Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Until the skIn vras row. Ootljr covered
wlili Bonlen I'lko spots of mortnr.
Cutcd Ity ttio Cutlcurn ttctncdlcs.
I nm ROlni ? lo tell you of the cxlrnordlridrr
tlmngc sour CUTK BIIA Kr.MEDltn perfonncd on
inr. AOout the l t of April last I noticed some
! < < ! pimples llt comlnij out nil overmyhody ,
hut thought notlilnn of It until some time later
on , when It ucRnii to look llko pot of mortar
upottod on , nnd which came off In layers , Bwom-
jmnlcd Tilth Itching. I would scratch every
nlphttmtll 1 wns raw , then the next nlnht the
frnles , hclnu formed incanwhllovero scratched
off DKaln. in vnln did I consult all the doctors
In the country , hut without aid. After Rivltitf
111 nil hopes of recovery. 1 happened to see an
ndvertlscmr-nt In tlio newspapers ahout your
Ciiiiciriu HF.sir.niKS. nnd purchased them from
my drUKKl&t , nnd obtained nltnoRt ttnmrdlnta
relief , i begun to notice tlmt the scaly cntp *
lions Rradunlly ilrotipedolT and disappeared ono
liyone , nnd have been fully luted. I had the
illJi'Mo thirteen mont/is herorti I uepin taking
the CinicuitA IlKMKDiKf ) , and In four or llvu
wcrks WftH entirely cured. My di'cado was
re * ju aurt psoriasis. I recommended the CUTI-
c'uitA HKMKKIKS to all In my vicinity , nnd I
know of a great many who fiavu taken tnem ,
. .sd thank mo for the knowledmi of them ,
especially mothers who have hnhci with sealy
eruptions on their heads nnd bodies. I rnnnot
, /nrcRS In words the thanks to you for what
thn ( jnrtcuitA HKMKiiiKshnvo been to inc. My
body wna covered xvlth scale * , and I was au
aw till spectacle to behold. Now my ekln In ua
nlco and : lcar us a baby's. ,
OIXJ. COTKV , Merrill , Wls.
Pcpt.2l , 1S87.
Fch , 7 , lf8. Not n , trace whatsoever of the
disease from which 1 suffered has shown Itself
ulnco my euro , 0 r.O. COTIIV.
Wo cannot do JuMIcn to the estrcm In which
CIJTICUIU , the uroiit Skin Cure , and uuricttiiA exquisite Skin Ilcaiitlllerprcparedfrom
It , nnd OttTicuiiA HKHDI.VKNT , tbo new Illood
I'tirlller , arc held by the thousands upon thou
sands whoso lives have been made happy by the
euro of niionlzltiK , humiliating. Itching , scaly
nnd pimply illsea ci of the skin , ncnl ] ) , and
blood , n 1th loss of hair.
Fold every w hero. 1'rlco , CuTtcmu. Wo : SOAP ,
2f > cj KKAOLVKNT. II. Prepared by the I'orrcu
DltlKI .t ClIKMlRAIi CO. , IIOHton , MllS < < .
n " 8ond for "How to Cure Hkln Dlsoaici , " C4
pages. f,0 Illustrations , nnd 100 testimonials.
Ml1 IjUS , black-heads , red , rough , chapped and
oily skin prevented by the Cutlcura Soap1 ,
Chest 1'alns , Soreness , Weakness ,
Hacking Cough , Asthma , Pleurisy ,
'nnd IN ONB
PI.ASTBU. Nothing llko It-for Weak Lungs.
Tlio best and surest Remedy for Cure ol
all diseases t&rucd by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Dowels.
Dyspepsia , Dick Headache , Conitlpatlon ,
Billons Complaints ccd Malaria of all hinds
yield readily to the beneficent Influence of
It U pleasant to the taste , tones np the
eyitcm , rcntorcs and preierres health.
It l purely Vegetable. , nud counot foil to
provo bcneaclaL both to old and young ,
Afl a Blood Portlier It I * iraperior to all
others. Sold everywhere nt 81.00 a bottle.
Headquarters Dept. ot the Plntte , Chlo
Quartermaster's Ollkc , Omahn , Nub. , March 31 ,
1W8. ( Scaled proposals. In triplicate , subject to
the usual conditions , will bo received ut this
olllcn until one o'clock n. in. , central t-tnndnrd
tlnin , on dates named hcirafter , at which time
nnd places they will bo opened in the presence )
of bidders , for the furnishing iiml delivery of
fuel , forage , straw nnd charcoal , during the
llscal your commencing July 1st , 18C8. nt each ot
the following inllituiy posts nnd stations :
Onmlm llcpot , Cheuntie Depot , Ogdeu Depot ,
Vorts Omahn , Nlournrn , Rolilnson , WnehaKlu.
Iu Chcsnu nnd Douglas ; Ciiinps Pilot Ilutto at
Rock Springs , Wyoming : Valentino. Nebraska ;
Douglas or roit Camper , Wyoming : Price , Utah ,
nnd the Department Rlllo Itatige , Hellevue , Ne
Proposals for wood , coal and charcoal will be
opened Monday , April 30th , ! . Proposals for
hay , straw , ginln nnd bran will bo opened Thurs
day , May ill , lSi-8.
Except at Omahn Depot , proposals will also
bo' received tip to the t.amo hour ( coiitial time )
by the Quartermaster nt vnch post above named
for supplies for his post only.
Prouosnlsill also bo received nt this oflico
until May III , IK'-'S , for supplying giuln nnd bran
nt Ilordiinux , Castor. Kort Casper and Douglas ,
Wyoming , nml also at Salt L.XKO City nnd Pilco
Station , IJtnh.
Profcrenco will bo plven to articles of domes
tic production , conditions of price ami quality
being equal , and such preference will bo given
to aitlclesof American production produced on
the Paclllc coast , to the extent of the consump
tion required by the public service thcro. Pro
posals lor either class of tlio stores mentioned
fl > or for quantities lues tluiu the w hole required
Will be received.
The ( loveinincnt reserves the right to reject
any or nil proposals , or to accept any proposal
for a loss quantity than the total bid for.
Illnnlc nroposnlH nnd full Insttuctlons will bo
furnished on application to this olllco , or to the
Quartermaster * or Agents ot the various posts
and stations named.
Knvelopos containing proposals should bo
marked "Proposals for at , " nnd
addressed to the undersigned or to the respec
tive Post Quiirtcriuahter.s.
Quiirtcriuahter.s.wjf. . n. iiuniins ,
npldlt.2i.25 Chief Quartermaster ,
Department of tlio Pintle , Chief Quarter-
muster's Olllce , Omaha , Neb. , .March ! W. IN * .
Healed proposals. In triplicate , subject to the
usnnl conditions , 111 be received nt this olllco
until 1 o'clock p. m. ( central htnmhird time ) , on
Monday , April Mtli , I1- * , at which tlinii and
place they 111 bn opened In tno presence of bid
ders , for furnishing the printing required at
Headquarters Depnitincntof the Plitttu during
the lineal year ending June : u. 188'J. TJiu govern
ment reserves the right to reject any or nil pro
posals received , lllunk proposals , form of con
tract ami pi luted circular giving full Informa
tion as to the work required , conditions to bn
observed , teims of contract and payment will
bo furnished on application to thlsolllce. r.u-
volopes containing proposals should ho marked
"Proposals for Printing. ' nr.d addresucd tiithn
nnderslsned. WM. II. JlUGHKH , Chief Ouartor-
master. -
. Tbe but known and roost popular lintel In the
itnlc. location central , niipuhitiueiiti nrst-vlaii
lUndquarlcri lor commercial men and
TansilPs Punch Cigars
were ehlppM during the jmet
t\ i yenrn. without n drum.
inerlu ( iiireiuplOK Noottior
houaoiu the uorldcau truthfully -
fully luakosnoh n. Bhowlui ; .
Oil a ttk-out Mcftlsr only ;
wnntcd lu each town.
R.W.TANSILL & C0..55 Stale St.Chlcaoo.
SillltSryCD tdiffu eoatrkbrlio
or ' rlt lr .M nctl ll < lt.
I TruM.ooiaUjfr'i. Oufcrnotittlik *
wlr one In tha world Ktrcrnttntr
* * * ronltcunvi Klcrtria & Jftipnrf/i
'rwrrcnl. SaitptlGOtrowo/ful , Unra'.lfv
ALSO EiiKirrHJo iiniTa'Vmi wi tA > , k. ,
Da. KCfiME. UYutrau. I at v.'ABtu AYE. .
Hoe. 303-4O4-I7O-CO4.
Inoomparablv the Bast.
Substantial Advancoa Made in Several -
oral Prpmlnont Securities.
On Covering Itytlic Shorts A Stonily
Close nt Outside FlKtiros lilve
Block Active ni.d Prices
StronR Quotations
Nr.w YOIIK , April n. fSpeclnl Telegram
to the Hii.l : : STOCKS There was n fair
amount of activity on the New York stock
exchange to-dny with many tips nnd downs.
Lncknwannn was the center of attraction
during the early hours nnd It wns well raided.
The tide turned when Hurllngton ft Qulncy
touched 114. In n , few moments It wns
marked up to 11"J ; on covering by shorts.
The bears then did some pretty heavy cover
ing nil nlong the line , which mndon decidedly
active market , with somo"vcry lively rallies.
Thcro is nothing to warnnt the belief tlmt
Improvements to-dny will provo anything but
temiwrnry. Tlio market has been pretty well
oversold In innny stocks , nnd the upward
turn was very natural. Grangers and Van-
dcrbllt.s displayed considerable strength nil
day , nnd even ninny of the more worthless
properties were looking much better. The
tone wns pretty firm in the closing hour ,
with the majority of stocks up to nbout the
best ilgurcs of the day. Manhattan Elevated
hnd a set back on n report that n suit for
damages to property Injured by the construc
tion of the line had been decided ngninst It ,
and with prospects of more of tlio same sort
to follow. Other Gould properties were
doing n llttlo better for their owner , Missouri
Pacific nnd Western Union rather running
together. Jersey Central wns the card nenr
the finish , selling nt4 \ ns against 74 early.
Ueiullng nlso was n good second In fact all
the coalers were doing quite well. Tlio
market closed steady at tlio outsldo figures ,
with advances ranging from \ to 3 points.
Operators enjoyed a good business. The total
sales were 342,103 shares.
( jovnuNMKNTs Government bonds were
dull but steady.
C.&N.W 104M
U. S. 4s coupon. . . 121" " , } do preferred 138
U.S. 4'isioglstred.lXli ( ! N.Y. Central ex-divlOHy
U.8 44scoupon..ICKP , 0.11. N B7
Pacific Os of 'ir ia T 18U
Canada Southern. . 47 > , tll'acllc ( Mail SUM
Central 1'aclllo O. H.fcK 10(4 (
Cblrngo .V Alton. . . ! ! I'uUnmii I'alnceCai 130
"JUS Heading KJ ?
1) . , L. Sc W 12.V. , tltock Island 103
D. Jilt. 0 lli'i St. L. &S. V ft" ,
Krle KliI dopreferred IBM
do preferred r > 4 ; C.M. _ & St. Paul. . . C8' '
Illinois Cuiitrnl . do preferred
i. , n.i-w . nsj St. 1 . &O KJ.K
K.isT . 12 do preferred WHS
I.nknShoro . M Texas Pacific .il'i
IJ.AC N . Union Pacific & 0 i
Michigan Centrul. . 74'-i \V. , St. L. &P 12'
Missouri Puclllc. . . . 72'/S doproferred 2HJ
Missouri I'uclIIc. . . . 20 ' \V.U. Telegraph. . 72 ? ;
f Hx-dlvldcml.
MONKY ox GALL Easy at 2@3 ; last loan
nt 3 ; closed 3 per cent.
I'uiMU McucANTiLi : PAI-EII 5@7 per
STIIIIINO : EXCHANGE Quiet and steady nt
I.WJJ for CO-dny bills ; .S % for demand.
CHICAGO , April 3. ( Special Telegram to
the 13EU.1 CATTJ.C The market was active
and prices strong nt an advance of 10ijl5c (
over prices noted yesterday. There was n
light run at Kansas City and eastern orders
were more urgent than for some time , hence
salesmen found no difllculty in placing their
stock about where it would suit the views of
buyers. About all were sold at an early
hour , the market closing linn. Thcro was
one lot of good Tcxans on sale that made a
Inncy price. Native butchers' stock , es
pecially good cows , heifers and bulls , sold
considerably higher than yesterday. Can
ning stock remains dull at former low prices.
The stacker and feeder trade has undergone
llttlo or no change for n week or so. Steers.
I50tol50011w. ! ! $ J.455.10 ; 11200 to 1350 Ibs ,
$1.00@U50 ; 050 to I'M ) Ibs , f3.30@3..V stock-
crs and feeders , $3.50@3 0" . Cows , bulls and
mixed , $1.80C < t3.50 ; slop-fed steers. $4.40 ®
4.05 ; Texas fed cattle , $3.25@4.CO ; extra ,
? 4.4o.
HOGS Business was brisk with an up-turn
of5c. The demand was mainly on local
account , as shippers were uncertain as to the
striking movement of railroads. Prnno
heavy bold at ! M.4. > ( < t5.50 : mixed , tr .30rt3.40 ( ;
nil selected butcher weights , 83.-15 ; light as
sorted , to average 105 to 175 Ibs , made 53.20 ©
Now Vork , April 3. Wheat Kocolpts ,
none ; exports , 148,000 ; options variable ami
irregular , opening sales showing slight ad
vance , afterwards realizing caused n break of
KG % c , closing heavy nt ' ' c above hot
torn ; spot lots ii"i7ij ( c lower ; ungraded red ,
8U@'J3 o ; No. 'J rot , 89o in store , OOJ oiIo-
liveretl ; 89)iC i9 ! c I. o. b. ; May closing at
Corn Ilccolnts , 20,000 ; exports , 2,000 ;
spot unsettled and n shade lower ; options
opened J < @J c better , but soon declined
fe5Xc > closing weak at C"'t ' < io "bovo bottom
tom ; ungraded , G2igcr } ( > ; No. . ' ! , lilc ; No. B ,
05c in store ; May closing atO'ic.
Outs HceeipU , OSX)0 , ( ) ; exports , 10,000 ;
market dull and a shade lower ; mixed west
ern , H7(341c ( ; white western , 40@45e.
Coffee Spot , fair : Rio , llrm at 514,50 ; op
tions 10@50 points higher and moderately c-
tlvc. Sales , 80'J50 , bags. April , ttt.G : > @ll.bO ;
May , ? U.X11.75 ( ) ; 'June , (11.-10@11.05 ; July ,
Sll.Ui@ll. ) ; August , ? 11.00@11.10 ; Septem
ber , tlO.ICQlO.OS.
Petroleum United closed strong atTOJ c.
Kvgs Higher and in good demand ; west
ern , ' "c.
1'ork Firm , fair request ; mess quoted nt
< H.00@ll.50 for old ; I14.MJ@15.00 fern ow.
Lanl Ojicncd a shade lower , hut recovered
nnd closed | steudy ; flwestern steam , ospot ,
choice , W.t)0ii8.05j ) ( closing at J7.U5orordl -
Uuttcr Unsettled nnd easier ; western ,
Hi/i-'Sc ,
Cliecso Firm and quiet ; western,12c.
Now OrlemiH , April . Corn Firmer ;
mixed , fi9c ; yellow , ( We ; white , '
Outs-Steady ; No. S , U
Hog Products Steady with fair demand ;
pork , $14. 7Mi laru , J7.'JO.
Hulk Meat * Unchanged ; shoulders , tO.10 ;
long clear and clear rib $7.f > 0.
Iiivcrpool , April 8. Wheat Dull and
lower , holders offer freely ; California No. 1 ,
Us 7dUOa ( Sd per cental ; red western , spring ,
Cs l l.
Corn Strong , demand peed ; new mixed
western , 4s 10 1 per cental.
Minneapolis , April n. Wheat Re
ceipts. 400 cars ; shipments , 53 cars ; prices
ranged about J brlow yesterday.
Closing : In store No. 1 hard , Apiil , 74 } < o ;
Muy , 74Ko ; July , 70Js'c. No. 1 northern ,
April , r.lo ; May , TIHjio ; July , 742s'o. No. 2
northern , April , 70o ; May , 70 0 j July , 71 c.
On truck No , 1 hard , 75 > ( iiTOc ; No. 1 north
ern , 74'jji7. ( ' > c ; No. 3 northern , ? J\i7Uo.
Flouihteady ; patents , sucka to bhllipers ,
$ t.lOC' ? ' < .25 ; bakers1 , t3. ' . > 001.45. !
Milwaukee , April H. - Wheat Weak ;
rash , 74' ' i'i May , 15'4'o ' ; June , 70 o.
Corn llull ; No. 3 , 4Se.
Oats-Steady ; No. a white , 35c.
Hyo Quiet ; No. J , COo ,
uarlt'y-Finn ; No. 2 , 75Kc.
Provisions Steady ; pork , April , (1U.SC@
1 1 * ! WJ.
Cincinnati. April 3. Wheat -Scarce ar.d
firm ; No. "red , &t > c.
Corn-Kusier ; No , 2 mixed , 53o.
Dots Firmer ; No , 2 mixed ,
Hye- Stronger ; No. ! ! , .
Ih-ovislons Pork quiet at IH.CO : lard
quiet ; current uiaico nt I7.87K.
\Vlusky-Steiidy at Jl.W.
St. haul * . April 3. Wheit : Lower ;
cash , 80Jc.UO)4-o ; Muy , S0)4'o. )
Corn Lower- cash and May , 47)/c.
Oils Wottk ; cash , 3n > fcj May,8Vlt'c.
Whisky $1.09.
nuUetv..Finr , ; creumcry , SKftSOo ; dairy ,
Alternocn Boaia-Wb atT-Quiet and firm ;
May , 0' ' < e ; July , TS 'e. Corn Higher ; May ,
47' & < V , .luly , 47c. . Onto Nothing doing.
Knnsns City- April 3-r-Whcnt Steady
No. 2 soft , cash , 78e : 'May , 7 > < ; bid.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash ; in c 'hid ,
44'v'c asked ; . .May44J c bid , 45Jc asked ;
Juno , 4Trn tked.
Oat-No. 2 , May , 20J
, April 3. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows !
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ;
market active nnd easier ; mixed , ( .YQOQiri.CO ;
heavy , f.vQ@ri.55 : ( ; light , tri.10015.45 ; skips ,
$ ; ) .fiOn3.00.
Sheep Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments 1,000 ;
market stroiiK ; natives , $4.lK ) ( < * . ( V03 ; west
ern. f. "i.00o(0.05 ; Tcxans , ? : t.234.75 ; lambs ,
? & ) < < ? <
The Drovers' .Tourpnl's ] ierlal cnblcgrnm
from Ivondon quoti's n light supuly of Ameri
can and n fair supply of other cattle. 1'rlces
nrc generally steady- Best American , 12c
per pound , dead weight.
National Htoclc Yards , Knst St.
Ijouls , April 3. Cattle Receipts , 700 ;
shipments , 4fi ; market higher ; choice heavy
native steers , $ l.50@5.40 ; fair to peed native
steers , $ -I.WCi4. ) ! 0 ; butchers' steers , $3.20(1 ?
4.RO ; stackers and feeders , fair to good , * J.'jr
013.40 ; rangers , ordinary to peed , $2.0t.X ( ) .
Hogs Receipts , 3,090 ; slilpmcnts , none ;
market strong ; choice heavy nnd butchers'
selections , $5.40(3 ( 5.50 ; packing , medium to
good , $ , " . 20 5.45 ; light grades , ordinary to
best , $5.00(35.25. (
KIIUHIIH City. April 3. Cattle
Receipts , 3.900 ; shipments , 530 ; market
slow , shipping grades n shnda lower ; cows
scarce nnd llrm ; peed to choice com fed ,
$4.70gr ( > .00 ; common to medium , &J.2. ) ( 4.00 ;
stoekers , $2.00 < a2.1X ) ; feeding steers , $3.00 ®
3.IHI ; cows , $ - > . ( X > C ttU > 0.
Hogs-tReccipts , 12,400 ; shipments , 000 ;
market weak and fie lower ; common to
choice , M.70 5.15 ; skips and pigs , $3.00 ® 1.50.
Tuesday , Atrll 3 , 1S8S. I
There were over fifty loads of cattle on
sale to-day. The market opened nctlvo and
rather excited. Chicago reported less than
5,000 cuttle nnd fi@lOe higher , which created
u big shipping demand here. In addition to
that the packers were liberal buyers which
altogether made a very active market.
Trading commenced earlier than usual and
the bulk of nil the cattle offered on the mar
ket was taken before the close. The market
was nil of lOc higher and In some instances
desirable medium weight cnttlo brought 15o
more than yesterday. As high as f 1.70 was
paid for prime heavy cattle.
There were very close to sixty loads
of hogs on sale to-day. The market opened
very sloiv with the buyers bidding about lOc
lower than yesterday. Salesmen were Blow-
to part with their holdings nt the prices bid
and the market dragged throughout the fore
noon. However tlio pens were practi
cally cleared before noon and at
prices.fully lOc lower than yesterday. Only
one load was reported as soiling fflr more
than lOc , and the bulk of the hogs sold at
$4.03 and S3.00. The general tmullty of the
hogs was not very good to-day , there being
'a good many light and light mixed loads.
Thcro were no sheep here to make n mar
ket. _
Cattle . 1,000
Hogs . 3,000
No. Cars , Road. Best.
t'cattlo. . . . C. , H. &Q. . . . .Chicago
5 hogs C. , B. &Q. Chicago
Prevailing 1'rloes.
The following is a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of
some particular pr.ido are made , when in this
case the table will state as nearly as possible
the price that would havebcen paid hud there
been any of that class among the offerings.
Prime steers , 1300 to 15Mlbs.l.80 ( ( J1.05
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 4.00 & 4AO
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.50 @ 3.bO
Common to choice cows 2.00 @ 3.50
Common to good bulls 2.00 ( M.OO
Light and medium hogs 4.00 (3-5.00 (
Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.05 ( ffi5.15
Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.00 ( 5.05
Ituprutciirntivc Sales.
No. Av. IV. No. Av. Pr.
5. , . .1040 $3.50 10. . .1220 $4.25
O ' . . OCO 350 18. . , .11'Jl 4.25
T. ! . .1100 3.50 14. . .1175 4.25
20. . . . 000 3.55 1. . ' 4.25
i. . . . 020 3.75 11. 'l210 4.25
21. , . .1010 3.75 20. . . .1H07 4.30
8. , . . 053 3.80 57. . , .1280 4.80
20. , . .1245 3.00 17. . .1379 4.80
43. , . . 018 4.00 17. . .1207 4.30
3. , . .1200 4.00 20. . .1217 4.35
0. . . .1011 4.00 0. . , .1255 4.35
3 , . . .10(0 ( 4.00 10. . , .121(7 ( 4.35
23. . . .10S1 4.00 12. . , .1200 4.35
4. , . .1030 4.00 ir. . .128'J 4.40
20. . . .1140 4.10 10. . , .12111 4.40
10. . .1133 4.15 33. . , .1403 4.45
IS. . .1170 4.15 0. . , .1222 4.45
18. . .1233 4.15 33. . , .12158 4.45
. .10SS 4.20 18. . , .1402 4.70
. .1170 4.2 ! ) 17. . , .1470 4.70
IS. . .1111 4,20
1. . . .2000 .1517 3.00
MliEl ) .
32. 3.55
3. . .1223 3.20 .1020 3.50
1. . . .HISO 325 .1500 4.00
14. . . .1370 3.53
No. Av. Shk. Pr.
70. .220 120 $5.00
50. . .281 80 5.00
74. . .220 240 n.oo
fc5. . .235 5.00
65. . .208 80 5.00
* 75. . .218 5.00
83. . .220 120 5.00
70. . . .217 bO 5.00
GO. . .220 5.00
( H. . .237 240 5.00
75. 237 5.05
11. ! ! 245 40 5.05
123. . .2113 240 5.05
GO. . .232 .fcO 5.115
73. . .230 40 5.05
| ro. . .234 5,05
CtiO. . .230 280 5,05
57.M. . , .255 1(10 ( 5.05
M. . .24(1 ( 240 5.05
8(1. ( . .280 5.10
70. . .331 5.10
70. . .304-
Ijlve Htoclc Hultl.
Showing the nu'nbsr of Uaailof stoslc sold
on the market to-day.
Omaha Packing Co . 801
Armour & Cudalmy P. Co . 2,031
J , M. Doud . 208
Pile & Pucker . 337
Total . 3,527 ,
Swift .t Co , . 450
Willlnnis &Govo . 301
MoWhortcr & II , . 104
AVnrdA Pile , . 0 !
Lohmnn & Hothchlld . 58
Williams . 40
P. J. Hlncr , . 20
Slovens , Hamilton & Co. . . . . . . . . 11
Merrill . 1
Total . . . . . 1,054
or Prices.
Showing highest and lowest prices paid for
loadiiiK grades of cattle on dates mentioned
Space left blank Indicates that no sales of
tlmt particular class of c < ittlo were uudo on
tlmt date
Date.I'rimo Ht'ra , Prime rii'rs.lCominon to
l3C al W Ib. liuoaijuo Ib. CliolceCows.
March SO 4 00 ® 3 65 SJ 10 2 w ai ; ta
March * ! a W it < 5 2 CO W ! 15
March 23 4 10- { 3 M 4 SO -
March 21 3 M ) 4 10 s M
March 24 . J4 S3 1 ca
March Sunday buniluy Sunday
March 21 4 H 10 3 M CS4 24 2 CO O3 60
March 2S 4 20 4 05 3 : ffii 0 S (0 CM ta
March 29 4 SO (41 ( yt ) 266 ttJ SO
March 8U4 © . - . - 1376 & 4 ; i5 2Ot fa 60
MurchUlU DO ( t . 1375 e < : KJ 1 M ) tt3O )
April 2. . 14 tt & . (24.35 ( 260 tea 70
April a..U 30 tti 70 J4 10 el ; 3 80 443 M
llnngo of Prices.
Showing the OxtrjjiD holiest nnj loivait
ratcspild for IciJjnjKr.ilos of ho .i ondatos
'mentioned : / ,
Date. llcnvTi l.lRht ,
Mar. ft ) 6 16 © 3 30i 610 CM is 600 QAW-
Jlar. l 5 13 Wt ! W ( tWO M 20
Mar. 82 6 16 &H V 5 Oi > < / > IS 4 R' , OS ft' ,
Mnrk l'6 ' 10 &ft ) ( t3 10 J W ® 3 OS
Mar. 91 6 9) ) 8 TO W 13 4 TO frfA 10
Mar. 83' Sunday 1Pundiy Sunday
Mar. 27 i JXl (0-i ( " > 6,10 < 8V , 20 4 W GW a' ,
Mur.2- r.,10 , 320 4 Klr. . tr ,
Mar. 28 320 $ iv 12tl r > oo / . to
Mar. no 3 is cw > 2j , $ 4 W 4M 03
Mar. 31 315 n ( r > ( v ir , 4 85 ti or ,
April 2 r , ir OTC ai 15 4.WI W > ( V'
ApiII 3' ( V , W > 1,7 r , ooai IB 4 10 & 5 OJ
Iilvc Stock Notca.
Cattle higher.
Hogs lOc lower.
Swift Is buying a good many cattle.
Hoylcs & Co. , of Crete , had hogs on the
.T. M. Abrams , of Valley , came In with two
oiuls of cattle.
I. Mnnion , of Wabash , was in with two
loads of cattle.
John llastlo , of Titlinndgc , had two loads
of hogs on sale.
Among those in with hogs was 11. A. Pig-
jolt , of limning.
P. M. Moans , of Tildcn , came In with n
load of cattle and a load of hogs.
M. White , of Plum Creole , was In with a
load of cattle and a loud of hogs.
.T. K. Farrincton. of Lyons , was in with a
load of cattle which sold at M.OJ.
Cortlnndt was represented by Mr. Martin ,
who marketed n load of hogs at W.12J .
Messrs , Anderson and Nelson , of Oakland ,
were in to-dny and marketed cattle nt SUM ) .
K. Cleve , Nebraska City , was nt the yards
nnd marketed two loads of prime corn-fed
steers at 1.70
A. It. led on , Washington. Neb. , was nt
the yards and marketed a load of 1140-lb cat
tle of his own raising , tit $4.10.
\V. L. 1) . Dlngman , Sprlngvicw , came In
with a car each of cattle and hogs , of his
own raising , on his first trip to the yards.
Ferrall , Mauley & Co. tire exhibiting about
the llnust set of horns ever seen here. They
were n present from J. C. llohnrt , of
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Ktc.
Tuesday , April 3.
lite following quotation * arc ivholcfialc
and not retail. 1'rlccK quoted on produce
arc the ratc.i at which round totn nrc sold on
thin market. Frultn or other lines of ijoods
rcqnlrlnu extra labor In pncMnu rannot al-
u'liyi be NUiipllcd on ontstdc orders at the
same jirfrw quoted for the local trade.
Hates on jlonr ami feed arc jobbers' urines.
Prices on i/mfu / arc those ) > ald by Omaha
millers delivered. All quotations on mer
chandise arc obtained from leading hanscx
and arc corrected dally. 1'rlces on crack
ers , cakes , cti' . , arc Uwsc ylvcn by leadlny
BVNAXAS Medium , 52.50fl3.00 ( per bunch ;
choice , S3.00@3.50 ,
Tnixirs Uutubagas , 45 ( ? 30c. Other goods
about out of the market.
LKMOXS f3.70@t.50 per box.
CAI.IKOUXIA. I'KAUS $2.50@2.73 ; extra
choice , $3.00.
DATKS Pcrsnin , 80 per Ib.
Sim KnvtiT Choice per bbl. of 32 gal.
$7.50 ( | 8.50 ; yt bbl. , $4.50@5.00 ; Sll.OO per bbl.
of 50 gnl. |
CIDKII Choice Micjiigan cider , $1.00@6.50
per bbl. of 32 gal.
POPCOKX Choice iuco corn is quoted at 4o
per Ib. , other kinds , 2i < i@3c per Ib.
GAUHOTS $2.25@2.i > 0 per bbl.
PAUSXIPS New stock , $2.50 per bbl.
OVSTKIII Plain spimlurd , 25c ; plain se
lects , 30c ; standard , 40c ; extra selects , 35c ;
New York counts , 4Qc ; bulk oj'stors , counts ,
$ .b5 per 100 : selects , $2.00 per gal. ; standard ,
$1.25 per gal.
C.uuiAnin $1 per doz. and 353) c per Ib.
for C.iliforniii.
Ciui.iri.owcu Good stock , $2.50@2.75 per
dozen. ' '
Git ITS Malagas , $7.50@S.OO per Ib. , nnd
larger sized barrels in juoportion up to JIO.OO
On vxor.s California Hivcrside , $4.00 ( )
4.25 ; Messina , $3.75(54.25 ( ; VulencitiH , $ ( i.OOC'i >
8.00 per case of 420 ; Florida brights , $4.2. @
4.50 ; russeU , $3,50@4.00 ; Mexican , 4.00 ; i os
Angeles. 3.50@3.75 ; Nuvnls , $5.50.
CiiAxniiiiiiics I3oll& Cherry , 10.50@11.00 ;
Bell & 13uglc , $11.00@tl.CO ; Bell & lluglc ,
premium , fll.'iO@12.00.
UKAXS Good stock , $2.00(32.75 ( ; California
beans , $2.25fe2.40.
FIGS In layers , 13@lc ( ! , cake lie pcrlb.
NUTS Peanuts 0 } < i@7c , raw Brazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; Englisli wal
nuts , 15@18c ; lllberts , ISc : Italian chestnuts'
15c ; pecans , 15c.
Hoxiiv l21c ( ! for lib frames ; canned
honoy. 10@12c jier lib.
TOMATOI > J-2,00@2.50 per box.
PAIIII.KV 35c per doz.
Giuix : O.vioxs 25e per doz.
A i'AitAoos 35c per Ib.
STUAWiinitiiii : Fresh Florida , 20c per Ib.
j $1.00 per dozen for choice.
Grocers' Ijist.
s 30-lb pails , S1.2r 1.50.
SALT Per bbl. . car load , $ ! . : ! < ) .
KorK Seven-sixteenttis , lO O
CAXDV Mixed , U@llc : stick , U
Hor.LAXii HciiKiXds " 0 ( S72oper keg.
MAPI.K StioAH Bricks , I2 > jfoior Ib. ; penny
cakes , \4u > l ! > c per Ib.
BHOOMS Extra , 4-tIe , $2.00 ; No. 1 , 52.00 ;
No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
STAHCII Mirror gloss , fi5fc. Graves' corn ,
OMc ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
THIS Japans , 20@55 ( ! ; gunpowder , 20@
OOo ; Young Hyson , 22@53c ; Oolong , 20@
05c.SVKUPS Now Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
37 ( < | ! 40oper gal. ; corn syrup , 35c ; half bbls. ,
37o ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55 ; shorgbiim38c.
Puovismxs Hams , lO oflllc ; breakfast
bacon , 10 f@llc ; bacon sides , 8' < f8 ( ? ? c ; dry
salt , 7J/cfa8o ; Bhoulders , 0 i ® a\ \ dried beef ,
PiOKi.ns Medium in bbls , $0.00 ; do in half
bbls. fc.r,0 ! ; small in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , $8.00 ; do in half
bbls , 54.50.
Kni'iNKi ) Ltim Tierce , 7' ' c ; 40-lb squear
cans , 7'fi'o : 50-lb round , 7 ! c ; 20-lb round ,
7 < e ; 10-lb pails , 7c ; 5-lb pails , 8e ; 3-lb
pails , 8 } < c.
POWUKK Axn Suor Shot , $1.40 ; buckshot ,
S1.05 ; Hazard powder , $3.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ;
one-fourths , $1,50 ; blasting kegs , $2.35 ; fuses ,
1000 ft. , 45@75c.
SUOAH Granulated , 7 < Jf7' o ; conf. A.
OK ( < ? 7o : white extra C , ( % @ > ic ; extra C ,
OU < 3lVc ( ; yellow C. fijtfter tfo ; cut loaf 7XC'
7) ) < o ; powdered , 7@bJ.f ; Now Orleans , 5
Cnvrr.r. Ordinary grades , 10@17c ; fair ,
17&gl8oprimp.l8@ll ; ! e ; fancy green andycl-
low , 22@23e ; old government Java , 28i0o : ! ;
interior Java , 25@28u ; Mocha , 2Si30c ; Ar
buckle's roasted , Wc : McLaughlin's
XXXX , 19Xc ; Dilworth's , 19c ; Kcd Cross ,
1'JJfc ; nluromti , l ! Jfc.
WOOIIBXWAKE T\vo-hoop paila , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.S5 ( ; No. 1 tub. & 0.75 ,
No. 2 tub , $0,75 ; No. 3tub , fi.75 ; wa&hboards
$1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.riO ; assorted
bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $0.50 ; No. 2
churns , $ S.50 ; No. 3 ohurns , $7.50 ; butter
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , $1.70.
TOIIACCO Lorlllnnl's ' Climax , 45o ; Splen
did , 45o ; Mcuhanlci ) ' Delight , 44o ; I cggett ft
Meyer's Star , 45o ; 'Cornerstono ' , 8Uo ; Urum-
mond'H llorsofidioo , ' 45c ; J. T. , 42o ; Sorg'
Spearhead , 4i ! ; Catlin's Meerschaum , 31c ;
Catliu's Old Style , 23e ; Piper Heldsick. 04o ;
Sweet TipTop , 2o ; U.N.O.,17c ; Hcd , White
and Blue , ISo.
Dm ii : > FIIUIT Apple , bbls , now , ' /B , 7J < ; @
evaimrateil , % @ ; blackberries ,
evaporated , OJiXElOo ; pitted cherries , aKgaio ;
peaches , eastern , new , JB ; , b ? ( ( < , lo ; evapo
rated , peeled peaches , SOQill'c ; evaporated ,
unparcd , 18 ( < iWo , : new currants , 7iii ! . o ;
prunes , now,4 > 54fo ; cltron,24 ( 25c ; ruibins ,
California-London layers , $2,4002.50 ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , 51.00ffi2.00i now Va
lencia , 757J < c.
OANXEII GOODS Oysters , standard , j cr
case. $3.00 < rit.35 : ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.15(23.25 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per , $3.10iJ (
3.20 ; California pears , jicr case , $4,70 ( < ( ; 4.bO ;
npjiricots , jKircjisc , ti.WK&MO ; peaclies , per
case , tri.)0i ( 5,75 ; white cherries , per case ,
! .00 ; California plums , per case , $ l.50c < il.OO ;
blueberries , inn-caso , $ j.20C'i2.40 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per case , $2.69pincupiMilus : , 2-lb per cabo ,
$ : j.20J5.75 ( ; l.ib salmon per doz , ll.WOtl W ;
" Ib gooseberries , per case , ? 3.25g)3.35 ) ; 2-lb
string beans , per cabe , tl.75@lbO ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , $ l.iJ@lU.5 ( ; 2-lb marrowfat
j > eas , $2.00@'J.70 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per
rase , $2.85 ; a-lb tomatoes , J2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
-J.30 < a3.40.
CIIACKEKB , CAK-KS , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7o ;
soda snowlluke ( in tins ) , 10o | soilu dandy ,
5Jio ; soda wafersfin tins ) , 10o ; soilu yopliyr ,
80 ; city oyster , tJ > c ; exeelslor , 7c ; farina
ojritcr , 7oj gem oj ter , Co ; inonitci , ' To ;
Omaha oyster , 7rpc.irloyster ( , ' KC ; nicnlo ,
'ic ; snowdrop oyster , . 7c ; butter. Ac ; 15o ton ,
8c ; Omah .l'Uttcr.7c ; saw tooth butter , 0\ < j ;
cracker nioal 'ftSc' ; pniham , .Scj grauam
wafers. lOc ; graham wafers' In 'pound ( package -
age ? , 12 > if ! hard bread. 5etnilk ; , 7Vfoont
meal. So ; oat meal wafers. lOojontmcal wh-
fers In pound packages. 12' c ! nnimals , 12o ;
Deliver gingorroundtc ( ) ; creainScCornhlll ; ,
lOe ; cracknollft. Kic ; fromcd cream , S. Oi
ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city. ) , I'o ' ;
homemade ginger Riiaps. in boxes , lllc ; homemade
made ginger snaps ( Mb cans ) per dozen ,
fcJ.M ) ; lemon creams , Scpret7els ; ( hand inndu )
ll c : assorted cakes and jumbles , ll'i' * ! *
sorted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( In tins ) ,
per box $7.00 ; banana lingers. He ; butter
jumbles , ll'tc ; Brunswick , 15c ; brandy
snatis , IDC ; chocolate drops ( new ) lt > e ; choco-
latd wafers. 15c ; Christmas lunch ( In tins )
per do/en , $4.fK ) ; cocoa taffy snnp , 14c ; coffee
cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , llj < c ; cream puffs ,
30c ; egg jumbles , 14c : ginger drops , lie ;
honey jumbles , llj c ; Jelly fingers , 15c ; Jelly
wafers , 15e ; Jelly tart ( now ) , 15c ; lady ling
ers , I3c ; vanilla bur , Ho ; vanilla wafers , 14o ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages In n box ,
per dozen. $2.50.
All goods packed In cons Ic per Ib. advance
except snowflnko and wafer socia , which are
packed only in cans. Soda in 2 Ib. and 3 Ib.
paper boxes , Jjo per Ib. advance ; all other
goods le per Ib. advance. Soda in 1 Ib. paper
boxes , lo per Ib. advance. The ti Ib. boxes
are packed In cases holding IS In a case. The
3 Ib. boxes are packed In eases holding 13 in
a case. The 1 Ib boxes are packed In cases
holding 30 in n case. One Ib. Graham and
oat meal wafers packed 2 doz. in n case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $3 ,
not returnable. Cans for snnwflnko soda. $ ( l
per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display
the goods , 7fic each. No charges for packages
except for cans ami returnable cases. Glass
from tin cans and "snowflake" soda cans tire
returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
Dfcic West Point 20 in. 8oz. , 10K < v. West
Point , 29 In. 10 oz. , 13X < y West Point , 10 In. 12
oz. , lC > o ; West Point 40 in. lloz. , ! ( ' . Cheeks
Caledonia X , UKc ; Caledonia XX , 10 > fc ;
Economy , Kc ; Otis , Ji } < e.
KENTUCKY JHINS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
28e ; Durham , 2 * e ; Hercules , 18c ; Learning
ton , 22' o ; Cottswold , 27 } c.
CRASH Stevens' B , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , " c ; bleached , SJ c ; Stevens' P ,
8Kc ; bleached , OVc ; Stevens' N , 9lc ;
bleaelicd , lUJ < c ; Stevens' S UT , )2 ) > fc.
MiscEi.i.ANUous Table oil cloth. $2.S5 ;
ain Holland , 8i < c to ' . % c ; Dado Holland ,
CAMIIUICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand-
rd , r c : Peacock , 5c ; Slater roll , 0@7o.
CoMioitTEitsVtK(3y. ( ) ( . ' .00.
BMXKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored
BI.UACIIKD SIIKCTIXO Berkeley cambric ,
No. 00 , Ufc : Best Yet , 4-4. ( % c ; butter cloth ,
OO , 4&o ; Cabot , 7) c ; Fimveil , S' c ; Fruit
of Loom , OJfo ; Frecne G , tic ; Hope , Sc ; King
Phillip cnnibric , lie ; Lonsdalc , HWc ; Lons-
dale , Do ; New York mllU , U ) ' , e ; Pcpperell ,
42-in , llo ; Pepperell , 4Vm. ( 12c ; Pepnercll ,
( i-4 , llic ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pepperell , 9-4 ,
23e ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-1 , S'fe ' ;
Canton , 4-4 , lJ ) c ; Triumph , Ce ; Wnmsutta ,
Ic ; Valley , 5o.
PIIINTS SOLID Cot.ous Atlantic. Oe ;
Slater , 5j c ; Berlin oil , 0 , ' c ; Garner oil. 0@
7c. PIND AXI > Honiis Uichmond , % ; Allen ,
o ; Kiver Point. 5c ; Steel llivcr , O c ;
ehmoml , ( ic ; Pacific. O e. IXDKIO Bi.ui :
Washington. Gifc ; Century indigo blue prints ,
OJ < je , American , 7c ; Arnold , 7o ; Arnold B ,
lie ; Anold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJifc. Charter Oak , 5J c ; Kmuapo. 4' e ;
LodI , 5c ; Allen , Ce ; Ulehmond , ( ic ; Windsor ,
Ko ; Eddystonc , ti o ; Pacilie , ( i'-fc. '
BHOWX SnncTixo Atlantic A , 444c \ \
tVtluntlo H , 4-4 , 7' ' c : Atlantic D , 4-4 , 0o :
Atlantic P , 4-4 , c ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , ( ! o ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 } c ; Hoosier -
sier LL , 4 4 , Oo ; Indian Head , U-4 , 7 } c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , ( ic ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5 c ; Pepperell , H , 4-4 , 7' e ; Peppernll O ,
4-4 , He ; Pcppercll , S-4 , 18) c : Pepperell , 'J-l ,
21c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 2ic : ; Utica , C , 4-4 , 5c ;
Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7 0 ; Aurora B , 4-4 , % c ;
Aurora H , 4-4 , 0e.
BVTTS Standard. 9o ; Gem , lOJ c ; Beauty ,
12 > < ; e ; Byono , 14c ; B , cased , * H.W ) .
GIXOHAM Plunkctt checks , " ' ( j'c ; Whlttcn-
ton 7' ; York , 7J c ; Normamli dress , & % c ;
Calcutta dress , 8'tfc ; Whittcndon dress , 8 > 4'c ;
Uenfow dress. '
DKXIMS Amoskeag. 13,9-oz. , Kic ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-o/ . , le : ! ; Haymaker , SJ o ;
JaiTrey , XX , 11 } ' ; Jaffrcy , XXX , 12' < Je ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
He : Braver Creek. CC , lOc.
FIAXXILS : Plaid Unftsman , 20c ; Goshcn
, 37 ! < ic ; Quecheo No. 4 , ? f , ! )2Wc ) ; Anawan ,
3Kc ; Windsor , 23e ; Hed XC , 24-in , 15)ife ;
E 24-inch 21e ; GG 24-inch , 18c ; HA F , Jtf ,
25c ; J H F , % , 27 > < c ; G ( , Sic.
COTTON FI.IXXKI.S 10 per cent trade discount -
count LL , OJkV ; CC , 7ifc ; SS 8Kc ; Name
less , 5 c ; No. 5 , ( ! c ; EE , 9' c ; GG , lO c ;
XX , 12'ie ' ; OG , 14c ; NN , Kie ; HX , Ibe ; H ,
20o ; No. 10 , SVtfc ; hO , lOJ c ; 00. 12 c ; 80 , Kk- ;
20 , colored , lOo ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored ,
25c ; Bristol , 13J o ; Union Puciile. 18c.
CAHI-KT WAUIBibb , wliite , lU c ; col-
ared , 2ic.
Gpnernl Jtlarkcts.
EXTRACTS Sanderson's oil bcrgumot , per
Ib. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 : oil pepper
mint , $3.00 ; oil wlntergreen , $2.50 ; olive oil ,
Malaga , per gallon , $1.25.
Funs Hnccoon , No. 1 , G0@0c ; No. 2 , 30 ®
3Bc ; mink , 10@50c ; muskrat , fall , SQi c ;
muskrat , spring nnd winter , 8(3 ( > llc ; strijiped
skunk , 10M40c ; mountain wolf , No. 1. $1.50@
2.50 ; No. 2 , prairie , 50 ( < 7lo ( ; No. 2 , 25M-IOc ;
beaver , Mo. 1 , per Ib , $2.00f3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00
Ctfl.25 ; otter , $ I.OO@lX ! ( ) ; dry deer skins , 20M
35c per Ib ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ®
25o ; deer skins , per Ib , 20 ( 25c.
FI.OUH AXD Fini : > Minnesota patents , $2.45
@ 2.50 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy
winter patents , $2.50@2.75 pcrcwt ; Nebraska
patents , $2.45 ( 2.50 per cwt ; rye Hour , $2.50
per ewt ; wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ; rye
graham , $1.40 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat
$ ' 1.50 per cwt ; Excelsior. $3.00 per bbl ;
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmcal ,
yellow , $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white $1.10(31.15 (
per cwt ; bran , $1.00@17.00 ( ! per ton ; screen
ings , $12.00 per ton ; hominy , $3.25 per bbl ;
chopped feed , $18.00 per ton ; chopped corn ,
$17.00 per ton.
WINDOW GUPS Single , 70 per cent and 5
per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount.
PAIXTS White lead , pure , l ) } e ; white lead ,
fancy , ( IJ c ; putty , In bladders , ! ! c ; Paris
white , lie ; common , 2 c ; red lead , 7c.
OILS Carbon. 175 degrees 13c ; Unseed ,
boiled , ( lOc ; linseed , raw , 57c ; castor ,
No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.18 ; sperm
whale , $1,00 ; wlialo water , bleached ,
85e ; , bank , 35o ; ncatsfoot extra , ( lOc ;
ticatsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 70degrees , 15c ;
W. S. lard , ft5c ; No. 1 lard , 50o ; No. 2 lard , 50
( Kline ; W. Va , ? ere , 14c ; W.Va. summer , 12o ;
golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , " 5o ; whale ,
20c ; imptha , 1 degree , 14c ; headlight , 150
degrees , 12o ; headlight , 175 degree , 15c ; tur
pentine , 48c ; castor , jiurc , $2.45 lier gal.
SrntiTS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.11 ;
do 101 proof. $1,17 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 5.2(1 ( ; do IbS proof , $1.13 ; alcohol.
188 proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled
whiskies , (1.25(721.50 ( ; gin blended , $1.50@2 00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , $2.00all.K ( ) ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.K@ii,50 ( ) ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies. $1.50 43 ( K ) ;
brandies , Imported , $5.00@8.0 < lt domestic ,
1.HO@U.OO ; pins , imported , $5.00@I ) . < H ) ; do
mestic , $ l.25@3)0 ( ) ; uhnmpagncs , imported ,
per case , $29.00 ( 33 000 ; American , jier case ,
$10.KK.00. !
Live Stock Corainission Merchants ,
Ofltto Uuom 24 , Onpoiltn EiclmnKn Jlulldlni ; , Union
Block Vardu , houtli Oiuhlia , NuU.
Live Stock Comniisslon Morcliants ,
MurUul I urnlhliud free on application. Mockcri and
fei < ilcr > turnl hi'l un k'ood lenui llu'ercncvi Oiua-
Im Nutlonul Iliinkunit KoutU Omaba Nmlunai , Union
Muck V..rJ , fuutu Oiualtu.
Live Stock CoiDDiission ,
Iloora 15 , Exchange llulldlnv , Ifnloa KlocV Vatdi ,
boutu Uuiutit , Nrt > ,
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
l'J , Oppoilte EiclnnifO Ilulldlng , Uulcu .Stock
VarMi.tuuUi OruaUi..S\'L ,
Of Oraalia , Limitefl ,
Jfchl F ,
C trl c s and ftiiiutlr * . J < p Ptn-rtbetween Vthkml
lUth.Om h , .Nebr skii.
AsricnltnrallniplGiiicnts.Waions.Carriages . .
tliipBlCi.Klc.VliolcMlo. . Oirmtia , NebratUv
PA RUN , oRENDonpir MARTIN ! "
\Vholesido Pcnlrrs In
AgricnltnralIinDlenicntsWagons&Bng2iGs ,
(01) tl. IC6 nml WJ Jones Street , Oinithn.
P. ( ft MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CultUHton.llar Ilnke > .CItlor Mills nnrt I.ubitn lul-
Terlier * . Cor. lull anil Nicholas sUrci'U.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
_ Comer Hth nml XlcliolmBttccti. _
( Akron , Ohio. )
larresting Machinery anfl Binder Twine
\V. 1C. Mead , Mnnnitor. 1213 U-nTcnwurtli t. , Unialia
Doots and Shooe.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151.1 Douiilai Sited , Umnhn , Nobrnfkn.
Manufncttircre nn > l Jobtiora In
Wagons Bnggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Wh ami I'nclflc StroflU , Onmlm , Kub.
1110 11QV11U5 Dough ! * St. . Unmhn .Munulnct &ry , Sum
mer St. , lloMon.
( Succc. ' or to llccil , Joni'8 * Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agents lor lloston llublxT Shoo Co. IIW , 11UI AllOli
_ llHiney St. . Oninhn. Ncdriuif.n.
nnd Stationers. _ _
" ' '
"H.'M.'A s. w. JONES.
BucccBtors to A. T. Kcnjon ti Co. , \ \ hnlconlo & Itctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flno Wcdillnu Sliitloncry. Commvrclnl Stntloncrj.
152J DUUKIKI Mrucl , Oiiiulut , Neb.
Coffees , Splcos , Etc.
Unmbti CoOvo nud Slik-ii Mills.
Teas , CotFces , Spices , Baking Powflcr ,
FlavurliiK Kxtracts , laundry lllup , Inks , Ktc. 1UI-
1(1(1 ( llHrm'V Ptri'i-l. Onmlm. NohruKkn.
Crockery and CloBswnro
W. L/WRIGHT. ' "
Apont for the .Mnnnfncturcrs nnrt Impartpn of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Offl i-u , 317 S. 13th M. , Omiiba , Nebraska.
Imputtcrs nnrt .Inbbun , of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware ,
Kto 1514 rnrnnm Hl.Nrw raxtiin lltilldliu.
Commission and Storage.
( Successor * to MoFlmno A Schrocdcr. )
Profluce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission
Merchant * . Cnrti" < iiondenco sollclti-d. 1UU Nort
lull i-trc'i'l , Umnlia , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Spccialtlcs-Ilutlcr , KJIKB , Cheefp , roiiltry , nmc ,
OjruteM , Ulc. , Ktu. 112 boulli Kill Htrcit.
Coal , Cokp "
Johtes of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South ntli Street. Omahit , Kebraika.
Manufacturers of Illinois Wliite Lime ,
And shipper ! of Coal , Coku , rcnicnl , I'liutcr , Mine ,
Drain 'J llo , nnd Hiiwrr 1'lpu. OHIco , I'axlon Hotel ,
Kuriiam bt. , Uuiuha , N < > b. Tulcphonn til.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South Hth M. . Omnha , Neb.
Dry Ccod.8 and Notions-
" "
M. E SMITH A : CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
11U2 anil 1104 IXUEr. ! , Cor. Hth St. , Omaha , Nob.
Importers and Jofcs in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gents' Kurulshlim Onods. Corner lllh nnd UnJncy
MH , Onillbu. Nt'hrH kH
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street. Onmlm , Nebraska.
Onmlia , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
70S. 707 , TOO ami II IS. 10th Bt. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12th and Lcavunworth gtreeti , Otiutlia , Ncbraiku.
Hardware ,
LEE , FRIED ic CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnnaro , Shoot Iron. Ktc. AKeiitu for HowoHcales ,
and Miami 1'owder Co. , Uinuha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Wccllaulcs' Tools and Ilulfulo Hcalri. 14U6
btrect , Omaha , Ncbrurlia ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and llfirniiT St , Omaha , Neb. Writrrn AKCnti
for Auitln Powdi-rCn. , Jutrprron Mt-el Knllt ,
_ _ Fairbanks StunduMKculei.
Whoh'iilo .Miui'ifactiirura of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
AndLvatbcr. 1101,1111.1 mid 1107 llnrncr iJt.Oiuulia ,
Hpavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wavon Slnrk , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. Iff ,
uud iil Ilnrnojr ( itrect , t'uiulia.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
'Vagonand Carrlan V/ood fitock , Ueayy Hardware
Etc. KIT uud UI9 laTCn > 7bftli at. . Oiucliu , Neb.
Hats , Caps , Etc.
"wilC. PARROTTE & 667
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Uarnejr Strut , Oiualin , Nub.
Lumber. _
' ' ' "
'OM'AHA LUMBER cb' . ,
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
lit i htrcet and Union I'scincTruckfOmaliii
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Duvnlitc. YurdiCcroer 7tb and Uoufflaj : Coroe
VUi BUI ! Vyiults.
C TV n 1 1 ' T Z '
Dealer in All Kinds
HlhamtC llfornU. < trtP(8.Om ( < lii > Npbt
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
, _ Comer * ih mid Douelai Sts. . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
_ Offlff.litnrarnam Street Omnhn.
Wholesale Lnmoer , Etc ,
guliuy White l.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
iVood Carppl and I'aMiiPt Kloorlnt Pth anil Doi M |
_ Iron
'AXTus.v'v i : i , M , i H f ) :
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Unclnc * . llraos Work , ( trnpral Knundrj , Maphlno and
Ulaiksuiltlt Work , llltlro nnd Works , U. r Hi.
and Uth btmet , Omaha ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
) k H.i 1 1' , Window ( Inanlt. Flower Stands Wlra
( Inn * . Ktc. 12J North If th Htrect , ( Jmnl.a. .
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
VituHvUU Work , Iron . ntMViro VVttclim.Hlun , Kto.
t i * * n , t -i r < ' * n-t Jurk ni * ' * .
ron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
ud Hcreunt , lurunuo , UUK'UKI Mi'U ' , u.uuin.o | < , ct
Inproved Axriilnus , locksmith -Mnclilncrjnnd
_ JJIackimltli Works. 'njlSoulli 14th SU
; Mh/vQnL.i < .V uEAOH ,
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
( Ipncrnl Aupiit for Dlrbnlil Sixfo A lx > ck Co.'a
Vault * and Jail Work , 1115 Furnani Street ,
_ rminnory nnd uotloi ' '
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notion !
_ an. 210 and 213 South lllh Strop t.
_ Notions' _
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
tCnml \ < . " > g < uth 10th St. , Omaha.
Notions and Gout's ' Furnishing Goods ,
llU'i llnrncr Stroot. Omalm.
_ _ _
f holsalo Refined and Liioricatins : Oils ,
Ailc ( Irt'iiso , lite. , Onialm. A II Bishop. Malinger
Pnlnts ana Oils.
WluilesRlo Dealers In
Faints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS ninmm street. Uinnlm.iNub.
' - -a
Wholesale Pancr Dealers ,
Cnrrjr n nice ( tuck of PrlntliiKVniiplnK | anil Wrltln/ /
I'n ar. Siucl | l nttcntlon KJvcn to cnr loail orders.
Prlntora' _ _ Matorlnla. _
Auxiliary Pnlilishers ,
Dealers In 'I'ypu.l're n'S nnd Printers' Supplies. Ml
_ bouth IJlhSUcct. OmaUu.
Rubber _ Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rate Goods
Oil ClotlilnK una Leather llcltliik' . UUS Fnrnam Street.
= 3
_ J5tonm Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
PBDIDS , Pipes and Engines ,
Wliolesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
3tenm and Wntcr Rnpplloi. Ilpnd.iunrtcra for Mnst ,
IHIH < t Co' goods. 1111 riirniiin bt. , Onmlm.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llallldaj-Wlml MIllH. m3nn < iralr rnnm Bt. , Omaha ,
( ; . K. 11099 , Actlim .Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General MachiuorF ,
Sheet Iron Work Stonm Pimip , Pnw MIKs. 12LH31I
U'livi'im orth i-tiuot. Oraalia.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garfleji Seeds
911 unit .in J OUCH tnrvU Oinnha.
Stern go JFo ryv a rdl n g& _ C omml oslorj
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
nch hniuoof thn llemicy ItiiRxr Cu. Ilucglcnal
irliulcsniu nnd rolull , 1IH l/IOmiil linrtl titreet ,
Onmlm. Telcpliono Nn. 'M.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North Elgtbtccnth Street. Oumhv N h.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'miU.EUIrU , Ktc. IKrinnil 1101 Douulnr Street ,
Omolm , Xvli.
Manufacture Galvanize ! Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpcuuter , 1'rnprlctor. VM lloiluo and lUlund 1M
NorthilUtU mri'ft , Om lm.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV / . CO. ,
\VlioloJulo.Mnnu. .rturersof
Sasn. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilranch Otaao , I''tli and liarJ Htrecti , Onmlm , tlep.
Manufacturers of Sash Doors , Blinds/
MnnMlnitii , htiilr Work anil lntcrldr Ilnr'l Wool tltw
lali. N , K. Cornerfth iinil Ix'nvumrorlb bticutii , .
Uiiinlui , Nub. i
Hanafactnrers of Moulding , Sasn , Doors ,
Ar.l lliln l . Turnlnii. Ptulr-\vorli , Iltuik anil OICco Flu
illlL' * . yjtll hUtl I'upJIU'tUn w\V IltlO.
SmoUo Stocks , Elollors , Etc.
" "
Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacks ,
Urltcklnei , Tnnlm nml lienfrnl Ilollrr Itepalrlng. Ul (
DuJ u fclroct.Ouiabit , Neb
E. T. Allen , M. D.f
Komuoputhlc Specialist ,
tt-ly I'rescribcd.
tr.j. a A Lint A ITU ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N W Curnrr Mill nml limnl sSt. Ofllca
telephone , 40J ; Ueaiat-nco tclophouu , faa.
WPAIf fP'RIrofftrii'/rrom ' th. tf.
WtftlV Rrl fr1 P3 ' " ' cfrouiliful tr.
IB " . --i"-- ' -
jiniliflrr" j--i"--
latnUood . etc. 1 " 111 t'nTi. v.u tro trutli * ( ir ltdj
contalulotf full i nlculMi fur liowo lure , fit * ot
CPROF. fl'ol'rQWLER , WloodUi ,