but a
A. $ SOOOO Fire at Tccumsoli.
TEUUMHBII , Neb. , April 8. [ Special Tola-
gram to the lini : . ] The roller mills and ele
vator , owned by James Hill , caught fire lajb
night about 8 o'clok and wcro burned to the
ground. A good share of the flour which
was sacked , was saved. About two cars ofi
wheat and two earn pf corn were consumed *
Loss WO.OOO , Insurance 18,000. Fortunately
the wind was not very strong , although th6
fire brands rained over two blocks , and by
water in palls the fire was confined to tua
mill nnd elevator.
Died OflllH Ill.jUl'IOR. '
NOHTII MH.NH , Neb. , April 8. [ Special to
the HiiB.J The ten-year-old son of Marshal
Nowson , who had his log cut off by a train
on the. Union Pncitlo railroad two weeks
ago , died this morning from lock-jaw , caused
fiom the injury received.
A Threatened Overflow.
DBS MOINCS , la. , April 8. Tlio DCS Molnes
river at this point Is higher now than for
seven years nnd still rising. It is thought
before morning the entire south part of the
city will bo submerged , The Diagonal rail
road bridge moved from Its foundation nnd la
likely to go down before morning. Hundred *
of men and teams are nt work la
raising levees. Ueporta from up the rive
say bridges have gone and much disaster done.
AVcallior Indication * ! .
For Nebraska ; Colder , fair weather pre
ceded in eastern portions by rain , winds be
coming fresh to brisk , northerly.
For Iowa ! Haiti , followed by colder , clear
ing weather , fresh to brink winds becoming
For Eastern and Southwestern Dakota ;
Local rains , followed by colder , fair weather ,
light to fresh variable ! \viuds
Ktp.nnisliip'Ari-lvnlH. ! !
NBW YOUK , April 8. [ Swclul | Telegram to
the HER. ] The steamer California from
Hamburg March 21 , arrived ouUIdc the bar
at-1:45 : p. m. to-day , In tow of the btearcer
Charles Mnrgaux. rns
Tlio Suoxa arrived from Hamburg and La
Normandlu from Havre.
HAVIIB , April 8. Arrived La Urctagne , .
from Now York.
Burial of * Jacob Hlinrp. (
NEW YOUK , April 8. The remains of Jacob/
Sharp , over which funeral services v/cio
held last evening , were builsd to-day In
Ur ecu wood cemetery.