Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1888, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Yesterday's Interim ! revenue collcc-
Icctions nmountfcd to $14,720.-J5.
Hon. John M , Thurston will nddrcss
tlio meotlnp of the Irish nntionnllcnguo
nt St. I'hilomcna's hull this uftcrnoon.
Storr , A Ilor wore the first out this
year with thotr bock bcor and the bov-
crape is the mosVdollghtfulcvor brewed
by tliom.
Friday night the Omaha Tumors gave
ix very interesting entertainment Jit
Gormnntn Imll. All the clnssea of the
association participated. It is the in
tention to make n systematic effort dur
ing the coming year to interest a largo
number of prominent citizens * in - athletic
letic sports.
The Equitable Farm and Improvement
company yesterday filed articles of In
corporation with the county clerk. The
In corporators nrolfiiwc Coe of Nobnmtka
City , ILov' Carter of Oinalm and John
llratt of North Platt , and the principal
otlicc for the transaction of the busi
ness , which is to acnuiro and lenso
lands In the state to bo let to farmers on
shares In the state of Nebraska , or else
where , for feeding or breeding purposes -
poses , cntllo , horses a ) id other stock ,
will bn in Onmha.
A. D. Potty was arrested yesterday on
the charge of grand larceny , Dan C.
Ilorolcy being the complainant. Last
year Heroic boarded a span of horses
belonging , to Potty until a bill of $110
' bad accumulated. Fearing that Petty
intended to evade paying this debt ,
Hcrcloy got a hen on the horses. One
lark night eiifly in lust November ,
Petty wont to Heroloy's barn , took the
horses and-fled from the city. lie turned
up again this week and yrna arrested
'Yesterday by Captain Green. On ar-
raiginnunt lie asked for u continuance
and his tria ) was llxcd for to-morrow at
2 p. in.
The Chicago & Northwestern has
formerly run its freight curs into the
freight depot of the I'Vemont , Elkhorn
< fc Missouri Valley at Fifteenth and Web
ster slroots. but until further notice
their cars will come over the Union Pa-
' -ciflc bridge and bo side-tracked In the
depot of the latter company : it Tenth
anil Mercer streets. The reasons for
this action lire that the tracks in the
yards'at ' Fifteenth and Webster streets
wore laid last November , and now that
spring has opened arc in such a condi
tion as to preclude any u&o until repairs
are completed , which will be us soon ns
possible. All parties having freight
coming in over the Chicago & North-
wcstorn must call at the Union Pacific
depot for it.
The board of public works met yester
day afternoon at I .SO to award the curb
ing contracts. J. E. Itiloywas awarded
the contract lor curoing with Bcreiv
Hand stone , third class at 73c per lineal
foot ; Hugh Murphy , white Colorado
tsmd stone , second class at 84e , and the
Nebraska and Colorado stone company ,
rod Colorado sand stone , second class at
85c , the bonds in each of the above
awards to bo in the sum of S2o.)00 { ) for
fulfillment , of contract. The bond of
Regan Bros. & Co. , in the sum of $25-
000 for fulfillment of paving contracts
awarded during 1888 with Cypress
blocks under 1887 specifications was ap
proved. Bill of .T. E. Knowles lor $0.34
wns allowed. . The contractor Charles
12. Fanning & Co. , for covering Jones
street sewer from Sixth street eastward ,
and the contract of John J. McDonald
for sewer repairs approved by Mayor
Broatch and forwarded to the board.
I'nisonnl 1'ariiRrapliR.
Thomas McOraw , of Fremont , Neb. , is at
thoMillnrd ,
Hon. Thomas U. Tuttle , of Carthage , Mo. ,
Is in the city.
Hon , Patrick Egun , of Lincoln , was la the
city yostcrduy.
S. U. .Toyco 1ms returned from his business
trl ] > to Now York.
Theodore ICcrndt , of Lansing , la. , Is stop
ping ut the Millnrd.
V. C. Zcliurlng mid C. E. Magoon , of Lin
coln , l < fcb. , are at the Millard.
U. Garcia , of Havana , Cuba , spent yester
day in the city on his way west.
C. T. 13rown mull * . M. Lewis , of Lincoln ,
Neb. , nro In the city for Sunday.
H , L. Chamberlain , of Chamberlain , An-
dorsoii & . O'Connollhas returned from an ex
tended business 1 rip cast.
J. T , Clark , general manager of the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad , arrived
lu tlin city lust uvuniug and ia at the Millai d.
Fulled to Moor.
Tlio special meeting of the city council
called for last evening failed * to materialize
as there was not u quorum present. After
waiting until 0 o'clock the members present
went to their respective homes.
Knluhta' Annual Dull.
1 The conihilttco of arrangements of the
Knights of Labor united bull mot last night
corner of Twelfth and Faruain street. Sub-
c&tiim'trb6n for the various duties cpilortaln-
lakjtq llui bill wore appointed and every-
tUhigJs in Bhlpsbiipo for to-morrow night's
cut rtiilnmcat. Tho" Musical Union is to
furnish thu music ud Mr. NorHsUic sujiper.
A Roodly uumVor of tickets were reported
bOU and an cnjoyablo tlino U anticipated.
Vlro mid 1'ollco A flairs.
The weekly. iiiei > tiug of the board of flro
nnd pollco commlsdoncrs hold last evon-
li Ed. tVl'ni ) was elioscu us a special po *
llceinan. L , A. Goldsmith , the garhagn
t < Tj was also givcn the powei-s of a special
lUwfr , Tlio Cftso of Mh fvhincmun , whoso
( . nrrlago was smashed In a collision with the
ccncmical , ivas referred to tlio chief of the
Jiro "department. The application of John
DucUloy for power of si.ociul policeman was
ru furred to chief of police. The petition of
Clilcf Soavoy for live tnoro patrol boxes was
j of 01 red to thu committee on pioperty.
AVoodH Stilt lit Imrgo ,
' Hilly Woods , who attempted to murder his
fathor-lu-lnw , Jim Kerns , on Friday night ,
is still at largo having successfully evaded
all uajorlspf tho.pollco to capture him. A
special ifrtail of pIHcers scoured tbo city for
1 nim Friday .night and all day ycstciday , but
not oven the slightest How was found.
Woods is a man of about thirty , rather henvy
set , with iayisb blno eyes , light and thin
mousvncltn mul hntftwo of his upper front
tucthuiiUsinc. It is thought that lie believes
bn hus.killnd hi fatlicMn.lnw , and has tied
tioui theriii ; . Kerns u-an rumored from the
police to tit. Joseph's hospital ycstcr.
Juy , _
Itred Kntortnlnoil By the ICIkn.
After the ulay lust evening Itohind llced
ivns tendered a reception by the Elks.
Ncai ly 200 of tbo order were In attendance ,
Messrs. Smith , Gilbert , Sham , Plum , Del.
tniyn , Lester nnd .luclc , all of Heed's com-
puty , did songs. Mr. Lo France nlt-o gnvn a
vo-ail selection , ( Jlmrles OH contributed a
rootUUion. They nil did capitally und were
warmly eucoml by tlio EU ! . 1'opo Grvgury
prosUhul an clinirnimi , and by tljo aid of thu
luilii-unicn for the ouuuion , C. E. PIiclvs | and
ii , 1) . Eddy , got a big Murk of dollars for
dues. Tlio i'nctplo's Tlicalrr orchestra fur
mshod llio luuslo for tbo oue tsion.
Dihtricf r-ourt.
Felix Lollorte filed n pcUUon yesterday
asking that certain property deeded by him
to Ills wife , Mn'.imla , be returned to him , He
snys Uiat slui'ti tliy purcbnsu and pro-uirinir of
aid lot us aforesaid tbo drffundiait Uas viola
ted every obligation of bur marriage coutract ,
destroyed tbo sanrtlty ot her own lioubc , led
a lustful uud abandoned , life , j-uKtltig off til !
that was womanly Ju her nature , and tuk
Ing up with the evils whii h led her to follow
iu tliu path of u-prostlt'itc' Ufa. She thereby -
by brought uixi\ your putltioiioi4 , " adds Kclix ,
'preat Bolicitude , nitnital depression , nnx.ol.v
of mind and domestic inUfurtuiir , from wlilt-h
ite nougat rest by tnUuvg to jlcinUiug , nr,
> Thlch ho Indulged to cxcns OK un-uunv-of
his Hftlil wlfo. " Felix , In conclusion , says
that while in snld delirium ho deeded the
property to Mnllndn , and now that ho has got
sober ho wonts it back.
AttAMu DrsKirrrn
Amanda Thcrion deserted Iier husbaml ,
Joseph E. , seven years ago , slnco which time
shn lias not corrt'gjwnded witb him as to her
whereabouts. Ho now asks the court to
grant him a divorce.
fESTENtTI ) FO'll MrE.
William .Ferguson i the slnvcr of Ole Ole-
son. wfto was recently convicted of murder
io the second degree , mu brought before
Judge GrofT yesterday to receive sentence
pending which his counsel mndo a motion for
a new trlsil which was promptly overruled
and the prisoner ordered to "stand ui > "
which ho did. . His honor tbcn reviewed the
history of the crime at some length , after
which ho sentenced Ferguson to imprison
ment at bard Inbor in the penitentiary for
llfo , no part of Which'shhll Ira .solitary con
finement , Ferguson manifested no concern
whatever , and when the court had finished ,
speaking inquired of the bailifC what his sen-
tcnco was , and on "being Informed that 11 was
forllfo remarked "Is that "
imprlftonmot , , so ,
nod rolairseil Into silrnce. Ho will be talccn
toJLlncom this week.
"IIiimUiiK" nt the Uoyil Iiast Mjlit. ;
Holand Ilced again nppcure-l at Hoyd's last
night before a largo audience. The play was
"Humbug. " It belongs to the prevalent
.farce-comedy family , though xvitli rather
tnoro oohorciit-Btory-absUrd as most tf It is ,
than the most of Ha tribe , and reckoned as a
piece designed to afford Mr. Heed opportu
nity for displaying his genuine comedy gifts ,
mny bo considered highly successful. Us
plot has been suQlclcntly outlined already.
Improbable In Itself , it Is yet consistent with
Itself , und Its dialogue is crisp , swift and
sparkling. As to the opportunities afforded
Mr. Uccd. probably anything at all could bo
used by him to the end of amusing people ,
for he has the Ijoun ildc talent of showing thu
humorous side of anything. That he docs
make the part Immensely funny need scarcely
bo said , ho always does that.
Booth & Barrett's engagement opens to
morrow night at Lloyd's opera house. The
play will bo * "Jilllus Cicsar. " On Tuesday
night they will appear in the "Merchant or
Venice" " Wednesday nmtlnoo , "Hamlet"
will bo produced , nnd Wednesday evening
"Macbeth" will ho rendered , with both these
celebrated tragedians in the cast.
This company will appear nt Hoyd's on
next Friday and Saturday oveniugs und Sat
urday niuUnco , with George Wilson as the
KL U r.oKMttn's nr.xnrrr.
This favorite loading larty of the German
company now at Hoyd's will take her benefit
this evening , and her many friends will afford.
her a large audience.
The People's theatre hus a now and varied
programmo'this week , with several excellent
At this place of amusement now features
will bo introduced , among them being 13111
Jones , the glass' cater , and Yamudiva , the
' "
sword sw'al lower.
To-morrow night will bo on eventful ono to
the theater-going public. Thojiroduction of
"Julius Cichor" at Boyd'u opera house by the
Hooth-LJarrctt combination , deserves moro
than passing mention. To sco und hear the
noble works of Shakespeare Interpreted by
two such eminent actors as Edwin UoOth
and Lawrence IJarrclt , than whom llvo none
as great , Ls an event m the Hfo of a lover of
the dramatic art , when it happily is his pleas
ure to see two such men in the same play ,
and , the recollection will bo treasured by
those fortunate enough to have seen them ,
especially bv the ioungcr play-goers of to
day , and referred to years hence with the
greatest pleasure to themselves and their
friends. Their tour 1ms been a perfect ova
tion everywhere. This Is as it should be. It
is an engagement which has not bean paral
leled for years , if at all , in the past , and may
not bo equalled for many years to como.
Another generation may bring to our stage
as great an actor as Booth and as good support -
port ns that provided by Mr. Barrett
nnd his efilciont company , but the
men nnd women 'now ranging along the
middle distance of lifo nre not likclv to wit
ness a consummation so surprisfng. It is
well enough , therefore , to Improve the oppor-
Ity , while it lasts , ( if joining in this grand
and final demonstration of honor to u man
who not only bears n famous name , but has
added lustre to the American htuge by his
his own achievements and genius , It mat
ters notlhut time has frosted his once raven
hair ho is still "the noblebt Homan of them
all"-iTi greater actor even now that ho is
likely before long to pass from the stage for-
ovcr than any other actor of the day who re
joicus in the full noontide ) of Ins powers ,
Brought into sharp comparison with the
greatest actor of the day. Mr. Barrett lias
stood the test well , and is adding daily to the
number of those who can respect the fruits
of honest endeavor.
The repertoire , as previously announced ,
is as follows : Monday evening , "Julius
IJaisar ; " Tuesday cvcainr , "Merchant of
Vuiiice ; " Wednesday matinee , "Hamlet , * "
nnd Wednesday evening , "Macbeth. "
Ooulil'H Horse.
Now York World : Master though
Jay Gould may be of Kansas Pncilie ,
there arp dickers in which ho is not al-
wuys able to run things as ho plenses.
A World reporter who penetrated into
Westchester county the other day to
look up the remains of a dynamite cx-
plobion , passed , in company with a na
tive of the locality , the Gould residence
atlrvington. and the million-lire be
came at once the topic of talk.
"The furinerfi up hero , " said the
guide , -'can all tell you of a losing bargain
that old Jay made. 1 gucts it was a
couple of summers ngo up in Canada , on
snmo nice track or other. He saw a
black stallion win two or three races
and wanted to buy It. When the
jockeys anfl sellers' found out that they
vcre deiilin * with Jay Gould they said ,
well , we will make it merry for him.
Whan Jay nskcd 'em for a ligurc they
hit 'Ira for S OOO. Ifo declined the
nomination and started to leave. They
came up lo the hotel and bad more talk.
Jay bald ho wanted to get a horse for
his son George to ride , and that he was
rather pleased with this animal an"
would pay a reasonable price , but as for
$5.000 , it was uway out o' reckon * . n' .
' 'They come down to 83,000. Gould
paid it , and the animal was brought
here. I sco him myself. lie WHS a
dandy , not u big hess , but full o' mottle
and haniibomo ns a picture. Well the'
wafe all the llummery an' fl.\in's , now
E.iddlebrldlo an' all , and ono day George
went out to try the new saddle hofew
papu had bought him. Folks that was
there said George probably was never
on nny stock that dumped him so slick
and so quick as that live stock. They
put-George in the house and the hnss in
the barn. That bluck b tall ion never
showed his nose out dooiM for months.
Belli' shut up all the tune and bein *
fed high , ho got ai ugly as u caged
tiger. They stud he plnycd regular loot
bull with the ( .table buys , up and down
tlio barn , until no ono du'ut go
hear him. llci wns the bigef.t man on
the place , not cxccptin * old Jay. And
tlint would never do , so Gould , ulwajs
ripe and re&fly for a tnulo in anything
t'oto a bargain with Liiud'ord Paten ,
of the Lodger House , up near Hubert
Bcnner's place alUiusford.
"J 'atwi.\vho hud Imported a good deal
of stock , had homu fair Jprftoyii and Al-
dcrnfiys , and Gould wn glml to get loss
than $ .500 worth of 'em in exchange for
his 8/.000 saddle hore. The itnimnl is
in P/iten'fistablcpyot , and for all he's
seen lota oflinrd work. Js wortii a good
round chunk of nnybodyV. moi.oy. Ho
has got a portijjroi ) as long-a the moral
law. PVJ been told ho wus imported ,
an * the other day Puten told mti that
George Gould hud promibcd him u cojiy
f the pedigree , nn * he was goin1 to t-u't
t. JJut J ciu'6s it'fiu bad tiuio'to tackle
he Goulds for pedigree jubt now. "
Itunlc Statement.
. NEW YoitK , April 7.Tlio * s' jw York bank
hews the recrvu decrei-rtnl $ T(2i.O.W. ( The
u.ruUs no\f Mrt * 3. 3lllK , ) m pxccas , pf legal
A Delegation From the Bricklayers
Book Information.
An Important I'csponse From the
County Attorney 'Quarterly lie-
ports Sent Hack For Correction
Ir. Kcogh Hired Again.
Tlie County Coinnilaolonerfl.
The five county commissioners met in reg
ular session yesterday afternoon , Chairman
O'Kceffo ' presiding. Quarterly rcportsof the
various county ofllccrs , nil of which have
heretofore been printed in the HCR , were
read aud referred to the commtttco on ilnaucc ,
except those of County Treasurer Holln and
Kccordor of Deeds Mcgcath , which wcro re
ferred bach to them In accordance with' the
appending opinion rendered by County At
torney tilmcral :
O-mrx , Neb. , April 0 , 18S3. To the
County Commissioners , Douglas County.
Gentlemen : In reply to the questions sub
mitted to me ns to your rlcht to require the
county ofllcers to render you nn account of
all expenditures and of all fees received , 1
have the honor to report as follows :
First. Umlcr the law governing county
ofileern the county commissioners are to
specify the number of persons to ho employed
by the respective ofllccrs , who shall bo paid
for by the county.
It Is nlso the duty of the county ofllccrs to
render an account of all fees received by
them , and the excess over certain amounts
spcrlllcd In the statute , which they arc to
retain for con-ices , is to bo paid Into the
county treasury.
11 ii therefore my opinion that as they ara
employes of the county and It is your right
nnd their duty , they should keep you fully
informed as to the necessary expenses of thu
ofllco so that you may bo able to ascertain
whether or no the onicesbe self-supporting ,
and if not self-supporting , bow much it costs
the county over nnd above the umount ro-
ctilvcd from such ofllce or ofllecr.
The statutes require the several county
oflli-crs to report on the first Tuesday of Jan
uary , April , July and October of each year ,
and 1 am of the decided opinion that in this
report there should bo rendered a full ac
count itemized , not oaly of the fees received
by the ofllcers. but also of tbo necessary ex
penses connected witb their ofllco. And I
would advise you to Instruct the county ofll
ccrs to this effect.
Second. The other question which you
nsk me , as to what fees county olllcers have
bo charge themselves with , , there can bo no
question but what all fees received by them
under and by virtue of their ofllco must bo
accounted for.
Jn the case of the state of Nebraska on re
lation of Miller , plaintiff , versus Milton Sov
ereign , defendant , reported in 17th Nebraska
at page 173 , Justice Maxwell uses the follow
ing language : This is a case in which a
mandamus against the county cleric , to com
pel him to report certain fees to the county
"We are notawaro , " said the justice , "of
any provision which exempts the ofllcer from
reporting all fees received by him , including
these for copies of the numerical index. If
the law may bo evaded by claiming such
fees as notary public , why may it not bo ox-
tciided to any record or document in the cus
tody of the clerk I Thus , as lu this case , ap
plication is inado to him or his deputy as
county clerk for a certified copy of a public
record , which is duly furnished , but cortlned
by the deputy as notary public.
This wo think cannot bo i > cniiitted. With
the policy of law requiring fees to bo re
ported wo have nothing to do. If the law is
oppressive an appeal mustbo imulo to the
legislature for its modification ; but so long
as it is in force it must bo compiled with. "
You will see from this decision that all
fees for services done under and by virtue of
the ofllco must bo reported. Most Hcspect-
fUlly , K. W. SlMF.JtAI , ,
County Attorney.
The commltteo on charities were cinpow
crcd to remove George Washington to the
poor house. George is a colored man , broken
both in health nnu pocket.
George Burlinghof and William Anderson
inado application to bo appointed superin
tendent of the construction of the county
hospital , and Margaret L. McLeans liled a
protest against excessive assessment , all of
which wcro relcrrcd to the committee on Ju-
Schwaab & Co.'s bid to furnish the county
poor farm with bread ut the following rates :
White bread , 2 5-0 cents and brown or rye
bread , 2 cents per loaf.
The claims of Charles Ross , 5S5 , C. H.
Howes , 817 , John H. Lowin , S .25 and II. U.
Avery , Si2."iO , were allowed.
County Superintendent of Poor Mabonoy
reported sixty-eight Inmates at the poor
farm up to date , und the judiciary committees
wcro instructed to furnish F. YtT. Lcssentine ,
assessor of the Sixth ward , with desired in
On motion of Commissioner Anderson the
county clerk was directed to advertise the
sale of the cattle at the poor farm at auction
April 20 , at 10 a. m.
Air. Dan O'ICeeff o. representing a com
mittee from the .bricklayers , united the com
missioners If It was true as rumored that the
contractors on the county hospital had un
limited time to finish thu work. Ho also
nsKcd if the contractors had permission to
USD the clay for tlio making of the brick.
To these Chairman ; O'Keeffo replied that
by the stipulations of the contract tho-con
tractors have until the 15th of October to
finish the work , and for every day's delay
after Unit time the contractors will have to
pay * Hi a day. Tliey also have authority to
use the clay. *
Another committiTinan asked If the com
missioners had power to extend tbo contract.
To this several commissioners replied in
chorus that they had , and tried to reason with
thu committee , who said thai they had not
come to answer but ask questions. Chairman
O'ltnclTo said that liis record niuco ho had
been in ofllco was to forcu u man to a con
tract , and if the contractors came to thorn on
Juno 1 or any other time and sav that they
wcro prepared to go to work and finish the
job by the 15th of October "its none , " chimed
Chalrmpn OIKeeffo of our "business , but If
they don't b * iti finished by ttmt time then
it is onr buntoottoand wo'll make it so. "
Chairman jAflifcrson stroke next and in-
Strutted thej'oinmltteo to the effect that if
controctQrft ] wcro held strictly to the ? 10
a day punistmicii1. they could carry their ob
jections to the district court. With this In
formation tho.committee returned thanks to
the commisslojltra nnivcnt , their way.
The follox ilnglresolutions were adopted :
KcsolveJ , * l1hat the county clerk bo and ho
Is hereby itistnutcil to advertise for the con
struction of ' ! , ( XM foot , more or leas , of brush
rip rapping on ttb 1'lntto river , in sections 13
and 19 , town liyranga 10 , as per specifica
tions in county , fork's ofllco.
Kesolvcd , Tljut Dr. P S. Keogh bo and ho
is hereby appointed county physician for
Douglas county for the term of ono year ,
commencing April * 1,1SS3 , and ending April 1 ,
1SS9 *
Hail Debt Collectors Safe.
Postmaster Gallagher says that the an
nouncement mndo a few days ngo that ho be
lieved , the Sprague Collecting agency would
bo brought into court aud convicted for doing
an lltegaf business , was Incorrect. Ho states
that he wrote to the postmaster general ask
ing information regarding the matter , some
weeks ago , and' learned in reply that the
matter had been investigated and It was
found that nothing could bo douo In the
courts iu regard to it. Herald.
Wo are now authoritatively informed that
parties patronizing the above agency i un no
A Sensational Elopement.
WII.KKSIIAHIIE , Pa. , April 7. [ SpecialTele
gram to tbo HER. ] A sensational elopement
occurrrcd hero las.t night. A butcher named
Joseph Trudlskl , who ban been very proml
nent In Polish circles , eloped with Mrs. Vol-
kavltch , widow of the murderer who was
hanged hero last Tuesday. They had been
engaged slnco the conviction of Yolkavitch
last September , and agreed to get married on
the nleht of thu execution , but public opinion
was so strong that they wore afraid to defy
It. Tlio woman took with her the watch and
chain stolen by her la to husband from the
body of his victim , John Uidski.
A Prophet's Career Checked.
COI.UMWA , S. C. April 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKI : . ] Proimet Frazer was
liaugctl nt Watorboro yesterday for the mur
der of his wlfo. A year ngo some persons
who were passing by Frazer's place were at
tracted by a peculiar smell , which came from
the house. They opened the door and en
tered the building. A lira was burning iu
the chimney place and In It was Iho charred
head and shoulders of a woman , the lowev
portion of the body being out on the lloor.
The woman proved to be the wlfo of Prophet
Frazer , who was then absent. Frazor soon
made his appcaranco and said that he had
como homo and lound hlswlfu In the lire , but.
being frightened , had fiod. Ho was tried and
convicted of murder.
A Woman Iloverscs the Court.
PAHKEituiiuiia , W. Va. , April 7. Special
Tolceram to tlio HRG. ] An unusual incident
occurred yesterday afternoon at Mason
county court house. James Llvla , a promi
nent citizen , had just been granted n liquor
license , when his daughter , a beautiful
young woman , who Is deputy county clerk ,
rushed Into tlio.court-room ; and begcod an
audience. .Miss Livia then made a most
pathetic andcl6quent , appeal against graut-
ingt ho licoiiso. "For fifteen minutes the court
and bar listened , spellbound , to her words.
In reply to a statement that the petition
against granting a license was signed largely
by women , RIO ! declared that the right of pe
tition grantfd by the fundamental law of the
land belonged to women as well as men.
When Miss Livia sat down the court re
versed its ( owii decision and refused the
The -KxoiluB Krom Ireland.
LONDON' , Ailril 7. Transatlantic steam
ship companies arc stopping booking Irish
emigrants because the number of applica
tions for pasaugo arc greater than can bo
accommodated ,
A Cowboy AHtjOni hcs the orc\icaii8.
Seymour ( Tex. ) Crescent : An El Puso
dispatch snys : "Tho pomowhat tame
performance of the bull-lights at Paso
del .fforte to-day wore , enlivened during
the proceedings by the daring oxploitof
a Texan cowboy , who was cheered to the
echo by the densely-packed audience ,
who filled every accessible nook in the
vast amphitheater . The performance
lagged u little and the bulls would not
light in spite of all the picadorcs might
Ono or two of the bulls , after having
boon successfully goaded and worried
without working them up to the proper
fiirhting point , mid been ignominoubly
driven out of the arena and a now ono
full of fight and fairly bellowing with
rage had just boon turned into the
amphitheatre , when a Texas cow-boy
who was present announced for tlio
honor and glory of Texas ho would ride
the bull , his logs tied around the ani
mal's nock , his face to the tail , if they
would first throw the bull so that ho
could got his logs properly around and
underneath the beast's nock.
Ho was at once taken nt his word , und
the mounted Mexican bull-fighters soon
had the animal lassoed and thrown.
The cowboy then had himself fixed in
the proper position , and the now furious
bull was turned loose. To the wonder
and astonishment and intense delight
of the audience , the animal was unable
to shako the daring cowboy off , who not
only kept his perilous beat , but after
some wild plunges succeeded , by some
means , in so manipulating the boast's
horns that ho was thrown. The Mexi
can performers rushed at once to ttio
struggling mass , and in an instant had
the Texan untied and released. It was
a wonderful piece of daring and daro-
deviltry , and exceeded anything done
by the Mexicans.
A Sample of What Foreign Capital
is Doing for Omaha.
Bins , tjlnton the Owner of Nearly
Three-Quartern of n Million
Dollars Worth of
Omaha Dirt.
Through the kindness of Mr. J. B.
Flnlay , the well-known capitalist , n
BliK representative was enabled ono
day last week to pay a visit to the new
Llnton block on the northeast corner of
Thirteenth and Mason streets.
This building , which Is owned by
Mr. Flnlny'a daughter , Mrs. P. R. K. E.
Llnton , of London , England , is n hand
some three-story brick , and la ono of
the tnost imposing1 structures on South
Thirteenth street. The first lloor Is
devoted to six woll-Hghtod store-rooms ,
22x00 foot In size , Underneath cadh of
which is a high basement of the same
size. The stores are for rent nt a rea
sonable price , and will be out of the
hands of the carpenters , etc. , this
week. Such good > locations are not
long without tenants. On the second
and third floors there are
room Hats that are , without any doubt
whatever , the finest and best arranged
In the city. The building is not quito
finished yet , but the lints are being
taken as fast as the workmen get out of
the wnyv The view from the Lin ton
block Is so good that nearly all the bus-
in'oss and residence portion of the city
bouth of Furnam ami west of Thirteenth
street can bo soon from its windows.
Every modern improvement that could
in any way enhance the value of the
property or insure comfort to its occu
pants has certainly boon placed here. It
has gas. city water , sewerage , bath aud
water closets , besides being heated at
the expense of the owner. The electric
work was furnished by the Midland
Electric Co. A stone sidewalk has also
been placed in front of the building on
both streets.
Work on the Llnton block began last
August , the contract being awarded to
Mr. G. I. "Aratt , but labor troubles have
delayed its completion until this
month. Too much credit cannot bo
given to Mr. Peter Boguo , the contrac
tor's foreman , who has had tlio
building under his personal supervis
ion and who is willing to
oiler a reward for the finding of a knot
in the finishing lumber in any part of
the building. The finish of the rooms ,
by the way , is of hard pine , oiled and
varnished , whllo the stair cases of oak
make a very pleasing contrast. TMr. F.
M. Ellis , the architect , has displayed a
great deal of taste , and in the case of
the Hats he has so arranged them that
they are as entirely separate as a row of
six-room cottages could bo. The variety
of styles of finish is also noticeable in
that no two parlors are alike. The cost
ot Qthis beautiful structure is about
Mr. John Hamlin , at 211 South Elev
enth street , has boon the agent for the
Linton estate in this part of the west
since 185S , and it was at his olllco that
much was learned that will bo of inter-
oat to the BEK readers. Mr. Finlay ,
who at proseut has largo interests and
makes his headquarters at Kittanning ,
Poun. , rsaid to be the oldest town
in the United States , was the original
purchaser of the greater part of tlio
property now owned by his daughter ,
Mrs. Linton. Ho made his first visit to
Omaha in 1857 , and has managed
to keep up the acquaintance
with this city begun so long ago.
While the ground now owned by Mrs.
Linton in this city is valued at moro
than throe-quarters of a million dollars ,
in 1858 to 1808 it was considered no
such investment.
Besides the Linton block mentioned
above , Mrs. Linton owns 132 feet on the
southeast corner of Eleventh and Far-
nam , 182x132 loot at Eleventh and Jackson -
son , CG feet on Thirteenth opposite the
hotel Barker , several lots on Mason
street between Tenth and Eleventh , i2 ; !
feet square at Thirteenth and Martha ,
another at Thirty-fifth and Pier , 12-r.x
325 on Twentieth street , opposite
Kountzo place , lotVblock 85Jadjoining
the First Presbyterian church on the
west , a lot on Burt street west of Eigh
teenth , on nearly all of which are good
and substantial buildings wnich bring
in a handsome rental. In addition
might bo mentioned one and one-third
acres on Forty-third and Spring street
near Leavonworth , and fifty acres just
south of the county poor farm and west
of Thirty-sixth street , which is very
valuable. Besides this list Mrs. Linton
owns just outside the corporate limits ,
140 acres on the northwest , eighty on
the west , thirty on the southwest and
thirty-eight on the south of the city.
Mrs. Lintou's property is becoming
moro and more valuable every year ,
and to put it mildly , there are millions
in it. TliiH is only ono of many instances
whore foreign capitalists are doing
much for Omaha , and Mrs. Linton cer
tainly deserves to bo classed among the
most energetic of that class of investors.
W. E. Findloy , architect , room 40 ,
Chamber of Commerce , Omaha.
A Giant Natural Barometer.
Troy Budget : No need of the weather
bureau at Naples , for the huge volcano ,
Mount Vesuvius , servos aa a plant
barometer and thermometer ol the city.
The direction In which the smoke from
the orator blown announces unerringly
a coming change of weather twenty-four
hours beforehand. The direction of
the smoke also indicates the coming of
the hot and depressing sirocco when
the perfect repose of the populace is
almost imperative. Also wlion the
nolghlxirliig island of Capri is ot b dark
blue color , and long , low regular waves
roll in from the Bocca Piccola , these
are sure premonitory symptoms of the
coming sirocco.
TUESDAY , An ] > U ] 1
II IU 11
Spculnl Mntlnro Wcdnondny.
Mr. Bonl Tory rotpertfnllr nnnounrei the mon
nutnbln ilrnmntlo BTent III the hlstorr of OmMm-Uio
nppcfirfinco of America a tlrentuit Acton
Supported IIT tholr nwn n o 11cnt company muter Hie
direction of Mil. AKTllUU II , QUASH.
MONDAV KVKNINI1 , APIUIiD-Hrnnil 1'roiltictlon of
aiinkctpoitro'a Historical Tr lined r ,
( Kntlro riny Six Aeti. llcnutlful Production. )
WKI1NE3UAY MATIN KKSpecial 1'ctformancoi
well performance ,
rillCK' * : nurinc this engagement tlio unrao liberal
price. ' tlinrxud tlirnnahont the rmmtrr "III l
nilopteil. K < irrTC < ! Hvnt * SUn nnil KJit , lu-conllnii to
Incntlon. ( icncml nrtmleslon n ; Kallcnr tl. lloxvs , KJU ,
Sitlo ofStuts now o ) > r.n
si !
Friday nnd Saturday. April 13 txml 14 ,
Pftttmlay Mntluco. '
Wilson & Raokin Minstrels ,
80 Now People , 80 Now Acts , SB
Others ,
Mncnlllront nml OrlRtnnl Bopaio .Uffects.
Startling Mt'clmnlCRl Illusions. Bujiettlj Moun
ted , KlcRiuitly Costumed. '
Wednesday and TiuirsdayApil , ! 18& 19
Now mnUnij n totir of Amf riwvnivt \ Ihd h plc s or
lh KiHlpnth Lyceum liuir n , lliieton.
These celebrated rtlsl are wlnnrt j t ne nrlr all
the i > rliiolpnl prlios In tlio fHimms CrjsUl rulaco coin-
potulonn , l-onflon , Kinrlnnd. Their pniRrnnimo con
( ilnti of Wolfli ami Xnnlliili ( > ! . MBdrlifali not * oloi |
which urn mniKWllli nn entlin > iamilri < , nml ilTBCltf
Hint la Indoscrluitblo. Thu ladles appear lu ,
Qttnitit Nnttonnt Costumes , tnoluilliifi ;
the Sujtnr l onf lint.
Undoubtcillr the itrentoit Harp Soloist In tlio. world ,
Popular Prloos.5Oc , 76o. $1.OO
These nro for tlio bonollt of Ihn Welch
PiYilijrtorlnn Church nO the WolfU Uturiirjr .Sooletr.
Ticket * soM , ri'iiitrvoil < > nt < , nt the Oninlm Slutfl an
HniiHiiKRu'iioinca. 1NR Knrnnm street , anil nt Oporft
llouso box olllco the dnf'ljctoru the concurts.
Growth of the City Phenomenal
Stock Yards and Packing Houses only
in their Infancy.
Four Largest Packers in tlie
Armour , Swift , Fowler and Hammond , Employ
Thousands of Men. Last year over 1,000,000
Hogs and 250,000 Cattle Received at the
Fourteen Millions Worth of Hogs and
Cattle Packed Last Season.
Now the Third Packing City in the
The South Omaha Land Company's property , surrounding"
these industries is the cheapest and most desirable in South
Omaha. Lots are 50x130 and G0xl50 feet in size , and prices
range from four hundred to fifteen hundred dollars each ,
which is no more than lots are held at in the outlying addi
tions. The wonderful progress of this city , with ita Stock
Yards , Packing Houses and other industries , gives peculiar
value to purchases at the present time when , " ,
Low Prices and Easy Terms Prevail.
Consider that this property is not an outlying addition , but
is directly in the way of tlie growth of both cities , and "fine
city of South Omaha is built upon it. Our oflioe is opposite
the U. P. Depot , South Omaha where agents witli teams will
show the property.
property.ED. . JOIIOSTON & CO. ;
Agents South Omaha Land
BILL JONES , The Glass-Eater - , YAMADIVA , The Oriental Sworct Swallower. ' , .
Barney Nelson , the Turtle Boy. Yeddo Horticultural Exhibit , Tommassio , Paper King.
THEATER No 1. Egyptian Mysteries. THEATER No. 2. Finey & Bliss' Bright Lights Co. '
TDO J IL-llLi *
axicl lOc.