Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1888, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    i f j , r i ribi i
( bruin Mot the General and Ho In
stantly ExpirocU
if j.
( j.TIio rourth Day of Foolishness on the
rf ' Direct Tnx BUI Boss Stout and
p Paul Van Dcr Voort He-
* ' cure n Contract.
Pleased With Crook's Promotion.
. 513 FotmThEXTIlSTIlERT ,
* , WAMIIXCITOX. D. C. . April 7.
There was a good deal of comment in con-
< grcssioual and army circles to-day over the
1 nomination of Brigadier General George
cCroolr , yesterday , to bo major general to fill
tha vacancy caused by the retirement of
General Terry. The nomination , as sttlcd
ilV Brn dlspalchcs last night , glvos very gen
eral satisfaction nnd senators say it will bo
1 confirmed w Ithout delay , probably oh Tucs-
ijay noxt. The promotion of General Crook
, Jias brought out a good deal of comment upon
iltim , nnd many stories of these who have
' ' eervcd with him in the field and who are now
" , 'in , Washington. An officer who long served
.j biulils staff on the frontier says the general
t Irene of the most striking nnd remarkable
c. figures known in the military services of this
country. Ho Is generally regarded , bolh by
nrmy officers and the public , ns the greatest
Dt , Indian fighters and managers His
ludfan policy ia siuiplo but posi
tive. "Always govern Indialns with the
strictest impartiality , never make them
promises that canuotjbo fulfilled , never allow
them to bo idle when at peace , but make
them work for their living , and when they
tvnnt to fight whip them out of their mocas-
Bias , " liavo been the rules that have gov
erned him in his frontier service. Ho has
pocn thirty-six years service on the frontier ,
bud It is said is thoroughly familiar with the
country west of the Mississippi river , from
British America many miles on the other
'fiJdo of the Mexican border. This knowledge
, fce- acquired by riding with his men over
, * every part of thu district of which ho was in
' fommnml. Army officers say ho Is the only
! /ficncral ; officer who has Invariably done this.
! ! tste\d ) of detailing nn officer to
ga Ho goes himself. Consequently
' lie becomes as familiar with his ofilccrs as ho
JfldCs yrlth the enemy and their country.
"When not on n campaign ho dresses neatly
tjllUt- not ostentatiously , but when ho is on the
* trail be wears an old canvas suit , and his
outfit has been estimated at vai lous
officers with him as ranging in
i'aluo from 17 cents to $1.35. He always rides
fottho head of his column on a mule , with
> Jits rlllp across his arm. It is claimed that
r (16 ( Is acquainted with tlio personal charactcr-
'Jslics of every officer about him , and knows
, fche condition of every wagon and unluial In
fiis command.
* 4 Ho is about fifty-eight years of ago , an
, bvcn six feet in height , straight as an arrow
nnd weighs always about 175 pounds. It is
/Bald by a number of officers who have served
' Hvith htm that iu all of his many campaigns
. 10 has never been known to bo oven tired ,
ft although ho Invariably experienced the same
( hardships and privations as the o Wears with
Llm , all of whom wcro sometimes physically
pone to pieces. His extraordinary strength
fs of that sinewy , litho character that en-
uftbles him to stand almost any kind of service.
i Ho has always been a great hunter and fish-
; ernmn. Ho has of Ute years lost his interest
ri' deer hunting , but it is said
, pf him that ho will go a thousand
l Mitles for tlio chance of a shot at n bear , and
-Vvhon ho goes ho Generally gets the bear.
pnco , several years ago , ho was on n bear
hunt in the Big Horn country with two or
t ( tliroo gentlemen. They had tracked a bear
into a big tulo or cat tail swamp , nnd had
Justentcied In pursuit , when thu tulcsparted
nnd a monstious bear appeared and charged
tor General Crook , who nearest to him.
pno of the gentlemen , In dcsciiblng the inci-
ticnt , said : "Tlio animal was not more than
twenty-five feet from Crook , who stood still
kvithoul moving a muscle. The outline of his
figure and face stood against the background
3f the sky as clear as a cameo. The bear
came rushing with jaws opened wide and in
i moment more would have seized Ciook.
lust at the right instant bis rifle was brought
Lo bis shoulder like a flush and n bullet sped
straight into his open mouth , and wcntcrash-
Ing through Ins bend. The bear fell forward
load nnd General Crook was spattered with
\\B blood. It was the mostsignal Instance of
, Iron nerve in the time of danger I over baw , "
aid the ejo-witness.
CJHo IB a great fisherman and amateur orni-
„ Khologist , and is snld to bo as well versed in
natural "history as many who make that study
f jtholr business. When his friends thought
that ho might succeed General Terry , they
, . Jiyrolq to him ( Crook ) to outline a plan of
campaign and they would work for him. Ho
( replied that ho thought the president would
, -rBxamIna into tlio records before acting , and
ftv'os satisfied to have his looked at. Ho then
t [ wont hunting in the countiy south of Suit
. jLalco , where ho now is. Ho is said to bo < u :
Ecsslbla on all occasions , and Ircals a private
vith Iho sumo consideration and courtesy as
n major general. Ho wijl probab'j succeed
tQqnnralTeriy in command of the Division of
llio Missouri.whuro there nio many Indian
problems still to bo solved.
The promotion of Colonel Brooks to bi iga-
iliar Beueuil will result in tlio following pro
motions : Lieutenant Colonel Edmund C.
, jMuson , Fourth Infnntrv. to colonel of the
U.'hirdMa.or ; Frederick Mojirs.oflhoTw cnty-
liftn infantry , to bo lieutenant colonel of tlio
iFouith ; Captain Evan Miles , of the Twenty
JlOrBt Infantry , to buinojorof thoTwonty-fiflh ,
nd FirttV Lieutenant Joseph W. Duncan , of
tUo Tu auty-flrst infantii , to bo captain of the
i tame regiment ,
Another day was fiilteicd awuv In tlio
l.liouso by the flllibusters against Ihu direcl
lax hill. Oakes , of Alubumu , allowed unuiia
t iuluiblo oviileuco of weakness on the pait of
Ills followers between 1 and'J o'clock whllo
undei going a ci oss examination by Mr Heed ,
pffiiiiluo , who is onu of tlio leaders of
' friends. Mr. Heed
t'tlio ' meusiuo's an-
j.nouucod again that the friends of the
knci sure were wilting to giant all the
time demanded by tlio opponent
j lor debate general , and aiso for tlio con-
pidoration of amendment , but that tbcy pio-
l > oscd. to act under the cou tttution of Iho
United States , which jirovidos Ibut leglsla-
/Itirm shall beiia , woik of the majoiity. Ho
I knew pi ttothlng , either in thoconstiluiion or
ir-itimon parliumunturypraotico , which sup-
lcsts to a three fourths majority that it
phould knucltlo to a ono-fourtb minority. Ho
oKiiowsof no reason why over two hundred
nnd fifty membero should yield to thu de
mands of sixty-three.
i' Mr. Oales , in reply. Bald that what himself
jBtid his followers ( Wired lo avoid was being
placed in a position to vole on the main ques
tion , the passage of the bill Ho did not pro
pose to bo cornered , and finally acknowl
edged llutly that the thing ho was trying to
avoid was the will of the majority His fall-
tire to justify the work ho nnd his men have
been conducting for four days past elicited
jeers of lidlculo from thu icpublicun hide of
the house.
An hour later tha house , bv unanimous
content , took u recess until 11.-15 a m.
on Monday , Tlio members lingered lu their
seats for some lime after thu house took the
recess nnd talked over the situation. Tlio re
publicans without u dissenting voice , ox-
preMed tha opinion thut the enemies of the
bill would yield early next week and allow
the o to pass. The frankness w ith
which they acknowledged the weakness of
.otlulr position made this result self-evident.
Mr , Hood was the center of a largo circle
of members nnd nowspajHjr corrc'bjiondi'iits
for some tiuioutter the recess , and entoi-
* 1talued the crowd by serious nnd sarcastic
1 observations Uxm | the situation. "The
< question , " said ho. "is one uixm
ftwhkh the republicans can well
oSord to fight all summer if
/jiocossary to achieve success. It is a mere
'iiialter pf whether the Mutes w hicli failed to
) expend to lie | demand of the federal govern-
* went wiei ) a dirccl lax was levied m support
'lit the war for the un'.on should bo t-om-
jiclled to pay their quota into the treasury
whore it will bo hoarded ixnd remain useless ,
or whether these states Vhlch did piy In
their direct tax shall ba reimbursed and the
money thrown into circulation where It is
needed. We don't want nnv moro surplus
by comtclling the states to pay this tax , because -
cause the surplus has already greatly in
jured the business of the country. Wo are
sure to win. Wo have already
won. It is now o mere mat
ter of humiliation to the men
who Imvo been lighting the bill. Wo can't
bollcvo wo ought to order that their noses
should bo rubbed in the dust of defeat , but
bcliovo that ; they should bo permitted to
xvlgglo out of the hole they are In n manner
which will be best Co their pride. There Is
such a thing ns n conquered man not wanting
his nose painted green. It Is useless to talk
about amendment to the bill by tncklnp on a
reimbursement of the stales w hicli paid the
cotton tax. It would bo more sensible to
compel the states to pay In their quota of the
direct tax which they did not respond to , but
these states nro comparatively poor ,
and I would never think of making this
demand nnd have no idea that
any friend of this bill would entertain such n
thought. But that the direct tax should bo
refunded to the states which paid there can
bo no question when wo consider Justice nnd
judicious statesmanship. "
"Wo nro willing to allow you the direct tax
when you pay us fornur niggers , " inter
rupted n newspajxjr corrcstwmient.
"Well , " sdld Mr. Ucod , "there Is no ono
over there on that side who has lost a nig-
gcr1 pointing to the democratic sldo of the
house. ' "None of these follows lost nlggcis.
The nigger lost them. "
A ladies bicycle club tins been formed In
this city , and although the organization Is
but u week old , It already comprises thirty
active members. It is composed largely of
artists and musicians. It Is expected that
the organization of this club will do miiclfto-
wnids bringing the ladles btcyclo Into general -
oral use , as the tiicvclo , "tho lumbering
tricycle , " has had its day. Said the presi
dent of the club "The club
to-day , new an
swers all thu icquircmcnls for ladies and all
prejudice against it disappears at otico ,
even from its most radical op
ponents , the Instant they see It
controlled by a graceful rider. It is
difllcult for a woman to be graceful on a trl-
cycle. On a bicycle only the too nnd heel
nro exposed , and the embarrassing awkward
ness of the tricjcle Is entirely overcome. The
riding costume will bo n tight-fitting body of
Norfolk jaekot ( full skirt , walking length ,
and riding hat and gloves. The ladles of tlio
club will not appear on the streets except in
riding costumes , and with the permission of
their teacher , and will not ride in paiudc.
Tlio club will bo kept strictly private , and a
class of ladles will bo elected to membership
only when proposed by members , and then
by a unanimous vote. Gentleman will be ad
mitted only ns honorary members. Some of
the members of the club have already mas
tered tlio bicycle and othcis aroleainlng.
They are enthusiastic over tlio superior
pleasures nnd advantages of the bicycle as
compared with the tncjcle. "
Senator Paddock , after hard work , has
succeeded in securing a pension for George
Badcis , of Nebraska City.
Mr. W. H. Paddock , of Massena Springs ,
N. Y. , is spending n few days in the city ,
visiting tiis niece , Mrs. Annin.
Senator Manderson Is in New York.
The library commission to day opened bids
for fuinishingstono for the cellar or base
ment of the congressional library buildintr.
The successful bidders were Nebraska men ,
rcprcEcntcd by General Paul VanDcrVoort.
The bid of Stout , Hall & Bangs was for plan
number onewhich is a gross sum of $257,760.
For plan number two $237,000 , and plan num-
bci three at $1.25 and $1.53 per cubic foot for
dimension stone.and $19 for ashlar (01 ( faced )
stone. Jt is understood that General Van
Dor Voort will represent Stout , Hall & Bangs
m the delivery of the work , and that ho will
remain in Washington nt for sovct al
months jot. The bids be made were lower
by several thousand dollars than the bid sub
mitted by other men.
The firm of Stout. Hall & Bangs , is com-
composedof W. H. B. Stout , of Lincoln ,
Neb. , and Messrs. Hall nnd Bangs , granite
quart j men of Maine , who own the second
largest granite quarres in New England.
They have formed a company with W. II. B.
Stout , of Lincoln , -Neb. , who puts in an
equal amount of capital , and his stone walk
ing plant which is now on its way to Wash
ington , whe-c the company has leased jards
at the wharf. The contract for stone requires
3XK ( ) tons to bo delivered , cut and fated , on
the ground within 120 dnj s after the acceptance
anco of the contract. Mr. Hall furnished the
granite for the First National bank of
The Standard Oil Investigation.
WASHINGTON , Apul " . The house commit
tee on manufactures resumed the investiga
tion of the oil trust to day. David ICirk , of
Bradfoid , Pa , a member of the Producers'
association , said that the association was or
ganized us n protection against the Standai d
oil trust. It had 2,000 members. After its
formation it was found that a great deal of
capital would bo required to build now sys-
tcui , lines , etc. So negotiationsjwero opened
with the Standard and an agreement reached
by which the Standard was to give the asso
ciation the profits on 5,000,000 barrels if the
association would agree to cut down tjio pro
duction 17,500 barrels per day and refrain
from opening new wells. The
first act of the association after
this was to sot aside the profits of 1,008,000
bin rels for labor affected by the shut down.
Then they wont back to the Standard and
squeezed another 1,000.000 ban els from It for
the same purpose. Tneio h.ui been a daily
average reduction of 2. > ,000 barrels since the
contract hud been In foico. The Standard ,
witness said , tincnv every passable obstacle
in the way of competitors.
UcpicscntntivoSmith asked the witness if ,
when the association was formed , tuov
thought they could by legislative enactment
in Pennsylvania compel the Standaid Oil
company to carry oil to everybody
Witness said : "Yes , wo wore suckeis
enough to think so. I certainly thought they
should regulate a monster they have
created "
Witness thought pipe hues should bo
owned b } the state.
Pensions Grained Towans.
WASIIIMITOV , April 7. [ Special Telegram
to the Bur. ] Oilginal invalid William
Tutlle , Charlton ; James Hull , Bloomfiold.
Increase William Ncnlly , Bonaparte. Ho-
issue nnd increase Nathan L. Pierce , Con-
tiovlllo ; James II. Beadle , nilingtou. lie-
Issue Jacob Wassor , Linden. Oi Iginnl wid
ow s , etc. Mlnois of John McPhootors , DCS
Moincs ; LuTiiaC Adams , foimer widow of
Clark K Never , Burlington. Mexican sur
vivors William F. Wilcoscon , Genoa ;
Thomas C. White , Wavoilv. Mexican wid
ows Sarah , widow of Enoch Liic-L-y , La-
mon ; Louisa M. , widow of lUchuid Price ,
Clinton ; Jennie p. . widow of Charles A.
Spencer , Bloouificld.
Pensions ] < \ > r N > lrankaiiB.
WASiti.sdTOV , April 7. [ Special Teio-
grain to tha BBR. ] Original Invalid Theo-
doioll. Smith , Omaha ; John Keeps , Omaha.
Original , widows , etc. Sarah , mother of
Wesley I'ittinan , Glcncoo.
Sunday Saloon Closing ,
ICAXSIS CITY , Mo , April 7. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio BFE.I The saloons will bo
closed again to-morrow. Mayor ICumpf this
morning sent a written order to Chief of Police -
lice Specrs instructing him to have the police
strictly enforce the laws prohibiting the
keeping open of dramshops on Sunday. If
any saloon-keepers should bo arrested to
morrow for keeping open they will bo pros
ecuted under the Downing law , tlio penalty
for u violation of which in addition to a line
U Uio revocation of the defendant's liceuso.
The Dentil Ilccord.
NEW YOUR , April 7. General Q. A. Gilmore -
more died Ibis morning in Brooklyn.
Bully's Ilcnrt It * Broken.
Exhibiting lost Monday at Liverpool , Sulli
van occasioned a small riot. Ho appeared
shorn of bis mustachios , and the audience re
fused to rccognuc iu him the ex great man.
Not until ho hod made several of his stock
speeches would tuey bo pornuudod. The big
fellow is broken hearted. While the reason
for his discomfitura is clear to sporting men ,
ho knows better than cnj body elt > o that his
defeat at Chant illy has cost him half bii
prestige and curtailed his money-making ctv
pacity two thlrdstoud everybody U kicking
the under dpg.
It Is Still Stlrrod Up Against Oor-
taln Qrrrat Citizens.
A Nclirnskn. City Prisoner Attempts
to Flro the Jnll nnlhlltifr n Tele
phone Line Hcnvy Flood
in lovrn.
nforo Arrests nt Grant.
GnXT , Neb , April 7. [ Special Telegram
to the URE. ] Further arrests were made
to-day , in the ixjrsons of Hobcrt Clark and H.
J Devlnny , upon complaint made by IJankor
MclCenrlo , of riotous proceedings and assault
ution his person on February 33.
. MADUID , Neb , April " . [ Special Telegram
to the HrE. ] The arrest of Uobcrt Clark
nnd U. .1. Dcvinny , of Qrant , to-dav , in ad
dition to those mentioned yesterday for tmi-
ticipating In the assault on Hanker McICen-
sie , Is but the commencement of it scries of
prosecutions. The people are thoroughly
aroused and will huvo Justice nnd u fair elec
tion at any price.
Tried to Flro the Jail.
NEim\SKA CITT , Neb. , April 7. [ Special
Telegram to the UEn.j Gcorgo Budd , the
bog thief conilncd In the Bounty jail , mada a
desperate attempt to csCapo last night by
breaking Into the corridor of the lull in
some manner and then netting litotatho
ceiling , but ho was discovered in tlmo to
frustrate his schemes.
Build a Telephone Ijlno.
JOIIXSTON- , Neb , April 7. [ Special to the
BKP. ] The Overland Dispatqk company is ,
going to construct a telephone line from this
place twenty miles north to Nordon , Nob.
Tlio wire and instruments uavo been set
cured and the line is to bo completed In
fifteen ciivjs.
Gave n IJnnqtiot.
CHANT , Neb. , April 7. [ Special Telegram
to the Uii ! . ] A banquet wns.glven the re
publican club nt the Commercial hotel to
night. Judge IBIxlor , of Norlh Platte , was
present and delivered an address. Tlio club
promises to be one of the strongest and most
harmonious club i. tha state. Perkins
county is preeminently republican nnd will
be found at the front iu the coming cum-
_ _ _ _ _ _
A Sliced ) on the Tin-Iff. ,
MVDHID , Neb. , April. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the UhE.l Hon. E. M. Day , of
Ogallala , addressed the republican clubof this
place on the tariff question this evening. The
protectionists are in the minority in this sccj
Fatal Fire at
TEKAMAU , Neb , April 7. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. ] Matt Hanson's house
was discovcicd oil flro at S3 o'clock last night.
His hve-year-old boy burned to death.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson were badly burned.
The recovery of Mr. Hanson is doubtful.
Tlio flro is thought to huvo been the work of
an incendiary.
Something of a Gljcstnut.
PiEintE , Dak. , April 7. [ Special Telegram
to tlio BUB. ] John Uobb , post trader at the
Cheyenne agency , who wes quoted u week
ago as saying bo witnessed the wedding of
Chaska and Miss Cora Fellows , is hunting
the scalp of the correspondent who made the
report. Ho says ho docs not known the In
dian Chaska.that nq wedding has taken place ,
and that Miss Fellows is quietly teaching an
Indian school at the agency.
Accidental Death of Two Farmers.
SCOTI v , Neb. , April 7. [ SpccialTologram
to the BBI ! . ] Reports from the eastern part
of the county are that Andrew Byrne and
Squlro Murphy were both found dead on the
morning of the Cth Both had been in Bi ay-
ton during the day of the 5th and both
started liome near night , one going cast and
tlio other west. Byrne was on n load of lum
ber w hicli tipped over and ho fell under it.
Min phy fell out of Ins wagon into a mud
hole with his face down. They had boon
A Fnrinor Crushed to Death.
GnncLCY CH.NTEH , Neb , April 7. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. ] Last evening An
drew Burns , a farmer bachelor , forty iivo
years old , living four intlcs and a half cast of
town , loft Brajton with a load of lumber and
was found at 1 o'clock yestciday within half
n rnila of his house beneath his load of lum
ber , dead. It Is supposed that bo had taken
a shot t cut homo nnd iu crossing a can j on
his load slipped over nnd in such a way as to
catch only his head , which was crushed ont
of icsemblancc.
Railroads Flooded in Iowa.
WATKIILOO , la. , April 7. The Cedar river
lias boon rising steadily all day and is now
within a few inches within high water mark.
Over twenty families have been forced to
move from their homes by the advancing
water. Barns , boathouses and c\ cry thing
not securely fastened weio carried off. A
number of washouts liavo occuircd and
trains on all roads uio delayed or abandoned
The washouts on the Burlington , Cedar
Rupids & Northern near Vinton , thirty miles
south , nnd at Cedar Falls , seven miles noith ,
compelled that road to abandon nil tiains for
Uventv four houis. Tills afternoon a pass
enger train was pushed through tp Codnr
Falls and abandoned owing to tlio washouts
The Illinois Cential has no wires north ,
poles haIng fallen nnd wires been lost by
thucunent. The Chicago , St Paul A : ICan-
sas City bridge over the Wapsio.IA in imnil
ncnt danger of going out for several liouia
this moiuing , but by gieut effoits it svas
Burial of tlio Wreck VIctimN.
Cimisu\ . , April 7 , [ Special Tele
gram to the Bur ] Tlio lomalns of Christian
Scaverson , John Ducloso nnd Baby llei-
decker , victims of the Wapsio disaster , were
in ton oil In the cemetery ut Now Hampton
to day. The remains of Wlilard Andrews
woio taken to his lute homo at Latuenlo ,
Wis. , for burial. * The funeral of J , Vv" . Scagol
will bo hold to-morrow nt MOKOIJ City. Hp
was insured m the Accident company for
W.OOO , and also carried W.OOO in tha hi other-
hood. Tlio injured are gaining1 slowly , and it
is piabablo ail will recover. No uioio vic
tims liavo been found.
A Bit of Jtoiiiunce.
DES MOISES , la , April 7. [ Specla 1 to th
BrE. ] Richard Wilson , a prominent mer
chant of Butte City , Mont. , mid Miss Lulu
Ryan , late leading lady of Harry Montague's
specialty combination , wcro man led in this
city to day , and after a wedding tour through
the east will make their homo at Butte City ,
Whllo Mr. Wilson was seeing the sights of
the metropolis in 1SS5 , at the risk of his
life ho rescued Miss Ryan fiom drowning in
the East river. His head was badly cut by
the paddle of a stern wheel steamer , but the
plucky western man succeeded In keeping the
actress above water until assistance came
from the excursion steamer from wlilch she
had fallen. Wilson was taken sick , and MUs
U > un mused him through a long illness. Tlio
wedding to-day is the sequel.
Verdict ofNot Guilty.
VINTON , la. , April 7 , [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The trial of Buhman for the
murder of Brown at Gladbrook came to an
cud to-night. The Jury wont out at 7 o'clock
and returned at U wua a verdict of not
guilty. _
Mr. Dlalno Srartlne Homeward.
Auopsti , Me. , April 7. Letters received
from Blaine state that the family will start
for Paris In about two weeks and that , after
spending & short time tbero they will make a
trip through Norway and Sweden. They
will arrive In this country iq the last of
JUIM > .
Mot Jfus , Ia. , April 7. In the scnato
at the morning sc iontho following bills
passed : Appropriating 144,000 to the asylum
for the feeble minded ; appropriating $3,000
to the fish commission ; authorizing the trus
tees of the Independence asylum to purchase
180 acres of land ; appropriating $23,400 to the
Anamosa penitentiary" ; bill passoi appropri
ating f 1,000 to Uio Benedict home at DCS
Moinos. T < j '
At the afternoon session of the sonatn the
following appropriation bills passed ! Senate
fllo 205 , soldiers'homo , $12,250 ; senate file
'JOO , salaries of officers of the soldiers' homo ,
frt.000 ; house fllo 53.T college for the blind ,
$17,034 ; house fllo 4-a1. girls'reform school ,
$17,2.r > 0 ; house file 111. state normal school ,
$ .10,200 ; house file C2rt , Clarlnda hospital , $103-
000 ; house fllo 527 , water mains at normal
school , $7,100.
nio senate railroad committee reported fa
vorably the 2 cent passenger fat o bill.
At tlio evening session the hill was passed
to prohibit the sale of tobacco to minors
under sixteen jcnrs of ago.
DPS MOINKS , Ia. , April 7. In the house
at this morning's session resolutions wcio
adopted ptw Idlng for the api > olntincnt of u
committee of two fiom the senate and thrco
from the house to investigate the chaigcs
against the state university nnd icport to
Governor Larrnbco.
The following appropriation bills passed :
Onirthotisrtnd dollars to the * agricultural college -
lego , $17,034 to Iho college for Iho blind ,
$ T > 5,000 for the hospital for the Insane at
Mount Pleasant , and $31,750 for Iho hospital
for tlio Insane nt Independence.
The bill passed authorising the trustees of
the hospital for the Insane atlndcpcndonco to
purchase IbO acres of land for ? fl,600
The bill passed appropriating $1700 for Iho
institution for Iho deaf and dumb.
The concurrent resolution was adopted as
sent from the senate fixing Tuesday , Apiil
10 , ns the day of final adjournment. A mo
tion was filed to reconsider.
At the afternoon session the following bills
passed : Appropriating 6IOJ.OOO to Ihe Cla-
rlncln hospital ; ? 44,000 to the institution for
ho feeble minded ; $ Jl,850to the bojs' indus
trial school at Eldora ; S17JOIX ) to the girls'
industrial school nt Mitchellvillo ; 550,200 lethe
the state normal school , i21,000 to the sol
diers' orphans' homo ; $12 , 50 to the soldiers'
Bills were passed supplemental to the acts
of the Twentieth general asscmbh relating
to the sale of Intoxicating liijuorb und the
abatement of nuisances 'Iho bill passed
both 'muses ' to prevent the unlawful we iring
of G. A. 11. or Loyal Legion badges or em
In the house nt the evening session the fol
lowing bills passed : Hequliing insuuince
companies , to print the same conditions und
stipulations in applications as in politics ,
relating to the appointment of state vetcri-
muy surgeons
Poverty and Suicide.
NEW YOIIK , April 7. Han Stackrid and
wife , Fanny , u handsome woman of twenty
one , took a dose of poison early this nioinlnp-
and died within an hour of e ich other. The
husband was n Polish Jew. He had been out
of work for some time , and the family were
in destitute circumstances. They leave a
small child. " ,
Wrecked BJ a Washout.
BELLOWS FALIS , , Yt. , iApnl 7. A train
which left hero last night at 11 o'clock over
the Rutland railroad , was wrecked n milo
abo\e Hockinghnm station by n washout.
The engineer and l-e'uni ' were killed and
many others badly briised |
A Treacherous Freshet.
GnniT BAIHIIXOTON , Moss , Api il 7. What
may prove to bo n trcAchcjvus freshet is re
ported at West Stockbndge. Several bi idgcs
and dams are already gono.and the damage
is extending. i
A FitifciGolt.
P. McEvoy , nn Elkhbrn ranchman , has Im
ported from Kentucky one of the linest
horses ever brqught into this state The
animal is u two-year old bay colt from the
stock farm of K. P. Pepper , of South Elkhorn -
horn , Ky. The colt's pedigree is no mean
ono He was foaled in IBS'sired ; by Oniniwa ,
(225LO ( ; first dam , Biscj , bv Almont , Jr ,
(2 ( 211. sire nf Belle Hamlin , 21.U4) ) ; second
dnm by Dcluiontco , sire of Daiby , ( Jll : > K )
Onunwa has placed to his credit HOVCII in the
2:1)0 : ) list last summer. Among these is tlio
phcnominal tlnce-jear old , Houri , who
gained a record of 2:10' : ' . Ho is the onlv
stallion living or dead xvho has put four
tin eo-jcar old tolls in the 2'50 list. Mr. Me-
Evo.'s . colt , which he has Uuistencd Salaam ,
is valued at ? 5,000.
A Veritable I'nlncc on "Wheels.
Ono of the handsomest und most com-
forUiblo private cars said over to have
been made in this country , says the
Bullalo Express , was turned' out of the
Wagner shops at East Buffalo , recently.
The car was built for the tibo of Mr.
"VVilliam K. Vunderbilt and the other
( luoctors of the Ltiko Shore railroad.
It was hont to Now York on tlio train
which left Buffalo ut ( i p. m. It will ho
taken to Florida , for use by Mr. Vanderbilt -
dorbilt on his return from hia tour of
the world.
The body of the car is sixty-nine foot
long. The windows nro of double plato
hihs , something now , and are
especially designed for cold-weather
tnuoling. Tlio windows in the
parlor of the car me ! t\l feet , and these
in the observation loom are 4xfl foot and
3x4 feot. there being two of the latter
si/o. Six-wheeled trucks are ufaud , with
thirty-six-inch paper wheels ami axles ,
inndo especially for btifoty and durabil
In ono end of the car is the observa
tion room , flnibhcd in quarter-sawed an
tique oak , elaborately ear\ed and hand-
bomoly llnihhud , Tlio interior finish
throughout the car is a mixture of Louis
XIV. and Renaissance styles. Next to
the obsoruition tooin are four sleeping
rooms , twoiinibhcd in San Domingo ma
hogany and two in antique oak. In two
of tlio rooms ate stationary beds and
ono berth which , when closed , appears
to bo only a largo phito-glasa mirror ;
also a but can , wash-stand and
other conveniences. In oacli of the
other rooms is the visual section.
The parlor in the central portion of
the car is fourteen 4 tt long and is fin
ished in muhoganytlia , carving being
very elaborate. Ationq end of the room
is a large Bidobonrd.i Tbo lower portion
is of solid panels , and above the custom
ary largo hholf are emnlHcupboarus , the
doors of which are slliall'mirrors ' of dou
ble plate glass in Persian brass frames.
At the opposite dnfl bf the parlor are
two small cabins wlUi floors of hoveled
plate glass , which are Tjinod with blue
silk , producing a pleasing effect. Un
der the cabinets uio ' , \\\o \ \ sofa beds , ad
joining tlio pnrlar iU'C a lavatory , per
ter's berth , the heater room , nnd in the
end tlio butler's nan try , find buffet , the
latter being supplicdiwith every house
hold convenience. I n
The ceilings nro elegantly decorated.
That of the parlor ia ii'davlc ' gray , stud-
cd with gilded stars rtnd bordered with
light shades of bluo'and old gold. The
upholstery throughout is ono of blue
frieze of the finest grades. The window
shades are of silk tapestry and the dran-
ory is of heavy figured , light blue silk.
Wilton carpets of subdued colors match
ihp decorations and draperies , and the
trimmings are of Persian brass.
Under the center of the car-is n largo
refrigerator with ice boxes at each end
rnd other small ice boxes variously ar
ranged , and in which Superintendent
Blssoll declares can bo stowed provi
sions enough to last during atrip to San
Francisco. The car , though not as ex
pensive as a few others in the country ,
is declared to bo as elegant , and is ono
which will no doubt reflect great credit
to the llulTalo shops of the Wagner
Omnha's Bnll. Team Shows Itself
to Bo n Hummor.
Only Ono Krror Blade Iljr the Ijocal
Players Burtllck nntl Cooney Proyo
a formidable Battery
Pnlmriuo Kntlrcly Outmatched.
Thobnso-ball season of 1SS8 was opened In
n most auspicious manner nt the ballpark
yesterday afternoon by the Omahas nnd the
Dubuqtics. A beautiful spring day , fine
grounds nnd a faultless game , so far ns the
local team was concerned , well repaid the
ten or twelve hundred onlhusiasls who were
on hand.
The crowd was very demonstrative , but
impartial In the bestowal of Its applause.
Whllo the visitors showed up lamentably
weak in fielding , balling and base running ,
the homo team created the vciy best 1m-
picsslon , playing with n vim nnd and faultless -
loss necmacy lhat wins ball. Burdlck and
Cooney make a formidable battery , and
whllo the former evidently did not lot himself
out , ho made n splendid record , striking out
nine men. There isn't much doubt about
Burdlck's being strong in the box. Ho lias
great speed and fine balls , and besides
fields his position admirably. Ho Is
not afraid to leave thu box , and backs up
every position whoa there is u chance for u
wild throw. He is n thoroughly earnest
plai er. , und a fairly good i utincr. Cooney
supplied him tn gieat shape , catching
throughout the entire gnmo with but a single
error , made when it looked ns if it was next
to impossible for the Dubuquus To score n
tun. It in the ninth inning. Bishop lilt
out to Burdick , but Lear was given Ids base
by being hit bj a pitched ball. Trodway
then came to Uio bat and fanned Hie ulr Ihreo
tllnes in succession , but In his ox'ci confidence
Coouey missed the third strike , but tcioverod
the bull in tiiui to have extinguished the
immoral first , but ho throw low , sluicing
Tredwnj in the back , und be leached the
base in i ifotv. O.indolfe then scoiedntwo-
batrgcr to left , and Tredwav came home , Lear
having been put out In. an attempt to btcal
hird Gundolfe , however , was put out on
his hit , having run over secondhand being
cauclit b Bums'unerring throw in When
it is locordcd that this was the only error
on the part of the Omahtis nothing
more nerd bo said in commendation of
their magnificent playing. Trey worked
like machiiu'iy , clear , tmooth und in perfect
lun many , O'Connell and Burns led at the but ,
the foimor getting two two-baggcis and two
sing c < and the latter two two-baggers and one
single. The error column of the Dubuquus
is a sufficient reason for refralnlngfiomclab
01 ate mention of their placing. They evi
dently lack practice , but aio an earnest ,
liurd working set of joung fellows , and before
fore the so.ison ends will probably put up a
verv ci editable game. Tlio only double play
of the gnmo was made by Gandolfo and Glen-
nlvin , Bfrns nnd Annis being put out neatly
in the first Inning.
Appended will bo found the scorn :
Totals 5J 18 10 10 27 27 1
Binned runs Oim > ha,8 ; Dubuque , U. 'Iwo-
base lilts O'Counoll. 2 ; Bums , 2 ; Coonev ,
1. B is.0011 bills OiTSlmip , 3 ; off Buiilick ,
1. Wild pitches -Sharp 1. Passed balls
Schneider , 5 ; Cooney , 2 Tiino of gaino 2
hours. Umpire Mi. MoLaughliu
An\ioim to Meet Mitchell.
NivYOIIK , April" [ Special Telegram to
the Be i' ] A icporter visited Jack Dcmpsoy
nt his icsulence in Williamsburg josterday
to hear what he had to say in legard to moot
ing Charley Mitchell , since it is said Mitchell
will again como to thcso shoics. Dempsoy's
attention having been called to the statement
of Pony Mooio thut Dempsov's challenge to
Mitchell hud not ai rived jot , he said with n
disdainful smile : "That's all bosh , I never
sent a challenge. If Mitchell wants to fight
ho knows whereto find mo My money is
always ready , and he need not fear wo will
not give him u square stand-up fight , and ,
furtheimore , the quicker Mitchell puts
in nn appearance the better it will
suit me , as it will bo the happiest
moment of my Hfo when I meet him in n
twenty four- foot ring , London prize ring
rules , and I want It distinctly understood
that the battle must bo to a finish , for from
$5,000 to $20,000 a side. I will have nothing
to do wltt ) Mitchell m n four , eight or tc-n-
lound glove contest , I don't call tlmUlght-
ing , although it may do for a show I don't '
see mj w av clcnr as yet. I have challenged
Mitchell often when ho was in this country
without receiving any reply , cxcoptii g that I
was not in his class. Now , I am making
money and doing tv good business and would
Uko to bo let alone und tukecaioof my
mother , wife and child , but Charley Mltchc-il
lias aggravated mo HO much that I would just
ilko to meet him in the ring , if it is only for
fun , and I don't muuii to be u 'blower ' , ' but
will do as I say. "
t , KJUIK.T ; Cltj ! ! .
Cm , Mo , Ajfrll 7 [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Bco. ] The Chicago and Kansas
City Western association clubs played before
nn imsicnso audience hero to day , The gnmo
Vas cloBO nnd Intensely exciting up till the
lost half of the ninth inning , when Chicago
scratched u , lun on unorior by the third base
man w hick gave them the game , The score
stood 4 to 3 In favor of Chicago , They play
again Monday. The American association
play their first came to-moriow.
Conloy BoHtH Clow.
ASHLAND , Wis. , April 7 , [ Special Tele
gram to tlioBEK ] A largo audlcnco crowded
the Ashland theater this evening to witness
the six-round contest between John P. Clew ,
weight 107 pounds , nnd Mlko Conluy , 100
pounds , After n few piellmlnary set-tos
between other pugilistic lights , the affair of
tlio evening was uuhcred in. Clew was seconded
ended by Put Foley , of Denver , nnd Dan
Noedhom went behind Conley. Paddy Mc
Donald was chosen referee. Prank Hayes
and Charles Kldridgovoro tlme-kcppers. A
wrangle nroso over the slzo of the gloves ,
Couloy finally putting on four-ounce mitts
and Clew two ounce.
First Round Clew led with his right on
Conloy's nock and let his left heavy on Con-
ley's face. Conley got In n light right on
Clow's breast. Considerable clinching in
this round.
Second Hound Clew got In a right on Con-
ley's face , closing tuo right eye slightly.
Conly sent Clew to the floor with a heavy
right. Conloy bad much the best of the
round. Fiut blood for Conley.
Third Hound Clinching and wrestling.
Conley got Clew over the ropes , chasing nun
around and throwing him over the ropes and
pounding him repeatedly while In a helpless
sUto. Clew was practically demo for m this
Fourth Hound-Conlcy leu , landing heavily
on Clew , who was very groggy. Uhere was
considerable wrangling and disputing , but
Conloy punliked Clew all through the round.
Fifth Round-There was disputing about
time and Couloy finally said , " 1 Claim the
fight. Why don't bo como out end light"
Tus referee awarded the fli/Ut to Conloy. Clew
was tolally used up , bMng unused to Con-
ley's wrestling and clinching.
The rtoHs-Olbbs Mill Postponed.
KAN-SIS CJTT , Mo , April 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the BBB. | Owing to a misunder
standing about where the mill was to take
pluco the Ross Glbbs light luvs been postponed
until next week.
Teenier AVins Easily-
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , April 7. Teenier , Mc
Kay and Itamm rowed a sculling race on the
St. Johns river this afternoon during a thun
der nnd rain storm. Tlio course was thrco
miles. Teenier had a walkover. Time '
The Amateur Athletic Club.
The Omnhn Athletic club have elected the
following officers for the ctm'lng jour : P.
J. Klrbv , president ; George Beard , rice
president ; Kd Wnshburn , secretary , nnd
George Kendall , treasurer. The clnb is In n
nourishing condition and has n membership
of about thirty , and among its members nro
some of the best athletes in Hie west. Tlio
bovs nro already taking exorcise on the path
ami will give a field meeting about the 1st of
Juno. On this occasion about fifteen events
will bo contested for , mostly nil handicaps
Entries arc open to nil western athletes.
The club w 111 probably send roprescnlut Ivcs
to cither the Chicago or St. Louis spiing
tourneys , nnd there is littlu doubt but what
the ) will muka a good showing.
From tlio Diamond.
Eighteen hnndrcd and eighty-eight lias
been started.
The list of exhibition games appears In an-
othei part of this column ,
Base-running will bo n feature of the
Omaha's ' plajing this season.
The game will bo called at 3 o'clock sharp
this afternoon.
Vluu , the northwestern wonder , will bo ti
favorite with the Cincinnati public. Hois
kind of n worker that takes well in the
Queen City.
Pete Browning started his glorious base
ball career for n pittance of $20 $ [ tor month.
Now the gladiator pulls $150 cases every two
It is now leaked out that Chicago got $4,000
from Plttsbuig for McCormlck. Ho was
dear ut that price , but nevertheless ho
pitched M.OOO woith of ball against the
White Stoeklngs tit n tlmo when every de
feat counted heavily ugulnst Alison's crowd
Spoiling Life. There is a decidedly fishy
odor about the ? IOUO pat t of the above item.
Spuulding offered lo sell McCormlck , to tlio
absolute knowledge of the writer , to Uio
Cincinnati management for $750. It is not
reasonable to suppose that men of the
Nlinick and Phillip * uiako-up are chumps
enough to pay $3J..0 mo o than Spaldlng's
price Mt Cormick cost the Plttsburg team
about $750 , and not a penny more.
Manager Hart saj s the Milwaukocs will
not Mulsh worse than second.
Two weeks from Satuiday next and the
championship opens.
Cussian is the youngest man in * the local
Minneapolis opens tlio season hero.
A game will bo arranged for one day this
week in which the sixteen players under
contract with Omaha will take part. The
opposing pllchors will be Flyun and Bur-
Any number of Oskosh people will go over
to Milwaukee to sco the Oinahn team when
it goes there.
Hanlon has not yet signed with the Do-
troits. Ho'll get there m time , however ,
they never fail.
The Western association championship
-season opens Saturday , April the 2bth , the
American association on Wednesday , the
Ibth and the National League on Friday the
On Decoration Day. May 30 , Omaha plays
two games in DCS Moincs. Goiu1 over !
Thcro will bo sixty-three championship
games upon the homo grounds.
Frank Bandlo is still disengaged.
Kicbmcyor , Badcr and Genius are showing
up in fine shape with the Delivers.
The Western league schedule committee
meets at Wichita to day.
The Omahas play in St. Paul and Minne
apolis on Ihqlb. ' . ' 0,21 , 2.2,24. and 23 of , this
Jack Messett will be seen behind the bat
in one of next week's exhibition games.
Mannagor Soleo on c\ cry occasion possible
impresses the directors with the fact that
thov can set a wholcsomcr example by taking
their wives , dnughteis and swcethearls , as
the case may be , to see the games. The
Indies are to bo handsomely cared for at tlio
giounds this season.
Al Swift , of lost season's Omahas , is play
ing second for the Kuncsvllle , Ohio , state
league club.
It is the general verdict of the C nahn play
ers that they aie stronger thisyo.u than they
were at Oshkosh lust i ear.
W. S. Collver , who signed to pi i v short for
Will Bryatis Iluteliiiison , Kunsat , team , died
one week after leeoivmg his ad\unco money.
All the new men like Joe Walsh's pieliml-
work. hi "four-
nnrv They pronounce n a -
lime winner.
Jack Healv nnd his grin tire to bo soon
again upon the local diamond this season.
Welcome back , Jnck.
Kilroy , the black headed pitcher of tlio
Baltimore club , only wants $3,50) ) salary and
an additional $10 for evcrv gam 3 ho wins.
Two years ago no was working for $3 n week
und was happy.
Pugilistic : 1'olntcrH.
Tlio "Black Star" is on a starring knock
out tourliuough Illinois nnd In liana.
Jeio Dunn , the famous sport ! tg man , says
that ho in readv at nnv lima to i . .itcli Doinp-
sey to fight Mitchell or Kib .in for any
amount up to $10,000 , , Londoii pi bo ling
John L. Sullivan and Chnrlov Mitchell are
both giving exhibitions throughout Bngland
Sullivan's bund seems to bo on tha inciid ,
and it his Intention to return to Anieiku in
Apill. Mitchell and ICilriiin will loturn soon
The latest is the proposed meeting between
Jake ICllialn and .lack Asliton 'I hey mot
Homo limo iiKoin Hidgowood pirk , and ICii-
rain won Asliton. who has boon boxing and
tiavoling with Sullivan , has taken on weight
and is much impio\cd , and if thu\ meet on
Iheli rclurn lo Amciica it ccituinly should
be a good mill.
Patsey Cardiff , tlio well known western
fighter , has been keeping very Mulct Binco his
meeting with Sullivan when tun latter was
uiifoitumito enough lo bioak his aim. 11
now tianspires that ho is to lie mnrilcd to
Miss M. Hall , of Minneapolis , ami intends to
Icavo the pri/o ring foi over. Ho says lie
is now in a good business and has quit
Joe McAuliffo , Uio San Francisco pugilist
who recently knocked Paddy Uyun out , Is
now on the war pnlh , He hus issued u chal
lenge lo fight nnv man in Aim rlca , with or
witnout gloves , for W.BOO a sldo.
Jnck Day. of this city , and Johnny Lai kin ,
of the Bluffs , nio both patitliiK fora fight ,
and Colonel Beck thinks a match can bo ar
ranged between them In the near future.
Tommy Miller lias nfot bean haard of since
ho loft for i'ooria. Tommy Is probably rest
ing on his laurels , though scant they bo ,
Since the American Hoicuks John L. Sul-
liviin bus met his match it tie ) foi in of
Charles Mitchell , many of th sparling fra-
ternily are at a los to know whom to center
upon as the reprosentaUvo champion , Wlillo
the Boston slugger 1mb mimj admirers even
now , still there seems to bo an opinion gain
ing ground to the effect that the chummon-
slilp laurels are not far from the reach of Pat
Killon , the well known heuVj woicht , now of
St. Paul , Minn ,
Killen's gentlemanly ways Lid his loyalty
to his friends lias resulted In him gaining
n warm place In the hearts of many fanciers
of the prize ring. That ho Is a hard hitter
and is cat-liko in his movements has been re
peatedly demonstrated. Out of the fourteen
contests to a finish , .Killon lias never failed
to win a fight. Neither was ho ever charged
up with his own money. And may it ba said
to Ills credit that when Jake Kilruln was of
fering to fight any man living Sullivan pre
ferred , and ( he latter for souio unaccount
able reason refused to fight him Pat Kltlcn ,
as undaunted as the gods of modern Homo ,
flushed $1,000 as a forfeit to fight Kilrulu
under any series of rules and stipulations.
An effort U being made by Colonel FOrbcs ,
R , J. Cluncey and Colonel Beck the latter of
Council Bluffs , to arrange a bparring exhi
bition in Council Bluffs and Omaha at an
early date. If such mutters en u be brought
about , Pat Klllcn will be tlio star of the oc
The Demand For Moderate Loaua
Quito Actlvo ,
Now York Exchange In Iilght Supply
Stocks Improved Hut Sotnowlint
Unsettled A Good Orntn and
Provision Trndo.
Tlio Course of Commerce.
CHICAGO , April 7. [ Special Tologrntn to
the BEB ] The demand for money during
tlio weolt was quite active in n miscellaneous
way , but no very lat go sums wcro wanted.
Borrowers oxcrlenccil | ) no iltnicttlty In ob
taining oil tlio favors requested ; but bankers ,
In view of the unsettled fueling In railroad
clreloi , Were Inclined U > pursue a Very c'da-
Borvntlvo course , and generally Insisted , on
wide and safe margins with the papor-ac-
copied bucked by undoubted security. Spec-
n lit tors in grain and provisions made only
limited requests as they are not trading be
yond what they cnn protect by private moans.
Tlio amount of currency going to the interior
is smaller thnn for some tlmo past , as nhlp-
pers liavo slacked their consignments during
the embargo on freight business.
As the season foi spi Ing farm work Is at
hand there will bo less produce forwarded
from farms , temporarily , though partle ?
storing grain at small stations will no doubt
lorward fair quantities. Some money hus
been forwarded to the pineries for the ptir-
IK > SO of paying off cmplojos at lumbering
camps. Wholesale mei chants presented
about the usual amount of paper for discount
, aud were reudlly accommodated. Shippers
of grain and provisions are virtually out of
the market. Rates of Interest are well mala-
tnlned atC > ( iT5 > per cent ; fo"f good immcj ) ,
backed by undoubted collaterals , w hilo good
to fair names are accepted at G ( j3 per cent ,
depending on tlio amount wanted and the
standing of the boi rower. Some paper is
accepted on the street tit a very slight reduc
tion on bankers' tatos There is n general
improvement In the wholesale trade of the
city , and merchants nro distributing moro
goods than for some time just ,
In eastern financial centers the demand for
money was fair , the supply of loanable/ funds
moderate , ami interest rates well maintained
jt IXtcG percent. Foreign money markets
showed n Ilttlo moro steadiness , owing to the
largely decreased balances in tlio leading
banks of Bngland and the continent , though
there was no particular change to note lu in
terest rates. Now Yoik exchange was In
light supply during the past week and the
demand fair. Sales wcro made at 40@70o
premium per $1HM ) , nnd the market closed
steady ut GT@c. ( Foreign exchange was
olTcied lather ft eelyduiing the past week
owing to rather liberal export of brcadstufts ,
cotton , petroleum and provisions and the
umiketwas weak. The demand was only
fair. Shippers' sixty days documentary
bills on London changed hands at W.840J
4 SO ; and closed quiet at $ ! .84@4 8-i # .
The Now Yoik stock market exhibited
considerable activity during the week , but
the feeling was greatly unsettled and prices
ruled irregular. Early In the week there
was a general deslro to realize and shorts
were inclined to enlarge their lines. This
was duo to the labor difficulties in connection
with the irregularity in freights from
western points nnd the reported decreased
earnings of many of the loading lines , and
consequently n material reduction in prices
was submitted to. At the decline there was
moro inclination to take hold , moro es
pecially as the strike difficulties were partly
settled , and prices rallied again , though the
extieiuo figures reached were not maintained
to the close. Wall street operators traded
with considerable freedom and outsldu
parties were moro inclined to trade owing to
the frequent fluctuations in prices. Foreign
speculators wcro fair opoiators , and during
the latter part , of the week woio generally
on the buing side of the market. Sales on
the Now York stock exchange for the \vcck
aggregated 2I3" > 9,000 shares.
Notwithstanding that the business of the
week was considerably Interrupted by holi
days , both in this country and Europe , qulto
an ncth e speculative trade was reported in
the leading giain aud pnnision markets.
The feeling , however , was greatly unsettled
and fluctuations in prices wcro frequent ,
thou"jh not piitaking of very wide range.
Uneasiness in commercial and financial cir
cles on account of the Rti Ike tended to weaken
tlie muikot to some extent and prices lulod
lower early , but tlio prospects of curtailed
loceipts made the "shorts" rather anxious to
pi ovido for their outstanding liabilities nnd
prices wcro advanced again temporarily.
The settlement of the troubles in
eastern railroads and all western
rnllioads excepting the Burling
ton caused n icuction , nnd prices
settled back galn nnd the market closed
rather tame Advices from abroad indicated
an easier feeling in that quarter for bpth
grain nnd provisions , and though reductions
in pi ices in this country encouraged rather
more buying on export account , receipts of
Kf uin at nil the pi indpal markets wci o onli
fair , while shipments eastward win a moder
ately free. Tlio expoit movement of grain
and piovislons was fnlilv well maintained
though not us laigo In aggregate as at this
time last icar. Ciop lepoits liavo been
somewhat conflicting relative to winter
grain , and the general Impression prevails
that LI ops aio in pooior condition lima ut
the same time lust year
Farm w 01 kin all sections west backward
and seeding is late Jn the northwest , the
weather has boon cold and the ground In
some SP ( tlons ciivurcd with snow , and seed
ing will bo deluded eight or ten days or two
wouks. Stocks of gialn are gradually dimin
ishing excepting of coin and oats , whllo liicro
is not much cimngc in ( supplies or piovislons.
The packing of hogs in tUo west Is pro-
grousing fa\oinblv and the nggieguto is
Honumhut in OMCSHOf the last season , con-
HOipientlv the reduction In stocks of pro
visions has been slow.
V. M. O. A. Not on.
At ! > 15 thin morning the bible class will
meet , taking for tiiu lesson Hie latter putt ( if
the eighth < haptcr of Romans All y aiig
men aio welcome <
The usual service will bo hold at the county
Jail to day , beginning pioniplly ut 1 o'clock.
Gospel meeting this uflcrnoon at 4 oclock.
Mr W. 15 Qrallon will lead llm song sorvltu
and an InteruHlliig addicus may be expected
fi om Uic leader of the mceliiig. All uiu in
The young men's mooting will bo held on
Thursday evening at 7 > .
Business men and others nro vcrycor *
dinlly invited to the noon day incollng , bo.
twoun 12 and 1 o'clock every week day Any
one will be welcome to drop in at any tinio
if only for a part of thehour. .
ThoSatuidnv mecling Hit * month will bo
conducted bKov Mr , Detwcllor , Sunday
school superintendents , teachers and woik-
ciHiiro especially urged to aid in making
this a successful union mooting of the Hun-
day school woikeiH of the city. A largo at
tendance in dosucd next Sutuiday ,
The monthly business nice ting of the asso
ciation will bo held on Monday evening at 8
o'llock. Ilcpoi Is of committees will bo received -
ceived and applications for membership
acted upon
The lecture ujKin "Tho Byo" by Dr. E T.
Allen , was postponed and will bo given next
Friday evening. All are invited.
At the Lyceum meeting Tuesday evening
the subject for discussion will ba "Resolved.
That the United Ktatos government should
own and operate all Intcr-btuto rallioads In
tlio United States. Messrs O. I * . Howard
and H. It. Buldrldgo will bo the leading
The library committee with the desire to
enlarge the library nro planning to hold u
"book reception " A choice literary and
musical programme Is being arranged and all
friends Intei cstod will bo invited to attend
and bi ing with them some book or bonkn as
a contribution to the library. TucriUy evening -
ing April 17 , la tlio date thought of at pres
It Is well known that Joe Lannon , the
South Boston pugilist , who fought Kllmin
eleven rounds and ra.cnlly bested Jim I1 ell ,
is \ fry anxious for a "go" with tlio Pacific
coast tn.m Frank Glover. Mlko Conloy and
John 1' . Clew all think McAulilTo n
mark and are anxious to meet bun.