Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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i Ail vertlsemeuts under this hmd. 10 cents p r
line for the first Insertion. * c ? nt for taeh sub-
* eott8'jt ; Insertion , and HJiO a line per month. No
Rdvcrtl.scmenttakon for less thnn 25 cents for
tlio nrst insertion. Seven words will 1 > a count
ed to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must bo paid In advance. All advertisements
must be nandf din before 12no : o'clock p , m , , and
tindftr no circumstances will they bo taken or
( llsconllnut'il Itf telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns nnd hav
ing the answers addressed IncfaroofthoHec ,
will ] ilcn o ask for a check to enable thsm to gi. ;
t lielr letters , us none will l > delivered except on
tircscntatlori of check. All unsworn to adver
tisements MimiMbo enclosed In envelopes.
Alladrortlspmcnts In these rolnmns are pub
lished Inhoth morning and evening editions of
the Ilco , tin circulation ofOilrh aggregates
more than 18fro paper * 'Ally , nnd gives the ad-
vrrtlsers the bonelll. nbn only ot the city clrcula-
tlmi of the Hoc. lint also of Council Illunx Lin-
coin nnd other cltlcsond towns throughout this
partof the west.
Ad.i.rtlMnc for these columns will Ijotalcen ,
en the above conditions , at the following bus
iness hotwi' , who are authorized ngents for TIIR
RKK spoclul notices and will quote tuoflamo
lutes as can be bail at the main olllco.
Flxarrriaclot ,
i 1MB. 10th Street ,
'staticn.ora emxl Fxizxtcxs.
f - il3B.10thStrc .
1 ' '
2E5lxarmaciGt ,
21H Cumins Street.
A '
ItWI St. Mary's Avenue ,
i . n.wiiiTKiiousii ,
2la.arn3. aclct ,
Kill and Webster Streets.
_ o. itEUTHER ,
Te-ra Dealer ,
I'ost Olllce. South Onmlm.
WANTED Situation by young man as ship-
plug clerk , bookkeeper or other clerical
work ; nnt afraid of work ; good references. Ad-
- ' , F 21 , Ibis olllce. 4K2 G *
\\f ANT.'SD-SHuatlons for 2 No. 1 dining room
T T girls , 1 accustomed to clmrgo of dining
room , n nlco Scotch girl , 3 Ilohcmlan , 0 Swodos.2
elderly womou.0 young girls to hclpilots of east
ern girls comlmr In every day ; my waiting room
Isfi'il. Come and select one to suit yourself. Mrs.
llrega. 310 S 15th. 47C 4 *
" 1A7"ANTKD A position as coplest. F 23 , Heo.
431 5J
SITUATION Wanted Hy a competent man as
bookkeeper ! peed penmanj references fur
nished. Address Fiti , Heo ulllco. 40a8
W 'ANTED Position as cleik , can loan em
ployer $ J > . Address A. II , C. , 1011 Dodge
fit. 2n : i
SITUATION Wanted As housekeeper by
tlimoiiirhly competent lady , neat , tasty , I
tolligtnt , good cook. Onto City Employment
OHice , nil 8. , telephone 1100.
W ANTJ.I1 A good baker nt once , Star bak-
cry ; , 13th nnd V street. Lincoln. Nob. y.i
W ANTKD Position ns bookkeeper or ollico-
man by onn of experience , bust of refer
ence. Addrons L' 08 , Hue. 00 G
ANTKD-A cnko baker nt 523 Main street ,
Council lllulTs.
' \X7ANTRD ATnan of energy nnd capital to
TV tnkonn Intciest Inan established retail
hardwnru business hero ; a flrst-class opportun-
Ity. Address F25. lice olllco. 4572
WANTED A Good boy from 13 to H years
old , right away. 1717 St. Mary's nvo.
407 Bt
W ANTKD Hey from 12 to It years of ago to
open store and deliver goods ; must bo
acquainted with the city. Call at City Intelll-
Eoucu olllce , 15th and Douglas. 404 4
" \TTANTKD Hey to take I'aro of horse nnd cow
f nt71SN. 21st st. Apply between o nnd 7
E. m. , ' 47U 6
) Double entry bookkeeper , must
i t bo temperate nnd Ilrst-class references. F
" 7 , Ilto olllco. 471 G ?
WANTED Immediatelyn ilrst-clnss barber
at the Hotel Harker. 440-3 *
WANTED Good barber to run shop' , must
bo sober and have his tools. Apply 1217
Haineyst. , City. 4W 4 *
\KTANTED-Out of city : head cook , 875 ;
TT pastry cook. fOO ; fry cook , JI8 ; 3rd cook ,
fXi ; second cook in city , ( .at 2 gardeners. IM ; 1
llorist , a dlslnvashers. Mrs. Ilrcga , 310 S 15th.
395 3 *
' \ VrANTED Two men of good address to sell
T Hill's Manual of social und business
forms. Call 421 South 10th st. 4UI 4 *
" \X7"ANTED Men and women everywhere for
TT a genteel business guaranteed to pay J)0 !
l > er week piollt easier than'other lines pay jaw
j > nr month. $2 samples free to either sex seek
ing permanent employment. Experience abso
lutely unnecessary. Merrill Mfg. Co. . 11 03 ,
Chicago. 388 ml *
WANTKD-Agents for combined door and
alarm bolls. 1721 St. Mary's nvo. OT3 tj *
/\7"ANTKI > Two good coat makers , steady
TV Job nt peed round pi tecs If witlsfnctory.
iCnll on ox address Uiavcs & Son , Central City ,
Web. Slip 4 *
SALKBMIIN' Wonted FIve traveling sales"-
men ; salary nnd expenses ; no experience
necessary. Address \vlthstnmp , Palmer & Co. ,
Wlnonn , Minn. . 207 b *
J 'TVT.ANTKI ) Paper hiingiTsat Murray hotel
WANTED Mun To take the agency ot our
mlL'ij ; hlzo xirxlSinclunulghtcui ; ) Ibs. ;
retail inico J35 ; other blzes In proportion. A
line chdiico to create a pi'rmnnunt uiislness at
liiiiuu. 'Jlictehufosmett u demand never be-
Ion1 hiippllcd by other wife companies , as wo
uibntit KciVrrnril by the safe pool. Alpine Safe
Co. . Cincinnati. O. U7TA16J
_ _
* - , "XXTANTUD A few perrons In each place to do
TT .light wilting. Kncloso tamp for 50-pngo
book of particulars to J. H. Woodbnry. Albany ,
tf. V. tttln21
GENTS wanted to take exclusive rights to
sell tlio fiiKtcst celling uitlclo over made.
J. M. Wolfe i. Co. , Fremont , Neb.
171 a 8
TV' 'AN'JT.D-Men for lalb-oad work. Albright's
TT Lubor agency , 1120 Fiirnam. DIM
> "OY8-Am. Dint. Tel. Co. , 1804 Douglas.
WANTED Good cook nnd illnlng room girl
for Mime hotel , flu and $15 ; cook for Ceil-
.ial City , ii' > ; nice cli I for family ot 3 or a tarn
liousu keeper on a farm : nice little girl to amuse
a child of flights for Klkhorn. North lleml , Coun
cil Illutfs and lots of good places tn city every
day , lira , llrega. 310 S 15tli. 474 4'
ANTED A good girl for light housework.
( German ) Jlrs , 11. Newman , 2701 Cumlng
Bt , 4SU 3J
"t\7"ANTED Cook and ( ilulugiooin girl for
T T boarding house , city ; glrU for private
- fliiilllen : places furulshen true , City Intelll-
Kcnce Olllco 15th and Douglas , 4GO 4
WANTEI > Nur e girls , illshwaMiers , first ,
second girls , general housowoik and lady
cooks. luteniatlouiil Employment otlice. 1420
uadM * . torner 15th st. 'JVluphono tfl. None but
Vespectablo and competunt Klrls wanted. 4230
" \\TANTED Woman cook for restaurant In
T T cl'y , also cooks for Culbcrtfcton , Hloux
City and ABhland : peed laundress , JIB ; 2 kitchen
jm ; ! insnmu hotel ; Claim hers , _ dining mini
> ? lru , nurucii and 20 for private families. The
be .it nlaiws tire always to be found ut luy o nice.
tin. HrgKil. 310 M 15th. Bin ] 3t
WANTED A competent girl for general
liout-ewoifc , iintst bo first class coor. Heat
vngcb imlil. Mra. Geo. C. Tuwl12 ( S. 21th st.
\X/ANTED A lady for general work tn Ice
T > crrnr.i parlors. AddrtkS F20 llee offlro.
WANTED A competent girl for general
houhvwork , must baa gocd uw > kand laun
dress. No others nei-cl apply. Keferoncs ro-
quired. 1213 Park avenue , city. 3S3
. "TXrANTED-1 July tt'icnts. "A ' Bklrt and bn -
T > tlocotubliiMliiudU hose supporter * , lloth
new. lllgprofits. Irecuru to\\iw for spring trade.
J .Arties' Supply Co. , 237 V. Washington st , Chi
cago. till ) A 8
fANTtfD A few educated nr.ttrenuo'l liiliea
and geiitleiuen to show an article of gen
uine merit , at t .tui per year. J , H. Cur > u , U2d
Ilroadway , fouia-II HlutrsJaiwii. UU-ft
WANTED- woman for general boiiBe-
work , two in family. Mu t be tlrst-cU > oi
Uundrvss. Waged. { ( per week. Apply ICoV
L'ullforoln. 1M
W ANTKD GcnMl , erin'jlenccit uuif.a girl.
Good uom to rigbt put ty , tXM St. Mary's
( .T- Utl
XXTANTKDdlnlnKroom glrU. 2 laundress * * .
We chambermaids. 4 cooks for city , cook for
Tekam * . cook for Ashland , m girls fdr hon -
work ! best families In Omnus ; 5 Oermnn plrls
and 4 BohemUn girls for npoelal orders ! lots ot
nlr places , ( late City Employment OIHc .314 8.
mh. telephone HOP. JHO-3 *
\\rANTRD-At , the City Intelligence ofnco ,
Y > Crelghton block , corner 15th and DOUR-
las streets , cooks , chambermaids , laundresses ,
nurs1 * glfls , wilting maids , etc , for private
families In the city , 13 to K per week. We UBVO
n nice walling room , hlch Is free to all , and
wo send girls to places In private families free.
ANTRD-Clmmbermald and kitchen irlrK
Dorau house , 4-iJ S 18th st , near St. Mary's
ave , ita
VlfANTliD immwllately , ladles to work for
TT a. wholesale house on nee < llcwork at their
bomes. ( Sent ny distance. ) Good pay can b
mnd . KvcrythlnR furnished. Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , I"i8th
St. . New York City. 353
GATK City ( employment Office. 311 S. 15th !
telephone 1100. Help for all kinds of work
ent to all parts. Reference , Douglas County
bank. HCJ-7 *
"IVANTKO Men and boys out of work to call
at the City Intelligence ofllco ( Crelghton
lilk.l , corter 1'ith nnd Douglas sts. 307
A 1ANADIAN I'.mployment olTlce , male and fo-
\J mal * help pent to all parts If faro Is ad-
yanccd , Hcfcrcncp. Omaha National bank.
Mrs , Ilrcgn & Son. 310 8.15th. Tel , 8hl.
4115 a U
W ANTlTl-PartIes having 16ts or lands ,
especially trackage , who are wilting to
make concessions for the locating of nianu-
factories ; to Illoplats ot the same with me. H ,
A. hidings , secretary Omaha Huslncs Men's
association , reading room , Paxton hotel , city.
W ANTKD A good banjo picker and comic
filngcr for the streets. Apply N. 10th and
Davenoort sts . , over china store , room 21.
3103 *
W ANTKD Parties wanting their l > oot.s
written up and bill made , at small ox-
pensc , please address K 70 , Hue. 200 5
W ANTKD To conlract with some farmcrfor
milk of 25 to ro cows. A contract to run
for a period of ycais. Address 13 K ) , Ileo olllce.
140 nj
WANTED Pome good applications for city
loans o show to ono of my eastern cor
respondents who will bo hero soon. D. V.
Sholes , room 1 , Harker block. 311
' \XfANTKD-Oood real estate listed with me.
> V C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. ! I15
\\rANTED-Partles who have boucht lots or
T * landlnthU city and vicinity on the In
stallmcnt plan , and parties holding bonds for
title to such real estate exchangeable for deeds
after tlio last payment Is made , will IIml It to
their advantage to send their address or full
particulars to U 50 , Heo olllce. 48U J
WANT more small houses for rent. F. L.
Un-gory. rental agent , 003 S. 16th. 010
WANTED-Ladlfis to use "Chlchester's Eng
lish Diamond Uiaud , Pennyroyal Pills.
Safe. Always reliable. The original. The only
genuine. Ask druggist or send/4c stamps for
particular ! ! , return mall. Chlchestcr Chemical
Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. 327
W ANTKD Afew boarders at 1721 Leaven-
worth st. US1 n5t
\\T ANT to Hcnt Parties having house or llat-
IT 4 or 5 looms , desiring a prompt , permnn.
cnt and careful tenant , send description nud
lowest rent to F 20 , lice olllce. 4W 5 *
F KENT Two ten-room brick houses on
- Farnam nnd 2fitn st. . In flrst-class order.
Inquire of Miss Parrott , 2U10 Farnam. 3S 4
" | 7\OH \ HENT A 7-room tlat. Inqulra of Oco.
JL ? Hlgglns , lu the cigar store IGlj Howard st.
TI10R HENT fi-room bouse. 29th and Dodge ;
J3 JIG. Hoggs * Hill , 1IIH Farnam. 359-3
NEW houses nt S10 per month , for rent In Bur
lington Center add. D. D. Smeaton. room
41 Marker block. OJQ 8
RENT-fl-room Old N. 23th
OK - - cottngc. No.
avenue. F.nqulre 321 Is 17th st. 814 K
FOH HENTroom ! house with barn , Grant
ncnrSSd sts. . SJ1.
4-room cottage with stable , A. S. Patrick's add. ,
near sticot cnr barn$18.
W. N. Nnson , Room 19 , Chamber of Commerce
building. 228 4
OH UENT A neat 20 cottage. Apply at
once. C. F. HairUon , 418S IStlist. 231
F I OH HENT 12 room bouse and stable , largo
sluidv yunl , at 1917 Cass st. S. Lehman.
, 220
EOH IlENT R-room house. Inquire J. F.
Hurtou , 2010 Capitol aye. _ 191 4"
"TT1OH KENT 2 elegant 8-room houses , nil mod-
-U ern conveniences , excellent location , con
venient to street cars. $ . ' 15 per month If taken
boon. II. E. Cole , no Kith and Douglas. 050
HENT Thrco stories nud basement at
1105 Fnrnniu street. Inquire at lloom 19 ,
Arlington block , 1511 Dodge St. , between 9 and
12 a. m. 955
TjlOH HENT An elegant new 8-room house
JL' und barn , every modern convenience ; a
complete home , good neighborhood , street cars.
cheap rent. .1. H. Parrotte , rental ngency , 1000
Chicago street. 7G4a21
TTlOlfllENT-Cottago 0 rooms. 7th and Will-
JL' lams. Inquire J. 1' . Hoe , 10th and Hickory.
HOUSES centrally located , rent from 812 to
$75 , lurnituro for sale on monthly payments.
Co-op. L. nnd L. Co. , 05 N. lOthst. 60J
T710U KENT Tw o splendid 5 and 7 room cot-
JL1 tagciv largo barns , line grounds and mod
ern Improvements. Patterson & Fawcutt , 318 S.
16t h st. U47
TT10H HENT And furniture for sale , almost
JL' new , ut u bargain , best house and location
in city ; every modern convenience ; this will pay
to Investigate at once. Apply 17011 Dodge 391
FOH HRNT Twelvo-room house , sith and
nnd Mason streets , $40 per month. J. S.
Caullleld. 1301 Fnrnam st C34
" 171011 HENT Nlco 7 room house , close tostore ,
JL1 school , church , st. curs , only J-U n mouth. C.
! - . Harrison. 418 S. 15th st. 1)74 )
"IT1OH IlENT An elegant1. ) room dwelling Just
-L ? built , with stable and all modern Improve
ments , Including laundry , lavatory on ground
Iloor. cedar closet , etc. , location , Capitol avontm
iu'nr25th ; rent moderate. Apply to D J. O'Don-
auoo , cure of O'Dunahoo & Sficrfy. Ill S. IStlist.
_ 740 _
ItENT-Ilouso 11 rooms.V. . M. Hush-
man. N B corner 10th nnd Douglas. VJi
TT OH HENT Cheap , nicely furnished front
JU room. U03 B. llth st. 450
WANTED-2 furnUhed rooms for light
houxekeoplng for young couple. State
rent , etc. J , M > urs , 1110 Farnam ut. 4494 *
1710H HENT-Nlcely furnished room , with
JL1 board.for 1 or2 gentleman soil ) Bt. Mary's ave
T7\OH HENT-Nowly furnished rooms wltli
JU bathroom , ftoui $10 to 818 per mouth. 714
N. 1B1U gt. 411 s ;
TRIOH HENT-Nlcely funilsbed rooms H and
J $14 monthly. 715 North 17th street. 4103 *
T71OH HUNT A nicely furnished room , good
JO locution. Apply ut t 7 S 21st. 391 4'
T7\OH \ HENT-ao rooms , J'JO , B. ICth st , furniture
-IJ $1,100. paying $000 over expenses , ( i-opera-
tlVO I imi & Lot Co. . 205 N. ICtll St. 418 4
T710H KENT Sulto of furnished rooms , 170"
JO Dodge , 42J8 >
TOH HENT-30 rooms $90 , So. 10th st ; fnrnl-
-U ture $1,1UO paying $ . ) over expenaos , Co op.
L. &L. Co , 20SN. ICth bt. 418 4
T710H UKNlv- Pleasant room for lor S ! gent le-
.L men , with all modem conveniences. I'fir.
St. Mary'B aye. and Otb stt. or ti20 B , 20th. W 4
VEHY pleasant largo furnUhed rooms ; all
desired roiiveuleucfsprlvatu hnuseboard ; If
desired ; 1 block ( rom postolllcc. 1015 Capitol ave.
TflOH HENT Newly furnished rooms , ana
Jbarn at 1607 Famam , near court house.
3t7 3 *
POH HENT-Elegantly furnished rooms 8 W
Cor. 13th and Howard. Eunulre lloom 2 ,
_ _ 31.0 4p
OOMFOHTAHLK rooms II and I UW per week.
6038. Ibtli su , up-gtalre. ataat
TT10H HENT-Elegant front room for gentle-
Jman and wife , boiud. 1J1 Davvuport st.
_ _ _
JJ1UHN ISHED roonm. 1718 Dodso. 20J &
T71011 HENT-Deslrablo furnished or unfur-
_ tiUhecl rooms , 012 N. 17th t. 3S2 5
TJIUHNISIIEDroonw ana board , 1'JOO Farnaui.
sA *
PUHN1SHED room * for rent at2iJ7 Dodge.
lav ?
_ _ _
fnURNUIIKq rooiiw with boarit.t foreacei
* required. 16LJ I'lik-ago. 10 t
"I71OR RENT A pleasant front room with
JL ? board , 8nltnbl for two tentlcmsn.
the bouse Is new. has bath , hot and
cold water , etc. , la In a pleasant neigh
borhood , on n paved otrnet , to minutes' walk
from IT , P. depot ; no boarding house , refer-
cncfls exchangeu. 141S 9.10th st. 846
TT10H RENT Hirnlshed rooms with nil modern -
- ern conveniences. 'J027 Farnam at. 333 7 *
liiuii HKNT Ono furnished room In private
JO family at 613 Pleasant st , loa 4 *
1CELY furnished rooms , 318 North 15th.
2115 *
I710R RENT Handsomely furnished six-room
JL1 cottage , nice location , near car lino. Fur
niture for sale very chcap.2215 Seward at. C82-3 *
T710R HKNT Furnished rooms , all convenl-
JL1 cnces. A. Hospc , 315 N. 17th strtot. 491
UHNlSHEDrooins. 1814 Dodge.
"TT\OR \ RKNT Suite of furnished rooms. In-
A1 quire 3rd floor room E , 1302 Douglas.
RKNT Furnished rooms , 1418 Dodge st.
625-q' ) '
IiOR HKNT Pleasant furnished rooms for
gentlemen. 803 Howard , near Cozzons
house , $8 , upwards. 225 a U *
\TKATLY furnished front room to rent at 1R21
i > Farnam st , 1 block west of court house.
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms , heated
and with use of bath. Kent moderate. 2017
Lcavcuworth st. 813
T7UJHN1SHED Room to rent. 2020 St. Marys
JL1 nvo. 7B7
FOH HENT Furnished rooms in Gronnlg blk
cor. l.'tth nnd Dodge nts. Inquire of Geo. H. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 358
" 1710 H RKNT Furnished rooms. Inquire room
JE K. 13U2 DmiglaS. 01U
T .ARGK pleasant room , modern conveniences ,
JU 1700 Chicago st. . 423
F \ RENT A targe room furnished , central
1 location 1410 Chicago st. 3M
FOR RENT Rooms furnished and unfur
nished. 1724Cap. nve. 041
OH HENT Ilrlck storeroom. fiO feet long ,
with basement. No. 1102 SISthst. Also
G rooms over the store. Apply at 11'2 ' S. 13th st.
TT10R HENT Two business or ofBco rooms on
JL1 1st tloor ) per month. W. E. Clark , 1414
Hnrnoy. 155
T710R HENT Tlio thrco story brick building
JL' nnd basement on 13th st. , on corner of alley.
In the rear of the new First Nnt'l bank building ,
will given 3 or 6 year lease at a low rental. C.
Hartman & Co. , 1013 Farnam. G71 a 15
FOR RENT Two rooms , 44x00 , where steam
power can be obtained. Enquire of Sam'l
Ilees. Hce.3 Printing Co. . 1013 How urd st. 740
T710R RENT Huslnoss room now occupied as
JU my oillco on 15th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th
T710R RENT First-class frame store building ,
JL' SO by 24 feet , flrst-class business location.
Apply to I. W. Roberts , Albion , Hoono Co. , Neb.
T710H RENT-Omces on Farnam st. at * 10 to $10
JL' per month. Ono oQica furnlsued. 1012 Far
nam. 3GO
JL' rooms for light housekeeping , to family
without children. KB South Nineteenth. 451-5J
ON red car line , 2 rooms , 1813 Cass.
FOR HKNT Unfurnished rooms , modern
conveniences. Inquire 2510 Douglas Bt.
4736 *
FOH SALE Cheap , five desirable horses for
business , buggy and driving use. C. H.
Sloman , 204 South 15th st. 453 U *
FOR RENT Two unfurnished basement
rooms to man and wlfo without children ,
1122 N. 17th St. 448
T710H HENT Unfurnished , up stairs. 1038 S.
-L1 20th St. 447 3J
T AHQE room with closet. 800 8.23d.
-U 7400 *
FOR RENT 4 rooms all mordern coven-
lenccsnnt Webster st " „ $2000
4 rooms 1701 Webster st 25 00
4rooms415S. Illthst 1500
1 basement , suitable for barber shop , be
tween Farnam nnd Hnrney on inth st 25 00
Judge Rental Agency.S. W. cor 15th Si Hartley.
THOH HENT Hakery on 20th st , So. OmamTT
JL1 call at City bakery. So. Omaha. 169 4 *
WANTED Houses to rent , nnd wo can rent
them too. 11. K. Cole , N. E. 15th and
Douglas. WO
I 1ST houses for rant with II. E. Cole , N. E.
JU liith nnd Douglas. DOi )
FOH HENT When you wnnt to rent a house ,
store of office go to II. E. Colo. SOU-
G KEGORY , F. L. . Hcutal agent , 303 S ICth st.
"I710H HENT If you wish to rent a house call
JJ on Dcniwa & Co. , 15th St. , opposite P.O.
rpIIB demand for shorthand writers is in ex-
JL cess of the supply. Shorthand tourse com
pleted ut Valentine's Shoithund Institute lu
from four to six months. Scud for circular.
"PERSONAL Have you seen L. O. Jones'
J"Mule Mirror. " Call nt 130V Farnam for
one or eeuu dclress on postal. 817
" 1DEHSONAI * Private Homo for laales during
X conlliiemont , strictly confldentlal. Infants
adopted. Address B 42 , Ileoolllco. . 637 a HT
NNA ALPLANALH , the celebrated Hun-
garlan ( Jypsy Pnlmiht. uses the old gypsy
w ays In reading the hanU. LudicH only. Iu24 N.
Mth bt. 20th und Saunders curs pass the door.
PEHSONAIr-I.lst your property to exchange
w 1th C. C. Spotswood. 30aH 8.10th , Bt 2.10
L IOST A broun sealskin cap last Saturday on
lUth street , between Jackson and Howard.
Finder w 111 bo f cwurded by bringing it to 607 S ,
13th. 4423 *
T710H HALE-Stanclard bred stallion. Gustuv-
JL1 us. No , 2075. foaled May 13. IrtST. sire
Knlcketbocker by Hysdyk's Hamblotonlnn.
First dam Viola by AdmlniHtraor357 ! ; 2nd Val
ley by Idol 177 ; Administrator by llyn-
dyk's Hambletonlun ; Idol by Mnmbrlna Chief.
( iustavusU dark bay , stands 111 hands , uclglis
1,200 Ibs. , has never been handled for speed but
shows a very fast gait. Is kind and gentle uny-
where , perfectly sound nnd u sure foal getter.
For further particulars tuUliUhS 15. N. Sherrlll.
Plum Crook , Nob. , or Palace tstables , Omaha ;
also colts for sale. U5-U
T7IOH SALE Surveyor's Implements , second
Jhana , in good order , at btrliiger A : CO.'B ,
1518 Dodge btreet. 4J
I710 SALE A good reliable horse for buggy
JU or light delivery. Clark ColTee Co. , 1114 Hur-
" 171011 SALE -1 horse. 1 single 3-spilng wagon ,
J-1 In best order , and I platform scale , 400 Ibs.
414 813th St. , cigar store. 3ttl i'
T7IOH SALE Phaeton , almost new , Itoom 2.
JJ Omaha Nat'I bank. It. M. Patterson. 3il ) B
171011 SAM ! Good span mules , weigh 2,200 ,
- . ' now Magon and harness. Inquire Iti2d 8.
Oth or 14U N. IBth. Ueo. Klser. IQil U
T7IOH SALE Cheap , horse and wagon and bar-
J ? ness , Inquire Clias , ailbert.rt-ar 14.18 s UtU
st , 301 C ?
TJIOH SALE-Two (2) ( ) tubular steel boilers 60x
-t ; 14 feet , with smoke btack , steam euagerf ,
glass water guages. etc. , all complete. ; will sell
cheap. Adurtss Fred Krug , Urewer , Omaha ,
Neb. 605
TTIOIt SALE Fumltuie of 10-room house , 311
JJ N. 12th st. 162 i *
lit SALE-Stock and llxtures of a well
located grocery store doing a cash business.
Will Invoice about JJ.OOO. Must be sold ut once.
Address F 2 , Dou office. . 2135
"T7KK HALE-Cheap , two ponies with harness ;
JL1 and two top bugglus. one single and one
double boated , luqulru Eagle boute , 411 S 14th
& 10 *
T7IOR8ALE A line , well-bred mure , 0 years
-I ? old , weighs 1.20J ) bs. , suitable for 2-teated
rig luijuh e of Adam Thomaou ut fair grounds.
TjlOIt SALE -New cook stove.cooklng utensils ,
-L ! dUhes und other household articles , very
cheap , parties leaving town. Address F 28 lieu.
TTl'IUOHT piano at great sacrltlce , only 1185 ,
U cost ftuu ; a mualc toucher leaving the city
must sacriQcu an elegant 7H uotave triple ttrunir
upright pliuo , only iitn , cojt ilOJ. uiuit Iw cash.
Call on Profoi.sor of Music , isio Souta 13th st.
"TTIOR BALE-lCHUip , prettiest span ponies In
JL1 citr , dnruwUh whl to mane and tall t bar-
ness and bugcr. JUa. C W.Qraham , 706 S. 10th.
1Z83 *
"IT10R SALF-7--A .rtoubin cnrrlRKS for Mnglo
JL1 horso. IntJIilrp bf K. D. Wood. 11.11 N 18th ,
_ J.Jf _ 10J3
FOH SAI.EA . -Bpcedy pacing horse , now
plnao-bojclMpjiKy nnd a new set of single
harness , all hactt-ntado , with rubber mounting ,
Will sellsoparWiJy. II. H.lrejr , 1'renzcr blocE.
_ _
"IfiOH SALK-Nlco bay driving horso. C. F.
JL ? Harrison. 41 B , JMliat. _ 975
UHNlTUHE-Oood as now. will sell cnoap
for cash or tlnlo. 0. T. Morton , 1324 Farnam.
_ t . , _ 401
BHICK'lioutis for sale , cor. Sixteenth and
Davenport stR. Illds received up to Satur
day. 7th , at tlio ofllco of Henry Voss , nrctittect ,
27 , Hcdlck block. _ 4M 4 *
BARGAIN 2-room house with stable , price
only J100. Address , Marcey and 5th sts.
T710 II SALE Cnr load of fresh milch cows nnd
JO springers at Military llrldgo barn , 26 5 Cum-
Ing street. K. 8. Jester. _ 451 ! CT
EOH SALE Two small safes , very cheap. It.
E , Cole N. E. cor. 15th nnd Douglas.
374 4
POH SALE Largo Hall's safe , new. M. A.
Upton & Co. Oil-
17KH SALE At n bargain 50 feet of shelving ,
JL 30 feet ot counters nnd ona Ice chest , suit
able for grocery store. Enquire at 813 S. 10th St.
FOH SALE power engine nnd 12
horse boiler In good order. Cheap for cash ,
llees Printing Co. 747
T710R SALE Or trade , ono family horse , also
-L now buggy , A. Hospc. 1513 Douglas st.
740 n 21
"T7IOR SALE Dormant scni capacity H.IM
JO pounds. Phil. Stlmmel & Co. . 911-013 Jones
St. , Omaha. 149
DO you Intend to build this spring , If so come
and see us , wo can offer you the best of in
ducements. H. E. Cole , N CCor. 15th and Doug
las. U50 30
" 171011 ADOPTION-Hrlght boy baby ono month
JD old. Ht24 Caldwell St. 3143
F. H1NGEH , 119 Nn15th St. , real estate nnd
loans. If you want to buy , sell or ex
change real estate or merchandise , see E. F.
Hlnger. Correspondence solicited. 80J
ALIj orders tor cleaning and laying carpets
left at S. A. Orchard s caipot stoio wlu bo
promptly attended to. 8. J. Miller. 3.U 0
" \X7"ANTED A good horse , buggy nnd harness
T > In exchange for South Omaha lots. George-
J. Sternsdorlf , room 0 , opp postolllco. UiO
IDWIFE Mrs. E. Wlnton , N. E. cor. 13tu
and Dorcas. 176 n'"J *
rpltACKAOE , storage , lowest rates. W. M.
JL llushman , 1311 Leavenwortlu 120
rpHE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gollen-
JL beck. tOJ Hanioy st. 183
> ULLMAN 11UUB1- ; , all newly nxod up , is
now open on the European plan , 1120 Cap.
o , rooms rent for 50c to 75c per day. 780
/10-OPEHAT1VE Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th
THE Odorless Sanitary Co. , the only licensed
company in Nebraska and Iowa , using the
odorless system for cleaning cess pools , vaults ,
water closets. Olllce 16J2 Farnam st. 484 a 15
FIHE Insurance , reliable companies. H. E.
Colo. N. E. 15th and Douglas. 7JI
secured. Valentino's shorthand
SITUATIONS , all of Its graduates in
good positions. Students can enter ut any time.
Bond for clrcular,1515 Dodge strcotOmaha. Neb.
- 820.1'i )
NEW YOHIC Storage Co. Incorporated capi
tal $15,000. most extensive facilities for
storage of furniture , pianos , etc. Cash advances
to any amouirttyCrehouse receipt given , strict
conllucnce maintained in nil business transac
tions , 1603,1510,1512,1511 Capitol ave , cor 15th.
. . ' ! CO. .
WANTED-iA'sccond-hand ' pony cart In good
repalr. Adchrfeas F21 , Uee olll ce. 40J at
ilyra banking business. Ad
dress WKUtattlculuis , F l.lleo olllce.
ILLbny furniture of n house or flat centrally
trally located. Co op. L. & L. Co , 203 N lUlh
/"ILAIHVOYANT-Call on Mrs. Eccles.naturo'H
\J Inti'ipreter. Hellabloln ull the airalrs oC
life , lo\euud business,322N.lOth fat. , room 1.
790-A2 *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. Ill ) N. 10th
Bt. . llooms 2 i 3 , Tel. 944. 304
MONEV nt low rates on good city nnd farm
property , notes bought. Klmball. Champ
& Hynia , U. S. Natl bank bid. 450 ln2 *
MONEY to loan on real estate security In
sums of $2r,0 up , running from 3 months to
5 years. Wullace. Cielghton blk. _ 4b'j 7
Mend Investm't Co. make loans on farms
. nnd city property. Itoom 201ltanige bulld'g.
S1 choice loans wunted. A. K. Hlloy.
I5in Farnam. 455 m2
I CAN place largo or small loans without delay -
lay ; splendid rates. A. K. Itiley.lSI'J Farnam.
MONEY to loan : KMO and up on llrs > t mort
gage to parties wanting to build on or im
prove lota in Omaha or approved additions no
( It-lay. Marshall & Lobeck , itoom U , Chamber
of Commerce. 413 7
MONEY to loan at lowest rates , flood mort
gage paper bought. E. F. Hlllgur , lll ! N.
15th ht. 309
MONEY to loan on real estate , mortgages
bought and sold. J. II. Evans , 1510 Dodgo.
to loan on city property and farms by
.Iiirvia , conkliu Mortgage Trust Co. L.I1.
Hammond , gcnoial agent for Nob. , Itoom WJ ,
new Paxton block. 110
T OANS made on Omaha city property by D ,
.1J V. Sholes. room 1 Hurker blk. 751
HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or
farm property. Room 0 Continental
block. OOJ
ONEY to Loan & . * ) ,000 to loan In sums of
from J501) ) to tsrai on Omaha mid South
Omaha property. Money on hand. Wright &
Lasbury , 215 S. 14th bt. , upstairs. 223
roNi to Loan W. N. Nason , Itoom 19.
Chamber of Commerce. lt.3 4
J A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real estate -
tate lu sums to suit. M South 13th Ht.
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons ,
etc..wlthout removal : or on collateral Hocurr
Ity. lluslness couIlUcutlul. 0 II Jucob.jt"J ; H 15th
_ _ 5j _
WK cnnglvo.ytu . all the money yon want on
houhuhold ( joods , planoi and merchan
dise at legal iiUi-n when gooils are stored with
us. New Yilrk StornKo Co. 75S-a-il
ONP.Y i TO LOAN as 0 per cent on first
mortgaKea sums of VM to $10.000 ; good
short time paper bout-lit at reasonable ( llscount ;
money on hand ; na delay , Patterson if Fnwcett ,
UlHSo , 15th . , t 417
MONEY topoan , at low rates , on chattels ,
without/removal or filing ; financial busi
ness of all kinds transacted quietly and without
publicity ; money advanced on Jewelry ; secured
notes bought ) , Qfll and fcee us , It will pay you.
People's nnancliA Exchange ; room 50 ! } . IfnrUer
block , 15tli and Farnam. 2jlu
MONKY To lian ! Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. HiWe Vk Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank 10 I 375
ONKY LOANED at C. F. Reed & Co.'s Loan
Office , onjrpjriuture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal propnjCYft all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of viUue.'i/huout removal , 3W H. 13tli ,
overlllngham'a cMmmlsslon store. All busl-
peas strictly confidential. 371) )
MONKY To Loan By the undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to f 100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confldentlal. Loans no made
that any part cau bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the coat pro rata. Advances
inadaonline watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money cull and
see me. W. H. Croft , room 4 YVitunell uulldlng ,
15th and Harney. UC'J
MON BY to Loan-O , F. Davis Co. , real estata
and loan agents , IMA Karuaia ft. 370
MONKY to loan. Notes ana it. H. ticket.
bought and sold. A. Fonuan , 1320 Farnam
8t . Mi
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , furniture ,
pianos and other personal property or col
lateral without uio\al ; business confidential ;
rate * moderate. The Falrbank Investment Co. ,
SIS S. UtU * t _ upstair * . . * u
TVf ONRVtoloan , casn on han'V ' na delay. J.
J.U. vr.anrt K. L. Bqulr . 1413 Farnam st. r r.
ton hotel bolldlntr. 371
_ _
MONEY to loan em turntturp. norsos. wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. Low
. W.Robblns , 16U Farntm. 772
TVTONEY to loan on Improved" real estate ! no
J.TI. commission charged. Learitt Burnhaiu.
room 1 , Crelghton block. 3CC
TITONKYIoanacl on furniture , planns organj ,
A'-l. horses , etc. low rates. J. J. Wilkinson A
Co. , 1324 Farnam. over Darlington Uckot oOlce.
T , OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
JU w. M. Harris over ZJO 8. 15lh st. 373
SHORT tlrmi loans made on any available
socurityrin reasonable amounts. Secure !
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind tr.tnsivct J
promptlr.qitletly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W , cor. 15th and Har
tley sts. , overstate National band. Corbstt ,
manager _ 3-)7 )
LOANS made on real cstato and mortgages
bought , Lewis S. Hood & Co , , 1521 Farnaui.
[ 600,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 8
P percent. G. W. Day. S. K. cor. Er. IIM.
. _ 378
XTOTES bought. 0. B. Jacobs , OJJ S. 13th st.
MONEY to fioixn Omaha real estate and
farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Hros. &
Co. . 1KJ3 Tarnam. 830
lCCOO.000 to loan on city and farm real estate.
P Llnahan Ac Mahonny , 1C07H Farnam street.
_ Bid
U"iOO.noo to loan at lowest rate ot Interest , on
P city property. II. B. Irer , Frenzer blk , opp.
1 * . O. 1 JO
plOAHsloroforsalofortlSO. No. 701 S. 101U
\J st. 4U ( 4 *
FOR SALE A good brick yard and all the np.
pnrtanniiccs , also iJOii.OOO good brick.
Apply Ryan & Walsh , room 0 , Arlington block.
"OUSINESS Chance For sale a stock of groc-
JL > cries , centrally located In Ilrst-class build
ing good trade established , sell cheap If taken
soon. Address Inghain > Stcelc , Real Estate ,
Kearney , Neb. 4UO 8 *
PARTNER wanted In established law busl-
ness In Nnbinska. Capital required Jl.OOO.
Address F10 , Hee olllco. 410
IJARTNEH wanted In prolltable business ,
grocery , restaurant nnd bakery In live town
in Kansas , but small amount rmmlred , must bo
u practical baker. Inquire of C , ICalmbucli.CItU
st. , near belt lino. 3M 0
T710R SALE Or exchange , drugstore In ono of
JNebraska's liveliest and best business
towns. Stock about U.OJO. Net profits last year
81,000. Will soil on favorable terms , or exchange
for small stock , well located tn Omaha. Reasons
Mr si'lllnir and further particulars by address
ing , F S , lice ofllco. 313 0
FOH SALE Thrco or four good saloons , best
locations tn north Nebraska. Apply lu
person to P , Schwonk & Co. , Norfolk , Nob.
T710HSAI.T2 1'ced store , nt Invoice. Call 1449
JU Georgia ave and Shirley st. 1C24 *
T7KH SALE Cigar nnd news stand , OOt North
JD icth st. 122 3
GROCERY ami meat market , IS years estab
lished , A fine opportunity for a live man.
Address K 55 , Heo ofHce. 112 alO
PARTIES to take } J Interest In good paving
JL bulsness , small capital. Address E 54. Heo.
T\7E have for sale a large list restaurants ,
T T bakeries , meat markets , feed stoics , ho
tels , groceries , ft stocks of merchandise , 4 livery
barns and all kinds of chances. Co-Operatlvo
Land fc Lot Co. , 203 N. 16th st. U7I-a4
FOR SALE Ono ot the best chances over
offered for small hotel in this city. 8-1,000
cash required , i : 33 Ileo olllce. 8'J7
llOCEHIES-Nlce clean stock with good
young team and delivery wagon. Price
$2,000. For sale or trade for Insldo Omaha prop
erty. Active Heal Estate & Property Exchange
1524 Dt dge st. cut
F > OH SALE Heal estate nnd insurance busi
ness. Address E 7 , Hoc. 200 5
JLV TO lease fine residence near postonico , nnd
buyfurnlturo ( all now ) at a great sacrifice. For
particulars sea L. S. Skinner , 1503 Farnam. KM
GOOD livery stock nnd lease on best livery
and sale stable centrally located lu Omaha ,
for sale very cheap for cash , will not trade. Co.
Op. L. & L. Co. . 205 N. 10th st. 424
TT10RSALE Drug stock. As fine location as
-L1 thorolsin tnoclty. Clean stock. Invoke
abontl'.OOO. Part cash. Paitln gooij real es
tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton Si'Co. 18th
st.opp. Chamber of Commerce. 451
TJ10H SA LE A good paying business. Clears ,
JL ) stationery and toys , In a flrst-class loca
tion. On account of 11' ' health. Stock on hind
noout$3,000. All cash not required. Enquire at
Max Meyer .tCo.'s. 400
FOH THADE-3 lots In Windsor terrace for
good land , mortgage paper or horse and bug
gy. D. V. Sholes. room 1 , Harter block. Ull
WANTED Horses and cattle to exchange for
farms or city property. H. E. Cole. N. E.
cor. 15th and Douglas WJ1
two.story six-room houses. Will trade eijul-
tics for Insldo vacant lot. Will assume rea
sonable Incumbrance. H. K. Cole , N E cor 15lh
und Douglas. 431G
f0x32 ! , corner 23d and Douglas Bts , to trade for
* J an eight to ten-room house nnd lot. C3oo. J.
Sterusdorll , room B , opposite P O. iSJO
FOH THADK-200 acre farm In Iowa ; no In-
cnmhentnce , all under fence and nlcelv im
proved. Want city property. Co-operative Land
A : Lot Co , 205 N. Iflth st. 412 4
T7V3H EXCHANGE For mortgage paper or
-1- personal property , n first class lot In Or
chard Hill. II. K. Hendee , 117 South 10th street.
GILT-HDGED Improved city property to PX-
chauge for good llrst-mortpaRO paper. II ,
E. Cole , N. K. cor. 15th mid Douglas. 318-3
FlHST-CrASS clear lanil and som inonov for
largo fuinlsliud Hat in good location , fi. E.
Cole , N. K. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. 348-3
TPKHEX < 'HANGB-7Hodford lots on 2-lth ht ,
J ) 7,00 ( ) . .IOOJlncumbruuce ; $50J cash , bal ,
good lands.
$15iOO ( good Oinalm Improved property for
farm near Columbus , Ohio.
EF. . Hluger , 119 N 13th st.
3D ! )
GflxlRO fronting on hhorman ave. 17th and
Clark hticets. This Is 0110 of the llnrat cor
ners in the city. Want about 83.0JO cash , bal
ance of emilty In good pioperty. H. E. Cole ,
N K cor lath nnd Douglas. 4'IJ 7
HOUSES nud lots to exchange for merchun.
ilUe , hordes nnd cattle. H. E. Cole , N. E
cor. 15th und Douglas.
] EXCHANGE Or sale m lots In Portlaml
I * place , JI7.500 ; cash , U5.000 ; JS.i.WJO In lander
or other city pioporty , piirchnsor to us-
Mime $13.000. There will bo from 100 to 200
houses unlit on adjoining property this
10J lots In Omaha Heights , 90 feet front on
Kuh tu-iir draco st , 1 lot In blocks. Paddock
place , price for all $25,000 , Can exchange this
tor liibldo property ; nssuma small mortgage
and pay some cuHh.
70J lots at iJOO to MID each , stri-nt cars
through the land. $ WOOQ to $75OOJ ; land or
otherproperty taken as ilrst payment , balauco
5 to 10 years
Douglas St. 75x150 , one house 12 rooms and
one house 7 rooms , 128.000. rents J150 per
month ; il2OOQgood land , $4,000 cash , balance 6
tl2,500. OOxHO , double house , good location ,
land or vacant lots taken as part payment.
$ -10,0)0 ) , large building , lot Wxl2J. Davenport ,
neat Ifltli Ht. , * U't X ) clear lands or lots , fo.OOO
cash , balance live yearn.
t85.00J , biiblnobs lilock. Doilge St. . rnnts 11,003
per year , 82.J.OOO cash , $25,000 land or city proper
ty. balance tlvo year- ) .
I12.50C1 , 75x150 , two houses , Mason st. , near ITtli ,
$ ltOO : cash , balance good ranch.
f'i,2Ui. 40x127. good bousti. Armstrong's add. ,
for good fruit farm Douglas county , or near
good town In western Iowa.
Vacant lots and reMdont property ranging In
prices from $500 to $7,000 to oxctmngo for land ,
merthandlno or good city pioperty ,
10,000 acroH. line Improvement * , Ouster Co. ,
best ranch In the state , (100,000 , trade for Omaha
K. F Hl lnger. 119 N 15th st. S03
TO EXCHANGE For merchandise or rosl-
dence lota in Omaha , HX ) acres choice unim
proved land in Knox Co. , Neb , , a balance unpaid
due In 0 years. Address H , H , LoucksDanbury.
lowu. S41o
WANTED H ) houses and lots to exchange.
C , C. Spotswood , 005K S. Iflth st. 8J9
GOOD clear land for furniture. H. E. Cole , N.
B. 15tU nnd Douglas. _
OLEAH land in nearly every county in the
State to trade for houses und lots , vacant
lots , merchandise , hurtcs or cattle. When you
have anything toexchuuge come and see us. II.
K. Cole.N E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 3IH-3
I HAVE 100 loislnlJ. & M. Park addition to
South Omaha , free of iucumbraiice , to
trade for Improved or unimproved Omaha prop.
erty , farm lands , blocks of gooJs , horses , cuttlu
or anything of value. Tlieso lota are rapidly
increasing In value , and if you have anything to
trade call and nee tne. George J. SturusdorlT.
room 0 Frenzer block , opposite postotUce. 230
CHOICE acre tracks suitable ior gardening.
Very liberal terms. II. E. Cole , 5K. ml
K al tnuto tot gale. WV
T 1STproportr for sal * . n n ( or cxchanpo with
.JU M. R , Col * , N. K. cor ISth and DongTa * .
STOCK of drug * . Including soila fountain , flx-
turps.rtc. , invoice about fSOOOon ; of the
best locations In the cltf. Part
rash , . balance- good property. II. H.
Cole , K K cor 16th nml DcilgUs. 4.K8
TT OH TKADB-Will trade for horso.n now or-
-l-1 pan. cost In CnlcnRp tirfl. Call for M. D.
Clntk , at Pniyn's fitablp-kl and Izanl fits. ,
wheru Instmmnnt can bo seen. 4K : 4
OUTH OMAHA lot for horse nnd buggy. IL
K. Colo. K. E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 313
T ,1ST property for sale , rent or exchange with
JU H. E. Cole , N. K. cor 16th and Douglas.
WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for
farms. II. K. Cole , N. G. 15th and Douglas.
, TO )
\VANTKD-SOu.XH ( brtrlc for Omaha real ews-
T > late. B. A. Lcnvcuworth.m * Farnam st ,
( Ml
S OUTH OMA HA lot for harness and bim
U.K. Colo. N K 15th nnd Douglas. n
WANTED Stocks of luprehandlso to ex-
change for farms. H. U. Cole , N , E. 15th
nnd Douglas. 1KN
TN RXCHAN(1P. A nearly new Hushford
JL wagon for n good light spring wagon. Ap
ply to Lawrence is StrlblltiR , 113 N. 10th street ,
T 1ST property for sale , rent or exchange with
-U ii. E. Cole , N. U. cor 15th and Douglas.
TN Dos Molnes , an elegant tenement blocc of
JL four residences ; splendid location ; tlnnly lln-
Ished : rents for $ l.OiV ) per year Pilcr , tlU.M ( ;
encumbrance , Sl.tOO : \ > ant good laud or Omnnn
property. A snap for somebody. U.K.Colo ,
N. K. 16th nud Douglas. .IIS-J
T710H EXCHANUS-Wltl take horse nnd buggy
JL1 as part payment for equity In good lot lu
A. S. Patrick's addition. Aililross 15 60. Hoe.
ICO ACHES nrst-class fnrm land In Iowa and
porno monev to exchange for u or 7 room homo
nnd lot lu good location. II , H , Cole , N. E. 15th
and Dougbu. 348-3
WANTED to Exchange-Two lots In 11. * M.
park for horse and bugiry. Inquire nt 8.
A.Sloman , llth and Faruaui , llollmau block ,
" \\7ir < L exchange equity in good farm land
TT hero for property in Omaha , U.K ) acres ,
120 under plow , good frame house U roams , largo
new barn three good wells , hog past tire
fenced , outbuildings , growing orchard fruit nnd
prove. Equity $3MiO , Incumbranco 1700 , duo In
ft yours , 7per cent , and * 1.400 In7years n"4 per
cent int. A bargain. What have you got to
oirer ? Write at once. 7 mlloa west of Elgin.
Jesse White , Jr. , Mcutorville. Antelope Co. ,
Neb. Avi 3
"H10H SALE or exchange House and somn lots.
JL1 Win. J. Paul. 1UW Farniun st. 2.B
fpHADES made In real estatenud personal
JL . Jiropertj'v Seoexchange book. Co-op. L.
and L. Co. 205 N. 10th st.
SOUTH OMAHA lots for furniture. II. K.
3 Cole , N. E. 15th nnd Douglas. 3IS-3
Abstracts South Omaha Kd. Johnson &
Co. . agents South Omaha Land Co. . have
the only complete set of abstract books In
South Omaha. Complete abstracts furnished
on short notice. Olllco opposite depot , South
Omaha. 127
BENSON to CAIlMICIIAKIj furnish complnto
and guaranteed abstracts ot title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complain sat of abstract
books In the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. 335
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1505
Fiirnam streitComplote abstracts fur-
Dished , and titles to real itaU examined , per
fected and guaranteed * 330
TfOIl SALE A neat cottage and Gft lot oppo-
-l ? site residence of Milton Hogers. Hcau Si
Jamlcsou , Itoom COI , llamgo building. 4l'X )
FOH SALE Lots In South Omaha very clionp
for a fe7dayg. Doswortli & Joplln. 41H S. 15th
45'J l
FOR SALE Lot 15 Hurdotto court , with now 4
room house , $1.5-iO , cm nil casn and monthly
payments. Wallace , Crolghton blk. 408 fi
TJTOH S/VLE A fine residence lot on Farnam
JL ? st. , BSxl.'S ft nt n bargain. Klmball , Champ
Sc Byau , U. S. Natl bank bid. 44ltn2
FOR SA LE Lot 15 Burdetto court , with new 1
room house , SI.550 , small cash and monthly
payments. Wallace , Crclghton blk. 4G3 5
T71OH SALE Half section No. 1 land In Hurt
JL ? Co. , Nob. , 3 miles from Carter station. All
under n wire lenco and hai water. Inquire J.
A. Llllle , 18J8 Webstur st. , Omaha. 428 HJ
STHINOEH & Co. . 1518 Dodge street , will sell
a good lot In Orchard Hill nnd taku a horse
and buggy und secured notes In payment. 438
TTIIVK good horses for sale. Co-opcratlvo
JJ , and ' i Lot Co. , 205 N . I0th st. 412 4
H SALK -Good mill propeity , cheap.K.OOO.
ilcnawa A ; Co. , 15th street , opposite I * . 0.
TN Des Molnos , 11 flue business property , llght-
JL ly cnrumbficd. Price flS.iMi ) . Will take good
land. H. 15. Colo. N. E. 15thund Douglas. 318-3
TT1011 SALE WxlSO. house 10 rooms , Capitol
J ? ave , , n bargain , $1JOUO.
Corner lot , ( Wxl32 , l-room ( house , grandest
view In the city , only $14,500 ,
75x140 , good house , 1'urk avo. . $7,500 ,
44x0(1.16th ( st. , near Cumlng , $ .100 per foot.
Do Holt I'laco , 5 aero trarts , 8.1VJ to t'M per
nrro. line depot on grounds , only 15 minutes
ride from Northwestern depot.
Denman and 1'oitlsndl'laee. cheapest lots In
Omaha. S600 to SHn , t5U down , 510 per month.
150x100 , corner Webster , near school ,
E.F.Illuger , 110 N. 15tn fit. U03
"T7IOHSALI5 Large trackage lot , line location.
J-1 close to pavement , very favorable terms ,
Adtlrc-bS F 4 , Boo olllco. 803 0
HOUSE and lot for $100 cash and 115 per
month ; also 2 nt (250 , nnd balance easy.
D. I ) . Smuaton , room 43 , Darker block. 820 8
1HAVK for sale cheap , piece of Improved
property for J4.200 ; cash , and balance
1 and 2 years. Rental $720 year 40 pur cent for
1st year-l per cent forsecond year , and 17 per
cent over afterw ards , D. D. Smeatou , Room 43 ,
Darker block. 31U8
H OUSES , vacant lots and fauns for sale nnd
exchange at Stringer A : Co.V , 1518 Dodge.
T710H SALE Or Trade Nlco house and lot for
JL' farm or Inside property. Inquire of or
address Crum i : HHhoji , 1514 Douglas St. 324-0 *
LnicK & CO. , Heal Esta"to
SOMH oholco lots In South Omaha below the
market value , bargains If taken quick. H.
E. Cole , N E Cor. Kith nnd Douglas. : i50 30
IOTS 4 , 6 , 2fi , 27 und Si. block 6. Hrlgg's place.
J Price of all $8,000 ; easy terms. II. E. Cole ,
N E Cor. 15th and Douglas. _ .TO ) !
TJUSINESS lot on North Sixteenth street. H.
J3 E. Cole. N E Cor. 16th and Douglan. ifjQ 30
LOTS on Fnrnam. Douglas , Dodge or Capitol
nvoniifl , long time and no cabh payment If
yon will build. H.E.Colo.NE Cor. 16th and
Douglas. 360 30
* I-STOHY six-room house and lot , all modern
-J convenience ! * , convenient to ttreet curs , do-
filrablo location ; prlcof.1,400 , $300 cash ; balance
monthly or quarterly to suit , H. B. Cole , N E
Cor. 15th and Douglas. _ OX ) UU
3.250 , $ 'MO balance monthly ; quarter block
from Red Car line , doslrablo location ; come
and see this. H. E. Cole , N E Cor. 15th and
Douglas. _ 60 30
TTIOH 8ALE-Ilawl y House , North Platto.
-L. Nob. Will take part cash and balance In
good cattle. Address John Ilawloy , North
Platto. 715021 *
T71AHM for sale , 40 miles north of Omaha , con-
J.1 tains 170 acres , line house , feeding yards ,
windmill , etc. , ull level land. Price * Ij per
acre. D. 0. Patterson , Omaha Nat. Hank.
160 UT
FOR SALE South Omaha trackage , lots 1 , a.
3 and 4 , II ! l , Albright's annex , next to How-
land nnd Hrndfoid'u lumlxir und coal yard ,
double frontages on street nnd county road ,
alley In reur.desirabloas an Investment or bust.
ne.hs location , room for U cottages. Cull ut 8.
W. cor ittli and Douglai. _ lyj
5 ROOM cottage , east front , full lot , Sinn and
llurclette sts.ouly $1,750 , D. C , Futtori > on ,
Omaha Nat. Hank. _ eg ;
FH SALE or exchange We havosomogood
Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms
which we will sell cheap or trade for stocks of
clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods , boots and
Hhocs , groceries or nurdware , Bchlcslugor Hros. ,
TTWII SALE or trade Lands and town prop-
-L1 erty In Nebraska. Kansus.Colorado nnd other
Ktatesjwunt merchunilltiw , cattle and horses [ gen
eral exchange business transacted ; correspond *
ence aollclted. T. A. English. & Co. , York. Neb.
_ 730030
FOH SALE At a bargain for a few ( lava
only , lot 1 , block 3. Paddock Place. Thl * in
a beautiful corner on 10th street , Inquire ut
ouner , 1703 Dodge. .t. _ 4D2 *
J L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 315
rp\VO good houses , well located , for $2,7U ) and
X 1.100. on easy payments , J. A. lleUtunO ,
room O.Arlington lliock. yj )
" 17AOH SALF.-At a buigatu. lease of a 3-story
J. brick bulldluj ? containing ildtoitt * and 25
rooms , with modern Improvements. Inaiilro at
609 . Visj
Bjatli jit. _ _
J L KICK & CO. , llaal Katata. 15
aero tracks , bflstof facilities for ( r p
.denlng. Wivntjroodtmlncumbereil farms
11. K. Cole N. R. ISth nd Douglaa. w
T7IOR SALK-Iot 15 HtinUtte court , with naxTJ
JL ; room hotwn ll,5Rn. small cash nnd monthly
payments. Wallace , Crelghton blk. 4 8 6
T7IOH SALK ff-room modern house , Wf flt of
J.1 ground , near lth nnd St. Mary's nv , for
$7,000p rty anxious to sell. a. E , Thompson.
314 S. 15th U J7t *
L. RICE * CO , H nl totato. Jli
THOH SALE Nice 7 room house , close" to st.
JL1 cars , school , church , eta , full lot , only I3BOO |
ll.OUO casli , balance tn thro * equal payments. O.
F. Harrison. 418.8.15th st , M
J L. HICK * CO. , Real KstAtO. tli " i
fTIOR SALK-Hotuaand lot In Omaha. View , n
J-1 bargain , small cash payment , easy torms.
a C. Spotswood , ! S4 8 Ifltll. 7 )
EMSTICKNKY A CO. mixco a specialty , of
property in North Omaha , forsulo or roa *
at Clttzena' bank 24H Cumlua st. 3M
CAIIGA1N In n.\oi2 \ block * from easti-nd of
L street viaduct. South Omaha. $1,400 , Ww
CAsh , nOxlSO. I ) , D , BuicBton , Ilarkor block.
020 A
T71OH SAURorTradn Farnam U near nsth ,
JJ inciinibrnncfl tl.WD. Idiuity M.UOO.
Fanmm st. . cor 3lst. I30.r IK.
'lYackniro , 13th st. near ( Jmcp. 08x113.
Cumlng st. , cor 31st , 48.UxUO ) luoumUmnco
N. loth St. , near Nicholas , fllxlOl , tncunib ftnco
Snu'ndors st. , cor. Hurt , 100x51 , Incutnbranco
Park nve. , facing part , 60x150 , tnoumbrauco
Douglas st. , near aOtli , 01x133 , lueumiiMvnco
K.fltX ) .
2j lot sin H. &M. Park add to South Omaha ,
clear of Inctimliranco , perfect title , ,
2 quarter soctlons ot nouool bind in ICossutli
I quarter section land In Orundr' Co. , Nbb. ,
Alfof above property for sale or trada for
good Inside Improved property or good Improved -
proved or unimproved farms. 8 , A. Slomaii ,
rooms 22 and 2J , Hollman bldg , 1301 Farnam St. ,
Omaha. Neb. 813 ;
TED. who In hti FOLLY and 1ONOIIANCK
hM TillnKI > away hit VIGOlt of UODY ,
UirruandaiANlIOonr uitnexbauBttpa |
drains Upon the FOUNTAINN of LIFE ,
Dreams. WEAUNF.NH of Memory , IIAS1I.
the FACE , and all the BFFE < rrH lendlnKto
EAni < Y UEOAY and pothani CONNUMP.
TION or INHANITY , should oonmlt at oncff
the CEI-EHRATED Dr. Harkc , EsUbllihed
1851. Dr. Clarke has mudo NKUVOIJH IIE-
niMTY , CHIIONIO and all Dlieasci of
the GENJTO UIIINAKY Orpimi a Llfo
l'U(3y. ( It nakea NO dlDsrenco WHAT 7011
&AVO taken or WHO hai failed to euro you.
WFEMAIF.HiulToruK ! from dlEeatcipecn *
liar to their tex can consult with the aMuranco
of ipaedy relli f and cure. Bond 2 ccnta postage
for woiki on your dlicaio.
3-6end 1 ccnti postage for Celebrated
Word * on Chronic. Nervnui and Hell ,
cata Ilioasc . Coiuultatlon , p non Uy or by
letter , IVe . Consult the old Doctor.
Tlioaanncla cured. OOlceB and parlor *
prlYutTho30 contemplating Marrlnco
Mnd for Dr. CInrUe'B celebniUd guldo
Male and Female , each 150. , both 25o.
( tamps ) . Befoie confldlni your caio , coiuult
Dr. IjAKSE. A friendly letter or call may
Mrefiituro suffering and shame , and add colden
y ar to life. * B-Book "J.tlo'n ( Seorel ) Er-
rory. " eoc. ( itamps ) . Medicine and writings n
tent eTorrtrhcre , secure from oxpoiuro.
Hours , B to 8 ; Sundayn , 9 to 12. Addrcsi , i
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
186 So. Olorlc 8U OHIOAOQ. ILL.
Running between Council muffs and Albright ,
In mldltlon to the Htatlons mentioned , trains
stop at Tu en tie th and Twenty-fourth streets ,
and at the Summit lu Omaha.
Leave. Arrive.
ANo , It 4:00p.m. : D No. 1 10:50 : .m.
II No.2 6lOp. m. A No. 13 11:30 : a. m ,
O No.O 0:20a.m. : 0 No.5..0:06p.m : ,
A No.4. . . 0:40a.m. : A No.3 7:00um : ,
A No. t tlMOu. m.A | No.3. . . .Ojlla. m.
A No. 4:0) ) p. m. A No.7 lltflB. m ,
A No 4 . .4:30 : p. m.A | No. 6. . . ,7OJ p , in.
A No. S . . . . 0:25a. : ni.lA . . . .O-.Xio. . m.
A No.i : No. 1 , . , :
A No. 10 7Ba.m.A : ( | No.'J. . :
A Ho , 13. . . 7Xjp. ; ( iii.lANo. . II. . . , .900p.m. ;
A No 8 8:40p. : m.A | No.7.-.lli pita.
I < eave TranDfer depot -9:40 : a. in. ; f:40ti. ) : tn ,
ArrtvoTroiiEfer depot 0:40a.m. : ;
7:00 : p.m.
AdallyjII dally except R t.O dally exoeut
Suu. ! D cxcoptMon. ; jFast mall : LluiltooL.