Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1888, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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We will place on sale $5,000 wortli of fine silk Lace Flomicings , at less than half prices. This sale will continue one week , with hundreds oi
other attractions. We would advise the ladies to come in as early in the week as possible , as these laces , at prices quoted will not last
long. Don't forget our Carpet and Curtain department. Special prices ail next week.
Lace Flouncing , 98c.
6 pieces black Spanish Silk Lace
Flouncing ) * , 42 Inches wide , would bo
cheap at $1.75 ; our price just for one
week 08c.ayard.
Lace Flouncing , $1.49.
6 pieces blnek Spanish Silk Lnco
Flouncing inches wide , usually re
tails at $2.25 ; our price for one week ,
81.40 , a ynrd.
Lace Flouncing , $1.69.
4 pieces black Chantilly Silk Lace
Flouncing , -J2 inches wide. This lace
was imported to sell nt $ ! I.OO a yard ; we
will Boll it.for one week at $1.M. a yard.
Lace iFloimcing , $2.58.
6 pieces black Spanish Silk Lace
Flouncing , 42 inches wide. This is a
beautiful 'luce and usually retails al
84.00 ; GUI' price for one week , $2.68 , a
yard. '
lace Flouncing , $2.SO.
5 pieccb black Chantilly Silk Lace
Flouncing , 42 inches wide , really a
beauty , would bo good value at .16.00.
Our b-alo 'price for ono week is $2.80 a
Xace Flouncing , $3.98.
6 pieces black Chantilly Lace Flun-
cings , 46 inches wide. Nothing like it
ever offered at the price in Omnhn. Our
price for one week , $3.98 a yard.
Lace Flouncing , $4.9O.
3 pieces black Chantilly Silk Flounc
ing , 45 Inobcs wide. A inarvil of beau
ty , must be soon 1o bo appreciated. On
sale for ono week at only Sl.HO a yard.
Lace Flouncing , $5.98.
2 pieces black C'lwntilly Silk Lace
Flouncing. 45 inches Wide. This is in
deed n. handsome lace. Wo have only
2 pieces and at price- ! * quoted , will sell
quickly ; &V98 a yuvil , worth $9.00.
Lace Floiinciiig , $6.98.
2 pieces only black hand run Silk Lace
Flouncing. 45 inches wide. This lace
hns never been retailed less than $12.00
a yard. Our price for ono week J6.0S a
Lace Flouncing , $7 98.
2 pieces black Chantilly Silk Lace
Flouncing , 45 inches wide , wheel pat-
lorn. Thin is n very line , buperior qual
ity and never retailed less than $ li.V > 0 a ,
yard. Our price for one week $7.98 a
Lace Flouncing , 1O.95.
1 piece bliick hand run Silk Lace
Flouncing , 43 inches wide , the hand
somest lace over shown in Omaha ; re
tails in Npw York and Chicago at $20.00
a yard. Our price for one week $10.95
a yard.
Ladies' Jerseys , 98c.
50 Ladies' fine black Jersey
pleated vest front * , tailor made and coat
buck. This Jersey would be cheap at
$2.00 ; our price Monday , only ! > 8e , each.
Cashmere Shawls 49c.
150 Uoi'.eu handsome Embroidered
Cashmere Shawls , all colors , on bale
Monday only. Your choice 49c , each
worth $1.50.
Ladies' Jackets , $1.95.
75 Ladles Street Jackets for 0110 day ,
Monday only. Your choice , $1.05.
Ladies Jackets , $8.50.
50 Ladies Broad-cloth Street Jackets ,
tailor made , bolid colors , Gobelin Blue ,
Mahogouy , Modes and Tans , for ono
week $8.50.
Beaded Wraps-$5.OO.
40 Ladies beaded Wraps , solid Jot
Sleeves. This wrap would bo cheap sit
$3.00. On sale next week at $5.00.
Beaded Wraps , $8.5O.
Ladies Beaded Wraps made of a flno
blaeic Faille Francaise Silk , heavy
beaded sleeves and trimmed all around
with Jet fringes on sale for one \\cok nt
$8.50 , worth $12.00.
Beaded Wraps , $12.50.
This Wrap is made of black Faille
Franca'iso Silk with solid Jot Sleeves. A
handsome garment on sale for ono week
at $12.50. Ask to bee it.
Fancy Hiifrbons , 12 ? < gc.
150 pieces Fancy Silk Ribbons in all
colors , Fancy Picothedge ; Monday only.
Your choice 12e } , a , yard.
Driving Gloves , 49c.
20 dozen Gents' Dogskin Driving
Gloves for ono week 40e , a pair , worth
SI .00.
Prime Kid Gloves 87c.
45 Dozen Ladles Prime Kid Gloves ,
Fancy Fouohetto lingers , heavy em
broidered backs in Tans , Browns'Greys , ,
Blacks , Monday only , your choice S c , a
pair , worthi $ l.oO.
Ladies'Lisle Gib ves 19c
60 Do/en Ladies' Frame Brilliant Lisle
Gloves in Tans , Browns and Blacks
Monday only , your choice lfc ) , pair worth
Seersucker Skirts 25c.
60 Dozen Ladies' Stripe Seersucker
Skirts Monday , 2oc. each worth 50c.
Ladies' Silk Hose , 85c.
: i Dozen Ladies'Silk Hose in Blacks ,
Browns , Navy blue , Wine , Cardinals ,
one day , Monday only. Your choice
Boc , n pair.
Ladies' Hose , 15c.
80 Do-/.en Ladies' Fancy Stripe IIosc ,
Monday , only 15c a pair , 2 pairs for 2. > c.
17 Yards Muslin , $1.0O
1 Bale Unbleached Muslin , 'M inches
wide , extra heavy. Monday only , 17
yards for $1.00.
16 Yards iRTuslin , $1.0O
1 Bale line Unbleached Miiblin , 30
inches wide ; Monday only , 10 yards for
American Satines , So
.Monday only. 100 pieces American
Salines , beautiful line of colors on &nU
Monday , 8c , a yard.
Check White Goods 15o
100 pieces White Goods , Monday , Only
15c , n ynrd , worth 2oe.
Check Nainsook , 83'ci '
60 pieces fine Cheek Nainsooks Monday - *
day , only Sic , a yard , worth lf > c.
Kegatta Silks , $1.1O
4 pieces Regatta Black , Gros-grninr
Silks for ono week , $1,10a jurd. Every
yard warranted.
Albatross Cloths , 25c.
23 pieces , all wool Albatross Cloths , in
evening .shades , only Monday. Youri
choice 2oc , a yard.
Chenille Curtains , $8 , .
12 pairs Chenille Portier CurUvinn ;
handsome designs , ono week , $8.00 nf
pair , worth $12.00.
Chenille Curtains , $12.
12 pairs Ohenillo Portier Curtains , the
greatest bargain over offered in Omahi
in solid colors , with handsome date ,
$12.00 a pair , worth $10.00.
Swiss Curtains , $12.9O
21 pairs fine Swiss Tambour Curtains ;
they are simply grand , on sale for end
week at $12.90 a pair , worth $18.00.
Down the Prices.
Jwool brocaded dress goods worth
from 15 lo I8c yard , our price has been
lot down to 6c yard. 5 diagonal suit-
I \ cashmere in all colors nt 20c yard ;
others ask i5ofor ! Ihe tamo. 40 in. wide
plaid and slripod suiting in spring
shades , worth 45c , reduced to 19c yd. 50
in. wide all wool French suiting , spring
shades , worth $1.25 , our price O'Jo yd. 40
in. wide dress goods , basket pattern ,
worth 06c , our price letdown to 15e yd.
160 pieces 41 in. wide all wool French
11 suitings in checks , strines and fancy
brocaded , sold everywhere from $1.00 to
81.60 a yard ; our price has been let
.down on this lot for Monday only to 60c
a yard and only one dress sold to cnch
customer at this price.
40 in. wide all wool beige , worth 79c ,
reduced to 39c a yard ; 42 in.all wool
cheeked alborlross , worth $1 , our price
TJSc ; 44 in. wide all wool French novel
ties , worth $1.10 , reduced to 78c ya. 60
in. wide Hcnriolln cloth in now spring
shades , such as gobelin , gris , blue , nois-
ollo , Ian , alguo , occanv-otc. , at $1.25 ,
others ask $2.25 for the same. 41 in.
black silk wran , Henrietta cloth , at OSc
yd , well worth $1.05. Moire silks in
black and colois at 05o , worth 91.25. 21
in. surah silk in all now colors at Ooc ,
worth $1.10. Heavy black gros gram
silk , fully warranted , nUtfc , uorth1.25.
Wo are offering a b\g \ bargain in black
and colored silk at 75c and O'Jc a yard ,
worth from 81.35 to $1.50.
Kid finished lining cambric 2c } ,
worth 6c. Bust grade of English cam-
briiv soft finished , 4 So , worth 8c. French
imported saloons , this season's slylo , at
Hie per yard. Our American sateens
tnko the lead for style and price , 6c , 8c ,
lOo and 12jc per yard. We show the
largest variety of patterns in sateen of
any dry goods house in Omaha. Our
trade 'on lace curtains lias been im
mense this past week , Wo have added
two special bargains for Monday at$2.85
and $3.50 a pair. They arc beauties
and will not last ever Monday as they
are worth J6.60 a pair.
Special bnrtrain in fringed napkins
on Monday , lOe each or $1 a dozen. 68-
ineh Turkey red table linen , fast colors ,
on Monday 19c , 22o and 29c. Only about
00 of Ihoso chambray combination suit
loft , sale will bo continued on
Monday , 81.60 each , only one lo cus
tomer. Best 1-4 indigo blue German
CJtJlea at lOc , worth 16o yard. Apron
chocked ginghams 4jo yard. Dress
etylo gingham * 5e ynrd. Lonadalo nnd
fruit of the loom muslin 12 yards 'or
81. 60 ps. zephyr striped ginghams
worth 15c , on Monday 9o yard. Wliito
chocked nainsook at 8c , < ! e , So and lOc
yard. Wo are always tholowoslon
this class of while goods. Remnants of
tnlilo linen al a great bargain , 25 pr.
o ( blankets , slightly soiled , must bo
sold to make room for summer goods.
Our rush on wall paper still continues.
Huvo you soon our now patterns which
came in this week.
110 and US So. 10th st. ,
Omaha , Nob.
ftoiith Onmlin
Now is the time to buy. Gel in on
the ground floor now don't wait until
it is too late. South Omaha Land
Co.'s lots are the cheapest and best.
Ei > . JOHNSTON & Co. , Agents ,
Ollleo opppslto depot South Omaha. .
Glmmborluin , A. & P'C. don't sell
second hand furniture full of disease
find vcvmin , but they do sell -now goods
U > r less money al 211) ) North lOtli ,
Ijcttint * Down the Prices.
Worsted dress braid in every shade ,
3c a roll , worth lOc. Whalebone , 'M
nehes lonpr , lOe , worth lee , Dress stays
le each , worth 5c. Twenty styles
crochet hooks , le each. Dexlor's knit-
ling collon , 5c a ball , worlh lOc. Dress
reeds , 3 in bunch , clastic ends , Oc , worth
loc. Immense variety dress trimming ,
dress billions , silk braids , linsol cords ,
.tidies' handkerchiefs , silk veilings , silk
rushing and ladies' collars , embroi
deries , laces , fiehuos and imported
ladies' ties. The entire lot goes in to
make up ono grand special sale Monday
: uid during the week. When will you
lud another , such opportunity ? Wo
luivc a complete stock of Colgate and
Kirk's soap and perfumes at one-half
drug store prices. We olTor standard
goods only. Nothing cheap , but the
price , which is very reasonable. Where
else can you get Jas. Kirk & Co.'s cele
brated toilet soap for 3e per cake ,
Kirk's Fluke White for 5c , or Lowe's
one-ounce bottle extracts for 2oc ? In
millinery wo will outdo all former ef
forts to please , both in price , style and
quality. The quality is superb , the
slylcs tire correct and the price will
appeal to your sense of value. Our
New York house shipped us a line of
real ostrich tips , French flowers and
millinery ornamentsnt surprisingly low
prices. The quantities are largo and
wo do not expect largo profits.
Some aeticles in household goods sold
far beyond our expectations. Wo still
have a full line of Boole's English dec-
oraled and while granile ware as well
as other celobraled makes of iron stouu
china. Teacups and saucers , 37o per
set ; pic plules , 23c ; breakfast , 2Se , and
dinner plates , 32c per sot , just one-half
price. Complete stock granite , iron
and tin ware , at half hardware store
prices. Roger Bros' . 1817 silver knives
or forks , 31.60 per sot ; Roger Bros' tea
spoons , 75o ; jewelers ask $1.50 and $2.50
for sumo goods. Ladies' silveriim ehate-
lain stem-wind and sel , $2.50 ; jeweler
store price , $8 ; ladies' coin silver chute-
lain watch , with raised back and fancy
dial , handsomely engraved , stum-wind
and sot , $1.75 ; jewelers ink $ IB ; ladies'
solid gold Elgin , Waltham , Springfield
or Illinois watch , handsomely engraved
or diamond decorated , 810,61) ) ; jewelers'
price , $45 ; men's silvcrino Elgin , Wal
tham or Springfield wateh , $1.75 ; jewel
er's price. 818 ; men's coin silver , 4 oe. .
case , inlaid gold ornaments , engraved ,
safety pinion and patented regulator ,
$12.50 ; jewelers' pnco , $55 : men's Boss
filled , finely engraved Elgin , Waltham
or Springfield watch , safety pinion , pat-
cut regulator and full jeweled , $10.60 ;
why pay 05 , men's goljd gold \vntch ,
very best Elgin : Wallham or Spring-
Hold .safety pinon : patonl rogulalor.full
jciwolednml regulated to hot or coJd ,
$38 ; jewelers' price , $125. Po not bo
devolved. Wo have the insid * on
watches , and will give n fivc-your guar
antee with every ono wo soil.
116 r.nd 118 Sixteenth street.
South Omaha's Population
Doubled last year , il is now 8,000 and
will bo 2-5,000 in less Ihun Iwo years.
Now is the time lo buy real estate.
Don't wait until it is too Into , Buy
from the South Omaha Land Co.-whose
property UPS between the cities of
Omaha and South Omaha.
ED JOIIKSTOX & Co. , Agents ,
Oltico op. depot , So. Om.
Odd Fellows Unll.
The above organization will give a
social ball Tuesday evening- next , at
Ihoir new hull on Saunders street. Ev
erybody invited , and all attending are
nsstlrod of having a very-pleasant even
Grand Hosiery Snle For Monday.
Nowhere else can you buy hosiery so
Just received 10 cases of ladies' , chil
dren's and gents' hosiery , purchased by
our New York buyer at auction , and wo
propose to give our customers a benefit
on Monday.
Ladies' fancy cotton hose , hairline
stripes , only 12ic per pair , reduced from
Ladies' brown balbrigganhoso , double
heels and toes , only 15c per pair , worth
Ladies' solid blaek
ingrain hoseregu
lar made , only 19c per pair , worth Hoc.
Ladies' fancy cotton hos-o , polka dots
and vertical slripes , only 17e , reduced
from 50c.
Children's cotton hose , ribbed , double
knee , only 2c : ! , reduced from 50c.
On Monday a lot of odds and ends in
hosiery at half price.
1 cas'o of gents' Shaw knit half hose
only lOc per jinir , worth 25c.
Gents' British half hose , double heels
and toes , only 15c per pair.
Gents' solid colored half hose in navy ,
cardinal and seal brown only lOc , re
duced from 40c.
On Monday 60 doladies' spun silk
gloves only 25c , reduced from 60c.
Children's lisle thread gloves , em
broidered Hacks , only 15c , worth 25.
Our kid glove sale continued on Mon
Ladiois' balbriggan vests only 25c , re
duced from.60c. . .
Ladies' lisle thread vests , 2 in a box ,
silk lace trimmed , only 60c each , worth
Ladies' 4-coil bustles only 12c } , others
ask 25e.
Bargains in wall papnr.
10th st. near Douglas.
Tin ; Fli-ht Hog Killed
In South Omaha was only three years
ago. Last season over bOo,000 hogs and
2-50,000 cattle were slaughtered Ihcso
arc facts. Not an inhabitant Ihrco years
ago. Now 8,000. Armour , Swifl , Fowler
and Hammond , four of Iho largest paek-
ersin the world in operation , employing
thousands of men. Now third packing
center in the world , twonnlional banks ,
two savings banks. What will South
Omaha bo in the next Ihrco years ? Now
is the time to buy property. Buy it di
rect from first hands the South Omaha
Land Co. , whoso property is directly in
the wav of the growth of both cities ,
this is no ouflying addition. The tillo
lo this property is perfect , there are no
mortgages running to original owners.
Prices are no higher than lots are hold
in the outlying addilions. Our olllce is
opposite the U. P. depot , South Omaha ,
where agents with teams will show you
the property.
ED JOHNSTON & Co. , Agents ,
South Omaha Land Co ,
Painters- , contractors and builders ,
can oblain best malorials at Iciest rales
al Cummings & Noilson's exclusive
paint and glass dealers , 1118 Furnatn
Properly holders on all slrcots lo bo
paved should have Ihoir sewer connec
tions broughl into Ihclr property line at
once. John F. Daley , the vutorun drain
layer , in already at work and guaran
tees all work first class and at reason
able prices , Send your orders to
him at Litllo & Williams , 1407 Douglas
streol , and Ihoy will bo promptly and
satisfactorily attended lo.
Chamberlain , A. & O'C. sell a nice fl
piece plush parlor Bel for $36. This is n
worth iuvobtigatinf ? .
Sirs. .7. Benson.
Wo have just opened an elegant , line
of parasols in now and novel designs.
Plaids , striped , changeable , watered ,
plain gros grain in mahoganv and nil'
new colors , with white holvedgo edges.
White tips and now designs in handles.
Handsome black with crape trimming.
Moire with and without lining.
.Tho Windsor sun umbrella leads all
others. We warrant it to give perfect
satisfnclion or lo wear. We have Ihom
with cold oxodized silver and nalural
We are giving special bargains in
knit underwear this week.
Our special sale of aprons will con
tinue for a few days ,
Mits. J. BKNSON- .
O'Donahoo & Hlicrfy
Would remind the readers of this paper
that they have opened a large stock of
and all kinds of domestics which will bo
determined to bo out of the dry goods
business in lid days if wo have lo give
our goods away.
15th st. , next to the Postollico.
Notice to Mnmil'actiircTH.
Parties seeking locations for lumber
yards , brick yards , etc. , will find il to
their advantage to call on us
locating. We can offer yon through
the South Omaha Land Co. special in
ducements to locate in South Omaha ,
and can give you trackage , having di-
rcel connection with every railroad
leading into the stato.
ED , JuiiNhTON & Co. , Agents ,
South Omaha Land Co , ,
Ollleo opposite depot South Omaha.
Y. ? f. O. A. Clinutnuiiia | Circle ,
A vigorous Y. M. C. A. Chautauqua
circle has recently been nrgniii/.ud in
this city. This makes the /irat / circle in
Omaha thai is pursuing Ihercgular laid
down course of study of the Chautauqua
Literary and Scientific circle. The
circle will meet next Friday evening in
the parlors of the Y. M , C. A. All per
sons not yet connected with any other
circle of the city are cordially invited
to join. At the next meeting Mr.
George C. .Tenner , financial secretary of
the association , will give a review of
the course of study to bo pursued , and
Kov. J. E. Ensign will give a short lalk
on Iho Chaulauqtm work of Iho slulo.
Chamberlain , A. & O'O , have Iho best
$15 chamber sot in the city. Please call
and see it at 210 N. 10th.
The Oinnlin Guards.
'CJ\e Omaha Guards , recently organ
ized frdS tb ? leading young mon of the
city , are rapiuly coming into lino. With
the excellent training 0' Captain
ScharIT and special drill by LifUcnunl
Green , Ihoy are being Ihoroughly qua' *
iflcd in mililary ladies and uro sure to
pass muster when they come oul for pub
lic inspection ,
Some few weokssince they shouldered
arms , and now they have just been sup
plied with natty fatigue builslo bo worn
when on duly. These handsome uni-
lorius were furnished by Robinson &
Gannon , the Farnam slreol. clolhiers. '
The Guards will probably tuUo p
the ceremonies on Decoration day.
' JjK/Vl / VKAU
"May Party" of tlie Homo Circle
Cliil ) .
Wednesday evening next the ladies of
the "Homo Circle" club will entertain
their gentlemen friends at Masonic
hall. They have taken the manage
ment of the affair entirely in their own
hands , and propose to conduct it in such
a manner that will rollout credit upon
themselves' , both as managers and en
Active preparations arc being made
for the seventh annual May party of
this popular club. This party is always
looked forward to with pleasure and ex
pectancy by the members. The date is
set for Tuesday evening , May 1.
Four Aces Ilcntcit.
Jeans pants , worth $1.00 , for 60c ;
worsted pants , worth 81.76 , for ! )5c ) ; blue
flannel suits , worth $10 , for $0.60. Hals ,
in all Iho very lalcsl spring styles at
one-half the price asked for the same in
regular hat stores. Gents' furnishing
goods in endless variety every single
article a bargain. Give us n call. No
trouble to stiow goods.
laOI ! Douglas st. , bet. 13th and 14th.
Middleman' * Profit.
Buy from first hands direct from the
South Omaha Land Co. and save the
middleman's profit. This property has
no mortgage upon it. The tillo is per-
feel. Wo furnish an abstract free on
every lot.
ED. JOHNSTON it Co. , Agents ,
South Omaha Land Co. ,
Ollleo opposite depot South Omaha.
Chamberlain , A. & O'C. want your
trade if von do not have all ready money
to buy with at 210 N. Kith ,
Don't miss the etching tale at IIospo's'
- -
Alabafetino , the only permanent wall
finish , supersedes calcimine and wall
paper for cheapness , durability and
beauty. It is easily applied and will
not rub off. Send for sample color
card of beautiful tints. For sale by
CummingSit Noilson , wholesale agents ,
1118 Farnam street , and for retail by J.
II. 'Schmidt , Cuming and Twenty-
fourth streets ,
K. and S. M.
Omaha Council No 1 will hold a regu
lar assembly to-morrow ( Monday ) oven-
ing. The ollicors and members uro re
quested to bo present. By order of
Call at Cameron it Smith's , 1619
Dodge street , and oxatnino Esloy pianos
before buying.
Chamberlain , Anderson it O'C. make
a specialty on chamber sols. Nearly
100 styles to select from. 210 N. 10th.
New line of etchings just received at
IIospo's , _
If you want trackage having direct con
nection with every railway leading into
the state , and on which there uro no
swilching charges , call on
ED JOHNSTON & Co. , Agenls ,
South Omaha Land Co. ,
Ollleo oj ) , depot , So. Om.
Ready mixed paints , varnishes ,
brushes , plato window and ornamental
glass. Quality the best and prices Iho
loweslat Cummin 3 & Neilson's , 1118
Farnum slreol.
Sue F. L. Colton813 N. lOlh street ,
for Rock Springs coal ,
Call M Cameron & Smith's , 1619
Dodge streol , and examine Ihoir full
Hue of pianos , organs and shoel music.
Thai Ihc South Omaha Land company's
property is between Omaha and South
Omaha , and prices are no higher than
the outlying additions.
ED. JOHNSTON it Co. , Agents ,
South Omaha Land Co. ,
Oflieo opposite depot South Omaha.
Mechanics and contractors should see
F. L. Cotton , SKI N , 10th street , for lath ,
lime , cement , hair and sand.
Snecial etching sale at Hospe's.
Type Writers.
See advertisement of Morris typewriter
writer on sixth pagj. Price $15.
The new Ilanunain Bath , 111 North
15th street. Turkish , Russian and elec
tric baths. Now open for ladies Tues
days and Thursdays from 0 a. in. to
4 p. m.
Call nt Cameron it Smith's , 1510
Dodge street , and examine the cele
brated Malhushok pianos.
Special ot < 5hing sale at IIospc's Mon
day , April 0 , Ono week only
The Morris type writer. Price $15.
See advertisement.
Waiters' jackets , barkeepers'and car
penters' aprons , of all dimensions , at the
People's Clothing House , l.'JOIJ Douglas.
Soidonbnrg's Figaro , the talk of the
town , a lOu cigar for 60 , Max Meyer &
Co. , wholesale depot.
Etchings at IIospo's. Etchings.
A Talk AViih the Stuto Secretary Upon
tins Subject.
Since severing Im connection witli the Y.
M. C. A. Kov. .1. 12. Ensign 1ms been engaged
in furthering the interests of the Chautau-
quii scientific ami literary circle in Nebraska.
In rafcrrliiK to n recent trip tliroufihout the
stutu lie salil : "There Is inut'h Interest mnni-
foMeil Intlio Ctinutauquii , I'lattsinouUi ami
Freinnt Imvo vigorous eiroclos and ilio sub
ject Is boinK nKiliitcil la a spirited manner In
u number of other towns. It is my candid
opinion thnt when the Cnnutuuqun Idea is
oncn thoroughly understood Unit circle will
spring up llliu tnngiu. The prevailing nbstn-
clo met with so far is the luck of information
upon tlm subject. The Chautaunua , Is not a
substitute for cither the high school or col-
Icffc. It alms to oneourngo people to read
helpful anil inbtruetlvu books unil to stlinn-
lute those readers as far IIH possible to bo.
como direful and thorough students , Tlio
similes of mathematics and languages are not
included in the course , It is intended mnru
particularly for people who have been
obliged to leuvo school early in llfo. J. U ,
Holland onro suid ; What r. Godsend Iho
Clmutnuijua would have been to the talented
but intoxicated father of Thomas Curlylo. It
would Imvo given him a view of the realms
of thought mid culture in which Ins brilliant
tea was walking ami winning renown.
"I huvu Just received n letter from P. I.
FOS.S , president of the circle at Crete. In it
ho says that the programme for next June is
n beauty on account of It * completeness. For
tlm meeting of the Chautauqun atCrctola
June great preparations uro being made and
it will undoubtedly no tlm grandest affair o (
the kind ever held in tliostato. The churches
are aroused mid many new denominations are
raisin * funds to erect buildings ut Crete. "
Continued Improvement. '
Beginning to-day the Union Pacific
"Tho Overland Houto"\vill place in the
suburban service elegant new cars , de
signed especially for the accommoda
tion of the public between Council
Blurts , Omaha , South Omaha , Albright
and intervening stations.
Buy your hat day or evening of
Omahu'i. popular milliner
100-111 South 1MU street , opposite post
olllce. Store open until 0 i > . m.
Union 1'nciilc "The Overland Iloute"
Continues to accommodate its patrons
in the most satisfactory manner. The
latest move in ' .his direction is the
change of time bouwecn Valparaiso and
Lincoln , whereby the residents between
Valparaiso , Stromsburg and intermedi
ate points can visit Lincoln , the state
capital , and return the same day. Pas
sengers can take cither the regular pas
senger trains on thai branch or the
local freight trains stopping at all sta
tions and running daily except Sunday.
A man named Brcnnau met with a painful
accident on his way to South Omalm yester
day afternoon. He was standing on tha
steps of a dummy train on the Union 1'aclila
and leaned forward to look at some object
Just as the ear was passing the stone but-
ments supporting the ItarliiiKton tracks.
His head came m contact with one of the
plurs , resulting in Ills being thrown from the
train , ana being severely cut In the region ot
the right temple. Ho was uneonsdoun when
picked up , but soon regained his senses , mid
repaired to his homo on Nintconth street.
His injuries arc not considered serious.
S. 1C. KrciKliam , the innn arrested uv ,
Marshal AlcCraclcon Friday night on a
charge of being drunk and disorderly pre
ferred by .Totin Kennedy , was arraigned for q
hearing before JudgoKouthor yesterday after
noon. Ho endeavored to persuade the
magistrate that tlie complaint was ground
less but without avail , and accordingly ro.
plcnishcd the city finances by paying * 1 ! > .4 ( > .
The vltjrconncil will convene to-morrow
night , when the old members will step down
and out and their successors-elect will as
sume real aldermanlu attitudes. It In ex
pected that Mayor Savage will turn over the
Ituys to Mayor elect Sloan at the same time ,
although the opinion prevails that the neat
is not vacant until May 1. Should the cliango
occur on the former date , it Is quite probable
that Mayor Sloan will announce his appoint
ments , the morn Important of wlikh will bo
the make up of the police department. It is
generally conceded that Muibhal McUruckvn
will bo his own successor.
The work of gradlngTwcnlyseventh street
Is progressing rapidly ,
Work on the ronstructlon of the now Ar
mour building at this place will bo com
menced to-morrow morning , and will bo
pushed to completion as rapidly as possible.
A fine driving nmro , buggy and har
ness for sale. C. L. Urown , 11 Fergu
son block.
Two Comical lout Farm Hands
for HID Olrl They hove.
A Moridc-n ( Conn. ) special to Iho Now
York Morning Journal , gives this very
interesting account of a baekwoodn
duel : John Jones and Thomas Will
iams , two farm hands \\ho live a few
miles below hero and have been em
ployed in Iho vicinity of Valewvillo ,
fought n furious bailie in Into Texan
style Iho other nigh I , and il was all OH
account of Eli/.a , too.
It appears thai Iho Iwo men had
fallen in love with Eli/a Winters , an
attractive young lady of nineteen. She
has black hair and eyes and a rosy com
It soon became apparent to the rivals
thai both could not marry Eli/.a , so they
held a consultation. The consultalion
grow inlo an argument and Iho argu
ment into a ditmuto. Finally Iho rivals
came to blows and Ihen agreed totottlij
the matter with no less terrible weapons
than jack knives.
The fight occurred in an old barn ,
and eight persons besides the principals
were present. The knives used were
big ones , with blades four Inchon long ,
and the light lasted over half an hour.
Both conteRlnnts wore badly cut up , and
the combat WUK finally stopped by their
friends' ,
Neither of tha fighters is in a very
dangerous condition , and the question
whobhall huvo Elivta ias" " open ono.