Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    i''i i' 'i . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , . APRIL - - 1888 ;
( TUo Missouri Paclflo Forestalls the
I ! } \ Threatened Mandomua.
peotlnjr of tlic TJonrcl Providing For
the Prompt Payment of Police-
pica's Snlnrlcs The Clmutiui-
quo , Circle City Items.
"j'lio Missouri Pacific corporation is rccog-
Jllzlng the handwriting on the wall and Is pre
paring to incorporate fas a railroad company
in Nebraska s required by la\v. When the
general attorney of the road was in the city a
gftW days ago ha stated that his company
Ctood ready to incorporate In Nebraska , and
hat Llandamus proceedings would not bo
Jl'.cssary against their road. Yesterday ,
, In compliance with this statement ,
.ha ccrtlllcate of organization of the Missouri
acifto railway company in Nebraska , the
.rtlcles of incorporation nnd the resolution ,
Xmsolldatlng , wcro flled with the county
? lork of this county. The company having
' tucn this step will be better prepared in the
oture to secure and protect their right of
yay , and it is probable that their action will
' javo o duo effect on the cases now pending in
* hlch parties have entered litigation for pay-
nont of right of way already used , on the
p-oundi that the road , net being incorpo
rated in the state , had not the right of cml-
, iwit domain.
noAiii ) or'T.DUCATIOX. '
' The board of education held an imiwrtant
- business session on Monday evening , at
Jnfliloh the usual number of bills that bad
fallen duo wcro allowed. The constant in-
fcix-aso in the number of school children hut
' ' 'ifriuscd the board to open a number of new
I'ooms with this spring's term , and the last
order is for"the opening ot a new primary
room at the Q strcotsehool.
The superintendent , in answer to com-
ttlaints , was Instructed , to visit the residences
pf eltbens where contagious diseases nresup-
, ( posed to exist. Arrangements wcro made to
fiiavo the East Lincoln school properly
; licatcd and tlie following recommendations
J j uy Superintendent Howcrs were adopted :
. i First , that one half dozen copies of Trues
/'Government ' of Nebraska" bo secured for
lists as reference books for classes in civil
krovcrnlnont ; sccoud , that one dozen sets of
Hraxvlng stencils bo procured for use in
primary schools ; third , that Miss Pitcher bo
pranted leave of absence of two days to visit
llio high schools of Kansas City and Lea ven-
worth , nnd that Miss Tucker bo granted
leave of absence to visit the public schools of
, I lie city of Omaha.
, The city has passed an ordinance that went
Into cIToct yesterday which will bo of much
peed to the police force and assist them ma-
Ici-jlall.v in getting their pay without having
to share their earnings with some bank.
ITIio ordinance provides for a special police
jtllnd and this fund Is to bo made up of tlio
posts in jwllcc court which are collected
tnnutlily. These funds will ho used to assist
In meeting the salaries of thu officers.
Justice Cochran , after hearing arguments ,
lias dismissed thu case brought by J. H.
Dean against the B. & M. special ixjlicc for
xssault committed on the dcKt | platform last
, veek. The testimony was conflicting and
ilie company hud a good supply of of wit-
icsses to swear on their side of tlio case.
The defense was that Dean had approached
x > o near the engine and that ho was BUS-
of intent to sand it.
reeled decision of the Justice meets with a
great deal of criticism.
The capital city circle held ono
Of their interesting sessions last with the fol
lowing programme : Reading ' 'Translation
pf Virgil's Story of the Laocoon" ; Curio in
American history , conducted by Paul H.
Helm ; paper by Mrs. J. A. Duinmitt ; roll
call , response with newa items ; debute Resolved -
solved that the literature of tlio nineteenth
century is bettor than that of any previous
ano , led by Mr. Hochmcr and W. J. Bryan ;
Question "Plan of Salvaiion , " in March
, Cluiutuu < iua.
CITV linns.
The following notice of interest to many
I-in coin people and of especial interest to the
gentlemen employed in thu ofllco of the Lom
bard Investment company of this city was re
ceived yesterday.
Married At tlio church of Our Savior.
Longwood.Mass. , on Tuesday morning. April
D. 188 , by thu Reverend Reginald Howe , H.
Lombard , Jr. , nnd Miss Roslc R. Massoy.
With the coming of spring the base ball
fever breaks out anew. The latest in tills
line is the organization of a city league that
tvill ho composed of clubs from thu
to. & M. headquarters , the Journal oflloo , the
H. T. Clark drug company , the university ,
the Democrat and News olllcc. The fats and
the leans in fact all classes are entering
r tlio arena , and u female huso ball club may
be expected in the city before the season
Closes. .
Knst Lincoln has been the quiet part of the
City at all times , but the ravages of the small
tioy have of late so exasperated the citizens
- that have asked for three
> they special police-
jfuen , who have been appointed to serve with
out pay until the nuisance Is abated.
Tlio municipality of West Lincoln was in
the midst of a hot election yesterday over the
license question. A board of aldermen reti
rement ing the licenses mill antl-Iiccnso tickets
wore working the polls for an election the
entire day with much vigor.
, Mr. W. W. Holmes , a well known and
tvcalthy resident of the city , inlying danger
ously ill at his homo with paralysis. Mr.
Holmes bus been a resident of Lincoln for a
long term of years.
The trustees of the Christian university
met In Lincoln yesterday. Alvin Saundcrs
and N. T. Oadd , of Onijtha , and Thomas
Wiles , of Plattsmouth , wcro members of the
joanl from abroad in attendance. All the
: lty members wcro present. The grounds
loimtcd to the university will bo platted at
in CD , and arrangements are being made to
> ivrt thu coming season a central building , to
cost * T > 0.000.
The May festival of music which the state
Organization Is perfecting promises to be of
exceptional Interest. The rehearsals are
Jargcly attended und the workers enthusi
astic. .
Peculiar in niediuiniil merit and won-
jlerful cures Hood's Siirmiptirilla. Now
IB the time to tuko it , for now it will do
the most good.
On last Sunday afternoon Mrs. Sarah
Cuiian , mother of C. J. Cunnn , died nt the
r 03 hi on co of the latter , ! 2S14 Hamilton street ,
nt the ago of sixty-two years. Mrs. Canan
liiul been in this city but a week , having
tome hero to make this place her homo , pro-
feuding her husband for the purpose of put
ting their homo in readiness to receive him ,
the latter being at present sick in St. UUiir ,
Mich. Mrs. Canan was the mother of sev
eral children , two of whom , Lilly and Clur-
cnrn J. , are well known in this city. Charlca
resides in St. Clalr , Mich. , with his father ,
hnd was to have loft that place for this city
fast night , when ho was telegraphed that the
remains of his mother would bo forwarded to
that pliu-o for Interment. The announce
ment of his wife's death will , it is thought ,
'wave a most serious effect upon her husband
tvho is already advanced m years and in a
.ccblo condition ,
The funeral of Mrs. Martha A. Hrown
to.It plucq nt the residence ) of her son-in-law ,
Alfred Sorcnson , lUlSCapitol uvcnuo yester
day morning. Among attendants wcro quite
a number of the old settlers of Omaha. The
ecrvicos were conducted by Rov. J. S Uct
welter , assisted by Rov. H. W. Kuhns , who
viadu Homo very appropriate remarks which
wore particularly addressed to tlio old friends
cf the deceased. Mr , Kuhns , who hub been
absent from the city some fifteen years , and
1ms recently returned to reside hero , was
personally acquainted with Mrs. Hrown ,
liaving known her for over thirty years , she
Laving been a member of his church , aud
was competent to speak of the manv good
qualities possessed by the deceased. His ad
dress was full of pathos and recalled
many happy memories of Juyspouo by. The
b.kllboaer4 wi're Dr. George u. Miller , Wil
liam 1 * . Suowdcn , John Logan. 11. E. H. Ken-
umly , J , S. McCormiok and O. H. Oulon.
The .remains were Interred In Prospect Ulll
Nlsscn , the Hardware MAn , Acol cn-
InlljShootn a Customer.
'J. W..BcckslromayoungfanncrfroniOalc-
and , thfs stale , arrived 'In this olty Monday
vonmg bound for southwestern Kansas on a
prospecting tour. Thinking a revolver
wouldn't bo a bad jiicco of luggage to carry
vith him to the southwest border , ho stepped
nto Nisscn , Alford & Co.'s hardware store ,
1312 North Sktoenth Rtrcetnnd asked to bo
hewn BOino guns. Ucorg ; C. Nisscn , ono
of the propiictor.i , and a man totally un >
amlllarwlth flrearms , by the way , walled
ipon him. He took down an Imiiroved
Harrington & Kichardson self-acting ,
S-callbro revolver and undertook
o show him how it worked. In doing this ho
oollfthly Inserted n cartridge in ono of the
cylinders to show him how the extractor
vorkcd. Then ho cloed the barrel nnd be
gan to snap the trigger. The third tlmo ho
snapped It the chamber holding the shell was
roacticd , and as ho Had Idiotically ] > olntod the
; un lit his prospective purchaser , of course
10 was struck by the bullet. It went In ft
ittlo below the groin , and. following the long
K > no of the leg around , lodged a few Inches
nbovo the knco behind. Ucckstrom fell
o the floor In n faint , and the horrified
rified proprietor nnd his attaches gathered
n round the prostrate man thinking ho was
dead. He partly revival , however , and after
administering restoratives the patrol was
called nnd the wounded man , as well is
Mr. SIsscn , was taken to the station. Dr.
inlph was Immediately summoned , and lo
cating the ball , cut It out , bolng compelled to
iiako nil Incision an Inch in depth.
I'ho. wound was then carefully
dressed and the patient seems
to be getting along finely and will in time ,
recover , should blood poisoning not set in.
Jcckstrom , himself , says the affair was
nircly accidental , and the abovu account Is
nlcen from his narrative thereof. Nisscn ,
lowcvcr , asserts that the gun went oft whllo
ic was closing it , but ho was so horrified and
onfused that ho probably docs not know
ust how It occurred , Ueckstrom's' story IB
evidently correct.
\VlmtConstltutonn Family Medicine ?
A preparation which is adapted to tlio
relief mid cure of nllniontH to which
no-tubers of a household nro most auh-
cct , and which is not only alleged to do
his , hut has lotirnnd ( unfailingly proved
ts ability to do it , assuredly deserves
ho title of n reliable Family Medicine.
Among time-honored preparations ,
which experience and the sanction of
ho medical profession indicate as de
serving of popular regard and confi
dence , is Ilostotter a Stomach Uittprs , a
medicine adapted to the eradication of
lyspepsin , constipation and biliousness ,
the throe most frequently occurring ail
ments that vex mankind. Derived from
a botanic parentage , it ihcllicicntas well
vs pure and wholesome. It relieves
icrvous disquietude and inactivity of
, ho kidneys , and counteracts atiMidency
o rheumatism. For renewing Hugging
btrength and imparting appetite it can
> o implicitly relied upon. Fever and
iguo , rheumatism and debility are
emedicd by it.
District Court.
j.ox OCTS TOO nir.sii.
Judge GrofT was occupied in hearing the
evidence in the case of the Statu vs. Mat
t cefe , charged with grand larceny , ycst erJay
norning , and in the course of the trial oc
curred ono of these peculiar episodes whirh
; o to furnish amusement for the spectators.
Urn George , a bartender at Hlggins' saloon ,
was on the stand , nnd while undergoing
: ross-cxam ination by County Attorney
Mineral became somewhat exasperated
at the tone of the questions
nit , ono of which was if ho ( George )
ind over served a term in the penitentiary.
Lon could stand no moro so ho says and
vaulting over the witness box rail he went for
Mr. Simeral , a hi Sullivan , striking at him
, wo or three times , Mr. Simeralmaking some
rory neat stops. As soon as they wore sop-
crated Judge Groff concluded to do a little
work us referee , and accordingly ruled Lou
out on a foul , after which he sentenced him
.0 pay a fine of f'ioO , and servo sixty days in
: he county jail. At the conclusion of the af
fair the taking of testimony was concluded.
The long contested \VilIinms-IInmcr case
z nt last decided and the the verdict of the
jury was in favor of the dofundent , as every
MIC who heard the trial supposed it would ho.
The Jury returned n sealed verdict at 9
o'clock Monday night which was opened and
read by Judge Wakcly yesterday.
Judge Doano was taken suddenly 111 Monday
night and thq case of Frank H. Goddurd vs.
William Sweezy , involving the title to some
land which was pending before him , is being
licard by Judge Wakely. Tlio testimony in
the case will not be concluded before to-day.
Judge Hatner , of Buffalo county , is sitting
as a court in Room No. it and
hearing evidence in the case of W. D. Green
vs. John D. Campbell , involving the right to
the possession of some real estate.
William G. Albright applied yesterday to
have Harry D. Rhoadcs and James Megeuth
restrained from the enjoyment of a certain
piece of laud until such time as two prom
issory notes amounting to $1,350 held against
it by him are paid.
Mary Hazand , ct al , claims that Otto
Sicmspcn nnd others are indebted to them in
the sum of Sl.HOO.'JO , and they ask that a
mortgage they hold against certain real es
tate to secure the payment of the same be
told that they might bo reimbursed.
Hurry C. Uostwlek , cashier of the South
Omaha national bank , yesterday brought an
important suit against thu city of South
Omaha. Hu alleges that at divers times
warrants to the total amount of JS-li.i.ri ( ) ! ; was
issued by the treasurer on various funds to
different people , nndvoro cashed by the
bank , who nsk the court * to give them u
judgment in the .sum stipulated.
County Court.
Judge Shields' time was occupied during
the greater portion of the morning in calling
the docket for the April term. The follow
ing cases were passed upon' , judgment being
rendered In each case by default.
Crane Uros. manufacturing company va
A. C. Eichtonbergor , Judgment for SJOU.aO.
William I ) . Sloman ot al vs Joseph D.
Floyd , Judgment for $454.80.
S. Ue.ssan vs Walter Sums , Judgment for
fjii'J.TS. '
Henry Wolf vs Augustus Miller , judgment
The llrst business on thu docket this
morning will bo the arguing of u demurrer -
ror in the case of Jacob K , House vs Gcorgu
Sccrigulct ul. _
Its gunertor excellence proron In mtlllon.s ol
lioiiips for more than a quarter ot a century Its
Is used l > o tliu I'iiitcil States Clov rnmont. 1'n-
ilore < l by the headsol the Oreat rnlverslttos j.
tlio trpti e t. i'uri'st unj Mint Healthful. Or
I'llne's Cream Da.lnR 1'owder rtoos not contain
Auamoul- . Lima or Alum. SolAonlvlu cans.
. 1'uicK UAlnsai'ownaiuxi. .
Nbw-York Chtcssn SU LoaU
! 1
'I ' J
Copyright , 1837 , by Jas. S. Kirk & Co.
"On every side lie open was as day ,
That you might see no lack of strength within. "
Real merit has everything to hope for , and nothing to fear , from the most
searching inquiry.
Only the impure shun the light of day ; the pretentious are the hist to invite
sober criticism.
MESSRS. KIKB & CO. , court investigation ol *
They know before hand what the outcome will be , knowing thai White Cloud
s an honest piocc of soap. After applying the wcvorcst tests that science can fur-
lish , or tlio most fastidious taste suggest , it will bo found that
The sales of White Cloud are largo and constantly increasing. Thai real
ncrit should thus meet with duo appreciation is a source of much gratilicaUon to
thu makers ,
JAMES S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
A _ _ _ _ _ _
Wo will continue to send postpaid samples of White Cloiul on receipt of Itlc for
each ; but all live dunlur. carry the soap in Block.
' All njphliltlc Plccixoi , ot recent or lonK ilanilnir.ln
from ten to fifteen < Jnj . Wn vlll ulro written gnar-
entrcB to cure any cane or rotund jour nonorAn.1
we would IVT to thoita T ho hav omployoU tnp uiox
Bkllled I'byilclBna , uaotl every known roinfdjr
liBTe not been curoil. tlmt you are llio subjects vre an
looking for. Vou that hnvo bcon to the celobratci
ilot Sprlnfti of Arkansas , and hara lo t all hup * o
racoTerj. ire
or make no charge. Our remedy ! unknown to anr
one In the worm outside of our Compiny , and It U
Ibe only remedy m the world that nlll euro you. Wo
will euro the most obstinate can In leu thnn one
month. Seven days tn recent ruses does the work. It
Is the old , chronic. deep-sealed cases tbat wo solicit.
We have cured hundreds who had been nbandonoJ
7 r.yslctans and pronounced Incurable , an !
We Ghallengo tha World
to brine ns a case thai we will not euro In loss than
ona month.
Since the history of medicine , a Trna Specific for
BjulillltlciEruptions. Ulcers. Bore moutb , 4s. . has
been sou t lor but nevur found unlit
Our Magic Remedy
- > l discovered. Qd we are InitlfleO 111 taring It Is U >
pnlr remedy tn'the world that nlll tioslllrelf rura ,
because the latest modlcal works , published by the
best known aulborltUs , fay there WHS never a true
ipeclHc before. Our Herardr Is the onlr raodltlne In
the world that will cure when eTcrrlhtne else biM
failed. It has been so conceded br a farue number of
Celebrated I'hj-tlrluna. IT HAS NEVCU YET JAILED
TC cuilt. Why wiiste your time and money with
Talent that neror had Tlrtu * . or doctor
Htli physicians that cannot cure you. Vou that r.nro
IrledeTcrythlnKelseahuuIrt come to us now nnd get
permanent relief ! you iinrer can get It elsewhere.
Mark what we s yi In the end you muot lake our
Ilrinedy or Niru recover. And you that have besa
REHIcteu but a abort time should by all mcnni come to
DS now. Many net help und think thejH re fruo from
the disrate , but m * > ne , two pr Uiree years after , It
ippecrs agiln In u nior horrible form.
Investigate osr duenclal ctandlni ; tbroush the mer *
antlle aKioclei aod note that wo are full/ responsi
ble and our written guarantee * are pood. Wo have a
RiMKnr prepared ou purely Scientific 1'ilnMples and
we wl b to repeat that It NEYEU FAIUITOCUUX. All
IttUru sacredly confidential.
THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Beams It and IT UoUtnan Bloek.
Its main line * and branches Include CIIIOAQO ,
and icorea of Intermodlato cities. Choice ot
routes to and from the Factfla Coaflt. All trans
fer * la Union depots. Fast trains of Fins DC ?
Coachci. elogont Dlnlny Care. magoIQcout Pull
man Falac * Slooporn. and ( -otween Chicago , 8U
Joieph. Atchlaon and Kaniai Cltrl Reclining
Chair Cars , Beats Free , to holders of through
first-class tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook ( eland Route. "
Extends West end Southwest from Kansas City
DTJTCinNSON , CALDWELL , and all points in
and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ap *
pUances and modern improvements.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Is the favorite between Chicago , Rock Island ,
Atchlion. Kansas City and Minneapolis and St.
Paul. Its Watertown branch travcraes the irreat
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
Knit Central Dakota to Watertown. Spirit I.nltB.
Bloux Falls and many other towns and cities.
The Short Una via Beoeca and Kankake * offers
Superior faculties to travel to and from Indian-
_ polls. Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Tickets. Haps , ITc-ldors. or desired informa
tion , apply -t any Coupon Ticket OUlco or address
Q tun Mja * r. Oen'l Tkt. ft Bis * . Act
Jpmarki\li1ij " fpr powerful Hvnipa-
thutl toilt" ) . { ihuhlp notion mill .ili-
saluta Unrahillty. ; | I yoitra' ret-onl.
tlia beat > ; iiaruutee of the excel-
lcuco of. tliesuTut
- - - " -
We will give you better value tor your money than any house in the
The very best grades of Moris' and Boys' Clothing , at the very
lowest prices. You have the advantage of selecting from the largest , I i
and newest stock in the city. For variety of stock , we have no equal *
Every garment purchased of us is guaranteed , we don't call Cotton
mixed goods all wool in order to sell you our goods. We tell you
just what it is and you can always depend on us ; our aim is to make
with every sale a steady and pleasant customer. We do not advertise
a few bargains and tell you they are out or sold , when you call for
them all our goods are marked uniformly low. We sell at a smaller per
centage of profit than has ever been attempted by any Clothing
House. We make it up on the volumn of business.
The splendid nil Wool Cheviot Suits we nre offering nt 14.75 , you can neb find elsewhere for less than $7.80.
We received last week another shade of the same goods , they ore handsomer than the first ; we sell them nfc finmo
price. $1.75. Another great bargain we just opened , and placed on sale to-day , are n largo lot o black warranted
all worsted Corkscrew Sack Suits lined with good serge , well trimmed and substantially made. Wo oflcr them
nt 80.50. In purchasing this suit AVC guarantee you n saving ot at least $4.00 , as no house ever attempted to sell
such a suit for loss than $10.50. In fine Cheviot and Cassimer Suits , our selection this spring has never been
. equaled in this cily , and no Merchant Tailor in Omaha , who charges you $35.00 to $50.00 , car. give you any bet
ter values or handsomer ami more stylish fitting suit than the ones we oiler ar $15.00 to $20.00.
Compare our prices with those of others , that's all we ask you.
One Price only. No Deviation.
Everything marked in plain figures , cash and one price.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
Pnid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO.
Surplus , - BO.OOO
II. W. VATICS. rrnslJont.
LEWIS S. KKII ) , Vlce-l'reslilent.
A. II. TOUZAMN.-ml VIco-I'resIili'iit.
W. 11. S. IIiHiiiKS. tUshler.
vc. V MDUSK. .loiiN'S. COLLINS ,
H.Vi V.II-KS. I.K.wisS. UBKU ,
C ir. 12tl nnd Farnam Sts.
A General llanklt'B Uusluess Transacted.
. . CmuiHc * . Cit
ies. town. < and Wali-r Com ] uuiesj , etc.
ca'Correspondoiico yoliL-lKcl.
$ .TOO Which was made to ordui- . $ 7.00
; ! . ! ) ( ) " " . 7..VJ
4.HO " " . H."i
l.-jr , " > . ii.OII
r > . .r.r ) originally made lo order . 10..r >
5.00 " . 11. ( Ill
( iHrj " " . llt.lHI
7.t > ( l " . . . . " _ - . - . . - - - - - (
- _ _ r--r-vv ; - ? ; , ; , , . ; , , , . , . , -
7.M " " . 16.00
7.00 " . 16.60
8.l ( ' " . 111.00
8.GO " " . 17.00
9.00 " " . 18.00
JM5 orieinally made to order 18,50
! ) .75 ' 19.00
10.10 " - " 120.00
.10.05 " ' " 21.00
11.00 " " 22.00
8 0.00 originally made to order $10.00
10.75 ' * 21.00
11.40 " " 22.00
12.35 " " 21.00
13.20 " " 20.00
$13.05 originally made to order $27.00
13.00 " " 27.60
M.40 " " 28,00
14.00 " " 20.00
15.25 " " 30.00
ST. .LOUIS , 0
HO. o
Ourlarpro nOSF.B
make a dUpiay in youi g-rden nt onco. We tell
no slip ] or rooted cuttingo. Immense stock of fresh
Flower end Vcyc4til lo SEEDS for nil cli
mates and all situation ] . Thousand ] of tettimoni.1i
attest the superior quality of our JPIniits and
Hovctt. SendCc. ( stampsforourinujriiillccnt )
CATAI.UUPK.for 1888. Most complete nnd
valuable ever publishejwith colored plates and new
ugra\iogs , Jt'IIHU to all who mention thu paper.
n SI.
N.B , Orders by mail re
ceive prompt & care
ful attention.
For Ml
$15.70 originally made to order . Wl.OO
10.30 " " . 32.00
10.00 " " . IU1.00
17.20 " " . 31.M ( )
17.00 " " . Jtt.OO
317.05 originally inudo to order . $ : i.r.50
18.40 " " . 30.00
18.110 " " . 37.00
10.30 " " . 38.00
10.85 " lk . 30.00
Healfti is Wealth ! c. WESTSN-nvB xnn BRAIN
MKNT , a guaranteed specific for Hysteria , IMzal-
ness. CmivulHlons Fits. Nervous Nnurnlfila ,
llflfulRclie , Nervous Prostration , causoit by th
use of alcohol or tobncco , Wnkof uluciim , Muutftl
Deproislon , Softening ot tlio Drain , rpmtlttu Ic
liHiintty.and lending to mlflery.decny and ( loath.
Premature Old ARO. Tlarrenncss , Ioss of Power
In either BOX , Involuntary I/issos and Snerma *
torrlui-ti caused by ovor-uxertlon of the brain ,
self-abuse or ovor-lndulgonco. Each box con
tains onu month's troutmont. Jl.OO a box , or nix
lioxas for 85.00 , sent by mall Prepaid on receipt
1 otlirfre.
' To euro any ciiau. With ouch order received by
us for six boxi'fv , accompanied with VM ) , wo will
1 sontl the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money If the treatment dnos not cHect
I a euro. Guarantees Iswnod only by O. V. OOOD-
MAN. DrungUt , Solo Agent , 1110 Faruam Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Merchant Tailor-Made Glotlies , 50c on the Dollar.
Arj > FOR
8.10 oriRiiillv ! : inttle : to order . . 17.60
( , ' { ) ( ) " ' 19.00
ih'so " " 20-0 ( >
1180 " " 2..70
. . 24.60 in ;
: ; . . ) oriL'iiinlly initdc to order 20.00
; .S5 " 28.60
iA'i ( i " " 80.00
KiilO " " 82.00
J7..IO " " 4.pO
81S.f ) nriglnnllv inside to order SliO.OO
18.05 " ' " 87.00
! > 0.0 " 40,00
Si'.8.ri { " " 40.50
_ _ 1M.H ! > " " 60.00
_ 7.H > ot'isinall v inudo to order $50.00
80.81) ) " " 00.00
; { 1.7.r > " " 05.00
0.f ) " " 72.09
SW.JO " " 80.00-
$20.20 origliiiilly made to order $40,00
20.80 " " 41.CO
21.10 " " 42.00
24.70 " u 46.W
21.80 ' " 48.00
AT l''Ott
$25.30 orjoinnllv made to order 850,00
20,85 " " 63,00
28 , ( > 0 " " 67.0C" "
30,75 " " (10.00 (
34.85 " " 70.00
Our Furnishing and Departments
Will be found most complete , filled to their utmost capacity , embracing leading novelties for the
approaching season , of which we have no hesitency in asserting that the same quantities and
qualities are not found in the west outside of the Only Misfit Parlors , 1119 Farnam St. , Omaha ,