Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE CITY ,
Yesterday's internal revenue col *
lections amounted to $2,017.14.
11- Henry llnll , the mtxyor of Florence ,
who was nrrcotcd Thursday for nssault-
inp Andrew Finkcnkillcr , appeared be
fore Justice Anderson yesterday , plead
guilty to the charge against him and
TVUB lined So nnd costs.
The Guaranty Loan nnd Investment
company filed articles of incorporation
with the county clerk yesterday. The
company will transact business in this
city nnd the capital stock is $100,000. J.
II. McConnell , W. J. Martin , C. S.
Parrott , Uavlu Bcnnison nnd S. P.
Morse are the incorporators.
Henry Shomcr , the alleged Florence
repeater , who has been lying in jail for
voting twice at Tuesday's election , ap
peared before Judge Anderson's court
yesterday afternoon. There were a great
crowd of witnesses against him , nnd but
two in his favor , they being C. TJ. Rico
nnd E. 1) . Callahah. The judge nro-
noudccd Shomer guilty and bound him
over in the sum of $500 to appear before
the district court. In default he went
to jail. _
Personal Paragraphs.
E. C. Cams , of Sowurd , Neb. , is at the
Pax ton.
D. W. Ten Eyck , of St. Joseph , Mo , , is at
the Paxton.
John Keith , of North Platte , Neb. , is at
the Mlllard.
E. C. Parkinson , of Scward. Neb , , Is at
O. B. Thompson , of Grand Island. Neb. , is
nt the Mlllard.
Mrs. Franklin and daughter of St. Joseph ,
Mo. , arc at the Mlllard ,
Messrs. II. E. Bonestcol and B. Bade , of
Niobrara , Neb. , arc at the Paxton.
A. M. Gazlcv , of the Chicago & North
western railroad , is at the Mlllard.
Joseph Frank , of Chicago , Is In the city ,
looking after his South Omaha Interests.
Mrs. General O'Brien and her daughter ,
Frances , have returned from Milwaukee.
J. II. Barrow , the well-known stock raiser ,
came in from Wyoming last night and is at
the Paxton ,
Benjamin F. Smith , the well known capi
talist from Boston , Joined his family at the
Paxton yesterday.
It. S. Vantassell and wife , of Cheyenne ,
with the Misses Anna and Minnie Thoumson ,
nro at the Mlllard. .
Messrs. Joseph Knarna , Joseph Fiola ,
James Flola and Fritz Blutz , of Schuyler ,
Neb. , arc ut the Mil lard.
Messrs. A. V. Saunders , II. W. Parker nnd
W. G. Washington , of Beatrice , N.eb. , arc
registered at the Paxton.
Mr. C. C. IIouscl , of Chicago , an old resi
dent of Omaha , is In the city looking after
his largo property Interests hero.
Juan Boyle , J. P. Hnrtman Jr. , Gcorgo Das-
plnwall nnd F. L. Olbbs , of Kearney , are in
the city nnd arc registered at the Paxton.
Court Carrier , of the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul ticket ofllcc , has returned from
Salt Lake , where ho lias been for a couple of
weeks. Ho is as brown as a berry.
Charles Dcwcy , the great American trav
eler , after an nbscnco of many weeks during
which ho has traveled in the south , is again
nt home and in the enjoyment of excellent
C. V. Justice , representing Wannamakor ,
Of Philadelphia , together with his assistants ,
M. Dunn , G. 12. Johnson , Gilbert Amos and
W. F. Eichelmnn , uro at the Paxton and nro
measuring the employes of the Union Pacillc
for their new uniforms.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Evans , the former the
well known proprietor of the City Steam
laundry , have returned from a trip of eight
weeks to the Pacific coast. Mr. Evans' ex
cursion in other atmospheres has added a
number of pounds to his avordupois.
At the hotel Barker : F. M. Grlswold ,
Cheyenne ; B. Slllowny , Cedar Hnpids ; J. J.
Saincy , St. Louis ; William Boush , Buffalo ;
C. H. Cummings , Boston ; S. F. Dodge ,
Wood Uiver ; William H. Fanning nnd fam
ily , Now York : L. E. Denman , Valparaiso ;
H. Williams , Iowa.
Successful Plans.
Fowler & Bcindorff's beautiful plans for
the Beatrice high school wcro accepted by
the board of cuucutiun of that placo.
Bradstrcet's reports the foreclosing of
mortgage of $3t > 00 given ujxin his stock of
Jewelry in Lincoln by Hlohard O'Neill , a
young gentleman who is also well known in
this city.
Dangerously III.
Mrs. E. W. Nasli , wife of the treasurer of
the Omaha and Grant Smelting works , is
lying dangerously sick ut her residence , yS03
Mercer avenue. A consultation of physi-
t clans was held yesterday afternoon , ami it
has Hinco been announced that a slight im
provement has been noticed.
Small Morning Itliizc.
A small blaze was occasioned in the New
York dry goods Htoro on Farnam between
Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets yesterday
morning by the explosion of a quantity of gas
tltut had escaped in an unfrequented ware-
Mroom. The department responded , but the
( lames wcro extinguished wjihout their help.
Loss is signilicunt.
Complaint was made bcforo the county
commissioners yesterday that ono Ed Kelly ,
who resides on South Nineteenth street , was
Insane. Sheriff Coburn was ordered to pro
duce him before the board this afternoon.
Ho was arrested last night. Contrary to re
ports ho was not violent , but very peaceable.
but it is believed of unsound miud. Ho will
doubtless bo sent to Lincoln.
Stopped n KunoAvny.
A team of horses , the property of Peter
Hanson , residing near Soutli Omaha , became
frightened on Tenth street , near the Union
Pacific crossing , at an approaching car on
the cable llno 'cstcrday. Ofllccrs Godola and
Brady ran to the rescue nnd prevented a
runawny.but the vehicle was badly wrecked.
Ono of the horses Jumped clear from the
harness. Both oftlcers were slightly In-
A ItoKiis Chock Man Caught.
Charles W. AVnlstron finally came to grief
yesterday for a couple of crimes committed
about fourteen months ngo. At that tlmo
Wnlstron wont to Austin , the shoo dealer ,
nnd bought about 17 worth of goods. Ho
presented a check for $ y and received f 18 In
chango. The check proved to bo worthless ,
Ho played the same trick on Bennett , the
rodeo and tea dealer , getting $ -0 Out of him.
Wulstron then skipped from the city and
was not scon until about a week ago. Ho
fought shy of the police , but Ofll cor Ward
cot on his track niul succce dcd in capturing
Lltn yesterday. _
Proposal * Kor Curbing.
Sealed proposals for furnishing and setting
nil curbing in the city during the present
year were opened at the ofllco of the board of
public works at 2 p. in. ycstoiday. The bids
areas follows ; McConnull &Orr , Berea sand-
htono SO cents , Jollot limestone 77 }
cents. J. E. Hlloy , Sioux Falls granite
11,15 , Colorado sandstone SO cents , Iloroa
Etuidstono 73 cents , Munkuto limestone 7ilK
rents , E. J. Brunner , Borcu sandstone 7H >
rents , Jollet llmestoiro 78 cents. J. Fox As
Co. , Colorado sandstone S9X cents , Munkuto
limestone 74) ) cents , Nebraska & Colorado
Sandstone company , Colorado sandstone
b5 cents , Berea sandstone 77 cents.
Htfgh Murphy , Colorado sandstone , 61 cents ,
Mandate limestone , 73 cents. Suiiloy , Col
orado sandstone 05Jf cents , Bcrca sund-
iitono 731 cents , Munkato limestone , bO
The contract will bo awarded this
afternoon at 1 : M.
nulldem' and Traders'
YcstcrJay afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock there
was a succcssf al meeting in room 433 , Paxton
block. , of representatives of the contracting
bricklayers , plasterers , brickmakcrs. car
penters , painters und material furnishers
for the purpose of orjnuizln ? a builders' and
traders' exchange. The object of the
association was discuss'td and many
t > f its benefits were shrwn by pcoplo
tvbp had -watched : worklug cf
institutions of n similar nature 'in Kansas
City and St. Lotiis. After the discussion it
was ngrced to orgaplzo the Omaha
Builders' nnd Traders' exchange. Hooms are
to be rented which will bo cmnde the head
quarters of i > coplc In either of the lines men-
tlonrd. Files of architecture and trade pub
lications will bd kept ; the flinanclal condi
tion of each builder nnd furnisher will bo
kept , and unworthy ones debarred admission.
There will also be exhibits of material , boxes
for members and n place for them and oth
ers to meet to talk over business. In n word ,
It will bo n place where all who have any
thing to do with building of n house from the
digging of the collar to the furnishing of the
cresting will bo able to meet. A secretary-
will be placed In charge nt a salary of ? 1,000
per year.
A leak was discovered In one of the gas
pipes in the basement of the court house yes
terday from which the gas wns escaping at
such a rate as to almost render the atmos
phere unbearable. Plumbers arc at work
repairing the break.
A Miniature Compound.
One of the windows of George Clayton's
Wabash ofllcc , on Fifteenth and Farnam
streets , has just been ornamented with n
mln hit lire Stone engine fashioned after the
style of the compound locomotives which arc
in use on some of the eastern lines and
which have lately been put Into service in
the west. The exhibit attracts pretty gen
eral attention.
Will Kcconinieiul n Change.
The building nnd property committee nt
the next meeting of the board of education ,
will recommend that a wing bo erected at the
south of the Dodge street end of the high
school building and that In lieu of extending
toward the above street , in conformity with
the original plans , it bo cxtonccd transvcrsly
cast and west across the south en dot the
high school building. _
llnll road News.
On Monday next train Nos. 1 nml 2 will
again be put on between Omaha nnd Chicago ,
leaving this city at 1 :4 , " p. m. and arriving nt
Chicago at 8)5 : ) a. in. next day , returning nt
0:15 : n. m. This is the same time schedule in
use bcforo the strike.
E. C. Smccd , resident engineer of the
Union Pncillc , who has been out on a trip
westward , returned last night.
J. D. Wells , general agent of the Union
Pacific nt Cincinnati , Is in the city.
Henry Cassidy , assistant general freight
agent of thu Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley railroad , is in the city.
A Spcclnl Watchman's Kewnrrt For
Spying on Another Man.
Frank Bellamy , n colored saloon keeper ,
whoso establishment is at the corner of
Twelfth street and Capitol avenue , was ar
rested yesterday charged with assaulting
a black watchman , Gcorgo Bruce , with in
tent to kill. Bruce was quito seriously hurt ,
thcro being no less than llvo deep
gashes in his head , nnd his eyes
were completely shut. Ho was
removed to his homo on Nineteenth street
near Mnrtlm in the patrol wagon. Ho says
that Bellamy assaulted him without provoca
tion , and beat him into insensibility with the
butt end 'of n gun. Mr. Bellamy , who is an
ex-policeman and a very reliable man , tells a
different story. Ho says much feeling exists
between him nnd Bruce , owing to
the fact that his ( Bellamy's ) wife ,
who is now suing her husband for a
divorce , has employed Bruce to shadow
Bellamy and report to her at stated periods
where he passes his time , with whom ho
associates , and what ho does generally.
Some flve weeks ago Bellamy took his wife
before the Insanity board for examination ,
mid they pronounced her of unsound mind ,
but at the time in nowise dangerous , and at
Bellamy's request no restraint was placed
upon her. It seems that Mrs.
Bellamy suffers periods of irritability
at stated times , and in which spells she is
violently Jealous of her husband , nnd on
several occasions viciously assaulted him.
The divorce suit now pending is not really a
suit after all , the parties mutually agreeing
that their natures and temperaments were
incompatible , and it would bo better for
them to live apart. Since this ngrcc-
muntaud notwithstanding their mutual com
pact. Mrs. Bellamy has persisted in hounding
and keeping an espionage upon her husband ,
and for the furtherance of these ends hired
Bruce to do the work. Yesterday morning
about 1 o'clock , after he had closed his saloon
Bellamy caught a man peering through the
slats of ono of his back windows , and with
out recognizing him ho leaped out the back
door and grappled with him. He was not long
in making out the identity of his antagonist ,
and when ho did this , and rcali/cd that it
was Bruce who had been dogging and spying
upon his movements for weeks back , his
r.igo know no bounds , and ho proceeded to
give the special copper a beating he won't
forget for many n day. Ho denies that he
used a revolver or any other weapon , hut
that the cuts in Bruco's head wcro made by a
big seal ring he wears on the little linger of
his right hand. Bellamy waived examina
tion bcforo Judge Bcrka and
was released until this afternoon un
der a bond of ? 1 ,000.
Seiilenhorg's Figaro , the talk of the
town , a lOc cigar for Sc. Max Meyer &
Co. , wholubalo depot.
Interesting Condition of Florence.
There seems to bo two sides to the story
about E. D. Calhihun's operations at Flor
ence on election day. It Is claimed that ho
was on the side of whisky and disorder.
Ho say ho was arrayed against the saloon
men and every member of the council is to
day in favorof high license. The present
members were all elected with this under
standing. A number of the best citizens
of Florence say most emphatically that
Mr. Cullahan was not under the influence of
liquor on election day , nor was ho guilty of
any disorderly act other than the protection
of his own men at the polls from the saloon
element , who challenged every vote and
made them swear them in. In fact , n stren-
cous attempt was madoto prevent Callahan's
men fiom voting nt all. This ho
naturally resented us ho has been n voter of
this county for six years , as well lias most of
his men , Saloonkeeper Simpson Is said to have
been at the bottom of about nil the discord up
thore.and advocated free whisky. His licem.0
was taken away from him lust year for some
infraction of the ordinances , nnd this
siiring ho threw all his energies into the
election of u whisky council , nnd
Jngloriously failed. The election was simply
a htrifo between the law and order and the
whisky and disorder elements , and u for
tunate thing Indeed for the town was that
the former cumo out on top ,
Dlcliold Safes.
Meaghcr ft Lenchgon'l agents for the
Dlobold safes , have removed to 419 S.
15th , whore they are carrying a largo
Block of nil kinds of safes.
The Bricklayers on Hand Heady to
Talk to Them.
A hundred or so of the members of the
bricklayers' union met at their hall , at the
corner of Fourteenth and Douglas streets ,
last night to sec what fruit their Invitation
to the contractors' association to meet them
and argue the providing dinlculty In refer
ence to u scale of wages , might bear. Presi
dent Leo Fiost and other prominent Ofllccrs
of the bricklayers' organization were on
hand , and after waiting patiently until nearly
0 o'clock , up to which hour no one from the
contractors appeared , the men dispersed , not
in the least disappointed with the outcome ,
as they said they anticipated It all along.
Both sides continue to present strong
fronts , nnd the bricklayers say they have
funds enough in the treasury to keep them
fionj wanting for the necessaries of life for
long tlmo to couio. They alk'gu that raids
have been attempted on their treasury by
impostors , stimulated by people anxious to
sco their funds become depleted , but in each
case the game failed to work.
Jewels now arc dally seen
Illch carnation lipt between ;
Ask the owners of these pearls-
Stately matrons , lovuly glrlt ,
"What can teeth so beautify 1"
ttey'U all reply ,
TfioIlolietnTnti Wiroofn Ooltlc French-
n'rnn Declares Herself.
The inhabitants of that jwrllon ot Omaha
known as the "bottoms , " hml the monotony
of life varied somewhat Thursday evening by
the first act in a domestic drama With the as-
nurnnco that the curtain will rlso on the
second and last to-day , the end of which
will consist of ono of the most , energetic
tableaux over witnessed.
About ono year ago Peter McGlnncss , n
native of the Emerald Isle , became enamored
of a daughter of Bohemia , who pays her
maiden name wns Bartowisln. Peter mar
ried her nnd took her to his residence on the
bottoms. Their marital lifo has been a
happy one , up to a week ago. Peter faith-
full } ' attended to his duties an n trackman on
the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha ,
while his spouse tidied things up around the
liouso. On Monday the serpent which has
invaded the eden of their domestic bliss , ap
peared In the shape of a floating barge , on
whlcti was erected a cabin , which , anchored
directly opposite the MuOlnncss' mansion ,
The cabin was populated by three Indies of
uncertain complexion nnd easy virtue , and
Peter , becoming enamored of ono of them ,
forgot the bonnlobrldo of nlycur ago and con
fined Ins attentions to his nuwlv discovered
nmorata. This made Mrs. McGtnncss mad
der than a sprinkled hen , aud nt night
when Peter had finished his frugal
meal , lit his pipe and strolled out for his
evening promenade , she without waiting to
wash the dishes as is her wont followed him.
Peter entered the barge , and soon Mrs. Me-
Glnnifis heard the sounds of laughter , in
which Peter joined heartily. Then the Iron
entered her soul , and fleeing back to the
house she procured the family hatchet , with
which nho savored the cable which held the
floating palico of sin to the shore , and , Pcter
nnd Ins new found love drifted down the
stream. The occupants of the vessel soon
discovered that they wcro adrift , and comIng -
Ing outsldo piled their oara lustily until they
reached the Iowa side some two miles below
the bridge. Peter is nt this writing en route
homo afoot. And when ho gets part of the
way back the music will bc ln , for at this
writing Mrs. MeGlnnfss ' ( neb Bartowskl ) Is
lingering at the west end of the Union Pa
cific bridge with a largo , juicy elm club , with
which she proposes to inilict dlro punish
ment upon the wayward partner of her joy
und sorrows.
The Union PacificRnllwny "Overland
will sell tickets nt ono nml ono-thiril
fnro for the round trip from nil points in
Nebraska to the Knight Templar moot
ing at Grand Iblnnil , NobrnsKii , April
10th. All tickets returning peed from
April IHh to 14th , with ono dny limit
from date of sale. J. B. Fit AAV LEY ,
TruvcKng Passenger Agent.
II. P. DEUKI , ,
City Passenger Agent ,
A Commendable Undertaking of
Teachers and Pupils Alike.
County Superintendent of Schools Bruncr
yesterday drew up the followingwhich will bo
sent out In printed form to all the schools in
the state , and fruitful results arc anticipated :
OVAHA , April 5. To the Teachers : On Sat
urday , March 24 , 1SS3 , Mr. George W. Hill ,
principal of the Waterloo schools , and ono of
the most cfllcicnt nnd faithful teachers in
the county , while in the discharge of work
connected with the schools , was'npproached
by a stranger , a Mr. Aylesworth , of Council
Bluffs. la. , who , without provocation or even
the slightest warning , basely shot him , en
tirely destroying the sight of one eye and dis
abling him for months to come , If not for life.
In view of the foregoing facts and that Mr.
Hill has a family consisting of a wife and
three children dependent upon him for sup
port , and that he is a comparatively poor
man , the Nebraska State Teachers' associa
tion ut its last session , at Fremont , on
Wednesday evening , March 2S , unanimously
adopted a resolution to the effect that a col
lection bo taken up in all the schools of the
state for his benefit on Tuesday , April 24.
I therefore respectfully request the teach
ers of this county to comply with the action
taken by the Nebraska State Teachers' asso
ciation , arid to forward their respective con
tributions to the county superintendent , who
will bo pleased to forward the total amount
contributed by the schools of the county to
the treasurer of the Nebraska State Teach
ers' association , who was designated as cus
todian of the Hill fund. Yours very re
spectfully , JAMIIS H. Uiii'Nuit ,
County Superintendent.
That tired feeling and loss of appetite
are entirely overcome by Hood's tiitraip-
nrilla , the peculiar medicine. Try it
and see.
13est seats , Booth-B.irrott engage
ment , Julius Caesar and Merchant of
Venice , for sale by C. B. Denny , Room
544 , Puxton Block.
The Verdict of the Visiting Council
BlulTrt Educator * ! .
The Council Bluffs educational board , ac
companied by the superintendent of the
schools , camoover to Omaha in a body Thurs
day afternoon , Their errand was to in
spect Omaha's thorough school system.
They wore met by Superintendent James and
members of the local board , and the round of
the schools made. At the high school the
chemical laboratory was minutely inspected
and favorably commented upon , while the
physical system was also most highly com
mended. The library was likewise visited ,
as well as all the other auxiliary branches of
the local curriculum , nnd the moro they saw ,
the better wcro they pleased , and the louder
was the praise of educators from across the
river. They returned home in the evening
with naught but expressions of commenda
tion for the masterly management of the
Omaha schools.
Tlilspowder never varlei , A marvel of purl-
tr.streugtli awl wliolesomeiiesi. More econora
Icalthnnthn ordinary kinds , nnd cannot oeaolp
InconjpetlUonwItntlie multitude of low cost ,
short weight alum or phosphate powder * . Bold
only In cana. lloval Halting Powder CO. , 123
Wallatreet New Vork.
Hftslly dlRCsted : of the finest flavor. A hearty
bevtT gefora8troniroppitltBadelicatdrliife _ _ ! ;
fort do sensitive. Thoroughly tested ; nutritious ;
palatable ; uu xc lld In purity ; no unr'
aftereffects. Requires no boiling- .
Marlon Harland. Christine Tcrhune Herrlck ,
Dean A , R , Tlioiuns. M. U. , pronounce It the bent
of all t he powedered chocolates. No other twiuala
it In flavor , purity and AMJ-D VSJ'KITIC qualities.
field fcu Qrccai , Sample inattttl for JO stampt.
II. O. VriLiSUR &
Jf A.
X-he J1BBT nnfl MOST
Thread of Modem Tlmc .
wnoi.r.sAi.K nv
Kii.PATniCK'Kncii Dry Goods Co.
Jl. 11. HMITII .fc Co.
VAXTON ( UM.Ammi & Co.
CIIAB. SiNnr.ii , South Omaha , and all first
class rctnll ilenlcrs.
A. Loon : New Vork Dry Goods Slore. _
S. K. FELTON & CO. ,
And Manufacturers' Agents for
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Offlco , Straus's ' BnilRi , Fonrtb Floor ,
? 12 will buy a gonulno
Homespun All Wool Suit ,
sizes from 31 to 44. cut-away
or suck coat , In light grey
color , that Is i rally worth KO.
The suit is well nuulo und
splendid earing goods. [
AVe make this offer to In
troduce ourselves tothetradul
and in the future you will
Dud our house the bargain1
center. Send your measure )
around bicast under the
nrms , and around the wnlitt
and down the Inside scam of1
3 > the pants , and wol llit \ \ you. ,
You cnn send money with order , orve will ,
send C.O. J ) . by express. |
Kefercnccs : First National Hank , Omaha
or any llrst-classhouso in Omalm.
l\jrto \ > rtsMms
DBS. S. & D. Di N
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col ,
Of tho.Mi < iomi State Minium of Anntoim- .
Lotus , Jlo. , I'nlvcrnlty Collcfic Hospital. Ian-
clan , Uleseii , Gui'immy uud JSew York , having
dcroU'tl tucirattentlou.
More especially those nrlslnfc from impru
dent a , Invltu nil ho sullerlng to correspond with
our delay. Diseases of Infection and contagion
cured hafely and speedily without UbO of dan-
Korous drills. 1'atlentH whoso cases have been
nvelectcjd , tmdly treated or pronounced Incur
able , hhould not fall to write UH concerning their
bymptoms. All letters receive immediate atten
And will ho mailed THEE to any nddross on re
ceipt of ono " -cent btamp. "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and 1'liyslcal Exhaus
tion , " to which Is added an "JJssay on Mar-
riiiRB. " with Impoitant chapters on diseaxcs of
tin ) Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a
valuable medical treatise which should bo read
by all young men. Address
1742 Lawrencs St. , Denver Col.
Warranted nliioliitrly jnire
Coroa , from nhlch the eiccn ot
Oil ha * been removed , Hlian/irft
tint i the ilrtnglh of Cocoa mlit-d
wltli Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and la therefore far more economi
cal , totting I'll than one tent a
t\ip. \ It Ii drllclous , nourishing ,
f trencthenlnf , easily digested , and
admirably adapted for Invalids aa
wall as for persons In health.
Sold by Grocers eierjnlitre.
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for CvDccc Journal ,
S E. Cor 10th and Cupltol Avenue
' lllibutanTreturn with Ute , e th or stamps ,
| w upon reixilpt of whlcb we will tend , prepaid , to
I any address , one Una Dollar uackuce "Ixiniloa
I ( iranulcs , " tlio greatest blood and spring incdl.
'ne cm earth. < fo < xl until April M. London Medl-
clnn Avr . KHiiianCtty , Mo.
fj 'tapE " * ' U " " and Kuoctlotil dim.
" i S I 4TniuIsi tfi sas
"We will give you better value ± or your money than any house in the
The very befit grades of Mens' and Boys' Clothing , at the very
lowest prices. You have the advantage of selecting from the largest ,
and newest stock in the city. For variety of stock , we have no equal
Every garment purchased of us is guaranteed , we don't call Cotton
mixed goods all wool in order to sell you our goods. "We tell you
just what it is and you can always depend on us ; our aim is to make
with every sale a steady and pleased customer. We do not advertise
a few bargains and tell you they are out or sold , when you call for
them all our goods are marked uniformly low. We sell at a smaller per
centage of profit than has ever been attempted by any Clothing
House. We make it up on the volume of business.
The splendid nil Wool Cheviot Suits we are offering at ? 4.75 , you cnn not find elsewhere for less limn $7.50.
AVc received Inst week another shade of the snine goods , they arc haudsomer than the first ; wo sell them at snino
price , $4.75. Another great bargain we just opened , and placed on sale to-tiny , arc n largo lot of black warranted
all worsted Corkscrew Sack Suits lined with good serge , well trimmed and substantially made. "We oflcr them
at $0.50. In purchasing this suit wo guarantee you n saving of at least ? 4.00 , as no house ever attempted lo sell
siich n suit for less than $10.50. In fine Cheviot and Cassimcr Suits , our selection this spring has never bccu.
equaled in this city , and no Merchant Tailor in Omaha , who charges you 35.00 to $50.00 , car. give you any bet
ter values or handsomer and more stylish fitting suit than the ones wo offer nr $15.00 to $20.00.
Compare our prices with those of others , that's all we ask you.
One Price only. No Deviation.
Corner i4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
Electro-Magnetic Belts I
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science
Gentlemen's Celt Best ScfiHtiflfl Scienll"ca"y Made and Practically Applied.
with Klettrie
It eleetiiflea the blood .HS WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.
of the fnttr Ocwn ; o. W. Belial , M. D. . HDrraCntomi. loWal Lemuel JIlTV , Knnki
MurrsT.NinerYllle , III. , r. L. Abbottinpt.oltrwiterworlu , BonthOenrt.Ind.i llabt. H. Sumpion , Chicago
poitofflcoi L. I ) . McMlch&el , If. I ) .BuffaloH. . "YoarbelthaiaccomblltbeditKitr other remedy baei
-T l' K y
net-ret and comfortable deep at night. " Robt. Hall , aldeT - MUlStnxit.New York-
ana thousand * of others.
MflBMC'C 1 EPfnfl UAQMCTIP RRI T Isnpcrtortoallothiin-ctirKntsorcltctricl-
NUnHEO CLUOlliU MAUnCllLf DELI tr arestrong of mild as the wearer majr de-
Irei produces a oontlnnous current ! conrsri electrloltr throiRh the body on the norrei. It eums dlsciuei
br Benemtlnr a eontlnnons currant of eleclrlcItT (10 ( or 1ft hounont ot 84) ) tbrouKbout the hnrann system ,
* UaTlniaJlnerTonsn sltnm < dlatelr , and producing a now clranlatlon of the Ufa forces the blood , 1m-
rlftor. Btronfrth. eaerer and health , whim nlfother treatment has failed. The mortU of this sclen-
flo Holt are Ixlne recognised and indorsed br tbouiands whom It has cured. .
_ . . . , wbolesala houis Chli wholesale ,
KErBItENCKH.-Anr bankcommercUlagency or nuy ic to UUWCQ In y * * ' agoi dronr-sti
Ban rra.nclco aod Chicago. tfTGond itxmp for lift pare llluitr&tod p mpnl4t.
X3XIW - . iiT. laOltnra InTeatoran"- Wobaah Arena * Chloaio.
Which / liclng Pointed upon the Unwary rurchascrsas the Genuine Im
Johanxi HofFs Malt Extract
Tlionrtlololn question Is put up In a SQIUTTV Vnrri.r. with German nnrt Knitllsli label prlntcil In bluoand
tlicporU covered wltii yellow vmr , idvlnfIliepackage ! nHerman Appcnrnnco.
The imimrpusspil oflronlery nl llin coinomfloii DuMiluK thcfe goods In pulllnR tliiMr < lome tlo licpr "Oi'mi-
Ine Importer ! Mull Ktract , " nml their appnuli to the cupidity of rrrtnln cl c < of trailciiiien by Iron elfin ( if
ono hundred Lolllei und upward * to tliofe wlio cnn bo Induced to purcliu e tliclr gooUn , iiuy tsuso tUli
American beer to bo piiltiieil off on the unwary.
Jahann HolFs Malt Extract
introduced Into ilia U R by Moi'nr.nllorpln ISM. the ttnrlvallod nutritive tonlonnd food for Invalids , unri
Inc women , typhoid palli'iiU mid wcukncn Incident to nae uud convHlo cent prinnll.oil liy lundliiu 1'byM
clunmhrouKlmul thuTwurld In received only by us monthly per Meauivn ot Hit ; lliiintiiirk'-Anitrliuii rucLLt
Company , anil Is Ul AKANrKEi > ftcnulne iinil Imported by the tlunutiirc on metallo cupol
Solo Importers nml Agents since 1S09 , to counterfeit which ii FKLON Y.
In order to protect themselves galn t Imposition the ptiblln lire requeued to specify
Omaha Seed House.
IleadtiuurterM for I.aiidieth Celebrated Ret-cK
I'lants , Cut Kloweru aud J'loral deslftia. Hend
W. H. FOSTER & SON , Propriutors
Hi'J2 Canltol Avenue.
NOB. 3O3-4O4-I7O-SC4.
Or the Liquor Habit , PosIllTClr Cured by
Administering Dr. ilutiies' Golden
It ran lie clven In a pup of cotfco or tea with
out the knowledge of thu perena lak-nt'it | ; ubno-
luttily Imrmlesi , and will etlect n permunt mid
unruly cure , whether the patient IB ft moclenite
clrlnVcr or on alcoliollo wreck. Thousands of
( Irunkurilt liuvo been made temperate ineu who
have taken UolJen Hpeclllo In their roDoewith
out their Vnowloclgw and today liellovo they
ciuitclrlnkliiKof their own fren will. It never
fallu. Tliodyntem once Impregnated with the
Hpeclflc , It beoonicd an utter Impossibility for
the llrnior appetite to exist. For sale by Kuhu
& Co. , 15th utid Douglas ts. . and IHtli nnd Cum
in j ; Bti ) , Oinalin , Nob. ; A. I ) . 1'oiter .V Uio. ,
Council iilull i loura.
W * coraUiiy r cemnt4
ZOuiU atthclcit Miutdy
nuva to ui Ut Gbaciiihut
and Clot.
ftchvc olJ comldtr.
aU , tad ID > ity tut U
vrltBiyiytti Altttt A Mils ,
titi CaialcU St.
Cincinnati ,
nut (1.UO.
! iufffrlrrfrom tl. f
WEAKJU fcctt of youlilul ) r
i fill taID ror > , r rj ) < y. lot ,
1 , ttc. 1 in > end luibl trc UM iw lc l >
12 full particulars It r l.cfn * cui , ( rv * f
' '
i Ft'cil'lfOWLERi Moodui , Cojin.
is WEAK , ximvouit.
has TRIFLED away his VIGOIt of DOntV
HINI > and MANHOOD , causing exbauitlfli
drain * upon the FOUNTAINS of LirK2
Dreams , WEAIiNEBB of Memory. UA8K4
rilLNENM laHOCIETT , I'IMi'l.F.H upc
the FACE , and all the EFFECTH l adln&ti
KAHLY I > E AY and Twrhapi VONHVTttVi
TION or INNANITY , should coniult at one *
tlio CELEHHATED br. Clarke , Estalillthe4
16A1. Dr. Clarke hai made NERVOUS DE
BII.ITT , CORONIO and all DlJtasef ot
the GBNITO PRIMARY Organi it Llfi
H'.udy. It makes NO difference WHAT yea
kayo taken or WHO hai failed to cure you. ,
* S-rEM ALES suffcrlnc from diseases poctf-
liar to their s x can consult with the aisuranc
of ipeedy rellsf and cure. Bend 2 ccnti poiUgtf
for works on your diseases.
J-B nd 4 cents postage for Oelebrntcd
Worba on Chronic , NervottB and Uel |
eate Dlieaiei. Consultation , penocaUy or bf
letter , fret * . Coniult the old Voctof ,
Tboasiaucli enr d. Offlcesand hnrlol-i
privuidThoio ; oontemplAtlnEUarrUrft
tend for Dr. Clnrko'a celebrated EUJqB
Halo and Femnlo. each 15o. , both 2iOj
( itamp * ) . Befoio confining your cuse , conimt
Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or qnll roar
i ve future sufferlngaud sharae , and add golden
years to life. as-Book "I.iru'a ( Becret ) Errors -
rors , " Me. ( stamps ) . Medicine and wrltlugt
eont everywhere , secure from eapo uro.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundayn , 9 to 12. Addrcsi ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
1(70 ( 3a Olark SU OHIOAOQ. ILli.
O Itfi A H A
N. W. Cor. 13th A Dodge Sto
Best facilities , apparatus and remcnfd for f ual
ccssful treatment of every form of disrate requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard nnd attendance ; best hospital accoBimo <
datlons in the west ,
WKITB FOR CIECULAIIS on Deformities and
Braces , Trusses , Club Peel , Curvature of th <
Spine , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilroncliitls ,
Itilialallon , Ulectrlclty , raralyslf , } ( plenly ( , Cldi
ney , Illadder , ICye , Kar , SUu and UlpoJ , avd al (
Dlaoasoa of Woman a QpoolAI'y.
All lllood Diseases succenfully treated SyV" ;
Ilitlc 1'oicon removed fiom the system wltnoui
mercury. Ncvr restorative treatment ( or lost ol
Vital Power. I'eraons unable to visit us may bt
treated nt home by correspondence All cotnmUi
'licatlons conridentlai , Medlclnetor Instrumeutl
. ( lit by mail or express , aecuiely packed , nO
imikn to indicate contents or tender One per *
tonal interview preferred , Call and consult up of
end history of your case , aud we will hcud ia.
, 'laln wrapper , our
t'pon Private , Special or Nervous Iife fies Im
Vlency , Byphllis , Oleet aud Vaiicocele , wltu
k > estion 1IM. Address
Uiiintia flidteal anil fiirtftrnl Ttutltiite , or
Cor. 1 3th and Dodge Sit. . OMAHA NEB.
Healfii is Wealth !
HKNT. a guaranteed upeclne for Hysteria , Dlzzt *
ness , Uonvulalons Fits , Nurvoiu Nourul la ,
ilandnclip NervoiiB rroBlr.'itlon , raused by th
tue of alcohol or tobacco. U'ukcfulnesn , Muiital
Deprcaalon. Koftenlnt ; of the llruln. reiultlnR la
IiuiinUy.and leading to mlsery.decny and death.
1'rematureUld AK . llurrenneos , Unsof Power
In either ficuc , InvoliintKry IXIISOH and Hpertn v
torrlxoa caused by over-exertion of the brain.
fclf-ubuse or over.lndulKenc Kach box coa <
tains one inontli'/itreiitmont 1 1. CO a box , or six
boxes for $3 W , seut by mall Prepaid on receipt
ol price.
'lo cure any case. With each order received li iir
us for nix boxes , accompanied with I6.0-1 , we wi ll
send the purchaser our written iumrantce to re
fund the money If the treatment tlotm not effucB
a cure. Ouurantocs Issued ouly by O. K OOOD
MAN. DrUKgUt , Hol Aft-nt , 1UU ruiuam HUtcl.
, N b ,
Are lb JlKhT ,