Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Advertisements unilcr tills heart , 10 cents per
line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
.neqnont Insertion , and * l.nO n line per month. No
/ .ndverllicmtnttnken for less than 25 cents for
the first insertion fcevcn words will be count *
c < l to the line ! they must run consecutively nnd
mitst betMd In nrtvanct * . All advertisements
thiUHt bo handed in before 12:7)o'clock : ) p.m. . nnd
* ( iindcr no clrcflniRtnncct will they bo taken or
cllRContlntietl by telephone , ,
Parties advertising In these columns nnd hay
1nc the answers nddrcsccd in tare of th il < * e ,
tvfll plnase ask for a-chcckto nnblo thsm to net
tlielr loiters , as none will bo dellered except on
presentation of check. AH answers to adver-
tlfipmrnts shouldbe enclosed in envelopes.
All ertlscment * . In thc c columns are pub-
llBhedlnbotli morning nnd evening edltlonsot
, Iho Ilee , thu circulation of which aggregates
- 'more- than 1H.MO papers dally , and gU rs the nd-
.vertiuers the benefit. not only of the city clrcti a-
lon of the llee , but also of Council lllnlK Lin-
roln and other cities and tow us throughout thla
I , parlor tlio west.
r , Advertising for tlioso columns will betaken ,
on the nbovo conditions. at the following bus
iness houses ho ore authorised agents for Tu B
JIKK special notices nnd will quote thesarao
; r raits. as con be hud ut the mnlti olllco.
J * 6 ilN W. HELL. Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
' Street. _ _
//"itlABni EDDY , Stationers ami Printers , 111
J.\J Smith 10th Street.
II. PARNBWORTH , Pharmacist , 2115Cum-
lug btre'cti
1 HO. W. 1'AHH , I'lmrinaclst , 1809 St , Mary's
II. WIUTKIIOUSE , Pharmacist. ICth and
Webster streets
REUTHER. News Dealer , Post Ofllce ,
bouth Omaha.
SITUATION'Wanted Hy n , young nmn ns
coachman In n prlvnto fninlly. 1'onr years
rcforcuco. Address. P. CO. GUtJ-8 *
ANTED Situation by young lady , exper
ienced In rcnl estate and Insurance ) husl-
-Hess , competent to keen set of books , excellent
Iieuinan Address KM , lleeolllce. CM 10 *
"V\7ANTEI > lly it flrstclas * dicsmnker , PU
TT gagagemcnt In pihutc families. t 8 18th.
JIlss Tumor. 02 mOJ
\ , \7ANTEO-lly a ynunic lady , n position as
> TT stenographer and t\pew rlter. Havohnd
cxpcrlenco and can gho best of references.
.AUdl ess V f > 2 , Iteo olllco. ffi > b
"V/U'ANTl.D-A / position as bookkeeper or
T > cashier by a competpnt bookkeopi-i hav Ii years experience. Wliolesnlo IIIMIBH pro-
i ferrpcl. Can give A1 reference. Address I 01 ,
Iteo olllco. ( .576 *
rt"TSTANTI31)Situation by n traveling salesman
( VY will take any tcnltorv fern good Ilini.
Itcndei llrstclass representation and glNosoiur-
Ity nnd rotoiouces. Addiess r , W , cmo
Omaha lion R5U 10 *
' " \i\7"ANTEI ) Situation to take care of horses
, TV nuddoworkin j aril , address P 47 Iteo.
I , O 0'
\\7"ANTED Position In a Rood family as
'TT chninbonuntd. Apply at 111J Douglas st.
' VXTANTED-Onico work or other light cm
TT plo > mentby a boy of correct habits , It :
i years pf ago. Address "Popocatapotlc , " Hart
Ington , Neb , f.73 B *
" 1X7 ANTED A position by a lady : low wages ;
Tl can do short hand and typewriting work ;
nlsokotp books , tenth 01 till cusliloi'.s position.
Host of inference. Addiess Y. , HCfl Knimim-st.
WANTED Men to make & > per day taking
. orders for our goods Co ° moj > Pub
llshlnj ; Company , Uoom 4 (1 l'-\tou Itlock.
717-8 *
" \A7 ANTKD-Stendy boy , about 15 j can old. to
TT learn in architect's ollico ; no play. Ad-
cress ] 'C7 , Ilee. 7IU lot
ANTii : At Cititkert Ic McDonald , 3H
T T South 15th Htieet. three good coat milkers.
Long steady w ork to the right men. 40 J S
fANTKD Awntrhmaknr ; must be n Jeweler -
oler , to work in a loan ottice buslines on
half prollt , at Mucoln , Nub. Thu best loiatlon
In the city Must lm\o his own tools. Addtuas
II. Uoldnater , 1.13North 9th st , Utnoln , Neb.
' 710-
uTT7ANTii : ) men to sell Shetland-Mountain
" > t poin > s ; llttlo bounties ; Hpotti'd and " > olld
' 'colors ; laigest herd In America ; sample pony
free oi ( reasonable tonditlous ; larp oppoitimitv
for builness Addipss lurgn solf-.iddiosswl
stamped cm elopo. 11. Van K.iub , Jloeine , Kvu-
t > , < lallCo , Texas. r < > U *
'T\TANTni ) An oxporlpiieed deputy for an
TT assessment beneMilentotdei attrac
tive fpatiups and a Ion do ith iati- , easy to woik.
.Addievi lOoniCJ , AahLinil block , Chiciiro , 111.
VNTI.D Agrnts to camnss a full line of
household specialties , J21 N. l.itn ht.
732 S *
J ) ( lood imiii and wife to cook for
IT bridge camp in \ \ joining , $7V faro paid ;
no objection to a man with giown bou und
daughter , who could wait on tabio and w.ibh
dishes ; good wages to them UMJ ; also pastry
cook. WU , one at J.Ci : dishwashers , waltusand
.all kinds of good help wanted ut Mrs Ilu.g.i's ,
3IB815th , up stairs. O3 SJ
JT1WO men and wives to work on farm. Mrs.
JUl.rega.8inS Kith. Ml 8J
V\/TANTEI / ) T'HOcoatmakers. If yon at o a
TT good , steady workman , and not fullvsat-
Islled with your Job , it will piy joti to wilto us.
Graves & Son , Central City , Nob. ON ) u ?
" \\7ANTHD PI rst class cook , man or woman ,
T T Gonmin or Uphe'inlau. Lurupean hotel ,
' 023 S. 10th. 678 U
"VVrANTKD A good , reliable young man to
" TT woi kin clothing stale. U17 N. 10th st.
i C7U U'
WANTED (11 ( mil nl agents both sexes , also
cnuwisbcis to Mill iiiw i tibber nndeigai-
ment for l.tdli's ; the ginmlest money makittg ln-
vontlon OUT made. U.S. Homo Mfg Co . t'hi-
cage , 111 Ladles'dept , C47 D *
" "XT/'ANTED A man that has good expeilenco
Tl in an employment olllco. lieirlnir &
Plorco.lJI.lSlltliHt. fif'J ' 8 *
, \A/ANTKI > -50n salesmen ( o get a 15o dinner
' today at the Pamotis lestauraut , .ims
f CM ) B3 :
VTAN'IED A good barber Call or uddi ss ,
John 1C , OtteiHtoln , North Platto. Neb.
521 ' . )
\\/"ANTRl ) I reliable and Industrious young
oil moil to KO to Jowa. 61. , PaMon block.
iTake IClevator. ) M.1 lu *
'IS/'AN'rED Meii und women uM-iywheio for
TT a genteel business guaranteed to pUy Juj
" l > er wi'okpriillt easier than other lines pay 8uO
* } > er month , t'J snmples fieo to either snx hoek-
, Ing permanent employment. Kxpoiloucu abso-
lulely umii-cpisary , Merrill Mfg. Co. . II
.TV TANTED Agents for combined door and
. nlaim bells. 1721 St. Mary'.s nvo.
SALESMEN WiuitoU I'l\o ti.uollnii sales
men ; salary and expenses , no experlenco
t Jierossary. Adurcba n 1th stamp , Palmer A ; Co. ,
t .Wuunji. Minn. 4A7 b *
, * tX7ANTED Man To taVo the agency of our
V > * arohMzo2 ; < 5xlt-x 18 Inches ; . . iglitMJ Ibs. ;
Totull prut ) flU ; other sires In piopoitio'i. A
v cnnuco to rrcnto a pi'rutani'ut business at
, . .biimi' . ' 1 bge hates meet a demand ne'ver bo-
fstu Biippllea by otlur tafo wo'
. .nro not go\irma by the Mfo txjol. Alpluo hafo
Co. . CtinSinHltr. O. U-\A11J (
WANTED few pel sous in each plai o to do
light writing Endotit stump for 5' ' ) page
ltok ) of partlculara to J , H Woodbui y , Albany ,
* Ni Y. UJJa21 *
AOMN'J'H wanted to take exclusive lights to
hull the fahtPbt Filling aitlclit evermade .
Address J , M , Wolfu A Co. , 1'u'mont , Neb
W ANTED-Men lor uuirimd work , Albright's
Labor ngi'liey , ll.Xl I'luiuini. CU1
TI3OV6-Am. DM. Ue ) . Co , 1X4 ! Douglas ,
WAHThD--FtelilALti HELP.
\\7"ANTED-llrl * o take care of i hildmi , and
IT doscionil work Mis , Robert Pnnls , 21CO
fit. Maiy'n ave. U4U
tMNTED-Good girl for UIIUIU ! house w oik
' : Kuruuiu > t. 7U7-U *
ITA'NTED Girl for geneial housework ; no
I51U Howard , Mrs.allaie. .
X7AN'J'ED-At the City Intelligence olllce ,
TT Crolghtoii block , comer Ifith and POUR-
las streets , cuakit , chambermaids , laundrubbes ,
uurso sirli , waiting miilild , etc , for private
fiimtllna in thu city , W to fcipe-rwcek. luivo
u nice waiting room , which is free to all , and
WB bend giiUlo pluieti in prhute families free ,
rfXTANTKD- Woman cook. 40 ; lnt.M ; expo-
TT to luUeutlrtchaiguof 2
clilldreu , wages 20 ; I area paid AUo good
luiimlrnsn , I Is ; bturcher fis ; 4 dining-room glrU
IS ; clrl toalf on 1m alldJady and tnno iurt * of
Xllttloxtflstftind olriit jeara ; 2 nurse git b , a
llohemlau girls , 4 Oermaiis , 20 ( or
touKework. Mis. . liKg * , aiu S. Wh ,
WANTED KutRO girls , dishwashers , first ,
second Rlrls , general JionSow ork and lady
cooks. International Kraploymont ofllce , 1420
Dodgp , corner IMh st. Telephone TO. None but
respectable nnd competent girls w anted , 42 9
TVANTET ) Olrl f oFVeneraTliouscw oriel I n"
> T quire 201r California. 701101
WANTED A nrst-class Rtrons girl , to cook ,
wash , iron , etc. Good wages. Apply 2216
Leavonw orth-st. f i7-8i
" \\7ANTE D A competent second girl at 1909
> T Parnam. 7411)J
TyTANTEl ) Lady agents for our improved
T > combination bustle skirt. Removable
hoops. Can bo laiiudrlod. Latest Paris style.
Ono agent sold 500 In Columbus last spring , and
mndo JVM. Spring trade now Address with
stamp , E. H Campbell & Co. , 48J W. Randolph
street , Chicago , Wi 10
\XrANTKO-Imtncdlatcly , ladles to work for
TT n wholesale house on needlework at their
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) ( lood pay can bo
made. Everything furnished. Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , in 8th
St. . NPW York City. 2'il
" \\7A.NTin ) Men and fioy.s out of work to call
> > at the City Intelligence olllco ( Cielghton
blk. ) . coiner I'th and Douglas sts _ JMIT
. Employment office , main and fe
male help sent to all parts If faro i-s ad
vanced. IteCoreuce , Umahn National bunk ,
Mrs. Dregd & Son , 31fl S. llth. Tel. KH.
WANTED A neat qutot joiinit lady roofu
mate with references. Address 1 ttt. Iteo
olllce. _ 7Ai-b *
t _
" \XrANTED-2or8sinill houses moved. Cor.
YV I5tli mul Patinc st. U I' . Copson. r > "uyj
rilAII.OHS \ % anted at once , 2 conttnakers and a
1 vest maker , Apply to A. Kongo & Co. , Sow-
ard.Nob , r.74 ht
" \\7ANTr n Parties ImUng lots or lands ,
> > especially trackage , who are willing to
make concessions for the locating of maim-
factoiles , trt flte'plats of thn same with mi' II.
A. hidings , secretary Omaha Iluslness .Men's
association , reading loom , Paxton hotel , city.
ANTKD-aopd" estate listed with mo.
C. r. Harrison. 4188. ISth st. U15
H WANT more small houses for rent. 1' L.
1 Gregory , icntal agt-nl. , J S. 10th. 010
BOAHD Wanted lly gentleman and nlfn and
duughtei , eln\on-ycar-old , also .Noting lady ;
two connecting looms on second or third Moor ,
with good table board and desirable locality ;
$ 11 fit ) per month ; prlvato family preferied.
Address PM , Iteo olllco IX,4 10 *
EIHST-CI.ASS board piivato family , 114 N.
18th St. , bet. Dodge and Capitol avis.
bOl 11
RS (1. ( P. WELLS , board J4.GO per week. COT
S. 1.1th st. UN K"
A WIDOW lady of rellnemeut would like a
few gentlemen boarder * . They will Hnd a
pleasant home. Address r .11 , lleo oillco 4"0 8 *
\\rANTKD-Por th 1st of May. oy a man of
T T quiet habits , single room and board w Ith
prnato family , btato teims. Addiess P. W ,
Ilee olllc e. 74J-S *
ENTLEMAN wishes room , with bie.ikfitst
- and supper , In private family ; comtonlent
location ; comfoitablo home wanted. Addiess ,
wit terms , etc. , FC4 , nee. 7J.1 lOt
\rANTITIJ ilythreo gentlempii. sljedrooms
( II beds ) , and parlor ; modem con\eu-
icnccs ; stable if possible ; uptonn location
Otrers wlUi price to I' m , lieu olllce : 03(1 ( 8
FOR HP.NT A C-room cottage No. Bll South
a Ith bt. 7JO-
HOUSH Per Rent When you llnd your house ,
buy one of the o $ .1 Ml decorated toilet sots
nt MoodyX 302 N. Ifith st. 71r > 8
" 1710R RKNT Disliablo S-room house ; whole
-I ? or lutrtof fiirnltuio for sale ; lent $ . " > 0 per
mouth. Addiess I'67. lleo. 7S3 M
T710R RENT A 7 loom Hat , all modern Im-
L provemcnts , in splendid lepali , locitod on
corner ol S.iunders and Sew ard str ets , on stn et
car line. Imiuliu of John 13. I'm ay , Siftl Suw.ud
at. 711 lot
POR RENT Six desirable Houses , fiom ? Jj to
fV ) per month. Le.i\ltt Utirnham , Rooml ,
Jielchton block. 077
"ITIOR RENT Two fi-room hous"s , ono 7-room
JL1 house with bain , between JITith and Howaid
bt luiiulro of H. P. Ilamnnu"Slr Lea\e'nnojth.
Uf 12 *
"TjlOlt'RENT 1 nrnished house , 01 looms with
J 01 witlioul bo.iiil. tot ! bouth Mb street.
cr,7 h
G-IIOOM cottage oil Davenpo rtt , neil llth ,
lent0. ! fiiiuitinejii'i , toims easy. Co Op
L. .V L. CoMl N. loth st. ' 070 3
I /-ROOM Hat In best location on Painam fit ,
J v > lentSlHi , furnittiie renson.vble. Co Op. L ,
L. Co. . 15VJ N. Irtth bt. 070
"IjlOR KENT Seveial veiy i hoice new nouses ,
Jl w Ith all modern impiu\ements. Cl.ukhon ,
1 ! ) S. 14th. OU II
FOR RENT s-room house Iiuiulio , J. P.
llattonMilCapitol ! a\e tA" . U"
FOR RENT fi loom house , also 3 rooms snlt-
nbln for light housuKeoplug. Apply. Aill
Charles st. Ul b *
" 171OII RENT When you want to rent a house ,
JU store of odlcego to II. E. Colo. &
FOR RENT 7 nxini House , city water , well
and cistern. > . ' 21li California st. Inquire N. H.
Hall. I.MO South 14th bt , M Iloor. U17 W
BAIK5AIN 7-room flat for lent Purnlture
lor snlo for H-'M. JJdO ( ash , balance on time.
Inquire IBlbM St. Mar'nave . , tlist dool to lott.
FOR RENT May 1st. 10-room liouse. All con
veniences. Ml'h. H. M. Wliituioie , IK N lUth
FOR ItKN'T During the bummer months
only , lOrrtilm liouso completely fuinlsheit ,
with all inndein Impinvuinunts , on Paikave
Addiess P 10 , lleo olllco Mi
RENT Eight-mom Hat , with nil modern
comeulcncoa , WiS Uthst. Mis. M. Lan o.
T71OR Rl'.NT A 7-room Hat. Inqulra of Oeo.
JL lUjglns , in the cigar store 1U15 Howard st.
NEW housus at $10 pci month , for lent In Km-
llngtim Couterudd. D. I ) , bmuuton , room
41 Ilaiki'i block. .ui 8
IilOR RUNT A neat W cottage. Apply nt
1 once.P < Marilson , 4188 llUhst. ill
"lilOR RENT - elegant B-ioom houbts. all m od- <
JL' tin Lonveulencus , Hxctllt'iit location , con
venient to stiect cars , J.r > per month if taken
soon. II. E. Cole , no 15th and Douglas. 'J 0
FOR RP.NT-Cottago0 looms. 7th nnd Will-
ianis. Inquire J. P. Itou , 10th and Illtkory ,
1T1OII RENT An elegant 0 room dwelling Just
JL' built , with stublo and all modem improvcv-
m < nts. Including laundiy , lavatory on giouud
Iloor , cedar closet , etc. , location , Capitol avi'iitio
near ith ; rutit moderate. Apply to D J. O'Dou-
phoe , c.uoof O'Donahoo & blietfy , 114 S. Ifithbt.
RENT House of 0 looms with bam , J ,
Miner , room 401' ' . PaMon blk , 1 1 h7l.
"IjlOR RENT. A ) lvp-ioom house In good re *
J * pair , at 2iUb Douglas street. tin 7J
0 HOUSES lantrally located , rent from 8U to
K5. lunilturu for sale on monthly payments.
Coop , L and L Co , 20.5 N , 10th st. HXi
FOR RiNT ; Tw o Bplfimlld f > and 7 room cot
tages , large barnu , line grounds and mod
ern Impiocmeuts. . 1'attcrson < ! t Paw cctt , 318 S.
15th bt. ! T J
I poll RP.NTMco 7 r om hoiuu , close tostore ,
M heel , church , st. cirs , only J.W a month. C.
F. Hurrlbon , 418 S. IMhbt. U74
POR RUN'J1 An Plecant new 8-room house
and bain , o\ery modirn con > enicnco ; a
complete home , good neighborhood , street cars
cluup lent. J. 11. Parrotto , rentul afci-ney. iuo )
CliUago btrect. 7Ua21 (
FOR RENT Anil fnrntturo for salt * , almost
nuw , at a bat gain , best house and location
in city ; e\oiy modern coinonience ; this w ill pay
to invi'btlgato at onco. Apply 17W Dodge JV1
FOR RENT Twelroom nouse , tKth and
and Mason streets , 1 10 per month , J. B.
Caulneld , 130t Farnam st 25J
1 7"birilENT House 11 rooms. W. M. Hush-
man. N U corner 10th and Douglas , 255
UltN"lsmDTionrr.xrii. : bult'ablo forlor i
t'entleme-n , 1J11) ) Chicago , TA-8 *
TrToR RI.NT Nicely futnlshod room on cur
JL' line , 110. lU3g4tllbt. 74r > 8J
FOR RENT Nice furiilsbed room In nice cot
tage , if per mouth , 4UO William bt. , 8 minutes
walk southeast U. P. depot. V i
FOR RENT Laige furulnhod front room
w 1th board , nl o room and board for single
gent. ln < | Ulrt ) 1H14 Pnrnam st. 74fl 1U *
1 0 It RENTTolTlady , large , well furuUhed
JU bedroom tvlth clcwet. ona bloek from high
school , on ( jlilix Hue , * 15 per mouth , AddrcBi
Aith , ref r ace , V , W , lleo offlco. " " '
N1CKLY fnrnlshfed front 6r bncX room for
gentleman nnd w Ifo ortwo pcntlemen. with
board , ( n prlvnu family. 3411 IlttinlUon st , two
doors from Saunders ; batht , hot nnd cold w ater.
_ _ TSl lot
FIRN LSHEI ) room , w luTTMinrd , for oria or
two gentlemen. 14l3SolOtn st. 750. 6 *
BLBUANT suit of furnished rooms for gentle
men only nt 1814 St , Mary's ave. (171 ( 8t
NICELY furnished rooms , 318 North IBthst.
211 14 *
KOOMB A Inrga alcove room with two com-
modlousilosctii and bath room adjoining ,
with board , in prlvato family , suitable for mar
ried couplp. Location desirable , nnn block from
cable nnd horse cars. References required. P.
O. box 274. city. 7038 *
NICE fttrnl'hpd rooms for 1 or S gentlemen.
Call nt G17 Pierce st. 7(11 (
T710R REST Desirable furnished and unfur *
JU nlshcd rooms , 8. W. cor. 13th nnd How nrd.
] 700 U *
NICELY furnished rooms with board if de *
aired , Ull N. Ihth st. 6808
" 1710R RUNT A fittlto ot rooms , also wlnglo
J. bed room , 2301 Dodge , near High school.
CitlO *
rpWO nicely fumtshed front looms with board ,
JL Jpur week , 314 N l.ltll. fl t *
TT10R RKNT Pour rooms In brick lint , fnriit-
JU tttro for sale. Room ? , 60TS. IDtlrst ,
( ftp ti *
"VTICRLY furnished front room suitable for 2
-L > gentlemen ; lent reasonable , ivt 41i ! B. Huh.
TTIOR RENT Two nicely flli'lilshrtir front
JL1 rooms for light housekeeping , W K , luth.
FOR RENT 2 now olcp.lnty furnlshcil rooms
John 1. Payntor , UnXS Parnam , ( ilft
TT ot RENT-Nlcey furnished south fi-ont
JL ; rooms , single or ensulto , 2214 t'arnam nt.
[ IH.t
_ _ _ _ _
NICELY furnished frontrooni lor renl cheap ,
2110 Hat-nay st. KM IJ
_ _
SPITE of olllco rooni for rent , centrnllv lo-
catc'd ; iiunilte A. A. Stewart , Go'os hotel.
f > H il
_ _
FOR RP.NT Large nice furnished fi out room ,
one block from lloyd's opeia house , llln
llaineyst. , ftiinlturo forsilo If desired. Call
between 4 and (1 ( p. in. to-day orStinday. OJO 8.1
TJIURNISIIP.D rooms 1U SSJtli. fi20 1SJ
ITIOR RENT PnrnlRlipd rooms , w ith or with-
- L1out board , GOi 8. 1,1th st , 3d Iloor. W)7 ) U *
S M A LL furnibhed rooms. SU20 St. Mary's ic. .
N'Milto. furnished front looms , slnglo or en
Milto. cheap , all modern conveniences. No.
ISS'i ' St , MoryVjive , 3d Iloor , eastsldo. U)88 )
IIH ) iTltKNT-Sulto of furiTlsitld rooms. 1707
.T Pod go. _ 4-'U 8 *
FOR RENT 3 or 4 furnished or unfurnished
rooms , for housekeeping , ut 1414 Leaven-
w 01 th. _ 501 ;
POR RKNT Nicely furnished rooms en suit
or slnglivlt 1. ) 11 ow nrd St. . 3d Iloor C.70 i )
TPOH RENT Two furnished rooms with board
JU at 1D12 Chicago bt , RofcioncoHicqulrcd.
50 0 *
VERY pleasant largo furnished rooms ; all
dcslied icmvenlencesprhato ; housetmard ; If
dostrcd ; 1 block from postolllce. 1815 Capitol ave.
FOR RENT Ono elegant new front room
with all modern conveniences , 3 blocks
west of the court house , \ \ ' block from two rall-
w ay lines , 2107 Douglas. 021) )
TJOOMS 51.00 to | 1.60"li6s sTsth btj fi33 Ul3J
N'ICELY furnished room with atcoxo nnd
other rooms with day board , 2210 Painam.
IMH 8 *
N'ICELY furnished rooms also day * board
within ouu bloek of cotut house , HIS. IBth.
482 10-
FOit RENT Fui ulslied rooms , modern con-
venlcnces. ? 10 to t J. 700 S. 17th avo. 4M
TTIURNISHED rooms , with gas aim bath , north
JL ; side Lp.ivonw orth. bet. 17th anil Ibth. 4W ! U
Tj > OH RENT Cheap , nicely furnished front
-13 room. UOS S. llth st. CX )
17IOR RENT Nicely furnished roam , with
JL1 board.lor 1 or. . : ! iontliincii ; ( UOSt. Mary's ave
"IT1OR RENT Elegant fiont room for gentle-
-L' man und wife , boaid. l ? l Davenport at.
, gas , bath , steam heat , 2Ul S. 24th
121 a 27 *
FOR REN1 Furnished rooms , all coiuoul-
encos. A. Hobpe , Jl'iN. 17th htroet. 250
FURNISHED looms. 1810 Dodge.
FOR RENT I'urnlshed rooms , 1118 Dodge st.
r > 2i ' )
POR III.NT Pleasant turulshcd i-ootns for
gentlemen. WJ Howard , near Cozzons
house , J8 , upwards. 225 a ! ) *
V'EATLY furnished front room to rent nt 1WI
-Li I'aniam st , 1 block west of court liouso.
2 > 7
"IT1OR RENT Newly furnished rooms , heated
-L1 and w Ith use of bith. Rent moderate 2017
Leivouwoith st. 849
ITIURN1SHED Room to rent. 2020 St. Marys
J3 avo. 7H7
FOR RENT Pnrnlshed rooms In Qruutilg blk
cor. 1 ith and Dodgu sts. Iiniulre of Geo. R. .
DaIs. . Mlllurd betel billiard room. 258
LA ROK pleasant room , modern conveniences ,
17US Chicago st. 26'J
LARGE room with closet , SOU S. 3-M.
7 t8
IjlOR RENT Rooms furnished and imfur-
-lv nished. 1724Cap. avo. 2CO
OIl RENT 4 rooms 1701 Webster st.2.- ( K )
1 rooms 4l'J S. PJth bt 15 Cl
4 looms 170. Webster ht . . . 30 OJ
I btisi ment , sultublu for barber shop , bp-
tw eon 1 arnam and Ilarney on Uth st . 2o 00
t looms 171)2 Webster st . . .20(10 (
K rooms , 1HII Howard fat 10(10 (
3 looms , H12 Plinco st , . , IBM )
Judge Rental Agency , S.W , cor 15th A : Harney
rpilREEunfurnished rooms. 1100 S. liith
74 MO *
FOR RENT A good storeroom on a gooil
street , splendid place for a grocery Morn , no
near conipetltiou , on cor of two paviid htreets ,
almost In center of city , Rent reasonable. Ad
dress immediately , P 70 , Roe olllcu. 710 10
FOR RENT Harbor bhop and furniture , gooil
location , rent cheap * Jimuiro HJi S. I it list.
o'W 14 * .
FOR RKNT-1 laigo bisemont. suitable for
printing olllcn or barbur shop , linjulru
at 4 4 S. 15tli St. , Engelmanu grocery store.
"II1OR RENT Fho store rooms , centrally lo
J ; catod , rent cheap. J , U , Mluci' room 409
PaMon blk. . tel. 874. 074 H
FOR RENT Tlireo stoips nnd basement at
1005 Parnam street. Inquire ut Room Itf ,
Arlington bloek , 1511 Dodge St. , botw e-en U aui
l.'u. in. 603
1J1OR HKNT Two business or ollico rooms on
JU Ibt Iloor W3 pur month. W. E. Clark. 1411
Haruoy. IM
FOR RENT The three story brick building
aud basement on l.lth St. , on corner of alley
In the rear of the new Plist Nnt'l bank building
will glvo a 3 or 6 j ear lease at u , low rental. C
Hurtman & Co. , 1011 Faruum. C71 u 16
- now occupied as
' my olllco on IMh bt. C. F. Harrison , 418 H 15th
FOR RENT First-class frame store building
bOby24 feet , first-class businowi location
Apply to I. W Roberts , Albion , llotmo Co , Neb
FOR RP.NT-4 acres old land In llonllc-ld ad
clitlou. will make a good garden. Address
F CO. lien Qltlce , ftl7
TOR RENT I ha\e the choicest wholeMik
JU building with trackage in the city , and the
Anhcuaer-Iluscli btilldluci ) , corner ith ) am
Capital uvctiuo. Clarkbou , 210 Bouth 14th.
154 } U
WANTED Houses to rent , and we ran ren
them too. II. K. Cole , N. B. 15th aud
Douglas. S < X
L 1ST houses for rent with JL E. Cole , N. K
15th and DougUm. iifti
/TJHEOOHY , 1' . L. . lleiital ugent , 309 8 16th st.
IJIOR RENT If you wish to rent a house cal
JU on lleuiwa & Co. , 15th bt. , oppoalto P. O.
T > ER80NAL t3.20 for a decorated toiletbelli
-L Moody' * China btoru , 30J N , Ibth st. 715 U
TJ1OII ADOPTION--1.onutlftil , liealthy girl
J3 baby T weeko oWiJIUN. JJth St. H 0
f P.PSON3 In nrt-S'trs"1r Vpseliotf , dtuillo'lll
J-l North 17th f > t..ilrawing , oil painting nnd the
nrlotls brnnche-I bf dUcDfatlve art. Designs
or sale or to orderld nl 65R 11 *
7HU adoption , nov baby 4 wppks , nlsoglrlJ )
- : months old. Addr&ss B 4i , lleo ofllcp .
; * 703-11 *
IHIK demand for phpnltand writers is In ex
cess of the supply. Shorthand conr ncom
> lcted ut Valentino's.Shorthand Institute lu
rom four to six inojhns. Send for circular.
- I- * *
flu seen L. O. .Tones *
"Male Mlrror.V .Call at 1300 Farnam for
no or send ddressoiipfstnl. ( . 8l <
PERSONAL Prl\w2o Homo for laales during
L confinement , slrJetly confidential. Infants
.dopted. . Adctresi EH2'lleo olllco. 537 a 14 ?
IEI SONXlPfirTadlos in particular : VlMt
Prof , Hutcliason's Ladies' Hair Dressing
nd Manlcuro Parlors. Rooms 033 Paxton
dock 734 Bt
DKUSONAlA-I.lstyonr property to excnango
JL wlthC. C. Hpotswo < Kl. 3V ( > ' ' < S. 10th. st SW
LOST Silk purse on the Farnnm and Park
inc. ear , Thursday evening. * lease return
o Mrs. A Pratt , 120J park ave , and rocolvn re-
\ard. 713 W
[ OST Don't lose the opportunity of bit J lug
Ij one of those decorated KnuUsh toilet sets at
Mooilj ' 8 China Store , J03 N. lUth st. 7lfi 8
P OST Water spaniel put ) , with nickel collar ,
JU from 41IN. iotli st Kenate for leturn.
714 1U *
OST-Krtduy evening , little black dog with
stgel collar and bell on. 1'Iuder will please
bring to fi07 S. 1,1th street , and get rewind.
IOBT On Sunday , April la small pug dog 1
J year old. had on silver collar tltd with rod
iboon , Jo rowuid will bo paid for his return to
Vood's Kxprt'ss Co , 1510 California st. 678
L1AKKN Up April 0 , 1 black cow nt It.
Kountzc s residency. On ner can luivo same
ty calling. COVH *
EOITND-MW ) for a very prettv decorated
English toilet set at Moody' * , IW2 N. IfitH st.
715 H
FOR SALE Typewriter at a Hargoln. Ad
dress 1' . 01. Ilee. 711-b
\\71''I' R ° ll Hvo tickets , very choice seats ,
V ? llooth and Harrett , Julius Cii'sar night , no
speculation. Room Ml , I'qxton block. TUO-tl *
OR BALK Cheap , n good pony , suited for
t ; riding or delivery wngon , will take part
'rocerios in trade. 37th and Capitol nvenuo.
71OK SALE Good span mules , weigh S.'OO ,
J new wagon and hiirnc s. Immlre li > 8 S.
Uth or 14 ! N. IBth. Oeo. Klsui. 1HB
"IT OIt SALE Cheap , flvo deslrablo horses for
JL1 business , buggy and driving use. 0. II.
"Ionian , ! W4 South 15th st. 45H B *
FOR SALE A speedy pacing horse , new
plnao-box buggy and a now set of single
tarness , all hand-made , with rubber mounting.
Will sell separately. H. U. Irey , Fronzer block.
FOR SALE First class diiving rig for pleas
ure or business line borso with rattling gait and beautifully broken to saddle for
lady or gentleman , piano box sidebar buggv as
good as new. hat ness , cutter , robes , etc. , a com
plete outtlt including saddles if desired ; inspect
at stable Chicago and llth sts. , or call on Lieut.
Greene , Strangbidffliriiam and 10th. MS 1 $
IOH SALE Clieap , r > desirable horses for
family or busluedriving. . C.I1. Sloman. iMI
S. 15th Bt. . ii 010 U *
FOR SALE Cheaptwo ponies with harness
and two top bu glo- ) . one slnglo and one
double boated. Inauire Kagle house , 414 S 14th
, CttJ 10 *
THIRST class bicycle for fcnle at less than ono-
J- half cobt. Dr. IIaui bit\\out's Dental oince ,
cor. I.ltli and rarnunibt , Umaha. 487
B ARGAIN Match teanl and top buggy. An
thony Joltnsou , 152J t'arnam. Kit
OR SALE Nlco bay rtrhing horse. C. F.
Ilarilson. 41BS. 15th8t.- > 1)75 )
HAVE a carload , of mules anil horses , also a
thoroughbred stallion at bedrock prices.
2113 Cumlng St. ' 67210 *
POR SALE The furniture , carpets , fixtures
and lease of n i pleasantly located , nouly
fiirnlstud house , near horse and cable cars ,
House heated "by steam , furniture , etc. , in use
less than a year ; must bo told at once. 1'or par
ticulars apply to Ilfutm.uiA , Uibioil , 1U1J K.u-
uam ht. 4U7
FOR SALE Two(2) ( ) tubular steel boilers filx (
II feet , with smoke stack , steam gtuiges ,
glass water gtiagus. etc. . all complete ; will sell
cheap. Addiesb Pred Krug , liiewcr , Oiuaha ,
" ob. Dfij
rpo ARCHITECTS , engineers and turvevors
JL homo llrst class Instruments forsalo cheap ;
second-hand , but in good condition : " lo\els , 2
compisses , 1 sextant. 1 pl.inlmetcr. I theodolite ,
with their htands and cases , and seveial smaller
instiuments and meabures , at Stringer & Co. a ,
151H Dodge st. Cl )
TTIOR SALE Phaeton , almost now. Room 2 ,
JJ Omaha Nat'l bank. R. M. Patterson. J'Jl 8
POR SALK-Largo Hall's bate , now. M. A.
Upton ACo. , Oil-
FOR SALE At a bargain 50 feet of shelving ,
30 foot of countermand ono ice chest , suit
able for grocery store. Enquire ut 812 S. 10th St.
FOR SALE 8 or 10 horse power engine ami 12
horse boiler In good order. Cheap for cush.
Itei-s Printing Co. 747
POR SALE Or tiaili > , ono family horse , also
now bugg ) . A. Hospe. 15U Douglas ht.
740 a 21
FOR SALE Dormant scale capacity n,4M
pounds. Phil. Stlmmcl & , Co . ulj-on.loiwi
St. , Omaha. 207
FURNITURE ! Purnltnre Who wants house-
hold furnltuiu. good as new. I'or cash oren
on time. J. J. Wilkinson \ Co , 1117 K.irnaiu Kt. ,
Room ! ) and 10. 701)- )
rPHE ( Jreat Strlko Organl/e a colony for
-i Southern California , the only perfect ell-
matt ) lu Ameilca Imalldn restoied to health ;
llncst orange and Ii tilt lands now cheap ; new
tow n hurvi ) ed , uvery colony rich and prosper *
ous. Capitalists , farmers , mechanics , business
mi'ii and women hhotild Join now and get lands
and town lots nt thu low pi ices hold to colonists
only , Payments may run.'I or 4 yeais , I'or In
formation and largo plat of colonv lands write ,
Incloslm ; ti'ii nuts postage * , to L , II Lymun ,
Masoiullle , Iowa , until Due. , after that to hail
Luis , Obispo , California , Keep address for inf
erence. 7
C ASH paid for secondhand banks ut the An-
tlquariiiu book store , . ) ) H N. Kith st 6-Nm *
HOUSE CLEAN1NO-W. M. Pane is pie-
pared to do a general homo cliunliig busl-
n s , Piomptuttentloii given to cleaning aud
laj Ing carpets , washing windows andpalnts.ctc.
Plenty of help no delay Lei\e orders at 'M'i
8 , IStli st. Tulophonu No. 40 _ CM h *
NOTICE Oo to the SwbJiHh ftiinlturo stern
for bargains in furniture parlor bulls , pil
lows and slot os , 1718 Ht. Maiy save. f > JI 10J
B O you Fiti'mrtirbulliTthlM priiig , if so toiiio
and sin us , wocauoirer jou the bust of in
ducements. . U.K. Cole ; N E Cor. 13th und Doug
las. „ ' ' ilW , W
EP. HINUKII , 111) ) > 'li st. . real estate und
loans. If you wjmtkitp buy , soil or ex-
rhaugo real estate tn msrcliundlso , see K. P ,
Ringer. Corruspoudftycft llclted , ! KX )
\\7ANTP.D A good hrse ( , buggy and harness
TT in pxchango for S < mtJo Omaha low. ( Joorgo
J.Stcrnsdoilf ,
FOR RUNT Farm. Ji.0 acrea , on t IP Papllllon ,
posbehsion immediately , lluggn .v Hill.
1408 Pai mini st. r ' 720 10
TV I IDWTl T-Mra. : C. < ; Wl'i.ton ' , N. J. . cor loth
lil und Dorcua. ' ' *
fl HE banjo taught jiiun Art by Geo. f. Onllon *
J- beck , fOJ Harnoyit. A lui
T5ljl.TMAN"TioU81'J all ' ne ly Hxod up. Is
X now open on tha Kurdpcan plan , 1120 Cap.
MS , rooms rent for Wta to TOO per day , 7M
Co. , 203 N. Iflth
fr1 1 IE Odorless Banltarj-Co. , the only licensed
J company In Nebraska aud low a , ublngthu
odorless i > yst < * iu for cleaning cess pools , vaults ,
v atiT closets. Olllco 16J2 Farnam Bt. 484 a 15
* T7URK insurance , reliable companies , H. Ii.
-13 ColeN. . K. 15tn and Douglas ! 7.M
IT UATfONS becureiiValeiitlno's shorthand
Institute linn placed all of its graduates in
good positions , btude'uts can enter ut any tlmo.
bend for clrcular.lLli Dodge street , Oitiuhu , Nub.
TORAO FHalug rented the large t4x stury
tit em out building in thu Marcor block um
prepared to otTer thu beat facilities forstortigo
of all klmU of go ds , furnltuto , pianos , Htorex ,
, l utters uun mvichandUe. reai > oiiablo
ratis. ruci'lpts fch on. insuraucu. It. Robinson ,
I112Hordtt. . 072UIO-
rMHACKAGK , KtoraR * . 1 we < t rate * . W. M.
JL lliiMuiian. 1311 Lcavonwortli. 120
NKW YORK StoTago Co. Incorporated cnpl-
tal tlMOO , mbst extensive facilities for
stornKo of furniture , pianos , oto. Wnrchouso
receipt given , 1505,1510,1512,1514 Capitol nvo ,
cor llth. 6 7
WANTED Oood horse , harness nnd"phacfon ,
_ II. E. Cochran , 1509 Farimnist 7"J7-fl *
W1I,1 ( bny a lot In north pirt of town ; pay
cash if cheap. Uraham , Crelghton block.
KB n
_ _
WANTED buy a banking business , Ad
dress with particulars , F i , Ilco olllco.
_ _ _ gH
\\71LLbnyfurnlturoofft liouso or tlat cenT -
T T trally located. Co-op. L. A , L. Co , 203 N Iflth
lisT HOOPUIt. nmgnctrcTicaUng clairvoyant
and trunco reading , N W cor 20th and Cass.
704 in 7 *
A1LAIRVOVANT on Mrs. Ecclcs. na-
Vtttro'H intepreter. llollablo In all nUalrs of
eve and business , XX N. inth St. , room I 540 llj
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases n specialty. 119 N. Ifltli
AJ. Tcl. 94i. ! M3
M ONIJV loaned on fnrmiuro , pianos , organi ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson A
1417 Funmin. over llurllngton ticket olllce.
. 283
MONEY To Loan-ny the underslgnod , who
has the only properly organized loan
ngency in Qmaha. Ixmns ot JIO to $100 made on
furnlturo , pianos , organs , tiorsos wagons , ma
chinery , etc , without removal , wo delaxs. All
Imilncss strictly conlldentlal. Lonus so made
thatany part can bo paid at any time , each payment -
ment reducing tlm cost pro rata. Advances
made on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many newv concerns nro dally coming
Into existence. Should } on need money call and
neo me. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building ,
/1HOICE City Loans made nt unusnallly low
v > rates. Central Loan & Trust Co. Hill
I'urnniii st. 7 < ° ! 0-1
MONKVtoloan , casnonnand , no delay. .1.
W. and K. L. Squlro , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 278
MONEV I am loaning a good deal of cheap
money now for impiovomontund on im
proved propeity. T. S. Clarksou , 21 S. 14th.
MONEY to Loan 1 can pluco good lltst-elass
city loans on short notice anil at lowest
rates. J ) . V , Sholes , room 1 , llarker block.
MONEV at low rates on good city and farm
propeity , notts bought. Kimball , Champ
i. Ryan , U. S. Natl bank bid. 4V ! m2 *
T OA N8 made on real estato. Cash on hand.
JU W.M. Harris over 220 S. IBth st. 271
MONEY to loan on hoisos , wagons , fii/nlture ,
pianos and other personal property or col-
lateial without removal ; business conlldentlal ;
rates moderate. The Falrbank Investment Co ,
215 S. llth st. . upstairs. 286
WK can glvo you all the money you w ant on
household goods , pianos and merchan
dise at legal rates when goods aio stored with
us. Wow Vork Storage Co. 758-a-21
MONEV to Loan J20.COO to loan in sums of
fiom JTiOO to S2.WK ) on Omaha and South
Omaha property. Money on baud. Wright \
usbury , 211 S. 14th St. , upstairs. 221
MONEV to loan on turmiure , Horses , w agons ,
etc , or on any approved t-ecurlty. Low
rates. J. W. Hobbins , 1 H Farnam. 280
MONEV to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Leavitt Uurnliam ,
room I , Crelghton blocx. 2t > 3
T'HE ' Mead luvestm't Co. make loans on farms
and city piopeity. Room 204Ramgo bttlld'g.
S 10MK eholco loans wanted. A. K. Rlley.
Ifilll Paiuam. 4r > n nU
CAN place large or small loans without de
lay ; splendid jates. A. K. Illloy.lOlH Parnnm.
45. > nU !
MONEY to loin nt lowest rates. Oood mort-
gngo paper bought. E. P. Ringer , 11' ' ) N.
ICth bt. : ! U9
MONEY to loan on city property and farms by
Jiu vis , Conklln Mortgage Trust Co. L. 1 * .
Hammond , genoial agent for Neb. , Room 493 ,
nuw Puxtou block. 1IU
OANS made on Onmlia city property bv D.
J V. Sholos , room I BuiXerblk. ' - O
HE. COLE loans mouuv on improved elty cjr
faun property. Room 0 Continental
block. 0-11
A. WOODMAN Money to loin ourcal
lute in sums to suit. i 0 South 1,1th st.
MONEY TO LOAN as C per cunt on first
mortgages in sums ot f. > K ) to J10.000 ; good
short time paper bought at reasonable discount ;
money on hand ; uo delay. Patterson t * b'awcett ,
: ilH bo. lath. 417
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons ,
etc.without removal ; or on collateral serurr
ity. llustniiss conUdentlnl. C 11 Jacobs.X'O S 15th
3M )
MONEY to loan , nt IOH rates , on chattels , or tiling ; financial busi
ness of all kinds transacted quietly and without
publkitj ; money advanced on Jewelry ; secured
notes bought Cull and sio us , it will piy you ,
People's 1 iniiuial Exchange , 1001116' ' ! ' $ , llarkor
block , IMh and i'aniam. 251 a' ' *
MONEY To loan , l owost rates. No delay
J. L. Rico & Co. . over Commercial Na
tional bank 2"4
ONKY LOANED nt C. K. Ret d & Co.'s Loan
Oflice. on furniture , pi mos , horses , wagons.
personal property of all k'lnds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 1119 S. llth ,
overlllngham's commission storo. All busi
ness strictly contidontlal. 27'i
M ONKV to Loan O. F. Davis Co. . real estate
and loan auents , WXi Parnam st. 271
MONEY to loan. Notes ami it. It. tlclcot.
bought and bold. A. Kornmn , I'OJ Purmim
sts. 277
SHORT tlmo loans tnaclo on any avanabla
security , in roasonivblo amounta , Si-nitrol
notes bougut , sold or exchamjod. Qonoral
financial busiuoss of any kind tiausactnd
promptly.qulotlyandfalrljr at the Oiniha Fi
nancial Bxchango , N. W. cor. 13th and liar-
ney sts. ovorSUto National bank. Corbott ,
inanugur ' ! 74
T OAN3 made on real estate and moitguges
JL. bought. Luwls S. Reed it Co , li-'l t'arnam.
1500,000 To loan on Omaha city property ut 0
[ > percent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Rid.
ATOTES bought. C. Iljucob3 , all S. IStl
MONEV to Loan Omaha real estate and
farms , Mortgages bought.
Co. , lfn Furnam. " * iS
$500xtoloaa ) < m city and farm real ofltito.
Llnahanii Mahoney , 1807 Farnum stioot.
dj500.000to loan at looBst rate of interoit , on
P cltypropsrty , H , U. Iroy , Frenzerblk. opp.
WANTEDPaitner to maniifacturo and sell
a novtlty bmall capital. ,
II. . Lock lloxwl. 411-8 *
l/IOIt SALElliHt class restaurant with good
JL1 tri lo ( tublbhuU ( , located in the wr > huait
of the city , Omaha , can ba bought cliaap for
tush If taken at once , good reason tor belling ,
lease to inn two > uars. Apply at Room 10 ,
AN uro block , corner luth aud Puinum streets ,
_ C'JI U .
\\rANTI5D-Partnerwith a row hundred dolT -
T T Inrs , arttclowlll sell in OMUV home in the
land , addiBSSt'481ko olllco. 0.17 8 *
/"i 001) liver ) ' fctock and louse on b bt llvory
VI and sale htuble centrally located in Omaha ,
for bale M'.iy cheap for cash , ill not trade. Cu.
Op. L. i. L. Co. . anN. 10th ht. _ 4JO
M I5AT Market Per S ilo A flr-.t class meat
murkot centrally locatod. Clieaplf takui
I'urt cash , balaueu tiudu e > r lung time ,
Addrobb I'tB , lifo. _ 710-lt *
FOR BAf.B A good paying buslnosa , Clgari ,
stationery toys , soda wutei fountain utc .
in first-class locution. Stock w III liuolm about
* -jOO Will tuko city real ebtatu In > , o.
Engulro at Max Meyer & Co.'s. _ 2il )
tTiOR HATTlS MyTitocK of furnlturo. window
-L1 shades un wall paper at a bargain ; ovuiy.
thing fresh and nun : htock will Invoice about
tJ.fM ; situated at Albion , on IT P. nndO. , N. W.
It. R. , lloono county , Nob. Address M. J Ladd ,
e 3 18J
TJAOR 8ALK Lunch counter doing n nice busl-
JU nebs , only 7 blocks from PoitoiHce on good
streot. Prlcu jlU ) . Cull on Active Real Estatu
and Property exchange , 15.4 Dudga. CJ7 B _
BUSINESS Chanco-For sato a stock of groc
eries , centrally located in tlrsM lass build *
Ing good trada establlihed , sell cheap If taken
soon. Addroaa Inghuui & Stuolv , Heal KiUte ,
Kearney. Neb. 400 b *
- . As One location a *
thcreUintnecity. Clean vtock. Inv loa
Bbouti7.0X > . i'trtcnah. Paitlu good real ai-
tatoor ecnreJ uotoa. M.A. . Uptou A Oo. U\h \
itoi > p. CUauilwrof CotaiBerc * . J
PA11TNKU irftnted In pstnWIMifd law bust-
X new In Nebraska , Capital required H.ftW.
AddressV _ 10. lifeolflce. 416
GROCKHV and meat market , d yearn estalf-
llshodj. A tlno opportunity for a llve > man.
Address B R' . liconttlcc , 112 nlO
iriOlt SALK TTutcher shop in good location"
JL1 doing good cash business. Address V n ,
lleo ofllco. fan 12t
FOR BALK Meat market In Council llluffs ,
doing good family trade I centrally locatod.
Address W. II , H. , lleo olllco , Council flluiTi.
"IJIBUTI store for salo. Ono of the best loco *
J. lions In the city. Owner has no time to at
tend to It. Will boar close Investigation. Hip
money in it. Address F3rt , lleo. B478 *
TJHMHALEHotel in this city ; ono of the
JL1 best chances over olTcrcil ; good reasons
for gelling , P33 , llooonlco. 481
"I71OR 8ALB A good brick yard nnd nil the ap-
JL ? purtananres. also JtOd.OOi ) good brick.
Apply Ryan & Walsh , room 0 , Arlington block.
To lease tln residence nwr postotllcp , and
buyfurnlturofall new ) at a great sacrifice. For
liartlcuhirs see L. 3. Skinner , 150J I'nrnam. 2 9
POR SALK Small stock of cigars , tolmeco
and confoctlonoryj must ba removed Mon
day. Wi S. latli st. C7U t > *
niOR SAM -If yolt want to buy'.soll or trade
Jtor drug stocK , address Western Drug Ex
change , Emporla , Kan. 71 ! ) B *
T7ioRT.xbHANlll-inuo hotel vltb furnlturo
Jfor Onmlia projieity i r good Neb. faun
land. J. a. Miner , room 40J , Paxton blk , tcl 874.
nri H
1I1OR TRADP.-Ono gomlts,000 farm 111 Cedar
- - Co. , la. , for general merclmndUo. Aildiess
Lincoln Davis. Ogalalla. Nob. ri 10 *
SOME ot the best land In Vrontlcr Co. for
trade for vacant lots. Urulmm. Crelghton
blk. ! M i )
HAVE 100 lots lull * M. Park addition to
South Omaha , free of liicumbrance , to
trade for improved or unimproved Omaha property
orty , farm lands , stocks of goods , horses , cattle ,
orau > tiling of value. These lots are inpldly
increasing in value , and if you have im > thing to
trade call and see mo. ( leorgo J. Stenibdoiir ,
room 0 Preuzer block , opposite postolllco SW
/11IOICK aero tracks sultabln for gardening.
W Very liberal terms. H. 15. Cole , N. K. lUli
and Douglas. Real estate for bale. JAM
LIST pTopertyforsale. rent 01 exchange w Ith
H. E. Cole , N. E. cor luth and Douglas.
rpo "EXCHANGE Per raorcnandisa or resl-
JL dc-tico lots in Omaha , WX1 acres choice unim
proved land in ICtiov Co. . Neb , a buhinco unpaid
auoinOyears. Addiess R. H. Loucks.Danbury ,
Iowa. 2llali *
rilO TRADE-Eqtilty 111 ono of the nicest build-
JL ing lots lu Otchard Hill for and
buggy. James Stockdale , 11J N. liith street.
UTS 13
FURNITURE of Brooms In a 10 room Hat. Co-
op. L. & L. Co. . 203 N. lUth st. M 8
FOR TRADK-2 lots in Wlndsoi terrace for
good land , mortgage palter or horse and bug
gy. D. V. Sholos. room 1 , Hamer block. XII
H1 'OUSE aud corner lot. Walnut Hill , for tiado
or sale. ( Iraham , Crolghton block.
EXCHANGE Or sale EJ lots in Portland
place , MT.COO ; cash. JH.XX ( ) ; in lander
or other city property , purchaser to as
sume JU.OX ) . Tneru will bo from 10) ) to 200
houses built on adjoining property this
spring ,
100 lots In Omaha Heights. 03 feet front oti mar Grace st , 1 lot In block fi. Paddock
place , price for all W iOi > J , Can exchange this
lor inside pioperty ; assume small mortgage
and pay some cash.
700 lots at UOO to $ JiO each , street cars
through the Und , S.VJ,000 to W.OD ) ; land or
other property takou as lltst payment , balance
Cto lOyeirs.
Douglas st. 75x150 , ono house 12 rooms and
ono house 7 rooms , 28.000 , rents $150 per
month ; $12,000good land , $1,000cash , balance 5
812,500 , 00x140. double house , good location ,
land or vacant lots taken as part payment.
J-W.OX ) , laigo building , lot i xli ) , Datcnport ,
neat ICth bt. , i lAOOd clear lauds or lots , & > ,0K ( )
cash , balance tlocars. .
J8f > ,00) , business block. Dodge St. . rents II.OO' )
put j ear , Wi.OOO cash , 125,000 land or city propei-
ty , balance llvo years ,
* 12.rxK > , 75\no , two houses , > fason st , near 17th ,
84 , ! 00 cash , balam o good rancli ,
8T > ,200 , lUxl. ! ' , good hottsp. Armstrong's add. ,
forgood Iruit laim Douglas county , or near
gooil town In westei u lown.
Vacant lots and lesldcitt propeity ranging In
pi lies from -500 to ? 7WJ ( to exchange lor laud ,
iHHrchaiullhOorgood city pioperty.
10 , < * M nerc-s. tlno Imprnvements , Custcr Co. ,
best ranch lu the btate , } 10i,000 ) , tiado for Omaha
E P ttlugor. 111N lrthst. | W ) _
TRADE A good lot on Hurt St. Gia-
ham , Crelghton block. 5iS 9
" \\7ANTUD-TiOhouses and lots TO exchange.
C. C Spot-wood , SOTjii S , Ifit I bt. 2-'J
WANTED Horses and caltloto xchiuige for
f aims or city propuity. 11. L. Cole , N. E.
cor. llth and Douglas ! KM-
/f \l t. . conn i 2.1d and Douglas s , to tra.lo foi
" an eight to ten-room liouse an 1 lot. ( ieo.J.
Stern-dorir , room (1 ( , opposite P t ) . KW
17IOR E.VCIIANC E 7 llodfoul 1 > ts on ' . " ) th ht ,
I-1 8r.nO ) fJ.OOMncnmbiuuco ; WW cash , b il.
good lands.
in.OOO good Omaha Improved property for
farm near Columbus. Ohio
E-P. Rluger , 119 N Pith st.
LIST propejty for sile , rent or exchange w 1th
H. E. Cole , N. E. cor ISth and Douglas.
J.VI :
Houses and lots to nxchiugo for
farms. H. E. Cole , N. E. Kith and Douglas.
Y\ rANTiD-aTUra : ) brlcic for Omaha i pal us-
tate. .15. ' A. Leavein\orth,14lf I'ainamst.
"XV ANTKD Stocks of mnrc'i . .ndlso to exIT -
IT clmugo for fui ms. H. E Cole , N , E Ijth
and Douglas , .VJ
' ' for sale , rent or ox'lmnso with
-J H. E. Cole , N. E. cor nth aiij Dougl ih
, l > 0 M
Oil E.VCIIANCE-AVIll take horhc amfbii ; u'l
as parti ) 15 mi nt for eipiltj- good lot in
A. S. Putilck's addition. Address i ; M ) . Hoc.
T\fANTiD : to r.xdiangeTw > lots lu II. \ M.
IT pai k for liorso and bugL" InqtiliR t H.
A. Sloman , IJtH and Fain-im , H > llni in bloulc.
rpRADES itiaiio iir real csuitj and persmal
JL piopeity hi o x < liaugu book. Cop. . L.
and L. Co. 30. N Ibtli Ht. 501
South Omaha P. I Johnson .v
Abstracts , Huuth Omaha Land ( \i. , li.uo
the oulv compleni sot of a'nt.act ' booU i lu
South O'malia Complete abs-ricts fuiiilshod
on short notice. Olltcu oppomte dcput , Hiutli
Omahii. IJ7
ENON &CAR.M1CHARL funiisrt coinplctn
nnd gtmrantuod ulHir let < of. tltli to any
realeijtatu in Omuha and Dniiclai county upon
short notico. The mmt iMimpljt sotof abitr.ict
books in tha city. No. UlUF.iriuiniit _ , J-i _
( Juaramoe anrt TniBt Co. , 1W1 >
MIDliAND frft-ot Oimploie ubstrarts fur-
nlehed , ami tltleu to real cnUt" ixumtuod , jior-
fected and uimranteod. -M
rn s. ai.AKKKON-ai'i 8. Ht i r.
J- . 1 hao 22 feut on Haiinduii at. , ( < pleudld
business lo. ntloii , pay to impra * . o ,
44 fe t on D'iillai ' ( > Bt.
l.r ; feet hqimroon Dotiglasst . with trackage , u
giout biiHiiiHss corner.
Trackage lot * on /aid I , Nloliu'as and 20th \ ry
clinii o and reasonable pri ( e.
! lii , . ' -i I'huo loth iholeii ,
llovd'MRddltionlots and bli > rknon 1 'R line ,
liotilly trains this MMSOU , atloi r pikes tltuil
will over bo ntfurod again.
Home sat your own prices.
South I0thdt.iuiiiio\cd and uulmpio\od\ery
I1ncro on Panndeis cheap ,
T. S. Clurkbon.'ID B. 14th at. 013
I , 1UCU i CO. . Real Kstate. 231
1710R SALE 1'lntt-clasn liVroom house , oil
J' modern Impi m id htable , on SJth
bt m-ai I'aniam Also tii lout , tin aut lot sumo
locality , W ill guaiaiitwou Uaigulu. 'JJiu \ \ C.
'dIJS. 14th bt. 7U-I4 *
riAWHNTY-TWOby CO ft. on north nldo of
JL ilmney it. , nuiir l.'itti bt. \ \ ill lease ground
fora tunn of juuisor build a building to null
tenant. IhUt'ood for n tow du > 3. ( jii'i'ii i-
Wlllluuis , ' . ' ! & b UUi atreot , W7 t )
NliSth st. . South Omaha. lot , tOxlM ) . east
front , only t'fU , Heat It or meet it if you
can. D. D , Hmoaton , llurkpr block. T.f ) 10
THOU BALK Twelve nuaittr secilong of tlno
Jj land ; three tulles from ttio city ofColtan ,
Choycnno cDunty. Ale four uunrters , twelve
mile * wiU of Red Cloud , In Fi an kiln county ,
Flrst-claau invuMiut-Btt. . J. II , Jl.'alr ' , Lincoln ,
Null. 741-15 *
"IIA'KOAIN-N , E. cor Utfo. U.B aud .Mason.
ITCxHU. paitly Improved , tl roe ear llnun ,
118.000 ; your own terina , 0 , , Coombsox
48J ,
Pen SAri-rKi . n = 3 , o. - . KK. , tot i.
T ) cash , bal llO per mo. Also loin 18
St. Annlsdeld , for 1750 each , I2M casl1 , bal. toRiilt.
Address K. 63 , lleo onico. 718-10 *
. RICE A CO. . lte J Sii
" 171OR SALE Atn bf.rc.-Mn , lease of R 3-slory
JU brick .building containing S stores and 'J5
rooms , with modern Improvements. luqiilro at
COO 8. _ 13th st. 123.
K"ilOOM cottage , past front , full lot. Ftth nnd
I llurdotto sts , only (1,750. D , C , Patterson ,
Omah i Nat llutik. ana
MO1OU line will positively run dlroctlv to
those J.WO lots , liny now before the nd.
Mince. Payments easy. II. E. Cole. . 15th and
Douglas 723-17
HOICK aero tracks , btstof facilities for gar
dmilng. Want good unlncumberocl farms
ILK Cole N. H. nth and Douglas. tw
" 1710R SALE oroxchaugo Wo havosoiuogood
J- Omaha real estate aud Nebraska farms
which we will soil choip ttr trade for to M of
clothing , furnishing goods , dry Ki > pd , boots and
shoes , groceries or hardware. Schloslugor Hros. ,
014 S _ jatji ft. Mali
$3,2.10 , MM bilanco monthly ; < iuartpr block
from Rod Car Hue , deslrablo loeitlon } rninn
and neo this. II. K. Oole. N K Cor 15th aud
Douglas , ro noON
ON 24th st. South Onialin , a lot 00x150. on
gradoonly H..IOO , not nuothot micli Imrpaln
on tha street. D. D. Smeaton , room 41 , Hurker
block. W4 10
$10 w 111 make the Mist payment on n flnn bfrco
lot. 15 minutes fiom postotllio. 11 , P. . Cole ,
cor. 15th and Douglas. 727
v < l SALE Nlco 7-rooin cottage , in good.roti.
dltlon , lot t ) font front , city water nnd
largp clstpin , two blocks fixim oabfo car lineMid
one block from homo car Urn * , Pour ) *
west of High school building , at 2til3 Davenport
st. Terms leasonnbio If sold soon. Call andtco.
tut'm (
GO11NKU lot on Cumlng st , in Cnttlmuo , li > 00
( iraham. ( VM v
T7IOU 8AI.I ? or trade Landl and town prop.
A' erty In Nebraska , Kansas.Colorado andotltor
Rt.itcs ; atit merchandise , cattloand horsoaigon-
ural oxelmttga business transacted ; correspond'
enco sollcltod. T. A. English. & Co , York. Neb.
_ TWaiO
Tl' you think anything of your friend , the al
mighty dollar , get some of thosii MOD lots
and double your money liiWdnjs 11. K. Oilo ,
cor 15tli and Douglas. 7X.V-17
BA ltd A IN In a lot 2 blocks from east end oC
1 , street viaduct , South Omaha. $1.40) , MW
cosh , WxlW. I ) . U. Smeaton , Harkor bloik.
_ ICO a
1T10II SALE At a bargain for a few days
1 ? onlv , lot I , block a. Paddock Placo. This 13
n bountiful coiner on 10th utruut. Imiulru ate
o ncr.J'O1) ) Dodge .it
rnwo good houses , well located , for $3,700 and
JL ( .1,11x1 , on easy payments. J. A. Helstand.
room ii , Arlington lliock i.ia
FOR HAIiH U room modern house , & 0 feet of
gtound , nair 18th and St. Marj'H avo. , far
> 7.Xup.iitj ( ) auxluus to sell. U.K. Thompson.
: i4 S. Kith st. b.4
L. KICK & CO. , Heal ICstuto. 01
$2.Vill ) buy a 50 ft lot. easy of accnsa ; pay.
ment easv , long tlmn on balance. You can
not atlord tu miss tills. 11. E. Cole. cor. 1Mb. and
F ) ll SALE A line resldonco lot on Parnam
t-t. , ( .SALE ft at n bargain , Klmball , Chump
, v Ryan , U.S.Natl _ _ bank bid. 4m2 *
T/10R SALE -A neat tottngo and 5ft lot oppo-
-L Hlto resldonco of Milton Rogers. Mead
.Inmlcson , Room 201 , Rauigo building. 4CO
rpVH ) lots. * J blk from Saunders at. , corner ,
JL $2JOO for both. Graiiatu , Creighton blk ,
008 0
"I71OR SALE Lots In South Omaha very cheap
JL' for a fe\vda > 8. llosworth A : Joplln. 418 8. IStli
- 4,10 V )
1IIAVK for snlo cheap , pleco of improved
propeity for f 4,300 ; fl.KH ( ) cash , and balance
1 and 2 j ears Rental t720 year 1(1 ( per cent foe
1st j ear. 23 percent for second year , and 17 per
i cut eer ufterw arils , D. D. Smuaton , Room 40 ,
Darker block. ail ) 8
HOUSES , \acantlotsand farms for sale and
exchange at St ringer * Co.'s , 1518 Dodge ,
L. RICE & CO. . Heal Estato. S9i
SOME choice lots In South Omaha below the
market value , bargains If taken quick. H.
E. Cole , N K Cor 15th and Douglas. 1)50 ) :
OTS 4 , 1. . SO , 27 and 28. block 6. Urlcg's plaeo.
Price of all JS.OOO ; oisy terms. U.K. Colo.
N E Cor , nth and Douglas. _ 11M iQ )
IOT3 on rarnam , Douglas , Uodgo or Capitol
J avenue , longtime and noc isli payment 1C
you will build. II. K. Cole , N E Cor. Iflth ami
STORY six-room liouso and lot , all modem
-J com culciices , convenient to street curs , do-
blr.iblu locationprlPnM ; , 100. S.nm cash ; balancn
montlilvoi nuatti'ilj to suit. H. E. Cole , Nil
Cor nth and Dmighib. 1J.V ) 30
IT10R SAIJI-Half sertlon No. 1 land ill Hurt
-I1 Co. .N'eb.'t miles tiom Curter btatiou. All
under ( iwlin tinco and has water. Inquire J.
A. Llllic. 1WS Webster bt , Omaha. 4M ! ) J
ATI * cash ruiinltPd tobtiv atluolurgo lot topar-
j. ties who lllbuild. II. E. Cole , coi. 15th and
Douglas. 7 0-17
UTRl.ViERA. Co. 1118 Dodge htrcet , will sell
r ? a good lot In Orchard Hill and take a hoiao
nndbnggx nnd MCiiiPd noti-s in pa ; inoiit. JJa
FOR PA IE M.\120 , hniiho 10 rooms , Capitol
live , , a bargain , $1JOUO.
Coiner lot. iitixlL' , 10-room house , grandesS
lii-w In the city , only $14,500 ,
76x140 , good house. Put knve. , $7,500.
4l\iy ] , IBth st . netu Ctiiulng , $ .UX ) per foot.
Do Holt Place , fiacre tracts , tJM lo tMi per
airo , llnu depot on grounds , only 10 mitiutoj
lido Irom Noithwestorn depot.
Deuiiiau and Poi tland Placo. cheapest lots in ,
Omaha , fW ) to W , WO down. ? 10 per month.
HVKKW. corner Webster , near Bchool , tfl.OOO.
_ E PltlngprJlU N.15tli _ bt. MM
lJ > rsiNESBlot on Noith Sixteenth street. II.
- lE.Colo. . N I ! Cor. 15th and DouglaB. 35030
"IJ'OII SALE-Sure enough snap , fl Jentitlful
J lot son Ililhtol , lpt ecnPntiudirHniidfitata
( troll's ' foi tl.gnu. M. A. fptciii A ; Co , lllth st. OJM
pusltiiiltiimbor of coittmeuo U)3 10
' ami lot for flOil cash and $15 pur
1 month , ulno 2 nt $ J. ( ) , and balance uisy.
D. I ) , hint .iton , loom II , HirKcr block. J20 8
jtolsL : lltiut.ttIfriiijft . North Platte ,
Neb taki ) pirt cash and Imltneo In
good uittlo Address John Hun ley. North
1'littn , 74Siel !
] j ) R SALE or trade Good largo now hoiisi * ,
1 loini'i. fin a smallei house. W. T Grulium ,
CflKlitun block , Ki ] U
| 7\lR \ RALK-Good lot In Gclr-n's addition ;
.f clip.ip. Addrics P 40. lleoollliu , ti'Ji hj
IJ1OR SALE-Nlcn7 loom houso. close to Ht.
L < ars , HihiMil. ihtin h , utc , , full lot , only t,5JiJ ;
Jl , ( * < l r.tsb , lii < l UK o in thivo fijual payments. O.
P. " Harrison. 418 , H. 15thst. _ 1)76 _ _
T"L. . RICE A CO , Itoal KHtnto. SM
FOR HALE or Ti ado Parnam nt. , ,
Itu iiinbriinru ! ! . < * . P.iiilty | SJ.OCH ) .
IVrnniu ht . i or .list , I Wxl U.
Tiack igu , llth st. ne.irdriipn. Mills ,
Cumlng st . eor , 48.'JJxllO luciimbrauca
? 2 , ( ) P
N. lutliHt , near Nicholas , 01x101 , incumbranca
Satmduis bt. , cor. Hurt , 100x11 , Incumbranca
< I.HW.
Putic nvo. facing pane , 00x150 , Incumbranco
Douglas ht. , near 20th , G/K13' / . ' , Incumbranco
, i ) lols In 11 \ M. Park adil to South Omaha ,
cb'iir of iiiriiiiibniui o , pi rfi'rt , tltlo.
' ( tuuitc'i uettlomotnetiuol land la Kosauta
Co Iowa
I iiiiurtvr section land In Grundy Co. , N b. ,
Allot above property for Halo or trade for
good Inside liupiovoil property or goo'J ' Im *
jirou'd or uiiliiipi.neil run us. K. A , Sloman ,
100111422 and -I , llelliaun bldg , 13J1 i'uruain St. ,
Omalt i , Nob. 8U
laiucd by
lux IOHIIS uudtittr Cimiimiilca , etc1 ,
a o ( 'nrrt'H\i' \ ' niluicu Kiiilcltcd
fe CO , , BAHKERS ,
IIU-II7 , tAonrou Bt , | 00 R6Brlorn St. '
lloxv a llorhcliulr IJeeoniPH n Hnukc.
] ) r. I' gu iibUcd us Wcelncfldtiv if wo
didn't uant tu juo a lioivoliuir tliut had
turned into nunulQ < Wo did , nnd ho
drew ft bottle from Ills poelcot , llllcd
with wutor , in which wiva what nj-
pouroil to bo d diminutive biinko , five OP
six inches loiitf , nnthiiiff and Iwlbtin } ;
tib if anxious to cucapo from the bottlo.
Wlion jiut In ft bottle it was nothing
more than a hair from u homo's tail.
Dr. Mutho-vs fatiya tlio hair dooa not un
dergo ehiuigo.but that invislblo aiiiinal-
culc3 that { fonorato in the wutcr collect
on the lialr and tnalco it twist and
Brjuirm after the manner of a snaUo or
worm. It is hold by ( rood authority
that many of the so-called aiiin < aluiilo < i
liavo been ehown to bo plan In , having
locomotive powers eomothintf Hlio anl-
mah ; the motiOHi . * ewe > or , is not tup *
posed to bo voluntary. Hut the horsehair -
hair iuuko'3 a ilrst-cltxsa sutjlto , all the
BUino ,