Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    [ * l
Iowa Railroads Can No Longer
Assassinate Character.
Testimony In the Billings
Cnso Aldermen In n Hole A.
Tornado nt Sioux City Iowa
legislative Doings.
Blacklisting Prohibited.
Dns MOINES , la. , April 5. [ Special Tele-
Brnm to the BKE. ] The senate to-day passed
the house bill forbidding railroads from
blacklisting their employes , It makes nn ex
ception in the case of employes discharged
for gross negligence or drunkenness , but
provides n stern i > cnnlty for attempting to !
prevent employes discharged for other rea
sons from obtaining situations elsewhere. Itj
is designed especially to cover the case of )
railroad employes who are blacklisted for en
gaging in strikes or who for any reason incur
the disfavor jof their superintendent.
The Hccond Trlnl 1'or Murder.
\VATEIU.OO , la. , April 5. William J. Buh-
man , who shot and killed John Brown nt
GlaUbrook , October 1 , 1837 , Is being tried nt
'VJnlon on n change of venue from Tama
county. Ho was tried at Toledo , Tama
county , early In December , nnd sentenced to
Jlfo imprisonment. After a hard-fought bat-
tfo , Judge Kliino granted an application for
a now trial , nnd a change to Benton county
was taken. The circumstances attending
lho murder nnd the fact that Buhnmn's do-
iflanco of the prohibitory law was inado to
figure in the case gnvo It Interest , and at
tracted , public attention to n great degree.
tTlio Buhmans , John and William , had publicly
threatened Brown's lifo because ho testified
, against them in a liquor case. On the even
ing of'tho murder the men quarreled in front
of Buhman's \VlllinmBuhuian stepped
inside , and returning with n drawn revolver ,
nhot Brown , iulllctlng n mortal wound. John
Uuhman was arrested as an accomplice and
placed under $12,000 ball , In Uefault of xvhlch
no xvas sent to jail.
A largo number of witnesses have been ex-
nmlncd. The first nnd ono of the most im
portant was Gustavo Hniren. IIo saw John
olid William Buhtnnn and Brown the night
of the murder and was present when the
tragedy occurred. Another Important wit
ness was George Ilumlin , who also witnessed
the shooting.
The state has rested its cnso and to-day the
defense introduced evidence tending to show
that Buhman did not commit the murder.
Their Perquisites.
Dns MoiNr.8 , In. , April G. [ Special Tele
gram to thu Dec. ] The governor to-day
elguod the bill fixing the pay of counoilmon
in all cities of the first class at $250 per year
ns compensation in full for their service.
The bill has met with much opposition from
the aldermen themselves , who object to
having their actual income cut down , although
the amount is un increaseof $200 over the
past salary. The practical effect has been
that aldermen would , spent hundreds of dollars
lars to bo elected to an ofllco that had a
salary of 550 per year. Ouco elected they
found moams to increase their compensation
by special appropriations ns heads of com
mittees , or ns charged with extra work of
some kind. It Is notorious that city members
of the council have gotten from $1,200 , to
$2,000 a' piece" out of the oillco , whore the
salarywas but J50. The now law provides
that aldermen shall receive § 250 , and that it
shall bo all the compensation they shall re-
cclvo. Some aldermen who have been
, making n good living ns members of the
council are feeling like resigning.
The Billings Trial.
Wji.vr.nLT , la. , April 5. [ Special Telegram
to the Ben. ] The Billings trial came unox-
' . pcctodly to a focus this morning. Tlio de-
' fcnsp vi'lth nine challenges , waived further
I challenges and the state immediately did the
same , wnoroupon court adjourned until 2 p.
'm. , when the state's attorney , Mr. Dawson ,
Tlieodoro Packlcs , who was the first man
to enter.ICingsloy's ofllco after the tragedy ,
Hs now on the stand. His testimony is lucid ,
nnd under keen cross examination for the
defense is substantially the same as was
elicited before the coroner's jury Hence
forth the testimony will bo Interestingly dra-
, inatlo but at the present it is formal und
A good deal of excitement was created by
the refusal of the postofllco to transmit the
Independent through the mails , owing to the
obsocno character of the alleged confession
of Mrs. Billings which it contained , but the
paper llnally got through in a mutilated form ,
by cutting out the objectionable column.
Killed I5y a vIcloHS Horse.
* CENTr.nvii.Lr , In. , April 5. [ Special Telegram -
" gram to the Bii : : . ] Mr. C. H. Ilowell , ono of
"tho oldest residents of Ccntcrvillo and ono of
its oldest nnd most prominent citizens , met
with nn accident last night that cost him his
lifo. Mr. Howell went to his barnyard to
ratch a horse , and after several unsuccessful
"nttompts ho got some salt , and going up near
the horse hold it out in a coaxing
manner , when tlio animal roared
tip and struck Mr. Howell in
the breast , knocking him down. A Swede
passing saw Mr. Howell fall and calling to
. another man they together picked him up
nnd carried him into the house , whcro ho ex
pired Uhout 0 : 0 p. in. while sitting in a
chair. Mr. Howell leaves a wife and govern !
email children. Court adjourned this morn
ing out of respect for the deceased , who is
the father of the prosecuting attorney , C. F
'Howcll. _
Tornado at Sioux City.
Sip.ux Cm , la , , April 5. [ Special Tolo-
pram to the BuisJ During a violent oleo
trie storm early hist night , a tornado passed
ever the city from the southwest to the
northeast. The funnel cloud was seen b }
jnany and was accompanied by a roaring
nojsoIt only struck in ono plnoe In the extreme
tromo northwcstp'nrtof the city , nnd tliet
rebounded In the nir , passing rapidly over
the western suburbs. At the place where
the cloud struck it picked up the residence oJ
CMarlrModlin and hurjcd It to the ground in
Mho roar pf the lot , Mrs. Modlin was severely
orely * injured. The neighboring house ol
* Mr. Richmond was Wrecked and a barn neat
by knocked to kindling wood , Mr , Modlli
says that ho saw two clouds form nnd moo
together , and in a moment his house was
hurled from its , inundation.
Vivo utJ-MdyvlIlc.
DsSjMomns , la. , April 5 , [ Special Telegram
gram to the BEK.J Thu greater part of the
, "business portion of the little town of Eddy
* vlllo , in Wnpdllg t mnty , was destroyed bj
flro last evening. The principal losses are J
Iflbler , restaurant and meat market ; J
StoJnhoff,8torabuildlug ; Grammar & Harper
6tombuilding ; Soifort's harness shop ; the
city hall and olllcos of Dr. Matthews ; Man
ning &JEpperson'a store ; Mr. Uoborts , real
donee ; William Bowers , shooshon ; Williams
drug store ; total , ? Wti00 ) ,
V Prominent Attorney Dead ,
Bioux City , la. , April S. [ Special Telegram
gram to the BEB. ] Captain Charles J. Swan
ono of the leading attorneys of Slonx City
lied suddenly from apoplexy at 1 o'clock this
morning. He was trying a case in the dU
trict , court yesterday und addressed the Jurj
la the evening. Ho came here two yean
? yo from Tclodo , O. , having twice roprcs
catcd Uio Toledo district in the state semite
Veternna in Itounion ,
WiTEHt.00 , In. , April C. The annual re
Union of the Twelfth Iowa infantry begun
to-day. Ono hundred and sixty veteran mem
Iwrs of the Twelfth ore present , In addition
to the local Q. A. R , posts.
Biff Diamond Bobbery.
iletnOiT , Miau. , April 5. It has been , dls
that the wholesale Jewelry firm o
rt SsHurlburt was robbed of $0,000 wortl
diamonds Monday night. There Is no chu
the thieves ,
Everything Quiet In Omnhn nnd
' Aloiifc the Line.
The strike on the B. < fe M. still continues ,
nnd to quote nn engineer formerly in their
employ , "will , to the bitter end. " No deeds
of violence1 . were rciwrtcd yesterday nnd
telegrams from Cheyenne , Denver , 1'latts-
nouth , McCook nnd other points along the
inc nt which I'lnkcrton men are stationed ,
nil state the situation in two words , "Every
thing quiet.1' ' Nothing of any moment has
occurred in thostrlko locally within the last
- hours , nnd the wotk Is going on
n the usual manner. The now switchmen
recently employed by the company nro be
coming moro familiar with their duties and
erform their labors with greater facility
ban nt first. Now men arc being employed
ns fast as needed , five being put to work this
nornlng. A rumor to the effect that the
striking switchmen wcro nbout to return to
work prompted tiBun reporter
to mnko some * Inquiries nnd the
report was strenuously denied both by the
nen themselves and. the company's ofllcials.
The former say that they are In the fight
: o stay and would not under any
circumstances return to work until the pres
ent dinicultyis.settlcd and men put in charge
of the engines who understood handling
them. On the other hand , the company's oftl-
clals are emphatic In stating that the switch
men will not return to work for the simple
reason that they Will tibt bo pennlttcd to do
so. General" Manager Holdrcgo nnd Super-
iutcndaut Thompson wcroboth sconyesterday
morning , and declared themselves on this
omt , statlug that "men who had loft tlio
: ompany's employ need not apply for posi
tions , ns there were no vacancies to fill , nnd
.tint not ono Would bo taken back. " So , that ,
to quote the words of Patrick Henry , the
men "have no election , " but "must fight"
General Manager Holdrcgo was scon
in relation to the report published
in the BtB concerning the motives of the
Urotherhoods' nnd Swltchmens' unions in
lifting the boycott from "Q" cars , and when
asked 1C the motive which the
strikers had In the action they
liavo taken was a good ono , nnd whether the
Chicago , Burlington ft Quincy was in a posi
tion to handle nil the freight received by
them , Mr. Holdrcgo promptly replied
in the nftlrmntive , nnd remarked that such
action suited the company to the letter.
That the lines of the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy were completely manned , and that
no difllculty whatever would ho experienced
in taking clro : of all merchandise turned
over to them for delivery.
The engineer quoted in the beginning of
this article , when questioned on this point ,
asserted that the notion in lifting the boycott
from the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy was
also n llrst-class mcasnre , and that insldo of
three weeks the road would bo In such n
condition that it would appeal to other lines
to assist in carrying its trade. He claims
that the affairs of the road in relation to
men employed are in a deplorable condition ,
nnd that the number of competent engineers
that Is , men who are capable of taking n
train out oir the road , is nt present less by
one-half than before the aWko. "When
they get. their freight houses full of goods
nnd no ono to move them. " said he , "then
you will hear them squeal. "
A well defined rumor is prevalent , and no
ono seems willing to deny it , although all
who are in n position to know declare that
they have no knowledge on the subject , that
agents of the Brothorhoo'ds of Firemen and
Engineers are scattered along all the lines of
the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy for the
purpose of buying off all now men , and it is
said they have been partially successful.
At Denver last- Monday tho-crews of six en
gines are reported to have left their engines
nnd gone back west.
At Chicago.
CHICAOO , April * ; . This morning a detail
of 100 city police wcro inassed at Dcsplaincs
street station and instructed to relieve the
Pinkcrton guards that have been keeping
watch over the property of the Burlington
quietude which followed the lifting of the
boycott on the Burlington cars was some
what shaken to-day by the rumor that the
brakemen of the Burlington system in con
junction with the yardmen loyal to the
brotherhood , were preparing to stop along
the whole lino. Chairman Hoge , of the
Brotherhood grievance committee , said that
they knew nothing-nbout it. They knew , ho
said , the Burlington is killing or maiming
people frequently through the agency of its
incompetent engineers , and that engines nro
being wrecked or burned out every day. The
attempt to swamp the Burlington with busi
ness ut Chicago has not proved a success.
Paul Morten said to-day that they did not
propose to got swamped , for when freight
comes in too largo quantities for them to
manage they decline to receive it. Ho stated
that on next Sunday the company would put
on its fast trains between" ' Chicago nnd Den
the Burlington Strike.
LINCOLNFeb. . , April 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnn ] The board cf transporta
tion , in session to-day , discussed the ques
tion of investigation into the Burlington
troubles and thu complaints made from the
diitCTcnt points of the state that the com
pany was employing incompetent men to the
danger of the general public. The discussion
was general among the members of tiio
board nnd it was dccldod that the causes of
the strike Should bo ascertained ns nearly as
possible and the facts elicited presented to
the legislature In the form of a report. In
conformity to the resolution to continue the
investigation already under way , Secretary
Laws and Judge Mason , with Clerk War
ring , departed to-night for McCool ? . to take
testimony nt that point.
Complain Airiilnst Incompetents.
CniOAOO , April 5. The Illinois railroad
and warehouse commission finished its in
vestigation of the charges of lucouipctcncy
preferred by the citlrons of Aurora against
the engineers who illled the strikers' places
on the Burlington road. The evidence will
bo written up and tlio commission will render
n decision from Springfield.
AHBiu-nnccH I'or the Scnhs.
PniiADCi.pUH , April C. Certain correspondence
spondence- between George L. Eastman and
General Manager S.tonoof the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy road was made public this
morning. On March 19 Ensttrnn wrote to
Stone stating that there might bo no misun
derstanding as to the position and policy of
the late Heading engineers and lirciiien now
employed ou tho"Q" nnd these who nro to bo
employed , he would state that the men would
"bo faithful to their duties and steadfast in
tnelr allegiance to their now employers. "
On March 28iStono wrote to Eastman assur
ing him that "Heading" men' on the "Q"
would novcc bo displaced to make room for
THE niOH lllfjli DI8A8TQU.
Inspector 'Wolfe Declared Incompe
tent By tlio Coroner's Jury.
NEVADA , Mo. , April fi , The coroner's Jury ,
which has bcon in session since Friday at
Hlch Hill , MO , , W.ilh its investigation of tno
explosion [ n the Keith & Perry mine No. 0 ,
rendered n , verdict at noon to-day. Slate
Mine Inspector Wolfe was declared to bo in
competent and Keith ft Perry were censured
for culpable negligence , The owners of the
mine have engaged tljo host legal talent in
the southwest. A successor to Inspector
Wolfu will bo appointed by Governor More-
A Philadelphia Investigation.
PiiiLAiuai'iiiA , April fi. Before the sena
torial investigating committee to-day , Sam
uel Randall's friend , Dnllas Sanders , who
was recently defeated [ In his contest for re
election ns chairman of the democratic state
committee , testified ho was defeated by the
active participation of federal office-holders
from Philadelphia and Harris"burg nud by
promises of rewards made by them to mem
bers of tli > fouunittco and their frlonds.
Kdward Fraysing , formerly in charge of
the printing department of the postofU'ce , tes
tified to having printed political circulars on
paper furnished by the government. Thq
orders for printing had come from Postmas
ter Harrcty and his assistants.
Several other witnesses testified as to the
active part taken by postoftioo employes in
wurd politics ,
An Abandoned Infant.
KANSAS City , Mo. , April 5. [ Special Tclo- the BEE. * Sergeant Parker la In-
vosticatlng a case o * chlld dosorllon which
\\TIS brought to the notice of the police de
partment this morning by' A. U. Brooks , ol
< 05 Park avenue. About II o'clock lastnlght
tors. Brooks answered a ring'nt the door
jell , nnd on the porch found a good sized
market basket which contained n boy baby
nbout two or three weeks old. The Infant
was nicely wrapped Up In the basket. Beside
t wcro n bottle of modlclno nnd ft note wflt-
xsii in a scrawling feminine hand , "Friend. "
Sergeant Parker said ho had n clue which ho
thought would lend to the 'detection of tha
mother of the child.
Streets nnd Avenues Ordered Paved
Ity the Council.
The special meeting of the council hold last
light was for.thc puriwso of considering and
massing an ordinance for the paving Of Lcnv-
mworth street from Twenty-fifth avenue to
riiirty-flrst street , also for the passage of or
dinances for the paving of Sherman avenue
'rom ' Ohio to the north line of Wlrt street ,
iVirt street from Sherman avenue to Twenty-
fourth street nnd the passnco of the ordl-
mnro creating sewer district No. C9.
When the call was rend. Councllmon Ford
nnd Lowry arose nnd said that they under
stood that this meeting was ostensibly for the
lurposo of discussing the "streets that were
.0 bo paved , nnd the kind of material to bo
used , Other councllmon spoke in n like
strain , nnd on motion of Councilman Leo the
council took a recess for n half hour , after
insslng the ordinance creating sewer dis-
: rict No. 09 , to ascertain Just how much pav-
ng was to bo done this year.
Councilman Lowry , before the Leo
motion was put , asked City Attor
ney Webster if paving contracts made
last year , and on which the
work was not performed , hold peed for this
year. Mr. Lowry explained that the reason
for nskiug this question was that ho had
iicard It rumored that the cedar block con
tractors had expressed an intention not to
carry out their obligations of last.year.
Mr. Webster said In reply that In his opin
ion the contractors wcro responsible , aud
could bo made to do the work , ,
Councilman Leo was in favor of having the
contractors do the work contracted for last
year done first , nnd made a motion to that
Councilman .Kaspor opposed it , saying that
Leo's Idea smacked strongly of snap judg
After n wordy war Councilman Leo with
drew his motion , and the recess began.
At 10 o'clock the council again resumed , and
on motion of Councilman Lee the ordinauco
ordering the paving of Lenvenworth street
from Twenty-fifth to Thirty-first streets was
On motion of Councilman Hascall the city
engineer was directed to draw up ordinances
ordering the streets to bo paved which had
been selected during the recess. The
streets are : Eleventh , Mnson to William ;
Pierce , Fifth to Tenth : William , Tenth to
Thirteenth ; Castellar , Tenth to Thirtocenlh ;
Tenth , Martha to Castollar ; Pacific , Tenth
to Thirteenth ; Loavonworth , Twelfth to
Thirteenth ; Vinton , Sixteenth to Twentieth ;
William , Thirteenth to Sixteenth ; Twentieth ,
Pierce to Center ; Jones , Thirteenth to Six
teenth ; Jackson , Thirteenth to St. Mary's
avenueFourtecnthHarnoy ; to Loavonworth ;
Fifteenth , Harnoy to Leavenworth ; Castel-
Inr , Thirteenth to Sixteenth ; Marcy , Four
teenth to Sixteenth ; Poppleton , Twen
tieth to Twenty-second ; Chicago , Elev
enth to Sixteenth ; Elovehth , Dav
enport to Chicago ; Twelfth , Davenport
to Chicago ; Thirteenth , Davenport to Web
ster ; Fourteenth , Davenport to Webster ;
Ninth , to Capitol avenue ; Dodge , Sixteenth
to Twenty-sixth ; Capitol avenue. Sixteenth
to Twentieth ; Twenty-eighth , Farnam to
Leaven worth ; Seventeenth , Farnam to
Davenport ; Twenty-sixth , one-half Howard
to St. Mary's ; Twenty-fifth , Farnam to
Dodge ; Haruoy , Twenty-sixth to Twenty-
eighth ; Twenty-fifth , Harnoy to St. Mary's ;
Twenty-second , Davenport to Dodge ; Twen
ty-second , Davenport to California ; Twenty-
fifth , Dodge to California ; Grace
and Sherman avenues to belt line ;
Nicholas , Tenth to Fourteenth and
Sixteenth to Twentieth ; Sherman
avenue , Ohio to Wirt ; Eighteenth , Cumlng
to Ohio ; Wirt , Sherman avenue to Twenty-
fourth ; Twenty-fourth , Patrick avenue to
Wirt ; Burt , Sixteenth to Twenty-first : Web
ster , Sixteenth to Twenty-first ; California ,
Twenty-second to Twenty-sixth ; Leaven-
worth , Fourteenth to Thirty-seventh ; Pop-
pleton , Twenty-ninth to Thirty-second ;
Woolworth , Twenty-ninth aveauo to Thirty-
second street ; Cuniing , Thirty-sixth to Insti
tute boulevard ; Thirty-seventh , Farnam to
Leavenworth ; Thirty-second avenue , Farnam
to Davenport ; Twentieth , Hnrnoy to Izard.
The council will meet again Saturday night
to paso several ordinances.
The Elks' Ball.
Ono of the crowning social events of the
season was the second annual ball of the Elks
given at their headquarters in the Continental
block Wednesday night. To the minutest
detail the affair is deserving of being termed
the swell event of the season. Coining as It
did almost directly at the end of the forty
days of abstinence from social pleasure dur
ing Lent , its brilliancy was so dazzling
and its pleasures entered into with such a
zest that it will long afford pleasant mem
ories to the fortunate participants. The prep
arations for the affair were most elaborate
and the greatest painstaking shown in every
particular. Above the bautiful pictures that
grape the walls a number of lings wcro
gracefully draped , while the chandeliers ,
tables aud mantles were decorated with the
rarest productions of the hot
house. The carpets in the lodge
and reception rooms had been
previously covered with ducking , thus mak
ing a smooth area for tlio dancers. The sup
per was ono of the most artistic triumphs
known to tlio culirthry history of Omaha so
ciety. Tlio tables were arranged to repre
sent the letter E , the initial of the club.
Pyramids of fruits and ilowors were ar
ranged with the mostexquisitotasto to charm
the eye ns well as delight the palate. The
regiment of waiters in full evening dress
suits hud been well trained , und performed
their duties to perfection. The ball was a
most exclusive affair and in the ball room
could bo found none but the representatives
of the best families In Omaha. It Is to bo re
gretted that only about one-third of the Elks
wore present , the prico. ? 10 , being a
bugbear to many. The , costumes
worn by the ladles were varied
nnd bowildcringly beautiful , giving
the scene a most brilliant appearance. After
the preliminary social the dancing commenc
ed nt 10 o'clock with a Vcnotionno walU. At
11 o'clock the doors of the dining-room were
thrown open and the company strolled in ( it
their pleasure throughout the evening and
partook of rofercshmcnts. The following bill
of faro was served :
Radishes. St. Lambert.
Sliced Potatoes , Mayonnaise.
Cold Ham. . Cold Tonguo.
Spanish Olives.
Champagne Punch.
Boned Turkey Current Jelly.
Saratoga Chips.
Chicken Salad , Shrimp Salad.
Strawberries aud Cream.
Jelly Cake. Lady Fingers , Angel Food.
Tutti Fruti Ice Cream.
Fruit. Coffee.
Edam Cheese.
Among the gentlemen present wcro noticed
the following : Frank C. Xchrung , exalted
ruler of Lincoln lodge No. SO ; Edgar Leon
ard. Stockton Beth , C. V , fiallngher , J. A.
Wakellcld , E. M. Bartlett , C. Metz , H. Q.
Jordan , Professor Mornn. A. L. Hoed. T , M.
Orr , C , K. Collins , J. P. FInloy , M , L.
Itlieom , A. Melnbcrg , W. Gyzer , W. D.
Dennett , W , B. Taylor , H. D , Shull , D. V.
Sholcs , Max Meyer , M. A. Upton. Hon.
John M. Ti.urston , M. L. Uoeder , D. H.
Goodrich , M. S. Lindsay , M. Tirrell , W.
E. Combo , D , H. Teaver , H. C. Moody , C.
W. Thompson , W. U. Morris , W. F. Porker ,
E. Dlckiiibon , W. N. King , E. S. Hood , K. C.
Parton , W. G. Wyman , Joseph Garnoau , F.
M. Phillips , Uichard Berlin.
A moro extended account including the
costumes worn by the ladies will bo given in
the society column of tno BUG on Sunday.
I'nttlo Hun In For Horse Stealing.
OOlccr Sheep marched gallantly into the
central station last night with A , D. Pottle ,
who has bcon missing since last October ,
together with a team of horses owned by
Dan Hurly , which , it is alleged , Pottio
surroptlously moved from thqlr stalls in a
Tenth street barn at the dead of the night.
Since that night Pcttte has bcon quaffing the
prohibition breezes of Iowa , and evidently
becoming dry under the desert climate to
which his dishonesty forced him , ho ventured
back to civilization , Omaha , and its fresh
tap every minute. Ho forgot , however , to
bring the horses ho porloincd with him , and
naturally his arrest follows. Ho will bo
given a chance to explain before Judge Berka
Wilson of Iowa Talks on the Pres
ident's Mosaago.
He Would Put Sujrnr nml Molasses
OH the Free Lt'sjf niul Kcdiico
the Whisky ifl'nx Cleveland -
Rciint .
WASHINGTON , April 5. In thcscnato to-day
the proposal from the dominion of Cnnndn
for the direct and Immediate Interchange of
parliamentary publications , which was trans
mitted to the senate by the secretary of state ,
was referred to the committee on printing.
Mr , Wilson of Iowa , then addressed the
Bcnata on the subject of the president's mcs-
sago. The figures HI the last annual 'report
of the secretary of the treasury , showing the
average aggregate receipts ovcrexpcndltures
to bo ? 39,000,000 a year for the past thrco
years , presented n limit within which con
gress should moro in the matter of reducing
the revenue. Ho alluded to the great achieve
ments of the republican party and spoke of
the railroad land grant policy as something
in which the republican party had , without
duo consideration , followed the precedents of
the democratic party. The republican party
should bo excused for not at once detecting
the dangerous possibilities of the democratic
land grant policy. The republican party was
not responsible for the war , but it was re
sponsible for the maintenance of American
Institutions , the enforcement of law and the
unity of the republic. This responsibility it
had met and discharged faithfully and fully.
Referring to the growth and prosperity of
the country , ho contrasted the figures of 1SCO
and 1SSO as to agriculture and manufactures ,
and said the true policy was one which would
plant manufacturing establishments in
every part of every agricultural state.
If a reduction of prices for manufactured
articles was what was wanted , there was no
surer road to Its realization than one which
would lead to the destruction of manufactur
ing plants in all localities whcro agriculture
uroduccd cheap food , and whcro forests and
mines and quarries supplied the raw mater
ials needed. There should bo an end of the
policy which tended to centralize manufac
turing plants in great cities. If , however ,
they were to follow the president's ' sugges
tion they would not multiply nnd distribute
manufacturing plants , but they would em
barrass those now In operation and repress
the tendency to invest capital in thorn. Ate
to the annual surplus of about 1,000,000.
could the right tiling to do about it bo found
in any of the various schemes urged upon
our attention by the president and other op
ponents of protection t > To the various ques
tions ho answered no. Whatever of danger
was now menacing the country como from
sources other than thoso-einbraced in a pro
tective policy. ' '
Proceeding to a discussion of the question
of the duty on sugar and molasses , ho quoted
fleures to show that in spite of the tariff the
prices of articles had fallen considerably for
several years past ; and ho suggested the re
moval of the duty on' sugar nnd molasses ,
amounting to about $53,000,000 , as a means of
guarding against tho'i annual surplus of
$00,000,000. Ho thought no better re
sponse could bo made t3 some sentences of
the president's incssajjothanbyplaolugsugnr
and molasses on the frc6 list. Buo as to him
self , ho thought it a subject on which they
shoultl mnko haste slowly. _ Ho would admit
free all sugar and molasses coming from
countries which did not Impose import duties
on these commodities , arffl which reciprocated
by admitting American products free of duty
into their ports. H6 ' believed in paying a
reasonable bounty to the producers of sugar
in the United States. "Under this plan an im
petus would bo given to the production of
sorghum sugar in the western states. He
criticized the president's suggestions on the
subject of wool , and said no one would infer
from thorn that under the tariff tinkering the
wool product of the country had fallen off
43,000,000 pounds in thrco years. Farmers
should demand that all articles , produced by
them bo taken from the free list , and at least
a moderate rate of duty bo imposed upon
It seemed to him there was a way , both
short and clear , of getting rid of the annual
surplus revenue without disturbing the true
industrial interests of the country. That was
in connection with the tax on intoxicating
liquors. That was where ho would mnko a
reduction. The true interests of the people
demanded that the revenue system stiould be
so adjusted as to prevent the tax on intoxi
cating liquors from becoming n fixed nnd nec
essary part of it.
Mr. Wilson closed his speech nt 0 o'clock
and the senate took up the bond purchase
bill. Mr. McPherson withdrew the amend
ment ho offered yesterday nnd without a
word of discussion the substitute with the
13cck amendment was passed and a commit-
tco of conference ordered.
The following is the text of the bill : That
Hoction 2 of an net making appropriations for
the sundry civil expenses of the government
for the year ending , luno 80 , 18b2 , and for
other expenses , and which is ns follows :
"That the secretary of the treasury may , at
any time , apply the surplus money in the
treasury , not otherwise appropriated , erse
so much thereof flas ho may consider
proper , to purchase or redeem United Status
bonds ; provided , that the bonds so purchased
or redeemed shall constitute uo part of the
sinking fund , but shall bo cancelled , " was in
tended to bo a permanent provision of law ,
nnd the same is nproby declared to have
been , since its enactment , nnd to bo in full
force nnd effect now. That when-
overotbo circulation , or any portion thereof ,
of any national hank not in liquidation shall
bo surrendered by a deposit of United States
notes in the treasury or otherwise , nnd the
same , or an equivalent amount , is not taken
by other national bunks within thirty days
thereafter , the secretary of the treasury is
hereby authorized , and directed , to purchase.
nt the market price thereof , an equivalent
amount in silver bullion not In excess of the
minimum of $2,000,000 worth per month for
coinage purposes , which shall bo coined and
used as provided in an act passed February
28 , 1ST8 , entitled "nn act authorizing the coinage -
ago of the standard silver dollar ami restore
its legal tender character , " provided that
nothing in this act shall alter or repeal said
act of February 23 , Ib73.
The senate then proceeded to the considera
tion of the plcuroTpn.biimonla bill. After
soiiio discussion it waylaid aside , and after
an executive session tljf Honiito adjourned.
WASHINGTON- , April in-Tho light over the
direct tax bill was rcBnmed this morning ,
When at 1 1)5 1 ) the housojnot In continuation
of the legislative day of 'fidncsday , Mr. Heed ,
of Maine , immediately pomandcd the regular
order , which the speaker Announced to ho a
vote on the motion .that when the house ad
journ to-day It bo to mdot' Saturday next ,
This motion having boon defeated the point
of order was raised that the day assigned for
the consideration of the direct tax bill had
expired , which was ovqrr.ulod by thosponkor.
Wilson of Minnesota.1 attempted to find a
Haw in the decision of Hhn , speaker , but was
unsuccessful. I toll calu > on dilatory' motions
were then resumed.
In the interval between votes n resolution
was introduced and referral to the committee
on commerce , "that the inter-state commerce
commission bo instructed to consider what
can bo done to prevent loss of lifo and limb
in coupling and uncoupling cars used in inter
state couimcrca and in bundling the brakes
of such cars , and in what way the growth of
a system of healing passenger card from the
locomotive or other single source can ho promoted
meted , nnd that such commission may make
recommendations In the premises to the vari
ous railroads within its jurisdiction and ro-
jwrt its doings to congress at un early date
with such suggestions as to legislation on
such subject as may scorn to it necessary and
expedient. "
The entire day was consumed In roll calls ,
not an incident of interest occurring , und
finally , wearied out , the house , by unanimous
consent , took a recess until 11 ; 45 to-morrow.
Tlio Confederates in the Saddle.
WAS.HISOTOX , April 5. [ Special Telegram
to the HEE.I The- prospects are thr.t the
bouse will bo kept iu'a tumult all day by. the
lUlibuaters who are 'fighting the direct tax
bill. The ex-con federates nro in dead car-
nest In their determination to defeat n vote
upon the bill. General Herbert , of Alabama
chairman of the committee on naval affairs ,
struck the key note of the unreconstructed
when ho said to your correspondent this
afternoon : "Wo will light this thing to the
last ditch. It is n scheme to distribute the
surplus to the northern states and give tariff
reform n black cm It Is ono of Hlnlno's old
schemes and will bo thwarted If wo are given
sufllolent physical endurance to hold out. "
On the other hand the republican members
sny that if the democrats are really anxious
to got this out of the way , so ns to get nt the
tariff bill , they can vote upon it In llftccn
minutes , nnd that it simply pays back to the
loyal states the monov they advanced to the
government when the latter was in peril.
The District Defection.
WABUXOTON , April 5 , The democratic
convention to elect delegates to represent
the District of Columbia at the national con-
tlon in St. Louis , was hold to-night. William
Dlckson nnd Lawrence Gardner were chosen ,
lie-solutions were adopted In favor of homo
rule nnd congratulating the president upon
reforms Introduced In every branch of the
government , and the conscientious efforts
made to administer civil service reform.
The. civil scrrlco plank in the resolutions
was hissed nnd the homo rule utterance loudly
applauded , one delegate shouting : "Wo want
no more Trotters. "
The following resolution was submitted by
H. T. Hnrrows , of the minority of the coni-
mlttvo on resolutions , and was laid on the
table by a viva voce vote :
Hcsolvcd , That the democrats of the Dis
trict of Columbia , judging by the treatment
received by them nt the hands of the present
administration , do not bollovo that cither
their interests or dignity would bo subserved
bv the rcnomlnation and election of Grover
Dlckson declared himself for the admin
istration , nnd Gardner has summed up Ills
position in the statement that Cleveland will
bo rcnominated and elected.
UlddlcbcrRcr'H Object long.
WASHINGTON , April 5. It is understood
the reason for Hiddlcborger's decided oppo
sition to the British extradition treaty , so
often manifested , is duo to nn amendment of
section 4 by the senate. This section origin
ally read : "Malicious injuries to property
whereby the lifo of any person shall bo en
dangered , if such injuries constitute a crlmo
according to the laws of both high contract
ing parties. " The senate committee on for
eign relations amended this to read : "Ma
licious injuries to persons or property by use
of oxposlves ] , or malicious injuries or ob
structions to railways , whereby the lifo of
any person shall bo endangered , if such in
juries constitute a crime according to the
laws of both high contracting parties , or ac
cording to the laws of that political division
of cither country in which the offense shall
have been committed , und of that political di
vision of either country in which the offender
shall bo arrested. "
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON/ April 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BBC. ] The following Nebraska
postmasters wcro appointed to-day : John L.
Hanks , Morse Bluff , Saundcrs county , vice
Anton K. Walla , resigned ; John W. Thomp
son , Waylaud , Polk county , vice Frank B.
D. Hoakmson , resigned.
John AV. Green was to-day appointed post
master of Dana , Green county , la. , vice
George B. Milbourno , resigned.
Prohibitionist' * ) Demands.
SAN FIIANCISCO , April 5. The state prohi
bition convention platform demands prohi
bition of the manufacture , import , export ,
transport , and sale of all intoxicating beverages -
ages enforced by effective provcntntivo
pledges : coucccds the right to manufacture
for medicinal and mechanical uses hut for
nothing else : denounces the prostitution of
the grnpo industry to the manufacture of
winu , brandy or other intoxicating liquors ;
declares women should have the elective
francisc , and demands government control
of the railroad and telegraph.
For Plfer For Governor.
UI.OOMINOTON , April 5. Delegates to the
republican state convention elected in Taze-
well county to-day stand individually six for
Fifor for governor , nnd the seventh is
pledged not to oppose the will of the county.
An effort made by Doldrich Smith , of Pekiu ,
to pass a resolution instructing the delegates
not to vote for Fifer was defeated. The del
egates were not instructed by the conven
The llliodo Island Election.
PIIOVIDCNCI : , April 5. Full returns of yes
terday's election show that Taft , ( rep. ) had
a majority oflOS-l and Lapham , ( rep. ) , for
lieutenant governor , n majority of 1,75:5. : The
suffrage amendment had over the necessary
three-fifths vote. The senate stands : He-
publican , 2. > ; democratic , 0 ; no election , fi.
House , republican , M ; democratic , 10 ; pro
hibition , 1 ; no election , 7.
The Fire Itccord.
AMnsnuno , Mass. , April 5. A fire , which
proved most serious in the town's history ,
broke out nt 7 o'clock to-night in the wood
shop of the F. A. Babcock Carriage com
pany's manufactury , nnd spread rapidly into
other buildings owned by Babcock , thrco of
which were destroyed. Other cnrriugo inan-
ufacturics suffered heavy losses and
about half the business portion
of the town was destroyed.
Five dwellings arc among the burned build
ings. Over ono thousand people nro thrown
out of employment and the shock to the bus
iness prosperity of the town will bo savora.
The lire was not under control until nearly
1 o'clock. The total loss is estimated at
nearly $1,000,000 , but it is Impossible to give
any estimate- the insurance to.night.
Bull For Kronen , or Promise.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , April G , [ Special
Telegram to the BBC. ] Suit for damages for
seduction under promise of marriage was
lllcd hero to-day In "tho district court by a
German girl named Fannlo E. Otto , against
, T. M. George , son of the Into well known
Wall street broker , who has been residing
hero for two years past. The complainant
gave birth to a child a few weeks aco. Dam
ages nro set at $20,000 actual and $20,000 , ox-
cinplary , '
Worked nn Old Backet.
KANSAS CmMo. . , April 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bun. | On election day a confi
dence man sold several hundred tickets nt
nn alleged reception nnd ball of the Irish-
American club at Muslo hall. Last night
about two hundred persons went to the hall
nnd found it closed , An Investigation proved
that It had not boon rented for the purposes
indicated on the tickets.
Steamship Arrivals.
New YOIIK , April C. [ Special Telegram
to the BUK. ] Dover Now York , for Lon
don ,
Glasgow Siberia , from Boston.
Boston Michigan , from Liverpool.
Qneunstown Germanic , from Now York.
Southampton Switzerland , from New
York for Antwerp.
Our Navy Ji'cnrcil.
LONDON , April 5A dispatch to the Independence -
pendonco Bolgo from Madrid says : The
United States government refuses to accept
the proposed mediation of Germany in the
dispute with Morocco and demands suitable !
indemnity and apologies. It Is feared the
United States steamer Enterprise will bom
bard Taugicrs ,
Killed By n Target Gun.
Dr.CATt'it , 111. . April 5. Whllo shooting at
a target with a revolver this evening Willie ,
the Boventoen-year-old sou of Dr. Cuss
Chonowith , accidentally shot and hilled
George , the thrca-ycar-old sou of Thomas
$500 Howard
is offered , in good faith , by the manufacturers
of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Hornedy for a case of
catarrh which they cannot euro , it Is mild ,
soothing und healing in Us effects , nnd cures
"cold In the head , " catarfhal deafness ,
throat ailments , and many other coin plica
lions of this .distressing dispose. 50 cents , by
druggists ,
District Court.
nr.Fonn jrroB ncuxn.
Jndgo Donno has recovered from his recent
indisposition nnd opened court yesterday
for the purpose of hearing the case of Comstock -
stock VB , Mnyno. A Jury was empaneled and
everything In readiness when counsel In the
cnso announced that they were not ready to
proceed. The jury was disc-harped and court
ndjourned until 2 p. in. when the case .was
The cnso of William H. Green vs. John D.
Campbell In which the plaintiff sought to
recover commission on a sale of real us tut o
was yesterday decided in favor of defend-
nnt. Judge Hamcr , of the Tenth judicial
district , who tried the case , loft for his homo
In Buffalo county yesterday.
Wr.llli : VS. WntMUM.CH.
Judge Wakoloy Is still occupied In hearing
the cnso of Clms. Welbo Vs. Mrs. Margaret
Woymuller , in which the plaintiff seeks to
recover i > osses9lon of lot SO , Nelson's addi
tion. The cnso , in nil probability will hot bo
ilnlshcd before Saturday.
Albert Tucker yesterday filed his peti
tion vs. Hugh G. Clark , ct al. , in which ho
seeks to recover possession Of lot 01 , Miller
ft Cntdwoll'ft addition , no\v \ known as lots 1
ton inclusive , Clark's subdivision of lot31 ,
Miller & Caldwcll's addition. The defend
ants in the cnso are nbout twenty In number
nnd Include the executors of the estate of the
late Ezra Millard , who , Tucker avers , sold
him the property mentioned in 1800 , the con
sideration being being Sl.OuO , a part of which
was paid In cash , the balance being secured
by prommlssory notes , The deed was re
corded In the ofllco of the registrar of deeds.
SInro the purchase of the property the plain
tiff became n bankrupt nnd the property ,
through some omissions on the part of the
officials whoso duty it was to attend to the
matter , passed into the hands of thu defend
ants. Plalntff states that ho stands ready
and now tenders defendants the full amount
duo on the notes mentioned nnd asks the
court to restore said property to his
possession ,
Eva Somcrs yesterday petitioned the court
to release her from her marital relations
with lior husband , Adam , whom she married
in Hastings , this state , in ISSt , alleging that
ho has bccomo an habitual drunkard , and
his phjslcal nnd mental powers have become
destroyed by the use of opium. Besides ho
has abused her , called her vllo names and has
refused to support her.
sriii ) nv JOHN A. wAKr.rinu ) .
In his action brought yesterday John A.
Wakoflold represents that Christian Willo
nnd others nro indebted to him In the sum of
S2S0.85 for building material , in which
amount ho asks judgment.
County Court.
The case of the Chicago stove works vs.
August Schilling was called in the county
court yesterday nnd on application con
tinued until the May term. The court is
hearing the case of the Midland Electric Co.
vs. C. S. Higgins.
The first case on the docket to-day is
that of .1. H. Uogers ft Co. vs. Peter Connelly
otal. This is an action to recover $771.45 duo
on a bill of exchange.
Maggie Sexton yesterday filed n suit
against J. S. Coolc.v for $140. The plaintiff
alleges that some time ago she placed in the
defendant's hands a promissory note for col
lection and that the defendant , after collect
ing the same , refused to turn over the cash ,
but appropriated It for his own use.
The Fremont , Elkhorn ft Missouri Valley
railroad company llled a report Of the ap
praisement on certain lands in section 20 ,
township 10 , range 12 , which have been con
demned for railroad uurposes , and which nro
the property of Mllligan nnd Mrs. M. H.
Clark , nnd .John Olcson mortgagee and paid
the price of the lands so condemned , $1,112.
When Josenh M. Hoes died ho left an
estate valued at 312:5,000 : , and , Ti J. O'Connor '
was appointed executor. To straighten out
the tangled affairs of the departed , Mr.
O'Connor found it necessary to seek out legal
talent and ho secured Attorneys C. A Bald
win and Charles II. Brown , who charged
S'ViOO each for their s > ei vices. Mr.
O'Connor also found it necessary to
charge up $500 extra for ills time , and when
these bills cumo in the heirs objected stren
uously. They carried their objections to the
court , and all of yesterday afternoon until
the close of business hours was occupied by
Judge Shields in hearing the testimony. Thu
attorneys maintained that their charges wro
not excessive , nnd in support of this plea
called upon Hon. John M. Thnrston , Judges
Woolworth and Savngc , General Cowin , City
Attorney Webster und others to afllrui that
they wcro not.
The Diamond , the HI UK , Do ? , Itod-
Whcol and Gun.
This is to bo the greatest season in the
history of the game.
The Kansas City American club is after
Sam Barkley.
Joe Herr has been made captain of the St.
Louis Western association team.
The work goes briskly on nt the ball park
and the grounds will bo in elegant shape by
The exhibition games Saturday , Sunday
and Monday at the ball park will bo called
promptly nt 3 o'clock.
And hO it goes. Catcher Jake Konyon , of
the St. Louis Western association club has
been released (1) ( ) and signed with the Browns.
Judge Thurston and a party of gentleman ,
left by special car over the Union Pacific ,
at i ) o'clock last evening for the upper Platte
country on n goose hunt.
A big row is looming up over the Kansas
City base ball embroglio , uml ono or the
other club must succumb. The BIE : has pre
dicted this result till along.
The Omaha base ball team have nil reported
with the exception of Hcaloy , who was'
signed yesterday. IIo will bo on hand on the
15th , but jubt what the management intends
to do with him has not yet boon learned.
Lovelt , Omaha's star pitcher , accompanied
by his charming wife , arrived yesterday.
Shannon and Cussion also cumo in. They
nil report themsolvesin uxculinnt condition
and anxious for the beginning of the Iray.
The report that Jack Hanloy was killed in
a setto at Indianapolis proves to
bo a largo-sized canard. Ed 1'othory rouoi veda
a telegram from Hnnlcy himself yestonluy
afternoon , stating that ho was us llvo unit
well us ordinary mortals are wont to bo.
From the surface indications , a regular
ovation will bo tendered the Omaha * and the
Dubuquos next Saturday afternoon , on the
occasion of the first exhibition game on the
local grounds. There Is a wido-siirond desire
sire to see the homo boys in their suits and at
active work.
The balmy weather of the paft several
days has driven the ducks farther north , and
it is Biifa to say Unit the shooting for this
se.ifaon is practically over. Of course , there
nro many ilucks of the smeller nnd Inferior
sjiocius hero yet , and the geese , crane and
brant will linger in their ucuustomcd haunts
until way into May.
John J. Ilnrdin received yesterday from the
Lofovcr Arms company gun No. 10,511. This
gun is n beautiful Hpucimon of the Lcfcver
make , and is ofTorcd by the company us a
prize to bo shot for by the members of the
local Lofovcr gun club. The member having
the best average nt the end of the season
will receive the prizo.
Yesterday haw the last of the ryelnplan
fake of the ngo.tho so called McCJnrdy-Prlwo
blcyclochaso. Tills being the day the llnul
deposit was to bo pobtcd , nnd noithur Me-
Ourdy or his backers being present , Pnnco
formally claimed tlio Jfl.OOO forfeit , and the
cnvoloH)9 ] ) and tlnsuo paper were accordingly
turned over to him by the stakeholder. Mo-
Curdy is in Kuiibas City wuitin 1'or the
"clouds to roll by. "
John S. Prince is getting his gray hound
Pnnco down in line racing futtlu. llo is
matched for a rac-o with the celebrated
courier , "Clothesline , " who has ub line a
record aw any dog in the country For the
benefit of the BII : : mun Princu was unlnshcd
this morning , scoring 100 yards in the fairly
good time , 0 seconds and tt-b. Tno race is to
como off Mine time during the mouth , and is
to bo for cU u sido.
Among the iiooulo of to-day , thoronro
few indeed , wlio Iwvo not hoard of tlio
merits of IMoldy Abh Bark and Berries
ns ti household remedy. Teas and
drinks hnvo boon miido of thorn for
centuries , and in hundreds of families
have formed the solo reliance in rhou-
matio and kidney discuses. Prinkly
Aah IJittera now take the place of th j
old By atom nnd is moro beneficial in all
troubles of thla natuo
Boars Still In Control But Prlooa
Advance Slightly.
A Tnlrly Active Trade In Outs An
Uneventful Dnj In the Proylfl.
ion Business Mvo Htook
Kemnliis Dull.
Ciucvoo , April ( " > . fSpoclnl Telegram
to the Bm.l The wheat market opcntvj
easier this morning. The bnlniy April
weather encouraged the bears to bellovo
that nil such little annoyances a * crop sonro *
wcro ever for the season and that the period
of uninterrupted pleasure nnd proAt In' short
selling had set In. As usual when the sontU
mont becomes too unnnlmous In one dlrco'
tlon , the reverse of what Is expected cornea
to pass. Everybody wanted to sell in thil
early morning nnd before the session was
over , n good proportion of these short sellers
wcro willing to buy It back nt n llttlo loss ,
Yesterday's Indiscriminate selling by HuU > H.
Inson was not continued to-tiny and Instead
of re-calving help from that quarter to put
prices down , short sellers had to confront
him ns n buyer. Trading seemed to bo largely
of n local character but was of fair volume.
May wheat opened nt 7 : > % c , which was %
@K lower than yesterday's close nnd was
the lowest point of the session. There was a
slow advance to 75 @ 7fi c than another do-
cllno to 75a'c , after which the price
hung nbout 7io for some time , then
advanced until 70o was just touched , fell to
75 0 and closed nt 1 o'clock at 75 ; < @ 7rtc.
Juno wheat opened at 7i > c , sold at "Sjjfc , then
up to 76Kc , which was the price nt the 1
o'clock closo.
Selling orders predominated in the com
market this morning at the opening , nnd llrt
sales wcro about J < under yestordav's clos
ing price. The market worked slowly down
ward , with no very heavy trading , and at
nbout } o below the opening became very dull
for awhile. Then a few buyers appeared nnd
It was dlscovciod that there was very littlq
for sale nt that low range. Then there wtw
some improvement , which was gioatly in
creased and accelerated when the estimated
receipts of only clghtv-ono cars to bo received
to-morrow was made known. Hccelpts to-day
were considerably larger than expected ,
which accounted for the weak opening.
These wcro evidently of cars that had boon
side-tracked near at hail , for it was not possi
ble that the great amount started since the
settlement of tlio railroad troubles could hnvo
nlrcad arrived. But this fact the" crowd ovl-
dontly lost sight of , and expected the largo
receipts to continue right along.
When , therefore , they seemed to shrink
so suddenly thcro was an Immediate denmud ,
especially from the shorts , nnd an advance of
Ic from the lowest prices was secured , at
which they closed nt nearly the highest point
of the season. May corn opened tit fil c ,
lluctuatcd between that price and Glc for n
short time , then fell to 5l } e , advancing Inter
to 52 < c and closing ntl o'clock at 02 (252 ( 0 ,
Juno corn opened ut 51c , sold down to EOJjfa
up to and closed nt 51 Jjc.
There was a fairly active speculative trade-
in oats and the market was strong und higher
late in the session , although the opening was
weak in sympathy with corn. May oats
opened at UO'tfe , sold early nt ao faliO&c , ad
vanced to ana closed at 31o at 1 o'clock. Juno
oats opened at yo > $ c and sold up to and closed
at 0 ; < c. For July oats SO e was bid at the
opening nnd that delivery closed nt 80C.
For August oats 2t ! , < o was asked nt the
opening , and they sold up to 27 o.
In provisions speculation was compara
tively slow. The improvement In railroad
affairs , however , brought cash buyers to thd
front. For moats particularly the demand
for immediate delivery was unusually good ,
nnd the amount of property 1 niton was
larccr than on any day for weeks. Tko.Csis ! }
trade , in fact , saved the market from n quiet
day. Yet the feeling was quite strong and
no radical change occurred in prices. At 1
o'clock pork was 21125o higher and short
ribs that much lower than last night's clos
ing. Lard was quotably unchanged.
AFIKKNOON SIJSSION. WhcUt , steady ) May
closing at 75 c bid ; Juno , 7lV ! o bid ; July
7 < ic. Corn , linn ; May , 52 > c bid : June ,
Dlc ( ; ; July , 51c. Oats llrwer. Pork was
a shade stronger ; April closed nominally at
Siy.H--f ' ; May , $13.45 nnd .June , * 1 .J < V.
Lard was steady , closing at 7 50 for April ,
S7.5-JK for May , 87.f > 7 sf for Juno nnd < 7.0K
for. Inly. Short ribs were a trillo firmer ;
April closed nominally at ffi.'JS ; May , 50.07k ;
June , 67.05 ; July , $7.12 > ; .
CHICAGO , April 5. [ Special Tclogrnm to
the Bii.l CATTM : Trade was slow at the
opening , with buyers making a strong effort
to llll their orders at substantially lower
prices than yesterday , yet as the forenoon
passed a way , buyers and sellers coming to a
compromise , tr.ulo ruled active at n dcclino
of 10l.r ( . o as compared with yesterday , mak
ing a reduction sini'o Monday of 20i' ! ! ( ) on
good cattle. Dealers in stockers and feeders
report a slight rovivel in trade , with a fair
attendance of country buyers , Fancy , W.IiO ;
2.fcO ; Texas fed steers , ft ftiw i.IO.
Hoes Tr.ulo was slow and unsatisfactory
from start to llnlsh , with n down-turn of t > &
lr ( ) , making a reduction of lOc to 20u slhco
Monday. At the bi'st heavy would not
hell for over $ r > . : ) OC < 25. < { 5 and good butcher
weights nt W.35W5.MJ : , with mixed making
only about W.lD . "i.20 , with largo sales at the
latter price. Assorted light of 100 to 173 11)9
made t5.75ti 5 , 0 ,
Ohlrngn , April 5Tho Drovers' Jourjul
rcpoits as follows :
Cuttle Itoct'iptH , 11,000 ; nmikct low nnd
easy : fancy , $5 IIO ; steers I.H5 ( < i.ri.OO ! stackers
foodum , f-M ( ) ( < ? : i,7fi ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
fclfsUfcflMH ) ; Texas fed stours , W-BOQ-UO.
-HccoiptH.lB.lKXl'.imirkctulow and ! < >
JOWIT ; mixed , Jfi.OSwfl.aO ; heavy , * fi.SO@5.50 }
light , f.p.l)0i ) < 5.10 ! ; Skips , f3.-104.flO.
Hht'i'p Hucoipts , 5,000 ; imirkiit steady ;
natives , l.Ki/li.i7K ( ) ( : ; western , ? fi.OO < ; SIUO. ,
Texans , flj.OOCAfl.OJ ! luiilbs , ? fl.OO&il.fiO.
National Stock Yards , KiiHt Ht.
lioulH , April G. Cattle liecolpts , 1,000' ;
shipments , 400 ; market steady ; choice heavy
native steers. $1 40U.O ( ; fair to good native
steers , ? l OOtict r,0 ; butchers' steers , 'medium '
to choice , fc'jaofti-l Ufl ; stackers and fiifcders ,
fair to good f220jja.80j ( rangers , ordinUrylio
good , $2 20 tHyO ,
Hogs Receipts. 5,200 ; shipments , J.luO :
imtrkot lower ; choice heavy und hutcliurs'
solci-tions , $5.50iir ! ( > .40 ; packing , W.10f5lJO ( { ;
light grades , fair to best. ? l.b5W5.15.
KIUIHIIM City , April 5.
Kni-oliitB , 1,100 ; shipments , 77l ! ( weak ilnd
sluggish ; butchers' stcoiH and cows , steady ;
good to choice corn fed , f4 0rf ,4.00 ; com
mon to medium , fi.M@l.W : ) ) ; btockurs , * 2 ( )0@ )
200 ; feeders , ? : i 00flIUJO ( ; cown ,
Hogs Hecoipts , 5,500 ; uhipinonts , none ;
market slow and weak ; opening prices Do
lower , clofaing r10D lower ; common to
choice , $1.70 ( 5.15 ; skips , and pigs , fcl.OU ®
4. GO.
Ni'iv YOHK , April 5. [ Special Telegram
to the Unc.1 STOCKS The stork murktit
although not ( .0 active its yentwday , during
eaily trading afforded ample opportunities
for traders to get in and out easily. The
feeling was unsettled , the opening being
weak , a fractional decline bung recorded
on a mnjoi Ity of the list. A stronger foiling
teen developed , and bharp rallies followed ,
which gnvo w.iy about noon to weakness ,
all the advances disappearing , stocK selling
down to \ % . Hooin traders were con
servatively bullibh , but do not stick to uny
eldo very long , nnd about noon the bears
began hammering the market with tollluu
effuct , despite buying by London and con
servative bull houses. A largo part
of the short interest has been estimated , and
the impression prevailed that unless Hie
" arlict receive ! , more substantial support