THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , APRIL 8. 1888-SIXTEEN PAGES. * - THE SPECULATIVE HARRE1S , BvlUonco of Injury to Oropo Helps Out the Bulls. ONLY LOCAL TRADING IN CORN. Trices Mttlo KfTeclcrt Ily Iar c He- cclpts An Uneventful lny In OMn A HtroiiRCr FcclliiR Kxlilbltcd In Provisions. CHICAGO PHODUCK MAIIKKT. CIIICAOO , April 7. [ Social Telegram to the HKB.I At the opening this morning there were buyers enough to advance the prices of wheat Jfc , then catno in the short sellers who put them down again , but there was still wheat wanted and prices again gradually advanced , this time going higher than before. At about 7fl > c for May wheat the brokers of the big bears appeared in the pit and seemed to have unlimited quantities for sale. They stopped the advance at just that point for some time , but there was too mil eh wan tea nnd they weio compelled to submit to a llttlo fuithor advance nnd the close was at the highest point of the day. As far an news was concerned the most bullish part of it was the crop reports. The most significant feature is the change of opinion within the past three weeks , the warm weather of that time having made certain the destruction which was only guessed at before. May wheat opened at 75Xc and gradually worked up to ( % , then declined to 75X7ic ( , advanced to 707GJ e nnd closed there. June wheat opened at 70-Sic , sold nt "O e and up to 77 | c , which was the closing price. Bradstrects estimates that theVo arc 70,000,000 bushels of wheat in sight in the country out of the farmers' hands , and that there are 20,000,000 bushels available for ex | > ort up to July 1. Speculative trading In corn to-day was al most entirely local nnd of a scalping charac ter. Ihero was no significance to it. Re ceipts were larger than expected and the es timate1 ; for Monday uro a little larger. This might have been exacted to weaken the market , hut no attempt at a raid was made , and the strength shown in wheat and pro visions helped tp sustain this market. MH.V corn opened nt G2fc , sold early at 52'C' ' ( < > 52J/C , then advanced to 52'fW52 ' < c , fell to 52J.JC , advanced to 52c , and closed at.V.i < ( $ 52Jfc. Juno corn opened nt 5IJ o , sohl at 51rt@51)ic ) up to 52'bC , and closed nt 52rt ( ! i2' < c. The volume ol speculative trading in oats was not largo and fluctuations were narrow , with n slightly stronger market in sympathy with the strength in other grains. May oats opened atitojfje , and sold up to mid closed nt 3lXc. There were but two prices for June oats , 30Jj ( < iKJ ; ) c on the split , and 30 c , the last price'being bid at the close. For July oatH.'tO' o was hid at the opening , and they sold up to HO.i e , and that price was asked at the close. August oats hold at 29 0. In provisions a stronger feeling was ex lilbltod. The bear raiders , though close watchers of trade , were less aggressive , mid as the smaller sellers of yesterday on the de cline covered freely their outstanding contracts , a better tone pervaded the market. In the speculative tradings wit nessed short ribs rather commanded the gieatcst attention , though a fair interest wat shown in pork throughout. Lard was less active than cither of the lines Just mentioned , yet steady and unchanged. Inpork closings were ISJtfe , and in short ribs' 2'ij'c , higher than Friday's llnal quotations. May , Juno and July were again favorite deliveries. Juno pork was hold down to the ruling prices for May. and was at times oven n shade easier , closing at $13.42 . For May , pork Hold nt $13.25i ( ? I3.47JJ , mid at the adjourn ment stood at fll-l'J ! > i hid. Lard for the sumo month was steady at $7.50 , and short ribs sold at * 0.00(20.li7Xi ( closing at $0.05 bid. CHICAGO MVK STOCK. CIIICAOO , April 7. [ Special Telegram to the Bi'.i.l : CATn.i : Trade was about the same as any other Shturday. There was an order or two for such steers as arc selling within a range of f4.3Ti@4.90and thereabouts , such making fully as good prices as yester day , but stock grading below this range was slow and pcrhups a shade lower , as dressed beef dealers were not inclined to operate ex tensively , taking only such Tots as they con sidered bargains. Butchers' stock , with the exception of line , fat cows and heifers , ruled rather weak. There were a large number of course mid common bulls that were selling at low figures. Stockcrs and feeders , JU.45f ( ? n.50 ; shipping steers , $4.50(35.50 ( ; Tcxnns , $2.00(33.23 ( ; cows , $2.2503.35. lioos. Business was brisk , light receipts going over tlio scales at an early hour , with about all sold at the closo. Some salesmen quoted best heavy about 5e higher. Yet the ordi nary run of mixed and assorted light under went little or no change. A few lots of prime heavy made 1.87 ( 5.40. and ono lot sold at fc5.42.5tf. Bulk lind ordinary mixed sold at $5.20i55.)0 ( ! ) , and common at5.10u5.1.ri. ( Light sorts assorted , averaging 170 Ibs mid upward made $5.2005.25 ; averages of UU IGO Ibs , FINANCIAL. Nr.\v YORK , April " . [ Special Telegram to the lij ) ; : , ] STOCKS The course of stocks in New YorK to-day rather surprised the bulls who appeared confident of u decid edly better market. They pointed to the ab sence of disturbing features , such as strikes in the west , also to easy money and probabil ities of n better bank statement , and an In crease of at least $2,000,000 in the reserve owing to the regular April disbursements. Tlio statement , however , failed to reali/e their expectations , and showed n decrease of M24.700 , nlsoofl,747,2t'0in ' deposits. This was n set back , and , coupled with lower prices in London and free selling orders from that quarter caused a weak feeling that induced many bulls having profits In sight to realize , and resulted in a general decline of } i < ' @ } & points , closing sales being at almost inside figures except of Pullman , which showed an advance of IJJf points with very few transactions. The market on the whole was fairly active with sales of 149.1'uO i.harcs. GOVUKSMKNTS Governments were dull and steady. YIISTRIIDAV'S QUOTATIONS. U. S.4srentbtered. 124 C.4N. W I07U II. B. 4s coupon , . . 124 do preferred. . . .tills U.S. 4Hlt ! > iixtr < ul.lHi ( ) N.Y.Onlral ! ( 11.8 4Hn coupon , O. H. N W I'nclflcbsof 'w > . . . . 1' . T IMi Camilla Southern . MI ? I'acllic Mall 3Ui Central Pacific . . J.M ) , O , D..V K. Chicago & Alton . IXi Pullman Pi 0. , 11.4:0 : J-D ? Heading. . W'l I ) . , ! . . & ' I'M Hock Island . . IJWI ? ! > . .V It , U St. L. .VS. V Krlo do preferred . . T.7H do piefeired C..M. tc St. Piilll ' Illinois Ci'iltrul. do preferred. . 'lliMi 1. , II. ieVf . . . . St. P. & O. K.T - . . do preferred. . . I.ukoSlioru KiJi Texas 1'aclllc. . . J..V N M < i Union I'arltlc. . . Mlclilmui Central THIS W. . 8t , I , . M' . . . MlhMinrll'iidlle 75' ' ji iln preferred MUsourll'iidtlc n pv.u.-- do preferred MOXEV ox CAi.i. Kasy at 1 (32 ( per cent ; closed offered 2 per cent. PniMc MciiCANTiLR PApisu 5@7 per cent. STKIU.INO KXCIIASOK Pull but steady at $4.85 for (10 ( day bills ; $4.bll&4 for demand. 3 MAUKKT.S. , April 7 Following are the 0i : ( ) closing prices : Flour Steady ; winter wheat , bbls , * 2.5 (3H.2. ( % ; sacks , fJ.50ciU.C ( > ( l ; spring wheat , bhl . W..IK I.a.'i : sucku , Cl.7.Vi3.ri ; rye Hour.f..VU 33.15 per bbl , f.7U < < j2.W > in sacks. Wheat Firmer and recovered some fioni the declii.c of yesterday ; opened a shade stronger tlt.m yesterday's close and closed &C hichcr ; cash , V3 5-Kkj ; May , 7iUMi5e ; Juno , 77 } c. Corn Quiet and inactive , fluctuations be < ing within a limited range ; opened Sc bettet and closed ko higher than yesterday ; cash , ; May , la 11-lOc ; June , & 2,1c. Oata Steady , with hardly any change from yesterday ; May , 31 l-lOo. Hye Unchanged at.Wfc. Barley Unchanged at 77(3SOOi ( Ptlmc.Tlmothy (2.02. Flax-seed (1.46. Whlsky-tl.15. Pork Moderately active but unsettled nnd irregular ; cash , $13.35rt 13.40 ; May , Lard Moderately active , without material change : cash , $7.f > ( ) ; May , $7.50ii7.52l ( . Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. (5.75 ( 0.00 ; short clear , (7.40@7.45 ; short ribs. $0.02J $ . Butter Steady ; creamery , S3@23c ; dairy , liccso Quiet ; full cream chcddarx , 11 (3 ( > 1J < c ; flats , ll&l\fai } young Americas , ' Eggs Higher ; fresh , 10) ) @I7c Hides Unchanged ; green hides . . .envy green salted , 6 05 light green salted , * : ; salted bull , 4Ji'e ; green bull , 3 > < c ; green altcd ealf.Sc ; dry fllntand dry calf , 12(313c ( ; ry salted , lOc ; deacons , 80c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid,44'c } ; No. , do 3J ; cake , 4Koperlb. Receipts. Shipments. "lour , bbls 22,000 _ lfi.000 Vheatbu 15,000 11,000 Jorn.bU 81,000 rei.OOO Oats , bu 1)1,000 ) 51,000 lye. bit 1,003 2.000 Barley , till x 21,000 33,000 New Vork , April 7. Wheat Receipts , .IKK ) ; exports , 181iKX ) ; cash lots advanced ' i'ai" options varied but little , closing atcauy t 'fWe advance ; ungraded red , 8'.iiM)2Je ) ; Vo. 2 red , bO'g ( yOo in store and elevator , Wi@KKc ! ) fo. . b. , OlJ < (301Xc ( delivered ; day closing at 80j ! c. Corn Receipts , 4,200 ; exports , Ol.COO ; pilous ruled very dull and closing figures re ICGiVc higher ; cash , quiet but firm ; un- railed , 03X ( < i04J c ; No. 3 , filJ QOlJic ; No. , ( Klc in elevator ; May closing nt 01 YC Oats Receipts , 42,000 ; exports , 01,000 ; market n trifle better but lading was light ; nixed western , 30(340c ( ; white western , 41 Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , dull at (14.50 ; op- Ions 30i45 ( points higher nnd fairly active. Sales , 00,500 bogs , April , Sll.OOoMl.lO ; May , 10.00(311.25 ; June , $10.70@11.00 ; July , $10.35 iTlO.05 ; Auggust , $10.10 ( 10.45 ; September , Petroleum Quiet , united closing steady nt KKK& Firm with the demand fair ; west ern , \b@Mlu. Pork Moderate demand ; mess was quoted it $14.20 for old. Lard Dull ; western steam , spot was luoted at $7.00@7.02K- Butter ( Juiet and easy ; western , 14 ® Ic. Cheese Firm nnd quiet western,11-i@I2e. ! St. IjoulN. April 7. Wheat Higher ; cash , S0'ie ' ; May , fc05 < c. Corn Higher ; cash , ' 174 ; ! < < ? 4Sc ; May , 47'5 < c. Oats Higher ; caslvSO O c ; May , 20c. Lard $7.15. Whisky $1.00. Butter Finn ; creamery , 24@30c ; dairy , Minneapolis , April 7. Wheat Re ceipts , 100 curs ; shipments , 50 cars ; fair in quiry with market llrm. Closing : In store No. 1 hard , April , 74 0 ; May , 75'jic ; July , " ( J c. No. 1 northern , April , 72J/e ; May , 'It'jjc ; July , 7t'Mo : ' ; No. 2 northern , April , 'I'-ii'c ; May , 71 > c ; July , 72 ; c. On track Vo. 1 hard , 70c ; No 1 northern,74Ja@7."e ; No. J northern , < 2wrc. ! Flour Unchanged ; firm ; patents , sacks o local dealers , ? 4.40@4.15 ; patents to ship n sacks , car lots , $4.10 ( < J1.25j In barrels , M 25 ( 3.4.35. Cincliinuti , April 7. Wheat Finn ; No. 2 red , bli c. Corn-Quiet ; No , 2 mixed. 52c. Oats Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 3lc. Rye Steady ; No. 2 , (17c. ( Provisions Pork , quiet , at$13.S7)a ) ; lard , nominal ; current make , $7.30. Whisky Active and firm at $1.00. Milwaukee , April 7. Wheat Strong ; cash , 73 > 4'c ; May , < 5u ; Juno , ! > } { c. Flour Unchanged1 Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 47) c. Outs Dull ; No. 2 white , 33 > c. Rye Weak ; No. 1 , 50 , ' c. tsarloy Firm ; No. 2 , 70c. Provisions Steady ; pork , April. $13.25. KniiHiiH City , April 7. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 soft , cash , 77o bid : May , 7Sc bid , 70e asked ; June , 75c bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 44)ifc ) ; May. % ebid ; June , 43c. Oats No. 2 , cash , 2'c ) bid , May , 20fc bid. Liverpool , April 7. Wlieat Steady , de mand improving ; holders offer moderately ; California No. 1 , ( is 7dfis Sd per cental ; red western , spring , Cs fidQOs 7d ; red western , winter , ( is Sd per cental. Corn Steady , demand fair ; new mixeO western , 4s OJ d per cental. New Orleans , April 7. Corn Light de mand but holders llrm ; mixed , 5flV ( j'.lK yellow , ( Wlle ( ; white , GlRi2c. ( ( Oats Unsettled ; No. 2 , : W@39c. Corn Meal Quiet at $2.70. Hog Products Easier but not quotable ; pork , $14.00@11.12K ; laru , relincd tierce , -T.OO. Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.10 ; long clear and clear rib $7.50. WVK STOCK. April 7. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts. 2,000 ; market quiet but steady ; stockers and feedeis , } 2.4. > 0 < ' 3.'iO ; shipping steers $4.Mif5.20 ) ( ; Texans , J2.0U65 3.2.1 ; cows , f2.25@3.5. ! ! Hogs Ucccijits , 7,000 ; market active and llrm , and prices about Tie higher ; light , $5. 10 ( a. " ) , : ! ! ) ; rough packing , { Ti.lOfa.VJO ; mixed , ? .r > .l.riWri. ! ) ; heavy packing nnd shipping , { 5.20(45.45. ( Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; market moderately active and prices steady ; western , 1 3. 75C'3 6.75 ; natives , W.OOgO.OO ; lambs , (5.25(30.35. ( National Ktoek VardH , Knm St. ouiH , April 7. Cattle Receipts , 200 ; shipments , 700market ; steady and unchanged ; choice heavy native steers , SI.4U@4.fiO ; fair to good native steers , $4.00 ( < C4. 50 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , f 3.200j4. 25 ; stockers - ers anil feeders , fair to good $2.20 ( 3.20 ; rangers , ordinary to good , S2.SO I..IO , Hogs Receipts , 000 ; shipments , 2,100 : market a bhado higher ; choice heavy and butchers' .selections , f.ri.iO@5.4 : ( ) ; packing , nfcdhun. 15.30 ; light grades , ordinary to best , ? 4.liO ( f5.50. Kniiuna City. April 7. - Cattle- Receipts , 1,01X1 ; shipments , 540 ; slow and weak ; good to choice corn-fed , (4.05@4.l)0 ) ; common to medium , f..25(34r ) ( > 0 ; stockers , f2.00@2.l)0 ) ; feeders , J3.00@3.tiO ; cows , f2.00@ 3,50.Hogs Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , (100 ( ; best Hteady ; common and light weak und 5o lower ; common to choice , J4.70 ( < Jj.lD ; skips and pigs , f3.00@.00. O.M.MIA MVK STOUIl. Cattle. Uxios STOCK YAIUIS , Op. m. ) Friday. April 7 , 1WW. ( Tlio week closed with liberal receipts of cattle. The quality of the offerings on the market was good and there were some of the best corn fed cattle that huvo been scon here in a long while , cattle that would average close to 1700 Ibs. The market was rather slow at steady pi ices and the number of cattle sold during thu earlier part of the day wus small , but late in the afternoon the , trade wan morn uctlvo and quite a good many changed hands. The receipts of hogs were fair for the close of the week , although there was only about half of yesterday's number hero. The mar ket did not open very bridle , as the buyers and sellers wore rather slow In getting to gether , but when trading was fairly under way the market was quite active at prices n Hlindo to no higher. The quality of the hogs was not as good as yesterday mid there were no loppy loads of heavy hogs hi'ro. A few loads of fair to gooii mixed hogs sold at fl.'S. ' Kvrrythlng in wus sold in giiod bcason and the later trains were bought up on arrival. Bticup. Thcio were a few good good western sheep here which brought a good price. lU'celpts. Cattle . iROO "oss . 2.MX ) Sheep . . . 600 Prevailing Prlue < ) , The following is a table of prices pa\d \ In this market for the grades of stock men tioned. Primosteers , ISOOtO 1500 Ibs. .J4.23 @l,50 Prime steers , 1100 to IBOO Ib * . H.IK ) 04.2r > Fat little steers , . 000 to 1050 Ibs. ! L50 < < 3.70 Common to choice cows . S.W > W3.50 Common to choice bulls. . , , . . , , 2.00 ( iil.OO Light and medium hog * . , , . , . . . 4.7U M4.SO Fuir to chuico heavy hop * . 5.00 iR5.03 * air to choice mixed hoff * . 4bJ ( " 4.03 HcptrcHcntfttiTO Baloi. COKX FEI > ( TP.F.RS No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3. . . . .11SO . 21. ' . . . . . 10W tt.00 3. . , . . 733 3.2" 10 . lltfl 4.00 n. . , . .1053 3.00 77 . 1200 4.00 n. . 3.05 17 1277 4.00 20. . .1019 n.ffi 3 1357 4.10 i. . . 910 8.75 : 3w 1287 4.10 10. . .10S8 3.75 w lir,7 4.15 19. . .HOT H.75 13 12S < 5 4.25 40. . .1052 3.75 r.o 12M ) 4.30 r.oi 15. . .11tV ! 3.SO i 1300 4.30 .1073 3.80 1415 4.0 41 1055 3.85 COHS FED Wr.STr.KX9. 02. 1300 4.25 130 1CS9 4.75 cows. 1. 730 2.M ) 1. . . . .1330 . 3.00 1. 000 3.00 3. . . . 1100 8.05 1. KM 3.00 8.- . . , 025 3.25 8.3. 1. 1320 3,00 3. . . . 000 3.30 HULLS. 2. 1210 2.50 2 1525 2.75 1. ,1700 , 2.05 Ml.\cn. 10 u 41 1067 3.80 070 3.25 ItOU' . No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk , Pr. 78. , . . ! > 04 320 $1.75 frfl. . .287 120 $4,00 CM. , . . .233 80 4.bO CO. . .244 100 4.1K ) o74. . . .212 200 4.SO 70. . , .245 240 4.H ! ) 82. . . .217 120 4.bO 03. . , .207 4.90 57. . . .258 280 4.S2K 50. . . .309 120 4.90 077. , . . .213 ICO 4.85 58. . .2211 100 4.W ) 01. , . . .10" . ) 4.85 02. . i250 ! 120 4.HO 71. . . .254 12 ! ) 4.85 IB. . , .2C > 3 280 4.90 71. . . . ' . ' 10 120 4.S5 C > 3. . , .235 200 4.1H ) 07J. ( . . . -41 120 4.85 111. . . .248 40 4.W ) 70. 120 , .2U5 80 4.90 liiSw 200 4.85 57. , .242 120 4.95 70 ] . . .214 200 4.85 57.M. . HO 4.95 (11. ( . . .24 ! ) 4.85 82. 225 4.95 153. fcO 4.8Ti CO. ! STt KM 4.95 CO. . . .245 IfiO 4.S7J4 74.'i 200 4.95 sunnr roitx nn : WKSTEKNH. 52. , . 7 ( > 5.75 52 74 5.75 IjlVMMtllOlC Solll. Showing the nu n'jjr of bill of stock sold to the leading buyers on the market to-day. nous. G. H. Hammond & Co 91 Oniiiha 1'aekiiig Co 1,187 Armour & Cudnliay 1 > . Co 1,5H ) Total 3.95S RnnKC of 1'rlces. Showing highest and lowest prices paid for leading grades of cattle on dates mentioned. Date. Prime Bt'rs.'Prime ' rifrs. Common to iaxirK ) ( ) ib. imxaisoo n > . nn (6t K 1 K ) Sunday Bumliiy 41) 3 H5 504 r 2 oo © a I 20 < ai i 3 7f > 661 2 HI \ BO March ) . . . ' ' ' i ; STf , ) no Mareliil)4 : ) in & . . . . . : i \ no M airlift 4 .TO . : i7r , ® 4 : w 1 W ) i no .April ! ! . . 4 IH fift. . . 1:1 : w cc4 : B „ ' M i TOne April II 4 : n 14 iu 644 : ) : i "M no April 4 4 no i 00 © 30 April 5 ® ( no c4 > April ( i 4 w $ 4 no hw ® 4 10 1 75 iW m April 7..j 4 M ct4 no 3 7fi Ml ! W iViu \ ; of I'rloci. Sliowlniithcoxtrenio hl hoit and lowoit rates paid for leading grades of ho i on dates mentioned : JlltC. Heavy. Mixed. IJght. C ( K ) < P15 4 UO < M 10 Mar.uril Sunday Snndiiy Sunday Mnr. nsu tv > ar B 10 ® fl SO 4 W , cw , i ir. 2 5 a ) ai'i : ) n iu < r > son 4 Nl ( if. ' , ur > Mar. ' . ' ! ) fi 'JU < fyi > - " > n 10 sw s ) n uo as , 10 Mur. JiOfi 15 ( ? ji"ia ) n m 4 no & : > ( ) ' Slur.31/i 15 ( ( . * > - ' ( &r > 15 4 Wi HWiOl April 25 IB Si. % ii r , on crn is 4.10 © r > n" > Apl 11 3fi U5 ® . "i l.'i n oo 4 W 5 00 April 45 or , 6.10 4 tn QCTi ( XI 4 5tl in April f.r. oo fiu" ) ( n 4 w C44 lij 4 m & \ Ni April cn mi tv > ro 4 CO ( M.'M 4 < ; o cr.i HI April 7cUU HU > 05 C5l 'J3 4 7U & 4 N ) Tiive Slock NotcH. Hogs llrmer. Cattle steady. Sheet ) bring good prices. Dead hogs are selling at lOlJ c per Ib. J. Buck , Crete , marketed a load of 143.Vlb native steers at $4.50. Among those who marketed hogs was John Hustle , Talmagc. Among those who marketed 95c hogs was William Baughn , of Hnrlan. Dorr & I'itlun , Neola , In. , were among those who marketed hogs at f 1.95. J. U. Buckholder , Woodbine , In. , was here mid disposed of two loads of hogs , t Captain A. Wilson , York , was hero and marketed three loads of cattle at $4.30. Chapman , Neb. , was represented by A. P. Bcnian , who came in with two loads of cattle. Mr. Majors , of the firmof Majors & Atkins , Wood Hiver , was in with seven loads of cat tle of their own feeding. Henry Schinstock , West Point , was here with a load of hogs and three loads of cattle , which sold on the market. Mr. Wetherbee , the genial brand Inspector at these yards for the Montana Cattlemen's association , has returned from a trip to Den ver and Cheyenne. John H. Sullivan arrived from Omaha this morning. Mr. Swift's improvements there are on an immense scale. Mr. A. C. Foster is superintending the establishment and with his family are all well Drovers' Journal. The next meeting of the Nebraska Live Stock Shippers' association will he held at Exchange hotel , South Omaha , Wednesday , April 11. 1888 , at 2 p. m. Matters of import ance will come up before the meeting and a full attendance is urged upon the members of the association. JOHN Winuixs , Secretary. OMAHA AVHOLKH hK MAUKKTS. Produce , FrnllN , NiitH , I-Uc. Saturday , April 7. 7/ie / followUnj qnntdtloni urc wlinlantle ami not retnll. I'rlrcs umitctl on jnoiliwe arc the ultra at which r iui < / tutu itrc Holrt on tliln imirhct. I'l'iilta or other linen of uiiotlx rctnilrtiuj citnt tnlior tn jHivMny cannot ttl- u't\/n ( \ lie 8iti > i > llcd an outbtilc ui' < lcrn tit the same priccH nuntctl for the loeiil trade. Ilntesonjlournnd feed nrc Jolilicru' itrlccs. Prices on umtn arc those jxilil by Oinnlni mtllcra dcllvcictl. All o > tiotiitl < m on mer chandise arc ohtatncd from letidlny hoimcx and ( ire corrected dully. I'rlrcs un crtirlt- cm , cakes , etc. , arc those ijlvcn by lcadln j inmntfncturerM. POTATOKS Choice home grown , 85Qi95cj Utah and Colorado stock , $1.00 ( < t > l.l5. POULTHY Cliickens dressed , 13c ; geese , 12@13c : turkeys , ISfaUc : ducks , 110 ( > 13elivo chickens , W-75r < 4.X ( ) . CIIIJESB Full cream , 12J4(7fl5c. ( BVSANAS Medium , $2.50j3.00 ( ! per bunch ; choice , S3.00l,5 ( ( > , Tunsii'3-Uutabaijas , 4550c ; white , 40e per bushel. LK.MONM $3,70@l 50 per box. CAi.iroitN-iA PiiAits $2.50i2.75 ( ; extra choice , $3.00 , U TUS Persain , 8c jior Ib. SAUII ICiuUT Choice per bbl. of 32 gal , fA.OO@5.SO ( ; } i bbl. , I4.000il.50 ; $11.00 per bbl , of 50 gal. ' Ciniiii Cholco Michigan elder , $1.00(20.50 ( per bbl. of 32 gal. Porcoiis Choice rlco corn is quoted at 4o per Ib. , other kinds , 2K@3c per Ib. CAimoTH $ ' . ' .252.50 per bbl. PAIISNU-S New stock , f3.00i3.50 ( per bbl. OYSTKKS Plain standard , 25o ; plain se lects , HOi'j standard , 40o ; extra selects , 35c ; New York counts , 40e ; bulk oysters , counts , $ .85 per 100 : selects , $2.00 per gal. ; standard. ' $1.25 per gal. CtniiAons $1 per doz. or 3 ( < M5rfo per Ib , for California. CAUMFJ.OWKII Good stock , $2.50@2.75 per dozen. OUAKOES California Riverside , $3.75 ® 4 00 ; Messina , $3,754.25 ( ! ; Yulenclas , fO.OO ® 8.00 per case of 420 ; Mexican , 4.00 ; Los Angeles , $ -J.75@3.25j Navals , * 4.60 ; Los Aimeles , $4.50 ; lUversido , W.75. CiiAXiiEititiES Very scarce ; J3ell& Cherry , SIO.50@11.00 ; Bell & Bugle. 11.00@11.50 Bell & Bugle , premium , ? 11.50@12.00. liutxs Good stock , $2.00(22.75 ( ; California beans , $2.25@2.40 , FIGS In layers , 13lic ( ( , cake llo pcrlb. NUTS I'canuts fi > ( < 47c , raw Brazil nuts , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; English wal nuts , IftGglSo ; fllberts , 18o : Italian chestnuts' 15c ; pcuins , 15c. . HONEV KX < i21o for lib frames ; canned honey. 10jfl2o ( per lib. TOMATOES * 2.0i ( ( < 12.60 per bor. PAUSI.KV 35o per doz. GKCEN Osioxb 25c per doz. Agr.uiAnuH 35o per ib. STHAWUIUWIES Fresh Florida , $3.50(34.00 ( per box. Ct'ci'Miiunb $1.00 per dozen for choice , Grocery' lAat. SVHUPS New Orleans molas&es. per bbl. , 37@4l5c jier gal. ; corn syrup , 35o ; half bbls. , 37c ; 4 b'ul. kegs , $1.55 ; sborchum 3Sc , PnovmoNs Hams. 10VaiO ( > { c ; breakfast bacon , 10 / ( < ? llc ; Wutort side. * , S C S o : dry salt , 7 fcrtSc ( ; shotildep , 07c , ; dried bcof , 1 PicKt-M-Medluui In tbls , (5.75 ; < lo In half bids , (3.40 ; smnll in bbls , ( (1.75 ( ; do In half bbU , (3.W ) ; gherkins , in bbls , (7.75 ; do 10 hnlf bbls (4.40. ' 'J , REPINED Lxnn Tltwo , "c ; 4Mb squcar cans. 7c : 50-lb round , 7ic ; 20-Ib round , 7 > < c ; 10-lb pails , 7ft6 ; 5-lb palls , 7Kc8-lb ; palls , 8c. GINNED Goons Outers , standard , per ruse. ( . * ( : : ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $3. 153.25 ( ; raspberries , S-lb , ] > cr case. (3.1 n@ 3.30 ; Cnltfornln penr . per case , 4.70n)4.SOj ( ) apprlcots , jwrcasc , ( l.W ! < ViM.40 ; peaches , per case , f5.00 ( . < 5.76 ; whlto cherries , i > cr case , $ ft.OO ; California plums , per case , f4.WW4.0'J ; blueberries , percale , (2.20 ( < J2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per rase , (2.5djplil6appples , 2-lb per case , (3.20 < tf5.7r > ; Mb salmon" per doz , ( l.&Xtfl.OS ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , ? 3.25g)3.t. ) ! ' > ; 2-lb string beans , per case , ft.7IXSl.bO ; 2-lb Lima beans , ] ) crcnse , ( lV.Xil. ( ( 5 ; 2-lb marrowfat jicas , $2.GOg2.70 ( ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , (2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , f2.mW3.40 , JKI.UKS 30-lb palls , $1.25@1.50. SALT- Per bbl. , car load , (1.30. HOPB Scvcn-slxtccntlis , 10'f CAXDV Mlxcil , l > @llc ; stick , HOMAXII llEimtxiis 70i7.Jeper ( keg. MAI-I.K St'OAit Bricks , l2 epcr Ib. i penny cakes , 14iMr ( > c per Ib. UHOOMS Kxtra , 4-tic , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , (4.00. STAUCII Mirror gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves' corn , 0' ' jfo ; Oswego gloss , 7o ; Oswcgo corn , 7c. TK48 Japans , ! M@55c ; gtuiixnvdor , 20 < J& COc ; YOUIIK Hyson , 22 ( < 65e ; Oolong , 200J ( Vic. Vic.PowiiKU ANM > SHOT Shot , $1.40 ; buckshot , ( l.ttt ; Hazard powder , $5.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths , $ l..r(0 : blasting kegs , $2.I5 ! ; fuses , looo ft. , 4.v 75c. SVOAII Granulated , 7i37Vo ; conf. A. 0jtf > 7c : whlto extra C , OJiiX&il.itfc ; extra C , Unlive ; yellow C , fijflaflxe ; cut loaf ' 7J < e ; powdered , 7J < @S , ' < ; New Orleans iin Ordinary grades , 1017c ; fair , 17 < 518eprlme,18@lll.9 ; < c ; fancy green nndyel- low , 22 ( < i23o ; old government Java. 28ft30o ( ; interior Java , 25fC2je ( ; ; Mocha , 2)j ) < < ? : iOc ; Ar buokle's roasted , ID fc ; McLaughlin's XXXX , I'.l c ; Ullworth's , 1 ! % < M Hod Cross , 10 > fo ; alaroma , Uljfe. Wooni'.NWAUi : Two-hoop palls , per doz. , $1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 : No. 1 tub , $0.75. No. 2 tub , $15.75 ; No. il tub , $4.75 ; washboards $1.50 ; fancy washboards , $11.50 ; assorted bowls , $ J.7fi ; No. 1 churns , $ ' .1.50 ; No. U churns , $3.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , ? 1.70 ; spruce , In nests , ? 1.70. TOIIACCO Lorillurd's Climax , 45c ; Splcn- Spearhead , 45 ; Catlin's ' Meerschaum , 31e ; Catlin's Old Style , 2'Ic ; Piper Hoidsiek. ( Me ; SweetTipTop,32oU.N.O.,17e ; ; Ked , White and Blue , 18c. CUUKIU : , CAKHS , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5e ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowllnko ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda dandy , 5 > tfe ; soda wnfcrsHn tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 80 ; city oyster , ( > > , c ; excelsior. 7c : farina oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitoi. 7e ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5e ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , 8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , OJio ; cracker meal 5 < $ c ; graham , 8e ; graimiii wafcis. lOc ; graham wafeis in pound pack ages , 12' e ; hard bread , 5e : milk. 7' f ; oat meal , 8c ; oat meal wafers , lOe ; oatmeal wa fers in pound packages , 12Je ! animals , 12c ; Bolivcr gingerround,7e ( ) ; cream,8cCornhill ; , lOc ; cracknells , Itie ; frosted cream , 8lio ; ginger Btiaps , Sc' ; ginger snaps ( city ) , lie ; homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; homemade made ginger snaps ( l-lb cans ) per do7cn , $2.50 ; lemon creams , 8c ; pretzels ( hand made ) ll'ife ; assorted cakes ami Jumbles , lUvfc ; as sorted lingers , Ifie : afternoon teii ( in tins ) , per box $7.K ( ) ; banana lingers , llo ; butler jumbles , llVj' " , Brunswick , 15e ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) Hie ; choco- latd wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , ll c ; cream pulls , 30c ; egg Jumbles , 14c : ginger drops He ; honey jumbles , ILXo ; Jelly lingers , I5e ; jelly wafers , 15c ; jelly tart ( now ) , 15c ; lady ling ers , 13c ; vanilla bnr,14e ; vanilla wafers , 14c ; Vicuna wafers , 1 dozen packages in u box , per dozen. $2.50. All goods packed in cans Ic per Ib. advance except snowHake and wafer socia. which are packed only In cans. Soda in 2 Ib. and 3 Ib. paper boxes , J c per Ib. advance ; all other goods le per Ib. advance. Soda In 1 Ib. paper boxes , le per Ib. advance. Tlio 2 Ib. boxes arc packed in cases holding 18 in a case. The 3 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in n case. The 1 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 'Mm a ease. One Ib. Graham and oat meal wafers packed 2 doz. in a case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75e. Cans for wafer soda , § 3 , not returnable. Cans for snowliake soda , $0 per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display the goods , 75c each. No charges for packages except for cans and returnable cases. Glass front tin cans and "snowllako" soda cans are returnable at prices charged. Dry GoodH. DUCK West Point 20 in. 8oz. . lOUe ; West Point , 20 in. 10 oz. , 12' ' c ; West Point , 10 in. 12 oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , , Kin. Checks Caledonia X..lUfc ; Caledonia XX , lO o ; Economy , 0) e ; Otis , OJfc. KKNTI'CKV JIHNS Memorial , 15c ; Canton , 2Sc ; Durham , 27Jrfc ; Hercules , ISc ; Learning ton , 2 fc ; Cottswold , 27 c. Ciusn Stevens' B , ( ic ; bleached , 7e ; Ste vens' A , 7lo ; bleached , 8 < e ; Stevens' P , 8JjO ; bleached , OJ c ; Stevens' N , OJio ; bleached , Kl c ; Stevens' S RT , 12Ke. MISCKM.INKOI" * Table oil cloth , $2.85 ; ain Holland , 8 > < e to 0 > ic ; Dado Holland , CAMIWICH Slater , fie ; Woods , 5c ; Stnnd- rd , 5c : Peacock , 5e ; Slater roll , ( Qi c. COMFOUTKHS $0.iOQf ( 35.00. BI.ANKI-.TS White , $ I.OOn7.50 ; colored $1.10 ( < ? 8.00. Bi.iAnui : ) Sui'.ETiNO Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , OJ e ; Best Yet , 4-1. Hjtfc ; butter cloth , OO , 4Kc ; Cabot , 7 > < c ; Farwell , 8V. Fruit of Loom , 0'4e ' ; Freeno G , Oc ; Hoe | , 8c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo. HKc ; Lons- dale , Oe ; New York mills , 10' e ; Pcppiroll , 42-in , lie ; Pcpperell , 4l-in. ( 12e ; Peppcrell , ( W , lOe ; Pepiicrell , 8-4 , 21e ; Peprerell , 0-4 , 23c ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 25e ; Cantoi , 4-4 , S'c ' ; Canton , 4-4 , 0'c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsulla , Ic : Valley , 5c. PUIXTH SOLID COI.OHS Atlantic , lie ; Slater , 5' ' c ; Berlin oil , fli < c ; Garner oil. tt ® 7c. PISD AM KOIIKS Richmond , tljrfc ; Allen , Okc ; River Point. 5e ; Steel River , 6J o ; Richmond , < > c ; Pacillc. < > > e. Ixnino BI.SJK Washington. ( life ; Century indigo blue prints , ll' ' c ; American , 7e ; Arnold , 7e ; Arnold B , He ; Anold A , 12u ; Arnold Gold Seal , KHjc. DIIIHS : Charter Oak , 5J o ; Ran < ape , 4c \ ; Lodi , 5c ; Allen , ( > e ; Rlchinoiid , ( Sc ; Windsor. oyti ; Eddystonc , li' ' e ; Pacific , ( life. HIIOWN SniiETixii Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7 } < | O ; Atlantic H , 4-1 , 7' e : Atlantic 1) , 4-1 , ( ic i : Atlnnlie P , 4-4 , ( k ; ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , (5c ( ; Au rora C , 4-1 , 60 ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 > ic ; Hoosier - sier LL , 4 4 , Oe ; Indian Head , 0-1 , 7Jtfc ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , ( ic ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5J e ; Peppcroll , R , 4-4 , 7' c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , ( ic ; Pcpperell , 8-1 , 18' o ; Pcppercll , 0-4 , 21e ; Pepperell , KM , 23e ; Utlca , C , 4-4 , Be ; Wachubett , 4-4 , 7Jic ; Aurora B , 4-1 , 7 > io ; Aurora R , 4-4 , O f c. BATTS Standard. Oe ; Gem , lOJi'c ; Beauty , 12Ko ; Byono , 14o ; B.'cased , $ (1.50. ( GIXOIIA.M Plunkett checks , 7 c ; Whltten- ton 7 } c ; York , 7Kc ; Normandi dress , 8 0 ; Calcutta dress , 8 > o ; Whlttendon dress , 8)40 ; Renfew dress. 8.Jl2Jfc. ( TICKH Lewlston , 30-ln. , 12 } e ; Lewiston , 32-In. , 13 0 ; York , 3-in. , 14e ; Swift river , 7ho : Tliorndyko. OO , 8fe ; Thorndyke , EF , 8 > cj Thorndlko 120 , 1)1 ) Jo ; Thorndiko XX , 15o : Cordts , No , 5 , OK Cordis , No , 4 , lie. DEXIVS Amoskeag , B , 0-oz. , lOo ; Everett , 7-oz , , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 18o ; Haymaker , 8 } c ; Jaffrey , XX. llXc ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12 < < ? c ; Beaver Creek , AA , 12o ; Beaver Creek , UB , lie : Beaver Creek. CO , lOc , FLANXKLS Plaid Raftsman , 20o ; Goshcu 32 } < c ; Clear Lake , 82J o : Maple City , 30Wc. Whito-G H N 2 , J ( . 2le ; G H No ! \ \ , > u ; j 11 tv , ? 4 , .i > 5c ; u ? ; , uac. COTTON- FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis count LL , OJfc ; CO , 7Wc ; SS 8Ko ; Name less , 5ke ; No. 5 , ( Jo ; EE , 9 > 'o ; GG , lO o ; XX , 12jfc ; OG , 14c ; NN , JOe ; RX , 18o ; R , 20o ; No. 10 , 8Ko ; 0,10 05 60. 12 > < c ; 80 , lOo ; 20 , colored , lOo ; 60 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 25o ; Bristol. 13 } < o ; Union Pacific. 18c. CAHI-ET WAHIHibb , white. M0col } \ - ared,22c. OouornI Markets. FLOUII AND FEED Minnesota patents , $3.45 @ 2.50 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter patents , $2.503.75 per cwt ; Nebraska patents , $2.45@2.60 per cwt ; rye flour , $2.50 per owl ; wheat graham , $1.75 per owt ; rye graham , (1.40 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat (3.50 j > er cwt ; Exoelelor. $3.00 per bbl ; ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb CUBO ; cornmeal , yellow , $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white $1.10@1,15 per cwt ; Ura % f 10.00 ® 17.00 per ton ; screen- lots , 112.00 per ton ; hominy , t3.25@3.BO per bbl ; chopped feed , tlS.OQpcr ton ; chopped corn , $10.00@17.CO per ton EXTIUOTS Sanderson's oil bcrgamoi , per Jb. , 2.7f > ( S3.00 ; oil lemon. lr Ib. , fj.50 ; oil peppermint , (3.00 ; oil wintcrgrccn , $2.50 ; oliVO oil , Malaga , ] > er gallon , (1.25. WINDOW Cti.ii > 9 Single. 70 per cent nnd 5 percent ; double , 70 nml 10 per cent discount. White lead , pure.O' c ; whlto lead , fancy , flj o ; putty , In bladders. 3e ; Paris White , 3c ; common , 2 > { c ; red lead , 7e. OILS Carbon , 175 degrees l e ; linseed , boiled , COe ; linseed , raw , 57c ; castor , No. 1 , ll.SO ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , (1.00 ; whale water , blenched , 85c ; tlsh , bank , ! Wc ; neatsfoot extra , ( Vie ; neatsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , ( We ; No. 1 Iniil , BtV ; No. 2 Inrd , W ) ( ilKtc ; W. Va. zero , 14c ; W.Va. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40e ; golden No. 2 , 25c : whale , 20c ; naptha , 1 degree , 14e ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 degree , lee ; tur pentine , 4Se ; castor , pure , 12.45 per gal. UHVQK Acid , carholle , crystal , per Ib , 50c ; citric acid , pcrlb , OOc ; tartarlc , per Ib , ttc ) ; sulphurle , per Ib. 5c : ammonia , earb , pcrlb , 15c ; alum , per ib , fie ; alcohol , ! ) . " > percent , per gal , t2.2f > : blue vltric , per Ib , Sc ; borax , refined , per ib , 1c ( ) ; camphor refined , 30c ; cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 45e ; cream tartar , commercial , per Ib , 20e ; cloves , per Ib 3Je ; cuttlefish bone , per Ib , 30c ; dextrine , per Ib , 12o ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , OOc ; hops , fresh , per Ib , 4V ( ; Indigo , Madras , per Ib , 80e ; insect , powder , per Ib , ( Klc ; morphine , P. it W. , per o. ' , , M.OO ; opium , per Ib , * 3. < JO ; quinine , P. & W. , per oz , ( lie ; qui nine , German , IM.T oz , 50e ; roehollo salts , per Ib , Due ; Haffron , American , per Ib , 40e ; saf fron , tmo Spanish , per oz , tl 00 ; saltpetre , pure , per Ib , lOc ; sulphur , Flowers' , per ib , 5e ; soda , bi-carb , per Ib , 5c ; silver , nitrate , per Ib , SI 1.50 ; spermaceto , per Ib , OOe ; strychnine , per oz. ? 1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib , 5. > e ; wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , 3ic. ! SriniTs Cologne spirits 1S8 proof , (1.14 ; do 101 proof , SI. 17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , (1.1(1 ( ; do 188 proof , $1.13 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled whiskies , $1.25(3)1.50 ( ) ; gill blended , (1.50(32.00 ( ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00tfiUK ( ) ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.Hi ( ( > 8l.r ( > fl ; ( lolden Sheaf bourbon mid rye whiskies. $1. 50(3.3.00 ( ; brandies , Imported , (5.00(318.00 ( ; domestic , Sl.3to3.00 ( ; gins , Imported , $5.00 < ? ? ( i.X ( ) ; do mestic , (1.25@M.OO ; champagnes , imported , per case , $2S.X)6$3i.OOO ( ) ; ; American , per case , $ MOOiZ ( > 10.00. HIIUS : Green butchers' 3.1 @lc ; green cured , r > i < ( itU > c ; dry Hint , c ; ilry salt , So ; green salted calf,7liJ8e ; damaged hides two- thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25o each. Tallow No. 1. ! l'4c ; No. 2 , 2 e. Groimo Prime white , 4l4c ; yellow , llo ; brown , 2c. Shttip pelts , 10eilH ( ) , according to quality. liranded hides classed as damaged. Fries Raccoon , No. 1 , : > < < ( M5i ) ; No. 2 , 2. > @ 30o ; mink , 10Ci50c ; muskrat , lull , 5So ; niuskrat , spring and winter , 8C < illc ) ; stripped skunk , 1ftf ( ) lOi1 ; mountain Avolf , No. 1 , $1.500 ? 2.50 : No. 2 , prairie , BOfeTOo ; No. 2 , 25i ( 4to ) ; beaver , Mo. 1 , per Ib , f2.Xf3.lH ( ) ( ) ; No. 2 , $1.00 081.25 ; otter , fcl.Offll.U0 ( ) ( ; dry deer skins , SOW JiTic per Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15@ 25c ; deer skins , per Ib , 20W25e. ( LI\TIIIU : : Oiik soles , iCifiiXl'c ; hemlock slaughter sole , 12 ( < f.le : ! ' ; hemlock dry sole , 12 ( < t25c ; hemlock kip , ( iOC'itlOu : A. & B. runner Kip , 50C75e ( ; A. hemlock calf , 00e(3$1.00 ( ; A. A. hemlock cjilf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock upper , lIC'24c ! ; English grain upper , USe ; hemlock grain upper , 2U < 21c ; Tamplco B. L. Morocco , 2ii33e ! ) ( ; TmnpFeo iiejiple , O. U. Mo. , Wtt2le ( ! ; Curacoa , U. G. Mo. , ; iC40c : Simon O. D. Mo. , ? 'J.75(3.V ( ! ( ) ; Uangola kid , : Kig35o ; X. M. kangaroo , 4c ( ) ; American call kid. 32c ; Griesen kids , $ 'UK'i ) ( . > 4. > > iO ; French glazed kids. $2.50C M.75 ; French calf kids. * ; t.0 ; oak kip skins , SSOc ( T5l.OO ; oak calf skins , $ l.OOCl.-0 ; French calf skins , ! ? 1.25c f2.00 ; French kip skins , SI.10 ( * I.50 ; Russltt linings , $0.Kc ( ) ( ) .r > 0 per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50 ( $10.00 jier doz. ; colored toppings , 11.00. AXP TIMllii _ _ : S. _ 2 , 4 7V Kift. IHft 20ft. 22ft. 21ft. 2x4 . .Ifi 75 18 25 1825 Ill Si ! 2xil . .15 75 IH 25 1825 2)2i ( ) 20 25 SxS . .in 75 IS S.i 1H25 202.1 2025 2x10 . .15 7.- > 1825 IS 25 a ) ai 1025 BxIS . .1(1 ( 75 18 25 IH 25 21 S.- , 4x4 8x8 . 17 Srt 18 25 182. . 30 ai 21 SS 1IOAHIIH. No. 1 com , H 1 s.17.50 1 No. 3 com , s 1 s.14.00 No. 8 com , sis. 15.50 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. 13.50 FHXCIXG. No. 1,4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft , rough . $18.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " . No. 8 , " " 14 " . 15.00 No.2 " " Hi " , . 10.00 SI 1)1 NO. A , 12 , 14 & 1(5 ( ft.S20.25 | C , 12 , 14 & 1C. ft.$14.50 B , " " 19.50 | D , " " 11.50 Cnil.IXd AND I'AUTITKIX. 1st com % iii White Pine ceiling . $ : .75 2d " " " " . 2C..75 Clear % in Norway " " . 15.25 2dcom > 'Bin ' " " " . 13.2.1 ri.ooiti.NO. A 0 in White Pine . $33.50 BlHn " " . 31.50 CCiin " " . 28.50 Dliin " " . 20.50 E 0 in " " ( Sel. Fencing ) . 18.00 ( i in. Drop Siding 5Ue per M extra. MTOUK1IOAHPS. A 12 inch sis . $41.50 B 12 " . 3S.50 C 12 " . 3550 D 12 " . 21.50 No. 1 com , 12 in s 1 s , 12ft. . . . ; . 19.50 " " " 14 ft . 18.50 " " " III ft . 18.00 " " " 10 , 18 , 20ft . 21.00 No.3 " " . 18.00 " " " 13&14 ft . 17.50 " " " 10ft . l .no 12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than 12 in Slock Hoards same length. 10 in Grooved roofing same price ns 12 in Stock Hoards. nun' 7 , u > . No. 1 Plain Sand 10 In . $17.75 No.2 " " " . 10.25 No. 1 , OG , Sin . 18.25 riMSIIINO. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , I1in s2 s . $ -19.50 ' " " IK , 2 . 49,50 3d , clear , 1 in , s2s . 44.50 " 1M , Uiln , 2 . 45.50 A. select , 1 in s2s . 3S.50 A , " Itf , IM , SinsSs . 42.50 B , " 1IHK2B . 28,50 , " l , lM,2ins2s . 35.50 13 , select , all 1(1 ( ft , $1 extra. hOl'TllliliN VEI.I.OW 1'INB. Com. 4 irich Flooring . S17.5 Star " " . 19.5 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring . 21.50 Six inch 50e less. Clear ' ( finch Ceiling . 19.50 Clear " ! / inch Partition . 23.50 Clear % inch , Partition $2 above % inch Ceiling Clear Finish , 1 and 1) ) { Inch , H2s . 20.00 Clear Finish , 1 % and 2 inch , s2s . 29.00 Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch . 23,50 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 25,00 1'01'I.AII I.UMIIEII. Clear poplar bx. lids % in s2 H . $34.00 " " U In panel. H 2 s . 27.00 " " CoiTUgatcd ceiling , % , . 28.00 J1ATTKXH , WT.U , TU11INO , 1'ICICKT.S. OG Halts , yi lu . $ 0 " Hx3 , s 1 s . SO 2 In well tubing , D & M and be v . 22 Pickets , D & H fiat . 19 " DHwj . 19 HIIINfll.HS. LATH. XX clear . $ H.OO Extra * A . $ 2.80 * A * Standard. , 2.55 * AHB&B. . . 2.25 5 in clear . - tl in clear . 1.95 No. 1 . 1.30 CednrA * Luth 2.55 Whlto cedar 0 In s . 12 " 9in < irH . " 8ftuirs . " 4 in round . 14 Tennessee red cedar , split . , 14 Split oak . , . 8 Itcal ICHtinc TraiiHfcrs. John Dolnk and wife to Anton WI- ment , part lota 87 and 23 , Kountz 2d addition , w d . , . . .8 1,350 G H Bogfc'B and wife to Markus itoss , Jots 5 und 0 blk 15 , Park Forest , w d 450 South Omaha Land company to Chas. Hanlay , lot 0 blk 70 , South Omaha , w d . 300 Charles Hanloy and wife to Hichard Kiiglemunn , lot 0 blk 70 , South Omaha , w d . 1,000 Hichard Englomann and wife to Ade laide Brandenburg , lot 0 blk 70 , South Omaha , wd . 1,700 Maud Notewuro extr to Price W Hughes , lot 10 blk 4 , Lake's addi tion , w d . 1,300 G H Lyons and wife to T H Finloy . trustea n 100 ftlot 11 12blk2 HilUido add No 2 wd . 0,000 Li V Morse et al to Win Henderson ct al lot 18 blk S Morse & Hruncr's add wd . 150 V O Laitry and wife to Chas G Carlton - ton lot 18 blk 190 Florence w d . 00 Edward Wohlors et al tp Joseph H Hanann ct al lot 24 blk 1 Gate City parkwd . , . . , . . < . 330 T II Tnylor nnd wife to .Tnmo * B Bn- Plpn lot 0 7 8 10 1112Wblk 3 Mayno's add w d 3,780 T H Taylor nnd wifato James K Kn- sign lot 9 blk 3 Mavno's ndd w d . . . 535 W U Albright nnd wife to Thos.t Hut- eson , lots 23 nnd 21 , blk 0 , Mntth cws sub dlv , w d 050 'ctcr Nelson nnd wife to Era F , lllnger , n 32 feet of e C4 f t lot 11 , blk 6 , Parker's add , w d Jennie A Latson to Alfred II Hod- getts , lot 24 , Davenport's sub. w d. . 2,000 Jennie A Latsou to Alfred A Hod- petts , lots 10 nnd 11 , blk 1 , Melrose Llll , wd 1,300 Vndrow Hosewater and wife to T L Hall , u 3 ft of lot 11 , blk 11 , K V Smith1 * add , w d 3,500 I1 L Hall et nl to J W VnnCostcr , n ! U5 ft of lot II , blk 11 , E V Smith's add , W d 4,000 W G Albright nnd wife to A K Kitcy , lots 1(1. ( 17 , 18. 19,20,21,23alid 84 , blk 2.4 , Albright's Cholco , w d 3,200 3d win A Leu vcn worth nnd wife to Vasco A Ewell , lota f ! , 8 , 9. 10 , II , 14 nnd 15 , blk 7 , lots 5 , 8 and 9 , blk 10 , Manhattan ndd , w d 4,500 I F Hammond nnd wife to Frances K Miller , lot 19 , blk 4 , Wise & Parmn- le's ndd. w d C50 Martha M HcnRPl to James H Henscl. undlv k lot 7 , Woodlawn Place , W d 310 Martha M House ! to J H Henscl ot nl , lots 13 nnd 14 , blk' ' , Cotncr & Arch er's add , wd 1,000 Haltlms Jotter mid wife to W U Ho- man , lot 11 , blk 10 , .letter's ndd to South Omaha , wd 1,000 Win Cohurn , sheriff , to C H Paulund , * < lot 7 blk il Klrkwood , s d CO" Martha M Hensel to J H ilonsol ct nl , p ( Hot 1 , 8 , 3. 5. rtJ Arbor place , q o 5 Martha M Henscl ( widow ) to .1 H Henscl , lot 1 nnd 2 blk 0 Arbor place wd 1,089 C H Paul and wife to Win V Sears und Jtf lot 7 blk 3 Klrlavood add w d 100 Twenty-eight transfers nggrcgatng41,570 ! IluHiliiiK PcrintlH. The following permits to build were issued yesterday bv the superintendent of build- tigs : W N Nason , cottage , Corby near Twenty-seventh $ 500 Thomas Evans , six cotUiges , Grace near Twenty-first 3,000 F Hnarmnnn. double two-story frame store and ll.its , Twentieth near Cen ter 3bOO W A Wntrons , cottage , Twenty-second near Locust 400 Ed Christophcrson , cottngo , Ninth near Bancroft 900 franklin Hon-og , cottage and barn , 1000 North Twenty-fifth 1,000 Martin Tighe , cottage , Twentieth near Laird. . . . . . . 500 David P Archer , two cottages , Corby near Eighteenth 3,000 Patrick Heade , cottage , Eleventh near Bancroft 450 L Nelson , cottage , Twelfth near Dor cas 400 Nelson Martin , cottage 500 Conrad Anderson , addition to dwell- in f , 10JI Yinton , KX ) Twelve permits aggregating $11,550 CIIUUOH NO-TICKS. I NITAItlAX. Unity. Seventeenth and Cas.s streets Hcv. W. 1C , Copcland , pastor. Services at. 11 a. m. aud-7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 12:15. : I.ATTIilt DAY SMXTS CIIAI'i : ! . . Northwest corner Twenty-llrst and Clark street. Preaching nt 11 o'clock n. m. ; and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sabbath school at 12:30 : p. m , All are invited. ruins-Tux. First , Twentieth and Capitol avenue lev. ? Charles H , Newnan , pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : ] ) . m. Sunday school 9 : : ! 0 n. m. Y. P. S. C. K. 0:30 : p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 : All are invited. l.UTHIill VN. German,1005 South Twentieth street Ser vices every Sunday at 10 a. m. Sunday school at 8 p. in. E. J. Frcc'se , pastor. Kountzu Memorial Evangelical , corner of Sixteenth mid Iliuncy streets Hev. J. S. Detweiler , pastor. Church services nnd Drenching- the pastor at 10:30 : a.m. and 7:45 : p. m. Sunday school at noon. St. Mark's Evangelical , corner of North Twenty-first and liurdettu streets. Kcv. G. H. Sohnur , pastor. Church services and preaching by tiie pastor at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school at : J:3U : p. in. llAl'TIST. First Baptist ( Strangers' Sabbath home ) , corner of Fifteenth mid Davenport streets Uov. A. W. Lunmr pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:31) : ) p. m. Sunday school at 12Km : ( ) , Pews free. All cordially invited. South Omaha Baptists meet at the M. E church building for Sunday school at 3 p. in. , and preaching at 4 p. m. Hev. F. W. Foster , pastor. The South Omaha public cordially mvidcd. Calvary , Saumlors street near Cuming Preaching by the pastor , Kcv. A. W. Clark , at 10:30a. : m. and 7:3J : p. m. Sunday school at 12:00. : Beth-Eden Baptist Church Park nvciue and Le.ivonworth street. , Rev. II. L. House , p.istor. Morning service at 10:15 : ; evening service at 7:30 : ; Sabbath school at 12 | m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. : Strangers cordially welcome. North Omaha Baptist , 8109 Saunders. street Rev. FV. . Foster p.istor. Preach ing on Sunday at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m Sunday school at 12:00 : m. Young people's prayer meeting at 7 p.m. Regular prayer meeting Wednesday evening. The public cordially invided. IJI'ISCOl'AL. St. Paul Mission , Thirty-second and Casss streets J. M. Bates , missionary. Services , 1'K ( ) : ) a. m. mid 4 p. m. Sunday school 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Friday evening 7:30. : Seats free. St. John's Free , corner Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets. Seats free. Sunday school 9:45 : H. in. Morning prayer nnd sermon 11:00 : u. m. Evening prayer and sermon , 7:30 : p , in. Everyone cordially welcomed , William O.4good Pearson , rector. Mission services Thursday at 7:30 : p. in. at the residence of Mr. John Epenetcr. John Williams , pastor , St. Philip's Free ( colored ) , 813 North Nine teenth street John Williams , pastor. Sun day school nt 3 p. in. Even song at 4 p.m. Strangers always codlally welcomed. St. Barnabas Free , Nineteenth and Cali fornia streets John Williams , rector. Plain celebration at 7:30 : a , m..choral celebration at 11:00 : a.m. Sunday school ut 9:45 : u , in. Choral evensong at 7:30 : p.m. A most cordial wel come always given to strangers , All Saints' , Twenty-sixth and Howard streets Rev. Louis Zahncr , S. T. D. , rector. Sunday after Easter , April 8. Services : Holy communion , 7:30 : u. in. ; morn ing prayer and litany , 11 a. in. ; Sunday school and bible class , 12U : ! ) p , m. ; evensong , 4 p , in. The musli- will be largely the same as that sung on Eustcr Sunday , In the morning will bo sung the anthem "Break Forth Into Joy , " by Barnsby , nnd in the afternoon tlio anthem : "Tho Right Hand of the Lord , " by Rhincberger. Scats free at the afternoon service. Strangers cordially welcomed at nil services. Take Farnuui and ParK avenue cars to Twenty-sixth , or Bt. Mary's avenue cars to Falrviow street. METHODIST nrncoi'Ai , , Hanscom Park , corner Georgia nnd Wool worth avenues Preaching at 10:30 : n. in. anil 7:30 : p. in. Rev. G. M. Brown , pastor. Sun day school at 2.30 p. m. Young people's meet ing ut (1:45 ( : p. in. Prayer meeting wcdnesuay evening at 7:45. : Strangers cordially wel comed. First , Davenport street , between Seven teenth und Eighteenth Rev. T. M. House , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school ut 3:30 : p. m , Scats free. All welcome. Trinity , corner Samplers nnd Hlnncy strceU Rev. A. H. Henry , pastor. Preach ing nt 10:30 : u. in. und 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. Young people's meeting ati:30 : p. in. South Tenth street , corner of Tenth and Pierce streets Rev. C. N. Davlson , pas tor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. : CuKicllur Street , corner Nineteenth ami Ciietcllur streets Roy. W. F Lowe pastor. Sunday school ut 10 a. m. Preaching nt 11 u. in. nnd 7:30 : p. in. Prayer mooting Ihurs- day evening at 7:80. : S.outh Omaha J. E. Eddlcbult , pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning and even ing. All uro cordially welcomed. Crclxhton Avenue Mihalon , corner Crcigh ton avenue and Twenty second clrouta Preaching every' Sunday > > t 4 p , in. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. J. M. Chambers , ( tupcrm- tchdcnt. Norwegian nnd DaiilAh M. K. church , Knights of Pythias hall , 1121 Saundera street Services every Sunday. Preaching by'tho pastor , .Uov. H. l.inlei pn , at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:80 : p. tn. Sunday school nt 12 id , All Invited. Seward Street M. K. church Rev * Charles W. Savidgo will have as his morning sub ject : "Suppers and Entertainments in the Church. " In the even lug : "Omaha at Mid' night , " roxontxmioN u , . Parkvalc Chapel , Twenty-ninth nnd Mnrthn streets. Mr. T. H. Taylor , tnipcrintoiidcnt. Sunday school at 3 o'clock , Plymouth.Nlneteenth and Spruce Mrectfl Rev. A. B. Ponninmn , p.istor. Services nt 10:30 : and 7 : . ' ) , o'clock. Sunday school nt noon. Y. P , S. U. U. prayer meeting Wqd- nesday evening. St , Mary's Avenue , St. Mary's nnd Twenty-sixth avenues. Rov. Wlllard Scott , pastor. Services at 10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday school at noon. Chorus choir In thi evening. Chapels at 3 o'clock. Y. P. S. O. E. prayer meeting Monday evening. Church prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Bethel Chapter , Sixteenth nnd Hickory streets Rev. M. J. P. Thing , pastor , Sun day school nt 3 o'clock , Sewing school ou Saturday at 10 a , m. Beth-Eden , Park avenue Just south of Lcavenworth. Rev. H. L. House , pnstor. Morning services nt 10:45 : n. m. Evening ser vice 7U : ! Sabbath school at 12:00 : in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening nt 7i45 In the church parlors. Strangers cordially welcome. Louts free. Bethel Chapel , Sixteenth nnd Hickory streets Rev. M. J. P. Thing , pastor. Sun day school at 3 o'clock. Sewing school on Saturday at K ) n. in. First , Nineteenth nnd Davenport streets Rov. A F. Shcrlll , D , D. , pastor. Services nt tOiliOmul 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday school at noon. Y. P. S. C. K. prayer meeting Friday evening. Church prayer meeting AVednesdny evening. Free Angelical German , Twelfth anil Dor- cas streets Rov. F. H.V. . Hruechert , pas * tor. Services at 10:30 : mid 7:30 : o'clock. Sun day school nt 2(30 ( o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Cherry Hill , Central park addition. Rov. J. A. Millignn , pnstor. Services nt 11 and 7 o'clock. Sunday school at noon. Young people's meeting nt ( I o'clock. Hillside , Omaha View Rov. H. C. Crane , pastor. Services nl 1030 ; and 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday school at noon. Y. P. S. C. E. prayer meeting Sunday evening. Saratoga , Ames avenue , mid Twenty-fifth street Rov. J. A. Mllligan , pastor. Sunday school at 2:30 : o'clock. Preaching services iu the evening nt 7 o'clock. Park Place , California and Thirteenth streets Rov. M. L. Holt , pastor. Services al 10:30 : and 7 o'clock. Sunday school at noon. vur.snYTr.uiAN. Welsh services held at their rooms 1018 Cuming street Rev. W. Roland Williams , pastor. Sunday school at noon. Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Second , Saunders street-Rev. Win. R. Henderson , pastor. Services at 10:30 : a. m , and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school nt noon. Pining peoples' meeting at (1:30 ( : p. m. Central UnionSeventeenth street between Dodge and Capitol avenue. Rov. John Wil liamson , pastor. Services nt llhlUl'a , m. nnd * 7:30 : ii. m. Sabbath school at noon. Young peoples' prayer meeting nt 0:45 : Sabbath eve ning. All are Invited. Southwest , corner Twentieth and Leaven- worth streets D. R. Kerr pastor , Morning Evening service nt 7:1)0 : ) p. m. Sabbath school at 12:15 : a. m. Young men's meeting at (1:45 ( : p , in. Prayer meetlni ; Wednesday evening nt 7:30. : Teachers' meeting 8:30 : p. m. Wednesday evening. Fiist United , (112 ( North Eighteenth street Rev. E. B. Graham , pastor. Public wor ship at 10:30 a. in. mid 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school at noon. Young peoples' meeting at 0:45 : p. m. Park Avenue United , corner of Park nve- nue and Grant streel. Hev. J. A.Henderson pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : n. in , mid 7:30 : p. in. Sabbath school at noon. All invited. First German , on Eighteenth and Cuming strccth .l. G. Schaiblo pastor. Divine ser vice nl 10.31)a. ) m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school at 12 m. Bible and ( prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. : Germans me nfvited. Strangers made welcome. Cnstellnr Street , Sixteenth and Castcllar streets. Preaching at 11 n. in. and 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor , Rov. J. M. Wlls-on. Sunday school at 3 p. in. Young peoples' union at li:45. : Westminster. Twenty-ninth mid Mason streets. Preaching by the pastor , Rov. John Gordon , nt 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at noon. Hamilton Street , Hamilton street neap Lowe avenue William J. Palm , pastor. Sabbath services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sabbath school at 12 m. Wednesday prayer meeting nt 7:30. : Ambler Place Rev. G. M. Lodge , pastor. Services at 2:30 : p. m. Sunday school at330 ; p. m. m.United United Presbyterian Mission , Twenty- sixth and Ca s streets Rev. John William son , pastor. Sabbath school at 3:30 : p.m. Preaching by paster at 40 : ! ! p. m. South Omaha , corner Twenty-fifth and J streets Rev. G. M. Lodge , pastor. Services at 10.45 a. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Itnox , 1010 Lake street Sabbath school nb 12 m. and preaching services at 10:30 : a.m. and 7:30 : p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. : Rov. Paul Martin , pastor. First , corner Dodge nnd Seventeenth streets Rov. W. J. Hnrshn , pastor. Ser vices at 10:30 : and 7:45. : Young people's meeting at 7:00. : Sabbath school at 12 in. Rev. William A. Henderson , pastor of the Second Presbyterian , will deliver In the evening t lie second lecture on "Tho Life and Timi'K of Jonah. " At Ihu Hanscom Park M. E church , Rev. George M. Brown will tuko for his subject Sunday morning , ' 'Thy Will Be Done" ; even ing , "Christ Before Pilato. " V. M. C. A. Young Men's Christian Association , Wil liams block , corner Fifteenth and Dodge streets Sunday services : Bible class 0:15 : n. m. , Study of Romans , Jail service ut 1 p. m. Gospel meetings nt 4 p. m. Good singing nnd short remarks. All are wel come , Young men's meeting Thursday oven- at 8 p. m. All young men cordially invited. Noon day meeting each week day between 12 mid 1 o'clock. On Saturday at 12 o'clock study of the Sunday school lesson for thu following Sabbath. All are welcome , subject , "How to Get Acquainted in the Church. " In the evening Rev. J. W. Phelps will occupy the pulpit and administer the sacrament of the Lord's supper , will bo sung the an them : "Lord , My God. Behold und Hear Me ; " for alto solo mid chorus , from Mendelssohns1 Thirteenth ! psalm , and at the ofTnTtory thu soprano eolo : "Hear my Prayer , " by the same composer. At the 4 o'clock service will bo sung the an- Ihem : "Lord for Thy Tender Mercies' Sake , " by Fnrrant , and at the offertory will bo sung , the baritone solo , "Tlio Psalms , " by Fauro. Good beats reserved for strangers at all ser vices. Tlio Corner In Copper. New York World : Tlio copper syndi cate whobo huiuUjuurtors nre in Paris la nnt operating n trust , but simply sus taining u protracted corner by control- hit'tor * n certain term the output of about 75 per cent of the mining opera tions in that metal throughout tlio world. Its future is not especially promising , though it inny intiko consid erable money for a lime , There is U6 per cent of the product which it does not control now , and the supply of copper in this country alone in undeveloped dopoaitn is .practically inexhaustible , Tlio result of the high prices which the syndicate must sus tain in order to curry out its plans will bo a coiifctantly increasing yield from both old and new mines. It will have to take so much of tliib yield that , { sooner or later , the load will bo too ' * heavy/or / it to boar , mid it will go the \ wav of most cornerera. 'i'hitt will bo the inevitable consequence quence if the syndicate does not posbCBH an unubual power of centring operation before it iu too lute. Meanwhile the copper production will be HO stimulated that the metal \vill eventually ho cheaper than ovor. This , however , does not prevent the temporary economic injuries inflicted through the rnanipuUiUun of the bcheiuu. J