OMAHA DAILY BEE 3EV13NTEENTH YEAR , OI\IAHA \ , SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 7 , isss , NUMBER 204 CROOK IS A MAJOR GENERAL , The President Nominates Him For the Terry Succession. HONORS WORTHILY BESTOWED- Colonel ItrnokH Nominated to no n Brigadier General The Careers of Both Onllnnt Oniccrs Ilcvlcwcd. Tlic Inillnn Flfjhtcr'fl Reward. WASHINGTON , April 0. [ Tele gram to the HK8.1 Representatives Me- Bhano nnd Dorscy were nt tlio white house this morning nnd urged UK | > n the president the nominations of Briga dier General Crook to l > o mngor general , nnd Colonel J. II. Hrooks of iho Third infantry to bo brigadier general , nnd wcro assured that the nominations \vould bo made. At noon they Informed the HEP. correspondent that the nominations would likely come in to-day rind surely within n week. Between 2 and 3 o'clock the president's executive clerk ap peared nt the senate with the nominations in the order named , Both wcro anticipated some days ngo by the UKK , which also antici pated the retirement of General Terry long before there was scarcely any ono who could bo made to believe it. The nominations give general satisfaction and the Nebraska dele gation Is very much elated over them. The two senators nnd three representatives telegraphed - graphed Generals Orook and Brooks their congratulations this afternoon , while n score of other legislators and many army ofllcurs Joined In sending individual telegrams of flllcltntlon. The nominations were merited nnd are timely. The president was not only anxious to get the nominations oft his hands but was glud of an opportunity to recognize thcHO olllccrs , whoso confirmations will quickly follow. The record of Colonel Brooke Is nrlllla nt nnd Is known to not only the people of Ne braska , where ho has served with great gal lantry , but the country at largo. Ho is the last of the infantry colonels , having been promoted to his present rank les.s than ten years ago. Ho is not n graduate of West Point , bnt entered the service as n volunteer Immediately upon President Lincoln's call for 75,000 men. After the attack on Fort Bumtor ho was made captain of the Fourth Pennsylvania infuntry and served three months , when ho returned home , raised n regiment , became n colonel of the Fifty-third Pennsylvania infantry , served through the war nnd was mustered out as n brevet gen cral in 18X5. ( In the reorganization of the nrmy that year ho was appointed lieutenant colonel of the Thirty-seventh infantry , was promoted to colonel of the Thirteenth in 1879 , and transferred to the third infantry the same .year. The nomination of General George Crook gives general satisfaction , and nothing but words of commendation can bo heard in regard to the course of the presi dent , who was guided solely by the tnagnill cent record of this distinguished soldier. General Crook is n native of Ohio , gradu < ntcd from the military academy nt West Point in 1852 nnd was assigned to duty In the Forty-eighth infantry , then serving in Cali fornia and Oregon. Ho soon became noted for courage , coolness and skill in Indian war fare , and his name has since become u house hold word in every state and territory west of the Mississippi river. During the war of the rebellion ho became ono of the most prominent commanders of the national forces , reaching the command of u separate nrmy , nnd at the close of the war was in command of all of Sheridan's cavalry in Virginia. With the Hiirrendcr of Leo ho was promptly ordered back to his old field of duty in northern California nnd eastern Idaho to quell the Piutes nnd Bannocks , then holding high carnival in those states as well ns Nevada nnd Washington territories. Ho pur sued them during the worst winter ever known in that region , and nt last brought them to bay in the infernal caverns of the lavn beds of Idaho , killing n great number and reducing the remainder to submission. This brilliant success induced President Grnnt to order him to Arizona territory to try his hand upon the Apaches , who had been at hostility since the tlrst coming of the Spaniards. General Crook first en deavored to secure peace by gcntlo means , but these failing , he began his oppcratlons with startling energy , attacking the hostllcs in their chosen strongholds , nnd striking blow after blow without an hour of respite. At the head of the Santa Maria , nt the canyon of the Salt river , nt Turrett Unite , on Superstition mountain , nnd dozens of other places the Apaches wcro surprised by forced night marches , thoroughly whipped nnd forced to surrender to the number of C.OOO. They were not permitted to llvo in peaceful idleness , but wcro compelled to farm for their livlnir. Only ono band was exempt ed from Crook's control , the Chirncahuas , who afterwards gave the authorities so much trouble. Promoted to the position of brigadier- general , Crook was transferred to the De partment of the Plattc , where ) the Sioux , ( Jhoycnncs , Bunnocks nnd Utes were Clements of dancer to the publio peace. On his campaign against the Sioux nnd Choycnncs in 1870 and 1877 , ho led his troops for two winters in the face of bliz- rardii in Dakota , Wyoming and Montana , lit a temperature of 403 below zoronnd through a summer of unusual heat and unprecedented rains. The entire command narrowly es caped starvation , being reduced for eleven days to a diet of horse meat nnd wntcr. His troops fought the hostllcs on Powder river , Wyo. , in February , 187(1 ( ; attacked nnd des troyed the village of Cra/y Horse on the Lower Powder in Montana in Mnrcii ; ngnin met and defeated them on thu Tongue river , Montana , on .luno ' . ) , 1870 ; whipped Crazy Horse nnd Sitting Bull on the Itoscjiml , Juno 17 , 1870 ; again on Geese Creek , Montana , August. lt)7t ( ; again ut Slim Butte , Dakota , September' ' , and totally destroyed the vil lage of the Cheyennes on Willow Creek , Wyoming , in the urctlo weather of Novem ber 35 , 1870. This lust blow proved to bo too much nnd the hostlles sent lu runners beg ging for terms. As soon ns the ground would admit of marching , 4,400 Indians surrendered nt Ked Cloud agency , Dakota , in Febru ary mid March , 1877 , In subsequent operations against disaffected Utos and Ban nocks , Crook showed the satno energy , skill , courage and knowledge of thu situation , Ko- culled to Arizona in 1882 to subdue the Chir- ncahuu Apachasylio wore again on the wnr path , ho made the memorable march against them Into the heart of the Sierra Madre , three hundred miles across the Mexican border , surprised Geroniino'B stronghold , killing nine and inducing the others to mir- render. Five hundred and twenty-live Chlr- ncaliuas returned to the agency , being every soul of the hostiles , and seventeen white captives were restored to freedom. General Crook Is known to the country nt largo us u linn friend to nil Indians anxious to do right and livu ut pence. His linn advo cacy of the cause of the Dakota Poncus In 1831 , and his unswerving friendship for such of the Apuciio bands us have kept faith with the whites , has attracted favorable attention throughout the country. Ho will hold his now position for six or seven years , retiring In 18U4. His headquarters will , in all proba bility , bo Chicago. [ General George Crook , United States nrmv. was born near Dayton , O. , September 8 , 1S29. Ho entered the military academy ut West Point July 1,1S43. Graduating lu 1S53 , bo was assigned as brevet t > econd lieutenant to the Fourth regiment of Infantry , and pro ceeded by way of Nlcaraugua to loin his reg iment , then stationed in California. Ho was promoted to bo second lieutenant July7 , IbM ; to bo first lieutenant March 11,1S50 , and to bo captain May 4,1601. During this time he was constantly and actively employed in the vurl- , IUH Indian wars which mark the early his- loryol California. lu 1W7 Uo the Pitt river expedition , nnd was wounded by an arrow In nn engagement on the 10th of June in that year. In two other notions ( July 2 nnd July 20) ) , ho broke the power of the Indians nnd restored peace to northern California. In n period of about nine years ho wns brought In contact with nearly every tribe of Indians in Orcpon and Washington territories , his services being always in de mand where active and arduous work wns required. At the outbreak of the rebellion he nt once cnme ensl nnd obtained ( September 12,1S01) ) the command of n regiment of volunteers from his native state. His regiment , the Thirty-sixth Ohio Infantry , was ordered for duty fn West Virginia. Crook Immediately began the work of transforming the raw re- emits which constituted his command into trained and disciplined soldiers , nnd by tact nnd persistent effort he succeeded In bring ing his regiment up to n point of protlclency seldom found in volunteer regiments nt that date. During the winter ho drilled his men in a largn building which he had caused to bo erected for the purK | > so , and by this means had his command In condition to begin active operations ns soon as spring opened. Ho was appointed May 1,1SOJ , to the command of n provisional brigade , nnd May i > 3. 1SW ( , with inferior numbers inflicted n telling blow on the rebel forces under General Beth nt Lcwisbiirg. General Both In his report of this action stated : "I nttnlncd without tiring n shot that position in front of Lowisburg which I would hnvo selected. * * Victory was In my grasp , Instead of which I have to acknowl edge a most disgraceful retreat , " The rebels were utterly routed and driven demoralized from the Held. This was Colonel Crook's ilrst battle In the war of the rebellion , and "or his gallant and meritorious services on his occasion ho was brcvetted n major In the regular nrmy. Ho was wounded In this affair but remained on the Held until the end of the light. The steadiness of the troops on this occasion nnd their brilliant success is attributable to the drill nnd discipline they hnd received during the preceding winter months. Colonel Crook wns next engaged in the northern Virginln cnmpnlgn ( September and October , 1MW ) , and was promoted to bo brigadier general of volunteers Septem ber 7 , 1WEJ , his commission bcinir specifically u reward for gallant and meritorious services. His brigade Mirtlclpated in the battles of South Moun- .nlii ( September 1-1 , 1S < > 2) ) and Antietnm 'September IV. 1802) ) , and lor his gallant con iluct at the latter ho was brovctted n lieuten ant-colonel in the regular service. Ho was next sent to West Virginia where 10 rendered invaluable service from October , 1802 , to February , 1SCIJ , in clearing that state from guerillas nnd "bushwhackers. " Ho was in command of the independent divis.on iit Carthage , Tcnn. , from March to July ISO' ! , participating in the Tennessee campaign with the Army of the Cumberland and the ad vance on Tullahoma Juno 24 to July 4 , lSt > 3. On .Inly 1 of this year lie was placed in com mand o&tho Second cavalry division of the Army of the Cumberland. In the active campaign which ensued , besides almost daily skirmishing , ho was engaged In the action at Hoover's Gap ( Juno 2t ! , 1803) ) , the battle of Chicamnugun ( September 19,1803) , the pur suit of General Wheeler's cavalry ( October 1-10 , ISOa ) . This pursuit was ono of the most brilliant episodes of the war. With inferior numbers. General rook drove the enemy before him and struck him severe blows at the foot of the umbcrland mountain ( October III ) , at McMInnvlllc ( October 4) ) , and atFarmington ( OotoDer 7) ) . This brief campaign of ten days required the most constant activity , and for the skill and vigor with which it was con ducted , and for his brilliant services nt Farin- Ington. General Crook was brevctted n colonel nel in the regular uruiy. During the ensuing two months ho wns occupied In difllcult and dangerous operations ncuinst. guerillas , which ho conducted with eminent success , clearing the country between Shelbyville , Teun. , and Homo , Ga. From February to July , 1SG-1 , ho was in command of the ICannwlm district in West Virginia , conducting n raid on the Virginia & Tennessee railway , which was utterly de stroyed for many miles. During the raid ho was engaged at Cloyd's mountain ( May II ) , New Hlver ( May 10) ) , and several skirmishes , In all of which he was successful. In June , 18154 , he made the raid on Lynch- burg. Va. , which place was reached in spite of the vigorous resistance of the enemy , whoso opixjsition led to continuous and daily skirmishing. The combat at Lynchburg was another victory for General Crook , but his advanced position was untenable without fur ther support , which could not bo rendered. With admirable skill ho thereupon withdrew his forces to West Virginia in spite of the ef forts of ail active and numerous enemy. For his "gallant jin.d distinguished services" on this raid ho was brovetted u major general of volunteers. Ho commanded the Department of West Virginia from July. IbW , to February , 1805 , being engaged in the actions of Snicker's Ferry ( July 10) ) , Kernstown ( July 2t ) , skir mishes at Hall Town , August , IblH. When General Sheridan began the famous Shenun- doah valley campaign , ho called General Crook to his side as a counsellor , and Crook's brilliant services during that stirring period arc world renowned. Ho participated in the action of Bcrryville , September Si , the battles of Opoquan. September 19 , Fisher's Hill. September 22 , Strasburg , October 14 , and Cedar Creek , October 19. His ilonk attack on Early at Fisher's Hill was ono of the best conducted and most brilliant feats of the war , and was decisive of the campaign. "Had the heavens opened , " it has been said of this affair , "and Crook's ' forces been seen de scending from the clouds , no greater con sternation would have been created. " His distinguished services demanded recognition , and October 21 ho was promoted to be major general of volunteers , and was brevettcd n brigadier general for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign and n major general for his gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Fisher's Hill. From March 20 to April 9 , 1805 , he was in command of the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac , being engaged in tha battle of Dinwlddio court house , March 31 , Jettorsvillo , April 5 , Sailor's Creek. April 0 , Fnrmvllie , April 7. It was Crook's command that reached Appomattox - mattox station on April 8 , and throwing him self in advance of Loo's nrmy prevented his further retreat. As a result of this move Leo's escape was cut off and ho surrendered on the following day. General Crook was next assigned to the command of the District of Wilmington , N , C. , which ho retained from September 1 , 18115 , to January 15 , IbOO , when ho was mus tered out of the volunteer service , in which ha had attained the highest rank conferred by the government. In the regular service ho hud likewise received the highest brevet rank attainable , but in actual rank ho re mained whcra ho was at the beginning of the war and was still a captain. July 18 , I860 , ha was promoted to bo a major of the Third infantry , nnd July 2S lieutenant colonel of the Twenty-third infantry. The close of the war brought him no respite and ho was nt once assigned to even moro arduous duties In thu west , and In November the general who hud lately controlled nnd di rected the movements of over 00,000 men , was engaged in leading sixty men against tha savages of Idaho , and with this small force quelling the uprising of the Snake Indians. Ho was successively placed in com mand of the districts of Owyhoa nnd of the lakes nnd of the Department of the Colum bia , until March Si , 1871. The Apache In- dluns hud long been extremely troublesome , and in June , 1 71 , General Crook was as- blgncd to the command of the department of Arizona and to the tusk of subjugating these Indians who hud successfully detled tha power of the whites since the time of Cortcz. Ho ut once begun organizing the troops of his command and studying the character of this intricate problem. The country wns little known and the diftlcultlcs seemed In superable. At length everything being ready he took the Held in person , and in a short active campaign , lasting from October , Ib72 , to April , 1873 , ho completely crushed his savage opponents and thu terri tory of Arizona was rendered inhabitable and prepared for settlement and development by the whites. For his brilliant services in Ari zona ho was highly commended in general orders , and in October , 1873 , recelvcu n well earned reward in a commission ns brigadier- general. Ho remained In Arizona until March , 1875 , when the Sioux troubles in the northwest begun to assume dangerous proportions. Ho was at once ordered to the command of the Department of the Plattc. Taxing the lield in command of the Big Horn and Yellow stone expedition , ho fought several nctlons nnd captured tunny of the hostlles , contribu ting largely to the successful issue of the war , nnd the resulting pcaco which has lasted to this day , and which opened up for settlement the northern nnd western t > arts of Nebraska , the territory of Wyom ing nnd the famous mining region of the Black Bills , Dakota. In 1878 ho sup pressed the uprising of the Utcs in Colorado. In General Crook's first service In Art- ? ona ono baud of Indians had been expressly cxccptcd from his operations. These were the Chirleahuas. They wcro dealt with by n "peace commission , " nnd remnincd unpun ished for the outrages they hnd committed. As n consequence they rctnlncd n confidcnco in their own powers and n contempt for that of the whites , which nt n Inter date , when nrmcd with modern weapons , rendered them "lie most dangerous and warlike of nil the Indians of the continent. In July , 1882 , the 3hlrlcnhuns. by their incursions , endangered .hosafety of Arizona. Mismanagement hnd brought about n very unsettled fcellnp nmong the pwlouslv conquered tribes , and n gen eral outbreak wns threatened. General Crook wns nt once ordered back to Arizona , where he soon restored quiet nmong the res ervation Apaches. The Chlrlcnhuas wcro nt the tlmo In Old Mexico , nnd from their Inaccessible natural fortress M the mountain fastnesses in the Sfbrra Madrcs sallied forth In bloody raids through Arizona and New Mexico , a perpetual menace to the peace nnd prosperity of those territo ries. General Crook conceived the daring > lan of penetrating the mountains nnd nt- ncklng the Chincahuas in their own haunts. Ho organized n command of lO.'i scouts from the nil bnt hostile Apaches of the reserva tions , nnd forty-two white soldiers , nnd tak ing the command in person with this force lie crossed the Mexican frontier and disap peared in the mountains. It may be said that the whole country , nnd the army In particu lar , held its breath in suspense nnd waited anxiously for news from this gallant band. A month passed and still no word came. A few more days and the general and his llttlo force re appeared , bringing with them ns captives the whole Chlricahua tribe. As n result of this expedition over six hundred of these Indians were placed upon reservations and peace was restored. The character of his allies , the difllcult nature of the country and of his enemy , the boldness of his plan and the re sults obtained will over nmrk this expedition ns ono of the most daring and successful to bo found In history. During the two years following the Chirl- cahuas made rapid progress toward civiliza tion and self support by civilized methods , nnd for the first time In its history Arizona was entirely free from Indian troubles of any character. In 1SS5 came n renewal of hostilities. A portion of the Chlricnhuas took the warpath under Mangus and Gcronimo. The hostile band was pursued with tireless energy until March , 1880 , when the whole band surren dered to General Crook in Mexico. On the way to the United States Gcronimo with n party of thirty-three men , women nnd chil dren escaped. The remainder , seventy-seven in number , wcro sent by General Crook to Florida. The remnant of the Chirieahuas under Gcronimo surrendered to General Miles under n promise of immunity from pun ishment for their offenses. In April , 1880 , 'General Crook was ordered to the command of the department of the Platte , where , in 1SS7 , by his decision nnd sound Judgment , ho succeeded in preventing n serious uprising of the White river Utcs under Colorow. From the beginning of his cnrecr in the early days of California to the present time , in n service of nearly forty years , ho has been almost constantly in the field. Wher ever active and arduous service was required General Crook was in demand , and could bo found sharing the hardships and enduring the same fatigues and privations as the pri vate soldiers of his commands. His service during the rebellion was uniformly gallant and meritorious , often brilliant nnd nlways marked by good sense and sound judgment. As an Indian lighter his name will ever remain inseparably connected with the history of the west , nnd his successes on many a field from the Missouri to the Pacific and from the British possessions far into Mexico , have won for him the name of the greatest Indian lighter of our country. GOLD DISCOVERED. A Trnut in Southern California HIIK With the Ore. SAX Diuao , Cnl. , April 0. Reports of rich gold discoveries In Lower California have created much excitement in this city , nnd prospecting parties have gene to the bccno. The San Diego Union ascertained the fact that a number of experts have been in the lower California gold Holds and hnve brought back to their employers n reliable report of rich discoveries. The paper publishes an in terview with an expert who had been in San liafael valley. Ho states that in traveling over the Sierra Mndro mountains ho dis covered n tract thirty miles long and twenty miles wide , in which thcro nro hundreds ol veins , nvcraging from three to twenty feet in width , principally composed of free gold in white quartz , which is easily worked , and ns- says from &WO to f2,200 per ton. The placer grounds nro reported to cover thousands ol acres , nnd arc said to be rich In gold dust ant nuggets. The White Oaks Road. Er , PASO , Tex. , April 0. fSpeclal Tele gram to the BEE. [ Contractor M. R. Locke , of the White Oaks railroad , tele graphs Vice President H. L , Newman tha' ' ho will bo hero to-morrow , when all matters will bo arranged. Information from the east clearly establishes that this enterprise is backed by the Southern Pacific. A brand of the Missouri Pacitlo from the Denver & KIo Grande line will run to White Oaks , and the two Joint interests will be united , thus af fording the Missouri Pacific n San Francisco line much shorter than via the Denver & KIo Grande and to the Southern Pacific a route 300 miles shorter to New York. The Indian Bible Question. MIDDLBTOWN , Conn. , Apill 0. At to-day's session of the Now York EastMothodis conference , resolutions were passed instruct iug the delegates to the conference to auk for the appolntmen t of n committee ( o consider the matter of the recent order of the govern inent prohibiting the use of the Indian bible in Indian mission schools , especially request ing that consideration bo given the questioi whether the government has the right to prohibit the use of native languages in in stltutions which receive 110 pecuniary supper from the government. The River HUinu at Knnsnx City. KANSAS CITT , Mo. , April 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Br.K-1 The river registered 19. feet above low water mark this morning am Is rising ut n rapid rate. No damage is autlcl pated to-day although the water is fast com ing up to the damngo lino. Large cakes o ice arc being brought down by the swift cur rent and branches of trees and debris iudt cnto that the river is flooding the low land above. Reports from Lcuvemvorth indlcat n rapid ris.o there. The water lucks but thre feet of running over the abutments ut th cast bottoms. Floods in Minnesota. ST. PAW- , April 0. Many houses nnd flat at Mnukato nro flooded up to the middle o the windows and the river is still rising West Mankttto is bubmorged. Three fee moro of water will cover the Milwaukee tracks , and nil trains huvo been abandonee to night on account of the wntcr In th vicinity of Good Thunder. It is bald the iroi bridge at Garden City has been swept awaj A Family's Sore * Distress. WiUvESiiAimn , Pa. , April 0. Mary Sharp of Wanemcc , was engaged In the manufac ture of whiskey this afternoon when the pot containing the same topped over into the ho flro. The fluid blazed , setting fire to he clothing and she was burned to death in few moments. Three of her children wh tried to bavo her wcro also burned. Th husband and father , John Sharp , who was a work ut the time , is reported to have bocom iusauu. THE WRECK AT SEW HAMPTON Pushing thoWorkof Olorxrhiff Away the 'Dobrla. AT THE SCENE OF THE DISASTER. Why the Bridge \Vny-Accounts of Eye AVItticsHCS Belter That Iho Smoker Contnlnn Several Dcntl The IOWA Raltrond Horror. CIUCKASATV , In. , April C. [ Special Tele gram to the HKB. ] At 4 o'clock this morning vork was ngaln renewed on the wreck nt Mew Hampton , Bcip from other divisions of the road was brought into requisition nnd 'ully two hundred men have been nt work during the entire tiny. The water in the lllddlo Wapsle began to recede about six lours after the accident , nnd it has up to this imc fallen about three f cot , and work on tha wrecked cars Is rendered much easier. The lead and wounded yrcro all taken to Now lampton as fast ns they wcro taken from the wreck , nnd the dcaCi bodies put In cluirgo of ho undertaker , while the wounded were pro vided with suitable clothing nnd ns comfort- nblo quarters as could bo furnished. Drs , Mixer , Bnbcock , Wright , Gnrdnorand ttoomo are in constant attendance nnd are doing all in their power to alleviate the suffering. Ono of the most pitiable sights connected with the catastrophe is that furnished by the Hcldcckcr family. They nro all provided with comfortable quarters In the Clark louse. The family In composed of father and mother nnd seven children , ranging In ages from one to fifteen years. The father and mother lay in ono bed rendered almost speechless nnd unable to move. Their faces and hands are a complete scald. In an ndolning ] room on a wide bed are the .hrco youngest children , burned so badly ns , o be beyond recognition. At the foot of the jcd , stretched out on n cot , is William Held- cckcr , the eldest son. The extent of his in- uries cannot bo learned. During the entire day he has hardly moved or uttered n word. Louis and Peter Hcldeckcr wcro both Lhrown through the window out Into the water as the car plunged down the embank ment and succeeded In swimming to the shore nnd escaping with but slight injuries. It is quite probable that at least three more members of this family will yet die. All day long numberless people from the farms and from the workshops , business nnd irofoislonul men have been thronging to the scene and most of 'them have taken away some ncMCOFjrm ! DISASTCH. The following account of the wreck is ? iven by nn eye witness : The trnin pulled L > y engine No , 831 , . J. W. Scngcl engineer , 3yrus Morris conductor , passed through New Hampton some hours behind tlmo. Scagcl was an old employe of the road and knew every foot of- the track over his run. As ho pulled out of New Hampton he was running nt the rate of forty miles nn hour , but when near what is known as the dry bridge , about twenty rods cast of the main span over the middle Wapsie he applied nis air brake , slacking up the train to about ten miles an hour. Ho pulled over the dry. brldgo and then put on steam and at the tlmo of the accident was going ut the rate o ( thirty-ilvo miles an hour. A heavy rain had fal'pn'tho ' night before and , a largo chunk of ice ; nn ncre In nrea , hnd broken loose from ; above and coming down had struck the grade about midway be tween the two bridges. The water lacked about eighteen inches of flowing over the bridge , but it came with such force that when it struck the grade the upper end sunk into the water and part of tno mammoth sheet lodged directly across the track. When the engine btruck this it jumped thu rails and tore along tno track n distance of thirty feet and then.plunged down a ten-foot embankment Into the water. Noth ing remained above but the smoke stack , the dome and a part of the cab. The tender tore loose 'and switched around in front of the engini. Tne baggage and ex press car , carrying nlso pouohcd mail , passed the engine about a length and a half and then went over the embankment. The smoker , carrying about forty people , seemed to tear loose from the baggaqo car , and struck the cab of the engine , tearing oft the entire side. The two passenger cars loft the track , but were not badly wrecked. The sleeper , con taining about fifteen people , remained on the track. The baggage master nnd messenger were both in the express car , but neither wcro seriously Injured. The mail pouches , express und a lot of baggage were thoroughly soaked , but most , If not nil , has been taken out and cared for. The accident occurred shortly after 4 o'clock. As soon as the uninjured passengers dis covered their terrible plight they made their way out of the cars ns best they could aim assisted those who were less fortunate , A dispatcher left the scene immediately and informed the operator at Now Hampton. Help was immediately summoned and by dny- light n hundred people were at work , At 7 o'clock the wrecking train left Mason City witli Superintendent Moll and Assistant Su perintendent Cable and n largo additional force of workers. Attention was first di rected to the smoking car where the P11UIUKS AND ClllltS coming from the wounded were such as were never to be forgotten. Crushed through the rear end of the cur was the engine and the steam was escaping no rapidly that it was first thought that all the occupants would bo burned to death. The car lay on Its side and hoon strong men were at work breaking through the windows and lifting out the in jured. AugiiBtShnrp wns found jammed In above the engine , and at the rear of the cur ho stood imploring help. A strong man gripped an ax , and not until ho fell from exhaustion did he quit his work , His last blow Inflicted an ugly face wound.upon Sharp , who wns forced to remain in his terrible position for nearly four hours before ho could bo extracted. . All this time in front of him lay the man gled corpse of Engineer Seagel , wlillo u little farther on weru heard the moans of the aged Mr. and Mrs. Jleidecker. The body of Willard Andrews was found near him In front of Mrs. Heidecker. Her little babe lay sleeping in n seat. Tier first thought was to cling to it , and taking the lifeless and man gled form In her arms BUB Hiusr.n IT nnd then lay it away from her forever. The dead thus far recovered are as fol lows : ' WILLAUD ANPREWS , Lament , Wis. , ngcd twenty-three yours. CHRISTIAN SIMENSEN. Perobyrok , Denmark , ticketed from Chicago to Dell Uaplds. JOHN B. DUELOS , ticketed from Chicago cage to Kimball and.directed to friends , MAHY HEIDEPTEK , aged ono year. J. W. SCHAGliL , Mason City , aged forty years. The wounded nre : JACOII SCIIAKT , Jit. , Sioux Fulls ; severe wounds on wrist nnd hand , 0. J WIII.ANI : > , Geneva , In. ; both hands , wrists , fuco ana head badly scalded and bruised. NICK Goxitixo , Aurora , Wis ; cut over eye nnd on left cheek , cut on back snd right hnnd. J. M , CiinihTiANfox , Denmark ; head anO face scalded nnd rib broken. Mil. ANlt MllS. HL-IECK1K ] ! AX1 > FIVE CHir.- nni'.K ; the man is badly scalded on his hands nnd face , the woman's skull is broken and bho feustuined other injuries. The children are scalded on the head and hands. JOIIK Mi'itpitv , Ossiun.Iu , ; hands scalded , und bruised on leg , Aimiuit WIIITK. Blackstonc , Mass. ; head bruised. JOHN GLAUSXHII , Mqntlcello , Wis. ; scalded head and face und bruised face. FIIANK STIUKIIAKIII : : , Boag , Wis. ) bruise oil head and face und left leg. DiMti. Sniiori' , braKeman. Sioux City ; head , face and brcasi scoidcJ and leg in jured. AVGUST Sc'iunr , Waukesha , wis. ; held by the scat irons In the water for four hours , inly his head being out. His head is cut on .ho left side nnd both nnklc.s nre injured. HENUT SCIIUAKK , Norn Springs. la. ; In nred about the head nnd shoulders nnd 'nee. 'nee.AHAM KAUCII , hands and face scalded. MAnr KAUCH , his wife ; scalded on the right hand and has n scalp wound on the left slue of bend , Gus HF.IIUIX ? , Germany ; head nnd face cut nnd broken ribs. Et.woon Etxnns , Mnrshnll. Wis. ; bend nnd 'ace cnt nnd bruised mid front part of body scalded. Piiiu.H * Gnoss , Fort Atkinson , la. ; irulscd hnnd. Frank Hclmmcrmnn , of Wnukon , In. , wns mown to have been on the ill-fated train nit ho has not yet been Been. An account x > ok of his has been found In the car nnd it s fenrcd thnt his remains nra buried In the lebris. Nle Ganrmg , ono of the wounded , gives TUP. roi.i.owixu ACCOUNT : "I was In the smoker. I judge that thcro nust have been n party of llvo in It nt tno , lmo of the nccldent. I wns reading n letter 'rorn my brother-in-law , stating that ho was lying , when I heard a sharp crash , nnd felt is If everything wns giving way , and wo vcro going down n steep decline. Then I icard the train bumping nlong on the trnek , ! raised up and put my hands on the sent but ho next moment I was thrown over nnd I edged In the window. My body , up to my wnist , wns submerged In water , and this I think saved mo. The steam from the engine escaped rapidly which was Indeed lucky for those of us that have survived. Had wo re mained in this hot steam n few minutes onger all would have been killed. The train nust have been running ut the rate of forty nlles nn hour. " Among the ladies that rendered valuable assistance were : Mrs _ . Mattason of Brain- nrd , Minn. , Mrs. Fabriz of Greene , In. , nnd Miss Wolss of Crossvlllc , Wis. The coroner's jury hnvo been in session nil day long , but It is thought thnt they will not reach n verdict for Boverul days. A special car from MllwnukcOj carrying W. G. Collins , assistant general superintend ent ; W. D. Cnrrick , general bntrgugo agent ; J. Milllgan , claim agent , and M Brosnlhnn , .raveling freight agent , arrived on the scene ut 8 o'clock this morning. By some the company Is quite severely criticized. For mnny years this has been considered n dangerous part of the road , es- iccially during high water seasons. The Wupsio is naturally n small stream , but in times of heavy rains its overflows its banks mil is converted Into a largo river. There but two 150-foot-wldo channels ire - - through which the water must pass. The grade now acts as a dam , the water above being almost , wo feet higher than the water below the track. The wrecking crew quit , work nt 7 o'clock , jut will resume operations early in the morn- up. It will be several days before the wreck will bo cleared away. The smoker will be .he next car to be taken out , and it is ex- > ectcd that several moro bodies will bo found. The fireman miraculously escaped by being thrown out through the window of his cab on top of the smoker. A Urnkomtui Fatally Injured. , In. , Auril C. [ Special Telegram , o the BBE.J To-day n brakeman named Frank Lincrod was thrown from n freight irain west of town nnd had his skull broken. Pieces of the skull were pressed into the Drain and ho cannot live. Ho was unmarried and about thirty years old. Railroad Wreck. EI.MIIU , N. Y. , April 0. The engine of the passenger train on the Delaware , Lacka- wanua & Western railway left the track about fifty miles east of Buffalo , about mid night , killing the 'fireman nnd badly injur ing tho-cnglnccr. The passengers are safe. The cause of the accident was a washout of a culvert. _ A Frightful Accident. NEW YORK , April 0. Last night , nt the Delaware iron foundry , six men while en gaged in casting n largo cylinder , were pre cipitated into the mould together with the ladle and molten iron. Two of them wcro so fearfully burned they cannot survive , and the other lour are also burned. OHIO'S CKNTKXXAUY. Speeches From Distinguished Guests at Marietta. MAIUKTTA , Ohio , April C , The city is crowded with distinguished guests , coino to attend the centennial celebration. The pub lic exercises to-day were by the historical society. Bon. Win. P. Cutler , of this city , read n paper on the subject of n monumental structure at Marietta to commemorate the important historical event thnt came ns n fulfillment of the past as well as a founda tion of the future. After spenking nt great length on the services und sacrifices of the men who opened to civilization the first gate way to this great valley on April 7 , 1687 , ho offered n resolution that the society will en courage the erection of n monumental struc ture nt Marietta , nnd will co-opcrato with the centennial monument association in ef forts to procure pecuniary aid. After the annual election of officers , cx- Presldent Hayes was introduced and warmly received. Ho said he was very glad to join this centennial celebration , which is of n character that demands attention from all and for which we have not time enough. He believed in as many celebrations as can bo given , and hopes vet to attend moro of them , He was followed by Senator Hoar , who spoke of the pride which Massachusetts had for her sliaro In the founding of Ohio. There arc probably no two communities on the fuco of the earth , said he , moro alike in opin ion , character and history than these two great commonwealths. The afternoon was spent in driving to the ancient mounds , the site of the old fort , nnd other places of interest. At the evening meeting n distinguished audience filled the hall. The principal address was by William Henry Smith , whoso subject was "Familiar Talk About Monarchists und Jacobins. " It treated of the political contest In the ter ritory northwest of the Ohio river in the early years of the state , having particu lar reference to the life nnd public services of Governor Jeremiah Morrow , Ho paid a higli tribute to the scttlci-B of the territory. Ho cited opinions showing the statesmanship of General St. Clulr as governor of the new territory , particularly concerning St. Clair's views of the restrictions to bo placed on citi zenship. Coming from u monarchical and aristocratic government , immigrants brought with them Ideas ut war with republican principles , and bclntr victims of oppression they would bo too often moved to view nil forms of law unjust. St. Clalr held that u period bo allowed for educating the new comers before entrusting them with all the responsibilities of citizenship. A moderate share of property ho deemed essential to muko nn elector independent. The speaker then sketched the growth of the party spirit then known as federalist and anti-federalist , quoting from u letter of St. Clalr , huylnir : "Although wo are near neighbors , thu people on this side of the river are the very nntipose of the Kentuckians , " Hcfcr- ring to the admission of Ohio into the union , Mr. Smith brought forth new matter to show theio was unfair political scheming and tampering with the ordinance of 1787 , and this led to the introduction of Jeremlali Morrow , Dr. Edward Tillin and Colonel Thomas Worthington , leaders of the repub lican party of Jefferson. In conclusion , after referring to some ol the dangers of the country , the chief of which is the pride of money and combinations that destroy Individual enterprise , Mr. Smith said : "Lotus not despair of tha republic , but acquiring thu faith that strengthened the immortal Lincoln , I believe that Providence will find a way for rendering for good the enormous wealth in thu pobHCbsion of the few , and transforming to coiibervativo American citizens the refugees of Europe without the horrors of crime and bloody rev olutlon , " To-morrow will bo the real centennial day A Prominent loivan Dead. DBS MOINES , la. , April 0. Edward James- Holmes , for many years clerk of the supreme court of Iowa , died to-day. G HUMAN llOUDOin POLITICS. [ ttamnruk Opposed to the BnttcnhurK Alliance. iropi/rfoM JSSS fiu Jamr.i Onnlnri neriiKM. ] BEIILIX , April 0. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BrE.l Boudoir politics for wo days have been engrossing Borlinors. Yesterday It wns- whispered the English ruccn nnd the junior Bnttcnburg were com- ng to nld the English knlscrlno in mnrr.ving icr daughter to the senior Buttonburg. To- Iny Bcrliners hear through semi-oflicinl nu- horlty thnt Prlnco Alexander's suit Is post- toned only to revive if the kaiser dies that n short only funeral baked meats can beset set forth on the marriage tnbles because { ussln cannot object to n young emperor's sister marrying the czar's enemy while the czar must object to thnt enemy wedding nn emperor's daughter. Yesterday boudoir xjlltlcs were saying that both the kaiser nnd crown prince hnd been in speeches compll- nentlng the iron chancellor for policy's sake n order to placate his opposition to the new 3attcnberg wedlock. To-day the idea of Jlsnmrck resigning because of n mother-in- nw , n grandmother nnd n czar Is pronounced v silly Idea , wherefore an amended nd ro-cdltcd version with awkward of the crown prince's recent lattery of Bismarck by the medium of n sort f after dinner speech , is this evening semi- ftlclally printed , nnd the young man 1ms iccn enjoined to never Indulge again In any metaphor a which is nlwnys forbidden by tatc crnft. .So the royal romance nnd the Imperial con- nrds nro nlrcndy throttled. The result of hcso boudoir political sensations has been to revive and deepen German prejudice against English in tlucnco. It is now doubtful If the empress' mother visits the empress daughter nt nil. Prince Blsmnrck Is represented as looking nueh worried yesterday. Ho passed an hour vlth the emperor , nnd immediately aftcrwnrd nn hour nnd u hnlf nlono with the empress. Cnowlng ones say Prince Alexander was about to visit Berlin , but thnt now ho will lot come. Bismarck detests petticoat inilu- cnco as much as Hichulicu used It , nnd that or n long time n chancellor crisis will bo lolinuino ; VICTORIA OBJECTS. Jccclior'w Book ContnliiR AllitHloiiN Slip Don't Mice. [ OnjivrfflM JS&9 by James Hnnlnn JfnnifH.I LONDON , April 0. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEE.J The Bcccher book was in the press of Sampson , Low & Jo. , when to-day the firm received n letter notice from the solictor of John Biddulph Martin , nn influential banker and prominent city man , to the effect that chapter 24 , page il ! ) , coincident New York edition , reflected a 'also libel against Mrs. Victoria Martin , his wife , In these words : "After vainly at tempting to obtain money from my self and my wife ns the price of its suppression. the Woodluill women published their version of the Tilton scandal In November , 1872. " To-day , nlso , he same solicitor cabled the New York pub lishers , Messrs. Webster , to the same effect. Mr. Martin has also seen the London firm , who courteously said they would suppress all allusions objectionable. This afternoon I saw Mrs. Martin , who Is changed face , figure or manners since I last saw her many "years ago In Now York. Mr. Martin is n man of large wealth and liigh social position. Ho lives nt 7 Hyde Park Gate , just off the park drive , with every luxurious surrounding. Said Mrs. Martin : "The paragraph is wholly false , and ns lawyers nhrnso it , it is so in generals , in essentials , in colour , nnd in particulars. The publishers have kindly given mo n copy of the proof sheet. The charge amounts to blackmail. I do not believe - liovo Mr. Bcccher ever made or wrote such a charge. I challenge the production of any such MSS. of ins at any risk of personal annoyance - noyanco to my husband , nnd I am prepared to bring the libellers to task. Whither has the chivalry of American editors and writers lied since I quitted America , that alleged occur rences sixteen nnd even twenty years ago should bo oven referred to , much less falsi fied in order to strike at a woman. " What the New York publishers may say is best known in their city. Mr. and Mrs. Martin , however , seem very strenuous in their intention to light what they insist is calumny. Bnttenhci-K Snubbed. Bnnu.v , April 0. The Nntionnl Gnzettc says the renewed efforts to obtain the con sent of the emperor to tha marriage of his daughter , Princess Victoria , to Prince Alexander of Battcnbcrg , Imvo not been successful. For this reason thcro are no longer any grounds for u secret conflict be tween Prince Bismarck and the emperor and therefore there Is no question whatever of Bismarck resigning. , Flilit With KpnnlnrdH. MATium , April 0. Advices from Zoolos say fighting recently broke out between the Spanish garrison and Xoolo natives and ten Spaniards and 100 natives wcro killed and mnny wounded , including n number of of ficers. The now viceroy general tins been in structed to enforce Spanish supremacy In the Philllplne , Caroline , Mariano and Pelew islands. The .MooriHli Difficulty. LONDON , April 0. A dispatch from Tan giers says everything icnmlns quiet. It is generally expected n sntisfnctory settlement of the differences between the American and Moorish governments will be effected through the mediation of the British , French and Italian ministers. Coercion's Penal I left. DunuN , April rt. Father Kennedy nnd sixteen farmers of the County Cork have been convicted of attending a national league meeting in the proclaimed district and sen tcnccd to three month's imprisonment. Will Suppnil OpcrntlonB . ROMK , April 0. The cabinet has decided to stop military operations in Africa during the summer. The special colonial corps will re main nt Mnssnwnh , und thu rest ol the troops will return to Italy. Battcnliertc May Gut Her. BKHMN , April 0 , It is affirmed to-night that Emperor Frederick insists upon the marriage of his daughter to Prince Alex- tinder. Our Navy on lC ) 'l/rioh ' ( JSSS&Iamr Gonlnn lltnnttl. ] GIIIIIU.TAII , April 0. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] The frigate Lancaster has arrived. MormoiiH In INDKPENDKNCB , Mo. , April 0. The world's conference of the re-organized Church of Jesus Christ , or , as ills ordinarily termed , Latter Day Hainta. began hero to-day , Presi dent Joseph Smith presiding. Thu corner stone of thu new church was laid. Jl W nn Till of. SCOTT CiTYt Kan. , April 0. On Thursday morning 12,000 in currency was stolen from the Pacific express ofllco at Horuro , Grcely county , by J. H. Draper , the newly appointed night operator. Ho came from Arkansas about , two mouths pgo , WHY TAUIACB WENT DRY , The Wets Sny There Wna Crooked Work Done AND DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION. The Arson Chni-RO AgnltiRt ItroxrncU nlNscit lloif Thlovos Boun < \ Over Odd 1'Yltnwa nt i J'Veniont. ' PrcpnrltiK to rnntcit. Cirr , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Telegram to the Bfcn.J Severn ! gentlemen from Tnlnmgp , who nro not In sympathy with the dry result of the Into election nt thnt place , wcro In the city to-day making nr- rnngements nnd taking legal ndvlco townrds contesting the election nnd Claiming frnud ou the part of the prohibitionists. Browncll NKIIIIAKKI CITV , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Telegram to the BKI : . | Jnmes Brownoll , nr- rested near Syracuse by nn Omahn fletectlvo Thursday , charged with setting flro to the barn of his brother-in-law , Georijo W. War ner , several weeks ago , had his trial to-day before Judge Jones and was discharged lor want of evidence. A Crete Bitt-Klnr Caught. Cnr.TB , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Telegram to the Br.u. ] John Clark , who was impli cated In the robbing of Charles Areim' clothing store In this city on the night of April il , 18SS , was arrested In Lincoln nnd brought to this place by Detective Pound. He plead not guilty , waived examination before - fore Judge Achilllng and was remanded to Jail nt Lincoln to wail trial. Ho could not furnish the $1,000 bond icqulrcd , Sale of n Valuable Horso. HASTINGS , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Tclo to the Bin . The noted gram : ] three-year-old inbred Wllltes stallion , McClure , 4,1170 , was to-day sold by A. H. Cramer to Church Howe & Son , of Nomaha county. McClure is Bald. by prominent horsemen who have seen him to bo individually one of the best specimens of the Wilkes family in existence. The price paid has not been made public. 1'ollticH nt Bonnet. BEKNUT , Nob. , April 4. [ Special to tbo Bin : , ] The following board of trustees of this village wcro elected yesterday : Geo. Crane , Euos Bertz , J. E. Vunderllp , O. A. Dickson. The new boaul contains two republicans , two democrats and one independent. The republicans and dem ocrats each hud a ticket in the Held , and wcro about equally divided , but the prohibs voted for men from both tickets and decided the election as above. Build nnd Siinmior.s Bound Over. NKIUUHKA CITY , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Telegram to the Bii : . ] George L. Budd and Charles P. Summern , the two men arrested for wholesale hog stealing , had their prelim inary trial to-day and were bound over to the district court. Summers confessed and , imong other things , told of Budd is that the ivoman ho represents as his wife and who is lying very ill and in want in the southern l > art of the city was not his wife but n woman ivith whom ho had eloped from Fairbury , Neb. , some time since. Odd Follows nt Fremont. { FHEMONT , Neb. , April 0. [ Special Tolo- ram to the Bui : . ] The Centennial Lodge of Odd Fellows was paid n magnlllcent compli ment to-night at its regular mooting. There ivcro present representative members of the order from Lincoln , Omahn , North Bend , York , Sehuyler , David City , Wahoo , Arllng- on , Blair , Stanton , Norfolk , Pilgcr , Ains- .vorth . , Osceola , Newman's Grove , Ord aria Hooper. Altogether thcro nro 1,10 visitors. The Lincoln delegation , llfty strong , enmo on. i special train tills evening. The gathering ivas purely voluntary , the visitors coming to scu vlio splendid team work of the biinnoi lodge of the west in conferring degrees and making initiations. Odd Follows. Dxvii ) CITV , Neb. , April -.Special [ Tclo- ; ram to the Bii : . ] About forty Odd Follows 'rom this place dcp.irtcd to-day for Fremont to pay a fraternal visit to the Fremont lodgO .mil receive instructions in now lodge work. Brought Back to Life. ' CITY , Neb. , April ft. [ Special Telegram to the Bui : . ] A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Swift , suffering for soma time with typhoid-pneumonia , sank rapidly yesterday and last night was pronounced [ lead by the attending physician nnd thlt opinion wns concurred in by all present , therq being all the appearance of death. The grief of the family and heart-rending cries of the mother ns nho clasped the body of the child seemed to awake it as from a deep Bleep , foi Bho opened her eyes , breathed and hag been growing rapidly better ulneo. She is pow pronounced out of danger. The case is arc- ) murkablu ono and the physicians do not pretend - * tend to be able to explain it. Grooloy C Miter Incorporated. : Ci.vnit : , Nob. , April ( ( . [ SpeolaV to the BIRJ : At a recent meeting of tlij ' county commissioners , Greeley Center wn duly incorporated. J. C. White , R. B , HutchJ IBOII , J , B. Gaffnoy , D. J.'Farrull and O. Af Antrim wcro appointed as town trustees fo the ensuing year. This movcmontls in keep * ing with thu many improvements being made , and means bolter streets , butter Bldowalki and a large , commodious school house ; nil W the near future. With uuch live men on thoj board of trustees , publio improvements ord UHsurcd , ns fast as means can bo found. NuJ morons dwellings nnd business IIOUBCS ara already in coin-be of erection , and men ara already coming in anil purchasing farina throughout the county. Active measures ard being taken to secure n flour nr.d u pupcrinlll | and there is but little doubt of success. At GHANT , Neb. , April ( . [ Special Telegram to the BKK. ] County Attorney Brlerly an4 John McICenzie , a banker of Madrid , were arrested by Sheriff Winehcll in Grunt tolaj < > and bound over in n bond of j.'SOO each to up < pear before Justice Beltzcr , of Venago , noxfl Thur.sday , to show cause why they shall not bo placed under bonds to keep the peace. Id is said they inudo threats upon the livea ol certain Individuals mGranl , licnco the plao4 ing of papers in the hands of the ofilcera fotf their arrest. AIIIICSTS AND COt'NTr.ll AIIIIHST9. MAIWIH , Neb. , April < . -Special [ Tele gram to the ! IK I To-day C. M. C. Wool. man , of the Grant Enturpiise , and U , J. Fin It and 1) ) . F. Smith , of Grunt , were arrested on a charge preferred by John MciCenzie and 8. B. Brierly , of Madrid , for riot and assault on complainants on the day of the county Beat election , February 28. Later in the nftcrnoon D. J. Fink went before fore n Justice of the peace nnd swort a'com * plaint for breach of the peace agalnM Brierly und McKoii7iu , who wore then arrested but gave bull and obtained a change of v nuo'ta Justice HcH/.cr , of Vonungo. Brierly la county attorney und MelCenzie n bunker of Madrid , both with unblemished repututlofl * . OI.AI ) 1 < > 1IB AllllKDTIp. . CHANT , Neb , , April O. fSpeoial Telegram to the BKK.I John Melieiulo und S. B , Brierly , of lilatlrli ) , to-day filed complaint be. fore the probate court alleging that they Lad been assaulted maliciously nnd with riotous intent by certain parties in Grant on election day , February 23 , and warrants of arrest were placed in Iho hands of Sheriff Winchell for O. M. 0. Woolmin , D. J , Fiok , B. F.