Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1888, Image 1

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A Mllwoukoo Train Plunges Into a
Swollen Stream.
Twenty-Five of the FasscnKcrH arc
Injured More Bodies Supposed
to bo Itcncath the
Wreck on the Milwaukee.
H/.MPTON , la , April 6. [ Special Tel
egram to UioDEB. ] One. of the worst occU
dcntti thnt has orcc happened on the Iowa &
'Dakota division of the Chlcngo , Milwaukee At
St. Pr.ul rnllrond occurred nt3 o'clpck this
morning nbout three miles west of this city.
A very heavy rain visited this section Inst
night , swelling the rivulets Into brand
streams , nnd entirely submerging a grcntcr
part of the low lamls , None of tlio streams
showed such a remarkably rapid rise as the
Middle Wnpsle. At 1 o'clock the river was
wlftiln Us banks , and nbout three hours Inter
it hud broken Its banks nnd spread over the
lowlands on cither side , making an expanse
of water fully three-quarters ot a mile In
width. The west-bound train , due hero at
2 MO , did not rench hero until nftor 3 o'clock.
Engineer J. W. Scngcl received orders to go
ahead and pulled out nt 3:30 , The train was
composed of a baggage nnd express cnr , two
passenger conches , ono smoker nnd a sleeper ,
The passenger coaches wcro but fairly filled ,
but the smoker contained about forty men ,
women and children , most of whom were for
eigners. The night was very dark and It was
impossible for the engineer to see any dis
tance on the track , Tha train had pulled
over the first bridge and wns n short distance
from the main bridge when the engine struck
ri large cake of Ice that had fioated down the
Btream and hnd lodged directly across the
track. The engine loft the track nnd
of about six feet into the river. The tender
tore loose and plunged ahead of the engine
into the river. The smoker kept tha track until
it was thrown over on the tender , nnd rolling
down the embankment wns soon submerged
In wntcr. The two passenger cnra left the
track but were not badly wrecked , and none
of the passengers were seriously Injured.
The sleeper was the only car left on the
trnck. An the morning dnwncd the scene
wns most hcnrt-rcndlng. The shrieks of
mon , women nnd children were heard issuing
from the cars , calling nnd begging for help.
Those who wcro In the sleeper were the first
to get out , nnd immediately they went to
work to assist these In the two passenger
cars , breaking through the windows nnd
cvttlng out the sides nnd bottom. In less
than thirty minutes not a person remained In
cither of these conches , and strange to say
uono were seriously injured. Meanwhile
men from this city arrived on the scene and
their attention wns attracted to the smoking
car. As the men approached It the
The car was almost entirely submerged
with water , side upward. Men were soon on
the top nnd the
removed. As near as the conductor cnn re
member , when ho pnssed through hero there
were in this cnr nt least forty persons. The
twenty-three who were alive were lifted out
nnd wcro comfortably provided for. From
the bottom of the cur five dead bodies have
nlrcndy been taken out , and it is quite proba
ble that as many moro remain in there or
liavo fionted away down the stream. All
wrecking cars on the division , attended with
n full complement of men , were on the scene
ntnn early hour nnd worked faithfully nil
day lonif. At 8 o'clock this evening work
was suspended on account of darkness , the
torrents of water rushing down stream ren
dering work dlflictilt. Another crew will bo
on hand early in the morning und work will
bo renewed.
thus far recovered are : .
W1LLARD ANDERSON , Lament , Wis.
mark" , ticketed to Doll Rapids.
JOHN DUCLUS , ticketed to Kimball ,
JAMES SCAGEL , engineer , Mason
City , la.
The wounded nro :
JACOII SCIIAIIT , .lit. , , Sioux Fulls , several
wounds on wrist nnd hand.
D. J. WIELANII , Gonovn , In. , both hands ,
wrists , fnco and loft eye nnd loft cheek nud
back and right hand cut.
I J. M. CiuusTiANSON , Denmark , head and
face scalded nnd rib broken ,
Mn. nnd Mils. HEIUECKEII and five children ,
nil Injured. The man Is badly scalded on the
hands nnd face ; the woman's skull is broken
and other Injuries ; the children nro scalded
on the head nnd hands.
' JOHN Muiii'iiv , Osslnn , In. , hands scalded
nud.bruised ou the leg.
, AKTIIUII WHITE , Bluckstono , Mass. , head
bruised ,
JOHN GLACSENEII , Monticcllo , WIs. ,
scalded oii'tho head nnd face nnd bruised.
FitANj ; STUDAIIAKEII , Honz , Wis1 , bruised
or th4 head and fuco und left leg.
' DANIEL Suit A IT , brakemqn. Sioux City ,
Head , face nnd loft leg injured.
AITOUBT SdirAiip , Wnukcsli. WIs. , hold by
Beat. Iron in the water for four hours with
only his head out , cut on left side , head cut.
nn'd both ankles injured. "
HiiNiir N. SciiNAiiii. Nora Springs , injury
of head , shoulders nnd face ,
< > APAU'.KAVCA ' , Prussia , hands nnd fnco
' MAUY KAUCII , his wife , scalded on right
hand , scalp wound nn left side of head.
Gus HEIUIINS , Germany , head nnd face cut
and broken rib .
EI.WOOD EWIKH : , Marshall , Wis. , head and
face cut and bruised and front part of body
scalded ,
PHILLIP Cnoss , Fort Atkinson , In. , bruised
hand ,
The wounded wcro nil being comfortably
provided for. Most of them will recover but
it Is thought that Ewer Moore can't survive
the night , Superintendent Matt and Assist
ant ? Supcilntcndunt Cables uro doing nil in
their power for the suffering people , Engi
neer bcngel was making his second run over
thu road , being lately transferred from the
western end of the division. Owing to the
condition of nil the roads In this section , but
few people have yet arrived hero , It is bo-
liovoa that twelve moio bodies lie burled in
the debris or have fioated away down the
I Press. ] A terrible railroad accident occur
red nbout four miles west of this town on the
Milwaukee & St. Paul road , by which ut least
dozen persons lost their lives and from llftccn
o twenty * Sere Injured. The train which
} tit Chicago yetterday morning nt 11:30 : nnd
was , ijuo hero at U:1U : this morning , passed
hero nearly on time and when nbout four
miles west , plunged into thu creek , the bridge
of which was washed away ,
The creek was swollen by nn Immense
amount of water which had been running off
for the past few days and In addition an ice
gorge was formed which , previous to the
arrival of the train , carried away u portion of
the bridge.
With nothing to show that there was dan
ger ahead the train
polnp nt full speed. Tha engine und three
poaches wcro immediately tubmcrgod. A
K'taoo/tho wildest confusion ensued and
hose of the train crow nnd passengers wno
escaped death or Injury were Immediately
called Into service to rellnve the other pas
sengers. It wns with great difllculty thnt
they could bo reached owing to the rushing
of the wntcr through the cnr windows.
Those rescued from the smoking cnr , which
wns almost entirely submerged , wcro taken
from the windows ; some maimed to such nn
extent thnt they wcro powerless to help
themselves nnd were nearly drowned before
nld could rcnch them. At 11 o'clock this
have been taken out from the wreck nnd
three moro nro known to be underneath the
debris. In addition to the passengers known
to have been killed from fifteen to twenty
have been rescued Uiat nro moro or less
seriously Injured.
Cimtl.KS CITY. In. , April 5. The wreck on
the Chlcngo , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad
some claim was cnused by Ice on the track ,
while others claim by the spreading of rails.
The engine lumped the track first and the
bnggagn car and tender plunged over the en
gine Into the wntcr. The smoker struck on
top of the engine and wab badly mashed ,
The engine Is entirely under wntcr and the
baggage car Is almost covered ,
There were almost thirty people in the
smoker at the time , -
so far as known besides the engineer , who
was caught between the cab nnd smoker.
The fireman escaped unhurt. There wcro
nbout twenty-five to thirty wounded , though
none fntnlly. The belief Is thnt there nro
throe or moro bodies yet under the wreck.
The bnggngemnn nnd route agent were
shaken up , but escaped through the window
without much Injury.
The engine nnd ono coach nro n total loss. A
Chlcngo traveling man nnd the conductor
kept the passengers quiet until they could
got them out. The wounded nro mostly
burned from the steam of the engine.
A Wreck On the Omnhn.
HUDSON , WIs. , April 5. A freight train
ran into the rear end of n passenger train
stalled with a disabled engine on the Omnhn
road , nt Bonrdman , this morning , wrecking
the freight engine and telescoping tha sleeper
nnd u passenger coach. A Norwegian had
his arm torn from his body. This was the
only casualty.
They Pray ami Preach Against Their
SALT LAKH , April 5. At the Mormon semi
annual conference to-day , Elder Seymour B.
Young called upon the people to pay their
tithing and obey the priesthood and ordinan
ces of the church. Speaking on polygamy ,
homiid : "Tho doctrine of celestial marriage
is ono of the true nnd glorious principles re
vealed through the Prophet Joseph , nnd Goil
will require It of this generation. Upon obedi
ence to this greatcommand nnd other essen
tial principals of our faith depends our eternal
salvation. "
In the afternoon Apostle Lorenzo Snow ,
recently liberated from a term of imprison
ment for polygamy , endorsed the discourse
of the morning and called on the saints to bo
patient and true , nnd seethe coming of Christ
for their relief.
Elder Jacob Gates said : "Zlon will tri
umph and many of the enemies will lick the
dust at our feet. Wo will never give up until
wo have achieved victory. "
Angus Cannon , president of this state , In
benediction , called on the Lord to "confound
our enemies and bless Israel In his aflliction , ' *
The King of the Now York Boodlcrs
NEW YORK , April 5. Jacob Sharp died to
night at 9:20. : Ho had been unconscious nl !
the afternoon and all hopes of his rallying
were abandoned by the family early in the
day , The big boodler had been confined to
his bed over since his conviction , nnd ns the
time for his new trial approached ho became
weaker and weaker. All the family were
present when ho breathed his last.
Ituldcd un Opium Joint.
KANSUS CITV , Mo. , April 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] For some time police
men have been keeping close watcl
on a supposed opium Joint run by
Quong Wuh , an aged celestial. The place
has been run ostensibly as n laundry. There
are two rooms in the plr.eo. They finally be
cauio gatlstlcd thnt opium smoking wns goln ,
on in the rear room. Ho several time :
entered the place but n boll attached to the
front door would alarm the celestial , am
access so the rear of the room could not bo
About 9 o'clock this morning ho saw n
woman and man enter the place. After tliej
had.been In about fifteen minutes ho entered
It through a side door. Then ho quickly
passed into the rear room and found tlio two
in the act of smoking opium. The Chinese
proprietor was in the room also. The odlcei
arrested the trio and took them to the
station. Quong Wah was locked up for
keeping an opium Joint , and the others were
sul > i > u.'aned to testify against him , The
opium outfit was confiscated ,
Vlllnrd TnUcH a Needed Vacation.
NnwYoitK , April 5. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] Henry Villard loft here on the
German steamer Traw yesterday a very sick
man. Ho suffered during the winter fron
rheumatism , and the change In his appear
auco is so startling as to glvo his friends
concern. It Is thought , however , that his
present vacation , which will last until June
at Carebad , will have the effect of rostorint
him to health. Ever since his return to
Now York in the fall of IbSrt , Villard has
kept closely to business us the financial ugcn
of a number of wealthy Berlin banker's , am
has done little or no speculating. Ho has
oosfti concerned chiefly during the winter in
placing f5,000XX ) of Northern Pacific bonds ,
and it Is understood the task Is nbout com
pleted. His business bus been extremely
profitable the past year.
K , Pa. , April 5. [ Special Tel
egroni to the BEE. ] A startling story was
told in the mayor's office last night. Charles
Engle , u reputable citizen , swore that at n
meeting of Hungarians held the night before
it was resolved by them that three men who
bore evidence ugalust the Hungarians foi
participating in thu recent riots should bo pul
to death. The meeting wns n secret ono , bul
ono of the conspirators became frightenci
and gave the hcheinu away. The plan ndoptcc
was to go to the houses of the doomed mcr
on a certain night , u la Molllo McGulro , nni
kill them in bed. Warrants have been is
sued for the arrest of all whoso names couli
bo obtained.
Union V. ni. C. A , Oyiimnsmim.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The Young Men's
Christian association la making an effort to
organise n union athletic club and has invited
the associations of Kansas City , Kan. , Iiulc
pendence , Mo. , und the railroad association
of this city to unite und form such a club.
The aim will bo to secure nthietio grounds
and fit them up for base ball , tennis , cricket ,
gymnastic exhibitions , etc.
Railroad Rates.
MiN.XEiroT.19 , April 5. To-day wns the
data set for advancing rates to the old tarif
standard on the Burlington & Northern and
the "Soo , " but this morning the advices are
that the former will not make nn advance be
fore next Monday nnd that the "Soo" wil
wait for the Burlington to act.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Warmer , fair weather ,
light to fresh winds , generally southeasterly.
For Iowa : Fair weather , winds becoming
light to fresh , southeasterly.
For eastern and southwestern Dakota :
Warmer , fair weather , light to fvcfch varJa
bid winds , becoming southerly.
They Fllllbuator Two Days on the
Direct Tax Bill.
Senator Vest SIny Defeat tlio Omaha.
Public Building IMll General
Terry on the Itctlrcd
The Direct Tax mil Fight *
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Aprils. }
After two days at fiUibustcrlng ou the di
rect tax bill , tlio liouso Into this afternoon
took a recess until 11:45 : o'clock to-morrow
morning. It is generally bcllovcil that nt
least two more days will bo frittered nwuy in
tills work , the house remaining In continuous
session. There is a determination upon bfftli
sides , nnd great earnestness is evinced In
every move iniulc. The opposition to the bill
is confined almost exclusively to ex - confederates
ates , and their votes aggregate from forty to
forty-live upon the tests which have been
taken. The lllllbustcrcrsmako ) no attempt to
conceal their work. They openly declare
that they will filibuster until hot weather If
they do not succeed in defeating the bill be
fore that time. They demand that an amend
ment bo made to the bill to return to the south
ern states the cotton tax , which amounts to
about sixty-eight millions , while the amonnt
of direct tax that will go to the northern states
which responded to the demand of the gov
ernment for war aid , amounts to only twenty
millions. Of this sum Nebraska will got ,
under the provisions of the bill , $10,1112 , and
Iowa S3S-1U7-1. The republicans say they are
prepared to maintain their position for weeks
if necessary , to succeed.
General Herbert , of Alabama , who is chair
man of the committee on naval affairs , and
who has n long confederate war record , ex
plained the basis of opposition to the direct
tax bill this afternoon , when ho said to mo :
"Wo intend to filllbustcr against this bill ns
long as wo have physical endurance to hold
out , if wo cannot defeat it on the direct vote
or got an amendment which will give us our
cotton tax. The bill Is the old Blnino scheme
and t kcs money out of the southerners'
pocket and puts it into the northern states.
It is n blow nt tariff reform and is intended
to injure the Mills bill. "
The house continued in session until 3:30 :
o'clock this morning. During the early hours
of the morning there were some cxcltiug and
ludicrous scenes on the floor. Many mem
bers skipped away and went to their homes
to bed about midnight , while others who re
mained stretched out on the sofas or snored
in their chairs by their desks. Near 1 o'clock
there was a call of the house , and the
sergeant-at-arms and his deputies were sent
out into the city to bring in the absentees.
Half an hour later they returned and
announced that they "Had Mr. Dougherty , of
Florida. " When called upon for an explana
tion of his absence the latter said ho had
been suffering with "malaria. " "Malaria ?
oh coino off I" cried a member , and the house
laughed. Mr. Dougherty explained in
addition "that ho did not get his malaria out
of a bottle , either. " After being the re
cipient of n good aeal of badgering from the
members ho was excused. Mr. Rowland , of
North Carolina , was excused on
account of sickness. Then Mr.
Allen , of Michigan , wanted to know
if it would not bo in order to let a gentleman
from South Carolina go out with him. Mr.
Mason started a little song , but was shut off ,
and Mr. Taulbco and three others mot with
the same f.ito when they endeavored ns a
quartet to ronucr a Methodist hymn. Mr.
Cowles of North Carolina , asked if the house
was proceeding under the eight-hour law.
"Sit down , tarheol , " shouted a member , and
ho subsided.
Four gentlemen wcro brought In together
Messrs. Latham , Simmons , Perry and
Cothran. Mr. Perry said , "Mr. Speaker , I
was tempted by my senior colleague to help
him pack some seeds and "
"Was it a four-handed cjnmol" inquired
Brcckenridgo of Kentucky , and the response drowned in the laughter which ensued.
Mr. Grosvenor caused some merriment by
facetious remarks upon the largo number of
members reported sick and the bad effects of
the Washington climate , which so
rapidly affected men who were the
picture of health nt noon. Every
absentee brought In was made a butt of
some joke or sarcastic remark. As the "weo
sina' hours" approached the merriment and
hilarity increased. The members who had
pre-empted the divans were not allowed to
sleep , nnd the house was beginning to as
sume the appearance of a schoolboys' play
room when a recess till 11-15 was taken.
It is the general belief that the bill will fin
ally be passed. Oakcs of Alabama is the
leader of the illllbustercrs. Ills lieutenants
are Weaver of Iowa , Hreckenrldgo of Ken
tucky , Blount of Georgia and Hogors of Ar
It begins to look ns though the Omaha pub
lic building bill may after all bo dcteatcd. It
has for four or five weeks been in the hands
of a conference committee , of which Senator
Vest of Missouri Is a member. Vest refuses
to permit the conference committee to act
upon the bill till the house acts upon the bill
now on the calendar making an appropriation
for n building nt Kansas City. Ho says the
Kansas City bill will receive the same treat
ment in the house that the Omaha bill did ,
and that ho wants them both acted upon at
the Banio time by the same conference com
mittee , thus linking the two together , and
making their fate one and the same. Thcie
are quite a largo number of public building
bills on the calendar of the house , and many
more will bo placed there within the next
two weeks. While many of them have merit ,
some havu very little , and uro sure of defeat ,
The meritorious measures will have to take
chances with these having no merit , of
course , nnd thus the Kansas City bill , which
ought to become a law , may not bo taken
from the calendar and passed during this ses
sion , which , under the present condition of
arrangements , would defeat the ultimate
passage of the Omaha bill. It is unfortunate ,
since affairs hnvo bhapcd themselves ns they
have , that Senator Vest is on the conference
committee , but Mr. Vest Is n member of the
senate committee on public buildings and
grounds , and Is In u position to dictate him
self upon this conference committee. In
other words , ho can pull himself and his
bill through or defeat others , and it
is known that ho intends doing do ; that if
the Kansas City bill ih not passed the Omaha
bill ramuit be passed. With the approaching -
ing debate upon the turlfT bill , which will
Just until the end of May , and the Hood of
accumulating business which must bo at
tended to before congress adjourns , the out
look for the Omaha public building bill at
this time is not cheerful , and especially in
view of the attitude assumed by Senator
The severe punishment meted out to young
HopKlns , the callow newspaper correspond
ent who recently sent the infernal muchino
to Chief Justice Walto with a view to selling
sensational accounts of it to the inhabitants
of newspaper row , seems to have not had
that moral intlucnca it was lutcnded to have ,
Late lest night another newspaper "fnko"
visited the correspondents with n proof sheet
of a lengthy account of "A Personal Adven
ture of the President. " Ho disposed of the
matter to a number of correspondents in news
paper row , at the usual space rates , and it
was sent out to the country. The story
was to the effect that a lady , white horse
back riding In the vicinity of nod Top was
rescued from a perilous position by Prcsl-
der.t Cleveland and Secretary Fairchild , who
were also horseback riding ; that her hprso
Locarno fractious and while- plunging f.bout
In a frightful manner , the chief executive
nnd the financial secretary of the govern
ment sprang to bor assistance , subdued the
nnimal and lifted the lady from the saddle ,
saving her llfo nnd hazarding their own
lives. It was a well written story nnd would
merit a scries of headlines In the Hungtown
Bugler. This morning it developed that
there was not the slightest atom of founda
tion for the story. The lady went horse
back riding ; that was all there was to the
whole romance. Thcro is nn army of fakers
In Washington now who nro offering their
services to the press , and who would bo a
discredit to nuy kind of business or pro
oRNr.iiAt. rcnnr PLACRI > ON run iiF.TinnD LIST.
To-day President Cleveland approved the
report of the army retiring board submitted
yesterday , recommending Major-General
Alfred Terry for retirement , nnd the name
of the pallant veteran goes upon the retired
list at onco. There Is n good deal of specu
lation In army circles to-night about when
the vacancy caused by the retirement of
General Terry would bo filled , and who
would bo called to fill It , The predictions
made In the lien's ' specials and editorials
seem nt this time to hnvo been well made.
General Crook continues to bo six > kcn of
more frequently than any other ofllccr , while
the name of General Hatch Is also coming
in for much mention from these who nro
well posted on nrmy'affairs. General Hatch
stands very high In Washington In nrmy ,
congressional and civil circles , nnd his pro
motion nt this time may bo no surprise ,
although General CrOok seems to have the
call. The vacancy , It Is thought , will soon bo
lllled , as it creates it good deal of uneasiness ,
and the longer it remains open the more com
plicated will become the president's annoy
Fleet Wolf andt Hound-that-bnys , Chlp-
powa Indians , are m the city and called to
see the president yesterday afternoon In re
gard to some land claims they have pending
in the departments. Mr. Cleveland received
them very cordially nnd talked to them nt
length. The Indians use the English lan
guage very well , and when they arose .to
leave they looked anxiously about the room
for the sideboard , which , not being in night ,
moved one of them to suggest that they
sometimes took flre-wntcr with government
ofllcers. The president smiled and ordered
the doorkeeper to admit no one for n few
minutes. Then ho walked into a side room
nnd got n demijohn of whisky and three
glasses. When they wcro well lllled they
touched glasses nnd drank heartily. The
Indians nro solid for President Cleveland
and n second term. It is believed that all
the Indlaps who visit Washington will call
upon the president and inquire for that dem
AVAILABLE Hivcit AND ruunon ruxns.
The secretary of war has sent to congress
n statement showing the amount available
for river nnd harbor Improvements at differ
ent points In the country November 1 , Inst ,
when there was n suspension of work for the
winter. Among tholitems are the following :
For the Missouri river , from Sioux City to
Fort Ucnton , $2,477 ; Mississippi river , from
St. Paul to DCS Molncs rapids , through
Iowa , ? 104C7(5 ( ; DeaMoincs rapids , Missis
sippi river , Iowa nnd Illinois , $20,223 ; ice
harbor at Dubuque , (1,503.
Representative McShano said to-day that
ho was making diligent efforts to get the bill
appropriating money for the repair of Forts
Hoblnson and Niobrara , now on the calendar
up before the house , nnd if ho succeeded Is
confident of its Immediate passage. In view
of the outlook , however , there Is llttlo en
couragement. The bill can bo passed if It
can get consideration , but everything Is so
blocked in the house now that n great deal of
meritorious legislation must bo perished.
In the senate to-day , after considerable
trouble , Senator. Paddock succeeded In
having the rules 'suspended , and then ho
called up the house ! bill for the relief of
Ncttio K. Painter. . , The bill , ns it cnmp from
the house , provided $18 n mqnth as a p'cnslon
to Mrs. Painter , forsorvices , ns nurse in the
late war. Mr. Paddock's amendment in
creases the amount to $25. By a close vote
the bill a amended 'was ' passed and a con
ference committee appointed. The senate
bills for the relief of Mrs. Painter nnd Mrs.
Howe awarded each $2. > per month. They
arc in the house Committee on pensions
awaiting action.
A petition was received to-day from the
citizens of Orleans , Neb. , asking that a board
of examining physicians bo appointed by
the pension department to deal with cases
arising in that section of the country. Sena
tors Manderson and Paddock endorsed the
application , with an urgent recommendation
that it be granted.
Miss Laura Hoaglaud , of Omaha , is visit
ing as the guest of Mrs. Gannett.
John V. Sletken was to-day appointed a
storekeeper and gauger in Otoocounty , under
the internal revenue commissioner.
Ordnance Sergeant James Hooten , U. S. A. ,
has been placed on the retired list ,
I'Eiinr S. HEATH.
Army Orders.
WASHINGTON , April 5. [ Special Telegram
to the B&E. ] By direction of the president
of the war department the order dated March
12,18S3 , published In special orders No. 79 ,
March 13 , 1SS8 , from the headquarters of the
nrmy , relating to Captain Gordon Wiuslow ,
Eighth infantry , Is re/okcd , nnd ho will re
port In person to Major General Oliver O.
Howard , president of the army retiring board ,
at San Francisco , Cnl. , convened by the war
department order dated July 2(1. ( IbSS , pub
lished in special orders No. 10S , July 22 , 1880 ,
from the headquarters of the army , for ex
amination by the board. On the conclusion
of his examination ho will return to the place
of receipt by him of this order.
Colonel Rodney Smith.assistantpaymaBtcr
general , is relieved from duty as chief pay
master of the division of the Pacille and
will report in person to the commanding gen
eral , Department of Dakota , for duty ns
chief paymaster of that department , reliev
ing Lieutenant Colonel William II. Johnston ,
deputy paymaster general ,
Recruit Lewis Desmond , mounted service ,
now nt Jefferson Barracks , Mo. , is trans
ferred to the hospital corps ns n private.
Private John Hi Parker , Fifth cavalry ,
now with his troop at Fort Elliott , Texas , is
transferred to the hospital corps ns n private.
The leave of absence on surgeon's ' certifi
cate of disability granted Captain Frederick
A. Hinman , corps of engineers , in special
orders No. 210 , October 21 , 16S7 , from this
ofllco , Is extended six months on account of
Leave of absence for six months Is granted
First Lieutenant George A. Thurbton , Third
Nebraska auiTlowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , April S. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The following pensions were
granted Nebrosknns to-day : Original invalid
Alfred G. Anderson , Central City ; Alonzo
P. Wilder , Ayr ; William H. Hison , Omaha ;
James Holiness , Stormsburir ; Samuel P.
Reiner , Indianola. Keissuo Elijah A.
Fletcher , Franklin. Original widows , etc.
Mary M. , widow of Jackson Swearing , Weep
ing Wnter : Elizabeth , widow of John H ,
Handall , alias Heed , Nelson , Mexican
widows Rebecca P , , widow of George P.
Armstrong , Omahn.
Pensions for lownns ; Original invalid
William H. Davis , Mount Auburn ; George
R. Robinson , Moravia ; Milo T. Langdon ,
Clinton ; Solomon Stutsman , East Des
Moines ; Clinton M. Burton1 , Center Junction ;
Samuel A. Van Voorhls , Eldorado. Increase
Jameson J. Berkoy , West Union ; James 13.
Moore , Allcrton ; Henry 0. Ford , Woodbine.
Reissue Edward Newberry , Knoxville ,
National Capita ] Notes.
WASHINGTON , April 5. The state depart
ment Is informed that the Venezuelan gov
ernment has Issued u decree placing barbed
wire ou the free list. The president has up-
proved the act amending the laws relating to
navigation and the act for the relief of im
porters of animals for breeding purposes in
certain cases.
Tlio JloprH AVunt Pence.
WASHINGTON , April 5. Tlio secretary of
state to-day received a cable message from
United Stu.tes Consul Lewis nt Tnngior.from
the tenor f which it is inferred that u sat
isfactory settlement of the trouble with the
Moorish government will soar be touched.
If They Wed the Chancellor Intends -
tends to Resign.
Chninbcrlnln'a Trent mcnt-MnrrlaRO of
a Well Known Encllsh Yachts
man The Crown I'rlnco Snlil
to Bo Improving.
Illsninrclc Ahout to Resign.
April 5. The Cologne Gazette
publishes an article , saying n grcnt deal of
excitement prevails in diplomatic circles over
the possibility of a speedy resignation of
Bismarck because of the .proposed marriage
of Prince Alexander of Battonberg nnd
Princess Victoria of Prnssln. The bearing
of the reports Is so serious they cannot bo
passed over. Until the Bulgarian question
shall bo settled the projected marriage , from
n political point of view , is an impossibility.
In the , Bulgarian question Germany must ,
In accordance wltii declarations made by
Bismarck , remain wholly an uninterested
party. Confidence In Germany , the Gazette
asserts , would bo disturbed in nn Instant If
the czar's most detested antagonist wcro to
become the son-ln-lnw of Emperor Frederick.
The article adds that the intelligence of
Prince Alexander is highly esteemed ; that It
Is Impossible for him to attempt a suit which
would assuredly cost the German people
their chancellor. Public opinion in Berlin is
in favor of Bismarck.
Bismarck had a long conference this after
noon with the emperor. The crown prince
and the Grand Duke of Baden also had inter
views with his majesty.
A strong affection has existed between
Alexander nnd the Princess Victoria for sev
eral years. The late emperor opposed the
match , but it Is believed that Emperor
Frederick nnd the empress look on it with
favor. The result of the long conference of
Bismarck with the emperor to-day is said to
bo that the marriage has been postponed nnd
Bismarck retains his position.
LONDON , April 5. A dispatch received
hero to-night confirms the report that Bis
marck is about to resign from the German
chancellorship. It is reported Count Herbert
Bismarck will also resign ,
A Visit to Pnstcnr.
tCopi/r < cil 1SSS by James Etonian Dennett. ' }
PAIUS , April 5. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to thoBr.E.l Yesterday was n very
important day in the wolf-biting case of Mr ,
Chamberlain , of Texas. The Herald reporter
who had been commissioned to watch every
symptom , went to Pasteur institute , accom
panied by Dr. Spohn , Dr. Wabod of Man
chester , Dr. Oscar Jennings , Mr. H. Grovel
ing and several other gentlemen , who wcro
allowed to bo present to see the Inoculation
by special privileges. Mr. Chamberlain nr
rlred with his brother shortly before the ap
pointed hour. He shook hands cordially with
his friends , and was much brighter than on
the day of the first inoculation , heretofore
described in the Herald. Ho said : "I feel
in a higher moral tone than when I came to
this city. I have will power , or , as wo
say in Texas , plenty of 'sand in my craw. '
I hope now to go homo safe and
sound , and not lay my bones at
Fere In Chaise , to which I have been taken
as one of the sights of Parla. "
"How do you-feeU"
"Never bettor. I have had n few of these
nervous fits , to which the Herald has already
referred , but which are simply attacks of
pseudo-hydrophobia. I shall never bo able
to show gratitude enough to Dr. Spohn , who ,
even upon ncrvo principles , has probably
saved my life. Yesterday was my first taste
of pure water since my bite. I enjoy myself
rationally. I have been to the theater and
all sorts of sensible amusement. There has
welled up in my heart a gieat belief in the
Pasteur treatment. "
At this moment Mr. Chamberlain's num
ber was called , and ho went up for his hypo
dermic injection. "You sec , " ho said
'thero is no difference between rich
and poor here , I nm not like Lord
Dancrailo , who wanted M. Pasteur to go to
him. Hero I stand proud and happy among
'hewers of wood and drawers of water. '
They talk to mo about the mistakes of the
French government. All I can say is that
they have done one. thing splendidly. Not
one penny is paid by anybody hero , nnd I ,
who would pay anything to that dear good
man who has so bcncfitted humanity , am
simply told that nothing is required. "
After the cliniquo ended , M. Pasteur , who ,
ns usual , received the Herald reporter
graciously , said : "I wish you would tell my
friends in America how grateful I am to
them. I unbosom myself to yon freely , and I
would like to tell you something about
my enemies. As regards Dr. Peters : It is
simply professional Jealousy ; it is something
moro than that , for lie is connected with mo
by marriage ; ho has started a crusade against
me for his own purpose. "
"Amongst other things , the doctor has said
that you have been the efficient cause of
rubles in certain stages. "
"I know that us well ns you , but how docs
ho prove it. In the Slcno department every
effect bus been made to discover the truth ,
nnd there is not a single case of hydrophobia
the result of my treatment , It is
so easy to make these accusations
and BO hard to disprove them.
The same remark applies to Henri Rochefort.
All his nrticlcs against mo simply result from
the fact that I voted for Paul Bert ns a mem
ber of the academy of sciences , "
Asked on the subject of Turkish baths as
an adjunct to his treatment , M. Pasteur re
plied : "If the hot air system bo adopted as
the solo remedy , I strongly oppose it. On the
other hutul , I cannot fail to recognize that
the euro conies from Russia and may help
out my treatment , but do remember that
hydrophobia is n sort of uightmuro
which has provoked many cures. Wo have
the omelette , the mystical Saint Hubert , nnd
nil sorts of nostrums. As far as perspiration
goes , I certainly believe that hot air baths
uro useful , but inoculation must precede and
accompany them. AH regards Mr. Chamber
lain , we must only go on hoping , his case is
most interesting ; ho has done well to come
to mo , and heaven grant wo may send him
back to America safe and sound , und n be
liever in tny poor efforts in the cause of
humanity , "
The Crown Prlnco'n Condition ,
[ Copi/rialit ItSBliJnina ] Guidon Ilennctt.l
LONDON , April 0. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE , ] This morning
the British Medical Journal , a high pro
fessional authority , prints n special telegram
from Berlin , with comments , The telegram
says : "The empeiorof Germany is going
on most satisfactorily , The disease appears
quicssant. Thcro Is no sign of
spreading nnd the glands are not
in the least involved. His general
health is excellent and his appearance shows
no trace of illness or suffering except his hair
is become gray. The position which Sir
Morcll took up from the first , that no rad
ical surgical measures wcro advisable , ap
pears now to find more favor among the
medical piofcssion of Germany than 1ms
been the case till lately. The disas
trous results of several cases In
which similar operations have recently
been performed seem to hnvo opened
men's eyes to the magnitude of the risk to
which the imperial patient would hnvo been
exposed but for the intervention of the Eng
lish physician , itcrr Knyscr , n prominent
member of the rolchstap , died n few days ngo
immediately nftcr half of his larynx hndbocn
cut out by Prof , Von Bergman for cancer.
Eleven other patients on whom that distin
guished surgeon has performed this severe
operation hnvo died. Dr. Eugene Hahn , who
hitherto has been the most successful op
erator In that line , has been equally unfortu
nate in Ms last two cases. "
ThoJournnl , commenting , adds : "Only
the other day nn operation of the same kind
pci formed by a leading London surgeon re
sulted In the death of the patient on the fol
lowing day. In private one hears whispers
orshnllnr cases , which nro never heard in
public. These facts , In our opinion , quite In
dependently of nny reasons peculiar to the
case , go far to Justify the course that lias
been adopted by Sir Morrcll Mackenzie. Ho
was to have returned to London on Tuesday
next , but wo understand in compliance with
the urgent request of the emperor , lie post
poned his departure from Berlin for a short
time. "
A Ynohtmaii's Marriage.
[ Coimriutit tefS tiu Jamtt Gordon Ucnnttt. }
LONDON , April C. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE. ) Sir Richard
Francis Sutton , baronet , who In 1BSO was the
guest of Now York yachtsmen , was this
morning married at St. Peters , Eaten square ,
to Constance Edith , daughter of Sir Vincent
Rowland Corbet , n Shropshire baronet of an
cient lineage and largo estates. Sir Richard
loft Buckingham palace hotel with his best
man , Mr. Edward Brooks , about the same
hour when the bride attended by her father ,
drove from 88 Onslow square , the residence
of her aunt , Lady Cust , whoso guests they
Sir Richard wore the regulation Prince
Albert coat , mouse colored trousers , white
vest nnd blue knot scarf. She were a dress
of ivory satin en train , with no trimming be
yond the drapery of the heirloom lace , with
n veil to correspond. Her ornaments were
diamonds and the bouquet was of white
The largo crowd outsldo the church
cheered her as she entered it , for she is
strikingly beautiful , Just of ngo , nnd a tall ,
graceful blonde. She was mot by her seven
bridesmaids , who , preceded by the curnto
nnd chulr , escorted her to the chancel ,
that was bright with April sunshine nnd
spring flowers. There Sir Richard , shy nnd
modest as usual , received her from her
father. The families on each side being in
mourning , the invitations had Docn limited.
Nevertheless their friends were present in
full social and fashionable force.
The bridesmaids Included two sisters of the
bride , two sisters of the bridegroom nnd
three of her cousins. They wore white silk
polonaise , made nnd trimmed with
gold , white straw bonnets tiimmcd
with white lilacs and carried
bouquets of violets and lilies of the valley.
Each were a diamond broach , true lover's
knot shape , the gift of Sir Richard. The
uncle of the bride , n distinguished canon ,
and her cousin , a vrell known vicar of the
Bndgeman family , officiated. The organ
and choir music was not of the stereotyped
kind , but original and effective. After ad
journing from the attestation ceremonylntho
vestry , a largo number of the guests
drove to Lady Cust's mansion , and at the
wedding breakfast "quite many a guardsman
and yachtsman" wished Sir Richard and his
bride a happy voyage of wedlock. Soon
after they left for his seat at Bcnhnm park ,
Berks. When she was going away her dress
was of electric blue silk , with traveling bon
net to correspond. It is expected that a
portion of the honeymoon , while all England
is Maying , will bo passed upon the yacht
Gcncsta. _
.Affairs in Ireland.
DUDLIN , April 5. William O'Brien has begun -
gun suit against the Cork Constitution ( con
servative ) for libel , claiming , 'fi,000 damages.
Four thousand Irish emigrants sailed from
Qucenstown to-day for America.
LONDON , April 5. Balfour's bill to expedite
business in the Irish land courts is published.
It extends the existence of the land commis
sion another seven years , deprives tenants
of the option of applying for reduction of
rent , etc. , to either the county court or land
commission , nnd the right to transfer pro
ceedings from the county court to the land
commission. Tlio bill also cmj > owcrs the
land commission , with the consent of the
lord chancellor , to distribute at will the cases
between the commission and thocounty court ,
and also on application nnd for good cause ,
to transfer cases from the commission to the
court , or vice versa.
Minister Plielpu Starts For Home.
LONDON , April 5. Phelps , American min
ister , left London to-day for Southampton ,
where ho will embark to-night for New
The Ccntcnnlnl Anniversary of It n Set
tlement Cclehralcd ut Marietta.
MAIUETTA , O. , April 5. The centennial ex
ercises of the settlement of Marietta began
to-day with the annual meeting of the state
historical and archaeological societies.
The celebration is intended to commemor
ate the one hundredth anniversary of the
first settlement of the territory northwester
the Ohio river , from which were carved the
states of Ohio , Illinois , Indiana , Michigan
and Wisconsin. The celebration is purely
historical in its nature , the only exposition
feature being the collectingof rare and inter
esting relics and antiquities ,
A Load or Mormon ProHolytos.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , , April C. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE , ] Over one hundred Mor
mon proselytes from Alabama and Tennessee
arrived this morning , bound for Salt Lake
City , There wcro men , women und children
among them and they presented the appear
ance of n rngmuflln club , One woman had a
a dress made of red and white striped canvas ,
such ns Is used for nwniug purposes. Her
head was surmounted by an immense straw
hat garnished with riubons of diffcient hues ,
The party was in charge of Elder W. Morgan ,
They boarded a Union Pacific train.
Hydrophobia From a Calf's lilto
ATLANTA , Ga , , April 5. On n farm n few
miles from Atlanta a Jersey calf , owned by
a man named Milling , to-day developed
signs of hydrophobia and bit several other
calves , also sheep and swine. A young son
of the farmer , while attempting to keep n
pet lamb from the mad calf , was severely
bitten on the arm , and from latest accounts
his injuries nro fatal. The animals bitten by
the calf have since died of hydrophobia.
This is the first Instance of the kind known
In Georgia.
a College.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] The co-operutcd synods
of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of
Colorado , Kansas , Ncbtabka und Missouri
were In session to-day at the Cumberland
church. The object was to discuss the ques
tion of n site for the new college , Bids were
received from Odessa , Marshall , Scdalla and
Mnrysvillo , The commission will visit
Odessa , Marshall and Sedulin this week and
meet in this city Friday , ut which time a final
decision will bo rendered. The bid of Marys-
vlllo was rejected. The college will have un
cudowncnt of $100,000. ,
Arrest of nn Alleged Bnrn Burner
At Syracuse.
Several Towns to 13o Addressed By
Senator Van \Vyok Next AVcok
The I/onjj Pine Elections
Grant Republicans.
An Incendiary Caught.
StiucfSE , Neb. , April 5 , - [ Special to tha
BEK. ] Recently a largo stock barn was
burned hero belonging to G. W. Warner , ono
of the wealthiest farmers In this section. As
was stated In the Hr.nnt that tlino all appear
ances seemed to Indicate that the fire was ot
incendiary origin , and that Mr. Warner pro
posed to make It exceedingly wnrin for tliaft
individual. The services of a detective front
Omnhn wore secured , who has been working
the cnsn for nbout two months.
His efforts to-day resulted in the nrrcst ot
J. F. Brownoll , n neighbor and brother-in-
law of Mr. Warner , It Is said that the evi
dence against him Is conclusive nnd consider
able surprise Is manifested over the nrrost.
NiumvsKA CITV , Nob. . April 6. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. ] James Brownloe ,
living near Syracuse , was arrested nnrt
brought to this city Into last night imd loctgefl
In Jail on the charge of arson. Ho is accused
of setting fire to the barn of George W.
Wnrncr some three weeks ngo , which burned
with u Inrgo amount of valuable stock , farm
machinery and grain. The evidence against
him , however. Is purely circumstantial. Ho
will have n hearing In the morning. Brown-
Ice has ilgureit in the courts n number of
times lately ns n wife boater and defendant
In an alleged rape. case.
Tlio NOIVH In Crete. |
CKETE , April 5. [ Correspondence of the
BCE. ] Mr. Crooko , the general agent of
the Anheuser-Busch Brewing company , of St. !
Louis , will soon bo hero to make final ar
rangements for the erection of un ice house
of 80(1 ( tons capacity for the purpose of rank
ing Crete n distributing point of his company
for this part of Nebraska. The demands
made upon them nro so great thnt they find
it necessary to do this.
The school board met last night and de
cided to adopt the plans submitted by Messrs.
Fowler & Bolndorff , of Omaha , for the
now high school , which Is to cost * 21,000.
They will immediately begin the erection of
the building. The building will not only DO
a credit to the enterprise of the good citizens
of Crete , but will bo nn ornament to the
booming little city.
Crete's waterworks system will soon take
definite shape. Mr. McClnin , agent of Strnnff
& Co. , contractors , was in the city yesterday
for the purpose of selecting n suitable site to
plnce their pump nud locate the reservoir ,
wnich Is to hold 1,000,000 , gallons of water.
The system is to bo finished by the latter
part of July , and will bo the finest In the
state. The elevation will bo nearly 200 foeb
and will throw n stream high-above the tall
est steeple in the city.
A Prohibition Victory.
Hr.nnoN , Neb. , April 5. [ Special Telo-
grain to the BEE. ] The village election on
yesterday was hotly contested , although
good order prevailed throughout the day.
There were two tickets in the field , the issue
being license und anti-license. The nntl-
Ilcenso ticket was elected by majorities
ranging from twenty-three to thirty-one. J.
R. Eliott , William Hill , Erwin Kirby , J. A.
Bowdlo and F. B. Udoll arc the trustees
elected. The election is n great victory for
the temperance party , a license board being
elected lust year by good majorities.
The Election at IJOIIR IMnc.
LONG PINE , Neb. , April G. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The election for school
directors was n very spirited and animated
affair on account of the fight existing hero
between the principal of the schools and ouo
of the intermediate teachers. The principal
carried the day. The election for city ofllcerd
was tolerably interesting from the fact thab
thuro wcro two tickets in the field but both
were alike except that ono had M. B. Mnlloy
and the other J. S. Davison at the head , Mr.
Malloy was successful. ,
Tlio Election at AVest Point.
WEST POINT , Nob. , April 5. [ Special to
the BEE. ] Politics cut no figure in the city
election hero to-day , though the opposing can
didates worked like nailers for mieecss. The
following is the result : Mayor , John D. No-
ligh , 1'JS ; T. M. Frnuso , 09 ; Neligh'a
majority. 99. Treasurer , P. F. O'Sulllvnn ' ,
181 ; F. G. Rcppert , 11(1 ( ; O'Sulllvan'H inn'
Jority , 05. Clerk , F. E. Krause , 17B ; Emery
Briggs , 122 ; Kranso's majority , fi.'J. For
councilmen , M. J. Hughes , 100 majority nnd
Bonnet Goldsmith , 1 majority.
Senator Van "WyckVt EnjnfcMncntP.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April S. [ Special Tclot
gram to the BEE. ] Senator Von Wyck ;
passed through the city to-night en route to
Kearney nnd Webster counties , where ho
fills engagements to speak. The senator
will bo at Mlndcn to-morrow night , Saturday
night at Wilcox , Monday night nt Blue Hill ,
und Tuesday night at Red Cloud. The people
will hear some gospel truth on the live issues
of the day.
Grant RcpiiliIlcniiH Organizing.
GIIANT , Neb. , April 5. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. ] The republicans of this pre
cinct met ut this place to-day and made tbo
first move towards organizing a republican
club. D. J. Fink was elected president , JJV
E. Goodall secretary und W , J. Wells , Wil
liam Evans. Daniel W. Wallace , C. B. Miller
and D. E. Gray were elected vlco presidents.
A general meeting Is to bo held Saturday at
thu Commercial hotel ,
A Central Committee Call.
LINCOLN , Neb , , April. 5 [ Spccinl Telegram
to the BKB.I The following cull wan Issued
to-day :
The central committee for the First con
gressional district will meet at the Capital
hotel In thu city of Lincoln on April 12 , 1868 ,
at 4 o'clock p , in , , to transact business of im
portance , D. G. COUUTNBY ,
Chairman of the Committee.
niAiNi-'B HEALTH mtoicisN.
A Man Who Koou JIlpi Ol'lon Thinks
JIo Cannot Ijlvo 1n > i\g ,
PiTTsnuiio , April 5 , The Chronicle Tola1
graph says : James W. Drape , of this city , Is
in receipt of a letter from a personal friend
In Vienna , in which this passage occurs :
I sawMr. Blaine quite oitcn nt Florence ,
nnd it Is evident that ho Is very much broken
in health. Anyone who sees him will know
the reason [ of his withdrawal from presi
dential aspirations , I fear his life will not bo
spared long ,
A Mormon Anniversary.
KVNBIIS Cjrv , Mo , , April 5 , [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE , | To-morrow , which is the
twenty-eighth anniversary of the Reorgan
ized Church of Jesus ChrUt or Latter Day
Saints , will bo observed In Independence
Mo , , by UIP laying of the corner stone of the
stone edifice now being erected In that city
under the auspices of President Joseph
Smith. The text books of the church , the
bible , book of Mormon nnd thu book of the
doctrine and covenants , will bo deposited
within the stone , Tbo copy of the bible will
bo tbo translation made by Jobcph Smith ,
The Clow-Conlcy I'l ht.
DUI.UTII , Minn , , April 5. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BEE. ] There 1 great anticipa
tion hero over the coming Clow-Conlcy fit-lit
nt Ashland , WIs. , Saturday night , Kuilroudp
will run social trains frgrn hero ,