THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AP1IIL 4 , 1888. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , . OFFICK , NO. 12 1'KA.ULSTHKKT. . ' Delivered by Carrier In Any 1'nrt ot the City fit Twenty tcntB I'er Week. H W.T11/TON. . . .MANAOKH. TiUi'HONE3 : : : rJ. No. 41. NKJIIT KDiToii , No. zi. MINOIl MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Now spring goods nt Hcitcr'n. The greatest mind-reader has arrived. Greatest mind render nt Scott houso. The Acme club will meet this week , Fri day evening , at the residence of George Kco- line , on Park avenue. Permits to wed wcro yesterday given to Albert Fcnii mid Edith Mace , ooth ot this city ; Edwin liny nnd Allle Hedman , of Hen derson , In. The young Indies of the Acme club will clvo n social nt Mr. George Keclino's resi dence on Park avenue , Thursday evening , April 5. All will be made welcome. Yesterday , at the noon hour , Justice Schurz was called nwny from his dinner to tie the nuptial knot for Mr. P. N. Sucksdorf nnd Miss Dora Trcdo , both of this county. Mayor Hohrer and Ex-Aldcrmnn Wells , the Chnutnuquu committee fiom the board of trade , made n visit to the pioposcd grounds yesterday afternoon , preparatory to receiv ing the Omaha committee. Articles of incorporation wcro yesterday fllcd of the South Branch Elevator company of Avoca. The Incorporntors are H. O. Sclffcrt , Henry Welse , Clms. N. Voss nnd W. It. Freeman. The capital stock Is $21,000 , nil paid up , A now musical conservatory Is to bo estab lished In the city. Prof. Henry W. Y. Hul- frok nnd Mao Bourlclous , latoof the academy of muslu at Amsterdam , Holland , are the movers in the project. The name of the In stitution Is to bo the Western lown College of Music. Yesterday morning nt 9 o'clock Anna , the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Peterson , died. The disease was consumption. Thu funeral will take place thin afternoon nt 3 o'clock , from the homo , No. 1UOO Tenth nvc- nuc. The body will bo burled In Fulrvlow cemetery. The Mnnawa motor line has completed its crossing of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy railroad stock ynrds. The company are anxiously waiting Uio adjustment of the Chicago cage , Hock Island & Pacitic matter , which when made will allow the immediate comple tion of the line ? Next Monday occurs the close of the Young Men's Christian association year , and the annual meeting , election of ofllccrs , etc. The past year has been ono marked by n prosperity gi cater than that of any preced ing year , and efforts will bo made to adopt such measures ns shall Insure n yet greater success in the year to come. Messrs. Wheeler and Herald have pur- chasedthrough the ofllco of Benson &Maync nnd C. J. Colby , forty feet front on Broad way , corner ot Beiitou street , nnd will erect n business block at once. Mr. Wheeler will nlso commence nt once the erection of n block of residences on Pierce street. At n meeting of St. Paul's parish hold Monday evening the following wcro elected vestrymen for the ensuing year : D. C. Bloomer , M. Duquette , John T. Stuart , A. T , Hicc , J. Y. Fuller , II. Everett , M. E. Smith , John N. Baldwin , E. II. Odell , Marshall Trcynor and Kichard Green. The Royal Arcanum ball given nt the H. A. parlors lust evening wns n grand social HUCCCSS. The affair was gotten up by the Fairmount council of the Royal Arcanum , organized here last winter , and was fully up to the high htundard of the previous parties. The attendance was unusually largo , as it was the nrst social event of any Importance since Lent. Monday afternoon n largo number of ladies responded to the invitation to visit the gym nasium rooms. The object of the gathering , the formation of a class In gymnastics , wns explained to them , nnd the steps preliminary to the organization of such n class , were taken. The class promises to be large , and much enthusiasm prevails among the pros pective students of calisthenics. The barber shop which hus stood so long at No. 670 Main street was moved yesterday and will bo taken to a new locution below the Northwestein depot , upon Broadway , where it will bo remodeled into n store room. A new brick block will rise upon the old foundations , woik upon which will bo imme diately begun. The new block is nlicndv leased to Odell & Bryant , who will occupy it with their stock of stoves and hardware. George Blnxstm'H family dog wns laid low by Captain Anderson's revolver on Monday night. The dog wus old and perfectly harm less , but ho wns seen on the street by n num ber of passers , whoso vivid imuginutions sawn mad dog in all the honors of hydro phobia. It was on their appeals the dog was shot. The owner visited the mayor yester day nnd complained that heuitlcss cruelty on the part of the ofilcer characterized the kill- Ing. The mayor investigated the matter and fully exonerates the ofilcur from all ulamo. The funeral services over the remains of Miss Indiana Barictt were held yesterday afternoon at the family residence , 1119 Third avenue , Hov. Dr. Phclps , of the Presbyterian church , ofllciutlng. The body wus token to Fulrvlow cemetery for interment. The de ceased had long suffered from consumption nnd passed awuy lust Sunday. Just n year ngo this month the deceased followed n be loved sister to the gruvo who was n victim of the sumo discaso. The family is thus doubly bereaved and will iccclvo the sympathy of all. Piles cured with certainty. Drs. Moscr & Van Nees , Council BlulTs , la. Latest novelties in the Star shirt waists at John Bono & Co.'s. Ah Tliorol Look Now. The finest line of spring Biiitings over Ehown in the city. Few patterns and Bplondid goods. AlbO nn elegant line of pant patterns at reduced prices. Como nnd see. A. Roller , S10 Broadway. Call and sco the newest htyles of boys' knee nnd kilt anils at John 13ono& Col's. S. B. Wudsworth & Co. loan monov. Lot 10 , block 7,13 yliss first addition , with good house , will bo offered cheap for the next ten days by S. 11. Wads- worth & Co. , 1230 Main st. It is a bar gain for any ono , See notice to builders. Another col umn. No Judge , No Court. Judge Dcemer was to open court hero yes terday. Ho planned on taking the early morning train from his homo in Hed Oak , but the train was rejtortcd an hour late , so that ho was mislead , the train arriving at Hed Oak sooner tnuu ho expected. By missIng - Ing this train ho was unable to teach hero in tlmo to hold court , but will DO on baud this morning , Drs. Moser & Van Ness euro pnvnto diseases. Itooms 1 und ft , opuni liotuu b'lk. Toleplionu . If there are twelve Domestic sowing much In OH sold from this olllco within within the next ton davs , either for casher or monthly payments , wo will donate the entire proceeds of the twelfth sale to St. J3 or nurd's nnd the Cottngo hospital , cuoli receiving an equal share. Do mestic parlors , 105 Main btreet. Wanted To lease , a furnished house , ton to fifteen rooms. Inquire of John- iiton & Van Put ton , Ifa Main street. A full line of crockery and glassware at Lund Bros. , No. 23 Main trcet. Union Abstract company , -3d Main street. E , II. Shcnfo loans monov on chattel tecurity of every defccription. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Olllco 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stnirs. Shonfo loans money on real estate. Furall ftinalodlbeasesroniiult DiS' . Moscr i Van Ness , oi > ra Uouso block , rooms 4 and 6 , VouucU UluilD. CortpvuiIenceboUcUel. UNCORKING THE CAUCUS , The Aldormfinlo Proforonooa For Oity Officers Privately Qlvon. THE STRIKE ALL QUIET HERE. 1'rcpnrntlons For DoillcatlnsHt. Prnti * els GntlinlluGliurcti The Dlntrlct Court blisses Connection 1'crnonnl NutcH. How Oront Mlmln DIITor. As nearly us the facts In Ilia case can bo nscci Inincd , the caucus of the city council on Monday nftcrnoon w.xs anything but a love 'cast. It Is strongly Intimntcil by parties wild ought to know that the spirit of gentle ness mid meekness was entirely wnntlnjr. Although the session was secret , nnd out siders were not allowed to witness the scene , none of the participants express an unwilling ness to tnlk on the subject. Yet they nro viilently. very warded as to wlmt they say , nnd do not ileslro to Imvo the happenings made known. Certain It is that they wcro nimble to nrrivo nt nny definite understand ing in the matter of appointments for heads of dcDitrtmunls , and that what some oC them nro pleased to term "just n llttlo Informal meeting to sco how the other fellows stood , " revealed the fnct that the "other fellows" stood very llrinly on both feet , precisely where It wns hoped that there would bo noth ing but vacancy. It scums that what at first appeared to bo merely a llttlo split in the council has devel oped Into 11 huge , yawning chasm , and Indi viduals on cither sldo nro not at all disposed to give In , even if certain pledges by which some of them nro flrmly bound could bo re moved. It is understood that two of the newly elected counciltncn bound themselves to do so-and-so in event they were elected , nnd certain Interested cmnp followers , who .helped . to boost them into office on that ac count. arc now looking after them very sharply to sco that those promises nro full- Jlllod. The whole matter is said to hlngo on the appointment of n city clerk , although the council is said to bo equally divided as to a chief of the lire department. Although some of the aldermen nro ox- ccodlncly wary of stating their choice for appointee to cither of these ofllces. it Is understood that Aldermen Weaver , Lacy and Metcnlf nro steadfastly In favor of retaining Squire Burke as city clerk , and that Alder men Bellinger , Kncphcr nnd Waterman tire firmly pronounced in their preference for Robert Huntington. In the fight for chief of the tire department , it is stated that Alder man Bellinger is inclined to waver and is not especially interested , though very decided In the battle for city clerk. Friends of Walters nnd Tcmploton each claim Bellinger is on their side , but many think that he will try to effect a trade , and If ho can secure a Walters man to help him oust Squire Burke , will in turn join the Walters sldo and bounce Tem- pleton. The postponement of those appointments for a week gives ample time for work , nnd there is no question but that much of it will bo done. Tlmt wonderful book , "Tho Child's Bible , " will bo delivered to subscribers in Council BlulTs this woolc. Parties who have not ordered it nnd clcsivo a copy can obtain one by addressing Mrs. M. 12. Robertson , stoic agent , nt this poatollieo during this week. o Catch On to This. Mv. Charles Probstlo is prepared to supply you with a harness the equal of any on ourth. Fine work and harness novelties a specialty. Single , double and track ; also a good class of farm work. A complete stock of gents' and ladies' riding saddles , driving boots , robes , all kinds of whips , etc. Give him a call. _ _ Will Sell and Move. A BEC reporter interviewed Mr. Conrad Gelse yesterday morning concerning his willingness to sell his residence propcity in the eastern part of the city , nnd the proposed plan to purchase it for the permanent loca tion of St. Bernard's hospital. Mr. Goiso said that he had heard nothing of the plan until last Saturday , and that ho fixed the price nt $15,000 , although that would bo sell ing at u great sacrifice. He did not know whether they would take it or not at that price. It is understood , however , that out side parties arc working hard in the interest of the sisters , nnd it is hoped that their efforts will bo successful. Mr. Golso Is fast getting things in readi ness to start up his new brewery at Chatta nooga , although it will not be in full opera tion before July or August. His son , Fred. Geisc. left yesterday for that city , to super intend the work. There will bo a meeting of the P. E. O. society at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Ilanchott , 120 Fourth street , at o'clock , Thursday afternoon. A full at tendance is desired. Madam Blanch , the great mind- reader , is very highly spoken of by the press wherever Hho goes , as the greatest fortune-toller' of the age. She is pleas antly located at the Scott house , Main street. If there is anything von are worried about , call on her. She can tell you what it is. Gives numbers in lotteries. A. General Tie-Up Imminent. When the announcement was mtida yester day morning that the Kansas City employes nt St. Joseph had struck there was no little apprehension felt hero that this end of the road would Immediately become involved. It is claimed by the local ofllccrs that the trouble there is thus fur a local matter , in which the rest of tli o line is not Involved. There is not nt this time any difficulty what ever hero. Trains were made up nnd sent out j CHtcrday with usual regularity. The Northwestein freight men hero are anticipat ing that the trouble will involve them , am ! are daily expecting orders to go out. Those who weiosecn yestordav say that such nil order , when icceivoJ , will bo obeyed by the men here. Now City Directory. Changes in residence or bubincss can bo made by addressing D. C. Dunbar & Co. , Oinuliu. Tin * City Council. The council met last evening in ncljourner session , Present Mayor Hohrer , Aldermen Bellinger , ICncpher , Lucy , Motcalf , Weaver nnd U'uterman. Bill of Herald Printing company to the amount of ( W was allowed. Bill of J. C. UoHuvon , W , was allowed. Bill of J. W. Hushnell to the amount of f 17.18 was allowed. Bill of Glebe Printing company was en down from $4b5.0 ! ! to $ . ' 132.70 nnd ordered puld.Bill Bill of Knginccr Stlmpson to the amount o f37.20 was allowed , and the engineer In structed to hereafter purchase needed sup plies for his. offico. Petition of John Shlnklo and lift ecu others for additional water and nro protection 01 Sixteenth street and Second avenue was ro fen i'd to thu wntor committee. 1'ctition of .T. M. Harmon for rebate of taxes wus icfcriod to the judiciary commit tee. Petition of J. U , Davis to bo appointed pav ing inspector was placed on lllo. Pt'tltlon of J , P. Cussaday and five others no open a street , reported favorably upon , and the prayer granted , Petition of William Suidontopf and several ether property owners on lower Broadway , to have that street paved immediately with cedar blocks and plunk foundation , was passed after u slight dh-agicement. Petition of John Short for u. reduction of assessment was i ejected. Petition of J. E. Hollenbcck and others to lower the grade on Avenue 1C was granted. The report of the committee to which was referred the matter of paving lower Broadway , retxirtcd in favor of making n contract with E.A. . Wiekhaia & Co. , as being the lowest bidders , jind. Uio report was adopted , the votes bfeing : Aye Aldermen Kncphcr , Lacy , Metcnlf , Weaver and Waterman. . No Alderman. Bellinger. The city attorney was Instructed .n ' draw up n contract for tho. paving of lower Broadway with Messrs. E. A. Wickhnni ft Co. , also a contract with the Milwaukee Bridge company for curbing the samo. The city solicitor wns Instructed to Insert n clause In the paving contract enabling the council to stop the paving woik nt any time that they might deem the grade insufficiently settled. Colonel Siipp appeared In hclinlf Mr. Bob- bingtontogct the city to grant n quit claim deed to n twenty-two foot tract of land on Fourth street , enclosed by other land belong ing to Mr. Bebblimton. The council ad journed until next Monday evening. Remember that Robinson's domestic bread , if not the cheapest , < s the best bread in the market. Leave vourorder nnd address nt 003 South Main street nnd try it. Money at low rates on ilrstclass inrm security. Hnrnham , Tulleys t Co , lit ! Main street. For the Hake ol'thc Church. The bazaar in progress nt the Tcmplo hall this week under the manngcmcnt of the ladies of the German Catholic church , in proving n great success. Last evening there was n largo attendance. The chief attrac tion was thu charming llttlo operetta of "Grandpa's Birthday. " It was n simple gathering of pleasing melodies , in which the voices of n score or more of children rang out merrily in choruses , ducts , and solos. The part ot the grandfather wns admirably carried out by Mr. Hughes , who made such n happy hit in the recent entertainment of the Union Spy , given by the Dodge Light Guards. The children wcro trained by Mrs. Dillon , the organist of St. Peter's. The other attractions of the bazar were not overlooked by the crowd last evening. The refreshment Imll , the fet tuna-telling Gypsy tent , the ice cream booth , ballot-boxes nnd fancy tables were till pntronircil liberally. The Indies of St. Peter's desire to publicly express their sincere thanks for the mustca1 services of the St. Cecelia quartette. Mrs. Ida Neul , Misses Keating , Crofts , Fellentrcter nnd Smith , and Mr. Frank Westcott. This evening there will bon homo play pre sented , "Tho Prying Llttlo Girl , " in which the children of St. Peter's choir will take part. It will bo under the management of Mrs. Frank Wcscott. The German Catholics , though few in num bers comparatively , have worked most zeal ously and bravely , nnd as n result have built ono of the handsomest churches In the city. Their efforts to please the public , and place the society on n Bound financial basis , nro certainly meriting hearty nnd general sui > - port. _ _ Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtolo. > Dedication ofSt. FrunolH Xavlcr. Tins beautiful church Is very nearly com pleted. The scats are In their places nnd the altars nearly made. They will bo shipped within a few days , The dedication is set for the 22nd hist. The rcrcmonles arc to bo of the most imposing character. A full orches tra , chorus choir nnd soloists will render the musical poition of the scrvico. To secure this , the best singers of Omaha will bo se cured as well ns the available talent in this city. Prominent clergymen from abroad will bo present nnd assist in the services. Personal James Parks , of Macedonia , is it the city. Ex-Sheriff Keel wae In the city yesterday. J. H. Perry , of Carson , was at the Kiel yesterday * . Hon. Frank Shinn was a visitor In the city yesterday. J. J. Taylor , of Silver City , was in the Bluffs yesterday. Fremont Benjamin , Esq. , of Avoca , was in the Bluffs yesterday. Clms. N. Voss , cashier of the Avoca bank , was in the city yesterday. G. E. Barker , of St. Lawrence , Dak. , was at the Kiel hotel yesterday. J. W. Hutchtnnn and wife , of Glenwood , visited this city yesterday. T. J. Young , of Macedonia , was hero on a brief business trip yesterday. T. J. Evans has returned homo and is feel ing much improved in health. J. F. Hccord , of Record & Ewing , Glen- wood , was in the city yesterday. William Phillips , of Keg Crock , was look ing after business here yestoidny. Miss Dean Palmer , of Hed Oatt , is visiting her friend , Mrs. Beck , on Glen avenue. F. H. Orcutt left the city last evening for a month's trip through northern Nebraska. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. ICimball left last even ing for u month's stay at the Hot Springs , Ark. Ark.Miss Miss Jessie Smith , of Davenport , In. , is visiting Mrs. E. C. Whittlesey on Franklin street. P. C. Miller has returned from his visit to Chicago , and is on deck to meet his cus- tomeis. S. M. Wcston , of Boone , and S. J. Lund , of Marion , made n business trip to this city yesterday. P. L. Jackson , representing Buriihnm Tulleys & Co. at Hastings , Neb. , was in the city yestoiduy upon business. John Stoecks nnd family , of Monmouth , 111. , wcro hero yesterday , the guests of Mrs. W. W. Spetman , an old schoolmate of Mrs. Stoecks. F. J. Stillmnn , the wide-awako editor of the Avoca Mull , wus In the city yesterday. Ho has been making it very warm for the county board on account of the favoritism shown in the award of the county printing , and the reckl.iss disregard of the interests of the taxpayers. LOW LANDS KUIIMKHGHD. The Mail TCiiHh of MlriNiniri "Water Around Sioux City. Sioux CITV , In. , April . ' ( . [ Special Telo- grain to the Bui : . ] Tlicro is no change in the situation on the river. The gorge opposite the mouth of the Sioux river still holds , al though the ice is rotten. The water has not receded and has not risen perceptibly at Elk Point and Jefferson. It 1ms spread out further on the low lands , nnd farmers nro re moving their stock faithcr fiom dungcr. The greatest damngo Is done along the line of depression , northwesterly from Elk Point to the Sioux river above the railroad bridge. The water is very deep nnd flows across the bottom with a powerful cnncnt. It is this current which has caused the great washout of the railroad track of the Milwaukee company , Elk Point is completely isolated , but tele grams received to-day by the mayor of Sioux City say that no assistance there is needed , but advising relief for the low-lying districts. The flood pouring into the Sioux river threat ened to-day to cai ry out the railroad bridgo. It has moved three feet by drift wood and ice which has accumulated. A construction train was sent out this mprningto tiy to open the drift wood and save the bridge , The gang hus woikcd all day , but without suc cess. All freight of the Milwaukee is taken euro of by the Umalm company , under an ar- rani'oinent made to-day , and carried north to Sheldon , la. It is impossible to learn details - tails on the low lands , bciMUso communica tion is almost entirely cut off. Homo Swcntncsfl , DCS MoiNE" , la. , April a. [ Special to the HER , ] The legislature has decided in favor of encouraging the sugar industry bv agree ing to offer n bounty of 3 cent * a pound to producets of sugar from sorghum , boot roots , or cither cano or plant grown in Iowa. Ten thousand dollars annually has been set apart for this purpose , nnd if a homo industry can bo stimulated , the legislature Is going to give this ono a chance. Must Call on the Court. MissoL'iti VAI.I.KV , la. , April 8. [ Special to the Bee ] Lately Dr. Huff , of this place , was indicted by the grand jury for selling liquor contrary to law , was tried , found guilty and sentence is pending. In the last issue of the Missouri Valley News the editor took occasion to cast BOIIIO reflections upon the court before whom the case was tried , for which ho has boon invited to answer to the charge pf contempt of court , About to Kxplro. DKsMoiSKS , la. , April 3. ( Social Tolq- gram to the BKE.J.It begins to Jook to-night us if the general assembly would vanish very soon. The house has popd..n motion fixing adjournment' for ft week ' /rmn / to-day. The" senate is ready ( o emlorsc'th'J 'resolution as soon as It can eel bold of H , but the house ins control of It under n'pfBtion to recon sider. The meeting of thfc BWocncnmpqicnt of the Grand Army nt Codjir Huplds next Wednesday will undoubtodly-hurry up mnU ters , as mnnv of the legisTatrfrs would like to attend it. It is probable Ihat the statesmen will have closed their work by the middle of nct week , if not before.- IOWA Scnnto Dns MOIXF.S , In. , April U. At the morning session of the senate the Funk bill passed amending the acts of tho. , TfvcntjMlrst gen eral assembly , relative to the maintenance of fish dams across the outlets of meandered lakes ; nlso thu house bill regulating the appropriation of money In oltlcs of the first class applicable to DCS Molnes nnd Burling ton ; nlso the bill to encourage the manufac ture of sugar within tho'stato and provides n bounty for the manufacturer , the lattcroto bo paid at the rate of 3 cents per pound. The elective commission bill was recon sidered and amended so as to define the powers of the commissioners. At the afternoon session the Schmidt high license substitute for the temperance nnd pharmacy bill was discussed. Long speeches wcro mndu for the substitute by Senators Bolter , Dodge and Kcider. Mr. Clnrko spoke for the original bill. The bill wns considered by sections , and some minor amendments wore adopted changing the language. Sec tions 1 , 2 , . " , and 4 were considered , but not adopted. A bill was Introduced by Mr. Smith pro viding for npportloning the stuto into repre sentative districts and declaring the ratio of representation. By Mr. Huish A bill providing for nubi trntion between railroads and employes by the railroad commission. House. Dns MOIXRS , In. , April 8. At the morning session of the house n resolution was adopted Bcttlni ; Tuesday , April 10. ns the date of the flnul adjournment. The second conference committee made a report this morning on the bill providing for nn extra yt mill levy , recommending that an extra \i mill tax bo levied for the years 18S9 and 1889. At the afternoon session the house con curred in the senate amendments to house file No. 8. ) , the electric railway commission bill , and the bill passed ; also to house lllo No. 387 , regulating the appropriation of monies by cities. The vote wiiorcby senate fllo No. 273 was lost on passage wus reconsidered and the bill passed as amended. The bill allows the transferor the unappro priated bridge fund to the poor fund in coun ties of less than 30,000 population , The Nelson substitute for the committco school book bill , house lllo No. 54U , wns thoroughly discussed nnd ordered to engross ment by a vote of Oil to 19. The substitute provides for county or district uniformity , proposals to bo lllcd with the executive coun cil nnd approved and price lists printed lor the use of districts ami counties. The two-cent faro bill was brought up and was under consideration when the house ad journed. .J" Secure a quiet night's 'rest. Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine/Lung Balm ; ' will nllay your cough , and promote sound sleep. Uo centra bottlo. , 1861. 1888. l > 13AIjI3R IN Jewell Vapor Stoves , JIoiitor : Wrought Hnngcc * Charier Oak Stim's , Leonard Uc- IVIgurntors , Builders' Harduarc , Golden Star Vapor Hiuigcs , ( Jlidden Fence Wire , Tin JJoollng and Job Work COt llroadwnj- , Council IJlufTs , la. Estimates Furnished , CASH TRADE SOLICITED. SEND FOIl THEO. BECKMAN , MANUPACTIIKKII OJf AND DKALKU IN HARNESS , SADDLES , BRIDLES AND COLLARS. A Full Assortment of Harness Goods Con- bluntly on Hand. Renilrlii : Xeatljr and Promptly Done. NO. 2O5 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL HL.UU-KS . , : , : IOWA CRESTON HOUSE , Main Streot.JJtnincil . Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro EB- capo. Electric .Call Bolls , Accommodations First CJass , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN > Proprietor. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS bOOIiroadway Council UUilTu , lown. listablUlicd 157. ACCIDENT INSURANCE , $5,000 AT DEATH ! tJ6 wceVly indemnity for Injury. , Costs but llJiier > turln thu Old Hullablu united m Mutual Accident Association ot New York. Central At tuts , Block.Central Jtoom 3 , Opera House Block. ' SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. SVEOlAIiiulrertlsements , such I/Mt , fo'nndt To Ixinn. For Sale. To llcnt , Want" , IloordlnK etc. , will bo In'ertpd In thl * column nt the low rntaof TRN TENTS I'KH UNIJfor the first In sertion mid 1'Jvo ( VnH 1'cr l.lno for cnch snfoss- qtient Insertion. Ijeavo ailvertlipmrnti nt our olllco. No , 121'enrl Street , near llrondnrny , Coun cil llltins , lown. WANTS. WANTIID-All to know that Mmo. Illft neh , tun KroMcst mind rentier nucl fortune teller In tlio world , hns iirrlvcd In tliu city niul taken jmrlori nt the Scott Homo , on Main WANTKD Gentlemen mid Indies to onll every cvenliiK this eok nt 101" S. .Mnln st- , to tnko n cooil paying Inmlnevi ; salary M iier dny. ( Innrnnteea , 17IOH SAIiII DriiR stock nnd Ilxtnrc * worth JL1 nliout fl.Puo. Hood location In Council HhilTs. r.n'iulro ot .1. W. UTANTKISituation as inllllnciy trliiuncr ; enn give tiest of city references. Address A a > , lice olllcc. WANTI'.D-A Rlrl to do Kcnenl small tiunlly , kitchen convenientl ranged. 7tW Sixth avenue. -Place tokvcitSJ to 40 liorccs nnd mules ulthln twenty miles of Council llltilTM or Omahn ; timber land will do. Address \Vnsliliigtou n\cnue. Council Illnlfs. FOIl HAIil ? Veiy chem > for rush or would ox- i change1 for Council lllntls or OmnhnT \ < ei ty , n retail stock of boots and shoes % allied at M.UOO. Call at store No. MJ 8. Irtth St. . Oinnhn. or address II. Martin , came place nnd number. TTIUUNITUUK-llought , sold nnd exchanged ; JU nlso stoiRco nnd commission In good , Ifcht , airy. Urn-prim ! miUdlnc. luqtilru nt sloro No. 110 North lllth 8t. H. Martin , Unmha , Neb. Ul'ltOLSTKllINO nnd rurnlturo repairing done neatly and promptly : work guiirnn- teed , llousuhold ROOUS ami furnltiiru bought nnd sold. I-M. I.culs , No. 110 Noith 1.1th nt , , Umnlia. T71OH BAIiK At n bargain , 411 ncros near stock -L' yards , South Omaha , Neb. , , li > hn n & Christian , Itooni 3.1 , Chnmber ot Commcico , Umalui , WANTHD Stocks of merchandlso. Have Omnhn and Council lllulls city propcity. nlso western land to uxchangu for goodH. Cullen on or address Johnson & Christian , Room 33 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha. DELMONICO HOTEL 711 DUO AD WAV. Best $1 a Dayjouse in the City. GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS , Near the Depots. Street Car Connections. YOU GO 111QHT DOWN TO PETER C. MILLER'S And Get Tlmt Heautlfnl Pattern of WALL PAPER I SAW T11I2KE VKSTKRKAY. J1K 1)OKS Aljk KINDS OK HOUSE AND SIGN PAINT ING DECORATING , WHITENING , ETC. , And Has None Hut Experienced Workmen. o Itf Ponrl St. , : : Council And Most Fashionable novelties in 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Ol'FlCK Or THU Sumo street and number. TO BUILDERS ! Bids will bo received until 12 o'clock , April 10th , for the erection of a block of tennmont houses on the S. W. corner of Eighth St. . and 15tli avo. Plans and BnccillcatioiiB can bo scoif at the ollico of architects ALLEN & BELL , Room 2 , Opera lloubo Building , Coun cil Blulls , Iowa. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CARTER & SOX , Prop's. Manufacturer * of All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Orders liy mull for repairs promptly ntteniled to. Kutlfifuctlon j.'mniutc-ed. lOtli Avcnuo , Ail- Areas Ogileu Holler Workb. Council Uluira. lowii THE TROTTING STALLiON Standard No. 4000 , chestnut stallion , fonlcd ( record 2iajfJ : ; second durn by Hygilyk'a Humblctonlan. Norway stiinds 10 hands high , niul can trot bettor than litO. : This Htulllon will bo permitted to servo a fuw mart's ut &i5 thu season from March 1st to July 1st , For particulars onqulro of WADE GARY , Council niufTa Driving Park , or No. 417 South lUh St. , Omaha. TO THE TRADE. Three cars choice Suit Lake Potatoes. Will bell cheap. J. DICKEY. 740 Broadway , Council BlulTa. R , II , HUNTINGTON & CO , FLOUR , FRUIT & PRODUCE , NO , 101 ItltOADWAY. He purchased a pair of those FINE DRAPERY CURTAINS You can do as well. Come early FOR BEST SELECTION. Everybody says we have the best patterns , We know we sell at LOWEST PRICES. Stock is now complete. Remember the placet 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , AT " " * J _ -IS T8IK NATIVE SPELLING OF- The Same that is now en route from HONG KONG. Will Show the Finest Line and Most Complete Assortment Ever Shown ia. the Uity. OUR CARPET AND Departments Contain the Latest Styles a Patterns. No. 4O5 Broadway , : : : Council Bluff j ESTABLISHED 1H12. INGOIIPORA EI > 3873 CO. , MASSILLON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. SIZES FROM Especially Designed f < & MILLS ELEVATORS 25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa. KKNn I-'OIl OA.TA.bOGUIS. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. No. 2O1 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COairijHTK AKSOHTMHN'JC1 OP FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES , JIOTII UOBIKSTIO AND FOKHION. NATURALIST AND TAXIDERMIST , . T. MOUNTS JtlltDS AND H9AJtI ! AIS TKDJR JVATIJKI } . AM. . WORK < 2IJAKAiVTii2D ; NO , 010 .MAIN STIII3I5T , : COUNCIL KliVPFS , Orders taken nt I'enroso it HurilenX 0. 12th St. . Oinalm , Nob. Star Stables and Mule Yards llroadway , Council llluirs , Opp. Uuinuiy Depot Monies and mules constantly on hand , for tiilo ut retail or in car load lot.s , Orders promptly lllled by contract on uhort notice. Block sold on commlHulon. . , . . , Telephone 1H. bl'IIM'TKK & HOI.KV. Opposite Dummy input , Council lllulls wm. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line OFFIOE-015 MAIN STUKKT. Telephone No. 33. Tlio flmtHt line of Landaus , Coaches and Hacks In thu city. 'Hie only line authorized to auuwer calls turned late Am. i iit.TU. Cv. NEW SPRING MILLINERY inn nouni vs sr. , OMAIIA.NEO , EGAN & KIMBALL , PLUMBERS' ' , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , No. Mi ! Hroiidwiij , Opera IIouso BlocW | Council UlufTB. Telephone No , 1 > 81. D , H , McDAHELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt' ' Returns. UO and KB Mala Utrovt.Couucll UluEa.Iowa.