Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Yesterday's tntornnl revenue collec
tions amounted to $12,629.34.
A meeting ot the Seventh wnrd re
publican club will bo held at Hnnscom
park this evening.
Yesterday Milton Ward nnd Miss
Sophia Fens were united in matrimony
by Judge Rend. Both contracting par-
tics nro residents of Council Blurts.
Permlbsion has been granted by the
board of public works to the waterworks
comnany to lay water mains on Lcnvon-
worth from Thirty-second to Thirty-
eighth streets and on Spencer from
Fifteenth to Twenty-ninth streets.
The streets in the paved section of
the city are very dirty , in some places
being covered with half a dozen inches
of mud. The street sweeping contract
ors , however , have not as yet been or
dered by the board of public works to
clean them.
C. D. Wood worth was ordered by the
board of public works to proceed at
once to curb the following districts :
Ninety-two , Vinton from Thirteenth to
Sixteenth ; 84 , Grace from Sixteenth to
Twenty-fourth ? 01 , Pacific from Sixtli
to Tenth ; 103 , Twenty-fourth from St.
Mary's avenue to Farnatn ; 09 , Jones
from Ninth to Missouri river.
E. D. Calliihan , the bulldozer who at
tempted to run the election at Florence
on Tuesday was arraigned before Jus
tice Anderson vcstorday nftornon to
give reason for Ids high-handed pro
ceeding. Ho plead guilty , paying ho
would not have acted as ho did hud ho
been sober. The judge decided to lot
him olt with $3 and costs. Henry
Shomor , ono of his champions , still
lies in the county bastilo awaiting his
For the first time since assuming
ofllco Judge Shields found it necessary
yesterday to fall back on his familiar
ity with the Gorman language. A
couple who came to him to bo married
were unable to speak or understand the
English tongue , nnd ns they seemed
anxious to embark at once on the turbu-
lant sea of matrimony the judge rolled
on his knowledge of the complicated
sentences of fatherland nnd hitcnod up
the pair ns complete ns if it was done by
n regular doutchcrman.
Personal 1'nrnfjrnplis.
C. Glcason , of Lincoln , Neb. , is al the Pax-
W. \Vhitmorc , of Valley , Nob. , is at the
W. K. Bird , ofDesMoincs , la. , is at the
N. L. Harwood , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the
II. N. Harvey , of St. Joseph , Mo. , is at the
W. K. Kelly , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the
A. J. Robertson , of Kearney , Neb. , is at the
F. C. Zebring , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the
U. J. Kilpatrick , of Beatrice , Neb. , is at the
R. F. Klokc , West Point , Neb. , is at the
P. J. Murphy , of Roger , Nob. , is at the
I. N. Smith , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt UK
O. P. Sheer , of Kearney , Neb. , is at the
Zach Strof , of Fremont , Neb. , is at th (
Dan O'Rourk , of Plattsraouth , Neb. , is a
the Windsor.
D. Smith and wife , of Chicago , 111. , are a
. the Windsor.
W. L. Wilson , Nebraska City Neb. , is n
the Millard.
'Frank Hammond , of Fremont , Neb. , is a
the Millard.
W. T. Canada , of Nebraska City , Neb. , i
nt the Paxtou.
A. A. Miller , of Weeping Water , Neb. , i
at the Paxton.
Hon. Gcorgo W. Heist , of Sidney , Neb. , i
nt the Paxton.
J. M. Thatcher , of Fort Niobrara , Neb. , i
nt the Paxton.
G. P. Klngsley and wife , of Frccport , 111.
are at the Millard.
I. D. Clarke and wife , ot Papillion , Neb.
nro at the Puxton.
A. C. Zienicr and wife , of Lincoln , Neb ,
are at the Paxton.
Mrs. A. M. Bloomer , of York , Neb. , is rcg
istcrcd at the Paxton.
Charles N. Merriam nnd wife , of Nc\
York , nro at the Millard.
Charles S. McEntcr nnd wife , of Nebrask
City , Neb. , are at the Pnxton.
C. C. Crowell , of Blair , Neb. , is at the Ml !
lard , with B. C. Jackson , of the same place
Mesdamcs I. M. Raymond nnd O , G. Goi
don , of 'Lincoln , Neb. , took supper atth
Paxton last night.
Closed Up.
Bradstrcets reports that J. S. Smith , gral
nnd coal dealer at Grecly , Neb. , has bee
dosed up by his creditors.
In the Hospital.
Alex D. Green , esq. , n brother of Captai
Duff Green of the Metropolitan police forci
who has been 111 for some time , was ycsto
day taken to St. Joseph's hospital for trcai
Ills Wooden Wrddirifj.
Adolph Meyer yesterday celebrated h
wooden wedding and the employes of h
department in Max Meyer & Hro's stoi
presented him with a beautifully enibolltshc
wooden desk which they scut to his rca
Still Hold Out.
Of 250 saloon keepers who paid license i
the last quarter , 211 have paid the 5750 r
quired by the state law as enforced by tl
mayor. "Very few paid yesterday , nnd
is thought perhaps the greater portion i
them are Intending to hold out and conte
the law governing the case.
March nt the County Jail.
During the month of March 137 prisonc
were admitted to the county Jail , the charg
against thorn varying from disorderly co
duct to that of murder. Among the prose
inmates two stand charged with murder nt
ono awaits sentence upon conviction of inu
dor in the second degree ,
Nearly JJIcd to Dnnth.
A llttlo girl of about llvo years of ago , tl
child of Anton Uorak , a Bohemian who llv
near Shcclv'B , while out nt play yeatcrdi
slipped nnd foil on a broken bottle nnd c
her leg so badly that aha nearly Mod
death. A physician was summoned Just
time to save the little one's lifu nnd she
now entirely out of dangor.
The AbSUHsnrfl.
The assessors of the county nro now
work leaving lists with property owners f
Biiecillo mention of property subject to tax
lion. They will continue their work un
about the lirst Monday in Juno , at whi
time their returns will bo mudo. Kaon wa
in the city and precinct In the county hone
ono assessor , \vhllo in a some places this (
fleer has a number of assistants.
Ho Will Recover.
J , W , fiockstrom , the young farmer frc
Oakland , accidentally shot by George
Nissen , at Nisscn & Alford's hardware stc
Tuesday , lies In much distress at i
Joseph's hospital , The physicians , howovi
pronounce the wound nowise dangurot
and say that Hcekstrom's recovery is
question of but u week or son ,
\n Important Action.
Mrs. Henrietta Truman , formerly Hen
ctta A. Dickinson , of Shelby county , yi
terday filed with the , register of deeds
power of attorney in which slio appoints '
S. Slomarj , of this city , as her ngent and :
torney with full power to dispose and s
any portion of section 20 township 15 ran
J3 , In which sh.oj as the widow of tbe lalo
M. Dickinson , may bo entitled to as' (16\vi (
The plat of deed mentioned is 'situated with
in the city limits , nnd comprises Highland
Plnco , Forest Lawn , Kllby I'lncc , which are
divisions of Smith's addition , which has been
ro-plnttcd. The amount of capital repre
sented comprises many thousand dollars ,
A Court Martini.
Thursday next , In accordance with com
mands from Brigadier General Crook , a gen
eral court martial will meet nt Fort Washa-
klo. Wyoming. The detail of the court Is ns
follows : Captain Buckor , Captain Qulnton ,
Captain Jackson , Lieutenant Burnett , Lieu
tenant Goodln , Lieutenant Uufllnpton , Lieu
tenant Alexander , Lieutenant Taylor , Judge
advocate. _
IHocl of Ills Injuries.
Herman Dale , the teamster who was so
frightfully hurt by a runaway team nt the
corner of Tenth nnd Dodge streets Tuesday
noon , died yesterday morning nt St. Jos.cph'3
hospital. Ho was unmarried and about
forty years of atro. A brother , who resides
In Council BlufTs , took charge of the re
Coroner Drexel held an Inquest yesterday
afternoon over the remains nnd a verdict was
returned of accidental death.
Knocking Out the Governor.
John Fllogcn , an elderly man , took unto
himself a wife seine time since that did not
meet with the approval of his son Fred.
This has created a bitterness between father
and son that culminated last evening In Fred
brutally assaulting his father , knocking out
n couple of ns ! teeth nnd otherwise bruising
him. Ho also threatened to take his father's
llfo. A warrant was Issued for his arrest.
of Labor Bnll.
The committee of the United assemblies
have completed the arrangements for their
annual ball to bo held at Exposition hall
Monday nvening , April 0. They , report n
largo sale of tickets , but not quite as largo as
last year owing , they say , to the scarcity of
money amongst workingmcn nnd the great
number of halls that come oft Immediately
after Lent. The committee hold a final meet
ing Saturday evening , comer Fifteenth and
Famam streets ,
Gross Negligence.
The coroner hold an inquest yesterday af
ternoon over the remains of the unfortunate
German woman who was killed at the Seven
teenth street crossing Monday , and the fol
lowing verdict was rendered : "Kntrlna
Ecko came to her death by reason of wounds
received by being run over by an engine of
the Union Pacific railroad company , and they
find the said company guilty of the grossest
negligence in the matter of safeguards for
lifu and limb at the point where the said
Katrlua Ecko received the Injuries which
caused her death , "
lit n Church.
It has Just leaked out that St. Philomcna's
cathedral was ransacked by > burglars Sunday
night. Every nook and corner in the sacris
ties , the shelves , drawers nnd desks , and
even the sacred tabornaulo of the nltar were
searched In vain for plunder. The robbers
evidently expected that the Easter offerln g ,
n snug sum , was hidden in the church. They
did not dare attack the parochial residence ,
where the money was , ns the lights in the
rooms plainly told that ono or more of the oc
cupants were keeping Into hours on this par
ticular night , nnd for the solo purpose of be
ing able to welcome midnight prowlers. A
valuable candlestick is the only article missed
from the church.
Licensed toVcd. .
The following marriage licenses were is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
r Name and Residence. Age.
Milton Ward , Council Bluffs , la 27
Sophia Foas , Council Bluffs , la 23
Elliott L. Cook. Omnlm 42
Hester A. Condon , Omaha 27
Mathias Gasscn , Omaha 31
Evn Schmidt , Omaha ! ! 0
Martin Zechineister , Omaha 20
Mary Waehtler , Omaha 20
Tnkcl Haskind , Omaha 24
Mtuildn Kasmussen , Omaha 21
Adolph Krause , Omaha 2S
Mary Waller , Chicago , III 23
Will Probably Kcturii to the Army.
Henry Boll , one of the most redoubtable
warriors of the Salvation army , was ap
pointed a special policeman shortly after the
Burlington & Quincy strike was inaugurated.
Yesterday the bright tin star that designated
his authority was rudely torn from his manly
bosomand , he was given the grand lire. Henry ,
In assaulting the works of the devil , was a
most valiant warrior , but as u railroad copper
ho was a colossal failure. In making his
rounds ho became involved in a controversy
with n number of switchmen , nnd finally ho
lied for his life and took refuge in Bell's drug
store on South Tenth. There ono of the
irate switchmen pursued him , and snatching
a sponge from u basket full sitting on the Jloor
nearby , he threatened to beat the copper's
brains out. Ho was shortly thereafter re
lieved of his star nnd discharged.
Something of n Mistake.
A passenger on the grip car of the Hnrnoy
street cable line in payment for his faro Tues
day night tendered a J'O gold picco which the
conductor In the darkness mistook for a sil
ver dollar nnd not having any change except
in nickels , remarked that ho would get some
change of n gentleman in the rear car , at the
same time dropping the coin in his pocket
with the rest of the company's cash. Ho re
turned and tendered the man 05 cents , who
nt once protested , saying that the coin was a
$20 cold piece , which the conductor denied ,
at the same time producing the passenger
who had changed the coin for the conductor ,
who nt once produced n dollar which ho said
the conductor had given him. By this time
the first passenger had become very torrid
and demanded his change , which of course
the conductor refused , other thnn the 05
cents previously mentioned , 'whereupon the
man left tbo cur threatening to sue the com
pany. On the next block the conductor dis
covered his mistake and found the missing
shiner in his pocket. The oftlco was notilled
aud era this the error has been rectified.
A. Glucose Manufactory.
Mr. J. Flrmcnish , the most extensive manu
facturer of glucose in the world , Is in the
city with a view of moving his manufac
tories ut Pcorla , 111 , and Marshalltown , la. ,
to Omaha. Ho 1ms with his glucose factories
extensive starch works , the manufacture ! of
both articles being almost , identical , Mr.
Firmcnlsh was found last evening by a Br.n
reporter busily engaged In conversation with
Joseph D. Her , with whom ho had been pass
ing the evening. Ho Is ono of the most ap
proachable of men , nnd upon being asked us
to the probability of his locating hero ho said
that ns ho had been In the city only a fo\v
liouis ho could not yet definitely say any <
thing , ilo wished to concentrate his twc
works above mentioned and If ho could carry
to on his manufactures cheaper hero than
nt I'corlu nnd Murshalltowii , he
would como hero. Ho thought It very strange
that Mr. Her , a resident of Omahawas build
ing n brewery in Kansas City , If Mr ,
Firmenibh does not find matters to suit hero ,
ho will probably leave for Kansas Cit.v
this evening in company with with Mr. Her
to look over the giound there. Mr Firmenirr
c'stuulisht'd the llrst glucose factory in the
United States and is to day worth $10,000,000
nt It will cost him about MOO.OOO . to remove the
era Pcoria and Martihalltown factories here , uiu
a- when located ho will employ about 100 men
tilh Best scats , Booth-Bnrrott engngO'
rd inout , Julius C.'osnr and Merchant o
asf Venice , for pnlo by O. B. Denny , ! Hooir
f- 644 , ruxton Block.
A Drill nnd Hull.
Omaha division , No. 4 , Knights of Pythias
gave mi exhibition drill and ball at Masonic
' hall last night. Previous to the terpslcho
rcan exercises the division indulged In i
> l' drill , and went thiough Iho maneuvers In i
> r , highly artistic and masterly manner , Tin
i i bilentd i 111 was of special neatness and in
n tcrcst , and applause greeted every move
Concha , Hoarseness , Sere Throat
firs ota , quickly relieved by Bnoww's Bnoxonui
rs- TnociiKS , A simple nnd effectual remedy
rs.n Euperlor to all other article * for the sauw
; .n purpose. Sold only in boxes ,
Dlehold Kefes ,
ill Meagher & Leach.gon'l agents for the
Diobold safes , have removed to 41 ! ) S
16th , where they are .carrying a large
stock of all kinds of Eaf.cs ,
District. Court.
Mary D. Nihoff , of this city , filed a peti
tion with the district clerk yesterday
praying for n separation from her husband ,
Alfred A. NlhofT , on the grounds of deser
tion nnd drunkenness. The parties have
been married two years aud have no chil
dren ,
The Jury in the case of Mat Kccfo , the
hack driver , charged with grand larceny ,
brought In n verdict of ' 'not guilty , " nnd
Judge Groff discharged him.
iir.poitn junoB WAicni.r.r.
The cnso of Frank II. Goddard vs. William
Sweezy , involving the title to some real es
tate , was yesterday decided in favor of
the plaluUffi Swcczy's ' counsel would not
accept the verdict owing to some technicality
regarding the manner of returning the ver
dict , nnd will doubtless appeal.
The case of Wleber vs Margaret Weymnl-
lor. nn action involving the title to lot 70 ,
Nelson's addition , Is on trial , and will proba
bly occupy two more days yet.
Judge Hauler , of Buffalo county , tried
the case of William II. Green vs John D.
Campbell , n suit In which the plaintiff seeks
to recover u sum of money alleged to bo duo
ns commission on the sale of some real es
The Anhausqr-Busch Brewing nssoclntion
yesterday brought suit against Charles S.
Hlgglns and Gcorgo Waddcll to recover
? 3G7.yO duo on a promissory note ,
.ivnn t'Aon KELGASKH.
Judd Page , who has been confined In the
county Jail as an accessory to Matt Klcth In
robbing n man ot n diamond pin and a gold
watch , had his case nolle prosequcd yester
day and was turned loose by nn order from
the Judge.
County Court.
uotisn vs. SCUOUOAI. KT AI > .
Judge Shields listened to arguments on a
demurrer filed by the defense in the CASO of
Jacob E. House vs. Gcorgo Scrougnl ct al. In
which thoplalutlff sues defendants for S291.S8
duo from their services as a Civil engineer In
surveying the line of the Yaukton , Sioux
Falls & Dakota rallrondi The demurrer was
sustained and plaintiff given live days In
which to reply.
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad company filed a report of the ap
praisement on certain lands in section 20 ,
township 16 , range 13 , which have been con
demned for railroad purposes , and which are
the property of Mllligan nnd Mrs. M. H.
Clark , and John Oleson mortgagee and paid
the price of the lands so condemned , $1,112.
Judge Shields yesterday rendered a judg
ment against the city In favor of , lsaac M.
Brown amounting to218.-ll in full satisfac
tion of a claim hold for paving nnd guttering.
A WILL ruoiiATcn.
The will of Robert Ilnmlln , deceased , was
entered for probate yesterday with Mrs.
Elizabeth Hamlln and Morris McKcndrco
Hamlln as executors.
Police Court.
"We'rogoin'to have rain , " observed Clerk
Woods , as the court took its seat yesterday
morning. "Whenever the room gets choked
up with the fragrance from the scwor be
neath you can bet your lifo we're goln1 to
have a storm. As n barometer , my corns
ain't a marker for that sower. "
"Call 'cm in , " laconically called the judge ,
and the next moment the usual string of of
fenders filed into the dock.
AXiiEUscit-uubCii's Dinvnn.
"Peter Schmidt , you are charged with
caving your horses unhitched. "
"Yes , sir , your honor. "
'Well , I must treat you all alike SI and
costs. Why , only yesterday there was a
nan killed by a runaway team , .and you fel-
ows must be taught a lesson. A second
ofTeuse , miud you , and. I'll givoyou the
imit. "
Robert Morrow was arraigned for beating
: iis wifo. The llttlo woman was present anu
related a pitiful tate of her ivrongs at the
lands of her husband. In addition tp beat-
.ng , on divers occasions he spent nil her
money oven pawned her wedding ring.
Tuesday morning after a particularly tur-
aulcnt scene , ho took her best dress , tore It
intb slits ami rubbed it in coal oil. The court
made quick work of Robert. Ho got friO and
costs , 111 default of which he went over the
Vagrants John Reagan , R. J. Bartram ,
John Kelley , John Ncudham , Jim Robinson ,
G. R. Grinion , Hugh McDonnell , John Doyle
and " " Reed .
"Reddy" , discharged.
Drunk and Disorderly Paddy Ryan , John
Thude , ono day each ; Frank Rush and C. A.
Jack&on , discharged.
The Correct Time.
There very few men who do not pride
themselves on always having the correct
time ; and wonderful and delicate mechan
isms are devised to enable them to do so.
But the more delicate a chronometer is made ,
the more subject it becomes to derangement ,
and unless it bo kept always perfectly clean ,
It soon loses its usefulness. What wonder ,
then , that the human machine so much
more delicate and intricate than any work
of Man should require to bo kept thoroughly
cleansed. The liver is the main-spring of
this complex structure , and on the impuri
ties loft in the blood by a disordered liver ,
depend most of the ills that ilesli Is heir to.
Even consumption ( which is lung-scrofula ) ,
Is traceable to the imperfect action of this
organ. Kidney diseases , skin dicsascs , stole
headache , heart disease , dropsy , and a long
catalogue of grave maladies have their origin
in a torpid , or sluggish liver. Dr. Pierco's
Golden Medical Discovery , by establishing n
healthy , normal action of the liver , acts as n
cure and preventive of thcso diseases ,
A Lady'H Narrow ISscujui at the Tenth
Street CroKslntr :
That the practice of making Hying switches
on the Tenth street crossing of the Union Pa-
cific'Jyards Is dangerous one was demonstrated
nt 2:30 : yesterday. A freight train which
was standing across the roadway backed
down u side track In order to afford the
ninny pedestrians nnd vehicles In waiting an
opportunity of crossing. Just as the cross
ing was cleared of the ears , anit while
the track was covered with wagons and
foot passengers a caboose and two box cars
were sent down the yards ut a very fast rate
of bpccd. Ono team narrowly missed being
hit , clearing the tr.iek within less than four
inches of the cars , while but for the tiinoly
action of the fiagman , u lady whoso nainu
could not bo learned would have beou run
over and killed. The woman , bewildered by
the shouts of the people who baw her danger ,
was btnnding directly In the track , not know
ing which way to turn , when the flagman
mentioned run aud carried her oil before the
curs btruck her.
Hrlof Hallronil ItoniH.
J. F. Coykcndall , formerly private secre
tary to the late Thomas J , Potter , uunouncoi :
yesterday afternoon that ho would sever hit
connection with the Union Paclfiuhavlng ac
cepted a bimilnr position with Superintendent
Mohler , of the Manitoba ut St. Paul.
The general pasbcngor ofllco ut Union Pa
cific headijuaiters received n handsome life
size photograph of the late first vlco president
yesterday , J
It Is probable that the number of traeVi
hands on the various roads in this section
will have to bo temporarily increased as the
frost going out of the ground has had a ten
dency to put bomo portions of the road in u
very bad condition.
Superintendent Bllckenbderfer's order re
garding ono train passing another while pas
sengers wcru gutting on and off is being
strictly obeyed , particularly at the Seven
tccnth street crossing , the bceue of the re
cent accident.
The now subuibnn trains which will rur
between South Omaha and Council Bluffs ,
will not bo put on for some days yet , it hav
ing been found necessary to make a few
changes In the coaches.
Twenty now engines for the Union Pacific
are expected to arrive during next week.
Mr. R. R. Ringwalt , freight ug-ont of the
Pennsjlvanla railroad , received instruction !
by wire yesterday to accept froipht for al
points on or reached by that road , the strike
being over.
Jewels now are dally seen
Rich carnation lips between ;
Ask the owners of these pearls-
Stately matrons , lovely girls ,
"What can teeth bo oeautlfyl"
' 'B020DONTJ" they'll all reply.
The Loyal Legion held business meeting
at the Mlllnrd last night , and at its conclu
sion sat down to n bounteous feast prepared
by Manager McDonald. The bill of fare embraced -
braced all the luxuries of the season , and be
tween speech making , story telling nnd vocal
music the evening was delightfully passed.L
Tlilspowder novcr vartfts. A marvel of purl-
ty.strotiRth imwholcsomotiosi. . More cconom
leal thnutho ordinary klniK nnd cannot bosolp
Incoinpotlllonwltntlio multitude of low cost ,
short weight alum or phosphnto powders , gold
onlIn can" . Uovrtl Haklng Powder GO1U6
Wallstrcet Now Vork.
Omaha Seed House.
Homlrrtmrtors for Lantlrcth'a Celebrated Seods.
1'lnnts Cut Flowers and Flornl designs. Send
for catalogue.
W. H. FOSTER & SON , Proprietors
1022 Capitol Avenue.
Sneer one. iltfrafc OCMIIS nntl
Security uhm are uiluctually ronibuttail by
burning /fi/tfiiiiiripl/ml / l\itt < ltcv In
rooms and apiutnu-nts. They nro
Against fniKrant.andinvlRoiatlngtothoMck
& / ; < u nnd scalt ) tllKCiitr * me pcrmu-
ncntly cured by the J/i/ci / ( < ituiiiol > (
Suffering .Sddjj.n pure.lilglily scented mcdliln-
al soap for toilet , nnr cry nnd liuth.
Toolltailic , face ncwttluia anil fn-
named or swollen gum * yield prompt
Disease ly to nniby's Dental I'lnsti-rs , wlilcli
tukothaplnco of opiates , and dan-
got ous'tootlmcho drops.
Cunis-and Illinium cause nopnln
whcro Mead's Corn nnd llnulou
1'lastera are used. They quickly
Death ! allay Inflammation nnd rollo\ pain ,
Smalt pox and other contagions
disc isus are prevented by burning
Seabury'a Sulphur Candles In cel
lars , closets , sinks , Hliips' holds ,
bird POKCS , chUkun coopsetc.
25 Gents
' All rrpbllltlcniFPiisoi , of recent or long
from ten to flftccn day § . Wo will clto written ( tuar
Biit f ( tocur nf cnic or refund your money. Am
we would ft&y to thoio who bave employed tb mm
( Mllocl Phrilclnns , uied orcrr known rcoiedr an <
linve not been cured , tbat rou are the mbjocti we an
looking for. You tbat bnvo been to tbu colebratoi
Hot Springs of Arkansas , and bare loit all nopa o
ermakc no charge. Oiir romcclr ! unknown to an ;
one In tba world outside of our Company , and U 1
the only remedy in the world tbat will euro you. Wi
will euro tbo most otxtlnnto cn o In leu than on
month. Scrcn days In recent casei does the worn. 1
| the old , chronic , deciB mtod caaei that we inllclt
XVu hnvti cured hundreds who had been abauduaet
bj 1'byilclans and pronounced Incurable , anil
We Challenge the World
lobrlRK i BC fO that wo will not euro In loss thai
cue month.
Sin co th0 history of medicine , a True Bpoclflo fo
PjphllltlohEruptlun ! , Ulcera. bora mouth , 40. , ba
been sou I lor but never found until
Our Magic Remedy
iras Slicorered , and wo arolnMIBcdln tsylngUlstn
only remedy In the world ( bat will poiftlrely cur <
pecauio the latest medical works , published by tb
beat known authorities , say there was never a tru
fpoclUcboforc. Our Itemed/ the only medicinal
Iho world that will euro when everything elie h >
( ailed. Ithaibevn so conceded by a Urge number c
Celebrated I'hyilrlani. IT HAS NEVtii TET FAILS
to CDKE. Why wests your time and money wit
talent medicines tbat never bad virtue , or doet
fclth pbydclans tbat cannot cure yon. You tbat hav
tried everything else should come to us now and AS
relief ) you never can ret Iteliewban
Einnancnt we says In the end you must take on
puiedy or NKVKK recover. And you that have beei
toileted but a short time should by tU rocani corns t
us now. Many Bit help and think theyn re free fron
tbudlicnso , but In one , two or three years attar , I
appears ncttn In n mom horrible form.
Investigate onrfinanclal standing through the mei
pautlle nuencles and note that wo are fully rviponi
bio and our written pmrantees are vood , We lmv
KKUKDT prepared on purnly HclentlBo I'llnclples an
we wlib to repeat that It Nuviu MILS TO cum. A
Utter * sacredly confidential.
Beams 16 and IT Oellman Block ,
Thread of Modern TlracH.
wimr.ESAr.E nr
KiT.PATitiCK'Kncii Ury Goods Co.
I'AXTON , ( iAI.LAflAEIl & CO ,
1) . M. STKBM : A. r
TiKjui-fto.s . UK
CiiAtSiNOKn , South Omaha , and all fin
class retail denlers.
A. houiK A'ow York Dry Goods Btore.
Notice to Oradlntj Contractors.
HUls will bo received nt the olllce of the un Je
felKiiul. until April ir.tli ult. . fur the IHlliil ; ot :
loin , llil gs i'liico , ou the North uud Boututli
of Faruam St.
Total amount of earth I equlriUl. about % * ) , (
Cubic yards. For particulars , call at room 1
Ilrown block. 1 . M. ELLIS ,
Omaha , Nali. , April2d , 1888 , Atctltsct.
pr a-d-u
We will give you better value ior your money tha-n any house in tlid
The very best grades of Mens' and Boys' Clothingat the very
lowest prices. You have the advantage of selecting from the largest ,
and newest stock in the city. For variety of stock , we have no equal
Every garment purchased of us is guaranteed , we don't call Cotton
mixed goods all wool in order to sell you our goods. We tell you
just what it is and you can always depend on us ; our aim is to make
with every sale a steady and pleased customer. We do not advertise
a few bargains and tell you they are out or sold , when you call for
them all our goods are marked uniformly low. We sell at a smaller per
centage of profit than has ever been attempted by any Clothing ;
House. We make it up on the volume of business.
The splendid nil Wool Cheviot Suits \ve nre offering nt 54.75 , you can not find elsewhere for less thnn $7.50.
We received last week another shnde o the same goods , they nro handsomer than the first ; wo sell them nt snmo
price , S'i.75. Another great bargain we just opened , and placed on ? nle to-day , nre a large lot of black wnrrnntect
all worsted Corkscrew Sack Suits lined with good serge , well trimmed and substantially made. We oficr them
nt 8G.50. In purchasing this suit we guarantee you n saving of at least $ -1.00 , ns no house ever attempted to sell
such a suit for less than $10.50. In fine Cheviot and Cnssimer Suits , our selection this spring has never bccu
equaled in this city , and no Merchant Tailor in Omaha , who charges you ? 35.00 to $50.00 , car. give you any bet
ter values or handsomer and more stylish fitting suit thnn the ones wo offer nr $15.00 to $20.00.
Compare our prices with those of others , that's all we ask you.
One Price only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
t2 will buy a genuine
Homespun All Wool Bult ,
sizes trom 34 to U , cut-awixy
or sack coat. In light grey
color , that Is renlly worth $20.
The suit Is well made and1
splendid caring goods.
Wo make tins offer to In
troduce ours-elvcs to the trndo
nnd In the future you will
find our hou&o the bargain
center. Send your measure
around breast under the
arms , nnd around the waist
nnd down the Inside seam of
the pants , nnd wo will flt you.
You cnn send money with order , or wo will
Ecnd C.O. I ) , by express.
licfcrraces : First llnnk , Omaha
or any llrst-class house in Omaha.
M. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts
/ - ,
Beet facilities , apparatus and remedies for UL
ccBsful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing Medicul or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo-
ddionn in the west.
WBITB KOR CIKCDLARS on Deformities and
Braces , Trusses , Clul > 1'ect , Curvature of lh
Spine , Pllea , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilror.cbiUs ,
Inhalation. Ulectricity , Pnrnljsis , Kiilletny , Kid
ney , Uladder , Hye , Ear , bUin aud lllood , a d all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Dlood Diseases successfully treated Syph
ilitic 1'olson removed from the j stem without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Tower. Tersons unable ia visit us may lie
treated at home by correspondence , All commu
nications confidential. Medicines or Instruments
sent by mail or express , securely packed , no
murks lo indicate contents or sender One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or
rend history of ) our case , and we will end iu
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases Im-
vntency. Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocclc , nitu
\\estion ; list Address
itinaha Medical and Surgical Inttttuteot
Cor. 13th indDodaeSli. . OMAHA , NEB.
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - - - DO.OOO
II. W. VATES. 1'rosldent.
LEWIS H. IthKD , Vice-president.
A. U.TouzAi.iN.iu ; < l Vleo-I'reHMent.
" "
"frlTlRON BANK ,
Cor. mh and Farnain _ 8t . .
A General Uauklt ' HuBluessTransactod.
Advcrtlsltiff has always proven
aucceeiful. Before placlnirany
Newepnpor Advertlsinj ? coneuS
4t t > 49 lU ' ! h cmcAco.
r from Iky ff-
- " * * * * *
in . rto. I "luaU. tr | .11- ? . < >
contalulni full | * rtli.ul n for Uom iuie.
At Auction on
Imported and Grade Perclierons.
Clydesdale & Cleveland Bays ,
And the Standardised Stallion C. O ,
Anyone wishiiifr information in regard to the Porchoronu or O. C. , will plensft
nddrcbs the Oregon HorbO & Land Co. , Fremont , nud for information rofjtmliue
the Clydes and Cleveland Bays , they will nlcuso uddrcfcs J. P. Million , L'Yomont ' )
Twelve months time will bo given on Pei-ehorons , C. C. nnd Oregon IlorseSi
at 8 per cent interest , or fi per cent discount for cash. On Clydes mid Clovclanu
Buyb , ono and two years time will bo { liven , at 8 per cent interest , of 0 per cent'
discount ( or cash.
F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandeil Triumph of Electric Science
' Scientifically Made and Pracllcally Applied.
Gentlenea'iDelt *
W SSLS&J3S KSe& S i&
Ulood UUr a < a. HroMj.tU. , Ik.n IhU fcf > l ( U Juit what jroa u -
Xlielrtcltii JnilanfliCan / l > f emmm tmMni All ir"l < T > D BIliaiC *
to.nrr rt of th.L/ . W bM.fanjdlfxnMijJyHEP | AE.BEL8I FAILS'
* rlEBrtij'i < . NOTE tbafollovtntr who b Tn been
TESTImOMIALo OUUU ETerr oneirrnulDoenduifKlhTVtrraUilon. > i-A - Hoigl ni > , U. B. I'.rk.rRncI J.M.lIailttt.iillonnoinlof Trade ,
CW B tbu j4frr O MIII O , W , llellui , M D , Mormontown , low Houlhlltnd.lnil Lemuel tlllk , , Kaoktkea.lll.i . . iouCjloaKO lode * I H
Murrar K ner IIJ 111 t IVL Abbott.fuptellrwalerworti , Kott.U.flim | > }
Sai7om'ooi L D MfMIthaei. > i P . Vuffafc N. V.Tourttltba aijcoiuiillshofl wliai no oUel romedjr L i
itfadrnerTeaan" VoinforiatletlVepalbJglit. ' Boll. IU1J , aldenuau , ICO KllV Wtli BlfMV , Muw f ork-
auisnri. orotb.ri
l riorto llotherenrrenUofeleitrlcl
DCI T nip
ELECTRO DCLI mlUaiUie wearer inajr do-
Dr. HQRHE'S it * traroitronu or
itrlcltr Ihrouuli tliobodr on tbunervM. " . ' " ' " ' " " "n'
the . iritein
llOof-IKbouMODl of ) IhrovBbopt liuina.n
- "
] lemitrkablafor _ powerful tyinpv
tin tic tonn. | illable uctlun mulltli-
sofuta duralilTirr iX ) yearB7record.
thabe _ t Kuuraiiloe of the nxtcl-
lenco of thcae InitrumcntsT
klli IxctUi d Knucllciol d' ' oi.
< H : cotluW. < 6le < iiibMi < illiti ,
Cf ftflfi tikl > 4 Tteu Mtilfil au iphtHl ni
oliiQIil ? uAaTtiiiirurui'i t' < i'iu
Proprietor Omaha Buttneit Ccllega ,
BookKeeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Tilegnphlng
nd Typewriting.
Ssr.d tor v
S E , Cor 10th and Capltgl Avenue