Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. APltlD 5 , 1888.
JDally ( Morning EJItlonjIricltiillng Sunday
JIRK , One Your . .tio oo
PonHlx Manilla . . . . .
PorThrco Month * . , . . . < w
Iho Omaha Sunday HEE , mnlltd to any ail-
dress , Ono Year . . . 2 TO
NBW VOHK Orncc. itoojia II AM > 13 TniiiUNr
Jintt.ntso. WAPIHNOTON OtfiCE , No. 513
All communication * rdatlnR to news nnd edl-
torlnl matter Rhoiild bo addressed to the Kuiroit
m iNiffls un-rans.
Alt fouslnpss letters and remittances should , bo
undressed to Tin : IIKK Vunusinsn COMPAMV.
OMAHA. Drnfts , checks and postofllcc orders tel
l > c mads payable to the order of the company.
The Bee Publishim Comany. Proprietors
E. ROSEWATEU , Editor.
Bworn Statement of Circulfttlon.
EtRtr Of Nebraska. I _ .
rountrnf DotiRlass , f
OPO. II. Tznchnck. Bccretary of Thn Hco Itilv
IIMiltiK company , COGH solemnly swear that the
nctuarclrailaUon ot the Dally "eo for the ncek
ending March at. 1888. was as follows :
Saturday. March 34
pumlay. MarchS- .
Monday , March 31 . SO.J n
; rne Mli\y.March27 . . . IJ.KW
Nvpdnr-Hiay. March 38 . . . ! . < )
' . . If-TTT.
Thursday. March .n ) -
Friday. March 30 . .IQ.iM
Avorngo . in.850
nno. n.TZsciiucK.
Bworn to and subscribed In my prcsonco lhl
Blst day of March , A. D. , 1B88. N. P. FKIU
Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , I ,
County of Douglass , | D < IV
Oco. . Tzschuck , being flrst duly sworn , fle-
rones nnd says that ho Is secretary of The lloo
JtihllAhlnR company. that the' actual nvcrapo
dally circulation of tne Daily lleo for the jnonth
of March , 18B7 , 14,400 copies : for April ,
JR8T , 14.318 copies ; for May. 1887 ,
14,227 copies : for June , 1687 , 14,147 copies ;
for July. 1F67 , 14.1KJ copies : for August ,
18R7. ll.lftl copies ; for September. IP87 , I4ug :
copies ; for October , 1W < 7 , 14,333 ; for November ,
1E87 , 15.28 copies ; for December , 1K87 , 1B.W1
copies ; for Jnmmry , 1PW , 15,500 copies ; for
roUary. , n . ,5.
Sworn and subscribed to In my presence thla
Sd day of March , A. D. 1668. N. P. FRIU
Notary Public.
JUDGING from the vote polled , South
Omnhii 1ms not loss than 7,000 popula
NINTH street and Cnpltol avenue
would not mnko a bad site for a city and
county jail.
BISLIKF is gaining ground that the
local labor troubles will bo amicably
Eottlod in a few days.
ATTKII flirting desperately throe- days
with the festive Texas cowboys , Denver
again resumes her widow's weeds.
PAT FOHD'S head was level when ho
Introduced his resolution calling for an
investigation of the Pinkerton crowd.
OMAHA was in the center of a lively
holitical blizzard vcstorday. Lincoln ,
PlnttBinouthSouth Omaha.Floroncennd
Fremont blow hot and cold on all sides ,
nrid yet Omaha did not got a breath
of it.
IT was rather a queer fight in the
Iowa legislature over the amendments
to tho' pharmacy bill. For orico the
democrats voted against whisky and for
boor , while the republicans favored
straight goods in preference to the pro
duct of the brewery.
TIIK bosses employed by the city
waterworks company at the Florence
reservoir should not mix the Missouri
river fluid with poor whisky so early in
the spring. They rare liable to catch
the county jail malaria.
THE coroner's jury , which hold the
inquest on the remains of Mrs. Ecko ,
killed by the cars on Seventeenth street ,
is to bo commended for not returning a
whitewash verdict. A few more such
findings will teach railroads to pro
vide proper safeguards to life and limb.
THE senate still shows great reluct
ance to give up the secret session , but
! Rlddloborger keeps hammering away ,
and not without effect. As this is
about the only meritorious thing the
Virginia senator has done , he should
receive generous encouragement.
Otiu pious friends who take a whiff of
fresh air on Sixteenth street behind
fipanking trotters Sunday afternoons ,
nil mild not bo too hard on Sunday base
ball playing. Our young men need
healthful oxoroiso , and it would be cruel
to deprive them of it the only day on
which they are at leisure.
TIIK JfeniM sees visions of democratic
victory all along the line in Nebraska ,
just because South Omaha has elected a
democratic mayor and council. Don't
count your spring chickens before they
nro hatched. This is an off year in
town elections , but when the returns
nro in next November the old time re
publican majorities will roll up every
where in Nebraska.
IT is stated that Governor Hill will go
into print at nn early day , in the form
of nn interview , announcing that ho ia
not a rival of Mr. Cleveland for the
presidential nomination. Mr. Hill may
save himself this trouble. Everybody
knows that ho will not bo thought of at
St. Louis , and as matters nro looking in
Now York ho may oven bo uimbk
to secure the ronomination for gover
nor , Mr. Ilill is a fading and frightened -
onod politician.
SHOULD President Cleveland bo injudicious -
judicious enough to mr.ko another ap
polntment to fill the present vacancy or.
the eupromo bunch of the United State ;
asobjoctlonablo to many of our people
us was the appointment of Mr. L. Q. C
Lainar , ho will do more to put in doubt hii
re-olcction than any other act of his ofli
cial lifo. The 41,000,000 of northern people
plo do not want a supreme court from"0 ,
000,000 of southern citizens. This stare ;
good patriots in the face lilio a ppoctro
Old-time republicans and the rein
nnnts. of those valiant * horoci
of the abolition party romombc :
too well the decision of Chief Justlci
Tittiey in the onsa.of Lrc ) l Scott. Trui
that decision did not settle the anti
slavery agitation , but a aapromo tench
with a majority from the soulh.eri
state ? , may give us another 7x0 Ccciaioi
on some jof the questions arising mi din
the amendments to the constitution
This ivo io not waul.
Tlio Itivor And Hnrbor BUI.
The river nnd harbor committee of
the house propose a generous appropria
tion for this class of improvements for
the present year , nnd there could bo no
reasonable objection to this If the nearly
twenty million dollars provided for in
the bill reported from the commlttco
shall be fairly distributed. This is th < J
largest amount ever reported in any
congress for river nnd harbor improve
ments , but in considering this fact it ia
to bo remembered that there was no ap
propriation for this purpose last year ,
nnd an honest expenditure of twenty
millions every two years on the rivers
and harbors of the country cannot bo
regarded as extravagant. With a ple
thoric treasury , growing steadily more
BO , there can bo no good reason why
the government should not provide lib
erally for this class of improvements
wherever they nro really needed nnd
would contribute to the general welfare.
The disrepute into which river nnd har
bor appropriations have fallen is duo to
the fact that'they have given oppor
tunity for numerous jobs by which the
public money has been wasted in order
that congressmen might have some
thing to show their constituents for
their service. A multitude of bargains
nnd trades have been settled in a river
and harbor bill , involving useless ex
penditures amounting to an untold sum.
A not unwarrantable objection to the
present river and harbor bill is the fact
that it docs not contemplate nn equita
ble distribution of the liberal appro
priation. Nine of the nearly
twenty millions would go to the south
ern states , giving but a fraction over
ton millions to all the rest of the coun
try. This docs not have a fair look ,
and with some other features of the bill
suggests that sectional and partisan
considerations had their weight with
the majority of the committee in con
structing the bill. Something of this
kind was perhaps to have boon expected.
The majority are not only democrats ,
but mostof thorn are southern democrats.
It has been abundantly demonstrated
that the representatives from the south
are not at all backward in asking that
their section shall bo generously cared
for in all respects , and there was no
reason to suppose that in the matter of
river and harbor improvomontsan excep
tion would bo made. It happens , however -
over , that in wanting nearly half of
the appropriation there is an unusual
exhibition of greed that has arrested
attention and caused some fault-finding.
The senate will have an opportunity
to correct this inequality , and there can
bo no doubt that it will do so. In order
to do this it will bo necessary to consid
erably reduce the appropriations for
southern rivers and bar bors or swell
the aggregate of all appropriations to
fully twenty-five million dollars. In
either event the measure will bo en
dangered. Very likely the house would
not consent to have the appropriations
for the south cut down to the extent that
would bo necessary to justly equalize the
distribution of the appropriations ,
and there is very little probability that
the president would approve a bill
appropriating a greater sum than that
now proposed. It has been reported ,
doubtless without authority , that ho
would vote the present bill , but there
can bo little question that ho would dose
so with a measure providing fora larger
appropriation than this bill involves.
This consideration will probably have
some weight with congress in determin
ing its final action on a river and har
bor bill. There are sound reasons for a
liberal and honest expenditure in this
direction , and it is to bo hoped congress
will bo able to.pass a measure which the
president can approve , and all sections
bo satisfied with.
English in Indian Schools.
The action of the Methodist Episcopal
conference at Philadelphia , in con
demning the now policy of the Indian
bureau requiring that the English lan
guage shall supersede the vernacular in
the Indian schools , has been replied to
by the president , who expresses great
surprise at the attitude of the confer
ence. Ho says in defense of the policy
adopted that the aim of the government
in the management of the Indians is to
civilize and prepare them for contact
with the world and that in order to ac
complish this it is important they should
have a knowledge of the English lan
guage. Ho regards the teaching of
this language in the Indian schools
as entirely consistent nnd deprecates
the idea that the Indians should
bo allowed to indulge in their bar
barous language because it is easier
for them or because it pleases thorn. A
limited use of the vernacular might be
allowed in bible reading , in text books ,
nnd in oral instruction , but it is not tc
bo encouraged , nnd the curriculum , in
the opinion of the president , ccrtuinl.v
should bo in English.
Ever since the policy of the Indian
bureau in this matter was announced
those friends of the Indians who are es *
pocially concerned for their moral or re
ligious instruction Imvo boon vigor
oufely combatting the departure. This
opposition has not been wholly inof'
foctivo. It has induced a inodillcatior
of the policy us at first announced , bu
this conet'bsion seems not to bo &uf
lluicnt , nnd very likely nothing shor
of nn entire abandonment of the
proposed chuugo , or bO much of n
turromler as would allow the In
dian vernacular to predominate ii
the schools , would satisfy the opjio
nonts of the reform policy. The pi-eel
dent nfasures them , however , Hint tin
rules which have boon adopted by tin
Indian bureau will bo adhered to , am
doubtless this may bo accepted as final
to for as the present administration i
concerned. Uut the opposition wil
nevertheless continue its agitation.
The persons who are engaged in thl
opposition doubtless mean well ; it 1
fair to them to tupposo that they havi
only the beat motives for their attitude
Yet wo hare no doubt that they an
making a mistake , which , if it were t
effect what they desire , wouli matoriall ;
prolong the labor of elevating the In
dians to a condition of civilization am
enabling them to di&chargo the obliga
lions which such a condition involves
The conference , in its protest , say
"thi ) heart of the Indian is in' his Uin
guagd. " It c6uld hardly have made ui
udmibsioa mere damaging ty its case
Taught in hisown language , the affection
which the Indian has for the vornacu-
ar would inevitably bo extended to all
ho traditions of his race which would
> o convoyed to him through that Inn-
guagcto operate as n constant stimulus
o his race instincts. Experience has
hewn that this Is stronger than any
other Influence with the great majority
of Indians , nnd has suggested the policy
of n compulsory attendance of Indian
children at the schools , so that they
may bo kept as much ns possible nway
rom the influence of the adults , It is
obvious that if the children can bo
aught nnothor language than that of
heir fathers nnd induced to give their
icarts to it n very important stop will bo
; alnod in divorcing thorn from the in-
luonco of their fathers nnd loading
'notn into the ways of civilization. Ac
cording to the last report of the socro-
.ary . of the interior there nro forty
housand children of school ngo , from
six to sixteen years , nmong that por-
, ion of Indian population for whoso
benefit the appropriations for Indian
educational purposes , us far as they will
go , nro sought to bo expended. Less
, hnn fifteen thousand of these wore en
rolled in the schools , the average nt-
cndnnco being n little moro than ten
housand. It ia the aim of the govorn-
ncnt to Instruct these children so that
they may become useful to themselves ,
earn to know nnd respect the Inws of
the land , nnd adapt themselves to the
vays nnd requirements of civ-
.lizcd life. The purpose of all
"ccont legislation Is to Ibis
n-acllcal end. The desired consumma
tion will unquestionably bo most easily
nnd rapidly reached by separating the
Indian youths , as far as it may bo prac
ticable to do so , from Associations nnd
nfluonccs that will perpetuate their
eve for the character and traditions of
, ho race , nnd of nil things to which It is
desirable they shnll become strangers ,
their "barbarous language' * is first and
nest important. Teach them to give
ihoir hearts to the English language , as
they now do to their own vernacular ,
and their progress to n full-rounded
ivilizatinn will bo rendered compar
atively easy.
A Case of Malpractice.
The legal fraternity of Nebraska has
been deeply interested in the outcome
of the damage suit for alleged mal
practice against Judge Hamcr , which
had been pending before Judge Wake-
ley for more than n week. The claim
ant for damages was an ox-convict , who
had served a sentence in the peniten
tiary for manslaughter. Ho had boon
led to believe that his attor
ney , Judge Hamer , did not
exorcise nil the professional
diligence and skill which his client's
condition and circumstances called for.
This impression was , however , thor
oughly dissipated by the testimony of
attorneys who were present at the trial
twelve years ago , and of Judge Goslin ,
before whom ho was tried and convicted.
Tlio triumphant vindication of Judge
Hamcr by the verdict of the jury was
by no means unexpected. Any other
verdict would have been rank injustice.
But the attorney who conducted the
case against Judge Hamer has gained
notoriety at the expense of his
reputation. In his desire to drag a
district judge from his homo and de
prive his district of his own services ,
nnd those of nnothor judges who wns nn
indisponsiblo witness in the case to
gratify an insane desire for notoriety
is , to say the least , not commendable.
If there has boon any professional mal
practice the charge rests justly against
the attorney who has misled the plain
tiff into pushing such n suit.
While Judge Hnmeris to be congratu
lated , Douglas county is to bo commis
erated in being put to an expense of
nearly $300 in this now celebrated cause
of Williams versus Ilamer.
Tlio Fractional Currency Rill.
The decisive majority of 178 to 07 by
which the house of representatives
passed the fractional currency bill , is
indicative of a popular demand and a
heeding by congress. It is to bo hoped
that the senate will act as promptly and
decidedly as did the houso. The bill
was reported by the committee on bank
ing and currency and had the endorse
ment of every member of the committee
save ono.
With its usual good sense the Amer
ican Banker , New York , March 31 ,
fcays :
Tlio passage of the bill to provide frac
tional currency was pretty % 'ciicrnlly re
ceived with favor by these merchants in
New York who receive- much money through
the innils in small amounts. Postage slump's
nro inconvenient to send mid not easy to got
rid of in largo quantities , Postal notes cost
something and are not to bo obtained nt all
ofllcos. Of course the now currency cannot
entirely supersede tlio postal note , became it
ia to bo issued only in sums of 10 , 15 and 2i !
cents , BO that It cannot bo used to pay uuy
sum not divisible uy five.
No bill relating to the currency over
passed by congress caused greater in
convenience to the mercantile class
than the bill to displace the fractlonn 1
currency. Tlio fractional paper cur
rency is badly needed for mercantile exchanges -
changes among the industrial classes
and will prove of material advantage tc
business men in the larger cities.
A Htrikiui ; Contrast.
The Iowa state board of cquahzutior
ha'asacbsed the four miles of Union Pa
citlcrailroad moro or loss located ens
of the Missouri river at $150,000 pei
mile. At this rate the Union Pncifh
will thlfl year bo required to pay taxei
on an assessment of $000,000 for its ro.ii
bed , right of way mid depot grounds in
Council Bluffs. This , of course , ip
eludes also the east half of the Unioi
Pacific bridgo. On this side of the
river the Union Pacific is assessed a
less than 312,000 per mile and the wes
half of the bridge is returned at $150,001
which in 8100,000 less than it was assessed
sossod for during more than twolv *
years. In other words the taxable val
nation of the Union Pacific railrotu
from the center of the Missouri nvoi
channel ton point loss than four miles
east in the state of Iowa is fixed a
$000,000. The valuation of Union Pa
cillc railroad west from the center of tin
Missouri channel to Summit station i
point about the * same distance
including bridge valuationis R fractlot
tbua WPO.QOO , The uctuul valui
of the depot grounds nnd right of way
nt Onmhn is morc'llinn ' double the vftltio
of the grounds nhA improvements in
lown , but the nssessed value in Iowa is
more than three itlmes that in Nobrns-
ca , The depot pVdunds nnd right of
vny nt Council Blutts wore bought nnd
paid for by the Union Pacific at the full
market value of thb land. The depot
rounds nnd rlg1 of way nt Oinahn
vcro donated to jho roail by the city
and by individual property owners.
The cost ot the Union Pacific depot
grounds to thls ty was S200,000 , for
which 10 per cent bonds were issued.
Four years hence , when these bonds
mature , the interest mid principal will
aggregate $000,000.
While Council Bluffs nnd the county
of Poltownttomlo derive locnl taxes
on $600,000 for the four
niloa of Union Pacific rnll-
road , neither has over contributed
n dollar in bonds toward the purchase of
depot grounds or construction of the
bridgo. On the contrary Douglns
county donated $2-50,000 in bonds ns n
subsidy to aid in the construction of the
Union Pacific bridgo. When these
xnids mature the contributions by the
, nxpayers of this county will amount to
> 750,000 or thereabouts , ranking n grand
/olnl of city nnd county donations of
81,350,000. And yet the Union Pacific
managers have entered protest with the
Bounty commissioners against nn ns-
Bossmontof $2-50,000 on their bridge , nnd
procured n reduction of their nssc&s-
mont to $150,000. Comment is un
necessary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
noy-gonoral ot the United States , died
in Philadelphia yesterday. Ho was ono
of the most distinguished lawyers in the
country. Mr. Browster was appointed
attorney-general ot the United States
| jy President Arthur , succeeding Wayne
MoVcagh on December 19 , 1881 , and
continuing in the ofllco to the close of
Arthur's administration. When ho en
tered the cabinet the Gultcau trial was
in progress , but ho had little identifica
tion with that memorable event. The
most important task that was devolved
upon him as attorney-general was the
prosecution of the star route cases
against the Dorscys and Brady , which
resulted in the acquittal of the accused.
The course of Browster in this matter
was subjected to n good deal
of criticism as not being char-
aetorized'by the zeal nnd solicitude of a
prosecutor who desired conviction , and
ho unquestionably' suffered in public
confidence , but tTib'ro ' is reason to be
lieve that ho acted Jn good faith , though
perhaps committing too much to the
management of others who were quite
willing that the government should bo
defeated. Except as to this matter ,
which covered nearly half his term of
office , his administiuvtion of the depart
ment of justice Was without blemish ,
but it can hardly bt > said to have added
to his professional1 reputation. Since
his retirement froin public position ho
has been engaged in the practice of law
in Philadelphia , whore ho had n very
Inrgo and lucrative business. No men
tion of Mr. 'Browstor would bo
complete that did not refer to
his personal appearance. Ho was
distinguished as perhaps the ugliest
man in the country , but this peculiar
eminence did not interfere with his being -
ing a welcome guest in society , where
his attainments made him popular.
A More Cipher.
Acu > York H'orW.
Of course there is a cipher connected with
General Grant's book. The cipher is Adam
I3adoau. _
Volapuk .Recognized.
MlniieajtnU/i Tribune.
By making Mr. Strother M. Stockslager
commissioner of the land ofllco the president
has officially recognized Volapuk.
Ilnppy and Prosperous.
Chicago Tribune.
Time 3 a. m. Democratic managing editor
( through speaking-tube ) Any moro of our
state treasurers defaulted I
Night Editor None reported.
Managing Editor Ingalls broke out
again ?
Night Editor Nothing from Ingalls.
Managing Editor Then run that editorial
entitled "Tlio Country Generally Prosperous
und Happy , " and close the forms.
A ItndKO ol'JIonor.
AVu > Yoilt Commercial Advertiser.
Another virtue Is to bo credited to the ac
count of the late Chiuf Justice Waitc. Ho
died poor. Not that poverty is a virtue or
wealth a crime , but so many men in public
lifo have misused their oillulal positions in
the interest of their private fortunes Hint
poverty in onlco has corno to bo regarded ns a
badge of honor.
Nel > rnnlca'H Hiircliard ,
New Ymli'list. .
Nebraska has a political clergyman or n
clerical politician after Gcorgo P. Hoar's
own heart. Ilia name is He1. J , G. Tuto ,
and ho went to the banquet of republican
clubs in Omaha the other evening. Ho was
nsicod to respond to the toast , "Tho republi
can party voiced the will of God , " nnd ho
began by dolaring that "tho republican parti-
has marched side by Bide with Jehovah , and
is obeying His commands. " This is certainly
important , and wo nro Hurprised that repub
lican papers in the o.tstvcro so lacking In
enterprise as not to luivo the news tele
graphed , instead of leaving It to make its way
half across the continent by mall.
Nelir.iRlru .Jottings.
Senator Van Wydf is booked for an
address at Blue Hill next Monday night.
Hebron proposes to bore for coal , and
is discussing the beat moans of dropping
$ ! i,000 to $0,000 into a hole ,
The sun of York is rapidly approach
ing the meridian of prosperity. Street
cars and a daily pnper nro booked among
the early cortulntiud ,
Hubo Kissel , of "Dodgo " county , has
moved away , and $800 of school district
funds went with him. Ho loft hid
bondsmen the privilege of Bottling up.
Patent plate concerns are working oil1
on the state press pictures of "Father
Itiordan , " the famous Cabtlo Garden
priobt , who died last fall , as an outline
of the features of ArehbiHhop Riordan ,
of San Francisco. This is enterprise
with whibkors.
Senator Wolbaoh , of Grand Island ,
positively declined to bo voiibidered 11
candidate for congress in the third dij > -
trict. Ono brief ponton of public lifo
he considers ample for ; i life time , and
he proposob to devote his time to hid
family and business ; and other congenial
The Denver Republican credits.
Governor John M. Thayer with origina
ting Arbor day. That blessed event
had Uj3 birth and happy fruitipn in the
mind of Hon. J. Sterling Morton , ono of
Nebraska's branlest citizens , who lives
to eco the idea develop into n' practical
tree planting holiday in nearly nil the
northern states. And the treeless west
Is roaring forests of living monuments
to his originality.
Charles Springhorn , acnttlo borrower
In Dakota county , who was recently mm-
toncod to two years in the penitentiary ,
expressed his contempt for legal re
straints by digging his way out of the
cell , Ho wns cnught nnd returned to the
town dohy. Shortly nftor ho nttoinptcd
sulcido by hanging. This moans nlso
failed , anil ho is now nursing n painful
whoczo in his windpipe.
The Imported compotcnls on the Bur
lington nro daily lidding to the pile of
junk in the Plnttsmouth shops. Mon
day night the hostler banged nn engine
into a car that had been jacked up for
repairs , drove It through the door Into
the repair round house and against nn
ether engines und barely escaped driv
ing the wreck through the building.
This insures the hostler early promo
tion ,
Quito n largo bunch of Burlington
scabs are herded in a hash house at Gib
son , Just below Omaha. They wear six-
inch dirk knives , revolvers nnd looks of
terror. While the Pinkies nro nbout
they nro boldly defiant and reckless.
Ono day last week an engineer ordered
his firoinnn under the engine to clean
the ash pan. White tlio latter was nt
work 'the engineer started the engine ,
to "squeeze the conceit out of his
mate. " The fireman dropped into the
ash pit and escaped doath.
Iowa Items.
Tlio Catholics of Carson propose to
build a church.
An elevator company has boon incor
porated in Dubuquo.
A Dubuque woman took what she
supposed wns n spoonful of medicine ,
but was liniment composed of aconite
and belladonn. A physician saved her
The receipts of the Sioux City post-
office for the year ending March Id
amounted to $50,0'22.DO , an increase over
the corresponding period last year of
Two freight trains came to a terrible
collision east of Marshalltown Sunday ,
badly smashing ono of the engines ,
bruising a man in ono of the cabooses
and killing twelve head of cattle.
The grading of the approach to the
Iowa end of the Missouri river bridge
nt Sioux City will bo finished this
month. Contractor McNamaru will
then move his- grading outfit to the Ne
braska side and grade tluit approach.
The 2,000 feet immediately west of the
end of the bridge will bo troatlo work ,
the earth bank being from the trestle
west to Bridgoborough.
Aberdeen is planting a system ot
Blunt has closed a contract for a
Snow plown are at work uncovering
the railroad between Gary and Water-
Deadwood and Rapid City nro jealous
rivals for the commercial supremacy of
the Hills.
The air line railroad to Omaha has
been lost in the real estate boom in
Farmers in the vicinity of Bradley
have subscribed $1,500 toward the es
tablishment of n choose factory.
The Pacilic Const.
There are 103 salmon canneries on
the Pacific coast.
Limestone in largo quantities lias
been discovered in Douglas county , W.
nia. .
'Jho trustees of the Oregon State uni
versity have decided to build an obser
Twenty-five logging camps and seven
canneries will be in operation in Pacific
county , Oregon , this season ,
By the reason of the influx of eastern
capitalists , paper money has become
very plentiful in Portland , Ore.
The list of salmon canneries on the
Pacific coast now number 1015 , a consid
erable increase over the number last
year , when 097,000 coses of salmon were
Nevada local hunters say that the
cold wave which swept across western
Nevada last January killed all the rab
bits and thinned the ranks of the
badgers and coyotes , formerly so nu
merous on the dcsart.
A Society Audience 03 roots Mrs. .TiiniCH
Jit-own Poltc-r.
Tlio first appearance of Mrs. .Tames Brown
Potter at IJoyd's last night was signalled by
a largo , brilliant nnd fashionable audience.
To say that the lady was tendered an enthu
siastic reception would not bo to exaggerate
the situation In the least , for when she first
made her appearance In the second act the
most pronounced applause was lavished upon
her. The murmur of admiration that fol
lowed this outburst was decidedly com
plimentary in Its prolongation.
Mrs , Potter Is tall und slender , but grace
ful nnd willowy in motion. Her face is
finely chiseled and clear out in its rare and
delicate beauty. Her profile is daintily
Roman , her oyrs largo and expressive , und
n muss of lovely , light brown hair frames her
classical forehead linoly. Hlio has a sweet
hinilo nnd constantly displays her exquisitely
white teeth. Her hands are hhapcly and her
lingers taper. Jt Is possibly cruel to itemize
such beauty in this way , but in this case all
look for partioularlzation. Her acting , nbout
which so much curiosity exists , was fully as
good us ono has any right to expect , and in
Homo of the climaxes of "Loyal Loyo" she
ovIncoH much liUtrlonlo talent that yet
promihus great things for her. Slio is con-
bcifiitiouh and painstaking , and , In conso-
quvru-n , deserves naught hut the kindliest
criticism. Slio exhibits at times a lack of ox-
pericnco in metrical reaching , yet renders
her lines with n sweetness and effect that Is
really captivating. Her voice is good , nnd
she ndaptf. it well to the trying scenes in
which it takes buch a prominent part. She
is n trillo stilted , and apparently self-con-
bcious , hut not to a degree to mar her loveli
ness of person or her effort to uciiuit herself
in accordance with the dramatic require
ments of the situation. She Is ever in earn
est , and there must bo a brilliant and prosperous -
porous future bcforo hor. To-night she is to
bo seen as "Juliet. "
ICyrlo Hollow , as the Prlnco , looked hand
some and acted with finest artist io taitc ,
wlulo J. 13. Kellard did some nice work as
Goimiles. the perfidious friend of the king.
Without hesitancy , the entire cast is pro
nounced up to moro than the standard of any
of the traveling companies presenting a
similar rcpertorio.
Tcmplnra Hniuiltcd.
LONDON , April 4. The Grand Lodge of
Templars has adopted the report of the
representatives who attended the session at
Saratoga , nt which the reunion of both
sections of the supreme court was effected.
Jake Slinn. AVill Die.
NEW YOKK , April 5. Tl.e Tribune says
that Jacob Sharp Is in n serious condition ,
and his physicians expect him to llvo but a
bit > rl time.
TIM ) Cliumlxr'H Now President.
PAUI3 , April 4. M. Miliuo was to-day elec
ted president of the chamber of deputies ,
after which the chamber adjourned to
May iy. '
Tlio Aiiyhblnlun Uout.
HOME , ApriU.-Tho AbybbJuuin retreat
continues. Many fugitives are llocHJng to tUo
Uajiau Huts ia a furnished coudilUm.
Illll M'UlKlnuvliiK Htq llootn.
NKW YOHK , April 4. [ Special Telegram to
the Br.r. . ] An Interview t with Governor
Hill is expected to Appear in ono of the Now
York democratic papers this week , The gov
ernor Is known to Imvo cherished nn Idcn for
some time that it would bo n politic thing for
him to nppoar In print ns ono who hnd no
intention of competing with Olovolnml for
the presidential nomination , nnd who never
declared by word of mouth that ho was n
presidential candidate. Some Ingenuity will
bo necessary to explain the nets of certain
friends , but the governor feels cqu nl to the
occasion. The interview will bo the admin-
slon that the governor made n discovery
since the last meeting of the democratic
state committee that the president's friends
have been busily nt work In the ntnto for six
weeks , nnd the moro aggressive nmong them
have been gleefully nwnlllng the time when
they could fairly confront , the Hill boom.
The presence In Albany of n certain distin
guished Now York newspaper commissioner
lends strength to the belief that the gov
ernor is engaged In the great net of with
drawing his boom from public gaze.
The Oregon Democrats.
Pr.Nnt.KTON , Ore. , April 4. In the demo
cratic stnto convention John M. Qoarln , of
Portland , was nominated for congrosR , nnd
Judge John Burnett , of Corvallls , for BU
promo Judge.
The delegates to the national convention
nro General ,1. P. Miller , Nnpoloon Davis , T.
J. lilack. Colonel J. K. Kelley , M. S. Hell-
man nnd II. Klippoll.
Resolutions wore adopted endorsing Cleveland -
land for president and Governor Pennoyer ,
of Oregon , for vice president , which nro
equivalent to instructions. M , II , Kftlngor ,
W. H. Uilyou and E. H. Sklpworth were nom
inated for presidential electors.
The platform endorses the state nnd na
tional administrations ; endorses tlio policy
of tariff revision and the reduction of the
surplus revenue as sot forth In the presi
dent's last annual message ; demands a for
feiture of unearned land grants and endorses
the president's views on the subject ; sug
gests that the pension roll bo n roll of honor
without visiting on the people its great finan
cial burden , and demands liberal appropria
tions for river nnd harbor Improvements.
Vermont H el cots
BunLiNOTON , Vt. , April 4. At the repub
lican state convention to cliooso delegates to
the Chicago convention , the following wcro
elected delegates at largo : Ex\iovcrnor
Proctor , General McCullogh , Colonel J. J.
Estey nnd Frank Plumley.
General McCullough in a speech said the
Issues wcro temperance , civil service reform ,
surplus and frco ballot , but the greatest is
sue wns that of the tariff. Among the can
didates mentioned , Hlaino.'s name was mot
with the greatest favor , llcpow and Sheridan
The platform rcnfllrms allegiance to the
principles of libertv and union which have
been cardinal with the party ; declares it fun
damental that elections must bo pure nnd
honest ; that the constitution in this respect
is nullified by the democratic house , nnd that
popular government is thus seriously im
periled ; that the only remedy is to restore to
power the party that saved the union ; be
lieves in the protection of American markets
for American citizens , and favors such taxa
tion as will yield only revenue that general
welfare requires , nnd such tariff ns will ob
viate the largo surplus In the treasury and
protect producers and artisans from serious
competition with foreign capital. The reso
lutions strongly condemn President
Cleveland's disregard of civil service
reform nnd insists upon the rectification of
the flagrant abuse of the system , favor n
policy of public supervision of- great corpora
tions and trusts. Gratltudo , to the soldiers
nnd sailors who saved the country is warmly
expressed and generous provision for their
comfort favored. The immigration of a mass
of people of nationalities who do not assimi
late with our own should bo suppressed. The
government should provide means , without
invading the rights of the states , to educate
the illiterate. Women will bo wholly wel
come to equal participation in government
when they give cvideneo of n doslro for en
franchisement in sufiiclcnt numbers. The
Saloon ! s an unmixed social oyll and friends
of temperance should work together p'oliti-
cally for the most restrictive measures.
California Prohibitionists.
SAN FIUXCISCO , April 4. The piohihition
convention for the state of California met
here this morning nnd spent the day in rou
tine work. Ex-Governor St. John , of Kan
sas , was in attendance.
Missouri's Municipal Contests.
ST. Louis , April 4. The municipal elec
tions throughout Missouri yesterday were
unusually spirited contests , much interest
being centered on the question of local
option. In many cases old governments
wcro completely overturned by the fusion of
parties and the election of citizens' tickets.
SulsllcH ! Voted tlio Union Pacific.
PL.AINSVIM.B , Kan. , April 4. [ Special
Telegram to the I3ei : . ] An election was held
in llvo townships of this ( Hooks ) county to
day to vote subsidies to the Union Pacific
railway. It Is to bo completed hero by July
4 , and will bo made the through line to Den
ver from the cast. PlamBvlllo is to ho made
the end of a division. The majorities were
very large. _
Rhode Inland KopnblicnitR Win.
PnoviDES'ci ! , H. I. , April 4. Present re
turns Indicate the election of Taft , republi
can , for governor , by 1,000 to 1,500 majority.
The entire vote will not vary much from that
of last year.
The vote for governor was Taft , ( rep. ) ,
DO.TdS ; IXwIs , ( dcm. ) . 17,414 ; Gould , ( pro ) ) . ) ,
l.lttr. ; majority for Taft , l/.iv.i. Exact rtn-
tistlcs of the general assembly cannot bo
glvi-n to-night , but the republicans will have
n majority on joint ballot.
i l ! < M > iil > ll < ; aiiN.
JACKSON , Miss. , April 4. The republican
convention to-day nominated delegates at
largo to the national convention ns follows :
.Ino , 11. Lvni'h , Jns , Hill , J. M. Stringer and
John II. McGlll. John H. Lynch made n
speech , arraigning both the state nnd national
administrations. The convention did not In-
Btruot the delegates , hut referred to John
Sherman as a popular statesman nnd ono of
the strongest men mentioned in connection
with the presidency , nnd ono whoso nomina
tion would uo specially acceptable to tlio
BI.OOSIINCITON , 111. , April 4 , The republi
cans of McLean county in convention this
afternoon Instructed the delegates to work
for Fifor for governor , Howell for congress
and Heevos for the .supremo bench.
Work men Hcjcct H and Ho
locid H to Hlint Down.
PiTTSiifiio , April 4.Tho strikers at the
Edgar Thompson steel works to-day rejected
Andrew Carnegie's ro-oporntlvo proposition.
Jur. Carnegie immediately ordered a eom-
pluto shut-down of the great plant until Jan
uary 1 , 18VJ. This announcement wns ro.
cflvcd with dismay by the workingmcn. It
will throw out of employment over five
thousand men.
Tlio Karmi'r in I'olltlOH.
J/fmuvijmlf Journal.
It is about time for the alliance to
begin to stir things up again. Two
years ugo this organization created
scarcely loss rumpus in state jwlitics
than the two loading parties themselves.
It can hardly be expected to attract as
much attention thib year , however , because -
cause Farmer Donnolly la not here , but
it is preparing for business early und
shows a disposition to take a hand in the
game as usual.
As long as the Farmers' Alliance
chooses io confine iU-olf to stnto politics
no one cuti consistently object to its interference -
torferonco with the party politicians'
plans us much as it mny bo inclined.
The alliance is a political organization
itself and politic * ) ia its beat hold. It
has a legitimate mission in influencing
political convention called to name cun-
didntui und frame platforms and in
keeping an eye on thu ndniinUtration of
tlto b'lutq covorpmeut with a view to
guarding the interests of the fitrmens.
llr MOINRR , In. , April 4. At the morning
session of the senate the mining bills wore
taken up. House fllo 24 passed , c l bll hlnR
a uniform system of weighing coal nt Vho
mines and punishing irrcciilniitios.
The bill passed providing suitable scales to
bo placed nt mines , providing for n check
wolKlimnn nnd putting weighers under oath ;
the bill passed providing for the payment
In lawful money of these employed In coal
mines ; the bill passed providing that an
escape shaft must bo 300 feet from the work-
Intf shaft unless otherwise ordered by the
mine Inspector and no building to bo within
100 foot except the house covering the fan.
The sennto concurred in the house amend'
mcnt to the state printing nnd binding bill
cutting the price of press work.
Tho-bill passed regulating nnd punishing
pools , trusts nnd conspiracies.
The Rcnnto spent the oftornoon In thodls.
cusslon of the temperance nnd pharmacy bill ,
nnd adopted but few amendments , none ot
which wcro important.
Uoth houses in joint convention this evenIng -
Ing elected a state printer nnd n binder. For
state printer the ballot stood ns follows He-
publican Gco. Hagsdalo , of Plymouth coun
ty 88 votes ; democrat W. H. Holllngsworth ,
of Keokuk county ! M votes. For state binder ,
Otto Nelson , of DCS Molnes 65 , republican ;
Colonel Geo. Otis , of McGregor UU , demo
At the oven Ing session of the senate bills
passed M follows : Senate file , No. 184 , legalIzing -
Izing the ordinances of the > town of Grand
Junction ; house file , No.010 , legalizing the nuU
and ordinances of the town of Dow City ;
house fllo , No. 57T , legalizing the Incorpora
tion of tlio town of Miuiillu.
Senate file No. Ill , by Mr. Tnylor , provid
ing for the assessment of railway property
by boards of supervisors , was Indefinitely
Senate file No. 140 , by Mr. Gatch , restrict
ing the length of argument of counsel in civil
nnd criminal cases , snvo these punished by
death , was amended , making the restrictions
equal on both parties , nnd not less than ono
hour In criminal coses. The bill wns ordered
to engrossment.
DKS MOINKS , In. , April 4. In the house , at
the morning session the bill passed creating ,
in cities over yoo.OOO.'n board of public works.
The report made by the second con
ference commlttco on the half mill levy ,
recommending that the house reccdo from
the amendment striking out " 1SSO , " was re
The Rico bill providing for apportioning
the state into representative districts nnd de
claring the ratio of representation nt ono for
every 20,701 , was discussed but no action was
taken. Tlio committee bill is offered us n
substitute , embracing the present law.
At the afternoon session the spccinl order
was the Rico bill for apportioning the stnto
into now districts with ono representative for
every 20,7lU inhabitants. The commlttco of
fered an amendment to the entire bill , em
bodying the present law. The amendment
wns adopted by a vote of 44 to 45 , but wns
lost on engrossment.
The 2 cent passenger fair bill was taken up
and passed without amendment.
Telling Etigiiict ) Ily the Hell.
Springfield Union : A fine ear for
music is no rarity , yet peculiarities are
occasionally noticed that attract atten
tion. It is said that export musical
conductors can toll which ono of thirty
or forty instruments should come in at
given points in 'orchestra. ! work , or in
minute technicalities who is wrong.
Ability to name a keynote is also some
times noticed ; that is , some people on
hearing : i chord upon piano or organ ,
can toll , without seeing the instrument
or player , what key has been struck , or
what is the signature of a chord or con
certed piece. This is quite rare , but a ,
more peculiar faculty is sometimes ex
hibited. Some time ago two people
wcro walking near a , railroad crossing
in the ovenincr. The man hnd at onetime
time been a switchman on the railroad.
Ilis companion said , ns a train was hoard
approaching :
' \Is that tlio Chicago express ? "
"No , " ho answered , "that's a wildcat
with engine SMG. "
"How do you knowV"
"I know by the sound of her bell. "
His companion was skeptical , so ho
said :
"Now you stand here till that train
comes in sight und BOO if I am not
right. "
And sure enough a minute later a
light engine , No. 236 , passed under the
electric light at the crossing , tolling
her bell meanwhile.
"I learned to do that when I was
switching nights. " the man explained.
"I had thirty trains to lot into tlio train
house between 7 p. in. nnd the morning.
There wore nine tracks for them to go
in on and I learned to know which waH
switch with a smile by the tone 01
her bcllH. "
Such a faculty is a rare one and can
not bo acquired' where it does not exist. "
Cat arrlialD angers.
To bo freed from the dangers of miirocatlon
while lyiiiK < lnwn ; to brentho freely. HleepMMiml-
ly nntl tindlsliirbeil ; to rlso rcfrehhcd , head
clear , brain nctlvo nml free from palnornchuj
to Know that no poisonous , putrid matter rtellle.s
the breath ami rots uwny the dellnito mncliln-
cry of Hinoll , taste nnd hearing ; to feel that the
system does not , through Its veins nnd arteries ,
suck up the pohon that Is Hiiro to un-
dermlnoand destroy , Is Indeed a uliMstiitf bu-
yond nil other human enjoyments. To purchase
Immunity from Buch n fate ehould bo the object
of nil allllutoil. Hut these who Imvo tried mnny
remedies and physicians despair of relief or
BANPOinVflllAimw. CitiiK moots ovcryplmin
of Cntauh , from a Klmplo head cold to the most
loiithsomo nml destructive ) Htaaei. It In local
and conHtltutlonal , Instant In rullaving , pot-
mnnentln curing , safe , etoiiomlcal nnd never-
SANFonn'n IUmcAr < Cvnr conslsU of ono hot-
tloof tht > HAIMCAICIJIIB , onubux f CVTAIWII-
A i , SOI.VK.NT , and onn IMIMIOVKII INIIAI.KII , till
trapped In oiiKparkago. with treatlMiiiud illiec-
tloiiH , anil sold by all dniKRlbtn fur $1.00.
Aehlns Kliles ami Hack. IIli ) , Kidney
and rtertno I'uliw , Klieunmtlr Hclatlc ,
NeuralRlc , Sharp ami Hhootlnii 1'ulns ,
nrilA ANTI-1'AIN I'I.AHTEII. Thu llr t and only
paln-klllliiK plaster. A porfucf , liiBtantaneonn.
novvr-fallliifi antidote to pain , inflammation anil
wvukniiKs. Knpeclally iulapt il to rnlliivo feinalo
imliiH anil WfuJtnes.ios. At allilruKglHUS.CoiitHj
( it- lit 1'OTTKU UllUU AND ClIKMlOAI. CO. , JlO4tOll ,
She Tried and Knows.
A bailing chemist of Ne-v York
eays ; " No plasters ofmeli merit as
the A t h-lo-plio-ron 1'lnt ( era havccvcr
heforo been produced. " They are
n novelty hi-cause they nro not mude
Mmply to Bell cheap , they ere thu
heat that ficience. fckill and money
can produce , and will do wlmt Is
claimwl for them. For tjirftlns ,
adieu , weakliest ) , laineuuu , etc. ,
they are iiiicqualyd.
M FnllunRt..Rsnltiiir.O.Nov ( " \ ' '
Tlio AthloiihOHui JrU Ur ctM like
maitlc. it i tliu ki > l I CUT tiiijl ami I
h e u l many lilmln Our ilrwviil
wiiil " | . | a lorn ru ll nloul llm amo"liut
I .lor.'l think BO now 1 rrraliicd my arm
anil nliuuldrr In Julr , M.illt lift * l i >
raliifiil sluci' ' , but ll flora , hot rain " ' l
ll now Mm. W iLUb MAOIIJ *
jJS-Scml C ccnti for the beautiful colored j > lc-
turu , "MoorMiiluklun , "
Ihlf iptliBlpuipgM , CB t a *
II T1Tlf rliXllk > I. ( t > -
" imlkltj c.iritu /
* Vlf i ui
; < crf
ill Ii lUH < Wttllllffl . UM
- - - - - - - - ' .L-ie , -
liiltil yutik.U'ie Ibwp