Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Decided Change For the Bettor
In Wheat
The Strong FoclliiK Due to Ilcli Itc >
cclptfl and Sympathy AVMli Wlicnt
Moderate Speculation in Oats
General Quotations.
Cnicxno , April C. [ Special Telegram
to the HEK.I The wlicnt market had im
proved greatly over night and when trmlers
cntnu together this morning everybody seemed
to want some wheat and prices , which
eccincd high yesterday , were low this morn
ing. The first sales of May wlicnt shewed
nn advance over Inst night's close of ? c nnd
very soon another ? c was added to this.
One liousc was snld to have bouglit in 600,000
bushels of short wheat within ten minutes
nftcr the opening and there wns n small
army of lesser shorts , all eager to cover and
get on the other side before the expected
"boom" got too much of a start. There np-
pcnrcd to bo very good buying also for invest
ment by outside speculators. At least n
Humbcr or the larger commission houses ,
whose clientage I * principally in the coun
try , wore frco buyers. May wheat opened i\t
'O c , soldupto T0e. ( , down to TO' TO' 'i
then up to Wc and held between that price
and 70' e for some time , then slowly worked
down to 70'iC , advanced to 70 > c , fell to
7&7 < c , advanced to 70"40 " again , then dropped
to 7fiX@76c and closed there at 1 p. m. Juno
wheat opened at 70J c , sold to 77s'e , down to
70Xc , nnd closed there at 1 p. m.
At the opening In the corn market there
was n continuation of the strength shown
yesterday afternoon , which was due chiefly
to small receipts and partly to sympathy
with wheat. May corn opened nt M > Xe.
which was > c above last night's close , and
noon sold up to Kc. ! There was peed buying
by several of the commission houses , \vhilc
at the advance the local traders were the
sellers and evidently expected a break ,
which expectations -were partially realized.
May corn dropped to SajfQo'JJiC , again
touched KJc , dropped back to f)2 c nnd be
tween that price nnd G'JJfc held stubbornly
for como time. Hut when wheat began to de
cline corn followed and gradually fell with
occasional reactions to ! a ( jifA } c , whore it
closed at 1 p. m. nt the lowest point of the
session. The estimated receipts for tomorrow
row are light , but they arc at least larger
than to-day's receipts and this was enough
encouragement for the short sellers. .Tune
corn opened at G'Jc , sold up to r > 'Jj4o and down
to fil c bid , at the 1 o'clock close.
There was only a moderate speculative
trade in oats with no special feature. Fluc
tuations were narrow and the Inter tendency
of prices was downward In sympathy
with the corn market , May oats
opened nt 8tVH" ( : c , sold at31fe ! straight ,
then down to IIOXQ 'c. ' which was the price
at the 1 o'clock close. June oats opened at
ilk- , sold nt tl@'IU c nnd at ! > ; c , closing nt
1 o'clock at the last named price. August
oats opened nnd closctl at 27'ie , selling up at
one tlmo to U7fc. ( July oats sold at HOXc.
The provision trade was bearish m its
movements and changes. The old raiders ,
encouraged by the condition of the hog
market , were moro aggressive than on any
former days of the week. In short ribs and
pork more particularly in the former they
resumed their hammering policy nnd by ex
cessive offerings forced n severe break. Lard
was relatively stronger than cither short ribs
or pork , yet lower prices were the rule and
the closings at 1 p. m. showed a material de
pression all around from last night's last quo
tations. In pork the day's actual decline was
15@17 > < fc , in lard ! > c and In short ribs 7 c.
closing 75fe bid , Junn 70 ; ! < e , July "CJtfe bid.
Corn weaker ; May sold from Kyfc to fit ! ®
fi2) ) < c on the split , closing at ! > 2 > cbid ; Juno
51 > 4c , July r lRMc. } ( Oats easier. Pork
was linn ; both May and Juno sold and closed
at W.3JX ; April , $13.23 ; July , fl3.7 ! ! .
Lard was steady and closed at S7.47X for
April , $7.f 0 for May , $7.52)4 ) f ° r Juno and
$7.07J for July.
CniCAOO , April (1. ( [ Special Telegram to
the BEE.I CXTTI.H Stock was well sold last
nfcht , the market closing firm at a decline of
25c as noted yesterday. To-day business was
fairly active and prices about the same as
yesterday on the ordinary run of fat cattle ,
yet one or two lots of fancy nutivo steers sold
for moro money than they would have
brought yesterday. Native butchers'stock
was steady. The stocker and feeder trade
remains steady with prices rather on a up
turn than otherwise. Mediums nnd spring
ers arc beginning to arrive freely nnd nro
Belling within n range of S.'i&ra'So per head.
Steers , ISM to 1.150 Ibs. W.n5@ri.15 ; 1200 to
nMOlbs , CLSfiGH-iO ; US ) to 12UO Ibs , $3.30(8 (
U.UO ; stockcrs and fcedcrs'J.5i@i.70. ( : Cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.75 :1.70 : ; bulk. $2.35@
2.80 ; Texas fed steers , Rl.OOGT-i.20.
Hoes The demand was somewhat better
than yesterday , with little or no change in
prircH , the same averaging about the lowest
range of yesterday , the bulk of best mixed
selling nt tr .20@f > .25 nnd common at Ki.OO ®
r > .15 , llest heavy made tr > .3'Jrt5.85 ( nnd nice
butcher weights $5.2.r . Assorted light , av
eraging 1fiO Ibs , made f5.10tf5.15 ( ; averages of
170 to 175 Ibs made M.20Q5.30.
ClilcuK" , April 0. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows ;
Cattle Kcccipts. 7,000 ; market steady and
firm ; steers ! .HO@n.50 ; stockers and feeders ,
2.50 ( < ? a.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $1.75fi
8.70 ; Texas fed steers , W.00@4.20.
Hogs Receipts , 17,000 ; market steady ;
mixed , $5.05 ( 5.25 ; heavy , ? f > .15@5.35 ; light ,
fWK ) < 35.25 ; skips , $3.Wif4.lK ( ) .
Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; market dull ; com
mon lower ; natives , $3.00 ( < ZG.OO ; western ,
$ VOO@0.00 ; Tcxnns , $3.00@4.yO ; lambs , $5.00
( 0.40.
National Stock Yards , East St.
I/mils , April 0. Cattle Receipts , 300 ;
8hlpiricnt8bOOmarkct ; steady und unchanged ;
cholco heavy natlvo steers. tt.40@4.50 ; fair
to good natlvo steers , fl,00V4.50 ( ; butchers'
steers , medium to cholco , ta.20CT4.25 ; stack
ers and feeders , fair to good S2.20@3,20 ;
rangers , ordinary to good , fJ.20@.V.K ) .
Hogs Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
market active anil steady ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections , W.30 < 5,40 ; packing ,
medium to prime , $3. 10 ( 5.30 ; fair to best ,
light grades , * 4b5@5.15.
KniiHas City. April 0. Cnttlo
IlccelpU , 1,260 ; shipments , 400 ; slow and
weak , good to choice corn fed , $4.70@4.l > 0 ;
common to medium , $3.2.r > < < M.Gri ; stockcrs ,
t2.00@2.W ) ; feeders , $3.00@3..COi cows , 52.000
8.60 ,
Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 1,800 ;
market steady to shade lower ; common to
cholco , * 5,00i ( 5.15 ; skips und pigs , t'J.W@
NEW YOIIK , April 0. [ Special Telegram
to the Hun. ] STOCKS A decided reversal
of sentiment has occurred in Wall street the
past twenty-four hours. The passage of the
bond purchasing bill by the senate nnd null
cations that the president will sign it will put
more money into circulation nnd Is expected
to materially relieve the depressed condition
which has been witnessed in the street foi
mouths. Operators who have not openei' '
their heads for a month huvo como out a :
strong bulls. An abundance of gossip of al
kinds Is heard. London operators do not ap
pear to bo affected by the break yesterday
and sent liberal buying orders this morning
The execution of these orders , coupled witl
purchases by the nowly-ronvcrtcd bulls , gave
the market a decided show of strength tint' '
Beared timid fchorts into covering freely. K (
attention was paid to the news from outside
particularly the bad news , as the effect o
bueh has already been discounted , The mar
Ijct gave every evidence of being a short on <
and the rapidity with which every active
. ( lock ou the list was marked up fully ecu
firmed that opinion. Grangers nnd coolers
received the most attention and advanced 1 * &
(33 ( points. It was said that Gould was be
hind the upward mov6tnont , but there was no
direct evidence to fully establish such asser
tion * . Lenders having profits In their purchases -
chases began to realize after 1 o'clock , but
buying proved sufficiently strong to absorb
till offerings. Hatcman nnd the bear party
attacked St. Paul and sold It with so much
freedom as to cause n drop of J points from
the outside figures. The close , however , was
on n firm market , with the majority of stocks
nt nearly top prices , showing a net advance
from yesterday's close ofjjjtofljf points.
Manhattan had the lead. Heading was up
2Jt ( joints , Burlington IJf , Lncknwanna IJf ,
Northwestern nnd St. Paul 1-tf , Lake Shore
1 , Missouri Pacific nnd Western Union J < .
GoVEHXMnxTB Dull , but firm to strong.
U. 8.4s registered 124 IC.&N.W 107'5
t ! . P. 4s coupon. . . 124 do preferred. . . .Hl',4
11.8. 4'sreKiitroil.lXl'i'N ' V.Central lor.'i
U. 8 4'ts coupon .IttUilO. H. It K JJ
1'nclflcCsof TO. . . .12UHP. T 1 ! <
Canada Hauthern. . fiOSi.l'arlflc Mull 31's
Central racinc. . . . 28 > f ! < ) . 11.4 B 18
rhlrnco 4 Alton . .l.fl IPiillraAnFidnccCatlW
C. , II. A Q IZHjIitcmllnc .WVI
I ) . , l AcW 13Ii.Uork ! Island W > < <
D..VK.O 18 St.l. . & 8.T 27'i '
KrlO 24V do preferred Wi
tlo preferred. . . . 6' " C..M. Jc St.l'aul. . . 7l't '
Illinois rvntral. . . 117'i do prclcrrcil Ill
I..II.&W Id'i ' St.l'&O 3f.
K.4T 13 } , do preferred 10T >
I.nke Shore VJ Tc.ins I'acinc 1EJM
1..4 llnlonl'aclflr M'i
MlehlKan ( Vntrnl. TH' iW. . St. I , . & 1 . in
Mlspoiiril'dcllle . . 76m Ooprofcrred . . . 23
Missouri I'aclllc. . . . 3lUW. | 0. Telegraph.
ilo preferred . " ? ,
Moxcv os CAM. Enty at 2(23 ( per cent ;
Closed offered 2 per cent.
STKHUNO ExcnAKor. Dull but steady at
fl.5 for 00 day bills ; $4. G for demand.
Cli I en K < April I ) . Following nro tlio
SJt.TO closltiR prices :
Flour Steady nnd unchanged ; winter
\viieat , bbls , ( .1.00(0)4.50 ( ) : Racks , ? 2.7 ( ) @
4.25 ; spring wheat bbls , f3.tX5.CO ) ; sacks ,
rj.50@y."i > ; rye Hour , (2.853.10 per bbl ;
buckwheat flour , ? 5.00@0.75 per bbl.
AVhcat Unsettled ; opened strong nt ' @
? < c advance and closed about the same as
yesterday ; cash , 71fe ; May , 75 13-10c ; June ,
7),6 < C.
Corn Moderately active but unsettled ;
pcned firm at J.fe advance and closed Jdrt'e
hove yesterday ; cash ; 4S c ; May , 52il-10e ;
line , olj-jc.
Outs i5tronpcr early , but closed nbout
amo as yesterday ; May , 30J c.
Ilyo Unchanged ntfi'Ji c.
Harley Unchanged at 77@SOo.
Pi Ime Timothy fi.OO.
Flax-seed $1.45.
Whisky (1.15.
Pork Unsettled but fairly active nnd
owcr : cash , t.2.0 ! ! ; May , Sl2.30a.12.3Ji ( : .
Lard Fairly active but steady ; cash ,
7.47'.f ; May , $7.W.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. ? o.75 ( < ? < ) .00 ;
, hort clear. $7.40 ( 7.15 ; short ribs , J0.87H.
Hutter Easier nnd lower ; creamery ,
3c ; dairy , 222t ( ? > e.
Cheese Firm ; full cream chcddurs ,
lJ4c ; flats , 11) < | @ 11J40 ; young Americas ,
ERRS Steady a
Hides Unchanged ; green hides
icnvy green salted , 5) ) o ; light green salted ,
3c : salted bull , 4 } e ; green bull , 3J < fc ; green
ialtod calf , So : dry flint and dry calf , t2@13e ;
ilry salted , lc ( ) ; deacons , JiOc each.
Tallow- Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid , 4' c ; No.
do 3)4 ) ; cake , 4-Joporlb. }
Receipts. Shipments.
'lour ' , bbls . 10,000 10K)0 ( )
A'hcatbu . 10,000 4,000
Corn , bu . U7.000 112,000
Oats , bu . fi3,000 4 ,000
ye.bu . 2,003 1,000
Jnrloy. bu . 10,000 0,000
New Vorlc , April 0. Wheat Receipts ,
, ; exports , 49,0(10 ( ; options ruled stroiiirer
larly , soon advanced Js@e with sonic
ovcring for shorts later on , and near the
lose there was n reaction of ( ( B c , closing
tcadv ; cash , linn ; No. 1 northern , OlJJe ;
No 1 hard , { i : < < { ( < c < .Mc in store ; No. 2 red ,
May closing at b'J. ' c.
Corn Heceipts , 11,000 ; exports , 1COO ;
options opened firm , later advanced VOV'5 !
and later settled back -'nO c , closing weak ;
spot , shade lower and dull ; ungraded ,
( Vic ; No. 3 , 01Kt3l4ci No. 2 , ( MO in store ,
OGJfc delivered ; May closing at GOJ c.
Oats Ilccclpts , 55,000 ; exports , 110 ;
juarket u shade better ; mixed western , UO ( < J
4tc ) ; white western , 41@iric.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Hlo , ciuietnt $14.50 ; op
tions opened firm , closing 3040 points
lower. Sales , 100,750 bags. April , $ U.15 ( < ] )
l.tK ) ; May , tll.05.flll.50 ( ; June , SlO.MItfJl 1.40 ;
ulv , $10..r)0@11.00 ; Auggust , tlO.'O lO.oj ;
September , (10.Wi@10.40.
Petroleum Quiet , united closing steady at
7S'4c. '
Eugs Heavy and lower ; western , 18@
Pork Firm , fairly active ; short clear ,
Lard Shade easier and dull , closing firm ;
western steam , spot , choice , 57.UO ; closing
at .57.02J , ; .
IJutter Ste.idy and quiet : western , 14 ®
2Sc Cheese Quiet nnd steady ; western , 12c.
St. Louis. April (5. ( Wheat Lower ;
cash , So4'c@80J4c ; ; Muy , SOc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 47 ( < 4714c ; May , 47' ' < e.
Oats Dull ; cash , 30) 305 0 ; May , 2'Jio.
Pork J13.75.
Whisky fl.Ofi.
Hutter Firm ; creamery , 24@30o ; dairy ,
Afternoon Hoard Wlicnt Stonily for
May lint lower nnil weak for otlior options ;
May , 8-\Oo , ; July , 70'Affi7io. ( Corn Weak
anil lower : May , 47iluL1 ; July , -I'J e. O.ita
dull ; May , 2 j'Be ; ' ; June 3 < .i'sc. '
Minneapolis , April 0. Wheat le-
cciptM , 223 ears ; shipments , 70 ears ; feeling
was firmer nnil sales milfoil about } c nbovo
yestcrilay. Closing : In store No. 1 hard ,
April , 74 o ; May , 74 c ; July , 70c. No. 1
northern , April , 72 } i > ; May , 72o ; July , 74e ;
No. " northern , April , 7Ie ; May , 71 ' .fc ; July ,
7SJ c. On track No. 1 hard , 7G@70V u ; No 1
northern , 74@75 ! ; No. 2 northern , 7201)7 ) : ) c.
Flour Unohnnpcd ; llrni ; patents , sacks
to local dealers , 4.40@4.4K ; patents to ship
in sacks , car lots , fl,10@4,25 ; in barrels ,
M.2r > ( u3.4.35.
Cincinnati , April 0. Wlicnt Strong ;
No. 2 red , 6 > < ; c.
Corn In moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 34c.
Uyo Stronger ; No. 2 , 07c.
Provisions Pork , quiet , unchnnped nt
$13 h7' ' < J ; lard , quiet ; current nuiUo at $7.)5 ! ) ,
Whisky-Firm at $1.09.
Milwaukee , April 0. Wheat Easier ;
cash , 73/o ! ; May , "i4 o ; June , 75 0.
Corn Steady ; No , 3 , 47X ° -
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white. 3 > c.
Uyo Easier ; No. 1 , fi'JJfc.
iiarloy Dull ; No , 2 , 7(5o. (
Provisions-Dull ; pork , April.$12.4r @ 13.r > 0.
KniiHaa City , April 0. Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 soft , cash , 70 c bid : May , 77o bid.
Corn-Steady ; No. 2 , May. 44'fc bid , Wo
asked ; Juno , 4ic ! bid , 4Ho linked ,
Oats No. 2 , May , ! ! 0c } bid.
Ijlvi-rpool , Ajiril 0. Wheat Steady , do-
mnnd fair ; iiohlors offer modoratcly ; Call-
fornia No. 1 , Os GdQJCs 8d per cental.
Corn Easy , demand | toor ; new mixed
western , 4s 'J Jd per cental.
UNIO.V STOCK Yiitns , Op. m. 1
Friday , ApriltJ , 1888. I
There were fifty-four fresh loads of cattle
on sale to-dav. The packers were liberal
buyers yesterday and were not in need ol
many cattle to-dry , but there was n very
good speculative demand , The restoration
of rates on the llrst of next week made the
shippers anxious to tiick up and ship as many
loads as possible before the rates go up , and
for that reason they wcro very liberal buy
ers on to-day's market. While In a few in
stances bu } era may have paid very nearly
steady prices for something that Just suited
their fancy , the general market was fully 5
lOo lower. The market closed fairly active ,
and witti very few cattle loft unsold.
llnga ,
Thcro wcro sixty-live fresh loads and nine
teen stale , making a total of about S.bCO hogs
ou s.ile. Tliu imirkut opened 5o lower on the
best gradeb and 5c < * 10o lower on the more
common mixed loads. There was n
demand fully equal to the offcrinpa
nnd everything was sold before
the clou * . If. anything , the feeling
was a little better nt the close , nlthouch it
was ot suuiciently strong to allow ol the
market bclnp called dth < jr than steady nt the
opening decline. The quality of the hogs
was- decidedly better that ) yesterday , and a
peed 333-lb. load of .hogs readied (5.05. The
bulk sold.ut ? 4.80rJ4.b5 ( , instead ol fl.85 4 , )
ns yesterday.
There were no fresh rccoints nnd but one
bunch Of stale sheep was marketed ,
Crtttlo 1,100
Hogs 4,550 ,
Prcvnlllnir Prices.
The following Is a table of prices paid In
this market for the grades of stock men
Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . .2T ( gl.SO
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 4.W ) $4.85
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.59 ( < Z3.70
Common to cholco cows 2.00 ( S.1.50
Common to good bulls 2.00 ( S3.00
Light and medium hogs 4.CO ( < t4.$0
Fair to cholco heavy hops 5.00 (35.05 (
Fair to cholco mixed hogs 4.80 < ij4.W )
HcprcHCiuntivG S.llo * .
couN-rcn STKnus
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2. . , . .050 $2.60 2 . . . .11f.O $ .1.00
1. , . 10SO 3.25 70. . . . .1173 4.00
01 ' , . .MU 3.45 20. . . . .1187 4.00
25' ! , . . 1009 3,50 10. . . . .not 4.00
42. . , . . 105)3 ) 3.55 2. . . . .1310 4.10
32. . . icvit' , 300 30. .120,1
3. . , . .1123 8.15. ) 20 1292 4.15
. 0. , . .1011 3.05 18 1178 4.15
30 . . . .1003 .1.70 18 127(5 ( 4.20
37. . , . .104t 3.75 13 1520 4.25
. . .1081 3. SO 10 1533 4.35
20. . . .11G1 3.80 70 1314 4.35
9. .10 3.SO 2 1150 -4.35
51. .1127 12 1KB 4.40
3. .12(50 ( 3.S5 30 1375 4.50
38. a.s3 13 1417 4.50
4. . 930 1.75 C. .1030 2.75
1. .1050 3.00 1. . .1890 3.00
1. . 870 2.2.- , 1. . .1070 3.15
.1010 2.50 4. . .1125 3.80
.1070 2.05 1. . .1800 3.50
4. . .1300 2.30 .1820 3.25
2. . .1425 2.H5 .2100 3.85
3. . .1210 2.75 14 13251,05
3. . . .1410 3.20
III ) 1,1.8 HAT STATE C. CO.
10 Ib83 3.10
.15SO 2.50 2 1600 3.75
.1920 3.00
.13,00 3.50
No. Av. Shk. Pr. HOOS.No. . Av. Shk. Pr.
78. . .221 40 $2.85 07. . .239 120 ? 1.S5
58. . .187 4.15 0. . .229 240 4.8. '
84. . .1S9 80 4.70 02. . .217 4.85 D
00. . .193 40 4.75 78. . .251 3(50 ( 4.85
91 . .170 40 4.75 03. . . .233 80 4.83
(54. ( OilO 4SO 4.75 65. . . .804 120 4.85
or. . . . .811 240 4.75 OS. . . .808 80 4.85
72. . . .803 380 4.75 81. . . .209 40 4.85
74. . . .801 SO 4.80 87. . ' 225 SO 4.S5
fXI. . . .214 SO 4.80 75. . ! .229 160 4.85
5T , . 203 71. . . .21(5 ( SO 4.85
SS. . . .182 200 4.80 07 . . .225 40 4.85
78. . . .833 200 4.80 07. . ! ! 22I 240 4.85
05. . . .820 300 4.80 59. . . .240 120 4.90
08 , . . .245 320 4.80 OS. . . .248 1GO 4.90
74 , . . .197 40 4.80 80. . 227 4.90
77 , . . .242 200 4.80 125. . ! ! 209 480 4.90
GS , . . .218 120 4.80 74 ! ! . .248 100 4.90
(55 ( , . . .21S ISO 4.80 72. . . .240 40 4.90
7(5 ( , . . .213 KM ) 1.80 . .234 3CO 4.90
71 , . . .830 1(50 ( 4.80 co ! ! ! ! 273 40 4.90
78 , . . .815 SO 4.85 61. . . .2G7 440 4.90
Gl , . . .877 120 4.85 07. , . .245 80 4.90
70 . . .221 4.85 5(1. ( . . .288 110 J5.CO
(5(5 ( ( . . .247 2-10 4.85 o < ; . . . .299 5.00
73 . . .228 80 4.85 57. , . .291 SO 5.00
70 . . .21(5 ( 200 4.85 59. , . .277 5.00
re . . .242 280 4.85 09. , . .259 5.00
. . 22(5 ( 100 4.85 53. , . .333 240 5.05
IIS. 81 3.00
Ijlvo Stock : Sold.
Showing the au ubsr ot hail of stock sold
on the market to-dny.
Omaha Packing Co 2,2fi2
Armour & Cudahay P. Co 2,5Xt
G. II. Hammond iSs Co 310
Speculators i. 400
Hulhtead & Co 3b5
Total 5,970
Williams it Gore 407
Lee Minier. 114
Ward ft , Pile 5i
Stevens , Hamilton & Co. 7
Newborp 12
MoWhortur& H
J. H. Conklin
Swift & Co 154
A. Martin 44
F. V. Hiubard 44G
J. L. Hill G
J. A. Hunt
Total. 059
Range of Prices.
Showing highest and lowest prices paid Tor
leading grades of cattle on dates mentioned indicates that no s.Ues of
that p irticuUr class of cattle were made on
Tjivc Stock Notes ,
Hops all sold.
Cattle and hogs lower.
II. U , Jones. Council Uluffs , received ? 5.00
for n peed load of hogs.
Among the visitors at the yards was W. N.
Kiehardbon , of Ucd Cloud ,
The rates will ho restored on the Chicago ,
Burlington & Quincy on Monday.
Prank Sanders was in from Ilockport , Mo. ,
with two loads of line 1,500-lb cattle.
I ) . N. Wheeler , a frequent shipper to these
yards , was in with /our loads cattle from
William Miller , West Point , was hero nnd
marketed two loads of cattlu of Ills own feed-
in c.
W. E. Peebles , formerly n well known
haulier , was in with two loads of cattle from
Hammond's drove of hogs weighed 240
pounds ami cost M.W. which was 5c less than
his drove cost yesterday , und the quality was
bettor ,
The next meeting of tlio Live Stock Ship
pers' iibbociatlon will ho held on Wcdncbday ,
April 11 , ut 2 p. m , at the Exchange build
ing. Jt is likely to bo quite an Important
meeting and the secretary urges a largo at
Halstead & Co. , of New York City , who
have a largo packing house in Jerboy Citv ,
had u buyer on the hog market to-day. Thev
uro pleased with the quality of the hogs re
ceived on tins market and if the market ,
cost of transportation , etc , , is tuch as to
justify them they will bo regular buyers
Produce , I-YuitM , Nuts , Kto ,
Friday , April 0.
Ilic following quotations arc wholesale
ami not rctnll. 1'rlccv iior ( ( < l on iiroiluct
lire the rotes nt ir/iWi / round lot * ura sold on
this market. Fruits or vther line * of f/oocls /
rn labor In iiachlmj ntniwtitl-
be Mf/ijiKcd OH ( ( * ( ( orders at- the
prices quoted for Ute local trailc.
Hates on flour nnd feed arc Jolliers * price * .
Prices on i/ruiu / arc Uiose paid bu Onuj.ha
millers cFcllrciri ? . All s-uolntlon on mcr-
c/iiiiN / c we obtained from temllnd houses
( Did ore corrected ( / i iI'rlrf.i on cntrk-
crscnkcs , c/c.- / ire Ufiac ylren lanunq l \ \
PoTATor.i < Choice iliomo frown ,
Utah nnrt Colorado stock , tl.00@l 15. Chickens dressed , 13c ; pce e ,
12@lJc ) ; turkeys 120il4c ; ducks , ll lOcillvo
chickens , $ .1.Tfi 4.00.
UIIKBOB- Pull cream. IS t/TIKc ,
UANAKAS Medium. ? 2.0itU.OO ( per bunch ;
choice , * 3.00 < a3.r,0. '
Tcitsirs Hutobagfts , 45 50o ; white , 40c
Dcr bushel.
LEMONS $3.70 ( < .50per box.
CAI.IFOH.SMA. PBAUs . &OS .Jo ; extra
choice , M.OO.
DATES Pcrsaln , PC per Ib.
SMMI KiKUT Choice per bbl. of 32 pnl.
jr.COrir ) . ( i Ji bbl. , $4.00@4.50 ; tll.CO per bbl.
of 50 gal.
CiiiKit Choice Michigan elder , $1.00(3060 (
per bbl. of 32 Ral.
POPCOIIS Choice rice corn Is quoted at 4o
per Ib , other kinds , 2 > { ( < 23ci > cr Ib.
OAKHOTS t3.U.X3.ri ! ( ) per bbl.
PAitsN'ii's New stock , $3.00iP3.50 ( per bbl.
OYSTKHS Plain standard , 800 ; plain BO-
lects , .TOc ; standard , 40c ; extra selects , flftc ;
Now York counts , -40c ; bulk oysters , counts ,
? .b5 per 100 : selects , J2.00 per gal. ; standard ,
$1.25 per gal.
CAIIIIAOES $1 per doz. or 3 ( < Z3Kc per Ib.
for California.
CAULIFLO BU Good stock , $2.00(32.75 ( per
OIIANOES California Riverside ,
4.00 ; Mcsilna , W.76@-l.2oi Valencia * ,
8.00 per cnso of 420 ( Mexican , 4.IKI ;
Angeles. W.76GZ3.25 ; Navnls , f4.50 ; Los
Angeles , f4.6fl ; Itiversido , $5.7B.
CHANiiEiiitiK ! < Very scarce ; llelKt Cherry , : Uoll & Hugle , * 11.00@11.W ) ;
Ilcll &Huglo , premium , SII.60@12.00.
HK\NS-aood stock , S2.GO@2.70j California
beans , $2.85g3.40. (
Fms In layers , I3iJlic ( , cnko lie per Ib.
NUTS Peanuts ( l > 5@7c , raw Hrnzil nuts ,
13e ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 16(3 ( ISci filberts , 18c : Italian chestnuts'
15c ; pecans , I5c.
lloxur 10@2lc for lib frntnes ; canned
honoy. 10ViM2cpcr ( lib.
TOMATOES W.00-.60 Per box.
1'Aitsi.KV ! ) "ic per doz.
Gitnux ONIONS U5c per doz.
AsrAiiAtius 33o per Ib.
STiiAwnciiiiins Fresh Florida , $3.50@4.00
per box.
b ? 1.00 per dozen for choice.
Grocct-H' Lilst.
Svnurs New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
37@4io ( per gal. ; corn syrup , 35c ; half bbls. ,
3"e ; 4 gnl. kegs , $1.65 ; shorghtim 3Se.
PnoviRtosa Hams , 10 < @lOJfc ; breakfast
bacon , 10 > @Uo ; bacon skies. 8 > J85fc ; dry
salt , 7c ( < Iso ; shoulders , 0) @ 7e ; dried beef ,
P ICKI.ES Medium In bbls , ( A.75 ; do in half
bbls , $3.40 ; small in bbls , $ ' 1.75 ; do in half
bbls , $3.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.75 : do in half
bblsl $4.40.
Hi'.nsni ) LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb squcar
cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7lfjc ; 20-lb round ,
7Xc ; 10-lb pails , 7Jfc ; 5-lb pails , 7) ) < e3-lb ;
palls , 8c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case. $3.10(3:1.33 ( : ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.15@3.25 ; raspberries , 3-lb , per case$3.10@
3.20 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
nppricots. per case , $4.JO@4.40 ! ; peaches , per
case , $5.00it5.75 ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; California plums , per case , $ .50 < < S4.lW ;
blueberries , per case , $2.20@2.40 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per case , $2.50pincnppplcs ; , 2-lb per case ,
$3.20@5.75 ; 1.Hi salmon per doz , $1.8.r1.95 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25 )3.35 ) : 3-lb
string beans , per easC , $ l.75@1.80 ; 3-lb Limn
beans , per case , $1.RJ@1.U5 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $ U.GO@2.70 ; 2-ib early Juno peas , per
case , W.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 3-lb corn ,
" '
"j'uLMUS-SO-lb pails , ? 1.35@1.50.
SALT Per bbl. , cur load , $1.30.
Horn Sovcn-sixteenttis , lOJJX llc.
CANHV Mixed , 9@llc : stick , 09M.
IIoLtAXii HUUIUNO.S 7072cpcr keg.
MAPI.I : SI-OAK Uricks , ! 2 > Jcper Ib. ; penny
cakes , 14y > 15e per Ib.
UHOOMS Extra , 4-tio , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
STAUCII Mirror gloss , 5JXc ; Graves' corn ,
, e ; Oswego glos-j , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
Tc\s Japans , 20@ . " > , ric ; gunpowder , 20 ®
( We ; Young Hyson. 22@53o ; Oolong , 20 ®
C5c.POWIIEK AND SHOT Shot , $1.40 ; buckshot ,
SI. ( > . " > ; Hazard powder$5.00 ; half kegs , J2.75 ;
one-fourths , S1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.35 ; fuses ,
1000 ft. , 45@7ric.
SfoAH Granulated , " ( " ' c ; conf. A.
COKI-EE Ordinary grades , 1d@l o ; fair ,
17@18cprime,18@10o ; ; fancy green nndycl-
low , 2223c ( ; old government Java , 28@30c ;
interior Java , 25 ( < t28c ; Mocha , 2 ( ! l30c ; Ar
buckle's roasted , i9 ? < Ci McLaughlin's
XXXX , 19' < c ; Dilworth's , 10 ; c ; lied Cross ,
19Kc ; alaroma , ISIJfe.
WOODENWAHE Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1 05 ; No. 1 tub , $0.75 ,
No. 2 tub , $0.75 ; No. Stub , 1.75 ; washboards
$1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.50 ; assorted
bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2
churns , $5.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , il.70.
TOHACCO Lonllurd's ' Climax , 45c ; Splen
did , 45c ; Mechanics' Delight , 44o ; Lcggett &
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 3'Jc ; Drum-
mond's Horseshoe , 45o ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 45 ; Catlln's Meerschaum , 31c ;
Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Piper Hcldsick. 04o ;
Sweet Tip Top , 32c ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Ucd , White
and Blue , ISc.
CiiAcicr.ns , CAKKS , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ;
soda snowllako ( in tins ) , lllc ; sodu dandy ,
5 } < fe : soda wafersin ( tins ) , 10c ; soda zephyr ,
8c ; oily oyster , ( ! > jc ; excelsior. 7o ; farina
oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitoi , 7o ;
Omaha oyster , 7e ; pearl oyster , 5c ; lilcnic ,
5c ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter. Be ; Hoston ,
fcc ; Omaha butter , 7o ; saw tooth butter , ( l ? c ;
cracker moil 5jo } ; graham , 8c ; graliam
wafers. 10u ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , 12 c ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , " ' 40 : oat
meal. 8c ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in pound packages , 12 ! c ! animals , 12o ;
Holiver gingcrround,7o ( ) ; cream,8eConihill ; ,
lOc ; cracknells. l ( c ; frobted cream , 8V" ' ,
ginger snaps , be ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oo ;
homo made ginger snaps. In boxes , Klc ; home
made ginger snaps (1-lb ( cans ) per do/en ,
J2.50 ; lemon creams , So ; pretzels ( hand made )
llJic ; assorted cakes and jumbles , llXc ; as-
borted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
per box $7,00 ; banana lingers , 14o ; butter
jumbles , IIK'1 ' ! lirunswick , 15e ; brandy
snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) lllc ; choco-
latd wafers , 15c ; Christmas liincli ( in tins )
per dozen , S4.r > 0 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14e ; coffee
cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , HKc ; cream puffs ,
80c ; egg Jumbles , He ; ginger drops , lie ;
honey jumbles , HKc ; Jelly lingers , 15c ; Jelly
wafers , 15c ; Jelly tart ( now ) , 15c ; lady ling
ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14o ; vanilla wafers , 14c ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box ,
per dozen. $2.50.
All goods packed In cans Ic per Ib. advance
except snowllako nnd wafer sotia. which are
packed only In cans. Soda in 2 Ib. and 3 Ib ,
paper boxes , J o per Ib. advance ; all other
goods le per It ) , advance. Soda in 1 Ib , paper
boxes , leper Ib. advance. The 2 Ib. boxes
are packed in cases holding IB in a caso. The
3 Ib , boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in
a case. Tlio 1 ib boxes are packed in cases
holding 3D inn caso. Ono Ib. Graham and
oat meal wafers packed 2 doz. in n caso.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75o. Cans for wafer soda , $ .1 ,
not returnable. Cans for snowflaUo soda , $0
per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display
the goods , 75c each. No charges for packages
except for cans and rpturnnblo cases. Glass
front tin cans and "snowilako" sodu cans are
returnable at prices charged ,
Dry Gootlw.
DUCK West Point 29 In. 8oz. , 10J < c ; West
Point , 29 in. 10 oz. , 12Ho ; West Point , 10 in. 13
oz. , 15o ; West Point 40 in. 11 o/lfic. Checks
Caledonia X,9Ko ; Caledonia XX , lO o ;
Economy , 9K i Otis , 9 c.
KENTUCKV JKANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
. . bleached , SJ ) < e ; Stuvens1 N.
bleached , lOl c ; Stevens' S KT , 124c.
MlbiTi.MNhoi's Table oil clotli , $265 ;
nin Holland , SJie to O o ; Dado Holland ,
CAMIUIICS Sinter , Do ; Woods , 5c ; Stand-
rd , 5c : Peacock , 5o ; Slater roll , 0u.7c. (
. ,
HI.ANKETS White. $1.00@7.50 ; colored
* J.10 ( < i8.tK ) .
HI.BACIIEI ) SIIEETIXO Herkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , 9ko ; Host Yet , 4-4. ( ij/o ; butter cloth ,
OO , 4)io ; Cabot , 7 o ; Farwoll , 8Ke ; Fruit
of Loom , O'/c ; Freeno G , Co ; Hope , Bo ; King
Pliillip cambric. He ; \ \ Lens *
dale , Uo ; New York mills , lOKo ; 1'oppcrell ,
43-in , lie ; Pciipercll , 40-in. 12o ; Popperell ,
( V4 , 16c ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21e ; Peppcrell , 9-1 ,
23o ; Peppcrell , 10-4 , 25o ; Canton. 4-4 ,
Canton. 4-4. 9Wc ; Triumph. Co ; Wamsutla ,
Ic ; Vullttf. Sa.
. PniNTS Coi.ons Atlantic , Oo ;
Slater , 6'ic ; Ucrlin oil , O'c ; Garner oiU CQ
7c , PIND XND llonr.s Uichmond , O' cj Allen ,
t\Vc ; Hlvcr Point. 5c ; Steel Htvcr.
Kichmond , C > c ; P clc ( ( , ( lift ) INDJOO TJtUE
Washington. O' c ; Century indigo blue prints
9j < e ; American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold U ,
lie ; Anold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , ID' 'c.
DIIKSS Charter Oak. fiXd ; Itaraapo , 4' ' c ;
Ixdl , fte ; Allen , -Cc : Hichmond , fie ; Windsor ,
COfo ; Eddystono , C'Vc ' ; Pacific , 0,1ic.
iJiiow.v SIIKETINQ AUnntlc A , 4-4 , 74/05
Atlantic H , 1-4. , } ( Atlantic \ D , 4-4 , ( We ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LI , 44. . Cc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , J c ; Crown XXX , 4-t , " ' c ; Hoo-
dicr LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Indian Head , 0-4 , 7'ic ' ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
6 < e ; Pepperell , K , 4-4 , 7'jc1 ; Peppcrell O ,
4-4 , Cc ; Pcpporcll , 8-4 , ISVfc ; Pcp | > orrll , 9-4 ,
21c ; Pcppcrell , 10-4 , 23c ; Utlea , C , 4-i , Gc ,
Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7'fc ; Aurora 11 , 4-i , 7J < c ;
Aurora U , 4-4 , 6 c.
IUTTS Standard , 9c ; Gem , lOVc ; Beauty ,
12Ue ; Uyono , 14c ; H , cased. $0.60.
GINOIIAM Plunkett checks , " ' { 'c ; Whlttcn-
ton 7'fc ' ; York , 7J c ; Normnndi dress , 8 ! e ;
Calcutta dress , 8)40 ) ; Whlttcndon dress , 8)405 )
TICKS Lowlston , 5t-in. ( ) , 12 >
15c : Cordis , No. 6 , 9 > fe Cordli , No. 4. lie.
DENIMS Amoskeng , II , 0-07. , Hlc ; Everett ,
7-or. , liic ; York , 7-oz. , 13c ; Haymaker , SJ-fc ;
Jaffroy , XX. lljtfc : JntTrcy , XXX , 12)40 ) ;
Heaver Creek. AA , I2e ; Heaver Creek , UU ,
lie ; Heaver Creek. CC , lOc.
FIANNKI.S Plaid , 20o ; Goshcn
S2Kc ; Clear Lake , 32kc : Mnplo City , WPfe.
Whlto-G H N 3 , * { 21c ; O H No. 1 ? ( ,
! Wc ; Quecheo No. i , W , 42c ; ( Jueclu-o No. 2 ,
? / , 3" ' < o ; Quecheo No. 4 , ? f , IKJifp ; Annwnn ,
lil } c ; Windsor , 22 } e : Hcd XCi , 24-ln , lo o ;
E 24-inch 2Ic ; GG 34-inch , 18o ; HA V ? f ,
COTTON I'ilVxxm. * Nl'pcr cent trndo dis
count LL,6fc ; CC , 7 ! < c ; SS 8Jfc ; Name
less , 5J4c ; No. 5 , Oc ; KB , UWc ; ( SO , lO e ;
XX , 13 ; e ; 00 , 14c ; NN , lOc ; HX , 18e ; H ,
20c ; No. 10 , S'tfc ; sO , \ ( ic00. \ . 12) 5 ; 80 , lOo ;
20 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored.
25c ; Urlstol , 13Ke ; Union Pacific. 18c.
CvitruT WAiii1 Hibb , white , 19 > { c ; col-
nrcd , 22c.
Goiicrnl ainrkote.
rt.ouu AND FKHD Minnesota patents , $2.45
(23.50 ( per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy
winter patents , $2.50(32.75 ( percwt : Nebraska
patents , $2.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye flour , $2.50
per cwt ; wheat graham. $1.75 per cwt ; rye
graham , $1.40 per cwt ; New York buckwheat
$3.50 per cwt ; Excelsior. $3.00 per bbl ;
j-cady raised , $5,00 per 100-lb case ; common ) ,
bbl ; chopped feed , $18.00porton ; chopped
corn , $10.00@17.00 per ton
ExTitACTS Sanderson's oil bergamot , per
Ib. , $ J2.75(33.00 ( ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 ; oil
peppermint , $3.00 ; oil wintergreen , $2.50 ;
olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25.
WINDOW GIASS Single. 70 per cent and G
per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount.
PAINTS White lead , purc.Olfo ; white lead ,
fancy , OJ < c ; putty , in bladders. 3c ; Paris
white , 3c ; common , 2J c ; red lead , 7e.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees life ; linseed ,
boiled , OOc ; linseed , raw , G7c ; castor ,
No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 : sperm
whale , $1.00 ; whale water , bleached ,
85c ; llsh , bank , 35c ; neatsfoot extra , 05c ;
golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25o : whale ,
20c ; naptha , 1 degree , 14c ; headlight , 150
degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 degree , 15c ; tur
pentine , -ISc ; castor , pure , $2.45 Der gal.
Dituos Acid , carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 50o ;
citric acid , per Ib , COc ; tartaric , ) > or Ib , 5c ( ) ;
sulphuric , per Ib , 5c ; ammonia , carb , per Ib ,
15c ; alum , per Ib , 5c ; alcohol , 95 percent ,
per gal , $2.2(1 ( ; blue vitric , per Ib , Sc ; borax ,
refined , per ib , lOc ; camphor rellned , 30c ;
cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 45o ; cream tartar ,
commercial , per Ib , 20c ; cloves , per Ib 33c ;
cuttlefish bono , per Ib , 30c ; dextrine , per
Ib , 12o ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 30c ; hops ,
fresh , per Ib , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per Ib ,
80c ; Insect powder , per Ib , OOc ; tnorphino ,
I1. . & W. , per oz , $3.00 ; opium , per
Ib , $3.90 ; quinine , P. & W. , per 07 , Olc ; qui
nine , German , per oz , 50c ; roehello salts , per
Ib , 3."ic ; saffron , American , per Ib , 40c ; saf
fron , true Spanish , per oz , $1.00 ; saltpetre ,
pure , per Ib , lOc ; sulphur , Flowers' , per Ib ,
6c ; soda , bi-carb , per Ib , 5c ; silver , nitrate ,
per Ib , S11.50 ; spermacoto , per Ib , OOc ;
strychnine , peroz. $1.25 ; , wax , white , pure ,
per Ib , 55o ; wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , 35c.
Si'iitiTS Cologne spirits 183 proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $1.10 ; do IbS proof , $1.13 ; alcohol ,
188 proof , per wino gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled
whiskies , S1.25SH.5U ( ; gin blended , $1.50(32.00 ( ;
Kentucky bourbons , $2.0UitO.OO ( ; Kentucky
nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00@(5.50 ( ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies. $1.50H3.00 ( ;
brandies , imported , $5.00@8.00 ; domestic ,
$1.30 ( 3.00 ; gins , imported , $5.00iG.OO ( ; do
mestic , $1.25@3.00 ; champagnes , imported ,
per case , $28.00@33.000 ; American , per case ,
$10 00@10.00.
HIDES Green butchers' SJifOic ; green
cured , 6J gJ ( } c ; dry Hint , Oc ; dry salt , 8c ;
green salted calf , 7 } ( < ! Se ; damaged hides two-
thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25c cacii.
Tallow No. 1 , ac ; No. 2 , 2'4'c. ' Grease-
Prime white , 4ic ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c.
Sheep ] ) elts , 10c ( $1.00 , according to quality.
Hranded hides classea as damaged.
Funs Kaccoon , No. 1 , : iO@45c ; No. 2 , 25(3 (
30c ; mink , 10G50c ; muskrat. fall , 6@Sc ;
muskrat , spring and winter , 8 ( > llc ; stripped
skunk , 10@40c ; mountain wolf , No. I. Sl.GO ®
2.50 ; No. 2. prairie , BOC'fi'Oc ; No. 2 , 25 < jg40c :
beaver , Mo. 1 , per Ib , $2.0(1if3.00 ( ( ; No. 2 , $1.00
f < ? l 25 ; otter , $1.00 ( 0.00 ; dry deer skins , 20(4l
35c jier Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15@
25c ; deer skins , per Ib , 2 ( ) ( < J25c.
LBATHBH Oak Roles. a"ji37c ( ; hemlock
slaughter solo , 12C < f39c ; hemlock dry solo , 12
fe.25c ; hemlock kip , CO ( < tKc ! ) ; A. & H. runner
kip , .Wd 75c ; A. liemlock calf , 90c@$1.00 ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock
upper , 19@21c ; English grain upper , 25c ;
hoDilock grain upper. 2H 24c ; Tampiro H. L.
Morocco , ! Ki ) ( 33c ; Tnmiieo | jiepple , 0. 1) . Mo. ,
22 ( < C2'Jo ; Cunicoii , H. G. Mo. , : ( g40c : Simon
O.D. Mo. , $2.75 ( < 3.GO ; Dangola kid , : < 0i 35o ;
X. M. kangaroo , 4e ( ) ; American calf kid. 32c ;
Gricsen kids. $3.0C'iM.50 ( ) ; French glazed kids.
$2.50@2.75 ; French calf kids. SJ.20 ; oak kip
skins , $ SOc < rf$1.00 ; oak calf skins , $1.K1.20 ( ) ;
French calf skins , $1.25c j2.00 ; French kip
slcins , $1.10 1.50 ; Huasitt linings , $0.00 0.50
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50
( SIU.OO per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.506 $
No. 1 com , s 1 s $ . 17.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$14.00
No , 2 com , s 1 s. 15.50 | No. 4 coin , s 1 s. 13.50
No. 1 , 4&0in IS & 14 ft , rough $18.50
No , 1 , " " 10 " 18.50
No 8 , " " 14 " 15.00
No , 2 , " " 10 " 10.00
A , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.t20.25 | C , 12,14 & 10 ft.tl4.50
B " " 19VID " "
, | , 11.50
1st com % in White Pine ceiling $ . ' 12.75
2d " " " " 20.75
Clear Jf in Norway " " 15.25
2dcomln " " " 13.25
ri.ouitiNn ,
A 0 In White Pine $33.50
HOin " " 31.M )
Ctiin " " 28.50
Dtiin " " 20.50
EOin " " ( Sol. Fencing ) 18.00
0 In. Drop Siding SOo per M extra.
Live Slock Commission Mcrcliants ,
Ofllco-Uoom 21 , OppOBltu Kiclianf llullillng , I/nlon
_ block Vurcl , rioulli Ouialm , Neb.
Live Slock Commission Merchants ,
Market funil lii > (1 ( roe on application , btockvri nnd
fecilers ( urnlnlii'il on Kiicid ternn Uv'ori'nc'i-n OIOH-
ha NatloiiHl llnnk und houtli OiuaUaNailuuai , l/ulon /
htoclk > , toutli Omuha.
Live Stock Commission ,
Hoom 15 , Kxcbiniio lliillilliiK , llnlou Stock Varili ,
& houtli Omaha , Neb.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Upposlio Kidiango llulldinC , Uulou gtock
Vunli , bouto ( JmaliaKuli.
Of Omaha , Limitei
Jet * rBo ( J.
_ Agrlcultlirnl Implomonts. _
DealerinAgriciiltnrallmplemejits , Wagons ,
Carrlago ml Hucelo . . ! * < < Ptrprt. bet wccn'VtbtnO
10th. Uoiahn , Nebraska. ,
CO. .
Agricnltnrallmplements.WaionSjCarriages .
Wholcaalf. Om h , Kttr tU ,
holcfAlp llcnlf m In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggies
tOI , W3 , COS nnd IW Jonc Street , Omahiu
Mannfacturcrs of Bnckeyc Drills , Sccflers ,
CultUnton.Hnr Uairi.CMcr Mills and Lublin I'ul-
Tcrlifrn. Cor. 14th and Nicholas MrycU.
\Vholc lP -
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
IVrncf llth nnd Nlrholim Strcctn ,
r Akron , thlo. ) ,
Hamsting Machinery anil Binder Twine
W. E. Mead , ManAgor. 1213 l-cnTenworth > t. , Utimlii
Doots nnd Shoos.
W. V. MORSE & . CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Artists' MatorTols.
A HOSPE , Jr./
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
\M \ iJouiila * Street , Uranhn , Nobra > kn.
Manufacturers and Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor.Mil and rncinoBlrcot , Omnlm , Net.
1110 1UU-11US UoUKlnx M. , Omalm Alnnulucturf , Sum-
mcr M. , llotton ,
( Succcufors to IlecO , Jones A Lo. )
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes
Aucntufor lloston Kubber Shoe Co. 1KB , 110 * A. llltt
llarnor yu. Onmlm. Nebrnakii.
_ Booksellers and Stationers.
H. M. & S. W. JONES.
Successors toA.T. Kcnron A \MiolcJiilo A Retnll
Booksellers and Stationers.
Fine WcdillnK Stntlonerr. Coinniorilal Stationery.
1.W DoUKlns Street , Omalm , Nob.
Coffees , Spices , Et
Oni nil n Coffee nud Milcu Mills.
Teas , Coifees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlavorliiK Kilractn , Lnuiulrr llhui. Inks , Klc. lilt-
lllf. lUrney Ktrri't. OninhH. Nelirnskn _
Crockery " nnd C In Bsvynro.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamns , Chimneys ,
_ Kto. OBI cc , 31" B. 131U St. , Oninha Nebraska. _ |
Importers nnd .lubber * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware ,
Kto ISlt Knrnnm St. , New 1'kxton IlulldltiK.
CommisBlon nnd Storage-
( Succcsiors to MoSUana A Scliroedcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
O in aim , NuLrttaka.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commission
McrcbunU. Corre pondcnco rnllcltod , 101 * Nort
Hith btrcel , Oiniiha , Net ) .
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Epcclaltles lluttcr , Kpn , ChccfC , I'oultrr , Game ,
Oyster ? , Klc. , Ktv. 112buuth 14tb btreet.
Coal , Col < o nnd uimo. _
Joote of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South 13tli Street , Omnhn , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Con ) , Coke. Cement , 1'lHMer , I.lrai
Drain Tile , and Sewer 1'lpe. ORIce , rnxton HoUl ,
j-'arnam tit , , Oniuhn , Neb. Telephone mi ,
Shippers of Coal and CoKe ,
214 South 13th St. . Omaha , Nch.
and Notions.
M. E SMITH i'co. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
J102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. . Omalm. Neb.
Importers and Johte in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' FurnlshlnK ( loods. Corner llth and lltuncy
Sts .Otimha. NrbriiPhn.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
KaruRiu Street , Ouiuha , Ncbraika.
Omaha , Nebruika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
.05,707,700 and 711 fi. 10th 81 , , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12th and LeaTenvrorth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska ,
LEE , FRT b * ( cx ,
Jolers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Agents for HoweBcales ,
nnd Miami 1'owdcf Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and IlufTalo Scales , 1KJO Douulat
Htreet , Omaha , Nebra ka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOlb. and Ilarner Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Western Aconu
lor Austin.Powder Co. , J rrerson Steel Nails ,
Fairbanks Standard Scales.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. HUJ , Ink' , and 1407 Humor St. , Omaha ,
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Waiton Block , Hardware , Lumber , lite. 120 :
undl8llllttrney btreet , UiuuUk.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
"Taionand Carriage Wood Stock , Heary Hardware
btc. KIT mid l lil l avenworlh Hi , . Omaha. Neb.
i , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hals , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Uiruej Btreet , Uuiaha , Neb.
. . . . Lumber.
All Kinds of Baildino Material at Wliolesak
IfcUBtreptanil IJmon I'aclHc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lunilier , Lath , Lime , Sasb ,
UOOIK , Lie. Yaids - Corner ? lh and ZJaiuUi ; fvrc i
= = 3
C. N , DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of mute
13th na California Streets. OrnMi * . S > br..t.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ha , Elc ,
. .Om h .
To Dealers Only ,
Office. lUnfarnamSlrrct Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported . and American Portland foment. Putt
.AgentlorMllwnukcn llrdrnullrlVnicnl and
QuIm-T Wlitte l.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lubcr ,
Woort CntrUt m11'nrquct Kloorinn Wb nnrt TXintUii
Iron Worka.
and Cast Iron Building f orlr ,
. Ilram Work , OcnPral I'ontnlrr Mnrhlnetud
ork. Onico i nil Winkr , U. I1 llj.
l lllli flr l , OmixliH
Maiinfactiircrs of Wire and Iron Railings
IH'tk ItnllK , Wlmlnw fimrl ] . Honor 8tim1Vlr
* , Utc. Ul North Iflli Sln'i
Man'frs ' of Firo& Burglar Proof Safes i
Vault . .lnll Work , Iron nml Wlro K nrtnic. Hlgnn.Eto.
( ! , \niri > Hn. 1'im'r ( Mr lllli nil I .lni-k iin yu.
Iron anil Wire Fencs ? , RailiniJi , Guards
uU MTeuns , lorbHUXn , oiikuni clinic , U'-i'lPiu-cs , cl0
Improved Awnliu" , I < ocVsinltliMnclilncry aod
lllacksmUli ork . tUltjuulh lull SU
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
Ocncrnl AB.'iil for Dlcbnhl Sftfo , V Ijipk Co.'i i
Vaults mul Jail Work , 1115 I'linuiui btroot , Oui b . '
rtiiuinory nnil Notions.
" "l. OBERFEUDER . ' : 667.
Importers & JOubersin Millinery & Notions
_ 2US , JIO unit 2IJ Houth lltli Street
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
41(1 nnd < ( Vi PC utlt 10th St. , Ouinlm. '
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , \
lIQ&lInrnor Street , Omnhn. .
Wholsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Orcmo. Klc. , Omalia. A. U. lllnhnp ,
Paints nno Oils-
WluiU"i\le Dciilcr'ln
Paints , Oils. Window Glass , Efc ,
Ilia rnriiiini Street , OiiinlinNeb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry nnlcc ntnck of Printing , Wrnpplng nnd Wrlltnit
I'n ir. Si'i-clal attention nlyen to i-arloEil orders.
Printers' Mote-rials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Xfalersln Triip. l'n > MFj nml Printers'Supplies. COS
f-oulh 12th btruct. Omaha.
Rubber Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers iH Rubber Goods
Dll Clothing and Leather Uvltlng. 1009 Karnam Street.
Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
A."LrsTRANa CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines , "
Steam , Wilier , llallwny nnd Mlntnu Suppll , Etfl.
VJO , UB nnil U2I Knrnnm rilreet , Omaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stciim nnd Water Punpllo . Ilpnilqiinrtcn for Mist ,
KiHistACn'n pnwli. 1111 raniiim St..Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Hallldny Wind Mill ? . 1)11 ) nnd 9Mr rnnm St. ,
( J. K. HOSJ , Acting ManiiKvr.
engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron Work Ptcsm 1'mnpii , Pnw MIMi. 1213-121A
Jj-avenwortli Btrei't , Omuha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden
Oil nnil ! 13Jonpn | Street Omnha.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage. Forwarding and Commissiony
Branch house of tlio Ilcimov HIIKKT C'o. Ilugiilps nf
wuolcialu und retail , 1 H IJlOnnd 1312 liard Blreot.
Omalm. 'IVlepuone No.W ) .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
MO\ \ North KlRtbteenlb Street , Omnha.Not ) .
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeant 1'aoU , Bblrti , Kto. 1102 and 1104 Douglas Street
Vmaba , tia\i. \
Cornloo. .
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ;
John Kjiencter , frnprlrlnr. V20 Dodaa and 103 and 108
Kurtli 1Mb Htrc t , < ) to ha.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wbolcsalo Manufacturers of * * * tt |
Sasli. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , " s
Ilranch Offlce , 12th and Uard Streets , Omaha , Neb-
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Htalr Work and Interior lUril Wood Flu *
Ish. W , ISUorn r8lh and I arcunorlU btrteli. , j
Omaha , Ijeli. < *
Manafacturcrs of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And llllnds , Turnlnir , Flair-work. Hank nml Offlca Fit *
tintts. ath ) ttnd I'oppletoi , Avenue.
Stocko , Bollora , Eto.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Slacks ,
llritchlngs , Tanks nnd ( leneral Holler ftepalrlDf . U15
ludze Btrcot. Omaha , Neb _
'j'he best known and most popular Hotel In ( tfl
st te. location central , appointments Drst-clasi ,
H sdiuartvrs for commercial IUMU and
K < J.
I thin ,
llnuo i , milt loothkf cwitnu of
. . . . .
Alttttij sll wttk
- - -fr" > * i tun.uga ptrlijtttcr *
114IbimV'lo l > l > l > si < d Vlt raui8lri > ( lb.lQ Uk
Cufi.ottiX -filtioiliLllrnr vcfvirilitt/iMlafuh ,
Ib adi'u EUiuV ) CB.