SALE OF BLACK SILK SDRAHS. Wo hnvo received direct from the manufacturers a largo in voice of Black Silk Surnhs , mid Monday morning , April 8th , place them on sale at about One-Third Off ! Regular selling prices. They are nil niado of pure silk and warranted not to drawer separate in wearing. S. P. MOK3B&CO. BLACK SIX.K SURAH , 10 pieces 20-inch Black Silk Surah , flno and lustrous , woi'lh $1.15. Moiulny and during the week 79o a yard. Received anoflier lot of novcllies in Latest Styles French Silks , BLACK SILK SURAH , 0 pieces 21-inch Black Silk Surahrich and lustrous , warranted to give perfect satisfaction in wear ; worth $1.60. Sale prlco , $1.10. Special Sale of Black Regatta Silks Monday , BLACK SILK SURAH , 12 pieces 21-inch Black Silk Surah , a quality that is worth at regular price $2.00. Wo olTer this number Monday and during-tho week at $1.35 a yard. S.P.MQRSE&CQ CAN RAILROADS CONSOLIDATE A Case of Great Importance to Bo Considered This Weok. MUCH DEPENDS ON THE RESULT Involving the Acquiring of the AtchIson - Ison & Nebraska by the 11. & SI. Court Notes of the Capital. [ FIIOM TUB IIEE'B LINCOLN BUREAU. ] On Thursday next the cube of the state ugalnst the Atchison & Nebraska railroad for the forfcituro of the franchise of that road , on the ground that it bus been consoli dated with a competing line contrary to the constitution of the state , -Will be called for argument in the supreme court. The hearIng - Ing will bo one of great Importance , as the questions involved are applicable to other lines hi the stnto and the further fact will be demonstrated ns to whether the roads In the state can In matters of this character continuo - tinuo to openly violate the laws of the land mid destroy - > ho very objects for which thov were chartered by the state. Elaborate briefs have heretofore been filed in the case by the attorney goncnil und Mr. C. W. Dawcs , who appears with him on the ono Hide , and by T. M. Murquettc , the general attorney of the It. & M. railroad on the other. Yesterday anew now brief thirty-six pages in length was filed by Hon. J. M. Woolworth , of Omaha , who files it as the brief of the mortgage trustees and usks tbo court for the opportunity of making an oral argument also. The brief is ono much in the same line an the ono inado by the general attorney of the Burlington , mill Is evidently indirectly in the road's inter est und supplemental to the brlof of Mr. Mnnpji'tto. The length of the document pre cludes in n small space un intelligent review. The cull of cases In the supreme court that meets on Tuesday will be. the cases appealed from the Twelfth judicial district , to bu fol- .lo\ved by a cull of cases on the foot pf the docket. The cases on the docket from the Twelfth district are us follows ; Ole Andeison vs the state , State ox rel J.F. Hums vs Hrown comity. State ox rol Do Forrest Ulchards vs Hugh G. McMillan. Jymun D. Pettlt vs E. G. Asay , Jr. AVutsou U. Towtio vs Joseph A. Spuka et al. al.H. A. Chamberlain vs H. 1C. Brown ct al. H , W , Powers vs Uhnnncoy C , Craig. John Scgeur vs Lilllo Segear. Franklin W , Urooks vs Abblo E , Dutchcr. J. G , Cortolyou vs It. 1J. Mubun ot ul ; under advisement. Haruabus Melton vs Angelina Baltezoro. George Graves vs John C. Fritz ct ni. Frederick Evortou vs William Esgato. Ed Hurshlsor v Frank Delonu & Co , C. D. II , r.Uenmn ot ul , uppollocs , vs E , F , Gallagher , appellant. Mattlo I ) , ( iltison , appellee , vs Ylucont II , Gibson , uppellant. Martin levlno vs Ira Hurelson. David Connolly vs Edwin GUI dings. Holt County Hank vs Tootle , Livingston Thouins Curran vs Michael Luftus ot al. Moses 1 * . Kinkuld , uppelloe , vs Paris U. HIatt , npiralhint. John McHrido vs Ellis M. Lnthrop. 'Wnrdiu-r llushnoll and Glcssuur vs Wilson Iloxiu ut al. MST1I10T COUUT. Yesterday was motion day in the district court uud u large number of motions ant orders wcro passed iiKiu | , The court will bt engaged for a week yet before tlio final ad Journment for the term. A nuiutmr of new cases were filed yester day , among them being the following : Murj J. O'DonulJ uslu for u divorce from her bug bund. John O'DonaldrocitlupUiut ' they wort innrrlod in Port Austin , Mich. , and that al the time of their luarriugo the defendant had u former wife living to whom hu hud brct legally married nua .never divorced , Foui mouths after marriage those facts were uiudi Sweeping Reductions ! Double Width TRICOTS r > 0 pieces 38-inch best quality Tricots in a handsome assortment of mixtures. Worth 50c a yard. They are the best value ever offered in Omuha at 37c. CRAIGILEE CHECKS , 20 pieces -10-inch fine all wool Crulgi- lee Checked Dress Goods , selling in New York city to-day nt GOc. Ono price Monday and during the woolc , 47c a yard. HAIL ORDERS FILLED. MIXED 3-3 pieces 40-inch Mixed De Beiges , greatly delayed in transit owing to rail road strike , in coiibequenco we oll'cr them Monday at 50o. They are worth 75c a yard. Frencli Novelty Combination Suits offered for one week at $15. PI. AID DRESS GOODS , For ono week we offer a lot of 80 pieces Plaids and Mixtures , bought for our curly spring trade , but having been delayed by the strike , wo prefer to sac rifice the goods rather than carry them over to another season. They are full 50 inches wide , und worth from $1.00 to 81.25. We oiler the lot Monday at 58c a yard. known to this plaintiff , and since then shu has refused to live with him and usks that tliO marriage bo declared null and void. Judge Field yesterday granted a temporary injunction against tlio state auditor restrain ing him from registering the ? 7UOU bonds of O'Fullon precinct , Lincoln county , until a hearing may bo had on the merits of the case. Tnu injunction was served by George Golvin , a resident of the precinct , who claims that the bonds arc illegal and that the pretended organization of O'Fallon precinct as it now exists was not in conformity witli law. Myron II. Baldwin , administrator of the estate of Matthew Pittninn , deceased , has filed a petition in court asking for an order allowing him to sell ccitain real estate in the estate of the deceased in order that the debts against the estate may be met and funds pro vided for the maintenance of the infant heirs. Joseph Linvllle has filed his petition with the court , asking u divorce from his wife , Mary Lluvillo , reciting that they were mar ried at The Dalles , Ore. , in the mouth of February , 1&S3 , that on the 10th day of Sep tember , Ibi5 : his wiffgxvllfully deserted him and since that time has absented herself from him without cause. Ho therefore asks u divorce on the grounds of desertion. T1IKV QAVK HAIL. A man named Henry Holtz and a woman named Lena Lobott wcro arraigned before Judge Stewart in the county court yesterday on a charge of fornicatlo'i , the principal wit ness being a German named Monde , The parties secured bail for 200 each and wcro released pending examination. The story told by Mendo , the principal witness , is that Homo years ago ho and the woman Lobott wcro man und wife. That her fiery mood diovo him from home , und for n time ho found relief in Sioux City und Denlsou , la. , where ho ilrovo n 'bus. His wife meanwhile , after ho had left homo , tried to get his penMen - Mon that came monthly through a pension claim ollico In this city. She failed in this , but found out where JVlcnde was und departed for Dcnison , la. , after him again. Ho eluded her , and she returned home and hocurod u divorce nt the fall term nf court , immediately taking up with HoolU , ut ) Mende chiiinn , liv ing with him both before and after the death of Ills wife. When the ofllccrs went utter the. pair they barieaded the place until the woman escaped to u neighbors. They claim to bo married , but there is no record in this county to Hint effect , und the trial will prove or disprove that claim. . CITY 1TKMB. Manager Keith has gone to Kansas City in the interest of the Western league ball team in this city. Ho will hold u conference with Manager Kowo of the Kansas City associ.i- tiun team und will sign u number of new players before returning. Manager McKoynoldH says that there are n good many good seats yet to bo obtained for the llooth-Uarrott entertainment in this city the l'-th. ! Parties from points out in the state can secure seats by writing to Mr. Me- HeynoldH and ho will do for them the best that the house has yet unsold. A new wholesale blank book and stationery house will open in this city in u few duvd.tho ilrin having secured the new Ktubleileld block on Eleventh street that U admirably adapted to their business. Jack Laulmm. of Crete , the well-known contractor , is in the city and will make figures - ures on the paving contracts to bo let the coming week. Mr. Lnnhum is an advocate of brick us a suitable and cheap paving for Nebraska towns , and says Jseb'-ubku clay will uiakollrst quality paving bri Five bids for btorm water BOW . .fx > in the first district have been received , M'heio blda average about * 23,000 , with very little vari ance in four of them , und the board of public works will award the contract at once. Thu bidders for thewoik are George Miller , of Council Hlufs [ , Stout & McDonald , of Lin coln , Kvorson & Little , of Lockport , N. Y. , Hugh Murphy , of Omaha , uud Mount & Griflin , of Omulia. A rliango of time pees Into effect on the Union Pacific Stroinsburg line to-day , by whirh ono of the two dully passenger trains is laid oil uiul the time of thuuriivul of ttic other nt this point is changed from 3:40 : p. m , lo 10:80 : a. in. A mans meeting in aid of the White Cross inovomout will be held at 4 o'clock to-day at the Funko opera house. Floods in Hungary. Pes-rii , April 7. The damage by floods caused by u water si out which passed over this tity and other parts of Hungary yesterday - ' day is estimated ut 1,000'ODO norms. s , p , KNOTTED : -FRINGE : TOWELS 25c. Monday morning wo offer 100 dozen Knotted Fringe Towels in fine Ilucka- buck and Datnnsk ; qualities we hnvo sold regularly for 35c lofiOc ; all in ono lot on center table at 25c each. Not more than one dozen to each customer. TURKEY RED DAMASK , 25c. 15 peices good quality Turkey Red Damask , worth 4oc. For this sale marked at U5c a yard. 5- ! Damask Napkins $1.25 For one week wo offer 100 dozen fine 5-8 Damask Napkins at $1.23. We in vite the attention of hotel and resUiu- rnnt keepers to this number as being worthy of their consideration. 10 pieces wide Cream Damask Table Linen , direct from the celebrated looms of Boileleld , Germany , sold regularly at 75o as a bargain. Wo oiler for one week at 49c a yard. FELT TIDIES , The balance of our Felt Tidies that made such a sensation at loc , we offer until sold at lOc each. They will be found at our Linen Department. THE STAFF OF OUR EXISTENCE How Broad Is Manufactured and What Wo Pay For It. THE PROFITS OF THE BUSINESS. KCUSOIIH IVliy "Wholesale Urokcrs Grow Iticli Sonio Very Fine Points oil Flour. The average Oinnhun aits down to his well filled table groaning with all the delicacies of the season uud after tucking u napkin under the baby's chin , to keep the little one from soiling its dress during the meal , prasps his knife and cuts off liDcral slices of the bread which the good wife has proem ed from the nearest grocer , and never does it occur to him that upon the loaf upon which he Is so industriously laboring , the baker and the grocer combined have made u Joint profit of 74 per cent , a fraction over.Ill per cent of whioh is simply csconced in the.capaciouB pocket of the former whim the remainder hub just been -posited in the till of the latter. Strictly speaking , the pi oflts exceed the figures mentioned inasmuch as the estimates made below uro based upon the supposition that our friend the ' baker uses nothing but the best brand of Hour in compounding the article which lorms the component part of our diot. when in truth these high priced brands arc only used in the manufacture of the choicest IOUVPH ; the cheaper grades being substituted in the making of the ordinary ones. The baker who carries on un ordinary tradu in n city like Omaha i * enabled to pro- euro his Hour delivered at his place of busi ness at u bottom rate , ubout o.30 per barrel. JUs dusty foreman and his usslbtiiiit dump the UK ) pounds into n trough , where u portion tion ot it is mixed with about six ounces of yeust and a quantity of water , and after standing five or Hix hours in order to give the yeast un opportunity of fermenting the iimiuindcr , to which has been uddcd 101 pounds of water is mixed together und Mr. liakor 1ms HOO pounds of dough on which to begin operations. After being thoroughly kneaded and mixed the mass of dough is cut into loaves of twenty ounces each , iMO in number They uro then placed in the oven , where in from twenty to thirty minutes they nro reduced in weight two ounces i r loaf , making each loaf eighteen ouucos , as re quired by the scale in this city , or " 70 pounds in all. The cost of these 210 loaves is very nearly as follows ; Klour 5.20 I-abor l.n 3-7 Fuel 342-7 Yeast 5-J-7 Total . . . . $7,31 Our friend , the baker , sells his bread to the grocer , of whom wo purchase , at the rate of 4 cents per pound. The profits of the lat ter uro Mimll when compared with these of the former , und us u rule the grorcryman do not euro to handle the article , but are re quired to do so by reason of the convenience afforded their customers , The baker reul- izos u profit of $3.49 per barrel on his flour , which ho bus converted Into bread , cleur of all expcnbcs. The grocer sells at un advance of four-ninths of a cent per pound , making hU profit $1.20 , BO that the barrel of Hour with which the baker began business in this in ticlo ib finally bold at 112 , u net profit of a fraction over 74 per cent. Thcso figures uro in the main correct , and while it may bo contended that the cost of making the better quality of bread u , greatly in excess of the figures quoted , on account of milk being substituted for water und other additional expense , such us passing the dough through rollers and giving the loaves a coating of eggs und milk in the manufac ture of the best bread , it must bo borne in mine * that only one-third und possibly a lesser junount of the broad bkud in this city is of the best quality. { So that the figures given above , which give us a basis the bust brands , of flour used in all -erodes' of bread which LADIES' SPRING $17. $ This cut shows our Ladles' Now- market , in ado of Light GroyScotch Cheviot ; just the thing for general use and will not show dust. Usual price , 822.00. We markthemfornoxt week nt 817 each. LADIES' SPRING NEWMARKETS , $20.00. This garment is made of Black Cheviot viet , with line white stripe , Hat hood , lined with black Moire Silk , style same as above cut ; worth $25.00. We offer next Aveck at $20.00. Ladies' Spring NcwinarM This style , as shown in cut , is inado of fine Import'd Striped Goods , made spe cially for 'tlio manufacture o t these garments , luib full shirred cape of 13 ruwn Moire Silk , liif- nook with handbm6 silk braid loops and spike qruu- ments. A sty lish garment,1 and a baa-gain at $20.00. ' is not used by any means except in the finest qualities arc very nearly if not unite cor rect , the difference in the price of Hour moro than overbalancing the cost of extras men tioned which arc used in the best productions of the baker's art. The following comprise the most popular brands made in this city , all of which nrc baked in loaves weighing eighteen and thirty-six ounces , the former selling nt retail at live , the latter ten cents per'loaf Snowlluko , Eureka , Fmnch Twist , Vienna Pumpcrnicklo , Itye loaf and Gra ham. There are in Omaha at present about twenty bakeries who make their own bread , Some of these run on a small scale und it is possible that the profits are not as large as in establishments where more loaves are pro duced , yet the differerence is vary slight. Thonumber of loaves of bread made in bakeries in this city is estimated by ono of the leading men in the business to be not less than 18,500 per day. Every grocer in the city with possibly a few exceptions sells 'bread. In addition to plain bread thereis also an enormous quantity of buns , biscuit and rolls produced , the profits upon which arc not us largo us on the plain loaf yet yield u very handsome revenue to the producer. linkers' who do anything like an or dinary scale seldom fail and in .most cases get rich. In this city all who are engaged in the industry are apparently making money. . While as stated there is a mint of money in the business for u successful man , there Is no question whatever i ccarding the profits being still greater weio Hour as cheap in proportion in the United States as in Europe. It is a fact that the best grades of Anmrliun Hour is sold as cheap in Liverpool , England , us in Omaha. Wore rates controlled by the same rule which applies to other exports unless the price of bread declined nil bakers' would lie millionaires in u short time.Vhv this is BO is a question for tno millers' asso ciation to answer. In the meantime wo cat bread on which wo pay a profit of " 4 per cent und still are not happy. Thu profits in the bread business in this city exceed those in eastern cities by ubout 2S i > cr cent. This Is doubtless owing to the fact that the rates of freight uro higher on shipments from the mills direct to eastern points and that the prujwrtion of the best ejradeh inado in the eastern sect Ions is greater than hero. DrooilitiK in Montana. A Melville , Mont. , letter to the New York World , treating of the business of raising hoi-bua in Montana , contains the following intei-obting observations : Eastern capitalist * have come to Mon tana in force , and , lured by vihioitb of snoop and cattle kings , have invented in these brunches of stock and lost much money that , would have been better placed in hnrbus. Thu horse business offers much.uufpr investment , greater lirolltH nndj fur larger rewards for special efforts , any other stock busi ness. ness.This is n Strange statement , and will hardly bo concurred in by many who lire ntnreseiit ongngod in the cuttle- and shcup business , 'but any ono who will in vestigate the matter thoroughly will find it the truth , and M > interubtud will lie become in Porchorons and Cayouses , Clydoidnles und hull-broods , that ho will with difficulty resist tlio temptation to immediately engage in breeding than horses himself. So much has boon written concerning the quality of the grass on the ranges of the northwest that it is scarcely neces sary to stnto that if horses , or in fact any other stock , got as much grass as they require they will keep fat tlio whole year around without other feed. Upon mobt of tlio ranges , und especially in the viciuity of the mountains , horses can always get sutllcient to maintain them winter as well as summer , Even in a country that has been so overstocked by cattle and sheep that those animals can no longer live , horses can still Una enough to live und do well upon. The winter never kills nor injures native Montana horses , though they uro turned out ail winter and uro never pro vided for by their owners with stores of s , p , CHILDREN'S n c This cut represents our Gretchon Cloak , inado of Striped En glish Tweed in ecal brown ; has cardinal silk lined hood ; sizes from 4 to 12 years ; worth $0.00 to $8.00. Wo offer choice of lot at $5.00. Mother Hubbard Night Gowns , Laoo Trhnmod , Only 40o Each. I Next week wo will show a new assort ment of Ladies Spring Wraps , trimmed with cut jets. Wo ask you to examine the styles wo show at $13 , $18 , $20 and $25 each. Our prices will bo found from $5 to $10 lower for same qualities than naked by-uny house in the west. ' Mother Hubbard Night Gowns , Tucked and Embroidered , Only 69o. CHILDREN'S Spring Cloaks These are made of good all wool Striped Serge , b r o w n sati n- liued hood ; btylo as shown in cut ; bizes 4 to 12 years ; worth from 87.50 to $10.00according t > size. We offer choice during the weokatSG.OO ouch. Mother Hubbard Night Gowns , Elaborately Trimmed , O8c. S , P , MORSE & CO hay or grain. Snow never interposes but a trilling barrier between the range horse und his food. His strong front feet are well shaped for pawing snow , and his mouth full of teeth en ables him to bite the grass to the root when he once reaches it. The writer bus worked upon the great Yellowstone range for the last six years , and ho can bear witness that the horses on the range were in excellent condition , and that there has not been 10 per cent of loss during the whole of that time among Montana bred horses and but very little moro than that among those bred in warmer climate and brought to Mon tana , many of which m-e located on this runtre. Mucli less expense is incurred by the horseman in keeping truck of his stock and in rounding up than by the sheep or cuttle raiser. Horses , when hold upon a locality for short time , become - come "range broken" that is , bo accus tomed to living and being upon a cer tain tract that they will never leuvo it unless driven uwuy , und will go back U : it itain when driven off , sometime : Hovonty-llvo or KM ) miles. Stallions , of which the horseman bus to keep one to ubout fifty marcs , are not turned out upon the range , but are kept in btuble.s und yards , winter and sum mer , and fed. They got grain only .during the six weeks when they are in ubu , and are fed only hay during tlio balance of the year. They must bo kop1 in good order , however , and should go into their "boason" fat und lino. After the herd had become thoroughly 'range broken" ono man' can maniigo 100 murcb , care for und food two stallions und three-saddle horses , break all colts to bailer when they uro nine months old , and do all tlio usual work upon the liorbo-ranch except branding and murk- ing and haying , during which operu- tioiib lie will require a man to help. Hay and outs tnilllciont to feed two btnllions and throe baddlo-liorwes , however - ever , may generally bo purchased as cheaply UH they can bo raibed by the hoi'bomun , and in that CUM ) his ranch and corrals may bo located moro cen trally upon his range without reference to liny meadows or farming lands. For tlio above band of 100 mures , twenty tons of buy and 4,000 pounds of oats would bo un abundant supply , and allow of bringing in any pour or sickly inures and all young col In for woMiing and halter breaking for a few weeks in the winter. If the horse brooder bo content to purchase this supply bin runcho need cost him but $100 , whereas ten times that might easily be spout in fencing , irrigating uud ploughing to raibo his necebsary provision. In breeding horses , the quality of the stock is trreatly improved by the first cross. Montana is full of 1,000 and 1,100 pound colts raised from 700 pound mures and largo btallions , und the second cross to large draft stallions often produce very valuable animals. Improvement is as rapid when breeding for bpocd or the carriage , and it is bora conceded that the small nutivo Cuyouso ixiny is us good n basis as any from which to raise draught or road horbos. The Cuyquso , though small , is short of back , broad in the breast and loin , deep in the ham and bhoulder and always bound in foot and mind. lie in hardy and suro-footed us a juckusa and his progeny inherit till of these qual ities. Horbes of 1,000 pound weight bred from the Cuyouso will outwork many heavier horsob of other breeding. Cayouso mures cun bo purchased , if the right traders are mot , ut ubout SiI7 per head , und Btnllions of three-quarters draft blood , 1,000 pounds weight , at about $100. The half-breed colts cun bo sold right ut homo , when four years old und broken , , for $75 , und if sent oust would l > ring-$125 , and perhaps , whou S , P , Ladies' ' Lisle Thread GLOVES 19e. Monday and for ono week wo offer a largo purchase of Ladies' Lisle Thrond Gloves In assorted colors ut Iflc a pair. They txro qunlltlos that hnvo sold from lioc to Sao u pair. LADIES' 50e. 50 dozen full fashioned , stocking top Brilliant Lisle Gloves , a very superior quality and worth 75c. Monday anil dur ing the weak our price will bo COo n pair. Ladies' Kid Cloves 48e. Monday only we offer 50 do/en Ladies' Kid Gloves in black , no colors , 5 hook and 4 button lengths. Choice for that ono day , 48o a pair. LADIES' ' RID GLOVES , 87e. This lot comprises both 6 and 7 Fos ter Hook Kid Gloves , colors and black. They have sold from $1.25 to $1.75. Choice , 87c a pair. 87e. Wo have still about 160 puirs _ of our celebrated Men's Driving Kid Gloves , worth nt regular price $2.00. For Mon day only at 87c a pair. See onr Japese Jointless Straw Malting Both New and Novel , ' S. P. MORSE & CO their real quality becomes known , much more. After the first year marcs will produce , whan properly handled , 80 per cent of their number of colts. If driven from a distant and "range- broken" during the first summer , the first crop will bo small , say 50 or 00 per cent. The greatest loss is always among the cells during their first year. This loss averages about 10 per cent of the young colts. Ono of the greatest elements of suc cess in the horse business , especially when carried on on u moderate scale , lies in breaking the young colts. For merly it was the custom to lot the colts run until four yearsold before breaking. "When us old us this they have become as wild as the oik , and blacktail door with which they run , and cannot bo broken without the greatest difficulty and lobs of quality. Many have been shipped to eastern markets unbroken and pussed off upon the unsuspecting grangers of Now Jer sey and other states , to whom they wore of ubout as much use us so many comets. Tills bert of thing bus caused eastern people to look askance ut horses with a brand upon them. Hut by breaking young colts gentle and to halter , break ing them to ride and drive when two years old and finishing them and ship- ing them to market when thrco or four , our will before many years make a uiimo for themselves and their rbOH , and Montana will surely take a high position among her sisters in this branch of the slock industry. OVER TEN THOUSAND MILES. Cloak Signals Bent Over 7.OOO Jtlllcs of Wire in n Fraction of n Second. Sun Francisco Alta : Tlio recently announced churn of a telegraphic cir cuit of over ton thousand miles , surpass ing all previous experiments , is some what misleading. Many efforts at long circuit work Imvii occurred during the pubt few vears , the dibtunco varying from 4KM ( ) to 8,100 miles. It ib a mutter of i-oiibiderublo pride to the old oporut/n-B of the Webtorn Union telegraph company in San Krnncibuo that the feat of transmitting clock sig nals through T.tiOO miles of line and talk ing directly through that sumo line lias never been equalled , The occubion of tli is feat was the telegraphic determi nation of the difference of longitude in time between the United States Coast Survey station in Sun Francisco and tlio obsurvatory of the Har vard University at Cambridge in the year 1809. In order to determine the time of traiiHmission of a signal either from the clock ( or from the operator's key ) over tno given length of the line of it.UOO miles , throe different methods wore dpvised. Ono of thebo wits orig inal with Profebsor George Davidson , who hud charge of the observations , Through the liborulity of the manage ment of the Western Union Telegraph company , a double circuit of line was looped ut Cambridge , so that they extended - tended from the Sun Frunciuco obborv utory 3,000 miles to Cambridge , and the return from Cambridge by u bomowhat different route of nearly equal lungtli- The two "earths" were under the Kan Francibco observatory , dibtunt from each other not more than tun fuel. The line wus lirst opened by an operator in the observatory and when the hiht con nection wus made ut Cambridge thoSun Francisco operator was considerably as tonished to got his own mubbago back within ono sucond of timo. Then the agronomical break-circuit clock was thrown into line and made its first break upon u pun recording upon a revolving cylinder of pupor in the Sun Francisco observatory , and after this break , hud truyorsod the line to fMorse&Co : Black Silk Plaited HOSE 78e. Wo hnvo only 20 do/.cn of this number of Hlack SHU Plaited Hose , which is by far the best viiluo wo have over offered ; worth 81.60. Wo bought nil there was of the lot , uud offer thorn until sold at 78o i pair. LADIES' ' SOLID COLORED Cotton Hose , 35e. Thcso are n very ilno Gcrmnn IIoso * for us especially by lloin- rioh Schopper , the moat celebrated manufacturer of hosiery in the world. They tire good value for 50e , but having bought them direct , are enabled to sell them at 35c , or 0 pairs for $2.00. COLORED SILK Plaited Hose , 1100. Those come in till the now spring shades of Tun , Drab und Modo. and at $1.00 a pair , are COc under regular sdll- ing price. YOUTHS' BLACK Ribbed Hose , 25c. Monday wo offer 25 dozen moro ' Youths' 'Black Ribbed Hose , double knee , double heel and too , worth 60o u pair. Wo offer them again ut 25c a pair. Next Week We Sell Straw Mings 2t 19c a Yard S. P , MORSE & CO Cambridge it returned and made a break upon a second pun moving purali lol with the former in about eight- tenths of a feocond of time. This wa continued every second for several minutes , and was repeated upon several nights , and when ono of the batter ies in this long circuit was removed the wave length time was reduced to ouLy sixty-five hundrcdths of a second. Conversation was , of course , earned on at the same rate of bpeed. This fout over a line 7,200 miles in length has boon unrivaled up to the present time , time , both as a practical working ex hibit I'n a scioutiiic success. HE WENT TO THE BOTTOM. Tlio Singular ISxpurlcnco of an Oyster DrcclKcr AVlio Fell Ovornourtf. Haltiinore Sun : A rcmarkublo illus tration of man's endurance under % vator conies from the oyster schooner Lau- clott , Capt. Harry Jsicobs , now lying nt the foot of Philpot street. Capt. Harry Jacobs , his crow and John Johnson , the man who afforded the illustrationvouch for the story. On Jan. liG the vessel was dredging in the vicinity of Thomos'a point , and while cruising about she and another vessel wuro in collision. The other ves el caught the line of the lee dredge on the Lauclottwhich tautening , caught John Johnson und throw hm ( in the nir and overboard , The heavy Iron dredge followed , and us Johnson fell in the water ho caught the dredge , und grasping it sunk beneath the vessel. The ljuuelolt was under wdy at the time. Captain Jacobs at once ordered the jib lowered ana then the yawlboat. The "falls" of the boat were found frozen so fust that they would uot go overboard , and Captain Jacobs ordered them cut. Looking overboard and not bceing the man atloat , Cuptuin Jacobs conceived tlio idea that Johnson had become - come entangled in the dredge und could not dlbongugo himself. Tlion the crow jumped to the "crank" and never was an oyster dredge BO quickly holnted from the bottom. When it came to the surfnco Joluihon was clinging to the line near the di-edgo , and to have his hand from being mushed coming over the rollers the winding up was slopped and the man liunlod on board. JoluiHHi was dressed in his oilskin suit und Bou'woBtor hut , and beyond los ing ono of his milts und skinning his knuckles lie was nil right , lie wild tea a Sun repnrtor that hu did pnot losu his presence of mind the whole time ho wan in the water. A btrungo incident ho rolutos in that the dredge line , which from the veesol to tho' bottom is fully thirty feet long , acted ns a telephone to him while lying in the mud gru piug the iron drudgu that anchored him so fiint. Ha could clearly hear the orders being given ubovo him , hear the foot steps of the crow running ubout the dock , the iiolbo of the jib IIH it run down , and the Hplauh of the yawlboat dropping into the water. His head was close to the line that hold the dredge , and ho vouches for the cssortion that the Bounds from nbovo traveled down the rope as freely and clearly as in cases when a telephone is not cloudy under stood by being slightly out of ordert The wilier was twonty-sovcn feet deep where Johnson wont over , Captain Jacobs and his crow say it was nearly thrco minutes from the tlmo Johiiboii was thrown overboard until lie was res cued. Him \Vi N Jiihliflncl , Pioneer Press. : The latest ground for divoreo in Chicago cage , which was prebonted by the hus band of a pretty German girl , was that ho was jealous of Jiur big dog. Ho tea- tilled that he found his wife hugging and kisbing the dog , and. the oourt promptly guvo him a bill of divoreo.