Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advcrt > emeuts under this head , U ) rents per
Jlnofof thonrstln ertlon , 7ccnts for eKcheub-
ffquent insertion , and | | jn a line p r month , No
advertisement taken for less than 25 umts lor
the first insertion. Boron word's will lie count
ed to the lines they mint run consecutively nnd
nuistbepalrt In advance. All advertisements
mtmt be finndcd In bcforo 12no o'clock ] > . in. , nml
under nb ctrcuinstAnccs mil they bo taken or
, discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in those. column * nnd hav
ing the answers addressed In cnro of the Hco ,
will please auk for n chock to cnnblo Hum to get
Ihelr letters , nsnono Trill ! K ) delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements shoulflbo enrlofied In envelopes.
Allnlvo "scrnents In these columns aropub-
Ilshcillnbrtiti morning nnd evening editions of
the lice , thi > circulation of which aggregates
more tlmn l\fl(0 papers dally , nnd gives the ad
vertiser * thn benefit ; not only of the city circula
tion of thn llee , but nlso of Conned HlufTs , Lin
coln nnd other cities and towns throughout this
part of the west.
eolmnns will betaken ,
on the nbovo conditions , nt the following bus
iness houses , who nro authorized agents for THE
HF.K special notices nnd will quota the Kama
rates an cnn bo had at the main olllco.
TOIIN W. 1)EIL ) , pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
O Street ,
OHA8B & RDDY , Stationers and Printers-113
South IGtll Street.
SH. FAHNSWOHTII , Pharmacist , 3116Cam-
Ing Street.
GKO. W. PAHH , Pharmacist. 1809 St. Mary's
HIl. WHITEHOUSI5. Pharmacist , 10th nnd
Webster streets.
GUEUTHEH. News Dealer , Post Office ,
South Omaha.
W I ANTED A position by n lady ; lowwnges ;
can do short httnd nml typewriting work ;
nlso keep books , ttach or nil cnshlcr'H position.
Best ot reference. Address V. , 1100 Fnrnam-st.
WANTED Situation ns housekeeper , or will
tnko chnrgo of other department. * , by
thoroughly competent Indy , n years with ono
hotel In Philadelphia. Gate City Emp. oHice ,
0148.15th. Telephone HOP. CIO 6
* r\7ANTl)0-H.v ) n young Indy , position In
T T store or olllco. Cnn glvo good references.
Address S , Q. F. , General Delivery , Omaha.
WANTED Posivlon In private family to do
plain sewing. Address K , E. D. , Cozzena
hotel , 529 4 *
" \\7ANTED Situation by registered druggist
i In a country town ; best ref. r 3 > , lleo.
609 6t
"V/ITANTMT ) Situation ns clerk , had some ex-
TT perioncn and reference given If ncceshory ,
address HOC N. 30th Bt. Omaha. Nob. 40J 7 *
" \\T AN TED Situation by young man nn ship-
TV ping clerk , bookkeeper or other clerical
Work ; not afraid of work ; good references. Ad-
d-c s , F2I , this olllco. 4C2 6 *
ANTKD-'Mttiatlons for S No. 1 dining room
girls , 1 accustomed to charge of dining
room , u nice Scotch girl , 3 Hohcmlan , 0 Swcdes,2
elderly young girls to liclplotH ; ot oast-
err girls coming In everyday ; my waiting room
jsfull. Come and select ono to milt yourself. Mrs.
llrcga. 31C S 15th. 476 4 >
W A NTED-A position nscoplest. F 23 , Hco.
41 ] ! 6J
WANTED Position c bookkeeper or offlco-
man by ono of oxpcrlcuce , best of refer-
cnco. Address E C8 , Ueo. gQO 5
W ANTED A good shoemaker. N. Estnquo
to ; Co. , Greenwood , Neb. K14 OJ
WANTED Agents. A prominent Now York
mnnufacturlng company , with an estab
lished business ( practically a monopoly ) , largely
patronized by merchant bankers , corporations
nnd the general public , desires an active and ro-
Hponslblo reprosontatlv6 In every state or city ,
JUO per cent upon limited Investment cum an-
teed. Several Htntes already under contract.
Address The Union National Co. , 744 Hroadwny ,
Wow York. G14 5 *
W ANTED Good barber for 418 S 10th st
533 4j
trANTED A good barber. Cnll or address
> John K. Ottoustoln , North Plntto. Nob.
621 9
ANTED Four young men to call on J. M.
French & Co. , olllco 613 now Paxton block.
C04 10J
-A good newspaper canvasser ;
address F 34 lleo. 618 6 *
ANTED-Flrst-class blacksmltli , especially
onulowwork and general ropalru. Hnro
Btoum power and machinery. Address. Tllden.
llradRlmw. Nob. J > 22 'i *
WANTED 2 Kroccry.clcrks , " dishwashers , 2
younsmou for hotel , 2 canvassers for
city. I porter for hotel. Omaha Emp. llurcau ,
119 N Itlth. Tel. 1112. 6154
" \A7"ANTED 4 reliable and Industrious young
TV men logo to Iowa. 512 , Paxtou block.
( Take Eluvntor. ) 513 10
W ANTED Travelingsnlesmau , needs no ox-
perlenco. Call 421 8 19th. 502 B *
' \A7"ANTED At once two good cont. one pants
Tt nnd ono vestmaker. W , F. Wnther , 1417
Fnrnnm Bt , third lloor. 4HU 0 *
W - cake baker at 623 Slain street ,
'ANTED A good boy from 12 to 14 years
old , right uwny. 1717 St. Miiry'H uvo.
4C7 bt
WANTED Hey from 12 to 11 yonra of ago to
open store and deliver goods ; miibt bo
acquainted with the city. Call at City Intelli
gence olllce , 15th and Douglas. 404 4
WANTED Hey to tnko care of horse nndcow
nt718N. 21stst. Apply between 0 and 7
1 > . m. 479 6
WANTED Double entry bookkeeper , must
bo temperate und Unit-class references. F
S7 , lleo olllco. 471 5t
WANTED Uood barber to run shop , must
bo xobor mid have his tools. Apply 1217
llaineyHt. , City. 4.JU i *
ACANTHI ) TWO men of good addrohs to hell
* ' Hill's Manual of xoclul and business
forms. Call 421 South 10th Bt. 401 4 *
WANTED Met ) and women ovoiywhoro for
n genteel business gum-anteed to pay WO
per week profit easier than other lines pay WO
jiormouth. t2 samples freotot'lthersexM'ok-
Ing permanent employment. Experience abso
lutely unnecessary. Merrill Mfg. Co. , H 63 ,
Chicago. 3.S8mI *
"YX7"ANTED Agent * for combined door nnd
VV nhiTinbolFs. 1721 St. Mary'snve. HOTS *
\ \ ' Two good coat mnkers , steady
T > job at good round prices If hatlsfactory.
Call on or address Graves to Bon , Centrnl City ,
Neb , 3904 *
SAU'ISMEN Wantod-FlVP trnvelliiB sales
men ; salary and expenses ; no experience
imcusbary. Aduresa with btump , Puluier to Co. ,
Wlnpuo. Minn , 207 8 *
toke ( f "our
\X7ANTKD-Mnn-To the ngcley
TfT nates ; # izo jl.xl8 Indies ; weightUl Ibs. ;
retail price 135 ; other RlzeH In proportlou. A
rarechnnco tocri > ntc n permanent business ut
home. UhesoFafotiincet n demand never ho-
foio supplied' ' by other xafu companies , us wo
ore not governed by the safe pool. Alplnn Kate
Co Clnc7imotl , O. , U77A16J
wanted to take exclusive rights tn
- - bull the fa t st belllnjj article uvi'rinudo ,
Aildroia J. M. Wolfe i Co. , Fremont , Nob.
171 ft 8
ANTED Men for railroad work , Albnghfc
W Labor agency , 112U FHrnani. VM
1./Y8-Ain. DUt. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
Jl/ 250
WANTED A tlri > t-clas strong Blrl , to cook ,
wash. Iron. etc. Good waged. Apply It
J.enYunworlh-bt. uii-bj
ANTE D-I ! perlcnced sewing girl at 2ill
Davcuport at. 61(1 ( CT
\\7ANTED -25 girls general housework , 4 din
Tt lug room gtrU , 115 mouth , 3 dishwasher *
1 chambermaid. 2 cooks fur city. 2 dining room
ljIs tor Frumout , 1 cook for Tckamah , t i week ;
? glrleenoral work for Fivmont ; 1 for lllalr
'arcs nil puld , Omnha Emp , bureau , HP N liith
Me. 1112. 6164
WANTF.lCool : and ( lining room girl foi
boarding house , city ; Kins for pdvati
famllle i placts furiilohou fito. City Intolll
B nce Olilcu 15th nndDouglaa. 4CO 4
\\7ANTED A girl to do itincral housework IE
\ ) n email family. 2009 Callforntu fet. 49i 4'
WANTED Good cook and dining room girl
for samu hotel , * JOand (15 ; cook for ecu
/ral City , I25 ; nice ulrl for family of : i or u farm
liolise keeper ouu farm : nice llttlo girl to uuusi
f , child of lliylria for F.lkhoni. North licnd.Couu
pll UlulTd and lots of good place * tti city over ;
tiny , Mrs , llrectt. 8181 Uttu 474 4 *
\\rANTKD-Goodwomnn for general houi
T T work , two in family. Mutt be tlnt-clas :
laundress.Vafs , li per week. Apply pldl
- ths City Intelligence offlcs ,
Crelghton block , corner Uth nnd Dong-
las afreets , cooks , chambermaids , laundresses ,
nurse girls , waiting maids , etc 4 for private
families In tnoelty , Nto J5 perwek. Wo hnvj
A nice walling room , which Is free to all , ftnd
we send girls to places In private families freo.
few educated nncmflnert Indies
T > nnd gentlemen to show nn article of pen-
tilnomem , nt per year. J. H. Cnrse. C2J
U roadway. Council IllulTs. lown. 100-5
_ _
ANTRD-Good girl In small family , Rood
wages. 413 South llth st. _ 48.1 4
Nurse girls , dishwashers , first ,
second girls , oenfrnl housework nnd Indy
cooks. Intornntlonnl "Employment oflicc. 1420
Dodge , corner IMh st. Telephone W ) . None but
respectable and competent girls , wanted. 429 0
W A NTED-A competent frfrl for general
housework , must bon coo.l cook nnd laun
dress. Noothern ncodjipply. Ueforences ro-
quired. 1213 Park nvenuc , clty . & < Q
WANTKD Lady nccntM. "A ' skirt and bus
tle combined nnd 11 hose upportor , llnth
new. lllgpronts. Hecuro towns for spring trade.
l > adlc ' Supply Co. , 3S7 W. Washington ft. , Chi
cago. CIO A R
riWKNTY-FIYK Blrls wanted 'forhotels , res-
JL taurants , boarding bouse ? . ' and prlvalo
'nmllles in and out of city ; now places every
"ay. Oato City Emp. office , 3148.16th. Tclo-
ihonollOfl. 6108 *
WANTED Woman to clean nn office dally ,
work to Jjo done after 0 o'clock. Jos.
Garncau Cracker Co. - 619 4 *
TTTANTKD-GIrl for general housework. 34TO
V > Seward. S33 5J
WANTED T ndy Agents for our improved
combination bustle-skirt. Homovnblo
hoops. Can be loundrled. Latest Paris stylo.
One agent toldfjOO In Columbus last spring , and
inane $ . " > 00. Spflng trade now. Adilress with
tamp , E. H. Campbell A : Co. ' , 481 W. llandolph
[ licet. Chicago. COS 10
WANTED Experienced saleslady for cloak
and suit department ; also figures thirty-
Ix bust measure for trying suits and wraps.
leymnn to Delchcs , 1518 Fnrnam st. COO 5
WANTED Immediately , Indies to work for
a wholesale house on ncedlexvork nt their
homes. ( Sent nny distance. ) Good pay can bo
mado. Everything furnished , Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , 1.15 8th
st. . Now York City. 251
GATE City "Employment OHice , 314 8. 15th ;
telephone 1108 , Help for all kinds of work
sent to all parts. Hcfcrcnce , Douglas County
bank. 309-7'
WANTED Men and boys out of work to call
nt the City Intelligence olllco ( Crelghton
blk. ) , corner 15th and Douglas sts. 307
CANADIAN Employment ofllco , mntonndfo-
male help sent to all parts If faro Is ad
vanced. Heference , Omahn National bank.
JI rs. Urcga & Son , 310 S. 15th. Tel , BM ,
4fl3a 14
WANTED-Partles having lots or lands ,
especially' trackage , who are willing to
maka concessions for the locating ot iiianu-
factoilcs , to file plats of the same with mo , H.
A. Iddlngs , secretary Omaha Huslnosa Men's
association , reading room , Paxton hotel , city.
421 8
WANTED Parties wanting tholr books
written up and bill made , at email ex
pense , please address E 70 , lleo. 200 5
WANTKD Good real cstato Hated with mo.
C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 315
: WANT moro small honsos for rent. F. L.
Gregory , rental agent , 309 S. 10th. 010
A WIDOW lady of refinement would llko a
few gentlemen boarders. They will find n
pleasant home , Address F 31 , Dee olllco. 490 B *
A few boarders nt 1721 Leaven-
worth Bt. IW1 n6t
- furnished looms for light
housekeeping for young couple , Htato
rent , etc. J. Myers , 1310 Farnam st. 4191 *
WANT to Kent Parties having house or Hat-
4 or 5 looms , doslilug a prompt , iiermmi ,
cnt and careful tenant , Bend description and
lowest rent to F 20 , Hco olllco. 4",2 5 *
[ TIOH HENT 8 room house and barn. I w 111
L ; reserve 2 rooms nnd take board nnd will
nllow the same on the rent. Inqulro nt Hoom
( j97 Paxton block. 617 0
F I OH HENT 11 room house.furnlture for sale ,
1211 Davenport &t , 520 5 *
FOH HENT 4-room house , 1504 Hurt st.
433 51 =
I710H HENT Two ten-room brick houses on
V Farnnm nnd 20tli St. . In first-class order.
Inquhu of Mlsa Purrott , 2010 Fnrnnm. 368 4 *
POK HENT A 7-room Hat. Inqulra of Geo.
Hlgglns , in tha cigar store 1015 Howard st.
NEW houses nt f 10 per month , for rent In Ilur-
llnglon Ceutcrndd. D , D , Smeaton. room
43 IJarker block. O-'O 8
T71OH Hr.NT-loom cottngc. No , 01U N. 23th
JJ avenue. Enquire3J1 N. 17thbt. 314 5T
TTIOH HENT D-room house with barn , Grant
J-1 near 22d sts. , J4" .
4-room cottngewlth stnblo , A. S.Patrick's add. ,
near Mieot car hnrn.jlil.
W. N. Nasou , Hoom 19 , Chamber of Commerce
building. . 22S 4
171OH HUNT A neat KO cottage. 231at
J3 once. C.F. Hatrlson , 418 S 15th st. 231
F OH HENT 12 room house and stable , largo
shady yard , nt 1917 Cass st. S. Lehman.
F OH HENT 8-room houso. Inquire J. F.
llarton , 2010 Capitol avo. 191 4 *
TT1OH HENT 2 elegant 8-room houses , all mod.
Jt ? ern conveniences , excellent location , con.
venlent to street cars , 835 per month If taken
soon. H , E. Cole , no 15th and Douglas. 950
"TTIOH HENT An elegant now 8-room house
a ? and barn , every modern convenience ; a
complete homo , good neighborhood , street cars ,
cheap rent. J , H. Parrotto , rental agency , 1 K
Chicago street. 701a2l
FOH HENT-Cottngo 0 rooms , 7th and Will ,
lums , Inqulro J. P. Hoe , 10th and Hickory ,
0 HOUSES centrally located , rent from (12 to
$75. lurnltiire for halo on monthly payments ,
Co-op. L. and L. Co. , 203 N. lOthst. 503
"ITIOH HENT Tno splendid ft and 7 room cot-
JO tngus , largo bams , lint ) grounds and mod'
crn Improvements. Patterson to Fawcutt , 31H H
15th Bt. 232
FOH HENT And furniture for sale , almost
new , at n bargain , best house and location
In city ; every modern convenience ; this will pay
to Investigate at ouco. Apply 1709 Dodge 331
"ITIOH HENT Twelve-room house. 25th nnd
JO nnd Mason , ptrcots , } 10 per mouth. J. 8
CaulQold. 1304Faruum at 253
FOH HENT Nleo 7 room house , close to store ,
school , church , st. cars , only fJO n month. C.
F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th fit. 074
"ITIOH HENT An elegant 0 room dwelling jusl
JJ built , with ntablo and all modern Improve
mentH , Including laundry , lavatory on grounO
lloor , redar closet , etc. , location. Capitol ave nut
neurSSth ; rent moderato. Apply to D. J. O'Don
uhoo , care ot O'Donahoa to Sherty , 114 6. lfith Bt ,
POH HENT-Houso II rooms. W. M. Buah
man. N K cprner 10th and Douglas. 255
FOH nENT-ruru'Isliod front room , KiJSoutl
15th-8t. 530-dj
T > OOMS JI.OO to l.Wr S 16th 61 , C33 IU3 ,
" \TICHLY furnished rooms also day boari'
J- > within one block ot court house , 413 S. 19th
4S2 10
FOH HENT Nicely furnUhed front room It
nice cottneK , $7 tier month , 401 ! Williams Bt.
a minute ' w alk southeast U. P. depot. 612
OH HENT-Bor 4 furnished or xmfurnlshei
rooms , for houfieUoupintr , at 1411 Leaven
woith. (01 u ;
TrtUHNlBHED rooms for rent at2 ± J7 Dodge.
J ? 1C.V4
FOH HENT Furnished rooms , modern con
venlfncca , J10 to (20 , 700 a , I7th ve. 49il
rUHNISIIED rooms , with gas nnu Imth , nortl
tide U'avemvortli , bat. 17th and 18th. 4911 1) )
"ITtOH HENT-Cheap , nicely furnished fron
J ? room. U03H.IItlmt. 4M
"ITtpll HKNT-Nlcely furnished room , wltl
board.for 1 or S gentlemen atJOBt. Mary's nvi
TTtOK HUNT Newly furnished rooms wltl
-L' hath room , from 110 to 13 permouh. 71
N 18th st. 4(1 51
TTtOH HUNT A nicely furnished room.BOOi
X' location. Apply at 837 Saint. 891 4'
Tmqil HENT-sn rooms. I'JO ' , B. 10th st , furnltur
J-1 n.ioo. paying tJOO over expotiaos , Cooper *
tlvu I ind & Lot Co. , 205 N. ICtli t. 41B 4
TTlOlt HENT-Sulte ot ftti-nlshed rooms. 170
- * - Dodge.
TTWItNlSlini ) rooms wllh b ard , reference ,
JU required. IB12 CUIcauo. SIB t
T7IOR nENTA pleasant front Toora wltn
A ? board , ' suitable for two gentlemen ,
the house Is new , has bath , hot and
cold "water , etc , Is In n pleasant neigh
borhood , on a paved street , 10 minutes' walk
from U , P depot ; no boarding house , refer
ences exchanged. 1413 S. 10th st , Bi4 6
TIOH Hr.NT-30 rooms * ) . So. ioth st : furnl-
- ture 11,100 paying JO ) over expenses. Co-op.
, . & L. Co.MB N. Kith st. 4134
.71011 HENT Pleasant room for 1 or 2Rentle-
- men , with nil modem conveniences. Cor.
t. Mnry's avo. nnd aith St. . or t.20 S. 20th. 171 4
TIOH HENT Two furnished rooms with board
at 1812 Chicago st. Heferenccs required ,
VEHY plca ant large furnished rooms ; nil
desired ronvcnlonccsiprlvate honiojhonrd If
eslred ; 1 block from postolllco. 1615 Capitol ave.
[ TIOH HENT Elegantly furnished rooms 8 W
JL ? Cor. 13th nnd Howard. Enquire Hoom 2 ,
171011 IlKNT Elegant front room for gentle-
JL1 man and wife , board. 1721 Davenport at.
JTIUHN1SHED rooms , 1718 Dodgo. 203 6
"TJIOK HKNT Desirable furnished or tinfiir-
JO nlshed rooms , 612 N , 17th st. 302 5 *
ITIUHNlSHEDrooms and board. 1003 Knrnara.
JJ 09Sa6 *
flOU HKNT-rnrntshod rooms with nil modern -
ern conveniences. 2027 Farnam st. 399 7
f OOM , gas , bath , steam heat , 201 S. 24th.
* 121B27 *
10H niJNT One furnished room In prlvats
family nt GUI Pleasant st. 1W 4 *
N 1CKLV furnished room ? , 313 North 15th.
HENT Furnished rooms , nil convent-
encos. A. Hospo.31BN. 17th street. 250
TTUltNlSHED rooms , 1310 Dodge.
FOU ItENT-Furnlshed rooms , 1418 Dodge st.
T710H 11KNT Pleasant furnished rooms for
JL1 gentlemen , 809 Howard , near Cozzons
house , IS , upwards. 223 nli *
VTEATLY furnished front room to rent' ' at 1821
JL > Faruam st , 1 block west ot court houso.
TjlOIl KENT Newly furnished rooms , heated
JL1 nnd with use of bath. Kent moderate. 017
Loavcnworth st. 8l !
TJIUHN1SIIED llooni to rent. 2O St. , Marys
FOR KENT Furnished rooms tn Qrounlg blk
cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. K. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 2J3
LAHOK pleasant room , modern conveniences ,
ITUOChlcagost. 259
FOll RENT Ilooms furnished and untur-
nishud , 1724Cap. nvc. "GO
FOIl KENT Three stores nnd basement nt
1005 Fnrnnm street. Inquire nt Itoom 1 ! ) .
Arlington block , 1511 Dodge St. , between 'J nud
12 a. m. 003
"TT1011 HENT Ilrlck storeroom , 'M feet long ,
JJ with basement , No. 1102 S 13th st. Also
5roomsover the storo. Apply nt 11'2 S. 13th Bt.
TTOH KENT Two business or onico rooms on
JL1 ut lloor J33 per month. W. E. Clark , 1411
Harney. 155
EOH IlKNT The three story brick building
nnd basement on ] 3th St. , on corner of alley ,
In the rear of the now First Nat'l bank bulldUig.
will give n 3 or D year lease at a low rental. 0.
Hartman \ Co. , 1613 Farnam. 671 a 1G
TT10K KENT Huslnesa room now occupied as
JL' my otlico on IGth st. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th
[ 71OH IlENT First-class frame store building ,
V so by 24 foot , llrst-class business location.
Apply to I. W. Uoberts , Albion , Iloouo Co. , Neb.
POH HENT Three desirable unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping , to family
without children. KB South Nineteenth. 431-5J
O N red car Hue , 2 rooms , 1815 Cass.
F I OH HENT Unfurnished rooms , modem
conveniences. Inquire 2310 Douglas st.
473 5 *
TjlOll SALE Cheap , flve desirable horses for
JL ! business , buggy and driving use. C. H.
Slomau,204 South 16th Bt. 4530 *
T710H HENT Two unfurnished basement
JL ? rooms to man and wife without children ,
1122 N. 17th St. 448
AHGE room with closet , 800 S. 22d.
I 748 6 *
FOK HENT 4 rooms all mordcrn coven-
lences 1704 Webster st 82000
4 rooms 1704 Webster s > t 25 Ot
3 rooms 41 ! S. 19th st 15 CC
2roomsl81l Howard ! > t 10 00
4 rooms 1702 Webster st 27 5'J
1 basement , suitable for barber shop , ho-
tween I'arnam nnd Hainey on Ifith St. . . . 23 00
Judge Rental Agency.S. W. cor 15th to Harney.
TTIOH HENT Farm , ire acres , on thePapilllon ,
JJ possession immediately , Hoggs AS Hill ,
1103 Farnam bt. 720 10
EOH HENT Ilakery on 20th st. So. Omaha ,
call at City bakery. So. Omaha , ISO 4 *
WANTED Houses to rent , nnd wo can rent
them too. H. E. Cole , N. E. 15th und
Douglas. 2GJ
LIST houses for rent with II. 15. Cole , N. E.
lfith and Douglas. 202
FOH HENT When you want to rent a house ,
store of ofllco go to H. E. Colo. 2U2-
G HEGOHY , F. L. . Hental agent , 309 S 10th st.
FOH HENT If you wish to rent n house call
on lieniwa to Co. , 15th bt , , opposite P. O.
TTIOH the Safety of the Public Poor , little
J.1 muzzled puppy. Great success. Selllnir
Ilkke wildlliu. Get ono at Chasu to Kddy'B. n ;
S. 10th. C30 It
rpwo refined young ladles desire gentlemei
J- escorts to the Itooth nnd Uarrettnter -
tatnment. Address Misses X , Y. Z. , gen'l del ,
Omulm. 6214 *
PEHSONAL-Sadlo , why do you not write to
mo. George. 623 4 *
rpHE demand for shorthand writers Is In ex
JL cess of the supply. Hhorthand romse com
plctod at Valentino's Shorthand liiBtltnte li
from four to six months , fc'ond for circular.
PEHBONAL Have you soeii L. O. Jones
"Male Mirror. " Call at 1309 Farnam for
ono or send ddress on postal. 817
TJEHSONAI/ Private home for lanlcs during
Ji confinement , strictly confidential. Infanta
adopted. Addreaa B 42. Itao olllce.
TJEUSONAIi List your property to cxchango
JL with C. C. Spotswood , U05K 8. 10th , at 230
JOST Gold glasses with chain. Howard fo
return toll , Pundt , 131S Farnam.
TTIOUM ) Envelope containing package paper
JJ with reference to Ogden Water Co. Cal
at Hoe olllce. 6110
"ITtOH SALE Furniture of 9 room house , a
X' team of homes ; must be sold this week
House for rent , 1204 Howard , 603 Uj
OH BALE Typewriter , a bargain , F 29 lie
olilcu. 4iM 4 *
BAHGA1N Mntch team and top buggy. An
thony Johnson , 152J Furnam. 621
TTIOH SALE The furniture , carpets , fixture
JL' und lease of n pleasantly located , uewl
furnished house , near horau and cable cuit
hoiibe heated by steam , fnniltiiie , etc. . In nai
lens than a year ; must bo Bold at once , For par
ticulars apply to Hartman & Gibson , 1013 Fur
naui st , 497
ITIOH BAI.E-Stnndnrd bred stallion. Gustav
-I ? us. No. 2076. fouled May 13. 1883 , slro
Knickerbocker by Hybdyk's Hnmbletonlan
First dam Viola by Administrator Ml ; 2nd Va' '
ley Hose by Idol 1I7 : Administrator by Hys
dyk'a Hombletoulan ; Idol by Mumbrlna Chlel
GustnvusU dark bay , stands 16 bauds , weigh
1.200 Ibs. , hag never teen hunrtlud for speed bu
ehowu u very fast gait. l kind nnd gentle any
where , pertectly kound und H sure foal gtttter
For f urthor particulars lulareus K. N. Suerrll
Plum Creek , Neb. , or Palace cstubles , Omaha
UI'HIOIIT piano at great sacrlflce , only I1R5
cost IKW : a musla teacher leavln
FOH SAITr A speedy jnelnft hnrse , nejv
plnao-bo'rbupey nndrn new set of single
iKrness , all hnnd-mado , irltli rubTx > r mounting.
Till sell separately. H. l-lrey | , Frcnzor block.
, ' . ' 910
[ TIIHST class bicycle foranJe at less than one-
L' Itnlfcost. Dr. Hauchawout's Dentnlofllee ,
or. 131 h and Farnam t , Ohahn. 4S7
fTIOH PALK Surveyor'i 'Implements , second
Jhand. . In ftood order , , pt Btrlngcr & Co/s ,
518 Dodge street. ffi 4M
rrOirSALE-Nlce bay ilrlvlng borso. C. F.
L1 Harrison. 419S. 15thst.f 075
[ TIOH SALE Good spvi mules , weigh 2.500 ,
L' new wagon nnd lisntess. Inqulro 1023 S.
th or 1444 N. 16th. Oeo. Kfeer. IMP *
FOH SALE Cheap , horse and wagon nnd har
ness. Inqulro Clias. qilbcrt , rear 1433 S Uth
rOH SALK-Two(2)tnbulnr ( steel boilers 66x
L1 14 feet , with smoke stack , steam gunges.
plass water gungos. etc.'all complete ; will sell
heap. Address Fred Krug , llrcwcr , Omnha ,
fob , 665
"TTIOH5ALB Furnlluro ot 10-room house , 311
Jj N. IZthst. 163 4 *
TTIOH SALE Stock nnd fixtures of n well
JJ locnted grocery store doing n cash business.
Will Inrolco nbout H.OOO. Jluit bo sold at onco.
Address F 2. lleo office. 2 6
"I710R SAIiK-Cheup , two ponies with harness
JL1 nnd two top buggies , ono single and ono
double eoated. Inquire Eagle house , 414 S 14th
CB3 10 *
TTIOH SALE A flno. woll-bred mnro , 0 years
JL1 old , weighs 1.20U Ibs. , suitable for 2-sented
rig Inqulto of Adam Thomson nt fair grounds ,
470 6 *
"ITIOH SALE Now cook stove.cooklnji utensils ,
J dishes nnd other household nrtlcles , very
cheap , parties leaving town. Address F 23 lice ,
477 0
TTIOH 8ALE-1 horso. 1 single 3-sprlnp wagon ,
JL In best order , nnd 1 platform scale , 400 Ibs ,
414 S 13th St. , cigar storo. 3 : > 9 4 *
TTIOH SALE Phnoton. almost now. Hoom 2 ,
JJ Omaha Nat'l bank. 11. il. Patterson. 3D ! 8
filOHSALE A good reliable horse for buggy
JL ? or light delivery , Clark Cotree Co. , 1414 liar-
ncy. 3S3
"TTIUHNlTUHE-Good ns now , will sell cnenp
JJ for cash or time. C. T. Morton , 1324 Farnam.
'HlCIC'houses ' for sale. cor. Sixteenth nnd
1 Davenport sts. lllds received up to Satur
day. 7th. nt , the olllco ot Henry Voss. architect ,
J7. Hedlck block. 458 4 *
> AHOAIN 2-room house with stable , prlco
> oulySlOO. Address , Marcdy and 6thsis.
45 * of
SALE Two small safes , very cheap. II.
E , Cole N. E. cor. 15th nnd Douglas.
371 4
moil SALE-Largo Hall's safe , now. M. A
13 Upton & Co. Ml-
TT1OH SALE At n bargain 50 foot of shelving ,
JU 3d feet ot counters and one ice chest , suit
able for grocery store. Enquire nt 812 3.10th St.
SALE 8 or 10 horse power engine nnd 12
horse boiler In good order. Cheap for cash.
Itecs Printing Co. 747
TTIOH SALE Or trade , ono family horse , nlso
J uewbuggy. A. Hospo. 1313 Douglas st.
740 n21
OH SALE Dormant nc-aio capacity 3,400
pounds. Phil. Btlinmel & Co. , ull-913.1onci
. , Omaha. 207
"VfOTICE Go to the Swedish furniture store
JL\ for bargains In furniture , parlor suits , pil
lows nud stoves. 1718 St. Mary's ave 631 10J
TEN-Cent sheet music , wholesale nnd reta.ll ,
ntT. G. Doylo's , 1014 Capitol avenuo.
523 7 (
DO you Intend to build this spring , If so come
nnd see ns , wo can offer you the best of In
ducements. II. E. Cole , NK ( Cor. 15th nnd Doug
las. , , 35030
EF. H1NGEH , 110 N. 15th St. , real estate nnd
loans. If you want to buy , sell or ex
change real estuto or merchandise , see E. F.
Itluger. Correspondence s611cltcd. 003
ALL aiders lor cleanlna and laying carpets
left at S. A. Orchard's' carpet stoio will bo
promptly attended to. S/j. Miller. 3J1 0 *
WANTED A good horse , buggy and harness
In exchange for South Omaha lots. George
J. Sternsdorlf , room 0 , opp postollico. 230
TVTIDWIFE Mrs. E. Wlhtou , N. K. cor. 18th
1L nnd Dorcas. 175 n'W *
mitACICAGE. storage , lowest rates. W. JI.
JL liushman , 1311 Lcavonworth. 120
banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gellen-
beck , 80J Harnoy st. 182
JULLMAN HOUSE , all newly fixed up. Is
now open on the European plan , 1120 Cap.
ave , r&oms rent for Me to 75c per day. 730
/-10-OPEKATlVB Land & Lot Co , 303 N. 10th
\ > 79 A5
THE Odorless Sanitary Co. . the only licensed
company In Nebraska nnd Iowa , using the
odorless system for cleaning cess pools , vaults ,
w nter closets. Olllco 15J2 Farnnm ht. 481 a 15
insurance , reliable companies. II. E.
Cole , N. E. 15th and Douglas. 7.J1
secured. Valentino's shorthand
SITUATIONS placed allot Its graduates In
good positions. Students can enter at any tlmo.
Send for clrcular.1015 Dodge streetOmaha. Nob.
ATEW YOKK Storage Co. Incorporated capl-
i- > tal S15.000. most extensive facilities for
Ftorago of furniture , pianos , etc. Cash advances
to any amount. Warehouse receipt given , strict
confidence maintained In all business transac
tions , KOi , 1510v 1513,1514 Capitol ave , cor 15th.
[ RANTED Good second-hand trunk , cheap ,
? Address without delay , F 32 , Hco.3S54
3S54 *
[ RANTED To buy a banking business. Ad.
V dress with particulars , F l , llee olllce.
buy furniture of n. house or Hat ccn-
was located. Co-op. L. to L. Co , 203 N. lUth
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mod.
leal , business nnd test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases n specialty. Ill ) N. lUtli
Bt. , llooma 2 iSf 3 , Tol. 9(1. 2Ci
MONEY to Loan I can place good flrbt-class
city loans on short notice and nt lowesl
rntes , 1) . Y , bliolee , room 1 , Darker block.38H
MONEY nt low rates on good city and farm
property , notes bought. Klmball. Chnmi
to Hynn , ( J. S. N ntl bank bid. 45f ) m2
MONEY to loan on real cstnto wuurlty It
sums of $230 up , running from 3 months U
6 years. Wnllncc . Ci-elghton blk. 4U9 7
rpHE Mead Invostm't Co. make loans on farm'
J and city property. Hoom UUilf amgo bulld'g
' ' 401
OME cholco loans wanted , A. K. Hlley
. J 1511) Foi num. | " ' 435 m2
I CAN place large or small loans without de
lay ; splendid rates. AIt. HlleylB19 Fainaui
U 455m2
MONEY to loan ; J WO ant ) , up on first mort
gage to parties wanting to build on or 1m
prove lots In Omaha or aj iroved additions tn
delay. Marshall & Lobexik , Hoom V , ChumbJ
of Commerce , j 413 7
MONEY to loan at lowest rates. Good mort
gage paper bought , j E. F. Itlnger , 119 N
15th bt. . 'Ml
MONEY to loan onclty property and farms b <
Jarvln , Conklln lloijtguge Trust Co , L. I1
Hammond , general agent for Nub , , Hoom IW
new Paxton block , ' ' 110
LO A N S inado on Omaha rlty property by D
V , Sholes. room 1 Iliitkor blk. 219
HE. COLE loans money on Improved city 01
farm property. Hoom u Continental
block. 270
J A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real ea
Ute in sums to suit. 220 South 13th ut.
' 270
TI1TONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs
ill. horses , etc , low rates. J , J , Wilkinson 4
Co. , 1324 Farnam , ever Uurllugton tlckut office.
T OANS maflu on real estato. Cash on hand
-U W. M.HarrU over 20 3 , 15th tn. 871
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons
etc..without removal : or on collateral securi
ity , lluslness confidential. O U Jacobs,320 H IDtl
, iib3
T\7E can give you all tha money you want 01
IT household goods , planoi and mcrchan
dlse at legal rates when goods are stored wltl
us. New York Storage Co. 75a21
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , furniture
pianos nnd other personal property or col
lateral without removal ; business confidential
rates moderate. The Falrbank Investment Co.
816 S. 14th . . upstairs. 2S6
MONF.T to loan , cash on hand , no delnr. 3.
W. Mid R. I * Squire , 1413 Farnatn * t. P x-
ton hotel bulfdlnit. Z7
"TVfONEY to Loan $20,000 to loan In sums ot
J.'A. 'from MOU to K.6U ) on Oroithn nnd South
Omaha property. Monej * on hand. Wright *
Lasbury , 815 S. 1 < th gt. , upstairs. ail
"AfONhY to lxian-W. N. Nason , Hoom 19 ,
JVLCJinmbcrof Commercfl. tea 4
MONBY to loan on turnuuro , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any npproved security. I/ow
ntes. J. W. Hobblns , 101J Farnam. 8SO
MONEY to loan on Improved renl estate ; no
commission charged. .Loarltt Ilurnham ,
room 1 , Crolghton blork. 283
M ONBY iTO 1/AN ns 8 per cent on llrst
mortgages In suras ot few to $10,000 ; good
hort time paper bought at reasonable discount :
noney on liMid'.no delay. Patterson & 1'nwcett ,
IS So , 15th. 417
\fONEY to loan , at low rates , on chattels ,
J.U. without removal or filing : financial busi
ness of nil kinds transacted quietly nnd without
mbllclty ; money ndvnnced on Jewelry ; secured
lotes bought , Call and see us , It will pay you ,
'coplo's Financial Exchange , roomBOli , llarkcr
ilock , 15th and Fnrnam , Kl n V
MONEY To loan. Lowent rntos. No dela'y
J. IHlco It Co. , over Commercial Na-
lonal bank 28t
\fONEY LOANED nt C. F. Heed * Co.'s Ix > n
J.'JU Ofllco. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
if rsonul property of all kinds , nnd all other ar-
iclosof vnltio without removal. 319 B. 1.1th ,
overltlnghnm's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 275
MONEY To Loan Hy the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
ngcncy In Omnha , Loans of 810 to 1100 mndo on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
mslness strictly conlldontlal. Loans so made
h at any part can bo paid ntnny time , each pay-
nont reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
made on flno wntchos nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ns many now concerns are dally coming
nto existence. Should you need money call nnd
spomo. W. H.Croftroom 4Wlthnollbuilding ,
15th nnd Hnrncy. 2PJ
M ONEY ( to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real ostata
nnd loan agents , IMG Farnam st. 273
MONEY , to loan. Notes nna rt. It. ticket ,
bought and sold. A. Formnn , I'SSi Farnam
fits. 277
tlmo loans maun on nnjr nvaunblo
security. In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of nny kind transacted
iromplly.qulotly nnd fairly at thn Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and liar-
noy sts. , ever Stale National bank. Corbott.
manager HI4
JOANS made on roat cstato and mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Heed Si Co. , 1521 Farnam.
OJ600,000 To loan on Omnha city property at 8
percent. Q. W. Uay , S. K. cor. Kx. Illd.JW8
T OTES bought. C. n. Jacobs , 330 3. IBtl st.
MONEY to Loan Omaha real ostnto nnd
farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Uros. Se
Co. , 1523 Fnrnnm , 232
$500,000 to loan on city nnd farm real ostnto.
Lluahau Ac Mahoney , 100754 Farnam street ,
( 500,000 to loan at lowest rate of Interest , on
P city property. II , II. Irey , Frenzerblk , opp.
TTIOK SALE A restaurant doing good paying
JU buslucbs. Address F 30 , lleooUlce.
3S34 *
FOH SALK-Hotcl In this city ; ono of the
best chances ever offered ; good reasons
for selling. F33. lleo olllce. 481
f MOAH store for sale for $150. No. 706 S. 10th
Vst. . 463 4 *
POH SALE A good brick yard and all the np-
purtanances , also HOO.OOJ good brick.
Apply Hynn it Walsh , room 0 , Arlington block.
BUSINESS Chance For sale n stock of groc-
urli's. centrally located In build
ing good trade established , soil cheap If taken
soon. Address Inglmm i ; Stecle , Heal Estate ,
Ivctmioy. Neb. 400 b *
PAHTNEK wniUed In established law busi
ness in Nobrubka. Capital required $1,001) ) .
Address F19 , lleo ollico. 410
"IDAHTNEH wanted in profitable business.
JL grocerv , restaurant and bakery In Hro town
In Knnsns , but small amount required , must bo
n practical baker. Jnquiro of C , Kuliubnch.24th
st. , near bolt lino. 330 U *
EOH SALE Or exchange , drug store In ono of
Nebraska's liveliest and best business
towns. Stock about & ) , UM. Not prollts last year
$1,000. Will sell on favorable terms , or exchange
for small stock , well located In Omaha. Kcasons
for selling and further particulars by address
ing. F 8 , Heo ofilco. 313 B
TnOKSALE Three or four peed saloons , best
J- ' locations In north Nebraska. Apply In
pel son to P. Schwenk & Co. , Norfolk , Neb.
FOH SALE Feed store , at Invoice. Call 1410
Georgia ave and Sblrloy Bt. 1 2 V
GHOCEHY and meat market , n years estab
lished. A ilno opportunity for n llvo man.
Address K ! > rt. lleo olilcu. 112 alO
TXrE have for sale n largo list restaurants ,
T t bakeries , meat markets , Iced stores , ho
tels , groceries , n stocks of merchandise , I livery
barns nnd nil kinds of chances. Co-operative
Land & Lot Co. , 20Ti N. 16th st. 071-nl
GHOCEHIES-Nlco clean stock with good
young team and delivery wagon. Price
12.000. Tor Halo or tradu for Inside Omaha prop
erly. Active Heal Estate & Property Exohnngo
1521 D ( dgo st. 'J4
Tj > OH SALE -Heal estate nnd Insurance bu l-
JL. ' ness. Addrt-HS E 07 , llee. 2005
To loose linn residence near postofflco , nnd
buyfurnlturoall ( now ) at a great sacrifice. For
particulars see Ij. 8. Skinner , 1503 Fiirnnni. 2W
/"JOOD livery stock and lease on best livery
VJ nnd sale stabhicentrally located In Omaha ,
for sale very cheap for cash , will not trade. Co.
Op. L. Ac L. Co. , 20j N. Iflthst. 420
"J7IOHSALE Drug stock. As Quo location as
L them Is In tno city. stock. Invoice
aboutJ7,0 , Partcaah. Piutin good real es
tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton tc Co. 10th
Bt , opp. Chamber of Commarce. 2JO
FOH SALE A good paying business. Cigars ,
stationery nnd toys , In a first-class loca
tion. On account of 11' ' liBalth. Stock on hand
ni > ontfcl,00t ) . All cash not required. Enquire nt
Max Meyer &Co's. 231
OLEAH In Chicago , elegant Mono-front 10
room house. Will trade for rexldcuco 01
resldeucB lot in Omnhn. Investigate this. H.E ,
Cole , N. IS. cor. 15th und Douglas. 3 3 (1 (
FOll THADE-2 lots In Windsor terrace fet
good land , mortgage paper or hnrso and bug
gy , D. V. Sholos , room 1 , IlarKer block. 331
F""oitTYrOUK feet fronting on both ftumdorf
nnd 2Jd. Want good vacant lot or equity
In roflldence. H. E. Cole , N. li. cor. 15th anil
Douglas. 483(1 (
lKrt fronting on Sherman ave , 17th nml
Clark streets. This Is ono of the finest ror
ners In the city. Want about 1,000 rash , bnl
nnoo of equity In good property. II. U. Cole
N E'cor ' IMh nnd Douglas. 4' 7
EXCHANGH-Or solo C3 lots In Portland
place , JI7.500 ; cash , J5.000 ; 829,500 In lanil
or other city property , purchaser to as
sume $13OUO. There will be from 10) to 20 <
houses built on adjoining property this
spring ,
jojlote In Omaha Heights , 00 foot front or
10th near Grace st , 1 lot In blocks , Paddocli
place , prlco for all tii.OJO , Can exchange thi *
for liiHido property ; assume small mortgugi
nnd pay somocash.
70) lots at tJOO to Ji'iO carh , Btreat cars
through the land , JW.OW to $75,03) ; land 01
other property tukon ns llrst payment , balance
0 to 10 years.
Douglas Bt. 75x150 , ono house 12 rooms am
ono house 7 rooms , if28,00i ) , rents &I50 pei
month ; 412,000 good land , (4,000 cash , balance I
S12.GOO. COxHO , double house , good location
land or vacant lots taken as part payment.
$10,0)0 ) , largo building , lot tiOxl2i ) , Davenport ,
neat NMh nt. . * 12.00J clear lauds or lots , Jj.OO'
iash , balance five years ,
S5,00) , business block , Dodge St. , rents $5,00 :
per year , t-H.uiO cash , * i * > , UOJ laud or city proper
ty , bulanco llvo yearn ,
msil' , 76xir.O . , two houses. Mason St. , near 17th
2I.WI cahli. lialnnce good ranch.
* 5,20u , 40x127 , good houso. Armstrong's ndd.
for fruit farm Douglas county , or ueai
good town In western Iowa.
Vacant lots and lebldent property ranging It
prices from fS'jO ' to * 7 , < WJ to exchange for litnd
merchandise or good city property.
10,000 nercrf , line Improvements , Ouster Co.
best ranch in the state , (100,000 , trudo for Omahi
_ _ tlneer , il9N15thst. _ _ _ 309
ONE hundred and sixty-two feet on 27th am
U5 feet on St. Marys , f > eveu Btores , 2
rooms In flats , large warenousa nnd I ) largi
barns. Will exchangeonehalf ot above to
Omaha property nnd some cash. Tlilu is u map
H , E. Cole , N , II. cor. 15th and Douglas.
J 3830
T HAVE 100 lots In H. to M. Park addition t <
South Omaha , free of Incumbrnnco , ti
trade for Improved or unimproved Omaha property
orty , farm lands , stocks of goods , horses , cuttlo
or anything of value. These lota nre rapldlj
Increasing In vulue , and If you have anything t <
trade call and BOB me. Goorg * J. Sternadorff
room 0 Frcnzor block , opposite postolllce. ZV }
CHOICE acre tracks suitable ( or t'TdouIng
Very liberal terms. II. K. Cole , N , 1 ! . 15tl
and Oouilaj. Htal ejtate Cor Bftlo , VCM
T ,13T property for salet rent pr txhanpo with
J-J H. K. Colos" N. K. cor 15th nnd DotiKTas.
rpo KXCHANWE-For mercnanAMe or troU
X dence lots In Omaha , 500 acr s cholco unim
proved land In KnoxCo. , Neb. , n balance unpaid
due In 0 years. Address It. H. IjoncksI > * nburr.
lown. 2 ln9 *
STOCK of drugs. Including soda fountain , flx-
tures , etc , invoice about 4 ,000 ; ono or the
best locations In the city. Part
cash , balance freed property , H , E.
Cole , N K cor 15th and DcuRlas ! 41J6
$1,3X1 stock pumps Including 2 wagons , span
horses nnd established business in ( Irnnd
Island. What have you to offer ? H.E. Colo. N.
IS. cor. ( Mil and Douglas , ; ts3 H
\\7ANTED-rflhou8es and lots to exchange.
Y > C. C. Bpotswood. 303)4 ) S. 10th st. i-MJ
"filOIl THADE Will trndo for horse , n new or-
J3 gan. cost In Chicago 1150. Cull for M. D.
Clark , at Pruyn's stable , 2d ; nnd Izard sts. ,
v hero Instrument can be seen. 435 4
WANTHO-IIorscsnnd cnttloto cxclmngo for
farms or city property. 11. U.Colo. N. K.
cor. 15th nnd Douglas IXX ) '
l two.story nix-room houses , Will trade
t tics for InMda vacant lot. Will n sutuo rea
sonable Incuinhranco. II. K. Cole , N Kcnr 15th
nnd Douglas. 4340
G 0x132 , corner 23d and Douglas sts , to trndo for
nn eight to ton-room house and lot , Oeo. J.
Btcrnsdorir. room n , opposite 1 * O. 2W
" 171011 THADK aw aero fnrin In lo\va : no In-
JJ cumboranco , nil under fcuco and ulcoly Im
proved. Want city propel ty. Oo-oporntlvo Land
& Lot CO. , EOo N. 10th St. 4124
Tr\OHlXCHANli-7 \ Hertford lots on S9th st ,
J-1 W.OOO Incumbronco ; WOO cnah , bnl.
good lands. Rood Omnhn Improved property for
farmiioar Columbus , Ohio.
K-F.Hingor , llflNluth st ,
T , TST property for sale , rent or exrhatiRo with
JU It. i : . Cole , N. II. cor 15th and Douglni.
ya 30
WANTKD Honies nnd lota to exchange for
farms. H. K. Cole , N , li. 15th nnd Douglas ,
| ! XM
W ANTED-axj,000 brick for OmahaTenl 01-
tuto. K. A > Loavouworth.1117 Furnnm st.
WANTED Stocks of merchandlsO to ox-
ctinngo for farms , H. 13. Cole , N , K. 10th
nnd Douglas. WJ
IN KXCIIANOK-A nearly now Jtuuhford
wagon for n good light spring wagon. Ap
ply to Lawrence & Btrlullng , 11UN. lothntroot ,
f 1ST property for nalo , rent or oxrhnngo with
JLJ H. u. t'olo , N. 13. cor 15th und Douglas.
T710K KXCHANnK-Wllltako horse audbugKy
Ju ns uart paymnnt for equity In good lot m
A. S. Patrick's addition. Address H W. lice.
1 COACHES first-class farm land In Iowa nnd
porno money to exchange fort ) or" room house
nud lot In good location. 11. II. Cole , N. K. inth
nnd Douglas. 1X8-3
lots lnll.&M.
TT park for horse and buggy. Inquire nt S.
A. Sloman , lUth and Farnam , llcllmau block.
nillADF.S mndo In roul estate nnd personal
Jproperty. . 00 exchange book. Co-op. L.
nnd I. . Co. SOS N. 10th st. 60J
Abstracts South Omaha Rd. Jolmson &
Co. , ngents South Omaha Land Co. , hnvo
the only coniploto set ot abstract books In
South Omaha. Complete abstracts furnished
on short notice. Olllco opposite depot , South
Omaha. 127
BENSON iVCAHMICHAErj furnish complnto
and guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any
realostnto In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The inoat complato sot of abstract
books In the city. No. 1513 Farnam st. KB
MrOLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1503
Fnrnnm street Complete abstracts fur
nished , nnd titles to real esUte examined , p r-
fectcd nnd guaranteed. J3
AHAKOA1N N , E. corOco. ave and Mason ,
176x110 , partly Improved , three car lines ,
H8.0JO ; your own terms. 0. E. Coombs , box
483. 607152
"TJ10H BALK A neat cottage nnd Cft lot oppo-
-1 ? slto residence of Mlltou Hogcra. Mean A :
Jamleson. Itoom 201 , Unmgo building. 4W
TjlOll SALE Lots In South Omaha very cheap
JL' for n few days. Hosworth A : Joplln. 418 S. 15tu
459 U
FOH SALE-Lot 15 lUirdetto court , with new 4
room house , $1.050 , small cash and monthly
payments. Wallace , Crclghtou blk. 4ua 5
"IJIOH SALE A flue residence lot on Fnrnnm
JJ Bt. , GHxli2 ! ft at a bargain. KliuDall , Champ
& Ityan , U. B. Nntl bank bid. 414m2
EOH SALE Lot 15 Hurdctto court , with new 4
room house , Hl.kV ) , small cash and monthly
payments. Wallace , Crelghton blk. 4C3 0
ITIOH SATiK Half Fectlon No. 1 land In Hurt
J Co. , Nob. , 3 mllus trom Carter station. All
under 0 wire tonco and has water. Inquire J.
A. Lllllc , lifOS Wubdtar bt. . Omaha. 4.M Uj
STHINGIIH&Co. , 1518Dodgo street , will sell
a good lot In Orchard II111 nnd take n liorso
and buggy nnd secured notes In payment , 418
Rood horses for salo. Co-oporatlvo
1 As Lot Co. . 20" ) N. Idlll st. 4124
E'OII SALE-Good mill pr operty , clienp.f.2.000.
Itenawa & Co. , 15th Btieet , opposite P.O.
"TTIOH SALE firtxl20 , house 10 rooms , Cnpllol
JL' ave , , a bargain , $13KW. (
Corner lot. (4x13 ( ; , 10-room house , grandest
view In the city , only ? 11.500 ,
75x140 , good house , Park nve. , $7TOO.
4Jxfin , loth bt. , near Cumlng , J-Hk ) pur foot.
Do Holt Place , 5 ncro tracts , ? .TW to 430J per
ncio. line depot on grounds , only 15 mlnutus
rldo from Nortlnvestern depot ,
Denmnn und Portland Place , cheapest lots In
Omaha. f 00 to JW , S.rX ) down , f 10 per month.
150XKX ) , corner Webster , near school , fO.OOO.
E. F. Itlnger. Ill ) N. 15th si. M
FOH SA LE Largo trackage lot. Hue location ,
close to pavement , very fnvorablo terms.
Address F 4 , Heo olllce. 803 ( I
HOI'SE nnd lot for ? I03 o.iBh nnd tin per
month ; nlso 2 nt Zi'fl , nnd balance rasy ,
D. D. ( < rneilonroom : 43 , llarkcr block. ! 120 H
1HAVE for sale clieup , piece of Improved
property for M.200 ; Ji.iJOi ) cash , nnd bulanco
1 and 2 years , llcntnl $720 year 10 per oont for
Ifttycar.S ) per cent lor second year , and 17 pel-
cent over nfturwnrda. D. 1) . Hmeaton , Itoom 4'l ,
llarkcr block. 3198
HOUSES , vacant lots and forms for sale and
exchange at Stringer & ; Co.'e , 1518 Dodge ,
TjlOH SALE Or Trnde Nice house and lot for
-I. ' farm or Inside pioneity , Inqulro of or
addrebs Crum to Illshop , 1514 Douglas St , I 4-
T L , K1CE & CO. . Heal Estato. 294
SOME choice lots In Poulh Omaha below the
market value , bargains If taken quick. H.
K. Coif. N K Cor. 15th mid DougliiB. , ' 15U ! M
LOTS 4 , f > , BO. 27 and 2d , block ( , , Hrlttg'B place.
Prlco of all W.OOO ; easy terms. H.E. Cole ,
N K Cor. 15th and Douglas. 3M 30
B USINKSB lot on North Sixteenth street. H.
K , Cole , N E Cor. 15th nml Douglas , 35030
TOTS nn Farnam , Douglas , Dodge or Capitol
i avenue , long time and no cash payment It
you will build. H. E. Cole , N E Cor. IfitU and
Douglas. ll'iQ.'IO
t ) STOHVhlx-room house nnd Int. all modem
' ronvunlt'iicen , convenient to htrcct cars , de-
Rlrablo location ; price 1,40) ) . f M cash ; balance
monthly or nuuiterly to suit. H. E. Cole , N I !
CunlStlii mid Douglas. JlVUM
Cl'3,2.)0 , 8300 bilancu monthly ; quarter block
P from Hed Car line , desirable locution ; comn
nnd oee this. H. E. Cole , NE Cor , 15th and
Douglas. _ HI . ' )
rpwo good houses , well located , for J3.700 nnd
JL 83.UX ) , on easy payments. J , A , Hulstand ,
room II. Arlington Iliock. 235
FAItM for Halo , 41) miles north of Omaha , con
tains 170 acres , line house , feeding yards ,
windmill , etc. , nil level land. Prlco t : > par
acre , I ) . C. Patterson , Omttlm Nat. Honk.
150 n7
POH SALE-South Omnha trackage , otsl,2 ,
3 und 4 , 113 , Albright's annex , next to How-
land and Ilradrovd s lumber and coal yard
double frontnies ; on street and county road ,
alley Inienr.desirablensan Investment or bust
ness location , room for U cottager. Call at ri.
W. corDthand Douglas. 129
5 HOOM cottage , cast front , full lot. 29th and
llurdettt ) sirf.only tl,760 , D , C. Putturson ,
Omaha Nat Hank , , 095
FOH 3ALE or trade Lands and town prop ,
crty tn NebraskaICsnsas.Colorado and other
Etut ! Hwant ; merchandise , cattle and horse ; gcn
cral exchange business transacted ; correspond ,
once solicited. T. A. English , to Co. , York , Neb
TTIOH SALE At a bargain for a few rtayj
J-1 only , lot 1. block 3 , Paddock Plac , This U
a beautiful corner on Itth street. Inqulro ai
owner. 17U9 Dodge at. 493
T h. KICK & CO. , lleal Estata. 2S {
TTIOH BALE At a bargain , lease of a 3-storj
X' brick building containing it utores nnd &
rooms , with modern Improvements. Inquire al
C09 S. 13th Bt. 123
J L lllCK JCO. , ltealK3tat ' . tu
cro tracks , be'stof fnollltles for Kr
\ _ / denlng. W nt gijod nnlnctimberod ffirras
I , II. Cole N. K. 15th attd Douglas. wa
[ 7HH SALK or exchRnRO Wo have some Rood
JL1 Omaha teal e tate and Nebrnska farms.
hlfh we will sell cheap or trade for stocks of
lothltifr , furnlshtnff goods , dry gtiod * , ItooU and
hoes , groceries or linrdwaro , Sclilcsln
US. _ th si.
ITIOK SALE -I-ot 13 inmletlo court , with hew 4
JL ? room ho o Jl.VA smnll rash nnd monthly
laymcnts. Wallace , Crelghton blk. 468 B
. SAI.E-O-room modern house , L.
JL ? ground , near 18th and St. Mary's are. , for
7,000 , p.irty nuxlous to sell. U. li. Thompson.
149.16th st. 874
J.It. . ItlCR & CO. , Heal Kstato. 01
ITIOH SALE-llnwloy Home. North Plntto ,
U Nob. will take purl cash nnd balance in
ix > d cattlo. Address John llnwloy , Nitnh
Matte. 74GA21
7IOH SALE Nice 7 room housn , close to st.
-0 cars , school , church , etc. , full lot , only K.WO !
1,0X1 cash , bnlnneo In three equal payment * . O.
VHnrrlson.H.S 8,15th st. irfii ,
L. lllCIS * CO. , Heal Kstato. SM
E MSTICKNKY A CO. m Ko n specialty of
JJ property In North Omaha , forsala or rest
, t Citizens'bank 24OT Cumlug t. 2J7
BAUOAIN In nlotS blocks from cast end.of
L street viaduct , South Qmalm , $1,400 , KJV )
nsh , 00x150. 1) . 1) . Smcntoil , Harkor block.
ICU8 .
[ TIOH SALE or Trade Farnnm st- near 3Sth.
LJ Incumbrnnco . ' ,000. Kqulty f 1,000
Farnam St. , ror 3lHt , KtGtl.B.
Trackage , 13th st , near Grace.08x113.
Cmnlngst. , cor 31st , 43.KU1IO lucutnbranco
"N. 10th st. , near Nicholas , (11x191. ( Incumbrnnco
.T.'liO. '
Snundersst. , cor. Hurt , IGOsSI , Incumbrnuca
Park nvo.j facing paric , BOxlSI. Incnmbrnnqo
CM ) .
Douglas st , near 20th , OOxlSJ , lucuuibrnuca
25 loin In II. AM. Park add to South Omaha ,
clear of Incumbrnnco. perfect tltlo.
2 quarter sections of school land la Kossuth
/o. , lown ,
1 quarter section land tn Qruudy Co. , Nob. ,
AH otnbovo property for snlo or trade for
good lusldo Improved property or good 1m-
irovedorunlmprovo.l farms. S. A. Slomnn ,
oems 22 and 2J , Hollmau bldg,13)l Farunm St. ,
) mnhn , Neb. BI'J
"PHOPOSALS roil PHlNTINO-Hendqnurtora
JL Department of the 1'latto , Chief Quarter-
nastc Olllco , Omaha , Nob. , Mnrch 30 , 1W8.
} nled proposals , in triplicate , subject to the
usunl conditions , \ > lll bo rei-elved nt this olllco
mill 1 o'clock p. in. ( central stmidard time ) , oil
Monday , April IWlh , livw. at which tlmo nnd
ilaco they will be opened In tno presence of bid-
lers , for ftirulHhliiK the prlutlni ? required nt
Icadqunrlois Department of the 1'latto during
ho llscnl ycnr endlnK .hino ! W. issii. The govern-
nont ro nrves thoilght to reject ntiy or all pro-
josuls rccelvod. lllank proposals , form of con-
ract and printed circular giving full Informa-
Ion us to the work required , conditions to bo
observed , terms of contract nnd payment will
jo furnlshoil on application to thlsolllcu. Ku-
volopos coutnliilni : proposals HhouUl bo marked
Tropoaals forl'tintlnu , " nnd nddrosiod to the
niderslgned. WM. . HUd II ES , Chlof Quartov-
Proposals for 7 For Cont. Sewer
IDS will bo received bythoelty clorkttp to
- 7 ji. in. , April M , ISM * , for IUXX ) so\\-cr bonda
of the city of l.ninmlo , Wyoming , mild bonda to
run thirty years , with Interest , pnynblo semiannually -
annually ( In New York , 1C desired ) .
Circular of Information will bo mailed on ap
plication to J.KIIOV flr.ANT , Mayor , or
C. K. SIIGLTON , Clerk.
npldlOtmo Lununlo , Wyo.
Hunnlng between Council lllufls nnd Albright.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
btoi ) at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth struuts ,
and at the Summit In Omaha.
7OD : p.
A dally ; II dally except Pnt. ; 0 dully except
Sun. ; D except Mpu. ; Fast mall ; M.lmltmL
{ Successor * to John G. Jacobs , )
Undertakers & Embalmers
Atthoold stand , 1407 Farnfttn St. OriUr.s bv tU
ollclt d and promptly nUeifled to ,
TUcpu No. 1M