Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Ycftlcrdny'fl internal revenue collec
tions amounted to $2,083.09 ,
Robert Lutnpkin , the Union PncLflc
engineer who ischnrtfcdwUh thumping
ft 13. V M. scnb lust Snltmlny evening ,
wns nrruigncd yesterday afternoon but
RCcured n continuance until the llth at
2 p. m.
Five mllUnry convicts now confined
at Fort Omaha Miclmol Moycr. Wil
liam King , Henry K. Wells , William
H. Koric and John II. Warren have
been ordered sent to the Fort Lcnvon-
\vortli military prison under guard.
A brief session of the board of public
works was hold yesterday afternoon.
The bill of .1. P. Smith , amounting to
fSO.'lO , for bridging the sunken sewer at
Twenty-eighth ana Farnnm streets , was
allowed. 1'he bond of the Nebraska and
Colorado Stone company , which was
awarded the contract for paving
alloys , was accepted. The reserve of
J. Ji. Riley , amounting to $219.01 , on
sewer district , Farnnm street , Thir
ty-first to Thirty-sixth , was allowed.
A painter named John Oliver was
caught by the workmen in the Murray
building 'filling his pockets with their
tools yesterday afternoon and was given
n terrible trouncing. Alter they had
hit and kicked about every square inch
of liis anatomy , they called in the pollco
and had him sent to the central station ,
whore ho awaits his arraignment before
the judge this morning. He thinks ho
has had punishment enough and hopes
for n dismissal of his case.
Two members of the evangelical alll-
nnco called upon the mayor yesterday
and misted on his preventing the young
men of the city from playing ball on
Sunday. ' The mayor looked decidedly
bored and told them that there was no
ordinance to prevent the boys from thus
enjoying themselves. Ills visitors then
asked him if there was not a state law
against it. His excellency told tjiom
there was , but excused himself from
further committing himself until ho
should see them again in a few days.
When a similar delegation once waited
upon ox-Mayor Boyd while that gentle
man was the chief executive of the city ,
ho utterly ignored them , and the mat
ter was dropped.
Personal 1'nrnurnplin.
R. C. Jefferson , of St. Paul , is at the Pax-
Mr. V. J. Williams , of Lcliigh , la. , is in
iho sity. '
J. H. Knox , of DcsMoincs , In. , is registered
nt the Puxton.
Mr. ClmrlcB Jennings , of Lchigh , la , , is in
the "city visiting friends.
J. B. Finicy , a very heavy property holder
in thin city , arrived yesterday from his
homo in Pennsylvania and is stopping ut the
Pax to n.
Mr.JUfrea Wilkio Lear , formerly with C.
D. Hess' opera company , passed through this
city yesterday , by noon train , en route for
Melbourne , Australia , via San Francisco ,
sailing' from thence Thursday , April 5 , per F.
S. Moriposn. Mrs , Marie Hester , contralto ;
Avon D. Saxon , baritone ; Arthur J. Hub-
bard , basss ; and Mrs. Ilubbarcl also are of
the party , engaged for the Amy Shenvin
opera company , commencing their season in
Mclbourno early in May , in a repertoire of
standard English operas. The party are all
from Boston , and were engaged for this tour
by Manager L. M. Ruben , of Now York city ,
Miss Shcnvin's representative in this
Five New Clerks.
Postmaster Gallagher yesterday increased
his clerical force by the addition of live new
appointees in the postal department.
Van "Wyck at IMnttBinoutli.
General C. H. Van Wyck will deliver an
address upon the leading issues of the day
at Plattsmouth. Alargo gathering is expect
ed honor of the occasion.
One hundred and ninety-two saloon men
had paid the required $750 yesterday. The
total amount $ , makes handsome
, $1-1-1,000 a very -
some showing. _
ftono Ui the Spout.
John A. King , the proprietor of 1302
Faniam , P. J. Kirby .North Sixteenth street ,
and Baldwin ut Fourteenth and Howard ,
saloonkeepers , minblo to meet tliofTOO license
were closed yesterday.
fur n Husband.
Mrs. Ella Burton , of Grand Rapids. Mich. ,
writes Chief Seuvy for information regard
ing her husband , who lias been missing since
February , and whom she heard had been
seen in this city. _
Recalcitrant AVidicsscs.
Deputy United States Marshal Allen took
John Holley and It. E. Owens to Diibuqup ,
In. , to appear as witnesses in a case in that
city for sending obscene matter through the
mails. These two men rofusnd to obey u
summons and had to bo taken by writ of at
tachment. _
Itroku a Ijcfj.
Mike Roffclla , an Italian laborer employed
in cleaning the streets , while engaged in lift
ing a heavy "apron , " used as a crossing from
the gutter to the curb , slipped and fell ,
the heavy weight striking him 011 the right
leg , breaking it at the ankle. Dr. Ralph took
the wounded man to the station , wliero the
fractured limb was set.
Invited to AViiHlilngtnn.
The Onmhrt Board of trade is in receipt of
an invitation from the Philadelphia com
mercial exchange asking them to send n del
egation to Washington next May to partici
pate in n national mooting of all the boards
of trade , ut which several amendments will
bo .Hscesscd to the inter state laws with a
view of improving thorn ,
Want Over.tlio licit Ijlno.
W. N , Nason , chairman of the manufac
turer's committee of the board of
trade , and Secretary George M , Nat-
linger , together with a num
ber of members from the board , ye stenlay
afternoon went over the belt line in a private
car witli a view of selecting sites for manu
facturing purposes. There are a largo num
ber of manufacturers anxious to locate in
Omaha , and if proper arrangements can bo
made they will come on at once.
Gonn Down thn Klver.
Two of the engineers engaged upon the
new brldgo attempted to cross the Big Muddy
in a skiff yesterday and wore caught
amongst the floating ice ana carried out of
eight below the city , The men were seen
working for their lives , but were powerless
to free themselves from thov swiftly moving
llocs und were compelled to take an involun
tary journey , There Is no telling how far
they may bo carried down the river , but
there is llttlo danger but what they will
finally come out all right.
Now Freight Schedule.
A now Joint freight tariff to go into force
April 0 , has been issued by Chairman Faith *
orno. It shows the ratio of through rates
from the seaboard to Council Bluffs , Omaha
and all points throughout this state and Kan
sas , Tlio former differentials in nil through
west bound freight from the coast to Chicago
cage continue. Kast bound the sum of the
two locals front the regular through rate.
All the lines ugrco to adhere to this now
schedule , and thus cud all further cutting.
1'ropoHnln for 1'rlntliiff.
City Comptroller Goodrich had up till noon
yesterday received four proposals for the fur
nishing of blanks and books for Juso } by the
city ofllciats , and will turn them over to the
council for their consideration this evening ,
when the contract will doubtless bo awarded.
It it said the action of the council in deciding
to do this work by contract was a mistake ,
and that better books and paper arc furnished
under tno present system , whereas when the
contract system becomes established inferior
work anil material will bo submitted.
More Runaway Oars.
Four freight cars which were standing on
tiie Union I'oclflo siding ut Slicely's station
broke loose last night about 8'o'clock and ran
nt terrlflo speed down the grndo towards
this city. The runaways , nowovcr ,
were discovered In time to stop their flight at
the latter point , and thus what might liavo
been a terrible accident , was avoided. The
overland flyer from the cast on the Union
Pacific was duo about that tune , and it was
only by very rapid work on the part of em
ployes of the rend that the cars were
captured and placed on n side track before
the liver rushed by. Just how the cars
started Is not known , but the officials of the
road nay that the occurrnnco was purely acci
Ijndlc In Politics.
Three vacancies that of treasurer , "moder
ator and director having occurred In school
district No , 21 , nn election was ordered for
VIondny , which resulted In the election of
.hrco ladles to till the vacant ofllccs. as fol-
ows : Director , Dr. Julia E. Vnnuercook ;
treasurer , Mrs. Anna S. Whittcd ; modera
tor , Mrs. J. I' . Brown.
IdcoiiHCMl to Wed.
The following marriage licenses were
Issued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and Residence. Age.
Ernest V. Rowley , Omahn . 20
Nellie Blessing , Omaha . 2.1
George C. Hull , Omaha . 1)5 )
Nolliu Manchiep. Omnhn . ! i. >
Peter Hopncr , Omaha . . . . . . . . . 87
Catarlnn Thompson , Omaha . I ! . ' !
Charles Johnson , Omnhn . 27
Mary Angy , Omaha . 23
Charles A. Anderson , Omahn . 30
Marian Jorgcnson , Omaha . 20
Solomon Leslie , Omaha . ; . 22
Manda Wilds , Omaha . II )
Sclf-Sacrlllclnit Workers.
To tlic Editor of the BEE : Why not
abolish the common council and let the
board of education run the cnt.lro city gov
ernment ) The action of that august body at
Its last meeting would Indicate such n de
sire on Its part. What right has Mr. Fclton
to request his colleagues to interest them
selves in the grading of Hamilton street ,
miles away grom any school property , when
there arc hundreds of intelligent residents on
that street who arc nblo and willing to at
tend to such matters themselves } Why
should Hov. Mr. Copcland endeavor to got
the board mixed up in the labor difllcultics of
the city by his resolution regarding contracts
and eight hour world Even Dr. Savillo
seeks notoriety by hlsself-sacriflcing Interest
In city hall affairs already settled by courts
and public. In the spilng-titno slang of the
day these school regulators are getting very
"fresh. " Considering the fact that no sal
aries arc attached to their positions , they are
certainly attempting to do too much work.
A Frightful Kminwny.
A frightful runaway'occurrcd at noon yester
day on Tenth street , which will undoubtedly
result in the death of Herman Dale , an un
married man who drives a team for Lewis
Bradford , the lumberman. A two-horse.
team , attached to n buggy , and belonging to
n countryman uamcd Thomas E. Hardy , took
fright at n cable car down near Lcavcnworth
street , and dashed at a furious rate up Tenth.
Just as the frightened animals reached
Dodge street , Dale with his team was crossIng -
Ing Tenth , and Hardy's team jumped clear
over and into his wagon , and the next instant
both teams and vehicles and drivers
were wiped up in ono confused and
seemingly inextricable mass. As soon as the
horses had kicked themselves loose , the two
men w ore found lying prostrate among the
debris of the wagon. Hardy was but little
liurt , and soon recovering , took charge of
his team , but Dale was evidently m a bad
way. Ho lay on his side and the blood was
gushing from his mouth , nose and ears , and
ho was gasping like ono in the last throes of
death. Tlio patrol wagon was summoned ,
und the wounded man convoyed to the cen
tral station , where ho was immediately
waited upon by City Physician Ralph. A
hurried examination revealed that the man
was not only seriously but fatally hurt. Ho
was considerably hurt about the head , while
his injuries internally wore of such n char
acter that renders his death but a few hours
distant. _
If you ore aillicted with rheumatism ,
neuralgia , gout or other bodily pain , or
if you have n sprained wrist or ankle
you ought at once to procure a bottle of
Salvation Oil , the greatest "euro on
earth for pain. It only costs 25 cents a
"Lo ! the poor Indian ! " dying with
cold. Won't some "good Samaritan"
send him a , bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough
A New I'rcsidinj ? I * ! I tier.
The appointment of Rev. T. C. Clcndcn-
ning , pastor of the Tenth Street M. E.
church , to the presiding eldership of Omaha
district , vice Rev. J. W. Plielps , has oc
casioned the following expression on the
part of his people :
Whereas , Our pastor , Rev. T. C. Clcnden-
ning. has been appointed presiding older of
the Omaha district. North Nebraska confer
ence , M. E. church , and his acceptance of
the same necessarily involves his departure
from us ; and ,
Whereas. Wo all realize that none but n
selfish interest ran prompt a desire to retain
him when n broader Held with nobler oppor
tunities is open to him ; therefore , ho it
Resolved , That while wo regard Ins ap
pointment as a deserved recognition of his
abilities , it is with feelings of sadness that wo
part with so faithful u pastor and so true a
Resolved , That his limited pastorate of
faithful service in our midst has been greatly
blest in upbuilding our church , and In In
creasing its membership and Christian fel
Resolved , That wo recognize In him at all
times in his pastorate culls to the bcdsido of
the sick and dying , in his attendance to the
wants of the RutTcring poor , und in his efforts
for the elevation of humanity in general , an
acquaintance who has won our heartfelt and
lasting esteem.
Resolved , That in parting with him wo
cherish the liopo that wo may nt some fnturo
time again liuvo the bcncllt ofchls counsel
and the society of himself and family ,
Diebold Safes.
Mcngher & Lcach.gon'l agents for the
DIobold safes , have removed to 41 ! ) S ,
ICth , whore they arc carrying u largo
slock of all kinds of safes.
An Knstcrn Kxournion.
About fifty persons from the cast who
have been In California forsomotime , woroin
the city yesterday on their way homo.
Ono gentleman , Mr. Als Hoover , of Altoonn.
was Been by a BIE reporter and stated that
ho was much impressed with the west , par
ticularly Nebraska , and was especially
plcubcd with the appearance of Omaha.
Thlspowiler nertr varies. A marvel ofpurl-
tyatroaitlt autl wholesomouosJ. Mom ecnnom
leal thunthe ordinary kinds , und cnun < H uriolp
In competition wltn tm > multitude of lour cost ,
short weight ulumor phosphate powders. Sola
Continental Clothing House
argains ! New Attractions !
A New List of Bargains ! New Attractions ! Something New to Talk
About ! Unequalled Bargains.
Wo believe that it pnys to advertise gcnu
Ino bargains and when buyers call show them
precisely what you advertise. In this way
confidence is established and mutual satis
faction gained.
The results of lust week's business in re
sponse to our advertisements of thcso ster
ling bargains shown record unparallcllcd in
the history of our business.
On Saturday morning wo will offer the most
startling bargains which liavo over been
placed on our counters.
LOT NO. 1 Stock No. 40 , 4S , 49 and 50.
20 Imported Whipcord Suits made in n Four
Button Cutaway style only , In regular sizes
from 35 to 43. This suit was made in our
own machine room during the last sixty
days , mid the cut and make of this
correct for dress purposes us it Is possible to
have them ; and as the present month is the
month of all the year when people arc think
ing about dress suits , wo claim that this lot
of Worsted Suits is ABSOLUTELY THE
MOST DESHIABLE which it has ever been
our privilege to offer the public. This gar
ment was made up to sell In our stock for
$22 , but us ono of the leading bargains in our
Men's Department for this week it is offered
nt the ridiculously low price of ? 13. WE UN
not less than $22.
LOT NO. 2-Stock No. 24 , 04 , 05 and PC.
In this lot we offer nn entirely new lot of
n very handsome and fashionable. Young
Men's Sack Suit cut in sizes from 'M to 38 , nt
the extremely low price of $12. If you should
pay us f IS for this suit wo would then bo giv
ingvou full value. This isaVERYCHOICU
BEU , the sizes are only from 3.1 to 33 mid It
is offered nt the EXTRAORDINARILY
LOW PRICE OF $12. This suit may bo
ordered with perfect confidence that it is just
what is described and of the values repre
sented in the advertisement. If not , It can
bo returned nt our expense. Remember the
price Is * ! ' .
The success attending our last sale of the
Fine All Wool Double and Twist Sawyer
Cusslmcro Suits , Ims induced us to muko a
much larger and complete line of these cele
brated gonils.Ve now offer them in four
different Styles raid Colors. All parties liv
ing in distant towns should send In their
outers at once.
LOT NO. a-Wo offer 200 Suits in Single-
breasted Sack Coats , the very best Sawyer
Woolen Co.'s Double and Twist Soring Suit-
Ings , new Itcht grey and brown mixtures , just
made up In our very best manner , and never
during the twelve years that wo have been
selling this suit has it over been placed on
our counters nt lesi than $18. Tlio celebrated
Sawyer Woolen Co. of Dover , N. H. , needs
no commendation from tis , but we unhesitat
ingly pronounce them the best manufacturers
of Fine All Wool Suitings m Now England.
No Shoddy , Flock or Cotton used In any of
their fabrics. Do not forget the price , ONLY
LOT NO. 4-Wo offer 100 of the 'samo
Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Full Double and Twist
All Wool Suits , in a neat brown stripe , n
style particularly well adapted for traveling
or business purposes as It does not show the
dust to any extent. Cut and made in Single-
breasted Sacks only , and wo offer them in
regular sizes from 35 to 41 nt the UNAP
PROACHABLE price of ? 12.
LOT NO. 5 Wo offer 100 of the well
known Vclour Cloth Finish Sawyer Woolen
Co.'s Suits in a very Dark Oxford Mixture , a
small , neat check pattern , ono of the most
popular styles the mill has ever made , suit
able for either business or dress purposes.
Single-breasted Sucks , regular sizes in spring
weight at the same extremely low price of
LOT NO. 0 Wo offer 125 of the SAME
GOODS ' in a neat brown mixed broken
check. This Is ono of the new
est styles made by these famous
manufacturers. The coat , vest and
pantaloons of each of thcso lots are made and
trimmed ns well as any $18 suit In our stock.
This lot wo have In regular sizes , 35 to 44 , nt
the same price , $12 per suit.
LOT NO. 7 100 STRICTI.T Air. wool , CASSI-
wr.itn SUITS rou BOYS from 13 to 1" . Coat ,
pants and vest of n handsome mixed check ,
one of the best selling suits in our stock , In
absolutely frco from cotton or shoddy In any
form , and wo guarantee that It Is generally
sold for $12 a suit. Wo offer it In regular
sizes from 13 to 17 nt only SO.M a suit. Send
for n sample suit and if you do not think it is
wortli $12 It may bo returned ut our cxpcnsa.
LOT NO. 8 120 strictly nil wool Casst-
mere suits for boys in sizes from 13 to 17 , n
nobby Sack coat , pants and Vest in a hand-
seine black and grey stripe. These suits
were made within the past sixty days and is
ono of the newest and most stylish suits of
this season. Last season's price for the
same suit was $12. This suit Is marked on
our counters to sell for $7.50.
Send for a sample of the cloth of any of the lots advertised or SL sample suit , and if it is not just as rep. ,
represented it may be returned at our expense.
Self Measurement Blanks sent on application. Mail and Express Orders promptly attended to.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proprietors :
Corner Fifteenth , and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
K , UY. , Feb. S4,1837.
Gentlemen Seven years ago usorederel-
oped on my nose from a ( Inzer nail rcratcli.
I irlfd a few nlmple remedies , hut Che toro
\Ycmicl not yield. I Krerr wornfl every jrmr
for ueven yean. Many thoncht I liail a cAn-
cut. Over a year ago I commenced taking
8. U. S. , nuil two dozen bottles entirely curoJ
no. When I becan with Swift' 8r > fCir.c I
wai In very poor bealtb , and Coiilc hardly
rs * about. After I had llnHiiyJ thocoursa
of 8. a. a. I Maa strong mid buoyant , ana
had nRood appetite. I retard It M mo t
valuable medlclno for Indies In rfenk.drll-
cnlc liculth. It Is a liou. holil inc-ulclu *
With me. Yours rt-npectfully ,
line. K. W. WILSOX.
SrAtiTiiiEt'RCl , S. C. , April 3,1837.
Ofntlemrn Kor twenty ycurs I liave hud
a goto on my left chenk. It had Kradunlly
beeu growing woruo. Tlio many imyfllclaiia
vrhum I hau consulted wtro unaljin to do
moanycood. LaHfall a year * K < > Ibecan
URlnc S.B.8. At first It Inftamva the50113.
and It became more virulent than cverj fo
much so. Indeed , thnt my family Inflated
that I should leave off the mcillclnn. I l > cr.
ststeil In uilng thn S. a. H. At the i-nd nf two
months the sore was entirely healed. Think-
lug that t'ut evil was out of my constitution ,
I left ot ; the medicine ; but In November ,
ten months after , a very slight hrenltlurout
nppeare l. I atoueeb iwi again on S. 8. S. .
and now that Is nlsa disappearing. I li.ive
every faith In S. 8. H. It Ims done mo mi.r.
Eooil than all the doctors and other liicdJ-
clUB I ever toot. Youri truly ,
WIKBTOK , N. C. . April 18,187.
Gentlemen Two or three yenrs nso a can
cer .came oil uiy U soon grew to b.
quite large. Itworo on inr , and my general
health was Tcry poor. Last September I
began a course of M. S. S , , which I have con
tinued to the present time with the happiest
result. The cancer haa entirely dUappuared , *
them belnif no evidence or symptom of a
cancerous character left , Jly general health
U good now , ana my appetite better than U
has been In yean. I uui 82 years old , nnil
today I am working In the field planting
cora. Yours truly , JONAS LIULKICU.
, Gentlemen I had a sere on my upper Up
for eight years. Seven different doctors ut-
tempted In valii to heal It. Ono K ve mo a
imnll > 111 for llro dollars , which w s a " cer
tain cure. " It Is ntnlluu to say that It did
me no good. About two years ago I lie fame
quite uneasy , as people thought I hud a can-
cer.und I took a course of UKlitecn bottles
of B.B.I ! . The result Ims been acompleta
cure. The ulcer or cancrr healed beautiful
ly , leaving scarcely a i > crceptlble scar. From
tbut day f have been Ih rzccllrnt health , the
Bpeclne havlns purified my blood thorouch-
ly. Increased my appetite and perfected my
digestion. In u word. I feel like a new
woman , and , best ot all , the eight year ulcer
Is gone entirely. Yours sincerely ,
Trenton , TodJ Co. , Ky. , Feb. % 1337.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
true. TUIC SKI IT Srrcirio Co. ,
trm Hr . Allanln. O .
CIOLD ME1JAL , PAitib , 1878.
Warranted at/sol airly jiura
C'oeon , from \Uilcli Iho excess of
Oil 1ms been rvmorril. It lias three
limn the itrength ot Cocoa mixed
ultli Rlarcli , Arnmroot or fiiiRT ,
anil U therufora far more economi
cal , tostliiy leu than one tin ! a
cup. It Is delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , easily digested , und
admirably aiUntcd for Invalids as
well us for IKTBOIIB In health.
Sold lij Oroci'rs rurjnjifre.
BARER & CO , , Dorcliestcr , Mass ,
: AUvKrtUlng bus always povon
Mircetsful. lloforo placing any
Norr p per Advertising1 consul
Sowing Thrcnil of Jlodcrn TIxuco.
KlM-ATitiOK-ICocu Dry Goods Co ,
1) ) . M. STKKI.K
. .
CIIAS. HINOIMI , South 0 in aim , and nil firs
cluss retail deulurs.
A. Udiu New York Dry Goods More.
Vose & Sons
Instruments exchanged , rented and sold on
Easy Payments , bdlow
Instruments slightly used at
Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Seed House.
Headquarters ( or Uuiclruth'B Celebrated gpads.
1'Unts. ( Ml Flowers and Floral debigns. Bend
for catalogue.
W. H. FOSTliR & SON , Prpprietors
1622 Capitol Avenue.
nvc A The DEIST.
UlfcS B u iPft tit ,
K. W. Cor. 13th & Oodgo Sts.
A.OE3S ,
Hest facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for su
cessful treatment ot'evcrv form of diee&fee requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard nnil attendance ; best hospital accamiu -
( lotions in the west.
WHITE too. CIRCULARS on Deformities ant
Ilraces , Trusses , Club 1'cet , Curvature of tin
Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Cat.irrh , Bror.chitis ,
Inliulatlon , Electricity , Paralysis , Itoiktxy , Kid
ney , Bladder , Hye , Kar , S'liu ' and lllood , at'd all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Woman a Spcolal.y.
All IIIcxxl Diseases snccessfnlly treated. Syph
ilitic I'olsoit removed from Hie system without
uiciciiry. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital 1'owcr. I'ersons unable to visit us may be
Heated at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential , riediclncsor Instruments
stnt by mall or express , securely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or n-ndtr. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us. or
cend history of your case , and we will send ill
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Jm-
\olcncy , Syphilis , Gleet nnd Varicocelc , with
( jiestion list. Address
ilinnha MtiKcal nnil Xnr < tttal Tn tltuteoi
Cor. ISthand DodaeSU. OMAHA. NED.
J12 will liny n
Homespun All Wool Suit ,
Mzes from 31 to 44 , cut-nway
or sack coat. In light grey
color , that Is milly worth 120.
The suit Js well made and
splendid wearing goods. |
Wo make tins oiler to ln-i
troduce ourselves to the trade1
nnd in the future you will ]
find our house the bargain
center , fiend your > ncai > uro |
around lireust under the ,
arms , and around the waUt j
and down the Inside scam of !
the pants , and we will lit you.I
Vou can send money ivlth order , or wo will
tend C.O. J ) . by exprets ,
References : First National Dank , Omaha
or any llrst-cluea house iu Umalm ,
Of tti * llody eulirjed nd ilrfnctln-ntU. VM particu
lars lent itilttl free. EHIE UKi ; . CU..llcml.o , N.Y ,
At Anction on
imported and Grade Perclierons.
Clydesdale & Cleveland Bays ,
And the Standardised Stallion C. C.
Anyone wishing information in regard to tlio Porchcrons or O. C. , will please
address the Oregon Horse & L.iin < l Co. , Proinont , and for inforinntion regarding
the Clydos nnd Clovelnnd Hays , they will nleuso address .T. P. Million , FromontV
Twelve months time will ho given on PoruhoroiiB , C. C. nnd Oregon Horses ,
at 8 per cent interest , or f > per cent discount for cash. On Clydes and Cleveland ?
Hays , ono and two years time will ho pivou , at S per cent interest , of 5 per cent
discount for cash. ,
„ OCLOCK p. M.
F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer.
S , K , FELTON & CO , ,
Mr Ms Conlraclois
And Manufacturers' Agents for
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. Do-
tnil Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office , Straus's ' Building , Fonrlli Floor ,
Proprietor Omaha Butlncss College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for Cvlleco Journal.
S E. Cor 10th and Capitol Avcnuo
ELGUTTER'S ' Mammoth Clothing Hoyse
Best Scotch Cheviot Suits , $12,5O.
Best Bluw Middlesex Suits , $9.00.
3,000 Pr. fine Pants at $4.
' Mammoth Clothing House ,
ELGUTTER'S Cor , Farnam & 10th