16 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY ; APKIL .8 , -SIXTEEN PAGES : SPECIAL SALE OF 9,000 YARD OF AT 5 10 Cents Per Yard Worth lOc and 25c. Monday morning1 , April 9th , store will open promptly at 8 a.m. The goods to be sold at lOc are manufactured by Jo seph Turner & Sons' at Kent , Ohio , and are retailed everywhere in Omaha at SScper yard. 1319 FarnamstOmaha , , HIEDBttE OF ARGYLL AT HOUE a. View of His Historical OoBtlo Argyll Lodge. LIBERAL ENTERTAINER. 1 Nobleman Who hoves Ills Kooks ns Well n JllH Friends Ills Dislike For 1'ubllolty The Duke ns An Orator. LONDON , March 20 , 1SSS.-Special [ orrespondonco of the Buu.l The head I the chin Campbell is by that solo fact ) iio of the great men of the earth to jvery Scot , especially to every Camp bell. In no jesting sense it may be said that the Duke of Argyll is a truly great man. Perhaps he is underrated by the many. t am not at all sure that ho is , but there Is asingular conspiracy of silence among Iho cliques who write up every scrib bling friend as a genius. These log rolling gentry love a weak man , they jannot appreciate a strong one. They too often toady to a would-be somebody , who is thankful to use their laudations is stopping-stones to fame. There is a tendency in some quarters to ignore Ihoso who have already risen , or who ire born so high they need not trouble to rise higher. And perhaps the Duke Df Argyll is Himself Iho cause of his own loml-ieolatlon , for biich is his situation. tils character will , to homo extent , ex plain the matter. Though a duke , and nearly allied to lo the sovereign , the titular ranof ) "Argyll of the Isles" Is only that of a baron , which stands thus in the order of precedence ; archbishops , dukes , mar quises , carls , viscounts , hibhops , barons. llis dukedom is Scotch , mid does not count in the Knglish peerage , llo sits In the house of lords as Uaron Sund- ridge , which is an English title , and by that name hp speaks and votes. His ton , the queen's son-in-law , the Mnr- nuls of Lorno , Is in England only a com moner , and has to bo elected to the hou e of commons like nny other M. P. , but the constituencies reject him. The QuUooI Argyll is in his sixly- flftu year. Ho succeeded to his title in 1&17 , r'or many years ho has been an Intimate friend and adviborof the queen lees BO faineo than before the marriage Of the marquis with the princess. lie was a. brilliant scholar in his student flays. Nothing that concerns the practical welfare of his clus , the landlords , and of his tenants 1ms been neglected by his bhrowd Scotch brain. The duke has been a hungrydo- vouror of every book on o\cry now pro ject , now philosophy or new nocial move ment. By Instinct and training he has always been a liberal , generally an ad vanced liberal. At times ho has bhown an independence amounting tosheer ob stinacy , bravely holding himself ready to prove the majority agalnht him wrong In facts and in deductions. 1'crhapshis physique accounts for this. In stature , the duke of Argyll is a very short man , quite a midget for n fluke. Ho has u really handsome , noble face , a face like tb.at.ef John Bright , BO UUe that in certain positions \\ouldbo easy to mistake ono for the other were their bodies invisible. The ducal nose ( s rather more tip-tilted of the txvo , and this gives a sharpish expression to an Dthcrwibo most dignified faco. A wealth ol golden hulr floats back ward from his high arched brow right over his coat-collar behind , a Mngnra of silk , that waves nhd ( laps as he takes his bounding strides along the floor. His hair IB all but white now and the thungod hue increases the dignity of tls expression . Ho la rarely seen in re pose ; there Is always an alertness , quite unusual in wearers cf coronets. This natural hauteur , and a good deal of it is pride of the ordinary sort , has tended to build u hedge around a re markable man , better worth knowing and admiring than are many popular heroes to-day. The head of the Camp bells must necessarily bo a man of high notions , and the native canniiiess cropped out in the clover and ambitious match-making for his son. Viewing it in the lowest way , as a speculation , it was a failure. It made the duke more unpopular than before. Ho was more tnan a little cold-shouldered by peers , who inwardly resented this presumption of a Scotchman , and , no doubt , it drove the duke more into himself. Alwajs a prominent speaker in the house of lords , it was the sheer force of his abili ties that opened the door of Mr. Glad stone's cabinet to him. Incomparably the ablest statesman and orator among the old whigs , the duke of Argyl was never received into the inner and upper circle of his parly. In his native Inverary castle thn duke is a minor deity to the country round. The Scotch think much more of their dukes than the English do. It is a grand old castle , historical in every stone , and furnished in the half-me- dhuvnl style that lends so delightful a flavor to our older Blitish homes. The duke has done hard work in its well Blocked boolc room. Hero ho wrote his "Reign of Law-his many controversial essays on agrjculturo , science , foreign policy , domestic policy , and theology. The severe bent of hit mind may bo traced in the curious recreation chosen by his son the marouis , who toned down the frivolity of his semi-court life by turning the Psalms of David into verso. In London the duke has been a lavish entertainer. His line house , Argyll lodge , is one of the old and charming mansions situated in grounds thai il will never bo possible to multiply. Hero again , though the rooms and hall abound with art , treasures , mostly old fashioned , the study is Iho principal feature. The duke Unas t-olaco in work from the many cares of his family life. Hib heir , the marquis of Lorno. is not happily mar ried. Ho is cold-shouldered by his royal brotnors-in-law , and has not the nrl of winning friends. His younger brother , Colin , has recently Drought grief to the venerable duke , whoso spotless life has never been as atled by scandal. Another brother is on the London stock exchange. The duke is poor , and brought up his sons to earn their own living. None of thorn pos sosscs a tithe of their father's splendid lalents. There are few finer orators in Iho United Kingdom , and none more skillful in controversy. If only the duke had been born a commoner ho woud ) have achieved as proud a place as Disraeli or Gladstone , and would have been a great popular hero. He is very particular in his friend ships. His entertainments at leasl in London- are among the mot t select. Ho is averse to newspaper publicity and podaip. Of late , at * can bo well undor- btood , this re-erve has been more marked. Another cuuso of his being made loss of in the papers than ho de serves Is the fact of his uncompromis ing independence. Only hist year the duke expressed his satisfaction that the lories had again come inlo power , be cause , liberal though ho is. ho admits ' 'that the social reform * of this lust cen tury have not been mainly duo to the liberal party 1 have , therefore , no ilisinny on account of the accession for a time of the conservative party tt power , no dlsmaywhalovei' | . " In his speeches the duke is lnloiit > olt > earnest and animated * Ho ib a line figure as ho throws back his leonine head and Its waving iiwno , and rolls enl his always clear and sometimes loftily eloquent periods. He is apt ; ill culliiif. bin illustrations , no that the hearei : OWE ERR & GO'S RED LETTER SALE OF Suits worth $25 , sold at $15. Suits worth $35 , sold at $25 $ , Suits worth $55 $ , sold at $47 $ , Suits worth $85 $ , sold at $72 $ , Suits worth $175 , sold at $155 , We have just received two car loads of Chamber Suits in the latest designs and finish , in addition ta our immense stock , and in order to make room , will continue the t sale On Until Our Stock Is Reduced . 151O Douglas Street , Opposite Falconer's. HOWE , KERR & CO. might suppose him to bo a thorough man about town , a sportsman , and gen erally a very shrewd customer , which latter ho certainly is , but his true and dominant note is'that of the practical philosopher. I do not know that ho in dulges in any sports , but his walk pro claims his liking for exercise , and his whole bearing indicates Iho highly cultured , highly tempered head of a proud Scotch clan. . GKOI-KUKV QUAULUS. SINGULARITIES. Sid Lovctt of Liiyfxra , Col. , has on his ranch , near that place , an animal having the shape of a hog , the head being a perfect log's head , with dog hair covering the head mil neck. The tail is short and bushv. The dam is a large hog weighing 3 ? > 0 pounds. Mat Lovelace , a younir Texas fanner living near Uonham , brought to town a remark able frcnk of nature. The curiosity is a iig with eight legs , two tails , four eais , but only one head and mouth. It has two bodies is far up as the shoulders , where Ihe.y unite. Mr. J. L. Atkinson , of Maxe.vs. Ga. , showed U9 on Saturday last the most extruor- hnary hen egg wo have ever yet seen dis- ) laycd. It was the output of a common hen , ind was C > yt inches around one way and 734 Die other , and weighed Just ono-fouith of u .1011 nd. The hens of Maxoys are getting up puto a reputation for stiange shaped fruit , AJ Doyleston , O , man discovered that his chickens were being stolen fiom time to ; imo. Ho missed half a dozen or more liens ; ho other morning , and wlillo looking around the coop discovered a pockctbook containing sr and the name of a well-known neighbor who was a respected member of Ihe com munity. A singular freak of nature , originally dis covered in western Australia , is likely to re main unexplained. It consists of nine fine pearls adliei ing together in the shape of a Latin cross seven in the shaft anil one on each siilo of the second pearl. A suggestion is that u fragment of seaweed in the shell of the oyster formed the frame on which the cross was built. Theie Is a young lady In the town of Chv vcric , who has a pet cat which she taught to sit at the table and with a napkin about bis neck it takes meat from a plate with its own paws as ilcxtoriousl.v as an epicure A\ hen given a piece of meat on a fork it will hold the fork in its fore paws anil talco the meat from the tines , and when given a cup of milk it will hold up the cup and drink. The cat has a well developed thumb on each fore paw. In a shady lielil In Tatnal county , Georgia , are four tree in a row ; one is but a ban en trunk , lightning having stripped it of its branches , The other three tuo gnarled and twisted. Keccntly just ut dusk some negroes saw these lices outlined against the evening sky , and thought they looked like a gigantic IbsS. They at once decided that that meant that the world was coming to an end in ISss , and the result is that a very powerful ic- vlyal is going on down there now , A reporter discovered in Fimllay. O. , a iiuecr freak of nature in the person of a ten- 1 ear-old son of Maitln Holllns , a Uohcniian glass blower. The boy's eyes ur6 as red ns these of a white rabbit , oml ho cannot sec to distinguish an object ten feet now him in the daytime , but as soon as the sun goes down and darkness comes on his cicslght is butter than most persons when the day is biightest. Ho is a lively , healthy child , and n all other respects his faculties are normal. A gentleman in Atlanta is peculiarly af fected. One of hiscyes is dark blue and the other is a light giay. In the daytime from sunrisu to sunsot-ho cannot see anything out of the blue eye , but can see distinctly and well with the gray one ; und from sunset losumlso ho eannol see anything with the gray one , Ho can hear only on the blind siilo ; thus he can hear with one ear during the daytime and with the other during the night Ho never discovered this until ro- cently. Among the cuiiosltics recently acquired by a San Francisco muteum are a number of mummies , found imbedded la a stratum of Jimo In Mexico , just south of the Arizona lino. Judging front their position they must have died in terrible agony One of the bodies is that of u woman , ami her caw are ornamented with tubes stuck through them. They ure covered with u coarse netting com posed of grass and Iho bark of trees. They iu a supposed to have lain in the ured-up | state ut Ipant bOO years , and it Is not Known to what nice they belonged. The perfect form of a rat appears , which ttUarcd thejr burial place. A VOYAGE Tq GREENLAND. PART II. Written , for Sunday Has b\iA. \ Q. Jainlcxoii , M. A. Now lot mo mention a few words about the animal itself. From a com mercial point of view seals may bo di vided into two groups. First The haired or earless sealer in scientific language the Phocidsu. Second The fured or eared seals or Otaridtc. The former are valued for the oil they yield , and for the skins which are converted * verted inlo leather ; the latter for their skins alone. It is entirely with the first group that I have to deal , as the second is confined to the PeribylofT islands off the coast of Alaska. An adult peal measures about six feet long , although they swim and dive with the greatest ease , often remaining as much as a quarter of an hour or more below the &urfacoand , arc dependant for their sustenance entirely on living prey captured in the water , yet they fre quently resort to sandy beaches , rocks and icefields for Iho purpose of bring ing forth the.r young , which happens about the middle of March. The young seals take to Iho water at first rather reluctantly , and have actually lo bo taught to Hwim by their parents. The number of young produced is ono an nually , oceasi onally two. They are at lirst covered with a coat of very thick , soft , white fur , and until it bheds or falls off they do not outer the water. Their mode of progression is remark able , The fore feet are used in walk ing , the hind solely in swimming. Thus when on land or ice Iho hind limbs are perfectly passive , being stretched straight back parallel with Iho tail , with the soles of Iho feet applied lo each other and often raised to avoid contact with the ico. It is by Iho action of Iho fore limbs , combined with the powerful flexor muscles of the trunk that the seal slinfllcH or wriggles along. They press the palmar surface of their paws on the ice , lifting und dragging the body for wards in a succession of short jumps. In this way they manage to move so fust that a man requires all ho can do lo keep u ] ) with them. One great peculiarity is in connec tion with the arm and forearm bones , which are concealed in the general body cavity. Thin is so different from mostother animals. They have a regu lar season of migration , moving south in winter , north in summer. They are usually harmless and inollonsivo , though being polygamous the old males often tight desperately with oaeh other , their skins being frequently found cov ered with wounds and Bears , and it of ten results in a case of the "survival of the llUest. " They are fond of their young and easily domesti cated. Wo kept ono on board , and the sailors used to amut-a themselves teaching it all sorts of tricks. It ulti mately became a splendid scholar and FO obe'dlent ns to carry n walking stick whim ordered to do so , or raise its lips for a kifas when nny one advanced rtitli such a token of nllection. Hy its struc ture and habits most people think such an animal litllo lilted to bo n compan ion of man , yet , perhaps , there is no wild animal which attaches itself so readily to the por&ou who takes care of itnnd'feods it. In the zoological gar dens in Kegont's park , London , these iinimalb can bo seen in captivity , gam- bolihg and sporting in their tanks , and when going thioiigh their various per formances one can arrive at an estima tion of to what o\tcnt man is capable of educating such creatures. They are full of curiosity , and it is a very old and apparently well attested observation that they are ktronglv attached to music. This I , ou several occasions , had prac tical proof of. Ono iiight when out shooting wild fowl on the ice , I came tea a lagoon ( or pool of water surrounded by ice ) which I know to bo teaming with seals. I sang to the best of my ability a line or two of Ihe Scotch air , "Annie Lawric. " Up they came and raised Iheir heads above the water and ga/sed with silent admiration as if spellbound , and I am sure that oven had the great mystic Orpheus ( who played so divinely on his lyre that all nature stopped lo listen to hiR music ) been performing ho could not liavo had a more attentive or august audience. Yet these animals have to all outward appearance no cars only a small nperuturo two inches behind the eye , through which sound can bo conveyed. This apcrnturo is capable of being closed by a line mem brane when the animal is under water. The inner ear , however , makes up for nny delicieney externally ; it is a bony chamber just like a shell and curved on itself. Their sense of smell is very acute and their voice varies from a harsh bark or grunt to a plaintive bleat or whine. They feed chiefly on fish , lobsters , cuttlofibh , and occasionally birds , which they soi/.o when swimming or floating on the water. I trust I may not bo thou gin too ego tistical when I recount the circum stances which at this juncture very nearly led to the loss of my life. It was towards the close of our second day's teal hunt that I proffered my services to return to Iho ship , some four miles distant , for some refreshment which had been loft behind. Our commanding olllcer , deeming it unwise for mo to go alone , ordered the second mate , whom I will for convenience designate as "Tarn , " to accompany mo. On the way lo Iho ship wo came across Iho smallest seal I over saw , in fact , a kind of mon strosity , so I bound it on my back with the intention of preserving it when I got on board. We came to a stand-still at a point where the main ice had parted asunder , leaving a channel about Iwo hundred yards broad. This had just been newly fro/.en over and was black in color as compared with the surrounding wliito ico. Now Iho question came to this : "Should wo bo able to cross this "bay floe , wo could save about ono milo and a half , und thus leach our destination sooner ? " WollI must confess I doubled the safety of such a plan , and was for taking tl'io round about route , but on my shipmate taunting mo by saying with a laugh that I "hadn't the gump tion ot a mulo"l said , "well , go ahead old boy and I'll follow yon. " 1 did not notice Iho manner in which ho pro ceeded , but a few weeks after I learned that there was a knack in walking over newly fro/on water , viz. , "Keep in your broalh and shuflllo along with your teot , never standing in ono place for a minute. " I stalked along as if I had been walking on Farnam street , when , lo my dismay Iho ice gave way beneath mo , and I was only prevented from en tirely disappearing by strolching my arms straight out at right nnguls to my body. "Oh , I'm in , Tom , " cried I. "Well lump out and Mvim oxer the ice1 shouted ho as if nothing had happened. How I got out I can't well describe , but at all ovonls I managed it and instead of rising on my feet I began IHeiull.v to swim over the ice , my weight being thus equally di&tribuled. Hut , alas , It was hard , hard work , u tough light for dear life , the ice belugas smoolh as glass. Quito fifty yards strolehcd before mo. and this I had to travel lit such a manner. I fell my heart sink into my shoes , for 1 knew thai without a rest I could never ac complish it. In perilous positions thisro is often one redeeming point , and in my case such presented itself in the shape of ono solitary lump of thine \vhite ice about ono and one-half feet squaio. There it lay some fifteen yards in front of mo with an inviting smilo. Oh ! if I could only get toil , thought I , I might still have strength to reach the other side in safety. My hopes uphold mu , and on I pushed , and jou can imag ine what Jcelint'S of thankfulness reigned within me when I rested at full length , balanced ns it were on this , my only rock of salvation which separated mo from a watery grave , My chum , by this time , had readied the ether side iii safety , and stood silently watching mo. Enough presence of mind was left in mete to toll him to hurry to the ship for ropes > vith which to rescue me ; but ho first bade mo to make an attempt to cover the remaining portion. I did so , but this time my swimming method failed mo , and I found myself all fours in the valor. I scrambled back , however - over , and again look up my former i > osi- tion on my old friend , the square piece of wliito ice , but under very different circumstances , as I was 'thoroughly drenched , and the frost being intense i't made mailers extremely uncomfortable. Seeing that there was no help but lo make for the ship Tain , wheeled round , and soon was lost to view behind an ice hummuck. Left to myself in such an outlandish place thingsccrtainly looked very black for me. Minutes Deemed like hours , and I was driven nearly to desperation. I felt I could hold out no longer , all the actions of my pa&l bul short life came up vividly before mo like a flash of lightning , and yet I was unwilling to dio. being fond of life and energy , so commending myself to the care of Him who "willeth what is best. " I waited on , patiently , for Tarn's re- turn. turn.At At last he appeared , hut empty handed , for he had been unable , from the nature of the ice , to reach the ves sel. All ho said was : ' 'There's no hope for you , leave mo your swinger , " and with this cold blooded remark lie de parted. By the swinger ho meant a fine new sealskin coat which I had received ns a parting gift from a near and dear friend. Fine consolation this ! Left now entirely on my own resources I made up my mind to retrace my stops the way I had como , so rising on my feet I literally skimmed ever the ice , falling in and jumping out in a miraculous way , some seven or eight time , till I actually found myself once more on the thick ico. A feeling of inlcnso drowsi ness now camp ever mo , and I would fuign have laid down and fallen nslcop , bul remembering \\ordsofmy capliun "that if ever loston the ice always to bo on the move I began to ro.un about in wild dismay , at every stop my fro/.en garments causing ( ine to feel the most aeuto suffering. Darkness set in.which made matters worse und had it not been that by good luck I stumbled on a "bing"'of newly killed souls my fate would in all ptobubility , have been scaled. To allay my severe thirst I killed a baby seal which happened to have been overlooked , and I hope I am not too indelicate - delicate , when I say that I drank greed ily of the blood that issued from its mouth. I then lay down in the midst of the skins and whntoceurrcd after that I know not , till I awoke to consciousness - ness and found myself in a sleeping berth on board a largo Norwegian steamer , my hands and feet in a fearful stale from frostbite All seemed like u dream , and the kind young Norseman who had been placed to act ns my nurse would insist on my keeping- quiet , and would on no account relate to mo the sequence of events till I had partaken of some food. At lust 1 got round him and learned that early on the following morning their men hud stumbled on mu and borne mo to the ship like u helpless organism. 1 received every kindmssH while on board , und shall never ccu.se to remember U. Hut what must huvo been the anxiety and suspense on board my own bhip. They all agreed , to n ( nun , that I had now become u prey lo the teeth of a shark or some of the fish in the watery depths ; but lot the lost ehcop thai had gone astray returned ono day to llio fold and great was the rejoicing , not as Iho prodigal son , but as one who hud como out of the darkness into the shining light. Some of these tough old tnrs actually wen ) , with joy and no one more than the comrade who had accom panted me. Kvcry story lias an cud and my hairbreadth escape closes at this point. I unquestionably had 11 close shave but others have had inoro prolonged suffering , for in the words ol ono who lately visited the polar north are the following sentiments. Ho says : "My last exorcise of the duties of my piofession associated me with an cxpe ihtioti to I lie polar SOILS. Our ship wag crushed in the ice. Our march to the nearest region inhabited by humanity was a hopeless struggle of starving men , rotten with scurvyagainst thomoreilcsa forces of nature. One by ono my com" rades dropped and died. Out of twenty men there wore three loft , with a last flicker in them of the vital flame , when the party of rescue found us. Ono of the three died on the homeward voy age. One lived to reach his nntiva place and to sink lo rest with his wife and children around his bed. The last man left out of that'band of heroes livea lo bo worlhior of God's mercy and trios to make God'.s creatures better and hap pier in this world , and worthier of Iho world that is to como. " RI3MOIOU8. Harvard university students mid a prayer meeting last week with an attendance ol 500. 500.Moody Moody inailo mnn.V converts nt Leailville. The minors seemed to take to his fervent stylo. Bishop Taylor of Africa , Is on Ills way to attend the general Methodist conference. He has just been holding the Libeua con ference , The choirs of the Church of England In clude ir > 4XX ( ) voluntary and 19,000 paid mala Hingcis , and ! ! 7OUO , voluntary and 2,100 , paid female singers. The inisssionary debt of the Southern Methodist church in May , J8S7 , wns 5UOi41.ia. ! It is now l,7UtMO ; a notable reduction in less than one year. Tim largest colored church In this country is said to bo the First Haptlst church at Petersburg , Vn. Us pastor , Jtov. U. H. N. Gordon , is temporarily in Now York. Uev. Dr. Henry Y. Satterlce , lector of Calvary church , New Yoik city , declines the pluca of assistant bishop ot Ohio , on the sound ground that he must stick to Ins own parish work , The Uev. Ida C , Hulton opened the Iowa senate at DCS Molnes with prayer , which ia believed to be the tlist Instance In the history of the woi Id of such olllco being performed by a woman , Mrs. H A. Kingsbury supplied the pulpit of tliu Unitarian cliui''H at I/mAngolcs , Cal , recently , In the absence of tlio regular pas. tor. In spite of rain and mud , she hud u largo an appieciativo comriegation , The American Sunday School union's ' premium of $1,000 for the best maniiBciipC for the purposes of the society upon "Tho Chilstian Obligations of Lubor and Capital , " has boon awarded to Henry \V. Cuilman , of San IVanclsco. What makes the coming session of the Methodist Episcopal Uhilich confluence so interesting is the fact that the eligibility of women as lay delegates to the conference , and the advisability of abolishing thu itlne. runcy , uio to como up for discussion. Father Drurngoolo , who died at Nox/ York Wednesday , was the founder of tha newsboys' lodging house , Lafayette plate , wlurli bucamo in IbbV ! the Mission of the Jin- inactiluta Virgin , where llio poor wcro cm oil for without regard to religion or racu , Joseph C'oolt crowds Tremont temple , Hot- ton , cvciy week , and the Traveller Bays his popularity is owing to thu fact that "ho speaks emphatically , fcaiIc&sl.y , upon live questions , und is sulllcicntly politic to spe.ilc the known sentiments of many dcuiMn earn est men and women. " p The Ilov Dr. Haicouit of Ran Francisco , Cal. , recently delivered a sermon on intern- per.inco , Upon the edgn of the pulpit ho placed seven bottles containing samples of liiiiors | from seven difTeicnt tmloonu. The preacher then proceeded to give his hearer * thurcsulls of a chemical analysis of the samples which he personally conducted , it is seldom that realism is uecd to such cffoul by u uiinlbtcr. William Mcrz , a San Krancisco grocer ; while laughing heartily fell from his chulr and broke two ribn. The broken ribs cauotil such injury to internal organs that the muu baa since uitd.