Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1888, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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l ) llv ( Morning Edition ) including Sunday
For Blx Months .
TfirThreo Months . 200
The Omntm Sunday HKK , msllcd to any ail-
dress.Ono Year . 300
Ilim.tiiNO. WASHINGTON OI-IICE , Iso. 611
FouiiiF.EMii BTIIEKT. . .
noBIHB8g IKrrKnSi
All business letters ami remittances should be
nddreiweil to THE UBK I'lniMsniNO UOMrAtfV.
OMAHA. DraftB , checks and pojtomce orders to
fce n do pnyablo to the order of the company.
The Bee Fabling Company , Proprietors
E. nOSEWATER , Editor.
Bworn Slntcnicut ofClroulotloit.
BUtc nf Nebraska , I. .
County of Douglass , f"1 . _ _ _ ,
Oco. Il.Tzschuck , secretary of Tlio Bee Pub-
llshlnc company , docn isojptnniy _ swear that the
nctunrclrcmatlon of the Dully IJce for tha week
eflillnff April 8. ! * . was as follows :
Saturday , Mhrch 31
flumlay. April 1
Mnndny , April 3
Tuesday. April 8. . . . . .
Wednesday. April 4 . VMS' ' !
Thursday. April 5
Yldny. April 0 . ,
Bworn to and subscribed In my pre ? enco this
tth day of April. A. U. . 1SS8. N. 1 FKI U
Notart I'ubllc.
Etnte of Nchrnskn. l _
Tountyof DotiKlasfl , (8lB ( >
Oea. u. Txsehuek , belnKflret duly fworn. de
pones and says that ho Is RccrctdO" r't The Hoe
rubltuhlnR company , that the accunl nvcrago
dally circulation of tne naliy I' o for the month
of Mnrcli , 1887 , 14,400 cop'.ts ! for April ,
1C87. 14.318 copies ; for May. 1R87 ,
14.ST7 copies : for June , lt < 87 , 14,147 ropl a ;
for Jul1887. . 14.1U3 copies : for Aujoist ,
J8W , I4.1B1 copies ! for Pi"plpmbcr , 1BH7. 14,319
ropiosfor October. 1NI7 , 14,333 : for November ,
atO , lb,2M copies ; for December. lt7 , 10,041
copies ; for Jonunry , 1FW. IC W copies ; for
February. 1BS8.
Bworn and subscribed to In my presence this
M day of March , A. D. IbBd. N. P. KMIU
Notarv I'ubllc.
A PKT1TION1 Is ulroady bcforo that
board of nldurmon just olootud in Oska-
loosu , KnitHas , to clmtiRo the name of
the town to OsU.ilucy.
OMAHA has donned her gingham
npron and dusting ; cup nnd is already
beginning the spring denning. By nnd
by , uftor she has got through scouring
her streets nud : illcys , a man will be
flblo to sec his own reflection la the
pavement blocks.
SHNTATOII UEAQAN , of Texas , has
drawn a salary from the public since
1838 when ho wns surveyor of public
lands in Texas. A democrat who has
led at the public crib for fifty consecutive
years would draw bettor than the
lamented Jumbo did in Barnum's hippo-
TIIKUK was a hitch in the Denver
celebration over the completion of the
Fort Worth & Denver railroad , which
has thrown a damper op tha whole af
fair. Under an Invitation to attend the
International Range convention a train
lonil of cattlemen from Texas cumo up
to extend the right hand of fellowship
to the Colorado cattle-growers. As it
was , the International Range conven
tion turned out to be a dismal failure ,
and the Texas visitors three hundred
strong were very much disappointed.
To the Texas peqple , it appears plain on
the face of it , that the Colorado cattle
men have no deiiiro to join with them
in the formation of a union of range in
terests. What effect this snub will have
on the business relations between Col
orado and Texas remains to bo seen.
Tnn senate having passed a bill pro
viding for the celebration at Wash
ington , in the spring of 1889 , of the
centennial of thu constitution , no doubt
is entertained that the measure will go
through the house and bo approved by
the president. It is a patriotic purpose
that commands itself to till citizens ,
ami the universal desire will be that it
shall bo made as compluto and memor
able as possible. It is contemplated to
invite as guests of the United States at
the celebration representatives from all
the Central and South American repub
lics , the empire of Brazil , tlio dominion
of Canada , and oven San Domingo and
Hayti. As all these states will un
doubtedly sand representatives there is
every reason to expect that the occa
sion will ba one of the most notable in
the annuls of civilisation.
Tnn outlooic for the iron trade this
year does not appear to bo very prom
ising , and it is fuarod that a great
many people employed in this industry
may' ' bo compelled to lie idle during
much of the year. The very large pro
duction of last year loft the market
with heavier stocks than usunl at the
end of the year , and as tlio demand
thus far in tlie current year has been
light and prices are consequently do-
grossed , manufacturers are not disposed
to actively continue operations. Two
xtoiiAivo iron firms nt Pitl&burg sus-
i nded payments yesterday , and it will
not bo surprising to hear of others as
the season advances. The situation of
the iron trade foreshadows a general
industrial dnnre-snion , which would not
bo exceptional for a presidential year ,
"but which may bo aggravated at this
time If congress does notmako adequate
provision for reducing the revenues ol
the government and disposing of the
'surplus. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Till ? death of Mr. Joseph W. Drexel
of Now York , a few days ago closed a
llfo that was lllled with nigh and churl
table deeds. Mr. Drexel was not only i
banker and millionaire , but ho also com
blued the qualities of n philanthropis
nnd u patron of art and music. Hostrovt
to hotter the condition of the people
about him by economic schemes. Fo
some years ho maintained at his owi
expense cheap colTco houses to bunefl
the deserving poor of New York city
TIe sr-ld coal nt less than half price V
alleviate the distress of that city. Hi
" bought 0,000 acres of land in Missouri
divided tlio land into sma'.l farms and
sold thorn to worthy colonists on twelve
years' purchase , the annual paymon
not averaging moro than n fair rert
As a patron of art and music , ho cstab
llshed schools , endowed galleries am
in other ways fostered the cultivation o
the fine arts. Mr. Drexel was the idea
American , gentleman who coinbinci
vrithin himself .thoio attributes whlcl him uuivcrsally honored.
A Conl ConlumorV Combination.
There has been organized In Chicago
a company which may bo the example
or numerous o.hcr ( similar organku-
iolis in the west nnd northwest. It is
i coal consumers' combination intended
o enable its members tt obtain tholrconl
at the cost of laying it down in Chicago ,
) lus incidental expenses , therebyolTcct-
ng n saving of from two to three dol-
urg n ton on anthracilo , which is the
only coal the company will handle nt
iresont. The capital stock of the com-
mny Is twenty thousand dollars , und It
s proposed to issue two thousand shares
of stock nt ton dollars a share. Each
share of stock will entitle its holder to
> uy from the company's supply ton tons
of coal each year.
The company will purchase at the
mines , or in the most advantageous
ntirket , such an amount of coal as is
opresontcd by the stock subscribed for.
Should there bo n surplus in excess of
.ho wants of stockholders it will be sold
nt the discretion of the board of direc
tors and the profits placed in the trcafi-
iry , to bo applied ns dividends when
deemed expedient. The prlco of an
thracite coal in Chicago during last
winter xyas advanced to between nine
and ton dollars. It lu estimated that
coal can bo had by the stockholders of
ibis company at not to succeed flvo dol-
> ars and a quarter per net ton. to which
would bo added for the first year the
: ) ricc of the stock , ono dollar for each
.on of coal. Had such a company boon
, n operation in Chicago last winter the
saving to its stockholders in the cost of
coal would have boon from two to over
three dollars a ton , and thq gains of the
coal barons and Ihoir allies , the middle
men , would have been that much loss.
The experience of the people of the
United States , nnd particularly of the
west and northwest , during the past
low years , as a consequence of the mo-
mpolistio policy of tho-anthracite coal
combination , demands some eiTort on
their part for relief. They have vainly
lioped for legislation that would put a
restraint upon the power and the greed
of the Pennsylvania coal barons , and
the chance of any redress or protection
in this way seems as remote as over.
Only a few weeks ago the anthracite
pool determined to continue for 1838-9
the policy that has proved so profitable
to it during the past two or throe years.
Prices are to bo maintained , and the
production will bo limited so that they
can bo maintained. This policy resulted
during the past winter ; in a great deal
of sulToring. In many localities of the
west and northwest the supply of coal
was insniHciant , while thpro were many
thousands of families that could not
afford to pay the prices for this fuel.
Tlio organization of companies such as
that in Chicago would give direct relief
from the exactions of the barons and the
middlemen only to these who could become -
come stockholders in them , but the gen
eral , effect could hardly fail to be bene
ficial. Now is the tlmo for consumers
to unite for their protection , under some
such plan aw that of the Chicago com
pany , against the promised exorbitant
prices for coal that will prevail next
winter. A consumers' coal company in
Omaha would doubtless have little dilll-
culty in disposing of stock on the basis
of the Chicago company , nnd there is
quite as much reason for suclt an organ
ization here as there.
Naturalized Americans Abroad ,
Again is the govern inont of the
United Slates called upon to assert the
principle that a person born in a foreign
land , who by naturalization has become
a citizen of the United States , is thereby
absolved from nil responsibility or obli
gation to the government of his native
country and is everywhere entitled to
the full protection of the government
of his adopted country equally with the
native-born citizen. This American
principle has been so often asserted ,
and so far as wo are aware always suc
cessfully maintained , that it might be
supposed no European government
would now call It in question. The
second war with England was brought
on by the claims of thu British govern
ment that British-born citizens natural
ized in tlio United States might be
hold for military duty the same as
if they had not foresworn their r.llogi-
ancc. English men of war took Ameri
can citizens of British birth from Amer-
can vessels and hold them to service in
English vessels. No nation lias claimed
this right since the war of 18112 , and
American seamen , whatever their na
tionality , have been in no danger of
imprisonment , but thorn has boon re
luctance on the part of several European
governments to concede that the act of
naturalization annulled their claims
upon a man for military service. They
have been disposed to hold firmly to the
principle , "once a subject always n sub
ject , " which with no loss persistence
our government has combattod. Wo do
not recall any cnso in which it has
failed to carry its point.
The latest attempt to violate the
American principle is on the part of
Franco , the last country of which such
a , proceeding would be expected. John
Fouchier , u native of Franco , became a
naturalized citizen of the United States
in 1880. Some time ago ho returned to
Franco , where ho was arrested and en
rolled in tlio army. lie invoked the uid
of the goveraot of Nevada , in which
state ho resided , und the governor re-
furred the matter to the department ol
state. The American minister to
Franco was instructed to demand the
release of Fenchtor. The reply of the
French minister of foreign affairs was u
piece of diplomatic subterfuge , He
btatod that the minister of war regarded
the claim in bohulf of Fuuchior us rais
ing a question of personal status which
the civil courts alone wore In n
position to settle. lie announced thai
the man could be struck ol !
the military rolls only upon the
production by him of n judgment issued
by a French court of justice and recog
nizing in him the status of a foreigner ,
The absurdity of this position is obvi
ous. The United States has no means
of obtaining the decree of a court de
clared to bo nucchsnry by the French
minister , und if this uocessity Hould bv
admitted by thu American government
France iniyht with entire safety ; > rrost
and enroll in tlo army any i-ii'r..iiu i > l
.the United Status , tialivc'born or nat
uralized. ' ' .
Of course- cur govornmunt will not
admit any such preposterous claim as
that n citizen of the United Stntos , arbi
trarily deprived of his liberty nnd his
rights by n foreign government ,
can find redress only through tlio
courts of such foreign government.
It will not concede that the French
or any other foreign government shall
bo permitted to select its own tribunal
and its own method of procedure for do-
tcrmlning the rights of an American
citizen. The question involved is to bo
settled by the principles of interna
tional law. with which n court of jus
tice has nothing to do. It is impossible
to say with what degree of firmness Scc-
etary Bnyurd will lilslst upon the
American principle in this cnso , but
, ho opportunity affords bim a chance to
show the country whether ho really
'ools ' that solicitude which an Amorl-
ciui secretary of state should fool for the
protection of American citizens in for
eign lands.
electricity na n Motive 1'owor.
The most exhaustive investigation of
olcotric motors which has boon pub
lished by this country Is that recently
presented to congress from Captain
Grifiln of the engineer corps. Captain
rlIlln's report deals especially with
the subject of electricity as a motive
[ lower for street cars. It was made in
response to the demands of the commis
sion era of the District of Columbia , and
with a view to deciding upon the ques
tion whether such motive power should
bo permitted oiu the streets ot Wash
Captain Griffin sums up the various
arguments pro and con in n statement
that the advantages of electricity as a
motive power in comparison with ani
mal traction are moro rapid transit ,
better service , cleaner slrcotH , smoother
pavements between the tracks and rails ,
less noise , loss obstruction on crowded
streets , loss liability to accident , fewer
repairs to tracks and pavement , and
diminished cost of maintenance and
operating expenses. Against this he
states as the current objections to
electric , railways firht , cost of the
electric plant , the fact that horses fre
quently take fright nt the cars and the
insulllciont development of the differ
ent electrical systems.
According to Captain Griflln , the
dangers from wires of electric railroads ,
whether overhead or undergroundhave
been greatly exaggerated. Ho insists
that there is little danger from under
ground wires if the metallic circuit is
complete , and that as a rule overhead
conductors carry too low potential to en
danger life. Alter a thorough investiga
tion he gives it as his opinion that the
development of different electrical sys
tems has advanced sufficiently to insure
the success of roads properly con
structed , and notes that twenty elec
trical railroads are in operation in this
country , twenty-one under contract and
that fifty-four are projected. "A careful
review of the recent developments
in electrical railways , " says Cap
tain Griffin , "must convince any un
prejudiced investigator that the
electrical motor is now beyond the
experimental stage and well established
in practical commercial domain. In
other words , it is an uncontrovcrtablo
fact that electrical energy offers a much
cheaper and far more satisfactory
motive power for tramways than cither
cables or horses. There are about 25,000
street cars in use in the United States
which require 120,000 horses for their
operation. About one-fifth of these , or
24,000 horses , are moro or less disabled
annually. In addition to the saving of
life which its introduction would give ,
electricity will give a brilliant light to
the cars , ring the alarm boll , signal the
driver , and can even be madeto heat
the coaches.
In concluding his report Captain
Grillin suggests that in largo cities no
overhead electrical conductors her por-
mittcdbut that such conductorswith duo
precautions , may bo allowed on subur
ban lines. He adds that no line should
bo permitted to bo constructed which is
not supervised by competent persons
outside of the company in order that the
slip-shod methods of constructing
electrical power lines which
have resulted elsewhere in seri
ous and fatal accidents , nnd which
have brought this motive power into
disrepute , should not bo repeated to the
public detriment. Ho also suggests
that the speed should not bo allowed to
exceed ton miles an hour within the
city limits.
Tills report , which has been published
by order of congress , is filled with valu
able scientific information and cannot
but bo of general interest to all munici
palities where reform in the uresont
method of slow transit is contemplated.
A I'UOMINKNT contributor to the last
number of the North American Jtciicw
gays that the United States has too
many holidays , which will ruin the
country by diminishing the working
time of all laborers. Ho supports his
assertions by countjng the number of
public holidays observed , and finds that
"working people waste during the year
nearly three months of time. " An argu
ment of this sort is both shallow and ab
surd , No one holiday in the United
States is universally observed by the
laboring masses , and oven if it were , it
is absurd on the face of it to say there
are nlnty of suon holidays in the course
of a year. The tvuth of the matter is ,
that the United States has too few
holidays in which the working classes
can find relaxation. In this respect the
people of the old world are bettor off.
Even in an active commercial country
like England the people celebrate as
national holidays not only historical
but religious festivals which swell the
number , and no English statesman fears
the ruin of that country inconsequence ,
But articles of the above sort may ue
written until the end of time without
convincing anybody that holidays are
harmful. Wo all fool as if there was
an overproduction of good things in
this wotld , but that we have not the
time to enjoy the in.
Tim fact that several women political
clubi for campaign purpo&cs have been
sot.on foot it ) some of the eastern cities
may btriko the American 'people as
rullioi' funnydud novel as one of the
! > e < iuar ! ! features at the coming preai-
dcnUal can.-ass. Bui it is n matter of
listory that for many years English
women , and ospoctplWalndioS of rank ,
inve taken nn ncBv'p Jpart in politics.
Women like Mr. * pfiulstono , who is
resident of the wortiin's Liberal nso-
iinlton , work togoHrcnvith the men in
political mnttora , a/irHavo / been able to
control votes. ILU Iiot nt nil uncom
mon for Indy'this or baroness that lo
l > eddle tickets nndy-inivnss votes at the
polls. Thd womlcAin that nt o.vOitlng
elections the voting clement treat
these ladies with sd much respect nnd
good nature. However , when it is re
membered that once upon n time the
auchcss of Devonshire traded a kiss for
a vote , the recollcctlonsof the gallantry
may have a great deal to do In marking
the place of women in the affections of
an English voter.
Tun little sign , which moots the eyes
of all travelers ot sleeping cars , Inform
ing thorn that the company will not bo
responsible for money lost or stolen on
the car , will have to bo taken down nnd
used for kindling. The courts of Now
York have decided that question by a
decision just handed down by the court
of common pleas. By this finding it is
settled that the sleeping car company Is
responsible for money lost by passeng
ers while asleep , and that it is the duty
of the porter or the conductor to be on
guard constantly nnd keep watch of the
sleeping passengers. The plaintiff is
not bound to prove more than enough
lo raise a fair presumption of negligence
and of resulting injury to himself. And
if the porter goes to a forward compart
ment of a sleeping car to black the pas
senger's boots , and leaves no official on
guard , it is a fair presumption of negli
gence , and a cause for recovery of dam
ages by a passenger.
TURKU is no encouragement for the
advocates of commercial reciprocity be
tween the United States and Canada
in the vote of the Dominion parliament
yesterday on a question involving this
policy. A proposition for unrestricted
reciprocity was defeated by a majority
of fifty-seven in a vote of 101. The fact
that there wore wore sixty-seven votes
in favor of the proposition doubtless
shows that progress has been made by
the supporters of commercial reciprocity
in Canada. It is not at all likely that
anywhere near so many votes would
have been given in its favor a year ago.
But it is evident that a great deal of dis
cussion and work will yet bo necessary
before the policy is accepted by a ma
jority of tlio Canadian people. Com
mercial reciprocity between the United
States.and Canada is still very remote.
THE Nebraska state board of trans
portation , which is1 in'vestigating the
competency of the now engineers em
ployed by the Burlington & Missouri ,
has decided to -theinvestigation ! n
wider scope. A careful Inquiry into
the cause of the slrlfco as well as its
effects npon business is to bo
The testimony of railroad experts and
leading merchants through the state is
to bo taken. The wliolo inquiry is to be
embodied in ropotstrlHch Js tobe
a ropotst - \ ub-
mitted to th'o'nexf legislature. The
report will bo referred to the commit
tees packed by the oil room cappers and
Ai/rnouoit the United States has a
treasury surplus , there is no authority
or precedence that it should bo reduced
for the purchase of works of art for the
city of Washington. It is a nice com
pliment indeed to the memory of Leif
Erikson , the Scandinavian explorer ,
who , it is claimed , set foot in America
long before Christopher Columbus saw
the light of day , for Miss Maria A.
Brown to be willing to make a bronze
statue of him. But she should ask some
philanthropist of Washington to con
tribute $60,000 necessary to immortalize
the Norseman instead of importuning
congress to tax the American people
for the proposed monument.
The York Times thus speaks on the far
mer's trust : "Nothing can protect the far
mer from the monopolies aad constantly mul
tiply trusts but thorough organization. This
is not us impractical as tuny bo supjwscd.
The ICniuht of Labor organization Is found
in nil sorts of the land , and is btrong , Influ
ential und powerful everywhere. Cannot
the farmo rs organize as thoroughly as they }
What is to prevent n combination so power
fully cemented together , so thoroughly or
ganized and so systematically managed that
its excctivo board can absolutely
control tbo prlco of nil products ]
If it were desired at any time to
hold back the crop in nny section of country
or to keep out of market any particular arti
cle arrangements could bo made to furnish
monuy to the owners of the products until
such time as it should bo doomed profitable
to dispose of It. A farmers' union could do
this just as well as n trade's union , and the
time would soon come when an order from
the executive board to hold nny crop for n
certain prlco would inaku it worth the spocl-
lied price at onco. An organization of this
kind in thu states of Illinois , Iowa , Missouri ,
Kansas nnd Nebraska alone could absolutely
control the prlco of corn. The farmers pro
duce it and they have the fight to say what
It should be sold for. " ,
The Hloomlngton Justice commenting on
the strike , indulges in this philosophy ; "Six
weeks of tlio Burlington strlko have now
passed. The coinpauyis PnMtled to all the
glory of along , vigorous tight , if there bo any
glory In It. Thu company has sustained n
direct money lost of about 1,509,003 , It has
iullicted a loss on the no/thwcst amount
ing to many millions of dollars.
This has fallen' ' ( nest severely
on the merchants along its line who
have been Its regular patrons. It has besides
permanently lost the patrpuugo of merchants
who have begun to ship over other lines and
not likely tochango back without cause after
the trouble Is over , In rottirn for all these
Immense losses on itself and others , what
hns the Uurllngton gained , or what nt most
can it gain ! If successful it will save in en-
ginccra wages perhaps $15) , < KH ) u year. At
this rate it would take ten years to compensate -
sato for losses to date if tlio road could to
morrow resume completely the immense
business which It was doing bafore the trou
ble begun
"Tho strike of the brick and stone masons
nt Omaha , " say * the Fremont Tribune , "is a
most unfortunnto thing for that city. There
are n number of line structures In course of
croctiou which have been brought to u stand-
Blill and the material growth of the city par-
oiyzud iu , the very beginning. It looks v ry
iijuch as if the oi.wu * were akji ! too
iccch. They wtnl < Jl50 per ( Jay of eight
Ijours work , wMib ui'/.es \nryi \ edditional
cosl vs. the ti..liloo. ! Alu& v/bft are ou a
strlko one-third ot their tlmo nnd only want
to work one-third of the hours the rest of
the time , nro n detriment to themselves nntl
to the public.- Business men III mo t depart
ments of trade work twice as mimy hours us
they tin , nnd twice ns hard , and no complaint
is heard. "
On one of the Important questions of the
hour , the Norfolk News elves down this
bundle of lo lc : "Ono man's rights leave off
Just when another man's begins. Every man
who thinks ho rnn sing nnd wnnts to has n
right to slut- , but wo nro decidedly of the
opinion that it is not exactly an fnlt for n
crowd of follows who form about ns good n
musical combination ai lath hi the hands of
n small boy and a paling fence , and
voices harmonize as well n * those of a town
cat nnd a pig , to innlto night hideous with
their warbllngs when their fellow citizens
nro trying to sleep. A ledge In some vast
cooler would have a beneficial effect on their
vocal powers. "
The Grand Island Independent , In exultant
glee , looks through Its telescope nnd discov
ers that "In Omaha , which * has Its separata
city organization , a lively election hns given
power to a democratic mayor and a ilomo-
crntta council. This result of a municipal
election encourages the excitable imagina
tion of the Omaha Herald to see In the dis
tance the fata morgana of n political
victory of the cvor hopeful Nebraska dcmoc
racy In the next fall elections. As they have
to feed on hopes exclusively , wo shall bo
glad to see thorn get of this article all they
can possibly lay their hands on. "
The Wood nivcr Oazetto Is opposed to
monopolies In glory as well as In other
things. It says : "Senator Mandcrson is
proposed as n delegate at large from Ne
braska to the national republican conven
tion. Senator Mandorson would bo n very
creditable representative of the state In
such n gathering , but ho can well afford to
lot other men enjoy the distinction. Ho
already enjoys the highest honors the state
.of Nebraska can confer upon him , and should
be willing to give other worthy men a chance
for glory on a smaller scale.
The Beatrice Democrat , in nnsivering the
Fremont Tribune's question : "What has
the democratic party done for Nebraska ! "
says : "Well , among other things , it hai
kept Mr. Ellis Biorbowor , n prominent re
publican politician and son-in-law of Jim
Boyd , member of the democratic national
committee , in the ofllco of United States
marshal. Of course the party Is deserving
of censure for this sin of omission , but we
are willing to stand most anything to help
out our friends and relations. "
The Wymoro Union , doubtless remember
ing the election of two years ago , indulges
in tills grim pleasantry : "Tho report has
gained circulation that Hon. Church Howe
will move from his Nemnha county homo to
Hastings , where his headquarters arc as
manager of the Missouri Pacific lines of Ne
braska. The Union sincerely hopes the ru
mor unfounded , as it would like to see
Church remain lu the First district. He is
needed here. "
The Fremont Tribune muses , ou the can
dor of insurance -agents , in this language ;
"The people of Nebraska last 3'car paid the
insurance companies doing business in the
statoover$700,000 premiums in excess of the
losses by fire. Hero In Fremont tlio insur
ance agencies try to catch gudgeons by put
ting up the rates ou the nlea of poverty. It's
a pretty thin excuse for bleeding property-
owners. "
The Oakland Independent , aflnr reading
the returns from over the state on the recent
city elections , consoles itself in this way : "It
seems , from reports , that a majority of iho
towns in thi ? pa.rt.of Nebraska have voted iu
the saloons. One of two things is truo.elthcr
the temperance people have gene to sleep or
they have done the right thing in the wrong
way , "
In presenting the name of Senator Miklo-
john for congressional honors In the Third
district , the Nance County Journal distinctly
says : " \Vo notify the balance of the Third
congressional district that Nance county
docs not intend to be ignored in the coming
campaign , "
Outside of the preferences for local candi
dates in different parts of the district , the
general expression is for Dorsey , who will
probably have a largo majority of the votes
in the convention from the first , says the
Wayne Herald.
The Ouster Loader has the namoi of live
farmers who have given notes to the amount
of $2,250 to Bohemian oat swindlers. The
Leader is forced to admit "that the fools of
the country are increasing. "
The Ashland Gazette finds that ns Ashland
is situated midway between Omaha and Lin
coln , tlio congressional convention of the Big
First should bo hold in that town.
The North Bend Flail objects to calling the
Third congressional district convention so
early in the campaign. "A six months cam
palgu comes too high , " it says.
With tlio few days of sprint ; weather the
papers pf the state have taken up the burden
of llfo again in demanding that the Fourth
of July bo properly celebrated.
The Superior Journal Insists that tree
planting in Nebraska is of more importance
than politics , and urges every person to
plant trees on Arbor day ,
The Albion News is boosting Lornn Clark
as a "man peculiarly fitted by nature" to at
tend thu Chicago convention In the cap.icity
of delegate at largo.
The McCool Record nominates Hon. Will
iam Loose for re-election to the ofllco of attor
ney general , but fears the railway influence
will defeat him.
Dozens of papers are calling upon Gover
nor Thayer to marnhal the police and drive
the "PInkorton devils out of the stato. "
The Wahoo Wasp is attempting to boom
Patrick Egun for congrcswinuii In the First
The Scward Hr-portor fuvorn early conven
tions to nominate congressional candidates.
Con It ! ' IVdlfjrro.
jUfllllCflporfd Ttlbwif.
Wo look for Mr. Bennett to provo that Mr.
Gould's maternal grandmother stole soap
grease from hsr iicavnsb neighbor , and then
borowcd ashes to make the necessary lye ,
Donnelly 10 lieely.
t'litcatiu Trlinmr.
My Dear ICrolys Don't part with the
Bccrot of your motor for less that f J.50 per
copy , cloth binding. Fraternally yours ,
Worse Than a "Hi.'ali. "
/Jailor Globe.
The "Q. " strikers are orderly men , but
they do not recognize the authority of the
Pmkertons. A man who will shoot striking
employes at BO much per dium is much worse
than a "scab.1'
Camot'a Euatcr
Clitcsiuo Pi'civi ,
The ? IViatlon in Franco : President Carnet
sent Gcni'tal Uoulungcr an easier egg , The
general placed it in an incubator labeled
"public opinion. " From It wag hatched a
.Mr. 1'owdurli ' I'lan.
And now Mr. Powderly , who has been
convinced for youn. of the futility of strikes
to attain tliu objects sot forth in th s prinvi-
pltisof the oruanlzaUon of the Knights of
Labor , has at length formally appealed w
the onler to outer upon the work of oducat-
jnR'lts members to u better knowtedgo pf
.tUo true relations , ot labor and capital and
Of workingmcn'A organizations to the Indus
trial dorelopm'cnt ot the nalkmnl resources.
No one knows so wall as tUO general master
of the knight * how dlQlcult nnd how slow
and tedious of accomplishment must bo the
task which he thus proposes.
The Itebel Orator.
Wo do not wonder that the Pall Mall Qn-
zctto asks : "Who n the rebel orator to-day I"
after rending the speech of John Bright at
tlio Clmmhcrlnin reception. If Hrlght did
not Invlto Canada to cut off from the empire
nnd sock admission to the United Stntos , lie
nt least made tt apparent that lie would not
take the trouble to oppose such n scheme.
Wyoming ; Oil Notes.
Lvxunn , Wyo. , April Correspondence [
of the 13nnJ As boring progresses nt the
cast end of the Wyoming oil Hold , the Indica
tions and great depth of sholu tend to show
that the oil sand Is reached at n much greater
depth than nt the west end where the sand
li nbovn the sholo. If this should prove
true generally then the I.nmlor wells will ,
In this respect , bo identical with these in the
vicinity of Oil Creek , Pa. , while the deeper
wells of the IlattloMinko region may tnktt
rank with the Washington county , PH. .
gushers. On Heaver crook , In Fremont
county , two weeks ago Jured Session * found
nn oil spring yielding nn amber colored oil
that burns in nn ordinary korosino lamp
without any rellnlnc , There is a similar
grade of oil at Smith's Ferry on the Ohio
river below Plttsburg which has boon used
for years.
A party of oil prospectors Is being made up
nt Oirnrd , Pa. , to make a tour through Wy
oming in May , GIrard is 0:1 : Lake Krlo , the
homo of the late Dan Itlco of circus fame ,
and of many wealthy oil producers.
Forty acre * on the south fork of Powder
river , containing n rich oil surlng , sold for
$2,000 cash last month. II. Morcton , of
Denver , wus the buyer ,
The recorder's ofllce of Uiittlesnuko dls-
trlct is doing iiulto a land oUlco business In
transferring oil claims.
Two rigs nro contracted for to go up In
town 33 , ranges S3 and SO , In Uattlesnako dls.
trlct. ai soon as teaming will permit the
hauling of boiler and angina.
There is no diminution of the flow of gas
at the tihoshono wells.
A bed of astestos ns flno as that of Corsica ,
has como to light In the Sweetwnter range.
It Is a line dellcato llbre , white und silky.
The nnclonts wove this material into cloth ,
and to clean garments made of it , threw
them Into the Hro from whence they came
out puritled. Ashes from the funeral pile
were also preserved in It. Tlio coarser
grades of woven nsto tos nro extensively
used In both Europe and tills country for tire
proof drop curtains in theatres , und has been
introduced for Hrcmeh's clothes. A very
large trade Is also carried on in this material
for paints and steam packing.
Points lu Which It Differs From the
American Plan.
Australia is a vaguely known laud
and the citi/.ons of free and progressive
America , accustomed to consider them
selves ' 'ahead of all creation" in every
thing , are not prone to look to the
smallest of continents nnd the youngest
of civilized peoples for advice in matters -
tors of social or political conduct. Yet
Australia , though it is a province and
not a nation , and though it began its
social existence as a colony for exiled
criminals , and though it is situated at
the remote and uttermost end of earth
can teach s > omo things of importance to
the great republic.
Perhaps the "Australian system" of
voting at popular elections is not en
tirely free from objectional features ,
but unurejudiced consideration of its
chief features must result in an acknow
ledgement that it is successful in
doing away with the most glar
ing evils -of tho"American * sys
tem. " Suppose , for inettlnce , " that to
day Kansas City were Sydney , New
South Wales , Australia , and that you
were a properly authenticated voter.
Your name is on the registry list with
out your having put it thero. The gov
ernment has sent around canvassers ,
sworn to honesty , who have visited
every house in the city to obtain lists of
the names of duly qualified voters. By
this means few errors are made that arc
not easily rccti lied.
When you go to vote you give your
name and address to the sworn polling
clerk. Ho refers to the registry list
and hands you a card bearing the num
ber of your name in the list. You pass
into nn enclosure and there moot an
other sworn polling clerk , who hands
you a voting ticket printed by govern
ment authority , at government ex
pense , nnd bearing an oIHcial stamp and
number. It contains the names of all
the duly qualified and regularly nomi
nated candidates , of all parties , in
alphabetical order. You then go into a
private compartment with a swing door.
whore there are rod chalk pencils , nnd
cross of all but the names you wish to
vote for. Then , with your folded bal
lot , you pass into the presence of the
sworn supervisor and the sworn judges
one representing tbo candidates of each
political party. The supervisor sits in
front of a table on which is a largo
heavy iron box locked and sealed. Ho
satisfies himself from the outward ap
pearance of the ballot ns you drop it in
to the slit that it bears tbo olllcial
stamp , though it would not ho counted
if it did not. You have voted.
The polls close at 4 o'clock. The
boxes arc opened in the presence ) of the
proper olllcors and the result is soon
after made known. There as no ped
dling of tickets. The government
prints the only voting list that is ac
cepted. "llulldoning" is unavailable
becauno it is iniosiihlo | ) for anybody except -
copt the voter himself to know how ho
has voted. Ballots accidentally spoilt
by tbo voter may bo exchanged for
others , the suporvisorcarofnlly preserv
ing the damaged sheet until after the
count. "Ballot-box stuHing" is simply
impossible , The ollh'ial stamp impressed -
pressed upon the numbered ballot Is
dilturont for each election and tbo seal
with which it is made In not perfected
until the morning of election. Miscon
duct on the part of supervisors ,
judges or clorkb Is punished with two
. "Heelers"
yours in the penitentiary.
and "ward-workers" are unknown about
tlio polln ,
This Is the system of voting originally
used in Australia und now , with some
slight modifications , in vogue in Great
Don't .Mind Ale.
The millionaire wnb dying and all the
weeping relatives had gathered around
his bed to hoar his hint words. Pres
ently ho raised hib head from tlio pillow
nnd 'glancwl about liim. Then ho foil
buck , and , to the amazement of all ,
laughed merrily. ' 'Don't mind mo , " ho
chuckled , after ho had partially suc
ceeded in controlling his mirth. "I
was only thinking whiit fun nil of you
would have trying to break my will ,
Hush the funeral so as to got rno out of
the way , and then wade in and enjoy
yourselves. Sorry ] can't bo with you
to hear the insanity evidence and all
the rest of it. Uopo you'll have a good
time. " Then he shut hifa eyes , chuckled
feebly , and was silent. The doctor Biild :
"It's all over. "
Failures In tha Iron Trail o ,
I'lTTsiinto , A ] ril 7- Owing to the depres
sion in trade nnd labor troubles which caused
a At.omiuiri. ' nf milU for nearly four months.
thu Klba Iron and Holt company , limited , and
tlio Continental Tube company have sus
pended payment. Their liabilities nroJ.V.JT.OOO ,
nnd thPlrasioU. consUtlngof valuable man-
ufacturinitc ! , mills , etc. . amount to over
$1)00,000. ) The two mills when la full opera
tion employed SOO men. It in thought the
creditors will grant the flrau cm extension *
They are Growing In Eraolonoy nuct
Public Appreciation ,
\Vhnt ft Visitor Saw nntl Heard nt the
Cnss Street Nlglit School Fri
day Kvonlnc A. Worthy
Successful Schools ,
Tlicro are about ono thousand pupil * In thtf
night schools of Omaha. They nro nourish
ing splendidly under the wider appreciation
which has boon accorded them by the public ,
and under the wlso direction. Of the publlo
school boa-d.
Borao. tl"io ago the board of education
started a scheme of holding evening classo *
In several o ( the largo publlo schools , with n
view to Instilling the rudlmcnU of education
Into tho'mlmts of these who were anxious to
Improve themselves Intellectually and tunica
up for any deficiency In their education ,
The results wore not encouraging- dtit
not warrant the nmount ot expense that
such nil enterprise entailed. This was In n
measure duo to the teachers thou employed ,
who , not bolsiR specially trained , were la-
capable of Importing knowledge to the eager
minds of ther pupils.
At the commencement of this year a no.v
plan was Instituted by the board of cduw
tion wlio conlliiod thoinsolvos to day school
teachers nud thus had responsible , rollablo
persons with n thorough tralnluK for teach
ing. Herein Mcs the success of the night
schools of Onnhn. On this now footing
they were once more put Into working order
on the petition however , of nt least thirty
bonn lido pupils , and should the attendance
have fallen billow llftecu the doors xvcro to
bo closed.
A class room In Cass street school was the
first to bo lit up and going on the principal of
inference from past to future , the leaolicr
who presided was afraid that few would
tuUo the udvan'nges offered , but It proved an
example to the noutrnry for the room was so
thoroughly parked that more space nnd moro
teachers were required. Other schools fol
lowed suit and at the present tlmo Omaha
has some eight of her publlo schools afford
ing facilities for evening study.
A reporter of the UIB happened along
Cnss street the other evening about 7 p. in. ,
nnd seeing A mixed assemblage of people
about the door * of the school , black und
white , young ami old , of all soxcs and natlon-
alities , thought ho would .tako n "poop in"
and see what was going on. Ho lingered
nbouttill mostof them had entered the various
class rooms on the second lloor of the build-
Ing. At last , ho timidly entered n room in
which some twenty scholars were seated , en
gaged in reading and spoiling. The reading ,
a verso or two of which was read by each in
turn , was most interesting especially to hoar
the difference of accent and pronounclatlon
and watch the degree of aptltudo ouch
scholar displayed in handling the English ,
language. In some eases the "th" as in
"through" sounded like "true , " the "J" as in
"Jampot , " as "yampot , " and the "w" in
"wickedness" as"v" After the reading
was llniHhcd n question in arithmetic was
given out , and then an opportunity of having
a few minutes' conversation with the toachec
was had.
"My pupils , " she said , "ombraco almost
all nationalities , and they como hero to leant
what they have most need of vis. the three
It's ' reading , writing and arithmetic. The
majority of them are busy during the day
working hard with ttioir hands for an exls *
tenco in the world some in workshops ,
other a" messengers , several as servant
girls. That woman sitting over there is
married ; has a young family , nnd rocogntz-
ing the necessity for bettering her education
she has como hero regularly every night , and
is fast gathering in material for the futura
good of her offspring. They are not graded
as a class , each ono works for himself on
herself , and thus they do not impede oacli
other's progress.
DTho teaciicr told a rather amusing Inci
dent : Ono evening as her class was too full
she wonted to transfer a colored man to
another room. As ho was leaving 1m re
marked that "ho luul been knocked about !
from pillar to post , and ho didn't believe ho
would ever learn much on the leap. "
In the next room a number of pupils were
busily at work , some in reading , uthors la
writing and others again fighting hard oven
a sum in addition or division. This sot ware
not so far advanced cs these first seen. Tha
creator proportion of them were "curly
heads , " and ono rather elderly woman ,
while stammering out n portion from thu
second Electric reader , cauio to a cornploto
standstill at the word "stretch. " For the
life of her she couldn't get the word out.
What did the teacher del "Mrs. Jacobs , "
she said , "what do you do when you pull a
piece of elastic sol" suiting the action to the
word. "Why , you stretch to bo sure , " was
the reply. At last she had grasped it.
"I used to have in this room a couple well
on in life , " said the teacher. "They've ' bocrt
absent for a day or two , having changed
their residence , but formerly they uevuc
failed to bo present even though they had
over six miles to walk When they came to
my class they could neither read nor write *
In six weeks they were able to master tha
ilrst reader and write their own names la
legible stylo. "
Tli ore nro two other teachers , also , with
largo classes , and doing the same kind of
The following it n list of the various night
schools , the name of the various teaeiiorsand ,
the average daily and largest attendance ;
Bancroft School ! Touchers Miss Rica ,
Miss Hulcott. Average daily attendance , 20 ;
largest , 40.
Cass School : Teachers Miss Pratt , Mis *
Frazler , Miss Bonnet , Miss Kveloth. Aver *
ngo dally Attendance , 1UO ; largest , 180. ,
Castellar school : Teachers Misses Car
ney , Nagl , Smith. Average dally attend
ance , IK ) ; largest , 60.
Center school : Teachers Misses Roys ,
Shattuclc , Vincent nnd Kuo. Average duily
attendance , IB ; largest , 100.
Hartinan school : Touchers Misses Atlor ,
UohertH and Mr. Bradley. Average daily
attendance , 40 \ largest 00 ,
l/.ard School : Teachers Miss Dye , MIs
Stlllwoll. Average dully attendance , 35 ;
largest , 7fi.
Loiivenwortli School : Teachers Miss
Mckean , Miss Johnston , Miss Ilnbbard.
Average daily attendance , 47 ; largest 75.
Long School ; Teachers Miss McCJhcane ,
Miss Eddy , Miss Lemon. Average dolly at
tendance , fTi ; largest. SO ,
Cass struct school 1 thus the largest and
is considered the most advanced. Each receives -
coives u salary of fi per night , the Janitors
from $10 to f JO per month , according to the
number of rooms they have to look after1.
Text books , paper , pencils , etc. , are furu-
shed fruo to thu pupils.
A Bimlllar movement was sot pn foot a fov/
years ago in Scotland among the farm labor-
era In thu small villages. Successful rumilU
were not iittained , simply owing to the fact
that these who taught did not know how to
teach , never having received any special
training. It is ono thing to possess knowlcdga
and it i another thing to impart It to others
In an Intelligible form. Those who attend
those night schools in Omaha don't go thorn
to Idle. Their vuryldcuieunor Indicates car *
neatness of purpose , diligence and attention ,
arid when the teachers say they have no com
plaints , no trouble , no disorder , surely tultf
Is something to bo proud of anil add further
stimulus to the work in whlcii they are en.
It Is impossible to say that any fragment of
knowledge , however insignificant or rcrnoto
from the 01 dinar.v dally punmlts of UIOHO attending -
tending , may not eonia
day bo tuniud to good account. To know a
little , wall , ono muat bo Ignorant of u great
The Golden Roll ,
NKW VOIIK , April 7. [ Special Teingram
to thu Hun. ] A unique accident happened In
the ofllco of the Adams' express company
yesterday afternoon. Two porters were
busy lugging bags of monuy to n truck tuat
was to transfer them to the sub-treasury In
Wall street , when suddenly the bottom of
ono of the canvas bags split nnd 4,000 five *
dollar pieces fell on thu lloor and rolled In all
directions. Everybody in the place was
speechless with emotion for ( oycral mo-
merits. Then'tho porter * recovered their
Kn e , the doors wuic closed , and the clerks
tot to work picking up the scattered gold.
None of the 130,000 wai lost , but It Irak A
long time to counV it &U over and pack it. UIU